Dual Debate Active Participatory Teaching Method

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Dual Debate Active Participatory Teaching Method

COSTEȘTI, 2022 NO. 1/2022

Dual Debate Active Participatory Teaching Method

Căldăraru, 2022 Nr. 1/2022

Dual debate-active participatory teaching method

ERASMUS+ PROJECT KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships 2019-2021


Project Nr: 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851 “Motivating the Learning Engine to Increase Student’s School Professional and Social Success and Reduce Absenteeism”



Dual debate-active participatory teaching method

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Material made within the Erasmus project ,,Motivating the Learning Engine to Increase Student’s School Professional and Social Success and Reduce Absenteeism,, No. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION


Dual debate-active participatory teaching method


Teachers: Mrs. Violeta Drăguț, Secondary School Teacher University Doctor Ion Stoia, Romania Mrs. Rabia Demirel, Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Mrs. Mia Dodig, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Mrs. Carmen Usó Juan, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Perniu Mariana, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania


Teachers: Mr. Gokhan Aydogdu, Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Mr. Javier Soriano Martí, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Constantinescu Claudia, Costesti Teoretichal High School, Romania Mrs. Dúnia Alemany Juliá, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Ghitulescu Daniela, Costesti Technological High School, Romania Mrs. Grecu Maria, Costesti Technological High School, Romania Mrs. Isabel Corell, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Maja Kuna, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Mrs. Regina Rodrigo, IES Jaume I, Spain

STUDENTS: Fahri Yaşar, Fulger Dorin Ionuț, Neagu Ana-Maria, Tatu Daniel George, Neacșu Ionuț Silviu, Leșanu Mariana Larisa, Nedelea Alexandru Victor, Petrică Marilena Ionela, Constantin Cosmin, Crucean Raluca, Dorotea Strešnjak, Leona Selthofer, Tea Kockarević, Elena Pleša, Tihana Keškić, Kristijan Dorkić, David Juras, Josip Sebastian Pirel, Jani Vinogradac, Filip Čabaj, Jakov Bardić, Matej Redžić, Rosa Gómez Crespo, Maria Granell Puchol, Ariadna Monfort Ferrandis, Javier Ventura Puchol, Muhammed Çöpür, Muzaffer Kerem Aktaş, Muhammed Faruk Bayır.

Editor Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania

Corrector Mrs. Perniu Mariana, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania

TRANSLATOR Mrs. Ghitulescu Daniela, Costesti Technological High School, Romania


Dual debate-active participatory teaching method


INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................7 Double debate-active teaching-learning-assessment method..........................................................8 Made by teacher- Drăguț Violeta................................................................................................8 Example of Good Practice- Double debate - Romanian Language And Literature..................9 Made by teacher Grecu Maria.....................................................................................................9 Quintet about Eminescu / Luceafărul............................................................................................14 Made by teacher Grecu Maria...................................................................................................14 DIDACTIC PROJECT..................................................................................................................14 Emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship...............................................................................14 Made by teacher- Drăguț Violeta..............................................................................................14 Workshop: Educated Learner-Future Student...............................................................................20 Double Debate...............................................................................................................................20 Made by teacher- Constantinescu Claudia................................................................................20 Motion-Students are demotived to learn sometimes due to stereotyping.....................................22 Javier Soriano Martí, Dúnia Alemany Juliá and Carmen Usó Juan..........................................22 Leson plan......................................................................................................................................23 Counseling and guidance with Business in School (1)..................................................................23 Made by teachers: Isabel Corell, Regina Rodrigo.....................................................................23 Leson plan......................................................................................................................................24 Counseling and guidance with Business in School (2)..................................................................24 Made by teachers: Isabel Corell, Regina Rodrigo.....................................................................24 Leson plan......................................................................................................................................25 Counseling and guidance with Business in School (3)..................................................................25 Made by teachers: Isabel Corell, Regina Rodrigo.....................................................................25 Motion-Students are demotived to learn sometimes due to stereotyping.....................................26 Made by teacher- Rabia Demirel...............................................................................................26 Students are demotived to learn sometimes due to stereotyping..................................................27 Made by teacher- Rabia Demirel...............................................................................................27 Motion-Students are demotivated to learn something due to stereotyping...................................27 Made by teacher: Maja Kuna.....................................................................................................27 The Dual-Adapted Debate in Didactics.........................................................................................29 5

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Made by teacher: Maja Kuna.....................................................................................................29 Didactic Project.............................................................................................................................31 Made by teacher- Ghitulescu Daniela........................................................................................31 Didactic Project.............................................................................................................................33 Made by teacher- Ghitulescu Daniela........................................................................................33


Dual debate-active participatory teaching method

INTRODUCTION The book - Dual Debate Active Participatory Teaching Method, made within the Erasmus project: "Motivating the learning engine to increase the academic, professional and social success of the student and reduce absenteeism", no. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851_1, funded by the European Commission. Through this book we try to support the teachers in the didactic activity, through which they can debate arguably any school topic, including the motivation of learning. In this way we show that students' learning should be the main activity and we try to convince them through a dual debate, collected from the 4 partner countries. Europe needs strong young people to actively enter the labor market. Students are the engine on which the European community is built and the knowledge-based economy is developing. The main reason for this project came from a need of our care school for several years, ie we have a high percentage of students not motivated to learn the theory with artistic methods. The objectives can be achieved through student-learning activities and mutual teacher training and the application of their innovative methods in all partner schools. The activities will consist of workshops with the exchange of good practices and direct interaction, didactic, cultural, moral. The purpose of the students:  Increasing the self-esteem of the students who participate in the learning activity;  Development of students participating in the project-based learning activity of a positive attitude towards school education;  Developing students participating in the project learning process, the ability to be aware of their own learning process based on awareness of the usefulness of theory in a practical context;  The development of students in the project learning activity, of the career orientation capacity based on the awareness of the importance of qualification for studies;  Development of the number of students participating in learning activities of the feeling of equal opportunities in education in the partner countries. Thanks to the partners for their collaboration, I hope that the teachers will find in this book teaching-learning-assessment methods. The book can be used by teachers and students in guiding counseling and guidance classes, school subjects, extracurricular activities. Project coordinator, professor Drăguț Violeta


Dual debate-active participatory teaching method

Double debate-active teaching-learning-assessment method Made by teacher- Drăguț Violeta Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia The Double Debate Method is a didactic method split from the method of argumentation and debate. So the method can be used at any time during the lesson, it can be applied extensively or in a short time. This method develops students' creative thinking, individual study and students become more convincing, managing to support their point of view. Step 1- The class is divided into teams of 4 students each. Step 2 - Teams are divided into teams that support the motion and teams that are against the motion. Step 3-Presentation of the motion = an idea from the lesson, activity, which requires a more detailed study. Guidance and counseling: Examples: "Learning in school makes us freer";"School should be seen as a business for students"; "Teachers should not give homework to students"; "Globalization brings me benefits". History: Examples: "Romania could have avoided involvement in the War of Independence"; "Cold War could trigger new world conflict". Geography: Examples: "Paper recycling is polluting"; "Glacier melting is a natural phenomenon, not man-made"; "The European Union is a step towards peace"; "Increasing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is a solution for the future"; “Global warming is good for some states”. Step 4 - Each member of each team prepares a 5 minute speech. the speech must have the following structure: point of view (basis of speech) presentation of the current situation, according to the motion presentation of the proposed change, scenario presentation concrete example, from the global environment. The team will have the following roles: Student 1-presents the argument 1- considered the main argument; Student 2-presents the argument 2-considered the secondary argument; Student 3-presents the argument 3-considered the secondary argument;


