Traditions in Romanians

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Romanian culTuRe Tehnological high School , coSTeSTi, Romania

„European schools without stereotypes promoting the European inter culturality“ № 2016-1-RO01-KA219024675_1 2016-2018

Project financed by the European Union

Technological High School Costești, ROMANIA Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Manavgat, TURCIA I.I.S.S. Carlo Maria Carafa Mazzarino, ITALIA

Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev” Vidin, BULGARIA

Coordinator project-Mrs. Drăguț Violeta Technological High School Costești, Romania Coordinators-Mrs. Mandzhukova Evlogiya, Vocational School of Tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev”-Vidin, Bulgaria Mrs. Anna Maria Lo Bue, I.I.S.S. "Carlo Maria Carafa" Mazzarino, Italy Mr. Onur Arslan, Sule Muzaffer Buyuk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High

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TRadiTionS and cuSTomS Rural space is home to the most beautiful Romanian traditions. The village is the cultural heart of Romanians and ancient customs are still practiced, especially by Romanians living in the country The Romanian peasant has always been rich in customs and traditions.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS “caluSul” 

“Căluşul” is a traditional Romanian dance, present from ancient times in Moldova , Oltenia and in Transilvania.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS “caluSul


People dressed in traditional folk costumes, gather together and play a traditional dance called calus.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS caRolS On Christmas Eve children go caroling every house to proclaim the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS Â Children

having a star announce the Birth of God and are happily received by the hosts that give them apples, nuts and bread.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS chRiSTmaS TRee decoRaTionS

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS capRa In the New Year evening, the boys go caroling, and one of them is dressed in goat and he dances as they sing

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS new YeaR December 31st, the villagers plow go from house to house to wish the world New Year

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS Mărțișorul 

Red and white strings, which are linked together, symbolize spring and health

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS eaSTeR

ď ˝

Painting Easter eggs is a tradition of Romanians from the earliest times.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS BapTiSm Baptism is the child’s entry in the Christian community.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS BapTiSm ď ˝

The Godparents promise to help growing the child up.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS cuTTing The haiR The custom is a special ceremony dedicated a custom which symbolizes the child’s growing up.

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS Fedeles

wedding Soaking(Udatul)

Shaving the groom (Barberitul mirelui)

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS Wedding procession (Alaiul de nunta)

Breaking the cake (Ruperea turtei)


Religious service (Slujba religioasa)

TRadiTionS and cuSTomS Small gathering in the country, where participants are working, each coming with his work and they also tell stories, jokes, riddles and dance


Religion oRThodox The word "orthodox" comes from two Greek words: "orthos" (straight, right or true) and "doxa" (glory, honor, praise, worship) and is generally used to mean "true worship" but also that " doctrine, teaching true "because the two senses are closely related. The term "orthodox" was used to show the difference between the correct teaching of the early Christian church established by Christ's apostles and new heretical or heterodox teachings introduced later.

Religion The Orthodox Church is a Christian community of faith. Orthodox Christians today are organized in Orthodox churches that are in communion with each other liturgically. After the number of believers, the Orthodox, form the world's second Christian community after the Catholic Church.


Religion ď ˝

On 18th April 1930 the wooden church in Costesti, Arges county, burned to the ground during the service of Denia. 116 children died in the flames. Good Friday before Easter, a spark ignited hell in CosteĹ&#x;ti. Almost all the village children were burned alive, crowded with refuge in the church just 24 square meters.

Religion Queen Mary, came to CosteĹ&#x;ti, to bring comfort to those who were confronted with this tragedy. Shortly after the tragedy had been presented by some of the biggest newspapers in the world, building materials for a new church began to arrive in CosteĹ&#x;ti. Five years after the tragedy, local residents had to pray in a church large, beautiful, set two kilometers from the site of the tragedy, which is dedicated to St. Elias.

Special evenTS ReTiRemenT(penSionaRea) Â Retirement

represents freedom, so it is a good opportunity to party

culinaR aRT SaRmale ď ˝

It is a culinary preparation of minced meat (usually pork, and beef, mutton, poultry or fish), mixed with rice and other ingredients wrapped in cabbage-shaped roll. Serve them with polenta and sour cream.

culinaR aRT Smoked Bacon (Slanina) It is one of the traditional food obtained by preparing Romanian cuisine fat pork belly.

culinaR aRT polenTa, cheeSe and SouR cReam Mamaliga is the Romanian word for a meal prepared from corn flour

culinaR aRT BeanS Soup Beans soup is a main part of Romanian cuisin.

culinaR aRT Smoked SauSageS Prepared from minced meat and taking the form of animal intestines, they are smoked afterwords

culinaR aRT gulaȘ fRom poTaToeS and Bacon

Prepared from bacon and potatoes, gulașul from Ardeal has a special flavour.

culinaR aRT “miTiTeii” Mititeii is a strictly Romanian dish, a kind of grilled meatballs.

culinaR aRT Cozonacul is a Romanian traditional cake, being prepared at Christian feasts.Â


culinaR aRT plumS gem

Plums gem is traditional Romanian and it riches with its sweet sour taste the tastiest pies, cozonaci Ĺ&#x;i sweets. Â





lifeSTYle Youth Park

Zoo Pitesti

Fountain Pitesti

lifeSTYle The life style includes the culture, the appreciation of a good music, dance, arts.



STUDENTS Grigore Marius Priu Florin Tudor Madsalin Alexandru Căpraru Florinel Ionuţ Rădoi Alina Ionescu Lorenlai-Georgiana Ţărcuş Dumitru Radu Florin Valentin Dobroiu Daniel Codruţ Coordinator project: Teacher, Drăguț Violeta Coordonator activity Teacher, Nicolae Gherghina

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