Issue 20

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‫ﺑ ـ ـ ـ ـﺠ ـ ـ ـ ـﻬـ ـ ـ ــﻮﺩ ﺷـ ـ ـ ـﺒ ـ ـ ــﺎﺑـ ـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ـ ــﺔ ﻛ ـ ــﻮﻳـ ـ ـﺘـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ــﺔ‬

‫‪Issue 20‬‬

‫‪March 09‬‬

‫ﺍﻷﻧﺸﻄﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺒﺮﺍﻣﺞ‬

‫ﺃﻫﺪﺍﻑ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ‬


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39 Articles 60 Guys World 72 Digital Life 78 Girls World Stars World 88 uniZone 98


‫ﺭﺋﻴﺲ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﻴﺴﻰ ﺍﻟﺜﻮﻳﻨﻲ‬

To uniQue

‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ ﻣﺒﺎﺭﻙ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬.‫ﻡ‬


‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ ﺣﺼﺔ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺮ ﹼﻳﻊ‬.‫ﺃ‬ ‫ﻧﺎﺋﺐ ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﻓﺮﺣﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﹼ‬



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‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺴﻮﻳﻖ‬ ‫ﻃﻼﻝ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺧﻠﻒ‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻭﺇﺧﺮﺍﺝ‬ ‫ﻋﺒﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺪﻱ‬

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‫ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻗﻊ ﺍﻻﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻲ‬ ‫ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ‬

Coverages ‫ ﺣﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺴﻬﻴﻞ‬- ‫ ﺩﻻﻝ ﺍﻟﺤﻘﺎﻥ‬- ‫ﺯﻳﻨﺐ ﺩﺷﺘﻲ‬

Articles (English) ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﻫﺎﺱ‬

Articles (Arabic) ‫ﺷﺎﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺼﻴﺮﻓﻲ‬

Digital Life ‫ﺃﺳﺎﻣﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﺮﺯﺍﻕ‬

Interviews ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻨﻮﻣﺲ‬

‫ﻫﻴﺌﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ ﺣــﺴــﻨــﺎﺀ ﺑﺨﺶ‬- ‫ ﺣــﻤــﺪ ﺍﻟــﻌــﺜــﻤــﺎﻥ‬- ‫ﺇﻳــﻤــﺎﻥ ﺍﻟــﻜــﻨــﺪﺭﻱ‬ WK−L�« Í√— sŽ …—ËdC�UÐ d³Ò Fð ô WK−L�« w� ¡«—ü«Ë ôUIL�« Ê≈ Tel.: (965) 2429 662/ 4 - 2422 959 - Fax: (965) 2422 949

‫ ﺷﻴﻤﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻘﺤﻄﺎﻧﻲ‬- ‫ ﺷﻤﺎﻳﻞ ﺍﻟﻘﻌﻮﺩ‬- ‫ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬.‫ﺩ‬ ‫ ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔ ﺍﻟﺴﺮﻳﻊ‬- ‫ ﻋﺎﺋﺸﺔ ﺣﺒﻴﺐ‬- ‫ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﷲ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ‬ ‫ﻣﻬﺎﺍﻟﻌﻨﺰﻱ‬-‫ﻓﺠﺮﺍﻟﻌﻄﻴﺒﻲ‬- ‫ﻓﺠﺮﺍﻟﺼﺎﻳﻎ‬-‫ﻓﺎﻃﻤﺔﺍﻟﻀﺒﻴﺮﻱ‬ Dustin Driver - Kuwait Free Photographers Group

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∫ X¹uJ�« WF�Uł

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‫‪‬‬ ‫‪m‬‬









‫‪w .‬‬



uniQue CoVeRaGe


‫ﻣﻌﺮﺽ ﻣﺸﺎﺭﻳﻊ ﺗﺨﺮﺝ‬ ‫ﻃﻠﺒﺔ ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻬﻨﺪﺳﺔ‬ ‫ﻭﺍﻟﺒﺘﺮﻭﻝ‬ Ãd�²�« l¹—UA� ÷dFLÐ 2009 ÂUF� UNðUO�UF� v�Ë√ w� rL¼ X�—Uý 28 s� …d²H�UÐ X¹uJ�« WF�U−Ð ‰Ëd²³�«Ë WÝbMN�« WOK� W³KDÐ W�U��« Æ 2009 d¹UM¹ 29 – –U²Ý_« bO��« X¹uJ�« WF�Uł d¹b� W¹UŽ— X×ð ÷dFL�« `²²�« b�Ë d¼UÞ —u²�b�« –U²Ýô« bO��« tMŽ »U??½√ b�Ë bONH�« tK�«b³Ž —u²�b�« ƉËd²³�«Ë WÝbMN�« WOK� bOLŽ ·U×B�« W�—UAL�UÐ rN²³ž— «ËbÐ√ W³�UÞ Ë V�UÞ 200 sŽ b¹e¹ U� qO−�ð rð b�Ë v�Ë√ Ê√ YOŠ 2009 ÂUŽ ‰öš rL¼ UNIKDð w²�« Z�«d³�«Ë WDA½_UÐ ÆÆW�Uý— Ë WL¼¢ Z�U½dÐ u¼ ÂUF�« «cN� UNŠdÞ r²¹ ·uÝ w²�« Z�«d³�« r²N¹ ŸËdA� u¼Ë HELPS ŸËdA� ÕdÞ r²¹ ·uÝ UL� ¨ ¢¡UDF� ¡UHý ¨rNðUŠuLÞË rN�«b¼√ oOI×ð vKŽ rNðbŽU��Ë »U³A�« «—UN� WOLM²Ð ÍœU½ q¦� UÐUA�«Ë »U³A�« —UJ�√Ë l¹—UA� wM³ð vKŽ rL¼ qLF²ÝË UL� ÊU� b�Ë ÆX¹uJ�« WF�U−Ð UM³�« WOKJÐ W¹cG²�UÐ ’U��« Nitru Viva ÆUþu×K� ôU³�« WŽuM²L�« UN−�«dÐË rL¼ vKŽ ·dF²K� W³KD�« ‰U³�«


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qLF�« o¹d� ÊuNłu¹ ¡UHA�« —«œ vHA²�� w� W¹cG²�« «uOzUBš√

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‫ﻛﺸﺦ ﺳﻴﺎﺭﺗﻚ ﻭﻋﻴﺶ ﺣﻴﺎﺗﻚ ﻣﻊ ﻛﺮﻭﻣﻮﺯﻭﻥ‬ Æ «—UO��« ‚UAŽ sOÐ ÎUOK×� dA²½« w²�« «—UO��« ÷ËdŽ w� “uH�«Ë wL�UF�« …dD��« W�“U−L�« »UF�« ÊUłdN� W¹UŽdРΫdšR� ÊË“u�Ëd� X�U� b�Ë »U³A�« s� UNOFÐU²�Ë »UF�_« Ác??¼ ‚UAŽË …«u??¼ l� q�«u²�« ·bNÐ ©FISE® ·d= Fð Ê√ ÊUłdNL�« «c¼ ‰öš s� XMJLð YOŠ ¨o�Q²�«Ë eOL²�«Ë W�“U−LK� sO�«u] ²�« U−²M� s� Ád�uð U�Ë W�d²×� W�bš s� t�bIð U�Ë ÊË“u�Ëd� vKŽ »U³A�« ¡ôR¼ ÆWOł—U��«Ë WOKš«b�« UNð«—uJ¹œË «—UO��« «—«u���√Ë WM¹“ r�UŽ w� WOK�√ l�«u�« ÷—√ vKŽ ÊË“u??�Ëd??� UO½UJ�≈ …b¼UA� s� ÊUłdNL�« œ«Ë— sJLð b�Ë sOðœËe� Ëœ«dOHKOÝ tO�ËdHýË H3 d�U¼ wð—UO�� UN{dŽ ‰öš s� »d� sŽË r�UŽ w??� …b??¹d??� WH×ð ULNM� q??� s??� XKFł W??O?ł—U??šË W??O?K?š«œ «—«u??�?�?�S??Ð Æ «—UO��«

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> ÊöŽ≈ bFÐ ∫2009 ¨d¹«d³� ¨wÐœ WŽuL−�Ë UOЫ—√ r¹Uðuý WJ³ý s� q� s� ‰Ë_« w� UN¦Ò Ð √b³¹ w²�« “U??�«—œ ´MBC” ‚ö??Þ≈ sŽ MBC sŽ r¹Uðuý w�d²AL� jI� …d�u²L�« “U�«—œ ´MBC” XHA� ¨d¹«d³� WBB�L�«Ë Êu¹eHK²�« vKŽ …d� ‰Ë_ UN{dFð w²�« Z�«d³�« WŽuL−� ´MBC¢ lCð ¨…b??¹b??−?�« UN−�«dÐ WKOJAð l??�Ë ÆU??�«—b??�« w³×L� WOÐdF�« ö�K�L�« s� W³�½ r¹Uðuý w�d²A� ‰ËUM²� w� “U??�«—œ «dG�« q¼√ wK�K�� s� w½U¦�« rÝuL�«Ë ¨…œuLŠ U¹ Í—Uł qLAð w²�« V¹dG�«Ë ¨¡U²ý WB�Ë ¨qOKšË U½dO� q¦� WO�d²�« ö�K�L�«Ë —«uÝ√Ë ÆŸUDI½« q�«u� ÊËbÐË WŽU��« —«b� vKŽ ÷dFð w²�«Ë 13

uniQue CoVeRaGe

Banana Republic

Banana Republic launches new Spring/ Summer 2009 collection Clean up. Start fresh. Shine on. These optimistic tenets inform Simon Kneen’s debut collection for the Spring/Summer ’09 collection which revolves around soft silhouettes, tactile finishes and pervading sense of ease. A quiet palette of ecru, slate, and pastel hues serves as a meditation on color, while sportswear shapes are elevated to everyday luxuries when rendered in lush, fluid materials. This newly refined vision parlays into an updated definition of monochromatic dressing. Sleek columns of color provide refreshing a contrast to cluttered backdrops while the rich sheen on liquid-like fabrics provides a modern polish. The nude banded heel elongates the leg without effort while the clutch and solid bangle serve as the perfect minimalist accents. Likewise, silhouettes are thoughtfully restrained: Relax-fit trousers hang gently above the ankle, pantaloon shorts have delicate blouson hems, and airy knits fit close to the body. Languid, breezy pants and oversized shirts in ultra-light soy silk are the epitome of casual chic while sculptural pieces—from the origami-pleat shift to the dolman sleeve knit dress-make a statement in modern elegance. Balancing the architectural with the practical, each piece is an accessible luxury. Gone is the formal, highly stylized look of men’s suiting and in its place, an effortless mix of subtly textured layers. Tailored cardigans replace traditional sartorial accents while pin stripes, refined cashmere, and pique polos personalize the look. In paperweight leather, the architectural trench and bomber are re-imagined as sophisticated exteriors. Trousers and blazers in summer wools are narrow yet breathable-and smart: In another modern turn, interior suit pockets are cleverly situated—with the device devotee in mind—to allow for uncomplicated wire management. This clean, streamlined vision is punctuated by an infusion of buoyant Californian colors. Hockney’s crisp, chlorinated blue and Thiebaud’s sweet sorbet shades resurface on serious separates including oxford shirts, tailored cotton trousers and pebbled silk evening gowns; fresh, effortless, and versatile, all.



