Regional recipies - Secrets of Alsace

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Regional recipies

Secrets of Alsace

Alsace wine and food pairings


Moricettes, Bretzels, & savoury Kougelhopf

Muscat - Crémant d’Alsace

Moricettes, Bretzel ...........p.3 savoury Kougelhopf............... ...... p.5 ....... ....... ....... ....... . . bée Tarte flam ........p.6 Salade vigneronne..................... ttes....... p.7 Charcuterie & potato gale ............p.8 Munster valley tart................ .............. p.9 ....... ....... ....... ....... tart on Oni


............p.10 Trout with almonds............ ........p.11 Fish choucroute.......................


........p.12 Fleischnacka.............................. ..........p.13 Liver quenelles....................... .........p.14 Choucroute............................. .........p.15 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... . . iffala Sch .........p.16 ....... ....... ....... dles noo Alsatian ....p.17 ....... ....... ....... ....... Baeckeoffe......... ........p.18 Venison stew............................ Red cabbage with apples ..........p.18 and chestnuts......................... ....p.19 ....... zle.. Spät & ling Coq au Ries ...........p.20 Potatoes & Bibelekaes.........



Appetiserss& & starters

..........p.21 Kougelhopf.............................. ........p.22 Tart with fromage blanc......... ..p.22-23 Plum tart................................... ............p.23 Apple tart..............................


Moricettes & Bretzels > 500 g of flour > 1 cube of fresh yeast or 11 g of baker’s yeast > 150 ml of milk > 150 ml of cold water > 20 g of butter > 20 g of salt > 80 g of bicarbonate > 1 egg yolk > Poppy and sesame seeds, a pinch of sea salt

6 30’ 15’ 1h

Heat the milk until warm, then sprinkle in the yeast , butter, flour, salt and the water.

Mix well and knead until the dough stops sticking to the bowl. Cover with a cloth and leave to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. Pat the moricettes into small cylinders, or any other shape, and leave to rise a further 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200°. Boil the water with the bicarbonate and then lower the heat. Pop the moricettes into the hot water for a few seconds. Drain and place them on a baking tray covered with a piece of greaseproof paper. Brush the moricettes with the egg yolk, which you will have thinned with a little water. Sprinkle with poppy and sesame seeds or sea salt. Leave in the oven for 10 – 15 minutes.

The Moricettes can be served as they are or spread with butter or anything else you fancy. You can also use this recipe to make bretzels.

Kougelhopf with nuts and bacon > > > > > > > >

375 g of flour 80 g of butter ½ packet of baker’s yeast 20 cl of milk 1 egg 2 tsp of salt 100 g of walnuts 150 g of smoked bacon pieces




Heat the milk until it is warm. Pour half the milk into a cup and sprinkle in the yeast. Pour the flour into a bowl, make a well in the centre and break the egg into it. Add the salt and then slowly pour in the rest of the warm milk. Knead the mixture for a good 15 minutes and then add the softened butter and the milk and yeast. Keep kneading the dough until it stops sticking to the bowl. Cover the bowl with a cloth and leave to rise in a warm place. Once it has doubled in bulk, knead it down gently and then add the bacon pieces and half the nuts. Butter a kougelhopf mould and sprinkle a few pieces of walnut into the bottom. Pour the dough into the mould and leave it in a warm place. When it has risen to the top of the mould, place in the oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 50 minutes.


Tarte Flambée ‘ F lammekueche’’

Alsace cuisine


Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc - Riesling d’Alsace

Alsace cuisine has long had been considered as one of the finest in France, and the time and trouble Alsatians take over their cooking is legendary. This is certainly why this collection of recipes, handed down over the generations, has been such a resounding success. Over 7 million copies of this booklet have been printed so far, since the first edition over 20 years ago. There’s no secret to Alsace cuisine - it basically comes down to good produce, simple, authentic flavours, a love of good food and, of course, Alsace wine, which have always been inseparable from the region’s cooking. The richness and variety of wine and food in Alsace has produced some marriages made in heaven and we hope that this booklet will enhance your enjoyment. Bon appétit !

