group 1
Valerie Vierbergen Naomi Weerman
Luca Fischer Anne Meesters Farilyann Muzo
ILS conceptbook
For the past ten weeks Luca, Farilyann, Valerie, Naomi and Anne have worked hard on coming up with a new concept for Philips’ ‘Health-department.’ The first five weeks were in the light of research; there were interesting trends formulated, and a clear vision sketched of the mentality group, Philips’ identity is intensively examined and there has been research on new developments in the health- and leisure sector. All these sources inspired us to a renewed concept: ‘Filter Focus’. The spokesperson for Philips told us to choose a mentality group that had to adapt a new lifestyle quickly. We chose people with an acquired brain injury as our audience; these people’s lives have completely changed because of for instance an accident. The mentality group said to be socially isolated because of the overstimulation when going outside. This is why our focus is stimulus avoidance.
06 Luca Fischer
+316 31902804
Anne Meesters
+316 49674079
Farilyann Muzo
+316 55504400
Valerie Vierbergen +316 42984174 Naomi Weerman
+316 18692547
If you wish to contact us for further information or realisation; you can reach us via email or phone. We would love to help you, so don’t hesitate to call us. 2
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CONTENT SUMMARY Target group Philips Trends Sector
WHAT Conceptstatement Concept
WHO Value fit Storyboard Customer journey Archetype
HOW Concept carriers
21 22
HOW MUCH BMC Cost structure Revenue streams
SUMMARY target group, PHILIPS trends & sectors
Target group In the Netherlands on a yearly basis 160.000 people get ABI. There are already 650.000 people with ABI in the Netherlands. (Hersenstichting, 2017) These people struggle with most daily activities, because of overstimulation. Every day they need to calculate what they can and cannot do. This not only brings inconvenience and frustration for that specific person, but also for their loved ones. (, 2017) On the website a lot of stories can be found of people with ABI who want to tell their story. All of them have one thing in common. They long to live their lives as they did before. They want to participate in society and be part of their social live ones again. (Vilans, 2012) Mentaliteitsmodel This gets confirmed by Truus, a counsellor from Mee. nl. She says that people with ABI want to get their independence back, live their lives as they did before and want some understanding from society. This project strives to improve the quality of life of people with ABI. It will be focussed on taking away overstimulation so that people with ABI will not be socially isolated anymore. This way they are more independent, are not spending time calculating what can and cannot be done that day and participate in society again.
SUMMARY target group, PHILIPS trends & sectors
Trends While several trends are of importance to Philips, the macrotrend I’m in Control is the one used for this project. With values like independence and freedom and it’s megatrend Knowledge Society, I’m in Control is all about the triggering of doing your own research and making your own decisions. Where we obeyed those with a powerful position in the past, our growing distrust of them. This trend gives people suffering from ABI the piece of control they miss in their lives. Giving them the independence they crave. Sectors Looking at the sectors Health and Leisure, the developments most important for this project are the self-centered care that is gaining its importance in the health sector. Which means that you don’t need a hospital to measure important health related statistics. It also makes home care easier and more comfortable for the users. The gaining of empathy for others is the biggest change in the leisure sector. This is shown in several campaigns that have several different goals, from the understanding of people with disabilities to letting people understand what it is like living in a city suffering under terrorist threats.
PHILIPS Philips is a user-centered company with the goal of making medical systems more user friendly for doctors, but also for the patients (Koninklijke Philips N.V., Company, sd). They have made several products to help the revalidation of patients with Acquired Brain Injury, or ABI, over the years, like their Adaptive Healing Rooms (Metro Nieuws, 2014). Innovation and user-centered are the two most important values of Philips as a company, and have always been the most important values. But health and sustainability are two end-values Philips keeps in mind too when designing products. (Koninklijke Philips N.V., Bedrijfsprofiel, sd). With the changing of their slogan from “Sense and Simplicity” to “Innovation and You” in 2013, Philips shows all of their central values in their slogan (Eilander, 13). This, combined with their knowledge of trends and consumer needs makes Philips a credible company (Koninklijke Philips N.V., Bedrijfsprofiel, sd). Looking at the trendcurve of Rogers, 2003, all the information mentioned above places Philips in the innovators group.
WHAT conceptstatement
WHAT conceptstatement
We live in a world where going offline, going off the grid, is a luxury. Being exposed to information, technological devices and social media is exhausting and overstimulating. We want to connect again, without the internet. However to connect, we first need to disconnect.
