So far 2020 has quite obviously been a year like no other for both the vaping and CBD industries. We have all witnessed the unique challenges placed upon them by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet if any industries were battlehardened when it comes to facing challenges it would be both of those.
Throughout recent years, and despite both industries producing products that offer positive benefits to people’s lives, vaping and CBD companies have had to battle every step of the way to bring their products to the masses. Many of those battles are still ongoing, and yet despite this, both industries continue to stand tall, shine brightly and innovate.
VOXPO – presented to you by Vapouround and The Cannavist – both illustrates and represents that spirt of innovation. With physical expos currently unavailable, the team at VOXPO have worked tirelessly to bring to you a year-round platform that gives exhibitors the opportunity to interact with both businesses and consumers in a virtual environment, ensuring that the spirit of
innovation brought to you by these brands can continue to thrive.
As both a standalone expo and, moving forward, an accompaniment to physical expos in the future, VOXPO allows businesses to engage, influencers to influence and advocates to educate in one central online location.
Both industries have over their histories shown a unique level of cooperation in the advancement of their causes and VOXPO acts as a conduit for that – a place where the top brands from across the globe can come together under one virtual roof and continue the amazing work they have already begun.
We hope that whether you’re visiting the expo for business or visiting as a consumer you enjoy your VOXPO experience. Over the months there will be many reasons to keep checking back in and, as always, we want your feedback because without the brands, their followers and all of you, there would be no VOXPO. On behalf of everyone at the VOXPO team, stay safe and enjoy.
David Turner Director.Welcome to VOXPO – the vape and CBD expo you can attend without having to go anywhere.
At last we are finally getting back to normal, even if none of us really know what ‘normal’ is any more.
Editor - Patrick Griffin
Editor - Patrick Griffin
Assistant Editor - Gordon Stribling
Assistant Editor - Gordon Stribling
We have put a lot of time and effort into this new expo experience to bring you a world-class event at a time when live expos are on pause.
Vape shops are open once more – they should never have closed in the first place – and have been welcoming back vapers who need to stock up on supplies and smokers who want to change to something less harmful.
We went live at 10am BST on July 31 and over the next 12 months we plan to bring you the biggest and best online expo for the vape and CBD industries.
The vape landscape looks a lot different and shops are generally not the places to hang out and relax as they once were, but they are back and that is the main thing.
Before we go any further though, I want to make one thing crystal clear and that is that we are not looking to replace live expos.
Senior Journalist - Caroline Barry
Senior Journalist - Caroline Barry
Head of Design - Hayley Parker
Head of Design - Hayley Parker
Lead Designer - Ayaz Arshad
Lead Designer - Ayaz Arshad
Senior Designer - Connor Dimberline
Senior Designer - Connor Dimberline
Graphic Designer - Lewis Eyre
Graphic Designer - Lewis Eyre
Graphic Designer - Aaron Rana
Graphic Designer - Aaron Rana
Design Support - Lucy Booth
Design Support - Lucy Booth
At Vapouround, we grew up with live expos and since we launched five years ago, we have travelled near and far to experience the thrill and magic of expos the world over.
Not unexpectedly, we heard many examples of vapers returning to smoking when the shops closed down and we all hope that they can switch back just as easily. We know that the government made mistakes during this pandemic but, on balance, I think they got a lot a heck of a lot more right than they got wrong - but closing vape shops was wrong.
Creative Director - James Parnell
Creative Director - James Parnell
Web Developer - Aadil Popat
Web Developer - Aadil Popat
Junior Web Developer - Kain Alden
Junior Web Developer - Kain Alden
We can’t wait to hit the live expo circuit once more, but we are delighted to add VOXPO into the mix as a vibrant and user-friendly way to allow people to learn what the vape and CBD markets have to offer.
If, God forbid, we actually do suffer a second wave of COVID-19 in the winter, then I have a suggestion for the government. This time round ban cigarette sales but keep the vape shops open. That way we can recognise the essential service that vape stores really are while also encouraging more smokers to switch to e-cigarettes instead.
We have a lot going on at VOXPO, including four live events throughout the next 12 months with key speakers lined up to educate, inform and bring their knowledge and enthusiasm for vape and CBD to a worldwide stage. VOXPO also boasts some of the best brands in the business and we are delighted to provide a new platform for them.
Forcing vapers back to smoking makes no sense. We have done it once but let’s not do it again. The price of doing so is a death sentence for many and that is too much of a costly mistake to make a second time. This crisis has once again demonstrated how resilient the vape industry is and how it can quickly adapt and evolve as change is necessary.
We see VOXPO as a space for B2B networking and sales whilstw also giving consumers an easily-accessible platform to learn more about vaping and CBD and to buy from reputable, respected and knowledgeable companies they can trust.
Marketing Executive - Jill Shah
Marketing Executive - Jill Shah
Social Media Exeutive - Benedict Jones
Social Media Exeutive - Benedict Jones
Client Partnerships Manager - Steve Culf
Client Partnerships Manager - Steve Culf
Head of Sales - Tom Slack
Head of Sales - Tom Slack
Sales Executive - Baz Bassra
Sales Executive - Jason Bacon
Sales Executive - Carl Mayes
Sales Executive - Baz Bassra Sales Executive - Jason Bacon Sales Executive - Carl Mayes
Finance Director - Joanne Stubley
So feel free to interact with the exhibitors, ask whatever questions you want and we are confident you will have a thoroughly enjoyable time at VOXPO, wherever in the world you happen to be.
One thing we all miss are the live expos around the world and we can’t wait to see their return on a massive scale. We are also delighted to add our virtual yearlong expo – VOXPO – into the mix as a way of complementing traditional expos while also opening up a new trading platform for the vape and CBD industries. Finally let’s all hope that the second half of the year is a lot better than the first as we move forward with a new sense of cautious hope and optimism.
Accountant - Kris Worton
Finance Director - Joanne Stubley Accountant - Kris Worton
Finance Executive - Anna Difusco
Finance Executive - Anna Difusco
Finance Executive - Rochelle Warsop
Finance Executive - Mollie Smith
Abida Razaque
David Turner
Pom Kaila
Paul Caplin
Short Fills
Lesser of two evils
EVALI latest research
More than 1 million smokers quit during the coronavirus pandemic
Carry on vaping - Australian vape import ban delayed six months
Smoke free is not good enough. Dutch flavour ban
Introduction to VOXPO - overview of the event
Front Cover Spread: Air Factory
Kingston E-liquids
Exhibitors Bios
Vaping for beginners - choosing a starter kit
Good vape and CBD equipment choices for beginners
Vaping 101 - Are nicotine salts right for you?
Vaping 101 - Choosing the right nic strength
Auditorium Agenda
Speakers Bios
Exhibitors list A-Z
List of partners
Vape Live awards intro
Big VOXPO £1,000 prize giveaway
Coronavirus and me
WHO do they think they are?
Global Nicotine Forum
18 22 26 30 34 38
42 46 50 54 58 74 78 82 86 88 90 94 98 99 102 106 110 112
WARNING: This product may contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance.
Three pages filled with short vape-related stories and research making news from around the world.
VOXPO will be, by far, the largest exhibition of its kind, seen so far. We have brought together two industries – vape and CBD – which share the same passion for helping people live the lives they want to live today. We opened our virtual doors on July 31 and over the next 12 months we hope you come back regularly to check out what is on offer within VOXPO. We are working with great brands and are excited for the year ahead.
Spain’s Health Ministry is advising citizens not to smoke or vape in “social and communal settings” amid Coronavirus fears. It says that smokers and vapers could touch potentially contaminated surfaces in terraces and other public places and then move their hands to their mouths. The advice from Spain’s Public Health Commission says: “In situations where it is carried out, it should be in open spaces, and with personal hygiene by the consumer such as handwashing before and after and cleaning the devices used.”
Vaping giant Juul Labs has launched a series of legal actions in order to combat a “seemingly endless stream” of black market copycat cartridges for its e-cigarettes. It has named around 50 companies in the complaint filed with the US International Trade Commission and wants blanket bans on imports of the fake cartridges. Chief Executive Officer K.C. Crosthwaite said: “This new ITC action, if successful, would provide the additional public benefit of helping rid the market of unauthorized Juul-compatible products that can be modified by the user, such as empty and refillable pods, or those containing substances such as THC for which the Juul system was not designed.”
This is no local show. We constantly celebrate the fact that the vaping and CBD industries are truly global and VOXPO is about bringing these vast communities together. We are open to brands from all over the globe and are proud to bring the world’s leading companies together in one space. The four live shows will also all have their opening hours set to different time zones so that companies can make most of local time differences throughout the year.
VOXPO offers a way of continuing to do business even with all the ongoing restrictions which have seen traditional live events postponed or cancelled. It is important that businesses have a chance like this to come together and do business via a shared-platform such as this and it is also vital that consumers are able to see what is new and cool in our respective industries of vape and CBD.
Youngsters who try e-cigarettes are far less likely to smoke in future compared to those who try any other tobacco product. The research - Association of initial e-cigarette and other tobacco product use with subsequent cigarette smoking in adolescents - was published in the journal Tobacco Control. It concludes: “Less than one percent of US adolescents who use e-cigarettes first became established cigarette smokers, significantly fewer than in any other product category.” It also said they were also less likely to become smokers than adolescents who tried other combustible or non-combustible tobacco products first.
The introduction of plain packaging and higher taxes have seen a huge decline in UK cigarette sales, according to new research. Cigarette sales had been declining by 12 million units per month before plain packaging laws took effect in 2017 but this shot up to 20 million units per month afterwards. Prof Anna Gilmore, Director of the Tobacco Control Research Group at the University of Bath, said: “Governments around the world considering plain packaging can be reassured that this policy works and that the real reason the industry opposes this legislation so vehemently is because it threatens its profitability.”
The Jordanian government has banned smoking and vaping in all indoor public spaces.
Health chiefs in Jordan, where tobacco use is the highest in the world, have vowed that all enclosed areas would now become “100 percent smoke free.”
More than 80 percent of men in the country smoke or consume nicotine in some form according to World Health Organization data.
Larissa Al-Uar from Tobacco Free Jordan, said the ban was a “huge change” and called for “strong implementation’ of the law while Princess Dina Mired, a member of the country’s royal family said it was “a first step.”
VOXPO is brought to you by the industry-leading professionals who bring you Vapouround Magazine and The Cannavist. Everything we do is done with passion and we know what makes the vape and CBD industries tick. We also know how much good these industries can do for the lives of their consumers which is why we want to get the message out to as many people as possible. VOXPO is the ideal platform for us to do this.
Vape advocacy group ‘ENDS Cigarette Smoke Thailand’ wants the government to follow the lead of the Hong Kong administration and reverse the country’s e-cigarette ban. It has called on the government to establish an independent committee to “seriously study the science, commercial aspects, and regulatory framework for electronic cigarettes.” Spokesman Asa Ace Saligupta said four out of ten Thai smokers were not even considering quitting and blamed the lack of less harmful alternatives such as vaping for the high number.
