Jelly 4 - Workbook - Unit 3

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Jelly 4 - Workbook

Workbook ISBN 978-90-306-7669-0


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Collection d’anglais Composition de Jelly 4 Pour l’élève 1 livre (student’s book) 1 cahier (workbook) + CD 1 accès aux compléments via Udiddit (

Jelly 4

Pour l’enseignant(e) 1 guide (teacher's book) + CD 1 accès au Manuel Numérique et aux compléments disponibles via Udiddit (


Auteurs : Cindy BURTIN, Catherine DERESTIAT-WAUTELET et Dominique SPIRLET Couverture : Octopus Creative Communication Mise en page : Octopus Creative Communication Illustrations : Olivier AUQUIER

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1re édition : 2016 ISBN 978-90-306-7669-0 D/2016/0078/115 Art. 564439/01

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Summary Here we go...


Unit 1 - A new beginning


Unit 2 - No problem, man 27

Recap 1 53

Unit 3 - Into the wild 61 Unit 4 - Long time no see 83 Unit 5 - Kia ora 113

Recap 2 133

Unit 6 - Que sera sera... 141 Unit 7 - So long, farewell... 171

Recap 3 191

Irregular verbs 201

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Contents 204

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Unit 3 SAM'S BLOG SB, page 39 CD 1 - n°13

Into the wild Check your comprehension Where is Samantha and what is she up to? ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................


LISTENING SB, page 40 CD 1 - n°14

Planning my journey Samantha is listening to an employee of Kruger National Park. While listening, she is taking notes. Jot down the information she hears in her diary.

• Pretoria à ........................................... 2 possibilités : a) .................................... – ......... minutes b) .................................... – ......... minutes

Avantages : • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • .............................................................................................................................................................. • ..............................................................................................................................................................

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Tarif : à partir de .......... rand = .......... dollars à ........................................

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• Johannesburg à ............................................................................................. 3 possibilités : a) ................................. – ............ heures Avantages : • ............................................................................................................................................................. • ............................................................................................................................................................. • ............................................................................................................................................................. • ............................................................................................................................................................. Désavantage : • .............................................................................................................................................................

b) ............................................................ Durée du vol : .................................................... Avantages : • ............................................................................................................................................................. • ............................................................................................................................................................. • ............................................................................................................................................................. Désavantage : • .............................................................................................................................................................

c) ............................................................ Avantage : • ............................................................................................................................................................. Désavantage : • .............................................................................................................................................................


SB, page 41

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Book a room Your parents and you would like to go on holiday. They heard about a great hotel and ask you to look up some information. Unfortunately, their website is under construction and there is only an email address. You write them an email to find out as much information as possible before you make a reservation.

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.................. ............................................................



.................. ............................................................



.................. ............................................................


SB, page 41



.................. ............................................................

Kruger National Park You would like to go on a safari in South Africa, but your parents aren’t sure. You have heard about Kruger National Park, which seems to be the best one. You are looking up some information on the Internet and find an interesting brochure about Kruger National Park. Read it carefully and, in French, make a list of the different arguments you could use to convince your parents to visit it. ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................

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....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... Unit 3 - Into the wild

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....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................

5. LISTENING SB, page 43

Meeting with Kyle, a young white sangoma During her stay in Kruger National Park, Samantha met a lot of nice, interesting people. Kyle Todd was the youngest, but by no means the least impressive. Samantha decided to record an interview with him so you could learn about traditional African healers.

Before you listen: - who do you think are “traditional African healers”? ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... - what questions would you ask if you met one of them? ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... When you listen to Sam’s recording: Can you find an answer to your questions? What other information do you receive from Kyle? ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................

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Do and make A. Match the words



• a lot of things

CD 1 - n°17

• the gardening

• business

• one’s duty • arrangements

• decisions

• waffles

• something stupid

• harm • a sandwich

B. Use do or make in the right form. 1. I’m very tired. I am not going to ........................ anything today. 2. Could you keep quiet? I have ....................................... a few important phone calls. 3. She ....................................... the washing up while her husband ....................................... crosswords. 4. What ........................ you ........................? Why ........................ you ........................ so much noise? 5. The children are on the beach. They ....................................... a sandcastle. 6. I’m not sure. I can’t ................................................ a decision. 7. The student ....................................... a lot of mistakes and he was very disappointed because he ....................................... his best. 8. This is an old wives’ cure. It can’t .............................. any harm. 9. My sister ............................. yoga on Thursdays. 10. Don’t ........................................ a fool of your sister. What she ....................................... is sensible.

