Ghid religios Islam-Creștinism

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ERASMUS+ AK2 PROJECT Strategic Partnership for Schools Only 2016-2018

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„European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“

№ 2016 1 RO01 KA219 024675 2016 2018 ROMANIA ISBN 978-973-0-27576-6



Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania



Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Mrs. Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy

Mr. Onur Arslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

Mrs. Mandzhukova Evlogiya, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”Vidin, Bulgaria



Mr. Onder Tarakci, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

Mrs. Guner Kaya Bozkurt, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Mrs. Telescu Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Mrs. Stoian Preda Tatiana, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Mrs. Sandu Mihaela Claudia, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Mrs. Caterina De Maria, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy

Mrs. Tsetska Kamenova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev” Vidin, Bulgaria

Mrs. Albena Iordanova Mihaylova, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, Bulgaria



Serena Mancuso, Ligotti Frederica, Ligotti Martina, Sbirziola Maria, Burcu Ay, Yigit Selda, Avcu Aișe, Ivanova Karolina Ludmilova, Kirilov Stanislav, Ivaglava Ilieva Iva, Grigore Eugen Marius, Tudor Mădălin Alexandru, Căpraru Florinel Ionuț, Ionescu Lorenlai, Turcu Bogdan Nicolae, Radu Valentin, Țărcuș Dumitru, Rădoi Alina Georgiana, Priu Florin and Dobroiu Codruț Daniel.


Mr. Onur Arslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania


Mrs. Ghițulescu Daniela, Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Romania

Mr. Onder Tarakci, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, Turkey

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or any means, without permission in writing from the author.


ISLAM 2 Sunni 3

The Five Condition of Islam 3

Word I Shahadet 3

Pray 3

Give Alms 4

Fast 4

Go Hajj 4

Traditions in Islam 5

Tooth Hedik 7

Washing theBaby Who is Forty Days 8

Circumcision in Muslimism 10

Death Ceremonies in Muslims 11

Washing theDead Error! Bookmark not defined.

After Death 12 Condolence 12

Fareeell to Hajj and Welcome Ceremonies................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Religious Festivals in Muslim 13

Our Religious Holidays

Error! Bookmark not defined. Ramadan (Candy) Feast Error! Bookmark not defined.

Feast of Sacrifice 14

Religious Night and Special Days in Muslim 15

Ramadan and Fasting in Islam 16

Wedding Ceremonies in Muslim 17

Asking for the girl’s hand in marriage ceremony 17

Henna Night 17

Religious marriage ceremony 18


The Traditions of Alevi 18

Kervelik in Alevi 19

Musahiplik in Alevi 20

Funeral Removal in Alevi 21

Wedding and After Alloffs 22

Muharrem Fast ( Twelve Imam) 24

Hizir Fast in Alevi 24

Cem Ceremony 25

CHRISTIANITY........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28


The religious dogma 31

The Divine Liturgy 32

The Bible 34

Death and Feline Ceremony in Orthodox Church 35


Funeral 36

Traditions 36

Wedding Ceremony 38

Baptism in Christianity 40


Belief System 43

Seven Mysteries of the Church 44

Baptismal Mystery 44

Strengthening mystery 44 Efkaristiya 44

How to Confess: 44 Sacred oil mystery 45

Marriage in Catholics 46

Marriage under the law of pedagogy 47

Marriage in the Lord 47

Stay a virgin for the sake of God's sovereignty 48

Church wedding ceremony 48 Confirmation of spouses 49

Mixed marriages and contrary cults 50

Baptism Ceremony in Catholics 51

Baptism as a Secret 52

Validity of the Baptism Situation 52 Prophet Yuhanna (Yahya) 53

Baptism of Mesih 53

Great Task 53

Children's Father About Baptism 53 Fast in Catholics 54

Communion ritual 54

Christmas Celebrations 55

Santa Claus 58


The main characteristics of the Protestant sect are 58

Secrets of the Protestant 59

Baptism in Protestant 59 Evharistiya 60


Islam is one of the most prevalent Abrahamic religions based on the belief in one god. Through the Prophet Muhammad, Islam emerged and spread in the 7th century. Islam is a Muslim in the sense of believing in believers, believing in belief or submitting to Allah. Sometimes the definition of Muhammadism or Muhammadism preferred in non Muslim sources is not used by Muslims.

According to Islamic belief, the verses and the surahs that constitute the Qur'an, the sacred book of Islam, are orally inspired by Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. At the base of Islam, tawhid lies in the belief that this concept means to believe that God is not the wife and so on of God.

Shiism, which gained political and then theological conceptual differences in the beginning, and Sunniism, which represents the mainstream, constitute the main Islamic sects. There are many sects in Islamic societies related to belief and practice..


The Sunni concept is used in the sense that follows the Sunnah of Muhammad. However, this definition does not mean that the others do not follow the doctrine of the prophets of the sects (eg Shi'ism), or that members of that sect are of this claim. For this reason, there are some teams that appeared in modern times. Kur'aniyun, or neo salafism) are all among the sources of religious tradition. The true Shi'i Shi'i argue that they follow the Prophet's Prophet's doctrine of the Sunnah.


These conditions are: martyrdom, prayer, zakat, fasting and hajj. The conditions other than martyrdom are imitational, that is, they are not dependent on the principles of religion's beliefs, but are formal, behavioral, and worship conditions. Most Islamic scholars have argued that if the rules for religious beliefs are adopted, one will be considered a Muslim and that behavioral and witty aspects are not at least not binding for believers. Some Islamic scholars have argued that faith can not be accepted as a Muslim if it does not fulfill the worship of the person who claims that the belief that the faith is complete with behavior and worship.


In the first part of the Word i Shahadet, there is no god other than Allah, and in the second part, it is witnessed that Muhammad is God's child and Messenger. The word i şehadet means that this testimony is explained to the dill.


In the traditional Sunni Islamic understanding, five prayers are performed in one day. In Islamic religion, they have been grateful for the blessings of Allah and fulfill their right over their servants, a worship which is supposed to pray and beg for prayer by establishing a bond with the Rabbi, and to keep the Muslim person from evil and deceit. The most important worship in Islamic religion is mentioned in the Qur'an in many ways. However, very different opinions and discussions on the amount, form and execution of daily prayers in Islam continued throughout history


In Islam, zakat is the obligation that must be given to everybody who is supposed to be financially (good) and to the people who are poor or needy every year or civil servants who are zakat collectors. The poor do not have to give zakat.


In the month of Ramadan, which is the ninth day of the Hijra, all Muslims begin fasting and they fast until the sun rises to the evening prayer, and they leave the drinking and spiritual desires. Fasting is not just hungry and thirsty. An animal or someone who does not believe in a room to open up, fasting, leaving no water is not kept. The purpose of fasting is patience, thankfulness, and nafs.


As stated in Islamic religion, at a special time, we are in Mecca for the purpose of worshiping Allah in a special way. According to Islamic belief, God is supposed to do this worship once in the life of the well financed individuals. Muslims from all over the world worship Allah in a veiled way called ihram. The most important part of this prayer is to stand at the foundation of Arafat Mountain, to make the Kaaba (Together with the Muslims) and to do the Sa between Safa and Merve.



Baby Climbing. The most effective way to prevent forty presses is forty days called forgery, and on the fortieth day the washing of the woman and the baby. The forearm and the baby are shaved after forty days when they are thought to be more vulnerable to external threats while in the stalks. Shearing is the washing of the mother and baby under certain practices during certain days.

Everyone can do the process of raising, but their fathers or friends help the woman. In some places, it is done 2 3 times before starting to crack the crunch. That is: the 17th, the 21st, the 40th day, or the 20th and the 40th day. If the blight is done on the twentieth day, it is called "half cut".

How does shebirth happen?

If it is done on the day of the forearm, water is poured from the top of the mother and baby through the sieve. For example, if shearing is done on the twentieth day, twenty spoons of water are made to the child and the mother, and seventeen spoons of water are made on the seventeenth day.

- Spoon or egg is used as a measuring tool in the cuttlefish. Sometimes, instead of pouring about forty meters of water, forty stone, forty wood chips, forty nuts, barley or wheat can be placed in the water.

Shearing is done in

the house between the four doors.

In some places, forty stuck chips are taken and thrown into the water of forage. In addition, onion, garlic shell, needles are thrown into the water.

Forage for each of the forty pebbles is made by pouring twenty shafts to the right of twenty, once to the right of twenty, from the left shoulder of the twenty, to the right of twenty tanks of the mother and the child to be thrown from the water again.



The child who is forties in Amasya is taken to the home of a close relative. On the way home, the host puts a piece of bread and eggs on the child's shackle and flushes the child's face.

The water that grows from the bladder is sprinkled on the back of the baby, on the floor, on the street, or on the roof of the animal.

To heal a child believed to have forty:

Forty children are weighed on one side of the scale and on the other side. Forty one children take the soil from the urine of the father's child and add water, and the juice is washed.

Apart from forty prints, the baby inside the scarf and your mother are dead, new bride, animal, meat, money, gold, flour etc. It is believed to be at the beginning. To prevent this:

Maternity and baby, when someone comes in from inside the house while lying in the house, it will be removed for printing.

The babyand the nephew are lifted so that they will not be dead when they go to the funeral.

When a new bride is brought to the neighborhood, the forty child lying in the cradle is lifted so that the weight of the bride can be reduced.

When the meat is brought home, the child is raised up so that the meat does not press, otherwise it is believed that the child will not walk.

The forty child is removed from the door while the flour is being fed.

The cats will not get in the house until the stitches are full.

Forty flying and forty ceremonies. Parenting or forty flying ceremony is one of the common traditions in our society that can still preserve its existence. This ceremony, held on the day when the baby is forty days old, is celebrated in a sense that it can now be taken out easily and comfortably.

For this ceremony, preparations start one day in advance. Meals are prepared. These dishes are usually meat, chickpeas, beans, rice, zucchini and helvodia. According to the economic situation of the family, those who wish can cut off the victim.

In the early morning, forty small stones, forty different mountain flowers, a silver jewelry and a gold ring are boiled in a boiler. This water is boiled and the child is washed. A woman who wipes a child is usually a loved one from the nearest relatives. As he poured the water from the winner into his head, he said, "Water down, boy up! Long as life like water! "He says, and thirty nine spoons of water are poured out of his hand and beaten by the child. In some regions, thirty nine stones are poured. The forty third spoon or stone is the pouring of all of the water, which is called 'forking'.

After the child is washed, the 'forties' dress is worn This dress has to be new.

After that, a table is set up and the food is eaten and the child is put on gifts. Close friends and relatives enjoy themselves in the evening. Because the vital danger of the child


and her mother is over, there is no ban for them anymore. The newborn child and mother can go on a trip, join in the fun.

The baby is then taken out of the baby and taken to the elders of the family; It is called 'forty flying' among the people. Every time he goes to the anemone, half a glass of water is given before he wished he had plenty of water. The mother has to drink the whole of the water given to her. After the water is served, he is presented with food. It is a reluctance for every baby to give her presents such as cotton, eggs, handkerchiefs, money.

Teeth extraction, which is one of the most important signs of the child's biological development, is usually celebrated by our ceremony. This ceremony and ceremony, which is held due to the emergence of a tooth that plays a role in the first degree in the grinding, crushing and disintegration of the food, has the wishes such as blessing the food, increasing the child's discipline, multiplying fertility. A number of traditional practices and practices are also being addressed in this ceremony to ensure that the child's teeth are sound and smooth. The most common name among the public for this ceremony and fun in different regions is the "dental heed". In different regions; "Tooth vaccine", "tooth bulgur", "tooth wheat" is defined as.

As you know, wheat is cooked in the tooth wheat, so it is boiled. It is not only the wheat that we know but the wheat which is known ... The raw wheat that came from the grain ... You know when the wheat is boiled, the wheat does not dissolve all but the raw wheat remains ... I think this is the grain. We call ‘’HEDİK’’ wheat ... Even "DENTAL WHEAT" but "DENTAL HEDİĞİ" we are making

What is made in the tooth wheat does not just boil the wheat ... Of course a tray is prepared ... What do you put in the tray of tooth wheat? Kur'an kerim It is believed that if the baby chooses our Bible, it is bound to its religion. Bottom The baby is believed to grow bright and spacious if he chooses gold Pen It is believed that the baby will be a great man if he reads the pen. Scissor It is believed that if your baby chooses a scarf, your hand will be skilled (now believed to be a great fashion designer.)


If you want the middle of the room, put it on the tray and put it in the middle of the baby tray and select one object. ... To make the teeth like pearl like wheat grain ... Be rich as wheat grain


Forty days after birth, it is called "fornication", which is used to treat children and mothers, to participate in gathering and to protect them from illnesses. This practice is also called "forking".

The raising process is the washing of the woman and the child on 40th day with different applications. In some regions; On the 7th, 20th, 30th, 37th, 39th, and 41st days, shirting is done. On the 20th day, she is twice forty days, half fork and forty days.

The newborn woman is called "maternity" or "forties". It is believed that the maternity woman is open for forty days.

Some applications are made for forty days. This is the cause of the damage to the child and the mother until the end. It is said that forty two children with maternal lack of development within the following forty days and the following months from birth: forty prints. The forty things are that demons, gin, and bees harm the mother and the baby, the mother and the baby scare. Practices and practices to prevent forty dominance are: The forties do not go to the streets; It becomes a sin: the devils touch; Forty Forty women do not go to the funeral. The fiftieth woman does not go to the wedding.

Forty women and babies should not be compared. If two forties meet, one child's forty. They fork over each other for forty punches, change the fork or button.


"Women used to go to them. When the two maternity women met, they immediately greeted the helmets. If you have a fork needle in your chest, the button is broken and given to each other. If someone's child gets sick, they say this kid is forty something because we met. "

When there are forty women in the house, you can not come home. If the new bride gets sick, or if the forty woman and the baby get sick, they say forty.

While sleeping at night, put a bowl of water for the forty woman and baby, and put the Qur'an.

Forty days do not write to the mother, the baby is covered in yellow. Mothers and babies quit these practices when the 40th day is over. Because now they are clean. But your baby and your mother should get ablution. The raising process is done as follows:

The process of shearing makes the foreskin of a forty year old woman or, if it does, make her appearance. From a clean place, a helkeye is forty cups of water. Forty cups of water are taken while the water is drawn, the prayers are read. As this water is not sufficient for washing, water is added afterwards; But it must be counted as forty cups or forty cups of water.