Juul wants to crack the highly regulated Japanese vape market to introduce its e-cigarettes to the country’s 19 million smokers. Juul Labs Japan will be led by Haruhiko Hirate, the former Corporate Communications & Public Affairs Officer at Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Nicotine-containing e-cigarettes are classed as pharmaceutical products in Japan but no company has yet won a license to sell them. Hirate said: “Juul Labs Japan must be a responsible and science-driven company that earns trust with public health stakeholders and society.” He promised a “methodical approach” to bring vaping to Japan.
As much as we love traditional vape expos – and we are huge fans of expos – at the end of each one we always find there are many exhibitors that we just didn’t have time to see. With VOXPO’s ‘always on’ format of being live 365 days a year this problem is a thing of the past. If you don’t connect with an exhibitor during one of the quarterly live shows, there is always the rest of the year to connect. Problem solved.
The government wants to see London become “the first smoke free capital city before 2030” the House of Commons was told. Jo Churchill, Parliamentary UnderSecretary of State for Health, was asked what steps the government was taking
A new move to ban smoking in outdoor sections of pubs, restaurants and bars has failed in the House of Lords. The government wants to open up more outdoor eating and drinking areas in pubs and restaurant as part of its easing of the Coronavirus lockdown. Antitobacco campaigners in The Lords wanted these to be designated ‘no-smoking’ areas as part of the new ‘pavement license’ conditions. However the government said it had no plans to ban outdoor smoking and added that the move would be counterproductive.
The ENDS 2020 conference, which had been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will not be rescheduled. The organisers of Europe’s leading e-cigarette conference focusing on scientific, commercial and regulatory aspects, will hold their next event in May/June 2021. They said: “We appreciate your patience and support during these difficult and uncertain times. “By holding the event in 2021, we aim to uphold the quality of both the content and overall attendee experience to the level at which you are accustomed to from Smithers. All updates, including new dates and location will also be posted online via www.ends-conference.com.”
to meet the 2030 smoke-free targets for London and England.
She said: “The Government remains committed to its vision of smokefree 2030. The aim is for London to become the first smoke free capital city before 2030.” She said the government would be publishing a roadmap setting out how to achieve this in due course.
The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) has come under fire from advocacy groups and the harm reduction community for calling for the e-liquid nicotine cap to be reduced to 20mg.
The organisation, which represents more than 300 online and retail businesses in Canada, was responding to headlines that youth vaping rates had doubled to just under 17 percent in two years.
The cited figure applies to 16 to 19-year-olds who had vaped at least once within the previous 20 days.
Darryl Tempest of the CVA argued that capping nicotine at 20mg was preferable to restricting flavours as a means to reduce youth access while enabling adult smokers to switch.
He said: "Time and again, the data supports that banning flavours has no effect on youth vaping and only harms adult smokers looking to vape products for harm reduction.
"Nicotine strength, not flavours, is the difference between those markets that have high youth uptake versus those that don’t."
The comment sparked a war of words with a number of prominent voices, including American Vaping Association president, Greg Conley, who, in a series of scathing tweets, called the CVA 'wusses.' Conley said that he understood that the CVA would 'feel your back
is against the wall on flavours and endorse a nic limit.' However, he argued that the EU's TPD limit was too restrictive.
He said: "Two percent is too low and even if it wasn't, starting negotiations at 20 mg/ml is just bad strategy.
"Tie yourself to the EU nicotine limit and you've implicitly endorsed whatever nonsense is in the next EU TPD as it relates to vaping."
The CVA has laid the blame on high-nicotine, Big Tobacco pods such as JUUL for youth uptake. The devices are widely available in Canadian and American convenience stores but capped at 20mg in the UK where youth use remains very low.
Tempest cited David Hammond, a public health professor at the University of Waterloo who led the youth study. Hammond said the youth vaping phenomenon was 'probably driven by JUUL and the type of product and nicotine concentration in JUUL.'
However, former ASH UK director Clive Bates argued that the CVA's strategy undermined the role JUUL has played in introducing smokers to e-cigarettes.
He said: "Wow, [advocating for 20mg is] a reckless move from “vape advocates.” Juul etc. have helped millions of smokers.
"It isn’t pro-vape shop, if that’s your reasoning: it is anti-category, anti-
consumer and anti-competitive.
"Do this and don’t be surprised when regulators come for your favourite thing."
The debate was sparked by research published in the journal JAMA Paediatrics, which used data from more than 12,000 16 to 19-yearolds to track changes in vaping habits.
While past month prevalence more than doubled over the two-year window, regular e-cigarette use among young people remained low.
Just 5.7 percent of respondents reported vaping more than 20 days over the previous month, though this is a significant increase on the 1.8 percent reported in 2017.
While rising youth e-cigarette use continues to alarm health and anti-tobacco groups, the study also revealed that youth smoking numbers are on the decline.
Youth ever-smoker rates dropped from 11.9 percent to 7.4 percent while the past month smoker rate dropped from 6.7 percent to 3.8 percent.
The findings suggest that some youth smokers are switching to what regulator Health Canada acknowledges to be a less-harmful alternative for adult smokers.
The federal agency is taking steps to reduce youth vaping numbers following the lead of a number of provinces.
Nova Scotia signed off a 20mg nicotine cap on May 11. The regulation will take effect on September 1.
Mohammed Al-Hamdani, director of health initiatives for the Lung Association of Nova Scotia, welcomed the move, saying that the current 60mg limit was far too high.
He said: "You're basically having a product that is essentially almost like a crack nicotine.
"When youth use these products, they are in a very high prospect for getting addicted to it."
"Nicotine strength, not flavours, is the difference between those markets that have high youth uptake versus those that don’t."
The vast majority of young people hospitalised with serious vape-related lung injury at a Dallas hospital vaped cannabis, not nicotine, a recent study has revealed.
The study, published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, analysed the characteristics of 13 patients hospitalised with e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury, also known as EVALI.
Vaping THC was reported by 92 percent of patients while just one claimed to have exclusively used nicotine. However, the caregiver of this individual had a suspicion that they were using other substances, though a drug screening was not conducted.
All of the 11 patients who were screened were found to have THC in their system.
The findings suggest that teens hospitalised with the condition were not honest about past or current drug use.
UT Southwestern Medical Center paediatric pulmonologist Devika Rao who led the study said: “In taking care of hospitalized teens with EVALI, we found that they were very hesitant to disclose their vaping habits.
“A multidisciplinary effort – discussion among emergency medicine physicians, hospital medicine physicians, pulmonologists, toxicologists, behavioural medicine specialists, and intensivists – is key to successful treatment of these patients.”
A previous diagnosis of substance use disorder was present in
just over a third of patients and over half had other ‘psychosocial risk domains’ such as home environment, academic problems and mental health issues.
The study also looked at the demographics of hospitalised EVALI patients.
The mean age was 16 years old, with 54 percent female and 46 percent of the 13 patients Hispanic.
The findings suggest that young people in these groups may be more susceptible to risky behaviours than previously thought.
Rao said: “This serves as a reminder to clinicians that a teen with EVALI is not necessarily always going to be white and male.”
The study mirrors the latest figures from the CDC, which found THC to be overwhelmingly implicated in EVALI hospitalisations.
An overwhelming 82 percent of hospitalised patients reported using THC products, though the Dallas study suggests that the real figure may be under reported.
Lab tests revealed vitamin E acetate to be strongly linked to the outbreak.
The additive was widely used in black market THC products and was the primary intoxicant in the lung samples of EVALI patients in a CDC-cited study.
Vitamin E acetate is not used in commercial e-liquids, which overwhelmingly use PG and VG as a carrier.
While the CDC has acknowledged vitamin E acetate to be largely to blame for the EVALI outbreak, nicotine vape products continue to be implicated.
A World Health Organization (WHO) press release maintains that ‘there is growing evidence that ENDS could be associated with lung injuries and in recent times e-cigarette and vaping have been linked to an outbreak of lung injury in the USA.’
The document also refuses to acknowledge that e-cigarettes are considerably less harmful than combustible tobacco.
The WHO also maintains that governments should scale up free tobacco support phone lines before encouraging smokers to use reduced-risk nicotine products like e-cigarettes.
The WHO’s comments were criticised by UK experts who support e-cigarettes for tobacco harm reduction.
Peter Hajek, director Tobacco Dependence Research Unit at Queen Mary University of London, said: “The WHO has a history of anti-vaping activism that is damaging their reputation. This document is particularly malign.”
The organisation remains highly critical of e-cigarettes despite supporting other harm reduction initiatives, such as HIV prevention.
WHO policy states: “Harm reduction is a set of policies, programmes, services and actions that aim to reduce the harm to individuals, communities and society related to drugs, including HIV infection.
“WHO/Europe actively promotes scaling-up comprehensive harm reduction services to effectively address the HIV epidemic among PWIDs and their sexual partners.”
“Teens were very hesitant to disclose their vaping habits”
More than a million smokers have successfully quit since the coronavirus pandemic hit Britain. New research from University College London and charity Action on Smoking (ASH) found that 1,100,000 smokers had given up from mid-April to late June.
A further 440,000 had tried to quit during the same period, giving the strongest evidence to date that the worldwide health scare had caused people to seriously examine their smoking habits.
The survey revealed that while around 400,000 people aged 16-29 had successfully quit smoking, the number dropped to just 240,000 for those over 50.
People aged 30-49 have a slightly lower rate of quitting than the under 30s (13 percent of smokers and recent ex-smokers) but a similar number of people giving up smoking at around 400,000, due to the size of the population.
Smoking-related illnesses which have been linked to worse outcomes from COVID-19 include COPD, diabetes, stroke and other heart conditions.
ASH Chief Executive Deborah Arnott said: “Over
a million smokers may have succeeded in stopping smoking since COVID-19 hit Britain, but millions more have carried on smoking. We want to encourage those who’ve not yet succeeded, to wake up and decide today is the day to stop smoking.”
Respiratory consultant Dr Ruth Sharrock said: “Every day of my working life I see the terrible health problems caused by smoking. My message to smokers today is, please, do not wait. Whether you are healthy now or already unwell because of smoking, today is the day to stop. It can transform your life.”
Former smoker Lee, from Castleford, West Yorkshire, had to give up work as a painter and decorator after an epileptic seizure, which smokers are four times more likely to experience, caused him to lose his sight in one eye.
He used the COVID crisis to quit and has not touched a cigarette in five months. Lee said: “With the present climate and coronavirus, I’m so glad I have quit. I was sick of waking up, coughing and spluttering – so I made myself give quitting a go.”
“To those who’ve not yet succeeded, wake up and decide today is the day to stop smoking.”
…and join the 1.1million other Brits who did so during COVID-19 crisis
“ “
B e a u t i f u l l y b a l a n c e d , i n g e n i o u s f l a v o u r s c r e a t e d t o g i v e y o u T h e U l t i m a t e V a p i n g E x p e r i e n c e .