Alsace enjoys a unique terroir, which brings out the best in its 7 main grapes : Sylvaner d’Alsace : light, refreshing, discreetly fruity. Pinot Blanc d’Alsace : soft and delicate, fresh and supple. Riesling d’Alsace : dry, distinguished, with an elegant bouquet. Muscat d’Alsace : dry, with fresh grape aromas. Pinot Gris d’Alsace : powerful, rich, with a complex bouquet. Gewurztraminer d’Alsace : rich, heady, with great aromatic style. Pinot Noir d’Alsace : red or rosé, typical cherry-like fruitiness. 44

> 250 g of flour > 5 cl of oil > 2 large onions > 120 g of bacon pieces > 20 g of butter > 100 g of fromage blanc > 10 cl of double cream > A pinch of grated nutmeg > 1 tablespoon of rapeseed oil > Salt and pepper

4 20’ 20’ 1h

Prepare the dough by hand or using a food mixer. Mix the flour, ½ tsp of salt and the oil and gradually add the 15 cl of warm water. Knead for a few minutes until you get a nicely elastic dough and then leave it to rise for 1 hour in a warm place. Preheat the oven to 280°C. Slice the onions finely and cook them in the butter over a low heat for 5 minutes. They should soften, but they must not turn brown. Quick-fry the bacon pieces in a separate pan. Mix the fromage blanc and the cream, season with salt, pepper and a dash of nutmeg. Dust a small amount of flour on the worksurface and roll out the pastry till you get a circle about 1 mm thick. Place the rolled-out dough on an oven tray, which you have sprinkled with a little flour. Spread the fromage blanc and cream mix onto the dough and then sprinkle with the onions, bacon pieces and a tablespoon of oil. Place in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes.

You can also garnish with finely sliced mushrooms and/or a handful of grated emmenthal. 55

Salade vigneronne Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc - Riesling d’Alsace

Charcuterie & potato Galettes ‘ Grumbeerkiechle’’ Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc - Riesling d’Alsace

texte vin d’Alsace

>3 00 g of Alsatian Cervelas sausages > 200 g of Emmenthal > 10 small gherkins > Oil > Melfor© vinegar (an Alsatian vinegar with honey and a plant infusion) > Salt, pepper



Cut the sausage up into thin strips about 3 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. Grate the cheese, using the largest holes on your grater. Cut the gherkins up into thin slices. Combine the sausage, cheese and gherkins in a salad bowl and add the vinaigrette.

Why not add a few tomatoes?

…and a selection of Alsace charcuterie

> > > >

kg of potatoes 1 1 large onion 2 eggs 1 tablespoonful of flour > 1 cup of oil > Salt, pepper > Nutmeg

4 15’ 2’

The enjoyable acidity of Alsace wines offers a lively accompaniment to Alsatian charcuterie.


Peel and grate the potatoes. Chop the onion. Break the 2 eggs into a mixing bowl, gradually add the milk, the grated potatoes and onions and then the pepper and salt and sprinkle with a little grated nutmeg. Gently squeeze the potatoes to remove excess moisture. Heat the oil in a pan. Scoop up a tablespoonful of the mixture, pat it into a flat, round patty. Lower your patties gently into the hot oil. Brown 1 min on both sides and serve immediately.

The galettes are eaten straight from the pan with a plate of charcuterie, or a salad or are served as a side-dish. 7

Munster valley pie > > > > > > > > >

50 g of flaky pastry 7 1 kg of minced pork 2 egg 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten 1 cup of milk 1 onion 70 g of butter 1 clove of garlic Salt, pepper, pinch of nutmeg

6 30’ 1h 1h

Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc Pinot Noir d’Alsace 8

Soak the bread in a bowl with the milk for 1 hour beforehand. Remove from the bowl, squeeze out the excess milk and crush with a fork. Preheat the oven to 200°C Chop up the onion and garlic and fry them in butter over a medium heat until soft. Remove from the heat, place in a mixing bowl and add the minced pork. Stir and break the egg into the mixture, followed by the crushed bread. Season with the salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg and mix well. Place just over half the flaky pastry on a buttered pie dish, allowing it to overlap on the sides. Pour the filling onto the pastry. Cover with the remaining flaky pastry and press the edges of the top and bottom layers together. Brush the surface with the beaten egg yolk and then cut out a small hole in the centre for the steam to escape. Place in the oven and bake for 1 hour at 200°C.