WHAT concept
WHAT concept
After getting an acquired brain impairment one’s life changes, often overnight. The consequences are different for everyone, but a lot of people end up with an over-sensitiveness for sensory stimuli. People are forced to change their lifestyle (drastically), and even mundane activities like doing groceries or walking the dog could cause an overkill of incentives. Things that seem very normal to the rest of us, like going out for dinner, can be too much for a person with an ABI. Out in the open there is too much noise, light and / or odors. So these people stay inside, where stimuli can be regulated and avoided. However staying in causes social isolation. Therefore, they feel a lot more excluded from society and that leads to frustration and even depression. This concept will help the target group to live a life before ABI with more social contact. Filter Focus is focused on an improved quality of everyday life, mobility and being in control. People with an acquired brain impairment are exhausted more quickly than people without ABI. A theory named ‘The Spoon Theory’ by Christine Miserandino explains that this group has a certain amount of ‘spoons’ every day. An activity such as doing groceries is draining energy, and costs them spoons. People without ABI have a lot more spoons, i.e. energy to spend every day. The target group has to plan out their day carefully and think about every action that would cost them spoons. This causes a lack of spontaneousness in their lives. Filter Focus will help the target group to experience more freedom in their everyday lives, because the products will let them save energy.
Filter Focus 8
Turning down the volume of a radio, because the sound is too loud, but you still want to enjoy the music. Could this be possible in real life with real-time noise and light? This concept creates a world of filters one can switch on and off. Just like a camera with a dept of Field technology, this concept is all about being able to focus on one thing at a time. Stimuli Filter is about adjustment and filtering, creating a balance and feeling relaxed. Nowadays, we are all in need for a little less stimuli. We check our phones every minute and are exposed to information twenty-four hours a day: we live in a Stress Society. Not only people with brain damage could use a stimuli filter. Sometimes, we all need a little help to focus on one thing at a time.
People with ABI just want to be the person they were before. The one who has fun, goes out with friends, party, do something with the kids and so on. With this target group there is no exact age, because it can happen to everyone and one thing they all mention is that they just want to be the same person they were and do the same things they did. It is really important to them that they can be independent and do things they like without getting overstimulated. It is all about postmodern values. Because this concept is quite technological, it is likely to appeal to a more younger group of people with an ABI. Going outside is a very insecure thing for this target group. They do not know what kind of stimuli they will find outside their house. This concept helps to take away some kind of fear, encourages to take back control and will help them to start living their life again.
WHAT concept
WHAT concept
This concept creates a world of filters one can switch on and off. Just like a camera with a dept of Field technology, this concept is all about being able to focus on one thing at a time. Filter Focus is about adjustment and filtering, creating a balance and feeling relaxed.
WHAT concept carriers
The Stimuli Filter Goggles A pain of the target group when going outside, is dealing with bright lighting. Irregular, bright lighting causes epileptic seizures a lot faster when one copes with ABI. The Stimuli Filter Goggles are glasses that filter certain lighting away. The glasses have a built-in technology that makes it possible to change the settings to one’s personal needs. During the day, the sunlight may be too harsh, and at night all the street light may cause over-sensitiveness. The user is able to change the settings depending on the situation. The glasses will help with over-sensitiveness for sensory stimuli and make it possible for people with an acquired brain impairment to do things like going out with friends or going to restaurants without feeling completely exhausted after. The technology of the glasses will be quite similar to devices like Google Glasses. It has a built-in sensor that detects irregular or bright lighting. When, for instance,
WHAT concept carriers
the person with ABI is shopping for groceries at a welllit supermarket, the glasses add a darker and softer filter over the lenses. The Stimuli Filter Goggles do not operate with the app. Due to smart technology, the glasses adjust automatically via the censor. The exterior of the goggles is similar to normal (sun)glasses, because it is important that the design does not stand out too much. Earplugs There already are headphones with a noise-cancelling function, such as the BOSE Noise Cancelling Headphones. But the design looks bulky and radiates some sort of isolation. Earplugs are barely visible and are attached to the collar of your shirt. The Stimuli Filter Earplugs are wireless and connect with a smartphone through bluetooth. The user is able to control the earplugs with the Stimuli Filter App.