Dual debate-active participatory teaching method

Student 4-presents the conclusion of the team and contradicts the teams with different points of view. The discourse of the team must be unitary. Students can use: textbook, student notebook, internet sources, atlases, other sources. Step 5 -The teams change their roles, those who were in favor of the motion will be against it, and those who were against the motion will be in favor of it. Teams make other speeches. Evaluation and grading The teacher mediates the activity, supports the students in need, evaluates the speeches. The evaluation of the speeches will be done as follows: -power of persuasion; -argumentation of the point of view; -believable example; -mime, tone of voice, body posture, rhythm of speech, eye contact.

Example of Good Practice- Double debate - Romanian Language And Literature Made by teacher Grecu Maria, Costești Technological High School, Argeș County Activity through the Double Debate method Theme: "The Morning Star", Mihai Eminescu (TYPE III SUBJECT, BACHELOR'S MODEL) Class: XII-aB Date: 15.12.2021 Specific skills targeted 1.4. Appropriate use of writing techniques to achieve effective and personalized communication; 2.1. Adequacy of reading strategies to the specifics of the literary texts studied, in order to understand and personalized interpretation; 2.2. Comparison, based on clearly formulated criteria, of some visions about the world, about the human condition or about art reflected in the studied texts; 3.1. Analysis of the relations between a studied work and the cultural context in which it appeared; 3.2. Integrating the knowledge regarding the Romanian language and literature in a coherent vision on the Romanian culture; 4.2. Comparing and evaluating different arguments for formulating one's own judgments. Learning activities - discussing the lyrical text established by the teacher in order to update the knowledge 9

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- presenting a video in front of the class - application of teaching methods during the activity -exercises of reading and global comprehension of the studied text - clarification of the meaning of the words, in order to ensure the comprehension of the text -establishing and observing the stages of a structured essay - writing the plan of a structured essay, based on the established criteria (frontal), with the support of the tutor teacher - the presentation, in front of the class, of the quintet made - participating in an educational game on kahoot in order to assess knowledge - presenting, in front of the class, some appreciations about M. Eminescu - the essay will be written independently, at home Methods and procedures -The Quadrant Method, the Double-Input Journal Method, the R.A.I. Method, the Quintet Method, the I Know — I Want to Know — I Learned, Literary Analysis, the Heuristic Conversation, the Discovery, the Problematization, the Debate. Forms of learning -Frontal, individual activity. Resources -Power Point presentation, Kahoot platform test, notebooks, manual; -Computer, video projector. Bibliography Cristina Issa, Short Essay for Baccalaureate, Bucharest, Booklet Publishing House, 2017; G. Călinescu, History of Romanian literature from its origins to the present, Bucharest, Fundația pentru Literatură şi Artă Publishing House, 1941; Guide: Remedial and tutoring activities. Guide grades IX-XII, ROSE, MEC, Externally funded project management unit, Bucharest, 2020; Ioan Cerghit- Teaching methods, Polirom Publishing House, Iași, 2008; Mihai Eminescu, Poems, Pitesti, Herra Publishing House, 2008. Activity plan 1. ORGANIZATIONAL MOMENT Preparing the teacher, the students with the materials and equipment necessary to carry out the activity. 2. CATCHING ATTENTION - viewing a video about M. Eminescu - Dial method - students will write down the requirements on the notebook 1. Mention the writer featured in the video 10

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2. Name the literary current to which the writer belongs 3. Indicate the title of the poem sung 4. Specify the theme of the poem - students will write down the answer of the requirement to the corresponding number on the dial - The double-entry diary method - students will divide the page of the notebook in two - on the left he writes the lyrics: "Yes, I will be born of sin, / Receiving another law; / I am bound by eternity, / But I want to be untied." […] "He was torn from his place above, / Lost for several days." - on the right side they will note: - the author and the title of the poem - the part to which the lyrics belong - comment on the given lyrics 3. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THEME - "Luceafărul" by Mihai Eminescu Purpose: to increase the results of the simulation and the baccalaureate exam Objectives: - to highlight features through which to frame the poetic text in a literary current / period; - to specify the theme of the poem; - to comment on poetic ideas relevant to the topic; - analyze the significant elements of structure, composition and language. 4. CONDUCT OF THE ACTIVITY - Peculiarities of the poetic text -The objectives of the lesson are correlated with the requirements of the essay from Subject III, baccalaureate pattern LITERARY CONTEXT - R.A.I. ► Appearance - in 1883 ► Almanac of the Academic Society „România Jună” from Vienna ► Literary Conversations Magazine ► later included in the volume "Poems" ► Sources of inspiration: ► folk - (fairy tale "Girl in the Golden Garden") - (The myth of the Flying Man) ► philosophical sources (the antithetical vision between the ordinary man and the man of genius) ► The poem is ► an allegory on the theme of genius ► a meditation on the dual human condition (the man subject to a destiny he tends to overcome) ROMANTIC PROCEDURES - R.A.I. ► addressing specific Eminescu themes and literary motives; ► imagination and creative fantasy; ► inspiration from folklore; ► antithesis as an artistic process; ► the alternation of the human-terrestrial plan with the universal-cosmic one; ► the mixture of genres (lyrical, epic and dramatic) and literary species (philosophical meditation, idyll, elegy, pastel); ► the metamorphoses of Luceafăr; 11

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► literary language is enriched by the inclusion of popular words and expressions, archaisms, regionalisms, specific to orality LITERARY TOPICS AND REASONS - R.A.I. ► THEME - is the issue of genius in relation to the world, love and knowledge ► OTHER TOPICS: folklore, nature, time ► LITERARY REASONS: the sea; the castle; astral motif (starfish);stars, sky, moon, sun; the forest; the dream; the angel and the demon; cosmic flight. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS - R.A.I. ► The poem "Luceafărul" consists of four parts, built symmetrically ► Romantic composition is achieved through the opposition of two planes, universal-cosmic and human-terrestrial and two hypostases of knowledge: genius and the common man ► The two planes interfere in the first and last part ► The second part reflects only the human-terrestrial plan (the love between Cătălin and Cătălina) ► The third part illustrates the universal-cosmic plan (Hyperion's journey to the Demiurge) The four parts of the poem are analyzed by the method I KNOW - I WANT TO KNOW - I LEARNED PART ONE ► Combine the cosmic plane with the terrestrial one ► It is a love story, with a romantic imagination ► The beginning of the poem is like a fairy tale ► The meetings between the emperor's daughter and Luceafăr take place in a dream ► The girl's calls ► The incarnations of the Morning Star ► The starlet has an angelic appearance, born of heaven and sea ► The star takes on a demonic appearance, born of the night and the sun ► The starlet formulates the difference that separates them ► The star / genius is able, out of love, to accept the condition of mortal ► Luceafărul goes to the Demiurge to ask him to release him from immortality PART TWO ► Space is terrestrial ► It is an idyll between two beings belonging to the same world, Cătălin and Cătălina, who portray another hypostasis of love ► Cătălina recognizes the similarity ► Cătălin's portrait is made in the style of popular speech PART THREE ► Illustrates the cosmic plane ► It has two sequences: the cosmic flight and the dialogue with the Demiurge. ► The star is Hyperion, he asks the Demiurge to untie him to immortality in order to know love ► Demiurge rejects Hyperion's request, on which occasion the world of the immortals and that of the mortals is put in antithesis PART FOUR 12