6. READING SB, page 45

What a wonderful world Read what this person thinks the world will look like one day. Explain this vision in French and tell us if you agree with everything, with part of it or with none of it. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................

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....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................

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8. WRITING SB, page 46

Do something! You discussed different issues our planet encounters with your classmates. Write a letter to the European Commission in which you describe the problem and then propose concrete things people could do to help with that issue. ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................

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YES, I CAN! SB, page 46

Écrire Je sais… écrire un e-mail pour demander des informations à un hôtel.

Parler- avec interaction

Je sais…

échanger des idées et des arguments sur des sujets relatifs à l'environnement.

Parler- sans interaction

Je sais…

exprimer mon enthousiasme. expliquer mon point de vue sur un sujet relatif à notre planète et donner des pistes pour résoudre ce problème.

Écouter Je sais… comprendre des informations relatives aux moyens de locomotion et en déduire les avantages et désavantages. comprendre une interview avec un jeune SANGOMA.

Lire Je sais… comprendre le contenu d’une brochure informative relative à une réserve naturelle. comprendre un document sur la façon dont on fête Noël en Afrique du Sud. comprendre un texte sur les sites à ne pas manquer en Afrique du Sud. comprendre un texte imagé sur un futur idyllique.

RESSOURCES Je sais… utiliser les différentes façons d’exprimer le futur. utiliser le temps correct dans la P2 (proposition subordonnée) de temps. différencier les countable et uncountable words (dénombrables et indénombrables)

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et utiliser l’article ou le déterminant adéquat. utiliser do et make de façon correcte.

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TAKE A HIKE SB, page 48

South Africa What did you learn about South Africa? Answer the questions below in French. 1. What do these figures represent?


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................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................

2. What is a tufa waterfall? ................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................

3. What was unique about apartheid in South Africa? ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................

4. What is the purpose of the Apartheid museum? .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................

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V It’s not worth the drive. to be worth The train ticket is quite expensive. quite I have to call the railway station to railway station find out the exact price. It’s a very short trip. trip I’m going to spend the first two days lodge in a magnificent lodge. I’ll enjoy the sunset by the pool, relax in the sauna, relish the delicious food to relish in the restaurant. Well, you see what I mean: VIP treatment! VIP (very important person) On the road again with only my backpack to keep me company and, backpack of course, a guide. I hope I’ll meet local tribes. tribe I’m so curious about their way of life. way of life I’ve been so spoiled. to be spoiled


to be (so) (very) (really) happy to be (so) (very) (really) glad to be pleased to be delighted to be in a good mood to be in a great mood to be really excited It's fantastic! to cry for joy to jump for joy to shout with joy to be wild with joy to be overwhelmed with joy to be moved to tears to be on cloud nine to feel on top of the world


It is the primary destination for many primary tourists. Half a million visitors are registered. to register A wildlife experience that ranks with to rank with the best in Africa.

gare voyage chalet


VIP sac à dos tribu mode de vie être gâté

être (si) (très) (vraiment) content être (si) (très) (vraiment) content être satisfait être ravi être de bonne humeur être d’humeur joyeuse être vraiment excité C’est fantastique ! pleurer de joie sauter de joie pousser des cris de joie exploser de joie être comblé de joie être ému aux larmes être au septième ciel être aux anges principal s’inscrire n’avoir rien à envier à faune et flore, nature

To protect the wildlife.


A world leader in advanced environmental management techniques and policies.

world leader

leader mondial


de pointe technique de gestion politique, vision

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management technique policy

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valoir plutôt

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Truly the flagship of the South African parks. An impressive number of species of mammals. The reserve shares a common unfenced border with the park.


réellement, véritablement vedette, fleuron






non clôturé


frontière en liberté, en plein air


This allows the animals free range.

free range

The park offers a wide variety of accommodation, not only in size, facilities and visual appearance, but also in price range.




price range

logement équipements, installations gamme de prix







facilities Wildlife Safari Tours are available in Kruger Game Reserve. Accommodation pickups and drop offs are arranged.

