Learning past history for present and future-the Holocaust, 2022

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Learning past history for present and future-the Holocaust, 2022 LICEUL DE ARTE ORADEA Coordinator teacher’s name: FÜRTÖS ERIKA The Holocaust Erasmus+ Programme – Strategic Partnership No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403 European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully -Liceul Tehnologic Costești, Argeș

The Holocaust


What is the Holocaust?

The Holocaust was the systematic, planned and state-controlled persecution and destruction of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies. The Nazis who came to power in Germany in January 1933 proclaimed that Germans were "racially superior" while "inferior" Jews were foreigners who posed a threat to the so-called German racial community.

Who was affected by „inferiority”?

• During the Holocaust, German authorities also took action against groups other than Jews who were considered "racially inferior": Roma (Gypsies), disabled people, and certain Slavic peoples (such as Poles, Russians, and others) . Like communists, socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses and homosexuals were persecuted on ideological and lifestylegrounds.

How many victims were killed during the Holocaust?

• By 1945, the Germans and their allies had exterminated nearly twothirds of European Jewry in the "Final Solution" extermination of Jews. The main victims of Nazi racism were the Jews, who were considered the main threat to Germany, but the Nazis executed approximately 200,000 Roma (Gypsies) and at least 200,000 Germans living in institutionsbecauseoftheirmentalorphysicaldisabilities,theso-called euthanasia.AstheNaziregimebroughtmoreandmoreofEuropeunder its power, the Germans and their collaborators killed millions more victims. 2-3 million Soviet POWs died as a result of executions, starvation, disease, lack of care or cruel treatment. The Germans also murderedJewishPolishintellectualsanddeportedmillionsofPolishand SovietcitizenstoworkinGermanyoroccupiedPolishterritories.

The End of the Holocaust

As the Allied troops pushed deeper and deeper into Europe with a series of offenses against Germany, they reached the concentration camps and freed the prisoners who remained there and were forced to march between the camps. These marches didnot stopuntilMay7,1945,whenGerman army forces surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. World War II officially ended in Europe the following day, May 8, as Soviet forces made May 9, 1945, their official "Victory Day." The last refugee camp was closedin1957.

Memorials of the Holocaust all over the world

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