coffee table book

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Indian Railways A Green Champion

Version 2



ABOUT CII The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering Industry, Government and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes. CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, with over 9000 members from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from 294 national and regional sectoral industry bodies. For more than 125 years, CII has been engaged in shaping India’s development journey and works proactively on transforming Indian Industry’s engagement in national development. CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues. Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programmes. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across diverse domains including affirmative action, livelihoods, diversity management, skill development, empowerment of women, and sustainable development, to name a few. As India marches towards its 75th year of Independence in 2022, CII, with the Theme for 2021-22 as Building India for a New World: Competitiveness, Growth, Sustainability, Technology, rededicates itself to meeting the aspirations of citizens for a morally, economically and technologically advanced country in partnership with the Government, Industry and all stakeholders. With 62 offices, including 10 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 8 overseas offices in Australia, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, UAE, UK, and USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 394 counterpart organizations in 133 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community.

ABOUT CII-Godrej GBC CII — Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII - Godrej GBC) is one of the 10 Centers of Excellences of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). CIISohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre offers advisory services in environmental issues and policies. CII-Godrej GBC works closely with the stakeholders in facilitating India emerge as one of the global leaders in Green Business by the year 2022. The Centre is housed in Hyderabad and is one of the greenest buildings in the world. The Centre was inaugurated by H.E Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, the then President of India, on July 14, 2004. Under the aegis of Green Business Centre, there are six councils having expertise in six different parameters of environmental sustainability. The Services of Green Business Centre include- Energy Management, Green Buildings, Green Companies, Renewable Energy, GHG Inventorization, Green Product Certification, Waste Management and Cleaner Production Process.

GreenCo Rating for companies CII Godrej GBC has developed the GreenCo Rating System the “first of its kind in the world”. The objective of GreenCo is to define and assess “How green is your company”, and highlight the way forward to facilitate world class competitiveness through Green strategies. The framework that adopts cradle to cradle life-cycle approach to evaluate and improve environmental performance of a facility. This has been taken up in 66 Indian Railways Units (workshops & manufacturing facilities). The first 35 units, which have been GreenCo rated, have imporoved their environmental performance substantially and achieved a recurring annual saving of Rs 31 Crores. Environment benefits achieved by GreenCo rated facilities: »»

Reduction in energy consumption


Adoption of green procurement practices and green vendor management


Reduction in water consumption


Green logistics


Increase in the use of renewable energy


Life cycle Thinking and environment friendly services


Reduction in Carbon emissions


Implementation of Green building concepts


Reduction in waste generation


Reduction in material consumption

Applicable to Platinum companies – continue to improve & excel to next higher level

Platinum >750 points National Best

Gold 650 - 749 points Silver 550 - 649 points Bronze 450 - 549 points

Certified 350 - 449 points

Environmental performance to meet requirements and standards

GreenCo Rating Levels Platinum+

World Class performance in green

World Class

Disclaimer © All rights reserved 2021 Indian Railways - A Green Champion - is published by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). This publication showcases some of the finest GreenCo Rated Railway Production Units and Workshops in India, which completed GreenCo Rating in last 2 years. While every care has been taken in compiling this publication, CII and the participating Railway Production Units / Workshops mentioned herein accept no claim for any kind of compensation, if any entry is wrong, abbreviated, omitted or inserted incorrectly either as to the wordin space, data or position in the publication. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the Railway Production Units / Workshops concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of the publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission from CII. This publication is an attempt to demonstrate how Indian Railway Production Units /Workshops are playing a catalytic role in addressing ecological issues & concerns in a holisticmanner and in the process encouraging the readers go the Green way.

Published by Confederation of Indian Industry CII - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre Survey # 64, Kothaguda Post, R R District Hyderabad 500 084 Telangana India For ordering more copies of this publication, kindly mail to or contact our office.



Congratulations to CII for releasing a Coffee Table Book on “Indian Railways - A Green Champion”. Indian Railways has embraced the concept of “Going Green” on a National Mission mode and is the largest rail network in the world to pursue this path of going green. Indian Railways is driven by a vision of being environment friendly, resource efficient and cost effective and is evolving as a modem carrier as it serves the growing needs of a new and aspirational India. We are thankful to CII for facilitating various production units/workshops of Indian Railways to achieve excellence in environmental sustainability.

(Ashwini Vaishnaw)

Indian Railways has always embraced sustainability as one of its core agenda and over the decades has constructively and progressively build on this imperative. We have consciously imbibed sustainable and Eco-friendly approaches across the spectrum of Indian Railways. As part of our efforts to reach excellence in sustainability in our operations, a MoU was signed with CII. As part of the MoU focusing on making our rolling stock production and maintenance workshops more sustainable has culminated in the adoption of CII’s GreenCo Rating system. I am pleased to note that the GreenCo rating is encouraging team to pursue manufacturing excellence in workshop/production units. I appreciate all my colleagues who played a vital role in receiving the prestigious GreenCo rating for their unit. All units have taken up many initiatives in reducing their energy consumption and substituting with renewable energy sources, thereby moving towards reducing the carbon footprint. Work on water conservation and waste/material management are other areas where the units have taken major steps under the rating framework and efforts to improve their rating level. Green efforts of the units have extended beyond their boundary as many units have started greening their supply chain taking cue from the rating framework of GreenCo. This excellent publication is a testimony of Indian Railways commitment to facilitate greener and healthier India. We will continue to do the good work and set new global benchmarks in energy arid environmental management. I thank CII for partnering with Indian Railways and we look forward to work more closely with team CII in taking forward the National green agenda.

Yours sincerely,

(Suneet Sharma)

Dear Friends, Indian Railways is one of the early Government sectors which has taken pioneering steps in addressing ecological issues and concerns and set sustainability targets. We at CII have the advantage of working with Indian Railways in greening their production units/ workshops/ buildings/ railway stations and other forms of built environment. I am happy to note that through GreenCo rating, Indian Railways have implemented new technologies, enhanced the overall performances of existing systems in their production units and workshops and in the process have gained excellent tangible and intangible dividends. I appreciate the visionary leadership of Indian Railways and the catalytic role it is playing in facilitating sustainable development of the Country. The rapid green strides made by Indian Railways should be emulated by Industry and Government sectors.

CII is proud to associate with Indian Railways on its mission to go green. With over 66 units adopting the rating system, the acceptance of CII GreenCo rating system in greening the production units is very encouraging for CII. We are confident that the GreenCo rating will continue to serve as an excellent tool to further propel Indian Railways’ goal of being a net zero carbon emitter by 2030. We in CII look forward to work more closely with Indian Railways in facilitating Indian Railways to emerge as ’Low Carbon Mass Transportation System’ and be a flag bearer of greening efforts.

Chandrajit Banerjee Director General, CII

It is indeed a delight and a pleasure to witness how Indian Railways through their multipronged approach are fostering and promoting various energy and environmental management initiatives and dovetailing GreenCo rating system, across their workshops and production units. As a result of the MoU signed between Indian Railways and CII, several Workshops, Production Units, Loco Sheds and Stores depot have been ‘GreenCo’ certified, the first of its kind certification in the world for industrial process & manufacturing. Green certification covers assessment of performance parameters such as, energy conservation, use of renewable energy, Green House Gas emission reduction, water conservation, waste management, material conservation and recycling. The journey of working with over 66 railway units has enriched and sharpened our perspectives and we were glad to see significant tangible and intangible benefits, resulting through our regular engagements with the team.

The way team Indian Railways have seamlessly incorporated GreenCo concepts/approaches/ methodologies is amazing and this is one such document which essays the GreenCo success journey of Indian Railways. Each of the GreenCo railways unit has an inspiring story to say and a narration to elucidate on the way they have converted challenges into new growth opportunities. I heartily appreciate the team for their passion, commitment and dedication. In days to come, we look forward to work more closely with team Indian Railways in greening various workshops/ production units and in the process build a greener India and further facilitate Indian Railways target of achieving a net zero carbon emitter by 2030.

Pradeep Bhargava Chairman, CII GreenCo Council

contents 01

































Wagon Workshop Guntupalli, Andhra Pradesh

About the workshop Wagon Workshop, Guntupalli was established in the year 1976 near Vijayawada in South Central Railway to cater the needs of Broad Gauge Wagons Overhauling of Indian Railways with an outturn capacity of 510 wagons/ month. Wagon Workshop is certified to international standards for Quality Management, Environment Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Energy Management, ISO 3834 (Certification for Welding), 5S & Six Sigma and first workshop to achieve GreenCo Platinum. 1

The world is facing severe climatic changes i.e. global warming and every industry needs to address this issue. The Railways has also taken proactive measures in adopting eco-friendly steps. CII has been playing a pivotal and instrumental role in providing the necessary support and guidance to various industries to achieve the goals in doing business in Green ways. In 2017, Wagon Workshop/Guntupalli received “Green Co Gold” rating. Subsequently with further hand-holding and guidance from CII, Wagon Workshop/Guntupalli was able to identify new areas to improve. Accordingly, WWS/Guntupalli achieved “Green Co Platinum” certification due to our continued efforts, administrative will, environmental management and active support of CII. Birendra Sinku, Chief Workshop Manager

Key Achievements

Unique Initiatives

1. Elimination of kerosene by installing CTRB cleaning equipment.

Design of ‘Distributor Valve Cleaning Equipment (In house)’- 1st time in Indian Railways.

2. 16.5% reduction in specific energy consumption since 2016-17.

yy Improved cleaning quality and quantity.

3. 10.15% reduction in specific total GHG emissions since 2016-17. Carbon sequestration is 52%.

yy Reduce operating cost and rework.

