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VegNET RDO Update
pring has sprung…the grass has rizz…I wonder where the virus is?
Unfortunately, it has still got our muchloved rivals over on the East Coast in a choke hold. Speaking with my national extension fam earlier today, I could really see the sighs of “Oh man…I’m so OVER this malarkey!” written all over their faces. It really was a reminder to not take for granted the freedom we have here in WA. While I may be guilty of “forgetting” the 1.5m rule as I throw my arms around friends I haven’t seen in months, smother my youngest cousin in kisses as he celebrated his First Holy Communion and beamed at the thought of squeezing another cousin as she finally marries the man she loves…surrounded by ALL who love them; I am 100 per cent aware of how lucky I am to be able to escape from life as Harriet the Hermit! Chin up “Easties”…you’ll soon be able to peel off your trackies and re-join the real world! With the shackles of isolation thrown off, life in the VegWA office has transitioned into a different kind of normal. In general, all forms of physical contact are still off the table (except for “The Huggers”…I’ll let you figure out who that is), but a new appreciation of actually being in the same room as the person you are collaborating with, has definitely dawned on us all. Zoom meetings are good but nothing beats the real thing…and absolutely nothing beats getting out on the farm for a Grower visit or two. Truyen and I have had our noses to the grindstone, whiling away the hours, working on the Hort Innovation funded VegNET Regional Strategy.
WA Grower SPRING 2020
Using a mix of our professional experience, Grower interactions and many reiterations of our “iso whiteboard session”, we believe we have created a monster…I mean document, that will aid us in our solitary aim of supporting the Growers of WA. In-between “strategy” meetings we have been trying our best to get back out into the field; however finding out that the Dr SP Singh Melon Safety webinar organised by Joel and Truyen, ‘teched’ by Amber and facilitated by me was joined by international participates, was slightly out of this world. Now, back to the real world — Truyen and Melissa spent a few days in Geraldton increasing the regions knowledge of available labour options and assisting the Growers in their enquiries around this now contentious issue.
attributes that businesses looking to incorporate export into their enterprise should consider rather than being a list of requirements. Also in the export arena, is the soon to be released online export training program the AUSVEG Export Development project is working on. It aims to assist Growers who are interested in sending their produce ‘international’. If either of these nuggets of export excellence have piqued your curiosity, please don’t hesitate to contact Manus. After living through a summer, autumn and winter like we’ve never seen before and don’t particularly want to see again; we tiptoe towards an equally unknown spring. With COVID-19’s continued grip on the globe and meteorologists suggesting a 70 per cent chance of La Niña making her way to Australia…who knows what the sunshine of spring will bring.
West certainly is Best!
While the first chapter of WA’s Benchmarking and Financial review project has finished and all final reports have been presented, Bryn hasn’t skipped a beat. Just like his spreadsheets, he has perfectly pivoted into working with fellow industry bodies in the wider hort community, with the aim of launching a similar 3+ year initiative across the whole of Western Australia’s horticulture industry — this would not only be of continued benefit to all WA’s Growers, but a first for the national hort industry. Our expert in export Manus has developed a business suitability checklist (check out his article on page 106), covering the characteristics that successful exporters have in common. The list covers business management, supply and marketing
While I ain’t no expert… the one thing I can definitively declare is that I and those who inhabit this beautiful state of ours, should be perpetually grateful to the men and women of horticulture who, despite the hardships of border closures, labour issues, unpredictable weather and a freakin’ global pandemic, have continued to keep us fed! I will not be swayed on this…West certainly is Best! MORE INFORMATION Contact Sam Grubiša, phone (08) 9486 7515 or email