ICAS Air Force Commercial Sponsorship Breakout

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Your AFSVA Team There are several subject matter experts standing by to help with your Air Show:

Commercial Sponsorship Ms. Abbie Pollard abigail.pollard@us.af.mil DSN 969-7499 COMM 210-395-7499 Mr. Vern Grant vernon.grant.1@us.af.mil DSN 969-7510 COMM 210-395-7510

NAF Contracting Ms. Ivy Jenkins ivy.jenkins@us.af.mil DSN 969-7840 COMM 210-395-7840

OHAS Plans and Packages Ms. Kelly Bortles kelly.bortles@us.af.mil DSN 969-7662 COMM 210-395-7662

Join the OHAS Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/560428730961254/


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FSS Marketing’s Role in Open House Air Shows Force Support Marketing exists to support the MWR elements of FSS programs, and this carries over to Air Force Open House Air Shows (AFI 34-101, para 1.1.). To understand the role of Marketing, first look at the role of FSS in open houses. Chapter 5 of AFMAN 10-1004, Conducting Air Force Open Houses, clearly outlines the role for FSS and in turn, what FSS Marketing promotes, and can get sponsorship for: • Non-flying entertainment such as musical bands, fireworks • Civilian aerial demonstrations • Open house reception open to the entire base population • Family area or kid’s zone • Food, beverage, souvenir and other concessions “Open houses are community relations programs designed to educate the public about the mission of the Air Force and the base,” para 5.1. As such, Public Affairs and the Wing are the hosts of the open house, and Public Affairs takes the lead in promoting the air show as a whole. FSS marketing is limited to promotion of the MWR elements described above. We’ve seen requests for marketing to obtain sponsorship for radio and television advertising. While this is possible, remember, the advertising is confined to the MWR elements of the air show, and cannot promote the Thunderbirds, any DoD demo team, or the open house as a whole. In this light, there is very little FSS can offer potential media sponsors. These sponsors will want air show “giveaways” for contests and an interview with the Thunderbirds – all things FSS does not have to offer. Only Public Affairs can schedule interviews, autograph sessions and “meet and greets” with the Thunderbirds and no one wants to win “free tickets” to an event that is already free with free parking. Attachment 4, Table A4.1. Funding Source Guide in AFMAN 10-1004 is a helpful checklist outlining exactly what NAF money (sponsorship) can be used for. Here’s a quick look at some of the requests we seen.

Can Marketing Get Sponsorship for …


Lodging/Meals/Rental Cars for Thunderbirds


Table A4.1

Lodging/Meals/Rental Cars for Civilian Aerial Performers


Table A4.1

Meals/Water for Airmen/Volunteers working the air show



Non-flying entertainment such as musical bands, fireworks



Wing Commander’s tent



Civilian aerial demonstrations



Private reception for the Thunderbirds



Open house reception open to the entire base population



Radio/TV ads for the Air Show



Radio/TV ad for the MWR elements of the air show



Public address systems for entire air show




ashley.buckmaster@us.af.milSound system for concert


Table A4.1

Billboards promoting the air show



Billboards promoting MWR elements or sponsors



Newspaper advertising the air show



Newspaper advertising for Commercial Sponsorship Opportunities at the Air Show


AFI 34-108

Family area or kid’s zone



Food, beverage, souvenir concessions



Can Marketing ‌


Print the poster for the air show for free



Make a poster for the MWR elements of the air show



Write a marketing plan for the entire air show



Pay for an newspaper for air show sponsorship opportunities


AFI 34-108

Pay for newspaper ad for air show overall



Pay for music royalties for MWR elements


Table A4.1

Pay for music royalties for essential elements of air show


Table A4.1

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Sponsorship vs Donations for Air Shows The primary purpose of an Open House Air Show (OHAS) is recruiting. The goal is to enhance public awareness of AF preparedness, demonstrate modern weapon systems and capabilities, and promote positive community and international relations. It is essentially, a community relations activity, intended to highlight the mission, resources and personnel of the host base. Roles: • Wing Commander and Public Affairs are the owners of the OHAS event. The Installation Commander and open house staff retain overall control of event. • The Force Support Squadron (FSS) provides the MWR elements of an Air Show. • Non-Federal Entities (NFE) and Private Organizations are composed of individuals acting outside the scope of any official capacity as officers, employees, or agents of the Federal government. Here’s a breakdown of the types of funds, who can get it, and how it can be used.


