Didactic Transnational Experience Nr 1

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Drăguț Violeta

Mobility in Turkey

Mobility in Romania

Mobility in Bulgaria Mobility in Italy


ISSN 2069-315X, ISSN-L 2069-315X

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. ,,The European Commission is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. The content reflects the views only of the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

Coordinators Teacher: Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA

Collaborators Teachers: Mrs. Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mr. Angelo Lanzafame, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mrs. Alexandra Oprea, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mrs. Canan Kartal, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, TURKEY Mrs. Caterina De Maria , I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mr. Luciano Sgarito, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mrs. Mariana Dorobanțu, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mrs. Melis AĞAR, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, TURKEY Mrs.. Nicolae Gherghina, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mr. OnurArslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, TURKEY Mr. Önder TARAKÇI, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, TURKEY Mrs. Popescu Ramona, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mrs. Ștefania Stan, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mrs. Tatiana Stoian Preda, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mrs. Tsetska Kamenova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, BULGARIA Mrs. Violeta Telescu, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA


Students: Rădoi Alina-Georgiana, Ionescu Lorenlai Georgiana, Tsvetelina Yordanova, Iliyana Krassimirova, Donika Kamenova, Tuhanna Ersoy, Merve Melek, İrem Nil Su Tarla


Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA


Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Tehnological High School Costești, ROMANIA Mrs. Caterina De Maria , I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mrs. Tsetska Kamenova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, BULGARIA Mr. Luciano Sgarito, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, ITALY Mrs. Canan Kartal, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, TURKEY

PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION ,,European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219-024675



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or any means, without permission in writing from the authors.

ISSN 2069-315X, ISSN-L 2069-315X ROMANIA 3


Introduction ………..…………………………………………………………...................................6 MOBILITY IN TURKEY The Didactic Experience from Turkish Mobility, teacher Luciano Sgarito, Angelo Lanzafame...................................................................................................................................7 Teaching Practice in The Turkish Teaching System, teacher Ștefania Stan......................12 My experience in the turkish parthener ’s school, teacher Drăguț Violeta..........................15 My Experience from Manavgat– Turkey, teacher Tatiana Stoian Preda..............................18 MOBILITY IN ROMANIA Romanian Moblity, teachers Caterina De Maria/Anna Maria Lo Bue………………………...19 Meeting With the Other Intercultural Mobility and View for Rich Cultural Sea in Romania, teacher Önder TARAKÇI......................................................................................22 DIDACTICS IN ROMANIA LESSON PROJECT Elements of agropedology, teacher Popescu Ramona.....................24 Worksheet –Physics, Teacher Violeta Telescu……………………………………………....28 Lesson Plan- English, teacher Daniela Ghițulescu................................................................29 Worksheet- English, teacher Daniela Ghițulescu..................................................................31 Lesson Plan- English, teacher Daniela Ghițulescu................................................................32 Worksheet - English, teacher Daniela Ghițulescu................................................................34 Lesson Plan- English, teacher Daniela Ghițulescu................................................................36 Test paper English, teacher Daniela Ghițulescu....................................................................37 MOBILITY IN BULGARIA Didactical and Cultural Experience in the Bulgarian Partener School Mobility in Bulgaria, teachers Mariana Dorobanțu, Alexandra Oprea......................................................40 Bulgarian Experience, students Rădoi Alina-Georgiana, Ionescu Lorenlai Georgiana.........43 DIDACTICS IN BULGARIA LESSON PROJECT ………………………………………………………………………...45 MOBILITY IN ITALIA My Experience in Sicily, teacher Melis AĞAR.....................................................................48 My Sicilian experience, teacher Violeta Telescu..................................................................50 4

Last mobility within the project European Schools without stereotypes promoting European interculturalism- Riesi / Mazzarino – Sicily, teacher Daniela Ghitulescu............52 ERASMUS + Experience, teacher Nicolae Gherghina...........................................................53 My experience under Project European schools without stereotypes promoting interculturality under ERASMUS+ programme, teacher Tsetska Kamenova……………..55 My experience in Sicily, student Tsvetelina Yordanova..……………………………..……..57 My experience in Sicily, student Iliyana Krassimirova..........................................................58 My experience in Sicily, student Donika Kamenova………………………………………..59 The Italian Mobility, teacher Canan KARTAL...................................................................60 My experience in Sicily, student Tuhanna Ersoy...................................................................62 My Sicilian Experence, student Merve Melek.......................................................................63 My Italian Experence, student İrem Nil Su Tarla.................................................................64 DIDACTICS IN ITALY CLIL LESSON-LESSON PLANNING, teacher Anna Maria Lo Bue……………………...65



The magazine is one the products of the Erasmus Project European Schools without Stereotypes Promoting the European Inter culturality that has been developed during the period 2016-2018, by the four school partners: Tehnological High School Costești (Romania), Vocational School of Tourism Mihalaki Georgiev – Vidin (Bulgaria), I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa – Mazzarino (Italy) and Sule Muzzaffer Buyuk Meslekive Teknik Anadolu Lisesi Antalya (Turkey). The magazine includes a series of articles gathered from transnational experience, both from teachers and from students. The articles emphasized teaching activity, teaching how to find new methods and working methods in class, in order to integrate pupils regardless of ethnicity, religion or social level. In the magazine I attached lesson plans, lesson sketches, tests paper and worksheet.

Project coordinator, Teacher Drăguț Violeta


The Didactic Experience from Turkish Mobility Prof.: Luciano Sgarito, Angelo Lanzafame I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, Italy

Unfortunately, when the project was approved, none of our students would participate in the mobility because of safety, permission and liability concerns, so last February, when we tried to take at least two students, it was not possible to save enough from our budget to take two of theirs with us. That was a pity because, being the main aim of the project the promotion of interculturality, the reduction of stereotypes and the development of European citizenship, above all among the students involved in the project, we would have liked them to have such an amazing experience. So, from 20th March to 24th March only two teachers, Prof. Angelo Lanzafame and Prof. Luciano Sgarito, representative of the Italian High School "Carlo Maria Carafa", took part in the LTTA project meeting in Manavgat, Turkey. The purpose of the LTTA project meeting was to present and share the works prepared by the teachers and students of each country previously. We had to leave home in the early morning of Sunday 19th March to get to Manavgat in time for the first day activity on the 20th. Groups arrived at different times through the afternoon and evening and had the possibility of having dinner all together while our group arrived at Antalya International Airport at about 1.30 a.m. local time because we had to fly from Catania to Istanbul first and then from Istanbul to Antalya. We were very surprised to see the Turkish coordinator Mr. 7

Onur Arslan waiting for us outside the airport at that time. We knew he had arranged the transfer from the airport to the hotel in Manavgat but we couldn’t imagine he would meet us at the airport. We really appreciated! By the time we got to the hotel and went to sleep it had passed almost two hours so we slept only few hours on our first night. First day: Monday 20thMar 2017 Mr. Onur Arslan collected the groups from the hotel and took us to school, where the Headmaster of the Manavgat Sule Muzaffer Büyük Vocational and Technical High School, Mr. Mustafa Yϋksel, welcomed all the teachers and students from Romania, Bulgaria and Italy. After that, he made us have a short tour of the school, and greet some teachers involved in the project activities. All the students and teachers were invited to fill in an “initial questionnaire” and next, each school presented the work they had done so far. After lunch the whole group worked together to prepare a photograph exhibition related to stereotypes in their countries. 321Back to the hotel we had some free time before leaving for dinner with all partners except the Bulgarian teachers. The headmaster joined the group and had dinner with us all the evenings showing a great disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way. Second day: Tuesday 21st Mar 2017 Lesson observing: At first the students and teachers, split into small groups, were invited to watch classes of different subjects: for example we were able to watch Service, ICT, Cooking, Art and Photography and English classes during the week. Despite the language, we noticed


a great sense of duty and respect of each other role. Next, the students and teachers from each country went on with the presentation of the works which had not been presented the day before because of lack of time and worked on designing cultural and touristic calendars with the photos of each country. This workshop was really interesting because we worked with Graphic and Photograph Service teachers who designed the calendars and helped us find the best photos to put in. Third day: Wednesday 22nd Mar 2017 Lesson observing: At first the students and teachers, split into small groups, were invited to watch classes of different subjects, then we arranged the photos for the calendars and completed them while the students worked on the 1st chapter of the multilingual dictionary, writi ng the words related to the discussion topics first in English and then in the other languages according to the mobility order. Of course, not having students in our group, we had to work with the students and their teachers to complete the dictionary. For lunch Angelo Lanzafame, our cooking teacher and great chef, prepared traditional Italian dishes. Thanks to the help of cooking teachers and students, he cooked “pasta allanorma” and “caponata”, using some pasta, we had brought from Italy, and Turkish ingredients; a perfect example of “integration”. After lunch all the students and teachers of the four partner countries went ona boat trip on the river Manavgat. We spent an amazing afternoon socializing and dancing on board. 9

On the way back to the hotel we stopped and visited the largest and most important Mosque in Manavgat. We approached the Mosque skittishly because it had been our first time and we didn’t know what to expect inside, but as soon as we went in we realized it was a quiet and nice place of worship and that Muslims attach great importance to the worship of God. We also got to know surprisingly that unlike we do Muslims don’t celebrate weddings or funerals in a mosque. Fourth day: Thursday 23rd Mar 2017 Lesson observing: At first the students and teachers, split into small groups, were invited to watch classes of different subjects, then the teachers worked on preparing materials to create a transnational didactic experience magazine with all the experiences of lessons observation during the week. After lunch we were taken to the “Side” for a cultural visit of the Museum and the amphitheatre and also of the Temple. Along the way to the Side we stopped to see the wonderful natural Manavgat waterfall. Fifth day: Friday 2nd June 2017 At first the students and teachers, split into small groups, watched classes of different subjects, then the school folk dance team performed their traditional dances and we were invited to see the performance in the school yard. After the show, the students worked on the touristic guide while the teachers worked on the transnational didactic experience magazine and checkedall the materials about the cultural and touristic calendars. We also completed a “final questionnaire” as feedback of the whole project meeting. After lunch we had a meeting to decide upon further meeting activities and steps. Unfortunately, the Bulgarian partners had to leave at lunch time because they had booked a flight back home in the early afternoon so they couldn’t participate in our final meeting. We arranged accommodation for our students and talked about the programme and cultural visits for our next mobility in Romania.