Onion tart ‘ Zewelkueche’’

FOR THE DOUGH > 250 g of flour > 125 g of butter > 1 tsp of salt > 80 g of butter > 10 cl of water FILLING > 4 large onions > 4 eggs > 50 g of bacon pieces > 15 cl of cream > 15 cl of milk > Pinch of nutmeg

Sylvaner d’Alsace

6 30’ 50’ 1h

Cut the butter up into small cubes and combine in a mixing bowl with the flour and salt. Gradually pour in the water and knead till you get a smooth, even dough. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in plastic film and keep in a cool place for about 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the pastry and place it in a circular oven dish, 32 cm in diameter. The pastry should come up the sides of the dish. Cover with greaseproof paper and pour dried beans onto the paper to stop the dough rising. Blind bake for 20 mins. Remove from the oven, remove the beans and paper. Reserve. While the pastry is baking, slice the onions and cook them with the bacon pieces for 10 min over a gentle heat in the oil. Beat the eggs with the cream and milk, then add salt and pepper to taste, along with a pinch of nutmeg. Sprinkle the onion and bacon pieces onto the pre-cooked pastry, add the egg and cream mixture and bake in the oven for 30 min.


Fish choucroute

Trout with almonds

‘ Forelle Met Mandle’’ Riesling d’Alsace

> > > > > > > >

Clean the fish, season with salt and pepper and then roll them in the flour. Heat the oil in a non-stick pan and add 20 g of butter. When the butter begins to foam, add the floured fish and cook over a medium heat for about 8 to 10 min until the skin goes a nice golden colour. Turn the fish over and cook for a further 8 to 10 min. Meanwhile, dry fry the almonds in a pan. Reserve. Squeeze the lemon and chop up the parsley. Reserve. Place the trout on individual plates, leaving the cooking juice in the pan. Wipe the pan with an absorbent paper towel, and then add the rest of the butter. When the butter has melted, add the lemon juice, the parsley, the grilled almonds and pepper and salt to taste. Pour the sauce over the trout and serve immediately.

You can serve this trout with boiled potatoes ! 10

4 trout 50 g of butter 2 tablespoons of oil 4 tablespoonfuls of flour 70 g of flaked almonds 1 lemon Parsley Salt, pepper

Riesling - Crémant d’Alsace > > > > >

4 10’ 10’

> > > > > > > > > > >

1 kg of choucroute 30 cl of Riesling 30 cl of fish stock 300 g of salmon trout fillets, cut into 6 portions 300 g of monkfish, cut into 6 portions 300 g of haddock fillet, cut into 6 portions 200 g of butter 12 mussels /12 king prawns 6 scallops 1 bouquet garni 2 shallots, chopped 1 onion, chopped ½ lemon, sliced 2 tablespoons of double cream 2 tablespoons of oil Salt, pepper

6 40’ 52’

Rinse the choucroute under running water and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Melt half the butter in a large, thick-bottomed pot and sweat the onions for a few minutes over a medium heat to soften them. Add the choucroute and pour in 3/4 of the wine and 2/3 of the fish stock. Season with the salt and pepper and the bouquet garni, cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 210°C. Chop one of the shallots, and place it on an oven tray. Sprinkle with the remainder of the butter, cut into small cubes, half of the remaining wine and the rest of the fish stock, the 4 types of fish, the mussels and the sliced lemon. Season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 7 min at 210°C. Heat some oil in a frying pan and cook the king prawns and scallops over a high heat for 2 minutes on each side. Prepare the white butter sauce: Cook the remaining shallot. Add salt and pepper and reduce over a high heat. Add the cream, cook for one minute, then incorporate the butter and beat to thicken the sauce.