Donations to the NAFI (FSS)

Donations to the Installation (Gifts to the Air Force)

Who Can Get It:

Who Can Get It:

Who Can Get It:

Sponsorship is only authorized for the MWR elements of an OHAS. Seeking/negotiating sponsorship is the responsibility of Force Support Marketing.

Donations in support of the MWR elements may be accepted by Force Support Marketing.

Non Federal Entities and Private Organizations, can raise funds and contribute to the OHAS. Gifts to the Air Force go through the installation Legal Office.

Type of Funds: NAF May be products, cash or service.

Type of Funds: NAF May be products, cash or service.

Type of Funds: APF May be products, cash or service.

What It Can Be Used For:

What It Can Be Used For:

What It Can Be Used For:

• •

Non-flying entertainment: kid’s play area, live music, etc. Civilian aerial demonstrations (CADs) Fuel, lodging, meals and transportation for CADs. Sound/lighting for MWR entertainment Food, beverage and souvenir concessions FSS Hospitality Tent Advertising MWR elements

Souvenir programs for sale

• • • • •


• • • • •

FSS Hospitality Tent Non-flying entertainment: kid’s play area, live music, fireworks, etc Civilian aerial demonstrations (CADs) Fuel, lodging, meals and transportation for CADs Sound/lighting for MWR entertainment

• •

Commander’s Tent Any support authorized as an APF expense

Any NAF funded MWR elements

Sponsor Recognition

Donor Recognition

Gift to the Air Force Recognition

Limit recognition to only the things listed below: Sponsor benefits are determined by the value of the support and may include any/all of the following: • Interaction with attendees • Display space • Sampling and brand engagement • Logo on FSS owned web/mobile media • Logo on publicity to advertise MWR elements • PA announcements at event • Ad in souvenir program • Banners on fencing • Logo FSS hospitality chalet tickets • Signage on golf carts • FSS Air Show app

Regardless of value of donation: • One time mention at event • Thank you letter from the commander • Modest sign at entry to the open house listing all donors who helped make event possible – no logos

Regardless of value of gift:



• •

Orientation flights may not be a benefit of donations Admission to the Commander’s Tent may not be a FSS donor benefit

NOTE: • Orientation flights may not be a benefit of sponsorship • Admission to the Commander’s Tent may not be a sponsor benefit

Amounts / Acceptance Level: •

All Amounts – HAF/A1S

IAW: AFMAN 34-201 para

• •

• •

Amounts / Acceptance Level: • • •

• •

One time mention at Air Show Thank you letter from the Commander Modest sign at entry to the open house listing all donors who helped make event possible – no logos

OFF BASE, Contributors may publicize their participation at their own expense Websites and publicly disseminated media must clearly convey that the Contributor is only supporting the installation with the open house and no Federal endorsement is implied Orientation flights may not be a benefit of contributions Admission to the Commander’s Tent may not be a benefit

Amounts / Acceptance Level:

Up to $5,000 Wing Commander $5,000 - $250,00 AFSVA Commander Over $250,000 AFIMSC Commander

• •

Up to $5,000 Wing Commander Over $5,000 SECAF

IAW: AFMAN 34-201 para

IAW: AFI 51-601 para 1.2 and 1.3.9

Who Prepares the Paperwork?

Who Prepares the Paperwork?

Who Prepares the Paperwork?

Force Support Marketing

Force Support (Usually Marketing)

Public Affairs / JA

References AFMAN 10-1004, Conducting Air Force Open Houses AFI 51-601, Gifts to the Air Force AFI 34-223, Private Organizations AFMAN 34-201, Use of Non Appropriated Funds

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Open House Air Show Plans Due to the high level of influence required to obtain both APF and NAF budgets for the Open House Air Show (OHAS), we recommend the NAF Resource Manager or FSS Deputy be the POC for obtaining the information contained in the package.

