3rd Quarter 2023

The Official Publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads

The Official Publication of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads
Submitted by G. Kenneth “Ken” Morgan, Rescue College Chair
On behalf of our many VAVRS leadership, I sincerely thank you for taking your time to assist and/or attend our 48th Annual VAVRS Rescue College.
Thanks to the committee for their commitment to the success of our 48th Rescue College. 2023 Committee: Ken Morgan, Chair; Steve Southworth, Rob Logan, Wayne Myers, John Craig, John Hilliard, Frank Smith, Jimmy Rice, Gail Rice.
Without the commitment and support of our many instructors, it would be impossible for us to conduct so many diverse and beneficial classes each year. Whether you were there for one day or all ten, we appreciate you. Pre-hospital providers across Virginia benefit from your knowledge and experience, and your willingness to share the latest in pre-hospital care and technical rescue techniques.
This year, over 300 students registered for more than 70 courses. We considered this to be a great success and thank you for attending.
Please take time to respond to our evaluation survey that was emailed to each instructor and attendee.
I hope that your experience was positive this year, and that you will be willing to help us or plan to attend again at our 49th event in June 2024. And I know that many of us want to be part of the 50-year celebration in 2025! I welcome any comments or suggestions you wish to share.
Please feel free to email me directly at
President - Wesley Melson
Vice President - Joey King
Secretary / Editor - Gary Dalton
Treasurer - Andy Neagle
Training Officer - Frank Smith
Chaplain - Kenneth Williams
Immediate Past President - Connie Moore
Parliamentarian - Scott Davis
Facilities Manager - Andy Neagle
I T Coordinator - Steve Ayes
District 1 Vice President - Jeff Grimm
District 2 Vice President - Jimmy Pair
District 3 Vice President - Kathy Eubank
District 5 Vice President - Heather Palm
District 6 Vice President - Lynn Hudson
District 7 Vice President - Romney Smith
District 9 Vice President - Bryant Skeen
District 10 Vice President - Nancy Orndoff
Executive Director - Bubby Bish
Training Coordinator - Brian Bilheimer
Administrative Secretary - Carol Gothard
Lobbyist - Ed Rhodes
Convention - Gary Dalton
Bylaws - Scott Davis
I T - Scott Davis
Rescue College - Ken Morgan
Finance - Andy Neagle
Scholarship - Diana Wills
Human Resources - Joey King
Legislative - Kim Craig
Life Member - Kevin Dillard
Hall of Fame - Ken Morgan
EMS Advisory Board - Kim Craig
EMS Advisory Board - Dreama Chandler
EMS Exchange - Clarence Fox
National EMS Memorial - Scott Davis
Strategic Planning - Wesley Melson
Training - Frank Smith
Death Benefit - Andy Neagle
Nominating - Kim Craig
President - Shreyas Arcot
Vice President - Abigail Kaikkonen
Secretary/Treasurer - Haven Johnson
Historian - Shade Johnson
Chaplain - Sunnie Davis
President - Eddie Ann Orndoff
Vice President - Kelley Shell
Secretary - Maxie Kerns
Treasurer - Fay Browning
Chaplain - Ailease Short
Historian - Samantha Snell
Parliamentarian - Carolyn Brand
Midwestern Vice President - Dolores Hudson
Northeastern Vice President - Doug Snell
Southcentral Vice President - Clara Craig
Southeastern Vice President - Carl Cherry
Southwestern Vice President - Sharon Castle
Western Vice President - Linda Berkstresser
Membership - Kelley Snell
Finance - Fay Browning
Bylaws - Carolyn Brand
Nominating - Kathy Plummer
Life Member - Clara Craig
Convention Chair - Fern Puckett
Convention Co-Chair - Marie Householder
Roll Call Chair - Rhonda Thompson
Roll Call Co-Chair - Layne Lusk
Fundraising Chair - Marcella Caudill
Fundraising Co-Chair - Ruth Swicegood
Deadline for future issues are as follows:
December 15 for the 1st Quarter Issue
March 15 for the 2nd Quarter Issue
June 15 for the 3rd Quarter Issue
September 15 for the 4th Quarter Issue
Articles may be submitted by any member of the VAVRS, AVAVRS and VAJVRS.
Feature articles are encouraged. Photos and/or graphics are acceptable and can be returned if requested.
Contact the VAVRS Editor ( if you need assistance submitting to the publication.
Advertising Rates:
Member Squads…,… charge
Full Page…………………..$ 275.00
Half Page………………..…$150.00
Quarter Page……………....$100.00
Business Card……………..$ 50.00
Submitted by Kim Craig, Chair
The Nominating Committee met by Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2023. The meeting was to interview candidates that submitted letters of intent to run for a VAVRS Office. 10 Candidates were interviewed. This is the second term for the Secretary therefore did not need to interview.
Those recommended by the Nominating Committee:
President – John H. Craig III
Vice President – Byron Andrews
Secretary – Gary Dalton
Treasurer – Tarry Pribble
Training Officer – Wayne Myers
Chaplain – Kenneth Williams
Three offices are unopposed. Those offices are President, Secretary, and Chaplain. Other candidates were interviewed for the offices of Vice President, Treasurer, and Training Officer. They were determined to be qualified to remain on the ballot.