uniQue CoVeRaGe


‫ﻭﺍﺗﺎﺭﻳﺒﺎﺷﻲ‬ rC¹ Íc??�« “wýU³¹—Uð«Ë” ÷dF� `²²�« ¨X¹uJ�« w� w½UÐUO�« dOH��« W¹UŽ— X×ð Æ—UBM�« ÃdÐ w� ÷—UFLK� WK³ł —«œ w� ¨o¹dF�« w½UÐUO�« sH�« W�UIŁË wŠË s� UŠu� ÆUOݬ »džË ‚dA�« sOÐ jÐd�« wMFð ¨WO½UÐU¹ WLK� “wýU³¹—Uð«Ë”Ë U¼d�� sŽ qOK−�« b³F�« dO³Ž “Âöł UH¹œ” WŽuL−L� W¹cOHM²�« W�Ozd�« XÐdŽ√Ë w�Ë ¨Â“ö�« rŽbK� UNL¹bIð vKŽ ÷—UFLK� WK³ł —«œ dJý UL� ¨÷dFL�« W�UC²Ýô ÷dF� rOEMðË W�UC²Ýô ÊË—u�� UM½≈ ” ∫qOK−�« b³F�« X�U� ¨ÕU²²�ù« w� UN²I�√ WLK� UłU�u½ w�u�ðU� q¦� sOOL�UŽ sOO½UMH� …eOL� UŠu� rC¹ Íc�«Ë w½UÐUO�« wýU³¹—Uð«Ë q¹e−Ð tłuð√Ë ¨WO½UÐUO�« W�UI¦�«Ë sH�« W�U�√ sŽ rNðU�uÝ— d³Fð YOŠ ¨dNE� w½U¼Ë Æ“Àb×�« «cN� rŽb�« UNL¹bI²�Ë wýU³¹—Uð«Ë W¹UŽd� ÷—UFLK� WK³ł —«b� dJA�« UłU�u½ w�u�ðU� w²�« dO�dO� lz«Ë— s� ÁbL²�¹ Íc�« ÂUN�ùUÐ UłU�u½ w�u�ðU� w½UÐUO�« ÊUMH�« eOL²¹ WO�dA�« d�UMFK� t�«b�²Ý« Ê√ UL� Ær�UF�« w� t²OB�ý ¡UM³� WKOÝË W¹UMFÐ t� d�Ë Æ…dŁR� …œuł t�ULŽ√ wDF¹ WOÐË—Ë_«Ë w� WOł—U��« …—«“Ë WŽuL−� w� qK�²�« v�« w�u�ðU� ‰ULŽQÐ XF�œ ¨…œu−�« Ác¼ UŽuL−L�« v�≈ W�U{≈ ¨uO�uÞ w� ULO½u¹ nײ� v�«Ë Í—uÞ«d³�ù« ◊ö³�« W¾O¼ ƉULŽ_« ‰Uł—Ë sOOÐË—Ë_« sOOÝU�uKÐb�UÐ W�U��« dNE� w½U¼ —uB�« s� tðU�uÝ— —UJ�√ wŠu²�¹ ¨dNE� w½U¼ q�_« w�«dF�« w½UD¹d³�« ÊUMH�« U�√ «—UOð dNE� qJA¹Ë ÆÍbOKI²�« UNMHÐ t�UL²¼« s�Ë ÊUÐUO�« w� t²�U�≈ ¡UMŁ√ UNDI²�« w²�« ÆUO½U³Ý√ w� f�b½_« v�≈ tðöŠ— s� l³M¹ Íc�« w�U×�« tKLFÐ UHK²�� ÷dFð YOŠ ¨nŠU²L�« r¼√ w� t�ULŽ√ “d³¹ Ê√ nK²�L�« Á—UOð ‰öš s� dNE� ŸUD²Ý«Ë w� UŽu³DL�« nײ� ¨ÊbM� w� w½UD¹d³�« nײL�UÐ W�U��« WLz«b�« WŽuL−L�« w� UO½U³Ý« w� u½U−¹—uð nײ� ¨”uK−½√ ”u� w� d�UFL�« ÊuMH�« nײ� ¨pO�JL�« sOOÝUO�K� W�U��« ‰ULŽ_« v�≈ W�U{≈ ¨UO³�u�u�Ë UMOłUð—U� w� Y¹b×�« sH�« nײ�Ë Æ÷—UFL�« »U×�√Ë s¹“—U³�« sOO½UÐUO�« 16

Farah Beads ...‫ﻛﻮﻧﻲ ﻣﺘﻤﻴﺰﻩ‬ ‫ﺇﺻﻨﻌﻲ‬ ‫ﺍﻛﺴﺴﻮﺍﺭﺍﺗﻚ ﺑﻴﺪﻙ‬ Farah Beads Jewelry Training Program Be unique … Make your Own Jewelry

‫ ﻣﺴﺎﺀ ﹰﺍ‬8-6 ‫ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺴﺎﻋﺔ‬،‫ ﻣﺎﺭﺱ‬31-26 ‫ﺍﻧﻀﻤﻲ ﺇﻟﻰ ﺩﻭﺭﺓ ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﺍﻻﻛﺴﺴﻮﺍﺭﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺜﻔﺔ ﻭ ﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺳﺘﻘﺎﻡ ﺑﺘﺎﺭﻳﺦ‬

Join Us & enjoy Making your own Style For more details and Reservations: 97977059

Designer: Afrah Al-Shmmeri

uniQue CoVeRaGe


Gap’s new Spring ‘09 collection This season at Gap it’s all about color and the transition from the coziness of Winter to the newness of Spring. The Gap woman will find an underlying foundation of feminine details, stripes (from feeder to rugby), utility details, nautical inspiration, lantern sleeves and open neck lines. The collection is grounded in denim ranging from pale to indigo paired back to creams, grays with accents of cobalt blue and lavender and hints of pale yellow, pink and blue. The color story for the beginning of Spring are neutrals – baked sand, blue slate, black, white and indigo, while the tops come in calypso, rosamund, mineral green, creamy yellow and jewel sea. For the boys, this season is inspired by the concept of Americana – classic, casual style. Themes that will live throughout the season are stripes, plaids, saturated and washed out color, versatility and individuality. As we move into Spring, the collection moves towards neutral bottoms with colors that are optimistic and vibrant. Casual while sharing color sensibility, the Original Chino, Cotton V Neck and the Casual YD Shirt are back. Garment Dye Polo, Cargos and the Logo Hood as well as Denim adds a layer of newness with plaid shirts, the casual roll up shirt, Kingsboro stripe polo, logo pullover and city Ts.



uniQue CoVeRaGe

Info Exhibition

‫ﻣﻌﺮﺽ‬ 2009 ‫ﺇﻧﻔﻮ ﻛﻮﻧﻜﺖ‬ ’U��« s¹dAF�«Ë s�U¦�« XJ½u� u??H?½≈ ÷d??F?� r??O?�√ ‰UÐuKł W??�d??ý tLEMð Íc?? �« U�uKFL�« UOłu�uMJ²Ð …dO³� W�—UALÐ WO�Ëb�« ÷—UFL�« ÷—√ vKŽ sAJO½u� UNðU�bš r¹bIð vKŽ ’d×ð w²�« W�U��« U�dA�« s� Æ÷dFL�« ‰öš s� …eOLL�«


uniQue CoVeRaGe


l¹UA�« r¦O¼ bO��«Ë ·öI�« sO�Š bO��« —uC×Ð ÷dFL�« ÕU²²�«

býdL�« bLŠ√ ”bMNL�« e�dL�« fOz— VzU½ l� l¹UA�« r¦O¼ bO��«

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ÍœUN�« b³F�« ÊUMŠ …—uBL�«

`�UB�« ·«u½ —uBL�« 23

uniQue CoVeRaGe


‫ ﺗﻄﻠﻖ ﺗﺸﻜﻴﻠﺔ ﺃﻛﻮﺍﺗﺎﻳﻤﺮ ﺍﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪﺓ ﻟﻠﺸﺨﺼﻴﺔ‬IWC ‫ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺎﻣﺮﺓ‬ Ê“ËUN�Uý ¢w½U³�u� gðË ‰U½uOýU½d²½≈ ¢wÝ uOKÐœ ͬ” ” IWC ¢ XMKŽ√ ≠ d??L?¹U??ð«u??�√ ¢ WKOJAð s??� …b??¹b??−?�« …—u??D?L?�« W��M�« UN�öÞ≈ s??Ž WŽUÝ ULNÐ l²L²ð ÊU²K�« WO�uŁuL�«Ë WÐöB�« qCHÐË ” Aquatimer ÂUE½ d³²Fð YOŠ ¨ÂuO�« v²Š WO�U¦L�« WO{U¹d�« WŽU��« w¼ qEð ¨’«uG�« »uÝUŠ ÊU� u� v²Š ¨¡UL�« X×ð tMŽ ¡UMG²Ýô« sJL¹ ô ‚uŁu� …œUF²Ý« …d�Ë ÆW¹—ËdC�« UÐU�×�« s� b¹bF�« ’«uG�« sŽ nH�¹ Êü« ’uG�« sO²OŠUM�« s� ¨’«uG�« UŽUÝ WKOJAð WFł«d� IWC bOFð ¨Èd??š√ 1967 ÂUŽ …d� ‰Ë_ UNłU²½≈ rð w²�« UŽU��« w¼Ë ¨WO�UL−�«Ë WOMH�« U³ÝUM� w� …b¹bŽ «—uDð bNý sO×�« p�– cM�Ë ¨“dL¹Uð«u�√” rÝUÐ W¾O³�« vKŽ WE�U×LK� ULŽœ …b¹bł W�«dý l� …uD��« Ác¼ s�«e²ð Æ…bŽ s¹Ë—«œ e�—UAð W�ÝR� l� IWC UNO�≈ XLC½« w²�« ¨W¹d׳�« …UO×�«Ë hOB�ð rð Æ2009 w� w½U¦�« s??¹Ë—«œ œUFÐ ôUH²Š« ”ułUÐöł w� —eł —«b�≈ ·«džu½Ëd� dL¹Uð«u�√ ¨…b¹b−�« dL¹Uð«u�√ ö¹œu� bŠ√ Æ«e²�ô« «cN� ¨”ułUÐöł ÍuM��« s?? ¹Ë—«œ bOŽ w??� b¹b−�« w¾O³�« «e??²? �ô« «c??¼ IWC √b??³?ðË r�UF� 200 ?�« œöOL�« bOFÐ wLKF�« r�UF�« UNO� qH²×¹ w²�«Ë – 2009 – WO�Ozd�« tðUEŠö� Âb� Æ“s¹Ë—«œ e�—UAð” rOEF�« w½UD¹d³�« ¡UOŠ_« —e−�« WŽuL−� ¨”ułUÐöł vKŽ UÝUÝ√ …d�u²L�« qzUBH�« ‰u�√ sŽ ÷—_« l??� «b??Ð√ UNÐ qB²¹ r??� w??²?�«Ë ¨¡ÍœU??N? �« jO×L�« w??� …b¹dH�« U½«uO×�« s� WMOF� Ÿ«u½√ —uDð Æ…—u¦�« a¹—Uð w� X�Ë Í√ w� WOK�_« ‰öš s� —uDð ¨r�UF�« w� dš¬ ÊUJ� Í√ w� błuð ô w²�« UðU³M�«Ë …d¹eł s� v²Š – WOAOFL�« ŸU{Ë_« w� ‚ËdH�« W−O²½ wFO³D�« —UO��« tł«u¹ ¨p�– l�Ë ÆW¹d׳�« …UO×�« vKŽ UC¹√ o³DM¹ U� u¼Ë ÆÈdš√ v�≈ ¨w½u½UI�« dOž VODA²�« ¨—«dI²Ýô« dÞU�� ¨«c??¼ “d¹uD²�« d³²��” Íu²×ð ÆWKO�_« qzUBH�« œułË ”UÝ√ d�bð w²�« U½«uO×�« r¹bIðË hB�²� 100 s??� d¦�√ vKŽ WO×З dOG�« s?? ¹Ë—«œ e�—UAð W�ÝR� lÐU²�« wL�UF�« wŁ«d²�« l�uL�« «c¼ vKŽ WE�U×LK� ◊UA½ qJÐ ÊuKLF¹ IWC rŽœ dB²I¹ ôË Æ“¡«dL×�« WLzUI�«” vKŽ ×bL�«Ë ¨uJ�½uOK� WO�UL�« WL¼U�L�« ‰öš s� UL½≈Ë ¨W¹œU� dOG�« ‚dD�« vKŽ WOCI�« ÁcN� ÆYO¦×�« wF��« «c¼ sL{ s¹Ë—«œ e�—UAð W�ÝR� rŽb� WKzUN�« 24

