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Facial Tattoo by Alessandro Pantorno
Words the rising of a new trend: facial tattoo, passing through convicts symbols, trapper and Maori.
Facial tattoo nowadays is becoming more pop- the face and which through its different signs
ular among youngsters, used both as a sign of tells the story of those who wear it engraved on rebellion and an anti-conformist act towards so- the skin. The moko also has its female counterpart, a mark on the chin that was considered so ciety or just for a matter of style. important as to prevent the woman who did not Thanks to the colonizer James Cook tattoos be- wear it, from entering fully into the social life of came popular in the west, as during an expedi- the tribe. tion in Polynesia he found out about the tattooAmong convicts, we can find some interesting ing ritual and brought it in Europe in 1800. symbol, like the tear under the eye. It can indicate In the Maori tradition, perhaps the most import- a plethora of notions, like the loss of someone ant tattoo of all is the moko, a tattoo that is done special, when imprison has ended or it is a sign on of the crime of murder, even having witnessed