These candidates are:
Vice President—Jason Morgan
Vice President—Andy Neagle
Treasurer John Hillard
Treasurer Steve Reese
Training Officer Tim Kimble
Those present on the Zoom meeting were:
District 1 – Kim Craig
District 2 – Kay Laws
District 3 – Fran Phillips
District 5 – Bruce Stratton
District 6 – Lyn Hudson
District 10 – Kevin Dillard
Submitted by Jeff Grimm, District 1 Vice President
Lots of exciting things have been happening in the district. The biggest thing would be the Page Entsminger memorial training weekend. It was a wonderful weekend of training and collaboration, amongst providers from all over the state.
The weekend started on Friday night with TIMS training and continued Saturday and Sunday with multiple hours of continuing education and VAVRS level courses. Those courses included EVOC, vehicle awareness, hazmat awareness, DICO and a whole host of continuing education hours, through the office of EMS in conjunction with Central Shenandoah EMS Council.
A special thank you to District1 member, Travis Cox , and the Rockbridge emergency rescue group, president, Steve Reese, and to the Rockbridge county public school system.
The food was awesome and the training was superb. Plans are in store for next year and we hope to see everyone there.
Our next District1 meeting is July 23 at Stanton in Augusta Rescue Squad. Continuing education and EVOC starts at 9 AM, EMT competition starts at 11 AM with lunch and meeting to follow.
The 26th annual Virginia Fallen Firefighters & Emergency Medical Services Memorial Service was held on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the Richmond International Raceway Complex, Main Exhibition Hall. The event was open to the public and supported by the VAVRS. The Virginia Fallen Firefighters & EMS Memorial Service was also streamed live for those who cannot attend in person.
This year's Memorial Service honored fallen firefighters who have been recognized under the Virginia Line of Duty Act in 2022 for their bravery and dedication to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
• Gary C. Campbell - Spotsylvania County Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management
• TyVaughn Eldridge - Chesterfield Fire and EMS
• Christopher G. Griffin - City of Norfolk Fire Rescue
• Robert W. Nelms - Fries Fire & Rescue
• Jeffrey T. Rizzo - Loudoun County Fire Rescue
• Kimberly A. Schoppa - Fairfax County Fire and Rescue
• James A. Sturgill - Pound Volunteer Fire Department
• Gregory V. Thomas - City of Danville Fire Department
• Michael W. Webb - Callaway Volunteer Fire Department
• Herbert T. Wilcox - Rocky Mount Fire Department
The Memorial Service included a keynote address, a Virginia Fire Services Honor Guard procession, a musical performance, and a fire and EMS apparatus display from departments throughout the Commonwealth. State flags will be presented to the families of the fallen.
• For more than 20 years, on the first Saturday in June, firefighters and EMS personnel who have died in the line of duty or have been recognized by the Virginia Line of Duty Act in the previous year, are honored at the Virginia Fire and EMS Memorial Service.
• With the completion and dedication of the Virginia Public Safety Memorial, names of firefighters who are honored may also be added to the wall of the memorial annually.
• The Virginia Fire Services Board established the Memorial Service and enlisted the services of a Memorial Service Committee to plan the annual event. The committee is comprised of representatives from fire departments, family representatives of fallen firefighters previously honored, the Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Virginia Department of Fire Programs. Honor Guard from across the Commonwealth participate each year, as well as fire departments from across Virginia who display apparatus for the Memorial Service.
• A reception immediately following the Memorial Service is open to the families, distinguished guests, and the public.
This past April was Autism Awareness Month. GMVRS’ Assistant Chief Ben Simmons also happens to be autistic. He was diagnosed with Aspergers at an early age, and in his own words, has spent most of his life learning to overcome the challenges presented by his condition, while using the unique strengths as an asset in numerous areas, including patient care.
Last year, he became aware of the Ben’s Blue Bags program thanks to social media posts by our brothers and sisters at OWL VFD. He began learning about the program and presented it to our Board of Directors with a proposal to bring the program to Manassas, and outfit all apparatus in the department. After enthusiastic approval from the Board, and a pledge from the GMVRS Squad Auxiliary to pay for the entire program, he spent several months in contact with Lt. Matt Kodicek with Crown Point Fire & Rescue, who started Ben's Blue Bags in honor of his son, to bring the program here.
This endeavor came to fruition on April 13 – 15 when Lt. Kodicek flew out to Manassas, and the City of Manassas Fire Rescue Department graciously lodged him at FS521 where he instructed all career and volunteer shifts on best practices for interacting with Autistic and Special Needs patients, and how to best employ the supplies within Ben's Blue Bags to help ensure interactions with special needs patients are a positive experience for everyone.
The bags have been placed on every apparatus in the department to ensure that all units are properly equipped when responding to any calls with Autistic and/or special needs patients and bystanders, and the supplies have already been utilized on several calls.
The program and training were enthusiastically received by all who attended and is highly recommended for any 91-1 agency to adopt. You can find more information on the program at: Bags as well as follow them on their Facebook at https:// and Instagram @bens_blue_bags or email Lt. Kodicek directly at:
Submitted by AVAVRS President Eddie Ann Orndoff
Recently I started thinking about success. What is it? What does it look like? How do you measure it? Some very thought-provoking questions for sure.
Do you measure things by what you have accomplished? What happens if you fail? At the end of the day if you tried something and it didn’t work out, the reality is you did not fail. The only failure is not making any attempt at all. Your effort remains the most important thing.
