Upcoming Mag (27)

Page 25

Tlou Clothing Brand Tlou is my name given to me by my father named after his brother. It all started as a name until I made it an empire by transforming it into a brand. What I like is that it fits all the 11 official languages of South Africa, it’s one of the animals in the Big 5 and it’s sacred to most if not all the cultural and traditional tribes and/or clans of South Africa and Africa as a whole. At first it was just a name T.L.O.U in 2014, two years (2016) down the line I managed to get the abbreviation (The Last Of Us) and a logo (Elephant head front view), a year later after, I designed a second logo (Elephant head side view) which is the one I am currently using. T.L.O.U Clothing Brand is suitable for all age groups and can be worn by anyone and though it’s a clothing brand for the people, it covers both the nature, agriculture and the traditional attires. It worked in my favor as a Pedi because I managed to abbreviate my name T.L.O.U (Elephant in English) to The Last of Us whereby people define it in many ways, others says it relates to their relationships (as they are the last of their loving kind taking relationships serious), some says it relates to their families (as they are the last of that particular tribe or their surname will vanish into thin air when there is no one to carry it to the next generation) but to me it came an education point of view that in the next coming generations, elephants (tlou) will be extinct so the brand will help the grand-grand- children get a clue of what elephants looked like just like us as we are taught about the dinosaurs. Since the poaching of Elephants’ horn (Ivory) grew rapidly in the past years and resulted in elephants being the endangered species on earth therefore the name T.L.O.U abbreviated to The Last of Us is basically based on that. UPCOMING MAG | 25


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