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► It is built symmetrically with respect to the first, through the interference of the two planes, terrestrial and cosmic ► Idila Cătălin - Cătălina takes place in a romantic setting, specific to Eminescu ► Cătălina is nostalgic for the love of the star and addresses her call for the third time ► This time Luceafărul means the star of luck ► Genius refuses incarnation, accepting eternity, loneliness, and the condition of remaining immortal and cold ARTISTIC LANGUAGE ► The poem stands out for its clarity and perfection ► Prosody: the poem consists of 98 quatrains, with verses of 7-8 syllables, with cross rhyme and iambic rhythm ► Artistic procedures used: epithets with a role in portraiture, the presence of metaphors, especially in the first painting, comparisons, antithesis, the allegory on which the poem is built ► The significance of the allegory is that the earthly girl aspires to the absolute, and the spirit feels the need for materiality ► "Get down, gentle starlight" - grammatically wrong, artistically called a poetic license The conclusion is drawn ► The poem Luceafărul is the highest expression of Romanian poetry, its formal complexity, but especially its allegorical character places it among the creations with inestimable value in universal literature. 4. FIXING KNOWLEDGE - The quintet method - The quintet has the form of a poem with five verses 1. Announcing the topic: Quintet about Eminescu / Luceafărul 2. Students perform the quintet, through individual activity. Verse 1. A noun (keyword) will be the title. Verse 2. For the written title, two adjectives. Verse 3. Three verbs in the gerund mode. Verse 4. A four-word sentence. Verse 5. A word as a conclusion. 3. Students read the quintet made. 4. The quintets are evaluated by frontal activity. Students and the teacher appreciate the quality of the quintets heard. 5. EVALUATION - Kahoot test 6. HOMEWORK - Writing a structured essay of at least 400 words, in which to present the particularities of the poem "Luceafărul", taking into account the requirements discussed. 7. END OF THE ACTIVITY - SOME EVALUATIONS ABOUT EMINESCU ► The internet is used ► Video on the musical background “Eminescu”, lyrics: Ion and Doina Aldea-Teodorovici, while the students present some appreciations. 13

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Quintet about Eminescu / Luceafărul Made by teacher Grecu Maria, Costești Technological High School, Argeș County Eminescu Cult, miraculous Meditating, writing, reading The great poet of Romania, Pride. Student: Leșanu Mariana Larisa Star Unique, eternal Sliding, dreaming, springing Genius in love with mortals, Loneliness. Student: Leșanu Mariana Larisa Star Lightning, wanderer Starting, not knowing, flying To the Demiurge for release, Sacrifice. Student: Neacșu Ionuț Silviu

DIDACTIC PROJECT Emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship Made by teacher- Drăguț Violeta Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia CLASS: IX th D DATE: 30.01.2022 TIME: 50 MINUTES COURSE: Leadership LEARNING UNIT: Self-knowledge, personal and entrepreneurial development SUBJECT: Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship 14

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LESSON TYPE: Roundtable Counseling PURPOSE: Developing self-awareness, training in social and economic interaction skills based on empathy and communication. PROPOSAL: Teacher Drăguț Violeta ● General skills, values and attitudes: -Integration of social and emotional skills for personal development; -Developing the interpersonal and entrepreneurial skills needed in school, in the family, in the group of friends and in the career; -Development of economic skills among students; -Positive relationship with oneself and others; -Valuing interpersonal relationships. ● Specific skills 2.2 Application of emotion management techniques. Analyzing strategies for emotional, social and entrepreneurial development. ● Content standards Defining terms. Familiarization with the new notions. Steps for managing emotions. Techniques for emotional self-control and harmonization of relationships at the class / family / school level. Steps in conducting business focused on personal skills. Emotional intelligence. ● Concepts Emotional intelligence Empathy Types of communication Emotion management - practicing emotional self-control in different life situations Types of emotions Emotional-applied intelligence Entrepreneurship. Professional abilities. TEACHING STRATEGIES Methods and procedures: heuristic conversation, debate, explanation, exemplification, independent work, demonstration, problematization. Means and materials: whiteboard, worksheets, photos, articles, video projector, educational film, emotional intelligence test, Socrative platform BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. "Emotional Intelligence" - Daniel Goleman, Curtea Veche, Bucharest, 2001. 2.“Educational counseling. Methodological guide for conducting and counseling classes ”- Adriana Băban, Cluj Napoca, 2011 3. International course "Emotional intelligence and coaching skills for teachers, school and adult education staff" TEACHING SCENARIO 1.Organizational moment Organizing the class in order to carry out the activity 2.Capturing students' The human brain works on electrical and chemical supports. Emotions 15

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attention and awareness

3.Announcing the theme and objectives 4.Conducting

are complex reactions, both psychological (what we think) and biological (what we feel), produced as a result of the release of hormones and chemicals in the brain. Emotions are the most important human resources but in different life situations emotions can overwhelm us, they can intimidate us so much that we can no longer control them. For this reason, it is very important that we develop the ability to recognize our own emotions and to express them verbally. Emotional intelligence redefines the image of the world and man and is the ability to recognize the emotions of others. It helps us to communicate effectively with others and to resolve conflicts that may arise in interpersonal relationships. (3 minutes) The teacher writes the title of the lesson on the board and presents the objectives. Sequence 1 (10 minutes) It is explained to students through heuristic conversation the meaning of the concepts of "emotion", "emotional intelligence", "empathy" "Emotion" is an intense emotional state of relatively short duration, often accompanied by changes in the state and functioning of the body, reflecting the individual's attitude toward reality. EXERCISE: Students are asked what are their sources of negative and positive emotions, what situations trigger positive moods such as satisfaction, happiness and what situations trigger negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, vegetative symptoms (sweating, redness, palpitations, etc.). Sequence 2 (15 minutes) The concepts of emotional intelligence and empathy are defined, after an exercise in identifying the different emotional states from 5 different photos. We work in groups, with identical materials. Students are asked to analyze the photos and to present in groups successively the emotions that they consider that the characters in the photos present. After presenting the materials of each group, the teacher presents the true story behind the photo. The degree of truth of those previously presented by the students is identified. Students are asked to self-assess. Sequence 3 (10 minutes) „ The animated film "Bridge" presents an allusion to the lack of emotional intelligence, the lack of conversation, whims, momentary impulses, without empathetically analyzing the characters around. Students are asked in the middle of the film to express their opinions, 16

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later the film will be viewed in its entirety and the consequences, the way the characters act, the presence or the lack of emotional intelligence will be discussed.

