VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ CANTERBURY BRANCH (Inc.) Minutes of the 65th Annual General Meeting Held at Cutler Park on Sunday 20th June 2021 at 2.00 p.m. PRESENT: Ross Butler (Chairman), Rod Thrower (Secretary), Kevin Sarjeant (Treasurer) and 77 members.
MINUTES SILENCE: For members who have passed away during the year. APOLOGIES: 12 - List filed with the minutes. MOVED: “That the apologies be accepted.” Gill Stevenson/Kevin Sarjeant CARRIED SCRUTINEERS: MOVED: “That Tony Meikle and Gay Goodman be appointed scrutinisers.” Colin Hey/Murray Trounson CARRIED Confirmation of the Minutes of 64th AGM held on 25th July MOVED: “That the Minutes of the 2020 AGM as published in the September 2020 Hub be confirmed as a true and complete record of that meeting.” John Coomber/Murray Trounson CARRIED MATTERS ARISING: Nil ANNUAL REPORTS: Annual reports were published in the Notice of 65th Annual General Meeting. MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Vintage, Veteran PV/PWV/P60V/P80V, Commercial, Motorcycle, Swap Meet, OCBC, The Hub, Vehicle Identity Cards, Spare Parts