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AGM Minutes

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Commercial Report


Minutes of the 65th Annual General Meeting Held at Cutler Park on Sunday 20th June 2021 at 2.00 p.m.


PRESENT: Ross Butler (Chairman), Rod Thrower (Secretary), Kevin Sarjeant (Treasurer) and 77 members.

MINUTES SILENCE: For members who have passed away during the year. APOLOGIES: 12 - List filed with the minutes. MOVED: “That the apologies be accepted.” Gill Stevenson/Kevin Sarjeant CARRIED


MOVED: “That Tony Meikle and Gay Goodman be appointed scrutinisers.” Colin Hey/Murray Trounson CARRIED

Confirmation of the Minutes of 64th AGM held on 25th July

MOVED: “That the Minutes of the 2020 AGM as published in the September 2020 Hub be confirmed as a true and complete record of that meeting.” John Coomber/Murray Trounson CARRIED MATTERS ARISING: Nil


Annual reports were published in the Notice of 65th Annual General Meeting. MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Vintage, Veteran PV/PWV/P60V/P80V, Commercial, Motorcycle, Swap Meet, OCBC, The Hub, Vehicle Identity Cards, Spare Parts

Department, 9-90's, Maintenance Crew, reports as published in the Notice of 65th Annual Meeting be accepted Rod Thrower/Robyn Cox CARRIED


Audited copies of these accounts were available at the meeting and filed with the Minutes The financial accounts received with the June Hub were issued subject to review by our external accountants. Kevin explained parts of his Report. Copy filed with Minutes. Questions invited. Nil

MOVED: “That the Financial Accounts and Balance Sheet as presented at the 2021 AGM be approved.” Kevin Sarjeant./Ross Butler CARRIED


Ainger Tomlin Ltd had agreed to perform an independent review for the coming year. There being no more nominations or discussion.

MOVED: “That Ainger Tomlin Ltd be appointed as Branch Reviewer.” (Accepted) Colin Hey/Murray Trounson CARRIED


Alexander McPhail of Clark Boyce had agreed to accept nomination again this year. There being no more nominations or discussion: Has not been agreed to at this date. It was moved and seconded that we appoint the above subject to agreement from them.

(Confirmation 23/06/21 filed with minutes.)

MOVED: “That A. McPhail of Clark Boyce be appointed as Branch Solicitor.” Jens Christensen/Jim Miles CARRIED


The Secretary had received the following nominations by the closing date of 23rd May 2020.

Chairman Ross Butler Rod Thrower / Kevin Sarjeant Immediate Past Chairman N/A Secretary Rod Thrower Kevin Sarjeant / Ross Butler Treasurer Robyn Cox Ross Butler / Rod Thrower Club Captain Katryna Shaw Mike Foster / Kevin Sarjeant Vice-Captain Dave Inwood Ross Butler / Rod Thrower Committee Neil Shaskey Neale Cook / Colin Hey Neale Cook Colin Hey / D Inwood Colin Hey Neale Cook / D Inwood These were duly elected onto the Branch Committee. Thanks to Katryna Shaw for stepping up to the Role of Club Captain. There were no further nominations. MOVED: Annette Meikle/Gay Goodman CARRIED

MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer require two of three to signing rights to the Branch bank accounts.” Kevin Sarjeant / Ken Lowden CARRIED


Rep Parts Shed Wayne Stocks Chairman Swap Meet Colin Hey Bar Rep Gill Stevenson Maintenance Rep Mike Foster Motorcycle Section TBA VIC Signatory Don Bennetts Beaded Wheels Scribe Tony Becker Librarians Owen Genet and Kay Shaskey 9 – 90s John Kuipers Velosolex Group Royce Baker Barn Bookings & Camping Kevin & Claire Campion North Canterbury Noggin Alan Hill Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne Hub Editor/Web Master Tony Craythorne

Thanks were given to Tony for taking on the job as Hub Editor/ Web Master.

The meeting was advised that the Motorcycle section would appoint a representative and advise who that person was, with the aim of attending the next full committee meeting.

