uniQue Magazine - issue 6

Page 1

‫ﺑ ـ ـ ـ ـﺠ ـ ـ ـ ـﻬـ ـ ـ ــﻮﺩ ﺷـ ـ ـ ـﺒ ـ ـ ــﺎﺑـ ـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ـ ــﺔ ﻛ ـ ــﻮﻳـ ـ ـﺘـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ــﺔ‬

‫‪Issue 6‬‬

‫‪January 08‬‬

Unique Girls World



Unique Coverage


Unique Guys World

Unique Interview



Unique Stars World

Unique Way No Way



‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﻼﻗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺴﻮﻳﻖ‬ ‫ﻃﻼﻝ ﻋﻠﻲ ﺧﻠﻒ‬ ‫‪tkh@unique.com.kw‬‬ ‫ﺗﺼﻤﻴﻢ ﻭﺇﺧﺮﺍﺝ‬ ‫ﻋﺒﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺰﻳﺪﻱ‬ ‫‪design@unique.com.kw‬‬ ‫ﻫﻴﺌﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺳﺎﻣﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪﺍﻟﺮﺯﺍﻕ‬

‫ﺃﺳﻤﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺠﺎﺑﺮ‬

‫ﺃﻣﺜﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﻳﻔﺎﻥ‬

‫ﺇﻳﻤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻜﻨﺪﺭﻱ‬

‫ﺣﻨﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﻬﺎﺩﻱ‬

‫ﺧﺎﻟﺪ ﺍﻻﺑﺮﺍﻫﻴﻢ‬

‫ﺩﺍﻭﻭﺩ ﺃﺣﻤﺪ‬ ‫ﺭﺍﺋﺪﺓ ﺣﻴﺪﺭ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﺧﺎﻟﺪﻱ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﻴﻤﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

‫ﺩﻻﻝ ﺍﻟﺸﺎﻣﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺯﻳﻨﺐ ﺩﺷﺘﻲ‬ ‫ﺷﻬﺪ ﺍﻟﺴﺮﻳﻊ‬ ‫ﺷﻴﻤﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻤﻼ‬

‫ﻋﺬﺑﻲ ﻣﺠﺎﻫﺪ‬

‫ﻏﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﻼﻥ‬

‫ﻓﺮﺡ ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬

‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﺼﺎﻟﺢ‬

‫ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻨﺠﺪﻱ‬

‫ﻣﺮﻳﻢ ﺍﻟﺒﻜﺮ‬

‫ﻣﺮﻳﻢ ﺍﻟﻐﺎﻧﻢ‬

‫ﻣﻬﺎ ﺍﻟﻌﻨﺰﻱ‬

‫ﻧﻮﺭﻩ ﺷﻨﻴﺒﺮ‬

‫ﻳﻮﺳﻒ ﺍﻟﺒﺪﺭ‬

‫≈‪WK−L�« Í√— sŽ …—ËdC�UÐ d³Ò Fð ô WK−L�« w� ¡«—ü«Ë ôUIL�« Ê‬‬ ‫‪www.unique.com.kw‬‬ ‫‪Tel.: (965) 2429 662/ 4 - 2422 959 - Fax: (965) 2422 949‬‬


‫ﻧﺎﺋﺐ ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﻤﺮﻱ‬ ‫ﺳﺎﺭﺓ ﻓﺮﺣﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﹼ‬ ‫‪sfs@unique.com.kw‬‬




‫ﻣﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃ‪ .‬ﺣﺼﺔ ﻓﻴﺼﻞ ﺍﻟﺴﺮ ﹼﻳﻊ‬ ‫‪hfs@unique.com.kw‬‬


‫‪To Unique‬‬

‫ﺭﺋﻴﺲ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﺮﻳﺮ‬ ‫ﺃﺣﻤﺪ ﻋﻴﺴﻰ ﺍﻟﺜﻮﻳﻨﻲ‬ ‫‪aet@unique.com.kw‬‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻤﺪﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻡ‬ ‫ﻡ‪ .‬ﻣﺒﺎﺭﻙ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ‬ ‫‪mra@unique.com.kw‬‬



‫‪T³�ð U� rKF½ ô —uNýË lOÐUÝ√Ë ÂU¹√ UNF� √b³ð wJ� ¨ √bÐ …b¹bł WMÝ‬‬ ‫�‪WMÝ ÊuJ²Ý q¼ ÆÆu¼ ÊU�½≈ q� dÞUš w� ‰u−¹ Íc�« ‰«R��«Ë ¨UM‬‬ ‫‪øø œUOŽ_«Ë Õ«d�_« U¼RKLð WMÝ ÊuJ²Ý q¼ øø UMOKŽ dOš WMÝ 2008‬‬ ‫√‪vKŽ UNONM¹ Ê√ tK�« s� sOł«— UNO�UO�Ë UN�U¹√ V�×½ WMÝ ÊuJ²Ý Â‬‬ ‫‪øø Ê«eŠ√ s� X³Kł UL� dOš‬‬ ‫�‪¡«d‬‬


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‫ﺃﻣـــﺎﻛــﻦ ﺍﻟــﺘـﻮﺯﻳـﻊ‬

‫ﺍﻟﻤﺠﻠﺔ ﺍﻟﻮﺣﻴﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻮ ﹼﺯﻉ ﻓﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ‬

∫ U¼e²ML�«

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Think Different Be

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Unique CoVeRaGe

Himam “Shabab in Action”

bý«d�« bL×� d¹uBð

rðUŠ V¹dž bL×� Æ U¹ËULO�Ëd²³K� X¹uJ¹≈ W�dA� W�UF�« U�öF�«Ë ÂöŽù« d¹b�

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‫ ﺗﺘﺤﺪﻯ ﺍﻟﺼﻌﺎﺏ‬.. ‫ﻫﻤﻢ ﺍﻟﺸﺒﺎﺏ‬

Shabab in Action

rL¼ Z�U½dÐ u¼Ë b¹bł Z�U½dÐ ÕU²²�UÐ W�—U³L�« UNðdO�� rL¼ lÐU²ð WOLM²� ·bN¹ Íc�«Ë ¢ Shabab in Action ¢ »UFB�« Èbײð »U³A�« ’dH�« rN� TONð YO×Ð ÎUOÐU−¹≈ UO²H�«Ë »U³A�« Èb� Íbײ�« ÕË—

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Unique CoVeRaGe

Himam “Shabab in Action”

wM¹u¦�« bLŠ√Ë nK��« ‰öÞ ¡ö�e�«Ë »UNA�« b�Uš Æ√

‫ ﺗﺘﺤﺪﻯ ﺍﻟﺼﻌﺎﺏ‬.. ‫ﻫﻤﻢ ﺍﻟﺸﺒﺎﺏ‬

Shabab in Action

‫«��‪wÞuAL�« bO�Ë bO‬‬ ‫½‪WOÐU³A�« Z�«d³�« d¹b� VzU‬‬

‫ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺑﺮﻋﺎﻳﺔ‪:‬‬

‫ﺑﺎﻟﺘﻌﺎﻭﻥ ﻣﻊ‪:‬‬

Unique CoVeRaGe “Shabab” in “Action”

ÍdłUN�« d¹UÝ »—b²L�«

“Shabab” in “Action” Shabab in Action »UFB�« Èbײð »U³A�« rL¼ Z�U½dÐ UO�UF� sL{ ÊuŽuD²L�« ÷U??š ¨rLN�« ÷UNM²Ýô vH�Uײ�« ŸËd??A?L?�« Z??�«d??Ð b??Š√ d¹b� VzU½ ·«dýSÐ WOL�U��« ¡UHÞ≈ e�dLÐ UOKLŽ U³¹—bð UŽuD²L�«Ë bO�Ë ØbO��« rLN�« ÷UNM²Ýô wH�Uײ�« ŸËdAL�« v� WOÐU³A�« Z�«d³�« PHDL�« Ÿ«u½√ lOLł «b�²ÝUÐ o¹dŠ l� UЗb²L�« XK�UFð b�Ë vÞuAL�« ÆWO�Ë_« U�UFÝù« vKŽ vKLF�« V¹—b²�UÐ »U³A�« ÂU� Ë bý«d�« bL×� d¹uBð

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—uC×�« —U³� UDÝu²� ÍdOLF�« bOý— Æœ

‫ ﺭﺷﻴﺪ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻴﺮﻱ ﺭﺋﻴﺲ ﺍﺳﺘﻨﻬﺎﺽ‬.‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻬﻤﻢ ﻳﻠﻘﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﺿﺮﺓ ﺍﻻﻓﺘﺘﺎﺣﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﻣﻨﺘﺪﻯ ﺍﻟﺘﻄﻮﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻮﻇﻴﻔﻲ ﺍﻟﺨﻠﻴﺠﻲ‬

‫ﺇﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﺍﻫﺐ‬ w� w−OK��« wHOþu�« d¹uD²�« Èb²ML� ”œU��« ÍuM��« dLðRL�« UO�UF� Xײ²�« »U½ Íc�« ”—UH�« sLŠd�«b³Ž o¹dH�« w�uŠ k�U×� —uC×Ð 2007 d³L�¹œ 10 ÆbLŠ_« ·«u½ aOA�« bNF�« w�Ë uLÝ dLðRL�« wŽ«— sŽ WOÐUI½ dOž WO−OKš WOMN� WDЫ— uN� WOMNL�« UFL−²�« bŠ√ q¦L¹ Èb²ML�« «c¼Ë ŸUDIÐ sOL²NL�«Ë sOKG²AL�«Ë ¡«d³��« s� w−OK��« ÊËUF²�« fK−� ‰Ëœ ¡UMÐ_ ÆV¹—b²�«Ë wHOþu�« d¹uD²�«Ë W¹dA³�« œ—«uL�« WOLMð W�K−�« bIF½«Ë dLðRLK� WOŽ«d�« UN−�« r¹dJð rð ÕU²²�ô« UO�UF� W¹UN½ w�Ë ÍdOLF�« bOý— —u²�b�« oÐU��« jHM�« d¹“Ë UNO� d{UŠ w²�«Ë dLðRLK� v??�Ë_« o¹dH�« wÐœ WÞdA� ÂUF�« bzUI�«Ë ÕU³B�« d�UM�« ÕU³� aOA�« ŸU�b�« …—«“Ë qO�ËË —u²�b�« WO×B�« ÂuKF�« WOK� bOLŽ WÝUzdÐ W�K−�« bIŽË rOLð ÊUHKš wŠU{ ÆwH¹dA�« qBO�

tðd{U×� ¡UI�≈ ¡UMŁ√ ÍdOLF�« bOý— Æœ

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—b³�« nÝu¹ d¹uBð

‫ﺃﻭﻝ ﻣﻌﺮﺽ ﺻﻮﺭ ﻓﻮﺗﻮﻏﺮﺍﻓﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﻜﻮﻳﺖ‬ ÍœUM�« l� oO�M²�UÐ X¹uJ�« WF�U−Ð W�UF�« U�öF�« …—«œ≈ X�U�√ W¹b�U��UÐ WÝbMN�« WOK� w� WO�«džuðuH�« —uBK� U{dF� wLKF�« X¹uJ�« w� W×¹dý r¼√ w� U¼“«dÐ≈Ë V¼«uL�« qI� v�≈ ·bN¹ Íc�«Ë ÆWF�U−�« W³KÞ w¼Ë qBO� Æ√ WF�U−�UÐ ÂöŽù«Ë W�UF�« U�öF�« …—«œ≈ d¹b� dJý bI�Ë ÂUI¹ ·uÝ t½√ b�√Ë ¨÷dFLK� sOLEML�«Ë sO�—UAL�« lOLł bOBI� ÆwÝ«—œ qB� q� w� d¹uB²�« ÷dF�

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Red Bull Gravity Challenge

rO¼«dÐô« b�Uš d¹uBð

Red Bull ‫ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ ﺍﻟﺨﻠﻴﺞ‬ WF�Uł w� …eOL� WO�UF� ©qÐ b¹—® X�U�√ W³KD�« s??� b¹bF�« „—U??ý b??�Ë ZOK��« W��UM� ¡«u??ł√ j??ÝË WO�UFH�« Ác??¼ w� n�«uL�«Ë WOK�²�« s� dO¦J�« XMLCðË ÆWH¹dD�«

Unique CoVeRaGe

Kuwait International Car Show

rO¼«dÐô« b�Uš d¹uBð

‫ﻣــ ـ ـ ـﻌـ ـ ـ ــﺮﺽ ﺍﻟ ـ ـ ـﻜـ ـ ــﻮﻳـ ـ ــﺖ‬ ‫ﺍﻟـ ـ ـ ــﺪﻭﻟـ ـ ـ ــﻲ ﻟ ـ ـﻠ ـ ـﺴ ـ ـﻴـ ــﺎﺭﺍﺕ‬ WOKš«b�« d?? ¹“Ë —u??C? ×? ÐË W??¹U??Ž— X??×?ð WDA½√ XIKD½« b??�U??�? �« d??ÐU??ł a??O?A?�« WK�KÝ w� …b¹bł WOÝUO� …—Ëœ UO�UF�Ë «—UO�K� w�Ëb�« X¹uJ�« ÷dF� «—Ëœ X¹uJ�« ÷dF� W�dý tLEMðË tLOIð Íc�« W??O?�Ëb??�« ÷—U??F? L? �« ÷—√ v??K?Ž w??�Ëb??�« 4 v�≈ d³L�u½ 28 …d²H�« ‰öš ·dALÐ Æ2007 d³L�¹œ

Unique CoVeRaGe


rO¼«dÐô« b�Uš d¹uBð

‫ﺍﻟ ـ ـ ـﻤ ـ ـ ـﻌـ ـ ــﺮﺽ ﺍﻟ ـ ــﻮﻇـ ـ ـﻴـ ـ ـﻔ ـ ــﻲ ﻓ ــﻲ‬ GUST ‫ﺟـ ـ ــﺎﻣ ـ ـ ـﻌـ ـ ــﺔ ﺍﻟـ ـ ـﺨـ ـ ـﻠـ ـ ـﻴ ـ ــﺞ‬ ÊU�«— UOłu�uMJ²�«Ë ÂuKFK� ZOK��« WF�Uł W³KÞ WDЫ— fOz— UŽœ wHOþu�« ÷dFL�« vKŽ ŸöÞô«Ë —uC×K� W³KD�« lOLł W�UCH�« WF�U−�« d¹b� W¹UŽ— X×ð 2007 d³L�¹œ 5 a¹—U²Ð `²²�« Íc�« l� ÊËUF²�UÐ WDЫd�« t²�U�√ Íc??�« ¨ÊöO×L�« sLŠd�«b³Ž Æœ UNMOÐ WNł 22 u×½ tO� „—UýË ¨WF�U−�UÐ wMNL�« d¹uD²�« e�d� U¾ON�« V½Uł v�≈ ’U��« ŸUDI�« w� U�dA�« Èd³� s� œbŽ ÆWO�uJ×�«

Unique CoVeRaGe

`�UB�« bL×� d¹uBð

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Unique CoVeRaGe


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Unique CoVeRaGe

British Comedy Awards

Actor George Clooney (R) poses with Dubai International Film Festival Chairman Abdulhamid Juma

Sarah Larson

4th Annual Dubai International Film Festival - Michael Clayton Actor George Clooney

December 9, 2007 Dubai, United Arab Emirates George Clooney, Star of Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) Opening Night film Michael Clayton, spoke about Dubai, in Dec 9, 2007.

Actor George Clooney attends a press conference for the movie ‘Michael Clayton’

Clooney spoke highly of Dubai, saying: “It is really wonderful to be back here. We shot a film that was really dear to my heart in Dubai--Syrian--and it took a lot of guts to allow that. I’m glad to be back in a city and country that welcomed us.”

Actor George Clooney (R) with fiance Sarah Larson

Unique CoVeRaGe

Director Denzel Washington and Paulette Washington

The Great Debaters

Producer Oprah Winfrey

Holly Willoughby Christopher Denzel Whitaker and Jermaine Williams Biggins

The Weinstein Company Presents the Los Angeles Premiere of “The Great Debaters” December 11, 2007 - Arclight Theater Hollywood, California United States

Dave Winfield and Tonya Turner

Joanna Shimkus and Sidney Poitier

Director Denzel Washington and producer Oprah Winfrey

Jackson Walker and Johnathon Schaech

Director Denzel Washington, Paulette Washinton, LaTanya Richardson and Samuel L. Jackson

Jennifer Hudson

Unique CoVeRaGe

2007 NASCAR Nextel Cup

Driver Kevin Harvick, driver Clint Bowyer and driver Jeff Burton

Driver Jimmie Johnson

2007 NASCAR Nextel Cup - Victory Lap in New York November 28, 2007 Streets of Manhattan New York, NY United States The Chevy Corvette NASCAR Nextel Cup OfďŹ cial Pace Car

Driver Jimmie Johnson, driver Jeff Gordon and Clint Bowyer

Driver Jeff Gordon

Driver Kyle Busch

Race car driver Jimmie Johnson

Unique CoVeRaGe

Bee Movie

Actress Ophelie Winter

French actor Gad Elmaleh and Jerry Seinfeld

Bee Movie Paris Premiere December 2, 2007 Paris, France

French actor Gad Elmaleh

Actors Renee Zellweger and Jerry Seinfeld

Actors Gad Elmaleh, Renee Zellweger, Jerry Seinfeld and Antoine Dulery

Cartouche and daughter Nina

TV personality Elsa Fayer and daugthers

Unique CoVeRaGe

Ed Hardy Store

Christian Audigier

Musicians Tyga and Gata

Ed Hardy Store Opening at Beverly Center December 1, 2007 - Beverly Center, Beverly Hills, California United States

Actor Teck Holmes

Big Fred and Sam Cassell

Ed Hardy model

Musician Chopper

DJ Quik and guest


Unique CoVeRaGe





3 1- Robert Evans sighting on November 11, 2007 in Beverly Hills, California. 2- Beth Ostrosky sighting on December 10, 2007 in New York City, New York. 3- Jennifer Garner, Violet Afeck and Ben Afeck sighting in New York City on December 10, 2007. 4- Howard Stern sighting on December 10, 2007 in New York City. 5- Madonna sighting in New York City on December 9, 2007. 6- Padma Lakshmi sighting at the Waverly Inn restaurant on December 8, 2007 in New York City, New York. 7- Wilmer Valderrama sighting on Hollywood Blvd. on December 6, 2007 in Los Angeles, California. 8- Heather Graham sighting on Sunset Boulevard December 5, 2007 in Hollywood, California.



4 8

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Unique InTeRvieW

by Asma’a Al-Jaber Asmaa_J@unique.com.kw

‫ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪ ﺍﻟﺮﺑﻴﻌﺎﻥ‬ ‫ﻣﺰﻳﺞ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻫﺒﺔ‬ ‫ﻭﺍﻟﺨﺒﺮﺓ‬ WO�eML�« «—u??J? ¹b??�« ‰U??−? � w??� l??O? �— ‚Ë– t??� ÆÆŸb?? ÐQ?? � r??L?� ÂU� q??Ð ÆÆj??I?� UNLOLB²Ð wH²J¹ rK� ÆÆWOKš«b�« rO�UB²�«Ë rOLB²�« U�dý d³�√Ë ÀUŁ_« ö×� œułË vÝUMð ÆÆÁbOÐ UNFMBÐ u¼ ZðUM�« ÊUJ� ÆÆÁbOÐ ¡wý qJÐ ÂuI¹ Ê√ vKŽ d�√Ë ÆÆ—uJ¹b�«Ë UNO�—Ë UN�UL−Ð WIÞU½ WŠu� ‰eML�« s� qFł qÐ ÆÆqOLł ‰eM� s�Ë ÆÆÊUFOÐd�« bŽU�� u¼ s� d¦�√ ·dF½ U½uŽb� ÆÆlO�d�« UN�Ë–Ë ÆV¼«uL�« pKð q� d−H²²� tÐ dŁQð Íc�« h�A�« u¼ w� œu??łu??� u??¼ U??� q??� l??O?M?B?ðË r??O?L?B?ð …d??J? � p??� X?? ð√ n??O? � øøp�eM� ¨dGB�« cM� dJH�« «c??¼ Íb??� Ê√ w�H½ w� XOI� W¹«b³�« w� ≠ rN�ULŽ√ V�«—√Ë ‰eML�« v�≈ ‰ULF�« VKł√ XM� d³� U�bMŽ sJ�Ë Z¹dš wM½√ YOŠ ¨t??Ð Êu�uI¹ Íc??�« qLF�« W�uNÝ s� »dG²Ý«Ë ¨w²Ý«—œ w� WOMH�« ‰ULŽ_« s� dO¦J�« XLKFðË WOŽUMB�« WOKJ�« eOL�Ë qOLł u¼ U� q� qLF� wM�Ë w²³¼u� dO��²Ð XL� p�c�Ë Æw�eM� w� ø ‰eML�« w� UNÐ XL� w²�« ¡UOý_« w¼ U�Ë UŠuK�«Ë ÀUŁ_« v²Š ¨Íb¹ lM� s� ‰eML�« w� u¼ U� VKž√ ≠ WF²L�« s� dO¦J�« p�– w� bł√ U½Q� ¨dO�«uM�«Ë qÝUGL�«Ë WI¹b×�«Ë tFMBÐ Âu??�√ Íc�U� ¨nKJ� dOž tÐ Âu??�√ Íc??�« qLF�« Ê√ UL� ¨ ‚u��« w� ÁdF�Ð W½—UI� ‰UL�« s� qOKI�« qOKI�« ô≈ wMHKJ¹ ô —dJ� Ábł√ ôË ’U��« w�Ëc� oÐUD� u¼ tÐ Âu�√ U� Ê√ W�UšË Æ uO³�« w�UÐ w� XL� Â√ „b??¹ lM� s??� tFOLł t??Ð ÂuIð Íc??�« qLF�« ÊU??� q??¼Ë ø sOOMH�« bŠQÐ W½UF²ÝôUÐ wM½_ sOOMH�« s� ÍQÐ sF²Ý« r�Ë ¨wKLŽË ÍbN−Ð tK� ÊU� rF½ ≠ ÆÍbŠË tKLFÐ Âu�_ WO�UJ�« …d³��« Èb� Ê√ d�–Ë o³Ý UL� 35