4. 03 Nos. of reciprocating compressors are replaced by 02 Nos. of screw compressors.

yy No usage of kerosene oil for cleaning of distributor valve components. Hence, no traces of kerosene fumes and minimize dermal exposure and spillage of cleaning agents by which no affect on the health of the staff working in the vicinity.

5. By making a setup for overhauling BVZI wheel sets at in house, GHG emission of 23 MT of CO2 eq. is reduced.

yy Size of Particle on cleaned DV:- Conventional method: 500 microns, Designed DV plant: 150 microns.


Energy Efficiency

Water Conservation

yy Use of virtual reality arc welding simulator.

yy Orifices are provided to decrease fresh water consumption.

yy Replacement of old machineries with new ones like welding plants etc.

yy Water for gardening (10,000 m2) from two percolation ponds which saves the fresh water consumption of 30,000 Litre.

yy Use of BLDC fans (28W) in place of non-star rated fans (60W).

yy Use of sprinklers for gardening. By using sprinklers for watering the lawn daily 4KL water is saved.

yy Energy efficient lights such as use of 100W LED light fittings in place of 500W halogen fittings etc. yy Use of star rated air conditioners, water coolers in place of conventional air conditioners & water coolers. yy Provision of VVVF drives for EOT cranes, traversors, air compressors etc. yy Provision of solar light pipes, solar street lights, solar water heater and solar panels. 3

yy Renovating the water pipelines & providing the lift cocks & push cocks/ grills to prevent entry of monkeys. yy Replacement of manual utensil cleaning with automatic dish cleaning machine in canteen. Conservation per month is 36 KL compared to manual cleaning. yy Bogie washing by collected rain water. yy Arrangement of rain water harvesting pits.

Waste Management

Material Conservation

yy Serviceable released materials from wagons are reused after attending minor repairs.

yy Using 100% reusable packing material for dispatch of materials to other divisions.

yy Zero waste to landfill.

yy Reusing released good items like PU rings in bogie shop, rubber hoses in gas repair section.

yy Various pollutants such as SPM, SOx, NOx etc. are monitored monthly and are well better than CPCB prescribed values. yy Effluent is recycled for vehicle washing & toilet flushing. yy Effluent treatment plant of capacity 75KLD is available. yy Water recycling plant of capacity 1,500 Lit/Hr capacity is available.

yy Reclamation of materials from condemned wagons is approx. Rs 35 crore per year. yy Reclaiming serviceable items eg. operating handles, hand brake wheels, etc.

Contact: Mr. Akhil Palliwar, AWM, Wagon Workshop Guntupalli - 521241, Vijayawada, ANDHRA PRADESH Phone: +91 9701379433 | E-mail: 4


Carriage Workshop Alambagh, Uttar Pradesh

About the workshop Alambagh Carriage & Wagon Workshop was established in 1865 under Oudh & Rohilkhand Railway (O & RR) to carry out the Periodical Overhauling (POH) of Rolling Stock of Carriage & Wagon.

in 1952, the EIR got merged with Northern Railway. POH of goods stock was gradually reduced and totally stopped with effect from February 1995 onwards.

Sixty years later, in 1925, the O & RR was taken over by the Eastern Indian Railway (EIR) along with the assets and liabilities. Thus, the Carriage & Wagon Workshop, Alambagh became the part and parcel of EIR. Subsequently

Alambagh Workshop is proud to have achieved coveted International Certifications like - ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 38342, 5S, GreenCo- Gold and NABL Accredited Lab.


Established in 1865, Alambagh workshop has witnessed lot of changes over the last 156 years. In the year 2018, when GreenCo ratings was introduced to us, we went for use of this holistic tool for our process improvement and got BRONZE rating. Since then we have been working with the holistic approach of GreenCo and achieved GOLD rating in January 2021. GreenCo is a HOLISTIC TOOL for overall development, helping the workshop in developing sustainably. Vivek Khare, Chief Workshop Manager

Key Achievements 1. Installation of rain water harvesting at 2 locations for 430 catchment area.

6. 100% substitution of LDO fired furnaces to electrical furnaces.

2. 100% recycling of ETP water for bio tank cleaning.

7. 100% introduction of LED lights and replacement of 250 Nos. conventional fans by BLDC fans.

3. Dry washing of coaches with 25-30 Ltrs of water in spite of 220 - 250 ltrs. earlier.

8. Installation of small compressors at load centres to minimize the use of 500 CFM compressors.

4. Use of STP treated water for toilet cleaning and gardening purposes.

9. Crushing of waste laminates and compreq boards into smaller pieces to save space by the in house made crusher.

5. 40% substitution of electrical energy with solar energy.

10. Introduction of integrated scrap yard for metallic, wooden, rubber and plastics etc for better up keeping of the workshop.


Unique Initiative

Energy Efficiency

yy A winch made from condemned crane parts for trolley movement; earlier done by tractor.

yy Automatic switch off delay timers for all air circulator fans of trimming shop provided leading to 120 KWh for each fan (Rs 12,000 per annum saving).

Environmental Benefits : yy Contribution to reduction in SCOPE I carbon emission. yy Recycling of waste material (Parts of EOT Crane).

Water Conservation yy Installation of 07 water meters at 03 pumping installations and 04 Nos. on distribution lines for better monitoring. yy Rain water harvesting for 430 catchment area. yy Reuse of ETP treated water for bio toilet cleaning. yy STP treated water is used for toilet cleaning and gardening. yy 100 % recycling of coach water tank testing. yy Dry washing of coaches with 25-30 ltrs. of water in spite of 220-250 ltrs. earlier. yy Installation of water efficient taps. yy Setting of toilet flushes from 10 ltrs. to 06 ltrs.


yy Use of energy efficient 250 BLDC fans which resulted in savings of 50000 KWh (Rs 4,50,000). yy Removal of LDO and use of electrical energy (Replacement of LDO furnaces by electric furnaces). yy Provision of 25 Nos. IGBT based welding plants in place of wire wound type welding plants. yy Arresting compressed air leakage is done. Due to this the running of a compressor of 500 CFM is avoided and kept idle as reserve. yy Installation of small compressor at load centres to minimize the use of 500 CFM compressors. yy Set point at the air compressors is reduced, this has resulted reduction in power consumption as well as the running time of air compressor. yy Installation of 893 KWp grid connected solar plant.

Waste Management

Green Supply Chain

yy Development of integrated waste disposal sytsem where segregation of scrap in ferrous, non-ferrous, low vale items, wooden, etc. is made.

yy E-tendering is done through IREPS process and the work order is issued in soft copy only.

yy Implementing the scientific approach of waste management by identifying the primary, secondary and tertiary storages leading to final disposal methods. yy Recycling of bio waste to produce bio gas for the canteen.

yy Condition of reusable/recyclable non plastic packaging to be used in material supply incorporated in store tenders. yy Suppliers with category A & B, sent a special request for participation.

yy Crushing of condemn waste laminates and compreq boards into smaller pieces to save space by the in house made crusher.

yy Tender cost has been inclusive of transportation cost, hence the mode of transport is proposed minimum by the supplier to remain in the competition.

yy Provision of colour coded bins for collection of different type of waste i.e. metallic, rubber/plastics, glass, bio waste, etc.

yy Transportation preferred is rail parcel since 2019-2020. Vendors are encouraged to use rail transport.

Contact: Mr. Manoj Singh, SSE/ISO, Carriage Workshop Northern Railway, Alambagh - 226005, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Phone: 9794830475 | E-mail: 8


Electric Loco shed Kazipet, Telangana

About the Loco Shed Electric Loco Shed/Kazipet was sanctioned for homing of 100 locomotives in 1998 and shed construction was started in 2002. At present, the shed is homing 80 WAG-7 locos and 97 WAG-9H/HC locos. Inspection shed was Inaugurated by Hon’ble GM/SCR on 14/10/2004. Member electrical inspected shed on 25/11/2004. Commissioning of Heavy Lifting bay was done on 31/3/2007 followed by commissioning of ML and LL bays in 01/03/2008. 9

Achieved the Zonal Best Efficiency shield in 2009-2010 and in 2013-14. Received first prize in National Energy conservation awards in 2016 for Railway workshop sector. ELS/KZI achieved 5s Certificate, IMS Certificates by IRCLASS Systems and Solutions Pvt. Ltd. & ENMS Certificate by M/s Bureau Veritas and GREENCO Silver rating Certificate from CII.

GreenCo. Rating System is an excellent platform for assessment of Environment Management System. Implementation of GreenCo. Rating System was a good journey as well as learning platform for all the incumbents of Electric Loco Shed, Kazipet (ELS/KZJ). ELS/KZJ has achieved new milestone with Silver certification. Therefore, ELS/KZJ would like to take this opportunity to thank entire CII team for continuous guidance and support. K. Kiran Kumar Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer

Key Achievements 1. Replacement of Conventional Ceiling Fans with BLDC fans in PHASE -1 140 Nos saved 1450 kWh 2. Provision of Rain water storage tanks Benefit: Average collection of Rain water is 0.29 KLD 3. Provision of Green Urinals Benefit: On an avg. water consumption has reduced 0.2 KLD due to green urinals at Admin Block. 4. 24 Nos of turbo ventilators have been installed for better air quality in shed. 5. Introduced E-Tendering & decision making platform resulted paperless working. 6. 60% of the shed area greenery developed. 10

Energy Efficiency

Green Supply Chain

yy 50 KWH solar panel generated 12012 kwh units. 10 KWH solar panel generated 54891 kwh units.

yy Introduced E-Tendering & decision making platform resulted paperless working.

yy Traction motor testing panel with VVVF drives provided 06 No’s saved 1650 kWh.

yy Vendor development programme for creating awareness regarding environment sustainability, GH emission mitigation and reduction on wood based packing material.

yy Replacement of conventional ceiling fans with BLDC fans in PHASE - I, 140 Nos saved 1450 kWh. yy Provision of LED lights in place T5/FL/CFL/MH lamps 100% LED provision in ELS/KZJ-636 Nos saved 84202 kWh. yy Provisioning of screw compressors saved 7423 kWh.