Finally, there was the “closing ceremony” during which the headmaster Mr. Mustafa Yϋksel gave all the participants a “certificate of participation” and lots of gifts. All the participants thanked the headmaster and the coordinator of the Turkish school for the warm hospitality and the impressive willingness to spend so many hours together to make all of us feel at ease. After school, the students spent the evening socializing with the host families while we went out for dinner with our Turkish and Romanian partners and after dinner the headmaster invited us to talk about our experience and socialize at his house. On Saturday 25th March 2017 in the early morning we left the hotel with a transfer arranged by the coordinator Mr. Onur Arslan for our group to Antalya airport. We got back to our homes only in the late evening, at about 11.00 p.m., because we had to take three different flights from Antalya to Istanbul and then from Istanbul to Rome and finally from Rome to Catania. It was a long journey but we felt lucky to have had a memorable experience during the LTTA project meeting. We could have never imagined it was so beautiful comparing us with people of other nationalities and widening our cultural horizons. Quoting from a John Donne’s poem: “There’s nothing simply good, nor ill alone; / Of every quality comparison/ The only measure is, and judge, opinion”. We have found out there are more similarities than differences between our cultures. Thanks to Erasmus project we have had this opportunity. The European Union should invest more in international mobility for students if we want a real union and integration. We think ignorance is the problem. Stereotypes can be knocked down only by education. The more you learn about the others, the better you can understand and respect them. We are on the same boat!


Teaching Practice in The Turkish Teaching System By teacher Č˜tefania Stan Tehnological High School CosteČ™ti, Romania

Education in Turkey is a state-supervised system designed to produce a skillful professional class for the social and economic institutes of the nation. Compulsory education lasts 12 years; secondary or high school education is not mandatory but required in order to then progress to universities. Vocational and technical secondary education involves the institutions that both raise students as manpower in business and other professional areas, prepare them for higher education and meet the objectives of general secondary education. Vocational and technical secondary education includes technical education schools for boys, technical education schools for girls, trade and tourism schools, religious education schools, multi-program high schools, special education schools, private education schools and health education schools. In public high schools and vocational high schools, students attend six classes each day, which last for approximately 40 minutes each. In Anatolian high schools and private high schools, the daily programme is typically longer, up to eight classes each day, also including a lunch period. At the end of high school, following the 12th grade, students take a high school finishing examination and they are required to pass this in order to take the University Entrance Exam and continue their studies at a university. Those who graduate from vocational and technical secondary education institutions or from vocational and technical schools and institutions may take proficiency exam in their own professions. Graduates of technical high school or of 4-year programs in vocational and technical schools and institutions are given a certificate to start businesses with the privileges and responsibilities of a proficiency certificate. Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey is one of the best schools in the area. They have revealed some of their teaching practice aspects on the occasion of our partnership in the European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality, Erasmus project. Romanian teachers and students attended different classes at this school and participated as like they were natives. The teachers have been interested in the way in which theory and practice mix together in order that the necessary skills should be fulfilled. General culture classes were attended, such as English or Maths, but also practice classes, such as:






Tailoring It has been noticed that an important emphasis is put on the teaching materials, and thus flip charts, computers, projectors and other specialized materials are used. During the English classes, for instance, the students use every day life situations to express their ideas and thoughts and thus they can also practice their grammar. The teacher uses the projector and PowerPoint materials, but


also the classic board, while the students have the theory written in their notebooks. Another interesting aspect is that English vocabulary is also required during the practice courses, so that the students could basically use a foreign language and put it into practice The entire school is impressive due to its rigorous organization and discipline. The students are gathered together in the courtyard at the end of the school day and as many times as it is required.

Also, a special corner is designed for the many projects the school is involved in or for the various diplomas of the students.

All in all, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey can be by far considered a school of high prestige for its educational domain and it certainly was a delightful host for the project partners.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My experience in the turkish parthener ’s school By teacher Drăguț Violeta Tehnological High School Costești, Romania

I decided to go to Turkey because it was unknown country for me, I knew it only from books and documentaries, I heard about the refugees and I was very kind, especially since I had seen a documentary in which a man from Syria who is in Romania he was crying because he did not find the thing saying that the Romanians did not think him, "I need a little confidence, I know how to do a lot". I always saw a rejection and indifference for refugees and immigrants from the my colleagues and especially my students. The greatest rejection was for religion, we know that Romanians are faithful, and they don t accept deviates from religion, have no good image in their morals. The Romanian team for Turkish mobility has been selected very well, and later language training have taken place. After a lot of work, on the set date we went to the courtyard of the school, we left with emotions to the airport, the students were very impatient to get on the plane. With an Itanbul strike in four hours I was in Antalya. The very punctual Turkish partner already waited for us and left for Manavgat. The students were taken to families, we were accommodated in the hotel, in the morning we were already waiting for a car to go to school. There were five days full of activities, we were welcomed with open arms, we saw that they were trying to be content. From a teaching point of view, I attended many hours, all relying on IT or practice. If the lessons were on IT, then at the beginning of the class, the students were preparing the software for the discipline on the led in front of the class, when the teacher would select the lesson, and that followed. Initially, the information was taught, everything based on software, the teacher came with additional expositions, or answered some of the students' questions. During the talks, the software was paused. 15

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality At the end, feedback is also provided by the software, and students are told. Students wrote a sketch on the notebooks, as they thought. At the English lesson done with the help of the software, the students were constantly asked to speak in order to improve their diction, it was spoken in English only.

At the time of history work with the educational software, they had a lot images, maps, animations, so everything has become interesting, attractive. I was intrigued if Turkey is also studying about the

Romans, basically our medieval history is linked to 80% of the Turks, we have been curious about a whole medieval textbook and we were only in a map as a space, emphasizing the Turkish battles with eastern and tangential to the West. Students worked on the individual tablets they receive from the Turkish state when they enter high school, tablets that have different applications, have internet access, but no social networking and communication networks. In terms of teaching methods of integration, more practical work was done, less emphasis being placed on language. The pupils were working together to develop materials for children with deficiencies, doing all sorts of educational toys, which then gave them to children with deficiencies, kindergartens, primary schools. For each profile there were spaces for practice: 16

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality hairdressing, tailoring, sculpture, painting, graphics, photography, culinary art, waiters, cosmetics, and everything related to tourism. In hairdressing and cosmetics, students were working on a client and the teachers were halfway in parallel. Half of the head was made by the teacher and half of the pupils, and the other students were assisting, later engraving in the practical application. There is also a pedagogical training for the high school students who wanted to work in the educational system at the end of the high school, obtaining a lower degree of the scholars. The practice was also done in the high school, evoking specially emancipated spaces. Within the school there were also kindergarten halls, but also classes where only students with deficiencies were taught, with only 4-5 pupils in Halls, in order to work individually. The organization outside the classes was very strict, the contract was signed with the transport companies but on the condition that the pupils did not delay school, the transport was only for the students, the company that did not respect the contract did not receive the settlement money from the Turkish state, who was directly interested and who was interested in school management. Monday morning at 7.30 am and Friday at the end of the program, students and teachers were doing their schoolwork in the courtyard of the school, lifting the flag in the berth and singing the anthem of Turkey, a moment full of patriotism and loyalty to the country. Every morning, after the lunch break and the departure, the pupils were gathered in the bed and pointed to the abscesses or those who were late. Whatever was well organized, each class had drawn the appropriate space, and the director / directors / teachers could transmit any information to the pupils through the microphone, so the communication was constant and easy. Work has been done intensely, all the necessary products have been made in this mobility, everything has been accomplished easily, being combined with moments of relational and socialization. There were also places filled with history, knowing that the area was inhabited by the Byzantines. Although many archaeological objects were Byzantine, the Turkish people preserved and displayed them with great care in museums, closed or outdoors. The Moon of Manavgat was visited, all the details were explained, we found out many of the mysteries of Muslim religion. There have been five days full of education, culture and relaxation, so the exchange of experience has been at a height. I will return to Turkey on every occasion, respect and more understanding the culture and morals of the Turks. 17

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My Experience from Manavgat– Turkey By teacher Tatiana Stoian Preda, Technological Highschool CosteĹ&#x;ti, Romania

