Suburban Essex

Page 24

Suburban Essex

February 2023

A Teacher’s Life as An Artist

Onnie Strother


The All-On-4 technique uses state-of-the-art technology to replace all of your upper or lower teeth in just one day. Our dentists use in office CT scans and custom guides to achieve optimal results.

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The American Orthodontic Association recommends by the age of 7.

This way, any potential issues can be caught early. The earlier they’re caught, the easier they tend to be to treat.

Suburban Essex Gold Winner 2022 Thank You for Voting Us

Suburban Essex

David J. Black


Cathleen M. Black PRESIDENT & COO

Michael J. Reidy


Vanice Gage Donegan


Cynthia Burns

Susan Baldani

Deborah Engel

Barry Farber

Janis Hashe

Christine Maxwell

Jessica Modrow

Jackie Schatell

Deborah Shapiro


Amy Schwartz

Donna Stanul


Daniel Epstein


Bart Gorin

Christian Shepard


Mitchell Black

Heidi Dommasch

Robert Leo Murray

Robert “Red” Murray



U.S. POSTAL SERVICE MAILED TO SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES IN: Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Essex Fells, Fairfield, Glen Ridge, Livingston, Montclair, North Caldwell, Roseland, Upper Montclair, Verona, West Caldwell, West Orange

NEXT ISSUE: March 2023

Advertising Deadline: 02/15/23

In-Homes: 03/01/23

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Call for info: 973-276-1688

TABLE of CONTENTS FEBRUARY 2023 8 Inside Essex 10 Local Heroes 10 Middle Schooler from Caldwell Launches Podcast on Neurodiversity 11 Snuggle Buddy is Helping Children Get a Better Night’s Sleep 23 Focus on Education Resource Directory 26 Short Hills Resident is Crowned “NY Giants Fan of the Year” 32 Art of Essex Onnie Strother: The Joys and Sorrows of Black History in America 36 Easy DIYs to Display Your Love 38 Local Gift Guide for Valentine’s Day 40 Summer Camp 2023 40 Summer Camp Can Help Children Learn New Skills & Meet New Friends 41 Summer Camp Activity Chart 44 Senior Living 44 Understanding AFib 45 Upward (and Every Other Direction) Mobile 46 Caring for Your Nutrition When Caregiving 47 Critical Decisions Are Important in Elder Law 48 Job Haines Celebrates 101st Birthday with Resident Harry Robinson 49 Peripheral Neuropathy Breakthrough 50 Declutter & Organize for Peace, Happiness and Tranquility 51 Senior Living Resources 52 Health and Wellness 52 Not Getting Enough ZZZ’s? Try These Tricks 54 Yogurt May Help with High Blood Pressure 55 Tots and Their Teeth 56 Restaurant Guide 60 Best of Essex Resource Directory 62 Diamond Minds A Picture is Worth 1000 Words FEBRUARY 2023 VOL. 31 NO. 1
Suburban Essex is published by Vicinity Media Group, 184 S. Livingston Avenue, Suite 9-303, Livingston, NJ 07039. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication can not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher. Vicinity Media Group assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials. On the Cover: Onnie Strother
Epstein 26 40
by Dan
908.280.1316 | 560 Central Avenue, New Providence NJ 07974 | Please call for an appointment. DESIGN•TEXTILES•HOMEWARE CWI DESIGN MIKE VAN TASSELL

Caldwell Resident’s Musical is Up for An Award

Dead End the Musical, a concept audio album created by Harvey Edelman of Caldwell (lyrics), Neil Fishman (music), and Peter C. Palame (book), has been nominated for a 2022 Society of Voice Arts and Sciences (SOVAS) Award for Outstanding Production. “We are thrilled to be nominated,” says Edelman. “This musical is a labor of love.” The show is adapted from the landmark Broadway stage play from the 1930’s, entitled Dead End, by Sidney Kingsley. It is a rich story of struggles in the depression era, where the rich live alongside the poor in Manhattan. According to Edelman, the entertaining and lively musical is an audition piece with the goal of getting the show on Broadway. It has a cast of 16 Broadway caliber performers, with 20 fully orchestrated musical numbers, dramatic scenes, sound effects, and musical underscoring. Dead End the Musical is available where audiobooks are sold. For more information, go to

Montclair Resident Hosts a Popular International Internet Radio Show from His Home

Adam Laboz of Montclair broadcasts a popular live internet radio show from his home studio, called “Happy Music Land” for station JFSR in the UK. He primarily plays funk, soul, jazz, and more. Most of the records he spins are from the 60’s to the 80’s, utilizing his personally curated, eclectic record collection, comprised of over 5,000 albums and 45s. He says it is a “feel-good” music show that makes you want to dance. He intersperses the music with commentary related to the music he is playing and has the occasional guest interview with a musical personality. The two- hour show runs every Saturday night from 7-9 pm EST. He says he loves what he does and has listeners that tune in from all over the world. Tune in to “Happy Music Land” at

Line Dancer of Verona Hopes to Inspire More People to Partner Dance

Suzanne Digiovani of Verona is on a quest to get more people, including men, to go line dancing, also known as country dancing and partner dancing. She says she lost her husband at the age of 31 and was looking for a way to get out and meet new people. She went line dancing and was hooked immediately. She has now been dancing for 28 years and does it 4-5 times a week. She says, “Line dancing is a great way to meet people, and to exercise, and it is also something fun to do with someone you know.” She especially enjoys learning new dances every week. Her one complaint is that there aren’t enough men participating. She hopes more men join in partner dancing as time goes on and it continues to become more popular.

If you or someone you know in Essex/Morris County are doing something interesting, send an email to

Inside Essex
8 Suburban Essex February 2023

Livingston’s “Food Czar” Helps the Community Stay Connected

Heidi Blum of Livingston has been the unofficial “Food Czar” of Livingston for the past two years. She began her reign during Covid, on the Facebook page called Ltown Lowdown, where she has been known for her “Live-ish” videos introducing local restaurants with her signature microphone, which is some type of food related to the venue. Her humorous posts are so popular that she says she gets recognized no matter where she goes. Heidi started out posting on LTown to help restaurants that were suffering and let residents know who was open and what was on their menus. People now look forward to her weekly posts on Fridays. She says she does this all for fun and loves helping to promote the existing restaurants and letting people know about new ones opening up. “I do this from my heart, she says.” “Doing these videos throughout Covid helped me feel connected to the community and I look forward to continuing to make people laugh and to help the restaurants succeed.” You can follow her on Instagram @Heidi Blum.

Local Tween is an Entrepreneur

West Orange 7th grader, Chloe Mendoza-Altejos is quite an enterprising young lady! At 12 years old, she has a busy business on Etsy called @Chloesworldofdesigns, where she sells crocheted plushies that she hand-makes herself. She learned to crochet from her great-grandmother and loves what she does. She makes all sorts of stuffed animals, as well as jewelry and t-shirts that she sells on her site.

Chloe says she also likes to make her stuffed animals to give to friends and family, and that she donated one large one for the holidays on the West Orange Buy Nothing Group on Facebook. The tween started her business during the pandemic as a way to keep busy and says she likes being her own boss. Chloe says that she tries to either save the money she makes or spend it on materials.

Chloe balances her business along with her schoolwork, cheerleading and volleyball. Her mom, Christine, says she is proud of Chloe, who she says is “dedicated, responsible and very good at time management.”

Corrections from the 2022 Best of Essex Winner Announcement in the Winter edition.

BEST FLORIST: Rosaspina who won the Silver Medal name was misspelled.

BEST FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT: Faubourg who won the Gold Medal name was misspelled.

BEST HAIR SALON: Julio Angel Hair Studio who won the Silver Medal is located Verona, not Cedar Grove.

BEST LAWYER—ELDER CARE: Gold medal winner, Donald Dennison, III of Mandelbaum Barrett is located in Roseland and the website is

BEST LAWYER—FAMILY LAW: Silver medal winner, Lynne Strober of Mandelbaum Barrett is located in Roseland and the website is

BEST PET SERVICES: Catnip Gypsy tied for the Bronze medal.

BEST PODIATRIST: Gold medal winner, Cedar Grove Foot & Ankle Specialist has moved to a new location: 882 Pompton Ave, Ste. B1, Cedar Grove.

BEST YOGA: Niyama Yoga Shala of Roseland tied for the Silver medal.

Heidi Blum, Livingston’s “Food Czar” talks into a baguet as she creates a video on Facebook about a local restaurant.
February 2023 9

Middle Schooler from Caldwell Launches Podcast on Neurodiversity

Lucy Sandor, a 7th grader at Grover Cleveland Middle School in Caldwell has launched a podcast called, Neurodiversity Superpowers, ( where she speaks with adults and children who are neurodiverse. It is a podcast about kids using the power of neurodiversity to make a difference in the world. After looking for a show about neurodiversity geared to children to no avail, she set out to create one by a kid for kids.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “’Neurodiversity’ is a word used to explain the unique ways people’s brains work. While everyone’s brain develops similarly, no two brains function just alike. Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average or ‘neurotypical’ person.” A few examples of neurodiversity are ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Tourette’s syndrome.

Lucy says she searches for guests to interview online and via email, and that she really enjoyed speaking with actor Penn Holderness, who has ADHD. He told her how neurodiversity has helped him with a very long list of professional and personal accomplishments including winning Season 33 of the Amazing Race.

She also liked talking with Emily Kircher-Morris, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LCP) who is the host of the Neurodiversity Podcast and author of Raising TwiceExceptional Children (Routledge). Emily gave listeners an understanding of how ADHD brains work and provided expert tips on topics like self-advocating, friendship, and navigating neurotypical classrooms.

Some of the children Lucy has interviewed have said that their neurodiversity helps them be creative and be better gamers and Dungeons and Dragons players.

Lucy says she is happy to be doing her podcast where she can talk about and share information on neurodiversity with many people. “I hope my podcast helps people learn to feel better about their own neurodiversity,” says Lucy.

Her mom Theresa says, I am proud of Lucy. She came up with doing this podcast all on her own. She has ADHD, which can be difficult, and she has found a way to make it a positive in her life.”

If you know someone that goes above and beyond, send an email to

Suburban Essex February 2023

Local Heroes
Lucy Sandor

Snuggy Buddy is Helping Children Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Sue Bortone, of Verona, has created a socially conscious company called Snuggy Buddy Baby, which donates a percentage of every sale, on a quarterly basis, to Project Linus uses the money to buy fabric to make blankets that are donated to local children in hospitals, shelters, and social service agencies. Project Linus donates around 350 blankets every month. Snuggy Buddy helps make over 100 blankets for children in need each year through the charity. She says she chose Project Linus as the recipient of her monetary donation because it is an “underdog charity doing great things for children and wants to help bring additional light to it.”

“It is important to me to help people’s children sleep comfortably both with a Snuggy Buddy and through a charity like Project Linus,” she says.

Sue got the idea for, which makes wearable baby blankets with a lovey (plush butterfly) attached, when she noticed her children were having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. They liked to hold something when they slept, which could become unsafe in the crib for them as babies. And

they sometimes became frustrated and woke when reaching around trying to find the item, which was removed from their crib for safety, while they slept. Sue says that with a Snuggy Buddy, this problem is avoided because the lovey is attached in a safe location, at the chest, for safe holding. “This helps soothe the baby,” she says. “The first time my daughter slept with a prototype of the Snuggy Buddy, she slept soundly for 12 hours, and I knew I was onto something that didn’t exist in the market.”

The Snuggy Buddy, which recently won the Mom’s Gold Choice Award, comes in a gender-neutral white with a white and grey butterfly, so it can be passed down from child to child. It comes in various sizes, as a tummy sleeper, wearable blanket, and a toddler walker, with additional sizes and a new lovey character coming to market soon.

The Snuggy Buddy can be purchased at Amazon, Bloomingdales, and

If you know someone that goes above and beyond, send an email to

Local Heroes
February 2023 11
Left-right: Susan, Olivia, Rocco and Pasquale Bortone pose with a Snuggy Buddy that Susan is holding.

Denim & Diamonds

Step out at the West Orange African Heritage Organization’s (WOAHO) annual Denim & Diamonds GALA on Saturday February 11, 2023. This BYOBB (Bring Your Own Brown Bag & Booze) affair is heralded as one the most exciting events of the year! Bring your dance shoes and wear your most captivating denim & diamonds attire to help. Music by Master DJ, J.J. Jackson!

Door prizes. Ladies & Gentlemen strut your stuff in your most creative denim & diamonds outfit. Don’t wait. Get your tickets NOW!!! Tickets are $50 per person. All proceeds benefit the WOAHO’s Thomas Holcomb Scholarship for graduating West Orange seniors.

Saturday, February 11, 7pm–Midnight

VFW Hall

52 Eisenhower Parkway, Roseland Free Parking

West Orange Classic Film Festival

The West Orange Classic Film Festival: Fables & Magical Myths, returns, in the town where Thomas Edison invented movies, is giving cinema lovers a chance to experience their favorite films as they were meant to be—on the big screen! Each film will be followed by a discussion led by a local film scholar/critic. Tickets are $15 and must be purchased in advance on Eventbrite

Feb. 5: The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, (1958) Heroic fantasy adventure film with Speaker Paul Castiglia

Feb. 19: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, (1971) American musical fantasy film with Speaker John Chasse

Feb. 26: The Princess Bride, (1987) Comedy film with Speaker Stephen Whitty

Mar. 5: Field of Dreams, (1989) Fantasy film with Speaker Ed Randall

AMC Dine-in Theatres, 2pm Essex Green Shopping Center, 495 Prospect Avenue, West Orange

Service Upgrades • Indoor & Outdoor Lighting • Recessed Lighting Kitchen & Bath Renovations • Repairs & Troubleshooting Commercial Electrical Maintenance SAFETY • DEPENDABILITY • SERVICE 973-857-4333 Certified Generator Installation & Service FULLY INSURED LIC. #11056 Thank You for Voting Us BEST ELECTRICIAN Seven Consecutive Gold Medals! 2021 Suburban Essex Gold Winner 2022 Local Buzz
12 Suburban Essex February 2023

Happenings at Van Vleck House & Gardens

Van Vleck House & Gardens

21 Van Vleck Street, Montclair | 973-744-4752

Masks are required for our indoor programs

Tales on the Trails: Discovering Winter

Wednesday, February 15, 1-1:45pm

Discover the wonders of the outdoor world with your little one. This program begins in the gardens of Van Vleck with a story, then continues with a walk and concludes with a simple craft or activity. A parent or caregiver must accompany each child. Programs will be held outdoors, weather permitting. Ages 3–5.

