Britney The Dynamo with a Plan
Gregory After a Year off He's Still a Natural.
November 2011 Vedere Magazine Volume 1 Issue 4
Meet o ur new MUA a n d ge t s o m e gr e a t ti ps ! S pe c i a l S e c ti o n G u e s t Ph o t o g s a n d th e i r w o r k !
Published by Michael Meadows Studios, Tempe, AZ Contact: Michael Meadows All images are copyrighted to Michael Meadows Studios, Michael Meadows or the respective artists and protected by U.S. and International copyright laws.All infringements will be pursued to the fullest extent of law. No use, reproduction or editing without written permission. All models are over the age of 18 unless noted with the images and have signed a full model release which is on file with the publisher. Any images that are more revealing will also have all required information to be 2257 compliant pursuant to Federal Law. Street photography and architectural images are for display and editorial purposes only. Not responsible for errors and ommissions,color reproduction in printing process. If you are interested in using one of the images for publication or would like a print please contact the publisher at the email address above. Vedere Magazine Copyright 2011
In this issue: 5 Great Tips for Models By: Ashley
Britney The Dynamo with a Pan
Check out our 3 Guest Photographers
Gregory After a year off he's still a Natural
7 year old Harrison needs our help to fight cancer. Find out more inside how you can help and make a difference in the life of a child and his family. On the Cover: Britney Murphy Thanks to Kierland Commons for allowing us to shoot on property.
C o m e o u t o f t h e sh a d o w s a n d b e i n Ve d e r e M a g a z i n e . Se e a n d b e se e n w o r l d w i d e w i t h t h e o n l y m a g a zi n e co m m i t t e d t o p h o t o g r a p h e r s a n d m o d e l s. W e a r e l o o ki n g f o r p h o t o g r a p g h e r s t o sh a r e t h e i r w o r k i n t h e D e ce m b e r i ssu e . s I f yo u ' r e a m o d e l a n d w o u l d l i ke t o b e co n si d e r e d f o r a sh o o t f o r t h e f u t u r e i ssu e s, co n t a ct m e a t m i ke @ m i ch a e l m e a d o w sst u d i o s. co m T h e se sh o o t s a r e T F C D p l u s a PD F c o p y o f t h e m a g a z i n e !
Need your Port updated? Haven't had family pictures ? S e n i o r l o o k i n g f o r pi c tu r e s ? Need product images for your website or advertising? Selling your house, need images?
Let me know what you need, I can help. Low investment, quality results. Mike Meadows M i c h a e l M e a do w s S tu di o s 4 8 0 -2 2 0 -9 3 0 5
From Hawaii to Phoenix via Yuma.
When Britney and I started talking about concepts it was more interesting to sit back and listen to her talk. This 21 year old dynamo took a no prisoners attitude when it came to planning and developing ideas for our shoot. When she told me she had only been modeling for 6 months, the silence may have made her wonder if I was still interested. When I was looking for a model for the "shopping" shoot, energy, animation and attitude were the main traits that was going to make this work, especially since we were shooting in North Scottsdale. The location definitely needed a strong character and fun attitude, Britney fit the need perfectly. She really proved that when she drove in with a flat tire and didn't miss a beat to getting started. During the shoot the conversation was easy going and fun but finding out she secretly loves World of Warcraft got me to thinking what other little tidbits I could get out her. Let's see, her shoe collection exceeds 50 pairs of shoes, The GooGoo Dolls seems to be her favorite band and her awesome look come from a mixture of AfricanAmerican, Caucasian and Native American heritage. I'm sure with that mixture she has a lot of other things that would surprise most, but it adds up to a great look in a person that has a passion and determined attitude for modeling. Without a doubt I'm sure we are going to see more of Britney in the future. I get the impression once she has a goal in sight, it will soon fall in pursuit of the next big project. In her first 6 months of modeling she was selected to be in the 2012 Girls of Arizona Calendar, I have the feeling that was the first step in a long and successful career. Be on the watch out for her to be in your favorite fashion magazine in the not too distant future.
Hello my name is Angel Collins I am a Make-up artist, Photographer, posing coach and former model. After six years and counting I am sharing a bit of the knowledge I have gained through my experiences. Utilizing these 5 tips will help to insure that every photo shoot you have is the best it can possibly be.
As a model, your Physical appearance is your product and selling it properly is the key to your successful modeling career. This means taking the proper steps to
maintain yourself and stay photo shoot ready. Makeup and photoshop are amazing
tools, however you should never rely on those things alone to insure you look your
best in your photos. That being said, photo shoot prep should always begin about 3 days prior to be sure you look the best you possibly can. I have chosen what I
believe are 5 of the most important things for a model to consider when preparing for an upcoming photo session.