5. Ensuring feedback

6.Concluding the lesson

Sequence 4 (15 minutes) An Emotional Intelligence Test is applied to identify the ability to identify the emotions of others. The test consists of 10 questions that present some situations or scenarios in which a person may be. The completion of the test aims, on the one hand, to ensure as much as possible the transposition of the individual in the respective situation, and on the other hand, the choice of one of the four possible answers, which represent some concrete ways to react in the situations indicated by questions. The test will be applied online on the Socrative platform and will receive immediate feedback, so it will be analyzed for each student. The test results are discussed with the class and it is emphasized that the higher the score, the greater their ability to use emotional intelligence in communicating and cooperating with others - over time. Low scores may indicate the need to develop these skills. It is also stated that communicating effectively using emotional intelligence requires social skills: good knowledge of body language and active listening skills; high level of empathy: taking over and correctly interpreting the emotional states of those around you and political awareness: allows the detection and capitalization of the deep relationships that are established between people. Emotional intelligence is manifested at the interpersonal level and can be developed through various programs, such as Smart Emotions. Appreciations are made on the students' participation in the activity, the active students are rewarded. Theme for individual study: "If you want to be king".

Home worksheet  Before we start studying, we need to disconnect from our personal problems, then mentally visualize our career motivation and only then start studying;  Let's learn what relaxation is: simple breathing exercises, meditation, visualizing the beauty of the world - which have an effect not only on the body but also on the mind  Good sleep and healthy eating: if you want your mind and body to be strong enough to meet life's challenges, get as much sleep as you need; eat right, choose as many fruits and vegetables as 17

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possible and as diverse as possible. Do sports to oxygenate your cells so that your body can function at its maximum capacity;  Positive thinking is a great way to keep our mind away from thoughts that cause us anxiety and to focus on what is good, beautiful and positive in our lives.  Spending free time with friends and family, organizing activities with loved ones to enjoy their support and encouragement. If something doesn't work out the way you want it to, or there are some aspects of life that are bothering you, talk about it with someone who knows how to listen and who cares. You will find out that you are not alone.  Spending time in nature, a walk in the park or an outing can recharge your batteries. Choose a place where you feel safe and relaxed.  Efficiency of learning techniques. Ways to learn: Planning: place, environment, materials, days, subjects, break hours; Methods: quick reading, reading, underlining, outlines, summary, revision.  At the time of the examination it is important to relax the breath, and eliminate the irrational beliefs "I know nothing", "I will take low note", "I will be corrective". Start the test by answering a topic that you master better to reduce the anxiety that is blocking your memory. Organize your time to answer all your questions. Write your own recipe: every time you take the exam, write down or remember what you did and how you did it, and find an effective way to learn and do well in the assessments. Worksheet 2. Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire 1. You are in a car that suddenly enters an area with icing and starts swinging hard to and fro. What are you doing ? a. Continue to stay calm, paying little attention to skidding; b. Worry, watch the driver; c. A little of a) and b); d. You don't notice anything. 2. Go to the park with a group of young people. A schoolmate is in the park and she looks around angrily. What are you doing ? a. Do not interfere; b. Talk to him and help him feel better by inviting him into your group; c. Tell him in a gentle voice not to be sad; d. Try to distract him and show him a few things around him and then leave. 3. Imagine that you are a student and want to get a high average for the scholarship. You've noticed that one of your grades decreases your average. What are you doing ? 18

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a. You make a special plan to improve your grade in that course, being determined to follow the plan; b. You intend to take better grades in this course in the future; c. Consider that what you did in this course doesn't matter much and focus on other courses where your grades are higher; d. Go to the teacher and try to discuss getting a higher grade with him. 4. Imagine you are a salesperson and you want to distribute merchandise. Fifteen people have hung up and you're discouraged. What are you doing? a. You say, "Enough for today," hoping you'll have more luck tomorrow; b. You evaluate the qualities that may undermine your ability to make sales; c. Try something new on the next phone call and try to speak louder; d. Find something else to work on. 5. You are in the classroom with people of other ethnicities, working on a project that aims to encourage respect for ethnic and racial diversity. Surprise someone by telling a racist joke. What are you doing? a. Ignore it - it's just a joke; b. Call the person in the secluded area to observe; c. Speak on the spot, saying that such jokes are inappropriate and will not be tolerated in class; d. Suggest to the person who told the joke that they follow a diversity curriculum. 6. Try to calm an angry friend over a colleague who accidentally hit him hard. What are you doing ? a. You tell him to forget the event because nothing happened; b. Try to distract him from this event by talking about things he really likes or is interested in. c. You are right, considering, like him, that the other person was in danger of his life; d. Tell them that something similar has happened to you before. 7. You and your friend got into a heated discussion, which quickly became a screaming match. In fact, the reason is not very clear, but shout to be heard. You are angry, and in a fit of rage, you resort to personal attacks that you do not really understand, but continue. Is it the best thing to do? a. Take a 20-minute break and then resume the conversation; b. Stop arguing right away, because it doesn't matter what your friend says; c. Say that you are sorry and ask your friend to apologize in turn; d. You pause for a moment, gather your thoughts, and then state your point of view. 8. Imagine that you have been appointed head of a company trying to find a creative solution to a serious business problem. What is the first thing you do? a. Write down the steps needed to solve the problem quickly and efficiently; b. Ask people to make time to get to know each other better; c. Start by asking each person for ideas on how to solve the problem, while the ideas are fresh; d. Start with a brainstorming session, encouraging them to say whatever idea comes to their mind, no matter how fantastic it may seem. 9. Your friend is extremely shy and has been very sensitive and a little scared of places and strangers since he was born. What are you doing? 19

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a. Accept that he has a shy, shy temperament, and look for ways to protect him from disturbing situations; b. Tell a psychiatrist; c. You deliberately expose him to several people and in foreign places so that he can overcome his fear; d. Organize an uninterrupted series of experiences that will teach him to gradually come into contact with new people and situations. 10. Consider that you have been wanting to play a sport for many years, and now for fun, you have finally decided to get started. You want to make the most of your time. What are you doing? a. Limit yourself to strict exercise time every day; b. Choose exercises that force your ability more (which you find more difficult); c. Practice only when you really have the mood; d. Try exercises that are far beyond your ability. Emotional Intelligence - Interpretation Questionnaire The way of scoring and interpreting the answers to the emotional intelligence test consists in gathering the points corresponding to the four answer variants from the ten items, after which the score obtained is reported on the standard. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a. 0 0 20p 0 0 0 20p 0 0 0 b. 0 20p 0 0 0 0 0 20p 0 20p c. 20p 0 0 20p 20p 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 20p 0 0 20p 0 • Up to 100 p - score below average • 100 p-125 p - average score • 125 p-175 p - above average score • 200 p - exceptional.