Outdoor Adventures Family Program: Camouflage Critters

Saturday, February 18, 10am-12:30pm

Join us in the gardens as you and your family explore and learn about the outdoor world through crafts, scavenger hunts, activity sheets and displays. Each program will focus on a specific theme, and our Van Vleck Education team will guide your family through this interactive learning experience. Registration is required and includes everything you need to participate in the program. Designed for children ages 4-11 but all are welcome.

COMPLETE SKI OR SNOWBOARD PACKAGE SEASONAL RENTAL Youth $99 Junior $149 and up Adult $199 and up DAILY Junior $29 Adult $39 EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO HIT THE SLOPES! No charge for travel time. Pick up day before you ski & return the day after. Seasonal rentals due back next October. All Rental Departments close 60min prior to store’s regular closing hours. Please plan appropriately. HUGE SKI & SNOWBOARD SHOP WITH ALL THE BEST BRANDS–MOUNTING WHILE YOU WAIT! Pelican has one of the most comprehensive selections of all the latest gear and styles. Our seasoned staff will work with you to determine exactly what you are looking for and might need to make your experience on the mountain enjoyable! Next-Day Delivery from 70,000 sq. ft. Warehouse 2980 Route 10 West, Morris Plains 973-267-0964 Visit for discount coupons Worth the Trip From Anywhere! Mon- Sat 10am-6pm • Sunday 10am-5pm Pelican Ski, Pool Patio & Spa Shops Local Buzz
February 2023 13

MSU Dept of Theater & Dance “Celebrating Rodgers & Hammerstein”

Meet the Broadway performers of tomorrow! This trip through great moments in the musicals of Rodgers and Hammerstein features Montclair State University musical theatre students about to embark on their careers. They’ll share classic songs from Carousel, Oklahoma, The King and I, The Sound of Music, and other favorites.

There will be a limited amount of seats available for this performance and only to registered guests. Please reserve a seat below and click “submit”. Face masks should be worn indoors at our events unless you are eating or drinking. The concert is free. Suggested donation: $10.

Sunday, February 12, 2-3:30pm Van Vleck House & Gardens 21 Van Vleck Street, Montclair | 973-744-4752

Kitchens | Baths | Basements | Decks | Additions | Master Suites 973-857-3553 We Bring Your Vision to Reality Best Home Renovation 2022 – Silver 2021 – Gold Best Kitchen & Baths 2022 – Silver 2021 – Silver 2019 - Bronze Call us today about your renovation/remodeling project: NJ HIC Registration: 13VH00308600 Bronze Winner 2019 Silver Winner 2021 Gold Winner 2021 Silver Winner Suburban Essex 2022 Silver Winner Suburban Essex 2022 Local Buzz
NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL 973-744-6766 • (cell) 201-953-9359 MOVING? Ask How We Can Help (A N.J.D.E.P.E. Licensed Hauler) Louis M. Mauriello, Owner Operator FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED SAME DAY SERVICE • Basements, Attics, Garages & More • Warehouses, Office Buildings • Estate Clean Outs • Demolition Services Available • Trailer & Container Rentals Available • REO Specialist NOTHING SAYS “I LOVE YOU” LIKE A CLEAN GARAGE, BASEMENT, OR ATTIC! SWEETHEART SPECIAL 10% OFF CLEAN OUTS ONLY With this ad. Not to be combined with any other offers. Offer3/15/23.expires Suburban Essex Gold Winner 2022 14 Suburban Essex February 2023

Mardi Gras Celebration with Thaddeus Expose

It’s Mardi Gras Time! Thaddeus Expose is heading up a group of outstanding musicians. If you have been or ever wanted to go to New Orleans to experience Mardi Gras, here is your chance.

Thaddeus Exposé made his debut at the Morris Museum last year and returns to bring NOLA back to Morristown for his second annual Mardi Gras Celebration! This extravaganza will have you dancing in the aisles or in your seat!

Thaddeus Exposé was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. He is a professional jazz bassist, composer, recording artist and successful inventor of the “BowStopper” and the author of two books, The Ultimate Jazz Method and Can’t Catch Me.

Thaddeus Expose–M/C, Bass and Vocals; Ayana Lowe–Vocals; Oscar Perez–Piano; Gordon Lane–Drums; Marty Eigen–Sax & Clarinet; Peter Lin–Trombone; Randel Haywood–Trumpet.

Sunday, February 19, 3pm

Bickford Theatre at Morris Museum

6 Normandy Heights Road, Morristown 973-971-3706

WE PAY CASH FOR USED CAMERAS & LENSES STOP IN FOR A FREE APPRAISAL shop, learn & save in-store or online at trade in and trade up camera & video superstore over 2 o,000 c amera & v i d eo ite m s in s toc k renta l s • clas s e s • p h oto l ab • camera t r a d e - i n e x pe r t tec h ni c al a d vic e • r epai rs • fi l m Some restrictions may apply see stores for details. 123 US Hwy 46 (West) Fairfield, NJ 07004 (973) 377-2007 Open: M-w: 10 AM - 5 PM | thur - fri: 10 AM - 6 PM sat: 10 AM - 5 PM | sun: 10 AM - 4 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K sub_essex_2021_2.pdf 1 6/2/21 2:26 PM Local Buzz
Celebrating 15 Years of Award Winning Design! Silver Winner Suburban Essex 2022 973-239-3004 WINDOW
February 2023 15
Thaddeus Expose

“Rhythm & Blues” An Exhibition

In honor of Black History Month, Studio Montclair, Inc. is delighted to present “Rhythm & Blues,” our first exhibition of the new year. Celebrating the intersection between music and art in its many permutations, the exhibit examines the visual artist’s perceptions of the rhythm and blues musical traditions. Included are paintings, drawings, mixed media, electronic, and digital art.

According to curator Onnie Strother, “the music known as rhythm and blues combines many different genres and traditions, including Jazz, Gospel, Spirituals, Hip Hop, and

the Blues. R&B rests on a fusion of styles that express the many facets of the Black experience. This exhibit uses the R&B tradition as a springboard for artists to create artworks that invoke the energy, spirituality, and coolness of the Black experience, keeping in mind that, as Duke Ellington says, ‘It won’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.”

Thursday, February 2-Friday, March 10

Studio Montclair Gallery

127 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair | 862-500-1447

Suburban Essex 2022 Gold Winner Fully Insured: Workers’ Comp & Liability NJHIC# 13VH6449500 Fully Insured: Workers’ Comp & Liability NJHIC# 13VH11964900 ROOFING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Masonry • Hardscaping • Millwork • Gutter Installation Carpentry • Bathroom/Kitchen & Basement Renovations Floor Installation & Refinishing • Roofing • Painting • Additions Local Buzz
Maria Ortiz-Haynes Bart Gorin Antoinette Ellis-Williams
16 Suburban Essex February 2023
Barbara Martin

Musical Theatre Conservatory: Broadway Boot Camp Auditions!

Camp Dates: July 5-22, 2023

Professional, personalized training in singing, dancing, tv acting, comedy, song interpretation, stage combat, auditioning, make-up and more! Meet and study with agents and Broadway personalities! Final show, pool party, and Showcase!

The audition dates are: February 4, 11, 18 and 25. Appointments can also be scheduled during the week on zoom or in person. Call Randy at 973-868-6259 to schedule an appointment!

Design/Build | Kitchens | Bathrooms | Additions 438 Broad Street, Bloomfield 973-743-8722 NJLic#13VH00056300 EPA Lead Safe Cert#NAT-23584 New Jersey’s Premier Remodeler THANK YOU FOR VOTING US BEST OF ESSEX — THIRTEEN YEARS IN A ROW! Suburban Essex Gold Winner 2022 Local Buzz
February 2023 17

Salsa Lessons

Salsa Lessons with Joselyne Salomon and Christiano Jay. Light buffet with a Latin flair—plus two glasses of Sangria. DJ Gio. Latin/salsa music until 9:30pm.

Couples & singles are welcome! Reservations recommended. $65 plus tax & tip.

Thursday, February 9

Buffet at 6pm

Performance & Lessons at 7pm Il Vecchio Cafe 234 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell

Reservations Recommended: 973-226-8889 Opt. 1



998 Pompton Avenue Cedar Grove


Photo courtesy of Paramount Properties & Holdings, LLC
Local Buzz
Joselyne Salomon Christiano Jay
18 Suburban Essex February 2023

Life Lessons for Women

Friday, February 17 & 24, 7:30pm-9pm Location Sue Waldman’s Office

Local women, do you feel like something is missing in your life but can’t seem to identify it? Would you like to ‘fall in love’ with your life? Are you feeling anxious, depressed, burned out, overwhelmed and disconnected from yourself, others and the world? Discover where you reside in the story of your life. Would you like to change your narrative to self empowerment? Join Verona Psychotherapist and Inspirational Life Coach, Sue Waldman for an enlightening evening of self discovery and reclaim your forgotten dreams, longings and aspirations. Learn essential ‘Life Lessons’ support group to take charge of your life and take care of yourself while living your passion and purpose. Share your own feminine medicine and wisdom. This in-person gathering is held small to ensure an intimate, safe experience. Advance registration required. Call Sue Waldman’s office at 973-857-9090.

Relax, Restore & Renew

Friday, February 3 & 10, 7:30pm-9pm Location Sue Waldman’s Office

Local women, give yourself the gift of connecting with your heart and Relax, Restore and Renew your body and spirit. Join, Psychotherapist and Spiritual Life Coach, Sue Waldman, while she facilitates a relaxed, comforting and peaceful guided visualization on Self Love. Mindfulness, as a way of life, focuses on cultivating a wholesome mind that will produce positive thoughts that contribute to your well being, simultaneously, the well-being of the whole world. Using breath work, guided imagery, Karuna Reiki®, shamanic drums, Tibetan chimes, and aromatherapy, learn the techniques of quieting your mind and enjoy the deep, lasting benefits of this ancient practice on your mind, body and spirit. Outcomes such as: reduction of stress, increased ability to concentrate, freedom from anxiety, increased learning, improved memory and health. No experience needed. Advanced registration required. Call Sue Waldman’s office at 973-857-9090.

We Can Help You Declutter & Organize Your Space Call today to set up your FREE Consultation 516-672-0288 Visit us online at: We will help you: • Simplify your life by decluttering and organizing your home • Decide what to purge while understanding how emotionally challenging this process can be
Create functional and peaceful spaces in your home
Have stress-free move out and move in experiences with our expert packing and unpacking systems. Local Buzz
February 2023 19

Torn Asunder

Premieres at Luna Stage

Luna Stage launches its 2023 season with Obiewinner and Pulitzer-nominee Nikkole Salter’s Torn Asunder, a searing historical drama. Set in the years leading up to and immediately following emancipation, Torn Asunder is the story of a formerly enslaved woman’s quest to reunite with her husband and son.

The play is inspired by Dr. Heather Andrea Williams’ book Help Me Find My People, praised by the New York Times for its “revelation of the bonds forged by the collective grief and resilient love of a people finding themselves.” Williams details the poignant and often fruitless, “information wanted” advertisements placed in newspapers by formerly enslaved people searching for missing loved ones, as well as heartbreaking stories of separation and the complexities of freedpeople’s lives as they navigated unspeakable loss.

As part of Luna’s commitment to equity and access, all tickets are offered on a sliding scale ($10-$80) and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

February 2-26, 2023

Luna Stage, 555 Valley Road, West Orange |

FREE ESTIMATES Call Toll-Free 888-Painting INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING ROOFING • CARPENTRY • GUTTERS We Do More Than Just Paint… RESTORATION & ROOFING Thank You for Voting for Us! BEST HOME RENOVATIONS–GOLD BEST PAINTER–SILVER BEST ROOFER–BRONZE Bronze Winner Suburban Essex 2022 Suburban Essex Gold Winner 2022 Local Buzz
20 Suburban Essex February 2023

Unique Photo Workshops

Understanding Your Camera I: The Basics

Tuesday, February 7, 11am-1pm & 6:30-8:30pm

You have a digital camera, and you know that the images are going to be far superior to the ones captured by your point-and-shoot camera, but maybe you’re not sure how that happens. This class is for beginners to amateur photographers looking to gain a better understanding of the automated modes and features, as well as the manual control and capabilities, of your digital SLR or mirrorless camera.

Get instruction on the importance of understanding the fundamentals (such as depth of field, ISO, aperture, shutter speed, exposure compensation, metering, white balance, reading histograms, on camera flashes, lenses) and how they will affect your photos! In the second half of the class, the students will work with their cameras and apply what they have learned.  The buttons and settings will be much easier to manipulate, and each student will have developed the ability to capture the images closer to their vision.

Macro Photography at Longwood Gardens

Saturday, February 1, 10am-1pm

It’s a fine time to exercise your macro photography at Longwood Gardens with Michael Downey! Their Conservatory is one of the world’s great greenhouse structures and shelters 20 indoor gardens and 5,500 types of plants. At present, there are 195,668 square feet—or 4.5 acres—of covered display, production, and research greenhouses.

Once everyone has met up with Michael, he will distribute tickets and then begin the seminar. He’ll go over settings, techniques, and tips for photographing flowers and macro photography. Michael will also have some accessories and tools that will help you get the best photos possible! A leisurely stroll through the display areas takes about 1½ hours and covers about ½ mile.

Introduction to Lightroom Classic CC

Saturday, February 18, 11am-3pm

Join Adobe Certified instructor Blake Taylor for this hands-on class that will introduce you to Adobe Lightroom Classic CC! By following a photographic workflow, participants will first learn how to import digital photos into Lightroom. From there, you will learn different ways to manage your photos, make one-click adjustments, to making more advanced adjustments using the controls that Lightroom offers. Participantes also experiment with Lightroom’s non-destructive environment by enhancing a variety of photos by working within Lightroom’s Library and Develop modules. By the end of the class, you will have a much stronger working knowledge of the program and be ready to apply what you learned to your own photos.