On March 20-24, 2017, the Mobility in Turkey took place within the project "European schools without stereotypes promoting the European interculturality". This mobility was attended by teachers and pupils from partner countries: Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Italy. The destination was Turkey, Manavgat, Anatolian Technical and Manavgat High School (Vocational and Technical Anatolian HighSchool Manavgat, Turkey). Experience has been distinct from the first day of activity to the last. From air companies to the educational system, everything was extraordinary. Their hospitality was exemplary. Turkish partners have received us with great joy and have taken exceptionally good work, respecting the work agenda and communication between partners. From the leadership of the school unit, to the teachers and students of the Turkish partner school, they all showed great involvement and much respect to the project partners. Good professional training of Turkish partners was highlighted by synchronizing the project objectives with its activities and with the school. Everything was designed to fulfill the project's activities or the school's activities. Fairness, respect, involvement, organization, discipline, creativity, adaptability are words that characterize people in Vocational and Technical Anatolian HighSchool Manavgat, TURKEY. The ministry invests heavily in technology in schools and in the education system. Students are very well trained in practice to be immediately integrated into the labor market. The school's workshops are well-equipped for the students' professional qualifications. Economics focuses on collaboration with school units. There is a very good synchronization between school, business and society, beneficial to all. It was a wonderful experience. From the flight to the planned activities, visiting the beauties of Manavgat (Manavgat Cascades, cruising the Manavgat River, the mosques, the places that exposes the history of the country and the city of Manavgat, the hotels where we eat, etc.), everything was extraordinary. I believe that all teachers and students participating in this mobility were impressed and pleased with what they saw and did with their project partners and left with plans for the future.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

MOBILITY IN ROMANIA Romanian Moblity By teachers Caterina De Maria/Anna Maria Lo Bue I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, Italy

As described in the Plan of the Project European schools without stereotypes promoting the European interculturality, the second LTTA Mobility has been made in Romania, after the first in Turkey. The main purpose of the project is the promotion of interculturality, the reduction of stereotypes and the development of European citizenship, both among the students and the teachers, through the study of the different cultures, religions, customs and the typical cuisine of the different nations taking part in the project. From 28th May to 3rd June a small group, representative of the Italian High School "Carlo Maria Carafa", took part in the LTTA project meeting held in Costesti (Romania). The Italian group was composed of two teachers, Mrs Anna Maria Lo Bue and Mrs Caterina De Maria, and four students: the twin sisters Federica and Martina Ligotti, Serena Mancuso and Maria Sbirziola. The first three students are in the third year of the Scientific High school, while Maria Sbirziola is in the third year of the Hotel and Catering Vocational School. The purpose of the LTTA project meeting was to present and share the works prepared by the teachers and students of each country beforehand. Our group arrived at Bucharest International Airport in the late afternoon on the 28th May and soon after the Romanian coordinator Mrs. Violeta Dragut arranged the transfer of the students to the host families in Costesti and of the teachers to the hotel in Pitesti respectively. First day: Monday 29th May 2017 The Headmaster Mrs. Stoian Preda Tatiana Florica of the Technologic Liceul in Costesti welcomed all the teachers and students from Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey. The meeting was also attended by the local mayor and other local political and cultural authorities. After a short tour of the school, the students and teachers were invited to complete an “initial questionnaire” and next, split into small groups, to witness a lesson about different subjects: PE, Physics, English or Science. After lunch the whole group watched a performance of traditional songs and dances at the Pupils’ Club in Costesti. 19

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality Back to school the students from each country presented the works they had prepared before the meeting with the contribution of their own classmates: • PPT with 50 images representing the cultural values of their own country; • PPT with 20 sayings typical of their own country; • 10 drawings on paper to represent European interculturality. Afterwards the students from the four countries put their drawings on display and the pupils and teachers of the Romanian school came to look around the exhibition in the following days. It was amazing to discover remarkable issues about other partner countries that none of us had known about before and at the same time to find out plenty of similarities beyond our geographical and cultural boundaries. After school both students and teachers spent the evening socializing respectively with the host families and the colleagues from the four partner countries. Second day: Tuesday 30th May 2017 At first the students and teachers, split into small groups, were invited to witness a lesson of other different subjects: Geography, Agriculture or Science. Next the students from each country went on with the presentation of the works which had not been presented the previous afternoon because of lack of time and carried on with the presentation of : • PPT with 40 riddles representing the specific cultural values of their own country. This workshop was very entertaining because some riddles appealed to specific cultural value of each country. All the students were engaged in the workshopenthusiastically. Meanwhile the teachers of the four different partner countries discussed and worked together on the preparation of the student magazine collecting the 40 questions (including images) to identify cultural stereotypes as well as the works of the students and deciding on their graphic layout. After lunch the group of the students and teachers visited the worthy of note Fruit Research Institute in Maracineni, witnessed 20

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality an exciting lesson in the laboratory at the same Fruit Research Institute and next moved to the interesting Viticulture and Fruit Museum in Golesti. After the local excursion both students and teachers spent the evening socializing respectively with host families and colleagues from the four partner countries.

Third day: Wednesday 31st May 2017 In the morning the students were invited to take part in a workshop of traditional floral arrangements, while the teachers decided about the materials to be uploaded on the project site. Next, together with the teachers,the students were invited to witness a lesson of Agrototal Association Buzoiesti. After lunch all the students and teachers of the four partner countries went on an exciting excursion to Bucharest to see the most interesting cultural, historical and architectural sights of the capital. It was amazing to see the Romanian Bucharest! Fourth day: Thursday 1st June 2017 On the 1st June in Romania they celebrate the children’s day and it is a bank holiday. All the students and teachers form the four partner countries, together with the headmaster and some teachers of the Technologic Liceul in Costesti, went on an all-day excursion to visit many different interesting places: the Roman Castrul in Campulung, the Nămăiești Monastery , the Dambovicioara Cave, Dracula’ s Castle in Bran, Rașnov Castle and Peleș Castle in Sinaia. It was a lovely day spent together with the students and colleagues from the four countries. It was a good opportunity for everyone not only to socialize and share experiences and impressions about the Romanian landscape and culture, but also to know about the Romanian history and to find out 21

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality unexpected similarities and differences with our own culture and history. Fifth day: Friday 2nd June 2017 At first the students from each country went on with the presentation of the works which had not been presented the previous days and next, split into small groups, worked on the creation of a multilingual dictionary about specific topics. They also had to complete a “final questionnaire” as feedback of the whole project meeting. After lunch there was the “closing ceremony” during which the headmaster Mrs. Stoian Preda Tatiana Florica gave all the participants the “certificate of participation”. All the participants thanked the headmaster and the coordinator of the Romanian school for the warm hospitality and the impressive willingness to spend so many hours together to make all of us feel at ease. After school both students and teachers spent the evening socializing respectively with the host families and colleagues from the four partner countries. On Saturday 3rd June 2017 in the morning the coordinator Mrs. Violeta Dragut arranged the transfer of our group from Costesti and Pitesti to go to Bucharest International Airport. We got back to Riesi/Mazzarino in the afternoon. The general impression was that we felt lucky to have experienced this LTTA project meeting, confronting us with people of other nationalities and widening our cultural horizons.

Meeting With the Other Intercultural Mobility and View for Rich Cultural Sea in Romania By teacher Önder TARAKÇI Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

As a Turkish group we have arrived to Romania on the 29th of May in 2017 to develope social, inter cultural civic skills whose effect to be internatilization and personol development of all Italian, Bulgarian and Romanian group.This visiting increased the efficiency of Professional insertion on European labour market. Our students will avoid streotypes in the future and they enjoyed inter culuturality. They tried to follow only positive models. Parents, communities and other people helped us to know Romanian culture and our students stopped judging other culture people. We improved our critical thinking and learned new cultural values and respected them.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality I have affected with the hospitality of the Romanian teachers and students in CosteĹ&#x;ti, ArgeĹ&#x;. They are so same as our Turkish culture. We have visited many places and learned lots of things abot the Romanian tradation and culture. Fist day we have met at teh school and took the our role and ojcetivez at school. Later we joined the classes and listened the lessons that was a good experience for me. The methods are nearly same as our school in Turkey. Students were so hospital and clever in the class. Tey did nice participation. We learned their way of looking life in Romania. Foods of Romania were so nice and delicious like in Turkey. In the evenings we had dinner with teachers with all the paticipants and listened Romanian music and tasted delicious food. Our students made lots of drawing workshop activities. They

enjoyed it. They did floral and ethnic floral arrangement

and workshop. That was wonderful. We shared cultural riddles and sayings we realized that we have same sayings. We understand that our cultures ar so same with all participants in the Project. I would like to say best regard for all the people in Romania. That was a nice experience for me to be in Romania and have nice cultural experience. We will never forget this activity. We hope to meet them again for ever and ever.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

DIDACTICS IN ROMANIA LESSON PROJECT -Elements of agropedology By Teacher Popescu Ramona Costesti Technological Highschool

UNIT: Costesti Technological Highschool DISCIPLINE: Elements of agropedology

CLASS: a-XI-a C DATE: mai 2017 TITLE OF LESSON: Preparation of planting seedlings for planting TYPE OF LESSON: Mix TIME: 50 min Teacher Popescu Ramona SPECIFIC COMPETENCES COVERED Ability to properly identify and understand the stages of planting vegetables plants OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES O1- Describe a good planting seedlings; O2- Identify planting seedlings for planting; O3- Describe the mud of untreated seedlings; O4- Define the sowing of seedlings; O5- List the advantages of planting vegetables by seedling;


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality RESOURCES OF EDUCATION 1. methods and procedures: explanation, conversation, observation, brainstorming, clusters, discovery 2. Forms of organization: frontal, group and individual 3. educational curriculum: manual, plans, leaflets, computer images, video projector

Nr . crt 1.

