HKCC Design Year Book 2020

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a long time. We have taken this ‘right’ mode for granted without any doubts and questions, silently enduring feelings of powerles sness brought about by life. This invisible trajectory was like a voice telling us that there was no need to surpass it, since everything will be fine once we got used to it. In 2019-2020, all kinds of surging shocks in our society have shaken up the life we are accustomed to and brought along unprecedented challenges in both study and work. We found ourselves in a dilemma feeling worried. Yet at the same time these shocks paradoxically opened up a window of new opportunities for positive change, allowing us to rethink our beliefs and life patterns. In response to the uncertainty and gloom of the current social situation, this year's Design Annual Show adopts the theme of ‘Home Studio’ to reflect how our work and daily life have been integrated into one with all inherent patterns put aside. This special exhibition presents to you constant changes and growth of life.

● ADVERTISING DESIGN (ADV) ○ 16 SELECTED DESIGN STUDENTS ○ PART 01/03 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ↘↘↘ SHORT INDEX →→ →→ →→ ○○ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ (01) AU Long Ni (05) KWONG Tze Ching Irene (09) LIU Tsz Kwan (13) SO Kwan Hiu (02) CHIU Man Ka (06) LEE Chui Kiu (10) MEGINO Maria Angela Razon (14) TAM Wing Hei Christina (03) CHOW Hiu Yim (07) LEUNG Tsz Kiu (11) NG Lai Yi (15) WONG Chun (04) CHUNG Hoi Yi Kelly (08) LEUNG Wai Ki (12) NG Pui Chi (16) WONG Yan Yan ADVERTISING DESIGN
ADVERTISING DESIGN ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → AU Long Ni (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 你的眼力如何,你的命運也必如何 / Your Vision, Your Fate) ● Looking at the atmosphere before you speak is the right attitude and behaviour for the workplace. To ‘read the air’ ( 讀空氣 ) precisely, you have to have good vision to know what your boss is thinking about and to finish the job according to the boss’s requirements. Your fate in the workplace is correspondent to how good your vision is. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 006 / 007

recent years,

trips and in-depth tours emerged in Hong Kong.

the age, travellers are more interested in a meaningful journey rather than shopping. As an online travel agency,

promotes their various in-depth tours that provide special trips for people to enjoy

local culture, history and

a trend of travelling by self-guided
art. ↓↓

Instagram filter

008 / 009
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → CHOW Hiu Yim (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Endless Possibilities) ● Pocari Sweat is a health and sports beverage that is light and plain tasting. The key message is exhaustive efforts to discover endless possibilities ( 用盡全力,才會發現無限可能 ) For this project, there are two elemental parts about posters and TVC. ↓↓ 差一 點 , 鐵達時, 更完美的你 鐵達時, 更完美的你 差一點 , 就不是完美

Thanks to the outbreak of COVID-19, most of us are practicing social distancing and quarantine.

campaign is trying to address the mental health issues brought by the quarantine and social distancing

encouraging people

the general


they should be aware of and take care of their mental health issues

emotions with care when they are alone. It also wants to deliver a message




ADVERTISING DESIGN ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → CHUNG Hoi Yi Kelly (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Handle Yourself with Care) ●
public that
such as frustration and depression. So, the key
campaign is “Handle
with care”. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 012 / 013
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → KWONG Tze Ching Irene (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 舞時舞刻 點跳都得 / Dance, whatever!) ● Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd. has viewed its mission as promoting the dance development in Hong Kong, actively preserving and developing the diversified dance culture of the region. This campaign aims to get everyone to dance, change people's minds of 'dance is difficult’ into dance being easy that we can dance anytime and anywhere. Dance, whatever! ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 014 / 015
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LEE Chui Kiu (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Solve with Tao Ti) ● Tao Ti launched a Supreme Tea Series for health-conscious consumers and natural tea lovers. This campaign adheres to the concept of making pure and natural high-quality tea in order to maintain the original flavour of tea. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 016 / 017
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LEUNG Tsz Kiu (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Instant Travel) ● It is an advertising campaign for KKDAY. The key message is to present the fast and convenient quality of KKDAY by combining it with instant food which has a similar characteristic. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 018 / 019
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LEUNG Wai Ki (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Wonderful Festival in Japan) ● This project promotes the Japanese Anime culture through the Japan Media Arts Festival. Anime refers specifically to animation art from Japan or any Japanese-disseminated animation style, characterised by colourful graphics, vibrant characters and fantastical themes. With the growing popularity of anime, various subcultures have emerged and the most distinctive one is Ani-song. ↓↓
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LIU Tsz Kwan (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Find Your True Color) ● Fenty Beauty is a brand that supports the diversity of beauty, such as people with different skin tones, gender and race. The concept of this advertisement is ‘The Wrong Colour’ as we often see people wear the wrong colour foundation. Fenty Beauty can help you restore the true colour on your face. ↓↓

Toiletries have always been an essential

of our daily lives. The use of personal products is a universal habit and it's something we all use as early as we can remember. Unfortunately, many brands in this industry test on animals and use a lot of plastic which contributes to a part of the waste that occupies the landfills and oceans in Hong Kong each year.

ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → MEGINO Maria Angela Razon (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Saving Our Planet, One Home At A Time) ●
(MISCELLANEOUS) Dukling Hong Kong Island 1/200 F4.0 ISO 200 1/200 F4.0 ISO 200 Central Harbourfront, Hong Kong Island 1/160 F4.0 ISO 200 1/160 F4.0 ISO 200 Star Ferry Pier, Tsim Sha Tsui 1/160 F2.8 ISO 1600 1/15 F4.0 ISO1600 Close-up shot 1/500 F2.8 ISO 1600 Central Ferry Pier, Hong Kong Island 1/160 F4.0 ISO 200 1/160 F4.0 ISO 200 Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui 1/30 F4.0 ISO 200 1/6 F8.0 ISO 100 errors wrong focus poor lighting blurred not sharp enough 1/500 F2.8 ISO 1600 1/100 F5.6 ISO 1600 Final Photograph #2 - Long shot 1/100 F5.6 ISO 1600 024 / 025
ADVERTISING DESIGN ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → NG Lai Yi (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (If Your Beauty Is Built On The Death Of Others) ● My project is an advertisement for The Body Shop, and it is a cross-over with WWF. The objective of my project is to let people know using a skincare brand that is firmly against animal testing can protect their skin and animals. Three media in total were used to present the concept. ↓↓ 抹杀我的 請从心底美 x 命 The Body Shop 坚持不使用动物测試 The Body Shop 坚持不使用动物测試 別讓你的靚
請从心底美x 当靚建築在 死亡之上 当靚建築在 死亡之上 The Body Shop 坚持不使用 动物测試 The Body Shop 坚持不使用 动物测試 026 / 027
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → NG Pui Chi (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 啪 • 你的幸福守護神 / Sealed Air • Your Secret Angel) ● Bubble wrapping paper is always neglected. People consider it as trash after receiving packages and not knowing what to do with it. I would like to inspire people of new ways to deal with the bubble wrapping paper like up-cycling and let them know it does not only protect your products but also care about your feelings like a secret angel. ↓↓ ↓The TVC QR
(FINAL PROJECT) 028 / 029

a campaign for


media as the promotional channels,

a series of posters


(emotional selling proposition)



of the public.

message is that Chicks inner-wears are warm and durable.

design concept connects inner-wears with love, and uses the movie style of Hong Kong's famous

to attract young people.

ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → SO Kwan Hiu (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 有關你的寒冬與盛夏 / Chicks 雞仔嘜 ) ● It is
Chicks with two different
and an
video. Both media have
of the product with the resonance
director Wong Kar Wai
(FINAL PROJECT) 030 / 031
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → TAM Wing Hei Christina (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 唔洗落手嘅! / Hands Off !) ● The design concept of this advertising campaign tells people how convenient, quick and effective it is to use Mopidick to kill the itchiness of insect bites. Due to the sponge-head design of Mopidick, people, even gods, do not need to apply directly with their hands, so they can avoid getting their hands dirty. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 032 / 033
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → WONG Chun (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 正確揀釘 營唔會飛 ) ● This advertising campaign introduces two types of camping pegs sold by TRITON. Two ‘power rangers’ were designed to present the importance of choosing suitable camping pegs for setting up camping tents as well as the consequence of not choosing the right pegs for specific situations. ↓↓
ADVERTISING DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → WONG Yan Yan (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 滋潤理想 ) ● King To Nin Jiom's ( 京都念慈菴 ) famous product pei pa koa contains herbal remedies that can recover sore throats, coughs, and aphonia. Throat candies is another form of Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa. This campaign seeks to convince the public to take a healthy lifestyle in their busy life. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 036 / 037
● ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN (EI) ○ 19 SELECTED DESIGN STUDENTS ○ PART 02/03 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ↘↘↘ SHORT INDEX →→ →→ →→ ○○ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ (01) HO Pui Yiu (05) KUNG Wing Sze (09) WONG Ching Tung (13) CHOW Tom (17) POON Kei Yau (02) HUI Hin Sing (06) LEE Kiu Chor (10) YU Ka Wing (14) CHUNG Lai Him (18) WONG Hon Ting (03) HUI Sze Man (07) MA Sze Wai (11) CHAN Mei Kee Angel (15) LAM Wing Yan (19) WONG Wai Tak (04) IP Cheuk Yan (08) TANG Chi Tat (12) CHENG Pak Ki Rex (16) LAU Nok Hang Jason ENVIRONMENT & INTERIOR DESIGN


Pop Up Store”

to let people experience shopping through a series of decisionmaking checkpoints before final check-out. Here you enter a maze-like machine and choose fashion styles and perform self-evaluations. It imitates our life that is full of choices. It is hoped to educate people to think twice before buy.

(FINAL PROJECT) 040 / 041
ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → HUI Hin Sing (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Rehabilitating Peace in Tung Ping Chau) ● The project is about rehabilitating a settlement in Tung Ping Chau known as A Ma Wan. Through adaptive reuse of the existing vacant houses, the refurbished village will encourage the return of the original dwellers and also attracting visitors, so as to rebuild the dependence and harmony between them. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 042 / 043
ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → HUI Sze Man (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Desire and Freedom, A Crime-free City, Voluntary Prisoners of the Wall) ● / ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 044 / 045

● Not only the middle line, it is a definition of moderation additionally. With an emergence of extremeness whatever referring to the district or our daily lives, moderation should be an extraordinary position for us to enjoy for. Let’s start enjoying the freshness from the invisibility and you will find the delight from the moderation.