uniQue CoVeRaGe


Wataniya Telecom sets new standards in customer oriented services and entertainment at Info Connect 2009 Wataniya Telecom, Kuwait’s Red Carpet Co. participates at Info connect 2009, the leading IT & Communication exhibition, which is being held at International Fairs Ground in Mishref from February 1st – 7th 2009. The exhibition gathers participations among leading companies operating in Telecom and IT sectors. At this year’s exhibition Wataniya Telecom takes visitors on a journey through Wataniya services and offers. Carrying the slogan of “The Wataniya Festival” visitors are invited to spend time at the Wataniya Telecom stand and to try out the company’s offers such as MMS, video call and Java gaming opportunities through competitions and interactive games. Also W-net, the Internet service introduced to the market last year as well as the high speed data download service HSDPA are being displayed for try out. In addition to the wide range of services exposed, Wataniya Telecom brought in stilt walkers and ‘living statues’ as a special attraction to young and old in order to round off the ‘festival character’ of the company’s exhibition. ’ We truly believe that telecommunication services should be easy to handle and support customers not only on a corporate but also on a private level. We put a lot of effort into making the personal use of our services easy and customer friendly.’ Scott Gegenheimer, CEO and GM of the company stated ‘ That’s why we decided to focus this year on fun, excitement and entertainment as the center pieces of our exhibition to give our customers something to enjoy and remember.’ Daily raffle draws hosted by Sally Qadi and Mesha’l Alshaya, both popular MCs in Kuwait, peaking in a final draw on the last day of the exhibition are supporting the interactive concept of Wataniya Telecom during the InfoConnect 2009. Also the business related services are represented. In the Wataniya Telecom Business Lounge corporate customers receive competent advice and information about new business solutions. In addition to the current promotions, Wataniya Telecom came up with very special surprise packages on phones and notebooks bundles, special offers on high-speed Internet Wnet service and others only valid during the time of the exhibition. ‘We are really proud of this year’s exhibition and we are definitely setting new standards in telecommunication services during this week.’, Gegenheimer added, ‘Being close to our customers and focusing on their actual demands is a priority at Wataniya! Whether it is for business clients or private customers, we as Wataniya Telecom long to give the true VIP ‘red carpet’ experience to all our customers’



uniQue CoVeRaGe

Hala February

qON��« bLŠ d¹uBð

‫ﻛﺮﻧﻔﺎﻝ‬ ‫”ﻫﻼ ﻓﺒﺮﺍﻳﺮ‬ “2009 W�—UALÐ ¢2009 d¹«d³� ö¼¢ ‰UH½d� oKD½« —uC×ÐË W�UšË WO�uJŠ UNł …bŽ s� Æw³FýË wLÝ— XLÝ— WŽuM²� «d??I? � ‰U??H?½d??J?�« q??K?�?ðË Æ‰UHÞ_« ÁułË vKŽ WŠdH�«


uniQue CoVeRaGe Ê—b½œ bLŠ d¹uBð


Hala February

–U²Ý_« rÝUł d¹uBð

uniQue CoVeRaGe


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uniQue CoVeRaGe

Art Exhibition

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uniQue CoVeRaGe

Art Exhibition

÷dFL�« s� V½Uł

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WOŽULł …—u� 34

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uniQue CoVeRaGe


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uniQue CoVeRaGe

Art Exhibition

‫ﻣﻬﺮﺟﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ‬ ‫ﻟﻺﺑﺪﺍﻉ ﺍﻟﺘﺸﻜﻴﻠﻲ‬ ÕU³B�« bLŠ_« ÕU³� aOA�« uL��« VŠU� …ezUł W¹UŽ— X×ð Õu²� W�OA�«Ë ÕU³B�« bLŠ_« ÕU³� ÈuKÝ W�OA�« …ezUłË

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uniQue CoVeRaGe

Art Exhibition

‫ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺮﺽ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ ﻟﻠﻤﺨﻄﻮﻃﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﻭﺍﻟﻤﻄﺒﻮﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺑﻊ ﻟﻮﺯﺍﺭﺓ‬ ‫ﺍﻷﻭﻗﺎﻑ ﻭﺍﻟﺸﺆﻭﻥ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻴﺔ‬ b−�L�« V½U−Ð w½U¦�« ÍuŽu²�« UN{dF� WO�öÝù« ÊËRA�«Ë ·U�Ëô« …—«“Ë X�U�√ ÆdO��« qLŽ vKŽ Y×ð w²�« ÂU��ô« s� b¹bF�« ÷dFL�« r{ YOŠ dO³J�«

Kuwait Free Photographers

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uniQue SeRies

by Dr. Rasheed Al-Ameeri

‫ﺳﻠﺴﻠﺔ‬ ‫ﻣﻔﺎﺗﻴﺢ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺎﺡ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺴﺘﺔ‬

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uniQue ArTiCLes

by uniQue Staff

Make Money Online M

aking money online previously required you to pretty much have your own Web site, products to sell and ideally some marketing savvy. But a new generation of dot-coms have arrived that will pay you for what you know and who you know. The best part: you do not need to be a web designer or a marketing genius!

pick an interesting topic, write well, tell all your friends, and you’re off to a good start.

But it’s hard to tell hype from the real deal. I did a search on “make money online” and “making money online”, and much of the information out there is just promoting various info-products, mostly about Internet marketing. I can see now why people sometimes ask, “Is anyone making money online besides Internet marketing experts?”

Myndnet works on the fundamental concept that businesses live and breathe by the information they can access, accumulate, analyze and act upon. They don’t actually want to do the research themselves, but prefer to simply pay someone (read: YOU) who has already done it. And the faster they get it—the more valuable it is. It’s a very unique concept that works on the principal of buyers and sellers of information. The best part is that the whole transaction is anonymous (i.e. the buyer doesn’t know the seller and vice versa.) Myndnet does this to protect the privacy of the seller and buyer.

So I put together a list of business opportunities with legitimate companies that: • Pay cash, not just points towards rewards or a chance to win money • Don’t require you to have your own Web domain or your own products • Don’t involve any hard-selling • Aren’t just promoting more Internet marketing • Give a good return on your time investment In the interest of objectivity, none of the links below are affiliate links, and none of them have paid or provided any other consideration for their presence here. These are legitimate companies with business models that allow you to get paid for a wide range of activities.

Share Knowledge for money

Connect suppliers with buyers Referral fees are a common practice in business, but they haven’t been used much in online networking sites because there was no clear cut way to track them all. InnerSell provides that. Vendors set the referral fees they’re willing to pay, and when a deal happens, you get 70% of the referral fee.

A word of caution Write your own blog You don’t have to have your own Web site, or install blogging software, or even figure out how to set up the advertising. At Blogger you can set up a blog for free in less than five minutes without knowing a thing about web design, and Blogger even automatically sets up Google Ad Sense so your blog, by displaying ads and getting people to click on them, will be another source of revenue. To make even more money from it (what is “it”? “Ad Sense” or “Blogging,” this distinction needs to be made), set up an affiliate program (see below) for books, music, etc., and insert your affiliate links whenever you refer to those items. You’ll have to get a lot of traffic to become a six-figure Blogger, but


You might come across several programs that claim you can make money online in an instant and without any hard work. Some of these schemes include, promoting spywares malwares to be distributed and installed, Medicare Rx Drug Coverage, Nigerian Money Offers, Online Auctions, Phishing, Prizes and Sweepstakes, Pyramids and Multilevel Marketing, Scholarship Scams, Travel Fraud, Work-at-Home Scams and many more. Just stay away! (Clicking on these links or opening attachments will open your system up to a host of viruses and/or spy/mal- ware programs.) The truth is that an online business is just like any other business, it needs time, effort and dedication.

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Maha Al-Enzi

‫ﻣﺤﻄﺎﺕ‬ s� UNÐ dL½ …dO¦� UD×� UMH�u²�ð U??O?½b??�« Ác??¼ w??� UMÐ —Ëb¹ —UDI�« «c¼Ë ¨WM¹eŠ ÆÆWŠ—Uł ÆÆWOÝU� ÆÆWL�R� bOF³�« bOF³�« v�≈ UMÐ Ÿd�O� ¨W¹UNM�« s¹√ v�≈ rKF½ Ê√ ÊËœ ÆÆtðUD×� s� WD×� bMŽ UMH�u²�¹ Ád� q� w� r�_« sL� Õd−ð U�bMŽ p�– pL�R²� …dÐù« ÁešuÐ dFAð U�bMŽ ÆÆpŽuKCÐ i³M¹ Íc�« p³K� ÊU� b�Ë °°V×ð XLB�« s� ôu¼c� °°ÎU�u¹ rKJ²ð r� p½Q�Ë ÂöJ�« lOD²�ð ô U�bMŽ ÎU²�U� X�“U�Ë wCL²� …dL�« WIOI×�«Ë W�bB�« Êe×�« ·dFð Ê√ ÊËœ °°¡Ëb¼ qJÐ dA³�« vKž√ pM� V¼c¹ U�bMŽ °° bOF³�« bÐú� pŽœu¹Ë ¡wý Í√ ÊuM−�« ”UM�« pLN²¹ U�bMŽ pKIŽ bI� b� p½Q�Ë dFAð U�bMŽ dðu²�UÐ »UB²� °° pLOý s??� w??¼ôË UNKFHð r??� ¡UOýQÐ ‰u¼c�«Ë ÕdH�« Ê√Ë dO�Ð X�«“U� …UO×�« Ê√ dFAðË „U²Hý r�²³ð U�bMŽ ÆÆtKł√ s� gOF�« oײ�¹ ÎU¾Oý „UM¼ —UDI�« lÐUðË „UM¼ wF�œ X??�—– b�Ë —«uAL�« UMKL�√ rŁ „UM¼ qÐ UD×L�« wN²Mð rK� …œU²FL�« t²Žd�Ð dO�L�« „UM¼ WFÐU� U½√ U¼Ë °°Ád� q� w� tOH�ð U� rKF½ ôË b¹eL�« °°øn�QÝ WD×� Í√ v�≈Ë ÍdOB� dE²½« 42

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Shaima Al-Qahtani

According to your SHAPE A

lot of people get chances because they are BEAUTIFUL.. chance for every thing and many things.. just because they have good look, good shape, people admire the person with pretty face, want to have their friendship or want to hang out with the good look person!!!!. if you have ever done this thing before I just wana ask you WHY ????????

Have you ever think that we have nothing to do with our shapes or faces????… have you ever consider that God create that and we did nothing with our beauty or ugliness?. Why the women with pretty face get respected more than the ugly ones? why she get more chance to be loved, get married ,have a job just because she is beautiful?. in the other side the ugly girl get less chance in the life, like she chose to look like this, and we punish her for the wrong choice! Also I noticed and got surprised that this thing is common in men world, and I’m not just talk about our community.. it’s in all over the world “beautiful people get lucky”. If we think more, we will find that it’s not logical reward persons for some thing they didn’t do.. give theme double rewards, one from god and the other from us.. and the ugly ones get punish also twice. I think that we have to change our view of things, and have double thought of this kind of matters start not to judge the people according to their shapes but look to the substance move from the small picture to the big one and believe me when we start this civilization behavior we get respect each other more.


uniQue ArTiCLes

by Aisha Habib

»UBI�« u¼ U¼Ë ¨v�b�UÐ U¹U×C�« t³ý√ U�Ë ¨Õd�L�UÐ o¹dD�« t³ý√ U� qOKIð w� WE×� Ê«u²¹ r� WŽd�Ð Èdš√Ë …—UOÝ wD�ð w� sMH²¹ ÂœU� s� ‚U³Ý w� UM½Q�Ë Èdš√ …d� …Î d�¹Ë …Î d� WML¹ q¹UL²¹ qÐ ¨tðœUO� WŽdÝ ÊuJ²� t� V½– ô sLÐ ÂbDB¹ Ê√ v�≈ w³¼c�« ”QJ�« oײ�¹ ÎôË√ qB¹ U�bFÐ …U�UF� WLOKÝ X½U� UL� bFð r� Èd¹ UL³�Š t²O�œ ΫuHŽ ÆÆÆt²O×{ Õd�L�« ×Uš UNÐ oKO� Ê«uN�« UN×�²�«Ë ¨r�_« UN�e�Ë ¨t¹uA²�« U¼«d²Ž« Æt¹b¹ v²KJÐ UNK²I¹ Èdš√ WO�œ sŽ t� Y׳O� d³�√Ë rNM� vðuL�« tK�« rŠ— ¨¡U¹dÐ_« o¹dD�« U¹U×C� Àb×¹ U� «c¼ Æ‘«dH�« vKŽ «ËbF�√ sL� qłUF�« ¡UHA�UÐ sÓ �Ë ¨rN¹Ë–Ë rNK¼√ 44