The stages of the lesson


Check the knowledge of the previous lesson 12 minutes -

Organizational moment 1 minute

Ob. Op.

THE SCIENCE OF THE TEACHING ACTIVITY Teacher's activity Students activity Methods teaching Check your presence Ask the pupils to have notebooks and writing tools on the bench

1.What are the seedlings? 2.What are the specific constructions used to produce seedlings 3. What characteristics should the nutrient substrate be? 4.What is the kidneys? 5.What are the cares applied to seedlings? Corrects some confusion

Teaching aids

-verifies the teaching material and prepares notebooks and writing tools

Introductory Conversation

Listen questions. It formulates the answers and participates in the dialogue initiated by the teacher

Conversation Magazines explication Textbooks flyers

Forms of organizat ion.

Evaluation methods

individua l

Oral Systematic observation


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality 3. Catching the Shows the importance of attention knowledge 1 minute Planting seedlings for planting 4. Specifying the Announce and Write on the Title and Goals Blackboard the title"Planting Obtain Board seedlings for planting" the title of the List the objectives to be followed lesson during the lesson.. 5. Communicatin O1 - Describes a good planting g new seedlings; knowledge 26 - "be healthy, be of the optimal minutes age characteristic of the species, well-developed roots, thick stem, dark green leaves, appropriate vegetative development;" O2

Identifies planting seedlings for planting; - "watering 24 hours before, sorting, milling, shaping;"


Describes the mud of unsalted seedlings; - "Introduction of the root system into a mixture of land, water and fresh bovine manure;" Defines seedlings; - "Elimination of a 1/3 part of the foliar limb in order to reduce the


They are careful


Systematic observation

Note the lesson title in notebooks

Conversation Magazines explication Textbooks flyers Conversation Front panel


Systematic observation

follow carefully. Take notes

Explanation observation

Individua l

Systematic observation

Video projector


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality evapotranspiration area and the danger of wilting;" O5 Lists the advantages of planting seedlings; - "Getting high, early, high quality productions; -reduces the culture alley of pretentious species to the hull; - good production timing during the year; -uniformity of culture; -reduces the seed requirement at the surface unit; -saving energy consumption for greenhouse production; " 6. Fixing It outlines the basic ideas. knowledge Addresses short questions. Performing the Hands in evaluation papers feed-back 7 minutes 7.

Grading and final conclusions

Gives grades to active students

Listen Fill in the papers


Takes part in the dialogue


evaluation papers

Individua l



European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality FIȘA DE LUCRU / WORKSHEET -Physics By Teacher Violeta Telescu Costesti Technological Highschool

Grupa nr. / Group no. …………… Nume și prenume / Name and surname

..……………………… ………….…………………

1. Proprietatea corpurilor este: / The property of the objects is: ................................. 2. Ce se întâmplă dacă lovesc farfuria din lateral? De ce? / What will happen if I smack the plate off the cup? Why? ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... Calculați accelerația. / Calculate acceleration. 3. Alegeți răspunsul corect /Choose the right answer: A – Forța exercitată de corpul 1 asupra corpului 2 este mai mare ca valoare decât forța exercitată de corpul 2 asupra corpului 1 / The force on Cart 2 exerted by Cart 1 is larger in magnitude than the force on Cart 1 exerted by Cart 2. B - Forța exercitată de corpul 2 asupra corpului 1 este mai mare ca valoare decât forța exercitată de corpul 1 asupra corpului 2 / The force on Cart 2 exerted by Cart 1 is smaller in magnitude than the force on Cart 1 exerted by Cart 2. C - Forța exercitată de corpul 1 asupra corpului 2 este egală ca valoare cu forța exercitată de corpul 2 asupra corpului 1 / The force on Cart 2 exerted by Cart 1 is equal in magnitude to the force on Cart 1 exerted by Cart 2. 4. Ce răspunde pinguinul? / What is the penguin’s answer?: ........................................... 5. Forța este: / The force is: ..................................... 6. Forța este: / The force is: ..................................... 7. O forţă normală mai mare acționează asupra băiatului cu bluza roșie sau asupra celui cu bluza galbenă?/ Is the normal force exerted greater on the boy wearing a red shirt or on the boy with the yellow shirt? ................................................................................................................................ 8. Care sunt formele de energie în punctele 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6? / What are the forms of energy corresponding to numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on the slide? 1 ……………….……. 2 ……………….……. 3 ……………….……. 4 ……………….……. 5 ……………….……. 6 ……………….…….


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Lesson Plan- English By Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Costesti Technological Highschool

DATE: mai 2017 TEXT BOOK: Prospects Advanced GRADE: 12th B LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE PREVIOUS LESSON: The same word as different parts of speech NEW LESSON: Surfing the Internet GRAMMAR: Revision all tenses AIMS: - Students will be able to identify and use correctly English grammatical tenses; - Students will be able to apply different English grammatical tenses; - Students will be able to identify and to correct grammatical mistakes; - Students will be able to express themselves using the appropriate tense. TIME: 50’ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: student – centred TYPES OF INTERACTION: Teacher – student Student – student SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing, listening MAIN TOPIC: Revision all tenses AIDS: - book - worksheets - CD, CD player METHODS: communicative STRATEGIES: recognizing English tenses TYPES OF ACTIVITY: - whole class - individual work - pair work, group work SUBSIDIARY AIMS: encouraging students to use their English EVALUATION: oral 1.WARM UP/HOMEWORK CHECKING (Estimated time: 5’) The teacher greets the students. The teacher asks the students questions about their health, weather, homework. “ How are you today?” ; “What day is today?”; “Did you have any homework for today?”; “Was it difficult your homework?” The students answer the teacher’s questions. The students had as homework exercise 2 b page 34. The teacher checks their homework. 29

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality 2. LEAD IN/ LISTENING AND WRITING (Estimated time: 16’) The teacher asks the students to listen to a song. The students were given worksheets containing the song lines having some verbs removed. After listening to the song, the students have to arrange the verbs in the text, then the teacher plays the song one more time to check the answers. The teacher asks the students about the tenses used and writes them on the blackboard.

3. READING AND SPEAKING (Estimated time: 5’) The teacher asks the students some questions about the story contained by the song in order to see if the students have understood the text of the song.

4. WRITING AND READING (Estimated time: 10’) The teacher hands the students some worksheets. In pairs, they have to identify the correct English tenses. The winning pair is the one that identifies first the correct grammatical forms. The students read in turns, and the teacher writes the correct grammatical forms on the blackboard. The students read and write them down in their notebooks. 5. SPEAKING (Estimated time: 15' ) The students, divided in groups, play a game revising the most important aspects of the English tenses. The groups receive some cards and, in turns, they have to match the questions with their respective answers. The teacher takes out the answers, so that the last group has only questions and they have to remember the answers.

5. ISSUING HOMEWORK (Estimated time: 2’) The teacher asks the students to write a short summary of the story heard in the song. 6. DISMISS STUDENTS (Estimated time: 2’) The teacher appreciates the whole class for having cooperated and she gives them marks.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality WORKSHEET - English By Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Costesti Technological Highschool

Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive Lyrics 've known, I'll stay, spent, see, turn, I'm savin', will survive, did .... think At first I was afraid I was petrified Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side; But then I ............ so many nights Thinkin' how you did me wrong And I grew strong And so you're back from outer space I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key If I'd' ............... for just one second you'd be back to bother me Go on now, go walk out the door Just .......... around now ('cause) you're not welcome anymore Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye Did I crumble ........ you ........... I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I. I will survive Oh as long as I know how to love I know ............ alive; I've got all my life to live, I've got all my love to give and I'll survive, I ................. Hey hey. It took all the strength I had not to fall apart Kept trying' hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart, And I spent oh so many nights Just feeling sorry for myself. I used to cry But now I hold my head up high And you ............. me somebody new I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you, And so you feel like droppin' in And just expect me to be free, Now .............. all my lovin' for someone who's lovin' me Go on now.. etc.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Lesson Plan- English By Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Costesti Technological Highschool

DATE: mai 2017 TEXT BOOK: ENGLISH MY LOVE GRADE: 9th B LEVEL: BEGINNERS PREVIOUS LESSON: Possessions NEW LESSON: Fairy tales and stories - not just for kids VOCABULARY: Fairy tales related vocabulary AIMS: - Students will be able to identify different fairy tales and characters; - Students will be able to talk about stories; - Students will be able to expand their vocabulary; - Students will be able to express themselves about common situations; - Students will be able to develop their speaking and writing skills. TIME: 50’ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: student – centred TYPES OF INTERACTION: Teacher – student Student – student SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing, listening MAIN TOPIC: Fairy tales AIDS: - book - worksheets - blackboard - computer METHODS: communicative STRATEGIES: use fairy tales vocabulary to develop speaking and writing TYPES OF ACTIVITY: - whole class - individual work - pair work, group work SUBSIDIARY AIMS: encouraging students to use their English EVALUATION: oral 1.WARM UP/HOMEWORK CHECKING (Estimated time: 8’) The teacher greets the students. The teacher asks the students questions about their health, weather, homework. The students answer the teacher’s questions. The students had as homework exercise 3 page 31. The students read the exercise. The teacher checks their homework. 2. LEAD IN/ SPEAKING AND WRITING Fairy tales (Estimated time: 5’) 32