Mid-Line, is a highway located in Kwun Tong, links from the Kwun Tong MTR Station to the Kwun Tong Promenade. Capturing spaces of alleys and existing industries, Mid-Line offers a midair social hub for dwellers to experience, and which encourages interaction of distinct age groups and stimulates the environment of industrial district by the alternation.

(FINAL PROJECT) 046 / 047


with dignity


project is specifically designed for elderly people

memory centre and a sensory garden.

aims to provide

these elderly people to recall and encode

well-beings and maintain social interactions

ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → KUNG Wing Sze (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Encoding Senses and Memories: Experience Centre for Elderly Suffering Dementia) ● As we
how do we live
suffering from dementia, comprising a
a welcoming community village environment and help
past experiences and memories, so as to enhance their
in everyday life. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 048 / 049
ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LEE Kiu Chor (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Branded Space X Urban Space – MUJI PARK) ● The MUJI Park Project aims at offering a place for people to enjoy and relax through redefining the function of a Park. It is also a new hub for MUJI. The park was formed vertically. On each floor, a unique experience can be found. ↓↓

● Tai O used to be a community of fisher. It was a prosperous fish market till 1960. Nowadays, it focuses on tourism industry. This Project demonstrates a socially and environmentally sustainable model for village reconstruction while solving several issues that Tai O is facing. Aims to rebuild the stilts house, set up a communications place for residents and visitors and recreate the experience of tourists.

↓↓ 050 / 051

The main idea of the project is designing for well-being and a better life in To Kwa Wan. 9 Connection Indexes between residents are set. 9 design approaches are proposed in 4 series (Street, Facili¬ties, Pop-up and Coastal) in order to form these 9 connections in the community, as the most essential criteria for a happy city is “Connection”.

ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → TANG Chi Tat (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Project IU - Interior Urbanism of To Kwa Wan) ●
(FINAL PROJECT) 052 / 053


● Central, a place featuring its diverse pedestrian flows, occupied by streams of office workers during the weekdays while clusters of domestic helps staying in the weekend. This unique phenomenon is particularly obvious on the elevated walkways which is built to separate cars and pedestrians with minimal chances to touch the street level. Today, elevated walkways become a tool connecting people from one point to the other which speeds up everybody’s footsteps. In this project, I would like to explore an alternative definition of footbridge by introducing new functions along the journey to accommodate different activities without compromising its practicality.

Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → WONG Ching Tung (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (STAYING in the Central Elevated Walkway)
(FINAL PROJECT) 054 / 055
ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 2) → YU Ka Wing (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Infinity - Game levels) ● How the virtual design of video games can help to think about new architectural design methods? Layers of infinite space give us an endless sense of freshness. When we start to walk in, we can only indulge in it. Just like video game, fascinating and addictive. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 056 / 057


CHAN Mei Kee Angel

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.



● The form of this vessel takes the shape of a "palm". The fingerprint on it shows that the vessel can be fitted in every individual's hand, symbolizing "nature is being held in all of our hands", and all of us ought to protect nature with care. The vessel has rough, earthy, concrete texture, with the mini blocks sitting on top of the "palm", symbolizing nature is “growing” in urban places; the blocks are imitating tiny buildings that are built out of concrete, plants "grown" out from the "buildings" and are being held in human's "palm”, conveying the meaning of the inseparable relationship between human and nature. The vessel situating in a coffee shop, acting as a reminder to the visitors, we humans have the responsibility to protect nature, the precious gift from God.


→ Introduction to Design I: Cabin

Students build a small CABIN in the form of a small garden hut, exploring the expression of materiality in the design of space. A simple program consists of the most basic human activities: thinking, reading & sleeping.

(DESIGN PROJECT) 058 / 059


CHENG Pak Ki Rex


Vessel / Urban Photocollage - Visualising Hunghom)

● My vessel expresses the resistance from nature. The box-like form of the model looks compressing, which representing the pressure that human gives to the nature. I attempt to use plaster as the medium as it could provide a really rough texture. In real life, I imagine my vessel is made by concrete. It is suitable to place my vessel in a damaged forest as it fits the theme of struggling and resisting. For the set up of my plant, I place my plant in an overflowing way, demonstrating the scene of the nature is resuscitating in a damaged forest. I have varied the size of my model to make it looks more compressing and bulky, and I have emphasised the overflowing feel of my plant.

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.

↔ (Plant

Students first explore Hunghom’s urban environment through lens. A photo story is presented as a PHOTOCOLLAGE artwork.

