Jelly 2 - All in One - Unit 3

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Jelly 2 All-in-ONE

All-in -


n i l l A

E N O ISBN 978-90-306-7115-2


9 789030 671152

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Once upon a time


CD 1 - n°19

Sam comes home, looking very happy.

Sam: Mum: Sam: Tim: Sam:

Mum: Sam: Mum: Sam: Mum: Sam: Mum:


Mum, I’ve got a new friend! Really? Tell me about her! She’s our neighbour. She’s called Emma and she’s 15. She’s nice and very funny. Has she got any brothers? Yes, twin brothers! They’re 11. Will and... um... Ben! Will is a bit quiet, but Ben seems to be livelier! What about her parents? Well, their parents are divorced so the children live with their mother. What is she like? She looks strict, but actually she’s quite nice and very dynamic. Isn’t she tall and blonde? Yes, exactly! And a bit overweight. I think I saw her yesterday at the filling station with the twins. And where does their father live? He lives in Warwick with his new partner.

Check your comprehension. Réponds aux questions. Qui est Emma ? ............................................................................................................................................... Que sais-tu d’elle et de sa famille ? Décris-les. ...................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

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Feelings – personality

CD 1 - n°20

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1. pleased

2. excited

3. happy

4. cheerful

5. in love

6. proud

7. jealous

8. shocked

9. angry

10. furious

11. sad

12. disappointed

13. frightened

14. scared

15. eager

16. thoughtful

17. unhappy

18. brave

19. friendly

20. helpful

21. sensitive

22. kind

23. amazing

24. calm

25. confident

26. generous

27. aggressive

28. talkative

29. shy

30. absent-minded

31. selfish

32. teasing

33. touchy

34. spiteful

35. rude

36. nasty, unkind

37. lazy

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Complète les phrases avec un adjectif qui convient à la situation. Plusieurs solutions sont possibles. 1. I've got a useless present. I feel …...........................................….... . 2. John’s parents are very ….................................. of him because he works very hard at school. 3. Alex often forgets his books. He is …...........................................…... . 4. This young boy never shares his sweets; he is …...........................................…... . 5. My grandmother talks a lot; she is very …...........................................…... . 6. Martin tells jokes every day. He is …...........................................…... . 7.

Charly seems to dream a lot; he is …...........................................…... .

8. He never apologizes; he is very …...........................................…... . 9. My neighbour always wants what we have; he is …...........................................…... . 10. He studies a lot and feels …...........................................…... about his exams. 11. My sister never accepts criticism; she’s …...........................................…... . 12. She doesn’t have a boyfriend because she’s too …...........................................…... .

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Casting Your school is organizing the audition for the end of the year play. You decide to try out. To do so you need to practise your acting skills. Here are some sentences you have to say with different emotions. 1. How are you doing? (angry – happy – lazy) 2. Can I have some water, please? (excited – confident – rude) 3. Look at that dog! (scared – amazed – jealous) 4. I love potatoes. (selfish – in love – sad) 5. You look so pretty. (shy – nasty – sensitive) 6. ...


7 Simple Past (regular verbs)

We watched movies together.

She helped me paint my bedroom.

I didn’t study much,

I visited my aunt

for a change.

in London.

We cooked cupcakes and tried new recipes! p. 117


8 Simple Past of to be The streets were greener. My room was smaller.

p. 121

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End of term Dear Kate, ago. Biology was the last subject. It was I finished my December exams three days definitions to learn. I was very tired and quite difficult because there were a lot of I was very anxious to get my results. And I had problems memorizing all of them. So y when I received my report. In fact, I did I was really bad tempered until yesterda my istry. Though I studied a lot, I still failed quite well in all my subjects, except chem was her showed me my exam, and it’s true, I exam. I was quite disappointed. The teac id stup few a e of the exam because I mad probably very absent-minded on the day her was very nice and offered to help me mistakes with my calculations! But the teac do better next time, promise! after the holiday. I said yes, of course. I’ll very pleased because they are aware My parents weren’t angr y at me. They were very good mark s in all my other subjects. I did my best and studied a lot. And I got told my parents I was a very sensible and The English teacher was very nice and he intelligent girl. and showed them my report. They I visited my grandparents at the weekend very proud of me. She even phoned her congratulated me and my grandmother was sister, my great-aunt, to tell her. me some money. Then I immediately And more interestingly, she decided to give mobile prepaid phone card so I can phone walked to the newsagent’s and bought a new ul for Xmas and New Year’s Eve. I usually my friends or text them. It will be very usef ives on the 25th and the 1st. Last year, I send a message to all my friends and relat mobile. But he checked all the numbers. had no money left and I borrowed my dad’s y nosy. And mum is sometime s even more Sometimes he is so boring! He can be reall I am calling or texting. And I asked again if curious. They always want to know who I sed. Too young, too dangerous, too this, could join a social network but they still refu too that! In a word, the answer was NO! rs. So I still have to write old-fashioned lette I really hope you did well and you did What about you? Did you get your report? nts were very angr y. Let me know. Write better than last year. I remember your pare back quickly. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very loved ones.

