Brite Star: What Would Nana Say ?
Copyright 2024 by the Brite Star Foundation, Inc, a 501 (c) 3 Published by The Brite Star Foundation, Inc. 11411 Southern Highlands Parkway Suite 338 Las Vegas Nevada, 89141
Vincent W Goett, Publisher

"Welcome to Nana's porch, where family love blossoms. Ken, Sam, Whit, and Brooke are ready for today's lesson. 'Why is family important, Nana?' Sam asks. 'Family is our foundation of love,' Nana replies, her eyes twinkling."

"Nana turns the pages of a well-loved album. 'Why do we have traditions?' Whit wonders. 'Traditions are our family's heartbeat,' Nana explains, pointing to a photo of a past celebration."

helps Ken with a puzzle. 'Why should we help each other, Nana?' Brooke asks. 'Families are teams; we support each other,' Nana answers with a knowing smile."

"Nana gestures to the wall of memories. 'Why keep these photos, Nana?' Ken inquires. 'They're our shared stories, keeping us connected,' Nana responds."

"Laughter fills the air as the sisters play. 'Why spend time together?' Sam asks. 'It knits our hearts closer,' Nana answers from the porch swing."

eyes brim with tears; Nana's embrace is her solace. 'Why comfort us?' Whit asks. 'Love means being there, in joy and sorrow,' Nana says softly."

"Ken passes her favorite book to Sam. 'Why share?' she wonders. 'Sharing is how we show we care,' Nana says, watching them."

"The family gathers for dinner. 'Why eat together?' Brooke queries. 'Meals are our time to bond and share our days,' Nana explains."

"A joke from Nana sets off peals of laughter. 'Why laugh together?' Sam ponders. 'Laughter is our family's song,' Nana chuckles."

they get ready to leave, they envelop Nana in a hug. 'Why do we hug?' Whit asks. 'Hugs speak the words our hearts feel,' Nana whispers."

"The sisters wave goodbye. 'We love you, Nana!' they shout. Nana's voice carries on the breeze, 'Love makes our family whole.'"

"Think About":
1. What role do traditions play in our families?
2. How does helping each other strengthen family ties?
3. Why are family photos special?
4. Why is sharing with family members important?
5. How do shared meals build family relationships?
"Let's Work Together": Let's cherish and nurture our family bonds, just like Nana teaches. By loving, sharing, and caring for each other, we create a family filled with warmth and joy.
"I will…”: "I will embrace the love of my family, treasure our moments together, and contribute to our shared memories. My family is my heart, and I will nurture these bonds every day.”
Final Statement - "The Importance of Knowing":
Understanding and embracing the love within our families is crucial. It creates a foundation of support, joy, and shared memories. Nana's lessons remind us that family is not just about being related; it's about being connected in heart and soul.