Installation of solar water pump avoided 30.34 Tons of CO2 Eq. emission.


Installation of solar power plant avoided 18.85 Tons of CO2 Eq. emission.

yy Use of integrated material management system for real time information availability of regular stock, inactive & surplus stores. yy Enabling other users to use inventory as & when required, ensure material saving & cost effectiveness due to transparency.

Water Conservation

Waste Management

yy Use of nozzles to increase the pressure of water so as to reduce the water consumption, Benefit: Resulted saving in 1% water (Approx. 0.1 KLD) as well as man power.

yy Disposal of Hazardous waste to TSPCB approved agencies.

yy Provision of Green Urinals Benefit: On an avg. water consumption has reduced 0.2 KLD due to green urinals at admin block.

yy Disposal of released transformer oil, grease, SP-57/150 or servo 68 to permanent way department for reuse in rail junction point for lubrication.

yy Segregation and selling of ferrous & non-ferrous wastes to recyclers through stores department.

yy Provision of rain water storage tanks benefit: Average collection of rain water is 0.29 KLD. yy 07 Nos rain water harvesting pits prepared. Contact: Mr. K. Kiran Kumar, I.R.S.E.E., Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer Electric Loco Shed, Kazipet, Telangana Phone: 0870-2549922 | Email: 12


Rolling Stock Workshop Loco & Carriage Charbagh, Uttar Pradesh

About the workshop Charbagh workshop, which is a part of Northern Railway, was established by Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway in the year 1867-68. In its long journey in service of the nation, it has excelled in adapting to latest technology and has kept pace with changing requirements of motive power and rolling stock of Indian Railways. The workshop which was established primarily for 13

maintenance of steam locomotives started maintaining diesel locomotives from 1975, Electric locomotives from 1987, DEMU train sets from 1996 and recently in June 2018 turned out first rake of MEMU train sets. In 2021 workshop started maintenance of Vande Bharat Express train sets.

Our focus is firmly on increasing outturn in a cost-efficient and environment friendly manner with a continuous pursuit to ensure quality. Workshop has already adopted Integrated Management System, OHSAS & 5S in its working. In addition to above, we have taken steps to make production more sustainable and environment friendly. Due to this, we have reduced wastage and saved cost and have achieved the GreenCo Gold certification. Dr. Manish Pandey

Chief Works Manager

Key Achievements 1. 833 KW of solar panels have been provided in the workshop. The power fed in the electricity grid is monitored online. 50% power requirement of the workshop is now met through RE source. 2. Total Energy Saved by the Energy conservation Projects completed FY 2019-20 = 35562.60 Kwh. 3. 24% reduction in specific water consumption achieved. 4. 61% reduction in GHG emission intensity compared with base year 2017-18 achieved. 5. Achieved 28% reduction in solid and 22% reduction in liquid waste generation in 3 years over base year of 2017-18. 6. Achieved 71% specific reduction in consumables over 3 years 14

Energy Efficiency

Unique Initiative

yy 833 KW of solar panels have been provided in the workshop. The power fed in the electricity grid is monitored online. 50% power requirement of the workshop is now met through source.

yy Workshop made a unique innovation of converting a condemned DEMU DPC into a mobile training car for training of railway staff

yy Total Energy Saved by the Energy conservation Projects completed FY 2019-20 = 35562.60 Kwh

Water Conservation yy 24 % reduction in specific water consumption achieved. yy 50 KLD ETP and 15 KLD STP is functional. yy RWH installed capacity of 128.5 KLD


Saksham Training Car


Waste Management

yy Many trees more than than 50 years old have been preserved in workshop.

yy Provisional membership of the Uttar Pradesh Waste management Project. Hazardous scrap sent only to recyclers authorized by UPPCB.

yy Many animal species have a natural habitat in green belt of workshop.

yy Utilisation of spent transformer oil in furnace for heat treatment in forge shop. yy Utilization of kerosene mixed waste grease to permanent way dept. for re use in railway junction point lubrication.

Green heritage (Trees more than > 50 years old)

animal world in green belt

flora and fauna in green zone

Contact: Mr. Vishal Pratap Singh, Assistant Works Manager (Prod.) Rolling Stock Workshop, Charbagh, Dist., Lucknow - 226005, Uttar Pradesh Phone: +91- 9794830763 | E-mail:



Carriage & Wagon Works Ayanavaram, Tamilnadu

About the workshop The present day’s Carriage & Wagon Works at Ayanavaram, Chennai was built by the Madras Railways in the year 1856. Later, it became a part of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Company after the merger with the Southern Mahratta Railway Company. The workshop originally handled Broad Gauge Coaches, Wagons and Steam locomotives for periodical repairs 17

and overhaul. The locomotive maintenance works was transferred to the Loco works, Perambur in the year 1932. Since, then this workshop is known as the Carriage & Wagon Works. In 1951, as a result of amalgamation of 3 company railways, it came under Southern Railway.

Our workshop is the first workshop in Indian Railways to receive GreenCo rating in the year 2017. With our sincere and dedicated team, we are able to sustain the environmental performance and also to achieve the rating to the next level. Achieving GreenCo Rating SILVER is the recognition to the dedication efforts towards the continual improvement. We have devoted ourselves to improve our workshop’s performance and also make our society a better place to exist. P. Ravindra Babu Chief Workshop Manager

Key Achievements 1. 32% reduction in overall Energy Consumption achieved in last three years. 2. 28% reduction in overall GHG emission (Direct and Indirect) achieved in last three years. 3. With the implementation of E-Office, 40% of the paper consumption is reduced. 4. Handling of LHB coaches resulted in decrease in reduction in waste disposal due to handling of enhanced quality materials. 5. Introduction of E-Library system to create awareness and also to enhance the knowledge among staff, pertaining to different parameters of GreenCo Rating. 6. Inventorized Green house Gas emission and monitored. 7. Disposing of Zero value wastes to the sites where these wastes were recycled/alternatively used. 8. Unused land spaces are identified to create landscape and gardens. 18

Energy Efficiency Our Overall energy consumption and Greenhouse gas emission reduced in last three years through green initiatives.

yy Real time Energy monitoring - IOT based energy monitoring system in substations started.

yy Monitoring of Electrical Energy performance through Energy meters.

yy Usage of Solar Power for lighting and fans in the administrative office.

yy Replaced conventional lights to LED lights, Provided Auto shutdown switches, replaced conventional fans to star rated fans, Converted air circulators to BLDC type air circulators etc., 7.1 lakhs kilowatt hour saved in last three years.


yy Usage of Solar Water heater in canteen. yy Inducted new IGBT welding plants and also provided VRD unit in existing IGBT welding plants, thereby safety of staff is ensured & energy saved.

Water Conservation

Waste Management

yy Overall water consumption savings by 19% over the last three years.

yy Disposal of hazardous waste/sludge to PCB approved agencies.

yy Monitoring of water consumption through water meters installed at various locations.

yy Segregation and moving of Ferrous & Non-Ferrous wastes to recyclers through stores department.

yy Rain water harvesting system provided at three major locations inside the premises.

yy Around 3500 MTs of zero value wastes moved to designated place over the last three years.

yy Treated discharge water from Effluent Treatment Plants used for gardening purpose @ 2 KL/day. yy Provision of waterless urinals at various places, thereby 3.9 Lakh litres per year of water consumption can be saved. yy Apart from the above, released RO Water used for Mopping the floors and also released water used for flushing of toilets. yy Timer for automation of pumps were provided, thereby overflowing of waters is saved.

Contact: Mr. P. Sivaraman, Dy. Chief Mechanical Engineer / Production Carriage & Wagon Works, Ayanavaram, Chennai, TAMILNADU Ph: 044-26742935 | Email: 20



About the workshop Wagon Repair Workshop, (WRS) Kota was established in November 1957. The workshop was set up for undertaking the periodic overhauling (POH) of Tank wagons with an initial capacity of 250 FWU per month. The workshop capacity has since been augmented & developed and over a period of time and now the workshop has an outturn of 500 wagons per 21

month. This workshop has been the pioneer in overhauling LPG wagon and is only workshop over Indian railway to maintain BTPGLN wagons. WRSKota workshop is IMS certified with IMS certification consisting of IMS (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO 50001), ISO 3834 certification for Welding and 5S for workplace Management.

Wagon Repair Shop, Kota is the only organization on West Central Railways to achieve GreenCo Gold Rating. The entire process of getting this recognition made us more aware towards achieving a more environmentally sustainable unit and work systems. Team WRS is thankful to the entire team of CII for their constant encouragement, support and guidance for this wonderful learning experience. Manish Kumar Gupta, Chief Workshop Manager

Key Achievements 1.

30% energy substitution and carbon foot print saving by 576 MT per annum has been ensured by using 500 KWp renewable solar power plant.


100% recycle / Reuse of packing material. The benefit of this is reduction in waste generation and prevention of resources.


100% ETP treated water is used in gardening and wagon process. STP treated water used for Hydraulic testing, steam cleaning and gardening.


100% provision of LED lights replacing conventional lights.


Natural illumination increased by proving transparent sheets at roof top on shop floors.


Implementation of Digital tools such as E-office, HRMS, IMMS thereby reducing use of paper to a great extent.


Introduction of Lock Bolting system in place of traditional riveting method


100% recycling of entire scrap generated.


Conventional EOTs replace with VVVF drive operated EOT and provision of energy saver in all welding plant.