Happy New Year. Kisse s to you and all your

Kisse s,


SOUNDBOX Pronunciation [ed] in the simple past

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Lis attentivement la lettre de Jane et réponds aux questions suivantes. A. Vrai ou faux ? 1. Jane a présenté son examen de biologie il y a trois jours. …...................... 2. Elle était trop fatiguée et a refusé d’étudier les définitions. …...................... 3. Elle a un échec en biologie et en chimie. …...................... 4. Dans les autres branches, ses résultats ne sont pas brillants non plus. …...................... 5. Elle ne comprend rien à la chimie. …...................... 6. Le prof attribue son échec à un manque d’étude. …...................... 7.

Elle devra résoudre des problèmes de chimie durant les vacances. …......................

8. La prof d’anglais dit qu’elle est fort sensible.


9. Sa grand-mère a appelé sa grand-tante pour lui dire qu’elle avait un échec. ........................ 10. Jane utilisera le GSM de son père pour appeler ses amis le 24 décembre …......................

et le 1er janvier.

B. Utilise des adjectifs pour qualifier les éléments suivants. Dis ensuite s’ils dénotent quelque chose de positif (++) ou de négatif (--). 1. L’examen de biologie : …...........................................…... 2. Sa condition physique la veille de l’examen : …...........................................…... 3. Son humeur avant de recevoir son bulletin : …...........................................…... 4. Son humeur après avoir reçu son bulletin : …...........................................…... 5. Sa concentration le jour de l’examen : …...........................................…... 6. Les sentiments de ses parents : …...........................................…... 7.

Le sentiment de sa grand-mère : …...........................................…...

8. L’opinion du prof d’anglais à son sujet : …...........................................…... 9. Le comportement de ses parents quand elle utilise le GSM de son papa : …...........................................…... 10. L’opinion de ses parents à propos des réseaux sociaux : …...........................................…...

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CD 1 - n°21

Sam is talking with her new friend Emma.

Emma: Sam: Emma: Sam:

Emma: Sam: Emma: Sam:


What was your room like in your old town? It was smaller, but more colourful. I had beautiful curtains. How about the neighbourhood? I like it here, but I loved it there. All my friends lived close by. The streets were greener because there were a lot of trees, but it was much noisier because of the traffic. I know. It’s quiet here. Too quiet! There’s nothing to do! What did you do for fun? I used to hang out a lot with my friends. We went to the gym or to the park together. I feel a bit lonely here. Oh no! Don’t worry, I’m here now! I’m going to show you around and introduce you to my friends.

Check your comprehension. Réponds aux questions. 1. Décris l’ancienne chambre de Sam ainsi que son quartier et compare-les avec les nouveaux. ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

2. Que faisait-elle pour s’amuser ? ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

3. Comment Emma rassure-t-elle Sam qui se sent seule ? ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... Unit 3 - Once upon a time

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Describing the neighbourhood Here are some words and adjectives to describe your neighbourhood. Read them carefully and try to find the picture that goes with each of them. Replace les mots et adjectifs en dessous des photos qui conviennent. in the countryside / in town / in the suburbs / in the city centre / not far from the station/ safe / dangerous / quiet / noisy / peaceful / urban / rural / lively / remote / crowded

......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... .........................................................

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My town Once a month an English magazine dedicates a column to a Belgian city. Therefore they ask some students to write an article about their town. Describe your town in as much detail as possible. The pictures are there to give you ideas.