drop off Experienced rangers with an extensive knowledge of indigenous experienced vegetation guide all walking safaris hiking trails. ranger extensive indigenous hiking trail Your guide leads you into close encounters with the African wild.

to lead into

encounter wild You maximise your wildlife sightings. sighting Visit Sabi Sands Private Game Reserve, for a preview of private preview luxury lodge accommodation. lodge There are no fences between the fence reserve and the park. You can be assured of the sheer sheer enjoyment of unspoilt nature. unspoilt The vitalizing air and open vistas will vitalizing leave you relaxed and energized. vista energized

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déchargement expérimenté guide approfondi – vaste indigène – autochtone piste de randonnée mener à rencontre nature – sauvage observation aperçu pavillon barrière, clôture pur et simple authentique vivifiant vue, panorama plein d’énergie, gonflé à bloc

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to be unrivalled in something to be home to + noun to be the order of the day

ne pas avoir d’égal en quelque chose être le lieu de résidence de, abriter être à l’ordre du jour


to do nothing to do something to do some work to do homework to do the housework to do a job to do the cleaning to do the cooking to do the ironing to do the laundry to do the washing-up to do the shopping to do a crossword to do exercises to do gymnastics to do sport to do one's best to do business with someone to do good to do research

ne rien faire faire quelque chose travailler faire ses devoirs faire le ménage faire un travail nettoyer cuisiner repasser faire la lessive faire la vaisselle faire les courses faire des mots croisés faire des exercices faire de la gymnastique faire du sport faire de son mieux faire des affaires avec quelqu’un faire du bien faire des recherches

to make a wooden hut to make a skirt to make a cake to make coffee to make tea to make breakfast to make supper to make arrangements to make a bed to make a (phone) call to make a choice to make a decision to make an effort to make a mistake to make money to make (a) noise, (a) sound to make peace to make plans to make progress to make a reservation to make a speech to make a suggestion to make trouble

construire une hutte en bois confectionner une jupe faire un gâteau faire du café faire du thé préparer le petit déjeuner préparer le souper prendre des dispositions, des mesures faire un lit donner un coup de fil, appeler effectuer un choix prendre une décision faire un effort commettre une erreur gagner de l’argent faire du (un) bruit faire la paix élaborer des projets faire des progrès effectuer une réservation prononcer un discours faire une suggestion causer des problèmes, faire des ennuis

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4 How to express the future? Future Simple Formation :

will/won't + infinitif sans “to”

Emploi :

On emploie l’auxiliaire will pour exprimer une décision spontanée, une promesse, une certitude ou une prévision.

Ex. :

Amy feels so lonely so I’ll call her tomorrow. He’s got a lot of homework! I will help him tonight. John won't win the race.

• On décide d’une action au moment de la parole, sans y avoir préalablement réfléchi. • On s'appuie sur un avis personnel pour exprimer sa certitude. • On propose ou promet à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose. • On effectue une prédiction concernant un événement futur et incertain.

Be going to Formation : to be (présent) + GOING TO + infinitif sans “to” Emploi :

Ex. :

On emploie be going to pour exprimer une intention future, une prédiction ou une certitude. I’m going to study English at university. Dad is going to buy a new bike next month. Look at the sky! It is going to rain.

• L’action est décidée mais aucun arrangement n’a encore été pris en vue de sa réalisation. Souvent cette forme correspond en français à « je vais, elle va, etc. ». • On s’appuie sur des faits physiques constatés et indéniables pour exprimer sa certitude ou sa prédiction. Dans le moment présent, un élément nous permet de dire que quelque chose va se produire.

Present Continuous Formation :

to be (présent) + infinitif sans “to” + ING

Emploi :

On emploie le Present Continuous pour exprimer une action future programmée.

Ex. :

I’m playing tennis on Wednesday. Next year we’re going to Italy.

• L'action future résulte d’un arrangement personnel, une action pour laquelle on a personnellement pris toutes les dispositions nécessaires. Il s’agit en général d’un futur relativement proche et le verbe est souvent accompagné d’un complément de temps.

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Simple Present Formation : infinitif sans “to” + “s” (3e pers. sing.) Auxiliaire : do/does - don't/doesn't Emploi :

On emploie le Simple Present pour exprimer une action future lorsqu’il s’agit d’horaires ou de programmes (cinémas, concerts, théâtres, transports publics…). The plane takes off at 5 p.m. tomorrow. The summer holiday begins on July 1st. What time does the concert begin?