10. DA consumption was 88% in 2017-18 and it is decreased to 36% in 2020-21 by using CNG System and Plasma Arc Cutting process and reduce Carbon foot print by 264 TCO2e.


Innovation Environmental friendly Cleaning of Cartridge Taper Roller Bearing Cleaning of CTRB (Cartridge Taper Roller Bearing) was earlier done manually through kerosene. Now with a new CTRB cleaning plant this activity is now been automated. Cleaning is now done with the help of environmental friendly chemicals. The other advantages of this are: yy High degree of cleanliness compared to manual cleaning. yy Saving of kerosene Approx 42000 KL per annum equivalent to 110 TCO2e. yy Less land contamination as no oil spillage. yy Treatment facility of water through in built ETP.

Energy Efficiency yy Use of Plasma cutting machines in place of conventional Oxy cutting. yy 100% Replacement of LED light fittings in place of conventional light fittings and BLDC fans provided in place of conventional fans. yy Natural illumination has been increased by provided transparent sheet at roof top of shops. yy All screw compressors have been replaced with energy efficient reciprocating type Air Compressors. yy Conventional EOTs have been replaced with VVVF drive operated EOTs. yy 100% Provision of energy savers in all welding plants. yy Riveting work replaced with Huck bolting. yy Provision of Automatic Power factor controller at substation yy 500 KWp solar power plant has been installed which meets 30% of total Electrical Energy demand. 23

Green Supply Chain

Water Conservation

yy Motivated the local vendors for environment prevention by vendor awareness program and vendor recognisation program.

yy One Rain Water Harvesting System having annual water harvesting potential of approx 4975 KL and rain water harvesting work for all shop / sheds under construction after this WRS will meet 96% of total potential (i.e. 65341 KL)

yy Use of Integrated Material Management System for real time information availability of regular stock, yy Implemented Used Depot Module to make sure that issue and receipt of material is real time, transparent and paperless. yy Consumption of raw / consumable material decreased due to recycling of reclaimed material. yy Motivated the outstation vendors mostly operating from Eastern part of india for clubbed supply and use of environment friendly vehicles.

Waste Management

yy Strictly maintaining Zero discharge policy. yy STP water is used for hydraulic testing of tank wagons and ETP water is being used for plantation and roof leakage testing of covered wagons. yy 100 KL water tank made for recycling of spilled water at the time of Hydraulic testing of BTPGLN / BTPN wagons. yy Water metering arrangement have been ensured on all end user points by providing 23 new water meters at various locations for close monitoring. yy One in-built ETP is there in CTRB cleaning plant aimed at reduction of fresh water consumption

yy Waste oil release from ETP/CTRB/other process used as alternative fuel for firing furnace in Smithy Shop. yy Disposal of released grease for lubrication of railway tracks yy Segregation and selling of ferrous & non ferrous waste before their auction through store department. yy Sewage / effluent treated water reused in workshop in processes and gardening.

Contact: Mr. Manish Kumar Gupta, Chief Workshop Manager New Railway Colony, Railway Station Area, Kota - 324002, Rajasthan Phone: 9001017450 | Email: 24


Locomotive Shed Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh

About the Loco Shed Diesel shed Guntakal was commissioned on 30.08.1964 with 11 YDM4/4A Diesel Locos imported from M/S MLW/Canada as initial holding and was inaugurated by Shri. H.D. Singh, GM/SR. The holdings were peaked with 100 locos in the year 2009; afterwards shed was converted from MG to BG as part of uni-gauge project. The conversion project was inaugurated by Sri. Madan M.L. Sharma on 16.03.1991 and completed in Oct’95. At present Diesel Loco Shed, Guntakal is homing 82 ALCO and 79 WAG-7


Locomotives. Electric Loco holding at this shed is highest among all diesel sheds in SCR. Apart from above Diesel Loco Shed is also carrying out AOH of tower car, DPC schedules of DEMU and SPMRV. Deposit works of M/s RITES and M/s NTPC Locomotives and overhauling of sub assemblies of Diesel Locos are also being carried out at Diesel Loco Shed Guntakal.

1. Provision of Solar panels: Solar Panels 110KWH in Shed and 60KWH in DTTC installed.

5. UPS 5 KVA capacity: Provided one UPS 5 KVA capacity for Sr.DME Office.

2. Provision of LED lights: All light fittings including street lights have been converted to LED fittings.

6. Use of day light and reduce the requirement of electrical lighting.

Green co rating system had been an important tool for measuring the environmental foot print of the unit and had spread vast awareness to the organizations to focus at environmental front in line with the sustainable development. As a Leader of the unit it gives me an immense pleasure to see that journey of this organization with GreenCo rating is contributing to the national goals and greener tomorrow.

3. Provision of Polycarbonate sheets: Polycarbonate sheets provided on shed roof to maximize.

7. Introduction of APU system achieved huge fuel savings-provided in 34 Locos.

Pabitra Kumar Nayak IRSME, Sr. DME/DSL

Key Achievements

4. 100% Waste water that is incoming to ETP, 25.7% of annual consumption. 26

Renewable Energy

Energy Efficiency

yy 110KW Solar Power Plant on roof top of SMM Stores and DTTC building.

yy Energy monitoring: Digital Energy meters are provided in various sections to monitor energy consumption.

yy Total On-site Renewable Energy Generated for 110KW solar power plant=124537 kwh.

yy Transparent sheets used in all the sheds to use 100% of natural light in day working.

yy Expected Renewable Energy generation in 2019-20 120KW solar plant capacity.

yy Provision of Energy Savers for Welding Plants.

yy Substitution of total energy with renewable energy generated offsite: yy The 110KWP capacity solar power plant on the roof top of SMM store building of the shed and proposed additional 20KWP power plant will substitute the 86.44% of the existing electrical energy by the end of 2020-21. 27

yy Provision of 90W LED street light fittings in place of 4X24W T5 street light fittings – 16 No’s (Energy savings /year – 380 kwh). yy Provision of 18W LED t. yy ube Lights and 35W light fittings in place of T5 fittings and Higher wattage fittings-90 Nos. (Energy savings/year – 4275 kwh).

Water Conservation

Waste Management

Reduction in total fresh water consumption based on the water projects implemented in past 03 years.

yy Strict quality check conducted on rubber parts gaskets etc.

yy Every loco containing approximately 1200 ltr. of coolant water.

yy Use of Non-Asbestos Gaskets in place of asbestos Gaskets.

yy Whenever loco is stopped for special repair attention/M12 Schedule (Feasible area for water recycling), the entire water is being drained into a separately installed water tank. yy After loco is attended for special repair, nearly 1000 ltr of same water is re-pumped into the water system thereby conserving the precious water and coolant as well. yy To treat waste water from shed and utilize for loco component cleaning and Misc. uses. yy KL/day (approx.) of water being recycled daily and utilized for loco components cleaning at present. Remaining 4-6 KL of Treated water obtained from ETP shall be planned to utilize for Loco cleaning and toilets completely/partly as mentioned in the under action plan, WC No:-1.1.

yy Revenue earning through disposal of hazardous waste.

yy Use of self cleaned (Maotti) filters in place of conventional filters.

Material Conservation yy Introduction of MCBG Governor brought forth saving in the fuel consumption. yy Introduction of roller suspension bearings in place of plain suspension bearings resulted in saving of huge amounts of lubricants. yy Introduction of APU System achieved huge fuel savings. yy Reduction of AAC achieved through planning of material and increased scheduled attention.

yy 8 No’s of rain water harvesting pits constructed to captivate rain water. yy 1 No’s of Rain Water harvesting pond of 16m dia and 3m depth is provided for captivating rain water meeting the watering demand of garden area.

Contact: Mr. Pabitra Kumar Nayak, CSr. DME/DSL/GTL Chipagiri, Aravinda Nagar, Guntakal - 515801, Andhra Pradesh Phone: 9701374401 | Email: 28


Central Workshop Mysore, Karnataka

About the workshop Central Workshop, Mysuru was established in 1924 and was expanded in 1938. This workshop has been nominated for carrying out SS-1, SS-2 and SS-3 Schedules for the LHB coaches, which were started from Nov-2012 onwards. MYSS is now equipped to undertake POH of 70 BG coaches with capacities to feed the requisite spares to Mysore and Bangalore Divisions. The project of augmentation of POH facilities to enhance the out turn of coaches including LHB coaches from 70 to 80 per month at a total cost of Rs 39.22 crores, sanctioned by Railway Board, is under progress.


Central Workshop, Mysuru has obtained Integrated Management System certificate comprising of ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System (EnMS) and ISO 3834-2:2005 Welding Quality Management System on 22.03.2021. Central Workshop, Mysuru was awarded with ‘Gold’ rating in GreenCo Certification by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Hyderabad.

Key Achievements 1. Electrical & thermal energy consumption reduced to 18.03% and 12.89% respectively. 2. On grid 500 KWP solar plant installed in workshop on 2017. Excess electricity generated fed to EB, This is saving monthly average revenue of Rs. 70,976/. 3. All conventional type ceiling fans are replaced with energy efficient BLDC fan. 4. Conventional light fittings are replaced with LED light fitting. 5. Two condemned ICF coaches were identified and modification was made as a primary school to provide an ‘NALI - KALI’ (in Kannada meaning ‘Joyful

learning’) environment for the primary school children. 6. Specific waste water disposal reduced to 45.63%. 7. Current Green belt of workshop is 60.27% which is 27.27% greater than the min. mandated green belt by CPCB. 8. Coach washing procedure has changed to reduce specific water consumption of process water and Domestic water by 45.61% and 60.44%. 9. 100 Coaches converted to NMG coach. Released materials utilized in conventional coaches in place of new materials.