‫ﻣﺴﺮﺡ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺪﻣﻰ‬

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Fatemah Al-Surayei

‫ﺷﺠﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻜﺎﻛﺎﻭ‬

UL� UNJ¹d×ðË UNł«dš≈ r²¹ rŁ WO�u×J�« UNð—UBŽ s� p�– UNBK�O� ÆWÐuKDL�« ËU�UJ�« WNJ½ v�≈ tK� p�– ÍœRO� UNðU³�d� w� dOGð v�≈ ÍœR¹

∏≠¥ s� UNŽUHð—« mK³¹ …dC��« WLz«œ …dOG� …d−ý ¨ ËU�UJ�« …d−ý WŽUM� w� Âb�²�ð U¼—ËcÐ ÆWOÐuM−�« UJ¹d�√ wK�_« UNMÞu� —U²�√ ÆWðôuJOA�«Ë ËU�UJ�«

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:ÉJƒjƒJ Qƒ°ùf ÈcCG πHÉb

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uniQue PoeM

by Abdullah Abdurrahman

A POEM ABOUT HER Poorly born as an orphan adopted when was three Hardly accepted in a college due to the finances She walked in while....I was gazing I prefer From the day it was heard it was carved Holding the rising thoughts describing her Trying to just talk to her was the hardest Opening my mouth I say “You feel the same way” The words struck me like explosions I am the crust and the words are the intruder Not surprised spotting her not alone Kevin I heard the guy’s name would be Trying to erase all those reason why I started Continuing the rest of my shrunk life I sat Taking another glimpse of what I saw People like Kevin would be in the gym before midnight After he finished training I confronted his face Grabbing me by the neck blocking my arteries They came thundering down with their huge fists Opening both my bruised eyes wide open, where is Kevin I knew I was in a hospital from the heart rate beep Remembering the last that happened every meal I tried to bribe and beg but no way to dismiss The nurse, oh she was a gifted one Hour after hour of non-stop story telling The sympathy inside her heart had been piled Running out like a funeral I could miss Could my eyes ever seize the day I spotted them just best the old deli His face made a tomato look yellow Spitting it all as neatly as possible Turning to Kevin with complete despise He ravaged the living hell out of my soul In the middle of this immense torture Jenny screamed with all rage, powered Kevin gave me the dead look that made you shiver He gave me his best shot before he left She appeared in front of my bleeding eyes Beyond here, I want nothing, but that love Oh, how peaceful that life would be Now on I will do the impossible to serve Living in a house on a hill with enough money Up above a huge power lies Oh Lord how can I give you what you disserve May you bless me, so I can carry on


Grew in an ugly neighborhood unfortunately that was me But fortunately I met her the walking celestial princess Opened her mouth with complete prestige said “Jennifer” In the heart of mine which beyond its power strived Was like the biggest burden the least being can offer her I swear your body would think you’re on Everest Looking straight at me she responds, “No Way!” Thinking what life would be with no emotions Knowing it was actual, I would rather live in horror Talking so close to each other like the others were unknown If you slit the throat, stabbed the face of me Probably forget them like those faithfully departed Starring at a couple doing all this and that It was that evil Kevin, I wanted to eat raw Building balloons and talking about what’s not right Screaming “Mistaken, does Jenny look like Stace !!” For a moment there I thought his friends were trees That point on I was swearing on them “Bloody racists!” Strange place I was in, suggesting was I in Hell or Heaven Oh why didn’t I just listen to the legacy and go to reap Better yet, nurse told me I had to stay four days to heal I thought there was no way out of this Why don’t I just tell her, better than run Me with all the adjectives, her with the crying That she set me out freely into the wild Except exploding out of my mind with bliss Me and her holding hands by the bay My heart pumping “Jenny, oh Jenny” Trying so hard not to be mellow Mentioning it all from the girl to the hospital Next thing you know, his fist .... my eyes Surrendering my will mumbling “Take me as a whole” Felt my soul going lower and lower “Kevin you stupid selfish coward!!” Satisfied as I was, he won’t be her lover Nevertheless he would leave that lover’s theft For a moment, was I in paradise? For now I’m not here but living up above If we just settle outside the country Unlike that disloyal man without a nerve Made me know the meaning of pure harmony That no one possibly denies Not enough to thank you for as long as you I serve Especially that I have Alice and Lerone

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Hasnaa Bakhesh

!! ‫ﺗﻐﻴﻴﺮ ﺍﻟﻨﻔﺲ‬ ô p½QÐ ‰uIð Ê√ nODK�« s�Ë t�«R�� »«u−Ð rKFÐ sJð r� «–≈ »cJ�UÐ ‰ËUŠ „«dŽ v�≈ ÍœR¹ b� Íd−¹ Íc�« Y¹b×�« Ê√ dFAð U�bMŽ ÆrKFð ÆpŁœU×¹ Íc�« h�A�« bF�ð tHOD� WI¹dDÐË sJL¹ U� ŸdÝQÐ tIKGð Ê√ œ«—√Ë p�U�√ Íc??�« h�A�« p�QÝ «–≈ ô≈ «dO¦� p�H½ sŽ rKJ²ð ô h�A�« wMOŽ v�≈ dE½«Ë p�H½ s� UIŁ«Ë s� «dOš√Ë Æd¦�√ p²�dF� ÆUL�²³� s�Ë tŁœU×ð Íc�« „dNE� qOL−�« s� ¨tOKŽ Ëb³ð U� Ë „dNE� u¼ p� dOG�« »c−¹ ·uÝ U� ‰Ë√ w¼ U� vKŽ fJFM¹ ·uÝ tOKŽ Ëb³ð U� Ê_ UM²×BÐË UM�H½QÐ wM²F½ Ê√ Ê√ ‰ËUŠ p�c� „dNE� vKŽ dŁR¹ tÐ dJHð U� Ê√ UC¹√ rKFð q¼ Æp²×� ÂUL²¼ô« UMOKŽ «dOš√Ë Æp�c� Ëb³ð v²Š bOFÝË qOLł u¼ U� qJÐ dJHð ÊuJOÝ p�cÐË rOK��« r�−�UÐ rOK��« qIF�« ÊU� UM²�UýdÐË q�Q½ ULÐ ÆUC¹√ qOLł „dNE� p�³� WI¹dÞ sJ�Ë ¨W{uL�« vKŽ u¼ U� q�Ë b¹bł u¼ U� q� f³Kð Ê√ rNL�« s� fO� s� fO� ÆUIO½√ Ëb³ð Ê«Ë pL�ł qJAÐ oOK¹ u¼ U� f³Kð Ê√ rNL�« s� Ê√ rNL�« sJ�Ë fÐöL�« s� dO¦J�« ¡«dA� «dO¦� ‚u�²�UÐ ÂuIð Ê√ rNL�« dOš_UÐË ÆiFÐ l� rNIO�MðË Vðd� qJAÐ p�Ðö� VO�dð WOHO� ·dFð pMJ�Ë s¹dšü« t�³K¹ U� UFOLł UM³−F¹ s�Ë sOIH²� UFOLł ÊuJ½ s� UM�Ðö� wI²MM� «cK� ¨t�³� WI¹dÞ s� ÁdOJHðË h�A�« W�dF� lOD²�ð ÆqOLł qJAÐ uniQue ÊuJ½Ë —c×Ð


ÆÆt�H½ dOOGð w� dJH¹ bŠ√ ô sJ� r�UF�« dOOGð w� dJH¹ UM� dO¦J�« øp�H½ dOOGð lOD²�ð nOJ� „dOJHð WI¹dÞ Ê√ ULz«œ ‰ËUŠË ¨b¹dð U� WI¹dDÐ X½√ rJ×ð ¨p� ÊuJð pð«—«d� qFł« s� pO� ULÐ dJHð ô Ê√ lML¹ ô «c??¼ sJ� WOÐU−¹SÐ p�H½ sŽ rKJ²ð √dIð Ê√ ŸUD²�L�« —b� ‰ËUŠË œU²FL�« s� d¦�√ pð«¡«d� sJ²K� Æ UO³KÝ r� p³−Fð ô p�H½ sŽ pðdJ� X½U� «–≈ Æ‚uH²�«Ë …œUF��«Ë ÕU−M�« sŽ Æp³OF¹ U� ·dFðË ‰Q�ð Ê√ ‰ËUŠË ôUŠ U¼dOOG²Ð p�dBð WI¹dÞ rKF²ð Ê√ ‰ËUŠ ¨rKJ²L�« ÊuJð Ê√ s� d¦�√ lL²�L�« s� Æ¡U�cÐ ·dBð ·dBðË dOG�« l� pK�UFð w� UI³� s� Æ„bOH¹ U� „dOž U�dBð s� s� öOK� u� v²Š rKŽ vKŽ ÊuJð Ê√ rNL�« s� ¨XOJðùUÐ ŸUD²�L�« —b� pKIFÐ ·dBð «dOš√Ë Æn�u� Í√ l� ·dB²ð Ê√ lOD²�ð v²Š ¡wý q� Æp³KIÐ fO�Ë p�ö� WI¹dÞ rŽUDL�« ¨V²J�« ¨ U¹«uN�« ® p�U�√ Íc�« h�A�« t³×¹ ULÐ rKŽ vKŽ s� ÊuJ¹ ·u�� rJMOÐ „d²AL�« ¡wA�« u¼ U� t�dFLÐ r� ¨ ©ÆÆÆƨWKCHL�« ö� ô«RÝ ‰Q�ð U�bMŽ lL²�L�« s� ÆtO� Àbײ�« ÊUMŁô« r²½« r�œuÐ ÂuIð Ê√ wŽ«œ ô ÆrKJ²ð U�bMŽ rKŽ« U½√ …—U³Ž VM−ð ¨p�«RÝ vKŽ »ËU−ð

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Fajer Al-Otaibi

The Human is like a Pencil in everything A

t the beginning, the creator of the pencil said: “There are 5 things I want you to know before I send you to that world... remember them and you’re going to be the best pencil ever...”

1- You’ll be able to make a lot of great things in life but if you are at the hand of one of them. 2- You’ll have a very painful sharp from a while to another, but that’s very important to be a better person. 3- You have the ability to erase all your mistakes. 4- Always the important thing in you is what’s inside you. 5- No matter how the situations are, you have to complete writing... and you have to leave a significant line, no matter how painful the situation is. And so, the pencil understood what its creator has just said... it entered that box, prelude to go to that world after it knew its creator’s aim to his creation. Now, place yourself on this pencil, remember those five things and do NOT forget them. And you’ll be the best pencil ever... 1- You’ll be able to make a lot of great things, but only if you leave yourself on God’s hand, and let the humans means you for those talents that you have. 2- You’re gonna have a painful sharping from a while to another, for those problems that you’re gonna be exposed of, but that’s crucial to be a better person. 3- You’ll be able to erase your wrong actions and grow up through them. 4- The most important thing in you is always the thing that’s inside you. 5- On any way you walk you have to leave a foot print, although what the situation is, you have to serve God in everything. Each one of us is a pencil, it’s been created for a special goal, By understanding and remembering, let’s complete our trip on this planet, Putting in our hearts a goal that has a very beautiful meaning and has a daily relationship with our God. =)