Peaceful Calm Natural Less triggers User-friendly
A sensor is attached to the earplugs and when worn, it will be touching the user’s neck. Things like the per-
son’s heartbeat will be measured and the technology will be activated as soon as the heartbeat rises. The user will get a notification on their phone from the app, letting him or her know the earplugs are activated. Through the app, the user can turn surrounding sounds on and off. This way, a person with ABI can choose where to focus on. It is also possible to turn off all sounds by activating the ‘noise cancelling’ option. Through this product, each person with acquired brain impairment can get control of the situation, can go outside to meet with friends and, as the target group mentioned, restore a bit of independence. Stimuli Filter App The Stimuli Filter App is crucial for the earplugs, but can also be used to find more information about the devices and a manual. Unique about this app, is that it is designed especially for people with an ABI. With soft colours, lighting and sounds, the app will not disturb the user’s experience.
The app has a Panic Button for easy-access and instant calmness. When a person experiences a panic attack due to overstimulation, he or she can push the Panic Button. The earplugs will be activated immediately. The app is also suitable to use on its own when one wants to listen to calming sounds. The app can also be used without the goggles and / or earplugs. The App will be included in the products, but it will be possible to buy the app on its own. This way, Philips will reach a more broad target group and interest those who get overstimulated very quickly, even without ABI. Website The ready-made Stimuli Filter Products can be bought online. The webpage of the product is streamlined with the design of the app.
WHO value fit & storyboard
Opportunity The opportunity for a lifestyle concept especially made for people with acquired brain impairment lies within social isolation and a subject that will help the user overcome their over-sensitiveness. The target group wants to be independent and wants a product that evolves with them. The constantly changing need has to be closely followed with a product that changes with it. Looking at the sector “Leisure”, there is change noticeable in the way we understand each other and the way we feel empathy for each other. In this case not only people with ABI are interesting, but also people who suffer from a burnout who suffer from a lot of triggers. Looking at the sector “Health”, healthcare gets more and more focussed on individuals. Wearables become more and more important and quantified self apps are reaching a bigger market. Philips also focuses on healthcare focussed on individuals. Finally, to make a surprising and well-working concept, the opportunity lies within a combination of sociological and technological.
Pain The pain people with ABI suffer from is overstimulation as a result of an impairment of the filter in their brains. This leads to social isolation. Often they lose the overview of everything they need to do in a day and everyday they need to choose what they can and cannot do. Spontaneously go and do something is not possible anymore. They are not only physically isolated, but also mentally. Gain As a result of the research, people with ABI seek for a product to withhold overstimulation. Filtering everything they see and hear, will be the solution. If they get over-stimulated, they often tend to just close their eyes or go to a silent, dark place to calm down. According to the target group, the overstimulation will get less if they have a product doing the filtering for them. The social isolation shall decrease.
WHO customer journey
Step 1. Dave sees a flyer at his weekly meeting at the ABI cafe.
Step 6. He takes his time to find out everything he needs to know about the filter focus.
Step 7. The website is user-friendly and easy to look at for a while. Philips has taken into account that this is for a special target group.
Step 2. After finding the flyer for filter focus, he asks the worker about it.
Step 5. Immediately, he notices that the website is soft coloured and not overwhelming at all.
Step 8. Dave finds out there is an app especially made for the filter focus for optimal use.
Step 3. She tells him about it, the best she can. Giving him useful information.
Step 4. Dave got a little curious. Therefore, when he gets home, he looks up the website.
Step 9. Dave got really excited and decided to order them online.
Step 12. The earplugs/goggles work so well that he finally manages to go out for a while. Step 11. In the manual he finds out how the earplugs/goggles work and connect them with the app.
Step 10. Next day delivery. Convenient and fast so that Dave can use them right away.
Step 13. He decides to write a review to let other people with ABI know what a solution this product is.