Unique InTeRvieW

by Asma’a Al-Jaber Asmaa_J@unique.com.kw

‫ﺍﺑﻨﺘﻲ ﺳﺮ ﻧﺠﺎﺣﻲ‬ bF²Ý« v²Š w½b½UÝ s�Ë ¨wðU�UÞ d−� s� w¼ ‚Ëd??ý w²MЫ ÊËœ W�uD� UŽUÝ wF� fK−ð X½UJ� ¨w²¹e�« rÝd�« W³¼u� Ác¼ wMŽ À—Ë s� wN� ¨wMF−AðË —UJ�_« wMODFð ¨qK� Ë√ qK� s� dO¦J�« w� tOKŽ bL²Ž√ ¡Ídł dJ� UN²KO�� w� bł√ ¨W³¼uL�« ÆUN²³¼u� Íu²×¹ s� ‰Ë√ Êu�QÝ tK�« Ê–SÐË ¨¡UOý_«


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Unique ArTiCLes


by Ghalia Al-Shamlan Ghalia_s@unique.com.kw

Learn to let it go!




s you know, there are many situations that haunt us and make us think over and over again. Our minds can’t presume that the moment is over and there is nothing to do, but learn from it. In this case; we need to sit back, relax and learn from our prior mistakes. There are many types of relaxation, but the one here is used to cure mental fatigue. There are many things in life that lead to anxiety. As students and adults, we can handle them and learn to get through them vigorously. There are a few steps and tips that may direct you to the healthy path of life. Try one or maybe all of them and determine whether you feel better or not?

Relaxing advice: 1) Don’t watch TV, because it raises your stress especially if you are not interested. 2) Try to lie down, close your eyes and relax for a few minutes to concentrate on your breathing. 3) Laugh - it’s a cheap medicine. 4) Cut yourself some slack, don’t beat yourself up for small mistakes. 5) Make sure you get enough sleep. 6) Take a bubble bath whenever you feel down. We get stressed because of our jobs, universities, or even multiple tasks at home; and the only way to reduce the stress is to let go and relax. Since most of us are students, let us consider getting ready for finals. Personally, I try to convince myself that I don’t really care about my grade but deep down I’m so worried. How did I get over it and learn to relax? I got to prepare myself to take a final and that doesn’t necessarily mean studying only. I need to be prepared physically and mentally at the same time. The more relaxed a person, the better chance he/she gets to succeed and that’s a step to overcome anxiety. The steps listed




below may help you to relax before a big exam, final, SAT and/or any of the college placement tests. Tips to relax before the FINALS: 1) Study ahead of time and be prepared. 2) Organize your time carefully. 3) Take adequate amount of breaks. 4) Mix things to prevent boredom. 5) The closer the test gets the less you should do. 6) Eat healthy and energizing foods (during breaks not during studying). 7) Take enough rest the day before the test. 8) Don’t do last minute studying. 9) Get to the test location early. 10) Don’t revise anything 10 to 15minutes before the test. These are all important and you should practice before your final strikes you. You need to organize your breaks and your studying time with energetic and/or fun activities. These activities help you to relax - as relaxing is like stretching your mind and preparing it for running. Make sure to eat breakfast on the day of the test, so that you can complete the test on time. Last minute studying isn’t helpful at all – it may actually do the opposite and makes you forget other information. It may also increase the nervousness in a person. Relaxing and resting are very important skills that we should be taught as humans. Many people are known to be workaholics and it hard for them to relax, but yet most of them tend to forget their families or the meaning of being happy. Take at least 1 minute every hour to drop your head back and relax because it increases humans’ productivity. A philosopher once stated that “you don’t need to travel to find peace; you will find that deep quiet place in your room, garden or even your tub”.

Unique ArTiCLes

by Mariam Al-Ghanim Mariam_g@unique.com.kw

‫ﻣﺼﻴﺮ ﺍﻟﺨﻄﻮﺑﺔ‬

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Shahad Al-Soraye’a Shahad_s@unique.com.kw


eenagers have gone mad in Kuwait! What are they trying to do kill themselves? .. Some say they want to try something dangerous, others say its fun. But DRUGS? .. This problem is increasing alot In Kuwait, and it needs to stop! When teenagers get depressed, or stressed out they take drugs. Let me tell you one thing this doesn’t solve anything it makes it even worse! You could get many diseases or get killed using any kind of drugs. Why isn’t anyone doing something about this problem? They should work harder to stop letting people bringing drugs to Kuwait. It’s wrong to your religion and yourself to take drugs. I don’t even know how they sell it to teenagers at the age of 16-20. Don’t they feel guilty! Teens started selling them in the school bathrooms, or in a place that no one could see them. Accidents can happen when someone’s on drugs. For example you could seriously injure someone, or even worse kill someone by accident. Parents need to be closer with their children and try to help them with any problem they have so they don’t get into these kinds of troubles. They need to keep an eye on them. Teenagers who are now addicts should find any kind of help that leads them into stopping their addiction.

Under-Aged Drug Addicts! 40

Unique TaLkaTiVe

By Zainab Dashti Zainab_d@unique.com.kw

‫ﺑﺎﻋﺘﻘﺎﺩﻛﻢ ﺃﻥ ﺍﻟﺴﻤﺎﺀ ﺗﻤﻄﺮ ﺃﻣﻮﺍ ﹰ‬ ‫ﻻ؟‬ U¼dFÝ …e³��« v²Š ÆÆWO�UOš Wł—œ tO� lIðdð X�U� —UFÝ_« Ê≈ UMEŠô WMÝ sŽ qIð U� …b�Ë WDO�Ð …d²� s� °°°W??�u??I? F? � ÆÆlHð—« w� tK�«Ë ÆÆÊUJ� qJÐ lHðdð —UFÝ_« wK�¹ V³Ý u� «c¼ fÐ ÆÆwý qJÐ UNOKŽ rFM� tK�« …d¹œ UMŠ≈ Z� WAOFL�« U³KD²� vKŽ øøuMý vKŽË ÆÆhK�� dłUÐ ÂuO�« ‘UFL�« rK²�ð ÆƉbŽ gOFð …—œU� u� ”U½ ÆWO�uO�« s� 70% w�«uŠ Z²M� q� dFÝ ŸUHð—≈ q�Ë Ë ÆÆUNðU−²M� —UFÝ√ lOLł s� l�dð X�U� UOFL−�« Õ«— fK� 250 ÁdFÝ wK�« wA�« …dOB� …d²� bFÐ wMF¹ øøwMF¹ uMý ÊË—bð 70% ÆÆtO�Ë_« t²LO� °° ÆÆWMÝ bFÐ oŠ ÂuO�« s� ÊËËuKO−¹ rN½≈ q¹«uF�« q� `B½√ U½¬ wMF¹ °°—UM¹bÐ dOB¹ Íd²A¹ dNA�UÐ ÆƉUHÞ√ 3 sŽ qI¹ U� r¼œbŽ ‰UOŽ ÁbMŽ «–≈ bŠ«u�« ÊU� q³� fH½ sO×�« fÐ ¨—UM¹œ 60 sŽ b¹e¹ U� jO�ÐË ‰u³I� dF�Ð XO³�« ÷«dž√ nFCÐ öGA�« fH½ Íd²A¹ …dÝ_« »— ÕËd¹Ë wý ôË UNO� dOGð U� WK¹UF�« sJL� ‰Ë√ Ê≈ ržd�« vKŽ °°° fÐ Ÿu³Ý√ oŠ tOHJð öGý vKŽË ¨mK³L�« ÆdNý tOHJð UNF¹UCÐ —UFÝ√ XFHð—« ö×L�«Ë ‚«uÝ_« lOLł Ê≈ kŠô qJ�« UF³ÞË Ê≈ d³š «u�b� U� ö×L�« »U×�√ wMF¹ °°Vð«Ëd�« ÊËb¹e¹ ô q³� ÆÆ«u�UL�«Ë u�_« «uF�—« sOMÞ«uL�« Vð«Ë— vKŽ …œU¹“ w� ¡UMŽ b??F?ÐË «d??O? š√Ë ©…dE²ML�« 50 ? ? �«® «Ëd?? �« UF³Þ s??O?×?�«Ë ÆÆq??¹u??Þ dOB¹ wA�«Ë t�U� q�Ë …œU¹e�« s� …b¹UH�Uý WŽULł U¹ fÐ øøvKž√ —«d� sOFKD� u� ÍœUI²ŽUÐ U??½√ b¹«Ë —UFÝ_« iOH�ð h�¹ sO�L��U¼ s??� s??�? Š√ v??K?Ž ÕËd?? ? ?ð Õ«— w???K? ?�« ÆÆÆ—UFÝ_UÐ «œU¹e�« ‰u?? ? �√Ë œ—√ d?? O? ?š_U?? ÐË ÆÆrJ� ¡UL��« Ê√ r�œUI²ŽUÐ q¼ ø Îô«u�√ dDLð