uniQue IsLaMiC

by Chadi Al-Sairfey

‫ﻋﻘﻮﺑﺔ ﺗﺎﺭﻙ ﺍﻟﺼﻼﺓ‬ ∫wN� Ád³� w� t³OBð w²�« WŁö¦�« U�√ Ád³� vKŽ tK�« b�u¹ ¨tŽuK{ nK²�ð v²Š ÁdBF¹Ë Ád³� tOKŽ tK�« oOC¹ ÆŸd�ô« ŸU−A�« wL�¹ ÊU³FŁ tOKŽ tK�« jK�¹ ¨U¼dLŠ w� «—U½ ∫wN� W�UOI�« Âu¹ t³OBð w²�« WŁö¦�« U�√ tK�« dEM¹ ¨tNłË dLł vKŽ rMNł —U½ v�≈ t³×B¹ s� tOKŽ tK�« jK�¹ ¨tNłË r×� lI¹ v²Š »U�×�« Âu¹ VCG�« sOFÐ W�UOI�« Âu¹ tO�≈ v�UFð v�≈ tÐ tK�« d�Q¹Ë b¹e� s� tOKŽ U� «b¹bý UÐU�Š qłË eŽ tK�« t³ÝU×¹ Æ—«dI�« f¾ÐË —UM�« ∫rKÝË tOKŽ tK�« vK� tK�« ‰uÝ— ‰U� fOK� dNE�« …ö� „dð s� ¨—u½ tNłË w� fOK� `³B�« …ö� „dð s�¢ „dð s� ¨…u� tL�ł w� fOK� dBF�« …ö� „dð s� ¨W�dÐ t�“— w� w� fOK� ¡UAF�« …ö� „dð s� ¨…dLŁ ÁœôË√ w� fOK� »dGL�« …ö� Æ¢tŠ«— t�u½ ¨qÞU³�« ‰u� s� qNÝ√ błu¹ ô ULMOÐ WIOI×�« ‰u� UMOKŽ VFB¹ «–UL� ◊UAM�UÐ dFA½Ë …Q−� kIO²�½ UMMJ�Ë wKB½ s×½Ë ”UFM�UÐ dFA½ «–UL� —u�√Ë v�UFð tK�« sŽ ÂöJ�« UMOKŽ VFB¹ «–UL� ¨ …öB�« s� UMzUN²½« —u� bMŽ qKL�UÐ f×½ «–UL� ¨¡UOý_« w�UÐ sŽ ÂöJ�« UMOKŽ qN�¹Ë s¹b�« °°dš¬ ¡wý Í√ sŽ ‰UI� …¡«d� bMŽ ‰uCH�UÐ dFA½Ë wM¹œ ‰UI� …¡«d� ÂuI�« vKŽ U½dBM¹Ë sOLK�L�«Ë ÂöÝù« eF¹ Ê√ w�UFð tK�« «uŽœ« √dOš«Ë ÆsOLK�L�« »U³ýË UMÐU³ý ÍbN¹ Ê√Ë sOL�UE�«


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uniQue ArTiCLes

by Fatemah Al-Zubairi


w� sLJ¹ Íc�« …dO��« œuKš u¼ UL½≈Ë ¨r�−K� ÍœUL�« ¡UI³�« fO� œuK��« ÊQÐ

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uniQue ArTiCLes

by uniQue Staff

Scuba Diving T

he first time I tried scuba diving I found my heart pounding so great that it was almost in my mouth. The strange sensation of being able to breathe under water was rather confusing at first but it didn’t take me too long to adjust. I was then fully able to appreciate the wonders of the sea.

Until scuba diving I had only been able to manage a little snorkeling so I fully appreciated the ability to be able to swim underwater without the need to continually rise to the surface. It also made it possible for me to dive to depths that had previously been out of reach.

What Is Scuba Diving? Scuba is an acronym for “Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus”, which really explains it in just that small number of words. The one thing that you really need to know about scuba diving is that it is relatively easy to learn. This may account for the growth in popularity but I get the feeling that it is the enormous fun factor that really swings it for most people. Diving is an ancient sport and has been used for centuries in the collection of pearls and sponges. The men who dive for these items can stay underwater for an incredible amount of time but for most of us we are turning blue in under one minute. This was the driving force that led to the invention of equipment that would let man remain underwater for longer periods of time. The first successes of air-assisted underwater exploration were made in the 18th century but equipment was basic, large and heavy. It was not until the beginning of the 19th century that we begin to see the development of gear that resembles the modern day scuba diving equipment. The first scuba tanks were rather too difficult to

use so this led to the development of the Aqua Lung. The continued development of the Aqua Lung meant that the sport of scuba diving was getting far easier and more popular. During the 1960’s scuba diving clubs developed and associations were set up to oversea the safety of the sport. By the 1990’s scuba diving had developed into such a popular sport that it drove a $multi-billion industry involved in all aspects of diving. Most development since then have been in the area of scuba diving safety. If you are considering taking up scuba diving as a hobby consider a short scuba diving course. These courses are available in most areas, even inland, as initial lessons are often conducted in the relative safety of an indoor swimming pool. Scuba diving need not be too expensive as you always have the option of renting. You could always purchase 2nd hand/2nd user scuba diving gear but please be very careful when doing this as you need to check the gear very carefully for the slightest damage. Consider taking somebody with you to view the gear, somebody with some years experience behind them


uniQue ArTiCLes

by uniQue Staff

Teeth Whitening 58


eeth whitening and getting that glowing smile that you can be proud of is not as easy as it may sound. Although teeth whitening (or teeth bleaching) is a relatively common cosmetic dentistry procedure a wide and varied

selection of equipment and chemicals are available both to the dentist and the home user. White teeth and a wide smile have long been considered to be an attractive feature and therefore demands for teeth whitening products has always been high. Often the risks involved are ignored in favor of the chance of the perfect set of white teeth.

Tooth Whitening Methods There are a couple of methods used in the procedure commonly referred to as teeth whitening. The two main methods used are the use of bleaching agents of high strength which are applied to the tooth and allowed a short period of time to get to work, the other involves the use of a much lower concentration of oxidizing agent over a much longer period of time. Typically the chemicals used are either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide which reacts in the mouth to form hydrogen peroxide.

which hold the liquid in place over the teeth while avoiding contact with the gum tissue. Sadly it is very difďŹ cult to avoid contact 100% of the time and irritation of the soft tissues in the mouth are common. However the mouth recovers very quickly and symptoms are unlikely to be experienced for longer than two or three days. If you have had this treatment and are suffering for longer than 3 days you should contact your dentist for professional and personal advice at the earliest opportunity. Due to the possible risks involved in the procedure called teeth whitening we strongly advise against using some of the home teeth whitening kits that are available.

Tooth Whitening Risks

I have had personal experience of these products and,

Any use of chemicals upon the human body carry an

even though I consider myself educated, I managed

element of risk. The most common side effect of tooth

to damage my teeth. I would therefore advise that it

whitening is an increased sensitivity in the teeth. This

is far better to pay the extra cash and get your teeth

is generally temporary but in some cases the teeth can

whitened by a professional in the surroundings of a

remain extremely sensitive for very long periods. It

modern clinic or salon.

should also be noted that the chemicals used in the

We hope that you ďŹ nd the articles below informative

procedure can cause damage to the gums if they are

and that they help you decide which is the best course of

exposed to them for longer than is absolutely necessary.

action for you. Please call back soon as we continually

To help avoid this problem mouth guards are used

add data as and when it becomes available. 59

uniQue GuyS WoRLd

ยบ Fashion ยบ Sport ยบ Electronics ยบ Cars

DIESEL ‘OTB’ Oversized Five Time Zone Watch

uniQue FaShiOn Watches TX Technoluxury Chronograph Steel Case Watch

TX Technoluxury ‘Perpetual Calendar’ Steel Case Watch

Victorinox Swiss Army ‘Men’s Chrono Classic XLS Alarm’ Watch Michael Kors ‘Silver Runway’ Watch

MICHAEL Michael Kors Men’s Sport Watch Michael Kors Two-Tone Large Iconic Chronograph Watch


uniQue FaShiOn Body Care

Jo Malone Nutmeg & Ginger Cologne (3.4 oz.)

FERRE for Men Shampoo & Shower Gel

Acqua di Gio Eau de Toilette Spray

John Varvatos ‘Artisan’ Eau de Toilette Spray

Burberry ‘The Beat’ Eau de Toilette Spray for Men 62

ACTION Anthony For Men Restructuring Shampoo

John Varvatos Aftershave Fragrance

uniQue FaShiOn Accessory

Cole Haan belt Prada Wallet

Prada Belt

Gucci sunglasses

Gucci Scarf

Gucci Wallet

Paul Smith scraf 63

uniQue FaShiOn Bags

Fendi travel bag

Marc by Marc Jacobs dobb kit

Yves Saint Laurent briefcase

Cole Haan messenger bag

Marc by Marc Jacobs messenger bag

versace rolling trolley

Prada duffle bag 64

uniQue FaShiOn Shoes

Bruno Magli bac loafers

Gucci logo sneakers

Puma sneakers

Prada sneakers

D&G Dolce&Gabbana Cap Toe Slip-On

Ralph Lauren loafers

Gucci loafers

Puma black label sneakers 65

uniQue ArTiCLes

by Dustin Driver & Chadi El-Serafy -

Healthy Habits for Men


ou don’t expect your car to run for 100,000 kilos without an oil change, so why would you expect your body to run well without a little maintenance? Incorporate a few of these daily or weekly habits into your routine and you’ll be tuned up and ready to run like a well-oiled machine. And don’t worry these little healthy habits won’t take much from your time. 66

Drink 8 cups of water a day They’ve been drilling this healthy habit into our heads for ages, but it still stands true sort of. The truth is, drink enough water every day. Depending on where you live (the desert or the tropical rain forest), you may need more or less. If you exercise a lot and sweat in the process (you already have healthy habits), you’ll need more water. Nonetheless, about 8 cups (1 cup is equal to 8 oz.) of water. You should drink enough water to keep your urine fairly clear, just a tad yellow. That will give your body enough water to regulate body temperature, flush out wastes, and carry oxygen and nutrients to cells and more.

Eat 10 fruits and veggies servings a day It sounds like a lot, but you’ll be counting servings, not apples and oranges. Ten servings translates to about five cups of fruits and veggies. In the end it comes down to eating fruits and vegetables at every meal and for snacks, which is definitely an easy healthy habit to incorporate. What’s the payoff? A Harvard study on diet found that people who ate five to eight servings of fruits and veggies a day were 30% less likely to have a heart attack. All that good stuff will also keep you normal (regular); it will give you more energy and help you to maintain a healthy weight. So, the next time you reach for your 3p.m. snack, make it a banana or an orange.

Walk 30 minutes each day Your body is one of the only machines that will actually improve with use. Think about it: Any other machine you can think of degrades the more you use it. But if you exercise, you’ll feel better, get stronger and breathe easier. Walking is probably the easiest healthy habit and most convenient exercise you can get. To structure more walk time into your day, try parking at the far end of the parking lot when you go shopping and schedule to walk 15-minute a day (one during your lunch break and another after work or dinner). Walking improves your cardiovascular health and adds years to your life. A 2005 study by the Erasmus M.C. University Medical Center Rotterdam in the Netherlands found that those who walked 30 minutes a day gained about 1.3 years of life.

Take three breaks a day It’s tough to tear yourself away from those spreadsheets, but taking a few breaks during your workday can slash stress

and help your health. We all know that work causes stress, and when you get stressed you might get digestive problems. If you’re really stressed, your body will release adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. Over time, excessive cortisol and adrenaline will lead to serious health problems. So, step away from that computer / desk / bed and take in a breath of fresh air. Your body will thank you.

Eat just one cookie per day If you love sweets, try to cut it down. Sugar is loaded with calories and it’s often paired with fats (in cookie or candy or chocolate bars) which is also packed with calories. Additionally, excessive sugar and weight throughout your lifetime can lead to diabetes, a serious disease that can have dire consequences. So take it easy with the sweets; if you really need that cookie after lunch, have just one.

Drink just one soda per week Soda can have serious health affects. Firstly, it’s nothing but pure empty calories - sugar without any nutrients. And those calories won’t go anywhere but your waistline. Secondly, most sodas contain high fructose corn syrup, which is a sweet syrup that can spike your blood sugar and even trick the liver into producing more artery-clogging chemicals. If that weren’t enough to convince, consider the fact that there’s evidence that the common soda preservative sodium benzoate - can directly damage DNA and disable mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell.

Brush and floss two times a day It’s hard to enjoy a healthy body if you have to gum your way through every meal. Brush and floss your teeth every day, without exception. The simple procedure will keep your champers in top condition, which means that you’ll be able to tear into barbecued ribs and sweet corn until the day you die. There’s also mounting evidence that the bacteria in your mouth may play a role in heart disease. Higher levels of bacteria in the mouth, it seems, correlates directly to higher rates of cardiovascular disease. Researchers are still torn over what exactly causes the relationship, but it’s still a good idea to keep your teeth gleaming white. At the end, a little maintenance goes a long way. These tasks may bother some chores, but they could add years to your life. Stay fit, eat well and relieve stress and you’ll live longer and happier. 67

uniQue HeaLTh

By Hamad D. Al-Othman - Physical Therapist

Tennis Elbow


ennis elbow is an injury where the outer part of your elbow becomes painful, especially when you try to flex your wrist or carry any weights (such as a bag). From the name of the injury you will think that this injury happens only to the tennis players, well think again; Almost anybody can acquire such injury, How? Will be explained now but first thing is to talk more about the injured part.