W e ’ r e h e r e a s a t e a m b e c a u s e o f a s h a r e d d e s i r e , a d e s i r e t o n o t o n l y i m p r o v e o n w h a t w a s a v a i l a b l e b u t U l t i m a t e l y , t o c h a s e p e r f e c t i o n . W e c u r r e n t l y p r o d u c e o v e r 3 0 0 t r i e d , t e s t e d a n d t w e a k e d f l a v o u r s t o c o v e r t h e p r e f e r e n c e o f a n y v a p e r a n d t o s h a r e o u r o b s e s s i o n t o a c h i e v e t h a t U l t i m a t e f l a v o u r .
C h a l l e n g e y o u r i d e a o f w h a t g o o d f l a v o u r c a n b e w i t h u s t o d a y a n d g e t t h e U l t i m a t e V a p i n g E x p e r i e n c e . w w w . u l t i m a t e j u i c e . c o . u k
Australian U-turn sees vape import ban delayed until 2021
An Australian import ban on nicotine-based e-cigarettes has been postponed for six months after a furious outcry from vape advocates across the country.
The ban was to have come into force from July 1 and carried massive fines of up to AUD $222,000 (£110,000) but it has been put back until January 1, 2021.
Health Minister Greg Hunt said the ban was needed to prevent non-smokers becoming addicted to nicotine but accepted that there “was a group of people who have used these e-cigarettes with nicotine … to end their cigarette smoking.”
Under the ban, the import of vaporiser nicotine and e-cigarettes would only be approved with a doctor’s prescription.
E-cigarettes containing nicotine, and nicotine refills are already banned from sale within Australia.
Mr Hunt said he had decided to provide additional time to implement the change “by establishing a streamlined process for patients obtaining prescriptions through their GP.
“This will give patients time to talk with the GP, discuss the best way to give up smoking, such as using other products including patches or sprays, and if still required, will be able to gain a prescription.”
Australian vaping groups welcomed the delay and said it was now more urgent than ever to fight before the ban became law
in January. Advocacy group Legalise Vaping Australia said the ban would push vapers back to smokers and insisted it needed to be stopped.
Spokeswoman Emilie Dye said: “Federal policymakers heard our voices causing the Health Minister to delay this deadly policy. “We now have an opportunity to fight for the legalisation and regulation of nicotine vaping in Australia.”
Queensland senator Matt Canavan said he had received thousands of calls and emails from vapers who want the ban overturned for good.
He said: “I believe we should have a safe and regulated market without barriers that are more onerous than smokes, which after all are much more dangerous.”
Under Australian law, nicotine is classified as a poison, except when it is used as an aid to withdraw from tobacco smoking.
The ban was supported by the Royal Australia College of General Practitioners, which said that vaping should be a “last resort” for those trying to quit smoking.
“We now have an opportunity to fight for the legalisation and regulation of nicotine vaping in Australia.”
Flavoured e-cigarettes will be banned in The Netherlands from next year in order to discourage young people from smoking and vaping.
The government is worried that flavours such as ‘strawberry ice cream’ and ‘mango and chocolate’, are particularly appealing to young people and will encourage them to experiment with vaping.
The measures were outlined in a briefing to parliament and are part of a series of government plans to make smoking less attractive to youngsters.
Deputy health minister Paul Blokhuis said: "There is no place for all these tempting, exotic flavours.
“It is unacceptable that 20,000 people die every year in our country from the effects of smoking and that every day around 75 kids start smoking.
"The smoke-free generation we see coming also needs to be free of electronic cigarettes."
The government said it will amend existing tobacco legislation to make the change which is due to take effect by spring 2021.
Once the law comes into force, Dutch vapers will be restricted to tobacco flavours only but critics
say that without flavours many smokers will not want to quit and current vapers will be more inclined to return to smoking.
A 2017 Dutch government report said that over a quarter of people aged 12-16 said they had tried vaping at least once.
Electronic cigarettes and water pipes have been banned in the Netherlands for anyone under the age of 18 since 2016.
Smoking is to be banned in all school playgrounds from the start of the next academic year and from October 1, cigarettes and rolling tobacco can only be sold in neutral packaging.
Dutch to ban flavoured e-liquids to help achieve smoke and vape-free generation
The smoke-free generation we see coming also needs to be free of electronic cigarettes.
BYThe event where we take all the passion, knowledge and opportunities from a regular expo…an bring everything right to you. As we launch our first live international virtual expo for vape and CBD, here is a taster of what you can expect at VOXPO 2020-21.
Words: Patrick GriffinThe vaping industry is fast-paced and changes happen at an amazing rate. We have had to come to terms with regulatory change, political pressures for change, shifting consumer demands and the changes brought about by ever-evolving technological developments. Even for those who have successfully switched from smoking to vaping, the pace of change can be hard to keep up with. If you are new to the industry, we understand that it can often be a little confusing at best or downright baffling at worst.
When you add the huge amount of ‘fake news’ about vaping both in mainstream and social media outlets, there is no wonder that vaping can be a little difficult to unravel.
Even basic questions such as: “Is vaping more or less harmful than smoking?” can produce wildly different answers depending on who you ask. (And since you are here the correct answer is that it is significantly less harmful than smoking.)
The Vape Live exhibitors are not only experts on the vape industry
but they are here to answer any questions you may have and will give you honest answers that you can rely upon. So watch the talks in the live auditorium and ask as many questions as you wish of the exhibitors and you will not be disappointed. Our schedule is packed with three days of content from our key speakers. That’s three whole days of information for you to absorb. Don’t worry if you can’t make it online to every single talk or presentation, the auditorium isn’t going anywhere. You can log in the following day, the next week or month and all of the content will still be there.
The worldwide vaping community is one of the most passionate groups you could ever hope to encounter.
Many, if not most, vape businesses were launched by former smokers who were so amazed at the positive effect e-cigarettes had on their lives they wanted others so share the same benefits too. Current owners of global e-liquid companies may have started out
making flavours just for their friends and families. Then, before they knew it, orders would come in from far and wide as word spread about their e-liquid creations.
I have never once heard a smoker talk with passion about a packet of cigarettes but vapers can, and do, get vocal and passionate about their favourite e-liquids, devices and love nothing better than to share their discoveries with others.
The bottom line is that vaping has helped so many in this industry quit smoking for good and those same people now devote their lives to helping others give up too.
As already mentioned, we have a packed line up of speakers during these three days and if you want to experience the passion of the vape industry first hand, then there is no better place to begin.
While the world takes an (enforced) break from traditional expos due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, we are all increasingly looking online to meet our needs.
VOXPO is a way of using the unparalleled opportunities of the internet to connect on a global scale with members of the vape and CBD industries.
Individual companies have shown that they do so much good in their own right but we all truly shine when we come together as one.
As your hosts, it is our mission to help this industry to revitalise networking as if we were face-to-face at a physical expo, and to create a space where profitable opportunities can be made.
We believe platforms like VOXPO can give rise to new business opportunities, create new revenue ideas, and help a new generation discover the potential benefits that the vape and CBD industries can bring about.
So get talking, get interacting, make new friends and find new customers. A virtual world of opportunity awaits. Enjoy the show.
Nicotine pouches the next marketing frontier for Vape companies!
Alchem NicSelect
With a broad choice of raw materials and commercial solutions Alchem NicSelect can help take you to market today. Contact the team today to discuss our nicotine pouch solutions:
NicSelect™ Pouch Dry-Mix (MCC/PVP). Ready to flavour and pack.
NicSelect™ Pouch Ready-Mix (MCC/PVP). Flavoured and ready to pack.
NicSelect™ Pouches.
Full service White Label Solutions.
Why nicotine pouches are a good fit for vape companies!
Vaping companies are leaders and experienced in flavours and aromas
Existing distribution channels via online, retail and dedicated vape shops.
Existing and captive customer base for nicotine products.
Complementary product to e-liquids
Extensive experience in marketing next generation nicotine delivery products.
“The global Nicotine Pouches market is valued at 619.9 million USD in 2020 and is expected to reach 12,970 million USD by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of 53.8% during 2021-2026.”
Air Factory has gone from strength to strength in recent years from a small business to a brand with a global presence, fan favourite flavours and also, a newly-launched CBD line. The company is also bringing its expertise to VOXPO.
“The brand actually started in 2013 as a small company,” Devin said, adding: “It was founded by Kyle Godfrey who is still with the company today as CEO. It first began when a group of friends, who were roommates started making their own supply for personal use. They wanted to make a safer alternative to cigarettes and they started to share it with their friends. The products gained popularity and it just took off.”
Following on from their success among friends, the brand moved onto producing some of their best known flavours then moved into a factory space in Irvine, just outside of Los Angeles.
“A lot of the original recipes and flavours that people loved at the beginning, are still being used today in the products. It’s pretty cool.” He adds that: “We’ve remained a small company with eight to 10 employees but we’ve been very successful in that we are known around the world and throughout the industry too.”
The company has gained a lot of fans with its increasingly popular mysterious flavour called ‘Mystery’ which has kept
vapers guessing as to what the actual ingredients are. “Everyone wants to know but honestly, it was designed as something to make people want to try it. You aren’t 100 percent sure what you are going to get and honestly, most people have a different opinion of what it tastes like or what it is. A little tip is that it is a sweet candy blend.”
The brand signed up for VOXPO as Air Factory believes it will change the way that brands interact with their customers and also help make access to conferences and shows easier.
“I honestly think it’s really innovative,” Devin said. “I think we will be able to connect with a lot of people who weren’t able to make it to a physical show in the past and I think it might be the future of trade shows. It may be where a lot of people go because of the ease of being able to connect with people. The fact that people can log on later and check it out to see all the products that we have is a great feature. We are excited for the whole thing.”
The rest of the year is looking to be busy for Air Factory with the Pre Market Tobacco Applications in September.
“In regards to the PMTA, that is something we have been pursuing for two-and-a-half years,” Casey said. “So as soon as
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released the most minor information on how to do it, our company invested millions of dollars and will be one of the first to submit an application. While we may go through this with hundreds of other companies, there’s no question in my mind that we are going to get through.”
Devin adds: “We’re working on it every day to make sure all of our products are compliant and safe.”
“I think we will be able to connect with a lot of people who weren’t able to make it to a physical show in the past and I think it might be the future of trade shows.”
We’re just a few days away from the inaugural VOXPO Vape Live event when I talk to John and Tom Wilson of Kingston E-liquids. Based in Kingston upon Hull (hence the ‘Kingston’), Yorkshire, work life has remained as hectic as ever despite the global event that it is impossible not to talk about.
“The truth of the matter is, we weren’t affected at all by lockdown,” John says. “The wholesale and manufacturing side just continued as normal. Our distributors got behind us in the shutdown because they knew if they ordered on Monday, they’d have the product by Wednesday so they had the confidence to put our products on their site and we’re never out of stock.”
We’re here, of course, to talk about e-liquid: by far the most competitive product type in what is already a competitive market.
Kingston has been manufacturing e-liquids for over three years now, focusing on their Kingston E-liquids brand and offering an excellent OEM service using their great flavours. The guys have a tried-and-tested way of developing flavours and getting them onto the market.
“We create liquids for our own stores first,” John says. “If they don’t sell in our own stores they won’t make it onto the marketplace. We get a lot of feedback from our regulars so we know if a line is going to be a hit.”