Each and every day we try many things. Sometimes they work out just like we had envisioned they would. Other times they are an absolute epic flop of gigantic proportions. Much like doing a belly flop at the local swimming pool.
When we pull out the measuring stick of success, we each need to look at all of the aspects and I think we will find we actually are doing pretty darn good.
Submitted by EMS Capt. Diann Hawk, Dunlap Volunteer Fire and Rescue- DVFR
The date was June 3, 2023, and time was 0700hrs. There were approximately 460 people, ranging in various age and sex, lined up to start a race in Alleghany County in Virginia. This race was ran on the Alleghany Trail that runs through Virginia and a time limit of 6.5hrs was placed on the race. This was one of the marathons for participants who wanted to qualify for the Boston Marathon. In order for this marathon to take place, there were several persons who had to be involved in working and planning this event. The marathon is hosted and put in place by Alleghany Highland Chamber of Commerce. They have been setting this up for several years and since the first run to this year it has grown tremendously. The numbers have went from somewhere in the 100’s to almost 500 this year. The participants who come and run in this event are from many states, as far as California, Indiana, Florida and many more.
This year four squads volunteered there time to help with this event. These squads were Covington Rescue (3 members), Boiling Springs (2 members), Dunlap Fire and Rescue (3 members), and Falling Springs (2 members), all of which are volunteer departments. There was one independent individual who was helping coordinate the marathon as well. This individual was on the side by side going up and down the trail to make sure participants were good, all volunteer members were set and ready to go, and that there were no issues among people or trail. Each squad was sit up in various spots along the trail in case an emergent arose with any participants, spectators, or volunteers helping with the event. The volunteer units from previous mentioned, has been doing the standby for a few years now. Each member knows the role they must play in order for all to go smooth. There were 2 volunteer members, which was from Boiling Springs, that were on bikes going up and down the trail constantly. The other three volunteer squads were in their respectful position. There was only one incident involving two people and both were induced leg cramps. Both parties were picked up by Dunlap Volunteer unit and transported back to the starting line. All other participants finished the race with no incidents.
These events, as this marathon, are greatly appreciated in Alleghany County. The participants have a chance to come and view some of the wonderful things that lie in this area. In the future, hopes would be that more events will be held for local and outside area people in this area. As in the mean time, our volunteer squads will keep working hard and answer calls for their departments. We thank each and everyone who has helped with this event, in the past and present and hope to keep this going for many years to come.
As we approach the end of Spring and the beginning of Summer (when the article is due), meetings and legislative fund raisers are filling my inbox at a rapid pace. I have provided the Executive Director and Legislative Chair with a listing of legislative meetings through the end of the year, but this is subject to change from week to week.
You have heard me say on numerous occasions that there will be a significant turnover in both the House of Delegates and the Senate. Eleven members of the Senate have previously announced their retirement and one of these is now in Congress. 40% of the members have retired or are not running for reelection. The House is in a similar position as redistricting has taken its toll. June 20th is primary day and then we will find out who will be campaigning for the contested seats.
EMS week was celebrated on May 24th at the VAVRS training center and was co -sponsored by Goochland Fire and Rescue. The Chair of the Goochland Board of Supervisors, Neil Spoonhower, and board member John Lumpkins, Jr. were in attendance. Also representing the county was Fire Chief Eddie Ferguson, who spoke briefly about Goochland County, how it has grown and how EMS has worked to stay on top of the progress. Deputy Chief Mike Watkins, and Fire Marshal Doug Davies along with members of the department with some of their equipment.
Delegate John McGuire was in attendance and spoke briefly in support of the VAVRS and EMS first responders.
The keynote address was given by the Honorable John Littel, Secretary of Health and Human Resources.
He also spoke on the importance of EMS in the Commonwealth. Also from the Secretary’s Office was Deputy Secretary Leah Mills and Legislative Liaison Calvin Hogg.
Gary Brown, Director of OEMS was also in attendance and provided some words of wisdom
(Continued onpage 17)
from the office on the importance of VAVRS in the EMS Community.
VAVRS thanks everyone who attended, including numerous Hall of Fame members, Life Members and Officers and Heidi Hooker of ODEMSA. Thanks to those who put in the time and effort to make this successful. Thanks also go to the VAVRS office staff for their hard work. VAVRS Executive Director Bubby Bish thanked the staff for their time and effort and VAVRS President Wesley Melson also thanked those in attendance. Gary Dalton, MC for the event, handled the introductions and gave directions for the lunch.
Other news, the latest version of the new EMS Regulations is currently on the EMS webpage under the Regulation and Compliance sub-heading. These are there for your review. The OEMS staff is working on what is called a “side by side” comparison of the current regulations and the new ones with explanations as to why the changes have been made. It will take them a few months to complete this project. These have been approved by the EMS Advisory Board and will go to the Board of Health either in September or December of this year.
The Joint Legislative and Audit Commission has sent the issue of Public Safety Communications Officers to a study by the commission staff. This was done at an earlier meeting. This should conclude this article, but if you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Hopefully I will see you at convention.
Salem Rescue Squad checking in to keep you up to date on what’s new with our squad and our members. Hopefully this finds all of our brothers and sisters in EMS doing well. Since our return to service following COVID, we’re staying quite busy. That’s what it’s all about though, answering the call. Our EMS family is growing in numbers and in achievements. Additionally we just had elections at our squad to fill the shoes of our officer roles and we are grateful for those within our squad that have served to guide and lead our organization.