SKIP THE SALT AND ADD H20: Salt is in almost
everything we eat and can be hard to avoid, but eating too much salt within 3 or so days of a photo shoot can cause you to retain water and may have devastating effects on the outcome of your images. It’s not just the waistline that suffers from a high sodium intake but your skin as well. Even the most slender models are subject to this very important "golden rule" because too much salt can cause the skin on your face to "puff up" especially under the eyes and chin, too much salt can also cause your pores to appear very large and open making proper makeup application very difficult. A few days before your shoot avoid things like french fries, pizza and other salty food items. Yes, this includes soda and alcohol. Three or so days before your photo session Up your fiber intake and drink a lot of water, doing this will help guarantee you will be bloat free and your skin is bright and well hydrated.
GET PLENTY OF SLEEP AND BE PREPARED: Get a full nights rest before your shoot. I know,
you have heard that one a million times right? That's because its 100% true. No matter how astoundingly beautiful an individual may be, we are all subject to looking dead tired if we don't get enough rest. Being well rested reduces the need for corrective makeup. The appearance of your skin is a clear indication of how rested you are or are not. Don't forget photo shoots are exhausting as it is, don't add to it by starting the session off tired. Be prepared, this means have your shoot bag packed the night before, know what your goal is for the shoot and be aware of what will be needed on your part to accomplish it. Being prepared will add to your confidence level and decrease any anxiety you might have as well. EXFOLIATE: This is an important step for any type of photo shoot but especially when the photo session includes make up head shots or anything that requires a lot of skin showing such as swimwear or lingerie. Exfoliation should take place the night before your shoot to avoid being pink from any minor irritation. Face and body should be polished with a light exfoliation to wisp away dry dulling skin cells and reveal a more vibrant photo and makeup ready complexion. In my experience the best and most cost effective way to exfoliate is to combine sea salt with almond, coconut or any other vegetable or nut based oil you prefer, combine the oil and salt with the juice of one lemon together, rub the salt scrub mixture in a circular motion onto your skin rinse it thoroughly and apply lotion afterward, you wont believe how soft and healthy looking your skin will be! Avoid your face with this mixture as it can be a little bit too coarse, try a facial specific exfoliating cleanser instead. Male and female models alike should follow this step as well.
SHOW YOUR BEST FACE: For me, makeup before a shoot is always the fun part, but can also be intimidating at first. Sometimes you may be able to acquire the services of an MUA, however for the times when that luxury is not available it's important for every model to know the basics of photo make up application. Make sure to apply a light moisturizer to your face before your foundation, avoid anything containing a lot of SPF because this will reflect the light from flash photography and cause your face to look lighter than your body. Next be sure to select a foundation color that matches the tone of your skin, stay away from anything containing shimmer or with a greasy appearance. Be sure to blend your foundation well into your hairline and down on your neck to avoid the mask look. If you choose to line your eyes be sure to end your liner on the top lid in a thin upward stroke, anything pointed downward around the eye will age you and make you look tired. For blush always focus on the hollows of your cheeks and blend upward into the hairline while making a "fishy face" to better guide where you want your pigment to land, applying blush or bronzer too high can make your face appear much wider, so be sure to keep this in mind.
Always set your face with a light translucent blotting powder to avoid excess shine especially on your nose and forehead. For a full natural looking camera worthy lip apply a lip liner 1 to 2 shades darker than your natural lip color. Pay close attention to the shape of your top lip and be sure the points of your cupids bow are even. Finish your lips by applying a lightly pigmented gloss and concentrate it in the center of yourlips and lightly blend the shine out into your liner base, applying too much gloss to the area close to your lip line can cause the shape of your lips to look distorted in photographs . For males, be sure your skin is moisturized, you might want to use a light blotting powder to reduce any shine in your T-zone.
KNOW YOUR BODY/FACE: Models come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes a photographer may ask you to preform poses that you may not physically be capable of doing,or that you simply are not comfortable with for any other reason It helps a lot to know this ahead of time. Don’t be afraid to look for poses online in other portfolios and magazines and practice them in the mirror. Doing this will help you to be better prepared. Not everyone looks good in the same pose or with the same expression so it's very important to know what works for you. Find your best angles, stand up straight breathe and be positive, you are going to have a great shoot!
Ashley Collins has been a model,a photographer and MUA for over 5 years in Tucson. She brings a unique blend of many talents to a shoot. Please make sure to visit her website at!
It was one of our first cold mornings in Phoenix when I picked up Gregory to head downtown. Seemed like 6:30 came really early that morning especially for Gregory since he had to work the night before. That didn't stop him, he was up and ready to go. As we drove downtown I was sharing my ideas and the 5 locations we would be shooting at that morning, Undaunted, he was ready to go. After we got started he told me he hadn't been in front of the camera for about year which really surprised me since the images were coming so easy to him. Calm and focused we referred to the mood boards for the layout then he made them happen. The challenge was on me to make Phoenix look like the "big city" and thats where Gregory's imagination really shined. I have to admit shooting at the Taxi stand was an adventure in itself. At first one of the drivers was hesitant to let us use his cab as prop, but with a little talking he relented. That's when "Captain Ghetto" pulled up at the end of the line. For some reason his prescence made everyone relax a little, which made our job much easier. I think we pulled off the big city look and feel at the cab stand and surrounding area, makes me wonder is Phoenix really a big city after all? As we moved deeper into the locations, Gregory was really coming into his own. The backseat of the car was the wardrobe room and he was planning his next look from the plan. Shooting in the tunnel turned out to be an adventure in itself, since it required both of to hang over the railing with a 10' drop onto the roadway if we happen to slip. He promised to save the Nikon if I were the one to slip! Cold and damp from the rain the night before, it gave us the perfect atmosphere to capture what we had planned without much acting. Except to act like we were not cold and not wanting to be the first to complain about it.