Unique Photo

123 US Hwy 46 (West), Fairfield | 973-377-2007

Bagoff-Levenbrook Dental Arts ROBERT BAGOFF, DMD • STEVEN LEVENBROOK, DDS Missing a Tooth? Loose Denture or Partial? Bad Bridge? Tooth Needs to Be Removed? **Call Today!** Are You or a Family Member Missing a Tooth? RESERVE YOUR $369.00 IMPLANT CONSULTATION TODAY — SPECIAL OFFER— at the End of the Consultation You Will Get a 100% REFUND of that Fee. X-Rays and Cat Scan not included. Offer expires 3/31/23. CALL NOW 973-325-9000 973-325-9000 405 Northfield Avenue, Suite 202, West Orange CONCEPT BEFORE NJ HIC #13VH02988400 SERVING THE WEST ESSEX AREA FOR OVER 15 YEARS 973-261-0198 BEST LANDSCAPING Gold Winner–6 Years in a Row! BEST LANDSCAPE DESIGN Silver Winner Suburban Essex 2022 Suburban Essex 2022 AFTER Your Full-Service Landscaping, Snow Removal & Lawn Treatment Company Local Buzz
February 2023 21


Kids are inundated with information on a daily basis. So how do they learn to distinguish facts from opinion, fiction, and falsehoods? Teaching kids to think critically is the solution. Good critical thinking skills are necessary to assess information and form logical conclusions. Here are a few ways to help your child develop problem-solving skills and foster critical thinking.

“Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.”
Roger Lewin Ph.D., British Anthropologist and Science Writer
22 Suburban Essex February 2023

Ask your child questions.

When your kid comments on or asks a question about a situation, turn it into an opportunity. Rather than immediately providing a definitive response, ask your child open-ended questions that require thought. For example, respond with, “What would you do to solve this problem?” or “I’d like to hear what you think.”

Once your child answers, ask him or her (in a nonjudgemental tone) to defend their answer. “Can you tell me why you think that?” or “What led you to this conclusion?” This provides kids the opportunity to consider how they arrived at their responses. The idea is for your child to discover faulty thinking and connect the dots to logical thinking.

Whether or not your child or adolescent’s thinking is correct or logical, offer praise for their effort to think the answer through. Then, if the reasoning is faulty, gently explain what you believe and why to correct false assumptions or misconceptions.

Use play to foster critical thinking

Play provides lots of learning opportunities. Encourage your kids to strategize when they play games. Have them think through their next move and consider what their opponent might do. Building with Legos or blocks provides another opportunity. Have your child consider how placing one piece will affect the placement of others and, ultimately, the look or functionality of the structure.

Take advantage of everyday tasks

Real-life opportunities to problem solve are an excellent way to hone kids’ critical thinking skills. When your child does chores, let your kid do it their way a few times to try to figure out an efficient way to conquer the task.

If your kid hasn’t figured it out after multiple tries, ask if your child can think of a faster or better way to do it. If necessary, you can offer a tip and ask how that might help.

Encourage outside-the-box thinking

Kids have the innate ability to think outside the box. This is known as divergent thinking. As we grow, however, thought becomes more convergent. A certain degree of convergent thinking is necessary, so we don’t give the same weight to all possibilities. But divergent thinking is still crucial to solving problems.

When a problem arises, ask your child to think of all the possible ways to solve it. Also, have your kid consider and weigh out the pros and cons of each solution to determine which is best.

New Jersey Campus Scan the QR code to learn more about our NJ Campus Dates: Monday through Friday July 3 - July 28, 2023 | 8:30am - 12:45pm Contact: Jennifer Purcell, Director of Summer Program Looking for a Summer School for your child with a learning difference? Learn more about Winston Prep New Jersey Summer Program that provides students with learning differences a unique, individualized learning environment to enhance their academic skills and foster independence. 901 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 07981 | 973-500-6480 February 2023 23


Berkeley College

44 Riflee Camp Road, Woodland Park


In a wooded setting on a lush mountaintop adjacent to parklands and a reservoir, the Woodland Park campus is an idyllic environment for the college experience. Beautiful architecture combines with modern technology in a setting that is conveniently located in the suburbs of New York City. Ample parking is available and major highways are easily accessible. Security services include on-campus security personnel and 24/7 monitoring.

The Craig School

Lower/Middle School

15 Tower Hill Road, Mountain Lakes

High School

24 Changebridge Road, Montville


Please visit our website to learn more and to schedule your visit.

The mission of The Craig School is it provide students a strategy-based, comprehensive, and challenging school experience that acknowledges their learning disabilities, builds on their aptitudes, and strengthens their self-awareness and self-esteem. They help parents assess their child’s true potential and understand the nature of learning disabilities and provide families an internal support network within the Craig community.

Lacordaire Academy

155 Lorraine Ave, Montclair 973-744-1156 x12

PK–8 coed; All Womens High School 9-12

Open House: February 3, 9-10am (all academy information session) Lacordaire Academy is a 101 year old coeducational Catholic school from prekindergarten through eighth grade, and womenonly for high school. It is led by a veteran leadership team that works together to meet its Dominican goals and high academic standards.

The Language Institute

175 Fairfield Avenue, 2C West Caldwell 973-228-1843

Age Groups: Children ages 6 and up, middle, high school, college students, adults Quality instruction to introduce children to a new language, for students of all ages for expert enrichment or remedial tutoring and for adults with personal, business or travel goals.

Montclair Cooperative School

65 Chestnut St, Montclair 973-783-4955

Age Groups: Early Ages-Grade 8

Open Houses: February 8 and 15; March 3, 10 and 25—12:30pm They are a community dedicated to creating a diverse and nurturing environment where children flourish intellectually and develop exceptional social skills along with a deep sense of community responsibility.

Mount St. Dominic Academy

3 Ryerson Ave, Caldwell 973-226-0660

Age Groups: 14-18 years old (girls only)

Open House: March 29, 6:30pm

Truth and love. Inquiry and commitment. Knowledge and action. These words are at the heart of Mount St. Dominic Academy, dedicated to educating and empowering young women in the Dominican Tradition.

Newmark K-8 School & Newmark High School

1000 Cellar Ave, Scotch Plains 908-753-0330

Age Groups: K-12

ved, private not-for-profit schools serving children living with autism spectrum disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, attention issues and other developmental disabilities.

Rider University

2083 Lawrenceville Rd, Lawrenceville 800-257-9026

Age Group: Undergraduate, Continuing Education, Graduatem

At Rider, you’ll have the support to follow your drive and the freedom to explore your options. There are so many possibilities ahead. All you have to do is take the first step with them.

19 CHURCH STREET, VERONA For Tours Call Sarah Colucci at: 973-239-3902 VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Registration Open for September 2023-24 Academic Year and Serenity Summer Adventures “A Place to Discover The Brilliant Child in Every Student and Unlock Their True Potential” For Children 2.5-6.5 Years Old • Pre K3 through 8th grades • Middle States Accredited • Full-Day or Half-Day Pre K 3 & 4 • Full-Day Kindergarten • On-site BeforeCare & AfterCare Programs • Accelerated Math for Grades 6-8 • Smartboards, Chromebooks, iPads, Mac Desktops • Jr. High Stream / Synergistics Program • Physical Education for All Grades • Spanish, Art & Music Classes St. Thomas The Apostle School The Catholic School of Bloomfield 50 Byrd Avenue, Bloomfield E-mail: Bronze Winner Suburban Essex 2022 New Family Registration is Open! Call the school office at 973-338-8505 24 Suburban Essex February 2023

Saint Thomas the Apostle School

50 Byrd Ave, Bloomfield 973-338-8505

Age Groups: 3-14 Years Old

Open House: April 3

Saint Thomas the Apostle School provides students with a challenging and comprehensive education integrating spiritual values rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition. They cultivate and herald the growth of the students in mind, body, and spirit, preparing them to take their place in the Church and in the world, in roles of leadership and service.

School of Rock

125 Valley Road, Montclair 973-337-5296


At School of Rock, learning music helps kids blossom in unimaginable ways. Students are not just taught an instrument–they build confidence learning to deal with life situations. Kids are performing on stage from the beginning, which teaches them to play as part of a team. This helps them learn their skills faster and more thoroughly. Montclair School of Rock’s creative community helps children succeed in music and beyond.

Serenity Montessori

19 Church Street, Verona 973-239-3902

Since 2016, each child at Serenity Montessori Academy has been valued as a unique individual. The school accommodates all learning styles with students free to learn at their own pace. Classrooms are intentionally designed with Language, Sensorial, Practical Life, Science and Culture materials necessary for their development. Internal satisfaction drives the child’s curiosity and interest and results in joyous learning that is sustainable over a lifetime.

Winston Preparatory School

901 Route 10 East, Whippany 973-500-6480


Age Groups: 2-12 grade

To schedule a visit, contact the school office or visit the website.

Winston Prep is a highly individualized and responsive setting for students in grades 2-12 with specific learning differences, including language processing disorders such as dyslexia, nonverbal learning disabilities such as Asperger’s, and executive functioning difficulties such as ADHD.

If she can see it, she can be it. Attend our Open House and see for yourself what the Mount means to our students, faculty, and families. Register Today! MSDA Open House March 29|6:30 PM 3 Ryerson Avenue, Caldwell, NJ 973.226.0660 A Private College Prep School for Girls February 2023 25

Short Hills Resident is Crowned “NY Giants Fan of the Year

Often found manning the grill in the Met Life Stadium parking lot, Jeff Bloom of Short Hills, who grew up in Livingston, is a die-hard fan of the NY Giants. In fact, the season ticket holder since 1976, was recently named “NY Giants Fan of the Year” in a contest sponsored by Captain Morgan, a sponsor of the NFL, and is now in the running against 31 other Fans of the Year for the other teams to be named “NFL Fan of the Year.”

Jeff, who was thrilled to win, and has one of the longest tailgate streaks in Giants history, says, “I love the Giants, always have and always will, in good times and bad – I bleed blue!”

Jeff’s friend Skip Trachtman of Short Hills invited Jeff to a meet and greet with the NY Giants and Jeff couldn’t wait. This, however, was merely a front for what was the formal announcement of Jeff’s NY Giants Fan of the Year win. Shortly after arriving at the stadium, Jeff was completely caught off guard when he was approached by Julian Love and Adoree Jackson, who told Jeff he won the contest and presented him with an encased football that said NY Giants Fan of the Year with Jeff’s name inscribed on it.

As Fan of the Year, Jeff was invited onto the field during a recent home game, with some friends and family, including his 86-yearold dad, Alan, who instilled Jeff’s love for the Giants. Jeff was awarded a huge, 10’ 6” statue, which was presented by Victor Cruz, two round-trip tickets to Superbowl weekend including the game, an invite to the live NFL Honors show, and access to other NFL live shows. In addition, Jeff and the 31 other winners will appear in the high-impact cover peel ad in the February issue of Sports Illustrated

Jeff says, “My friend Skip’s son, Sam, learned about the contest and unbeknownst to me, nominated me. Apparently, in the application, he shared a story of a particular time in which, on a frigid day, I went to a game and tailgated alone. In reality, on that day, no one else could be convinced to go the game because the Giants were 2 and 13, it was day of New Year’s Eve, and there were extreme weather conditions of 13 degrees out, and it was very windy. Even though it was the last game of the season, I wouldn’t miss it and decided to go by myself. After setting up 26 Suburban Essex February 2023

From left, Jeff Bloom and Victor Cruz show off the 10’ 6” statue that Jeff won as NY Giants Fan of the Year, which Victor Cruz presented to him.

my food, table, grill, and heater, I realized that I locked myself out of the car, my jacket and gloves were inside—and the car was running. Freezing, and in just a long-sleeved t-shirt, I ran around to find help and ultimately, Giants Security sent a tow-truck, and we finally got the car open. I then cooked, tailgated, and invited everyone parked near me, who were staying in their cars to stay warm, to participate in my tailgate and despite the cold, we had a great time. Eventually, I went into the stadium alone and sat on the 50-yard line. There were hardly any people at the game and the Giants won. It was a cold and crazy day, but the win made it all worthwhile!”

This is the third year that Captain Morgan has sponsored this contest, which according to the official NFL site, “honors fans who truly spice up the game through their love and passion for their teams.” This year, Captain Morgan spiced it up by immortalizing six of the NFL superfans with custom-designed larger-than-life statues with their unique personalities infused into them. The site says, “Throughout NFL history, statues have been erected in honor of beloved coaches and athletes, but for the first time ever, fans will be put on a similar pedestal (literally) for all the world to see.”

To vote for Jeff for “NFL” Fan of the Year (voting is unlimited), which will be announced at the NFL Honors Event on February 9th in Arizona, go to




Champion. Activist. Legend

The traveling exhibition, Billie Jean King: Champion. Activist. Legend., presents more than 75 photographs of King’s extraordinary life, including her journey to achieve 39 Grand Slam titles and the world number one ranking in women’s tennis. An inspirational champion on and off the court, King’s lifelong advocacy for equality and social justice is brought to life in this first ever exhibition about her life.

Billie Jean King’s impact extends far beyond her achievements on the tennis court. In the 1970s she lobbied for the passage of Title IX and testified before Congress on behalf of the Women’s Educational Equality Act. King fought for and obtained equal prize money for women at the US Open in 1973, and is renowned for her celebrated win over Bobby Riggs in the “Battle of the Sexes” match on September 20, 1973.

King was named among the “100 Most Important Americans in the 20th Century” in the Fall 1990 Special issue of Life magazine. President Barack Obama presented her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009, making her the first female athlete and first female member of the LGBTQ+ community to receive the prestigious award. Over her long career, she has continually

leveraged her role as a public figure to champion human rights, challenge discrimination and fight for gender equity.

This exhibition reveals the full persona of Billie Jean King and her accomplishments. She fought hard to become the reigning female tennis champion, but her story—as told in this exhibition—reaches people everywhere as she confronts discrimination in all forms.

Runs through December 31, 2023

Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center

Campus of Montclair State University

8 Yogi Berra Drive, Little Falls | 973-809-2043

Local Buzz
February 2023 27

Amazing Asia Exhibit is Dedicated to Louis LaSalle

Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr. dedicated the Louis LaSalle Amazing Asia Exhibit at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo. This exhibit is dedicated to Louis LaSalle, the longtime President of the Essex County Parks Foundation, in recognition of his longtime advocacy for Turtle Back Zoo and the Essex County Parks System. The Amazing Asia Exhibit provides modern accommodations for Red Pandas, Clouded Leopards, Slow Loris, Knobbed Hornbill and Vietnamese Pond Turtles.