Une fois par mois, un magazine anglais consacre une rubrique à une ville belge. Pour ce faire, il est demandé à des étudiants de rédiger un article dans lequel ils présentent leur ville. C’est ton tour : présente ta ville en donnant un maximum d’informations. Les images sont là pour te donner des idées. ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

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Round trip to Canterbury Last year I travelled with my English teacher and fifty other children to Canterbury, in South East England. It was on 7th December. The weather was cloudy, the sky was grey but it remained dry the whole day. At 7 a.m. we left Belgium by coach to go to Dunkerque in France. We arrived on time at the border but there were five other coaches. Unfortunately one of the travellers in front of us had problems with her passport at the Immigration Office, which took a long time and made us miss the boat. We had to wait for two hours for another one. The teachers were disappointed, but we weren’t because we waited in a game arcade. When it was time to go, we were very happy because the boat looked like a cruise ship. Everything on board was great. There was a nice duty free shop where I bought some perfume and English chocolate. I had lunch with my best friend in one of the two restaurants. I decided to eat traditional fish and chips. Yummy! We stayed on the deck because it wasn’t too cold. Shannon was seasick and was happy to arrive in Dover. But it was already 3 p.m. and we couldn’t stay longer than two hours because of the bus driver’s hours. But he was really friendly and decided to take us home later. Hurray! We started the visit at the huge cathedral. When we crossed the street, we discovered the town was already decorated for Christmas. The shop windows were magic! We visited the museum where we learnt about the Canterbury tales written by the famous Chaucer. The tour was interesting and funny. Then it was time for shopping. We were really excited: a unique opportunity to buy Christmas presents without our parents. But our troubles continued: Maud lost her wallet. She was really upset, but our teacher gave her some money for her shopping. There was a small, but nice Christmas market. I bought wonderful Christmas cards and scented candles. We met Father Christmas and a group of young children singing Christmas carols. It’s impossible to go to Britain and not to enjoy tea time: we had a nice cup of tea with a piece of Christmas cake. So tasty! I’ll ask mum to make a traditional British Christmas dinner for our Christmas Eve, with a roast turkey, cranberry sauce and vegetables. I remembered to buy some crackers as well. Ho, ho, ho! At the end of the day the teachers were very tired but we weren’t. It was so exciting to come home late (1 a.m.). I’ll never forget my first time in Great Britain!

Round trip to Canterbury Après avoir lu le récit d’un aller-retour à Canterbury, lis la carte postale que Timmy a envoyée à sa grand-mère. Il semble avoir une mémoire défaillante. Corrige en donnant les bonnes informations.

Samedi 17 décembre Chère Granny, Nous sommes partis à Canterbury avec quelques amis et notre professeur d’anglais. Nous avons pris le Shuttle à Calais. Le voyage était assez court. J’ai acheté du parfum et du chocolat. À midi, tout le monde a mangé un hamburger et des frites. Il a beaucoup plu. Mon amie Shannon a été malade dans le car. Le chauffeur n’était vraiment pas sympathique. Nous avons visité le musée des contes de Canterbury. Maud, une autre copine, avait oublié son portefeuille et donc le professeur lui a prêté de l’argent. Au marché de Noël, j’ai acheté des cartes et des bougies. J’ai aussi pris un goûter typique : café et pudding. Je ne vais pas oublier de ramener des crackers : tu sais, ces surprises anglaises qui explosent quand on tire dessus et qui contiennent une blague, une couronne, un chapeau et un petit cadeau. J’ai passé une superbe journée ! Trop cool ! Timmy Bisous. On se voit à Noël :)

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Note ici les différences par rapport au récit de départ : ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

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5. LISTENING CD 1 - n°23

Travelling to and in London During the Christmas holiday, you went to London with your parents. You used different means of transportation. Listen carefully to the following announcements. Do the exercise. Écoute attentivement les annonces faites dans les différents moyens de transport londoniens et associe-les avec les images et les mots proposés. Pour chaque image : • inscris le numéro de l’annonce qu’elle illustre ; • inscris le moyen de transport évoqué (E = Eurostar/train, B= bus, U = underground/metro); • écris sur les pointillés le(s) nouveau(x) mot(s) rencontré(s) en le(s) choisissant dans la liste. approaching – available – belonging – departure lounge – fare – gap – international – journey – line – next – platform – right hand side – ticket office – exit – get on board – including – leave – mind (something) – ring the bell – stand clear of – throughout – whole – wireless access

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CD 1 - n°24

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The friends are together in the shopping centre.

