1.5 months plus second 1.5 months FREE re-ad if the business is still for sale after first 1.5 months. It means the ad will run to SOLD (unlimited) on website and not less than 3 months on its Business Lifestyle Magazine
The Business Vendors Your Commercial, Property, Franchise or Business for Sale Lease to be SOLD or LEASED quickly by our Trilingual - Chinese Vietnamese English Business Online (website) and its magazine (hard copy on print).
fornightly (print) magazine will reach many prospective business buyers. Enabling your business to be SOLD quickly. Please see our suggestion below as the best option for your “Business for Sale” advertisement with us.
We believe you know already, there are many Australian-Vietnamese & Chinese active and dynamic business people in our business community or in Overseas. They are looking for businesses to buy for their investment or for business migration purpose, and many of them may be interested in the business, franchise, opportunity etc., you are involved.
COMBO PACKAGE : Your business for sale advertisement will be published on website with three languages as 3 ads - 3 results, to SOLD (unlimited) as well as on its (print) Business Lifestyle magazine, with campaign of
By placing your “Business for Sale / Lease” advertisement in Trilingual Business for Sale website www.VietBizOnline.Net and its
However, as you well know, some valuable businesses with many dollars to spend, or depends on other sectors i.g the lease, location etc., it may take time to find a suitable buyer. Therefore, this offer for your “Business for Sale” advertisement on our Trilingual www. VietBizOnline.net and its Business Lifestyle Magazine is a highly recommended as it’s a good advertisement sought and it could save your budget, you don’t need to re-ad during your selling process. We know at this stage your “Business For Sale” advertisement may be with other
websites or publications. However, one more in Trilingual English Chinese - Vietnamese business online & its magazine will help you reach many serious business buyers in Australia as well as in Overseas countries China and Vietnam, who able to buy your business at a respectable price for investment or for business migration to Australia. The Business lifestyle magazine (hard copy on print) is exactly the same format as its SoftCopy on this site (you can view proof of the Biz 4 Sale ad ad by click Newsstands Edition on menu bar and turn the pages to centre of the magazine), and distributed
Australia wide throughout 1800 Asian newsstands, newsagents, groceries, food shops, and it’s offering as free reading material in many comfortable places e.g. office receptions, takeaway, hair & beauty salon, community library etc., reach 120,000 readerships in Chines/Vietnamese community in Australia. and 420,000 from Internet through its website.
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