“Lou LaSalle was first pressed into service with the Essex County Parks Foundation when it was founded 27 years ago and has served as the chairman since its inception. Lou epitomizes community service in the numerous roles he has with the Parks Foundation, RWJBarnabas, area chambers of commerce and other local organizations,” DiVincenzo said. “He is deserving of this honor because of his commitment to help us revitalize Turtle Back Zoo and support the Essex County Parks System,” he added.

“I want to thank the County Executive and everyone else who spoke today for the very kind words. This is a meaningful and tremendous honor to me,” LaSalle said at his dedication. He mentioned that he first met DiVincenzo almost 40 years ago when they both served on an advisory committee for the Essex County Parks Commission (now the Parks Department). “I want to thank you, Joe, for your exemplary leadership and giving me the opportunity to serve the people of Essex,” LaSalle added.

“Lou is as dedicated to the community today as he has been for the past 35 years,” RWJBarnabas Health Chief Operating Officer Barry Ostrowsky said. “When we look at this tremendous investment to create this new exhibit, it is consistent with what Lou has been about his entire life and that is giving back to the community,” he added.

“We are all really proud of the Amazing Asia Exhibit because it highlights the importance of biodiversity not only within the environment but also connects with cultures. We hope this will inspire environmental awareness among our visitors and help us highlight our mission of promoting education, conservation and understanding,” Essex County Turtle Back Zoo Director Jillian Fazio said.

The exhibit is designed to meet the animals’ needs to climb and run, with the height of the exhibit playing an important role in its success. The outdoor section of the exhibit is 20 feet in height while the indoor section is 12 feet in height. The animal area will feature a waterfall, pool, fresh water drinking area that is separate from the pool, climbing structures and a grassy area.

Essex County Turtle Back Zoo

560 Northfield Ave, West Orange | 973-731-5800

28 Suburban Essex February 2023
Photo by Glen Frieson
973-865-5855 SPECIALIZING IN: • DEER-RESISTANT GARDENS • WALLS & WALKWAYS • PATIOS • EXPERT DRAINAGE SOLUTIONS TURNING HOMES INTO DESTINATIONS Advertise Your Business in Suburban Essex YOUR CONNECTION TO THE COMMUNITY Deliver Your Message to 100k Local Residents Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Essex Fells, Fairfield, Glen Ridge, Livingston, Montclair, North Caldwell, Roseland, Upper Montclair, Verona, West Caldwell, West Orange CALL TO ADVERTISE TODAY: 973-276-1688 Next Publication: March 2023 | In Homes: 1st Week of March Don’t Miss the Women in Business SPECIAL SECTION March 2023 February 2023 29

Skopos Hospitality Group Announces

Restaurant Week

Surviving the winter blues is much easier when you have delicious, curated three course restaurant menus to look forward to… especially at great prices. Skopos Hospitality Restaurant Group announces their first ever restaurant week, running through February 12. North Jersey residents can experience curated prix-fixe menus consisting of their favorite menu items and some new menu items as well.

Guests will also be dining for a cause. Skopos Hospitality will be donating a percentage of all Restaurant Week sales to New Jersey ProStart National Restaurant Educational Foundation, a two year industry-backed culinary arts and restaurant management program for high school students. The program reaches approximately 165,000 students in the United States. Reservations are highly recommended.

Website links for each Restaurant Week Menu are as follows:

Cowan’s Public in Nutley:

The Barrow House in Clifton:

The Vanguard in Harrison:

Gus’ Last Word in Wood-Ridge:

Franklin Social in Jersey City:

The Parkside Social in Verona:

Local Buzz
Zucchini Milanese at The Parkside Social
Protecting People from
Everyday Life We’re here to make sure you are covered. Call for a Complimentary Analysis. 4 GENERATIONS SINCE 1922 973-582-6200 Denny
Crispy Skin Salmon at The Parkside Social
the Risks of
Klein, President and CEO,
the staff of Rand,
& Klein, LLC

Pancake Breakfast

The Verona Rescue Squad is hosting an all you can eat pancake breakfast. Stop by and enjoy pancakes, eggs, bacon, coffee, tea, and more. Tickets are $10 per person, kids under 5 eat free.

The Verona Rescue Squad is a volunteer non-profit organization, providing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to the Township of Verona. We are supported by voluntary donations from the residents and businesses of Verona as well as from the people we serve. Care is provided by trained Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). We respond 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our services are provided free of charge.

Sunday, February 23, 8am-1pm Verona Community Center 880 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona

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February 2023 31
32 Suburban Essex February 2023
Onnie Strother

A Teacher’s Life as An Artist: The Joys and Sorrows of BLACK HISTORY in America

Descended from a great-great grandfather who was enslaved in North Carolina, Newark resident Onnie Strother who maintains an Art studio in the Riker Hill Art Park in Livingston, has made a life’s work inspiring and teaching young people about Art, and educating people of all ages about the Black Experience in America.

He grew up in Newark attending Saturday Art classes for kids at Arts High at age 9, and later attended Barringer High School where through mentor John Morello, he discovered Black artists and got, as he says: “serious.” After high school, he attended New York’s School of Visual Arts on scholarship, and because this notable professional Art school had just become certified as a college was the first student to receive a bachelor’s degree. Spending a semester at Essex County College passionately focusing only on Black Studies was a life changing experience.

Subsequently at the suggestion of his next mentor in Newark, Ruth Assorson, he registered at Rutgers and got certified as a public-school Art teacher which led to a job at Columbia High School which serves the South Orange/Maplewood district. While there, he had a storied career and served for 24 years, in the process instituting numerous cutting-edge programs and courses.

continued on the next page

Art of Essex
Story and portrait by Dan Epstein
Troy, 16x20 oil on canvas
February 2023 33

The Joys and Sorrows of BLACK HISTORY in America

continued from the previous page

In 2004, at the invitation of Eleta Caldwell, he became the Art Department Chair at Arts High in Newark until his retirement in 2008. Since that retirement from public school education, Strother has focused on curating exhibits of other artists at many venues in the region, teaching printmaking at the WAE Center, a facility for the developmentally disabled in Livingston, and creating his own Art.

Strother seems to find his momentum when working on efforts that are part of a series, one of which called 100 Selfies is represented here. Troy is a 16x20 oil painting on canvas. Fascinated by watching teenage girls use their cell phones in that way that previous generations of women used makeup compacts to look at themselves, he had people submit selfies that they had taken using phones or iPads. It was important to him that the photos represent the subjects the way they saw themselves, and it was those self-portraits that Strother then recreated as oil paintings.

“When people think about divas, they don’t think about Gospel,” Strother says. And that was what inspired him to approach the subject. In a series that celebrated Gospel divas such as Big Mama Thornton and Sister Rosetta Tharpe, here we share a 16x20 linoleum block print on rice paper, titled Elijah Rock, which depicts gospel great Mahalia Jackson performing one of her more well-known songs. Her connection to God and that feeling is palpable in this work in which Strother truly captures her spirit.

In Mike’s Scottsboro Boys, a 24x36 Monoprint which includes transfers, drawing, and painting Strother reminds us about this sad time in our history wherein 9 African American young men aged 13 to 20 were falsely accused of raping two white women. The landmark set of legal cases from this incident dealt with racism and the right to a fair trial. The cases included a lynch mob before the suspects had been indicted, all white juries, rushed trials, and disruptive mobs. It is commonly cited as an example of a legal injustice in the US legal system. In the 1930s, there were many Hollywood films about legal injustices, all featuring white heroes such as the 1932 film, I Am a Fugitive from A Chain Gang. In this work, Strother draws a contrast between the fictional film with a true story; one of the boys did escape. There were nine boys, and as such, Strother had had a series of 9 prints made of the original mono print.

Emmett Till was a 14-year-old African American boy who was abducted, tortured, and then murdered in 1955 in Mississippi after being accused of offending a white woman in her family’s grocery store. His killers were acquitted and Till became an icon in the long history of violent persecution of black Americans in the US. Strother’s work: Big Boy Emmett Till a 20x24 collage with painting and drawing draws our attention to this heart aching moment in American history. Even though Till’s body was brutally mutilated his mother insisted on an open casket at his funeral so that everyone could bear witness to the injustice, and likewise Strother demands that we also bear witness and memorialize this life.

This recipient of grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation has spent his life not only teaching and inspiring young people to make Art, but teaching all of us through his personal Art, and calling attention to the sorrows as well as the profound joys found in the Black History in America.

Mike’s Scottsboro Boys, 24x36 Monoprint Elijah Rock, 16x20 linoleum block print on rice paper
34 Suburban Essex February 2023
Big Boy Emmett Till, 20x24 collage February 2023 35

Easy DIYs to Display Your Love

Handmade Valentine’s Day decor is a crafty way to put your love on display. Add a little TLC to your home or share your affection with loved ones by dedicating some time to simple DIY projects that come straight from the heart.

1. Creative cutouts.

Places and moments hold special places in the heart, so memorialize them with decorative wall hangings. Use a treasured photo or map of destinations you hold dear as the base layer. Next, choose a design, such as a heart or a romantic word like “love.” Print your design then trace it on a piece of foam core or matting. Cut out the design to create an opening and layer it over the photo or map. To finish the project, either affix the top layer to the bottom and display as-is or place it in a pretty frame.

2. Sucker for succulents.

Hardy and easy to care for, succulents are a stylish way to add some plant life to your home. Add a romantic twist by gathering a selection of small succulents in a variety of colors and textures then clustering them in a heartshaped basket or planter. Succulents also make great gifts; just create a small planter and attach a card that

3. Love is in the cards.

Almost everyone has a deck or two of old playing cards laying around, or they’re an inexpensive investment. Using the redhued cards from the heart suite, punch holes in the top of each card. String heart-themed ribbon through the holes to make a whimsical banner you can hang on a wall or across a doorway.

4. Say it in string.

Expressing yourself with string art is an easy project suitable for all ages. Start with a firm backing, such as a scrap of lightweight wood. Add a base coat of paint to make your design pop then sketch your design. Examples like a flower, heart, word or some combination of those are all good choices for a Valentine’s Day project. Add thin nails in 1/2inch intervals along the border of your design. Select your string and tie an end to the nail of your choice. There’s no right or wrong way from there; just loop from one nail to another until your design is obvious. Tie off your string, trim any excess end pieces and you’re done.

5. Collage of comrades.

Paying tribute to those you hold near and dear is easy with a stylized cork board. Select snapshots of loved ones and attach them to a basic corkboard using push pins in classic Valentine’s colors like red, white and pink. Then add accents with tape, stickers, gemstones and other embellishments.

Explore more DIY ideas to enhance your home at

Family Features 36 Suburban Essex February 2023
97 South Livingston Ave, Suite C, Livingston Walk-ins welcome or to book an appointment call 973-251-2224 or scan our QR code Garden & Office Sessions in Verona Video & Tele-Health Support Art & Writing Inquire @ Aetna & Cigna Insurance “Work with Me, Change Your Life!” Areas of Expertise: * Marriage Counseling * Divorce & Break Up Recovery * Stress Management * Men in Crisis * Women in Transition * Children/Teens * Soul Retreats Specializing in mindfulness & intuitive counseling for Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Trauma, Self - Esteem and Bullying Find Sue on MA, LPC, BCC February 2023 37

Scented with Egyptian Amber, 100% natural soy wax, filled with Reiki charged crystals of Onyx & Lapis Lazuli & an Evil Eye Talisman. An evil eye indicate spiritual protection, guarding against misfortune. Additional healing candles available in the store. Truly a unique & meaningful gift!

Smith & Company

343 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell 973-228-1167

Like us on Facebook/ Follow us on Instragram @ SmithCoGifts

Lingerie for your loved one. Sitting Pretty has the styles and customer service you need.

Sitting Pretty Intimates

97 South Livingston Ave, Suite C, Livingston 973-251-2224

Treats for Your Sweet! Shop at Love Letters for Valentine’s candy and stuffed animals for your love ones—of every age.

Love Letters

2 West Northfield Road, Livingston 973-994-1212

Get cozy this Valentine’s Day with our PJ Salvage sets. These feel better than your favorite t-shirt, in soft cotton-modal. Breathable, comfy & fun prints!

Pink Jewels Boutique

1110 Town Center Way, Livingston 973-994-0975

Your Local Merchant. Shop Local. Find the perfect Valentine’s Day gifts at nearby independently owned businesses in our community.
38 Suburban Essex February 2023

Say ‘I love you’ this Valentine’s Day with a solitaire diamond pendant—sure to please regardless of one’s personal style because of its timeless beauty and elegance. We have an impressive collection, with both new and estate options, ranging from $350 to $15,000. Shop our Valentine’s sale in store or online and save $100 on your purchase of $500 or more, or save $250 when you spend $1,000, using discount codes: 23LOVE100 and 23LOVE250, respectively.

Walter Bauman Jewelers

653 Eagle Rock Ave, West Orange | 973-731-3155

Show your Valentine the love with assorted milk and dark chocolates. Since 1909, Abdallah Candies & Gifts has brought joy to countless people throughout the country. A family-owned company has spent over five generations perfecting original recipes. With quality ingredients, natural flavors, and a love for the sweet things in life.

Smith & Company

343 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell | 973-228-1167

Like us on Facebook/Follow us on Instragram @ SmithCoGifts

For Your Loved One

Frame Your Favorite Puzzle or Picture.

Mona Lisa Custom Picture Framing

7 Highland Place, Maplewood | 973-762-2777

Honor your loved one this Valentine’s Day with a spa gift card. Choose from over 40 treatments: Massages, Facials, Body Treatments or Nail Services. Packages and Gift Cards are available online.

Woodhouse Day Spa

56 South Park Street, Montclair | 973-509-8488

Little Words Projects’ angel numbers are the perfect way to tap into the divine world that welcomes angelic protection & love in your life. Wear a familiar number sequence to show that you are embracing & appreciating the symbols that have come your way. Each sequence has its own unique meaning, made with new iridescent beads & stars. Which angel number speaks to you?

Smith & Company

343 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell | 973-228-1167

Like us on Facebook/Follow us on Instragram @ SmithCoGifts

February 2023 39

Summer Camp Can Help Children Learn New Skills & Meet New Friends

While at camp, children stay active physically and learn new things. They participate in activities that can include sports, theater, science, dance, academics, STEM, and more—all the while experiencing new learning adventures. Most camps offer diverse outdoor adventures that ensure children are active such as running, jumping, swimming, rowing, hiking, and horseback riding. They can come away from camp with a new hobby or life passion they might not otherwise have found.