Of course every joint in our body have some muscles attacked to it to give us the ability to move it, in this topic our focus will be on the elbow muscles. The elbow has extenders and flexor muscles, The tennis elbow injury hits the extensor group where the attachment of the muscles becomes inflamed and tender, thus gives the outer painful elbow. Tennis players uses the extensors more often while their play to hit the tennis ball with their rackets, the repetition of that movement and the overuse of the extensors will eventually cause the extensor muscles to be inflamed and give us the tennis elbow injury. However, non-athletic people get this injury when they overuse their wrist extensor muscles too; such as when carrying shopping bags, pouring liquids from big gallons and.. etc. The symptoms of this injury can be summarized in the points below:


• Outer part of elbow is painful • Painful to carry weights • Painful to use extensor muscles movement (wrist extension) • Mild swelling at the outer part of the elbow • Increased skin temp. at the outer part of the elbow • Painful when extending the elbow • Stiff elbow specially at morning after sleep, and when resting the elbow for a long time When you get some of these symptoms (specially the pain) visit an orthopedic doctor or a physiotherapist to diagnose it and treat it. This injury can be treated with Physiotherapy by resting the elbow with the application of heat or cold therapy (depends on the injury itself), and stretching the wrist by flexing it and extending the elbow too. Some braces may help some people, it depends whether you feel comfortable using the brace or no. Last but not least, Ultrasound therapy helps a lot in healing the inflamed muscles and decreasing the pain. Some injuries require local anti-inflammatory injections at the site of pain, and also some require anti-inflammatory drugs. It is very rare to treat this injury by surgical interventions so don’t worry about it when you get it because many people become anxious due to the amount of pain they get from this injury.


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uniQue SpOrTs

by uniQue Staff

Fabio Capello

rmer as well as a fo ball manager, ot fo n ia h al It co an the next ac abio Capello is ntly named as ce re as w e H ayer. 07. professional pl ember 14, 20 l team on Dec na tio na s d’ essional an gl of En d made his prof ly, in 1946, an Ita , t is er Pi in rn where he spen Capello was bo 64 with SPAL, 19 in er ld n fie the Italia t as a mid here he won football debu g to Roma, w in ov the m re fo du be played ring three seasons ntus, where he ve Ju to ld or so later ty by sc ing Cup. He was hieved notorie ac d an , ly Ita r played fo embley for England at W 1970’s. He also at fe de lp he AC ly in 1973 to in 1980 with a goal for Ita playing career s hi d de en e ever. H the first time in the early Milan. ach beginning co ll ba ot fo a he his name as with every team Capello made tic league title es m do a e m th Ro s won Madrid, 1990’s, and ha g Milan, Real in ud cl in , er major in his care victories in 4 has managed championship ed m ai to cl s ha te He s led his am and Juventus. Turin – and ha d an e m Ro , Madrid cities – Milan,



England Footba ll Team

a major league championship in 7 of the 16 has coached. seasons in whi He also once ch he le d AC Milan on matches withou a run of 58 st t a loss. raight As a coach, hi s teams are kn own for playin which often le g very strong de ads to wins bu fensively, t is not alway due to the less s popular with exciting style the fans of play. He of fans of former ten becomes a clubs because ta rget for of public disp not playing ce utes with play rtain popular er s, or for individuals. H of privately co e has also been nvincing player ac cused s to leave with another team. him once he m In his most re ov es to cent appointm was a controve ent at Real M rsial figure for ad rid, he his clashes with Ronaldo. Des David Beckha pite his succes m and s at turning Re team, he was al Madrid into fired at the co an el ite nclusion of th e 2007 season Fabio Capello . is somewhat of a disciplinaria who respect n, who prefers the coach an players d have the rig ht mental focu s over

playboys and controversial figures. He ge nerally plays of the 4-4-2 fo a variation rmation, but is willing to ad talent availabl ap t de pe nd in e as well as g on the the competitio highest level of n, and deman physical fitness ds the from his player s. Capello has be en married fo r over 40 year s, and is an ar a collection va t buff with lued at arond £10million. H lawyer who al is son, Pier Filip so acts as his po, is a agent. His next coac hing challeng e, which he re be his last, w cently announ ill be to help ced will England’s natio several recent nal team reco disappointing ver from showings, in or achieve succes de r to qu al ity s in the 2010 for and World Cup. H e has suggeste players have a “mental bloc d that the k” due to the England, and pressure of pl in his new role aying for , psychology w tactics or tech ill play as big nique. a role as


uniQue Digital Life

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w w w. e x p l o r a t o r i u m . e d u See what makes a home run, learn how a curve ball curves, and check your fastball reaction time.



uniQue DiGiRoniX

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

Sony Cybershot



hare your memories on the go with the slim and stylish 10.1 megapixel DSC-G3 Cyber-shot® digital camera. Built-in Wi-Fi and an intuitive Easy Upload Home Page make it a snap to upload your photos and videos to popular sharing sites directly from your camera, and even send email notifications to friends and family. Packed with impressive features, this camera comes equipped with Digital Portable Photo Album, Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization and Intelligent Scene Recognition. Plus, with 4GB of internal memory, you can save hundreds of images and view them on the dazzling 3.5” (measured diagonally) touch screen LCD.

images of family and friends. Face Detection can even distinguish between children and adults, so you can prioritize the camera’s focus on children in the scene for clear images of their memorable moments.

Smile Shutter™ technology The popular Smile Shutter™ technology automatically detects and captures smiling faces. Simply choose the Smiley Face feature and the camera will capture a smile the moment it happens. You can also select subject priority (Adult or Child Priority or touch subject on screen) and indicate the degree of Smile Detection Sensitivity to high (small smile), medium (laugh) or low (grin).

Double Anti-blur Solution 10.1 Megapixel Super HAD™ CCD Image Sensor A powerful 10.1 megapixel 1/2.3” Super HAD™ CCD image sensor helps you capture gorgeous images with superb contrast and clarity down to the finest detail. With 10.1 megapixels, you can create stunning, photo-quality prints up to A3 size, or crop your images and still come away with high resolution shots.

3.5”1 Xtra Fine™ LCD Touch-Screen Displays Compose images on a dazzling 3.5”1 LCD display and use the touch screen to navigate menus, specify focus points, and more. When you’ve finished shooting, show off your images with spectacular clarity. Featuring 921K pixels, the ultra-bright, high-contrast LCD screen with a wide viewing angle is among the highest resolution screens available on a compact digital camera, and displays your images with astonishing visual clarity.

Face Detection technology Face Detection technology detects up to eight individual faces and controls flash, focus, exposure, and white balance to deliver accurate, natural skin tones with reduced red-eye for beautiful


The combination of Optical SteadyShot™ image stabilization and High ISO sensitivity helps compensate for shaky hands, minimizes blur and allows flash-free shooting to preserve the mood.

Intelligent Scene Recognition Intelligent Scene Recognition (iSCN) Mode automatically detects eight different types of scenes and selects the appropriate camera settings: Backlight, Backlight Portrait, Twilight, Twilight Portrait, Twilight using a Tripod, Portrait, Landscape and Macro. iSCN has 2 modes: Advanced and Auto. In Auto Mode, the camera takes a single shot using the optimal settings. In Advance Mode, the camera takes a picture with the current settings and only if necessary takes a second picture with optimized setting.

the U.S., including selected book stores and major quick serve restaurant locations as well as hundreds of premium hotels and airports.

HDTV Compatibility View your photos in glorious high definition on a Sony® BRAVIA® or similar HDTV using the included HD output adapter cable (VMC-MHC1) or optional Cyber-shot Station® cradle (CSS-HD2). It’s the perfect way to share your photos with friends and family.

Dynamic Range Optimizer Standard and Plus Dynamic Range Optimizer (DRO) Standard and Plus uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the best exposure and contrast settings for almost any shooting environment. The result is more natural images with clearer details that more closely match what your naked eye sees. DRO is particularly effective when shooting backlit portraits or any scene with a dramatic contrast between background and foreground lighting. DRO Plus allows for even greater optimization by analyzing each region of an image and performing additional image processing.

Convenient photo modes Choose from fourteen convenient photo modes to quickly adjust for specific shooting conditions. Photo modes include Auto, Program Auto, Easy Shooting, High Sensitivity, Landscape, Soft Snap, Twilight Portrait, Twilight, and scene selections such as Beach, Snow, Fireworks, Underwater, High Speed Shutter and new Gourmet Mode. Gourmet Mode lets you capture mouth-watering culinary creations with all the color and clarity of images you see in gourmet magazines.

Multi-Resizing function The Multi-Resizing function lets you change the aspect ratio of an image right in the camera, so you can adjust images as necessary, whether you want to display them on a compatible HDTV, email them or upload them to a blog.

Picture Motion Browser (PMB) ver. 3.2 Sony® Picture Motion Browser (PMB) software provides a simple, easy-to-use way to transfer video and still images to your PC, as well as sort, edit, and output to data disc and the Web. Additionally, the Easy Exporter function makes it easy to take your images with you by exporting smaller copies of your imported images back to your camera. The smaller file size means you can fit more pictures in your pocket, while the original, full-size image remains safe on your PC.

Easy Shooting Mode With Easy Shooting Mode, even beginners can take great pictures. In Easy Shooting Mode, easy-to-understand basic instructions are displayed on the LCD screen. Intelligent Scene Recognition set by default further simplifies operation by selecting the optimum settings.

16:9 High Resolution Mode Using the 16:9 High Resolution Mode, you can record high resolution images in the 16:9 aspect ratio favored by HDTVs. This setting is ideal if you plan to view your images on a compatible HDTV and invite friends and family members over for a slideshow.

Wi-Fi connectivity: Built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g connectivity1 lets you connect your Cybershot® DSC-G3 camera from home, hotel, airport, restaurant, or just about any accessible wireless hotspot and upload photos and videos directly from the camera. In addition, the DSC-G3 includes complimentary Wi-Fi access at thousands of AT&T locations across


uniQue WheeLS

By uniQue Staff

Jaguar XFR

The 2010 XF and XFR


With the new XF we set out to design, develop and build the definitive Jaguar sports saloon. Now with magnificent new petrol and diesel engines, representing the very latest in advanced power and technology, the 2010 Model Year XF is even more thrilling to drive.�


- Contemporary, individual and beautifully crafted, the XF has the soul of a sports car, the style and sophistication of a luxury four-door saloon and the visual excitement of coupe. Delivering high performance, excellent refinement and outstanding dynamic ability, the XF is true to Jaguar’s philosophy of creating beautiful, fast cars. - All-new AJ-V8 Gen III petrol engines and new AJ-V6D Gen III diesel engines – all delivering more power and more performance with comparable or better fuel economy and emissions than the engines they supersede. - Powered by the all-new supercharged 510PS (510bhp SAE) V8, the XFR is the ultimate Jaguar sports saloon, with acceleration from 0-60mph in just 4.7 seconds. A naturally aspirated 5.0-litre V8, producing 385PS (385bhp SAE), powers other V8 XF models. - The new 3.0-litre AJ-V6D Gen III engine makes its debut in the 2010 Model Year XF. The twin sequential turbocharged engine is available as the 275PS/600Nm S or a 240PS/500Nm version. Both offer exceptional efficiency and refinement and in the case of the Diesel S accelerate from 0-60mph in just 5.9 seconds. - Across the board the new petrol and diesel engines offer power gains of up to 33 percent and torque gains of up to 38 percent. The fuel economy of the all-new 5.0-litre V8 engines is comparable with the previous 4.2-litre V8, while both diesel engines deliver combined average fuel consumption of 42.0mpg – an improvement on the acclaimed 2.7-litre engine of nearly 12 percent. - Every new engine for the XF range combines enhanced power and performance with superb driveability and highly competitive fuel economy and CO2 emissions figures – both diesel versions produce just 179g/km and AJ-V8 Gen III emissions run from 264g/km. - The new XFR’s driving dynamics are underpinned by the introduction to the XF range of Active Differential Control (electronically controlled rear differential) and Adaptive Dynamics, the latest in computer-controlled continuously variable damping (CVD). - The new XFR is distinguished by unique exterior and interior design features, including revised bumpers and lower front air intakes, sill extensions, bonnet louvres and grilles, four tailpipes, a boot-lid spoiler and unique 20-inch alloy wheels. - The new XF Portfolio offers a luxury-biased alternative to the performance focused XFR, with the emphasis on bespoke details and exceptional craftsmanship including 16-way and 12-way adjustable actively ventilated heated and cooled front seats, contrast stitching on leather trim and a wider choice of veneers and trim colours. - Subtle external detail enhancements and new alloy wheel choices confirm the XF family’s evolution. There are now four trim levels – XF Luxury, Premium Luxury, Portfolio and XFR – and a total of five engine options (plus the 4.2-litre V8 still available in the USA). - Customers will be able to order the latest 3.0-litre V6 petrol, new 275PS/600Nm 3.0-litre V6 Diesel S and naturally aspirated V8 petrol versions of the new XF from January 2009. The 240PS/500Nm V6 Diesel and 510PS supercharged V8 XFR will be available to order from February 2009.