Central Workshop, Mysore is first unit among all the units to achieve the GreenCo Gold rating in the South Western Railway. The GreenCo GOLD rating to Central Workshop, Mysore is testimony to our commitment and continuous endeavor towards sustainability and innovation. We are also committed towards smart development not only in overhauling of coaches and production of NMG coaches. Quality, safety and working environment sustainability is achieved by incorporating the new method of maintenance practice. Gaining the knowledge from CII federation, the workshop is aspiring to excel the performance especially in the area of environmental protection and management in the coming years. Om Prakash Shaw Chief Workshop Manager 30


Energy Efficiency

yy The State-run Government school is running in Mysore workshop. In order to improve the condition of school with a good study environment and to provide a more hygienic place for the children to have lunch served by Akshaya Patra Foundation, two condemned ICF coaches were identified and a slight modification was made to provide a ‘NALI - KALI’ (in Kannada meaning ‘Joyful learning’) environment for the primary school children. The refurbishment was made by rendering voluntary service from the employees of Mysore Workshop with a minimal expenditure of Rs. 50,000/- from the Workshop account. Instead of building a new class room for kids, Condemned coach is converted as school. This has saved the building cost of Rs. 50,00,000/-. Electrical equipment used in this coaches are released items from old coaches.

yy Specific energy consumption of Mysore workshop reduced to 12.5 % compared to the year 2019-20. This was achieved through the implementation of following project. yy Conventional crane controlleris replaced with VVVF drive. yy All conventional fans are replaced with BLDC fan. yy Conventional lightings are replaced with energy efficient LED fittings. yy Conventional welding plant replaced with the IGBT based welding plants. yy 122 Nos of turbo ventilators provided to replace the exhaust fan. yy 5 KWP off grid solar plant installed for the supply of Power shop. yy IGBT based battery charger with regenerative loading provided in TL and AC shop.

Contact: Mr. D. Ravishankar, Divisional Electrical Engineer Mysore, Karnataka Ph: 9731667451 | Email: 31

Waste Management

Recycling & Recyclability

yy Implementing scientific approach towards waste disposal at all stages identifying the primary, secondary and final disposition methods.

yy Material released from NMG coaches using for POH of normal coaches reduced the consumption of raw material.

yy Hazardous waste generation reduced to 30 % compared to 2019-20. yy Zero Value items collected & send to other industry to use as a raw material.

yy Raw material and consumables consumptions are evaluated critically using systematic monitoring plans. yy Promoting recycling of material by supplying such materials to external agencies to make useful products.

yy Canteen waste is converted to Bio-gas.

yy Single use plastic given to stakeholders for manufacturing of ECO PRO PRODUCTS.

yy Air pollutants are monitored regularly and all the parameters are with in the limit.

yy Release rexenes are segregated and sold to Bag manufacturing industry with very reasonable price.

Water Conservation yy The reduction of fresh water consumption during 2020-21 is achieved by change in coach washing procedure.

yy The coaches received for Conversion such as NMG/ART exterior washing is completely stopped.

yy Moping done for interior of coaches instead of complete washing.

yy Roof top 35.23% and un-paved area 45.54% of total potential rain water harvested.

yy The LHB coaches received for SS2/SS3 restricted for single washing only.

yy Sensor based flush equipment’s for toilets and urinals has been installed. 32


Carriage & Wagon Workshop KALKA, Haryana

About the workshop Kalka Workshop was established in the year 1903 as an auxiliary unit of Moghulpura Workshop of North Western Railway (Presently in Pakistan). After independence, the truncated North Western Railway, renamed as East Punjab Railway and Kalka Workshop became a part of the Ex East PunjabRailway. The Workshop expanded to give POH to NG Carriage & 33

Wagon Rolling stock of KSR and KVR Section. Kalka Workshop is also manufacturing new NG coaches and wagons. Kalka Workshop is certified with ISO: 9001, ISO: 14001, OHSAS: 18001,ISO: 50001-EMS, 5-S certification, ISO: 3834 & ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Environment, sustainability and conservation of energy are the utmost need of the day. We at Kalka workshop strives for the continual improvements for environment sustainability & optimum utilization of all natural resources. C& W Workshop/Kalka has adopted several green initiatives in the last four to five years. Anand Parkash, Assistant Works Manager

Key Achievements 1. 70% energy substitution and carbon foot print saving by 246 MT per annum by using Solar Power. 2. 0.35 lakh units of electrical energy and carbon foot print by 28.7 MT has been saved by making 100% provision of LED lights in place of conventional lights. 3. Installation of translucent sheets on roof of 10 sheds ensured usage of natural day light, annually saved of 0.1 lakh units of electrical energy and carbon foot print by 8.2 MT. 4. Scraped NG axles are used for making drawbar and different type of pins for NG coaches and scarped BG axles are used for making NG Axle and different type of pins for NG & BG coaches. 5. Specific waste disposal of the workshop has been reduced by 23.53 %.

Innovation yy Fitment of environment Friendly Bio-Digestive tanks in NG Coaches of KSR (UNESCO world Heritage) yy New Manufacturing of Power Trolley of Rail motor Car of KSR (UNESCO world Heritage) 34

Energy Efficiency

Green Supply Chain

yy Replaced all conventional lights with energy efficient LED lights saved 0.35 lakh kWh and carbon foot prints by 28.7 MT every year.

yy Introduced E-Procurement System (IREPS) decision making platform resulted paperless working.

yy Replaced all conventional 80/120W fans with low wattage 35/60W fans.

yy Introduced Workshop Information System (WISE) & E-office for day to day management/information of workshop resulted paperless working.

yy Regulating & decentralizing the use of 03 Nos. Small sized compressor (35 CFM, 14 HP) in placed of large sized Air Compressors (535 CFM, 120 HP).

yy Vender development programme for creating awareness regarding environment sustainability, GHG emission mitigation and reduction in wood based packing material.

yy Provided energy savers on 5 Nos. welding sets.

Introduced User Depot Management (UDM) as part of integrated material management system for: yy Real time Information availability of regulars stock, inactive & surplus stores. yy Enabling other users to use inventory as & when required. yy


Ensure material saving & cost effectiveness due to transparency.

Water Conservation

Waste Management

yy Water Metering arrangements have been ensured on all pumping installations and user end points.

yy Segregation of items on the basis of type of waste materials.

yy All water leakages including main underground pipeline were identified and rectified;resulted in saving of huge quantity of water. yy Treated ETP discharge water (10kL/day) used for gardening purpose, saved use of potable water. yy Ensured provision of float valves in water tanks and desert coolers to avoid water wastages.

yy Using oil soaked cotton as alternate fuel for firing of furnace at BS shop. yy Disposal of released kerosene mixed grease to permanent way department for reuse. yy Disposal of hazardous waste to HSPCB approved agencies. yy Sewage Effluent treated and disposed in most environment friendly manner using 04nos Bio-Toilet system installed at shop floor.

Contact: Mr. Satish Kumar Kanojia, Sr. Section Engineer Mech./ FDG Carriage & Wagon Workshop, Kurari Mohalla, Kalka - 133302, Haryana Phone: 9729530626 | Email: 36


Diesel Loco Shed Gooty, Andhra Pradesh

About the Loco Shed Diesel Loco Shed, Gooty was originally a Steam Shed. With the introduction of Diesel Traction, this Shed was converted to Diesel Shed. It was inaugurated on 05.12.1963 and became the first Diesel Shed in Southern region. The Shed was originally in Southern Railway and was transferred to South Central Railway (SCR) on 02.10.1977 when Guntakal Division was merged 37

into South Central Railway. This Shed is catering to the needs of Express/ Mail and Goods services with 55 mail link locos and 137.00 goods locos per day and this shed has started maintaining Three Phase Electric Locomotives from 17.10.2018.

Achieving GreenCo, with Silver rated Railway Unit amongst Indian Railways Maintenance units is a testimony to our commitment and continuous endeavor towards sustainability and innovation. We are also committed towards SMART development not only in production but also making our society a better place to live in. In this journey, we are using Kaizen approach to improve our maintenance process, quality, working environment, safety and ultimate focus on our product incorporating new environmentally sustainable. U. Ramesh, Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer

Key Achievements 1. 31% energy savings achieved during the year 2021-22 against 2019-20 as a result of taking energy efficiency improvement measures like. a) Fitment of auto cut off timers to all energy intensive industrial air compressors and industrial air circulators. b) Retro fitment of inverter based motor control systems (VFD) to all EOT Cranes and air compressors. c) Induction of IGBT inverter based welding machines in place of overaged conventional welding plants.

d) 100% LED lightings and super energy efficient BLDC sealing fans implemented. e) All air conditioners are upgraded to 5star rating energy efficiency. 2. Energy efficiency and energy audit, Internal Energy Audit conducted during this financial year. 3. ETP plant of 6KL/H discharge to recycle waste water and the recycled water is being used for plantation & loco cleaning activities.


Energy Efficiency yy DLS/GY is using transparent roof tops to reduce power consumption. yy DSL/GY has taken many steps for conservation of energy and also identified Potential energy saving area. Energy savers has provided to all welding plants which has saved around 10,000 Kwh of electrical energy annually. yy All the shed lightings were converted with LED lights, which saves around 50,000 Kwh of electrical energy costing around Rs. 3,00,000/ annually. yy The shed has planted 1000 no. of saplings to mitigate green house gas effect.

Water Conservation yy Shed has provided 15 Nos. of Rain Harvesting Pits for conversation of rain water. yy Diesel loco shed, Gooty is having ETP plant of 6KL/H discharge to recycle waste water and the recycled water is being used for plantation & loco cleaning activities.

