Equal opportunities in schools in Europe

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European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403

Equal opportunities in schools in Europe

Project funded by the European Commission

•The concept of equal opportunities • Chance is understood as a favorable situation, an opportunity. Equality, in this sense, means that individuals have equal access to what they want: employment, occupation, decision-making and economic status. • Equal opportunities, at the educational level, means offering multiple options for different abilities and skills, "an education for all and every one" (Reuchlin, 1991), an education open to all people, regardless of age and socio-economic conditions. - which creates the premise of equal access to social life (Husén, 1975)”. European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN SCHOOLS IN EUROPE • Equality of opportunity is the concept that all human beings are free and develop their personal abilities and are free from the limitations imposed by strict roles. • Equal opportunities are based on ensuring the full participation of each person in economic and social life, regardless of ethnic origin, sex, religion, age, disability, etc. European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully


 However, treating two people equally does not mean treating them the same! On the contrary, ensuring equality of opportunity means taking into account the specific context that influences the person in question and allowing each individual to use it to its full potential, without imposing limitations that are not always specific to his person. European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully


• Equal opportunities mean, in fact, the provision of multiple options for different abilities and skills, "an education for all and for every one”, an education open to all people, regardless of age and socioeconomic conditions, but also an education for each and every need.

• Equal training opportunities are theoretically

guaranteed in almost all countries of the world, but the practical realization of this generous principle continues to be one of the major causes of reform. • The concept of "equality" today means much more than the equal rights that Democrats and the past have enthusiastically claimed for all citizens; It means an equal equality of opportunities for individual social advancement, and education is the most important tool for maximizing the development of these opportunities.

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

WHY DO WE NEED EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES? • Discrimination in education and in the labor market creates an individualism adapted to social conditions, which does not meet the requirements, whether it is about women, gypsies, people with disabilities or other vulnerable groups. • For a state, this means that instead of training citizens to contribute to development, it trains citizens who become social cases. Therefore, there is an economic advantage to applying the principles of equal opportunities. European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES • People with disabilities have poor access to education and as a result more of them have a low level of education with implications for employment. • A child with a disability who is institutionalized, who does not receive adequate education and does not socialize, will never reach his or her full potential, so that he or she will have a job, according to his or her powers. • Types of intervention: Accessibility and differentiated teaching

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully


• Education is considered a key factor in the social inclusion of students of other ethnicities. • Types of intervention: valorization and personalized approach

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully


of the most common reasons for discrimination is the income level of a family or community.

• At school, a very low level of income translates into clothes inherited from siblings / parents, used, missing pocket money, missing gadgets of many missing teenagers (mobile phone, music devices), poor quality supplies. Clothes, gadgets are highly valued especially by teenagers and, consequently, the lack of them becomes very obvious and the reason for avoiding the poorest children from their richer family colleagues or their average income. • Lack of financial resources also leads to low access to books and information, and children have difficulty finding the skills that teachers require, alternative textbooks, textbooks and other teaching materials. European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

CHILDREN WHOSE PARENTS ARE NOT AT HOME • A child or adolescent, who needs the guidance of his parents, when he is away from them, is exposed to emotional risks: he may become introverted, sad, anxious, or on the contrary, his insecurity may lead him to become aggressive with others.

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

GENDER EQUALITY  Equal opportunities for women and men  •School interventions to ensure gender equality:  Awareness of stereotypes  Suppressing the stereotype at the level of teachers  Elimination of gender competition and stimulation of cooperation in mixed teams  Stereotype-free teaching materials

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

SEXUAL MINORITIES • Sexual orientation refers to the emotional, affective and sexual attraction towards people of the same sex (the case of lesbians and homosexuals) or towards people of both sexes (the case of bisexuals). • Neither sexual orientation nor gender identity are diseases, although they were considered as such.

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403

Equal opportunities in schools in Europe

Project funded by the European Commission

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403


Teacher: Corina Violeta Motrun Technological High School Costești

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403

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European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully

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