Children learn independence while attending a summer camp. They practice making decisions for themselves without parents and teachers guiding them. They gain freedom to move in new directions by managing their daily activity choices in a safe, comfortable, and happy environment.

Summer camp introduces children to new life-long friends. Camp is a place children can be who they are, a place away from the pressures of school and trying to fit in because most camp activities are group activities where no one is excluded— singing, playing, talking, and laughing.

SUMMER CAMP 2023 40 Suburban Essex February 2023


Bricks 4 Kidz STEM Enrichment Camps

112 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston

TYPE: Day, Special Needs


Camp NMOA at The Newark Museum of Art

49 Washington Street, Newark

TYPE: Day, Coed

ARTS: Art & Design, Music


The Center for Pre-College Programs

NJIT University Heights, Newark, NJ


TYPE: Day, Coed

ACADEMICS: College Prep, Computer/ Technology, Robotics, Science, STEM

Deer Kill Day Camp

54 Wilder Road, Suffern, NY 842-354-1455

TYPE: Day, Transportation

ADVENTURE: Rock Climbing, Zip Line

ARTS: Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama, Music, Photography, Theater

SPORTS: Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer

WATER ACTIVITIES: Lake, Pool, Swimming

DePaul Catholic HS Summer Programs

1512 Alps Road, Wayne, NJ 973-694-3702


ACADEMICS: Test Prep (Algebra, English, Study Skills)

SPORTS: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Girls Volleyball, Lacrosse, Soccer

Essex County College

Summer Youth Program

Newark Campus & West Caldwell Campus


TYPE: Day, Coed

ACEDEMICS: Coding,Culinary, Entrepreneurship, Literacy Math, STEM, Test Prep, Video Gaming

ARTS: Acting, Arts & Crafts, Fine Arts

Essex Youth Theater

In Residence at Studio Montclair

14 Alvin Place, Upper Montclair 973-746-3303

TYPE: Day, Coed

ARTS: Acting, Drama, Music

February 2023 41


Fairview Lake YMCA Sleepaway Camps


TYPE: Sleepaway, Coed

ARTS: Acting, Dance, Drama, Music— Instrumental,

ACADEMICS: Biology, Native American Study, Reading/Literature

SPORTS: Archery, Sports, Swimming

House of Dezign Fashion Camp

11B Roosevelt Avenue, Chatham, NJ


ARTS: Fashion and Design

House of Dezign’s kids fashion camps is specially designed for children (Ages 6-12) so they can explore the fashion world. Their teen design summer camp is all about teaching campers how to sew, design, and all factors we consider in the fashion industry.

International Ivy Summer Enrichment Program

Chatham, Short Hills and Summit


TYPE: Day, Coed

ARTS: Arts & Crafts, Fashion & Design

ACADEMICS: Robotics, Computer Programing, Interactive Science, Reading Workshops, Writing Workshops

JCC Camp Deeny Riback (JCCA)

208 Flanders Netcong Rd, Flanders, NJ 973-929-2901

TYPE: Day, Coed

ACADEMICS: Culinary, Farming, Photography

ARTS: Acting, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Theater

SPORTS: Aerobics, Basketball, Fitness, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Soccer

ARTS: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Fashion Design


41 Watchung Plaza, Ste. 206, Montclair 973-766-7464 |


ACADEMICS: Robotics, STEM, Circus

Musical Theatre Conservatory’s

Broadway Bootcamp



ARTS: Acting, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama, Makeup, Music, Song Interpretation Shows, Theater


“Theatre for Life” is more than just a motto; it is their guiding philosophy. They believe that creative expression through the performing arts can have a lasting

impact on students whether they simply have a love for the arts, want to learn to better express themselves, or desire a career as theatre professionals.

Nature Discovery Camp—

Cora Hartshorn

324 Forest Drive S., Short Hills, NJ 973-376-3587

TYPE: Day, Coed

ACADEMICS: Aquatic/Wildlife Ecology, Entomology, Geology, Herpetology, Nature Exposure, Reading/Literature

ARTS: Arts & Crafts, Ceramics, Drawing

SPORTS: Hiking, Wilderness Survival

New Jersey School of Ballet

7-9 Vreeland Road, Florham Park, NJ 973-597-9600


ARTS: Dance

New Jersey School of Ballet’s 5-week annual Summer Intensive Program is designed to provide personalized training for students ages 9-20.

Newark Academy

Livingston, NJ | 973-992-7000 ext. 217


ACADEMICS: College Prep, Computer/

Summer Theater Day Camp! Where Every Child is a Star! ESSEX YOUTH THEATER In Residence at The Studio Playhouse, Upper Montclair • In-Person, On-Stage • Ages 6-13 • Exciting plays & musicals • Lots of individual attention in a friendly atmosphere • Every child gets a starring role! Montclair’s Premier Acting School for Kids for Over 30 Years! 973-746-3303 • | 973-655-9819 14 South Park Street, Montclair, NJ REGISTER ONLINE Dance Classes for All Ages PreSchool Summer Arts Program PrimeTime Summer Arts Program 42 Suburban Essex February 2023

Technology, Languages, Robotics, Science, STEM

ARTS: Acting, Dance, Drama, Music, Photography, Theater

SPORTS: Baseball

New Horizons Day Camp

71 Ridgedale Avenue, Florham Park


TYPE: Day, Coed

NJPAC Arts Education Training

24 Rector Street, Newark, NJ 973-353-7058

TYPE: Day, Coed

ARTS: Dance, Music, Theater

Pioneer Trails Day Camp

100 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, NJ 973-992-7500

TYPE: Day, Coed

ACADEMICS: CIT, Creative Writing, Photography, Science,

ARTS: Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama

SPORTS: Archery, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball

Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts

14 South Park, Montclair, NJ 07042



ARTS: Acting, Dance, Drama, Musical Theater, Theater

SPORTS: Fitness

Full and half-day summer programs of Dance, Drama, Music, Art, and Choreography for ages 3-14. Every session is different so you can register for the whole summer.

School of Rock Summer Music Camps

125 Valley Road, Montclair, NJ 973-337-5296


ARTS: Music

Music lessons are taught by real, practicing musicians… from singing to piano, bass, guitar, drums—even ukulele.

Serenity Montessori Academy

19 Church Street, Verona 973-239-3902

TYPE: Day Camp

ARTS: Culinary/Cooking & Baking, Arts & Crafts, Music

SPORTS: Sports Week, Water Play Days

Stepping Forward Therapeutic Summer C.A.M.P.

26 Main Street, Chatham, NJ 973-635-6550

TYPE: Day, Coed, Special Needs


ARTS: Arts & Crafts, Drama

SPORTS: Martial Arts, Other Sports, Yoga


Steve & Kate’s Camp

155 Lorraine Avenue, Montclair

TYPE: Day, Coed

Summer Adventures at Oak Knoll

44 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ 908-522-8186

TYPE: Day, Coed

ACADEMICS: CIT, College Prep, Science, STEM


ARTS: Acting, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama, Music, Theater

SPORTS: Archery, Lacrosse, Soccer


Summer at Far Brook

52 Great Hills Road, Short Hills 973-379-3442

TYPE: Day, Coed JULY

5TH - JULY 22ND BROADWAY BOOTCAMP Musical Theatre Conservatory SUMMER CAMP & SHOWCASE 973.868.6259 SAVE $100 CODE: MTC Pool Parties! PROFESSIONAL, PERSONALIZED TRAINING IN: SINGING, DANCING, ACTING, COMEDY, TV/FILM, STAGE COMBAT AND AUDITIONING SHOWCASE YOUR TALENT IN A FINAL SHOW IN N.Y.C.! MEET + STUDY WITH AGENTS AND B’WAY PERSONALITIES! CONVENIENT LIVINGSTON LOCATION AGES 7-19 BEG-ADV LEVELS Please call or email for info on Covid-19 safety procedures 125 Valley Road, Montclair 973-337-5296 e-mail: MONTCLAIR, NJ 15% OFF SUMMER CAMP! For Summer 2023. Offer valid through April 1, 2023. Visit Website for More Information. February 2023 43


Understanding AFib

Living with and Treating a Common Condition

Adiagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AFib) may be scary, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from enjoying life. Learning more about the condition and treatment options can significantly affect your prognosis and quality of living. AFib is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia or abnormal heart rhythm. It occurs when the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, beat rapidly or in an uncontrolled manner. AFib can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including heart palpitations, fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty exercising, anxiety, chest pain and dizziness.

AFib impacts nearly 40 million people worldwide, according to research published in the “International Journal of Stroke,” including 6 million people in the United States alone. Despite its prevalence, many people are unfamiliar with the symptoms, available treatment options and importance of early treatment to avoid disease progression or other life-threatening complications such as a stroke. More than a quarter of adults living with AFib have fears and anxiety about the progressive nature of the disease, according to a survey conducted by Biosense Webster, Inc., part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech. However, a quarter of patients did not get treatment immediately after diagnosis and 44% of patients have ended up in the emergency room due to their condition.

Speak to Your Doctor

Despite half of adults 55 and older believing they may be at risk for AFib, only one-fifth (18%) said their doctors have ever discussed AFib with them and even less (10%) have proactively spoken to their doctors about it. Recognizing symptoms and talking to your doctor as soon as possible can help prevent the progression of AFib.

Make Lifestyle Changes

About 1 in 4 adults over the age of 40 are at risk of developing AFib. The causes are wide-ranging and include non-modifiable and lifestyle factors. Some non-modifiable risk factors include age, family history and a heart disease diagnosis. Making lifestyle changes to control factors such as obesity, smoking and sleep apnea may help lower your risk. Limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption and controlling your stress can also reduce your risk and may help manage AFib episodes.

Consider Treatment Options

For most AFib patients, treatment begins with medication. Medications can be used for controlling your heart rate, rhythm and blood thickness, but about half of patients don’t respond to or can’t tolerate medications. Catheter ablation is a procedure to restore the heart’s incorrect electrical signals that cause an abnormal heart rhythm. It is recommended by the American College of Cardiology, the Heart Rhythm Society and the American Heart Association for patients when medication proves to be unsuccessful.

To learn more about AFib and treatment options, including catheter ablation, visit

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

If you’re concerned about your risk of AFib, consider these questions to ask your doctor at your next visit:

Questions for your primary care physician:

1. I have some concerning symptoms. Could they be the result of AFib?

2. Do I need to take any diagnostic tests?

3. Am I at risk of stroke?

4. When should I go to the emergency room?

5. Do I need to make any lifestyle modifications?

6. What are my treatment options?

7. Should I see a specialist?

If your physician recommends medications:

1. Why are you recommending this medication?

2. What should I do if I have side effects or it doesn’t work?

3. Can I take this medication with the other medicines I’m already taking?

If medications aren’t working:

1. Am I a good candidate for a catheter ablation procedure?

2. What are the benefits and risks of a catheter ablation procedure?

3. Can you refer me to an electrophysiologist?

44 Suburban Essex February 2023


Every Other Direction)


Patriot Mobility is certainly an aptly named company. Founded in 2010 by a military veteran, the company installs wheelchair ramps and other accessibility equipment to help those with mobility assistance needs.

CEO Chris Facchina says that Patriot Mobility, which services all of New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, has two broad product lines: “We have a longstand-

customers. Other accessibility equipment includes stair, car, pool, and vertical platform lifts. Facchina explains, “A vertical platform lift is essentially an openair elevator, they can be installed both in and outdoors. This may be a better option for a wheelchair user needing to access a higher floor in his or her house than a very

along with them wherever they go.

Patriot Mobility also works closely with Ramp It Up, a non-profit organization which provides wheelchair ramps for those in need.

He concludes, “We enable our clients to better access their homes and families,

at Mandelbaum Barrett

Senior Living
Elder Law
"Built on Relationships; Focused on Results" Join us for our upcoming "Hot Topics in Elder Law" Speaker Series at 3 Becker Farm Rd. in Roseland "Myths and Misconceptions in Estate and Medicaid Planning " - March 8th at 6pm "Legacies Instead of Litigation" - April 18th at 8am "Planning for Families with Special Needs Children"May 18th at 6pm Light Refreshments will be served for more details and to register: please contact or (973) 243-7969 February 2023 45
and Special

The Job Haines Difference...

Caring for Your Nutrition When Caregiving

Family caregivers of people with illnesses, injuries or disabilities sometimes spend more time thinking about those they care for than themselves. It’s important to remember that self-care is essential to providing good care to others and must include eating well.

Healthy eating can be especially challenging for caregivers who often have limited time to shop and cook. Fast food, snacks and comfort meals are tempting but usually lack healthy amounts of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

In addition to preventing low energy, muscle loss, illnesses and unplanned weight change, a healthy diet may help reduce the stress and fatigue that can come with caring for a loved one.

These tips from the Administration for Community Living can help caregivers take steps toward better nutrition without adding to already full to-do lists:

Our residents enjoy the support of our friendly staff and around-the-clock services and amenities.

• Assisted Living: A vibrant lifestyle with helping hand.

• Long-Term Care: Highly skilled nursing care with an excellent ratio of staff to residents.

• Sub-Acute Rehab: State-of-the-art rehabilitation center on campus and open to the community.

• Respite Care: A great way for caregivers to take a break and try out our award-winning services for up to 30 days.

• Drink healthy beverages at each meal and 2-3 times between meals. Water, milk, juice (to replace missing fruits and vegetables) or non-sweetened drinks are all better-for-you options.

• Get enough protein, a key nutrient that helps build and repair tissues. Consider these ideas for increasing your protein intake:

• Eat a high-protein food like fish, chicken or eggs at every meal

• Try plant proteins like nuts, peanut butter, beans and tofu

• Eat your protein first at meals

• Eat low- or non-fat dairy products and use Greek yogurt

• Opt for cheese at snack time

• Top your food with chopped nuts like almonds

• Drink a liquid supplement, like a meal replacement or protein shake, if foods alone do not supply all the nutrients you need. A health care provider can make specific dietary suggestions based on your unique health needs, diet and conditions.

For more information and ideas, talk to your doctor or dietitian and visit .

