Winter/Spring 23-24!

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K International
UNLV Circle
Winter & Spring 23/24 Issue into Action into SpringingAction Springing


Welcome to 2024, everyone!

I truly can’t believe how quickly winter break and the spring semester have flown by! It feels like it was fall just yesterday...

It’s been lots of fun getting to see everything our club has been up to in these past few months! I’m grateful to everyone in CKI for making this club feel like a family. Let’s finish this semester strong and make this year an incredible one!

Sending love to you all!

Circle K Pledge Birthdays 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 Fall Install Polls 5 5 10 16 First General Meeting Member recognition Spread the Word NV 18 20 Secret Star 12
Table of Contents

Circle K Pledge

I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity's potential.


We hope you all had a special day!

Fall Install


Fall Install is a yearly club event where we install our new members. During this event, the board recognized members for their hard work and achievements throughout the fall semester. We gave out so many awards ranging from flowers to Smiskis. I had a lot of fun seeing new members recite the CKI pledge by heart!! This was my first Fall Install (yes, I somehow missed the other 2) and I had such an amazing time planning it with executive board and I really hope more members look forward to this event next year!

Secret Star

Secret Star was so much fun! Getting to see so many members together for this CKI tradition was a perfect way to get into the holiday spirit and end the semester on a good note! We started the evening early by making my house extra festive, and soon we had a whole countertop of food for everyone. One of the most memorable parts of the night was the gift exchange, where we all had to guess who our titular Secret Star was (Ethan Phui printed out some very flattering stock photos for mine HAHAH)! Later on, we played some fun and chaotic games, including Cards Against Humanity and our own slightly concerning charades version of it. Overall, it was a really fun time and I’m glad we got to close out 2023 with this event!

Polls let's hear from our members!

How do you feel about the weather warming up?

i want it WARMER!

bring me back to cool weather

this weather is PERFECT!

favoriteflower?spring tulips! orchids peony lilies

are you doing spring cleaning this year? yes! no!

Go-to springtime drink? lemonade some form of boba..

something else!

Spread the Word Nevada

Spread the Word Nevada is a non-profit organization that provides books for children in low-income communities. As a volunteer, I got to help prepare and clean books to be distributed. This was a very fun experience as I have volunteered with them before but this time I had the pleasure of volunteering with a few of my friends. It was a great time to also meet some of our newer members who had joined this semester. There was music playing, and the room was full of volunteers from different organizations all coming together to help support Spread the Word Nevada and our Las Vegas community.

Spring First General Meeting

The first general meeting of the Spring Semester was definitely a highlight for me. I had spent the day tabling at the Spring Involvement Fair, encouraging students to come check out one of our meetings. It was really nice to see so many people follow through. My friends and I brought some new members to the meeting, and it was really fun watching their reactions to our meeting traditions like the CKI Pledge and Happy Sad Change. I got to lead the icebreaker that day, and it was one of my favorites: “I love my neighbor…”. This was a great way to introduce the current members with the new faces in the room. The line for Happy Sad Change stretched around the whole room. The question of the day asked people about their Spring Break, and there was a variety of responses. It was nice to learn about the various traditions our members partake in during the holiday season. All in all, the energy in the room was enthusiastic, and it was such an exciting way to kick off the new semester.

Member Recognition

We’d like to take a moment to shout out a few of our outstanding members who have gone above and beyond for our club this term!

Thank you so much for all your time and hard work.

November M.O.M.

February M.O.M.
Samia Hufane

March M.O.M.

AJ Cabrera

That’s all for now! Thanks so much for reading. See you in our next issue! Thank


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