Sam: Nipun: Sam: Kelly: Sam:

I met my neighbours two weeks ago. What are they like? Very nice. They have a daughter, Emma, and she’s my friend now. What do you mean she’s your friend? Well, we did lots of things during the holiday. She helped me paint my bedroom, we visited the neighbourhood and she took me to really cool places! We watched movies together. We cooked cupcakes and tried new recipes! It was so much fun! What about you guys? What did you do? Brian: I visited my aunt in London. We went everywhere: Piccadilly, Oxford Street, Camden Market... Nipun: How cool! Brian: Yes it was! I ate the best fish and chips ever! Sam: I love fish and chips. Kelly: Nothing but fat! Sam: Party pooper! What did you do? Kelly: I did a lot of shopping, of course. I danced in my bedroom and I read some magazines. What about you, Nipun? Nipun: I didn’t study much, for a change. I chatted with my cousins from India and I played with the video game I got for Christmas.

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Check your comprehension. Qu’ont-ils fait pendant les vacances ? Note ce que chacun a fait.


S am





9 Comparison (superiority) It was smaller, but more colourful. Ben seems to be a little livelier. The streets were greener. It was much noisier because of the traffic.

p. 123

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Happy holidays! Talk about your holidays with your friends. You can look at the pictures to get inspired!

Merry late Christmas It’s already the new year. You were so busy during the holiday that you didn’t write to your friend to wish him/her a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Better late than never. Write a Christmas card to your penfriend describing what you did during the break.

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Écris une carte de Noël à ton correspondant anglais en lui expliquant ce que tu as fait durant les vacances d’hiver.

8. LISTENING CD 1 - n°25

Christmas around the world People around the world have different ways of celebrating Christmas. Listen to three people explaining how they celebrated Christmas.

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Christmas around the world Écoute les trois récits et note ci-dessous les différentes façons de fêter Noël. En Suède : ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... En Angleterre : ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... En Australie : ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

YES, I CAN! : ou can neighbours Now y w out ne

b ood speak a h b o ur h ig e rhoods n w ighbou a ne e e n , ib s r c m d es edroo uses, b onalit y o h e r a s , p ers n io t o comp ngs, em ut feeli o b vents a lk ta , past e s y a d li o erent bout h ts in diff n e write a m e n o un c t an d an o r t un d e r s sp of tran means cit y bout a write a ay trip out a d read ab

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Vérifie ce que tu as appris dans cette unité : coche ce que tu sais faire.


Je sais…

comparer l’endroit où je vis avec l’endroit précédent.

rédiger un article décrivant ma ville.

écrire une carte postale dans laquelle je parle de mes vacances.


Je sais…

donner une description du physique et du caractère d’un nouveau voisin.

exprimer, comparer des émotions, des traits de caractère.

distinguer et décrire des émotions, des sentiments vécus dans différentes situations.

raconter des activités passées.

décrire et comparer une chambre, un quartier, des activités.


Je sais…

comprendre des annonces faites dans différents moyens de transport (train, bus, métro).

comprendre le récit d’activités passées. relever des informations sur les coutumes de fin d’année dans différents pays.


Je sais…

comprendre un jeune qui parle de ses examens, de ses vacances.

comprendre le récit d’une journée d’excursion.

CODE Je sais … utiliser les adjectifs décrivant les sentiments, les traits de caractère de quelqu’un dans diverses situations. utiliser « le Simple Past » des verbes réguliers et prononcer correctement les différentes terminaisons. utiliser les comparatifs de supériorité.

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The Yeomen Warders of the Tower of London If you go to London and visit the Tower of London, you’ll meet about forty “Yeomen Warders”. Their uniform is colourful: they wear a Tudor uniform which is made up of a knee-length scarlet tunic, scarlet knee-breeches and stockings. They also wear a round hat called a Tudor bonnet. Queen Elizabeth I introduced a white neck ruff.

scarlet tunic

scarlet knee-breeches


Tudor bonnet



white neck ruff

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Some of them wear a dark-blue and red uniform. They are now a tourist attraction. You can ask them information about the Tower. They are very helpful and always smile. They can even show you around the Tower. They make sure visitors do not do anything stupid and that they respect the place. In the past, they looked after the prisoners in the tower and the crown jewels.

The Yeomen Warders’ nickname is “beefeaters”. But nobody exactly knows why. Some people say the king allowed them to eat as much beef as they wanted from his table. Other people think “beefeaters” comes from the old French word “buffetier” which meant a person responsible for the royal buffet, but this explanation is less likely. Each day, during the ceremony of the keys, which takes place at 9.50 every evening, they lock the gates of the Tower. At the end of the ceremony, the Chief Warder says “All’s well. God preserve Queen Elizabeth” and everybody answers “Amen”. Then they carry the keys to a safe place. If you want to attend this ceremony, you must book at least two months in advance!