In this way, a number of objects are added to the helm or the forty water taken into the boiler. These objects are included according to their purpose:

When the baby grows up, forty stones are collected from the mouth of the flowing water to make it strong and join in forty juices.

Gold is added so the baby is jaundiced.

The silver is joined so that the baby is clean.

When the baby grows, the rings stay unmatched.

Beads are added so that you can not touch the evil eye.

The metal money will be added to make you rich.

When two females meet, the needles and buttons are changed so that forty times they will press. During the raising, the baby's clothes are in the basin. It is believed that evil eyes will come out like this.

Mother, take her baby in her arms and sit in the basin. Water is poured together with the nutmeg. The tool used to pour water is the handle. Finally, the rest of the water is poured into the currant, which is kept on the mother and baby together with the objects inside. The reason for using the sieve is that the objects stay in the sieve and reach the mother and baby in the water. When the final water is poured, the griddle is rotated around the baby and mother twice and is said: "Let go, clean up." After the raising process is over: "Good water" is prayed. While mother and baby are foresighted together, today only babies are forked and mothers are taking their own ablution.


After your childhood, your baby's forties are read. Guests are welcome at the catering. The forty water in the leek is poured into the foot or the running water. The stones are placed in a garden of a body or in a place where the foot is not touched

Money is distributed to children waiting outside.


The history of circumcision is very old. Because it is the custom

of the Prophets.

The history of circumcision is very old. Because it is the custom of the Prophets.

All male children in Muslim countries are circumcised in a ceremony before they reach adolescence. Circumcision ceremony is commonly called as circumcision wedding ceremony.

Since centuries, Muslims attach special importance to their children's circumcision weddings, whi ch they gene rally rega rded as


the first marriage in the family.. The child's bed is decorated. A lot of preparations are made.

In the past, the day of circumcision was clothed with a child, a horse was prepared, the child hang around the neighbourhood on the horseback. Then the saints were visited, then the streets were roamed by playing drums . Today, this is done by car instead of horse.

Even today, even if not in its former glory, this beautiful custom continues everywhere in the same way.

Bibliography:, accessed at 20 March 2017


The Qur'an's 57th verse on the sutra of Ankebut emphasizes this inevitable son saying, "Everyone will taste death." In a Prophet's hadith, "The grave is a garden from heaven's gardens or a pit of hell pits", and the belief that the hereafter begins from the grave is embodied in the verse of grave persecution in Islam. According to Islam, after the body is buried, it rots and disappears; But the spirit lives forever, and then the resurrection starts. As for those who are measured, only Allah will raise them. Then they will be returned to Allah. " According to Islam, after death, it is not right to cry, mourn; dead cannot be comforted in the tomb because of mourning.

When a person dies, his chin is tied, his eyes closed, his clothes removed and covered with a thin cover.

Washing the Dead

According to Islamic belief, death must be washed. The body of the dead one is laid on a surface. Then the ablution is performed to the dead. After the ablution is over, the heated water is poured over, the hair and the bearded head are cleaned thoroughly. Then turn to the left side and turn the right side to the right side to wash the left side. Washer gently touches his stomach to death and if anything comes out of his body, he will also wash it. It is circumcision to destroy every organ three times while you are washing the dead. The nail and hair of the dead cannot be cut.. A male is washed by a male, a female by a female. The woman can be wash the dead body of her husband; But the male cannot wash his dead wife.

Funeral Prayer

Before burying the dead , men perform the funeral prayer, he must first be slim and be washed for death. It is enough for a few people in the community to perform the funeral prayer. Anyone who knows the funeral prayer can do it. "


Embedding the Dead

"After the funeral prayer, put a dead gaze, it is necessary to excavate the grave at least to the chest line, and when the dead is buried, the bonds of the shroud are untied and tilted to the right side. "If it is a dead woman, the closest thing to death is to have a view, it is forbidden for women to enter the city, to build or decorate the graves, to forbid Islam, but to

stone, to write names, to plant trees."

AFTER DEATH Condolence

The family of the dead are visited by their neighbors and relatives and saying, "Allah give you patience and revelation" After the burial of the dead, the Prophet said, "If the condemnation of his brother who is suffering, Allah will dress him on the Day of Resurrection." Condolence is three days; But those who are far away may come back later. During this time, the neighbors will bring food to the dead house.


Main Britanic Encylopedia, Ana Publishing, Istanbul 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993.

History of Religions, CHALLAYE Felicien, Varlık Publications, Istanbul, El Elder.

Translating to Turkish: Celal YENİÇERİ, Istanbul 1973.

Oruç Kurban in Islamic and Other Faith Systems, FEYİZLİ, H.Tahsin, Ministry of National Education Publications, Istanbul 1993.

The Dictionary of Islamic Beliefs, HANÇERLIOĞLU Orhan, Remzi Kitabevi, 2nd Edition, Istanbul 1994.

The Dictionary of World Beliefs, HANÇERLIOĞLU Orhan, Remzi Kitabevi, II. Edition, Istanbul September 1993.

Larousse Youth Encyclopedia, Meydan Gazetecilik ve Neşriyat Ltd.Şti. Istanbul 1977, 1978 Assoc.Dr.Abdurrahman: History of Religion, TÜMER, Prof.Dr.Günay, KÜÇÜK, January Publications, Ankara 1988

Encyclopedia of Yurt, Anadolu Yayıncılık, Istanbul 1982, 1983



Nowadays, the ceremonies for the Hajj and the Hajj ceremonies are made only by singles. Every week a week fifteen days before the Hajj, everyone gives gifts to the pilgrims as he wishes. These gifts are things like underwear, socks and money. These gifts are given to the pilgrims by women. In addition, relatives of candidates of pilgrims, pilgrim candidates start to call them to eat "pilgrims" from 1 month before they leave.

The pilgrim candidate brings a gift to himself by writing a gift to him. Hajj candidates are placed on buses in a state of wearing hymns.

Some pilgrims are taken to the airport by their relatives. Turkish flags hang on buses and cars. Hacilar is welcomed in the airport, in the city center, in front of the mosque. Hajj visits the pilgrims when he comes home. Often the evening visit to the pilgrims kissing the hunter's voucher because of the handicap of the "Hacerul Esved" stone in the voyage. Visitors are given zemzemsuyu and pilgrim oil and palm in zemzem team.

In addition, visitors are given gifts such as silver rings, prayer rugs, rosary and skullcap. After about 10 or 20 days, the hijackers give "pilgrim food" according to the status of their existence. These dishes can be prepared with soup, soup, cooked meat beans or chickpeas, pilaf and semolina, and invitations like wedding meal.


Isparta Culture and Tourism Inventory, A. Kılıç, Isparta: Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism, 2011


Our Religious Holidays

Religious holidays we celebrate are our joyful days which are important and sacred in our religion. Two festivals are celebrated in Islam: Ramadan Feast and Feast of Sacrifice

Ramadan (Candy) Feast:

Ramadan is a three day festival celebrated at the end of the month. The reason for the celebration of the Ramadan festival is the rewards we receive as a result of fasting and other worship held together in the same month. Everyone celebrate it,and the children are dressed in the most beautiful way; people visit each other, parents give money to the children, candies, chocolate and baklava or other desserts are served to the guests.


Feast of Sacrifice:

There is a historical reason for celebrating the sacrifice festival. He is the Prophet. The son of Ishmael, whom Abraham the Prophet loved so much, is the man whose life intended to be sacrificed for the sake of Allah. God, whose compassion is so great that did not allow Ishmael to be sacrificed, but ordered his father to sacrifice a ram instead.


In the days of the Lord, the mercy and compassion of Allah descend into the hearts of men; People become more tolerant and caring.

Source: Y.Doç.Dr. Ali Kuzudişli


Muslims are sacred nights. These nights are called "Kandil Geceleri". Qandil is not in the practice of the Prophets. Since the third century after the Hijrah, celebrations have started in mystical circles and II. From Selim, the minarets were burned with oil lamps and named after oil lamps."Kadir night is better than a thousand months."

Qandil is the night where the night prayers are made, the Qur'an reads, the prayers are made and the salawats are brought. Candlelight evenings are determined on the basis of the Hijri Calendar, which is a lunar calendar. Like the other Hijri Calendar is at night, Kandil Geceleri also comes before the day it completes. It is explained in the Hammamian Tafsiri concerning the correspondence of the nights at the beginning rather than after the day:

The meaning of the Qur'an is, "We will bring the night to the day," says the Lord, "We will scrape away the day from day to day to reveal to our brethren and our union, and men will fall into darkness. Indeed, when the sun sets, we take the day off and the darkness covers it. " The real is the day, the day comes after it.

As a sign of love and affection for God, Muslims celebrate feast for four days during the Feast of Sacrifice; They share the meat of the sacrificed animals with the poors.

Day of Ashure

The Day of Ashour is the tenth day of the Muharrem moon, the first month of the Hijri calendar. Many important events on this day are believed to have come to fruition and are valued in this day. There will also be worship during the Muharram.

Kadir Night

It is the time when the Qur'an begins to be revealed to Muhammad by God through Gabriel.

Mirac Kandili

Mirac is the time of Muhammad's ascension.

Mevlid Kandili

Mevlid Kandili or Veladet Kandili are the 12th birthday of Muhammad bin Abdullah, the prophet of the Islamic religion, and at the same time, the Hijri Rebiulevvel month.

Regaip Kandili

Regaip Kandili, Hicri is back in the evening, which connects the first anniversary of the month of Recep.

Berat Kandili

Berat Kandili is the day that connects the 14th day of the Sabbath to the 15th day.


Islamic Calendar, Quran, Yasin Tafsiri Hammâmî Translation, Trans. Ali Eren, Yasin Publishing House


1. This month is the month of Kadir, where Muslims are inspired by the first verses of the Qur'an. It is not known which day it is, but the 27th night of Ramadan is considered Kadir Night. In the first three verses of the reign of Kadir, which is the 97th epoch of the Qur'an concerning Kadir night, verily we have sent him down in the night of Kadir. Kadir night is better than a thousand light. Called. Muslims were forbidden to eat and drink and to be in a sexual relationship between the twilight before the sunrise and the twilight after the sunrise during this month, during which the Ramadan oruc was held.

2. According to Surat al Baqara, the Qur'an was sent to Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, which started in Ramadan, and Muslims were ordered to keep "fasting" during this month. The relevant verse is as follows:

3. For the Qur'an in Ramadan, the Qur'an, which distinguishes between right and western, is found in guidance and evidence. So whoever you are from this month will fast you. Accidents happen on other days, in the number of days you can not keep either sick or on the road. Allah wishes for you convenience, does not want difficulty. He also wants you to complete that number and to glorify him in the right way he showed you. Umulurki, thank you! "


4. Those who fast during the month of Ramadan are called to eat the food that they eat at a certain hour before sunrise, and the time of this meal. At the end of the day, when the evening ritual is read and the ritual is opened and the food that is eaten during this time is called iftar


Bukhari Ibn Ismail, Abdallah Muhammad, "Sahih Bukhari Book 031 (Fasting Book), 124th Hadith". Archives were archived on March 19, 2016. Accessed: July 25, 2012.

Muslim Ibn Habaj, Abul Hussain, "Sahih Muslim Book 006 (Fasting Book), 2378. Hadith". It was archived from the source on May 23, 2016. Accessed: July 25, 2012.

İslâm Fıkıh Ansiklopedisi,Prf.Dr.Vehbe Zuhaylî, Cilt 3 sayfa 189-190

Hak Dini Kur'an Dili,Elmalılı M.Hamdi Yazır, Cilt 1 sayfa 539 540


Turkish culture has a very rich historical heritage in terms of marriage traditions and ceremonies. Great attention is paid to the fulfillment of these traditions that are diverse. Thus, this important event of life is passed through the society within the framework of the tradition, and a conformity with the system of values is ensured. Non marital cohabitation is not seen as acceptable even today. Regardless of the nature and extent of the marriage ceremonies, it is important to set up the family on a legitimate path. Traditions and ceremonies related to marriage in our country, although showing local privileges, still have similar characteristics in terms of their main lines.

Asking for the girl’s hand in marriage ceremony At this stage, the men of the family are commissioned as a requirement of the traditional family structure. In the countryside, the son of the boy, close relatives and men of the village are considered to be the deceased, the girl goes to the girl's house to fulfill the formalities of the girl. The command of Allah is requested from the father of the Prophet and his girlfriend. It is not usual for her father to say yes immediately. However, the nature of the opinion gives little insight into the girl's thought. On the next visit made, the answer becomes clear. The expectation of the girl and the conditions she put forward are expressed.

Henna Night One of the most common marriage traditions in our traditions is henna night. This ceremony, held before the wedding, takes place at the girl's home. The relatives are called relatives, neighbors and their friends. The maniler and the turkler kill the henna of the girl. The night of henna is both sad and cheerful. In some regions, a similar ceremony is also held by the boy. Only male invitations participate in this ceremony held in the house of the man.


Religious marriage ceremony

In the past, imam marriage was taken in the form of official wikis. Today, imam marriage is only the maintenance of traditional habits.

The red ribbon that connects the waist of the bride is connected to the waist of the bride by the bride's father or brother before the bride leaves her house. In some sources it is said that the bride will be brought to the waist with a red ribbon and salavat and tekbir will be brought and the waist will be wrapped twice and connected at the third. It is known that this red ribbon, which is attached to the bell, represents virginity and zeal

Source: kulturunde evlenmenin onemi ve evlenme gelenekleri/#ixzz4fBLs3PLS, accessed at 20 March 2017



It is the name given to the denomination of the zealant who belongs to Hazrat Ali and holds him. Those who believe that Imam is given directly to Allah by Allah and the Prophet are called «Shia i Aleviyye».

This is the belief in the teachings of the sect. Alevism, which later divides into many branches, constitutes the first religious secession movement in Islam. The "Seven Imams" or "Ismail" sect is one of them. They say to the Muslims that they see themselves as «yezit». It embraces the principle of morality based on "hand, language, waist". The most common country is Iran.

Alevism believes the second Islam, which is the most popular among the Sunnis in Turkey. Unlike the completion of Al Muhammad in Sunnis, Ahl al Bayt is a faith based on the Twelve Imams, completed with Allah Muhammad Ali in Alawism. There are various sects in Alevism. Bektashism is the most well known anatolian source. Bektashism does not define the whole of Alevism because it is a sect in Alevism.