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Unique CriTiCiSM

By Nora Shnaiber nora_s@unique.com.kw

‫ﻭﻗﻔﺎﺕ‬ °øÆÆs¹√ v�≈ rOKF²�« lL²−L�« ¡UM³� ÊU??¹—Ëd??{ Ê«d?? �√ rOKF²�«Ë rKF�« bL×�« tK�Ë V??ð«d??L?�« vKŽ√ v??�≈ ‰u??�u??K?�Ë ¨W??O? �—Ë ¨rOKF²�« WOL¼_ „—b�Ë rKF²� lL²−� w� gOF½ s×½ dOGð UMðUOŠ l�«Ë w� Á«d½ U�Ë ¨t� ∆ËU�� „UM¼ sJ�Ë s� V²J�«Ë Z¼UML�« dOGð `??³?�√Ë ¨t³O�UÝ√Ë rOKF²�« «c¼ U�uKF� Èu²×�Ë ÊuLC� sOÝUM²� WLNL�« ¡UOý_« Â√ U¾Oý rKF�« V�UD� b¹eð Èd??ð U¹ q??¼Ë ¨—dIL�« »U²J�« rOKF²�« Èu²�� w½bð s� Á«d½ U� ø°ZNML�« dOOG²� jI� UN½√ ·dFð ô ”U½√ q³I²�L�« w� tMŽ Z²MOÝ Á¡«—Ë UMzUMÐ√ ŸUO{Ë qLF�« WKŠdL� XK�Ë UN½_ jI� qLF²Ý `�_UÐË qLFð «–U� °ø°œuBIL�« rOKF²�« u¼ «c¼ qN� ÆÆrOKF²�« WKŠd� s� ¡UN²½ô«Ë ørOKF²�« s¹√ v�≈ ÆÆƉuI½Ë

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Unique ArTiCLes

by Yousef Al-Bader yousef_b@unique.com.kw

(2) ‫ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﻇﻬﻮﺭ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﺍﺋﻢ ﺍﻟﻄﻼﺑﻴﺔ‬ WOÐöD�« rz«uI�« —uNþ W¹«bÐË X¹uJ�« Ÿd� ¡UA½≈ b²�« WOF�U−�« …—«œù« l� …b¹bŽ U{ËUH� bFÐË ¨X¹uJ�« WM¹b� w� X¹uJ�« W³KD� wMÞu�« œU×ðû� Ÿd� ¡UA½≈ p�– VKDðË X¹uJ�« WF�Uł QA½√ 1966 ÂUŽ w� œ«bŽ_« UN{dHð w²�« «dOG²LK� WO²¹uJ�« WOÐöD�« W�d×�« ÷dFð wMF¹ …uD��« Ác¼ vKŽ «b�ù« Ê√ ô≈ ÆWF�U−�« Ÿd� X¹uJ�« W³KD� wMÞu�« œU×ðù« QA½√ «uM�� »dF�« sOO�uI�« W�dŠ U�UIA½« p�c� øW¹cOHM²�« W¾ON�« w� q¦L²L�« œU×ðù« …œUO� tF³²ð Íc�« ÍdJH�« j��UÐ UNK� v{d²Ý qN� WF�U−�« qšbð w²�« W³KD�« s� WKzUN�« bFÐ dNþ w²�« UNłu²�« Ác¼ “dÐ√ s�Ë ¨W�d×�« X²Að bFÐ “dÐ WHK²�� UNłuð v�≈ wL²Mð «—UOð …bŽ “ËdÐ w� r¼UÝË œU×ðù« …œUO� vKŽ fJF½« X¹uJ�« Ÿd� Æ1994 ÂUŽ —b� Íc�« X¹uJ�« w� WOÝUO��« ULOEM²�«Ë UFL−²�« …QA½ ‰uŠ WO�Ë√ `�ö� tÐU²� w� ”d¹bL�« Õö� Æœ UNHM� UL� »dF�« sOO�uI�« W�dŠ ÂU�I½« Æw�uI�« j��«Ë Íd�UM�« ZNM�UÐ lL−²�« Âe²�«Ë w�UDI�« rÝUł tLŽeð Íc�«Ë ∫wMÞu�« lL−²�« ? 1 ÆWOLKF�« WO�«d²ýù« vKŽ bL²F¹ b¹bł j�Ð X�e²�«Ë WO�¹—U²�« …œUOI�« UNOKŽ oKD¹Ë VOD��« bLŠ√ WŽuL−� w¼Ë ∫sOO²¹uJ�« sOOÞ«dIL¹b�« sOO�bI²�« W�dŠ ? 2 W³BŽ vL�ð Èdš√ W�dŠ UNMŽ XIA½«Ë `K�L�« ÕUHJ�«Ë WO��—UL�« WOłu�b¹_UÐ X�e²�«Ë »dF�« sOO�uI�« W�dŠ —U�¹ q¦Lð w²�«Ë ∫WO³FA�« W¹—u¦�« W�d×�« ?3 vKŽ Èdš_« WO�uI�« W¹—U�O�« ULOEM²�« n�U×ð bFÐ lÐU��« dLðRL�« w� WI¦�« UNMŽ X³−Š v²Š W¹cOHM²�« W¾ON�« vKŽ UNO�≈ sOOL²ML�« W³KD�« dDOÝ ¨sOOŽuOA�« ÆUNÞUIÝ≈ X¹uJ�« WF�Uł w� UÐU�²½« ‰Ë√ ∫ «—U³²Ž« …bF� W��UM²� WOÐöÞ ö²Jð Ë√ U�öš „UM¼ sJ¹ r�Ë 1969 ÂUŽ w� WF�U−�« Ÿd� w� UÐU�²½« ‰Ë√ X¹dł√ ÆœU×ðù« W¹uCŽ vKŽ ‰uB×K� wLÝ— VKÞ r¹bIð ◊d²A¹ t½√ ÎU�uBš X¹uJ�« WF�Uł W³KÞ Èb� wÐUIM�« wŽu�« nF{ ? 1 Âd×�« w� aÝd¹ Ê√ bÐô œułË W�Q�� UÐU�²½ù« WOC� XKFł rNFL−¹ wÐöÞ rOEMð ¡UA½≈ w� W³KD�« oŠ ‰uŠ WOF�U−�« …—«œù«Ë W³KD�« sOÐ …œułuL�« W�“_« ? 2 WOFL−�« œUIF½« lM� qł√ s� WOF�U−�« …—«œù« UN²F{Ë w²�« qO�«dFK� W−O²½ ŸdHK� …bŠ«Ë …œUO� vKŽ ŸULłù« X¹uB²�« rN� o×¹ s¹c�« W³KD�« lOL−Ð «bŠ UL� wF�U−�« ÆŸdHK� WO�uLF�« ÆÈdš√ UOłu�Ëb¹√ s� s¹dš¬ sO��UM� œułË ÂbŽ ? 3 WOÐöD�« rz«uI�« ÂUOI� v�Ë_« …—«dA�« X½U� WHK²�� UNłuð WŁöŁ UÐU�²½ô« X{Uš YOŠ 1972 ÂUŽ UÐU�²½« v²Š Èd−ð WF�U−�« Ÿd� UÐU�²½« dL²Ý«Ë w� rz«uI�« …QA½ W¹«bÐ cM� WF�U−�« Ÿd� UÐU�²½« X{Uš w²�« rz«uI�« q� v�≈ ‚dD²MÝË tOK¹ Íc�« ÂUF�« w� ô≈ UN� ¡ULÝ√ Àö¦�« rz«uI�« Ác¼ c�²ð r�Ë ¨U¼œbFðË ‰öš s� UN�H½ tÐ nBð U� V�Š rz«uI�« Ác¼ UŠËdÞ« d�cMÝË UNðUNłuð ·ö²š« rž— rz«uI�« iFÐ ¡ULÝ√ tÐUAð kŠöOÝË »U²J�« «c¼ œ«bŽ≈ a¹—Uð v²Š 1972 Æ U�uKFL�« s� b¹e� cš_ UNO�≈ Ÿułd�« sO¦ŠU³K� sJL¹ v²Š UNðœU� w²�« UOB�A�« “dÐ√ d�cMÝ UL� UNÐ X�U� w²�« ‰ULŽ_« Ë√ UNð«dA½Ë UNðUOÐœ√ ÆÆ l³²¹


Unique ArTiCLes

by Amthal AL-Orifan amthal_o@unique.com.kw

‫ﺳﻼﻡ ﺑﺎﺑﺎ ﺳﻼﻡ ﻣﺎﻣﺎ‬ W�U�²Ðô«Ë t¹uOݬ Ë√ ÍuOݬ wI¹dÞ w� ·œU�√ tDÝË v²Š Ë√ Ádš¬ Ë√ —UNM�« W¹«bÐ w� «d{U×L�« X½U� ¡«uÝ wð«d{U×� dCŠ_ WF�U−�« v�≈ V¼–√ Âu¹ q� w� XM� qÐ ÆÆ…d²� bFÐ ô≈ UN³Žu²Ý« r� ¨pOÐU�� ‘d�d� Ë√ ‰U� b¹d½ UM½≈ ÊËbBI¹ rN½√ kŠô√ r� d�_« ∆œUÐ w� °° U�U� rJOKŽ Âö��« Êu�uI¹ Ê–ù« tO� Ê–ù« s� l�® U¼dOžË rŽUDL�UÐ r¼«d½ s¹c�« rNÐU×�QÐ sOK¦L²� ÕU³B�« w� t� r�²³¹ s� b−¹ ÊQÐ WÝ«—bK� V�UD�« WONý `²H²� WF�U−�« UN²F{Ë …b¹bł WI¹dÞ UN½≈ rN�√ U� ÍbMN�« «—Uýù« iFÐ w� Èd½ V¹dG�«Ë ÆÆ…—Uýù« bMŽ n�√ U�bMŽ v²Š Ë√ ‚u��« v�≈ Xłdš «–≈ v²ŠË ¨WC¹dŽ W�U�²ÐUÐ Âö��« œ—√ XMJ� ¨©…b¹bŽ ‚Ëd� œułË °øø qLF¹ ô «–UL� ‰«R��« UM¼Ë °° …—Uý≈ w³¹ fÐ °° pF�UD¹ fÐ bŽU� nEM¹

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ô U½Q� ¨X¹uJ�« WO���« W³O³×�« UM²�Ëœ w� dO³� qJAÐ XAHð …d¼UE�« Ác¼ w²�« rNðU�dýË W³F� tÐdžË UN½uKOF¹ qz«uŽ rN¹b� ÎUC¹√ rN� rNLKþ√ Ê√ b¹—√ WDIM�« Ác¼ lC½ Ê√ sJLO� ¨ô ÁdAŽË rNðUýUF� rN½uDF¹ dNý UNÐ ÊuKLF¹ s¹–U×A�« …d¼Uþ Èd½ p�– dOžË ¨vAH²ð …d¼UE�« Ác¼ XKFł w²�« l�«Ëb�« s� v²Š jI� »dG²�Ë «eO� Íu�� Áb−½ VKž_«Ë ÃU²×� WIOIŠ Áb−½ rNCF³� Ælłd¹Ë …–U×A�« s� ‰UL�« lL−¹ q� l�Ë Ÿ—«uA�« w� ÊËdO�¹ UOÐdF�« «b�«u�« ¡U�M�« s� dO¦J�« È—√ U½√ uO³�« »«uÐ√ lOLł Êu�dD¹Ë W�cN³L�« fÐöL�« ÊËbðd¹ WKHÞ Ë√ qHÞ ÁbŠ«Ë qšb²� Êö� Â√ UN½√ W�œU�K� Êu�uI¹ rN½≈ d�_UÐ n¹dD�«Ë ¨‰UL�« Êu³KDO� W�UB�UÐ U¼bFIðË U¼“dð Ê√ bFÐ ‰eML�« W³ŠU� QłUH²ðË WKHD�« UNF�Ë ‰eML�« °°Á–U×ý UN½QÐ …uNI�«Ë ÍUA�« UNKD×ðË ÊU³O³�« ‚dÞË …–U×A�UÐ …d³��« …d²� ‰uÞ l� …dOš_« Ê√ UC¹√ n¹dD�« s�Ë