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Let’s have a look at the neighbours Samuel Beckett Bridge or Harp bridge


The Samuel Beckett Bridge, designed by architect Santiago Calatrava Valls, was built in homage for the centenary of the birth of the Irish writer. It links the north side and the south side of Dublin over the river Liffey. Its aim is to ease traffic in the city centre.

Take a

It is 120m long, 48m high and has 4 traffic lanes with cycle tracks and footpaths on both sides. It can open to an angle of 90 degrees to allow the passage of ships. It is shaped like a harp, one of the Irish symbols, lying on its side. This bridge is a mix of ingenuity, utility and elegance, just like the Irish writer Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) of whom Irish people are so proud. It opened in December 2006. On the Irish coin, you can see the picture of the harp.

Irish dance Irish dance is world-famous. It’s not a sport, but part of Irish culture. The early history of Irish dancing is vague but it seems that the druids were the first people to do that type of dancing. It is accompanied by music played on the bagpipes and the harp. During the 18th century, a dancing master travelled from village to village to show and teach Irish dancing. Each master had his own district and met the other dancers at fairs where they challenged each other. Nowadays women wear dresses worn by Irish peasants and men wear a kilt and a simple jacket. They wear hornpipe (hard shoes) or soft shoes, like ballet shoes. There are many competitions, graded by age. One of the characteristics of the dance is that the arms hardly ever move. There is no other dance that does that. One legend says that during the English occupation of Ireland, Irish dancers were obliged to dance for the Queen and they decided to keep their arms still, next to their body, to show they weren’t having fun! Dancers still travel around the world today and “Celtic legends” still perform.

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TAKE A HIKE SB, page 45

Samuel Beckett or Harp bridge Ces affirmations sont-elles vraies ou fausses ? Corrige-les si nécessaire ! 1. Santiago Calatrava Valls est un écrivain irlandais.


2. Liffey est la rivière qui traverse Dublin.



3. La harpe est un symbole irlandais.



4. Les piétons ne peuvent emprunter ce pont.



5. Samuel Beckett est un auteur du 21e siècle.




Irish Dance Prends un élément dans chaque colonne pour composer une phrase qui résume correctement ce que tu as appris sur la danse irlandaise et ses origines. Irish dance

is that

to dance for the Queen

Irish dancers

is part of

the arms don’t move

A characteristic


Irish culture

One legend

is accompanied by

a kilt and a jacket

Irish dance

says they were obliged

bagpipes and harp

............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

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Sam comes home, looking very happy. Tell me about her! She’s our neighbour. She’s nice and very funny. She’s got twin brothers! Will is a bit quiet. Ben seems to be a little livelier! Their parents are divorced. She looks strict but actually she’s very nice. Her mother is quite dynamic. Yes, exactly!

to come home

rentrer à la maison

to look to tell neighbour nice funny twin brothers quiet to seem lively divorced strict

avoir l’air raconter voisin(e) gentil drôle, marrant frères jumeaux calme sembler, avoir l’air vif divorcé sévère

actually dynamic exactly

en fait dynamique tout à fait, exactement en surpoids, rondelet station essence

And a bit overweight.


I saw her yesterday at the filling station. He lives in Warwick with his new partner.

filling station


Once upon a time. What is she like?

Il était une fois. Comment est-elle ? (personnalité)


pleased excited happy cheerful in love proud jealous shocked angry furious sad disappointed frightened scared eager thoughtful unhappy brave friendly helpful sensitive kind amazing calm confident

satisfait excité, passionné heureux joyeux, gai amoureux fier jaloux choqué faché furieux triste déçu apeuré effrayé avide pensif / attentionné malheureux courageux amical serviable/utile sensible gentil étonnant calme confiant

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compagne, compagnon

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generous aggressive talkative shy absent-minded selfish teasing touchy spiteful rude nasty unkind lazy

généreux agressif bavard timide distrait égoïste taquin susceptible rancunier grossier mauvais, vilain méchant paresseux

How was your room in your old town? It was smaller but more colourful. I had beautiful curtains. How about the neighbourhood? All my friends lived close by. There were a lot of trees. It was much noisier because of the traffic.

old colourful curtain neighbourhood close by tree noisy

ancien coloré, multicolore tenture quartier, voisinage tout près arbre bruyant

because of traffic to hang out

à cause de trafic traîner

to feel lonely to worry

se sentir seul se tracasser

I used to hang out a lot with my friends. I feel a bit lonely here. Don’t worry, I’m here now! EXPRESSIONS


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What did you do for fun? I used to hang out a lot with my friends. I’m going to show you around.