Salem Rescue Squad has been quite busy with stand-bys. Seems we’re always busy with the various events in our community. Concerts, Salem After Five and sporting events have kept our squad busy but involved with those in our community and we’ve certainly enjoyed getting to know those folks a little better. I must admit that attending the AEW wrestling event held at the Salem Civic Center was entertaining as I did not expect it to be so dramatic and fun. We have a lot of upcoming stand-bys including the Salem Fair which is a large undertaking and will be held at the Salem Civic Center Wednesday June 28th through Sunday, July 9th . We hope to see you there having fun !
We’ve had reason to celebrate within our organization. We had seven members within our organization that had a significant academic or educational achievement. Joshua Purdy successfully completed the Fire Academy in Botetourt County and is now and EMT having successfully completing his EMT-B course and subsequently testing. Charlie McDonald completed his EMT course and is negotiating his way through EMT testing. Further, Charlie is a rising senior at Salem High School. Rylee Black graduated from Staunton River High School and has also completed the EMT-B course and is working toward completing the testing for certification as an EMT-B. Jacob Gray also graduated from Staunton River High School. He is working toward a career as a dispatcher in Emergency Services. Mike Sullivan “Sully” graduated from Salem High School and is scheduled to enter the military in August and hopes to serve as a proud member of the Army as an MP (Military Police Officer). Kearston Day completed the EMT course and is working toward certification as she is in the planning stages for testing. Finally, Bree Carter graduated from Roanoke College with a bachelor’s degree in Biology. She hopes to become a PA (Physician’s Assistant). Congratulations and good luck to all of our newest graduates.
On Monday, June 12th, our squad held it’s elections. We are so appreciative of our outgoing officers as due to COVID they held their respective offices for 3 consecutive years.
The outgoing officers in order of rank include, Chief-Glen Gray; Assistant Chief-Vacant; CaptainMelissa Gray; Lt. Operations-Gene Bourne; Lt. Training-Jane Lindsay; Lt. Personnel-Brian Sprouse; Lt. Medical-Melissa Gray and Lt. Mechanical-Jack McDaniel. Appointed offices held for those three years included Al Scalera who held the offices of Treasurer and Secretary; Gene Bourne-Supply Officer; Mike Moore-Building and Grounds Officer and Jane Lindsay-Infection Control Officer.
The Salem Rescue Squad is very fortunate to have had these officers to keep our squad going. Thank You.
The incoming 2023 officers to take office in July include the following: Gene Bourne-Chief; Brian Sprouse-Assistant Chief; Ken Cook- Captain; Rachel Pryse-Lt. Operations; Darlene Gee-Lt. Training; Ken Cook-Lt. Personnel; Jane Lindsay- Lt. Medical and Jake Emmond-Lt Mechanical. We are awaiting for our chief to fill the appointed office positions.
We’re gradually finding our way back from COVID. Our membership continues to grow and we continue to network with other EMS agencies and this should prove to help keep our squad active and ever growing as the healthcare field is known for. We look forward to seeing you, our friends and EMS pros out there in the field, at con-ed or while turning around at the ER.
Until next time, stay safe.
Submitted by Fran Phillips
CONGRATULATIONS to the Forest View Members who were recognized on April 19, 2023 by Chesterfield County for their 50+ years of Volunteer Service to their Squad and Auxiliary. A brick with their name has been placed on the “Chesterfield Volunteer Walk of Fame” to honor their years of service to Chesterfield County. All of these members are still active in the Squad and Auxiliary:
Stuart Hall [Squad - 60 years]
J. C. Phillips [Squad - 58 years]
Fran Phillips [Squad & Auxiliary -58 years]
John Hilliard [Squad - 55 years]
Joyce Williams [Auxiliary - 55 years]
Dianne Hall [Auxiliary - 54 years]
Shirley Anderson [Auxiliary - 53 years]
A ceremony and reception was held at the site of the brick walkway attended by Chesterfield County dignitaries, families of the recipients and other volunteers who were honored. A total of twenty-seven persons were honored at this event from all volunteer sections of the County. An engraved brick with the name and squad affiliation was placed on the walkway and will be added too each year with other honoree’s.
Submitted by Gary Dalton
During the 48th Annual VAVRS Rescue College 16 instructor candidates graduated to become Basic EVOC Instructors for the VAVRS. They are as follows:
• Ole Albert Middlesex Co VRS
• Joshua Andrew Louisa Co RS
• Trace Bellassi Craig County RS-EMS
• April Butler Delta Response Team
• Chris Craft Victoria F&R
• Kristina Fetter Richmond VRS
• Frank Griffin Westmoreland Co EMS
• Matthew Heindrichs Aquia Harbor VRS
• Benjamin Holdren Giles LS&RS
• Courtlend Knight—Singers Glen VRS
• Billy Meadows Glen Lyn VF&R
• Brent Montgomery Craig Co RS-EMS
• Kacie Roberts Southside RS
• Tony Smallwood Covington RS
• Lynn White Middlesex Co VRS
• James Young Gloucester VF&RS
VAVRS EVOC Course Coordinators Bubby Bish and Gary Dalton along with Instructor Trainer Doug Eberhardt congratulates the new instructors. We look forward to your service to the VAVRS Membership and appreciate each of you. Now go out there and teach!