→ Fundamental Visualisation Skills: Urban Photocollage - Visualising Hunghom
060 / 061

(YEAR 1)


● To achieve the goal of sustainable development of humanity, there is a symbiosis between human and nature. However, regarding to the destruction of nature these days, I use waste paper as the material of the vessel, to remind people the importance of environmental protection. Those arches and stairs represent the man made structures. The stairs are connected to all floors, which make those green areas reachable. The architecture in real life should also be like that. Another reason I choose paper as the main material is that in comparison, the physical structure of paper is way weaker than plants and roots. I want to bring out that in real life, the vitality of nature is very strong comparing to the man made structures like concrete and bricks, nature can heal themselves but buildings don't. When time is long enough, the vessel may already be broken but the plants are still growing.

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.

(DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Plant Vessel / Cabin)

→ Introduction to Design I: Cabin

Students build a small CABIN in the form of a small garden hut, exploring the expression of materiality in the design of space. A simple program consists of the most basic human activities: thinking, reading & sleeping.

(DESIGN PROJECT) 062 / 063
→ Introduction to Design I: Cabin Students build a small CABIN in the form of a small garden hut, exploring the expression of materiality in the design of space. A simple program consists of the most basic human activities: thinking, reading & sleeping. ENVIRONMENT AND INTERIOR DESIGN STUDENT (YEAR 1) → CHUNG Lai Him (DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Cabin / Urban Photocollage - Visualising Hunghom) ● // ↓↓
Fundamental Visualisation Skills: Urban Photocollage - Visualising Hunghom Students first explore Hunghom’s urban environment through lens. A photo story is presented as a PHOTOCOLLAGE artwork.
(DESIGN PROJECT) 064 / 065


LAM Wing Yan

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.



● The design shows the vitality of cemetery and displaces it at the dark corner of an alleyway. It is inspired by the concrete jungle, which is full of urban buildings meanwhile our natural environment is living between those tiny cracks. Most of the urban environment is not favorable for plant growth and it is a cemetery for them to living in here. Urban oasis inevitably vanishes in crowded place. Using the cement and dry wood can bring a cool and inanimate atmosphere. Once the white daisy is in full bloom, we put it on the grave but with the time passing it has withered away like an eternal cycle.


→ Introduction to Design II: 4D Project: Pavilion

Students anticipate designing the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in year 2025 - a PAVILION considering 4D time-based design factors for human activities, movement and transformation.

(DESIGN PROJECT) 066 / 067


LAU Nok Hang Jason



● Through this model, I want to express that we, human, are not the only organisms occupying the city. Plants also do. They are strong and indomitable. Even they are facing many challenges of the city everyday, like running over by cars, stepping by humans, eroded by acid rain, pollutions, etc. They can still carry on and live everywhere in the city. I use graffiti to show how dangerous those challenges are for the plants.

Also, graffiti requires strong and wild colour choices, I want this can express the complexity of this city. There are many small stories and meanings in every single drawing for audiences to find out. I choose the plants that look like wildflowers and small grasses. With the model like concrete and full of texture, I can reappear the scene of the living of plants in this colourful, varied, and dangerous modern city. Plants are really strong and able to survive without helping by others.

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.

↔ (Plant
/ Pavilion)

→ Introduction to Design II: 4D Project: Pavilion

Students anticipate designing the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion in year 2025 - a PAVILION considering 4D time-based design factors for human activities, movement and transformation.

(DESIGN PROJECT) 068 / 069


POON Kei Yau

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.




● The idea regards to the mending of scar relationship between human and nature. Human destroy the natural beauty for urban development. Now they are trying to repair the faults. The cement component represents the modern world; the knitted hemp rope and wood components represent nature. There are man made and natural materials to give a contrast. My idea expresses that here is some parts unfinished, broken and leave it to grow and to mend the building form which is a stable structure. The design has triangular shapes resembling playing card house and the knitting effect of the pattern can show the supporting and mending gestures.

↔ (Plant

→ Introduction to Design I: Cabin

Students build a small CABIN in the form of a small garden hut, exploring the expression of materiality in the design of space. A simple program consists of the most basic human activities: thinking, reading & sleeping

(DESIGN PROJECT) 070 / 071

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.

● My concept of the model is water. Water is the beginning of life. If it is polluted, it will affect numerous lives. In my design, you can see the modern house and with a lot of plants on the exteriors. It means people and environment are one. If we do not pollute water, we both can be fine. If not, both of us will suffer.

Also, in the middle we can see a waterfall, it can show us the water cycle.


→ Introduction to Design I: Cabin

Students build a small CABIN in the form of a small garden hut, exploring the expression of materiality in the design of space. A simple program consists of the most basic human activities: thinking, reading & sleeping

(DESIGN PROJECT) 072 / 073


Wai Tak

● My idea presents the life of nature can break through everything. Even nowadays human expands their city all over the land, however green nature still can spread inside or outside all over the entire buildings.

I use concrete to convey a cold and solid feeling to present human's building, and then use moss and organic wood sticks to surround its sides and gaps. It brings out an image that no matter how hard concrete, the power of natural plants still can break through it. I use blocks to create a circle area, which surround the plant and created a metal nut foundation under the plant. It means plant can grow everywhere, even how worst the environment is. I let the knowledge of modern architecture and Wabisabi be coexisted in my work.

It looks like a combination called modern nature.

→ Introduction to Design II: 2D & 3D Projects: Plant Vessel

Students first start with 2D aesthetic concepts such as Wabi-Sabi and rethink man-nature relationship in everyday life. Next, their ideas are expressed in 3D form, using design elements of plane and block to make a PLANT VESSEL.

(DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Plant Vessel / Cabin)

→ Introduction to Design I: Cabin

Students build a small CABIN in the form of a small garden hut, exploring the expression of materiality in the design of space. A simple program consists of the most basic human activities: thinking, reading & sleeping

(DESIGN PROJECT) 074 / 075
● VISUAL COMMUNICATION (VC) ○ 19 SELECTED DESIGN STUDENTS ○ PART 03/03 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ↘↘↘ SHORT INDEX →→ →→ →→ ○○ VISUAL COMMUNICATION ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ ❶ (01) CHAN Chun Ki (05) FU Hing Wan (09) LIANG Lijuan (13) TAM Pui Chung Marius (17) YAM Hiu Yan (02) CHAN Chung Yan (06) HONG Tim Ning (10) LIU Tsz Yu (14) Tiffany CHOI (18) YIP Long (03) CHAN Hei Yung (07) LAM Cheuk Yin (11) MA Chun Ho (15) TSANG Ka Shuen (19) YUEN Ching Kiu (04) CHUNG Suet Yee (08) LAW Mei Ling (12) SUEN King Hang (16) WONG Ka Miu





VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 2) → CHAN Chun Ki (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Observation And Recording) ● Everything
us is valuable, unique and worth seeing. This project promotes
and recording, trying to turn both into a trend, a practice or a habit. It
tasks for teenagers to see the surroundings anew. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 078 / 079
VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 2) → CHAN Chung Yan (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (SUPPex) ● SUPPex is a playable supplementary exercise story book designed for primary students in Hong Kong, It aims to make learning or revision fun and motivational. Via the attractive illustration, story and card battle game, it creates a new process of doing supplementary exercises. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 080 / 081

Taiwan is doing well on promoting their cultural and creative industries as they bring them into their daily life. In comparison, Hong Kong is behind. Therefore, in this project, I designed a Taiwan travel guidebook cum journal for Hong Kong teenagers to jot down their thoughts and memories while they travel. These may serve as inspiration and motivation for them in the future. Everyone can own a travel journal with a unique personality! This book is divided into four chapters: traffic guide, cafes, stores and diary. There is also a pocket for travellers to keep relevant items for convenience.

VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 2) → CHAN Hei Yung (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 文青在台北-我的文創之旅 / Travel Guide Book X Diary) ●
(FINAL PROJECT) 082 / 083

Veganism firmly rejected products that involve animal testing. Animal testing does have little impact on human safety. Just as all raw materials in cosmetics have passed sample tests in the past, so it's unnecessary to conduct animal testing.

veganism is not popular in Hong Kong, only a small number of people know and support the vegan purpose. Most people feel that it is not easy to be a vegan in Hong Kong, only few of them will want to try this lifestyle.

this project

to raise awareness of veganism.

(FINAL PROJECT) 084 / 085
VISUAL COMMUNICATION ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LAM Cheuk Yin (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 迴夢 / Trapped) ● A man woke up in an elevator and forgot everything. He could get food by following instructions from the system. Was this his dream or was it the reality? Could he leave the elevator? When the line between reality and illusion was blurred, how could one escape from this trap? ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) ↓The animation QR 086 / 087

The project aims to promote and preserve the Cantonese slang culture through a board game design. Cantonese slangs are an interesting and irreplaceable language. It represents Hong Kong people’s life and culture. These humorous expressions contain people’ feelings and reactions in different situations and generations. It implies something deeper through funny sentences. Every part of the Cantonese culture should be preserved, especially Cantonese slangs,

they are important to

us. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 088 / 089
VISUAL COMMUNICATION ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → LIU Tsz Yu (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (The Blind's Dream) ● Hearing, sight, and touch are the three senses that readers will use while reading this illustration book. Each chapter contains links to audio sound clips, and braille, a tactile writing system, is built into the book. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) ↓The website QR 090 / 091
VISUAL COMMUNICATION ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → MA Chun Ho (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 無家背後 / Behind the Vagrants) ● The climbing homeless population has always been an unsolved issue for the Hong Kong government. Since street sleepers are being marginalized and left out of society, the project is aimed to help improve their living environment. Through a set of persuasive devices and leaflets, showing the story behind the street sleepers, it encourages the target audience to give them a helping hand. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 092 / 093
VISUAL COMMUNICATION ■ Outstanding Final Project (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Our Day) ● I have seen many "Kong Kids", spoiled by their parents and nannies. They have problems with taking
(FINAL PROJECT) 094 / 095
VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 2) → Tiffany CHOI (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 郁身郁勢無煩老 ) ● This project aims to raise the awareness of the elderly, aged 65 or above, about their own health issue. It tells them how to make exercise a part of their everyday life as light physical exercises may benefit their health and help them fight against common health problems. It also provides suggestions of simple workout exercises to the audience. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 096 / 097
VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 2) → TSANG Ka Shuen (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Dreams Come True) ● Modern life affects people’s physical and mental health. To solve those problems in modern life, this project combines supplements with people's desires, and the focus of the whole design concept is to transfer positive energy and heal people by encouraging them to have good expectations for life. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 098 / 099

Many values of ancient times are regarded by modern people as old-fashioned and outdated. However, some wisdom of the ancient are still worth exploring and learning. Like the concept of Yuan, we can rely on it to cope with the changeable encounters in life. Yuan was often presented in a metaphorical way, and I have selected some of the timely and interesting concepts of Yuan and tried to interpret them in simple and interesting metaphors, so as to introduce Yuan to the general public.