The second source of Alevi Road and Erkanin's daily reach is the written sources. However, as a natural consequence of the social lives of these masses, the written works they possess are also very limited. In the researches we made in the Alevi villages, the books


(Cönkler), which are mostly in the homes of the grandparents, the Manakıb i Imam Cafer i Sadık, Hutbe i Düvaz deh İmam / Manakib Seyyid Safi, We know that there is a booklet entitled "Letter sent by Sayyid Abdulbaki Efendi to Erenlere Muib, who is clean faithful believers in Dergah ı Ali", manuscripts (Ottoman) named Makalat ı Hacı Bektaş ı Veli and Vilayet name.

However, the Sunnis have had many educational institutions in the context of medieval times and the sheikh murid relation in the time span of centuries, and hundreds of works have been received in this way. Bektashi delegates were institutionalized in terms of educational activities and tools, so that they could not be compared with those of Alevi soldiers. Hundreds of skin works were found in the parks, and only Alevi villages had handmade books in Dede houses.

Alevism is a way of having a common point with the sect of Twelve of Shiism, which cares about Allah Muhammad Ali's trilogy and the Ahl i Bayt, Twelve Imams. Alevism is the unity of existence that is the main belief that must be examined. In Alevism there is a belief that God is in everything in the world including man.

Alevism is a mystical way of mental maturation, which embraces love instead of fear of God, acts on the basis of human love, accepting the nature of the Qur'an, not the form. It is a way of performing the belief in man's love, in his own language, in musicality, in his fondness, in that he believes in the immortality of man, because he is manifested in man and in his hands, and in his worship.


All the neighbors came to the circumcision house "welcome". Between the invited and inviting kirveler the laden gifts were taken and given. For this reason, in general, everyone made their own balance. Kirvelik takes place among the people and families who love each other and are convinced that they will continue this as generations. In other words, it is the will of the parties to be a mortal. In the meantime, to keep the hostilities between the families, to keep peace and friendship is also established. After the parties are reconciled and connected with each other by the charity, hostility and bloodshed end. In this respect, it also has a sacred assurance of peace act.


The goal is to reduce the error to a minimum, to keep you alive in your social life, your friendship, your brotherhood. Kirvelik emerges as one of the spiritual bonds and sacred customs for this purpose. When all this is taken into consideration, there is absolutely no mention of marriage between the people and families of Alevis in society. Kirvelik is sacred and compassionate at the rate of Musahipplik. Hz. Muhammad is integrated with love and respect for Mustafa and the Twelve Imams, and continues for life and for good.

Faithful man is to confirm Hak Muhammad Ali's trilogy, to approve the unity of Hakka, to transform the social peace into life by expressing its commitment to the tradition of Ahl al Bayt.

During Kirvelik actuation, persons or families are deemed to have given twelve Kurds to each other for the purpose of expressing the Twelve Imams. So they were given a confession, taking roses, stepping in from the door of confession. Now, both families are trying to fulfill their mutual love, respect and solidarity feelings and obligations continuously.


Müsahiplik is used in the Alevis in the sense of road brotherhood. This fraternity is a social social relationship established outside of "blood brotherhood", "kinship through blood". While "kinship" based on "blood bond" is necessarily a kinship, this kind of kinship is a totally voluntary relationship. Müsahir says: When two friends who are in good agreement decide to become "Yol brothers", first their families and their spouses have to take advantage of this issue.

Discovery is done once unless one of the parties is dead. It is done with only one person in life. Esasta must be married and adopt in marriage, agreement is essential. Today, however, this condition is not fully implemented. The level of education, social social status, and economic structures must be compatible with each other. If this does not happen, problems may arise in the future. Of course, the most important thing is that the two owners and their partners have to deal very well. Their wives are their brothers, and their children are their own children. Uncle children with blood ties, aunt, children whose parents still marry can not marry each other. No marriage to them. There is a sisterhood between the prophets in both religious sense and social meaning. In the brotherhood formed by blood ties, the parents are not socially and socially responsible for each other because they live in separate houses. In other words, brothers are not responsible for their mistakes. Wallets are separate. It helps. But they are not as common as doers. On the other hand, The two sides are responsible for each other's mistakes and rewards. Almost everything is common except for honor. In other words, this fraternity established has a more inclusive and responsible job in terms of social responsibility and sharing than the blood brotherhood. The wallets are the same in the case of illusion. Thinking separately is the greatest weakness. Apply to the two candidates who volunteer these responsibilities. They express their intentions. Grandfather calls and inquires in the presence of witnesses to the conditions of having them. If Grandpa thinks the conditions are right, he will take them. He reads the prayer taking the state of receiving the prayer. It also tells about the difficulties of being a master from behind. In summary.


1 You will help each other until you die.

2 You will not lie, you will not eat forbidden.

3 You will have your beline in your hand.

4 You are responsible for the fault of one of your sins.

That's why you will prevent each other from committing a crime. Later, the grandfather makes Cem an evening, which starts in the summer. If these two enthusiastic or other enthusiastic people are involved, they will be joined together with them. Candidate candidates join with their partners. They wear white seamless, unadorned dresses. They will have a ceremony. Nowadays, it is mostly established at small ages and there is no ceremony. But it is our young people's hand to keep alive this tradition that has been lost in time.

If an Alevi settlement, for example, is thought to be beneficial to everyone living in the village, and if the proselyte has a life linked to these principles, then the settlement will have formed a social structure in which the unity of society in general, tolerance of brotherhood, social peace, economic division,


At the beginning of the social activities and helpings of the village comes death ceremonies. There was a good cooperation in funeral work in the village. Resentment in death events ceased to exist, and all the neighbors participated in the ceremony more than the surrounding villagers. The funeral was kept in a cool place when you needed to wait for long distances. Those who came to the heavens were firstly banned on the side of the head. The women who invaded more of the women around the genocide and laughed better than they would say with loud screeching lamentations. These scents brought emotional moments to the community. When it is time to lift the funeral, bring the funeral from the house to an open square and place it on the freshly prepared one. It was washed with clean water that was heated in boilers. When the man was buried during the washing, the men were turned and washed by the men. This was done by women who were women. The shredding work was done beautifully by the washers.

Three days after his death, the clothes belonging to the dead are washed and dried. Seven days after the seventh is being taught, the meal is given for the soul to die. Forty days later, the scar is read. In June, grave stone is built and grave is given. There is a grave in a village every day in June. Neighboring villagers do not correspond to each other in the same day.

Despite the city life, lifting the dead and fulfilling the responsibilities towards it is still an ongoing tradition. Besides, for the help of the family at the time of the funeral, the family is also given



According to these traditions, we have the elders who are married. These lines will take them back to the past and provide our young people with information about village life.

A young man or girl can never be certain that he wants to marry or love someone. Maybe he could pass it through. The elders decide when and with whom they will marry. However, the elders do not ask for their thoughts, or they say that it is a genocide. Except for some very rare examples, nobody could get out of it. Because a closed village life dominated, there would be a lot of consanguineous marriages. Far marriages were rare. The title is no longer available. On the date of the wedding, the invitation is invited to both sides' relatives and close relatives in the surrounding villages. It came on a wedding day. The groom's side goes to the girl's side with a mockery of equestrian and pedestrian men. If the girl side is another village, the guests going out are distributed in a way that everyone will be balanced. There are 2 3 buns in the wedding procession. All the neighbors on the girls side are invited to dinner during the wedding. Naturally, this dish has a symbolic meaning. The guests who have been distributed to the neighbors on the bride side, have a rich table. It is a matter of honor to welcome these guests brightly. All guest and host parties participate in the wedding dinner set at an appropriate time. Along the way and in the morning, the drums roll, and everyone in the form of rings attracts halay. The bride's henna is burned in the wedding house late at night. Instead of henna prepared, they will bring the bride from behind a tent. However, the brother of the bride does not open the door of the tent, wants a horse, a gun, a coat. He will never let go if he is not given. Being begged, requests are reduced, either a little money or willingness to be met after being welcomed. The henna plates are translated by the young girls of the village, while the henna airs return to their homes, and the relatives of the bride drown in hiccups. Henna is applied to the hands and feet, is finalized. I got a return the next day. The bride's dress is adorned, the bride is equipped with a lace up garment, a cone shaped head and a covered top covered with colorful silk covers. There are also problems with the horse overlay. Another tip is given and the bride is put on horseback. Your bride's boat is towed by the ship's mausoleum. The regiment begins to turn from the path that it is coming. The

the opportunity to collect money and support the family for the costs incurred for the funeral.

wedding procession is near the groom's house. The bride was also brought to the front of the door in front of the horse. The groom picks up the apple in his pocket with his right hand, makes it look like three times down, but pulls one step back without throwing it, and he does the same thing. In the second round, the groom's elm is aimed at the mosquito of the cone head of the bride. He is applauded with great enthusiasm. Cookies in the halls, shredded money spill down into places. Everyone is attacking the earth. Grabbing something from them is a luck and a fortune. The bride is attentively sent down, she is nailed to enter the house, this is the gift from the father in law. The bridegroom is preparing a trap for the bride. The entrance to the house is entrusted to the house, to the broom, etc. If the bride does not behave carefully and is not warned before, she may not see this object. In this case, the unseasoned and ungrateful place. If he picks up the broom and puts the nest, he gets the smart bride title. The wedding is over. It will not face anyone for about a week. Come with the bridegroom for months and years together with their elders. The bride wearing normal local costume does not show the big male and especially the father in law between five and twenty years, and when she sees them, she pulls her purse over her nose and only her eyes are open. They do not talk to them in the same time, agree with the signs. It's called making wedding dresses. They can not love their children beside their elders, they can not take it with them. Until the 1980s, families were attracted by the large population.

Grandmother, grandfather, sons wives, grandchildren, sometimes reaching 20 30. Since birth control was not known, each couple had a child of up to 10 15 children according to their fertility. If the family does not have children when they want it, they go to some kind of corn pit before they are known. If the result is not found, the crime is known to the woman. To get rid of this feeling of guilt, the woman warns of all kinds of dangerous advice, including her husband's medications. No one would even think that the cause of infertility could be from man. Until the 1960s, going to physicians for such topics was both impossible and considered a shame. Al wife came to the women who gave birth. For that reason, the baby was expected for forty days with the maternity woman. If the Al wife comes, it is the place where the mother and the child's lungs are taken away from their belly. It is linked to the death of a woman or a child during the maternity period. It was not permissible for the child to be shown to anyone or be taken away without the exfoliation.



According to the Sacrificial Feast Hijri Calendar, Zilhicce begins on the 10th day of the month. It is counted as 20 days starting from the 1st day of the Sacrifice Feast. On the evening of the 20th day Muharrem is intent on Orucu and starts fasting. At the end of the 12 day Muharrem Orucunu is made and distributed. There is also no designated iftar time. In the evening, when the sun goes down and the darkness is seen, fasting opens. The practice of taking up the nighttime sahara is not in Muharrem Orucu. Something is defeated in the evening.

Muharrem is not allowed to play in the era of the incarnation, the knife and the cutting tools are not handled, the wedding engagement circumcision ceremonies are not done, the sacrifice can not be done and the meat is invincible. To feel the thirst of Karbala martyrs, they do not drink water, they do not go to places of entertainment, they do not have hair and beard. Just as when you lose one of your relatives, if you are suffering from sorrow and sad days with his pangs. That's exactly what happens during 12 days of fasting. Today some of them are not implemented. For example, not having a beard. Water is not pure drinking. The body's water need is covered from the renewed food, liquid drinks such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, fruit juice ayran.

Alevism believes that the essence is not adhered to formality. It can not be separated from the path of reason and knowledge. It is important that the imam Hüseyin and the other martyrs of Kerbela take pain and difficulties in their brains, heart and heart. It is to think like them, to live like them, to believe as they do. Zalme is to oppose and oppose the oppressor. Eline tongue waist is loyal and lives humanly and honorably. To be worthy of them. To die before you die is to live after you die. Living is not to be dead. Tomorrow is the open face of the forehead to their presence. The honorable miracles they leave are to go out.


As a comrader of Khidr, Yetiş Ya Khidr, Khidr does not grow up in the crowd. As can be understood from these idioms used by the people, Khidr is a savior who rushes to help the needy, those who are in need. According to the beliefs of the people, a mortal person has reached the mystery of death. In the Alevis, the Khidr restaurant is cooked and the Khidr is sacrificed and shared with the neighbors.


The Aleppo fasted for three days during the month of Khidr, made Khidr Cem and sacrificed. Every year February 13 14 15. Khidr Orucu is kept in his days. During this period, family visits are made, oruca intentions are made, and after the dinner, fasting is carried out until the next day until the next day. Generally, when the winter is kept in winter due to season, people are side by side in small settlements in Anatolia (in villages and mezrales). Sazlar is played, sayings are spoken and men and women related to Hizir Hizilahiselam are told. Young girls and boys, households keep their intention and sleep. The singles wait for nightly dreams to give them water. At the end of fasting, it is made coal and distributed to the neighbors.


The ceremony is based on the foundations of the Alevi road; Is a very complex application. This practice is generally of a religious nature, but it involves both the worship function of the people, the renewal of the ruin, the washing action, and the social and individual questioning. When the cem is made; Music is front plan. 12 During the practices called service and including respect to the 12 Imams, poetry, music, samah come to mind. The ritual ceremonies are an educational field as well as a religious phenomenon. In these ceremonies where public education is given in a certain discipline, the world affairs of Alevis are also questioned. Cemler, especially during the Ottoman state time, also worked as the courts of the Alevi people. The Alevis have never gone to the courts of the Ottoman state to solve their problems. Someone who resorted to this path would be considered fond and excluded from society. Both personal problems, unresolved familial problems, and the problems of collecting with one another, are discussed and discussed in the society. The solution would not be the issue. Those who do not obey Karar are confronted with social sanctions

The purpose of all these is to "die" and not to die; It was to prevent it. The "enthusiastic" who has the right to claim is declared and excluded. One characteristic of Jemin is that it allows people to pay the debt to the man. Criminals will never be taken. A murderer may enter the mosque and pray, but he can never enter. This attitude is born with the aim of preventing the crime from the beginning.

