General Information - English Where Can I Go To Get Health Care? In Case of an Emergency: In the event of an Emergency, call 911 or seek care at the closest hospital. It is an emergency if waiting to get care could be dangerous to your life or a part of your body. Primary Care Doctors: Your doctor or Primary Care Physician (PCP) plays a key role in your health care and will be your regular personal doctor. Valley Health Plan has a number of health centers and individual provider offices that provide the health care services you need. These doctors are located throughout Santa Clara County. These visits are covered 100% through VHP. To find a PCP, visit the VHP website at and use the Provider Search function, or call Member Services at 1.888.421.8444 (toll-free). For the hearing and speech impaired, call the California Relay Service (CRS) by simply dialing 711 or the 800 CRS number of your modality. Urgent Care Services: Urgent care is care you need within 24 to 48 hours. If you need Urgent Care Services, call the 24-hour medical advice line at 1.866.682.9492 (toll-free), schedule an appointment or go to a VHP Network Walk-in Urgent Care Clinic. In the event you are out of the Service Area and cannot safely go to your Plan Providers, go to the closest urgent care provider. All follow-up care must be received through Network Plan Providers or authorized by VHP. VHP Network Hospitals: VHP is contracted with several hospitals throughout its Service Area. Except in the case of an emergency, Hospital Services must be authorized by the Plan.
How To Choose A Doctor Your Primary Care Doctor: Your doctor or Primary Care Physician (PCP) plays a key role in your health care and will be your regular personal doctor. Your doctor may refer you to other doctors/ specialists when necessary. Choosing My Doctor: You can choose your own doctor (PCP) from within the VHP Network. If you do not choose a doctor, you will be assigned one by VHP. To find a PCP, visit the VHP website at and use the Provider Search function, or call Member Services at 1.888.421.8444 (toll-free). Changing My Doctor: You can change your doctor at anytime by calling VHP Member Services at 1.888.421.8444 (toll-free).
Who To Call Member Services: Call VHP Member Services at 1.888.421.8444 (toll-free) if you have any questions about your health plan benefits or if you need help with any other health plan matter. For the hearing and speech impaired, call the California Relay Service (CRS) by simply dialing 711 or the 800 CRS number of your modality. Appointments: To schedule an appointment with your PCP, call the appointment phone number listed for their office. For Provider office appointment phone numbers, visit the VHP website at and use the Provider Search function, or call Member Services at 1.888.421.8444 (toll-free).
V A L L E Y H E A L T H P L A N E V I D E N C E O F C O V E R A G E A N D D I S C L O S U R E F O R M 6