Que faisais-tu pour t’amuser ? J’avais l’habitude de traîner avec mes amis.

in the countryside in town in the suburbs in the city centre not far from the station safe dangerous quiet noisy peaceful urban rural lively remote crowded

à la campagne en ville en banlieue au centre-ville pas loin de la gare sûr dangereux calme bruyant paisible urbain rural vivant, animé isolé bondé

Je vais te faire visiter.

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V He makes a round trip to Barcelona. Mary travels by plane. The weather is sunny. It’s cloudy today. The sky is blue. The streets are dry. Grandfather stayed for two weeks. The teacher is never on time. He had problems at the border. They went to Italy by coach. The journey lasts seven hours. They went to Egypt on a cruise ship. After lunch she never rests. She was on the deck. She was seasick. This woman decorates shop windows. My son loves tales. The thief stole his wallet. He never loses his wallet. She gives her scented candles. This soup is really tasty.

round trip to travel weather cloudy sky dry to stay on time border coach to last cruise ship to rest deck to be seasick shop window

aller-retour voyager temps nuageux ciel sec rester à temps la frontière car durer bateau de croisière se reposer pont du navire avoir le mal de mer vitrine

tale wallet to lose scented tasty

conte portefeuille perdre parfumé délicieux, succulent


available personal belongings departure lounge fare including international journey line next platform right hand side ticket office to approach (something) to exit to get on board to leave to mind something to ring the bell to stand clear of throughout whole wireless access

disponible affaires personnelles salle d’embarquement ticket, titre de transport y compris international trajet ligne prochain quai à main droite, du côté droit billetterie s’approcher (de quelque chose) sortir monter à bord quitter prendre garde à quelque chose sonner (la cloche) se tenir éloigné de partout dans tout, l’entièreté de connexion sans fil


Mind the gap! Stand clear of the closing doors!

Attention à l’écart ! Tenez-vous éloigné des portes qui se ferment !

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V She helped me paint my bedroom. She took me to really cool places! We cooked cupcakes and tried new recipes!

to paint to take place to cook

to try recipe the best I ate the best fish and chips ever! fish chips magazine I read some magazines. I played with the video game I got for to get Christmas. Christmas EXPRESSIONS

I met my neighbours two weeks ago. What do you mean? We did lots of things. It was so much fun! Nothing but fat! Party pooper! I didn’t study much for a change.


He is a Swedish pilot. She loves the Christmas atmosphere. The youngest daughter is called Lilly. The queen’s crown is old. They decorate the table with evergreens. There are lighted candles everywhere. The candle makes the house smell good. They serve really good meals there. We follow the guide. The students decorate the classroom. There is a Christmas tree in the church. The Belgian flag is red, yellow and black. Dad doesn’t like gingerbread at all. Christmas Eve is on 24th December. We eat bread with cheese and ham. He doesn’t like dried fish. I like almonds. This child receives a lot of gifts. There is a straw bird on the chimney. Granny always tosses the pancakes. Christmas stockings hang on the chimney. Crackers are made of cardboard tubes.

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peindre emmener endroit cuisiner essayer recette le meilleur poisson frites magazine recevoir Noël

J’ai rencontré mes voisins il y a deux semaines. Qu’est-ce que tu veux dire ? Nous avons fait plein de choses. C’était super amusant ! Rien que du gras ! Rabat-joie ! Je n’ai pas beaucoup étudié pour une fois. Swedish Christmas the youngest crown evergreen lighted

suédois Noël la plus jeune couronne plante/arbre à feuilles persistantes allumé



to serve to follow to decorate Christmas tree

servir suivre décorer sapin de Noël



gingerbread Christmas Eve ham dried almond gift straw to toss stocking

pain d’épices réveillon, veille de Noël jambon séché amande cadeau paille lancer chaussette



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V Maureen was an exchange student in Spain. She lives with a host family. This woman shares everything. The children switch their bedrooms. There is a bar in this hotel lounge. This new dress fits her. My father is usually very busy. His new neighbour is very noisy.



host to share to switch lounge to fit busy noisy

d’accueil partager échanger hall, salon bien aller occupé bruyant

Notes ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................

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7 Simple Past (regular verbs) Le Simple Past s’emploie pour des actions passées n’ayant aucune conséquence dans le présent ou des actions habituelles dans le passé. On l’utilise avec des compléments de temps tels que yesterday, last week, two years ago… Forme affirmative

I worked You worked He/She/It worked We worked You worked They worked

SOUNDBOX Pronunciation [ed] in the simple past

Pour conjuguer un verbe à la forme affirmative du Simple Past, on ajoute la terminaison ed à l’infinitif sans « to » à toutes les personnes. Ex : I played tennis yesterday. Luke visited London last year.