—Family Features

Senior Living
You’re at h o me withus To Learn More, Call 973-743-0792 x139
250 Bloomfield Ave. Bloomfield, NJ HeartHside Commons at the Job Haines Home Silver Winner Suburban Essex 2022 Voted Best Choice In Senior Living 3 years in a row. CELEBRATING 125 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE IN SENIOR LIVING RECIPIENT OF THE BEST NURSING HOMES 2022-2023 AWARD 46 Suburban Essex February 2023
“Job Haines is the region’s leader in senior care and has been for generations. I wouldn’t want anyone else to care for Mom.”

Critical Decisions Are Important in ELDER LAW

Richard J. Miller, Esq., chair of Elder Law department at Mandelbaum Barrett in Roseland has seen many changes to elder law during the years. But what has not changed is the need to plan and seek qualified, competent advice to effectuate wishes in our final years.

“Elder law encompasses various situations for the elderly and disabled— from Medicaid and Government Benefits Planning, Estate Planning, Advanced Directives, and Trusts to many more,” states Miller. He stresses that people need to plan and stay abreast of the law for the proper care and outcomes in their older years.

During a recent discussion with Miller, he explains four critical issues that everyone should be made aware of in order to have positive outcomes in elder law:

1Medicare Planning & Retention of Assets

In previous years, elder planning focused on protecting assets from federal and state income taxes. Now, the change has shifted to preserving assets from the cost of long-term cost of care. Although it is best to begin this planning early on, there are still options available for people who wait until a crisis occurs.

2 Critical or Individual Estate Planning Documents

Miller advises that clients have well-prepared, written, and current documents. Most noteworthy in recent years is the first generation of seniors with blended families. Without having proper instructions, conflicts, or problems regarding the distribution of assets may occur. Having the appropriate family documents that include clear, comprehensive, and thoughtful decisions, can avoid significant legal problems and family conflicts later. The critical documents consist of a Will; a Durable Power of Attorney; and an Advanced Health Care Directive.

3 Beneficiary Designations/ Joint Accounts vs. Wills

A myth is that wills control the disposition of all one’s asses at death. Beneficiary designations and joint accounts, however, supersede the will. A thorough review of assets and their designated allocations is necessary for proper disbursement.

4 Internet Information— One Size Does Not Fit All

While the Internet provides a wealth of preliminary information about elder law, Miller cautions that state laws and procedures vary. Therefore, people should seek information from qualified and competent individuals who can give specific and appropriate advice based on their locality and individual circumstances.

Elder law is complicated. Laws change, and people change. Protect your final wishes by consulting with an Elder Law professional.

Mandelbaum Barrett, PC

3 Becker Farm Road, Ste. 105, Roseland 973-736-4600 |

Senior Living
February 2023 47
Richard J. Miller, Esq

Job Haines Celebrates


It was a special birthday celebration for Harry Robinson on January 10, at the Job Haines Home.

Harry is very kind-hearted and he has become well-known at the Job Haines Home. He loves to tell the story about being a gymnast in high school, when he was the captain of his team. He was the smallest person on the floor and led his team to a championship by winning three medals.

Harry is also a Navy veteran and has wonderful memories of serving on the USS Ranger aircraft carrier. He also fought in World War II.

Harry enjoys recording music and loves hanging out with Matthew Klapmust, who became his best friend at the Job Haines Home—the two are now inseparable. He has been a resident of Job Haines since 2019 and looking forward to reaching his next milestone birthday with us. The staff and residents celebrated his 101st birthday along with Harry’s family and friends. Happy Birthday Harry!

Job Haines Home

250 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield, 973-743-0792

Hearing loss can come between you and the people who matter most in your life. The good news? It doesn’t have to. Reconnect with the ones you love through better hearing. Call to reserve your appointment now!


Senior Living
with Resident Harry Robinson
48 Suburban Essex February 2023


What do all of these people have in common? They suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy. It is estimated that more than 20 million people in the United States have Peripheral Neuropathy. Unfortunately, this figure may be significantly higher as the disease is often misdiagnosed because of its wide array of symptoms.

Dr. Aleksandra Mihajlovic, DTCM, LAc of Sasha Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine in Montclair, shares this belief. “I’ve been treating Neuropathy, in all its various forms for over a decade and so often my patients come to me because of the symptoms, not because of a diagnosis. They saw one of my newspaper articles or read the testimonial of another patient and say to themselves, ‘hey, I feel the same thing.’”

Doris M. of Little Falls testified to this, “I remember my husband driving me to my consultation and I saw a woman running just outside our neighborhood. I was so envious—I just kept thinking, ‘I would give anything just to walk again.’ My primary care doctor told me my troubles with pain and balance were just symptoms of old age and gave me a prescription. I was so depressed.”

Fortunately, Doris would eventually see Dr. Aleksandra in a local newspaper talking about similar symptoms and how she offers a real solution. “I just knew I had to see her. She was my last hope.”

“Almost all of our patients come to us with a story similar to Doris’. They’ve been everywhere else. They’ve been told there’s no hope. They’ve been told ‘it’s just part of getting older’.” Shares Olivia, a Patient Care Coordinator. “It just breaks my heart, but I know how much we can help people like Doris, so I’m always so happy when they walk through our door.”

Those diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy often face a very grim reality: Western medicine declares that there is no solution. Which is why Dr. Aleksandra and the staff at Sasha Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine pride themselves on being ‘the last resort with the best results.’

Peripheral Neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves and this damage is commonly caused by lack of blood flow in the hands and feet. A lack of blood flow results in a lack of nutrients: the nerves then begin to degenerate and die which causes pain ranging from discomfort to debilitating. Because Neuropathy is a degenerative condition, once those nerves begin to deteriorate, they will continue to do so until they are completely expired, leaving those suffering with crippling balance issues. “In this case, the absence of pain is not necessarily a good thing.” explains Dr. Aleksandra. “This usually indicates that your nerves are hanging on by a fragile thread.”

So how exactly is Dr. Aleksandra able to reverse the effects of this degenerative disease? “Acupuncture improves your chances of a full recovery. has been used to increase blood flow for thousands of years which helps to get the necessary nutrients to the affected nerves. But the real magic happens when I integrate ATP Resonance Bio Therapy™. This is tech that was originally developed by NASA to expedite recovering and healing.”

“I just can’t say enough about Sasha Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine,” Doris shared through tears of joy. “My husband and I moved here 3 years ago, and he’s gone for a hike or a walk in the park almost every day since. I always stayed home because of the pain and discomfort.

Yesterday I walked through the park with him! And next week we’re starting

ballroom dancing lessons. I am truly living life these days.”

“According to Doris’ test results, she has seen a 71% improvement in pain and functionality, which is on par with a majority of our patients,” shares Olivia.

“But more important than those test results is the joy she’s expressed being here and hearing about all the amazing things she’s able to do because she feels great!”

By seamlessly blending the ancient science of acupuncture with modern medical solutions Dr. Aleksandra has achieved a 88% success rate in reversing the effects of Neuropathy. She starts each patient with an initial consultation during which a sensory exam is performed. “This not only aids in making a proper diagnosis but it helps to define just how much nerve damage has occurred. This is important because if a patient has suffered more than 95% damage, there is little that I can do to help them. I am familiar with the medical miracle, but I know my limits as a practitioner and the limits of my medicine.”

When it comes to treating Peripheral Neuropathy, regardless of its origin, early detection greatly improves your chances of a full recovery.

If you or someone you love are suffering with chronic pain that presents as burning, tingling, pins and needles or you have recently been diagnosed with Peripheral Neuropathy, it is important to know that there are options. There is hope.

Call 973-444-8932 to schedule an initial consultation or to read more incredible success stories visit

“My feet feel like they’re on fire.”
“Each step feels like I’m walking through wet paint.”
“I live in constant fear that I will fall.”
“I can’t sleep, my hands and feet tingle all night.”
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
February 2023 49
119 Grove Street, Montclair | 973-444-8932

Eliminating clutter in your home sets you free. So believes Apryl Gassman, owner of Peace Love Home, a decluttering and home organization service for seniors as well as all local residents.

“Decluttering and creating functional space in your home creates peace, happiness, and tranquility,” says Gassman. When working with seniors, she primarily has two types of clients: those who need assistance in removing decades of accumulation from their home in order to declutter their existing living space or those wanting to purge items in preparation for a move to another residence or facility.

When evaluating the needs of her clients, Gassman is sensitive to the unique circumstances surrounding each project. In addition to the nuts and bolts of the job, she provides clients with the emotional support that is often beneficial to the homeowner during this process. Her guiding principle is that every household item should make you happy and each article should fulfill a need.

Initial heartfelt discussions enable Gassman and her clients to create a road map of priorities for the project. The decluttering process itself is seamless. It begins with identifying and classifying household items. These items are then placed in carefully labeled boxes or storage bins. After this first step, the elimination process begins and unnecessary items are placed in a junk or donation pile.

Lastly, Gassman, along with her client, take inventory of what is left and determine what will be done with the remaining items. Each area of the home is assessed and the remaining items are placed accordingly, leaving the homeowner with a decluttered space filled with only the clients' most beloved pieces. In the case of a client who is moving, Gassman helps relocate the remaining items to the new space in a way that brings comfort and joy to her clients.

Decluttering and purging can be a challenge for many. For seniors, this process can be especially difficult as they begin to clear out decades of possessions or ready themselves to move on from their family home. Gassman's caring demeanor and empathetic nature make her the perfect partner in this process. Peace Love Home is also available to work with family members who need assistance with clearing out the space of a


Peace Love Home 516-672-0288 | Senior Living Declutter & Organize for Peace, Happiness and Tranquility • Home Accessibility Ramps • Vertical Platform Lifts • Stair Lifts • Wheelchair Ramps • Wheelchair Lifts • Car Lifts • Commercial Ramps At Patriot Mobility, we strive to give you
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the solution that best fits your needs.
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Dr. Aleksandra Mihajlovic is a New Jersey and New York Licensed Acupuncturist and Board Certified Herbalist. She is also a Nationally Board-Certified Diplomate in Oriental Medicine. She offers a comprehensive treatment approach to help her patients overcome chronic condition including chronic pain, allergies, migraines, insomnia, digestive, respiratory and skin conditions, sports injuries, smoking cessation, infertility, pregnancy support and women’s issues and many more.

Sasha Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, LLC

70 Park Street, Suite 101, Montclair | 973-444-8932

Accessibility & Mobility Products.

Patriot Mobility will act as a trusted partner to those with mobility or home accessibility needs, affording better access to family and friends, and thus facilitating a better life.

Patriot Mobility

95 Edison Avenue, West Babylon, NY 11704 631-392-4040 | www.

Elder Law.

Full-service law firm Mandelbaum Barrett has helped individuals and businesses since 1930. Our Elder Law attorneys are compassionate advocates who specialize in long term care planning, including healthcare planning, coordination and benefits, Guardianships, Medicaid, estate planning, administration and litigation and trustee services, including special needs trusts.

Mandelbaum Barrett

3 Becker Farm Road, Suite 105, Roseland | 973-736-4600

Hearing Center.

Kubick and Kubick Hearing Aid Center & Opticians office is a third-generation family owned business located in the center of Millburn, NJ. We remain a leading provider of hearing aid products and services for over 75 years.

Kubick and Kubick

Hearing Aid Center

393 Millburn Ave, Millburn | 973-467-1690



Journey Hospice provides patient-centered palliative and hospice care in all settings, as well as emotional support for the whole family. Journey’s team of professionals focus their efforts on meeting each individual’s unique physical, social and spiritual needs. Journey Hospice is a program of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey.

Journey Hospice

459 Passaic Avenue, Suite 270, West Caldwell (located on the campus of Crane’s Mill Retirement Community) 973-276-3052 |


Moving is a tremendous task. A crucial step before moving is purging and organizing. We will help you dispose, consolidate, pack and label everything, helping to make sure the transition is smooth and stress free. In addition, we will assist you in unpacking and organizing your new space.

Peace Love Home

516-672-0288 |


Cedar Grove Foot & Ankle Specialists provides innovative and compassionate care to get patients back on their feet. They offer highly skilled and individualized care for all foot and ankle conditions, with extensive training in reconstructive foot and ankle surgery. Dr. Matthew F. Wachtler, DPM, FACFAS

Cedar Grove Foot & Ankle Specialists

882 Pompton Ave, Suite B1, Cedar Grove | 973-857-1184

Retina Specialist.

At Jackson Eye Care, you are guaranteed to receive the most up-to-date and state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatments for all your vitreo-retinal problems. Specializing in managing all diseases of the retina, vitreous and macula, including macular holes, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, ocular trauma and macular degeneration.

Jackson Eye Care

22 Old Short Hills Road, Suite 202, Livingston | 862-904-8349

Senior Community.

Job Haines Home is a care facility specializing in long-term care, sub acute care, respite care, and assisted living. Throughout its history, Job Haines Home has emphasized three core values as the heart of its mission: DIGNITY, INDEPENDENCE, and INDIVIDUALITY for its residents. The management and staff incorporate these elements into all aspects of life at Job Haines.

Job Haines Home

250 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield | 973-743-0792 |

A vibrant, welcoming senior living community in Livingston, offering an active and engaged lifestyle with personalized support, including assisted living and expert memory care services, in a beautiful environment. Models now today for a visit.

Sunrise of Livingston

290 South Orange Avenue, Livingston 973-320-7944

February 2023 51


Not Getting Enough Zzzzs?

Try These Tricks

For many, getting a solid night’s sleep is as elusive as winning the lottery. Getting too little sleep is so common that it’s become almost a badge of honor to get through each day with sleep deprivation. Even if you feel like you can function on little sleep, it’s debilitating, if not dangerous, to a person’s health and mental faculties. Not getting enough sleep increases the risk of obesity, memory impairment, illness, and even hallucinations or death. Falling asleep is a common problem. But sleep quality is also crucial for optimum brain function and recovery. Fortunately, there are many ways to train your body and mind to fall asleep more quickly and improve your sleep quality.

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Create a relaxing nighttime ritual

Starting a routine to wind down every night creates an association between nighttime habits and sleep, preparing your body to relax and fall asleep more quickly. Try drinking a soothing tea like chamomile. Or use aromatherapy with scents such as lavender that promote relaxation.

Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This gets your body into a regular sleepwake pattern, which regulates your circadian rhythm and makes falling and staying asleep easier. It may be tempting to sleep in on the weekends to make up for lost sleep. But this may actually hurt you in the long term.

Be careful with naps. A long afternoon nap can make it more difficult to fall asleep at night. So, keep naps short and as early in the day as possible.