NOODLE DOUGH : > 300 g of flour > 150 g of semolina > 6 eggs > 20 cl of water > 1 tablespoon of salt

12 12

‘ F leischnacka’’

FARCE : > 1.2 kg of cooked meat (such as pot au feu) > 1 onion > 1 clove of garlic > 30 g of butter > 1 egg > 50 g of bread (without its crust) > 10 cl of milk > Parsley > Salt, pepper > 5 cl of oil > 75 cl of stock > 10 cl of dry white wine > 20 g of flour

This savoury Swiss roll was traditionally made using «pot au feu» leftovers. 8 40’ 15’ 1h

Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc Pinot Gris d’Alsace

Prepare the noodle dough. Place the flour in a mixing bowl and add the semolina and the eggs. Dissolve the salt in the water and slowly add to the other ingredients in the bowl. Knead until smooth and elastic, roll it into a ball and leave it to stand one hour, covered by a cloth. Steep the bread in the milk, remove and squeeze excess moisture out. Chop up the onion, garlic and parsley and place them in the blender with the meat, egg, bread, salt and pepper. Whizz for a few seconds, but not too long. Roll out the dough into the shape of a rectangle about 3 mm thick. Spread the filling over it, and then roll the dough into a cylinder. Seal the edges with your fingers, using a little water. Cut into thick slices and cook in a frying pan with a little oil, over a medium heat, until the slices turn light brown, and then turn over and continue cooking. Once both sides are browned, pour in the stock and wine, which is thickened by adding the flour dissolved in a little stock. Leave to cook over a gentle heat for 10 min.

Liver quenelles - ‘ Lewerknepfle’’ Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc - Riesling d’Alsace > 500 g of pig liver > 250 g of smoked bacon > 200 g of bread (without its crust) > 200 g of onions > 100 g of durum wheat semolina > 4 eggs > 1 clove of garlic > Milk > Salt, pepper, pinch of nutmeg > Oil




Chop up the garlic and the onion, and cook them in a little oil until they start to go slightly brown. Reserve. Steep the bread in the milk and then squeeze it between your hands. Mince the liver and the bacon and combine in a mixing-bowl with the bread, garlic and onion. Lightly beat the eggs in another bowl,add the minced liver and bacon and the semolina. Season with salt and pepper and combine all the ingredients. Heat water in a large pot to boiling. Use 2 soup spoons, which have been dipped in hot water, to form small quenelles, which you lower into the hot water and leave to simmer for about 10 min. The quenelles are cooked when they rise to the surface.

13 13


‘ Schiffala’’

Sylvaner - Riesling d’Alsace

> > > > > > > 6

> >


> > > > > > > > >


Salade Vigneronne


>2 00 g de Cervelas d’Alsace > 200 g d’Emmenthal > 10 petits cornichons > Huile > Vinaigre Melfor© (vinaigre doux alsacien aromatisé au miel et à l’infusion de plantes) > Sel, poivre


Découpez la saucisse en fines lanières de 3 cm de long sur 0,5 cm de large Râpez le fromage à la grosse râpe, découpez les cornichons en fines lamelles Mélangez le tout dans un saladier avec la vinaigrette.

Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc - Riesling d’Alsace

1.5 kg of raw choucroute 1 chopped onion 1 clove of garlic 1 knob of butter 1 knuckle of ham 400 g of smoked bacon 600 g of smoked shoulder of pork 3 Montbéliard sausages 6 Strasbourg sausages or frankfurters 250 g of white sausage 1 bay leaf 8 juniper berries 4 cloves 4 grains of coriander ½ l of Riesling ¼ l of stock 6 potatoes Salt pepper

Wash the choucroute several times under cold running water and squeeze out the excess moisture. Melt the butter in a large, thick-bottomed pot, and gently cook the chopped onion. When soft, add the choucroute, the garlic, the bay leaf, the cloves, the juniper berries and the coriander. Add the ham, bacon and pork, pour in the wine and the stock, add salt and pepper to taste, then cover, bring to the boil and cook over a gentle heat for 1 1/2 hours. Peel the potatoes, and place them on the choucroute, add the Montbéliard sausages and leave to cook a further 30 min. Just before serving, fry the white sausage in the pan and boil the Strasbourg sausages (or frankfurters) for 5 min. Place the choucroute in a serving dish and place the meat and vegetables on top.

Choucroute tastes even better when it’s reheated !

>1 smoked shoulder of pork of about 1.2 kg > 4 carrots > 1 onion > 1 leek > 1 sprig of parsley

20 20’ 1h

Place the shoulder in a pot, cover with cold water, and add the vegetables. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer for about 1 1/2 hours. Remove the meat, drain and slice. Serve with pickled onions, gherkins and potato salad.