Why is it needed? • •

To SPEND commercial sponsorship on civilian aerial performers, or other MWR elements of your air show, requires approval from HAF/A1S IAW AFMAN 10-1004, Air Force Open Houses paragraph 5.5.3

How do I get approval from HAF/A1S? •

To gain this approval, submit an OHAS Budget Plan through myPers to AFSVA/SVI Marketing or e-mail Ms. Kelly Bortles at kelly.bortles@us.af.mil

What’s included in the OHAS Plan package? • • •

Signed memo from your Wing Commander requesting authorization to use commercial sponsorship funds for MWR elements of the OHAS Financial Worksheet with both NAF and APF Air Show budgets Installation legal review or eSSS showing coordination with your installation JA

When should I submit the OHAS Plan to AFSVA? • •

Two months prior to committing NAF commercial sponsorship funds to contracts for your MWR elements of the OHAS and civilian aerial acts Use myPers or email package to Ms. Kelly Bortles at kelly.bortles@us.af.mil

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Sample eSSS NOTE: Turn document text to black and delete items in red. Digital sample available on the AFSVA Portal at https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/10042/Pages/Mktg/OHAS.aspx -------------------------------COORDINATION Office Action Last Name/Rank/Date 3 AW/JA COORD (Required coordination by AFSVA/JA) 3 FSS/CC COORD 3 MSG/CCE COORD 3 MSG/CCD COORD 3 MSG/CC COORD 3 AW/CCE COORD 3 AW/CV COORD 3 AW/CC SIGN 3 FSS/FSK Forwards to AFSVA/SVI -----------------------------STAFF SUMMARY AO: Mr/Ms First Last, # FSS/FSK, DSN 969-7662 SUSPENSE: (2 Months Prior to Committing NAF Funds) SUBJECT: 3 AW/CC Sign Your AFB OHAS Financial Plan Memo 1. PURPOSE: Obtain 3 AW/CC signature on the Your AFB OHAS Financial Plan memo (Tab 1) requesting HQ USAF/A1S approval to apply Commercial Sponsorship Nonappropriated Funds (NAF) to fund MWR elements, including civilian aerial acts at the Your AFB Open House, in accordance with AFI 34-108 (Tab 2). 2. DISCUSSION: Commercial Sponsorships are authorized to support the MWR elements of Air Force Open Houses, including civilian aerial acts, when approved by HQ USAF/A1S in accordance with AFMAN 10-1004 (Tab 2). A plan outlining the NAF and APF operating budgets provided for review (Tab 3). 3. RECOMMENDATION: 3 AW/CC sign the OHAS Financial Plan memo (Tab 1) and return to 3 FSS/FSK for forwarding to AFSVA/SVI for further action.

//SIGNED/int/dd Mmm yy// FIRST LAST NAME Marketing Director 3 FSS/FSK DSN 969-7662/210-395-7662 3 Tabs 1. Request Memo for Signature 2. AFMAN 10-1004 Excerpt 3. 2019 OHAS Financial Worksheet

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MEMORANDUM FOR AFSVA/SVI HQ USAF/A1S IN TURN FROM: 3 AW/CC Your Air Force Base, ST 12345 SUBJECT: Financial Plan to Expend Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Commercial to MWR Elements of the Your AFB Open House, 14-15 September 2019 In accordance with AFMAN 10-1004, Conducting Air Force Open Houses, paragraph 6.4 Funding Civilian Aerial Performance or Display, use of commercial sponsorship for civilian aerial performance or display requires HQ USAF/A1S approval. As such, request approval to apply commercial sponsorship NAFs to fund MWR events at the Your AFB Open House scheduled for 1415 September 2019. NAF and appropriated fund budgets are at attachment 2. In addition to obtaining sponsorships for MWR events such as ground entertainment and children's play area, we intend to solicit for sponsorships specifically to support the appearance of 2 non-warbird civilian aerial acts. NAFs generated from commercial sponsorship of other events (at the open house or otherwise), other NAF proceeds from the open house, or generated at or by other NAF activities will not be used to support any civilian aerial acts. The addition of civilian aerial acts will help enhance the open house and thus attract a larger audience to view and appreciate Air Force resources of equipment and personnel. We are confident our marketing department can secure commercial sponsorship funding for these acts without detracting from sponsorship support of other MWR events scheduled for the open house or future installation MWR activities, events, and programs supporting our military community.