MOVED: “That those named be confirmed for the respective positions.” Tony Meikle/Bob Gough CARRIED


MOVED: “That Rod Thrower be appointed Privacy Officer.” Ross Butler/Leigh Craythorne CARRIED


MOVED: “That Rod Thrower be appointed Delegate.” Ross Butler/Leigh Craythorne CARRIED


MacLachlan Trophy (Awarded by formula to the Veteran Vehicle which covers the most miles for the season.)

Awarded to Joseph McClintock – Model T Ford Raceabout

Max Smith Memorial Trophy (Veteran vehicle competing in the greatest number of Canterbury Branch events) Not Awarded

Use Not Abuse Trophy (Awarded to acknowledge the most creditable effort during the year for the same driver with the option of two vehicles (car or motorcycle) where at least two speed events and two endurance events have been successfully completed by members of the Canterbury and Banks Peninsula Branches). Awarded to Banks Peninsula Member – Mark Cummings –Mazda MX5

Noel Beecroft Trophy (Awarded for Restoration Veteran Cars)

Not Awarded

The Rae Trophy (Awarded for Restoration Vintage Cars) Awarded to Evan Perrin- 1920 Ford Model T Tourer (Evan passed away one week ago so will presented at July Noggin to his wife Janine and son Vance.)

Noel Beecroft Trophy (Awarded for Restoration PW Vehicles)

Awarded to Heather Harris- 1958 Holden FB

Robert Hayes Family Trust Trophy (Awarded for P V Restoration of the year.) Not Awarded

C.J.S. And M Hey Trophy (Awarded for P60V Restoration of the year) Not Awarded

Eric Walker Trophy (Awarded for Motor Cycle Restoration of the year) Not Awarded

MOTORCYCLE SECTION TROPHIES Tolhurst Trophy (Oldest motorcycle attending the Annual Rally and the Annual Motorcycle Rally) Not Awarded

Ian McGregor Trophy (PWV Motorcycle attending the most branch events.) Not Awarded

The judges were thanked for their deliberation.

Special Events Trophy Awarded to Mike Foster and Grounds Maintenance Team

The donors of these trophies were acknowledged for their generosity.


July Sat-Sun 10/11th Mid-Winter Motorcycle Run Sun 25th Winter Run

August Sat 1st Sat 14th Sun 22nd

September Sun 4th

Sat 11th Sun 19th Sun 26th

Around the Bays Motorcycle Run National AGM (Christchurch) VCC National Day (Daffodil Run)

Women Driver Rally and Young under 25 Drivers Rally Awards Dinner Motorcycle Rough Run and VIC’s Annual Veteran Rally (Confirmed)

October Fri-Sun 8/9/10th Swap Meet Sat-Sun 16/17th Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally Sun 24th Grasskhana Branch Grounds

November Sat 6th

Annual Vintage Rally Fri-Sun 12/13/14th Show Weekend Tour Sun 21st Homestead Run Sat 27th Motorcycle Annual Rally

December Sat 4th Sun 26th Children’s Christmas Picnic Boxing Day Run


January Thurs 2nd

Motorcycle New Year Run Sun 9th Picnic Run. Sun 16th-21st Vero International Festival of Motoring.

February Sat 5th Sat 12th Sun 13th Sat 19th Commercial Annual Rally (Confirmed) Boot Fair Moped Run Clip on Run

Sat/Sun 26th -27th Branch Annual Rally March Sat-Sun 5th -6th Sun 13th April Sun 10th Sat 16th Sat 23rd Mon 25th Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run Rear Wheel Brake Rally

P Group Annual Rally Scooter Run Autumn Run Malvern Run

May Sat 1st Sun 22nd Rural Run Motorcycle Rough Run

June Sat – Sun Wed 8th Sun 12th Sun 19th 4th -5th Irishman Rally Motorcycle AGM Restoration of the Year Branch AGM

July Sat – Sun 9th -10th Mid-Winter Motorcycle Run Sun 24th Midwinter Run

August Sat 6th Around the Bays Motorcycle Run Sun 21st VCCNZ National Day (Daffodil Rally)