Potato salad ‘ Hardepfelsalad’’ 6’ 20’ 20’

>1 kg of potatoes > 1 onion > 1 tablespoon of mustard > 3 tablespoonfuls of oil > 3 tablespoonfuls of vinegar > 10 cl of fresh cream > 5 cl of stock > Salt, pepper

Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc d’Alsace

Fill two thirds of a large pot with water, which you then bring to the boil. Add the potatoes and leave to cook for about 25 min. Strain the potatoes and leave to cool. When they are cool enough to handle comfortably, peel the potatoes, cut them into circles about 3/4 of a centimetre thick and place in a salad bowl. Pour over the warm stock and the fresh cream. Chop up the onion and prepare the vinaigrette, using the mustard, the vinegar, oil salt and pepper. Add the onion to the vinaigrette, pour over the potatoes and mix gently.

15 15

Jugged hare Marinate the pieces of hare, without the liver, in the wine, with the cup of oil, cognac, onions, garlic, carrots and spices. Turn the meat from time to time. After 12 hours, remove the meat and strain. In a thick-bottomed pot, heat the oil and fry the bacon pieces and then add the meat and some pepper. Sprinkle with a little flour and brown on both sides. Pour over the marinade liquid, add the bouquet garni, bring to the boil and leave to simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Just before the end of the cooking time, melt the butter in a pan and cook the mushrooms. Add to the pot. Fry the liver in a pan with a little oil and butter and fry the cubes of bread to make croutons. Serve with freshly-cooked Alsatian noodles.

> 1 hare or 1 rabbit > 1 cup of oil > 50 g of butter > 50 g of flour > 100 g of bacon pieces > 1 bouquet garni > 200 g of mushrooms, sliced > 3 of 4 slices of bread, cut into small cubes > Salt, pepper Marinade : > 1/2l of red wine > 1 small cup of cognac > 1 cup of oil > 2 chopped onions > 2 carrots, peeled and sliced > 1 clove of garlic, chopped > Thyme, bay leaf, 2 cloves, > Salt, pepper




‘ Baeckeoffe’’ Pinot Gris - Pinot Noir - Riesling d’Alsace

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

500 g of shoulder or loin of pork 500 g of boned shoulder of lamb 500 g of chuck steak 1 pig’s trotter (optional) 1 kg of potatoes 250 g of chopped onions 2 leeks (discard the green parts, the outer layer and the tip) 2 carrots 2 chopped cloves of garlic 1l of Riesling 1 bouquet garni (parsley, thyme, bay leaf) 200g of bread dough salt, pepper

6 40’ 2h30’

Cut the meat up into 5 cm size chunks and place in a large bowl with half a litre of wine, and onion and the garlic, the bouquet garni, salt and pepper. Cover and leave in a cool place to marinate for 24 hours. The next day, peel and cut the potatoes and carrots into circles about half a centimetre thick. Cut the leaks into similar circles. Butter the inside of a large earthenware casserole, make a layer consisting of half the potatoes, carrots, leaks, onions and meat, then add a second layer of the same. Pour over the remaining wine and the marinade with its herbs and spices. The liquid should reach halfway up the casserole. Add salt and pepper and put the lid on the casserole, which you seal with a ring of dough made from flour and water. Preheat the oven to 170°C and bake for 2 1/2 hours.

This dish this was traditionally made in the local bakers oven, whence its name.



Alsatian noodles ‘ Nüdle’’

6 30’ 10’ 1h

Pinot Gris - Pinot Noir d’Alsace 16

> > > > >

300 g of flour 200 g of fine semolina 6 eggs 1 cup of water 1 tablespoonful of salt

On the board, form a mound with the flour and semolina. Create a well in the centre, into which you break the eggs and add the salt dissolved in the water. Mix and knead until you obtain a smooth, even dough. Roll the dough into small balls, about the size of an egg, wrap in a cloth and leave to stand for 1 hour. Roll out the dough until it is about 1 mm thick at the most, then fold it back over itself before cutting it into thin strips of about 3 to 4 mm width.Unfold on to a cloth. Two-thirds fill a large pot with salted water, and cook the noodles in it for about 10 min. Drain and serve.