Unique ArTiCLes

by Maha Al-Anzey Maha_a@unique.com.kw

‫ﺣﻴﺎﺗﻚ‬ ..‫ﺑﺪﻭﻥ ﺇﺑﺪﺍﻉ‬ ‫ﻟﻮﺣﺔ ﺑﺪﻭﻥ ﺃﻟﻮﺍﻥ‬

qLŠU� ÆƉUO��« u×½ „cšQ¹ r�UŽ ¨…b¹dH�«Ë WŽuM²L�« tðUÞUA½Ë tðôU−LÐ nK²�¹ dO³� r�UŽ sH�« Ê«u�_« nK²�LÐ UN½uK²� ÃU²×ð …UO×�U� ÆÆUNÐ sMHðË pŽ«bÐ≈ WŠu� rÝd²� ¡UL��« w� dÞË p²A¹— ÆUNÐ ŸbÐ√Ë UÎ �Ëœ œdH²� ÆÆWO�UB�« UNzUL�Ð Õe� ”u� rÝdðË V¼«u� h�ý qJ� ÆÆ…UO×�« ôU−LÐ Ÿb³²� p³¼«u� q� qIBðË ¡wA�UÐ œdH²ðË eOL²ð Ê√ u¼ Ÿ«bÐù« ÆÆŸb³L�« UM³½Uł Èd½ v²Š `O×B�« V½U−�« w� UNKG²�½ U½uŽb� ÆÆUNKCH¹Ë UNÝ—UL¹ WHK²�� U¹«u¼Ë ôË ÊUMF�« p�HM� oKÞ√ ÆÆp�– bFÐ uL²� UNOO×ð Ê√ ÊËœ UN�d²ðË »«d²�« X×ð W½u�b� p³¼«u� Ÿbð ö� ÆÆŸ«bÐù« v�≈ ÃU²×ð pðUO×� ¨œdH²�UÐ „dOG� …Ëb� s�Ë œËbŠ öÐ eOLðË ÆÆnK�K� pFłd¹ ¡wý Í√ Ÿbð UMOI¹ ÂöJ�« «c¼ qF−OK� ULKJ�« Ác¼ √dI¹ s� qJ�Ë ÆÆÎU¾Oý ·dFð ôË sN²Lð ô p½≈ qIð ôË ”QO�« Ÿb� ÆÆ…d¼Uþ Ë√ W½u�b� ÊuJð b� UNÐ eOL²¹ WÎ ³¼u� UM� qJ� Ì ÆÆt� ÆÆ ôU−L�« nK²�LÐ rJðUO×Ð «uŽbÐ√Ë «uCN½«Ë i³Mð rJðUOŠ «uŽœ sJ�Ë XHK²š« ULN� eOL� X½Q� ÊËbÐ WŠu� Ÿ«b??Ð≈ ÊËbÐ pðUOŠ® U¼UMF� «uLN�«Ë ÆÆΫb??Ð√ U¼u�Mð ôË rJðd�«cÐ ULKJ�« Ác¼ «uF{Ë ÆÆ©Ê«u�√ ôË ÆÆÂU�_« v�≈ «uIKD½«Ë ÆÆrJ�H½QÐ «uIŁË ÆÆÊ«u�_«Ë …UO×�« s� WO�Uš ¡UCOÐ Ë√ ¡«œuÝ U¼uKF−ð ö� ¡UšSÐ r²�œË ÆÆ v�UFð tK�« d�cÐ dDF� ÂöÝ UNJ�L� ÆÆsOF²�½ tÐ ÎULz«œË tK�« vKŽ «uK�u²ð Ê√ «u�Mð 47

Unique V i P

By Zainab Dashti Zainab_d@unique.com.kw

‫ﺍﻟﺸﻴﺨﺔ ﻫﻴﺎ ﻣﺒﺎﺭﻙ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﻟﻚ ﺍﻟﺼﺒﺎﺡ‬ ‫ﻭﺃﻭﻝ ﺧﻄﻮﺍﺗﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺴﺎﻧﺪﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﺒﺎﺏ‬ ÃU²½ù« œ«“Ë ¨ d¦� X¹uJ�« w� ÷—UFL�« Ê√ …dOš_« W??½Ëü« w� UMEŠô bI� …b¹bł —UJ�√ —UJ²Ð« qł√ s� s¹dšü« l� oÐU�²¹ h�ý q� `³�√Ë ¨wMÞu�« Æ÷—UFL�« w� UNI¹u�ð ‰öš s� ÕUЗ_« s� sJL� —b� d³�√ tOKŽ qšbð øørŽb�« s¹√ sJ�Ë ÆÆjAM�« w²¹uJ�« »U³AK� …dO³� WOL¼√ UN� ÷—UFL�« Ê√ Í√ ‰Ë√ √bÐ b�Ë ¨dO��« qLŽ u×½ UNI¹dÞ oAð ÕU³B�« UO¼ W�OA�« w¼ U¼Ë …uÝ√ p�–Ë ¨X¹uJ�« w� ÷—UFL�« Èd³� ÕU²²�« o¹dÞ sŽ W¹dO��« UNð«“U−½« ÆUNM� ÎUFO−AðË ÕU³B�« p�UL�« ÕU³� Á“u� W�OA�« UN²LFÐ w� ¢qHD�UÐ W¹UMF�«Ë …√d??L?�«¢ dLðR� ¨UNÐ X�U� w²�« UŠU²²�ô« r??¼√ s??�Ë “dÐ√ ÷dF� u¼Ë ¢W½«b�« w�UO�¢ ÷dF�Ë ¨X¹uJ�« W�Ëœ w� WO½U²��U³�« …—UH��« UNM� ÎUFO−Að p�–Ë ¨¡U¹“_«Ë W{uL�« ‰U−� w� WO²¹uJ�« …√dL�« tO�≈ XK�Ë U� ÆWO²¹u� …—UN� qJ�

‰öš s� rJ{—UFL� WOŽ«— ÕU³B�« UO¼ W�OA�« qFł w� «Ëœœd²ð ô p�c�Ë vKŽ UNF� rJK�«uð

haya_s@unique.com.kw 48

Unique ArTiCLes

by Nada Sulaiman ACK college

l lappiness


hen I say the word happiness, you think what? Most of the things that you’ll think about are material things. There are a lot of small and beautiful things in life that would give us true and ultimate happiness.

I want to reach out to everyone around me by showing them the beautiful things in life that they don’t often notice because of their inconsolability.

For instance, imagine yourself walking down the street on a cold, clear morning, and you noticed a lady crying while sitting on the side walk, you also noticed a beautiful red scarf she’s wearing around her neck. But she’s busy crying to think about that. If you came around to her and said ever so softly, ‘The scarf you’re wearing is beautiful,’ smiled and left, for a split second she’ll forget she ever cried and take a look at you and maybe smile. In that moment you made her happy from the inside and made her soul smiles. It’s these small moments in life that really matter. That was a small example of what I want people to notice, the beauty of the things that are camouflaged. Emily Dickinson once said, ‘Beauty is not caused. It is.’ People choose to ignore the small beautiful things or the little things that could make them happy because they think that they are not important. The truth is they are more than important. When you ask someone, what makes you happy? You will find that the answers to that same question are sometimes highly priced. Some will say buying a new car, travelling around the world ... etc. I believe the small things are the ones that count the most. A small message from my best friend makes my day; a long email from my soul mate; or even having my favourite dish makes me happy. My dad once told me, and I quote, ‘You should see the way you look when you’re having Sushi; you look like a little girl who just got a new doll.’ This is how I want others to feel ... this is how I want to change the world and I believe I can, if only a little. Shakespeare once said, ‘One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.’ And ‘kin’ means family, and I believe I have the nature to do so. If each of us took the time to admire the beauty of the small things in the world and the amazing things that other people have or are wearing, imagine how you would make everyone feel and the circle will continue. At the end I want you to think deeply of this quote: ‘The happiness of life is made of minute fractions ---- the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment, and the countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling.’ Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 – 1834) Friend.