My name is Andy Neagle and I’m writing to ask for your support and vote for the office of Vice President of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, lnc. for 2023-2024.
I have been married to my wife, Tina, for over 40 years. We have a son, 2 daughters, 5 grandsons and, as of this writing, a granddaughter due in June.
I began my involvement with EMS in 1983 when I joined the West End Volunteer Rescue Squad, lnc., now known as Richmond Volunteer Rescue Squad. I have been active in the VAVRS for most of my 40 years in EMS giving me a historical and working knowledge of the organization; first as a Board of Governors (BOG) representative and through many positions on the District and State level. Currently I am serving as the VAVRS Treasurer, Facilities Manager, and Death Benefit plan Committee Chair. Although not an official member of the Bylaws Committee I worked with that committee in drafting the current Bylaws recently passed by the BOG at the convention last year. I was honored with Life membership in the VAVRS at the convention in 2008 and was inducted into the Virginia Rescue and Lifesaving Hall of Fame in October 2020.
Serving as Treasurer has been a challenge. However, with the support of the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors, we have faced those challenges head on and made decisions to address those challenges for the success and betterment of the VAVRS.
As Vice President I would like to see the Membership Committee become more active and take a serious look at the types of membership and the requirements to be a member of the VAVRS. We need to make membership in the VAVRS attractive and of value to maintain our current members and to attract new members.
My number 1 goal as Vice President will be to bring stability to the office staff. I feel that as an organization we have failed our employees; we hire people and leave to their own defenses. The Human Resources Committee needs to work with the Executive Director to do a comprehensive review of the employee manual and the job descriptions for each of the paid staff positions and bring them up to date to meet the current needs of the VAVRS. Our employees need to know what is expected of them. We need to provide our employees with the proper training so that they understand their respective position and its tasks along with how the VAVRS works. We also need to make sure they have the tools to properly do their jobs in the most efficient way possible.
Attached is a list of all the positions I have held over the years with the number of years, including the current year, served in each position. I ask for your support and hope you will vote for me for the office of Vice President of the VAVRS for 2023-2024.
Sincerely, Andy Neagle, VAVRS Life Member, Hall of Fame
I am pleased to have received the Nominating Committees recommendation for the office of VAVRS Treasurer. I encourage everyone to please review my qualifications and to reach out to me if you have any questions.
(434)-942-6722 Cellular (434)-369-3053 Office
Address 5127 Gladys Rd Altavista, VA 24517
• Motivated and capable candidate with strong skill sets related to business, financial and management fields.
• 40 years of personnel management experience.
• Experienced handling of relationships in adverse settings and situations.
• Proven leadership abilities.
• Knowledge and experience of the volunteer and EMS realms
• Advanced experience and familiarity with VAVRS operations, policies and procedures
Thank you for your consideration and I would appreciate your vote.
Tarry PribbleRustburg High School – Graduated 1978
First National Bank Vice President Collections Manager
March 1, 1993 - Present
• Manage loss mitigation and recovery for a billiondollar community bank.
• Management of departmental employees.
• Strategic planning and implementation of adverse actions through the legal system.
• Analyzing and budgeting with a concentration on changing and challenging markets.
• Location and recovery of assets and persons. Remarketing of assets in possession.
Central Fidelity Bank
Asset Recovery Specialist 1978-1993
• Computer Operations
• Manage remote employees.
• Location and recovery of assets and persons.
• Remarketing of assets in possession.
• Past President 2005-2007
• Vice President 2003-2005
• Secretary 2001-2003
• Treasurer 1999-2001 & 2015-2017
• Chief Rescue Officer 2022- 2023
• Life Member 2007
• Rescue Hall of Fame Inductee 2019
• President’s Award recipient 2021
• Convention Committee 2015-Present
• SEOR-Ops Course Coordinator 2007 - Present
I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the position of the Vice-President for the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squad.
For many of you, you may be asking who Byron Andrews is; first let me introduce myself to you. I have been an active member of Virginia’s EMS Community for over 45 years and in my various roles have had the privilege to get to know and to have participated with many members of the association. Further, I have supported the mission and the vision of the VAVRS not an officer or committee chair but through many associations and activities throughout the Commonwealth supporting not only the association but many of the volunteer agencies that it represents.
I joined the Sterling Volunteer Rescue Squad in 1978 while still in high school. Sterling Park was a bedroom committee located 25 miles west of Washington DC and right next to Dulles International Airport located in Northern Virginia at the Loudoun/ Fairfax County line. At that time, we were a small agency running several hundred calls a year. My first district meeting was just a few years later, I recall traveling to the Woodstock Rescue Squad and competing in the firstaid competition. I also recall going to Rescue College in Blacksburg where I got my certification as a Vehicle Extrication Instructor, Hazardous Materials Instructor, and Swiftwater Rescue Instructor. I would eventually assist in teaching Swiftwater Rescue from the last 1980 to the early 2000.