FIRST LAST NAME Colonel, USAF Commander Attachment: OHAS Plan Financial Worksheet NOTE: Use your installation letterhead. Turn all text to black, and delete red text. Digital sample available on the AFSVA Portal at https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/10042/Pages/Mktg/OHAS.aspx

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OHAS Financial Worksheet NOTE: Turn document text to black and delete items in red. Digital sample available on the AFSVA Portal at https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/10042/Pages/Mktg/OHAS.aspx

Sample Air & Space Expo, 14-15 Sep 18 Projected Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Operating Budget:

Projected Wing Appropriated Fund (APF) Operating Budget:

Projected FSS NAF Income:

Projected Wing (APF) Expenses:

Guarantee from Concessionaire Contract (Food, Beverage, Souvenirs, etc.) -- or Income from FSS/PO Food & Beverage Operations Beer Sales Revenue from Children's Play Area VIP Seating and/or Chalet Revenue Sponsorship/Donations for Civilian Aerial Performance Fees, Lodging & Fuel Commercial Sponsorship for other MWR Elements Other Donations for other MWR Elements Golf Cart Rentals ODR Equipment Rentals Ad Sales & Income from Souvenir Programs Total Revenue

$165,000 $0 $65,000 $13,500 $50,000

Tents/Table/Chair/Bleacher Rentals for VIP Seating or Chalets Porta potties for VIP Experience Seating / Chalets (Run by FSS or FSS Contractor) Cost of NAF Labor

Golf Cart Rented from Off-Base Outdoor Rec Equipment Rental Lodging (Total of Both On and Off Base) Flight Kitchen


Rental Cars/Busses

$10,000 $10,000 $2,200 $1,500

Air Boss and Narrator Flying Acts and Static Displays Fuel, Smoke, Engine Oil, etc. FOD Supplies

$3,500 $365,556

Projected FSS NAF Expenses: Is your concessionaire contract a no-cost guarantee? If No, Cost of Food & Beverage Vendor or Supplies Private Org or Booth Labor Payments Cost of Beer & Supplies Children's Play Area

Golf Carts Rented from on-base Golf Course

$0 $115,000 $30,000 $7,995 $22,000 $0 $11,000

$5,000 $1,500 $48,594 $2,730 $12,000 $5,750 $125,472 $33,463 $150

Execution Buffer Sound System

$12,500 $9,500



Trash & Refuse Yes



Trash Supply and Sand Bags


Misc. Construction Items COMM Supplies Medical Supplies/Ambulance SFS Materials

$5,000 $2,200 $2,600 $1,380

Passes, Wristbands, Signs, etc.




Civilian Overtime


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Civilian Aerial Acts & Ground Performers (e.g. Shockwave Truck) Proformance Fees Civilian Aerial Acts & Ground Performers Lodging Fees Civilian Aerial Acts & Ground Performers Fuel, Smoke, Engine Oil, etc. Golf Cart Expense (Supporting MWR Elements) Outdoor Rec Equipment Rental (Supporting the MWR Elements) Advertising for MWR Elements Only (Sponsor Solicitation Ads, Concert, etc.) Entertainment (Concerts, Fireworks, etc.) PA System/Stage/Lighting for MWR Elements Promotional Signage for MWR Elements / Sponsors Cost of Souvenir Programs Total NAF Expenses Projected NAF Net Income

$33,000 Commander's Tent $4,443

Thunderbird Welcome Party


Thunderbird Hospitality Tent


Wing AFP Total


$1,750 $2,000 $1,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $241,351 $124,205

FSS WORKSHEET How did you notify the public of the sponsorship opportunities? (Newspaper ads, letters to Chamber of Commerce, Linked In, etc.) Publications 1) 2) 3) 4)