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality The teacher presents the list containing some fairy tales to students. He asks them which ones they know and who are the main characters in each story. Can they add more fairy tales to the list? 3. READING AND WRITING - Quiz (Estimated time: 5’) The teacher divides the class into small groups and hands out task 1. He asks students to do the quiz, then they correct it as a class. Answers task 1: 1B (from ‘The 3 little pigs’), 2B, 3B, 4A, 5C, 6C 4. WRITING AND SPEAKING - Fairy tale frameworks (Estimated time: 8’) Students are asked by the teacher if they know how fairy tales usually start (Once upon a time…) and finish (And they all lived happily ever after). The teacher gives students worksheets containing a fairy tale and, while the teacher reads it aloud, the students have to arrange the paragraphs in the correct order. Then, they are given task 2, which can be done as a whole class activity. Answers task 3: 1 time, 2 Red, 3 red, 4 teeth/ears/eyes, 5 grandmother, 6 wolf, 7 grandmother, 8 wolf, 9 happily

5. WRITING AND SPEAKING - Location and characters (Estimated time: 5') The teacher asks students to tell some other typical fairy tale locations. Give them some help if necessary, e.g., Are fairy tales usually located in a castle or in an office building? Can they think of any typical baddies (evil characters like the queen in Snow White) and goodies (kind, nice characters like Snow White)? The students are given task 3. They categorize the vocabulary in task 3 in pairs. They complete the task while the teacher walks around the class and helps as necessary. They discuss which characters are typically goodies or baddies as a class and explain any vocabulary as necessary. 6.WRITING AND SPEAKING - Writing and acting a fairy tale (Estimated time: 15’) The teacher tells the students that they are going to change the ending of a fairy tale. It can be a traditional story or they can invent an original one. First they will need to make notes in task 4 using the framework in task 2 as well as the vocabulary in task 3 to help them. The teacher elicits ideas from the group and makes notes on the board. Students then write a story in groups. Give lots of help as the students write. When ready, the teacher asks students to read them out or act them to the class. If the teacher wants to focus on error correction he could collect common errors from the stories, write them on the board and has students correct them.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality 7. ISSUING HOMEWORK (Estimated time: 2’) The teacher asks the students to write their own fairy tale. 8. DISMISS STUDENTS (Estimated time: 2’) The teacher appreciates the whole class for having cooperated and she gives them marks.

WORKSHEET - English By Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Costesti Technological Highschool

Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Once upon a time there was a queen who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, Snow White's father married a new queen, who was evil and vain. Every morning she stood in front of the mirror and said "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful of all?" The mirror always answered "You are, your Majesty." Until one day, when it said that Snow White was the most beautiful of all. The evil queen ordered one of her servants to take Snow White to the forest and kill her. The servant, who felt sorry for Snow White, let her go and brought back the heart of a wild pig and showed it to the queen. Snow White was alone and hungry in the forest. She saw a little cottage and everything in it was tiny (the beds, the stools, the plates, the forks and spoons). When the dwarves came back from work they found Snow White and said she could stay with them if she cleaned and cooked. They all lived happily until one day when the mirror told the wicked queen that Snow White wasn't dead and she was living with the dwarves. The wicked queen disguised herself and went to the cottage while the dwarves were at work. She gave Snow White a red apple that was poisoned. When Snow White took a bite from the apple, she fell down unconscious. The dwarves were very sad and built a glass coffin for her. One day a prince came by and saw how beautiful Snow White was and he kissed her. Snow White woke up and they got married. And they all lived happily ever after.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Lesson Plan- English By Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Costesti Technological Highschool

DATE: Mai 2017 TEXT BOOK: Prospects Upper- Intermediate GRADE: 11th B LEVEL: Intermediate PREVIOUS LESSON: Reported speech: statements and questions NEW LESSON: Superstars VOCABULARY: Describing people AIMS: -Students will be able to express themselves in English; - Students will be able to report statements and questions in English; - Students will be able to express likes and dislikes; - Students will be able to state their opinions and arguments. TIME: 50’ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: student – centred TYPES OF INTERACTION: Teacher – student Student – student SKILLS: speaking, reading, writing, listening MAIN TOPIC: Famous people and why they impress us AIDS: - book - worksheets - PPT presentation METHODS: communicative STRATEGIES: describe people TYPES OF ACTIVITY: - whole class - individual work - pair work SUBSIDIARY AIMS: encouraging students to use their English EVALUATION: oral 1.WARM UP/HOMEWORK CHECKING (Estimated time: 8’) The teacher greets the students. The teacher asks the students questions about their health, weather, homework. “ How are you today?” ; “What day is today?”; “Did you have any homework for today?”; “Was it difficult your homework?” The students answer the teacher’s questions. The students had as homework exercise 5 a page 41. The students read the exercise. The teacher checks their homework. 2. LEAD IN/ SPEAKING (Estimated time: 10’) The teacher asks the students some questions about famous people and what makes them famous. The students answer and give their opinions.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality The teacher makes a presentation of a famous person and explains the reason of his choice, what he likes or dislikes about the respective personality.

3. READING AND SPEAKING (Estimated time: 25’) The teacher writes the title of the lesson on the blackboard and then he explains the next activity. The students are divided into groups and they take turns in presenting their own famous people. The other groups have to formulate a question and the presenting group has to answer them. The teacher helps the students with their presentations. The students are asked to pay attention to all presentation and be active. 5. WRITING AND SPEAKING (Estimated time: 3') The teacher appreciates the groups presentations and underlines, if necessary, their weeker points. 6. ISSUING HOMEWORK (Estimated time: 2’) The teacher asks the students to imagine an interview with the famous people they presented, and write the interview in 15 lines. 7. DISMISS STUDENTS (Estimated time: 2’) The teacher appreciates the whole class for having cooperated and she gives them marks.

Name: Class.

Test paper English By Teacher Daniela Ghițulescu Costesti Technological Highschool

1. Write the singular or plural of these words: Singular Plural boy……………………. …………………cities box…………………… ………………. buses ………………..mice

20 points Singular Plural child………………… ……………….people ……………..men fish………………… tooth…………………..

2. Rearrange the sentences to complete the conversation:

10 points 37

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes, please. a) With milk and sugar? b) Thanks very much. c) Would you like tea, coffee or orange juice? d) Just sugar, please. e) Here you are. f) Tea, please. 3. Complete the text using many, much, little, few:

20 points

Greece is a great place to visit, and there are very__________ tourist attractions there. The weather is usually pleasant and there is ___________ rain in the summer. If you like swimming, there are ________ beautiful beaches. When it is very hot, there are _________ people in the streets. Transportation is good, and there are __ ______taxis and buses. There are also ______ large ferries that go to the island. 4. Choose the correct word: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

20 points

Amy was so nice to give us some information/informations. Annoying news is/are always on BBC channel. Physics are/is very difficult to study. These scissors don’t/doesn’t work. Measles is/are a children’s disease. She had to carry heavy furniture/furnitures up to her room. Sports are/is everything to him.

5. Look at the family tree and choose the correct words:

10 points



MARIO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.





Susan is Mario's sister/mother. David is Lisa's brother/ cousin. Mark is Barry's uncle/son. Laura is David's aunt/mother. John is Mario's uncle/father.

6. Describe yourself in three lines.

10 points 10 points granted 38

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Scoring and scoring bar 1. 10 X 2 = 20 points 1. boys, 2. city, 3. boxes, 4. bus, 5. mouse, 6. children, 7. person, 8. man, 9. fish, 10. teeth. 2. 6 X 1,5 = 10 points c, f, a, d, e, b. 3. 6 X 3 = 20 points many, little, many, many, many, few 4. 7 X 3 = 20 points 1. information, 2. is, 3. is, 4. doesn't, 5. is, 6. furniture, 7. is 5. 10 X 2 = 20 points 1. mother, 2. brother, 3. son, 4. mother, 5. father 10 points granted


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality


Didactical and Cultural Experience in the Bulgarian Partener School Mobility in Bulgaria 20-24.10.2017 By teachers Mariana Dorobanțu, Alexandra Oprea Technological High School Costești, Romania

The city of Vidin in Bulgaria has been our host for five days in the Erasmus + project European schools without stereotypes promoting European interculturalism. The entire activity took place at the Vocational School of Tourism, our partner "Mihalaki Georgiev". Once we arrived at the destination I was impressed by the reception made and the popular costumes with which our hosts were dressed. The project mobility was opened with the participation of representatives of local authorities. We were presented with the participating groups, the work schedule as well as the history of the school and its activities in different projects.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

I participated in a binary lesson in which gastronomy was taught, modern technology was used, but the whole lesson was in English, and the feedback was in Bulgarian, this type of interdisciplinary lesson can be used intensively and it seemed an interesting and practical method. Then we analyzed the exhibition of drawings and articles made by the students in mobility. Discussions were held on teachers' articles and Power Point presentations on stereotypes. The next day, each school presented the way cooperation takes place between pupils and teachers, teachers and parents. They invited us to see some of their folk traditions, inviting us to dance popular dances. We visited Vidin, a city with a rich historical background, with our project partners. I was impressed by the Baba Vida fortress, the Konaka museum, the ruins present all the way through the city. On Wednesday each participating school presented films about sterotypes and worked to create media products. Students have prepared together with our hosts 41

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality soft drinks and traditional snacks, and in the evening they participated in an interactive game consisting of solving four riddles that contained four different locations. We visited various places of worship (the Orthodox Church, the mosque), and at the end we talked about the lessons presented about religious practices. On Thursday there were talks about films and videos about stereotypes, and then we would visit various tourist attractions around Vidin (Magura Cave, Belogradchik Fortress, Nature Museum, etc.). On Friday, as the last day of work on mobility, we worked the multilingual dictionary focused on: mass media, tourism, advertising, culinary ingredients, sports, and so on. Trees were planted in the "Forest of Tolerance", a place located in the host

high school, where each participating country planted a tree (tuia). At the end of the mobility in Bulgaria, conclusions were drawn about the completion of the project's products, the completion of the studies and the preparation of the reports. Participation certificates were granted to each participant in the project. It was a beautiful experience, I had the opportunity to meet people of other nationalities and ethnicities, to know the traditions and customs of other countries, to learn and to share with them my knowledge of interculturality.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Bulgarian Experience By students Rădoi Alina-Georgiana, Ionescu Lorenlai Georgiana Technological High School CosteČ™ti, Romania

After a long and tiring journey, I finally reached Mihalaki Georgiev High School, Vidin, Bulgaria. We had a pretty good first impression because we were impressed by the way we were welcomed, a small part of the girls were dressed in traditional costumes serving us with something specific to them (bread and salt). When we arrived in the high school halls, we noticed some aspects that attracted attention, a small corner with different objects and costumes specific to their country, and in the opposite side a showcase with drawings made by students.