Workshop: Educated Learner-Future Student Double Debate Made by teacher- Constantinescu Claudia Costesti Teoretichal High School Theme presentation: Educated Learner-Future Student  Objectives:  to define the key notions, specific to this unit of learning-argument, statement, explanation, proof / example, impact;  to use / operate with these concepts in various training contexts; 20

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 to argue the need to know the structure of an argument;  compare different arguments;  to build an argumentative text;  identify the need for counter-argument in a debate;  to critically hear / read an argument;  use the counter-argumentation technique.  Targets  Tasks to be solved  Making a poster / team that captures the following points:  Motivation of learning - factor of school and social success  Behaviors of young people and social values 1. A short presentation: name, age, favorite subject, passions, future plans - 2-5 minutes 2. Watch motivational movies: https://www.qualifax.ie/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=39&Itemid=39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we7zHcsgo0o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gUrMGnvcfQ https://youtu.be/M4yMYF80CFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRE90qnAlDA 3. Teamwork. Building positive or negative discourses in the team. Realization of the point of view and in the format of a poster, made in a team. 4. Poster presentation. Each team presents its point of view (for or against), presents the poster, as a support for their speech. 5. Jurisdiction Activity evaluation form The activity is evaluated by the teachers present, the teachers act as arbitrators and score on the evaluation sheet, each target criterion. 1. Communication at team level 2. The attitude of the students within the activity 3. Degree of mastery, organization and processing of information 4. Capturing and maintaining the interest of the participants 5. Understanding social issues 6. The quality of the materials made 7. Fluency, conciseness and accuracy of speech 8. Sociability, release, communicativeness, diverse registers of language, ingenuity, flexibility, tolerance, rigor, objectivity

Motion-Students are demotived to learn sometimes due to stereotyping Javier Soriano Martí, Dúnia Alemany Juliá and Carmen Usó Juan, IES Jaume I, Spain I- “Anti-learning stereotypes” 1. Evaluation based on exams. 21

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2. Lots of after-school homework. 3. Little entertainment and passive lessons with poor students’ participation. 4. Traditional educational approach. 5. To study to pass, not to learn. 6. Rote learning. 7. To study pointless subjects. 8. Few optional subjects. 9. Few school trips. 10. Teacher-learner relationship based on trust. II. How students justify their demotivation? • Excessive pressure on exams based on rote learning. PERCEPTION: to study to pass, not to learn. • Too much after-school homework. • A 19th century methodological approach, with poor action, interaction and participation, but with too many passive-mode school hours. Poor learning by doing. • To study and memorise to pass, not to learn. • Pointless subjects and a poor range of optional subjects in order to choose more learning-attractive subjects. • Few field trips. • Teacher-learner relationship not based on trust, but mostly based on teacher’s imposition. Conclusions of students’ point of view 1. Students rarely complain because they are absorbed by the force of habit. 2. When students are invited to think and asked about their opinion, their positions and arguments are usually solid and strong. 3. Demotivation is caused by some points which are very specific : a. Too many exams as an evaluation method. b. Too much homework. c. Use and abuse of traditional methodological approaches. d. Limited usefulness of the learning of the current educational system. Students regret that sometimes teachers don’t build an atmosphere of trust in their classrooms. III. Arguments against students’ demotivation Teachers have an essential role in the learning process. When this role is properly performed, it will limit the problems of motivation. To opt for challenging methodological approaches usually boosts students’ motivation, avoiding to use major pioneering formulas or working methods that, in spite of the current labels, have always been used (gamification, projects, etc.). The key is to teach to think (TBL o Thinking based learning), to argue and, in essence, to build a critical awareness among students. Exams are ok, but maybe it’s necessary to change their format, to add open questions, thinking questions, questions that force to think and argue. Those might prevent demotivation and disillusion. 22

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Homework is ok, but with a different profit and conception. Towards the flipped classroom model? Maybe this could avoid demotivation and disillusion . Conclusions of teachers’ point of view 1. Confidence build up by teachers can radically change the perception of students and improve the teaching-learning process. 2. An educational challenging approach or learning based on challenges is the key to enhance students’ motivation. 3. Exams and homework, properly designed, managed and used, are perfectly useful and could even encourage motivation.. 4. Regardless of the methods, content, curriculum, etc… It is essential to teach our students to think, even without using a TBL or Thinking based learning approach (learning based on thinking).

Leson plan Counseling and guidance with Business in School (1) Made by teachers: Isabel Corell, Regina Rodrigo IES Jaume I, Spain Starting a Business Which Business to Choose? An introduction on starting a business Goals of the day: ✓ Differentiate between a business that produces a product, and a business that provides a service. ✓ Enumerate resources that would be required for various types of businesses. ✓ Identify market opportunities in Burriana and develop business ideas from them. ✓ Materials/equipment ✓ Groups of 3/4 students ✓ 1 tablet per group Warm up activities 1. Discussion in groups (10 min) ✓ Do you know people with their own business? ✓ If you had to create a business in Burriana… what should you do? ✓ Which kind of business do you miss in Burriana for teenagers? 2. Round table with all the answers (15 min) Activity 1 (15 min) The teacher will introduce the topic. Examples could be done by individuals or the class could be broken into small groups depending on the ability of the class. After the teacher gives the groups or individuals time to complete the various


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examples they would come back together as a class to discuss them from the business list they have found out during the warming up time. Activity 2: (15 min) Starting: Let’s decide what we are going to sell in Burriana Looking for resources and using them to create either a product or a service to sell to people.

Leson plan Counseling and guidance with Business in School (2) Made by teachers: Isabel Corell, Regina Rodrigo IES Jaume I, Spain Starting a Business in Borriana Where to go and what to do? Instructions to open my enterprise Goals of the day: ✓ Know all the steps to start a business in our town ✓ Pinpoint the places to go in our region ✓ Discover all the forms to fill and the prices. ✓ Materials/equipment ✓ Groups of 3/4 students ✓ 1 tablet per group Warm up activities Learning glossary and Spanish administration in groups (20 min) ✓ Notary, free-lance, bank… ✓ Meeting the administration places ✓ Finding adresses in Google Maps and calculating distances 2. Round table with all the answers and collective correction (15 min) Master class (30 min) The teacher will explain step by step how to create an enterprise in Burriana, from the idea of business, till the opening day. The teacher will provide the students with all the official forms and they will discover what they can do online and what must be done in-place.


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Leson plan Counseling and guidance with Business in School (3) Made by teachers: Isabel Corell, Regina Rodrigo IES Jaume I, Spain Starting a Part-Time Business Getting money from my abilities Goals of the day: ✓ Learn about ideas for potential part-time businesses. ✓ Explore business ideas, and learn more about students’ own interests and abilities. ✓ Better understanding of students’ own future employment opportunities. ✓ Materials/equipment ✓ Groups of 2/3 students ✓ 1 tablet per group ✓ Printed template to fill with the information of their business Warm up activities 1. Discussion in groups (10 min) ✓ What things do you already know how to do, that other people might pay you for? ✓ What skills do you have that you could teach? 2. Round table with all the answers (5 min) Activity 1 (15 min) The teacher will introduce the topic. There are lots of creative ways to make money part-time, with a little effort and imagination, and not much of an investment. Most of these ideas require very little money to start. Your only expenses might include transportation to and from your work location and basic supplies. Activity 2: (15 min) The students will create a business plan individually from their abilities, discovering all the possibilities in their hand and using supplies that they already have: mobile phone, computer, bike to transportation. In the future, they will create a marketing campaign in social media.


