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Valeria Kechrinioti
Chief Marketing Officer, Director of Marketing and PR over 13 years, 8 years on top positions in careers: 2001 - 2008 AEROFLOT - RUSSIAN AIRLINES www.aeroflot.ru 2008 - 2009 MTV RUSSIA (Viacom / Profmedia) www.mtv.ru 2009 - 2012 VCI RESTAURANTS www.yakitoriya.ru Russian TOP-3, main asset: YAKITORIYA, popular chain of 56 casual dining restaurants in Moscow & >30 franchisees in CIS 2012 - CMO, Deputy CEO in FOOD Retail Goup www.dvepalochki.ru main asset: DVE PALOCHKI (Two Sticks), popular chain of 37 casual dining restaurants in St.Petersburg and Moscow 2013 - 2014 Director of Strategic Development, RESTAURANTS SYNDICATE, Moscow Premium Restaurant Group www.restsindikat.com PRIVATE CONSULTING FOR TOP-MANAGEMENT & TEAMS: FAGE DAIRY INDUSTRY www.fageusa.com, www.fage.gr, SOCHI-2014 the Capital of Olympic Games with PROMO INTERACTIVE (OGILVY Gr Russia) www.gornaya-karusel.ru, HELLENIC ESTATE GROUP www.heg.gr, White Rabbit Family www.wrf.su