When I entered the hall, I became acquainted with the students and teachers from the partner countries, I learned what we had to do, I went up one level above to stick the caricatures and the articles of the "Little Journalist" on a board. After finishing the activities from the school, the teachers together with the students led us to a small nearby restaurant. Towards the evening we thought to visit the city, a city not very large but quiet, pleasant and with many streets. The next day everyone presented their materials about "Cultural Values", and then we were invited to see the popular dances of Bulgaria; it was very nice from the students because they 43

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

offered to teach us those dances, so we did not stay aside and we joined them. The same day I visited "Baba Vida".

On the third day I introduced stereotyping videos and then I learned how to prepare cocktails and various snacks that were to be tasted by teachers and pupils, the first time we prepared those snacks we can say that everything went really well and it was not as difficult as I thought. In the evening I had an interesting game, each country had to uncover 4 riddles that contained 4 different locations. To next day I attended classes, then visited the fortress of Blogradchik, the Magura Cave and a museum of stuffed animals. In the last day I worked on the dictionary and planted a tree in the courtyard of the partner school.We were glad that we had the opportunity to participate in this project, to visit a new country, new people, beautiful places, and learn a little from the traditions and customs of other countries.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

DIDACTICS IN BULGARIA LESSON PROJECT Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”, Vidin, Bulgaria

First Binary Lesson Topic:

"Healthy Eating"


Tsanka Krumova; Gabriela Georgieva


English and Culinary production

Lesson Plan: 1. "No one is bigger than bread" BREAD as the staff of life/ traditional Bulgarian proverb /

2. Whole-grain flour

3. Ingredients of whole grain bread

3.1 Whole grain flour 3.2 Other ingredients 4. Describe the whole-grain bread


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Second Binary Lesson Topic

Preparing A Mass Media Product - Commercial


Rozalina Iliev; Miglena Petrova


Marketing and Bulgarian language and Literature

Plan 1. Marketing 2. Commercials as tools of Marketing 3. Objectives and target groups 4. Type of commercials 5. Appropriate language and style 6. Dissemination methods 7. Advertising agency and Advertisers 8. Practical task: Composition and overall design of a promotional brochure

Third Binary Lesson Topic

Tourist Navigator


Valiya Mitova, Biserka Kamenova


Tourism and Information Technologies

Plan 1. Tourist navigator – organizing a trip 2. Specifics and Classification of Excursions 3. Tourist Resources 4. Places of UNESCO in Vidin Region 5. Practical task: Organize a trip in Vidin Region 6. Choosing between two itineraries and arranging the items on them.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

MOBILITY IN ITALIA My Experience in Sicily By teacher Melis AÄžAR, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

Our mobility in Italy / Sicily-I.I.S.S CARLO MARIA carafa was held on 26-30 April 2018 in history. At the end of the project, we returned to our country with very good achievements. Our students had to stay as a guest in the houses of Italian families especially during this mobility was very good in terms of project position. Different countries were very effective in the fusion of different cultures. As teachers and students, we influenced well on behalf of the host school education practices, lesson teaching methods;thus we had the opportunity to make observations about the system in place. We visited the center of immigrants. We have experienced emotional and sensitive moments there. The project partners practised practical work and presentations about their countries, cultures. Mini culinary competition was held among the students; they enjoyed a lot and cooked meals for the others. On the third day of your mobility, a historical parade which was held every year, was attended by all the partner country schools wearing traditional costumes. Historical and cultural excursions took place. After the last day of the certification ceremony, my country was returned. As teachers, we and our students have left Sicily with unforgettable and beautiful memories and warm, sympathetic friends.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My Sicilian experience

By Teacher Violeta Telescu Technological High School Costești, Romania

Participating in the mobility of Italy, Siciliy, IISS Carlo Maria Carafa Riesi @ Mazzarino from 26 to 30 April 2018, under the ERASMUS + project "European schools without stereotypes promoting European interculturality" - no. reference 2016-1RO01-KA219-024675 can be briefly referred to as my Sicilian experience. Together with two colleagues and three students I participated in various well-organized activities in which I had the opportunity to interact not only with the other participants in the project, but also with many other people from the respective school and the communes of Riesi and Mazzarino, who knew about the existence of this project thanks to an excellent previous media coverage. I appreciate the fact that the didactic activities emphasized the Abigail method and that the history lesson was held on site in the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, the impact on all participants being thus much greater. Moreover, the story of Count Carafa that was narrated inside each building which was somehow related to the protagonist, seemed to come to life before our very eyes. I think that any lesson can achieve its objectives much easier when it is done on site and with the support of any competent person whether that is a teacher, a guide, or an authority in the field. The information exchange about cultural beauty, curiosities, menus, personalities, which was done by means of PowerPoint presentations, was further 50

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality developed uponin Q&A sessions, therefore making the whole activity highly interactive. The cultural activities not only allowed us to better know the traditional Sicilian music and dances, but it also gave us the opportunity to join them by singing Michael Jackson's song Heal the world together or dancing on musical accords from all countries, thus establishing a strong and authentic interaction between all teachers and students. Some of the activities which made our trip an unforgettable experience were students participating in a culinary contest and donating the leftover food to families in need, attending the parade organized in honor of Count Carafa, being warmly welcomed to the Riesi City Hall, and last but not least actually getting to live with Sicilian families. I think, however, that the visit to the Immigrant Centre in Mazzarino was the highlight of the trip to Sicily and it managed to touch everyone’s heart. There we got to know about the love story between an Italian and an immigrant, that ended in marriage, as told in simple words by one of the protagonists. This served as a true lesson on prejudice, while the support immigrants from different countries receive at the centre is a testament to the fact that discrimination can be abolished. I was impressed and visited the wine-making center, a tradition of the Sicilian. Every minute spent in Sicily, every experience, each image, has much deeper meanings in the souls of all the participants than what can be put into words. The fact that upon departure the students,with tears in their eyes, had a hard time saying goodbye to each other, convinced me that getting involved in any ERASMUS + project brings an unforgettable experience to each participant's life and is an amazing opportunity to exchange good practices and make lifelong friends. 51

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Last mobility within the project European Schools without stereotypes promoting European interculturalism- Riesi / Mazzarino - Sicily By Teacher Daniela Ghitulescu Technological Highschool Costesti

From April 26 to 30, 2018, the last mobility of the mentioned project took place in Italy, Sicily, at I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa. From the Costesti Technological High School participated Prof. Gherghina Nicolae, Prof. Violeta Telescu and Prof. Daniela Ghitulescu. The participating students were Marius Grigore, Codrut Dobroiu and Dumitru Tarcus. The activities were carried out according to the application form. Students and teachers were welcomed by the school principal, they went to a school tour guided by an Italian student, participated in a traditional dance and song show, including the national hymns of all the countries involved in the project. Teachers and students filled the initial tests and presented PPt materials made for this mobility. Students have worked and finished the polyglot dictionary. They also attended classes in French, English, history and science, Abigail-based lessons. A practical lesson of history was presented to us at the Temple Valley of Agrigento. I participated in the parade of Count Maria de Carafa, a grandiose festivity with traditional costumes in which the Count's life was rewritten. As with all mobility, the students were hosted by the host students, this being the biggest advantage of this project. Being a small place, students could always be together, organizing many activities at school, during their activities, and at night in their free time. The whole 52

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality group of students met in the city, visiting places, or in the host pupils' homes, organizing various activities and parties, both entertaining and educational. In the Italian target group there was a blind student. She had a party for all students where she organized activities so that everyone could have the same experiences as hers. Blindfolded, the students had to use their other senses to handle different daily situations. On the last day of activity, all participants received certificates of participation, completed final tests, organized a culinary contest and an interactive lesson of traditional dances. The last mobility of the project was very exciting for the students, and they were very sad to leave and promised to keep in touch and to go on holidays. The fact that the aim of the project was achieved was best seen at this last meeting, when the final products were finished and the relations between the students so tight that they made mutual promises to keep in touch and to see each other again.