17 17

Pinot Gris - Pinot Noir d’Alsace

Venison stew

6 30’ 1h15’

Heat the butter and oil in a pan and cook the meat, onions and leeks, taking care not to burn the latter. Add salt and pepper. Cut the bread up into large cubes. Cook the bacon pieces in a pot with the bread and a knob of butter. Add the meat, pour over half a litre of water, the vinegar and 1 cup of red wine. Bring to the boil and simmer for one hour.

> 1.2 kg of venison stew meat > 50 g of butter > 2 tablespoonfuls of oil > 75 g of smoked bacon pieces > 2 slices of stale rye bread > 2 chopped onions > 1 chopped leek (discard the green parts, the outer layer and the tip) > 1 clove > 1 bay leaf > 3 tablespoons of vinegar > 2 cups of red wine > Salt, pepper

When the meat is tender, remove it using a skimmer or a sieve and reserve in a warm place. Skim any fat off the surface of the sauce, sieve and add the remaining cup of red wine. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer for 15 min, before pouring over the meat.

…and ‘ S pätzle’ Pinot Gris - Pinot Noir d’Alsace

6 30’

20’ 2h

18 18

> > > > > > > > > >

1 red cabbage 1 onion, chopped 1 bay leaf 1 cube of sugar 300 g of chestnuts 2 apples, peeled, cored and quartered 25 cl of red wine Stock Oil Salt, pepper

Red cabbage with apples and chestnuts

Slice the cabbage up finely. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed pot, cook the onion until soft and then add the red cabbage. Pour over the red wine and the stock, which should cover the cabbage. Add salt and pepper, the bay leaf and the sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer gently for 2 hours. 30 min before the end of the cooking time, add the chestnuts and the quartered apples.

Coq au Riesling


Take a thick-bottomed pot and gently fry the chicken pieces in the oil for 5 min, turning from time to time. Sprinkle in the chopped shallots and garlic and flambé with Cognac. Pour over the Riesling and the chicken stock, and the sprig of thyme and leave to simmer for 30 min. Cook the mushrooms in a pan for 2 or 3 min and pour them into the pot. Before serving, mix the flour, cream and egg yolk and pour over the chicken pieces and heat without boiling. Taste and correct the seasoning.

> 1 rooster or chicken of 1.5 kg cut into pieces > 2 tablespoons of oil > 10 cl of Cognac > 4 shallots, chopped > 1 clove of garlic, chopped > 25 cl of Riesling > 20 cl of chicken stock > 1 sprig of thyme > 150 g of chopped button mushrooms > 10 cl of fresh cream > 1 tablespoon of flour > 1 egg yolk > Salt, pepper

> 300 g of flour > 3 eggs > 1 tsp of salt > A little water > 50 g of butter > 4 l of salted water


Combine the eggs, water and salt with the flour, using a spatula to obtain a slightly fluid dough. Boil the salted water in a large pot and fill another pot with cold water. Roll out a portion of the dough on a wooden board, which you have sprinkled with flour. Use a knife to cut the dough into thin slices, and push them into the boiling water. As soon as the spätzle have risen to the surface, remove them using a skimmer and put them in the cold water. Repeat until all the dough has been used. Drain the spätzle, shake off excess water and fry them in butter until they turn golden brown.

19 19

Potatoes & ‘ Bibelekaes’’ Sylvaner - Pinot Blanc d’Alsace

> 800 g of fromage blanc > 200 g of fresh double cream > 1 kg of potatoes > Parsley, chives, finely chopped > 1 chopped clove of garlic > 1 chopped onion > Salt, pepper > 1 Munster cheese

Beat the fromage blanc with the cream in a bowl Place potatoes in a pot and cover them with cold water. Add salt and bring to the boil. Cook over a medium heat until the potatoes are ready (they are ready when you can easily push in the tip of your knife). Drain and place on a serving dish. Place the chopped onion, garlic, parsley, chives, salt and pepper in small, separate bowls. Place the fromage blanc, potatoes, Munster and the small bowls on the table. Each person helps him or herself to the ingredients. Bibelekaes can also be spread on thick slices of country bread.