I became Chief of Sterling Rescue in 1988 and held that position for nearly the next 30 years. During my tenure Sterling along with Eastern Loudoun County was experiencing tremendous amount of growth and changing community expectations. Through part of the 1990’s our zip code was the fastest growing area in the country. It was during that period of time that we had to change and change quickly. Our membership swelled to over 150 active members, our fleet tripled in size, we had to build a substation, eventually building a second and third station to meet the demands. All while maintaining an all-volunteer membership. Membership Sterling Rescue was recipient of the Governor’s Award for Excellence as an EMS Agency and in 2006 was awarded the Volunteer EMS Agency of the Year from EMS Magazine. No small accomplishment if not for the dedication and commitment of excellence of our members. Sterling Rescue today still has a dedicated group of members, responding to over 8200 calls and last year gave over 110,000 hours of their time to serve the community.
As a system leader within Loudoun County, I served in many roles over my many decades of service. Eventually, as our system transitioned from an all-volunteer system to a combination Fire and Rescue System, I served on the Executive Committee which is the system’s governance board.
Retired from the City of Alexandria Fire Department three years ago. I started my career with the city as a dispatcher eventually working my way to becoming a firefighter/ paramedic, station officer, battalion chief and eventually a deputy chief where I was responsible for the EMS Division and then the Professional Development Center. An active as Fire Instructor for Fire Programs and spent many weekends teaching HTR classes across the state in the 90’s and early 2000. I have been appointed four times to the Governor’s EMS Advisory Board, have served on the Financial Assistance Review Committee, where 4 years I served as the committee’s chair. Other activities at the State level include participation in OEMS’s EMS Task Force Coordination Team, contributor to the MCI Level I and Level II curriculum along with the resent EMS Officer I program. Other committee activities at the state level include Legislative and Planning, Emergency Management, Transportation, and Workforce Development. All these activities have impacted every agency within the state with a keen empathy toward the impact on our volunteer agencies. Serving doesn’t end there. While I spoke about things at the state level, my dedication to improving our system. I have been a board member of the Northern Virginia EMS Council for 37 years and have served on its executive board and its President. A member of the International Association of Fire Chief and an active member within its EMS and Volunteer/ Combination Officer Section. For the association I have served on the Emergency Management Committee and the association’s delegate to two NFPA committees pertaining to EMS. My passion to help and to improve communities has taken me overseas to develop EMS systems, teach EMT and rescue classes and provide equipment to assist and supplies in 5 different countries.
My first 30 or so years I have been focused on challenges that Sterling Rescue and a growing community has. Encouraged by many at state meetings and other stockholder events that I was encouraged to attend district meeting, which I did eventually serving as district rescue officer, training officer, legislative committee, alternate vice president and eventually as district vice president. It is kind of fitting in a way that my career has taken me this way and with all my experiences at the agency, county, regional, metropolitan, state, national and international level I have a broad understanding of the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead.
So, what does all this have to do with my candidacy for the position of Vice President. At the Spring Board of Governor’s meeting it became clear to me that this association is facing some challenges. I don’t look at them as a negative, rather I see them as opportunities.
We need to recognize the stress that our agencies are facing; whether internal, external, recruitment/ retention or transition. We need to examine the stresses and seek opportunities to assist them or find ways for more engagement
within the association.
One of the strengths of the association is its training and training offerings. While I know everyone would like to see things online, not everything can be done, and it requires actually hands on or hands on evaluation. But are there ways that we can deliver high quality training with the convivence and flexibility that new members that are joining our agencies are seeking.
The strategic planning group has been working hard to develop a road map to lead the organization into the future. It is time that we start to implement these recommendations.
I stand ready to support the President, the other officers, district vice presidents and the executive director to move this association forward.
Thanking you for your consideration, I hopefully look forward to your favorable endorsement of my candidacy for the Office of Vice President of The Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. Please reach out to me with any questions.
Byron F Andrews, III bandrews@sterlingrescue.orgSubmitted by Gary Dalton, VAVRS and FRV Convention Chair
WHEN: September 20-23, 2023
WHERE: Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, VA 23666
The VAVRS and VSFA are hoping that you will join us at the 4th First Responder Virginia Conference/Expo. A time where we can network, attend business meetings, educational sessions and exhibitor displays of emergency service equipment and vehicles.
We look forward to seeing you and wish you the best as you experience all the conference has to offer. The conference app is designed to help you enjoy the conference and be an efficient communications tool. It allows you to view daily events, connect with others, post photos and stay informed...all within the app. We hope this app helps make your experience a success you can scan the QR code to connect and view the entire event schedule which includes schedules for the convention including VSFA and EMS training.
Registration and lodging information is displayed on the VAVRS, VSFA and FRV Conference websites.
Hello everyone. Well Spring is finally here in Waynesboro. We made Easter baskets for our duty squad. We took cookies for the 911 dispatchers. We also did the warm shelter.
In April we also had five members and one May birthday where we celebrated them at our local Mexican restaurant, Los Panchos and we had a great time. We also voted in a new member to our auxiliary, we welcome Robbie Blackburn. At the end of April we hosted a make up district meeting. There was a great turn out, especially AVAVRS State Officers. We thank you all for coming. New Historian CeCe McCormick got caught up on past awards for submitting pictures. We had received pictures from other Western District Auxiliaries. Please I would like to have more for the scrapbook to turn into the convention scrapbook competition.
We returned doing the EMT quiz. Lexington took first place and Waynesboro took second. Great job everyone! In May we were a little busier. The first thing was National Police Week. We made up several snack trays for the Waynesboro Police Department then followed by EMS Week. We made up several snack trays for the Waynesboro First Aid Crew, followed up with a couple trays going to Station 1 and to Station 2 of Waynesboro Fire Department.