Jemde, there are also children according to their location. In some areas today children are not taken, but this is wrong Later on. Cem is the grandfather. Alevis is


generally called for people (asking, asking the truth) is called.

Cem is made for different purposes. The most important of these is the craft of etiquette. In this sense, people are made manifest. It is to be seen that the legal and social problems of this person in this world are to be cleared, to be cleaned in the face of Allah, that is, to give the account to give in the other world in this world.

In certain days of the year other than the gods, there are cemets built to commemorate the Alevi road elders. Apart from these, there is also a lot of chat, especially during the winter months. In these arts, it is generally aimed at learning and training of the Alawi youths.

The Alevism ceremonies vary from region to region, even from peas to nets, as well as from January to January. The tradition of January is very important in terms of the shape of the temple. For example, in the cakes where the Çelebiler is the grandfather, when the raki is smoked, sherbet is given to the cakes of the grandparents who come from the road called Sufi Sürekleri. There are also those who use drinks as a means of chatting. However, an important hot rolled section cuts the drink in the cakes with the syrup. Cem is actually the Forty Majlis. In the Kırklar Assembly, a grape was crushed and sherbet; Drunk; Semah was made to be enchanted. While the changes are seen in the execution of the Cems, the purpose and the function are always the same. The Jem incident is the most important display that distinguishes Alevism from Sunnism. Femininity and masculinity, wealth and poverty, knowledge and ignorance of the people who come to Teme are deemed to have ceased to exist. There, everyone is the only one; They are immersed in the pool of human formation, melting there. Now forty people are wearing a shirt, forty bodies, and forty heads, one head. Of course, the souls of forty people (everyone who came to the table as a representative) also joined together.

Everyone in Jem is their brother, their sister. No one can go in there carrying the feelings of hostility. Problematic people never get tired. Nobody can be contrary to tradition there. In order to pass the discipline in a strict discipline, people have been assigned to a sufficient degree. 12 Service owners conduct this discipline. The guard was also taken out to protect the old house from the Ottomans. Even today, this tradition is being carried out in solitude, and teams of three or four people who are composed of young people are guarding outside.

The jem ceremony is a school that shapes and educates people. This school is the fountain of folk art, and it is the source ... Aleans have lived and developed by making music, poetry, dance, religious life a part of worship. Turkish language, Turkish folk music, the development of folk dances, has become a significant contributor to these live art events in the cem ceremonies.

Jemde, people spoke in the language. One of the most important features of the Alevis is that they are the advocates of Turkish in Anatolia. Anyway, Alevism called to the people had to use Turkish, the language of the people. For this reason, the prayers read in the ceremonies were also created in Turkish. These Turkish calls, sometimes called rosebugs and prayer in some places; Similar to each other, from the region to the region, even from the old to the new. The main purpose in Jem is human education. The Alevis have done this education, using art, by bringing human elements to the fore. The reason why the Alevi religious ceremonies are called cem is because all the children come together and are involved in the religious, social, artistic endeavor.

Twelve service owners in Jem:

1 Grandfather (also called Sercem.

2 Guide (Helps participants who are in the mood and participates in the jam)

3 Observer (Provides the coordination and calmness)

4 Çerağcı (Delilci) (Çerağın Delilin burning, tasked with illuminating the plaza.)


5 Zakir (Saying, dazaz, hebrew) It is usually three people, saz players.)

6 Ferrash (Car Broom will help, if necessary, will help)

7 Sakka İbriktar (Sakka distributes the water.)

8 The smoker The victim (He looks at the sacrifice and food.)

9 Propeller Semahci (Semah makers.)

10 Peyik (Cem will inform the neighbors)

11 Iznikci (He looks at the cleanliness of the house.)

12 The guard (they will keep their home safe and wait for them).



If Christians are briefly stated, Yahshuah (Jesus) believes in the teachings and practices of Christ. The starting point of faith; As Yahshuah is the Messiah, the Son of YHVH (spiritual essence), the only god who created the chest, that is, the glory of YHVH mentioned in the text of YHVH in the book of Isaiah, chapter 40, To accept it as God. The Christians simply call it "faith in Yahshuaah (Jesus). They refer to each other as "faithful" among themselves. Christians believe that the teaching, practice, and life of Jesus Christ are first described in the Bible. Secondarily, and as a comment, they accept persons called the Father of the Church, who have led the first church, which the apostles raised with the "Apostolic Authority".

Generally Christian denominations are separated from the clan; Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant.

In Christian worship kamoy, it is generally known as "going to church on Sunday and making confession to the priests", but this means a very narrow meaning. First of all, Christian worship is primarily based on the heart. If the person who calls himself a Christian does not have the right feelings and thoughts in his heart, the actions he does are invalid on God's behalf, if they look right, good and good. Worship is the whole of thoughtful, spiritual, actional movements, thoughts, and feelings that are everywhere, everywhere, with all the soul, with all the heart, and with all their actions in order to please God. To go to church on Sunday, to be baptized, to pray, to confess the sins to the priests is the partial part of the


whole we have just mentioned, some results.

As explained in the section from verse 29 to verse 33 of the book Markos of the Bible, The greatest commandment of Christianity is; YHVH, God (Elohim), is to love with all our power, with all our minds, with all our heart. The second is to love our neighbor like ourselves. The neighboring word used here is; It means "everyone else but yourself". According to the words of Yahshuah (Jesus) Messiah in the Bible, this is the summary of the words of the whole law and of the prophets. All faith is founded on this basic doctrine; Love. A difference that distinguishes Christian faith from other beliefs and religions is the "grace" teaching. According to Christian faith, one can not save himself with his own thoughts, actions and spirituality. Salvation is not man's success, but God's work. The sins are forgiven by God through the sacrificial atonement of God the Christ on the cross.


One of the three great denominations of Orthodox Christianity. The other two denominations are Catholicism and Protestantism. The Byzantine which separated from Rome in 1054 and did not recognize it, orthodoxed the eastern churches attached to it. This understanding, 9. y.y. Then spread between the Slavs. Russians, Bulgarians, Serbs, these denominations. According to Orthodoxy belief, every church in the world is independent. The Orthodox chief patriarch is the only president of these independent churches. At the beginning of this sect's theoretical beliefs comes the self assembly of the father, the son and the father son soul l Jerusalem. The divine and human qualities of Jesus can not be separated. Unlike Catholics who believe that the soul of Jerusalem is born only from Bab, The father and the son born to accept the denomination. They advocate the placement of icons, sacred paintings and sculptures, and they fill their churches with them. Orthodox (the Greek word "orthos" expresses the meaning of "right faith" which has come to fruition with the combination of right and "ninety" beliefs)

"The denomination of the Eastern Church is the person who follows this sect". Two other sects outside orthodoxy are Catholicism and Protestantism.

Orthodoxy separated from Rome in 1054.


Orthodoxy is the whole of doctrines and thoughts that are firmly attached to traditions in any field, appropriate to the decisions of the thief and legitimate church.

The "orthodox" term is used for the Sunni Muslims in Western languages to mean the right belief. Almost every church that does not accept that it is wrong in the Christian world and misguided in the right way, recognizes itself as an "orthodox". Orthodoxy is the foundation of Hz. He takes him to Jesus. Orthodoxy, IX. From then on it began to spread among the Slavs. In the same century Bulgarians and Serbs also accepted Orthodoxy.

The Russian Orthodox Church was converted into a Patriarchate after the 1917 revolution. The deterioration of relations between the Eastern and Western churches is also a turning point. The greatest spiritual leader of Orthodoxy is the Orthodox Jihan Patriarch (Patriarch Echinenik), sitting in Istanbul (Fener). 1453te In the hands of the Byzantine Empire Turks, the Patriarchate served as the official institution of Orthodox Ottoman relations. When Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror conquered Istanbul (1453), he took the Patriarch's patronage, thus preventing a Catholic Orthodox alliance and two churches from forming a single front against the Ottoman Empire. Other patriarchs of orthodoxy are Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antakya.

Religious disagreements over time have led to divisions in the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church in Istanbul, the Greek Orthodox; Armenian Orthodox; The Syriac is divided into three main branches, the Orthodox. Greeks Istanbul; The Armenians are Yerevan; Syrians also took Mardin as a center.

The main characteristics of Orthodoxy can be listed as follows:

l. The Patriarch is spiritual.

2. The Pope, Hz. Jesus is not worthy, he can be wrong because he is human.

3. Rühul kuds came out of the Father through the Son.

4. In the history of Christianity, only the first seven Consulates (325 787) are valid.

5. Hz. Mary, Hz. The sacred images of Jesus and the saints (ikona) are worth respecting.

6. Each country may worship in its own language.

7. The cross is taken from right to left, arms must be of equal length.

8. Evaporate yeast, yeast, water is added to the yeast.

9. Confirmation should be made immediately after the baptism.

10. The monk, bishops and patriarchs can not marry. The priests, on the other hand, can marry.

11. A'raf, a transition to the life of the hereafter, is a short waiting place for the sinful person.

The Orthodox do not worship them with their iconic respect in their worship. Worship is done to Allah alone. Icons have been used some time as a means of worship. It can


be said that there is no Orthodox church without an icon. According to his beliefs, Jesus Christ is at the head of the church. He is the owner of the earth and the heavens. According to the Orthodox, the Bible and the tradition of the Church are the source and source of faith. Daily, weekly and annually organized prayer, fasting and fasting, believers in Hz. It always seems to remind you of Jesus' life.

The religious dogma

The teaching of the Son of God Incarnate was both written by the Holy Apostles as well as freely translated by Him - through the preaching, parables, and wonders accomplished as his disciples continued to do. Since the Apostles not only have written the divine teaching they received but also testified to the peoples what was spoken aloud was recorded in the Holy Tradition because since the early Christian ages the mistaken teachings began to appear To the Divine Word the heresies which will be fought by establishing and writing the teaching of faith a fact made through the Ecumenical Councils. So doctrines are decisions made within an Ecumenical Council a Sobor, which, for example, took place as we can see from the Scriptures to the Acts of the Apostles Chapter XVI, verse 4 "and as they passed through the cities, they taught to keep the teachings ordained by the apostles and Priests in Jerusalem " at Jerusalem, attended both by the Holy Apostles and elders of the church in the Holy City.

Dogmas or the teaching of faith will be clearly established within the 7 Ecumenical Councils (Nicaea 325, Constantinople 381, Ephesus 431, Calcedon 451, Constantinople 553, Constantinople 680 681 and Nicaea 787) sustained in the Eastern And sunset), respected by the Orthodox Church.

The main dogma of the Orthodox Church is embodied in the Creed or the confession of faith and refers to the teaching of the Holy Trinity God One in Being and Serving in Persons and the one about the attributes of the Church.

Thus, in the Orthodox Church, we profess the faith in a single God but God in the Personality: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit to everyone returning a work on the world: God the Father is the Creator, returning to his creation Of the world; God the Son is the Savior, returning to him the work of salvation of the human race; God the Holy Spirit being the worthy Savior is the work of sanctification of the world.

However, although each person has a work on the world, and the other two Divine Persons participate in the work of the other Divine Person. Courageously, although the Father's work of creation this is accomplished through the Word by which we actually understand the Son and the Holy Spirit was on creation sanctifying it; To the work of the salvation of the human race by the Son - the Father and the Holy Spirit also participate - for example, in the Baptism of St. John the Baptist although He did not need Baptism being the Incarnate Son of God still fulfills the Old Testament Law Was also Man this biblical event is known as Theophany of the Lord. When the voice of the Heavenly Father confessing the Son and the Holy Spirit descends upon Him in the form of a pigeon so we have the revelation of the Holy Trinity: the Father's voice, the Son in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit taking the dove; Salvation was accomplished by: Incarnation, Birth, Crucifixion (Jerpha), Resurrection, Ascension to heaven, sending the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). The Holy Father, God the Father and God the Son, also participates in the work of sanctification of the world by the


Holy Spirit, a fact embodied in each of the 7 Holy Sacraments of the Church: Baptism, Revelation, Eucharist, Confession, Cununia, Priesthood, and Mask.

The Christian Church was founded by the Son of God Incarnate in the invisible form through His Sacrifice on the Cross and in the form seen by the sending and descending of the Holy Spirit in the language of fire upon the Apostles 50 days after His Resurrection.

The attributes of the Christian Church which we profess in the Symbol of Faith are: One long One is its founder; Holy since Holy is God; Communion the decisions taken within the Church are taken in the Apostle and the Apostles founded on the foundation of the Holy Apostles here we include the apostolic succession the divine gratification of divine grace through the Holy Trinity of the Priesthood by the Apostles by putting their hands on the heads of faithful and virtuous men. Today the bishops are the ones who commit the Holy Mystery of the Priesthood, while pointing out that the invisible Worker of the Holy Sacrament is the supreme Archbishop, ie, Jesus Christ the Son of God Incarnate

Another essential doctrine of the Orthodox Church refers to the Purity of the Virgin Mary, which is God's Mother, that is the theotokos. In this regard, it should be noted that at Bunavestire, when the Gavriil brings the Good News to the Virgin and implicitly to the whole world, it accepts with humility, the Incarnation of the Son of God being the work of the Holy Trinity and realizing it in secret.

The Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy is the service of serices as Heaven and Earth unite, having Him in the center of the Supreme Chief Jesus Christ Son of God.

The Divine Liturgy includes:

The catechumen liturgy of those called, to which even the unbaptized may participate; The liturgy of the faithful, in which only those baptized are in the midst of the Epiclese, the act of the Holy Eucharist, when the Holy Spirit is invoked by the prayers of the priest It is descended upon the Gifts of the Gift the bread and the wine mixed with warm water, transforming them into the Body and Blood of the Savior with which both the priests and believers, who previously confessed their sins in the Holy Sacrament of the Confession and who have made their Canon (prayers), share it.

The Divine Liturgy is the communion of the man with the God and includes a whole symbolic of the gestures committed by the priest within it, of which we mention: the priest's departure with the Holy Gospel held up imagining the Savior's exodus at preaching at the age of thirty, and the candle wearing Before it, he imagines the Lord's Forerunner, St. John the Baptist, the exodus with the Gentile Gifts and their placement on the Holy Mass of the Holy Altar by the priest, imagines the final road to Jerusalem, which Christ would have made before His sacrifice on the Cross, and the moment of the Epiclese imagines the Last Supper, which took place on Thursday of the Suffer Week: And while they were eating, Jesus, taking bread and blessing, broke and gave the disciples, saying, Take, eat, this is my body.