(FINAL PROJECT) 100 / 101
VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 2) → YAM Hiu Yan (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ ( 無家 / Homeless) ● ‘Homeless’ is an exhibition that presents how animals' habitats are being destroyed by human behaviors. Environmental issues are always a big concern of the world. The design project aims to increase the environmental awareness of the public. There are five posters showing environmental problems and how they affect animals like sea seals, koalas, parrots, etc. ↓↓
(FINAL PROJECT) 102 / 103

● Veganism is not just a fad of plant-based diet but a whole lifestyle that permeates every part of our life. Going vegan is a simple and sustainable way to live a better and longer life. If it is possible to live a life that involves delicious food, delivers better health, reduces carbon footprint, prohibits animal cruelty, and we just simply change what’s on our plates, then why don’t we? An illustrated guidebook is packed with useful tips and knowledge to assist vegan beginners on how to go vegan long term. It solves daily inconvenience and ease minor worries to make the whole thing feel like a second nature.

VISUAL COMMUNICATION ■ Outstanding Final Project STUDENT (YEAR 2) → YUEN Ching Kiu (FINAL PROJECT) ↔ (Eat Veggies, Not Buddies!)
(FINAL PROJECT) 104 / 105
VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 1) → CHUNG Suet Yee (DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Sex Education for Teens) ● Teenagers nowadays are unfamiliar with sex knowledge, because of the social ideology and lack of sex education in Hong Kong, thus, this project aims to help teenagers learn proper sex knowledge in less embarrassing ways. Knowledge of the three sex topics, ‘Masturbation’, ‘Body Structure’, and ‘Orgasm’, are delivered in the three designs respectively. ↓↓
↓The animation QR (DESIGN PROJECT) 106 / 107
VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 1) → FU Hing Wan (DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Fender) ● Fender is the synonym of guitar and a certain lifestyle - the free spirit. The infinite diversities of the ocean is like different rhythms of music . The design is integrated with the ocean through different forms, leaving space for imaginations, and showing a pure relationship between guitar, music and the ocean. ↓↓ ↓The animation QR
(DESIGN PROJECT) 108 / 109

Despite the high recognition of meditation nowadays, this spiritual exercise is only practiced by less people than expected, considering its broad benefits. The project is created on behalf of Headspace, targeting the young generation, to broaden their understanding about meditation, and encourage more to adopt the habit of meditation through practical support.

VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 1) → LAW Mei Ling (DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Meditation via Headspace) ●
(DESIGN PROJECT) 110 / 111

Instax is a leading brand in the instant camera industries. However, the market has changed over the years, making the brand seem outdated. The goal of the rebranding is to target teenagers and young adults with a retro approach, expanding the customer base by bringing the unique experience of using an instant camera to them.

(DESIGN PROJECT) ↓The Video QR 112 / 113

are recognized for having

extremely affordable


and every

VISUAL COMMUNICATION STUDENT (YEAR 1) → YIP Long (DESIGN PROJECT) ↔ (Mee&Gee) ● The project aims at rebranding one of the most obscure but hipsters’ beloved thrifting stores in Hong Kong - Mee&Gee to promote thrifting culture and sustainable fashion. They
the greatest collection of second-hand/vintage clothing at an
piece is one of a kind just like a piece of art, special and beautiful in its
way. ↓↓
(DESIGN PROJECT) ↓The Video QR 114 / 115

● A Stage-2 student of Visual Communication, Ms Tiffany CHOI, won the first runner-up for the Student Category of the calendar design competition organized by the Tenth Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Programme in 2019. The calendar design competition is held in hope of encouraging the public, especially the youth, to understand the corporate responsibilities and citizenship. Tiffany’s design idea tells the story about how businessman gives back to the community by donating profit to community charity.

● Stage-2 students of Visual Communication, Ms Anna Yip-pui CHEUNG and Ms Shirley Wai-yee CHEUNG, whose designs were highly recognised in the Green Sense 2019 Competition. Organised by the Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong, the competition aimed to integrate theories and design concepts into practice through upcycling and recycling of wastage so as to promote environmental protection and advocate green living attitudes. Candidates were arranged to visit an environmentally friendly printing company and attended a seminar at the AsiaWorldExpo in October 2019 before submitting their entries. Anna became the Champion in the Graphic Design Category and also received the Most Creative Award with her inventive red packets, while Shirley received a Merit Award in the 3-Dimensional Design Category with her children wallet.