Orthographe : 1) Si les trois dernières lettres d'un verbe d'une syllabe sont consonne/voyelle/consonne, on double la consonne : Ex : stop stopped fit fitted chat chatted 2) Si le verbe se termine par une consonne + y le y devient i et on ajoute ed : Ex : study studied try tried

Attention : si le verbe se termine par une voyelle + y on ajoute ed normalement :

Ex : play played stay stayed 3) Si le verbe se termine par e on ajoute uniquement d : Ex : love loved live lived

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Forme négative I didn’t work You didn’t work He/She/It didn’t work We didn’t work You didn’t work They didn’t work

didn’t est la forme contractée de did not.

 Pour conjuguer un verbe à la forme négative du Simple Past, on écrit l’auxiliaire didn’t suivi de l’infinitif sans « to ».

On n’ajoute plus ed.

Forme interrogative Did Did Did Did Did Did

I work ? you work ? he/she/it work ? we work ? you work ? they work ?

 Pour conjuguer un verbe à la forme interrogative du Simple Past, on écrit d’abord l’auxiliaire did suivi du sujet et ensuite l’infinitif sans « to ». Attention :

on n’ajoute plus ed.

Réponses courtes

Yes, I Yes, you Yes, he/she/it Yes, we Yes, you Yes, they

did. did. did. did. did. did.

No, I No, you No, he/she/it No, we No, you No, they

didn’t. didn’t. didn’t. didn’t. didn’t. didn’t.

 Pour former des réponses courtes au Simple Past, après yes ou no, on écrit le pronom personnel sujet suivi de l’auxiliaire. On n’écrit pas l’infinitif. Ex. : I didn’t play tennis. Brian didn’t play basketball. Did you go to the gym? Yes, I did. Did Sam like pop music? No, she didn’t.

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A. Conjugue les verbes au Simple Past. 1. My sister (play) …...................................... in the garden. 2. I (visit) …...................................... my grandparents last weekend. 3. She (work – never) …...................................... at the weekend. 4. Your brothers (not like) …...................................... eating cabbage when they (be) …...................................... kids. But they (like) …...................................... eating carrots. 5. I (watch) …...................................... cartoons when I (stay) …...................................... at my grandmother’s.

B. Continue avec les phrases suivantes. 1. Why (you – wash) …...................................... the car yesterday? 2. We (ask) …...................................... the teacher to explain how to do this exercise. 3. The neighbour (paint) …...................................... the kitchen blue. 4. He (be) …...................................... so nice to me! He (help) …...................................... me move and (carry) …...................................... my boxes. 5. Why (they – not listen) …...................................... to the teacher? 6. Those children (obey) …...................................... their parents. 7.

I (phone) …...................................... my friend every day when she (be) …...................................... in hospital.

8. The shopkeeper (wrap) …...................................... the present in red paper. 9. My grandmother (walk) …...................................... her dog every evening. 10. I (clean) …...................................... the house before Christmas. 11. He (cook – always) …...................................... fish on Fridays. 12. – When (your best friends – arrive) …............................................................ at the party?

– They (arrive) …...................................... at 9 p.m.

– (they – enjoy) …...................................... themselves? (It-be) …...................................... it nice?

– Yes, they (enjoy) …........................................... a lot. It (be) …............................. very nice.

13. We (empty) …...................................... the boxes and (tidy) ….....................................the room. 14. The teacher (not – correct) …...................................... the tests. 15. When (your mother – collect) …................................................... all those stamps?

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C. Termine avec cette dernière série. 1. The policemen (arrest) …...................................... the thieves. 2. She (be) …...................................... ill. She (want) …...................................... to see a doctor. 3. They (call) …...................................... their son Benny. When he (be) …...................................... born, he (measure) …..................................... 51 cm and (weigh) …..................................... 3kg360. 4. He (park) …...................................... his car in front of the shop. 5. – When (you – post) …...................................... the letter?

– I (post) …...................................... it the day before yesterday.

6. My father (stop) …...................................... smoking two months ago. 7.

Last year, I (move) …...................................... to the countryside.