Unique ArTiCLes

by Farah Al_Shemmari Farah_S@hotmail.com

‫ﻻ ﺗﺤﺰﻥ‬ s� Ë ¡UCO³�« …dÝ_« vKŽ ÊËb�d¹ „dOG� Âô¬ s� «uJAð XM� Ê≈ Ë ¨ sO�bI�« —u²³� „«u�� qI½ WKOÝË pKLð ô XM� Ê≈ Ë ¨ s¹œ w� ”u³×� „dOG� «dOI� XM� Ê≈ ÁdOš ¡UCI�« Ë dšü« ÂuO�« Ë t²Jzö� Ë tKÝ— Ë tK�UÐ XM�¬ rK�� p½_ bŠ«Ë ÀœUŠ w� Ë œôË_« s� «œbŽ bI� „dOG� «b�Ë bI� Ê≈ Ë ¨ «uMÝ ÆÁdý Ë ¨rł Ê«dHG�«Ë ¨Õu²H� »U³�«Ë WFÝ«Ë WLŠd�U� ¨`K�Q� QDš√ Ê≈Ë ¨dHG²ÝU� QÝ√ Ê≈Ë ¨V²� X³½–√ Ê≈ ÆW�u³I� WÐu²�«Ë ¨dI²�� d�√ q�Ë ¨X¹uÞ n×B�«Ë ¨XHł Âö�_«Ë ¨l�«Ë —ËbIL�«Ë ¨tM� ⁄ËdH� ¡UCI�« Ê_ ÆhIM¹ b¹e¹ ôË ¨dšR¹ ôË U¾Oý l�«u�« w� ÂbI¹ ô p½e×� »—UIŽ ·UI¹≈Ë ¨fLA�« f³ŠË ¨s�e�« ·UI¹≈ b¹dð p½e×Ð p½_ Êe×ð ô Æt³B� v�≈ dNM�« œ— Ë nK��« v�≈ wAL�«Ë ¨WŽU��« ¨¡UL��« dOGðË ¡UL�« d¦F³ðË ¡«uN�« b�Hð ¡UłuN�« `¹d�U� Êe×�« Ê_ ¨¡UŽb�« pKLð X½√Ë ¡UMG�« WI¹b×�« w� WF½UO�« œË—u�« d�JðË WMJ�L�« s�×ðË ¨WOÐuÐd�« U³²Ž vKŽ Õ«dD½ô« bO−ðË ¨qOK�« s� dOš_« YK¦�« pF�Ë ¨„uKL�« pK� »«uÐ√ vKŽ oKš tK�« ÊS� œu−��« w� sO³−�« m¹dLð WŽUÝ p¹b�Ë ¨W−NÐ «– oz«bŠ p� X³½√Ë ¨UNO� U� Ë ÷—_« p� UIÝUÐ ö�½Ë ¨ZONÐ ÃË“ q� s� UNO� sOðU�ÐË qzULšË ¨ U??F? �ô U??�u??−?½Ë ¨b??O?C?½ l??K?Þ U??N?� f??L?A?�« V??O?N?� Êe??×? ð p??M? J? �Ë ¨‰Ë«b?? ? ?łË Áœd³¹ …dłUN�« QLþË ¨qE�« ·—«Ë t¾HD¹ UNMJ�¹ Ÿu??−? �« W??C? ŽË ¨d??O?L?M?�« ¡U??L? �« UN³IF¹ dN��« …U½UF�Ë ¨T�«b�« e³��« c¹c� UNK¹e¹ ÷dL�« Âô¬Ë ¨c¹c� Âu½ öOK� d³B�« v�≈ pOKŽ UL� ¨WO�UF�« ÆWE×� —UE²½ô«Ë nO� œu???Ý_« »U??×?�?�« Èd??ð U??�√ ¨wK−M¹ nO� rON³�« qOK�«Ë ¨lAIM¹ ¨sJ�ð nO� d??�d??B?�« `??¹d??�«Ë «–≈ °ø√b???N? ?ð n??O? � W??H? �U??F? �«Ë pAOŽË ¨¡U?? š— v??�≈ „b??z«b??A?� Æ¡ULF½ v�≈ pK³I²��Ë ¨¡UM¼ v�≈ Ë pðœUFÝ wIOI×�« „dLŽ ÊS� w� p�U¹√ oHMð ö� ¨p�UÐ WŠ«— ¨rN�« w� pO�UO� —c³ð Ë ¨Êe×�« ôË ¨ÂuLN�« vKŽ pðUŽUÝ Ÿ“uðË ÊS� pðUOŠ WŽU{≈ w� ·d�ð ÆsO�d�L�« V×¹ ô tK�« ÆÆ Êe×ð ô ÆÆ ÎUIŠ øøwF� wЗ «œ U� Êe×�« r� Í«uJý lL�¹ UO½b�« o�Uš «œU� øwŽdCð œd¹ ôË 51

Unique BoOk CLuB

By Mariam Al-Baker & Dalal Al-Shamri mariam_b@unique.com.kw & dalal_s@unique.com.kw

for one more day


For one more day /written by : Mitch Albom

umber one New York times best sellers ( for one more day ) is a story of a mother and her son and a relationship that covers a life time and beyond. It explore the question : What would you do if you could spend one more day with a lost loved one ?!! As I read the story I could feel the characters it is so touching this is the kind of book that you will lost in it, a good book and a good story for relaxing and enjoying your time alone.

Wife The pilot’s


The pilot’s wife/ written by: Anita Shreve

he story talks about a wife (Kathryn ) that has everything she wants in her life, a perfect home, satisfying job, an independent fifteen year old daughter, and a happy marriage. This all changes when her husband dies in a plane crash thats when she discovers that her husband has a secret life, Kathryn discovers bit by bit how little she knew about her husband and that she was living in a lie for the past fifteen years and that her life is not what she thought it was , as she struggles with her grief she tries hard to keep her husband memory pure for her teenage daughter. the novel is essentially a mystery with Kathryn playing the unwilling sleuth who must follow her husband’s trail back words.

The story makes you realize that the possibility is slim of ever fully knowing those we love, even those we love the most. 52

WeLCoMe To uniQue GuyS MinDs

ยบ Fashion ยบ Sport ยบ Electronics ยบ Cars

Tag Heuer Formula 1 watch

Tommy Hilfiger Mens Bracelet watch

Gucci Leather - Casual dress watch

Fossil Mens Metal Watch

Omega Men’s Speedmaster Professional Watch

Fend Classic watch

Armani Stainless steel bracelet Watch

D&G Dolce & Gabbana Goose watch

Unique FaShiOn Watches


Unique FaShiOn

Polo by Ralph Lauren Deodorant Stick

Body Care

DIESEL ‘Fuel for Life’ Homme Eau de Toilette (Limited Edition)

Polo ‘Explorer’ Eau de Toilette Spray 56

Escada ‘Moon Sparkle for Men’ Shower Gel To m H my ai r & Ba h Bo am dy a W Me as n’s h

Subtil Pour Homme After-Shave Splash

Jack Black Signature ‘Silver Mark’ Eau de Parfum Spray

Sean Jonh Perfume

Unique FaShiOn

Shoes CC GU I

Calvin Klein Hamilton Moc Toe Oxford Kenneth Cole Con-Temporary Moc Toe Oxford

Tommy Hilfiger T-Scratch Sport Shoe

Hugo Boss 'Chad' Oxford

Hugo Boss ‘Wolfram’ Sneaker GUCCI

D&G Dolce & Gabbana Low Top Athletic 57


Tr e n d

Re p or t



Glimpse of intense color

Ralph laurn

Light and layered



Basic Blue “Jeans”




Salvatore ferragamo

Biker jacket


Gray Suits

Ralph Laurn

Unique FaShiOn

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@unique.com.kw

Unique DiGiRoniCs


Travel the World The powerful A-GPS and preinstalled Nokia Maps help you explore and locate new places, whether in another country or just around the corner. All Nokia N82 come with a free voice guided navigation trial, and you can purchase additional features, such as city guides and longer subscription to the navigation. With access to more than 15 million points of interest, you can locate and navigate to the most interesting sights, cafes and restaurants wherever you are. You can also send map excerpts and routes to friends by MMS or save map screen shots to the gallery. It’s what cameras have become With a 5 Megapixel camera, powerful Xenon flash and Carl Zeiss optics, the Nokia N82 delivers remarkably vivid photographs, even in lowlight conditions. Fast camera activation, autofocus with a dedicated autofocus assist lamp, fast reloading between shots and DVD-like quality

video capture make it a truly convenient and credible tool for capturing and telling your life stories. With the 2GB microSD card in the standard Nokia N82 sales package, you can store up to 900 highresolution photos or up to 84 minutes of high quality video on the device. Share your moments With high speed Wi-Fi connectivity and one-click upload to online communities, the Nokia N82 makes sharing your experiences and discoveries easy. When viewing a picture or video, simply one press of a button starts uploading it while you carry on using the device for other purposes. Or you can impress your friends with multimedia slideshows - complete with music and effects - on the high resolution display or on a compatible TV. The Nokia N82 comes with the new content driven 3D multimedia menu and includes a convenient orientation sensor that rotates the user interface automatically between horizontal and portrait mode.

The New Nokia N82 okia unveils the latest addition to its Nseries Line, The Nokia N82. A latest multimedia computer optimized for photography, navigation and internet connectivity. With the tools to discover the places and moments worth capturing, and the capabilities to capture and share them with one click upload to the web. Discover, Capture and Share The Nokia N82 enables you to discover your world and find your way in this world with navigation and routing; as you discover your world N82 lets you document your adventures with high quality imaging capabilities. N82 features A-GPS, 5 Megapixel camera (with Xenon flash, Carl Zeiss optics and autofocus) and internet connectivity, the Nokia N82 also incorporates all the multimedia computer features common to Nokia Nseries. Like its predecessor the Nokia N95, the Nokia N82 is the latest epitome of a truly converged device that is not one thing but is many.




une is the name of a brand of digital music products and services sold by Microsoft. It includes digital audio players, client software, and the Zune Marketplace online music store. The first Zune player was released in the on November 2006 followed by, the new Zune that comes in three flavors, all of which play music, pictures, and videos; display images; and receive FM radio. They can share files wirelessly with other Zunes and via USB with Xbox 360s, and can sync wirelessly with Windows PCs. Zune 4GB or 8GB Super slim and ultra-portable, Zune 4GB and Zune 8GB make it easy to take your music, videos, pictures and podcasts wherever you go. The Zune 4 or 8 GB comes in 4 colors to reflect your personal style: Pink, Red, Black or Green. This Zune comes with a bright 1.8 inch display to enjoy your content. And in the 4GB you could store up to 975 songs, Now if you own a Zune you could do more than just enjoying your content like: 1- Wireless Sync. Cut the cord to your PC. Refresh your Zune with new content anytime you charge

25000 pictures or 12 hours of video, while the 8GB can hold up to 2000 songs, 25000 pictures or 25 hours of videos. And that’s not all, it also features touch controls to fly effortlessly through your song, picture and video collections with the new Zune Pad. Zune 80GB For uncompromised portable video and audio playback, Zune 80GB combines a beautiful 3.2-inch screen, innovative touch controls, wireless capabilities and premium headphones with storage for up to 20,000 songs, 25,000 pictures or 250 hours of video. Also it features the new Zune Pad with touch controls just like in the Zune 4GB or 8GB.

your device, through your home wireless network 2- Wireless Zune-to-Zune sharing. Share full-length tracks of your favorite songs, albums, playlists, pictures and even audio podcasts. 3- Visit Zune Marketplace. Featuring over 3 million songs, DRM-free MP3s, music videos, audio/video podcasts and more, your store is always open and just a mouse click away 4- Your Games. Your Music. Your Way. Plug your Zune into your Xbox 360 and customize the soundtrack in your favorite games. You can also stream content in Zune software to your Xbox 360 using a wireless connection. 5- Import your music. Zune software will automatically import your existing music, pictures and videos, including music you have ripped into iTunes and Windows Media Player, even transferring your existing song ratings in one easy step.

The Microsoft Zune

Unique WheeLS


Audi R8


he Audi R8 is a mid-engined sports car released by the German automaker Audi in 2006. Audi announced in 2005 that the name of the successful Audi R8 race car would be used for a new road car in 2007, the Audi R8, based on the Audi Le Mans Quattro concept car, which appeared at the 2003 Geneva Auto Show and 2003 International Motor Show. The R8 was officially launched at the Paris Auto Show on 30 September, 2006. There is some confusion with the name which the car shares with the Le Mans winning R8 LMP. Originally, many thought the car would be called the R9 (as there is a gap in numbering left when Audi announced the R8’s successor, the diesel-powered R10).