“You wouldn’t have put a pandemic on any business plan but Kingston seems to be going from strength to strength”
Gordon Stribling
The first and strictest three months of lockdown had the company juggling between preparing for the launch of a new range of Kingston 10ml e-liquids and preparating for their Kingston Salts. They have been constantly busy throughout the lockdown with continuous product development.
One of the few pluses of this once-in-a-lifetime situation is that it pushed Kingston to develop the online side of the business.
“As a company, we have never pushed our online presence, instead encouraging consumers to buy in-store,” John says. “But with the lockdown and stores closing, we were forced to explore all options including developing our Kingston E-liquids website, both for our trade and our retail customers. Both continued to grow rapidly so we developed an online business that we never really had before.”
The 10ml liquids wrapped up during those full-on three months are now available in their own stores and, as of a week ago, in the hands of their distributors. The company now has significant momentum behind it that will put it in good stead for the rest of the year.
“We’ve launched 15 flavours in the 10ml bottles, but we’ll actually be launching another 34 flavours within weeks,” John says.
“And then we’re going to have 11 nic salts coming out and then grow from there,” Tom says. “That seems to be a booming market right now. Our customers are screaming for them.”
There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has reshaped the industry for the foreseeable future. The launch date for VOXPO itself was brought forward to plug the gap in the expo market that has always been integral to the industry’s infrastructure.
John is grateful that Kingston has been able to continue as normal - a blessing that he is not taking for granted.
“This is probably the most challenging thing that many of us have faced in our lifetimes,” he says.
“You wouldn’t have been able to put that down on any business plan, but Kingston seems to be going from strength to strength”
As for surviving and thriving in the months and years to come, John believes that it’s all about relationships.
“The strategic partnerships we have with our distributors and suppliers are hugely important for us,” John says. “The same goes for customer service.
“We know that the flavours sell and we know that they are good. It’s about the partnerships and who you work with.”
VOXPO is now live – our virtual vape and CBD expo is online with a three-day spectacular event to which the whole world is invited.
We are delighted to have you on board with us and because this is so new we have taken the opportunity to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we have had so far. Here Vapouround director David Turner explains what VOXPO is all about and why it has generated such a buzz of anticipation in the vape and CBD industries.
Q. What exactly is VOXPO?
VOXPO is essentially an expo which you can attend and exhibit at without having to travel anywhere at all. There are no flight costs, no hotel costs, no hassles in getting your stock to an event and no worries with overzealous customs officials. Whether you’re a vape or a CBD company, it’s a vehicle to get your brand out there globally and generate new business and leads.
Q. So it’s completely virtual then?
Exactly. Everything from exhibiting to attending is done online and you can access it from the comfort of your own home or office.
you need to know about the new virtual expo that everyone is talking about
Q. Are you worried that some people might find it too technical?
Not at all. You don’t need to download anything special to access VOXPO. It’s all done via one simple URL that you access in exactly the same way you access any other website. If you’re an exhibitor, then you get your own unique URL to help you build your booth with a simple custom editor. There’s nothing about the experience for anyone that should deter or confuse people. We’ve tested the platform with various members of staff here, all with differing levels of technical knowledge and we had a 100% positive feedback rate on its ease of use.
Q. How did VOXPO come about?
This is something we’ve had on our radar since the back end of last year. We always have a schedule of upcoming products and initiatives and we like to keep everything fresh and evolving. VOXPO is one of many things we have planned but we pushed it forward due to the terrible things happening around the world with COVID-19 and its effect on physical travel. Over the past five years we’ve met a lot of people and made a lot of friends in the vape and CBD industries and we felt VOXPO was something that could also help their businesses through a difficult time if we brought it forward.
Q. How does VOXPO work for visitors?
We have worked hard to keep the entire experience nice and simple. Firstly you register to attend. There’s no charge at all for attending. When you access the expo you’ll see both a vape and a CBD hall, plus an auditorium. Let’s say you head into the vape hall. As you would with a physical expo, you’ll then have a large selection of booths to visit. When you visit a booth, you’ll have various options such as video presentations, brochures, catalogues, spec sheets – essentially anything you might need to find out more about their products. If you like what you see, you’ll be able to link to their online e-commerce presence and buy. If you want further information, then there will be various ways to get in touch with the exhibitors.
Q. Will you be able to talk to the exhibitors like you can at a physical expo?
Yes. The VOXPO platform will be live for 365 days but within that period we will have four “live expos”, each lasting for three days where all the exhibitors will have members of staff in their offices or home offices sitting ready to answer any questions you might have.
Q. How are you getting around the fact that people won’t be able to sample products?
There’s a two-fold way of looking at that. Firstly, in the current climate and with social distancing and hygiene, do you really think that many
people, even if given the chance, would feel totally comfortable sampling products at a physical expo? Secondly, you’ve got to think about VOXPO in terms of it’s length and duration. At a physical expo you’ve got two to three days to push a deal over the line – that’s your window. At VOXPO you’ve got the full year. There’s time to engage fully with any contacts you make there. Time to send the samples and then follow up.
Q. Do you see this replacing physical expos?
Absolutely not. Physical expos are a cornerstone of the industry and as media partners to many of them we can’t wait for them to get up and running again. The ultimate aim of VOXPO is to complement physical expos and not to replace them. There’s more than enough room for both physical and virtual expos.
Q. You mentioned an auditorium. What happens there?
The auditorium will form a key part of VOXPO. This is the place where you can find some fantastic guest speakers covering topics on both the vape and CBD side of things. There’ll be something there for everyone whether you are an expert, beginner or just curious.
Q. What exactly is the target audience for the event?
Plain and simple, this is an event for everyone. If you’re a business owner there’ll be new products and brands for you to consider. If you’re a vaping or CBD lover then it is the same for you. If you’re a smoker looking to quit or considering using CBD to aid you with some particular aspect of your life, then come along – we’ve got you all covered.
Q. How has the response from the industries been?
In a word - phenomenal. We’ve got over 100 brands exhibiting already. For the exhibitors it’s an incredibly competitive price for what is a full year's worth of global exposure and there is a huge level of excitement of what VOXPO can achieve.
Q. Sounds good. When does it go live?
VOXPO is live right now. Come on in and enjoy the experience and be sure to tell all your friends with an interest in vaping and/or CBD.
Q. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
For us this is a massively exciting project to work on. We see this as the next logical step for a pair of industries known for their innovation and a step that we feel people are going to thoroughly enjoy and get massive benefit from.
“VOXPO has something for everyone. For us this is a massively exciting project and the next logical step for two industries known for their innovation.”
7 Daze (Reds Apple)
7 Daze is devoted to elevating the experience of vapers everywhere. Respected engineers in air and vapour analytics as well as leading engineers in the food industry worked together to form leading e-liquid manufacturer company 7 Daze. As our brand grew, we continued to strive behind our motto "Give People What They Want." With quality ingredients at our fingertips we decided to create a flavour that would be unparalleled to any other on the market. Handcrafted and meticulously formulated, Reds Apple eJuice was born.
Air Factory™ was introduced into the vape industry in 2016 as the first 100ml Chubby Gorilla™ bottled juice on the market. Since its inception, Air Factory™ has become one of the biggest and most soughtafter power houses within the American vape community. We have been able to achieve this stature by strategically delivering our products and making the necessary adjustments to ensure the consumer is getting a brand they can rely on every time.
Genesis Lab is the first and only e-liquid laboratory in the world that opens its doors to the consumer! We apply modern methods of producing and bottling e-liquids in a specially designed place with strict health regulations (clean room). Genesis Lab pioneers invite each and every wholesaler and consumer to attend the production facility, eliminating the mystery around the production of e-liquids. This way, every interested individual can be confident in the high quality of our product and strict hygiene and safety protocols.
Barehead E-Liquids is a German e-liquid manufacturing company specialising in layered and distinctive flavours. We were founded in 2015 with the higher purpose of creating a lifestyle vape brand that crafted award-winning flavours and reflected what kept us away from smoking many years ago: the identification with a brand that truly represented a smoke-free lifestyle.
Cap CoderBritish manufacturing at its finest. We are a small, family-run company with a laid back approach to business. We have been designing and building machines for the vape and CBD industries since their inception. Filling, capping, labelling or a totally bespoke line, from small bench top machines to completely automated high output systems, we have you covered. Come and have an informal chat and then ask our customers about us.
Founded in 2003, Dekang Biotech Co., Ltd is engaged in the technological development, production and sales of pharmaceutical raw materials, nicotine, tobacco extracts, e-cigarettes and e-liquid and is the first high-tech enterprise for e-liquid production in the world. After strict audits, Dekang successfully obtained both a Food Production Licence and a Nicotine Production Licence. Our nicotine is of pharmaceuticalgrade, with 99.9% purity. Dekang e-liquids are compliant with TPD and FDA requirements.
Dinner Lady is an award-winning UK-based vape brand, manufacturing and selling premium quality e-liquids and CBD. Winner of over 40 awards, Dinner Lady products are now sold in over 96 countries. Our story began in 2016, when we launched Lemon Tart which is one of the most iconic e-liquids in the world, winning "Best UK Flavour" four years in a row. We now offer over 100 premium quality e-liquids across six distinct ranges.
Doozy is an award-winning, globally recognised UK Brand founded in 2015, with offices in Dubai and America servicing six continents. Our products are made in a state-of-the-art facility. We take our moral obligation towards the environment seriously having invested in renewable energy and our products are 100% recyclable. We are TPD, ESMA and FDA approved and are renowned for quality flavours in our Fruit, Ice, Dessert, Tobacco and Shisha Collections, with distinct branding that adds to the magic, Doozy is a brand of the future. Together we make tomorrow’s flavours, today!
Our vision is to offer innovative vape devices to the market and to be an industry-leading brand. Our mission is to be a reliable partner to our customers and to make the best possible devices for vapers. Since 2018, we have worked with some of the most respected individuals and companies to bring out more options for our customers. When developing devices, we take design, user experience, innovation and affordability into consideration to create best overall products for vapers.
We've been providing a safer alternative to smokers since 2016. Our mission is to provide a first-class product that is accessible and enjoyable but most of all is an effective tool in your journey to quitting smoking. As a company, we spend time working out the answer to the following question: “How do we make our customers’ lives easier and more enjoyable?” - this underpins the culture and focus of Dr Vapes.
For 10 years, Ecigclick has been one of the most visited vape blogs in the UK. A great team of vapers, with a collective experience of over 70 years, we test all levels of vape devices. Ecigclick is a first port of call for many vapers making their next purchase. Our editorial team also have their finger on the pulse of the vaping world, reporting on the most important news and legislation in the industry.
The most respected name in the e-liquid world, Element E-liquids are widely respected for their superb taste and remarkable quality. Element products can be found in over 60+ countries around the globe, holding more international awards and accolades than any brand in the industry. Having been in the game since the beginning, their flavours are regarded as the top of the charts, and most refer to their flavours as "legendary."