ERASMUS + Experience ByTeacher Nicolae Gherghina, Technological High School Costesti, Romania

On April 26-30, 2018, together with two teachers from the Costesti Technological Highschool, English teacher Ghitulescu Daniela and Physics teacher Telescu Violeta and a group of three students, Grigore Eugen-XII B, Dobroiu Codrut XI B and Tarcus Dumitru XI B I participated in Mazzarino-Sicily-Italy in the 53

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality framework of the mobility of the Erasmus project European Schools without Stereotypes promoting the European Inter Culturality, coordinated by teacher Dragut Violeta. During mobility, our hosts were I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa Mazzarino from Italy. Under the Mobility Agenda, all activities took place with an obvious involvement of all participants. As with all mobilities, students were hosted in the Italian students' families where they were warmly welcomed, organizing many activities in their free time, such as birthdays and parties. On the first day we visited the two locations where the students from this institution are operating, one in Riesi and another in Mazzarino. I was impressed during my visit to the Mazzrino school that all the windows were stuck with Erasmus + pictures. Cultural activities focused on Sicilian music and dances. Also a special moment was when the hymns of the four participating countries were played and at the end we sang together Michael Jackson's song, Heal the world. The teaching activities were well organized. The Science Lesson, where several experiences have been showed through which the students and teachers involved have learned special things that can be used in interdisciplinary teaching activities. Also the lesson of history that started at school and continued on the field in Agripento Temple Valley had a particular impact on all participants. The Top 10 Cultural Beauty, Top 10 Personalities, Top 10 Curiosities and Menus were presented in PowerPoint presentations. Another activity that had a great impact on the students who participated in this mobility was the culinary contest and donation of their prepared food to the Family House of the Sisters of the Holy Heart in Riesi. Alsoin the program there was a visit to the Riesi Town Hall where we were warmly welcomed by the local council president. During this visit, we learned interesting things about the history of the localities and about how they developed economically with the creation of the CANTINA LA VITE s.c.a association in Riesi of wine producers in Catania area several generations ago. An empirical thing was the visit from the Immigration Center in Mazzarino, where I met a family made from an Italian and an immigrant, it was a beautiful lesson about lack of prejudice and discrimination, all this disappears when there is understanding and love. Another lesson of history, but at the same time a point in the project was the documentary visit "In the footsteps of Principius Carlo Maria Carafa in Mazarino" where besides the way in which Mazzarino locality appeared, I learned that from the point of view of religion in Mazzarino there is a variety of religions and different cultures. We visited churches of different denominations. But the most beautiful experience of this mobility was the Parade of Prince Carlo Maria Carafa of Mazzarino, who seemed to have taken us in another century, where princesses and princes lived, and we were the diplomatic representatives of our friendly states. Mobility in Italy has helped to strengthen the bond between teachers, students, parents, with the host's hospitality and the opportunity of workshops. Participating in mobility has enabled students to develop language skills and teachers to work more closely with students involved in project activities and in many other cases. It was an extraordinary experience, a place where I was able to improve my language and professional skills and I was able to explore wonderful places. I had the chance to meet new people, new places, different traditions and habits. I think all students and teachers deserve such a chance. The Lesson of Science The History Lesson

Immigrant Center in Mazzarino Cultural activity


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Viziting the school

Viziting Riesi townhall

My experience under Project European schools without stereotypes promoting interculturality under ERASMUS+ programme By teacher Tsetska Kamenova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev�, Vidin, Bulgaria

From 26th to 30th April, 2018 I participated in the third mobilty under Project European schools without stereotypes promoting interculturality under ERASMUS+ programme. Together with the project coordinator for Bulgaria and three students visit I visited Mazzarino and Riesi, Sicily, Italy. That was the third mobility under that project and it was my pleasure to meet again the colleagues after the


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality Romanian mobility. The first day we had a warm welcome in the school in Mazzarino and it was great to listen to the concert that was organized from the hosts. I enjoyed the typical Sicilian songs but what made me feel proud and accepted was the fact that we listened to the national anthem of each project country. The day continued with a walk around the school. Our guide was a student. It was interesting to see the similarities and differences with our educational system and the conditions at present at school. In the following days the students presented the materials prepared for the mobility in different topics and learned a lot about the culture, history, science and cuisine of the partners. What fulfilled me was the fact that step by step the students got in closer contact and communicated openheartedly. Together with the colleagues I observed practical lessons in Chemistry and in History. The discussions afterwards with the Italian and other colleagues were a chance to see where we are in comparison with the other partners and reach understanding about the common direction of evolution of education in the European Union. I was really impressed by the perfect organization of our hosts both during the working sessions and the cultural programme. They did every effort to show us their country and gave us opportunity to experience the spirit of that ancient and beautiful island. The visit to Mountain Etna, the valley of the Temples in Agrigento, the guided tours in both Riesi and Mazzarino, and finally the parade in Mazzarino really filled my soul with joy and confidence that all partners countries belong to one European civilization where is no place for stereotypes in the 21st century.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My experience in Sicily under Project �European schools without stereotypes promoting interculturality’ under ERASMUS+ programme

Tsvetelina Yordanova XIb kl. Vocational School of Tourism "Mihalaki Georgiev" Vidin

During the last week of April I participated in activities under a school project in mobility in Mazzarino and Riesi, Italy. The first day was unique. We met again with friends who came to Bulgaria in the autumn. They met us very well with joy and hugs. After that students from the project showed us their school. Then we presented a presentation. And for the end of the day we visited the mayor of the city. Another interesting day was when we visited Agrigento. The feeling to see this landmark was exciting. When we had done the tour we went to dinner at Capriccio di Mare and I had the chance to taste typical Italian food and spent the whole evening talking and having fun with my new Italian friends. The following day we went on a trip to the volcano Etna. It was another amazing and unforgettable adventure for this day. We saw the power and beauty of nature! On the fourth day we visited the city Mazzarino and several churches. In the evening w, dressed up in costumes from the 17th century and participated in a parade through the city center. It was a wonderful surprise for me, because I never imagined that I would participate in a parade in Italy. For me that was an incredible experience and a precious memory forever. The last day was to complete the documents related to the project and of course to say goodbye to everyone. This project mobility was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I met with many people who left a part of them in my heart and who I will never forget. It was pleasure for me to participate in this project. 57

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My experience in Sicily under Project European schools without stereotypes promoting interculturality under ERASMUS+ programme Iliyana Krassimirova 10 A class, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”, Vidin, Bulgaria

The time I spend in Sicily was wonderful. I met a lot of different people and different cultures. I became friends with a lot of the people there. Every day it was great fun and excitment. The first day they drove us to Mazzarino, where they gave us a tour around the school. It was interesting. The second day we worked hard under the project activities in the school in Riesi, it wasnot so interesting but it was still pleasant. When it was time for lunch students from the school had prepared delicious food for us. The third day we visited Agrigento, where a lesson of open-air theory was conducted, according to the abigail method and the Valley of the temples, it was really exciting. The fourth day we went to climb the mountain Etna. It was tiring to climb it but it worth it. The fifth day we went to Mazzarino again but this time we were had a tour with a guide in the town. Then we had lunch and got to the school where everyone changed their traditional clothes. Then we got to the parade and it was very exciting to see students from the school dance, it was wonderful. There were a lot of people who were asking us where we were from. I loved the end of it not just because we danced to a song not even knowing how to dance but because there were fireworks everywhere. Every day of the mobility was wonderful and I loved every day of it. The next day we prepared to go back home. We said our goodbye to everyone and got into the taxi to drive us to the airport. And when we got home I was happy to finally be home as it is said “East, West, home is best”


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My experience in Sicily under Project European schools without stereotypes promoting interculturality under ERASMUS+ programme Donika Kamenova, 10 A class, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”, Vidin, Bulgaria

From 26th to 30th April, 2018 I had the chance to visit Mazzarino and Riesi, Sicily, Italy together with two other girls and two teachers under Project European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting Interculturality under ERASMUS+ programme. This was a great week for me with lots of emotions and fun. We visited many cultural sights, we saw many new places, we learned something new about the world every day. Staying there was an adventure for all students of the project, we met both in personal and in the curriculum, there was no controversy or misunderstanding, their teachers accepted us as part of them, the students too.

I participated in the cooking contest, it was very interactive and then I donated the food to some sisters.

I have learned that, although one may have some disadvantages, the most important is to be oneself and accept yourself as you are, regardless of what your disadvantages are, though you can reach even where others can’t, see what they can’t see. We were all like a big and united family. Each day spent with the other participants was incredible and memorable. We had to present our 10 great people, 10 great discoveries, 10 great places to visit and 5 typical full-course menus from our country. We visited the Valley of the temples in Agrigento and probably the most memorable event to me was the parade in Mazzarino. It was so interesting, so many people in one place all dressed in very beautiful Renaissance clothes, all smiling, they understand each other, we were part of the 59

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality parade dressed in our folklore Bulgarian costumes. Personally to me, it was a matter of great pride to show the Bulgarian traditional costume in another country, honour for our Vocational High School of Tourism "Mihalaki Georgiev", to present our school is something incredible, to be proud of what you have achieved too! I hope that all our high school teachers are proud of students like us!