Deadline to Respond

Cost of Ad

How did you determine how much to charge for Sponsorship? 1) ICAS Industry Valuation Standards 2) Projected Attendance 3) Sponsor Booth Location What are the rates for Sponsorship levels? Presenting Sponsor (MWR Elements Only) Associate / Partner / Sponsor Supporting Sponsor Contributing Sponsor (Display Only)

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Number of Sponsors Expected for Each Level



$10,000 $5,000 $0

5 5 0

What are the rates to advertise in Souvenir Program? Full Page Half Page Quarter Page How many people are expected to attend the event? Historical Data: Total Cash & In-Kind Sponsorship Previous CY When was your previous Air Show? Total Cash & In-Kind Sponsorship for previous Air Show CY Total Cash & In-Kind for the previous Air Show Only Total Cash & In-Kind Sponsorship for FSS Programs (Not Air Show related) Are you offering VIP Seating and/or Chalets?

$0 $500 $250

Number of Advertisers Expected Included with top level sponsorship 5 2


$15,000 2017 $75,000 $70,000 $15,000


How did you advertise VIP Seating and/or Chalets? Publications Dates 1) 2) 3) 4)

Deadline to Respond

Cost of Ad

How did you determine how much to charge for VIP Seating and/or Chalets? 1) Industry Standards 2) Compared to other bases: Minot, Niagara Falls, Westover, Pittsburg 3) List your rates for VIP Seating and/or Chalets Item Amount $10K for Private Chalet event Beer Garden Seating VIP Seating

$30 a day $100 a day

Services Provided Tent, tables, chairs, table clothes, catering, private port-a-let Entry, souvenir mug, shaded seats, water misting fans Shaded show center seating

NOTE: Turn document text to black and delete items in red. Digital sample available on the AFSVA Portal at https://cs2.eis.af.mil/sites/10042/Pages/Mktg/OHAS.aspx

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Suggested Timeline One Year (or More) Prior Attend ICAS Attend Air Show meetings to manage expectations for Commercial Sponsorship, what it can be used for and importance of OHAS Package approval Determine space available for Commercial Sponsors Determine sponsor benefits and price points for Presenting, Sponsor, Associate, Supporting, and Contributing sponsorship levels Determine who will be allowed space for free o Other branches of service, Reserves, Guard since it’s a Recruiting mission o What about STEM or STEAM displays? Determine legality of sponsor benefits before advertising them Determine how you will advertise sponsorship opportunities to the general public Determine the deadline for sponsor commitment Determine cost of printing souvenir book or is that contracted out? Determine if you’ll offer Chalets or VIP Experience Design and print Commercial Sponsorship sales material Create a sponsorship plan for contacting potential sponsors Are you having a concert or other live entertainment? Ensure Private Organization’s charters are up-to-date

10 Months Prior Set ad sale deadline for souvenir book Set printing deadline for souvenir book Develop Statement of Work (SOW) for concessionaire contract o Will you include the VIP seating and chalets? Develop Statement of Work (SOW) for civilian aerial acts Develop Statement of Work (SOW) for kids zone Contact local entertainers

9 Months Prior Finalize NAF and APF OHAS budgets for OHAS Plan package NAF Contracting sends out Requests for Proposals to potential vendors Create Seating and Chalet Proposal for VIP Experience Coordinate with NAF Resources for funds account for advertising of seating and/or chalets

7 Months Prior Begin routing OHAS Plan package for JA coordination and Wing Commanders signature on request memo

6 Months Prior Submit OHAS Plan package to AFSVA/SVI for approval from HAF/A1S Complete purchase orders for all off-base equipment Secure funding for lodging requirements

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4 Months Prior Receive approval by HAF/A1S to spend commercial sponsorship money on Air Show MWR elements Review solicited contract vendors and make selections Determine if you feed and water sponsor booths? How? Cost? Charge to? Identify all equipment items required and submit work orders to 19 CE Coordinate additional power and sewage requirements Create work description for each established manpower area Ensure all safety requirements/regulations are met for each seating area