Track your sleep Different technologies are available to track your sleeping patterns, including restlessness, awake and sleep times, and even how long you’re in each part of the sleep cycle. This can help you find how many hours you individually need for optimal function.

Avoid alcohol at night. Though it may help you fall asleep, drinking alcohol before bed significantly reduces your sleep quality.

Practice meditation and mindfulness

Regularly practicing these can help calm your mind and body. Progressive relaxation is one technique. Through it, you slowly focus on each part of your body, moving from head to feet, while releasing tension and consciously relaxing your muscles.

Avoid screens an hour before bed. Looking at the bright light is stimulating. Likewise, so is much of the content on the screens. If you use screens at night, glasses are available to filter out the blue light to prevent eye strain.

Health and Wellness
In-Store Orders: 973-227-0227 or visit to view our current menu. 897 Bloomfield Ave, West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Next to Marshalls/Stop & Shop Also, Check out our store in West Caldwell with organic low sugar smoothies, blended juices, and bowls. We offer
2021 Suburban Essex 2022 Award-Winning Certified Organic Green Drinks and Cleanses Help People Lose Weight, Cleanse Their Systems, and Feel Their Healthiest!
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Yoga Therapy • Barre Fusion • Meditation Pilates • Thai Yoga Body-Work Yoga Ropes • Integral Sound Therapy Ayurvedic Counseling • Reiki Energy Healing

Use breathing techniques. One popular method to fall asleep is known as 4-7-8. First, breathe in through your nose for a count of four. Then hold your breath for 7 and exhale out your mouth for 8.

Make sure your room is dark for sleep and that you get natural light during the day. This regulates your circadian rhythm and provides external cues for your body.

Listen to soothing white noise, music, or podcasts

Many of these audio productions are designed to help put you to sleep.

Stop drinking caffeine after midday Caffeine is a stimulant, which can affect your mind and body hours after consumption.

Exercise in the morning Being physically active, especially early in the day, is associated with better sleep.

Journal or keep paper by your bed Do you have a hard time falling asleep because your mind is racing? Writing down your thoughts can help to keep them from swirling incessantly through your brain so you can relax.

Use your bed and bedroom for sleep only This creates a specific association, so your body and mind know it’s time to rest. Also, keep electronics out of the bedroom.

Try a natural supplement. Melatonin, magnesium, and CBD are some of the options touted as supporting relaxation and sleep. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplements to ensure you do so safely.

If behavioral changes aren’t working, discuss your sleep concerns with your doctor. You may have an undiagnosed sleeping disorder that requires medical intervention. Depending on your doctor’s findings, medications and breathing treatments may help improve your sleep.


Yogurt May Help with High Blood Pressure

Whether it’s a dollop on your morning cereal or a simple snack on the go, a daily dose of yogurt could be the next go-to food for people with high blood pressure, according to new research from the University of Main in partnership with the University of South Australia.

The study examined the associations between yogurt intake, blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors, finding that yogurt is associated with lower blood pressure for those with hypertension. Globally, more than a billion people suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), putting them at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) such as heart attack and stroke.

Yogurt contains a range of micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium, all of which are involved in the regulation of blood pressure. It also contains bacteria that promote the release of proteins which lowers blood pressure. This study showed for people with elevated blood pressure, even small amounts of yogurt were associated with lower blood pressure. And for those who consumed yogurt regularly, the results were even stronger, with blood pressure readings nearly seven points lower than those who did not consume yogurt.

862-242-3500 973-796-3760 New Address: 7 East Frederick Place, Suite 700, Cedar Knolls Our Goal is to Help You Discover What You Need to Make Your Life More Enjoyable. Convenient day, evening and Saturday hours. Please call or visit the website for more information. Dr. Christopher Barker, Director of Discovery Psychotherapy Center Dr. Keith Morgen, Director of Discovery Wellness Center Meticulous Office CDC Covid Practices and Precautions Telemedicine Appointments Available Our Centers Offer: • Services for Children Coping with the Pandemic • Individual/Family/Couples/Children and Teen Therapy • Variety of Clinical Therapy Expertise • Most Insurances Accepted Health and Wellness
54 Suburban Essex February 2023

Tots and Their Teeth

With February being marked National Children’s Dental Health month, by the American Dental Association, there is no better time than now to learn how easy it is to treat those pearly whites from the start. A baby’s teeth typically start appearing around six months. When a tooth erupts, there is always a chance for decay to develop, so it is important in infants to keep teeth clean. Many dentists suggest using a soft, clean cloth with water to wipe the baby’s gums and emerging teeth after feeding.

Tooth decay is the most prevalent chronic condition affecting children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cavities are five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever in children. Furthermore, cavities in baby teeth pose greater possibility for cavities in adult teeth. The good news is that developing good oral hygiene habits and visiting the dentist regularly early on can lead to lifelong healthy teeth.

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. February 2023 55

Restaurant Guide


Cloverleaf Tavern

395 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell 973-226-9812 |

American Cuisine

Divina Ristorante

461 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell | 973-228-5228

Italian Cuisine

Fat Fish Taco

La Taverna

234 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell 973-226-8889 Bbar and lounge

Ocha Caldwell

403 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell | 973-228-8856

Asian Japanese Cuisine


Kyoto Sushi III

577B Pompton Ave, Cedar Grove 973-239-8880 |


291 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell 973-228-6825 |

Coastal Mexican Cuisine

Guerriero Gelato

194 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell | 973-403-9968

Ice Cream and Gelato

Il Vecchio Cafe

234 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell | 973-226-8889

Italian Cuisine

La Famiglia Ristorante & Pizzeria

359 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell | 973 226-3049

Italian restaurant


182 Stevens Ave, Cedar Grove | 973-837-1660

Full Service Italian Restaurant


Scalini Fedeli

63 Main Street, Chatham | 973-701-9200

French-influenced Italian fixed-price menus in an elegant, vaulted interior with Tuscan touches.

Restaurant Serenade

6 Roosevelt Ave, Chatham | 973-701-0303

Artful dining, as conceived by award-winning Chef James Laird.


East Hanover Diner

275 NJ State Highway 10, East Hanover 973-884-8840 |

Classic American Cuisine


Antik Greek Kitchen 335 Fairfield Road, Fairfield | 862-210-8527

Authentic Cuisine for Greek Lovers

Calandra’s Mediterranean Grill

Inside Hampton Inn Hotel 118 US Highway 46 East, Fairfield | 973-5756500

Northern Italian dishes with a Mediterranean Flair

Online at:
Fresh, Healthy & Authentic! 199 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair
Due to the expansion of our kitchen, there is no dine-in service Available for Take Out and Delivery Only Dining Available in Wyckoff: 637 Wyckoff Ave, Wyckoff • 201.891.8878
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It is recommend to call in advance as reservations may be required. CALL FOR DETAILS: 973-276-1688 Satisfing Appetites for 30 Years… Suburban Essex ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT IN 56 Suburban Essex February 2023

Cucina Calandra

216 US Highway 46 East, Fairfield 973-575-7720

Classic Italian

Franklin Steakhouse Fairfield

318 Passaic Avenue, Fairfield | 973-808-9400

American Fare


Fitzgerald’s 1928

13 Herman Street, Glen Ridge | 973-748-4702

American Bistro


Casa Arturo

550 W Mt Pleasant Ave #1608, Livingston | 973-994-4900 Steak house, sushi & raw bar

The Landmark

259 W Mt Pleasant Ave, Livingston | 973533-9787 Hometown pub

Lithos Estiatorio

405 Eisenhower Parkway, Livingston | 973758-1111

Greek Cuisine

75 Main Street , Little Falls | 973-837-8282 |

Fine Italian Cuisine


Assado Portuguese Steakhouse

222 N Livingston Ave, Livingston | 973-4220501

Portuguese Steakhouse


471 W Mt Pleasant Ave, Livingston, 973-378-9222 |

Southern Mediterranean Italian Cuisine

Mezza Mediterranean

Pizzeta Enoteca

62 W Mount Pleasant Ave, Livingston 973-740-2264 |

Classic Italian dishes


Bottle Hill Tavern

13 Waverly Place,, Madison | 973-949-6060

Tavern Fare—Comfort Flare

Grillera Mediterranean Cuisine

91 Park Ave, Madison | 973-301-2080

Distinguished Mediterranean Cuisine

Krust Kitchen

7 Cross St, Madison | 908-525-7878

Pizza place · Italian Restaurant · Dessert Shop


Common Lot

27 Main Street, Millburn | 973-467-0494

A BYOB destination offering New American dishes.

277 Eisenhower Pkwy, Livingston 973-992-9300 |

Mediterranean Fusion Cuisine

HOURS: Sun-Thur 6am-1am Fri-Sat 6am-2am

275 NJ State Highway 10, East Hanover FOR PICK-UP ORDERS CALL 973-884-8840

WE DELIVER through

The Feathered Fox
February 2023 57

Restaurant Guide


Amanti Vino

30 Church Street, Montclair 973-509-WINE (9463) |

Wine, beer, artisanal spirits, cheese, classes, and outdoor dining


407 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair 973-233-9400 |

Sushi and European cuisine

Ani Ramen House

401 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair 973-744-3960 |


Butler and the Board

Stuff by SJ

342 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair | 973-7716907

Premium custom bake, coffee & treat shop

Sweet T’s Southern Eatery

387 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair | 973-500-3452

Healthy, Pork-free Southern Eatery

Taglia Pizza Bar

438 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair | 973-3170909

Roman Style Pizza

Walnut Street Kitchen

98 Walnut St, Montclair | 973-746-0789

Inspired Italian

Zeugma Grill

103 Forest St, Montclair

Housemade charcuterie and prepared foods.

Jack’s Seafood Shack & Oyster Bar

718 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair 973-893-5283 |

Lobster & Seafood

La Rocca Osteria

21 Midland Ave, Montclair | 973-746-0707 |

Casual Italian Dining

Laboratorio Kitchen 615 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair | 973-7466100

New American Cuisine

Le Salbuen Cafe

97 Walnut St, Montclair | 201-622-8473 |

Eclectic European-inspired eatery

Mystic Lobster Roll

145 Valley Rd, Montclair | 973 457-2651

Lobster Rolls, Specialty Rolls, Lobster Tacos

44 S. Park St, Montclair | 973-744-0074 |

Mediterranean cuisine



Due 36

50 Maple St, Summit | 908-608-0222

Authentic Argentinian/Italian tapas restaurant

La Pastaria

327 Springfield Ave, Summit | 908-522-9088 |

Italian cusine

Natale’s Summit Bakery

Liv Breads

184 Essex Street, Millburn | 973-218-6922

Artisan bakery & coffee bar


Boxcar Bar & Grill

25 Chatham Rd., Short Hills | 973-912-0002

American Cuisine

Par 440 Restaurant & Lounge

440 Parsonage Hill Rd, Short Hills 973-467-8882 |

A full service restaurant, bar & lounge

185 Broad St, Summit | 908-277-2074

Enjoy a selection of house made specialties including breads, pastries, pies and cakes. Daily specials. This family owned and operated bakery is serving up their delicious twist on bakery classics for over 80 years.

Roots Steakhouse

401 Springfield Ave, Summit | 908-273-0027

Old-fashioned New York style Steakhouse— expect delicious USDA aged prime beef sourced from the highest quality ranches in the mid-west.

Serra Restaurant

10 Bank Street, Summit | 908-273-1713

Authentic Portuguese BBQ restaurant.

Summit House Restaurant + Bar

395 Springfield Ave, Summit | 908-273-6000

An American restaurant and bar offering seasonal cuisine, craft cocktails, fresh local beers, and terroir-driven wines.


De Novo European Pub

275 Bellevue Ave Montclair | 973-893-5008

European styled pub

58 Suburban Essex February 2023

Marcel 6311/2 Valley Rd, Upper Montclair 973-842-4086

Mediterranean cuisine

TS Ma Chinese Cuisine

Parkside Social

199 Bellevue Ave, Upper Montclair 973-509-8878

Chinese cuisine

Toros Restaurant

594 Valley Rd Montclair 973-707-7651

Mediterranean, Turkish


Aroy-D, the Thai Elephant 605 Bloomfield Ave, Verona 973-559-3033

Authentic Thai food


706 Bloomfield Ave, Verona, 609-248-4596

classic American tavern

Sabor De Mi Tierra

640-644 Bloomfield Ave, Verona 862-621-5200

Columbian restaurant & bakery


Mandara’s Ristorante and Pizzeria

40 Clinton Road, West Caldwell | 973-226-3250

Italian cuisine


Chit Chat Diner

410 Eagle Rock Ave, West Orange 973-736-1989

Classic American Diner

The Highlawn

Eagle Rock Reservation, 1 Crest Drive, West Orange 973-731-3463

American Cuisine MamaDags

648 Bloomfield Ave, Verona 973-433-7256

New American cuisine with French and Korean inspiration

Blue Hippo Coffee Co. 662 Bloomfield Ave, Verona 972-433-7891

Breakfast, lunch and brunch

410 St. Cloud Ave, West Orange 862-233-7557

Seafood + Pizza House


500 Pleasant Valley Way, West Orange | 973-669-0966

Traditional Italian Cuisine

PREPARED FOODS CHARCUTERIE SAUSAGES Made in-house 103 Forest St., Montclair WWW.MEZZALIVINGSTON.COM 277 EISENHOWER PARKWAY, LIVINGSTON Call for Reservations: 973.992.9300 OPEN SEVEN DAYS • WE ARE BYOB ESTABLISHMENT LUNCH Daily 11:30am–3pm • DINNER Sun-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-10pm Order Curbside Pickup & Delivery Online at: Silver Winner Suburban Essex 2022 February 2023 59



Acupuncture is a complementary medicine that helps a myriad of ailments. Dr. Margaret Amireh, DACM, L.Ac is an accredited and board certified Acupuncturist with experience treating over 250 conditions. Some insurance accepted. For additional information, please call them at 973-304-1506

Balanced Body Acupuncture

792 Pompton Ave, Cedar Grove | 973-304-1506


The Chiropractic Source, founded by Drs. Marco Ferrucci and Tim Lyons specializes in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) and Softwave Therapy. CBP is a leading spinal corrective care that includes postural corrective adjustments, exercises and traction. SoftWave Therapy helps identify and decrease inflammation, improves blood flow and promotes stem cell healing for joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. This combination of care, allows them to be your source for the best in health and regeneration. Contact their office to learn more about how their care may help you!