Material Conservation yy Shed is provided with incinerator for burning waste products with a capacity of 40 Kgs./Hr. yy Scrap yard constructed at Diesel Loco Shed, Gooty for proper disposal of scrap material. yy DLS/GY has disposed 128 MT of Ferrous and 25 MT of NonFerrous for recycling and material conservation during 202122. yy The contaminated/drained lube oil of the shed has been recycled for further utilization by workshops. 39

Waste Management yy This shed is constantly monitoring on different kinds of wastes and disposing the wastes periodically. The disposal of hazardous waste of last three years is tabulated below 2018-19



10.85 MT

6.80 MT

5.84 MT

yy We are complying with environmental norms through constantly maintaining minimum level of hazardous waste in shed.

Contact: Mr. U. RAMESH, Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer Boxn Wagon ROH Depot Rd, Gooty - 515402, Andhra Pradesh Phone: 9701374402 | Email: 40


RAIL WHEEL FACTORY Yelahanka, Karnataka

About the production unit Rail Wheel Factory (RWF), set up in 1984, is a production unit under the Ministry of Railways. It is an integrated plant undertaking manufacture of cast wheels, forged axles and assembly of wheel sets primarily for Indian Railways applications. Present production capacity of RWF is 1,90,000 wheels, 70000 axles and wheelsets. It is certified as per international standards of ISO 9001,ISO 14001, ISO45001, EnMS 50001, AAR QA5000, IRIS ISO/TS 22163:2017. This is 41

the only production unit of Indian Railway certified as per IRIS standard ISO/ TS 22163:2017 as well as American Standard AAR QA 5000. Its Laboratory is certified as per NABL ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Despite coming in the red category industry, RWF has been all along been in the forefront for taking environment management and pollution control measures. With a lot of greenery inside it, RWF, despite being a red category industry, acts like green lungs for this area.

For a red category energy intensive unit like RWF, getting GreenCo ‘Gold’ rating, and that too with a sufficient margin, is a great achievement. It bears testimony to the continuous endeavour and commitment of the staff, supervisors and officers of RWF towards environmental sustainability and innovation. RWF, despite being located in the midst of Bengaluru city, has taken all efforts to ensure sustainable manufacturing process, pollution control, conservation of energy and natural resources, and above all a balanced eco-system around RWF, so as to make the earth a better place to live in. Ajai Kumar Dubey, General Manager

Key Achievements


1. Switching over from HSD to PNG fuel in all furnaces of Wheel Shop and Axle Shop, with 32% reduction in Carbon emission.

Sedimentation and Filtration Tanks

2. Reclamation of more than 6600 MT of used sand lying for years. With commissioning of sand reclamation plant, the annual consumption requirement of sand from about 7500 MT to about 2500 MT. 3. Achieved 100% Switching over to LED lighting systems. 4. 2 MW Off-grid roof top solar installation and two hybrids (solar+ wind) off-grid installations, commissioned. 5. Received “JALARUSHI PURASKAR-2020” from Bangalore Water Supply and Sewage Board in recognition of RWF’s water conservation efforts. 6. Achieved self-sustenance in process water requirement through rain water harvesting and harnessing water through development of water bodies. Total water consumption in plant reduced by 32.58% in last three years.

yy Sedimentation and Filtration tanks are designed such that Rain Water from Strom Water Drains near Pump House is channelized through a series of mesh and Coarse aggregate chambers. The Clean Filtered rain water flows into pump House tank by Gravity. On a good rainy day, the system has 2.5 to 3 lakh litres Rain Water Harvesting Potential. Automatic Scrap Wheel Cutting Machine yy An automatic scrap wheel cutting machine was designed, fabricated and manufactured inhouse in RWF, and commissioned in the month of Jan 2021. Automation of process has helped to provide safer and cleaner working environment for staff, besides improving efficiency with reduced manpower requirement for cutting process.

7. Received Golden Peacock Award for Eco-Innovation in the year 2021 8. RWF received Indian Railways best production unit for Environment Management Award in the year 2018-19. 9. RWF also received IGBC, Green Building Platinum Rating for its administrative building in the Nov-2018.


Energy Efficiency

Water Conservation

yy Efforts by RWF led to reduction in Specific Energy Consumption in wheel production by about 6% in the last three years.

yy RWF has embraced Rain water Harvesting (RWH) techniques to achieve its goal of becoming self reliant on process water requirement. Both Surface runoff harvesting and Roof top harvesting have been adopted. Rain water as collected/ harnessed is proving to be more than enough to meet our daily requirement of upto 3 lakh litres of process water throughout the year.

yy Switched over to VVVFD drives in all major motor driven machines. Squirrel cage motors replaced by energy efficient induction motors. yy All heating and heat treatment furnaces of wheel Shop and Axle Shop converted from HSD to PNG with 32% direct reduction in carbon Emission and 3 % indirect reduction of CO2 due to transport reduction of HSD trucks in 2021 as compared to 2017. yy As a part of its effort towards renewal energy, RWF installed 2 MWp Solar PV system installation on-site and two 1kWp off grid type Hybrid (Solar +Wind) system Solar water heaters provided in all quarters of its one of its two residential Colonies. Solar street lights provided in all peripheral roads. yy Through all these efforts, RWF’s carbon foot print (annual CO2 emission) has reduced by 2000 T.

yy The projects have resulted in self-sufficiency in process water requirement and RWF has stopped sourcing process water from Bangalore water and Sewage supply board. Thus about 75,000 Kl of water is saved every year- which otherwise would have been taken by RWF from BWSSB. yy Work done by RWF in the field of water conservation has been given wide coverage by leading news papers of Bangalore. yy Eco-zone inside plant has been developed and rain water of almost 60% of the Plant area are being channelized to eco zone. The work done by RWF will sensitise people and create awareness about water conservation. yy The water of WAP kere is recharging ground water. Our Plant is situated in densely populated area of Yelahanka. The recharging of ground water is indirectly helping localities around our plant.


Material Conservation

Waste Management

RWF, being the biggest recycler of scrap (especially rejected wheels, axles, rails etc) has further taken a number of initiatives for material conservation, which besides conservation of resources, has also led to significant saving to Railway by way of cost reduction. Some of the efforts are as follows:

Natural Resource Conservation


Reduction in MgO C Bricks consumption through reuse of reclaimed bricks for furnace lining and maintaining basicity of bath in range 2 - 2.5


Reduction in consumption of Fused silica powder, Veegum Granules etc by utilizing the left out spray solution at the week-end for next working day without draining.


Usage of Graphite dust, ingate sleeves and clay graphite stopper in Furnaces instead of dumping


Graphite powder generated from machining of mould blanks is re-used in Furnaces at Steel Melting Shop to manage carbon % in metal. About 250 MT/yr

yy All RWF products are fully Recyclable except HDPE end cover and bolts which are reusable. yy Innovating ways adopted to further reduce packaging materials for wheel-sets by using alternate methods like bulk packaging.

Foundry Sand is an important consumable in the process of wheel casting. A thermal sand reclamation plant of capacity 2MT/ hr commissioned in March’2021 to recover used baked sand. The reclamation plant operates on PNG. It recovers 90% of the sand charged. About 6600 MT of sand has been reclaimed in till November 2021. This has. yy Conservation of natural resource as more than 90% of used sand is recovered and the same sand can be re-used at 10% loss each time. yy Avoiding land pollution by avoiding dumping used resin coated sand into yard. yy Drastic reduction in purchase of fresh sand annual cost savings. yy Reduction in pollution, greenhouse gas emissions due to reduced requirement of transporting fresh sand.

Contact: Mr. N.K. Barnawal, Chief Work Shop Engineer (Wheel) & Chief Environment Officer, Yelahanka, Bangalore, Karnataka Phone: +9108501401 | Email: 44



About the workshop Kanchrapara Workshop (KPAW) is one of the oldest Railway workshops in the country. It was set up by the then Eastern Bengal Railway during the year 1863 at the present Loco Complex site in Kanchrapara. It was developed as an integrated shop to carry out repairs to Steam Locomotives, wooden body Carriage and Wagons. In the year 1914, a separate carriage and wagon shop was constructed. This workshop has dealt with all classes of Rolling Stocks of Electric Traction. The workshop also boasts of manufacturing 78 tower cars between 1957 45

and 1986. Today, it ranks first among Indian Railways Workshops in terms of number of Electric Multiple Unit Coaches overhauled and second in terms of number of Electric Locomotives overhauled. The Workshop has entered into new era of state-of-the-art technology by carrying POH of first 3-phase Loco in 2013. The workshop was accredited with 5-S in Dec 2017, IS:3834 in Jan 2018, IMS in Mar 2018, ISO:50001 in Jun 2018 and Green Silver rating in Nov 2019.

I must congratulate to all the officers and staff of this workshop for their supportive role behind this achievement. I believe GreenCo rating brings out and reinforces the commitment of this workshop toward maintaining sustainable environment for the future. Surendra Kumar, CWM/KPA

Key Achievements 1. Reduction of Total GHG Emission Year GHG Emission (MT)

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 280.72



2. Increase of Carbon absorption due to increased of Tree Plantation (Inside Workshop Complex) Year Carbon absorption (MT)

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 287.53



3. Increase of Carbon absorption due to increased of Tree Plantation (Outside Workshop Complex) Year

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

Carbon absorption (MT)




4. Tree Plantation Year Tree Plantation (Nos.)

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 8090




Energy Efficiency

Water Conservation

yy 32 Nos. solar street light have been installed inside the workshop.

yy Installed 4 Nos. Rain Water Harvesting unit at different location within the workshop.

yy 21 Nos. solar Sky light have been installed in different shops for minimizing the use of conventional electrical energy during day time.

yy Effluent water discharged from 2.7 MLD capacities ETP are being reuse / re-cycling in the ETP garden.

yy 14 Nos solar water heater have been installed at workshop canteen, kanchrapara railway hospital and rest house. yy 250 Nos. Air Turbine Ventilator has been installed in different shop of Loco and C&W complex. yy Development of Dual Mode Shunting Car, Reduction in Carbon Footprint: 1000 MT CO2 per year ER’s Kanchrapara Railway Workshop became 1st IR Workshop to have Smokeless Traction operations. 47

yy Ball/Float valve (25 Nos. fitted) in all the reservoirs to avoid overflowing.