Empire Vape Co is a bricks-and-mortar vaping store based in Wavertree, Liverpool. The store opened in August 2016 and has gone on to win several awards from Ecigclick and Vapouround. Empire is an independent store solely run by Chris. Until recently, Chris was a YouTube vape reviewer. His channel reached 14,000 subscribers before Chris closed it down to focus more on the business. In 2017, we released our EVC juice brand. These seven flavours have won awards at large vape shows in the UK and received very good reviews from vape reviewers.
The ability to control nicotine, precisely, is crucial to the smoking cessation journey. That's why we created the most innovative vaporiser on the market: the dual-pod, intelligent, nicotine-controlling Enovap. With the Enovap, you have the power to instantly adjust your nicotine from 0mg/ml to 20mg/ml at the touch of a button. More than that, it has other exciting features, like the flavour mix and automatic modes. Visit our virtual booth to explore more!
Famovape is a high-end electronic cigarette manufacturing company in Shenzhen. We have long been focusing on the R&D and manufacture of big cloud products. The Fatbaby tank, the Magma Box and other devices have been embraced by consumers. The Magma Box also received The Best Mod award in 2019. At the same time, we have rich experience in design and manufacturing pod systems, pod mods and disposable devices. We welcome customers with OEM/ODM demands.
Fcukin’ Flava is known and loved by many. With over 50,000,000 bottles sold and a long list of awards for best fruit taste and best cooling, there is no doubt that this is a ‘must have’ for store owners around the world. Fcukin’ Flava is also launching a new and exciting set-up for Europe – we have cut the number of lines down to the absolute bestsellers and added new and exciting flavours that have been successfully taste-tested in other parts of the world.
Founded in 2004, First Union Group is a world-class leading enterprise e-cigarette solution provider. Using integrated technology innovation, design, manufacturing, quality assurance and supply chain management, First Union has established business with more than 200 e-cigarette brands with different types of OEM and ODM services. Our goal is to provide reduced-risk smoking alternatives for global smokers. With global capabilities, expert and dedicated teams and a standardised manufacturing process, First Union is a one-stop service that guarantees excellence in quality and reliability in performance.
Geekvape was founded in 2015 and headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Our mission is to be the most reputable vape company in all parts of the world. We love to listen to different voices from users and we aim to contribute a positive impact on society and bring a healthier life to the public.
With over 10 years experience producing e-liquids, Grizwalds has always tried to bring quality products to the vaping market. With well over 100 products available from menthols to candies to tobacco and more to come in the near future, there's something for everyone. All of our liquids are made in our Class A Category 1 clean room to ensure cleanliness and to cut out any contamination risks. We use only the very best ingredients in our e-liquids and so can ensure consistency and great flavours.
Founded in 2013, FreeMax is a vape hardware manufacturer that has continually evolved in response to user feedback, providing the very best vaping experience with innovative technology. We were the first to launch the Dual Vertical Mesh Coil sub ohm tank and the Single, Double, Triple, Quad and Quintuple mesh coil sub ohm tank.
Coil Juice Co was founded in 2016 with a mission to deliver the best premium vaping experience for vapers worldwide. Fast forward to 2020 and after extensive R&D we have now launched our latest e-liquid range, Eclypse. A tropical concoction of the finest flavours from all over the world mixed to create a vaping experience for the ages. We're proud to announce our latest range is available across the UK as well as worldwide.
Quality ingredients matter! Since 2012, Innevape has created the smoothest, best-tasting e-liquids on the market using a perfect blend of only the finest ingredients and nicotine. With no water or alcohol added, Innevape’s proprietary steeping process creates the smoothest vape available with no chemical aftertaste. The Berg and The Berg Menthol, “The original Blue Slushie” e-liquids, have been two of the top-selling flavours worldwide for the last five years.
Innokin was founded in 2011 with the goal of combining innovation, design and the highest standards of quality to create the best electronic cigarettes and advanced personal vaporisers in the world. Innokin has grown to be a world leader in innovative vape and e-cigarette technologies and we are proud to create top quality vaporisers and amazing life experiences. Innokin vaporisers are popular with vapers and smokers around the world and are sold in more than 10,000 vape shops.
JPL Flavour Technologies are a flavour manufacturer specialising in developing bespoke flavours from molecular level for the e-liquid industry. The flavourists at JPL can design exclusive flavours for brands, ensuring that they can stand out from the rest of the industry. After a successful five years in the UK e-liquid Industry, JPL are due to open a lab in the USA in early 2021. Samples can be requested from their UK lab until the 2021 USA opening.
Wefill Global is committed to providing you with the best sanitiser solutions possible. No filler words, no fillers in our products. We supply you with the best solutions available, making sure you don't have to look any further for the health and safety of you and everyone around you.
Giving up smoking is one of the hardest tasks anyone can do. How do we know? Because our company founders, Carlos & Andy, have been there and done it. The pair teamed up with one of the UK’s best e-liquid manufacturers and spent 12 months developing flavours until they reached perfection. In 2019, Just Juice was born: Insanely fruity e-liquids, all longer-lasting, less allergenic and easy on the throat, making the transition from smoking to vaping simpler than ever before.
Here at Just Vape It, we aim to create a new vaping image throughout the United Kingdom and worldwide. Our scrumptious e-liquid recipes are brewed to perfection with quality assured manufacturing practices which have been uniquely formulated to bring out the very best taste while maintaining our very high standard to ensure a premium vape liquid. We offer two ranges at Just Vape It, the Jungle Fever range and the Scare Fest range.
JWEI Group is a world leader in vaporisation technology, R&D and e-cigarette manufacturing. With over 3,000 employees, 2,200 patents and 80 sales distribution operations around the world, JWEI owns globally renowned vape brands Joyetech, Eleaf and Wismec. UK Vapour Brands is the UK’s leading vaping wholesaler. Grown out of The Electronic Cigarette Company, trading since 2008, they represent Joyetech, Eleaf and Wismec in the UK, alongside highly regarded TECC device and e-liquid brands.
King Kong Vape Juice is a UK-based vape brand producing high quality, premium e-liquid. We currently produce 50ml short-fills and our Kong Salts and Kong CBD range will be released very soon. King Kong Vape Juice was created to take over the world. We set out to produce something different and produced the best, cleanest and tastiest e-liquid brand for our customers. Our flavours are the result of months of sourcing and tasting the finest ingredients from across the world.
Kingston is a manufacturer of shortfill and TPD compliant e-liquids. The brand is fast becoming a firm favourite with vapers across the UK and Europe. Kingston prides itself on bringing the best flavours to today’s demanding market. We are constantly developing new flavours and work with some of the leading flavour houses across the world. Our products can be found in major vape distro companies and hundreds of independent retailers throughout the UK and online.
We are not involved in any productive partnership, we’re a neutral and impartial entity: only your products count and we protect your industrial secrets through legal and IT support.
We are professional in the regulatory affairs: we submitted thousands of TPD-II
assistance for EU and US, thanks to direct contacts with the relevant authorities,
We are passionate about guiding vaping p ro fe ss i o na l through regulato r y an d technological challenges to contribute to the diffusion of innovative devices with a low impact on health.
conta ct @tru st icert. com w w w.tru sti cert. com
At Lush Vapor Co, we strive to provide the best disposables in the vape game. Before our endeavor, we saw that the industry was falling short in terms of a quality disposable product so we set out to show the community how much better disposables could and should be. Our goal was simple: to provide a high quality product packed full of flavour that won't quit on you before the day is over. Gone are the days of disappointing purchases as our fans discover what true quality is.
Moreish Puff is a UK-based premium e-liquid brand manufactured by Cherish Vapor Limited. We produce high quality e-juices with the most authentic flavours, using top quality ingredients and the very best pharmaceutical-grade nicotine. Available throughout the UK and Europe, our products continue to grow in demand. Our aim is to create original e-juice flavours that our customers can vape and enjoy.
My Vapery is a premium e-liquid and CBD retailer offering award-winning flavours from the world’s biggest brands. It aims to provide the freshest vaping products, with the best flavours at low-cost prices. My Vapery is passionate about the quality and premium taste of its e-liquid collection. That’s why it has carefully selected only the best brands to bring its customers a premium vaping experience. The company creates and develops its own e-liquid and CBD brands, offering unique flavour profiles and the latest innovation.
Nailed It Liquids was founded in Durban, South Africa in 2015. We think out of the box and create e-liquids that stand out from the rest. Quality over quantity is and has always been our number one priority. All our products are manufactured in a certified ISO 7 laboratory, leaving no room for error or contamination. We pride ourselves on being different from the rest, creating unique and accurate profiles that will leave you speechless. It's what we do!
Since we launched in 2015, Nasty Juice has become a worldwide brand and now sells in every major country across the world. Nasty Juice is a global e-liquid company that has reached worldwide fame with a range of exotic and fruity juice-flavoured e-liquids. Our company puts the customer first in everything we do. We are committed to providing our customers with a superior range of products of the finest possible quality.
NicSelect™, our premium nicotine, has been specifically developed for use in e-liquids and nicotine pouches and is manufactured in our cGMP pharmaceutical production facilities, contains near zero impurities and is light in colour and odour. Our unique products and services can make a real difference in the quality of your products and your commercial success. We look forward to working with you!
Since 2018, Pop Vapor has been the leader in disposable nicotine devices. We are committed to providing the best alternative to smoking on the market. Our mission is to provide variety, quality and simplicity. We offer over 25 different flavour varieties, ranging from drinks and fruits to tobacco. Our devices are easy to use, no required filling or recharging and toss it when you’re done. We make Pop simple so you spend more of your time enjoying the day.
Born on the West Coast and growing across the world, Premium Labs offers the best in global e-liquid recipes, using the best products to make balanced quality flavours you can trust. Premium Labs' growing portfolio is focused primarily on helping people quit smoking by providing top quality products and a customer-orientated service. Our staff are passionate about delivering e-liquids and experiences that will keep customers coming back again and again.
With an ECID number of 00001, QCig was the first company, globally, to become TPD-registered and has been producing quality e-liquids since 2013. We have 72 TPD-compliant flavours in five strengths in 60:40 and 80:20 VG/PG. Nicshots, nicsalts, ice shots and CBD also available. We can also offer 120 short-fill flavours in 50 and 100ml. There is something in our range to suit everyone. Create your own brand – OEM is available across our entire range at no extra cost.
A South African premium e-juice manufacturer with a British-inspired name. What started out as a hobby way back in 2016 is now a fully-fledged juice company available in multiple countries. Being massive fans of boxing, we understand the meaning of dedication. Hence our pristine quality products. To be the best, we mix with the best. ISO6. Chubby Gorilla bottles. We tick all the boxes. We don’t potter about. We’re ready to spar.
Since 2014, we have grown and evolved with the vaping industry, from pods and CE4s to mods & RDAs, back to pods and mods. We know how fast things can change and we are always on top of it, providing competitive prices for all aspects of the vaping world. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We are always here to help. You don't have to buy from us to learn from us, so if you're ever stuck or need some advice, feel free to get in touch.