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3439 lb

Body Style

2-door, 2-seat Coupe


6-speed manual or semi-automatic


174.4 in


4.2 litre V8


74.9 in


420 hp @ 7800 rpm


49.2 in


104.3 in

317 lb-ft @ 4500 - 6000 rpm Designer

Walter da Silva


Unique TiPs

By Al-Shayma Al-Shemmeri Alshayma_sh@unique.com.kw


w i t h o u t

g e t t i n g

Razor Bumps A

steaming hot towel on your face can soften the beard so they can be removed with less irritation.

Things You’ll Need • Clean & Sharp Razor • bathroom sink • hot tap water • thick wash cloth • facial moisturizers • shaving cream Steps 1-Fill your bathroom sink about half full with hot tap water. Then, thoroughly soak a thick wash cloth in the water. Wring the cloth out just so it’s not dripping wet. 2- Lean your face over the sink and place the hot cloth on the bearded part of your face. Depending on the coarseness of your whiskers, you may need to resoak the cloth and apply it again. 3- Put on a light layer of shaving cream on your whiskers. Too much cream will only clog your razor! 4- Use one hand to hold your razor while you smooth your skin out ahead of the razor with your other hand. Don’t make more than one short swipe across your face before you rinse your razor clean in the sink water. 5-Once you’re done shaving, rinse off the rest of the shaving cream by splashing cool tap water on the bearded area of your face. Follow that by patting your face dry with a soft, absorbent towel. 6- Instead of using after shave, a skin conditioner will help make your face feel touch ably soft. 64

Unique SpOrTs

by Athbi Mujahed Athbi_m@unique.com.kw

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WeLCoMe To UniQue GIrLs MinDs

ยบ Fashion ยบ Beauty ยบ Make Up ยบ Health ยบ Kitchen

Unique FaShiOn

Bags & Wallets


Juicy Couture ‘Daydreamer’ Velour Tote Bag

Jimmy Choo Maddy small shoulder bag

Jimmy Choo Cecile crystal clutch MARC BY MARC JACOBS ‘Turnlock Posh JJ’ Satchel

Furla ‘Elizabeth Large’ Shoulder Bag


Juicy Couture ‘Classic’ Leather Clutch Wallet


Unique FaShiOn


Christian Louboutin Decolzep platform pumps

ChloĂŠ Cone heel platforms

Christian Louboutin Lapono shoe boots

Christian Louboutin Donjon studded boots


Rupert Sanderson Hesler leather pumps

Marc Jacobs Button detail boots Fendi Suede shoe boots

Unique FaShiOn

Accessories Juicy Couture Charm Key Fob

DAY Birger et Mikkelsen Leather beaded necklace

Bottega Veneta Woven leather belt

glo ves tlet aun uilt ed g ry Q ber Bur

Roberto Cavalli Floral engraved bangle

Roberto Cavalli Patent and crystal belt

Roberto Cavalli Leopard chiffon belt

Erickson Beamon Embellished patent cuff


Unique FaShiOn


Burberry Ivybridge cotton trench

Juicy Couture Slim leg track pants

Juicy Couture Faux fur coat

Juicy Couture Velour long hooded top

MINT jodi arnold Tiered satin dress

Christian Lacroix Silk Print Mini Dress

Development Silk charmeuse mini dress

Development Jacquard v-neck dress 72

Marc by Marc Jacobs Chrisse stretch skinny jeans

Shiseido ‘White Lucent’ Brightening Toning Lotion: Cool

Bobbi Brown Brightening Essence Clinique Facial Soap

Guerlain ‘Secret de Purete’ Makeup Remover

Body Care

La Prairie Cellular Radiance Eye Cream

Unique FaShiOn

lle ‘Be l ie yk R nia So

en Rykiel

’ Ea ud

e Pa


philosophy ‘falling in love’ shampoo, bath & shower gel

Shiseido ‘Bene fia nc e’

Lanvin ‘Rumeur’ Eau de Parfum Spray

rm Fi

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a s sa g e

Ma s k

Unique KitChen

By Eman Al-Kanderi eman_k@unique.com.kw

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Unique HeALTh

by Ra'eda Haider Raeda_h@unique.com.kw


‫ﺃﺣﺬﺭﻭﺍ ﻣﻦ ﺃﻛﺜﺮ ﺍﻷﻣﺮﺍﺽ ﺍﻧﺘﺸﺎﺭﺍ ﹰ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺸﺘﺎﺀ‬ ¨«e½uKH½_« ”ËdO� u¼ «—UA²½« d¦�_« ”ËdOH�«Ë ¨ UÝËdOH�« gF²Mð ¡U²A�« w� Æ¢ ¡UHý t� ‰e½√ ô≈ ¡«œ tK�« ‰e½√ U� ¢ ©’® r¹dJ�« UM�uÝ— ‰U� UL�Ë ÷dL�« —UA²½« »U³Ý√ Î L×� qzU��« –«–d??�« dOD¹ U�bMŽ ¡«uN�« v�≈ UÝËdOH�UÐ ö Wł—œ ÷UH�½« p�c� ¨fLK�« Ë√ fDF�« Ë√ ‰UF��« o¹dÞ sŽ r�−�« ÷dFð bMŽ Ë√ ¨W¹u¾� W??ł—œ 37 sŽ r�−�« …—«d??Š Âu−N�UÐ √b³¹Ë W�dH�« ”ËdOH�« eN²MO� iH�M� wz«u¼ —UO²� ·UH−�« b¹bA�« ¡«uN�« u¼Ë dš¬ V³Ý „UM¼Ë ¨r�−�« vKŽ ÆÆ «d??zU??D?�« ¨„uM³�« ¨qLF�« ¨VðUJL�«® w??� œułuL�« q¦� `L�O� fH½_« Èd−� w� ÁdOG� ‚uIý V³�¹ UL� ©a??�« wŽUML�« “UN−�« nF{ v�≈ W�U{ùUÐ ¨‰ušb�UÐ UÝËdOHK� Æ‚U¼—ù«Ë WO³BF�«Ë WO�HM�« ◊uGCK� ÷dF²�« V³�Ð

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Unique MaKe uP

By Shaima Al-Mulla shaima_m@unique.com.kw

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Unique STArs NeWs

by Al-Shayma Al-Shemmeri alshayma_sh@unique.com.kw


Jessica Alba & Britney's Li'l Sister are Pregnant! The actress’ rep confirmed to People this morning that she’s pregnant with Cash Warren’s baby. “I can confirm that Jessica and Cash are expecting a baby in late spring, early summer,” says Brad Cafarelli.


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Also Britney’s little sister joined the mama club! .When we wondered who would be Hollywood’s next knocked-up starlet, Britney Spears’ 16-year-old sister never even crossed our minds.



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Hayden and a New, Older Man

Pam Reconsi

The foxy 18-year-old reportedly has her sights set on a new conquest—Ryan Gosling. Good news: He’s only 27 years old, compared to Milo’s 30 years. Seems she’s slowly working her way down to more age-appropriate suitors.


Unique iNTeRVieW

By Asma’a Al-Jaber Asmaa_j@unique.com.kw

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Unique CineMa


The Movie: Alien vs. Predator 2: Requiem * Cast: John Ortiz - Reiko Avlesworth * Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-Fic


he follow-up to the worldwide hit “Alien vs. Predator,” the iconic monsters from two of the scariest film franchises ever, wage their most brutal battle yet in an unsuspecting Colorado town.

The Movie: Sweeney Todd * Cast: Johnny Depp - Sacha Baron Cohen * Genre: Musical / Thriller


he story of “Sweeney Todd” is of a wrongfully imprisoned barber in Victorian England who sets out to seek revenge on the judge who imprisoned him. The plot is foreshadowed in the first lines of the opening number: “Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd. His skin was pale and his eye was odd. He shaved the faces of gentlemen Who never thereafter were heard of again.

Coming Soon

Provided By:

Ja n u ary 2008

The Movie: I Am Legend * Cast: Will Smith * Genre: Action / Sci-Fic


obert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by “the Infected”-victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings who can only exist in the dark and who will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the Infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville’s every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind’s last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what The Infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

The Movie: Charlie Wilson’s War * Cast: Tom Hanks - Julia Roberts - Phillip Seymour Hoffman * Genre: Action


ased on George Crile’s book about the CIA’s largest and most successful covert CIA operation, the arming of the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The covert ops were engineered by Charlie Wilson, a charismatic, wheelerdealer, liberal Texas congressman who teamed with a rogue CIA operative. The two manipulated Congress, the CIA and a host of foreign governments in order to assist the Afghan rebels in their fight against the Soviets in the 1980s. Many of the men armed by the CIA went on to become the Taliban’s enforcers and Osama bin Laden’s protectors.

The Movie: Fred Claus * Cast: Vince Vaughn - Paul Giamatti * Genre: Comedy


red Claus has lived almost his entire life in his little brother’s very large shadow. Fred tried, but he could never live up to the example set by the younger Nicholas, who was just a perfect... well... Saint. True to form, Nicholas grew up to be the model of giving, while Fred became the polar opposite: a repo man who then steals what he repossesses. Now Fred’s dirty dealings have landed him in jail. Over Mrs. Claus’s objections, Nicholas agrees to bail his big brother out on one condition: that he come to the North Pole and work off his debt making toys. The trouble is that Fred isn’t exactly elf material and, with Christmas fast approaching, this one bad seed could jeopardize the jolliest holiday of the year. Has Fred finally pushed his little brother to the brink? This time, what Fred may have stolen is Christmas itself, and it is going to take more than Rudolph to set things right.