uniQue GiRLs WoRLd

ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Health ยบ Kitchen

uniQue FaShiOn Bags - Clutchs

MIU MIU Stella McCartney

Michael Kors

Anya Hindmarch

Jimmy choo

Bottega Veneta


Chloe Fendi

Jimmy choo Christian Louboutin


uniQue FaShiOn Shoes

GUESS by Marciano ‘Naga’ Pump

Christian Louboutin Sandals

Bloch ballet flats Lanvin Sandals

Fendi flats

Tory Burch Flats

Marni slingbacks


uniQue FaShiOn Accessories

Juicy Couture Layered Charm Necklace

Miu Miu belt


e nb

y rle

Betsey Johnson Black Bow Necklace

o nd



Mawi necklace

Nadri PavÇ Band

Juicy Couture Coral Flower Cluster Ring

Betsey Johnson Taxi Toggle Bracelet

Alexis Bittar Tapered Bangle Bracelet

m Te


uniQue FaShiOn Clothes

ALLDRESSEDUP jersey dress

Thomas Wylde

Aquascutum dress

Issa mini dress

Christian Lacroix dress


HervÇ LÇger dress

Roksanda Ilincic dress 82

Temperley London dress

uniQue FaShiOn Body Care St. John Signature Luminous Pearl Body Lotion

MARC JACOBS ‘Daisy Blooms’ Eau de Toilette Spray (Limited Edition)

Dior ‘Diorshow Backstage’ Powder Foundation Brush

M.A.C ‘Hello Kitty’ Nail Lacquer

Antica Farmacista ‘Champagne’ Home Ambiance Perfume (16.9 oz.)

Clinique ‘Redness Solutions’ Instant Relief Mineral Powder

Cosmedicine Healthy Face Regimen


uniQue KitChen

By Eman Al-Kanderi


COCONUT CREAM PIE Amounts 2/3 c. sugar 1/4 c. cornstarch 1/2 t. salt 3 c. milk 4 egg yolks, slightly beaten 2 T. butter softened 2 t. vanilla 1 c. coconut 1 c. cool whip Preparation Mix sugar, corn starch and salt in sauce pan. Gradually stir in milk, cook over med heat stirring constantly till mix thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute. Stir at least half of hot mix gradually into yolks, stir into hot mix in sauce pan, boil and stir 1 minute, remove from heat, stir in butter, vanilla and 3/4 c. coconut, pour into shell, press plastic wrap onto ďŹ lling and refrigerate at least 2 hours but no longer than 48. Remove plastic, top pie with whipped cream an remaining coconut. Refrigerate any remaining pie immediately. 84

RED CHERRY PIE Amounts 1/2 c. sugar 1/8 tsp. salt 2 1/2 c. drained canned pitted red cherries 1 c. cherry juice Preparation Let stand 15 minutes. Line a 9-inch pie pan with pastry rolled 1/8 inch thick. Fill pie shell with cherry mixture and dot with butter. Cut out a leaf and cherry design from remaining pastry and arrange on top. Flute rim. Bake in hot oven at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. Makes one 9-inch pie.

‫ﺍﻟﻔﻄﺎﺋﺮ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﻼﺓ‬

BLUEBERRY PIE Amounts 1 can blueberry pie filling 3 c. powdered sugar 1 envelope Dream Whip topping mix 1/2 c. milk 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 c. chopped pecans 1 (8 oz.) Philadelphia cream cheese 1 pie shell crust or graham cracker crust Preparation Pre-bake crust in oven according to package directions or use graham cracker crust. Mix powdered sugar, Dream Whip topping mix, milk, vanilla, cream cheese, and pecans. Put pecans into pie shell or graham cracker crust. Mix together until smooth. Pour, put blueberry pie filling on top. Serves 4-8 people.

APPLE PIE Amounts 1/2 c. granulated sugar 1/2 c. light brown sugar 1 tbsp. flour 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/4 tsp. salt 5 c. thinly sliced apples 3 tbsp. melted butter Pastry for 9 inch 2 crust pie Preparation - Blend first 6 ingredients together. This is the seasoning. - Mix apples with 3/4 cup of seasoning. Toss so that each slice is covered with sugar and spice. Line a 9 inch pie pan with pastry. Brush bottom and sides with melted butter, and sprinkle with remaining seasoning. Add apples and pour remaining butter over pie. Cover with crust. Bake in preheated oven at 425 degrees F. for 15 minutes; lower heat to 350 degrees F. and bake for 40 minutes.


uniQue BeAuTy

by uniQue Staff

‫ﺍﺧﺘﺎﺭﻱ ﺍﻟﻨﻈﺎﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺴﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻤﻨﺎﺳﺒﺔ ﻟﻚ‬ «c¼ p²KÞ ‰UL�SÐ WO�LA�« «—UEM�« ÂuIð Ê√ sJL¹ l� WO�LA�« «—UEM�« s� ÃË“ Í_ sJL¹Ë ÆnOB�« «bł W¹œUŽ s¹b³ð pKF−¹ Ê√ eMOłË nOHš dOý wð Ê√ sJL¹ WO�LA�« «—UEM�U� ÆX³ž— «–≈ W�U½√ d¦�√ Ë√ ¨p²�öÞ≈ w� WOÝUÝ√ WFD� UN½_ ¨q�UJ�UÐ pKJý dOÒ Gð «–≈ U�√ ¨pNłË ‰ULł “d³ðË W�UF�« pð«eOL� qLJð wN� «bł WDO�Ð WI¹dD�U� pNłË qJý bFÐ sO�dFð ô XM� nK�K� UNO³×Ý« rŁ WO�LA�« …—UEM�« l{uÐ w�u�® pNłË qJý u¼U¼Ë ¨pNłË sŽ «bOFÐ „dFý V×�²� ¡«bð—« ‰uŠ W�UN�« WEŠöL�« U�≈ Æ©…¬dL�« w� p�U�√ ÆÆÆp� W³ÝUM� ÊuJð Ê√ wN� WO�LA�« «—UEM�«

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uniQue StarS WorLd

ยบ Star News

ยบ Movie

ยบ Photos

ยบ TV Show

ยบ Cinema

uniQue MeLoDy

by Hamad Al-Suhail

ÍUM�« W�¬ Íc??�« ¨ vIOÝuL�« r�UŽ UML�UŽ w??� ¡«d??I?�« w??z«e??Ž√ rJÐ öNÝË ö??¼√ WýUO−�«Ë WH¼dL�« f??O?ÝU??Š_«Ë dŽUAL�« r�UŽ t½QÐ dO¦J�« tH�Ë ÂUŽ qJAÐ g??¹Ë—œ bOÝ ÊUMH�« …UOŠ tMŁb×ð oÐU��« UMŽu{u� w�Ë ¨ r�UF�« «c¼ w� ÁdO³� WOL¼√ t� UL� ÍUM�« W�¬ rJ� ÷dF²�½ ·uÝ Êô√Ë ÆÆÆÆqOL−�«


wIOÝuL�« w�dA�« X�²�« UNM� uK�¹ ô WOz«u¼ WO�dý WOIOÝu� W�¬ ÍUM�« U³½ s� ÍUM�« lMB¹ ¨WOÐdF�« vIOÝuL�« w� WOÝUÝ_« ôü« s� wN� b�Ë ¨sO�dD�« WŠu²H� ¨¡U�uł W³B� sŽ …—U³Ž u¼Ë ¨Íd³�« VBI�« Êu¹dBL�« ¡U�b� Ë ÊuOKÐU³�« Âb�²Ý√ bI� ÂbI�« cM� ÍUM�« Âb�²Ý« ÍUM�« ÊuJ²¹ ¨q¹uD�« tM�Ë dOBI�« tM� ÊUŽu½ U�uLŽ ÍUM�«ÆW�ü« Ác¼ nK��« s� dš¬ VIŁË …bŠ«Ë W�UI²Ý« vKŽ »uIŁ W²Ý UNÐ qÓIŽÔ l�ð s�

ŸUЗ√ WŁöŁË Êu²�« nB½Ë Êu²Ð ULGM�« ÍUM�« —bB¹¨ ÂUNÐù« UNÐ rJײ¹ U� WODG²� ÍU½ W�¬ s� d¦�√ ·“UF�« Âb�²�¹ U� «c� ¨…dO³� W�bÐ Êu²�« bŠ«Ë ÍU½ wHJð ô b� WHK²�� ULG½ s� WOIOÝuL�« WŽuDIL�« tłU²×ð ÆU¼—«b�ù


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Marc h 2 0 0 9

uniQue CineMa

CROSSING OVER Drama Harrison Ford Sean Penn

KILLSHOT Action / Thriller Diane Lane Rosario Dawson

Walt Kowalski is a widower who holds onto his prejudices despite the changes in his Michigan neighborhood and the world around him. Kowalski is a grumpy, tough-minded, unhappy an old man, who can’t get along with either his kids or his neighbors, a Korean War veteran whose prize possession is a 1972 Gran Torino he keeps in mint condition. When his neighbor Thao, a young Hmong teenager under pressure from his gang member cousin, tries to steal his Gran Torino, Kowalski sets out to reform the youth. Drawn against his will into the life of Thao’s family, Kowalski is soon taking steps to protect them from the gangs that infest their neighborhood. Written

Crossing Over is a multi-character canvas about immigrants of different nationalities struggling to achieve legal status in Los Angeles. The film deals with the border, document fraud, the asylum and green card process, work-site enforcement, naturalization, the office of counter terrorism and the clash of cultures.

Beautiful Carmen Colson and her ironworker husband Wayne are placed in the Federal Witness Protection program after witnessing an “incident”. Thinking they are at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced hit man and a psychopathic young upstart killer. The ensuing struggle will test Carmen to the limit.



GRAN TORINO Action / Drama Clint Eastwood Geraldine Hughes

DUPLICITY - Thriller Clive Owen, Julia Roberts Pair of corporate spies who share a steamy past hook up to pull off the ultimate con job on their respective bosses.

MARLEY & ME - Comedy Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston A family learns important life lessons from their adorable, but naughty and neurotic dog.


* All Movies are subject to the approval of Ministry of Information



TOP 1. The Pink Panther 2

2. Quarantine

3. Hellboy II: The Golden Army

4. Billu Barber

5. The Mutant Chronicles

6. Dragon Hunters

7. Yes Man

8. Genghis Khan

9. Secondhand Lions

10. Seven Pounds 91


Set in 1999, Sarah, her son John, and Cameron, a Terminator that has been re-programmed to protect John. They are being pursued by a Terminator (Cromartie) sent back through time to assassinate John and also by FBI Special Agent James Ellison, who believes Sarah is a crazy criminal. After that Sarah, John, and Cameron make a temporal leap to the year 2007. Cromartie suffers extensive damage while trying to kill them, begins to effect repairs to his endoskeleton and artificial flesh, and continues his search for John in 2007. Seeing how John is frustrated with their life of running, Sarah resolves to go on the

offensive against Skynet. But the world in 2007 proves complex: they find Skynet has sent additional Terminators, including a T-1001 back in time to support its own creation, and the resistance movement has sent back its own fighters to interfere. As they seek out an intuitive chess computer called The Turk, which may be a precursor to Skynet, they forge an alliance with Derek Reese, resistance fighter and John’s uncle. As the series progress, the Connors are confronted with the reality that they would find more enemies, either at the present or from the future, bent to reshape the future for their own goals.



uniQue Tv ShOwS

uniQue MoviEs

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ

Paul Blart a single suburban dad trying to make ends meet as a security officer at a New Jersey mall. It’s a job he takes very seriously, though no one else does. When Santa’s helpers at the mall stage a coup, shutting down the megaplex and taking hostages, Jersey’s most formidable mall cop will have to become a real cop to save the day. 93

Unique Red CaRpeT

By uniQue Staff

Demi Moore D

emetria Gene “Demi” Moore Kutcher (née Guynes; November 11, 1962) is an American actress. She became well-known after a string of 1980s teen-oriented movies, and was one of the best known actresses of 1990s Hollywood. She is married to actor Ashton Kutcher.

wore an eye patch in an attempt to correct the problem until it was eventually corrected by two surgeries. She also suffered from kidney dysfunction. Demi Moore also has heterochromia; she has one green eye, and the other hazel.