And having taken the cup, and giving thanks, he gave them, saying, Drink of it all, That this is My Blood, the New Testament, which for many goes to forgiveness of sins." (Matthew XXVI, 26 28)

In fact, now is the essential moment of the Divine Liturgy before which the faith is confessed by the utterance of the Creed, by all believers gathered in the Church, and after it following the royal prayer, our Father, the sermon of the priest and the communion of the faithful with the Body and Blood of the Savior. His sacrifice objectively brought salvation to the whole human race, giving it free to all people, not for any merit, but for Love, and each person subjectively cooperating only if he wishes with God, through the participation and appropriation of the Holy Mysteries, becoming the next to Christ. Let us not forget that every human being carries the image of God, being called to come to resemble Him.

Therefore, God the Son has become a man for man to indulge.

Decalogue / Law of Love

The Decalogue includes the 10 commandments revealed by God to Moses and they have the role of limiting sin, which has multiplied after the fall of the protoparents Adam and Eve into the sin of the dead. If Adam received a single commandment from God: not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Moses will receive 10 commandments to give it to his people and implicitly to the whole world. These were written by God on two stone tablets that Moses would break when descending from Mount Sinai Find the chosen people worshiping the golden calf and then preserving themselves in the Ark of the Law. The first four commandments in the decalogue refer to God and the relationship of man to Him:

I am Jehovah thy God, Who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of bondage.

Do not have other gods beside Me!

Thou shalt not make thy graven image, nor any likeness of any thing that is in the heavens, and above, and out of the earth, and down in the waters under the earth.

Do not worship them nor serve them, that I, the Lord your God, am a zealous God, who punish the children for the blame of the fathers who hate me, until the third and fourth generations and I have mercy unto the thousand generations unto them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in the desert, that the LORD hath not ungirdly forsaken him that despiseth his name. Remember the day of rest, to sanctify it.

He works six days and you do all your affairs and the seventh day is the rest of the LORD your God; that you do not do any thing that day, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maid, nor your ox, nor your ass, Yours, and the stranger that remaineth unto thee "(Exodus XX, 2 10), And the next six are human and human relationships:

"Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and live many years in the land which the LORD thy God shall give thee,


Do not kill!

Do not be forgiven!

Do not steal!

Do not blame yourself against your neighbor!

Do not desire your neighbor's house; Do not want your neighbor's wife, not one Do not desire your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not desire thy neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any of his beasts, nor anything that your neighbor has. " (Exodus XX, 12 17)

Due to the fact that God was discovered, the Decalogue raised the moral Jewish poet, and at that time he became superior to the other Moral Law as to the other pagan peoples. Because the Jews are developing too much the decalogue, reaching 600 laws, and Christ Incarnated to fulfill and at the same time perfect the Old Testament, it brings the Law of Love, which will be comprised in two commands: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength." This is the first commandment.

And the second is this: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Mark XII, 30 31)

Christians, today and all the time, are obliged to fulfill both the Decalogue, which was not abolished by the Son of God, but perfect, as well as the Law of Love given to Him, moreover, discovery, not only by the word But also through His Sacrifice on the Cross and in every Holy Mass. If each of us sacrificed our own selfish desires and let us engage in divine love, then we would truly see the image of God in every man, regardless of What he is doing, what he does, nationality, religious affiliation, that he is a man or a woman, and that we fulfill the divine Word of the Divine Liturgy that urges us to Christian love toward our neighbor, gradually becoming One with Christ, Following Him in all.

The Bible

The Bible is also known as Holy Scripture or the Holy Book of Christians.

It was composed in the first and second centuries after Christ, cupping both the books written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by the prophets, patriarchs and kings of the Old Testament, who although in large numbers not knowing directly and living in different times, for a few centuries Before the birth of the Lord their sciences encompass the same teachings Divine and the New Testament.

The first book of Holy Scripture is the Making and the last Revelation, written by St. John the Evangelist.

All the writings of the Old Testament (39 canonical books plus 14 good books to read) proclaim the coming of the Deliverant promised by God Himself, to our protuberances Adam and Eve, and prepare mankind for this event to be "when the time comes" or at the right time when the world would be prepared, that is, when they would become aware of the need to lift from the state of sin. This Deliverant will be but the Son of God incarnate, who, even before the creation of man by virtue of divine omnipotence at the suggestion of the Heavenly Father accepts this work of the salvation of the human race a fact prophesied in the Old Testament books.


The Bible also includes the New Testament - made up of 27 canonical books written by the Apostles so the Orthodox Bible comprises a total of 80 books. In Romania, the Holy Scripture was translated and printed entirely in 1701 the translation started in the reign of Şerban Cantacuzino, finalized during the reign of Constantin Brâncoveanu - and in history it is known as the Bucharest Bible in 1688 - the beginning of the translation works.

So the Bible includes the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament hides the New Testament, and in the New Testament opens and fulfills what was spoken of in the Old Testament the two display divine teachings first revealed by God through the Old Testament prophets, patriarchs and kings who, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit have written about the Word of God, and in the second part the Son of God Incarnate perfect the divine revelation by accomplishing it until the last critter - for Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a Jew by birth becoming the founder of Christianity By His Sacrifice on the Cross and sending the Holy Spirit to the 12 Apostles fifty days after His Resurrection.

In the Orthodox Church, the Bible is preserved in a genuine way, with no word being changed, of course, with no one added, and its printing is done only with the blessing of the Blessed Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church in our country, specified on the first page, under the title. The faithful can read at home from the Holy Scripture, but they do not interpret it, the explanations being given to them in the Holy Church through the preaching of the priest.


In the first years of the Church, when a believer died, the psalms and diviners were read, to the living God. The funeral ceremony, which is being used today, is based on the 5th century. Over time, various psalms and pilgrims were added to this ceremony and it continues to be one of the many services of Kilisen. Orthodox Church Theological influence of the funeral ceremony also ensures that the true nature of life and death is thought and understood in a healthy way. The following takes place at the funeral ...

A) Provides a deeper consideration of the meaning and purpose of life through death,

B) to be able to cope with death thought and to understand after death,

C) For a Christian, reminds us that death is not the end, that we should think more deeply about salvation and eternal life,

D) Believers consoled knowing the woeful emotion that is formed after a loved one.

Reading at funerals, prayer and prayer tells the relationship between the believer and God, and the relationship between the deceased person and God. This ceremony is about the facts of human being; That life is full of weaknesses and that the world is adorned with make up lies, it directs our hearts and minds to think of the unique blessings and unique value of the Kingdom of God the Red. At the same time, with a regretful soul, the fathers and the faithful worship the eternal mercy of God. Every believer's sanctuary is made on the basis of the resurrection doctrine, because the promise of the Lord Jesus Christ is this.


The Orthodox Church is a liturgical ceremony at the funeral and consists of diviners, prayers, and Bible readings. The order is as follows:

At home or the night before the funeral Trisagion (three times holy) is said in the Church. Funeral Day, Funeral is placed on the villa, and in memorial ceremonies, Trisagion is said again.

Following the funeral, the priest goes to the graveyard. In the cemetery, the priest recalls the Trisagion hymn and reminds people of the resurrection of the second coming of Christ and the resurrection of the dead, which is the promise of the LORD to the people.

Death, from a scientific point of view, means the termination of the vital functions of the body, but we know that man is a dichotomous being made up of body and soul.

Because of the sin of disobedience, though man was created for eternal life and having the capacity to reach the resemblance to his Creator, he had to know death this being the consequence of ancestral sin and the way in which God limited the time of committing personal sins, because after man dies he can not sin anymore, but he remains in the state where he found this moment.

From the Christian point of view death is the transition to eternity, as the birth is the transition from intrauterine life into what we call daily life today.

I was saying that man ought to go through death with both his soul and his body. For the Orthodox Christian, the soul died when the priest immersed it with the body in the Baptismal Water, and when it brought it out of the crown (the vessel in which it is) risen, "For as many as you baptized in Christ in Christ Clothed "(Galatians III, 27), in Christ being eternal life. Diving is done three times, imagining the three days since death at the resurrection of Christ, baptism being done in the name of the Holy Trinity.

Therefore, the soul does not die with the body, but it passes into eternity the body will rise to the Parousia of the Lord (the second coming of the Savior on the earth).

Because of human sins, those who are still alive and who love the sleeping person, for the death of the body is a sleep until its resurrection, pray for forgiveness, mentioning it at the Divine Liturgy and making the service of Parastas, ging the needy both food and clothes or other useful things to them. The memorial with the name of the sleeping man is accompanied for the Holy Mass, a burning candle and wine, and for the parastas is prepared cage and wine, the first being made of boiled wheat mixed with honey and walnuts; for as the wheat grows up, after it first rot, so will it be with the body of the sleeping, who will resurrect either eternal happiness or everlasting chastisement.

These commemorations at the Divine Liturgy are done by the priest for 40 days daily with Parastasus if possible, and if not, it is done 3 days, 9 days, 21 days, 40 days after The transition to the eternal ones of the sleeping man, then from half to half a year or year to year to 7 years.


This is more often done for 40 days, since, according to the teaching of faith, the soul stands on earth during this period, then ascends to Heaven just as Christ ascended to heaven 40 days after His Resurrection.

The service of the burial of the body is framed among the hierarchies the prayers of blessing it is not the Holy Mystery in it being played the 9 Blessings, spoken by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount these highlighting the reward for practicing virtues during human life.

That is why we must be very attentive to the way we live, to confess our sins as often as possible, to share with Christ, to be merciful and loving to all men, for each one bears the image of God, and We are following the Son of God Incarnate, in order to acquire eternal joy.


When a person dies, the priest and then the baptism family are called and then they visit the neighboring dead house to help them express their sorrow. The dead kebap must be washed in accordance with the procedure before it is wrapped. If he is a deacon, a deacon or a deacon, the priests wash him. After the dead body is shrouded, it is put in a coffin and the coffin is carried by the four people to the church, accompanied by priests and deacons. After the tomb is prepared, a ritual and a funeral are held by him. Then everybody goes back to their homes after they go to the dead house and eat something there, repeat their sadness. On the second day, a ceremony is held again for the dead, and relatives of the dead deliver food to the poor at the door of the church. For three days the neighbors are constantly coming to the mourning house to report their sadness. On the third day, the priest goes to the graveyard to be a woman very close to the dead next to him in the morning and smells the grave of the deceased. This is similar to the fact that women visit Jesus' grave. Everyone burns fire on the graves of your loved ones. This is a meaningful tradition that is fulfilled as part of Easter Night Worship. The solitary person is to give light to the soul whose purpose is to be burned upon the tombs, so that when the consolation is given, "You give peace to God and to the dead, and the face of the dead is illuminated by the glory of God ...". In some areas, food is placed in the tombs, and small cells are built on the sides of the tombs so that they can place food and lamps where they are made. This piece will be fulfilled on the previous Thursday of the Grand Prix, which is the "Day of All Souls".

Dead dead lands are laid to come to the east. This is entirely related to the second coming of Christ. As the Lord Jesus Christ is born to be born as a sun (Matthew 24:27), they are buried in a way that their faces turn toward the Messiah and their feet will come to the east so that they may prostrate themselves to Him.

In addition, a small icon or cross is attached to the hand of the deceased.

If the deceased person is a soldier or an official title, it is laid down in uniform, and if the officer is a church officer, it is laid in a coffin with appropriate service attire.

Without placing the body in the coffin, the priest attaches the four corners of the coffin with the Holy Water.


According to the tradition, wearing black clothes at the funerals is to show people that they are in sin, reminding them that we must live with repentance constantly knowing that death is at hand.

Relatives of the deceased during the ceremony and at the following commemorative ceremonies distribute Koliva (wheat, dried almonds, cereals and walnuts by prayer and reading the psalms).

Shine like the sun on the mercy of God, the living and those who are separated from this world.

WEDDING Ceremony at Orthodox Chrestians

The first family was placed by God in the Garden of Eden and received the divine blessing: "Grow and multiply, and fill the earth, and obey it, and possess the fish of the sea, the fowls of the sky, all the beasts, all the beasts that move on the earth, and all the earth." (Genesis I, 20).

Due to the sin of disobedience by our protoparents, the whole creation becomes corruptible a fact with particularly serious consequences in the primordial family, when due to envy, Cain kills his younger brother, Abel. All this changed when the Son of God Incarnated. Thus, the marriage or Holy Sacrament of the marriage is the foundation of the future family since the Son of God of Incarnate Himself raised it to the rank of Holy Mystery by the miracle of the wedding in Cana Galilei. By the work of this wander Christ begins His Messianic activity. He went with His Mother and disciples to a wedding in Cana Galilei. The nun was the one who organized the wedding and found that it was no longer the wine. This is the time when the Mother of God prays His Son to help the bridegroom . Though he had not yet reached the age of 30, when he was able after the Jewish law to speak of God in public, he still listened to the request of His Mother, who in turn advised the disciples to do as He would say. The Savior Demands that the pots emptied of water be filled with water, and then be given to the monster to drink. It finds that it is a much better wine than the first one that is, the water had become Under divine intervention.


The Holy Sacrament of the marriage is done by the priest in the Supreme High Church, being Christ Himself the unseen believer of all the Holy Mysteries. The Young couple go along with the Godparents, accompanied by their parents, brothers, relatives and friends at the Holy Church to receive the Mystery of the Holy Marriage or marry. Before the great event, the bridegroom prepares themselves, confessing to the same confessor, receiving his blessing and sharing with the Body and Blood of Christ.

In the early Christian church, the bridegroom were sharing during the Wedding but today, thanks to the parties organized in honor of this event, they share it before, and the moment when the priest gives them a taste of bread soaked on wine, it only reminds us of this.

The priest first carries out the engagement service in which he puts the rings on the ring finger on the right hand of every bridegroom the ring symbolizing the circular shape, the infinite love that carries to each other, on which the family is founded.

After the engagement ceremony follows the Tabernacle of the Wedding, when the bridegroom in the name of the Holy Trinity is blessed and wedded and: "Man will leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife, and they shall both be a flesh." (Ephesians, V, 31).

The right and left handed godparents have bright candles in their hand and adorned with flowers the light of the candle featuring the uncreated light and the flowers worship the kingdom of heaven. The mystery of the Holy Wonder is done once in life, and if the divorce breaks, the second and third marriage is accepted but the priest will only practice prayers of blessing known as hierarchs. Only when one of the marriages who marry has never been crowned in the Church even if the other was married, then the Holy Mystery of the Wedding is done.