Material Conservation

Waste Management

Reduction of hazardous waste about 9.76% over last three years by implementing the following measures:

yy Reduced the contamination of cotton, re-use of hand gloves, and restrict the leakage & spillage of waste grease.

yy Fencing of garden in different location.

yy Supply of waste grease to engineering department for its re-use as an lubricant in the line point, pendrol clip, truck checking trolley and other moveable parts.

yy Different decorative model like lion, tiger, peacock, model of human spreading water in the garden, different model by utilizing scrap wheel disc etc. yy Condemn EMU coaches have converted to dual mode shunting car by replacing the diesel engine. yy Scrap segregated bins to seagate waste at source. yy During Covid-19 period paddle push hand washing machine has been developed by utilizing the scrap mater.

yy The life cycle of PU Paint is 5 years in place of 18 month in case of manual painting. yy Minimized the wastage of varnish by maintaining temperature within 18 degree centigrade during its storage. Contact: Mr. Surendra Kumar, CCWM/KPA Eastern Railway Workshop, Kanchrapara-743145, West Bengal Phone: 03325858296 | Email: 48


Carriage Workshop Ajmer, Rajasthan

About the workshop Carriage and Wagon Workshop was built in 1884 for repairs and manufacture of Coaches and Wagons for the Rajputana-Malwa Railway. This workshop has proud privilege of being the first workshop in the country to set up facilities in 1902 for production of steel castings. The manufacturing of new coaching and wagon stock continued in this workshop till the setting up of Integral Coach Factory and till development of certain private & public sector factories for manufacture of wagons. This workshop also carries out periodic overhauling of Palace on Wheels and 49

Royal Rajasthan On Wheels. Presently this workshop is carrying out Shop schedule of LHB coaches. This workshop is ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2007, OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 50001, ISO 3834-2:2005 and Green Co Gold Level rating certified. The workshop is headed by Dy.CME (C), Ajmer who is assisted by various other Officers. The workforce consists of about 3100 sanctioned employees and spread over an area of 2, 50,000 Sq. meters.

Key Achievements 1. Reduction in electrical energy (SEC) owing to the decentralization of compressors, introduction of IGBT based welding plants, introduction of 100 % LED light fittings, Optimum Loading of Transformer, setting up of AC’s & water cooler temperature level and many more good practices adopted. 2. First price in Rajasthan energy conservation award in 2018 & 2020 for electrical energy saving. 3. Carriage workshop installed 112 kWp onsite solar installation to meet more than 10% energy demand of the workshop. 4. Reduction in Thermal energy (SEC) owing to reduction of furnace Oil to NIL 5. Three numbers of ETPs installed for re-using water. 6. Machine Bogie frames and Springs are cleaned by Shot Blasting Machine instead of Water Jet; thus saving in water Consumption. 7. Installation of Re-using facility of released water in tank testing and repair section. 8.

Specific waste disposal of the workshop has been reduced by 10.81%.

9. Carbon sequestration projects through Tree Plantation. 2312 Nos. 10. Transparent sheets used in sheds to save 100 % day lighting electricity consumption. Turbo ventilator are also used in all sheds for better environment.

GreenCo rating is an excellent way to find areas in your business where you can improve environmentally and make your business sustainable. Ajmer carriage workshop has achieved Gold certification. My team is striving for excellence in GreenCo. system. We are committed to reduce our carbon footprints. Ashok Kumar Abrol Chief Workshop Manager

11. AAC of stock items for 2020-21 is reduced by 37.73 % from base year 2017-18. 12. Carriage Workshop, Ajmer was declared Zero Scrap Workshop in 2019.


Energy Efficiency yy Industry leading energy consumption, among Indian Railway Workshops Leading energy consumption of 4.35 GJ/ECU. yy Implemented best in market efficiency technologies IGBT based welding units and conversion in progress from oil furnaces to electric furnaces.

Water Conservation yy Good water metering system is in place - 33 water meters installed.

yy Initiated metering and monitoring systems. Energy meters connected with all Electrical Sub-Stations & all significant energy consumers.

yy Total available rainwater harvesting capacity for external pond is approx. 5747 m3.

yy Extensive usage of LEDs in the lighting system.

yy The reduction in Specific Raw Water Consumption in year 2020-21 compare to base year 2017-18 is 20.45%.

yy Load shifting of transformers to increase transformer loading and to reduce no load transformer losses. Total of 1500 KVA capacity reduced.

yy Installation of bio toilets and reuse of water in irrigation.

yy Reduction of furnace oil to NIL.

yy Installation of low flow water fixtures.

yy Reduction of CD from 2400 KVA to 2100 KVA.

yy A sump of 4000 Liters capacity is constructed at RO plant in Corrosion repair shop in which wastage (rejected) water is stored. This waste water is pumped to a storage tank on the roof and reused in hand washing.

yy Power factor maintained between 0.970 to 0.984.

Innovation yy Carriage Workshop has been got best innovation Shield at NWR Zonal level also got best Rolling stock Workshop Shield in at National /HQ level. yy Development of a New Programming to turn LHB Axle by C.N.C. yy Development of LHB brake piston press Machine. yy Development of in house test benches. 51

yy Consistently in top 10 of energy conservation, 1st Prize in Rajasthan energy conservation award in 2020.

yy 100 % procurement of energy efficient / star rated product.

Material Conservation

Green Infrastructure & Ecology

yy Overall percentage reduction in Specific raw material consumption is 23.89% in 2020-21 from base year 2017-18.

yy Use of turbo ventilator for improving indoor air quality.

yy Overall Specific reduction in Consumables(Mechanical) is 17.54% in 2020-21 from base year 2017-18. yy Implementation of User Depot Manual (UDM), Workshop Information System (WISE), Human Resource management System (HRMS). for better monitoring of materials and resources. yy Rupees 22,02,31,142.2 is saved from 2017-18 to 2020-21 by reducing AAC of ICF coach’s items.

yy Fresh air ventilation increased from 13.09% to 24.33%. yy Procurement of new CNC machine for Wheel Shop having in built fencing. yy At least 1.73% of the total employees have been trained by “Green Army Ajmer” for environment activities. yy Accredited Green professionals increased to 47 in 2020-21 from 1 in 2017-18.

Contact: Mr. Pramod Rawat, Dy. Chief Mechanical Engineer Carriage Workshop, Ajmer - 305001, Rajasthan Phone: 9001196466, 9001196452 | Email: 52

Diesel loco shed Kazipet, Telangana


About the Loco Shed Diesel loco shed, Kazipet was commissioned on 21.04.1973 with berthing Capacity of 20 locos. Diesel loco shed, Kazipet, has started holding of electric locomotives (WAG-7 type) from Feb-2019. 53

Present Loco Holding


228 Locos

HHP diesel locos


135 locos

Alco diesel locos


23 locos

Electric locos


70 locos

Diesel loco shed, Kazipet is committed to Environmental sustainability and Energy conservation. CII’s collaboration in initiating various green initiatives has made this unit sustainable in achieving its green targets without any compromise in delivering the traffic needs of IR. Sandeep Kumar, I.R.S.M.E, Sr. DME/DSL/KZJ

Key Achievements


1. Specific Electrical Energy consumption has reduced from 4182 KWh in 2018 to 2890 KWh in 2020.

Filtering the drained coolant water into storage/recirculation tanks is started to avoid wasting the coolant water. For that a water filter cartridge is fitted between coolant water storage/ recirculation tanks under the bays and pipe line to fill the expansion tanks of locos. This has eliminated the chances of recycled water becoming turbid, in course of service. With this, the practice of wasting/rejecting the coolant water of heavy schedule locos is avoided, resulting in less coolant water requirement in the locos.

2. Offsetting of Grid Electricity by Renewable energy has increased from 6.34% in 2018 to 21.88% in 2020. 3. Specific Water consumption has reduced from 60.06 Ltr/Day in 2017 to 36.56 in 2020. 4. Specific GHG has reduced from 1.09 T of CO2 in 2017 to 0.81 T of CO2 in 2020.


Energy Conservation Conservation of energy is done by installing energy meters and taking the readings of the energy consumption and yy Provision of LED lights in place T5/FL/CFL/MH lamps. yy Modification of bench sections and maximum day light, Utilization by providing transparent sheets.

Water Conservation For water conservation, total 20 rain water harvesting pits provided, including one check dam outside shed premises to increase ground water level. yy Provided flow meters to measure the water consumption and reducing the water consumption by recycling the drain water. 55

Minimization of Waste

Tapping of Renewable Energy

yy Minimizing the waste generation by adopting condition based replacement instead of periodical (time based) replacement of components.

yy Tapping and Utilization of renewable energy is being done by providing 120 KW solar panels in shed as roof top panels and provision of 08 nos. solar street lights in the shed premises.

yy By adopting digital methods for day to day correspondence (like e-office, e-pass, social media groups), reduction of paper & stationary items.

Green Building Features yy Increased green cover by planting sappling making dry lands, waste lands into gardens having flower plants, fruit bearing plants and more oxygen emitting plants and also installed vertical gardens.

