"The European Road to Light"(UE&Me Country) -SPAIN

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THE EUROPEAN ROAD TO LIGHT By Mónica Ramos English teacher at INS Enric Borràs, Badalona

The European Union is an international organization composed of 27 countries or states under common economic, security and social policies. The Erasmus+ is the programme that supports training, education, youth and sport in Europe and, it can also be said, the academic tool to foster European identity in each of the 27 member countries. The singularities of every member country are huge, but when traveling to them, one realizes that those specific traditions or customs have certain similarities to your own homeland.

Nowadays, every single country has a wide diversity of cultures which provide richness to the state and, for extension, to the Union itself. Identity and flags are symbols that provoke certain tensions in different states, however, it is wiser to take advantage of our differences and use them to become more inclusive. Discrimination and intolerance only generate barriers and hate, and the European Union is precisely an organization that goes beyond these physical and mental boundaries. With the Erasmus+ programme and the mobilities, students can live and study for a week somewhere in Europe. This experience is unique for them as it is a way to understand the importance of the Union. When they travel, they do not only feel the roots of their national country, but the roots of the visiting one, which embraces them with a warm welcome and bids farewell as if they were a new brother or sister. We all should take the European road to apprehend the singularities and common customs of each country and scatter what is apprehended as if it were a seed of general knowledge. As Europeans we should boost and support the idea that our differences make us unique.

ERASMUS+ PROJECT KA229 School Exchange Partnerships 2020-2022 Project Number: 2020-1RO01-KA229-080403 European Students: Responsible, Emotionally Intelligent and Useful

PROJECT'S PARTICIPANTS: E10063391 - Liceul Tehnologic Costesti, Romania E10106363 - Zubeyde Hanim Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey E10206818 - ISTITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "R. PIRIA", Italy E10171942 - INS Enric Borràs, Spain

Coordinator Teacher: Mrs.Mónica Ramos Caballero, School Teacher at INS Enric Borràs, Spain Collaborators Teachers: Mrs. Alba Martínez, Mrs. Aurora Pérez, Mr. Raúl Bujardón. Editor Students: Ingrid Florin, Aadesh Pokharel, Aroa Rodríguez Reyero, Carla Pérez Esteban, Iker Alejandro Vélez

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