● A Stage-1 student of Advertising Design, Ms Cheuk-yin WONG, participated in The 39th Hong Kong Films Awards Poster Competition recently and was honoured to receive the second runner-up in the Competition. Her design was one of the assignments for SHDH1105 Introduction to Design I and was supervised by Mr Martin WONG. ● A team of 4 Stage-2 students of Visual Communication won the championship with three external dancers in the Higher Education and Open Category of " 光映躍動 - 青少年正向發展計劃 - 投影舞創作比賽 ".They participated in workshops and collaborated with the dancers and guest consultants in producing a video on positive living without drugs. The winners’ show was held at the Performance Art Theatre of Ocean Park Hong Kong on 9 November 2019 with an audience of more than 800.

● A group of 20 Environment and Interior Design students joined the Design Study Trip to Taiwan in June 2019. Students visited Tainan, Taichung and Taipei in 8 days. They have visited Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, Asia Museum of Modern Art, Luce Memorial Chapel, Songshan Cultural Creative Park, Taipei Fine Arts Museum and many other cultural venues.

● A group of 20+ Environment and Interior Design students paid a visit to Lead8's office and JEB Group showroom in Quarry Bay in January 2020. Representatives of Lead8 introduced to the students their recent projects and shared with them the interview tips. Students were also toured around the JEB showroom with partition system, furniture and finishes.

● Printing company visit ● Woodwork training ● The projects "The Arcadia", "Machine House" and "Lumines" by the 3 teams of Environment and Interior Design students were shortlisted as finalists in the HKT Smarty Living Awards 2019.
116 / 117

Hoi Tat

Ngo Kiu

CHAN Queenie Doris

CHEUNG Cheuk Lam


CHOI Chung Lam

CHOI Kwai Ling

CHU Wing Yan

FONG Hau Ching

FUNG Ching Laam

FUNG Wing Nam

FUNG Yuen Yan

HO Hau Yi

HO Hiu Wun

HUI Chi Fai

HUI Pui Yee

Wing Yu



Tsz Laam



LEE Cheuk Ying

LEE Tsz Wing



LEUNG Wing Tung

LIU Yu Wing Natalie

LOUIE Sau Ting


LUI Sum Yin Ava

MA Cho Yi

MAN Ka Chun Dicky

NG Hiu Laam

NG Wing Tsun

NG Yan Ying

NG Yee Ting

NG Yin Man

Chung Man

PONG Yan Yee

SHIU Long Ting Lawrence

SHIU Yan Tung

SO Wing Tung

SO Yuk Hung

TANG Hiu Tung



TSE Wing Lam

TSO Tsz Ching

WONG Cheuk Yin

WONG Ka Ying

WONG Long Hin Hayden

WONG Sin Wan

WU Ka Mei


YEUNG Hoi Ching


YU Ho Ching


CHAN Lam Chui

CHAN Wan Hei


CHENG Long Yee

CHEUNG Chin Shing



CHOW Hiu Yim

CHUNG Hoi Yi Kelly

FONG Hiu Yau

HA Tin Yi

■ KWOK Yan Tung

KWONG Tze Ching Irene


LAU Yee Ting

LAU Yuk Ting

LEE Chui Kiu

LEE Kin Tung Rachel



LI Athens

LI Hiu Nam

LIU Kai Hei Anson

LIU Lai Ting

LIU Tsz Kwan

MEGINO Maria Angela Razon

NG Cheuk Kei

NG Lai Yi

NG Pui Chi ● PANG Yat Wa ● SAN-TO Kei Yau ● SO Kwan Hiu ● SZE Wai Ka Victoria ● TAM Wing Hei Christina ● TANG Sze Man ● TSE Yip Sang Edison ● WAN King Kei ● WONG Cheuk Nam ● WONG Chun ● WONG Edmond ● WONG Ka Wing ● WONG Ka Yiu ● WONG Yan Yan ● YAU Pak Ho

