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Motorcycle Report

The sun is now in the southern hemisphere, and the spring equinox has passed. Daylight saving is upon us; looking good for a great summer of motorcycling!!

Past Events


8th September – Motorcycle Noggin. This was straight after the committee meeting at 6.30 pm, so a very good turnout in The Barn. Cool night, so the blazing fire was welcoming. 19th September – Reliability Trial Event. This was held in conjunction with the OCBC coffee morning, and it turned out to be a resounding success. The Classic Trials Club of Canterbury came out as well, and they put on some display of REALLY CONTROLLED trials riding over logs, heaps of pallets etc. The reliability trial had about 30 entries, including a wee lad of 5 years old who was on an electric trials bike. Boy could he handle it too!! Two courses, two runs each, the trick was to on your second run emulate the time you took for the first… Not as easy as it sounds… 25th September – Fish & Chip Run This was supposed to be a run to the Hororata Swap Meet, but as this was postponed (Covid again!!) was just a normal event. About 5 turned up, I heard… 26th September – Working Bee @ Motorcycle Corner. A good turnout, about 8 or 10, I heard. Stacked wood, water blasted the back window, cleaned out the spouting, checked and plugged holes in the roof. Good job, well done.

Future Events

13th October – Motorcycle Noggin Night. Nothing out of the ordinary planned, so will be out at the Island. Usual 7.30 pm start.

16-17 October – Girder Fork Rally. Starting from usual place, Liquorland, Tower St, Hornby. 9.30 am start. Two routes, long and short. No morning tea break, straight to the lunch break at Duvauchelle Hotel. Paul Ainsworth & Mike Glenday organising. Early start, using Western Valley for long route. Stop for a coffee etc. when you want. The gathering place in Akaroa is the Grand Hotel; Eric Ryder has moved on so a chance to meet the new publican. Entry form in The Hub September or On-Line. Nonqualifying bikes welcome, however as the lunch at Duvauchelle Hotel is prepaid you MUST enter to get a lunch. Usual run back to Tai Tapu Pub for lunch & prize giving on Sunday. Get your accommodation sorted; there is supposed to be some French Festival in town that weekend.

23rd October - Fish & Chip Run – this is Labour Weekend. From this month onwards the place to meet and depart from will be changed to outside PMH Hospital on Cashmere Road. As usual, meet at 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure.

That is about it for this month; sad to say that Covid-19 has made a good job of stuffing things up.

Cheers, CML

The Two Peters (May and Lee) keeping up the good work for the Motorcycle Section

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