We also made trays for the Emergency Department at Augusta Health Hospital. They were able to give out snacks to crew members that dropped off patients if they needed a power boost. We hosted a special state meeting and supplied food and refreshments. We donated picnic condiments and snacks to a local volunteer group.
June‘s been slow so far but we have three members planning on going to Rescue College. Everyone have a great and safe summer. See you all at Convention.
Ford Wirt was born on April 22, 1939, in Christiansburg, Virginia. He graduated from Christiansburg High School in 1959. Ford has spent his entire life in beautiful Southwest Virginia. He has been married to Martha for 38 years and they have a son, Alex. Alex and his wife, Amber, both are strongly involved in EMS in Virginia. They both are Critical Care Paramedic/Nurse on Lifeguard 111 & 12. Martha served as a Shock-Trauma Technician in Floyd County Lifesaving and First Aid Squad. This is what you call a family affair.
Ford has been involved with the volunteer rescue movement since 1974, where he worked and formed the Floyd County Lifesaving and Frist Aid Squad. In 1975, the squad and Ford became members of the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads. Ford has been involved with VAVRS since that time. He has served in so many capacities and a leadership role. Ford stated he got involved in the rescue squads because as a young man, his father had a heart attack and Ford was about 30 minutes away. So, he went to the hospital to see his father, when he arrived his dad was unresponsive, so they decided to move him to an upstairs room. While on the elevator his dad passed on the elevator. The two people who were taken his father upstairs had no idea what to do. Ford made a promise to himself, if God will give me the strength and patience I will learn how to help and save people. You can see he has been for over 49 years. God is good!
I asked Ford what was one of the funniest things that has happened to him serving our organization or just in general. He started to chuckle and told me a story that happened during the Awards Ceremony during Convention. It goes a little like this:
I was the Master of Ceremonies and during the program someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and there stood a person dressed as a woman, “not sure” it was a woman and she stood about 7 foot tall and reached over and kissed me on my forehead. I was totally shocked, I couldn’t talk, I just stood there and finally I finished the program in a daze. I know to this day, Ronnie Slough had something to do with it. He said, “I was in shock”.
During Ford’s career serving as a volunteer of VAVRS, he stated he met some of the greatest people and he would have never had the opportunity to meet. He stated,” We are one big happy family”. My son Alex traveled with me all over the state as a young boy. As a matter of fact, Alex tells everyone he has been involved in EMS all his life. Ford also stated, he knows of no other job you could have that would be so rewarding, I do this to help others, nothing for myself. Just a great opportunity.
In closing Ford stated he has been so blessed. His entire family has been giving back to the community, in so many ways. My family lives very close to me, especially my two granddaughters, Jordan, and Audrey. When you see Ford Wirt, tell him, “Thank you”!
Clayton Lester was born on February 20, 1935, in the Java area of Pittsylvania County in Virginia. He graduated from Spring Garden High School in 1954. After graduation, he married Adelaide Davis. They had two children, Rickie and Pamela. After Adelaide’s accidental death in 2001, he married Evelyn “Polly” Woodson in 2007. Clayton served in the Army from 1956 – 1959. He was employed by Security Bank and Trust on April 20, 1959, after being discharged from the Army on April 2nd . He stayed there until 1982 when he went to Peoples Bank where he retired as Vice President in 1988.
He decided to join the Danville Life Saving Crew while he was working at the bank that did their business. One of the leaders of the crew asked him to join. He couldn’t join until he completed his Army
t like being asked to leave the meeting. Once they got him out, the crew voted to name the building for him. Clayton has been involved with VAVRS for over 60 years and considers it a second family. He is a Past President, a Member of the Hall of Fame, and is a Life Member. He has also served as Treasurer and Vice President of the organization. He was also active in the American Red Cross, Danville Cancer Society, YMCA, and the Riverside Merchants Association.
Clayton is now 88 years old and has been a member of the Woodlawn Baptist Church since October of 1960. He and Polly live next door to his son and his daughter lives in the Blairs area near Danville. Clayton has four grandchildren. He has spent his entire life in the service of others. We are grateful and honored that he chose to be such a vital part of VAVRS.
Fran was born in Richmond, Virginia in 1941. She told me that she met her husband, J.C. Phillips on a blind date when she was 17 years old. They never dated anyone else. They were engaged in May 1960 and were married in October of the same year.
She first became interested in volunteering when her husband was running first call from home after he joined the squad. Her job was to answer the phone in the middle of the night and get the information while he dressed. It August 1965 she was invited to become a member of the Auxiliary. She took EMT at John Tyler Community College in 1973 ad was on an EMT competition team for 20 years.
After becoming increasingly active with the Forest View Senior Squad, she was voted into Associate Membership and then into Active Membership. She held many elected positions in both the Squad and Auxiliary. Fran was elected President of the Senior Squad and District 3 Vice President. She said she had the honor of being the VAVRS Recruitment and Retention Chair for nine years. She has been volunteering for VAVRS for 58 years.
Fran is a Life Member of Forest View Auxiliary, AVAVRS, Forest View Senior Squad, VAVRS and District 3. Somehow, she still found time to raise four daughters! She also has seven grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. All of them live in Virginia. AVAVRS, VAVRS and Forest View Rescue Squad has been a major part of her life.
Most of her friends are involved in these organizations. She says she feel blessed with having two families –her biological family and her EMS family.
