From the simple utility of the paper clip to the technical marvel of staplers and hole punches (the more old-fashioned the better!), the office can deliver a lot of inspiration for those of us who love to work. The aesthetics of work extend to how a business is presented through its brand and its printed communications; the letterhead has long been the paper personality of a company—inside we explore its history. We investigate the cubicle—a work system devised with the best of intentions. We also take a look at an emerging style of working: collaborative, shared workplaces are becoming a popular alternative to the home office. We examine a variety of creative coworking scenarios in this issue—perhaps you will be inspired to look at your own work situation and environment in a new way.
As a graphic influence in art and design and as a traditional component in jewellery, in this issue we mine a trend that has a solid foundation: rocks, crystals and gems.