Moore was born Demetria Gene Guynes in Roswell, New Mexico. As a child, Moore had a difficult and unstable home life. Her biological father, Charles Harmon, left her mother, Virginia King (November 27 1943 – July 2 1998), after a two-month marriage, before Moore was born. As a result, Moore had the surname of her stepfather, Danny Guynes (March 9 1943 – October 1980), on her birth certificate. Danny Guynes, who committed suicide in 1980, frequently changed jobs; as a result the family moved a total of forty times. Moore’s parents were alcoholics and often fought and beat each other. Moore was cross-eyed as a child, and 94

Moore’s family settled in Los Angeles in 1976. Moore attended Hollywood’s Fairfax High School, where her schoolmates included Red Hot Chili Peppers frontman Anthony Kiedis and actor Timothy Hutton. When Moore was sixteen, her friend, actress Nastassja Kinski, persuaded her to drop out of school to become an actress. In 1979, she met and married her first husband, songwriter Freddy Moore. They divorced in 1985.

Personal life Moore married singer Freddy Moore in 1980 and they divorced in 1985. In 1987, Moore met Moonlighting star Bruce Willis. They soon fell in love and married two months later. The star couple had three daughters together: Rumer Willis (b. 1988), Scout LaRue Willis (b. 1991) and Tallulah Belle Willis (b. 1994). Demi and Bruce separated in 1998 and were divorced in 2000, but remain friends to this day. In 2003, Moore began dating actor Ashton Kutcher, who is more than fifteen years her junior. After much press speculation and interest, Demi married Ashton in 2005.

Kutcher and Moore, September 2008Moore’s primary residence is in Hailey, Idaho, near the famous Sun Valley resort, although she spends much time in the Los Angeles area with Kutcher. She is a practicing follower of the Rabbi Philip Berg’s Kabbalah Centre religion, and initiated Kutcher into the faith, having said that she “didn’t grow up Jewish, but... would say that [she has] been more exposed to the deeper meanings of particular rituals than any of [her] friends ever did”. Contrary to popular belief, Moore claims she has never been a raw foodist and dispels the vegan rumors by eating a hamburger in a recent Mario Testino photoshoot. Moore legally changed her last name to Kutcher two years after marrying husband Ashton Kutcher. However, she will continue to use Moore in her professional life and her acting roles. According to the New York Times, she is “the world’s most high-profile doll collector”, and among her favorites is the Gene Marshall fashion doll. 95

uniQue PhoTOs

By Kuwait Free Photographers

Kuwait Free Photographers w³O²F�« œuMF�« d¹uBð

w½UMJý√ bL×� d¹uBð


w�dF� W³O$ d¹uBð

w�dF� Èu$ d¹uBð

–U²Ý_« rÝUł d¹uBð

w½UMJý√ œuL×� d¹uBð

w�dF� Èb½ d¹uBð 97

uniQue AroUnD The WoRLd

by uniQue Staff



©VOKO� —uЮ ZOKš ‰uŠ UNOŠ«u{ qLł√ lIðË ÍbMN�« jO×L�« vKŽ qDð WM¹b� w¼ w²�« rŽUDL�«Ë WL�H�« ‚œUMH�« s� W�KÝ tO³½Uł vKŽ dA²Mð Íc�« ©«—U¹® dN½ UN�d²�¹Ë Ê—u³K� dN²Að ÆW¹uOÝü«Ë WO�½dH�«Ë WO½U½uO�«Ë WO�UD¹ô«Ë WO½UM³K�« ôu�QL�« ÂbIð r?¼√ vKŽ rN�dF²� WOKš«œ öŠ— w� ÕUO��«Ë œö³�« q?¼√ qIMð w²�« «d²�« UÐdFÐ Í—u²JOH�« ¡UM³�« »uKÝ√ vKŽ k�U×ð oÞUM� w¼Ë WL¹bI�«Ë WOŠUO��« WM¹bL�« oÞUM� ÆÂUŽ 200 s� d¦�√ cM� ΫbzUÝ ÊU� Íc�«Ë

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uniQue GoOgLe

by uniQue Staff

10 ‘Worst’ Natural Disasters 1. The October 8, 2005 magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Pakistan was not especially large, but the more than 40,000 victims has raised it to the level of a major catastrophe. Without doubt, however, the most devastating loss of life in recent years was the much larger 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (the third largest ever recorded) / tsunami in late 2004 that is now estimated to have claimed 275,000 lives. The tsunami was responsible for the bulk of the damage and casualties. The total costs of these events are still to early to measure, but probably won’t exceed the property damage caused by the 1995 Kobe earthquake, now estimated at more than $150 billion. Within the US (excluding earthquake-prone Alaska), neither the Los Angeles Quake (1994) nor even the great San Francisco event of 1906, were nearly as damaging. 2. Hurricane Katrina, however, was a major international story. It struck the vulnerable US Gulf Coast in August 2005 and brings the still-rising death count to over 1,000, which is serious but not remarkable for a major disaster. But together with extensive urban flooding that was a secondary effect, damage estimates from insurance costs alone are at $30 billion, with total rebuilding likely to exceed Kobe. This is easily the most expensive disaster ever to hit the US, eclipsing Andrew in 1992. Interestingly both hurricanes landed twice, 102

first in Florida, then in Louisiana. From Andrew the death toll was ‘only’ 26, but the property damage added up to (what was then) a staggering $25 billion. 3. The list contains several volcanoes. That of the Nevado del Ruiz (Columbia) in 1985 ended the lives of 25,000 people, most of them caught in a massive mudflow that poured down the stricken mountain. By comparison the Mount St. Helens eruption (1980) shattered the peak but had few victims. 4. The most devastating earthquake in modern times was the famous 1976 Tangshan magnitude 8 event in China, whose toll varies between the official 255,000, and a possible 655,000. This event truly began the modern era of intense seismic hazard monitoring in China and the West. Little is known of an earlier lethal earthquake that struck the Chinese city of Shaanzi in 1556. No magnitudes are quoted, and of course no recordings exist, but it is said to have taken the lives of 830,000 people. 5. This choice again highlights volcano-related disasters. Should I choose the Tambora, Indonesia volcano of 1815, in which 80,000 people died of the subsequent famine, or

the famous Krakatoa explosion, again in Indonesia, in 1883 in which more than 50,000 people perished, many of them like Sumatra engulfed in a tsunami? Well, you see I did both! 6. Very close to home here, the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-12 in southern Missouri remain the largest (3) earthquakes ever to hit the contiguous U.S. The main event is now estimated at a magnitude 7.8, although some earlier reports placed it higher (>8). Damage was relatively light due to the sparse population at that time in the Mid-West. Not so if it would happen today! 7. The event in 1737 that may have killed some 300,000 people around Calcutta, India, is now ascribed to a typhoon (the Asian equivalent of a hurricane) combined with massive flooding. Originally thought to be an earthquake, this is unlikely from a tectonics point of view - the major Himalayan seismicity is well to the north. This could be the most catastrophic atmospheric event ever recorded in terms of casualties. 8. Sounded by the bright blue Mediterranean Sea is the remnant of Stroggli, an island that literally blew up

somewhere around 1500 B.C. Now known as Santorini, the volcanic explosion (and the undoubted associated tsunami) virtually eradicated the wonderful Minoan civilization. Unlike Pompeii, the population may have been warned of the impending disaster because few bodies have been found. Plato himself clearly referred to Santorini as the site where the city of Atlantis disappeared under the waves. 9. Considerable evidence exists for a major global paleoclimate event that happened around 3000B.C. It appears to have affected sea-level changes, vegetation and much surface chemistry. There is speculation that this event is in fact the Biblical Flood of the Old Testament. Scientists naturally avoid equating ‘natural’ disasters with ‘Acts of God’, but in this case the time coincidence is very suggestive. 10. Perhaps the most devastating known mass extinction occurred at the Cretaceous-Tertiary Stratigraphic Boundary, 65 million years ago, and ended not only the dinosaurs but countless thousands of other species. The evidence now strongly favors an asteroid impact (off the Yucatan peninsula), rather than a volcanic eruption. Both of course are popular box office material. 103

uniQue ArTiCLes

by uniQue Staff

Caribbean Cruises


f you have ever wondered just what it would be like to set sail for the lush and tropical beauty of the Caribbean, a Caribbean cruise might be exactly what the doctor would order. One of the best things about cruising is that you pack and unpack one time in order to visit a smorgasbord of exciting, friendly destinations, each offering their own variety of fantasy and fun, as much as is available under the sun. While onboard your Caribbean cruise ship, you will enjoy the luxurious service that is comparable to a luxury five-star hotel, unfortunately you will need to get past the cramped quarters that you will be sleeping in! However, rest assured, there is simply so much to do, that sleeping is the only reason you would want to return to your state room. Aboard the ship activities and recreation abound to such a degree that they are often compared to other modern day resorts, except that this one is on the water.

Islands On Caribbean Cruises If you are going to book a Caribbean cruise, you will need to decide which islands you would like to visit. You will find itineraries that leave from the western, eastern and southern islands. Each ship’s route offers a wide variety of scenery and cultures, at each port of call you will be given the opportunity to experience all of the different activities and sights. You will, most probably, find that your itinerary includes a few of the islands with which you are familiar. However there will be a few others which will be brand new to


Booking A Caribbean Cruise

you and which prove to be well worth taking the time to explore. Your ship will dock at a variety of the ports that you pass throughout the length of your Caribbean cruise. You will be able to disembark to enjoy the various sights and sounds of the Caribbean. You may decide, while docked, to spend some of your time on the ship itself, and with so many wonderful things to do and so much delicious food available, who could blame you for wanting to remain onboard at times.

I am sure, that by now, you will have already decided that a Caribbean cruise is the choice for your next vacation, your next step will be to pick the cruise line that you would want to set sail with. Almost every cruise line offers trips to the Caribbean, and many will be fairly similar in their choice of the ports of call at which they stop at and the types of activities that are available onboard. It might be a good idea to choose a Caribbean cruise based upon the recommendation of a friend, or you could base your decision on your own desire to explore a particular cruise line for yourself. Many people choose to make their selection based on the advice of their local travel agent, this last option is the preferred method for booking a Caribbean cruise, this is especially the case if you are a ďŹ rst time cruiser. Most travel agents offer a professional service that will, not only, be able to make all of your arrangements for you, but they will also be able to offer advice on what to pack and how to prepare for your journey. Whatever cruise line, ship or itinerary you decide upon, you will most deďŹ nitely enjoy the vacation of a lifetime. Bon voyage!


uniQue AdViCe

by Sarah Al-Dahas

Advice of The Month “You can’t be old and wise if you were never young and crazy”


oung people are known to make the most stupid mistakes in their life, and sometimes they make great mistakes that make you think, how it’s going to be fixed or solved! And some young people are extremely careful in their lives so they won’t do any mistakes or put themselves in a situation. But how are they supposed to learn from life so they can become wise once they’re old?

Young people must enjoy their lives, experience things, do mistakes, and try to solve them, but it should not exceed the limits of our culture and religion. Solving those mistakes will give you a better sight at life, and you can help other youngsters with it. And once you’re old, you’ve become to know almost everything in life, because you’ve experienced it, and you can benefit younger people and sometimes people from your age. And by that you become wise. 106

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