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Motion-Students are demotived to learn sometimes due to stereotyping Made by teacher- Rabia Demirel Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey If students want to learn, nothing can stop them or prevent them from learning. For example, famous scientist were kicked out of school by being humiliated and insulted, everyone thought they were stupid, but as you can see, they are the inventors of many things we use in our lives. If students know their responsibilities and learn to love them, they will be more resistant to negative situations. In other words, if the student sincerely wants to learn or achieve something, she- he can succeed and no bad or negative thought can affect her. Studies show that unmotivated students are even more negatively affected by pressure than more motivated ones. Less motivated students may need more assistance in the form of guidelines and clear expectations but pushing and pressuring do not help in the long run. Taking a motivational approach can be difficult, especially in a busy classroom. But, when possible, considering how to help students satisfy their needs may help to develop more motivated learners and improve relationships in the classroom and home. A motivational problem is not always easy to define, although teachers usually have no trouble recognizing it: The unmotivated student is the one whose attitude toward schoolwork screams, "I don't care!" The unmotivated student actually is highly motivated when it comes to schoolwork -- he's motivated to avoid it. He puts more work into avoiding academic challenges than he puts into tackling them. Although his test scores often convey high potential, his classroom performance suggests something else. When given an assignment, the unmotivated student will shrug his shoulders and complain, "Why do we have to do this?" He gives up at the first sign of a challenge. He is content with just getting by. When working with an unmotivated student, you face two challenges. The first is to change his thinking so he comes to believe that, if he puts forth effort, he can be successful with academic tasks. The second is to figure out what does motivate him - to identify the settings, situations, and conditions that he responds to and that can be used to foster his interest. Lack of motivation in students can be a very troublesome issue. Some students acquire a lack of motivation because of the fear of failure. In California alone, statistics show that upwards of 40% of students are disengaged from learning. What does that do to a classroom environment? If a student is not engaged in class, it could lead to outbursts of negative behavior. The student can disrupt other students in the classroom by talking, sleeping, etc. What does it do to the home environment? Often what appears to be lack of motivation is really avoidant behavior- a coping response based on the pain associated with trying and failing repeatedly despite their best efforts. Therefore, leading to a lack of motivation/interest in school. This can lead to confrontations with parents at home. It can also lead to withdrawal from social activities, sports, family functions, etc. It can lead to depression, possible drug use, and could ultimately lead to the student dropping out of school. By dropping out of school, it could result in a low paying job and a lesser quality of life. A lower Socioeconomic Status (SES) could also lead to criminal activity. As a summary, first of all the willing of student must exist and then motivation can be able to work. 26

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Students are demotived to learn sometimes due to stereotyping Made by teacher- Rabia Demirel Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Due to stereotyping: 1. Yes teacher,if I were he/she I want to stay alone ,when this happen happening I think they should stay alone a long time. 2. Cause in this time you couldn’t do anything, if this happen always time he/she must speak with own familly and telling everything. If students want to learn, nothing can stop them or prevent them from learning. For example, famous scientist were kicked out of school by being humiliated and insulted, everyone thought they were stupid, but as you can see, they are the inventors of many things we use in our lives. If students know their responsibilities and learn to love them, they will be more resistant to negative situations. In other words, if the student sincerely wants to learn or achieve something, she- he can succeed and no bad or negative thought can affect her.

Motion-Students are demotivated to learn something due to stereotyping Made by teacher: Maja Kuna Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia 10 stereotypes discovered in students and which determine them not to learn What are stereotypes? Stereotypes are characteristics that society intuitively associates with groups of people to categorize them according to gender, age, weight, occupation, skin color, etc. Stereotypes and academic achievement. Effects on academic success – In elementary school, learning difficulties and behavioral problems are more typical among boys than they are among girls. The school intervenes, therefore, precisely to help boys. Stereotypes in future career choices. Children from an early age are introduced to “women jobs” and to “men jobs”. The jobs that women do are focused mainly in office work, nursing, teaching, home care and child care. There are more men than women working in administration as senior managers in the fields of engineering and computer science and as plumbers, electricians and carpenters. 27

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Stereotyping by teachers. Professional and social stereotypes used in the teacher’s activity work together as a whole. In particular, to our opinion, when professional problematic situation arises, firstly professional stereotypes began to work depending on the level of teacher’s competence. They are cognitive, didactic, communicative, behavioral stereotypes (they can be presented conventionally as inside circle of stereotypes). Stereotypes in school subjects. There is a widespread belief that girls are better at language than boys, and that boys are better in math. This comes from stereotypes claiming that boys are more rational, and therefore more talented for science, and that girls are more emotional and creative and therefore better in the arts and literature. Discrepancy among teaching staff. It is often heard that the huge number of women teachers has a negative impact on boys’ success, however there is no evidence for this. Also we should aim for greater diversity in the teaching staff in order to provide students with different role models. This is important in enabling students to feel that they are not limited in their choice of career, regardless of gender. Many students lack motivation for online learning. The transition toward online learning has been a difficult one for students all across the world. For many students, the new format for their classes has left them with a lack of motivation that may leave influence on their academic achievement throughout the term. Many say that a lack of structure with online learning in comparison to their traditional classroom. Students do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive. Students’ motivation to exert effort in a course or persist in a major is affected by classroom climate: the combined intellectual, social, emotional, and physical environments in which students learn. If students perceive the environment as supportive and feel included and heard, their motivation will likely be enhanced. Students see little value in the course or its content. Regardless of the objective value of an activity or topic, if students do not recognize its value, they may not be motivated to expend effort, but if students see how coursework connects to their goals, interests, and concerns, they will be more likely to value it, and thus more motivated to invest time and effort. Students do not believe that their efforts will improve their performance. If students do not believe that their efforts are likely to improve their performance, they will not be motivated to work hard. Motivation can be affected, for instance, if a course that has a reputation for being inordinately difficult. Students may also have had discouraging experiences in similar courses or on early assignments in a course that convince them they cannot do the work. Students lack interest or motivation. If students see the environment as supportive and feel involved in tasks and discussions and their voice is heard, their motivation will likely improve. On the other hand, if students perceive the environment as unsupportive or feel criticized by the classroom climate or the course content, it may wear away their motivation to engage with the classroom material.