In the Orthodox Church, the marriage remains valid beyond death it transcends death being eternal as its founder, but due to the bodily lethargy, the second or third marriage is allowed only as the hierarchs.

The religious ceremony is preceded by the marriage ceremony within the town halls.

The baptism of the bride remains according to the Holy Scripture: "What God hath bound together that man should not separate."

(Matthew XIX, 6)


Baptism in Christianity:

The Holy Baptism is the first of the seven Sacraments in the Orthodox Church, the door through which one can enter the Holy Church. Only a bishop or a priest has the right to perform the baptism, which usually takes place in the church's narthex. In very rare cases such as extreme cold, danger of death, it is allowed to baptise the infant at home.

In the case of infant baptism, there are no fixed days or hours, so that it does not happen that the infant die unbaptized. Baptism is usually done eight days after the birth of the baby, or on any holiday day after the Liturgy.

Every infant has godparents, that is, adults who accompany him or her to the Baptism, who have to do the rightful confession of faith on behalf of the child to be baptised. They are the parents of the infant's soul, guarantors in front of God and the Church that the infant will be raised in the Christian faith and will be a good believer.

The godparent must be an Orthodox Christian, of adult age, and of the same sex as the baptized child. The godparents are obliged to take care of the religious and moral life of their godchildren, to be their spiritual teachers and mentors. In turn, the godchildren have to obey their godparents and respect them, just like they do to their parents.

Before the baptism ceremony, the one who is to be baptized has to be prepared. This is done in front of the church doors, in the narthex, because the unbaptized, not yet washed of the ancestral sin, is neither a Christian nor a citizen of heaven whose door is opened only by Baptism. The main parts of the baptism ceremony are: exorcisms, renouncing the devil, and communion with Christ. Exorcisms are three prayers in which the priest asks God to remove from the one who is to be baptized all the evil power of the devil.

Renouncing the devil and the communion with Christ are the three fold denial of the devil of the one who is to be baptized or of the godparent on behalf of the one to be baptized, followed by a three-fold assurance that he or she has united with Christ.

The first part of the ceremony consists of the blessing of the water used for the baptism through a special prayer, in which the priest prays for himself, for God to help him perform the Holy Sacrament, for the one who is baptized and for the sanctification of the swater through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.

The second part of the ceremony is the anointment of the one who is baptized with consecrated oil on the forehead, chest, hands and feet. This oil is blessed by the priest with a special prayer, and it is then poured into the water three times. One of the meanings of the anointment is that the oil, as the fruit of the olive tree, is the sign of the divine mercy and divine good, through which the one to be baptized is saved from sins, just like the olive branch brought by the pigeon to Noah was a sign of the reconciliation of divine wrath.The


third and the most important part of the Baptism ceremony is the very act of the Sacrament, that is, the threefold immersion of the infant in the holy water by the priest, accompanied by the words:«The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father (first immersion) and of the Son (second immersion) and of the Holy Spirit » (third immersion).

This threefold immersion shows, on the one hand, that the foundation of the Orthodox faith is the Holy Trinity, and on the other hand, it represents the three days spent by Jesus in the tomb. The immersion symbolises death for a sinful life and burial with Christ, while the emrgence from the water represents resurrection for the new life in Christ.

Through baptism, as sins are washed away, the baptised person becomes a partaker of the death and resurrection of Christ, and enters a new life, in which they are dead for sin and live for God.

The baptism is performed by immersion, not by pouring or sprinkling, as even the word baptism has the meaning of "immersing". Pouring or sprinkling the water onto the baby is only done in very special circumstances, for example, if someone is badly ill or when there is not enough water at hand.

The water that is used in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism must be natural, clean, and should not be mixed with anything else. By receiving the Holy Baptism, the ancestral sin and all the sins committed before Baptism in the case of those baptized later in life are forgiven. The recipients of the Holy Baptism are all unbaptized, of any age.

During the ceremony, a candle is lit for the baby, which is adorned with flowers and blue ribbons if the baby is a boy, and pink or red ribbons in the case of babygirls.

In order to receive the child, after the priest immerses him or her in holy water, the godmother of godfather must have a large piece of white, unhemmed and unembroidered cloth and a ribbon that should not be too short as it means the child will marry early in life, but also not too long as it means the opposite.

There are different customs related to baptism: In the church, the child arrives clothed by his parents and leaves with clothes from the godparents.

The baby's clothes should not be changed until the day after the baptism and also the parents are not allowed to kiss the baby until the next day after the baptism.

When the infant is brought home from the baptism, the godmother will hand over the baby to his mother at the doorstep.

The godmother has to bathe the child on the day after the baptism. Books are placed under the bath tub, while flower petals, seeds, wheat, a golden or silver coin, flakes, milk, perfume, a drop of honey or sugar are poured into the water, with each element carrying its own significance (for example, books represent hardwork, and wheat symbolise honesty).

Source: mezhepler.html, accessed on 20 March 2017

Http://, accessed on 20 March 2017

Https:// and resources/eastern orthodox funeral traditions, accessed on 28 March 2017

Http://, accessed on 28 March 2017



The Catholic Church or the Roman Catholic Church, the Christian sect with the largest congregation, the spiritual president of the Roman Archbishop (Pope). There are about 1.2 billion members in the world. Catholics are concentrated in South America and in the south of Europe.

Catholicism is separated from other Christian denominations by the privilege of the Archbishop of Rome (Pope), which is the source of the Holy Spirit, the divine aspect of Jesus, the importance given to traditions, religious ceremonies and the Apostle Peter's successor. It was formalized by a decision taken in 1870, when the pope could not be mistaken. According to Catholics, the bread and wine on the mihrab shows the true presence of Jesus. Jesus offers himself to mediate between God and man (see CHRONICITY). The rituals made in Latin for centuries are now being made in their own language, usually in churches. On the altar there is a part of your blessed plantation in a small box. A candle burns day and night to indicate the presence of Jesus. In the majority of the Catholic churches, a baptism where the water used for baptism is stopped, How is it. Baptism, which is a purification ceremony, is also the sanctification of the acceptance of God's kingdom. Catholic families prepare their children for the first communion they think they have lived to divorce from good and bad. For this, the children who are brought to the church with their special clothes are baptized with the ceremony. It is imperative that Catholics attend the Sunday ritual and six major festivals every week. They describe their sins, which disturb them before joining the communion ritual, on the confession cell, nun specifically. This is a part of the tabernacle, where there is a curtain between the priest and the sinner. Catholics believe that they are slain by sin.


The Catholic Church usually has pictures of the patriarch of the church and the sculptures of Christ and the pain and death of Jesus. Catholics pray for Jesus, especially in front of these icons called "crucifixion stops" during the week of the Great Diaspora before Easter. Easter is a holiday in which Christians are reminiscent of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.

• The Catholic Church sacrifices the saints and Mary more than any other church.

• Only men can be priests. They can not marry, they can not be found sexually.

• The Catholic Church is against divorce, abortion and artificial insemination.

• Confession takes a very important place.

Catholicism is a church that recognizes the decisions of the Istanbul Kadikoy Council (Caledonian Council), which is the 4th Ecumenical Council, like the Orthodoxy, but the Orthodox Church recognized only the first 7 councils, and the following constructions were invalid. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, argues that the decisions of the 20 Councils are binding.

Peter is the first founder of the Apostles, , therefore the Pope is considered to be Peter. Catholics have left Orthodoxy as a debate about the source of the Holy Spirit.

According to Orthodoxy, the Holy Spirit came out of the Father and the Son according to the Catholics when he came out of the Father. In 1870, the Vatican's Spiritual Council adopted a law that the pope's infallibility principle adopted. Accordingly, the Pope is not mistaken for being under the control of the Holy Spirit.


• The Pope is the agent of Jesus' Apostle Peter. It is never wrong in religious matters [4] and the Roman Church is the head church.

• The Roman Church is governed by the Holy Spirit and is universal.

• The Holy Spirit has come out of the Father and the Son (Orthodox believers are exiled only from the Father)

• Jesus has both human and god nature.

• The Virgin is innocent and looks. There is authority to intercede.

• Saints can be found in intercession.

• In communion (Efkaristiyya), bread must be unleavened.

• Confession and confession are necessary.

• There are 7 sacraments (Efkaristiya, Baptism, Empowerment, Marriage, Prophecy, Repentance = Confession, Holy oiling)

• The ruhban class can not marry. However, deacons (deacons) can be married from those included in the clergy.

• Twenty council decisions up to this date should be accepted.

• Meat and fatty foods are unbeaten on Fridays.



Baptismal Mystery:

Baptism in christianity

In many Christian denominations, children are baptized at a young age and the child is named after the baptism. In some Christian denominations, only those who believe in Christ Jesus are consecutively baptized. Christians practice baptism according to the preaching of Christ Jesus.

Strengthening mystery

In the Old Testament, the Prophets declare that they will come to Christ and all the people who are waiting for Christ while they are waiting for the Lord's Spirit. It is believed that the whole life and mission of the Messiah Jesus is in full coexistence with the Holy Spirit. That is why it is believed that the Holy Spirit was received on the Day of Pentecost. See. (HI2,11) Seen on the baptism (which can now make Episcopal and authorized priests) is seen in the theology and the Holy Book of the Holy Spirit. (See Bible Work of the Messengers.)


Efkaristiya, Evharistiya (Greek εὐχαριστία "thanksgiving") or Communion (Latin communionem "taking place"); It is the rite of the Last Supper which Christ eats with the apostles of the night before Jesus was crucified. Also known as Missa Ayini or Rabbin Sofrası. It is believed that Jesus gave bread to the eunuchs in this meal and said "This is my body" and "This is my blood" when giving wine. For this reason also known by non Christians is known as the Bread Wine Rite. In some churches the ECHR is held once a week, in others several times a year.

Confession mystery: (Confession) Confessions sakramenti is one of the 7 Essential Sacraments that are accepted among Catholic and Orthodox Churches known as "Confession" among the people. After baptism, the whole of Heavy or Sinful sins of someone is the one who admits a papa sins after he regrets. The Church has described this secret as "the Christian's reconciliation with the church." In this Sacrament Bible, take the Holy Spirit to the Apostles of Christ Jesus, and if you forgive those who are sins, you will be forgiven and you will not be forgiven if you do not forgive whom you sins "(Yuh: 20: 22 23) Out of the way.

How to Confess

The person must first repent and carry out this action, that is, to repent, to pray while repenting, and to fast. First, a serious conscience account must be made, regret should be heard, and if regret is motivated by God's love, it is called "Perfect regret". Imperfect repentance depends on other reasons or fear of hell. Confessing priesthood sins constitutes a


fundamental part of the secret of repentance. The blessings taken in the sins of the sins erase sins, but it is also necessary for the sins to be punished for paying penance for their sins.

Sacred oil mystery

Sacred oil is also known as mystery or anointing the sick. In the period of human sickness, Old Testament experientially learns that his borders are mysteriously related to sin. The old prophets felt that illnesses could have a saving meaning in forgiving the sins of either themselves or others. Thus, the disease is experienced in the presence of God, which the human beings desire to find healing. Compassion for which Jesus Christ has shown affliction is an important indicator of the coming of God's sovereignty, which shows that he has triumphed with many sicks, triumph over sin, suffering, and death. Jesus gave a new meaning to the pain with the pain of suffering and death.

• According to the doctrines of the Eastern and Western Churches, Jesus is trying to fulfill the cure of the patients he has received, with the diligence he has shown to his sickness and with the prayers he has done with the patients

• The Church is in the Incarnation: one of you is a sick person, call on the elders of the Church: the old people will grease and pray for it in the name of the Lord (James 5: 14 15)

• If the disease is in the last period, the so called "last communion" will apply. The last communion, that is, the Communist, who is preparing the transition to the eternal life given to what will leave the world of Viatik. The real purpose is the body of the dead and resurrected Messiah, and the seed of receiving the blood, the eternal life, and the power of resurrection


• The mystery of spirituality: All persons who perform the clergy as a profession in a specific religion, especially Christianity, in the class of the Prophet. The concept of the class of the Prophet, originally from Christianity terminology, is sometimes used for other religions..


Characteristics of the Classification of Adultery

• Only men are selected.

• The ruhban class is a special religious education,

• There are special clothes,

• Equipped with the authority to administer religious ceremonies and interpret religious texts, and in some denominations the ceremonies are performed in the oldest translations of religious texts such as Latin, Greek.

• He chose 'religious man' as a 'profession', devoted himself to this work throughout his life,

• It takes place in a hierarchical structure, it may encounter sanctions if it contradicts this structure,

• In religious interpretations there is a expectation that in social and political matters, there will be complete solidarity with professional associates and hierarchical organization

• Marriage mystery


"The marriage contract, which is a marriage contract between a man and a woman to build a family for the rest of their life, as long as it is the happiness of the natural wives, has been made secret among the baptized wives by the Lord Jesus Christ." Marriage in God's design. The Bible begins with a section about men and women created in the image and likeness of God, and ends with the "wedding of the Lamb" in Apocalypse. The Bible tells us from beginning to end marriage and its "secret", from the institution of marriage, from the sense that God has given to it, from the origin and end of marriage, from various stages throughout the history of peace, from sinful challenges and from the renewal of the new covenant between the Church and Messiah . Marriage in Creation

"The rules of life created by spouses and the rules of loving family order are set and equipped by God." Their tendency to marriage is inherent in both men and women, as they were created by God. Marriage is not an entirely human made institution for centuries, despite the changes in different cultures, social structures, and spiritual attitudes it has taken. This diversity should not forget the common and continuous lines of your marriage. The reputation of this institution unfortunately does not appear everywhere with the same clarity, and there is a belief in the importance of marriage relationship in every culture. "Because the happiness of the person and of the community is tightly bound up with marriage and family happiness.’’

God wants human beings to know love, as well as to create it with love, the tendency to love is innate in person. Because man was created in the likeness and likeness of God, who is himself of Love. Since God created man as man and woman, the love they have for each other becomes a form of absolute and eternal love God has for man. This love is a very good thing in God's eyes. This love that God has blessed must also be productive and must take place in the oversight of creation: God blesses Adam and Eve and says to them: "Be productive, multiply and fill the world and take it under your control."