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6 2

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8 9 10 83

Unique InTeRvieW

by Zainab Dashti Zainab_d@unique.com.kw

‫ﺍﻹﻋﻼﻣﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻤﻴﺰ‬

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Unique PhoTOs

By Photographer Mohammad Al-Saleh moh_s@unique.com.kw

‫ﺍﻟﺘﺼﻮﻳﺮ ﺍﻟﻔﻮﺗﻮﻏﺮﺍﻓﻲ‬ ‫ﻟﻤﻌﺮﺽ ﻫﻮﺍﺓ ﺍﻟﻼﺳﻠﻜﻲ‬



Unique Tv ShOwS

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@unique.com.kw


esperate Housewives is an American television comedy-drama series that premiered on ABC on October 3, 2004. The show was created by Marc Cherry, and produced by ABC Studios. The setting of the show is the street of Wisteria Lane in the American town of Fairview. It follows the lives of a group of women, seen through the eyes of their dead neighbor, as they work through domestic struggles and family life, while facing the secrets, crimes and mysteries hidden behind the doors of their – at the surface – beautiful suburban neighborhood. The show features an ensemble cast, headed by Teri Hatcher as Susan Mayer, Felicity Huffman as Lynette Scavo, Marcia Cross as Bree Hodge, Eva Longoria Parker as Gabrielle Solis, and Nicollette Sheridan as Edie Britt. Brenda Strong narrates the show as the deceased Mary Alice Young. The Story On a sunny day, in the heart of America, the loveliest of suburbs, housewife Mary Alice Young killed herself. Now she takes us into the lives of her friends, family and neighbors... Her circle of girlfriends on Wisteria Lane includes Bree Hodge, who recently battled the demons of widowhood, alcoholism and vengeful children...she remarried


and now tries to keep her image of perfection even as everything crumbles around her. Lynette Scavo, who struggles with balancing the complications of work, family issues and now cancer, Susan Mayer, until recently a divorcee and single mom, finally got her happy ending when she tied the knot with the handsome plumber next door but is now faced with the challenges of a blended family. Newlywed Gabrielle Marquez, the ex-model who seems to be unlucky in love. And serial divorcee Edie Britt, the free spirited real estate maven whose love life has everyone buzzing. Then there are the men: Mike Delfino, a plumber who is the on-again/off- again love of Susan’s life; Lynette’s adorable husband, Tom, who, it’s turning out, has his own share of secrets, Gabrielle’s ex-husband, Carlos, Mary Alice’s widowed husband, Paul, who is in prison for the murder of a neighbor, Bree’s husband, Orson Hodge who ran Mike over and put him in a coma. Joining the neighborhood is Katherine Mayfair, who years ago lived on Wisteria Lane, who moves into Mike’s old house with her new young gynecologist husband. From her unique vantage point, Mary Alice sees more now than she ever did alive, and she’s planning to share all the delicious secrets that hide behind every neighbor’s closed door in this seemingly perfect American suburb.

Unique MoviEs

By Osama M. Al-AbdulrazzaQ osama_a@unique.com.kw

Book of Secrets

N a t i o n a l

T r e a s u r e


ational Treasure: Book of Secrets is the 2007 sequel to the 2004 film National Treasure. It will be directed by Jon Turteltaub and written primarily by Gregory Poirier. Jerry Bruckheimer is the producer of the film. And will star It was stated in the first film’s commentary that there were no plans for a sequel, but, due to the first film’s impressive box-office performance, an earning of $347.5 million worldwide, a sequel was given the go-ahead in 2005. The Story

Treasure Hunter Benjamin Gates once again sets out on an exhilarating, action-packed new global quest to unearth hidden history and treasures. When a missing page from the diary of John Wilkes Booth surfaces. Ben’s great-great grandfather is suddenly implicated as a key conspirator in Abraham Lincoln’s death. Determined to prove his ancestor’s innocence, Ben follows an international chain of clues that takes him on a chase from Paris to London and ultimately back to America. This journey leads Ben and his crew not only to surprising revelations – but to the trail of the world’s most treasured secrets. Cast Nicolas Cage as Benjamin Franklin Gates Diane Kruger as Abigail Gates Harvey Keitel as FBI Agent Peter Sadusky

Justin Bartha as Riley Poole Jon Voight as Patrick Henry Gates Helen Mirren as Emily Appleton Gates



M u s i c

I d o l s Aguilera

Name: Christina Aguilera Birth Date: December, 18, 1980 Birth Place: Staten Island, NY


n the two years from the day that she burst onto the world musical landscape, Christina Aguilera has scored four #1 smash hit singles, watched sales of her chart-topping RCA debut album surpass the 12 million mark worldwide (23 million CDs and singles total sold to date), headlined the Super Bowl HalfTime Show, performed for the President, and to top it all off, took home two Grammys including one for Best New Artist, headlined a mammoth 2000 international tour, released a Spanish language album, and a holiday album of seasonal favorites. Christina Aguilera continues to provide evidence that she is the premier musical voice of her generation. Christina first began performing at age six in school talent shows and became known as the ‘little girl with a big voice.’ At age eight, she appeared on the nationally syndicated ‘Star Search,’ using her runner-up winnings to buy a portable sound system so she could sing in the park. By the time she was 10, Christina was singing the National Anthem for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins. And then, at twelve, she joined the ensemble cast of ‘The New Mickey Mouse Club,’ appearing on the Orlando-based show along with future stars Britney Spears, J.C. and Justin of ‘N Sync, and Keri Russell of ‘Felicity.’ After two years, the show ended and Christina got the opportunity to travel overseas to further hone her musical skills. In 1997, Christina performed in places as far flung as Tokyo, Japan (where she released a single with Keizo Nakanishi called ‘All I Wanna Do’) and Brasov, Romania, but always with her eye on the same goal. ‘I always wanted to have my own album recorded and released before I graduated high school. 90

Slow Down, Christina Aguilera! If you’ve ever been pregnant, you know the physical and emotional stresses are off the charts. But Christina Aguilera doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, and her hubby is getting worried. Reportedly Jordan Bratman is concerned and wants the six-months-pregnant singer to slow down and relax. A source close to him told press, “Jordan was hoping Christina would give herself time to just chill out, but her daily business appointments and meetings are endless. Christina doesn’t plan on slowing down just because she is pregnant.”

Christina Aguilera Rocks The Vote When you think about the future in America, who we elect to lead the country matters A LOT. And for Christina Aguilera, providing a safe place for her soon-to-be baby (due in January) to grow up is of utmost importance. The “Dirrty” singer was spotted at Kitson in Beverly Hills promoting Rock The Vote 2008. And she had strong words of encouragement for the youth of today.

Lyrics Back to Basics Intro A very pleasant goodevening ladies and gentlemen It is now time The one and only, there never will be another Christina Aguilera That’s how music should sound ooh hey I’ve waited for some time To get inside the minds Of every legend I’ve ever wanted to stand beside It’s like an endless ride Feelin the lows and highs Of every lyric and melody, every single rhyme So here I stand today And tribute I do pay

To those before me who laid it down and paved the way And so to God I pray that He will give me strength To carry forward the gift of song in His good faith, in His good faith Going back to basics To where it all began I’m ready now to face it I wanna understand What made the soul singers and the blues figures That inspired a higher generation The jazz makers and the groundbreakers They gave so much of themselves in dedication So here I stand today And tribute I do pay To those before me who laid it down and paved the way

Music Top10

1 2 3

Alicia Keys As I Am

Timbaland Shock value

The killers Sawdust


Colbie Caillat Coco


Fergie The Dtuchess


Britney spears Balckout


Daughtry Daughtry


Jay-Z American Gangster


Chris brown Exclusive


Pink I’m Not Dead

Have Your Break Time...

Way NO Way

By Mohammed Al-Najdy

Unique OpeN door moh_n@unique.com.kw

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Unique AsK & AnSweR

by farah alshemmeri Farah_s@unique.com.kw

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SMS Wataniya : 1782 -

Girls 2






zain : 98886








A. Kareem



Talal 3

Yousef 4

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Unique AroUnD The WoRLd

by Dawood Ahmed Dawood_a@unique.com.kw



apan is an island in the Pacific Ocean. Of the coast of East Asia. The nearest countries to Japan are Russia China and the republic of Korea.

More than 6,800 islands together make up Japan. Most of the islands are small only 340 are over one km2. Four islands make up 99.37% of Japan. And as we know, Japan is an island so water surrounds it from all over. The Pacific Ocean surrounds Japan from east and west, The Chinese Sea from south and the Okhotsh Sea from north. Although Japan is an island, but it has the ninth – largest population in the world. And the population is 126.92 million people. Japan has a democratic system of government. All adults have the right to vote and run in national and regional election. Kuto was the capital of Japan for more than a thousand year then in 1868 Tokyo became the national capital for Japan. Japan has more than 6,000 kinds of plants. The Japanese way of eating is deferent than our way. They eat by two sticks and there favorite kind of food is nodels and sushi. And there favorite sport is sumo. And Japan is famous for electrets machines. And Japan has many companies like National, Panasonic, Sonyand thousands more.



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Unique Up SiDe DoWn

by Sara Khaldi sara_k@unique.com.kw

Unique ArTiCLes

By Hanan Al-Abdulhadi Hanan_a@unique.com.kw

‫ﺷﻠﻮﻥ ﺗﺼﻴﺮﻳﻦ ﺑﻨﺖ ﻛﻮﻭﻭﻭﻭﻭﻭﻝ‬ WF�U−�« w²Š— «–≈ “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ ° ”dŽ W×¹«— ZMł sO�AJð Z³ł«uŠ s¹dODð “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ °° W{u� uÐ√ vKŽ ·ËuOÝ rNMł rNM¹u�ðË WýU� vI³¹ U� “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ ° ©nЮ s¹u�ð ÊUAŽ ZÝ«dÐ UNMOD×ð U� XO³�UÐ sOLKJ²ð UL� “ô ‰u??� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ ° WŽu�œ wMF¹ ZKŠ s¹uFð Z�ö� VKž√ “ô ‰u??� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ °° WG� wMF¹ ÍeOK−½« ÊuJ¹ …œËËuŽ Z²DMł “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ °° dHÝ WDMł UNMł ÊuJ¹ Z²DMł “ô ‰u??� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ ´ ZKŽ ´ dDŽ ´ WK�U� »√ pO� W³KŽ ∫ UNO� ° …dEM� ´ «—«u���≈ ´ UýU� ´ fJMOK� °° XO³�UÐ vI³ý wł«dð sO�³Kð “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ q¹U²Ý wMF¹ »U−×�« s� ÊuMO³¹ rNMOK�ðË —U³� °° Á—uMð sO�³Kð “ô ‰u??� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ °° »U−ŠË uÐË …dOB� dðdð sO�³Kð “ô ‰u??� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ bFÐ vKŽ sOMO³ð ÊUAŽ WFL� Z�³� q�Ë ”«d²ÝË °° uKO� sO�d�d²ð “ô ‰u??� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ d−HM¹Ë Íuý ZO{ u¼ U� d¦� s� wK�« Íb³�UÐ °° dDF�UÐ sO׳�ð “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ ° uKO� bFÐ vKŽ s� t½uLA¹ ”UM�« ÊUAŽ W¹U³Ž sO�³Kð UL� “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ pýË qGýË W¹u� UNO�Ë …dB��Ë W−O{ ÊuJð UNMł U??� WKHŠ W�bÐ UNMł ° q??O?²?½«œË ”«d??²? ÝË °° W¹U³Ž h½ tO� »U−×�« “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ °° qOŽ W³−ײ� gO� °`OD¹Ë Íuý ”«d�« …—UE½ sO�³Kð “ô ‰u� XMÐ s¹dOBð ÊUAŽ æ øøg?? ? ? ?O� ÆÆZN¹Ë h½ wDGð 102

Unique ArTiCLes

by Farah Al_Shemmari Farah_S@hotmail.com

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