Ex. :

• L'horaire nous est imposé. Il nous est personnellement impossible de le modifier.

Synthèse décision spontanée, promesse, certitude, prévision à will Futur

intention, prédiction, certitude

à be going to

action future programmée (agenda)

à Present Continuous

action future (horaire)

à Simple Present

Voir les Grammar notes de

Jelly 2 : Jelly 3 :


Grammar note 1 Grammar note 2 Grammar note 3 Grammar note 4 Grammar note 7

Simple Present and Present Continuous Present Continuous as future Be going to Future Simple (will) Future

A. Express the future (Present simple, Present Continuous, be going to, will). 1. My girlfriend (have) ....................................... her hair cut tomorrow afternoon. 2. When I am seventeen, my parents (teach) ....................................... me how to drive a car. 3. – (go – you) .............................................................. to university next year?

– No, I......................... I (probably – look for) ...................................................... a job. I don’t want to study anymore.

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4. The football (begin) ....................................... at 8.30 and (finish) ....................................... at 10.15. 5. They (get married) ........................................................... in May. I’ve just received a wedding invitation.

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6. He is so drunk he can’t stand. He (collapse) ............................................................. . 7. What time (the train – leave) ........................................................................? 8. The businessman (fly) ....................................... to Madrid next Monday. He (meet) ....................................... some Spanish salesmen on Tuesday. 9. Your bag looks so heavy! I (help)....................................... you carry it. 10. If you add too much rum to the cocktail, the guests (not be able) .......................................... to finish it. 11. I don’t think the Red Devils (win) ....................................... the football match. 12. It’s beginning to rain. I (not walk) ....................................... home. I (take) .................................... the bus. 13. – I must finish cleaning the windows and I’ve got a pain in my arm.

– Don’t worry. I (do) ....................................... it for you.

14. I expect the boss (offer) ....................................... me the job. 15. We (go) ....................................... to the seaside at the weekend. Would you like to come with us? 16. I’ve bought a new coat. I’m sure you (like) ....................................... it. 17. It’s already 11 pm. I (go) ....................................... to bed. 18. We (travel) .......................................................... round the world, but we need to work for several years before leaving so we can save money. 19. My grandmother says she (leave - never) ...................................................... her house and go to an old people’s home. 20. – We (decorate) ....................................... decorate the living room. Do you know any

painters or decorators?

– Yes, I do. I (give) ....................................... you his phone number.

B. Write sentences about yourself or your family. 1. Next weekend, .................................................................................................................................. . 2. Maybe next year ............................................................................................................................... . 3. If we have a lot of money, .............................................................................................................. . 4. If I don’t study harder, ..................................................................................................................... . 5. I don’t think ........................................................................................................................................ .

C. What is going to happen in the following situations? 1. There is a pickpocket in the airport. ................................................................................................................................................................. 2. There are patches of black ice on the road. .................................................................................................................................................................

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3. She is feeling very bad because she has got a terrible headache. ................................................................................................................................................................. 4. He has left his homework at home. ................................................................................................................................................................. 5. A lion has escaped from the zoo. .................................................................................................................................................................


5 Time clauses En anglais, contrairement au français, on n’utilise jamais de forme future dans une proposition subordonnée (P2) de temps. Le Present Simple remplace le Future Simple. Ex. : - When Samantha lands in Pretoria, she will send a SMS to her parents. Quand Samantha atterrira à Pretoria, elle enverra un SMS à ses parents. - As soon as we find the answer, we’ll call you. Dès que nous trouverons la réponse, nous t’appellerons. - Can you water the plants and pick up my mail while I am on holiday? Peux-tu arroser les fleurs et relever le courrier pendant que je serai en vacances ?