‘ Kougelhopf’’

8 40’

Gewurztraminer - Crémant d’Alsace

45’ 1h30’

4 20’ 20’

Place the yeast in a bowl, add 10 cm of warm milk and 100 g of flour and mix until you obtain a slightly soft dough - the leaven. Cover and leave to double in bulk in a warm place. Cover the raisins with warm water until they swell up. In a mixing bowl, knead the flour, eggs, the remaining milk, sugar and salt for about 10 min, until the dough stops sticking to the bowl. Incorporate the softened butter and the leaven. Knead the dough for a couple more minutes, cover with a cloth and leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place. Punch the dough down and add the drained raisins. Butter a kougelhopf mould and sprinkle the almonds around the bottom of the mould. Pour the dough into the mould and let it rise again until doubled in bulk, about one hour. Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for about 45 min.

> > > > > > > > >

500 g of flour 25 g of baking yeast 20 cl of milk 125 g of butter 100 g of sugar 80 g of raisins 2 eggs 50 g of almonds 10 g of salt

This brioche, with its signature shape, can be served at breakfast, at a reception or as a delicious dessert.

Plain Munster goes down perfectly with a Gewurztraminer, whose richness stands up to the natural strength of the cheese. 20

21 21

Tart with fromage blanc ‘ Kaeskueche’’ FOR THE SHORT PASTRY : > 350 g of flour > 125 g of butter > 2 eggs > ½ sachet of yeast > 3 tsp of sugar FOR THE FILLING : > 500 g of fromage blanc > 1 sachet of pudding powder > 2 egg yolks > 200 g of sugar > ½ cup of fresh cream > 50 g of raisins > ½ cup of schnapps (fruit brandy) > 3 egg whites

6 30’ 30’

Gewurztraminer d’Alsace

Macerate the raisins in the schnapps. Preheat the oven to 180°. Take a mixing bowl and add the flour, yeast and butter (which has been softened, but not melted). Combine the ingredients with your fingers. Beat the eggs with the sugar, then fold into the dough and knead gently until the dough is smooth and even. Roll out the dough and place it in a tart mould, 27 cm in diameter Beat the fromage blanc till it becomes creamy, add the pudding powder, the 2 egg yolks, the sugar, the fresh cream and the raisins (drained). Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold them gently into the mixture. Pour the mixture into the tart base and bake until well browned (about 50 min).

22 22

Plum tart ..................... ‘ Zwatschgawaya’’ Alsatian leavened dough: > 200 g of flour > 110 g of butter > 15 g of sugar > 1 egg > ½ glass of warm milk > 15 g of baking yeast > 1 pinch of salt FILLING : > 1 kg of plums, with the stones removed > 120 g of sugar > A pinch of powdered cinnamon > 2 eggs > 20 cl of cream

6 30’ 40’

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Pour the yeast into a cup with a teaspoonful of sugar. Pour in the warm milk and allow to rise, without stirring. On the board, make a mound with the flour, and the salt, sugar, softened butter and the egg. Combine the mixture with your fingers, and then add the milk with the yeast, and knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your fingers. Roll out the dough and place in a buttered tart mould, 27 cm in diameter. Cut the plums in half and place on the dough on their sides in concentric circles, sprinkle with 25g of sugar. Bake in the oven for 20 min at 180°C. Meanwhile, mix the eggs, the remaining sugar and the cream in a bowl. Sprinkle with the cinnamon. Remove the tart from the oven, pour in the egg, sugar and cream mixture and return to the oven for a further 20 min.

Gewurztraminer d’Alsace

Apple tart ‘ Apfelkueche’’ Gewurztraminer d’Alsace > > > > > >

250 g of short pastry 1 kg of apples 120 g of sugar 20 cl of cream 2 eggs 1 sachet of vanillaflavoured sugar

6 30’ 40’

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the dough and place in a buttered, floured tart mould. Peel and core the apples, and cut them in quarters. Place them in circles on the pastry. Beat the eggs with the 2 types of sugar and the cream and pour the mixture over the apples. Place in the oven for 30 to 40 min at 180°

This tart is delicious served hot, with a sprinkling of cinnamon, but can equally well be eaten cold.


CONSEIL INTERPROFESSIONNEL DES VINS D’ALSACE 12 avenue de la Foire aux Vins BP 11217 F-68012 COLMAR CEDEX Tel. : +33 (0)3 89 20 16 20 Fax : +33 (0)3 89 20 16 30

Réalisation ELPEV - (3008). Crédits photos : CIVA/ELPEV-SPACH-ZVARDON – D1 - GB

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