Bus Bunch "Danger Zone"

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Danger Zone A Brite Star Bus Bunch Book Copyright © 2023 by The Brite Star Foundation, Inc., a 501 (c)3 All rights reserved. Published by The Brite Star Foundation, Inc. 11411 Southern Highlands Parkway Suite 338 Las Vegas, Nevada 89141 Vincent W. Goett, Publisher

ISBN Paperback




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Mr. Emerson Jenkins drives a school bus. The bus makesfunny noises ashe drives it down the street. Bonk! Pfft! Tsss!

Each morning Mr. Emerson drives to Honey Hill Avenue. He honks the bus horn, “Beep Beep!” The children climb on the bus and he and drives them to Brite Star School. “Good morning, kids!” says Mr. Emerson. “Let’s all have a great day!” Each afternoon he drives themhome again.

The Bus Bunch kids greet their favorite bus driver withhappy hellos and big smiles. Mr. Emerson has a big smile on his face ashe waits for everyone to be seated. Today he has a secret that he can’t wait to share withthe Bus Bunch kids.

Mr. Emerson starts the drive to school. Suddenly a siren blares behind the bus. The kids are scared. They wonder what Mr. Emerson has done wrong. Mr. Emerson stops the bus, but he is still smiling. “Hmmm,”he says, “it looks like weare being pulled over by a policeman.”

The police car stops right behind the bus. The kids sit quietly asthe officer comes to the door of the bus. Itis Officer Dan! He has been to their school manytimes to talk about safety. The kids all love Officer Dan but they wonder whyhe has stopped the bus. IsMr. Emerson in trouble? Will Officer Dan arrest him?

“Today is a special day,” Mr. Emerson says. “Officer Dan is going to take us for a tour of the Brite Star Police Station. He will teach us important safety lessons about riding in a bus.” The kids are happy that Mr. Emerson isn’t in trouble. Now they are excited about seeing Officer Dan and about getting a tour of the police station. “Mr. Emerson follow me down the street to the Brite Star Police Station,” Officer Dan says.

“We already know how to ride the bus, Mr. Emerson,” says Philip. “What safety things is Officer Dan going to teachus?” “The bus is a fun place to ride, but it can also be dangerous if the rules aren’t followed,” Mr. Emerson answers. “What rules are you talking about?” Sarah asks. “Justwait. Our friend, Officer Dan, will tell us,” Mr. Emerson says. He stops the bus in front of the police station where Officer Dan is waiting for them.

Officer Dan leads everyone into the police station. The first thing the kids notice is a wall filled withpictures of police officers. “Officer Dan, whyare those pictures on the wall?” asks Jimmy. “Those are police officers who did something special to help people,” says Officer Dan. “Oh, that’s like when wedo something nice for someone at school. We get a Brite Star nextto our name on the wall,” Jimmy says. “Yes,it’s a reward for doing a special deed. These officers were extra helpful to others,” Officer Dan explains.

“What are some safe things to do when you’re in a school bus?” Officer Dan asks. Officer Dan writes everything the kids say on the white board. 1. No pushing or shoving 2. Always remain seated when the bus is moving 3. Always have your seatbelt on 4. No throwing objects 5. Don’t makeloud noises that could distract the bus driver 6. Always keep your arms and hands in the bus 7. No fighting Most importantly always listen to bus driver!

“Great job!” says Officer Dan. “Youknow the rules about inside the bus. Now let’s talk about the safety rules for when you’re getting on and off the bus.” 1. Always wait for the bus to come to a complete stop. Youwait on thesidewalk 2. Always know the Danger Zone. (Anywhere close enough to touch the bus. Stay at least 10big steps away from the bus. Wait for your driver to say it’s safe to enter the Danger Zone.) 3. Line up withall your friends and board the bus one by one, then take your seat

“The last lesson is about how to get off the bus. This can be the most dangerous time,” says Officer Dan. 1. Remain in your seat until bus has stopped. 2. The people at the front leave first. Do not push. 3. Takelarge steps away from the bus, and leave the Danger Zone. 4. Cross only when the driver gives a signal. 5. Wait for the bus driver to put up his stop signs on both sides of thebus. 6. Proceed across the street, looking both waysfor on-coming traffic. Cross the street in single file. “Remember kids, some drivers break the law and don’t stop at bus stop signs. This is why you mustmakesure no cars are coming,” says Officer Dan.

“Okay Mr. Emerson, let’s take the kids outside and practice what wejust learned,” says Officer Dan. The kids are excited to practice the bus safety rules. “Officer Bob is going to help us,” says Officer Dan. The kids do all the things they learned about bus safety. Officer Dan and Officer Bob say they did agreat job!

The kids thank the officers for a great day and wavegoodbye. The Bus Bunch kids can’t wait to tell their parents about the police station and all they learned. “Police officers sure know a lot about helping people,” says Jeremy. “Yes,they do. That’s whyweshould always respect them and obey them,” says Mr.Emerson. “Yayfor police officers!” everyone cheers. “Next stop Honey Hill,” says Mr. Emerson.

Mr. Emerson stops the bus at Honey Hill and puts out the stop signs. The kids get off the bus, cross out of the Danger Zone and stand on the sidewalk. They obey all the safety rules! They are just about to enter the crosswalk when a car comes speeding by the bus. The driver ignores the bus stop signs. But the kids are all safe because they were out of the Danger Zone and hadn’t entered the street. “Great job, kids! Nowyou see how important it is to follow the rules,” says Mr. Emerson.

As Mr. Emerson drives the bus back to the garage, he sees that Officer Dan has stopped a car.Itis the very car that raced past the school bus. Officer Dan had seen what happened. He knew a child could have been badly hurt by the driver’s carelessness. Mr. Emerson smiles at Officer Dan asthe policeman writes out a ticket to give thedriver.

Think About It 1. The kids likeriding the bus to school. Do you ride a bus? Do you knowyour bus driver’s name? 2. Mr.Emerson had a surprise for the kids. Do you like surprises? What’sa favorite surpriseyou’ve had? 3. Whatwasthename of thepolice officer whotaughtthesafety rules? 4. Why were there pictures of police officerson thewall? 5. Whatis thename of theareanear thebus thatisn’t safe? Let’s Work Together! It can be fun to ride the school bus withyour friends but it’s also important to respectthe bus driver and obey the rules. Do you ride a school bus? Which of the bus rules arehardesttoobey? Did youlearn any new rules from Officer Dan? I will . . . • Obey the bus safety rules • Respect mybus driver • Pay good attention to the Danger Zone rule It’s OKto have fun on the bus, talking withyour friends and laughing. But remember torespectthedriver by not fighting and not being too loud. • Does your driver remind you of safety rules? • Has anyone explained the Danger Zone to you? • Do you checkto makesure carsobey the Stop Sign before you cross the street?

"The Brite Star Kids” 979-8-89750-263-”Th9979-8-89750Entertaining Through Life Lessons in 263-9 the Magical World of Brite Star!"

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