○ (Year 1) Environment and Interior Design

● CHAN Ching Suen

● CHAN Hoi Ki ● CHAN Mei Kee Angel ● CHAN Wing

CHAN Yau Hei


CHENG Pak Ki Rex

CHEUNG Wang Yeung

CHEUNG Wing Tung





FUNG Yuet Ming


KAM Chin Hei

KWAN Chin Hang

● LAI Yan Tung

LAM Sum Yi

LAM Wing Yan

LAM Wing Yan

LAU Nok Hang Jason

LAW Wing Man



LEUNG Yik Tung

LI Hiu Ying

LI Ming Kwong

LI Wing In

LO Ka Yan

LO Sze Yam

LUK Kong Wah

LUN Siu Ling

MOK Ka Hei

NG Ka Wai

NG Yu Ching Eugene

NGAN Lok Tung

POON Kei Yau

SIU Man Yan

TAM Hoi Long

WAN Tsz Yin Canny

WONG Hei Tung Hillary

WONG Ho Shun

WONG Hon Ting

WONG Ka Ying

WONG Wai Tak

WONG Wynne Yin Yan


Man Lee






○ (Year 1) Advertising Design ● CHAN
Janet ●
● KO
Ying ● LAM
Yu ● LAW
● XU
Xin ●
● YU Po Yi ○ (Year 2) Advertising Design ■ AU Long Ni ● CHAN Hei Yi STUDENT LISTS →→ ●
● IP
Yik Lam ● YEUNG Chun Kit ● YEUNG Tsz Wing Rain ●YU Ka Ho ○ (Year 2) Environment and Interior Design ● CHAN
● CHAN Yin
● CHAU Yuk
Christie ● CHENG
Ying ● CHIU Tsz
● CHOI Anson
To ● FUNG CHANG Karen ● HO Pui Yiu ● HU Nga Kiu ● HUI Chung Man ■ HUI Hin Sing ■ HUI Sze Man ● IP Cheuk Yan ■ KUNG Wing Sze ● KWOK Tsz Kwan ● LAM Chi Yan ● LAM Ho Kiu ● LAM Kwan Lok ● LAM Yuen Wai ● LAW Wing Laam ● LEE Kiu Chor ● LEE Nok Yee ● LEUNG On To ● LEUNG Shuk Ting ● LI Lin Wei ● LI Tsz Man ● LUI Wing Yan Jasmine ● MA Sze Wai

● NG Wai Lok

● NG Wing Laam

● NG Yui Chi

● PEI Yeuk Chuen

● POON Tsz Tung

● SUM Pui Yung

● SZE Andy

● TANG Chi Tat

● TAO Kin Sun

● TSANG Kwong Sing

● WANG Tsz Ha

■ WONG Ching Tung

● WONG Ka Chun

● WONG Kwan Fai

● WONG Tsz Ching

● WONG Yiu San

● WONG Yu Tung Vivid

● WU Po Yan

● YICK Chin Yu Phyllis

● YU Bing Yee

● YU Ka Wing

○ (Year 1) Visual Communication

● CHAN Sin

● CHEUNG Oi Shan


● CHEUNG Wing Tung

● CHU Ting Ting

● CHUNG Suet Yee

● FU Hing Wan

● HANG Joshua

● HO Tsz Kiu

● IP Hei Ching

● KIANG Wan Ying

● KWOK Hoi Yi

● KWOK Tsz Yu

● LAM On Yiu

● LAU Ho Yin

● LAU Sin Yu

● LAW Mei Leng

● LAW Ying Chui

● LEE Ching Laam

● LEE Wing Yin

● LEUNG Cheuk Kei

● LEUNG Ching Sum

● LI Lee Yan

● LI Suen Chi

● MA Sai Hin

● NG Yi Hon

● SO Ka Wai

● SO Pui Shan

● TAM Pui Chung Marius

● TONG Yui Lam Helen

● TSANG Ka Yee

TSANG Yee Ting

TSE Kit Yee Ada


WONG Hoi Ting Vianna

WONG Lok Man

WONG Shuk Yi

WU Yinyi

YEUNG Tsz Shun


YEUNG Yi Ching

YIP Long

YUEN Hoi Lam

YUNG Wing Hei

(Year 2) Visual Communication

CHAN Cheuk Yin Cherrie

CHAN Chun Ki

CHAN Chung Yan

CHAN Hei Yung

CHAN Hiu Ching

CHAN Nga Lam

CHAN Sheong Ning






CHIN Wing Yin

CHOI Tiffany

CHOY Hiu Laam

CHU Sin Ang

CHUNG Wai Hung Sammi

HONG Tim Ning

KO Hiu Yee

KO Nga Sze

KWAN Sin Hang

KWAN Suen Man

LAI Chu Yi

LAM Cheuk Yin

LEE Cheuk Yan

LEE Pui Ling

LEE Wing Sze

LEUNG Kwong Chun Isaac


LEUNG Shin Yee

Ki Yan

LIANG Lijuan

LIU Tsz Yu

MA Chun Ho

NG Pui Ying

NG Tsz Hong

SHIU Yuen Yi


SUEN King Hang

TONG Man Man

TONG Wai Kai

TONG Wing Lam Cherrie

TSANG Ka Shuen

TSOI Hei Tung





CHAN Yuen Lai Winnie

CHANG Hoi Wood Howard

HUNG Kwong Yin Brian

LAM Kwai Ming

LAU Ho Wai Justin

LEE Kwok Chuen Woody

SUN Nim Yan Vera

WONG Chung Yu

Part-time lecturers

CHEUNG Ngan Tung

Jenny CHOI

Samantha CHOW

Ronnie HUNG

Martin KONG

Tony LAU Chi Hoi

Wilson LEE

Eugene LEUNG

Rayman LEUNG

MOK Ho Kwong

Rogerger NG

Claus POON

Belle TANG

Robert TRAN

WONG Chun Hoi

Kacey WONG

Yazh YIP

Technical officer

LO Wai Chung Honour

● LI
● WONG Ka Miu ● WONG Nga Ching ● WONG Wai Ki ● WONG Yu Ling ● YAM Hiu Yan ● YAN Wing Yin ● YANG Pui Lam ● YEUNG Cheuk Hin ■ YUEN Ching Kiu ● YUEN Pui Yee ↑↑ ■ Outstanding Final Project ○ Full-time

Editorial Design Team

publication is released in the time of the online exhibition "PolyU HKCC Design Annual Show 2020" launched on 5 August 2020.

HKCC Design Year Book 2020

Published by PolyU Hong Kong Community College

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

©2020 PolyU Hong Kong Community College

in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Community College, an affiliate of PolyU, is a non-profit-making company limited by guarantee.

→ Ben LEE Wing Hong → Vera SUN ○ This

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