8. When we (be) …...................................... young, we (receive) …...................................... toys and sweets on December 6th. 9. The cook (peel) …...................................... a lot of potatoes. 10. Three weeks ago, my father (talk) …...................................... with his boss. 11. Last year, I (change) …...................................... schools. 12. The manager (offer) …...................................... my mother a new job. 13. The accident (occur) …...................................... last night. 14. Michael Jackson (live) …...................................... in the USA. He (dance) …...................................... very well. 15. He (admit) …...................................... copying his neighbour’s answers.

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8 Simple Past of to be Forme affirmative I was You were He/She/It was We were You were They were

Forme négative I wasn't You weren't He/She/It wasn't We weren't You weren't They weren't Remarque : wasn’t est la forme contractée de was not. weren’t est la forme contractée de were not.

Forme interrogative Was I ? Were you ? Was he/she/it ? Were we ? Were you ? Were they ?

Réponses courtes

Yes, I was. Yes, you were. Yes, he/she/it was. Yes, we were. Yes, you were. Yes, they were.

No, I wasn't. No, you weren't. No, he/she/it wasn't. No, we weren't. No, you weren't. No, they weren't.

Exemples : It was a very funny story. My parents were happy with my results. I wasn't at home yesterday afternoon. We weren't at Jim's party. Was Sarah at the party? Yes, she was. Where were you at 4.00 pm?

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Conjugue to be au simple past. 1. The children (be) …...................................... very happy when they (be) …...................................... on holiday. 2. - (Be-your best friend) …......................................…...................................... at school yesterday?

- No, she …...................................... .

3. My parents (not be) …...................................... very happy when they saw my bad results. I told them the test (be) …...................................... very difficult but they refused to believe me. 4. I (be) …................................. very sad when she told me her father (be) …................................. ill. 5. You (be) …...................................... in the garden and she (be) …...................................... in the kitchen. 6. (they- not – be) …........................................... very tired after running 10 miles?

Of course they …......................................!

7. That book (be – not) …...................................... interesting. It (be) …...................................... boring. 8. (be – she) …...................................... ill last week?

Yes. She (be) …...................................... feverish and (be) …...................................... in a lot of pain.

9. - (be – all the students of that school) …......................................…......................................…................ ...................... on holiday last Friday?

- Yes, they …....................................... .

10. We (be) …...................................... very frightened when we saw a snake in the garden. 11. Sam’s new neighbour (be – not) …...................................... very kind. 12. Alveston (not be) …...................................... very noisy. It (be) …...................................... a quiet village. 13. There (be) …...................................... a lot of parks in the town. 14. - (be – they) …...................................... very interested in learning English with Jelly?

- Yes, they (be) …...................................... really very enthusiastic!

15. It (be) …...................................... the best day of my life!

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9 Comparison (superiority) En anglais, on forme le comparatif de supériorité en ajoutant er à l’adjectif. Ex. : tall à taller fast à faster happy à happier Pour certains adjectifs et tous ceux de 3 syllabes à on écrit more devant l’adjectif. Ex. : famous à expensive à important à

more famous more expensive more important

Orthographe 1) Si l’adjectif se termine par une consonne précédée d’une seule voyelle à on double la consonne : Ex. : big à bigger hot à hotter 2) Si l’adjectif se termine par une consonne + y à le y devient i et on ajoute er : Ex. : funny à funnier lazy à lazier 3) Si l’adjectif se termine par e à on ajoute uniquement r : Ex. : nice à nicer large à larger Irréguliers Certains adjectifs ont un comparatif irrégulier : Ex. : good à better much, many à more bad à worse


A. Use comparatives. 1. Alveston is (quiet) …...................................... than London. 2. A rabbit is (fast) …...................................... than a turtle. 3. My brother is (old) …...................................... than me. 4. Watching a film is (exciting) …...................................... than studying. 5. Florida is (hot) …...................................... than Belgium. 6. The kitchen was (large) …...................................... than the bathroom.

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French food is said to be (good) …...................................... than English food.

8. The suitcases were (heavy) …...................................... than the handbags. 9. June examinations were (difficult) …...................................... than December exams. 10. We had a (pleasant) …...................................... evening at this friend’s than at that friend’s. B. Make sentences using comparatives. Alicia


(lazy) ................................................................................................

(new) ................................................................................................

(courageous) .................................................................................

(modern) .........................................................................................

Jack Judith

(tired) ...............................................................................................

(dark) ................................................................................................

(in good condition) ......................................................................

(light) ................................................................................................


1 (narrow) ..........................................................................................

(expensive) .....................................................................................

(wide) ...............................................................................................

(cheap) ............................................................................................

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