The Bible tells us that man and woman are created for one another: "It is not right for one to remain alone." That is to say, "the flesh of the woman" is, in short, another person, a wife, a closest friend, a representative of God who is our help, given by God. "That is why she will abandon her male parents and be bound to their husbands, ". This is a union that will


go on and on in both lives, and Christ Jesus expresses in the beginning that it is in God's will, "They are no longer two, but one thing"

Marriage under the law of pedagogy

God did not leave the sinful man because He was merciful. The result of sin is punishment, "giving pain by giving birth", "gaining bread by pouring the forehead" at the same time acts as a drug that limits the damage of sin. After the fall, marriage causes the person to close down, to be selfish, to overcome his pursuit of pleasure, to open up to others, to mutual aid, to give himself. 1610 Moral consciousness about the unity and corruption of marriage developed under the ancient pedagogical law. The polygamy of the King and the first prophets was not rejected in those days. Nevertheless, despite the words of Jesus, who said that Moses gave permission to divorce women because of their hard heartedness, the command given to Moses was given to prevent the woman from being arbitrarily crushed by men.

The prophets have chosen the love of a chosen marriage to be a faithful and veto like treaty between Israel and God. The Rut and Tobit books have very emotional testimony about the meaning of marriage, loyalty in marriage, and love for each other. Tradition has always seen the expression of human love, a pure reflection of the love of God, "as powerful as death," in which "all rivers of the universe can not be quenched".

Marriage in the Lord

The wedding treaty between God and the people of Israel was eternal and the new Treaty was prepared. The Son of God prepared the "Lamb's wedding" by taking the body and sacrificing his own life and united with humanity saved by Himself. When Jesus entered the people, he performed the first miracle when he was invited at a wedding on the request of his mother. The church gave great importance to Jesus being present at the knot on the Kana. The church accepts that marriage is an effective sign of the presence of Christ, as it shows that marriage is a good thing for Jesus to join his wedding. Without the misunderstanding of Jesus, God explained the original purpose of combining woman and man in the beginning, then divorcing the woman given by Moses is a result of the joining of the hearts of men. Marriage between woman and man can not be broken: God himself is " " said .The insistence of your marriage can create confusion in your own eyes, and this can be seen as an imperative necessity. Jesus did not want to put his wives under a heavy burden that they could not bear any more than the law of Moses. Jesus, who came to put the creation in its original form in ruin, was given the power and grace needed for the marriage to take place in the new dimension of the Sovereignty of God. The spouses can understand the real meaning of marriage by watching Jesus, taking sacrifice of themselves, taking each other's crosses, and living it with the help of Christ. The grace of Christian marriage is a product of the Cross of Christ, the source of every Christian life.

Apostle Paulus wanted to tell it, saying, "If your brothers have sacrificed themselves to love the Christ Church and glorify it, then you should love your wives." Immediately he added: "For this, the man will leave his father's father, will be bound to his wife, and two will be one body: this secret is very deep, I speak of Christ and the Church when I say these things"


Every Christian life is marked by the inner love of Christ and the Church. Baptism, which has entered into the life of the people of God, is the secret of a wedding: to tell you the truth, the wedding that preceded Ephqaristiya, the baptismal wedding festival, is the banyos. Christian marriage is also an effective sign of the covenant between Christ and the Church. The marriage between those who have declared and transmitted baptism to the Nuru is a true secret of the New Testament.

Stay a virgin for the sake of God's sovereignty

Christ is the center of all Christian life. The bond with him is preliminary than any other family or social bond. Since the beginning of Christianity, there have been men and women who have abandoned marriage for the sake of observing everywhere the Lamb has gone, dealing with the Lord's work, his pleasure, and the coming Güveyi. Christ Jesus himself hath called for them to adopt this way of life. He did not get married: There are those born in the womb of the mother's womb, born as eunuchs, as well as those castrated by mankind and those who have castrated themselves for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. The understanding of this understanding (Mt 19, 12) A spread of the baptized soul for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens is a strong sign that the priority of the bond with Christ, the conversion of Christ is vigorously awaiting, a reminder that virgin marriage is a reality of this mortal world Marriage is the secret of being a virgin for the sake of the kingdom of God, both from the Lord himself. He is the one who gives them meaning and necessary blessing for their lives in accordance with their will. The significance of Christian marriage as a virgin for the sake of God's sovereignty is inseparable and mutually supportive: Trying to scare marriage means to diminish the glory of the virginity in the same way; Praising marriage further revives the admiration of virginity. (...) In the end, it is not really a favor that seems to be a favor compared to an evil, but it is also better than the best good undeniable goodness

Church wedding ceremony

The marriage ceremony held in the Latin ritual between the two Catholics is normally done during the Holy Month due to the connection of the Church secrets with the Easter secret of Christ. In Efkaristiya, the New Covenant, which united to the eternity with the beloved wife Church, By combining the sacrifices of the Ecclesiastes in the sacrifice of the Messiah with the sacrifice offered for the upkeeping of the Church of Christ in order to be one body in Christ, eating from the same blood of Christ and eating in the same Body, taking Efkaristiya Reinforcements will be appropriate.


"The church marriage ceremony should be spontaneously valid, respectful and productive as the Church secret." It would be appropriate for the couples to be married by the church marriage ceremony to make a confession before joining the ceremony.

In the Latin Church in general, the spouses mutually agree on the secret of marriage by stating their mutual recognition in the presence of the Church. In the Eastern Churches, after receiving the mutual approval of the priest or episcopal spouse, he gives them the secret of marriage byputting a crown on their heads as a sign of the marriage agreement.

In various liturgies, God has many blessings and epicual prayers on the new couple, especially on the bride in order to say goodness and blessing. In the spirit of marriage, the wives receive the Holy Spirit as if they were in the union of love between Christ and the Church. The Holy Spirit is the power to renew their loyalty to each other, the source they always love, the seal of the covenant they have made.

Confirmation of spouses

The champion of the marriage agreement is a man with a woman who is baptized, freely expresses his approval, and will sign the marriage agreement freely. "Being free" means:

no coercion;

Not to be prevented by church or natural law.

The church considers the consent expressed among the spouses as a mandatory element that constitutes "marriage". Marriage does not apply if approval is not granted.

Confirmation is "a mutual humanitarian act between spouses" "I accept you as my wife." "I accept you as my husband." These approvals connect the wives to each other and are completed by having one body. "

Confirmation is an action to be made by the will of the people who will make the marriage agreement far away from fear and violence from the outside. No human power can take the place of this approval.

For this reason (or because of other reasons that marriage is invalid or has not occurred), the Church may declare that "marriage is invalid", that is, no marriage has occurred since the situation assessment at the Church courts. In this case, the parties to the marriage are free to marry on condition that they fulfill the natural obligations of their previous union. The priest (or diacus) who attends the marriage ceremony accepts the approval of the spouses on behalf of the Church and gives the sanctification of the Church. The presence of the church priest and witnesses in the marriage ceremony clearly indicates that your marriage is a Church reality.

This is why the Church wants a church document from believers to show that marriage is done as usual. There are many reasons for this: Marriage is a literal act of secret. It would be appropriate to perform this ceremony in the church. new assignments in marriage between the spouses and against the children in the Church, bringing new rights; marriage Since marriage is a form of life in the Church (witnesses' obligation). once it is approved in front of the community, saying "Yes" helps to keep this so called faithful.

It is very important to prepare marriage for the freedom and responsibility of the "Yes" of the spouses and for the establishment of the humanitarian, solid and permanent Christian bases of the marriage treaty: The advice given by parents and families and the examples shown are privileged in this preparation.


Mixed marriages and contrary cults

According to the current Latin Church Law, urgent consent of the competent episcopate is required for the legalization of mixed marriage. A special urgent consent is required for the validity of the marriage to be held among those with false cultures. This permission or special permission may only be granted when both parties know that they are aware of the basic qualities and consequences of marriage and that children admitted by the Catholic Party are baptized and educated in the Catholic Church.

In many regions, at the end of the ecumenical dialogue, the respective Christian communities have formed a joint committee to resolve the mixed marriage problem. The task of this board is to make life easier for couples under these belief lights. It is also the duty of the spouses to help tackle the tension between their responsibilities to themselves and their communities. This board should encourage the development of common points in the beliefs of their partners and ensure that the contradictions are respected. In marriages made in contrary cults, a special task falls to the Catholic side: "Because the unbelieving husband is blessed through his wife, and the unbelieving woman is blessed through his faithful husband"

The effects of the secret of marriage

"From a valid marriage between spouses, there is a link from the one and only continuity of marriage, and furthermore, in Christian marriage, spouses are blessed and empowered with a special secret for their prestige and duties."

Marriage bond

The approval of the spouses by each other and their mutual acceptance of each other is confirmed by God Himself. From their agreement "comes an institution in the society approved by God's law". The treaty between the spouses merges into the treaty between God and man: "The true love between the spouses is integrated with the love of God." Since marriage ties are established by God himself, marriages between those who are baptized can never be broken. This bond, which is the result of free spirits of the spouses, is an indispensable truth and a statement of God's faithful love towards people. It is not the Church's obligation to counter this plan of your divine wisdom.

Uniqueness and corruption of your marriage

It requires compassion and unity of co relatives of love, of love, of nature, of all their lives: "Now they are not two, but one"

"The spouses must constantly reinforce their unity by adhering each day to the promise of marriage, which they are obliged to do." This human union is approved, refined, and completed by the union of Christ Jesus given with the secret. It gets even deeper with Ecuarians and common Christians living together.

"The same personal respon sibility must be accorded to men with women who are clearly manifested in marriage and women who are in love with each other." Multiplexity is in contradiction to the single and special marriage love and dignity.


Loyalty to love at home

The love of wives in marriage, the nature of this love, requires untouchable loyalty. This is the result of spouses giving themselves to each other. Love wants to be certain. He does not want to be "up to a new plane." "This sincere union requires that two persons give themselves to each other, that the wives loyal to each other for the sake of their children, and that they are unbearable of their union."

We can find the deepest reason for this in the faithfulness of God's treaty, the Church of Christ. Marriage with the mate and the spouse attain this loyalty demonstration. Marriage is a deeper meaning of marriage and marital infidelity.

It may seem difficult, even impossible, to connect a person to a whole lifetime. The importance of the New Testament to the fact that God loves us with a definite, unchangeable love is so important that it is important that the wives contribute to this love and be witnesses of their support, their loyalties in marriage, and the faithful love of God. Often couples who give this test with the help of God under difficult conditions deserve the support and gratitude of the Christian community.

However, living together can be overwhelming because of different reasons. In these cases the Church accepts that the spouses live separately. But the wives are still in front of God; They are not free to enter a new relationship. In this difficult situation, the best solution is to make peace if possible. The Christian community is obliged to help couples live their lives in Christianity by remaining faithful to the marriage bond remaining intact.

Today, in many countries there are many Catholics who divorce and re formally marry according to official legislation. The Church can not accept a new marriage, if it is made in a valid way, by adhering to the words of the Messiah ["Marrying his wife, marrying another, committing adultery against his wife, and divorcing her husband and marrying another." If the divorced are married again with the official marriage, they will be in an objectively

contradictory condition to God's law. As long as they remain in this situation they can not receive communion. They can not assume some church responsibilities for the same reasons. Repentance and confession can only be given in the case of disregard for those who fail in their loyalty to Christ, and for a totally chaste life.


The baptismal word derives from the Greek word "βαπτίζω". In historical context, baptism means "to immerse, immerse, immerse" in something. Although it is largely used in connection with the baptismal mystery in Christianity, it is known that the baptismal word is also used in different contexts. For example, in the pickle recipe given by a writer named Nicader who lived in the second century, the word is widely seen. First, it is written that the pickle should be immersed in boiling water (bapto) and then completely immersed in vinegar solution (baptizo). The word baptism was also used in the description of the process of immersing the fabric in the color. The origin of the water immersion (water baptism) ceremony in Christianity extends to Saint John the Pathfinder of Christ. According to the


Bible, St. John baptized many, including Christ. The different forms of baptism are also practiced in the Old Testament.


Contrary to popular Protestant opinion, baptism is not only a symbolic death and resurrection, but a real supernatural change. It is believed to provide baptism, purification from sins, and death with Christ, burial and resurrection.


Since baptismal mystery is truly spiritual and savior, certain conditions must be fulfilled in order for a baptism to be valid (ie effective). Violation of the rules during the application of the mystery (if the law of the church is ignored, and those who are willing to attend the ceremony are considered to be sinners, if they are aware of it). For example, a priest will be baptized for as long as the basic conditions of the mystery are fulfilled, even if the priest makes changes that are unapproved by the Church in the ceremony, if he is sinned in violation of the Church rules, and those who attend the ceremony are aware of the evil behavior of the priest.

Normally, baptism is done by dipping three times in water, and a legal baptism must be performed by the priest. If there is a compulsion (if the baptist is in a clinical setting or in any other space outside the Church, if there is a risk of sudden death, if the water immersion process is not feasible, or if there is no deep water source such as a pool) It can be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit by watering three times a head by a Christian. The correct formula to be said for baptism is as follows: "Amen, and Amen, and Amen, the Son of Amen, and the Holy Spirit (immersed in water or poured water), are baptized in the name of Amen, Other acceptable formulas: "Baptism in the name of this holy Messiah ..." or "This person is baptized with my hands " The Roman Catholic Church uses the formula "I baptize you ............". Roman Catholics consider using the act of baptizing. In contrast, the practice of baptizing water in the Orthodox Church is not accepted under any circumstances. Some scholars argue that in very urgent situations it is necessary to be baptized either by the person or byspraying water to any part of the body.

In the mystery of baptism, it is also essential to use a formula that reflects the belief in the Trinity. Baptism practiced by anti Trinity churches like the monotheistic Pentecostal group is generally regarded as invalid.

According to many religious scholars, the most important point in baptism is the acceptance of the Trinity in the form of the name of the Triune Unity and the inclusion of three divine persons in the form of the word, with the intention of the Trinity.