3 Months Prior Finalize vendor contracts Determine which Private Organizations want to support concession booths

2 Months Prior Ad pages due for souvenir book Order golf carts and chargers Set up food handler training, booth leaders meetings, and cash handling training

1 Month Prior Print souvenir book Complete all printing for FSS Marketing Pack up all materials for FSS Marketing as the closer you get to the Air Show the busier Marketing will be supporting others in FSS and the Wing – especially if you have a print shop! Ensure sufficient manpower are requested and assigned to specific area to perform established expectations Set up cash handing training Brief Ground Director on Chalet and Seating arrival and construction Determine number of meals needed by air crews, paratroopers and augmentees for FSS Flight Kitchen Establish assignments of concession booths/display booths

2 Weeks Prior Work with Public Affairs to include sponsors in Air Show script Start scheduling social media posts for sponsors Establish cash banks for booths Order meals and firm up funding with FSS Flight Kitchen POC Mail confirmed chalet/seating identifications, instructions, and entitlements to purchasers Conduct meeting with Booth Leaders for concession booth workers

1 Week Prior Collect and hang up banners Put all key sponsor POCs phone numbers in your phone Put key FSS team member phone numbers in your phone Finalize lodging requirements Receive sponsorship items

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3 Days Prior Pick up items from FSS facilities Set up cashier Finalize meal orders with FSS Flight Kitchen POC

2 Days Prior Begin flight line set up Mark both layout Position chalet and seating area in designated space with fencing Work with Protocol/PA to assist with reception schedule and hospitality area, as required Assist concessionaire with set-up. Discuss last minute adjustments. Ensure concessionaires are properly trained on driving golf carts Ensure all concession booths are prepared to open on time Walk flight line to confirm location / footprint of MWR elements

Air Show! Make sure sponsors are happy Take pictures of people interacting with sponsors and their display Social media posts Text pictures to the key sponsor POC to show them their sponsorship is working Supervise concessionaire until all tear down is completed

After Air Show Supervise tear down Provide After Action Report to Air Show Committee

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6 Tips for Selling Sponsorship The Air Force as a whole is great at informing potential sponsors of sponsorship opportunities. But, there is always room to grow our sponsorship programs. Here are six ways to showcase sponsorship and advertising opportunities at your installation using today’s industry standards.


Use industry standard terminology. Many confuse sponsorship sales with fundraising. It’s not. Sponsorship is a business agreement. FSS Marketing sells access to the military market through events and advertising. Corporations pay for this access. Typically charities and fundraising have sponsor levels such as Gold, Silver, and Bronze or other fun names like, “General, Colonel, Major and Captain.” Avoid this. Corporations have real names for these levels. Top tier sponsor levels are: Title and Presenting. Exclusive rights to anything is reserved for top-level sponsors. Secondary levels are: Associate, Supporting, and Contributing sponsors.


Write for your audience. Seems simple enough, but are your proposals cluttered with Air Force acronyms only those on base understand? Avoid using the number and name of your squadron. If you’re stationed in a foreign country, offer proposals in both the host nation’s language and English. Keep It Short & Simple. Proposals (solicitations) are meant to be a conversation starter. Keep it concise and limit the info to what matters most to a potential sponsor (i.e. attendance, date, time, location, demographic numbers, cost to participate, call to action with deadline, and point of contact.


Courtesy of Maxwell AFB Sponsorship & Advertising

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Use “people” pictures. Showcase the crowds your sponsors can expect with photos of the event and real attendees interacting with them. Highlight people having fun and interacting with your sponsor or their products.


Ask yourself:

“If I was in charge of spending sponsorship dollars for a company, would I buy this?”


Focus on what Sponsors want. Event sponsorship provides a platform for experiences: sampling, demonstrations, brand engagement and lead generation. When listing the benefits of being a sponsor start with the big stuff: Opportunity to engage with 1,500 people

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Sell the audience, not the space. Sponsors want to know the number of attendees rather than booth space. Location and access to the audience are key motivating factors, so differentiate sponsorship levels by location to the main event and audience. For example, a banner on the main stage is more valuable than one hanging on the fence surrounding the event.

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