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The Dual-Adapted Debate in Didactics Made by teacher: Maja Kuna Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Students are not motivated for learning because they do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive – denying the motion. SPEACK 1 If students feel that they have no control over the classroom climate or if they sense that the teacher does not care about their experience in the course, it does not mean that will decrease their motivation. Students are the ones who control the classroom climate, not the teachers. Teacher is there only to instruct the students, but the students are the ones who do all themselves. The teacher can name a student representative who can share feedback from the class, and in that way they can feel important. Students are not motivated for learning because they do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive – denying the motion. SPEACK 2 Students’ motivation depends only on their approach to education and has nothing to do with the classroom environment. Students are not motivated due to different reasons, such as their personal issues, sometimes their lack of interest comes from their home and is caused by their parents. If a student wants to learn something he can and will do it by himself, it has nothing to do with classroom climate. Of course if there is a positive classroom environment learning can be easier, but that is not the only reason students learn or don’t learn. Students are not motivated for learning because they do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive – unfavorable to the closing motion SPEACK 3 Stress, disagreements, and bad manners in the classroom are potentially demotivating. Students can cause hostility to others with their choice of words (e.g., “What a stupid question!”), their tone (e.g., cynical), and their body language (e.g., raised eyebrows or smirks). Thus, it can be helpful to set some ground rules for interaction, particularly in discussions, where there is student-student interaction. However, there is always a chance that this won’t work. You can refrain them from interrupting discussions, but there is no evidence that will motivate them to learn. You should have in mind that simply establishing ground rules may not be sufficient; you may need to occasionally remind students about the rules and address behavior that violates them.


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Students are not motivated for learning because they do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive – in favor of the closing motion SPEACK 1 Can we as students control the classroom climate or this depends only on the teachers? It is a fact that teacher cannot control everything that happens in the classroom, but they can have an influence on how classroom dynamics develop, and that must happen early in the course. Students then have time to adapt to the positive classroom climate and therefore keep the motivation for learning. In closing we should all agree that not only teachers are responsible for classroom environment, but the students as well. We have to work together so that we can have a positive effect on learning. Of course that the main focus is on the teacher, but if we do not collaborate with the teacher we cannot see positive results. Students are not motivated for learning because they do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive SPEACK 2 We can define classroom climate as a feeling of acceptance and adjustment to the working environment. When a number of particular goals work at the same time, an individual’s motivation to chase some goals may have an affect on both their motivation and ability to pursue others. However, it is not always the case that the school, teachers or classroom climate itself is so called responsible for a bad environment in the classroom. Some of the health problems, such as substance abuse, or any other personal problems can interfere with individual students’ motivation to exert effort in a course. For example, depression, may decrease energy levels, then students can miss class, arrive late, sleep in class, miss assignments, not respond to e-mails. Classroom environment can actually happen outside of the classroom. These problems that student deal with outside of the classroom can not only affect the individual who is struggling, but also the other students whose own motivation may be affected by their classmate’s behavior. However, classroom climate is the most important thing for students when it comes to their motivation for learning. Consequently, it is important for instructors to think about how to structure their courses so that students maintain motivation, even when other goals impinge on their time, energy, and attention. Students are not motivated for learning because they do not perceive the classroom climate as supportive SPEACK 3 Students’ motivation to expand their effort in a particular course is affected by classroom climate: classroom climate could be defined as intellectual, social, emotional, and physical environments in which students learn. If students see the environment as supportive and feel included and heard, their motivation will likely be improved. On the other hand, if students see the environment in the classroom to be discomforting or if they feel like they have been treated as if they are not important by the classroom climate or the course idea, their motivation will wear away. Can we as students control the classroom climate or this depends only on the teachers? It is a fact that teacher cannot control everything that happens in the classroom, but they can have an influence on how classroom 30

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dynamics develop, and that must happen early in the course. Students then have time to adapt to the positive classroom climate and therefore keep the motivation for learning.

Didactic Project Made by teacher- Ghitulescu Daniela Costesti Technological High School, Romania Class: 9th grade School unit: Technological High School Costesti, Argeş county Subject: Counseling and guidance Conductor: Teacher Conductor Ghiţulescu Daniela Theme: From aggression between colleagues to aggression in society General competence: Development of lifestyle management skills. The quality of social relations Specific skills: - Domestic violence. - Emotional, cognitive and behavioral consequences. - Prevention strategies in school and community. - Promoting personal values and principles. Derived competencies (Reference objectives) - Combating and preventing violence among students; - Learning and understanding the causes that generate aggression; - Formation of adequate intervention skills in cases of aggression, abuse, deviance. Implementation strategies: a) Methods and procedures: case study, debate, problematic conversation. b) Teaching aids: worksheets, colored sheets, notebooks c) Form of organization: frontal, group and individual. Scenario 1. The organizational moment - ensuring the didactic-material conditions - establishing the attendance and the aspects of school discipline. 2. Announcing the theme and objectives From aggression between colleagues to aggression in society 3. Verification of knowledge: - Where can violence be found? - Can you give an example of some of the reasons for violence? "When do you have to resist violence?" - How can we avoid violent behavior? 31

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- Do you have some characteristics of aggression? - How can we prevent aggression? 4. Carrying out the activity The class is divided into four groups, and each group will receive a case. Case presentation Case 1 When I got to class, the fight was over. Student C. was full of blood on his face, and P. had a red nose and a puff as if he had come from a race. - What happened ? I asked. - For a long time - C told me, dirty with blood - P called me "The long one". He does this not only when we are among our classmates, but also in the school yard, during breaks, so that the students from other classes also hear and start addressing me with "The long one ". I asked him once, twice ... in vain ... Today the same situation. If I told him to stop, he would hit me in the nose .... - And? - I showed him who " The long one " is and what he can do. "But you seemed to be friends?" "We're still friends, but that doesn't mean I can let him do what he wants." - But the class didn't intervene? - They did! If they didn't intervene, they would fight worse. Case 2 The children of the neighbors in question were classmates. In the fifth grade, they both studied very well. They played together, did their homework together, were good friends. In the sixth grade, one of them got into a "gang" with the boys in the neighborhood and his grades became lower. His father had started a business, he was always gone, he didn't know what his son was doing. Mother noticed that her son was leaving home for a long time, he noticed him, but he didn't care what his mother said. At school, his friend asked him during a break: - What did you do that for? He's just your friend! "My father taught me not to give up." If I can't beat him in school to prove I'm stronger than him ... And he started crying ... Case 3 For several weeks now, "Van Damme," an eighth-grade student who was proud of his nickname because of the muscles he was constantly exposing, had been torturing a small second-grade student. He would hinder her, push her, follow her to a secluded place in the schoolyard, and take her money. She did not dare to say anything to anyone for fear of being beaten every time. Until one day, when a colleague of the "star" warns him that this is not the way to behave with younger students and that he will discuss it in class if it does not stop. That was the reason why the fight started. Asked by the conductor, "Van Damme" proudly answers: "If he doesn't watch movies and doesn't know how to fight, why don't he shut up?" Case 4 The student's parents were arguing more and more often. The atmosphere in the house was unbearable. In order to get rid of it, Răzvan often left home, under various pretexts: to study history 32

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with a colleague, to prepare for a task with another colleague. When he stayed home, his only companion was the television. From a good student, he starts having small grades, during breaks he was sad, he isolated himself from his classmates. Asked by the teacher if the parents know his school results, he answers: - Yes, I know them, but my parents claim high marks, they trust me! No more that, after several weak notes are written in his notebook, he "disappears". When they discussed more seriously with him, explaining that the loss of the card leads to the sanction of the student, the card appears, but it had all the bad marks modified. "I was ashamed to show it to my father." Each group has a worksheet to write down: 1. The causes that led to the story; 2. What measures do you think should be taken?; 3. How would you continue the story ...:? Working time will be 10 minutes. The worksheets will be fixed on the board and the leader of each group will present what those in his group have solved. Each group will use a certain color. Students from the other groups will be attentive, will be able to ask questions, will be able to make additions that will be written on the worksheet with the color of their group. This will show which group was more active. In order to better imprint in their memory what are the causes of these aggressions, the common causes will be surrounded with the same color. 1. Ensuring retention and transfer Students will complete the following test: 1. Aggression is a disorder of ......................... which is manifested by .............. .................................................. .................................................. .......... 2. Physical and verbal aggression is a predominance of young people belonging to street gangs. These young people are deprived of ............................................. , which makes them aggressive. 3. How are the relationships between an aggressive young person and the school (teachers, colleagues)? 4. Communicate with family? Do you think that TV takes them too long? General conclusions: Mihai Ralea defined man "as a being capable of restraining his reactions". We would not be human if we did not fight our negative impulses and not restrain them.

