Round table

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Erasmus+ Project: Motivating the learning engine to increase student's school, professional and social succes and reduce absenteeism 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851

Round table Discussing aspects that can be taken over, improved, what they like, what they do not like, what differences they find


 The round table assignment was conducted in class

with third grade high school students.

 After explaining the task and writing the table on the

school board, the students wrote down which things motivate them to learn and which demotivate them.

Motivation to learn It motivates me

Demotivates me



other students

amount of curriculum

enrollment in the desired faculty

working conditions

necessary for life


secure your future

amount of teaching hours



general knowledge

wasting time doing what I don’t like



good grades

lack of concentration

 When writing down each entry, we discussed how

motivating and demotivating things affect them when learning.

 After which we touched just on things that

demotivates them and talked about how they could change that into things that could motivate them to learn better.  The results were recorded in a new table.

Improvements How can we improve things that demotivates us to learn better? more interesting and younger professors morning exercise

only necessary curriculum classes from 9 to 14

lesson lasts 30 min better organization of the day

Erasmus+ Project: Motivating the learning engine to increase student's school, professional and social succes and reduce absenteeism 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851 Project financed by the European Union All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or any means, without permission in writing from the authors. "The European Commission is not responsible for any uploaded or submitted content. The content reflects the views only of the European Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

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