"All About Holocaust&Freedom " -Erasmus Open educational resource (RED)

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Jewish community in Panciu from 1831 to the Holocaust Profesor coordonator Iliescu Luminia ț Elevi: Dobrin Miruna-VII, Lipan Mihaela-VII, Duă Sofia-VI,ț Corcoz GămanRoxana-VI,Patricia-VI Liceul Tehnologic Alexandru Ioan Cuza Panciu

Project No. 2020-1-RO01-KA229-080403 European students responsible, motivated, intelligent emotionally and usefully Project funded by the European Commission

On October 9 our highschool we will plant crocuses in the memory of the families deported to Transnistria. Also, we visited the Holocaust Museum in Ias'i. We want to generate motivations, attitudes, and interest for the economic and cultural life of the Jews from Romania.


• We will present the historical events that determined the Holocaust in Romania and the consequences of this tragedy.

• This project hopes to highlight the cultural and religious values of the Jewish community. It presents their economic role the city of Panciu and Vrancea county during the interwar period.

Project Title:Jewish community in Panciu from 1831 to the Holocaust A. Short description:

• There will be involved a number of forty students, and 10 teachers and members of the local community.

The main objectives of my project are • O1 – pupils learning to cooperate • O2 – pupils being able to do research, analyse data and present them to the group • O3 –pupils using their imagination to create logistics (advertisements) to raise awareness with public opinion and the authorities • O4 – pupils developing abilities of communication, analysing, and interpreting historic data, sources, and information they have acquired • O5 – pupils nurturing attitudes that promote tolerance, empathy and nondiscrimination, the development of their civic duty

Guests: the President of the Focs'ani Jewish Community, members of the National Archives.

October 9th – small symposium called The Holocaust, a black page of Romanian history which will take place in the festive hall of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Technological High School


Organisers: Teachers Iliescu Luminit'a, Robu Mihaela

During this event teacher Iliescu Luminit'a will speak about the project and she will make an introduction in the history of the Jewish community from Panciu. Teacher Iliescu will present the historical context for the Holocaust and will share a message for peace and tolerance so that this type of tragedy would not happen again

On October 9 our students planted crocuses in the memory of the families deported to Transnistria

There were organised two expositions: a photography exposition called The Holocaust, a black page in Romanian history and a book exposition having as a subject the Holocaust. The books that have been exhibited are Anne Frank’ s diary, The Boy in striped pajamas, The book Thiem,

Holocaust in picture childrens drawings

Visit to the Jewish cemetiries in my city • Cemetiries are the testimony of existence of a strong Jewish community in the 19 and 20 centuries.

Second stage:December 2021 – it was a visit to the Synagogue in Focșani for the Hanukkah religious holiday. There was a presentation of the significance of the holiday, but there was also be an exposition with drawings and paintings made by our pupils. On this occasion, the pupils learned more about Jewish traditions and it was an opportunity to taste the delicious specific meals of that holiday.

Hanuka traditions The students prepared Jewish food in the gastronomic laboratory of the high school

Visiting the progrom museum in Iași

train in the summer of 1941


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