WHO acrhetype
Introduction In this empathy map, the archetype of our target group, people with ABI are being visualised. It is important to get to know the client’s environment, routines and pains and gains, because it helps to empathize with them and really get to know them. An empathy map makes it easier to design a value proposition. It is like stepping into their shoes to get a more in-depth image of the target group. Dave, the archetype, represents the entire group of people with ABI that have been researched. Meet Dave Hello! This is Dave Huijbregts. He is twenty-five years old and has been in a relationship with his girlfriend Sanne for over six years now. Dave has studied Human Resource Management in Eindhoven, and works as a job coach for Randstad in the same city. He loves being in nature, working out and traveling. Dave has had ABI due to a traffic accident. Ever since, his impairment affects his everyday rituals in a negative way. But Dave is also a real optimist and learned to live day-by-day, without thinking too much about what tomorrow could bring. What does he say and do? He does not like to complain about his condition, but everyone has their off-days. He tries to suppress his negative thoughts and frustrations as much as possible. His attitude in public can be best described als quiet and remote. Dave has to stay focused and calm when in public, because of the risk of a panic attack. All in all, Dave has become from an outgoing, spontaneous man to a more introvert, quiet person. Dave is relatively dependent on his direct environment. His girlfriend Sanne is one of the key people, as she cares for him on a daily basis. They both miss some sort of spontaneousness in their lives, because Dave’s day has to be planned out. Dave used to work full-time as a job coach for Randstad, but after his injury, he only works a couple of hours a day, depending on his mood and energy level. What does he see? Dave spends a lot of his time inside his apartment. It is the one place where he is able to control the amount of incentives he receives. The interior is very basic with a neutral colour palet. He is quite active on social media, like Facebook. This way, he feels a little more involved in social life. Obstacles for Dave vary from mundane actions such as doing groceries to more special occasions like going to a restaurant. He gets tired very quickly and is sometimes unable to finish a task due to overstimulation.
WHO archetype
What does he hear? His friends, family and girlfriend state that Dave has changed a lot since his accident. Even though they all try to make the best of it, they feel powerless because they can not cure him. His boss and co-workers show a lot of understanding towards his situation. His brain impairment has affected the relationship with his friends in a negative way. He can no longer do a lot of things with them they like, because Dave gets exhausted very quickly. What does he think and really feel? After his accident, Dave realized how important his family and loved ones are to him. He is very grateful for that. He is slightly concerned about the future. His wish to have kids might can not be granted, because of his brain injury. Raising a family might be too difficult and exhausting for him. One of his aspirations is to travel the world and to be more adventurous.
Passport Name: Dave Huijbregts Age: 25 City: Eindhoven Reason of brain impairment: traffic accident Has ABI for 2,5 years now
What is his pain? It is frustrating to Dave that he can no longer do all of the things he used to do. He overestimates his level of energy and skills. Because of the overkill of stimuli outside, he gets exhausted very quickly. What is his gain? Dave seeks more independence in everyday life.
“To seek more independence in everyday life.”
HOW concept carriers
Organisation When it comes to organisation, Philips already has a broad spectrum of specialists within its company. Although this concept is quite technological, is it crucial to enable the expertise of other parties. In this chapter, the mot important specialists that Philips has to involve in the process are mentioned. Psychologists To develop the right app with the most calming design, psychologists have to be involved in the realisation process. They can advise Philips on certain domains, such as colour psychology, reaction to certain images and so on. Hearing care and opticians Opticians and stores specialized in hearing care are suitable places to sell the product. This way, people with ABI get the expertise of specialists and will be informed well if needed. Philips does not haveIn the Netherlands, companies like Hans Anders, Eyewish Opticians and Beter Horen are good examples to co-operate with. Software development Because the technology of the devices are relatively new, Philips has to co-operate with companies who are specialised on this domain. Certain software Philips has no insights of have to be developed. Network For this concept, it is very important to have strong connections with foundations specialized in acquired brain damage.The Dutch foundation ‘NAH Stichting’ has a lot of knowledge in overstimulation and coping with brain damage and trauma. These foundations are able to connect Philips to the target group. For this concept development, Marjan Ending from NAH Zuid-Oost Brabant has been contacted for information about ABI. Physical environment Wherever the products will be sold, the physical environment has to radiate calmness and personalization. Every single person with ABI is different and deserves a custom-made service.