Since 2010, SMOK has continued to combine top industrial design with innovative technology to provide reliable and quality e-cigarette products to global consumers. With rapid development in recent years, SMOK has become the world‘s largest e-cigarette brand with a self-dependent innovation capability. SMOK’s extensive range includes hundreds of types of e-cigarette, including mods, kits, atomizers and coils, from entry to expert-level. Providing excellent product experience and perfect after-sales service, SMOK has won over both the industry and consumers.
Solana is a premium e-liquid brand from France supplying products for beginners, established vapers and high-end users. We create complex and original recipes using the best ingredients to meet the tastes of the international market. Our ready-to-vape e-liquids are available in a range of formulations, sizes and flavours. Solana makes a point of expressing the tastes of its customers by experimenting with the crazy and original flavours in order to awaken and enhance your taste buds.
Simplicity Upon Amazing. Here at SUA Vapors, it is our goal to bring the highest quality-sourced e-liquids with phenomenal flavours to the vaping community. A straightforward vision that led to the foundation of SUA Vapors: simple concepts that deliver. All of our collection utilises the highest standard of ingredients, providing exceptional natural flavours made by a highly experienced group of staff.
We are an innovative SME acting as regulatory and scientific partner in the development of the e-cig sector and related products. We help companies cope with the requirements imposed by international legislation, starting from TPD and CLP. We are in direct contact with EU authorities and in partnership and collaboration with accredited laboratories, international institutions, chemical and toxicological research groups to offer the most professional and high-end services.
As the country’s leading forum for supporting, developing and promoting the billion-pound vaping industry, the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) is spearheading one of the biggest market disruptions in the 21st century – the seismic shift from smoking to vaping. We represent the largest proportion of the UK marketplace and the entire supply chain, including manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers and distributors who all share our vision: “A world where the evidence-based, life-changing public health benefits of vaping products are fully understood and their positive impact is maximised.”
Ultroner was founded in 2016. We produce high-end vaping products based on stabwood. Our products include atomizers, regulated mods, mech mods and other peripherals. Ultroner is located in Shenzhen, China and is highly regarded in the vape industry. Our products are sold to Asia, Europe, America and other regions. We look forward to working with more distributors and retailers from around the world.
Usonicig is the only brand in the vaping industry that uses Ultrasonic Vaping Technology and the only brand that has truly achieved No Coil, No Burnt Taste. Over 10 million dollars were put into research and investment throughout four years of continuous technological development. Usonicig now holds more than 400 patents and has already launched Rhythm(Mod), Zip (Portable Pod) series in the market to meet the specific needs of the vaping community.
Established in 2012, Vampire Vape is a leading global vape brand, supplying over 80 countries worldwide. It is recognised for high quality e-liquids manufactured in a state-of-the-art, ISO 9001 facility based in the UK. Our brand includes iconic flavours like Heisenberg & Pinkman as well as an extensive range covering all vaping profiles from fruit and menthol to desserts and tobaccos across all formats including 10ml TPD, short-fills, concentrates and bulk products.
Vapemex Magazine is distributed in Spanish to every vape shop in Mexico. Our goal is to help your brand reach all vapers and shop owners in Mexico to create demand for your products. Also we have a physical magazine in Colombia. A digital version is also available for Spanish-speaking vapers around the world to enjoy. Vapemex Magazine online is the official vape publication that reaches a potential 500 million Spanish-speaking readers across 21 countries, spanning South, Central and North America as well as Europe.
Carefully curated by our expert mixologists, this well-rounded selection of cream, fruit, cereal and tobacco flavors will keep you coming back all day. Our wildly-popular Killer Kustards are known for their creamy vanilla custard flavour, striking the perfect balance between sweet and savory. Light, refreshing and soon to be your summer favourite, our Vape Lemonades will hit the spot everytime. Meanwhile, the essence of smooth yogurt, honeyed granola, rich syrup, and freshly sliced fruit makes Vapetasia’s Parfait flavours unbeatable.
Vapouround is the leading trade publication for the UK and Ireland’s vape industry. Since our founding in 2015, we have been a regular fixture at expos around the world thanks to partnerships with leading events such as Vaper Expo UK and Vape South America. Our mission is to be a voice for the global vape community and, above all else, help smokers make the life-changing switch to vaping.
Here at Supergood, we have one simple goal: to make amazing vaping products and share them with the world. Based in the UK with a wide customer base, we’re passionate about providing the best quality flavoured e-liquids to give you and your customers the ultimate vape experience We have e-liquids to suit all tastes; including our dessert range, Butter, and our lip-smacking Cocktails. We are e-liquids. We are vaping. We are Supergood.
The World Vape Show is heading to Dubai! Over 200 brands, Future of Vape Conference, entertainment arena, modders gallery, live music and much more. Visit our booth during VAPE LIVE for an event brochure, free tickets, competitions and giveaways.
How would you like to win £1,000 worth of vaping goodies during our first Vape Live online expo?
All you have to do is fully immerse yourself in all that Vape Live has to offer and you could walk away with some awesome prizes.
Our vape merch swag bag includes some great mods, a huge selection of e-liquids to suit every possible taste, t-shirts and lots of other goodies you will want to get your hands on.
And the great news is you can win by simply enjoying all that is on offer at this unique event over the three days.
We have created a special Vape Live leaderboard and whoever is at the top spot at the end of the three days will be declared the winner.
Here is all the info you need to help you win.
STARTS: Friday 31 July from 10AM BST
CLOSES: Sunday 2 August at 6PM BST
PRIZE: One winner will receive £1,000 worth of vape products.
We will assign points to the activities listed below and as you collect more points you can see your rank on our leaderboard increase.
1. View a document – 100 points (each)
2. Add documents to Swag Bag – 100 points (each)
3. View a video – 200 points (each)
4. Attend a webinar – 300 points (each)
5. Visit a booth – 400 points (each)
RULES: Collect as many points as you can for each activity. The attendee with the most points wins (based on their rankings on the leaderboard.) If the leaderboard competition ends in a tie, the engagement rate of the individuals will be monitored and the participant that engaged with exhibitors for the longest duration will be selected as the winner. If all competition statistics are a tie, the leading participants will enter a final draw and a winner will be decided by a digital randomiser.
See the VOXPO website for our full competition terms and conditions.
The vaping industry is very competitive when it comes to devices. This is great for the consumer, since manufacturers have to work hard to produce quality hardware at an affordable price. The sheer volume of choice can be a little daunting for new users, though. In this guide, we’re highlighting five kits that are user-friendly, readily available and affordable.
Price: £40-50
The Innokin Z50 is a basic, pocket-friendly device, with simple controls that allow you to adjust the power of your vape. It’s bundled with the Innokin Zlide tank, which in our experience is one of the best tanks for newcomers to vaping. This is because it can create a tight draw, which closely mimics the sensation of inhaling from a cigarette. If you prefer, you can also open the airflow, for increased vapour production. A no nonsense device with enough battery life to last all day and then some.
Since the Z50 has a standardised 510 connection and up to 50W of power output, you can also try other tanks with the kit. The Innokin Z-coil platform is very widely distributed also, which
means almost every vape shop will be able to supply you with a spare coil when needed.
Smok Nord 2:
Price: £25-30
The Nord 2 is an all in one kit, which means the battery and tank are specifically made for each other. It’s every bit as simple as the Z50 kit, with a smaller overall size and battery capacity. It’s compatible with a wide range of Nord and RPM coils, which allows you to select the tightness of the draw, optimal power output and vapour production.
Smok is one of the most popular brands in vaping and because of this, you should never struggle to find replacement coils for this device.
Aspire Tigon Price: £35-40
If you’re looking to get your first vape, but aren’t sure if mouth to lung, or direct to lung vaping is going to suit you best, look no further than the Aspire Tigon kit. This is a larger device, but it boasts a huge 2600mAh battery and allows for some customisation.
The included tank can make use of both mouth-to-lung and subohm coil heads, so you can discover your preference without buying additional devices. When using the mouth-to-lung coils, you can expect several days of battery life, which makes this kit very practical for those who do not always have access to a charging point.
The tank and battery are also compatible with other standard 510 connection devices, allowing you to try different combinations of hardware if you so desire.
Joyetech Ego AIO
Price: £15-20
If you’re the kind of person who prefers products that have been extensively tried and tested, the ego AIO from Joyetech is a great option.
This small pen-style device has been a favourite of beginners for several years now. You can choose from a range of models,
depending on desired battery life and aesthetic preference, so there should be an ego AIO to suit most tastes.
The simple top fill, airflow control and single button operation are all part of why this device is so popular, and you’d be hard pressed to find a vape shop that doesn’t stock coils for it, making this device perfect for frequent travellers.
Geekvape Aegis Boost:
Price: £30-40
If you tend to be a little clumsy, Geekvape’s Aegis devices are a great choice for new vapers. All of the devices that bear this name are designed to be resistant to impacts, water and dust.
The Aegis Boost is our pick for new users, since it’s very compact but still manages to provide a respectable amount of battery life and wattage control. The G-coils which this device uses are some of the best performers on the market, giving you the choice between low wattage or high wattage options. As with the other brands on this list, Geekvape products are widely distributed throughout the world, so replacement coils will always be easy to find.
New ways of making CBD a part of your daily routine are emerging all of the time. One that’s been around for a while is vaping. It’s one of the most effective delivery methods in terms of speed and efficiency, which are important factors for many of us. We asked our vape specialist for some basic steps for having a great experience when vaping CBD.
Words: Benedict JonesE-liquids, as with all CBD products, come in many shapes and sizes. The first thing you need to consider is strength. We recommend choosing a product that is of similar, or slightly lower, strength than the topical or sublingual products that you are familiar with. Since you can take as many or few vapes as you like, it’s easy to regulate intake, provided you are using a strength that you are already used to. Always make sure that your product is designated specifically as an e-liquid, as some tinctures may contain oils which are harmful if vaped.
The second thing to consider is the type of CBD in your e-liquid. Broadly speaking, this can be described in two categories: CBD isolate and broad spectrum CBD. CBD isolate is just the CBD compound
from the hemp plant, with no additional terpenes or cannabinoids. Isolate products tend to be less expensive, and they also have the advantage of not taking much of a toll on your vape coils, which reduces the maintenance cost of your vaping device.
Broad spectrum CBD products contain additional terpenes and cannabinoids. Many users find that these products have improved effects compared with isolate, though this will vary from person to person.
Broad spectrum products tend to be a little more expensive than their isolate counterparts and will noticeably shorten the life of your vape coils, which is something to bear in mind.
There are thousands of vaping devices on the market and they weren’t born equal. The vast majority of them were designed with nicotine vaping in mind, so this is something you should consider. Nicotine e-liquids have less of an impact on vape coils and the industry standard design consists of a heating element, surrounded by cotton wicking Unfortunately, cotton wicking doesn’t perform very well for extended periods when using CBD e-liquids and this is particularly noticeable when using broad spectrum e-liquids. For this reason, we recommend finding a device which
uses ceramic coils. In ceramic coils, a block of ceramic surrounds the heating element and though there may still be cotton on the outside, it has less contact with heat and therefore degrades more slowly. Popular vaping devices such as the Vaporesso Podstick and SMOK Nord both have ceramic coil options and are very affordable, which make them great choices.