Put the verbs into the correct form. 1. Before I (leave) ....................................... for my holiday, I (give) ....................................... you the house key. 2. She (show) ....................................... me how to set the alarm system before she (go) ....................................... on holiday. 3. As soon as they (arrive) ......................................., we (tell) ....................................... them about our daughter’s new boyfriend. 4. Please, (remain) ....................................... seated until the plane (come) ....................................... to a complete stop. 5. The old man (give) ....................................... his money to his children and grandchildren before he (die) ....................................... . 6. My parents (help) ....................................... us buy a new house after we (get married) ........... .................................. . 7. When you (see) ....................................... him, you (not recognise) ....................................... him

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because he has lost a lot of weight. 8. As soon as she (feel) ....................................... better, she (go) ....................................... back to school. 9. I (live) ....................................... in the house until I (be) ....................................... too old to live on my own. Unit 3 - Into the wild

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10. When you (go) ....................................... shopping, could you buy a loaf of bread for me? I (pay) ....................................... you as soon as you (come back) ....................................... . 11. When the children (be) ....................................... in secondary school, they (go) ....................................... to school by bus. We (not drive) ....................................... them to school anymore. 12. After my parents (divorce) ......................................., they (see) ....................................... one another anymore. 13. I (look after) ....................................... the children till their parents (come back) ....................................... from work. 14. Whenever our former neighbours (be) ....................................... in the area, they (come and visit) ....................................................... us. 15. As soon as we (have) ....................................... any more information, we (call) ....................................... you and we (give) ....................................... you some news.


6 Countable and uncountable nouns • Les countable nouns désignent des personnes ou choses que l’on peut compter. Au singulier, ils doivent être précédés de l’article a/an ou d’un autre déterminant (my, this, the…). Ils peuvent s’utiliser au pluriel. Ex. : a girl, girls – an apple, five apples • Les uncountable nouns sont indénombrables. Ils ne sont jamais précédés de l’article a/ an et ne s’utilisent pas au pluriel. Ex. : I need wood to light the fire. We like playing music. Vegetarians don’t eat meat. •

Les noms indénombrables sont souvent utilisés avec some ou any, qui signifient un certain nombre de, une certaine quantité de (mais jamais un nombre précis). Ex. : We need some information. I haven’t got any money. Some teenagers are very lazy. Mais : I usually wear some brown shoes. (deux = nombre précis) All children like some sweets. (en général) •

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Certains noms sont indénombrables en anglais, bien que dénombrables dans beaucoup d’autres langues. Voici une liste (non exhaustive) de ces noms : accommodation
















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+ Les noms qui désignent des matériaux : cotton, silk, velvet, wool, brick, concrete, paper, plastic, stone, wood… Ex. : I would like to buy some new furniture for my bedroom. Could you give me some advice before I apply for the job? You had better add milk and sugar. We had very bad weather last month. I have got a lot of work. Your luggage is heavy. I’ll help you carry it.

Attention : à Ces noms indénombrables ne s’emploient pas au pluriel, donc on utilise much (et non many), un verbe au singulier et les pronoms singuliers lorsqu’on les remplace par un pronom (voir deux derniers exemples ci-dessus). à Ces noms se rencontrent fréquemment avec des déterminants ou des expressions de quantité. Ex. : my luggage, a lot of work, a piece of furniture, a piece of advice, a litre of milk, a bag of cement, a loaf of bread, a lump of sugar, a bar of chocolate...

Certains noms peuvent être dénombrables ou indénombrables en fonction du contexte dans lequel ils sont utilisés. En voici quelques exemples : Uncountable


a glass


a hair


an iron


a paper – papers


a coffee

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A, an, the, some, any or Ø? 1. Little Red Riding Hood had to cross .................. wood to go to her grandmother’s house. 2. I need .................. wood to light .................. fire in .................. chimney. 3. We are insured against .................. fire. 4. .................. Rubber comes from .................. tree called Hevea brasiliensis.

5. I’ve made .................. mistake. Have you got .................. rubber? 6. .................. Belgium is famous for .................. beer and .................. chocolate. 7. We went to .................. pub round .................. corner of .................. street and had .................. beer. 8. We need .................. paper for .................. printer. 9. My parents buy .................. paper every Saturday. 10. .................. Sugar is ruining his health. 11. What .................. beautiful weather! 12. They need .................. furniture for their new apartment. 13. Let’s have .................. drink after .................. work. 14. I have got .................. difficult homework. 15. .................. baby wanted to have .................. milk. 16. .................. Eiffel Tower is made of .................. iron. 17. We eat .................. fish on .................. Fridays. 18. He has made .................. progress since .................. beginning of .................. year. 19. A knowledge of .................. languages is very important for finding .................. job. 20. Don’t forget to buy .................. bread. 21. That’s .................. great news. 22. I found .................. hair in my soup! How disgusting! 23. - I really don’t know what to do. Could you give me .................. advice?