September Sat 3rd Sat 10th

Sat 18th Sat 25th Women Drivers Rally & Young Drivers Rally Awards Dinner

Motorcycle Rough Run and VIC’s Annual Veteran Rally

October Fri-Sun 07/08/09th Swap Meet Sat-Sun 15/16th Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally Sun 23rd Grasskhana Branch Grounds Labour Weekend

November Sat 5th Annual Vintage Rally Fri-Sun 11/12/13th Show Weekend Tour Sun 20th Homestead Run Sat 26th Motorcycle Annual Rally December Sat 3rd Children’s Christmas Picnic Mon 26th Boxing Day Run


1st Thursday of each month 9-90’s OUTINGS: 1st Wednesday after Noggin MOTORCYCLE NOGGINS: 2nd Wednesday of the month COMMERCIAL NOGGINS: 3rd Wednesday of the month NORTH CANTERBURY NOGGIN: 4th Wednesday each month 7.30pm Rangiora RSA. PARTS SHED WORKING BEES: Wednesdays 12.30—5 pm and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9—12 pm. MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE WORK DAYS: 1st Sunday of the month.

Calendar of Events:

MOVED: “That the Calendar of Events be adopted.” John Coomber / Mike Foster CARRIED


MOVED: That the 2022 Annual General Meeting be held at 2pm on Sunday 19th June 2022.” Ross Butler/ Rod Thrower CARRIED Colin Hey requested the meeting consider a change of time to 1-30pm for the next AGM, given that it was held close to the shortest day, and to provide some continuity with the Old Cars Bikes and Coffee event which would also be held that morning. It was suggested by the meeting that 1.00pm would be better. Gill Stevenson suggested strong advertising to highlight the change of time next year. MOVED “That the 2022 AGM start time be 1.00pm” Colin Hey/ Rod Thrower Carried


Presentation was then made to Kevin Sarjeant for Serving as Treasurer for the last six years. Thanks were given to Kevin Sarjeant for his Services to the Branch for the past 6 years to a round of applause.


Jens Christensen raised the matter of the appointment of Alexander McPhail of Clark Boyce and It was Moved and seconded that we appoint the above subject to agreement from them.

(Confirmation was received 23/06/21 filed with minutes.)

Colin Rae raised matters regarding the costs and format of The Hub, suggested the magazine only be printed as a newsletter like it was during Covid no colour pages and only come out every two months.

Treasurer replied this had all been taken into account and discussed though the year past at committee meetings. The final decision being what the committee decided was the wish of the majority that the magazine return to as near as possible to the way it was before covid, but with a cost for printing and postage copies for those that wished to receive it this way.

Annette Meikle asked why the members who picked the magazine up at noggin had to pay for it.

The Chairman and Secretary explained the reasons why this was just too time consuming to manage, to separate the printed and posted members.

Tony Craythorne suggested maybe we should look at raising the levy.

Colin suggested we trial it for six months. Leigh Craythorne suggested any saving from the two monthly productions would be probably taken up by more pages having to be printed.

No Motions were proposed or put to the floor, however the committee can discuss this matter further if it deems it necessary.

Bruce McCormick raised matters regarding the discount offered to members on ferry crossing being a lot lower than those offered to Caravan Association members. It was pointed out that these discounts are negotiated by the Club Committee on behalf of the branch every year and with the club having approx. 8500 members in comparison to the caravan Club having approx. 80,000 members.

Lyndsey Saunders raised the matter of there not being many rallies for PWV vehicles, like one a year. Roy Grainger supported this comment and said there needed to be more runs for this class. The Vice Captain advised there were very few if any dates left in the calendar apart from winter months. The OCBC convenor suggested that any members could organize a run to start at or after the OCBC mornings for their group if they wished. The Chairman and P Group convenor advised they would look into it and see what other opportunities were available.

Leigh Craythorne raised the point that the AGM was the voice of the members, and their opportunity to raise issues that are important to them. The committee is appointed to act on decisions made by the meeting in accordance with the club rules.

A letter was tabled from Pauline Croucher on the success of the Children’s Christmas Picnic (this would be published in the October Hub in conjunction with the notice for the 2021 Children’s Christmas Picnic.

There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 3.13 pm.

Signed ……………………………………..Chairman

Date ……………………………………..

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