Her advice to younger members of the organization is to do your best and take all the training offered to you.
If you don’t “get something” ask for help. Attend all meetings and read your agency’s bylaw and SOP’s so you are informed in all areas of the workings of your organization. Be sure that your family understands the time requirement and why you are willing to help neighbors in their time of need.”
She would like to see the organization actively listen to the members who attend meetings. They should keep notes on suggestions that are given to them. If a member has a concern about something, she feels they should be pointed in the right direction to answer that concern. If people feel needed and appreciated, they will become more involved.
Be sure to ask Fran about the “Hotsy-Totsy” room at convention.
In July of 1938, Dolores Hudson was born in the home of her grandparents in a small rural community in Franklin County, Virginia. She attended Franklin County High School and graduated in 1956. While in high school she met Carlton Hudson, and they got married in December of 1958. They were happily married for almost 51 years before he passed away. They had one daughter and two sons.
The strong influence of helping others in the community was instilled in their children. All of them lead lives of service because of the love of community services that Carlton and Dolores possessed. In 1968 Carlton joined the Franklin County Rescue Squad and spent much of his free time at the squad building. To see her husband, Dolores decided that she needed to join the Women’s Auxiliary. She joined the Auxiliary in 1970 and is a charter member.
Dolores had been an active member of the AVAVRS for 53 years. Over these years, she has held many offices in the local, district, and state level. She was once secretary for the state, District 6 and the Franklin County Board of Directors at the same time. Dolores is a life member of the AVAVRS and a past president as well. She is a charter member of the Franklin County Ladies Auxiliary and a life member of the Franklin County Rescue Squad and Auxiliary. She is also a life member of the VAVRS District 6 and honorary life member of District 7 and District 9 in Virginia.
Dolores has traveled throughout Virginia in her volunteer service with the Rescue Squad and Auxiliary. In these travels she has met many wonderful people and made many friends. She says that the friends that she has met in her time with AVAVRS have become like family to her and she treasures each one of the friendships that she has made.
Although being a member of the AVAVRS could often be a lot of work, it has proven to be an enjoyable experience meeting new friends and seeing how others serve their communities.
One thing Dolores wishes new members would do is sit back and listen to the older members and take in some of their knowledge and experience. The future of this organization depends on new members who have enthusiasm and excitement to help others.
She enjoys spending time with her 3 children, 15 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandchild. Over the years she has developed a profound sense of humor and can be feisty. Dolores
looks back at all the good times she has had at conventions and squad functions. She often tells of the stretcher races on the beach and mischief that some of the members got into. She calls those the good times.
Dolores has made an indelible mark on the VAVRS/AVAVRS
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you…
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Signed Livin’ La Vida Loca
Dear Kathy,
I do not, I realize that, knowing my luck, I would be reincarnated as me again!
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Signed Livin’ Loco
Dear Bubby,
If they flew over the bay they’d be called bagels!
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you
Do you ever feel like you are losing your mind?
Signed Barely Livin’
Dear Kenny,
I haven’t lost my mind half of it just wandered off, and the other half went looking for it. If I do lose my mind, I swear I’m not even going to look for it anymore.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you
I have been putting on a few pounds. Do you have any diet tips?
Signed—Livin’ Large
Dear BoBo,
Yes your paints won’t get too tight if you don’t wear any.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you…
In your awesome EMS career, have you ever saved a life?
Keep ‘em
Dear Bruce, No EMS does not save lives. God does! Our job is to entertain the patient until He makes up His mind!
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you
What is the weirdest call you ever responded to?
Signed—La Vida
Dear Kim,
Well I once responded to a local farm for a report of a fall. Turns out the owner of the farm had tripped, fell and impaled his head into his computer screen. I had to call tech support to report a FARMER IN THE DELL!
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you
One thing I have noticed about you is that you walk slowly why is that?
Signed Livin’ Lazy
Dear Sheila,
Well, if you think about it, it is kind of like comparing my life to animals a rabbit jumps, runs fast and lives about 8 years; dogs run and run and live for about 15 years; and then turtles that walk very slowly and do nothing, they live for over 150 years LESSON LEARNED!
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you
How well do you get along with your sisters?
Signed Livin’ La Family
Dear Donna,
Sometimes talking to your sisters is all the therapy you need and sometimes you need therapy after talking to your sisters.
Dear Rescue Ranger, I have a question for you…
I am applying for another job and need some resume advice?
Signed—Changn’ La Vida Loca
Dear Doug,
You need to learn to embellish just a little. For example, this is how you write “I changed a lightbulb” on your resume:
Singled-handedly managed the successful upgrade and deployment of a new environmental illumination system with zero cost overruns and no safety incidents.”
Rescue Ranger’s Advice to Everyone: “If one door closes and another opens—your house is haunted and you need to run.”
The 2023 First Responder Virginia Conference (FRV) will be held September 20-23, 2023 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Registration for the event and hotel accommodations information will be available on the VAVRS, First Responder Virginia and VSFA websites April 15, 2023. Make your plans today to attend, participate in the many educational opportunities as well as the business and social events.
The FRV Committee has been working hard for the VAVRS and VSFA membership to provide and event filled agenda. Any suggestions or requests should be send to FRV Committee Chair Gary Dalton ( so they can be considered for inclusion in your convention.
"Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends." John 15:13Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Inc.