Contact: Mr. Sandeep Kumar, Sr. DME/DSL/KZJ, Diesel Loco Shed Ayodhyapuram, Kazipet - 506003, Telangana Phone: 9701371471 | Email: 56


Diesel Loco Shed Vatva, Gujarat

About the Loco Shed The Diesel Loco Shed Vatva was opened on 09.11.1981 as a Maintenance and Repair Centre for Broad Gauge Diesel Locomotives. Since then, there has been periodical enhancement in the facilities commensurate with the additional needs due to change in the maintenance practices and number


and class of locomotives. Diesel Loco shed vatva having holding of both Diesel and Electric locomotives. Diesel shed vatva is certified in QMS ISO 9001:2015, EMS 14001:2015, OHSMS 18001:2007, EnMS :50001:2011 and 5 S Work place management system.

Implementation of GreenCo Rating System in our Organization was a good journey as well as provide an opportunity to make healthy and fresh environment. Diesel Locomotive shed Vatva (western railway) in Indian Railway has achieved new milestone with GreenCo Gold Certification. Sumant Prasad Gupta, Sr. DME (Diesel)

Key Achievements 1. Diesel loco shed vatva saved 40% paper in last 3 year After adopting e-Tender, IREPS.IMMS, E-Office and single side used paper is in practice to re-use. 2. Diesel loco shed vatva saved 21% Electricity in last 3 year. 3. Reduction in fresh water consumption by awareness of staff and close monitoring & providing efficient water pump. 4. ETP Recycled treated water is being used for gardening. 5. Diesel shed vatva has installed solar plant of 20kWp for Loco Battery charging and other assets & reduced purchase of electricity. 6. Art sculptures developed by the shed staff from different type of scrap materials. 7. Shed has installed a big LED screen for display of slogan and maintenance related activity videos and for awareness to staff on environment saving etc. 8. Installation of Rain water harvesting system for recharge ground water capacity approx. 20 lakh litres. 9. Shed roof 30% has been replaced by Translucent sheet for natural light to reach direct in working area for better work environment.


Energy Efficiency

Water Conservation

yy Diesel Loco Shed Vatva has achieved specific energy consumption in last 3 years through its innovative approach and GreenCo initiatives by implementing following measures.

yy Diesel shed vatva is committed to conserve water with various innovative effort and able to achieve 40% specific fresh water consumption, the steps includes.

yy Monitoring of energy performance by installing energy meter at critical machines and equipment in sections.

yy 100% recycling of water for gardening in ETP.

yy Replacing all lights/Fans to efficient LED light/Fan and maximum machines are energy efficient. yy Overall electricity saved 21% and 3% saved after installing 20kWp solar plant. yy Shed roof 30% has been replaced by Translucent sheet for natural light to reach direct in working area for better work environment. 59

yy Monitoring of water consumption by installing water flowmeters. yy Regular monitoring of water pump efficiency and leakages of water pipelines if any. yy Replacing water pump by efficient water pump, using of water jet for component cleaning, Loco washing and sprinkle system in garden.

Green Supply Chain

Waste Management

yy Adopting e-Tender, IREPS.IMMS, E-Office as paperless working and single side used paper is in practice to re-use.

yy Segregation of ferrous and nonferrous waste in scrap yard.

yy Vendor development programme for creating awareness regarding environment sustainability, GHG emission mitigation and reduction in wood-based packing material. yy Scrap disposal is initiated ‘as is where is’ basis and reduced transportation of vehicles.

yy Use of classified dust bin RED for Hazardous, GREEN for Bio degradable and WHITE for Non- bio degradable as Iron etc. yy Use of unsuitable Low viscosity lube oil for flushing of engine lube oil system before disposal of oil. yy Art sculptures and innovation of test bench by unused material.

yy Centralisation of Stock Items procurement. Contact: Mr. Shiva Kant Singh, Senior Section Engineer, ISO Diesel Loco Shed Vatva, Western Railway, Ahmedabad - 382445, Gujarat Phone: 9724044940 | E-mail: 60


Coach Rehabilitation Workshop Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

About the workshop Coach Rehabilitation Workshop (CRWS), located at Nishatpura, Bhopal is a unit of Indian Railways functioning under West Central Zone of Indian Railways. Bhopal workshop was built and equipped with the latest technology for carrying out MID LIFE REHABILITATION OF COACHES in the year 1989. CRWS/BPL was the first workshop over IR engaged in carrying out the Mid Life Rehabilitation of Indian Railways coaches. The CRWS campus is spread over a total area of 401.03 acres including 190 acres of workshop areas. Due to decision of Railway Board, MLR work of ICF coaches at CRWS, BPL 61

has been discontinued w.e.f. 01.04.2020 and POH of ICF coaches and SSII of LHB coaches has been started while gearing up for carrying out SSIII of LHB coaches including NMGH coach conversion and camping coach conversion. The workshop certified ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 50001, 3834, 5S & CII GreenCo Silver. The Quality standards maintained by this workshop are benchmark for other IR workshops.

Key Achievements 1. Replacing all lights to efficient LED lights using solar street light in factory boundary.

6. During year 2020-21, 23.78% less hazardous waste generated as compared to 2019-20.

2. Utilization of recycle water from STP is under construction, capacity – 5MLD.

7. 691.25kwp rooftop solar power plants working successfully.

3. Reduction in average specific water consumption in last 3 years is 15.43%.

8. Plantation of 620 no’s in workshop & “Jayant Sinha Park” at CRWS colony.

4. Specific water consumption is reduced by 3% over 2020-21.

9. 100% plastic waste is recycled with help of Sarthak Bhopal (Authorised by Nagar Nigam Bhopal & MPPCB).

5. Utilization of recycle water from STP capacity500 KLD (182500 KL per Year).

We are committed to preserve our environment through excellence in working methods and safe work practices. We ensure 100% compliance of all statutory and legal laws. Preventing pollution through proper waste management, use of alternative material and to promote use of green energy etc. It is our goal to ensure safe work culture in all employees through continuous education and training. Parinay Gupta Chief Workshop Manager


Unique Initiatives

Energy Efficiency

Changed Press Machine to Hanger Testing Machine:

yy 500kWp & 191.25 kWp rooftop solar power plants were commissioned on 27.06.2018.

yy A press machine has been converted into a hanger testing machine for bogie hanger testing, it is easy to use. yy The old draw bar testing machine is fitted with a 27 kw motor. 5kw motor is installed in this machine. So 22kw energy is being saved. UV Sanitization Machine yy UV Sanitization Machine has been manufactured to disinfect the letter and file received from outside in the factory. By keeping the files and letters in this machine in the touch of ultra violet rays, the viruses on the surface of the file and letter are inactivated. This machine can be protected from the danger caused by the virus.

yy Generation of solar energy from Apr-2021 up to Oct’21 is 4,84,317 kWH and saving is Rs. 38,74,239/-. yy Generation since commissioning of 27.06.2018 up to Oct’21 is 24,64,845 kWH and saving is Rs. 1,56,99,877/-. yy Installation of EPFC capacitor bank of 25 KVAR (8 no’s) in sub-station 1, 2, 3 and 4. The power factor has improved from 0.94 to 0.96. yy SCADA monitoring system installed in CRWS/BPL for electric power. yy 20 energy savers are provided on existing AC, each energy saver saves 0.3 units /hrs. yy Installation of 140 watt LED high bay light for shed - 150 Nos. yy Replacement of existing wall mounted bracket fan with BLDC fan – 35 Nos. yy Provision of solar street light & procurement of energy efficiency (5-Star) Air-conditioner. yy Electrically operated actuator with butterfly valve in comp. pipe line - 14 Nos. yy Trans vector nozzles for comp. air system–06 Nos. yy Provision of level based auto drain valve on each compressor– 02 Nos.


Waste Management

Green Supply Chain

yy This workshop has made organic compost plant in house by using empty PVC drums and scrap bins. M/s Sarthak Sanstha (Approved by Nagar Nigam, Bhopal) gave technical guidance in making this plant.

yy Introduced e-tendering, decision making, Issue of PO’s and submission of vendor bills online platform resulting paperless working with transparency.

yy In this plant, residue of food staff of staff canteen and plants leaf etc are being used for making organic manure.

yy Vendor development program for creating awareness regarding environment sustainability. yy Enabling other users to use store items as and when required.

yy Implementing scientific approach towards waste disposal at all stages, segregations of the wastes and disposed in eco-friendly manner.

yy User Depot Module (UDM) – More transparency in tracking of material usage.

yy Industrial waste (FRP, foam rexine, recron) disposed in scientific manner through co-processing (waste to electricity generation).

Water Conservation yy Rain water harvesting of administrative building (Area of roof top- 11,900 sq feets) harvesting potential = 676.14 KL/year. yy Provision of sewage treatment plant for treating coach bio tank’s effluent (Capacity-10MLD). yy Monitoring of water consumption by installation of puddle type flow meter suitable for pipe Dia-50mm, Qty-02 Nos. & Dia-250mm, Qty-01. yy Sewage treatment plant work completed and working. yy

Development of garden in administration building, bogie shop & ETL shop

yy Augmentation of ground water beyond fence i.e. water harvesting surrounding workshop by three ponds (Pond backside of BBPS- 8400 Kls, pond behind CRWS factory 7350 Kls & Pond in mango garden - 675 Kls) which is regularly charged with storm water total capacity - 16425Kls. Contact: Mr. Parinay Gupta, Chief Workshop Manager Coach Rehabilitation Workshop, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Phone: 0755 - 2742785 | Email: 64

CII - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre Survey No 64, Kothaguda Post, R.R. Dist., Near Hitech City, Hyderabad- 500084 +9140 4418 5111 | +91 98852 54516 |

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