- If I were you, I would ask for .................. information before doing ........................ work for that company.

24. They make .................. plastic from .................. crude oil.

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25. .................. Doctors say that .................. research has shown that .................. high quantities of .................. salt raise blood pressure. 26. .................. Velvet is very soft. 27. I’ve just spilt .................. wine. There’s .................. stain on .................. tablecloth. I need .................. cloth dipped in .................. water with .................. soap to clean it. 28. .................. Gold and .................. silver are .................. precious metals that were formerly used as .................. currency. 29. I’ve just finished reading .................. book about .................. wild animals. 30. .................. builders use .................. concrete to build .................. wall between our garden and .................. neighbours’ one. 31. .................. Travel broadens .................. mind, says the proverb. 32. .................. secretary needs .................. writing paper. 33. She got very angry when she noticed .................. long blond hair on her husband’s jacket. 34. Have you got .................. luggage or .................. suitcases? 35. What .................. lovely spot for .................. picnic! 36. .................. wine we had with .................. main course was .................. Burgundy.

37. Did you get .................. information about what happened in .................. supermarket yesterday? 38. At 7 pm, although most .................. shops in .................. shopping centre were closed, .................. shops were still open. 39. It was freezing. I was wearing .................. gloves and .................. scarf, but I was cold.

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40. .................. of my sister’s friends are coming for .................. lunch.

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La compréhension à l’audition est souvent le cauchemar des élèves ! Et de nombreux parents disent encore qu’ils ont étudié l’anglais pendant des années et qu’ils ne comprennent toujours pas quand on leur indique un chemin… Pourtant, comprendre un document sonore en classe dans un premier temps et un véritable autochtone plus tard, cela s’apprend et s’entraîne !

Anticipe le contenu

Avant l’écoute

£ dialogue entre amis £ interview d’une personne particulière £ extrait d’un journal radio ou télévisé £ documentaire radio ou télévisé £ discours £ etc.

Quel genre de document vastu écouter ?

Anticipe le vocabulaire

Quel £ Pense rapidement au vocabulaire vu sur ce vocabulaire thème en fonction du type de document. vas-tu mobiliser £ Prévois les mots que tu pourrais rencontrer. (passivement) ?

Pendant l’écoute Les deuxième et troisième écoutes

Jelly 4 © Éditions VAN IN

£ titre £ sous-titre en gras £ illustrations £ légendes sous les illustrations £ questionnaire / exercice afférent au texte

Définis le type de document

La première écoute

Après l’écoute

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De quoi le document que tu vas entendre peut-il bien parler d’après toi ?

Écoute globale

£ Interdis-toi de prendre des notes : lorsque tu écris, tu n’es pas suffisamment à l’écoute et tu peux perdre le fil et des informations que tu ne pourras plus situer par la suite. £ Écoute tout le document attentivement et repère les informations essentielles. £ Vérifie tes hypothèses (non seulement par ce qui est dit, mais aussi les bruits de fond, le ton de la voix qui parle…).

Prends des notes sur une feuille de brouillon

£ Peux-tu répondre aux questions ? compléter l’exemple ? £ Trouve les éléments nouveaux. £ En l’absence d’un questionnaire précis et/ou pour t’assurer de ta bonne compréhension, peux-tu répondre aux grandes questions : qui ? que ? quoi ? où ? quand ? comment ? pourquoi ?

£ Ne te braque pas sur un mot que tu ne connaitrais pas ou dont tu aurais oublié la Ne t’arrête pas à signification. Il y a beaucoup d’autres mots à un mot inconnu entendre ! £ Tu peux deviner le sens de certains mots grâce au contexte.

Réfléchis à la pertinence de tes notes

£ Est-ce cohérent ? logique ? £ Réponds-tu aux questions qui te sont posées ? £ Justifies-tu tes réponses par le document ? (Ne donne pas de réponses par rapport à ce que tu imagines !)

Retranscris tes réponses sur la feuille de test

£ Assure-toi que tes réponses soient claires. £ Réponds toujours par de petites phrases simples mais complètes.

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Notes ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... 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