The first introduction and introduction of baptism began with Christ's cousin St. John. John, who prepared the way for Christ, spoke of a baptism based on repentance in order to prepare for his development:

In the meantime, God revealed the word to Yahya the son of Zechariah who was in the garrison. He also traveled throughout the entire area around the River Jordan to call people to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. Indeed, in the book that contains the words of the prophet Isaiah, it is written: "Prepare the way of the Lord, and straighten the path that will pass," the voice rising in the tumbling, "Every stream will be filled, every mountain and each hill will descend. The curved roads will be straightened and the rough roads will be straightened. And all people will see the salvation God has provided. '»(Luke 3: 2 6)

In talking about the coming Messiah, Saint John also spoke of a different baptism: Yahweh replied, "I baptize you with water, but I am stronger than you. I am not even worthy to untie his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Harman is standing in his hand to clean the place and collect the wheat and stack it in the barn. He will burn the firestorm with fire. »(Luke 3: 16 17)


During John's prophecy, Christ went to be baptized by John: In those days Jesus, who came out of the city of Nazareth of Galilee, was baptized by Yahya in the Jordan. As he left the water, he saw that the heavens were cleaved and the Spirit descended upon him as a dove. A voice came out of the sky saying, "You are my beloved Son, I like you." (Mark 1: 9 11)

In the Bible there is information about the Messiah or his students baptizing the repentant individuals (John 3: 22 26; 4: 1 3)


After his resurrection, Christ appeared to his students and said: Jesus came to them and said to them, "All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. For this reason, train all the nations as my students. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I command you. Here I am with you at all times until the end of the world. » (Matthew 28: 18 20)

The commandment of the Lord "Baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" is the practice of the Church of the Old Testament and today baptism is the practice of Orthodoxy.


How happy they are to enter the water by relying on the crucifixion! Indeed, we are inflicted with water full of sin and pollution; But from water we are fruit in our hearts and in our soul we fear God and trust in Christ. (Barnabas's letter 11) (Messiah) He was born and baptized in order to purify the waters with sorrows. (Ignatius's letter to Ephesians 18)



The Eastern Churches maintain a strict rule based fasting system; The Churches in the West have alleviated and simplified the fasting system. For example, according to the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, you are fasted two days in a year and the meat is not eaten on Fridays during the Easter ready period. Wednesday and Friday (except for special circumstances that the Church says not to fast) are fasting days in the calendar. The tradition of fasting two days a week is of Judaism origin. The man prayed to himself in the standing position: "My god, I thank you that I did not resemble other people the lovers, the righteous, the adulterers, I am fasting two days a week, I give ten thousand of all my earnings. ' (Luke 18: 11 12) While fasting days are Monday and Thursday in Judaism, Christians fast on Wednesday and Friday. That is why Lord Yeshua is betrayed on Wednesday and crucified on Friday.

What will be eaten during fasting? (Spiritual from the book of John of the Golden Golden Horn). It has been translated by Father Dimyan Yakupoglu.) We do not consume milk, dairy products, fish (free special days), meat and meat products while fasting. But it is bloodless from seafood; Calamari, mussels, shrimp are free. There is no time for an org in something that should not be forgotten.

Fasting is kept as a full day. Cucumbers such as vinegar, potato salad are extremely nutritious and sticky products. Lentils are a very important food source and you can make salad, soup,or food from it. All you need to notice is that you do not add any fat that carries animal products into its additives like Brillion. You can consume peas and similar cereal groups in the same way. You can eat all vegetables as olive oil. In the morning you can prepare a menu with jams, tomatoes, olives, cucumber groups, cereal breads, yada bran or rye bread. Those who love to eat muesli can use fruit juice or soy milk instead of milk. You will often benefit from consuming cookies frequently during this period. It will be very useful for you to consume plenty of energy such as kaju peanuts, peanuts, nuts, walnuts, raisins and dried fruits (such as apricot apples).

Especially the Easter Trio period takes place 3 weeks before Orucu. The goal of this period is to prepare the faith to the Easter holiday (Easter). The Church Father says that the Trio period began, that is, repentance and spiritual struggle began.

In every Catholic Church there is absolutely a Virgin Mary statue. It is believed that the Catholic teachings went directly to the sermon when Mary was born without sin and died.

Catholics also believe that a person's soul will be saved from the sins of the souls before they reach God, and that the situation will help to save the soul of this person of the duals of the living. It is believed that anyone who opposes the will of God will remain in Hell forever.

Communion ritual. According to the belief in the Christian Understanding, Jesus is known as Evkaristiya, which is organized to commemorate the presentation of bread and wine to his students as his body and blood during the Last Supper.


The Sacrament of the Rites of the Catholic Church identified the Missa covenant in the Church as follows: "The victim who sustained the victim of the crucifixion; Remembering the birth of Rabbin and the resurrection of the Lord, saying, 'Do this to commemorate me' (Luke 22:19). In this sacred meal God's Community becomes a part of the benefits of the Passover through the sharing of the Body and the Blood of the Rabbinate Body and the Blood of God through the blood of the Messiah through the blood of the Messiah until the end of the world Demonstrates that by faith in the representation of the sacred meal of the Father's kingdom, he will have faith and hope "(Eucharisticum Mysterium, 25 May 1967). These words summarize the Catholic Church's understanding of what Jesus Christ did in the Last Supper..

The birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated in Christianity as Jesus' birthday. Jesus (d 8 2 BC 29 36 BC) is the basic figure in Christianity. There is no consensus among historians on the dates of birth and death. Jesus came to earth from Mary, a Jew in the Jewish province of the Roman Empire. In Christianity and Islam, it is believed that God was born without father. The son is appointed by his stepfather Joseph. Accordingly, the progeny David is based on the prophet. In the Islamic sources, there is no mention of Mary being married later. In the Bible, only the Luke and Matthew Gospels are mentioned in the book of the birth of Jesus. According to some allegations, Jesus was not born in winter. According to the Luka Bible, when Jesus was born, the shepherds were grazing their pastures in the pastures. According to some sources, John the Baptist was born on the Jewish Passover (unleavened bread) festival on April 15, and Jesus, born six months after John the Baptist, must be born in October. In Islam there are rumors that Zakariya's wife (John's mother) and Mary were pregnant at about the time. In the Qur'anic interpretation of Ibn Kathir, it is mentioned that Zekeriya's wife is the aunt of Mary and they talked to each other first when they became pregnant. Also, according to the Qur'an, Mary gave birth at a time when the hurmas were fresh

Christmas Celebrations: Today's Christmas celebrations are quite colorful in Christian countries. Christmas preparations start early in the month. Christians are waiting for the birth of Jesus is called the turn of the adventure and 24 window advent calendar is prepared. On these calendars, pictures or candies are hidden behind each window, one of them opens each day. In some countries, advent candles are burned


In the schools before Christmas, the plays of Jesus' birth are staged. In these games, it is recreated that Jesus came to the world in a stable and that the three astrologers from the east brought gifts to Jesus. Koranes made up of children or adults in churches and streets tell Christmas. People give Christmas parties before Christmas, especially on weekends.

Christmas trees are decorated, illuminated house, garden, street ornament is made. Gifts are given, greeting cards are given, and Santa's arrival on Christmas Eve is symbolically portrayed.

In many countries, after Christmas dinner on 25 December, family members gather around the table. Christmas eating differs from country to country, but the most common is fried turkey and sausage. In some countries, brandy is poured onto the cakes (Christmas pudding) served after the dessert.

Children write letters to Santa Claus long before Christmas and make a list of the gifts they want. At Santa's clubs in city centers and shopping centers, Santa Claus, or the officers who entered her armor, listens to the wishes of the children before Christmas and collects their letters to convey to Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve nights homes are left with food for Santa Claus and deer. A common practice in the US is to leave milk and cookies. In Turkey, liquor wine (sherry), fruit tarts and carrots are left.

On Christmas Day, gifts left under the Christmas Tree are bought and given. Put the gifts and candies in the giant socks for young children. Children are said to have brought these gifts to Santa Claus.

Christmas tree

The pine tree, which is furnished with lights and ornaments during the Christmas festivities, is called the Christmas tree. Nowadays it is known that the Christmas tree is a ritual from Pagan traditions.

Using evergreen trees and wreaths as symbols of immortal life was a common tradition of ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Jews. The worship of widespread European paganism continued in the form of the tradition of sculpting the Scandinavian people after their Christian adoption and equipping their houses and huts with trees at the beginning of the year to prepare a tree for the birds during Christmas time. In Germany, there was a Yule (New Year) tree in the entrance to the house or at the holidays in the middle of the winter

It is thought that the present Christmas tree originated from the western part of Germany. In the Middle Ages, the main decor of a play that played Adam and Eve was a pine


tree representing the garden of heaven and with apples on it. In the festival of Adam and Eve (December 24), the Germans set their sights on such a paradise tree, on which the thin, pitted pieces of bread symbolizing the blessed bread in the Communion were hanged; They then took their place in different forms of scones. In some places candles were added to symbolize Jesus. There was a Christmas pyramid in the same room as the tree during the Christmas season. In the 16th century, the pyramid of Christmas and the paradise tree united to form the Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree, which arrived in England early in the 19th century, was widespread in the middle of this century with the support of Prince Albert, wife of Queen Victoria. At that time, Christmas trees were decorated with candles, candies and cakes hanging from the branches with ribbon and paper chains. The Christmas tree that immigrant Germans took to North America in the 17th century became fashionable in the 19th century. Tradition is also common in Austria, Switzerland, Poland and the Netherlands. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Christmas trees introduced by American missionaries to Japan and China began to be furnished with finely crafted paper ornaments.

Santa Claus

Christmas night is the legendary person who believes in giving gifts to children. The origin is based on the Bishop Nicholas, a Christian saint who lived in the 4th century AD in the province of Demre (formerly Myra) of Antalya.

Santa, according to legend, lives with his wife in the North Pole. He makes toys for children with his handbag. The children will send a letter to themselves telling them what gift they want for Christmas. Santa Claus also fills the flying reindeer's reindeer with presents and enters everyone's chests to distribute everyone's gift. Meanwhile, children consume food and drinks such as milk, cookies, carrots, left for themselves and their deer. [16]

Santa Claus is now depicted as a gray-haired, long-bearded, cute, big-belly, tontonian. He wears a red robes with white feathers and a hood in the same image. The location of the house varies according to the traditions of the countries. Arctic, Korvatunturi in Finland, Dalecarlia in Sweden or Greenland are some of them. In some countries, Santa Claus grotts are established and the children sit on the knees of Santa Claus and tell them what they want as gifts.


"Christmas," The New Columbia Encyclopedia. New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1975,


accessed on 20 March 2017

Restad, Penne L., Christmas in America: A History, New York, Oxford University Press. 1995, accessed on 20 March 2017 tk/1101989247, accessed on 20 March 2017 http: // Id = 40 & par = 8 & td = 11


Protestant rebellion means protesting. Your Catholicism in the 16th century

The reformist communities that emerged in response to their religious practices were called Protestants.

Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic churches outside of a large group of Christians forming a large Expresses the sect. The Protestantism, which had significant differences from these two churches through its practices

Their roots are based on religious reform movements in the 16th century. German Reverend Martin Luther (1483 1546),

The Roman Catholic Church has forgiven sins and made it a financial resource, That the interpretation is seen only in its own authority and that the liturgy language is only Latin Kicked off the first objection

He lodged these objections at the gate of the Wittenberg Cathedral with a document of ninety five articles.

This move by Luther's head was carried out by many Protestants like Zwingli and Calvin It spread all over Europe

The main characteristics of the Protestant sect are:

• The infallibility and authority of the papal is not accepted.

• In religious understanding and interpretation, they take the sacred book, not the church authority.

• Only accept baptism and evharistiya sacraments, worthy of others They will not give.

• They are very faithful when it comes to freedom.

• There is a class of religious services, but they do not accept the sacrament.

• They do not give importance to Aziz and Mary.

• They do not have pictures and sculptures in their churches.

• Confession is not accepted.

• Priests can marry.

• Worship and rites are performed in the language of each country.



Worship and religious practices constitute the practical dimension of religions. In the case of Christianity, sacraments are the most important religious practices. While Catholics and Orthodox accept seven sacraments, Protestants see only baptism and evil as sacrament. In this book, besides baptism and Evolution, five other practices (confession, confession of sin, oil painting, priesthood and marriage) which are called Protestant so called sacraments are examined with an impartial eye. The differences between the Protestants and the Catholics are reflected in the meaning, prosperity and historical development of each betting practitioner.


Baptism is a sign of repentance. The Law, which is sent down to God by Moses, contains many rules that symbolize sanctity and devotion to God. They also had bathing ceremonies. These ritual washes were given to reflect the intent of more people, although they were not gentle enough to cleanse their sins. Baptist John the Baptist, who had appointed to prepare the way for the Messiah during the New Testament (Bible), called people of this repentance baptism and drowned him. His devotion to God the Baptized God and his symbols.

It is an indication of baptism obedience. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, wanted to be baptized by John the Baptist although he was without sin. He did this to show his obedience to the Father God and to be an example for those who went after him (Christians).

Jesus Christ instructs the students who leave the world without separation from the body to baptize those who believe. It does not exist on its own. It is the grace and will of God that save mankind from the wrath of God. It is a sign and testimony that we are baptized.

No, it is not. However, it is important to be baptized when you decide to go through the path of salvation provided by God. As mentioned above, it is clearly a testimony that Jesus Christ was accepted as Lord, so it is a sign of faith to be fulfilled by every believer. In general, when the person is baptized, the person who will be baptized will be completely immersed in water and removed again. This movement symbolizes that a previous life is dead and a new life is resurrected for God.



It is done in every church worship. Another name is kudas (or arabic state and kiddaes). Orthodox Catholics in the morning and evening as they do. It is necessary to confess sins and not to have eaten before they have suffered. The yeast is swallowed without chewing bread. And when it is received, it is believed to be a whole with Christ.

This wine at Christianity is also inspired by the fact that Jesus knows that Jesus will die at the last dinner, saying that his bread is his meat, his blood is in his wine. He was then reported to have been reported by one of his disciples and executed by crucifixion.

Christianity has spread to many places in the world in the future processes and has a big division in itself by the division of the Roman Empire.While the reason for this is shown as cultural, traditional and religious, the main problem is related to the administration and power.At this time roma (vatican) and istanbul (lantern) As a final excuse, the churches debated whether the bread in the wine ceremony was fermented or unfermented, contradicted and officially separated.

Source: Assoc. Dr. Muhammet Tarakci EMIN PUBLICATIONS Https:// 57327, accessed on 20 March 2017




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