Known worldwide for it’s unique one of a kind flavor. The Berg is consistantly the topseller in almost every vape store. Also available in Menthol version.
A cotton candy mystery eliquid like no other.
A cotton candy mystery eliquid with an icey cool touch.
When vaping became a popular alternative to smoking, there was only one kind of nicotine found in e-liquids, freebase. Since then, manufacturers have been developing new ways to satisfy cravings and improve the vaping experience.
Perhaps the biggest breakthrough in e-liquids has been the use of nicotine salts. Most of the time, people think of nicotine salts only as a way of making higher concentrations palatable but in reality they can be used in low concentrations too, such as 3mg/ml, which has become the industry standard for subohm vaping.
Today, we’re going to talk about the properties of both freebase and salt nicotine, to help you choose the right product.
Freebase nicotine is the most common type of nicotine found in e-liquids. If the kind of nicotine is not specifically identified on your bottle or device, it’s most likely freebase.
Freebase nicotine enters the bloodstream more slowly than nicotine salts, but it also delivers the dose over a longer period of time. This means you can take a few vapes and have your cravings taken care of for a good while without topping up.
Due to the PH level of freebase nicotine, it produces a noticeable throat hit when inhaled and this scales with the concentration of your e-liquid. Throat hit is a completely subjective characteristic in vaping, some users enjoy a strong throat hit, while others find it a prohibitive effect that stops them from being able to vape.
Nicotine salts are a more recent development in the vaping industry. In almost all cases, manufacturers specifically indicate the presence of nicotine salts where applicable.
Nicotine Salts enter the bloodstream more quickly than freebase nicotine and deliver the dose more quickly. This is fantastic for rapid satiation of cravings, though it can also mean more frequent topping up throughout the day.
Nicotine Salts are formulated in many varieties, though the most common are Nicotine Benzoate and Nicotine Salicylate. The PH level of nicotine salts is closer to that of the nose and mouth, producing a much less noticeable throat hit. This throat hit also tends to scale in a less linear fashion, which means higher strength e-liquids can still produce a fairly mild throat hit.
These are the basic differences between freebase nicotine and nicotine salts, though more research is being done all the time to develop new varieties of nicotine that may have more desirable properties. Whether freebase or salts are the right choice is going to entirely depend on your preferences and the situations that you commonly find yourself in. For example, if you are not able to use a vape often throughout the working day, salts may not be the best tool for the job, while a freebase e-liquid could keep you satisfied for longer between vape breaks.
Many transitioning smokers find nicotine salts to more closely emulate the nicotine delivery of a cigarette, so if you are still struggling to go smoke free, it may be worth giving them a go.
Those who would like a mixture of all these properties can opt for one of the growing number of “hybrid nicotine” e-liquids or pods, which use a combination of freebase nicotine and nicotine salts.
Ultimately, the best way to find your sweet spot is to purchase a variety of freebase and nicotine salt products and try them for yourself. We’re all different and there isn’t an objectively “best” option when it comes to which type of nicotine you should be vaping. The most important goal is to stop smoking and any product that helps you achieve that is doing its job.
When it comes to the smoking cessation possibilities of vaping, finding an appropriate nicotine strength is one of the most important factors. Many smokers assume that starting with a very low dose is the best bet, since they are trying to get away from nicotine. In practice, this doesn’t work most of the time, since your body will be craving the intense dose of nicotine that most cigarettes provide.
The overall nicotine dose provided by a vaping device will depend mostly on two variables. The first is the strength of your e-liquid, often expressed in mg/ml, or as a percentage. The second variable is the power output of your device, which will correlate to the overall vapour production.
We recommend starting out with a low power device, such as a pod system, AIO or starter kit, since this will help you get a better feel for what nicotine strength satisfies your needs.
The most common strengths of e-liquid are 0mg, 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, 18mg and 20mg. This may also be expressed as 0%, 0.3%, 0.6%, 1.2%, 1.8% and 2%. For all European countries, which are subject to TPD regulations, 20mg (2%) is the maximum legal nicotine concentration in e-liquids.
The first step to finding a suitable nicotine strength is making an honest assessment of how many cigarettes you smoke on a daily (or weekly) basis. Remember, the goal is to stop smoking cigarettes, so starting high with nicotine strength and slowly tapering down is a valid approach.
Here is a rough guide to the level of nicotine you should try to start with:
1-5 6mg (0.6%)
6-10 12mg (1.2%) 11-15 18mg (1.8%)
16+ 20mg (2%)
Of course, this is only an estimate, and everyone is different. If you find that a higher strength, such as 18mg/ml is satisfying your cravings but is too harsh to be used as a cessation tool, then you can step the nicotine down to 12mg/ml. This may result in more frequent vaping in order to achieve the same dose but that should not be a concern if it is helping you quit smoking.
If you are an infrequent or “social” smoker, then starting lower at 6mg/ml is a better option, since this dose will still provide some nicotine satisfaction but should not encourage you to get used to a higher dose.
Ultimately, even with a rough idea of what should be a good starting point, the best way to find a suitable nicotine strength is trial and error. Some heavy smokers may be perfectly satisfied by 6mg/ml e-liquids, while other light smokers may require an 18mg/ml nicotine to stay away from cigarettes. The goal is to stop smoking and the “right” nicotine strength is the one that helps you achieve this.
Meet the industry experts who are coming together to share their knowledge and insight with Vape Live We are delighted to have put together a strong, knowledgeable and passionate group of people to share their expertise at the very first VOXPO Vape Live event. Make sure you spend time during these three days to check out what they have to say and you will be glad that you did.
Stavroula Anastasopoulou ECigIntelligence Senior Market AnalystStavroula graduated from the Athens University of Economics and Business with a BA in Management Science and Technology (majoring in Quantitative Methods and Operational Research).
She has worked in logistics at ColgatePalmolive and interned at the International Office of the University of Catalunya, Barcelona.
As a member of ECigIntelligence market research and analysis team, Stavroula is particularly involved in providing quantitative analysis and insight into supply chains. Stavroula also leads the market team’s heated tobacco research.
Clive Bates Director of Counterfactual and Associate of the New Nicotine AllianceClive Bates has had a diverse career in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
He started out with the IT company, IBM, then switched career to work in the environment movement. From 1997-2003
he was Director of Action on Smoking and Health (UK), campaigning to reduce the harms caused by tobacco.
In 2003 he joined Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Strategy Unit as a civil servant and worked in senior roles in the public sector and for the United Nations in Sudan.
He is now Director of Counterfactual, a consulting and advocacy practice focussed on a pragmatic approach to sustainability and public health, and also an associate of the New Nicotine Alliance.
Damien has established the largest e-cigarette compliance business in Europe and with a large commercial footprint in America they are helping the vaping industry to raise standards. He is a board member of the UKVIA, key member of the internal standards committee and one of the two UKVIA representatives on the British Standards Institute committee.
He became a director of the Innovation Centre at Charnwood Biomedical Campus, a centre for innovative lifescience businesses looking for high-end laboratories in England and went on to develop Lifespray Sublingual Vitamin range and developed the first CBD vape product.
Lee is the managing director of Arcus Compliance Ltd. He has spent most of his career in the luxury leather industry before moving into the ENDS industry in 2013 with Hangsen.
He has since worked for Nerudia, VPZ, Barracuda Vape and Vape Compliance before establishing Arcus which represents many of the world’s leading brands. Lee is a board member of the UKVIA and sits on the internal standards committee.
Martin Cullip Chair and Mental Health Lead, New Nicotine AllianceMartin Cullip is a transport company director who uses e-cigarettes and other reduced-risk nicotine products and has seen positives from his staff members quitting or reducing their use of combustible tobacco products through vaping. He is a passionate consumer advocate for all forms of tobacco harm reduction and is Chair of the New Nicotine Alliance.
He has a keen interest in the rapidly-evolving nicotine market and the politics surrounding it, and has taken part in consumer, industry and political events on the subject from Brighton to Brussels and beyond. Cullip has also written and blogged for over a decade on a diverse range of lifestyle and free market issues for a number of media outlets and advocacy websites.
John Dunne Director of the UKVIA and Managing Director of Dyflin GroupJohn is the Director of the UKVIA and has advised the UK government’s All Party Parliamentary Group on Vaping as well as giving evidence before the UK Science & Technology Committee investigation into the vaping industry and the Australian Parliament’s review on vaping.
He has a strong background and reputation in the European e-cigarette industry having held senior executive positions in some of the US and Europe’s biggest companies. As Managing Director of Dyflin Group consulting, John advises many leading industry analysts, financial institutions and media organisations looking at the vaping and CBD sectors.
Mo Hassan is the founder of Dr Vapes and has used his extensive background in business management to build a multi-award-winning company which thrives off innovation and passion to provide cigarette smokers with a healthier alternative.
Before devoting his work full-time to Dr Vapes, Mo completed a degree in business management at the University of Bedfordshire and has worked in PR and marketing for a multi-million-pound brand and start-up, mastering the art of marketing.
Ed Heaver Founder and Director of Serve LegalEd began his career at Scottish & Newcastle and Allied Breweries before joining pubco start up Wizard Inns. As Commercial Director, it was then when Ed met Julian Sargeson (Company Director). Julian would later become Ed’s business partner, creating Serve Legal. Before this, both managed pubco Laurel before Ed launched Coolerking Resources, a purchasing and training consultancy for mid-tier pubcos. Ed and Julian launched Serve Legal in 2006.
Over 17 years experience as MD and Sales Director in the online gaming industry in both publicly quoted and private VC backed enterprises. Marc ran online gaming payments company DataCash, a White Label Gaming operator Wagerworks (acquired by IGT) and established a Gaming Data and Analytics business for Experian. He is now running his own strategic consultancy business, Gambler Analytics, advising gaming operators and technology suppliers to the sector on business growth strategies and execution plans. He is also the Sales and Marketing Director at 1account.
Jo Mahoney Senior Trading Standards Specialist atBuckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards.
Jo has been working in TS for 30 years, having started in Berkshire. She has worked for a number of years as a contractor for a number of different Authorities before starting in the Business Advice Team of Buckinghamshire and Surrey in 2018.
Clarence Mitchell is stretegic counsel at specialist stretegic communications consultancy, JBP. Mitchell has more than 30 years of experience in communications and government relations, including a number of high ranking positions within the UK media and in the Conservative party. Since 2007, Mitchell has been family spokesperson for Kate and Jerry McCann, and has made frequent on-air contributions in the UK and international media.
David is the Director of Operations & E-commerce at Juul Labs where he is working to support the company’s mission to transition the world’s billion adult smokers away from combustible cigarettes, eliminate their use, and combat underage usage. David has had a hugely successful and varied career to date with experience in both blue-chip companies and London’s vibrant Tech City start-up scene. He has had positions at Rolls-Royce, P&G, Airbnb and also founded his own business in the Health & Wellbeing sector.