The Chiropractic Source

388 Pompton Ave, Cedar Grove | 973-228-0500

Coffee House.

A carefully curated menu featuring quality sourced and sustainable coffee, organic smoothies, juices, specialty crafted beverages, healthy, savory bites and coastal vibes. A few more perks: the outdoor oasis cafe + indoor hangout joint, “pick-me-up” window, our very own mobile app for order ahead convenience, the mercantile, endless parking spaces, zero meter-maids, a community of like-minded awesome people + lots of good vibes.

The Compound Coffee Co.

271 Grove Avenue, Verona | 973-601-2570 |


Multiple award-winning provider of high-quality heating and air conditioning equipment—with sales, installations, repairs and maintenance service for residential and commercial customers. They take pride in delivering superior customer service and were voted Best HVAC contractor in Essex County eight years in a row. They also sell, install and provide maintenance service on home standby generators and air purification systems. NJ ELEC LIC#11850B HVAC-R LIC# 19HC00144800

Bloomfield Cooling & Heating

127 Paterson Avenue, Little Falls | 973-237-0505

Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt.

Award-Winning Ice Cream, Gelato, Cakes, & Shakes. Featured on ESPN, Food Network, Washington Post, and more. Mark and Julie’s Ice Cream in West Orange became part of the Guerriero brand in 2022.

Guerriero Gelato

571 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair

194 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell

6 US-46, Pine Brook

476 Pleasant Valley Way West Orange

Interior Design.

For nearly 25 years, Richard Bailey Interiors, LLC has provided discriminating clients with custom residential interiors designed to deliver lasting elegance and true livability. Installed in residences throughout the New York tri-state region and beyond, the full-service firm’s one-of-kind designs interpret each client’s unique vision with a sophisticated design aesthetic, attention to detail and exceptional quality.

Richard Bailey Interiors, LLC

973-429-2106 |


Walter Bauman is a full-service, fine jewelry store with expert jewelers and watchmakers available for all your jewelry-repair needs.

Walter Bauman

653 Eagle Rock Avenue, West Orange 973-731-3155 |


K. Macken Landscaping offers complete landscaping, lawn maintenance, and construction by a fully insured company with a knowledgeable and experienced staff. Plus, their locally owned and operated company always gives the most competitive prices.

K. Macken Landscaping

West Caldwell | 973-261-0198

Visit us online at 60 Suburban Essex February 2023


The attorneys at Cipriano Law Offices, PC work as a team to carefully examine the circumstance of your individual case. They are qualified family law mediators and trained in collaborative law, in addition to having a vast amount of litigation experience, including: high net worth divorce, equitable distribution, alimony, child support, custody, adoptions, prenuptial agreements, domestic violence matters, Division of Child Protection and Permanency.

Cipriano Law Offices, PC

175 Fairfield Avenue, Suite 4C/D, West Caldwell | 973-403-8600

Medi Spa.

Specializing in injections (Botox, Dysport, Fillers), Coolsculpting, PRP Procedures, Body Contouring, Microblading, Microneedling, Vaginal Rejuvenation and other Spa services,all to help clients “Look and Feel your Best.”

Montclair Rejuvenation Center

One Mt. Prospect Ave., Verona | 862 284 3747 761 Bloomfield Ave., West Caldwell | 973 650-3204


“Professional,” “courteous,” and “exceptional” is how customers consistently describe Wilber’s Painting. Their highly trained staff of professionals knows what it takes to bring their client’s imagination to reality.

Wilber’s Painting & Home Improvements

973-762-6333 |

Pet Day Care/Boarding.

K-9 Resorts has been voted #1 Pet Service by multiple New Jersey magazines. This doggie daycare is recommended by veterinarians in the area and pet owners trust K-9 Resorts to take care of their pets and provide a healthy and safe environment for them.

K-9 Resorts

Day Care & Luxury Hotel

1275 Bloomfield Avenue, Fairfield | 973-244-7387

Psychotherapy & Life Coaching.

For almost 29 years, Sue Waldman, LPC, BCC has been offering Psychotherapy, Life Coaching and Reiki services for anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, and loss. Sue now offers inspirational support gatherings for teens. Sue brings empathic, intuitive insights and compassionate support to her counseling sessions, seminars, and groups. Her work is highly transformative. As the shifts occur within, you will gain a sense of personal power, self-discovery, resolution, and relief. Her practice is based on the belief her client’s needs are of the utmost importance.

Sue Waldman, MA, LPC, BCC

Pink Light, LLC | 973-857-9090 |

Physical Therapy.

JAG-ONE Physical Therapy is a comprehensive physical and occupational therapy company with locations throughout New Jersey, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, Manhattan, Westchester and Pennsylvania. Their multi-specialty staff has been serving the Tri-State area for over 20 years and has developed a unique, care-first model of rehabilitation delivering high quality clinical outcome for their patients.

JAG-ONE Physical Therapy

Convenient Locations throughout New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania West Orange: 973-669-0078 | Fairfield: 862-702-3420 |

The core mission of Dr. De Hoyos, DPT is to provide a positive clinical atmosphere, conducive for healing and fostering a healthy consciousness in each patient to facilitate meeting and exceeding their physical therapy goals as well as clinical outcomes.

LightPort Physical Therapy & Spa

355 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell | 973-228-0072


Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is a real estate brokerage franchise network designed for today’s real estate market. From first time home buyers to high-end residential markets to middle market communities to commercial real estate, our brokers and agents are down to earth, nimble and local experts.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices

Van Der Wende Properties

333 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 304, Caldwell | 973-226-0333


In addition to owning and operating three bakeries, the Calandra family expanded their household name by opening three restaurants; Cucina Calandra, Calandra’s Mediterranrean Grill, and iL Vecchio Cafe. Whether you are looking for an evening out, business lunch, or to celebrate a special occasion all three restaurants offer something unique to your dining experience.

Calandra Restaurants |

A flavorful Italian Seafood restaurant conveniently located just east and across the street from the Turtleback Zoo. Inspired by family traditions, Anthony Dagostino wanted to bring back the old school clam house experience. True to tradition, The recipes are simple and authentic using only the freshest catch and ingredients. The personable staff, ample portions and robust flavors have gained them a loyal local community of regulars. Bring an appetite!

Mamma Dags Seafood & Pizza House

410 St. Cloud Avenue, West Orange | 862-233-7557

February 2023 61

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

The other day I was having lunch at Argyles in Livingston and bumped into my old friend Don Schwartz, a local photographer. I have seen his work for many years and have always heard wonderful things about him and his work as a photographer. I am going to share my interview with him from the other day:

Barry Farber: So many families know and appreciate your work over the years, including mine. Kit Cone, who was the editor of the Livingston Tribune called you “Mr. Pictures.” Can you give me some background on how you became a photographer for the Livingston school system and more?

Don Schwartz: I attended West Orange High School and then went on to Newark State College (now Kean University) where I was an Industrial Arts Major. After graduating I received my masters in vocational education at Indiana University, and followed that up with a

Masters in administration and supervision at Kean University.

In 1968, I applied to the board of education at Livingston High School, where I taught for 31 years. I spent 43 years photographing Livingston HS (aka Lancers) sports and started the Lancers sports TV 34 network and am still broadcasting the football games today.

Over the years I have photographed many college football games: 20 years at Rutgers, 24 years West Point, and at least 20 at Army/Navy games—where I photographed four US presidents.

BF: What got you interested in photography?

DS: I was introduced to photography by my uncle, Albert B. Meserlin, who was President Eisenhower’s photographer during the war. He would show me photo albums of the the war photos that he took. I was always amazed in his dark room seeing pictures being developed in black and white with a series of chemicals.

One particular photo I remember he took is of the treaty room in Reims France—he could identify every person in every seat who signed the treaty to end the war. NBC flew him to Paris to meet up with his fellow photographers and the Today Show did a special on the anniversary of the treaty. His work is now on display at Brookdale College in Lincroft.

BF: What inspires you?

DS: The support of the Board of Education and the great athletic directors I’ve worked under who keep the Livingston sports on top for all these years. During the years I’ve given out so many photos and made many contributions to the Livingston Tribune. I am so grateful for the many times I got a phone call, an email, or a note to

thank me for photographing their son or daughter for a keepsake memory. In fact, I recently got a call from a grandmother from Pennsylvania whose daughter was in the Tribune, and she wanted another copy so I made an 8x10 and mailed it to her.

BF: What would you say to someone who is interested in starting out into the field of photography?

DS: If you take a bad picture just keep on shooting. And, the most important things I’ve learned over the years coming as a greenhorn and working my way up is to keep shooting, keep exploring creative ways to take pictures, and keep your equipment in top notch condition.

BF: Is there any message or quote over the years that inspired you?

DS: Yes. I remember the quote that was on the wall at Newark State College as an inspiration to all students: “Those who dare to teach must never cease to learn.” I always apply that in my photography because I am always looking for another way to make a picture better.

BF: Definition of success?

DS: Having a wonderful family. Having the opportunity to live in a wonderful town and country. I enjoy keeping in touch with all the athletes, saying hello, and getting that thank you for the picture that they have kept over the years.

Diamond Minds
Barry Farber is a best-selling author, an award winning radio and television host as well as an agent and marketing consultant for corporations, professional athletes, and entertainers. He’s also the creator and marketer of the FoldzFlat® Pens. His latest release is an inspirational children’s book “In search of the magic tree” available at
Barry Farber
62 Suburban Essex February 2023
Don Schwartz

“Come participate in the many recreational opportunities available for people of all ages as you enjoy the Essex County experience. You can learn about conservation and animals through exciting hands-on activities while visiting Essex County Turtle Back Zoo or our Environmental Center. Youngsters will have a fun-filled adventure when they attend one of our affordable camps at either facility. For a great physical challenge, hit the ice at Codey Arena in our ice skating camps. Every day brings something new in Essex!”

Essex County Turtle Back Zoo

560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange 973-731-5800

Turtle Back Zoo Camp Programs

Spring Break 1: Tuesday, April 4 to Thursday, April 6

Spring Break 2: Tuesday, April 11 to Thursday, April 13

Summer Camp: Weekly starting Monday, June 26 through Friday, September 1

Join us at Turtle Back Zoo for some wild fun! To further our mission of conservation, education, and stewardship, campers will be introduced to the extraordinary world of animals, nature, and science. Children will enjoy age-appropriate camp activities that include games, teacher-led lessons, behind-behind-the-scenes tours, upclose animal encounters, hands-on science demos, and fun crafts. Camp drop-off is at 9am; pick-up at 4pm. Mini-camp is $90/day for ages 5-10; no extended care options. Camp is $450/week for ages 5-rising grade 6 and $475 for rising grades 7-8; extended care options are available for weeks 1-9 only. Summer camp curriculum is repeated weekly; most campers sign-up for one week. For more information, visit

Essex County Codey Arena

560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange 973-731-3828

Summer 2023 Figure Skating Camp

June 26 to August 4

Full Day (8am-3:30pm) $450 • Half Day (8am-12:15pm) $325 (No camp on Tuesday, July 4)

Essex County Environmental Center

621B Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland 973-228-8776

Wilderness Skills Camp

July 10-14: 1:30-4:30pm for Grades 5 to 8

Join Senior Staff Naturalist David Alexander for some exciting lessons in outdoor skill building. Participants will identify wild plants, learn to track animals, create fires, go canoeing, make natural cordage, build shelters & much more! $300/per child.

Nature Explorers Summer Camp

July 10-21: 9:30am-12:30pm for Pre-K & Kindergarten

July 24 to August 4: 9:30am-1:30pm for Grades 1 and 2

August 7-18: 9:30am-1:30pm for Grades 3 and 4

Enjoy exploring and discovering woodland and river habitats for insects, birds, amphibians, Lenape life and much more. Sign up for one or two weeks per grade level. Advance registration is required. $210 per child/per week for Pre-K and K, $230 per child/per week for Grades 1 and 2; $250 per child/per week for Grades 3 and 4



July 17-21, 2023

For information, visit or contact Eric Nates at 914-939-4563 or


July 14-16 & July 17-20, 2023

For information, visit or contact Mike Risdale at 810-985-4529 or


July 24-28, 2023

For information, visit, call 855-459-2267 or email

See a complete list of events at:


The Essex County Park System was created in 1895 and is the first county park system established in the United States. The Park System consists of more than 6,000 acres and has 23 parks, five reservations, an environmental center, a zoo, Treetop Adventure Course, ice skating rink, roller skating rink, three public golf courses, golf driving range, two miniature golf courses, five off-leash dog facilities, a castle and the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens.

Advertisement supported with a grant from the Essex County Parks Foundation, a private 501(c)3 organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the Essex County Parks System. Not printed at taxpayers’ expense.


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page 63

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

pages 62-63


pages 60-61

Tots and Their Teeth

page 55

Yogurt May Help with High Blood Pressure

page 54

Not Getting Enough Zzzzs? Try These Tricks

pages 52-53


page 51


pages 49-50

Job Haines Celebrates 101ST BIRTHDAY with

page 48

Critical Decisions Are Important in ELDER LAW

page 47

The Job Haines Difference... Caring for Your Nutrition When Caregiving

page 46

UPWARDLY (and Every Other Direction) MOBILE

page 45

SENIOR LIVING Understanding AFib

page 44

Summer Camp Can Help Children Learn New Skills & Meet New Friends

page 40

Easy DIYs to Display Your Love

pages 36-39

The Joys and Sorrows of BLACK HISTORY in America

pages 34-35

A Teacher’s Life as An Artist: The Joys and Sorrows of BLACK HISTORY in America

page 33

Amazing Asia Exhibit is Dedicated to Louis LaSalle

pages 28-32

BILLIE JEAN KING: Champion. Activist. Legend

page 27

Short Hills Resident is Crowned “NY Giants Fan of the Year

page 26


pages 24-25


pages 22-23

MSU Dept of Theater & Dance “Celebrating Rodgers & Hammerstein”

pages 14-21

West Orange Classic Film Festival

pages 12-13

Snuggy Buddy is Helping Children Get a Better Night’s Sleep

pages 11-12

Middle Schooler from Caldwell Launches Podcast on Neurodiversity

page 10

Livingston’s “Food Czar” Helps the Community Stay Connected

page 9

Thank You for Voting Us BEST ORTHODONTIST

pages 5-8

Suburban Essex

pages 1-2
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