Italian Mobility is the last mobility of our project and it was held in Riesi, Sicily. We had unforgettable and fabulous days in Sicily. From the time that we boarded in Sicily and to our return time, our Italian partners hosted us perfectly. First day of the mobility, the Italian group performed their traditional dances and some songs which are known by everyone that show the importance of the unity of all nations. At this welcoming programme all the partner group sang their national anthem one by one. I was very proud of hearing our nation's anthem there and also listening the other partner's national anthems lively. All the activities were carried out to realize the objectives of our project. For example, we visited the 'Center of Immigrants' and had an opportunity to meet them in their real living areas. All the students and 60

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality teachers are impressed by their difficulties and the support of the state for their wellbeing. We were also grateful to take part in the Historical Parade of Carla Maria Carafa. The students from all partner groups attended this parade with their traditional costumes and flags. Our project showed the people all nations can stand together without stereotypes. Moreover, we had the opportunity to get information about Italian education system and also compare it with ours. I was amazed with the importance given to art, the pictures hanged on the walls. In addition to their abilities, the Italian students are sympathetic, friendly and energetic. During the mobility, the partner groups presented their presentations about food and fashion guide and the other topics. Everyone attending the work around the round table got the information from the other partner groups' culture, food, costumes, etc. Besides this, all the group members made friendship with each other or reinforced their relationships made before. This is the main point we should focus on because in my opinion, the main objective should be the uniting different cultures. With these mobilities we can

form friendly, good unities and relations.

To sum up, the Italian mobility was a great experience for me and our group with its cultural and 61

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality historical excursions, friendly local people, and especially hospitable, sincere and friendly Italian partners. I will cherish these memories forever. I never forget the days I spent in Sicily.

My experience in Sicily By student Tuhanna Ersoy, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

We were able to observe both language development and intercultural differences thanks to the ERASMUS project, which includes intercultural differences, historical beauties, lifestyles and many other things. We had good relations with very friendly people in Italy which we went and saw. Thanks to this project we also made very friendly friendships from countries like Romania and Bulgaria. Italian students and teachers who welcomed us are all equal-minded people regardless of race, religion or culture. we had the opportunity to get to know more about their life styles and food cultures thanks to the Italian students who were welcoming and host us in their homes. They prefer to have more dessert products in the morning and breakfast and they prefer dough work and meat products at noon and evening. I do not think they give much importance to cleaning and hygiene, but we are as clean as possible in places. Italians have a very successful system of education. Thanks to the chemistry lessons of the Italian students, they showed us small but beautiful experiments. we also had the opportunity to try. I learned that this project gave me a lot during the week we spent. Most importantly, I learned that very good friendships can be established without regarding language, religion or race.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My Sicilian Experence in Erasmus Project By student Merve Melek, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

My friends in this mobility taught me a lot. The first thing I learned was to not forget that the person in charge is a person regardless of religion, language, race or gender. This is the most important rule. Second, everyone is equal. These two pieces of information should be known by everyone but nobody knows. We share the same earth with different forms of worship, but different ways of worship. Our traditions are different for them. The way people in our country are grown is not the same. Besides these, we have similar features. Everyone depends on their own rules and principles. Our ancestors are very valuable to us. We have many similarities and differences as these. But these features did not trouble us for a week. Because everyone respected each other. The family I stayed at home did not treat me alien. I feel like I was one of them. This warm ambiance reminds me of my own house. I was very peaceful and happy during my stay there. We had many common points.


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

My Italian Experence By student Ä°rem Nil Su Tarla, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

It was a dream to take part in this project when I first heard about it. Here is my dream that finally happened. Italy is a very beautiful country. Catania, Riesi, Mazzarino are all great places. The sea, the historical sites, the people ... they are all very beautiful. I was worried and wondered before going to Italy, how I would stay at a foreigner's home, how I would agree with the family. But when I got off the bus, I was so relieved to see my host family friend and her family's face and their welcoming. Actually, before I went to Italy, I did not have a prejudice, I guess everything would be very nice, so nothing changed in terms of my opinions. We visited the house of immigrants living in Italy, I think this visit is unforgettable; they are both involved in our project, and they were very happy to see us and we were also happy to meet them and I tried to understand their difficulties, the reasons why they left their homes. I had wonderful and amazing days in Sicily. These days will stay in my memories forever. I hope we can meet again one day...


European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality


By teacher Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino and Riesi, Italy






4^ A LS









180 min (1h+1h+1h) 180 min (1h+1h+1h)





Lim, PC with the Internet access, Blackboard, Images, Science lab.


Cooperative Learning Individual Learning

BEFORE… Pre-Activity:



Planning of the activity to the Ss


Entry Video Test about DIGESTIVE SYSTEM


Vision of the Video about Biomolecules

20 65

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Post Video Test about Biomolecules


Evaluation Tests


PPT Presentation, discussion and delivery for homework


Glossary: (provided by teacher)*


PPT Test Biomolecules


ENTRY TEST Digestive apparatus • What are the part of the digestive system? • What’s the importance of pancreas in the digestive system? • What happens in the stomach? • How the intestine is divided? • Describe the biomolecules which you know You can obtain 1 point (10%): 0,20 each answer

…Video Digestive System https://youtu.be/ZBZWgrfZFbU

min. 03:46



European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

POST VIDEO TEST: Digestive apparatus 1. What’s the importance of the mouth in the digestive apparatus? 2. What’s the importance of teeth in the digestion? 3. List the different parts of the digestive system? 4. What happens in the stomach? 5. What’s the importance of pancreas in the digestive system? 6. How the intestine is divided? 7. What’s the importance of the liver? 8. How different enzyme have an important role in the digestion? You can obtain 2 point (20%): 0,25 each answer

After Video Evaluation (Teacher) Question N.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Correct = 0,25pt (total 2point) Incorrect = 0pt Maximum total score = 20% 67

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality
























Hydrocloridric Acido acid idrocloridrico




Pancreatic Juice

Succo pancreatico































Insuline insulina




G. sublingual

G. Sottolinguali

G. submandibular









Large intestine

Intestino crasso























Carboi carboidrati drates











Small intestine

Intestino tenue

Esophageal Sphincter

Sfintere esofageo






Intestinal Flora

Flora Intestinale





Digest digestione ion


Swallowing deglutizione












assorbimento Deletement


G. Sottomandibolari

Gallbladd cistifellea er Glucagon glucagone




European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Homework: PPT Presentation: https://youtu.be/48XO9iyZevs (to be saved on pendrive) Pay attention: Written Test on the next lesson

BEFORE… Pre-Activity:


Min utes

• Planning of the activity to the Ss


• The teacher organize the groups to use the Cooperative Learning (naming A, B, C, D in each of 5 groups) and delivery of the topic to each group: A. The mouth and its function, activity of enzyme and salivary glands B. The stomach and its function, activity of HCl and pepsin C. The small intestine and its function, enzyme which work into intestine, liver and pancreas D. The large intestine and its function, absorption of water, formation of feces. E. The importance of Insulin and glucagon in the digestive apparatus

10 45

DURING…… Activity


Minute s

Cooperative Learning: • Using small groups of Ss to maximize their and each other’s learning. • The task has to be divided into many parts as the number of members of each group (five parts named A, B, C, D, E). 69

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

The teacher organize and named the different roles inside the group: Leader; Secretary, Relator, Corrector and Timekeeper. Activity


• •

Individually writing the part relating on its own letter (A; B; C; D;) Formation of new groups of students with the same letter (Ax4; Bx4; Cx4; Dx4; Ex4) and discussion among themselves of their given part • Reorganization of the original group (A-B-C-D-E) to relate the own part to the other companions so that everyone could learn the whole task • Each group’s Relator (indicated by the Leader) relates to the class WHAT his group has learned. • Evaluation: self-evaluations among pairs + teacher’s evaluation


10 15


15 5


How much I’ve understood… How can I use it… 70

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

AFTER…. Post-activity


Fixing key words on the notebooks


Linking aloud the different part of intestine and how they work



IT’S OK WHAT I’M DOING… WHAT I’D LIKE TO UNDERSTAND… At the end students have to discuss together about: “Digestive apparatus and its function” Scor es

Content Evaluation Task Production

Language Evaluation by teacher. Structure and Lexicon


Fluency and Interaction



European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality 5

Has acquired all the concepts related to the topic

Shows a high variety of vocabulary and structures

Can discuss about the subject with a high level of fluency and answer questions without any hesitation

Discuss the subject with a high level of fluency and discuss without any hesitation


Has acquired many of the concepts related to the topic

Shows a good variety of vocabulary and structures

Can discuss about the subject with a high level of fluency and answer questions with some hesitation

Can discuss the subject with a good fluency and responds to questions without any hesitation


Has acquired some of the concepts related to the topic

Shows a adeguate variety of vocabulary and structures

Sometimes uses the dictionary incorrectly and errors in the use of the structures affects the understanding

Can discuss the subject if is given some support. Requires the reformulation of questions


Has acquired few of the concepts related to the topic

Shows a restricted variety of vocabulary and structures

Frequently uses the lexicon incorrectly and mistakes in the use of the structures affects the understanding

Discuss the subject with short sentences. Questions should be repeated and reworded


Has acquired no one of the concepts related to the topic

Shows a low variety of vocabulary and structures

The lack of lexicon and the mistakes in the use of the structures make incomprehensible the speech

Doesn’t answer the questions .

Reports are coherent with the argument and uses some complex cohesion devices Reports are coherent with the argument and uses good cohesion devices Reports are coherent with the argument and requires some supports; uses simply cohesion devices. A limited use of contents and language structures doesn’t allow a coherent report The speaking is uncoherent

The highest percentage is 25%

Exercices (Teacher) Q.N.



Note 72

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

3 4 5a 5b 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e Total Correct = 2pt Incorrect = 0pt Maximum total score = 20%




Note 73

European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality

Before Video After Video PPT Test TBL Test Teacher TBL Test Ss



European Schools Without Stereotypes Promoting the European Interculturality


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