Didactic Project Made by teacher- Ghitulescu Daniela Costesti Technological High School, Romania Date: 01.10.2021 Class: IXth School: Technological High School Costesti 33

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Subject: Leadership Topic: "My family obligations" Lesson Type: debate Place: classroom Duration: 50 minutes Teacher: Ghitulescu Daniela Purpose: To recognize the importance of the performance of tasks by each family member and to appreciate the work. General objectives  knowing the specific aspects of organizing and living the family life;  ensuring the acquisition of the information necessary for the good organization and functioning of the family life;  identifying the time budget and the specifics of family roles;  identifying the different functions of the family and its importance in social life;  determining the understanding and taking on roles, responsibilities in family life;  understanding the need to respect each member of the family in the conditions of living in a microgroup. Reference objectives  To ascertain the level of knowledge;  To select the essential information.  To notice the connection between the text and the accompanying images;  To correct or complete some conclusions;  To systematize and consolidate the acquired knowledge;  To classify and define some elements;  To justify the importance of some elements. Specific objectives: At the end of the class students will be able to:  To justify the division of tasks in the family;  To list tasks that belong to the family;  To express by drawing their obligations in the family.  To appreciate work;  To identify solutions for the proposed problem situations;  To act and collaborate for the fulfillment of their tasks;  To work in a team - respecting the work rules;  To identify and get involved in the realization of the team's problems;  To assume roles and responsibilities in the group;  To state maxims and aphorisms about work;  To express their own opinions;  To formulate conclusions;  Show interest in the class; Teaching media: -questionnaires, worksheets, drawing and coloring sheets, management notebooks, leaflets and questionnaires about drugs, tobacco and alcohol. 34

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Teaching methods: active, group work. Heuristic conversation, debate, dialogue, illustrative demonstration, learning by discovery, questionnaire, clusters, case study, problematization. Information sources/Bibliography Leadership and counseling- Daniela Calugăru, Ed. Gh. Alexandru, Craiova, 2004; Column of Infinity-A. Stanciulecu, Ed. Albatros, 1982; Educational counseling, A. Băban, Imprimeria Ardealul, 2001; Notebook of education and self-education - A. Schneider, Ed. Corvin, 1999; Our everyday education - I. Dragan, P. Petroman, D Margineantu, Ed. Eurobit, timisoara, 1992 Lesson conduct: a) Previous preparation of the topic: the students were informed about the topic that will be debated from the previous class, assignments were distributed, bibliography was indicated, questionnaires were completed, materials necessary for the class were purchased. b) Breaking the ice: organizing the class and ensuring the emotional-attitudinal atmosphere corresponding to a good development of the lesson. -presentation of guests; -checking the students’ presence; -information regarding the current problems of the class (frequency, situation at school, evolution of teacher-student relations, state of discipline, special events). c) Capturing attention:  announcing the theme: "My obligations in the family". Establishing a motto: "Work removes from us three great evils: boredom, vice, need."  listing the specific objectives.  Write the word FAMILY vertically and ask the children to write words that start with the respective letters; these words must be related to how they feel when they think of their family;  The results from the type 1 questionnaires are discussed and compared, the grapes are made;  The task is to find solutions, to formulate opinions on some problem situations and possibly to exemplify concrete cases;  Students are asked to present the drawings made regarding their tasks in the family;  Reading some maxims about work d) Achieving performance: -predictions are made like: "X has decided", "in the family it must be like" e) Fixation: the obligations of the students in the family are reviewed and the bundles are filled in; - the type 2 questionnaires are completed, the results are discussed; - the type 3 questionnaires are filled in, the results are discussed; f) Announcing the following topic: "Tobacco, alcohol, drugs - signs of maturity?" -indication of a bibliography, distribution of leaflets and questionnaires. Conclusions: Students show maturity in formulating conclusions. Each right also presupposes a duty on the part of each. 35

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Appreciations are made on the activity, the students are active, they participate with interest (with pleasure) - that is why I encourage them by addressing them verbal appreciations throughout the homework. Questionnaire 1 1. What obligations do you have in your family? 2. What things do you not enjoy doing? 3. What tasks do you enjoy doing? 4. Do you talk back to parents when you are asked to do something? 5. Do you think you have too many tasks? 6. Doesn't it bother you that you don't have family duties? 7. List the household chores you do with your parents. Questionnaire 2 1. Why is it good if all family members have household chores? a. One person cannot do all the work; b. everyone must learn how to do housework; c. Always have order in the house; d. To learn to respect the work of others; e. All family members must also have free time. 2. In your opinion, who is responsible for carrying out the various tasks in the family? (Number)  the one who knows how.  to the one who has time.  to the one willing to do it.  the one who received this  family decides jointly task from the head of the family.  light work is done by children, the heaviest by adults. 3. State maxims and aphorisms about work. 4. Represent by drawing the task that you gladly fulfill in the family. Questionnaire 3 (5min): Name ........................... Class First Name ................................. Date ............... ......... Questionnaire- "When and how do I help my family?" 1. How do you help your family? What for? A: ................................................ .................................................. .............................................. 2. Do you clean your room on your own or do you have tobe reminded by your parents? A: ................................................ .................................................. .............................................. 3. What excuses do you make when your parents ask you to help them? A: ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 4. When a family member has problems, how do you react? A: ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 5. Do you prefer to come to school and study instead of helping your family with household chores? A: ................................................ .................................................. ........................................... 36

Dual debate-active participatory teaching method

6. What household activities do you dislike? A: ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 7. Do you keep the school clean? How should those who do not keep it be punished? A: ................................................ .................................................. ............................................... 8. Do you exemplify 5 activities in which you take part in the family? A: ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. Discussion of the questionnaire; Conclusions. Problem situations 1. Imagine a family in which no one has precise tasks, everyone does what they want. How do you see it? 2. How is a family in which only the mother has the obligation to handle all the tasks that fall to the whole family. How do you see it? 3. What do you think about a family in which the children are exploited - they are sent to beg, they do hard work. What do you think? 4. How are tasks divided into a single-parent family? Do you agree that they should not have household chores and children?


If you do not know how to have motivated opinions, then you will accept the opinions of those around you.

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