HOW concept carriers
The Stimuli Filter Pop-Up Store To offer the target group the best service possible, it is important to redesign their shopping experience. The entire customers journey needs to be calming, comfortable and encouraging. For promotion and marketing, this concept carrier has been developed to bring more consciousness for acquired brain damage. The Stimuli Filter Pop-up Store will set up in a crowded place, such as an airport, mall or the shopping district. This will create a contrast between the busy world, and the serene pop-up store. The clients can easily test out the products by just stepping outside. They will also gain information about the products if needed. Communication Research into the target group shows that people with an ABI are still using technological devices such as smartphones and computers. Therefore, digital communication with the client is possible. Unfortunately, they are not able to handle apps with bright colors, sudden sounds and moving images and videos. Advertisement of the concept should be simple, calming and without any bells and whistles. Because people with an ABI do not go outside a lot, communication through digital devices is crucial to reach the target group in the most efficient way. Advertisement on websites of foundations for acquired brain impairment could be an example. In the Netherlands, special meeting points for people with ABI have been created. These so called ‘ABI cafés’ have been designed to make it possible for them to socialize with other people without getting overstimulated. Advertisement on these kind of places is important to reach the target group efficiently. Because this group visits hospitals on a regular basis, communication through a General Practitioner or a hospital could be important as well.
The products of Philips are being sold in a lot of different stores, such as supermarkets, drugstores and hardware stores. For a person with ABI, shopping in a crowded store can be very difficult and exhausting. This concept carrier will offer a solution for that.
HOW concept demarcation
Concept demarcation During the implementation phase of the ‘stimuli filter’ concept, it is essential that the main concept carriers are optimally effectuated to accomplish the entire concept. To complete the concept ‘Stimuli filter’the concept carriers need to be executed and implemented effectively, as defined in the concept book. The purpose of the ‘stimuli filter’ concept is to assist people with ABI to prevent over stimulation. It is notable that the product designed for this concept needs to fulfil the need to reduce stimuli. Investing in accomplishing the noise-cancelling-earplugs and-/or light-filtering goggles is significantly important. By making sure that at least one of a person’s senses is stimulated less the people with an acquired brain injury will live a more pleasant daily life with less social isolation because with these accessories they are able to go outside. For these patients, going to the store can be a huge errand; they can get overstimulated easily because of the crowdedness. Stating this fact, it is important that the purchase of the stimuli filters can be bought with minimal obstacles for the buyer. This will be achieved by launching a special app for smartphones and tablets and a pop-up store. The app, as well as the store will have a peaceful atmosphere to prevent triggering customers. Adding this purchase option is important because it brings the concept to the customer. The entire journey of purchasing these products should be smooth sailing from start to finish. This is an essential part of the concept to add to the experience of lowering the amount of stimuli in the life of a person with a brain injury. The communication between customer and seller will mostly take place online. During the phase of realizing and producing the product it is important to keep in close touch with the Dutch foundation for people with an acquired brain injury so the needs of this group will be the number one priority. It is also helpful that this foundation has many contacts who would be meeting the target group when in the marketing stage of the process.
HOW MUCH BMC, cost structure & revenue streams
Key Partners Software businesses Stores Manufacturers
Key Activities Product Development Research Sales
Value Proposition peace freedom social contacts stimuli aversion
Customer Relationships
Customer Segments
- Consumer helpdesk - FAQ webpage
Key Resources
software developers researchers marketeers
Philips Website Stores Hospitals
Cost structure
Revenue Streams
software development product development marketing salary research
sales insurance
In this chapter you can find a rough outline of the income and outcome the Filter Focus concept can give Philips. Cost structure Software development This depends on the already existing knowledge, but also on existing software. A device has to be developed that can filter sounds manually or automatically, just like an app has to be designed and a filter that can be used in glasses. Looking at the amount of development this concept needs, Philips needs to keep high costs for software development in mind. Product development Since Philips already has headphones and (3D) glasses in its assortiment, the knowledge of how to develop these products is already known. However, the additions that help stimuli aversion have yet to be applied. Depending on how this is done, Philips has to keep costs in mind a bit higher to a lot higher than is normal for the production of headphones or glasses. Marketing Marketing is very important if you want to sell a product. A chapter has already been dedicated to the marketing of this concept. However, since the marketing exceeds just commercials, the costs can be expected to be a bit higher than the normal marketing costs. Salary The salary for those who made the products have to be paid as well. It depends on the department and the
People with Acquired Brain Damage
way Philips pays their workers on how high this will be, but it is expected to be the same as when another new product is made. Research Further research has to be done under people with ABI to see how they would use this product, preferably with a working prototype. But research for the filters also has to be done, if the knowledge is not already there. The costs could go from low to normal depending on what knowledge Philips already has. Revenue streams Sales Of course the main income will be through the sold products. The amount of income will depend mostly on the success of the product, so good marketing is in place. Insurance Looking at the target group, a deal could be made with several insurance companies that can generate income for Philips.
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