No matter the location, Gregory has the look and the attitude to make the shots work. When he decided he wanted to give the finger to the CCTV cameras at the warehouse, I agreed but made sure I positioned myself for plausible deniability in the future. What? Where?When? I never took that one. But it did work really well along with the moody shots in the warehouse itself. Gregory can give the soft or hard look without thinking about it. I have the feeling we will be seeing more of Gregory in the future he's not one to relax. Even though he's working full time in the evenings he's also actively designing a line of womans clothes, I know he will not have any difficulties finding willing models when he needs them. I'm hoping to get more shots of Gregory in the future since during this shoot my notebook was getting filled with more ideas. Keep a look out for this outstanding person and model in the future.
This Months Guest Photographers
McQPhotography - John McQuaker Scottsdale Images - Russell Klein TimmyChuStudios - Timothy Williams
McQphotography My name is John McQuaker and I am a photographer. I take photographs of anything and everything, I take location and studio pictures. I love the fact that I can evolve in the ever changing world of babies, families, weddings, fashion and beautiful people who model in our beautiful State of Arizona. I originally come from Scotland and people love to hear me speak and of course I love to talk. I love setting up various themes for shoots and I am constantly thinking of new ideas for the images that I create with my wife. In the Summer I specialize in underwater photography and am always amazed by the images that the water and the model can achieve, the Arizona sun gives us the final effect and helps make the image.
Model : Liz Miles
Model : Deanna Kutz
Models - Jessie Rose- Julliette Fressinier- Caylee Harrington- Courtney CMBWild Tony- Fashion Stylist- Jennifer O' Bannon.
Model: Michelle Wertman
Models - Jessie Rose- Julliette Fressinier- Caylee Harrington- Courtney CMBWild Tony- Fashion StylistJennifer O' Bannon.
Models Courtney CMB Fashion StylistJennifer O' Bannon.
My name is Russell Klein, I have been creating images since 1981 and have won some awards for my work. My photography has always been creating images with people in them. I specialize in Model Portfolios, Boudoir/Maxim sessions, Weddings and Portraits. Whether it is studio or location, I can give you the images you want and you'll love forever.
Model: Nykki
Scottsdale Russell Klein
My shooting space is located in my residence in Old Town Scottsdale. It is a full studio set-up. If you have any questions about this, check out my images and tell me if you can figure out which ones were shot where. Contributing Photographer: Look Swimwear 2011 Bikini Contest Preferred Photographer: Push Promotional Models Preferred Photographer: Pink Mafia Models Official Photographer: South Phoenix Rebels Football Team Photographed current Catalogs for Photographed at Fetish Prom 2011 Publications: Cover image: Scarlett's Secret - Premiere Issue Book Cover: The War Lizard Chronicles
Model: Veronika
Current Personal Projects: Artistic B/W Nudes: This project is Trade or TFP and you will receive 5-7 finished images. The goal of the project is to create enough images for a book that will be used to promote the sale of the images as Wall Art. Those selected for the book and wall art will be compensated.
Model: Deanna
Model: Sammy
Model: Rachel
Timmy Chu Studios Photographing your wedding, portrait, event, and fashion needs" Current Services offered: -Engagement -Wedding -Boudoir -Senior Pics -Portfolio -Portraits -Head-shots -Commercial -Maternity -Infant/Newborn -Photo Retouching -Quinceanera
Model: Lisa McCarthy
Model: Kody Canti
Model: Jae Lynn Douglas
Model: Teesha Yaeger
Model: Lisa McCarthy Model: Cheryl Roden
7 year old Harrison needs our help. Harrison has been diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma of the mandible (jaw), a form of bone cancer. This diagnosis is very recent and his family is just beginning this fight, Harrison began chemotherapy Nov 14th at Phoenix children’s hospital. I hope that you will all keep this amazing kid in your thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow they will be setting up a charitable account in his name, I hope that if you can, you would be kind enough to help the family with Harrison's fight. They are doing and planning future fundraisers such as "The Art of Fighting Cancer" and are looking for any local companies that would want to team up for future events. A donation box at Artz Gallery & Gifts in Harrisons name. Artz Gallery & Gifts is located at 5315 E Broadway BLVD, suite 102, we are open 10AM through 6AM Monday through Saturday. An account has been set up at CHASE BANK under the name of Harrison Still. You can also find out more at
Let's help Harrison beat this and grow to reach his full potential!