Louise Ross launched the first vape-friendly Stop Smoking Service in 2014 and has been a passionate advocate for Tobacco Harm Reduction ever since. She has given many talks in the UK and abroad, has written articles for the Nursing Times and blogs on Clive Bates’ website The Counterfactual https://www.clivebates.com/. Since retirement she has developed a number of new roles: Vice Chair and Mental Health lead at the New Nicotine Alliance, freelance clinical consultant for the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT), co-author of the QuitforCovid Twitter account and Business Development Manager for the Smoke Free app.
We are pleased to have teamed up with some great companies for our inaugural Vape Live virtual expo.
The response we have had to VOXPO and Vape Live has been fantastic and it is great that so many top names from our industry are getting involved.
If you are already familiar with the vaping industry, then our partners and sponsors will already be known to you, but if you are just starting out then take some time to visit their websites and follow them on social media.
Dutch vaper Hans Molenaar has spoken movingly about his encounter with coronavirus.
Hans, a board member with the vaping advocacy group Acvoda, is recovering from COVID-19, and here he explains what the disease was like for him.
Like most people who became ill, he cannot be sure how he contracted the disease but has some theories. He said: “My wife was sent home after travelling internationally when her boss became sick, so it could have been that or I could have got it from a colleague who had it as I travelled in his car.”
Unlike the UK there was no general lockdown in Holland with the Dutch government advising the public against travelling to and from restricted areas in order to minimise the spread of the disease.
Vape stores were also allowed to remain open while respecting a 1.5 metre social distancing rule and people were encouraged to stay home and selfisolate if they felt unwell.
Hans said his symptoms began with a fever and aching muscles before progressing to exhaustion.
He told Vapouround: “I was lying under three blankets yet my legs were still freezing and hurting like crazy. Then one day I woke up with a fever and realised I was sick. I was exhausted getting out of bed to do little things like go to the bathroom.”
Hans carried on vaping throughout his illness and added: “During the first weeks I found I vaped less as I didn’t have the energy but I have no intention of stopping vaping because I like it so
much. “For me, it was painful trying to get to sleep and I had trouble breathing as I couldn’t get enough oxygen.”
When he sought medical advice, Hans said he was surprised that he was not asked whether he smoked. “My doctor hasn’t asked me any questions regarding smoking. In fact, I asked a nurse why they didn’t ask me. She said some doctors do but they don’t have to report it so they don’t ask.
“From what I understand, smoking makes Covid-19 worse whereas vaping is low and snus is lower again. It’s not just nicotine but how it’s delivered.”
Recovery time has been slow but Hans is finally on the mend. “I’m exhausted but I’m recovering slowly. It’s been three weeks of lying in bed doing nothing. It’s going to be a long recovery process. They haven’t said anything about long-term complications but I’m doing physiotherapy at the moment.”
Hans started vaping when he became interested in e-liquid flavours after a work colleague introduced him to an e-liquid flavoured like Red Bull, his favourite energy drink. He said: “It tasted so much better than smoking so I began vaping and soon realised that my smoking was drastically reduced.
“I started to think maybe I can do it with just three cigarettes a day. So every night, I rolled three cigarettes for the next day and then one day, I put my hand in my pocket and found a load of unsmoked cigarettes. I had completely forgotten to smoke them.”
Hans is also critical of the way his government is handling the coronavirus pandemic and is worried that the country
is opening up far too quickly. He said: “Yesterday, we saw 50 percent of the beaches reopening. Once it’s sunny, everyone is going to go to the ones that are open. It’s a disaster.
“The only stores that closed were hairdresser shops, cafes and restaurants but everything else was open. We didn’t have a full lockdown here. Vape shops are open but had to enforce their own customer limits and social distancing.”
I vaped a lot less as I didn’t have the energy. It was painful trying to get to sleep and I had trouble breathing as I couldn’t get any oxygen.”
On May 18, all 194 World Health Organization member states agreed at a virtual assembly meeting to conduct an inquiry into the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The resolution includes provisions to investigate the WHO’s own role in handling the pandemic.
The global health body has faced significant criticism for its response from the Trump Administration. Previously the WHO’s largest donor, the country threatened to cut all funding following a public spat between President Trump and WHO director general, Tedros Adhanom.
US health secretary Alex Azar told the Assembly: “We must be frank about one of the primary reasons this outbreak spun out of control: there was a failure by this organisation to obtain the information that the world needed, and that failure cost many lives.”
The WHO has also received criticism from the UK and Europe. However, European Commission spokeswoman Virginie BattuHenriksson urged EU nations to support it and not get wrapped up in US vs China politics.
“This is the time for solidarity,” she said. “It is not the time for fingerpointing or undermining multilateral cooperation.” The WHO has been able to defend itself from many of the charges levelled at it by President Trump. But regardless of the findings of the inquiry, many nations will now likely take a more critical stance about the organisation’s advice on other matters, such as vaping.
Global vaping policy is perhaps more fractured than it has ever been despite the overwhelming evidence supporting vaping for tobacco harm reduction.
Fears about youth uptake, largely driven by disputed data from North America, have negatively influenced policy in South America, Asia and even parts of Europe, where the much-heralded Tobacco Products Directive can be adapted by member states.
Nonetheless, President Trump remains a popular figure for US advocates after speaking up for the industry last year. The WHO remains a highly influential presence on global vaping policy, thanks, in no small part, to its Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), created to end the global tobacco epidemic.
The FCTC includes provisions to regulate tobacco products, raise awareness of the harms associated with tobacco and protect from exposure to tobacco smoke.
But while member nations such as the UK have embraced e-cigarettes to reduce the harms associated with tobacco, the WHO continues to assert that they are dangerous and that the evidence supporting their use to help people quit smoking is ‘inconclusive.’
In advice issued in January, the WHO said: “E-cigarettes increase the risk of heart disease and lung disorders.
“They pose significant risks as they can damage the growing foetus. They also expose non-smokers to nicotine and other harmful chemicals.” It also refused to acknowledge that e-cigarettes are
less harmful that combustible cigarettes, saying: “This depends on a range of factors, including the amount of nicotine and other toxicants in the heated liquids, but we know that e-cigarettes pose clear health risks and are by no means safe.”
The WHO’s reluctance to embrace vaping’s harm reduction potential has been repeatedly challenged over the years. However, it refuses to engage with the ‘tobacco’, i.e. ‘vaping’ industry as a matter of policy.
A number of harm reduction proponents were either thrown out of, or refused entry to, last year’s Conference of the Parties (COP) event. Dr. Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva, Head of the Convention Secretariat, said: “Vaping is a treacherous and flavoured camouflage of a health disaster yet to happen if no action is taken now.”
Fed up with the WHO’s refusal to engage, a New Zealand advocacy group is urging its government to fight back in the name of public health.
The Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy (AVCA) has written to associate health minister Jenny Salesa, calling on her to embrace global scientific evidence supporting vaping instead of the WHO’s position. The Ministry of Health will present at the COP9 event in The Hague in November.
AVCA director Nancy Loucas said that consumers had been excluded by the FCTC, which meant that it’s up to the government to represent the public. The organisation argued that the WHO’s policy was
influenced by vested interests, such as the pharmaceutical industry and Bloomberg Philanthropies.
The AVCA wrote: “The WHO is lying to you to protect their own financial interests and keep their private donors happy.
“They are not objective. They are not focused on their own mandate under the FCTC to promote the health of the people and their right to have information to make informed choices regarding their health.” The New Zealand government is unlikely to be the only one urged to speak out against the WHO’s vaping policy at the COP9 event. And as current events and President Trump’s war of words stoke further criticism of the organisation’s influence and funding, it’s influence on the global vaping stage may be under threat like never before.
“There was a failure by the World Health Organization to obtain the information that the world needed, and that failure cost many lives.”
conference united health care professionals, vaping advocates, scientists and business organisations across the world.
The annual Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) has gone online to host a number of talks from health experts and scientists on public health, vaping and tobacco control.
The conference normally takes place in Warsaw, Poland, but this year organisers chose to hold the event online due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
The event examined the need for the 1.1 billion smokers to gain easier access to safer, regulated nicotine products such as e-cigarettes, snus and other products which offer a better alternative to smoking. It is the only international conference focused on reduced risk nicotine products and their role in reducing smoking-related harm.
The conference has trebled in size since it began in 2014 with 200 attendees from 26 countries. The event recorded 600 attendees
Caroline Barryin 2019 representing 70 countries. During the online event, discussions included a number of vapefocused talks from professionals and included topics such as the misattribution of the EVALI lung crisis to nicotine vaping instead of illicit THC. There was also a focus on the moral panic of low youth vaping rates taking priority over the health of a million adult smokers.
Organisers hoped to bring together the many professionals who work in the unique area of nicotine harm reduction by encouraging the participation of consumer advocacy organisations alongside manufacturers and scientists. They felt the groups were often excluded from other international meetings and events despite playing a critical role in informing and shaping debates concerning safer nicotine products and tobacco harm reduction.
Professor David Sweanor, of the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa, was a speaker at GFN. As a lawyer, he was involved in the regulation of tobacco products and in lawsuits against tobacco companies.
He said: “Consumers in many countries including Sweden, Norway, Iceland and now Japan have shown they move to alternatives to cigarettes when they get an option to do so.
“Imagine what would happen if people get access to a broad range of low-risk alternatives to cigarettes, if they get information on relative risk, and if they’re nudged toward those options through intelligent, risk-proportionate regulation?
“The opportunity we have is to fundamentally change the course of public health history, relegating cigarettes to history’s ashtray.”
There were a number of positive vape discussions including Louise Ross who managed the Leicester Stop Smoking Service from 2004 to 2018. She spoke about her initial resistance to accept vaping as a health care professional and explained how she came to realise the huge potential benefit in embracing the new technology.
Her team subsequently rebranded themselves as the first e-cigarette-friendly stop smoking service and she now challenges those who work against tobacco harm reduction. Her speech, ‘Pragmatism versus dogma: freeing the inner vaper in smokers’ called for increased government and general practitioner support for e-cigarettes and for service providers to monitor the use of smoking-related language around vaping.
Italian tobacco harm reduction advocate Riccardo Polosa gave a talk entitled: ‘Smoking, Vaping and COVID-19: what does the science tell us?’ Polosa successfully lobbied the Italian government at the start of lockdown to keep vape stores in Italy open during the pandemic to avoid Italian e-cigarette users switching back to cigarettes. His talk highlighted the science behind smokers being reportedly more susceptible to the disease and if the available medical data confirmed this.
Tim Philips, managing director of Tamarind Intelligence from Spain spoke about ‘How the 2019 US developments will impact the global vape market for many years to come’ and Marina Foltea, founder of Trade Pacts investment consultancy from Switzerland gave a talk entitled ‘Demystifying the right to health in the context of e-vapour markets regulation.’
GFN is usually funded by registration fees but this year the organisers bore the costs and opered an open door policy.
Consumers, policymakers, academics, scientists and public health experts all took part alongside manufacturers and distributors of safer nicotine products. The organisers believe that fostering discussion and engagement of all stakeholders involved in tobacco and nicotine use, control and production it is the best way to enact true, sustainable change both to the industry practices and public health outcomes.
“The opportunity we have is to fundamentally change the course of public health history, relegating cigarettes to history’s ashtray.”