“Transnational Didactic Experiences”, No. 4/2022

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Drăguț Violeta


Mobility in Romania

Mobility in Croatia

Mobility in Turkey

ISSN 2069-315X, ISSN-L 2069-315X

No.4 Costești, 2022

Transnational Didactic Experiences

ERASMUS+ PROJECT KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships 2019-2022


Project Nr: 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851 “Motivating the Learning Engine to Increase Student’s School Professional and Social Success and Reduce Absenteeism”


Transnational Didactic Experiences

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Material made within the Erasmus project

,,Motivating the Learning Engine to Increase Student’s School Professional and Social Success and Reduce Absenteeism,, No. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851 PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION


Transnational Didactic Experiences

Coordinator Teacher: Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Secondary School Teacher University Doctor Ion Stoia, Romania

Collaborators Teachers: Mr. Damir Rajle, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Mr. José Cañamero Navarro, IES Jaume I, Spain Mr. Ömür Yarici, Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Mr. Stanislava Radosavljević, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Mr. Tomislav Tot, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Mr. Ümit Altın, Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Mrs. Carmen Usó Juan, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Consuelo Maria Diago Aymimir, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Ghitulescu Daniela, Costesti Technological High School, Romania Mrs. Isabel Corell Juan, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Marijan Lukačić, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia Mrs. Mîndruță Ramona Georgiana, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania Mrs. Perniu Mariana, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania Mrs. Rabia Demirel, Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Turkey Mrs. Rosa Isabel Benages Garcia, IES Jaume I, Spain Mrs. Telescu Violeta, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania Mrs. Verónica Nebot Costa, IES Jaume I, Spain

Editor Mrs. Drăguț Violeta, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania

Corrector Mrs. Perniu Mariana, Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania

TRANSLATOR Mrs. Ghitulescu Daniela, Costesti Technological High School, Romania

DESIGN Mrs. Mia Dodig, Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola Osijek, Croatia


Transnational Didactic Experiences

CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................7 Erasmus- scientific and cultural experience .................................................................................8 Made by teacher, Drăguț Violeta .............................................................................................8 Success, implementation! .......................................................................................................... 10 Turkish Didactic Experiences .................................................................................................... 10 Made by teacher, Rosa Isabel Benages Garcia ....................................................................... 10 Turkish Didactic Experiences .................................................................................................... 11 Made by teaher, Verónica Nebot Costa.................................................................................. 11 Romanian Didactic Experiences ................................................................................................ 12 Made by teaher, Verónica Nebot Costa.................................................................................. 12 Croatian Didactic Experiences .................................................................................................. 13 Made by teacher, José Cañamero Navarro ............................................................................. 13 Izmir, Turkey ............................................................................................................................ 14 Made by teacher- Consuelo Maria Diago Aymimir ................................................................ 14 Căldăraru, Romania .................................................................................................................. 15 Made by teacher- Rosa Isabel Benages Garcia ....................................................................... 15 My Experience Erasmus in Romania ......................................................................................... 16 Made by teacher- Ümit Altın ................................................................................................. 16 Scientific Report, Borriana-Spain .............................................................................................. 18 Made by teacher, Mîndruță Ramona Georgiana ..................................................................... 18 Scientific Report, Turkey .......................................................................................................... 19 Made by teacher, Tomislav Tot ............................................................................................. 19 Scientific Report, Romania ....................................................................................................... 22 Made by teacher, Rabia Demirel ........................................................................................... 22 Scientific Report – Izmir, Turkey .............................................................................................. 23 Made by teacher, Marijan Lukačić ........................................................................................ 23 Scientific Report – Borriana, Spain ........................................................................................... 25 Made by teacher, Damir Rajle ............................................................................................... 25 Erasmus + Mobility in Osijek .................................................................................................... 28 Theory Combined With Art And Architecture ........................................................................... 28 Made by teacher, Telescu Violeta ......................................................................................... 28 Scientific Report – Izmir, Turkey .............................................................................................. 29 5

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Made by teacher, Stanislava Radosavljević............................................................................ 29 What jobs can you learn and practice? ....................................................................................... 31 Made by teacher Drăguț Violeta ............................................................................................ 31 Benefits of Early Career Development ...................................................................................... 33 Made by teacher, Rabia Demirel ........................................................................................... 33 Benefits of career development from an early age ..................................................................... 36 Made by teacher, Carmen Uso Juan ....................................................................................... 36 Burriana, an Unforgettable Erasmus Experience ........................................................................ 37 Made by teacher, Perniu Mariana .......................................................................................... 37 Burriana, an Unforgettable Scientific Experience ...................................................................... 39 Made by teacher, Drăguț Violeta ........................................................................................... 39 My Experience Erasmus in Osijek ............................................................................................. 41 Made by teacher, Isabel Corell Juan ...................................................................................... 41 Scientific Report Croatia ........................................................................................................... 43 Made by teacher, Ghitulescu Daniela .................................................................................... 43 My Experience Erasmus in Romania ......................................................................................... 45 Made by teacher, Ömür Yarici .............................................................................................. 45 My First Mobility in Erasmus Project After the Pandemic, Osijek ............................................. 46 Made by teacher, M Carmen Usó Juan.................................................................................. 46


Transnational Didactic Experiences

INTRODUCTION The magazine - Transnational Didatic Experiences, No. 4, is made within the Erasmus project: "Motivating the learning engine to increase the academic, professional and social success of the student and reduce absenteeism", no. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851_1, funded by the European Commission. Through this magazine we try to support the teachers in the didactic activity, through which they can debate arguably any school topic, including the motivation of learning. In this way we show that students' learning should be the main activity and we try to convince them through a dual debate, collected from the 4 partner countries. Europe needs strong young people to actively enter the labor market. Students are the engine on which the European community is built and the knowledge-based economy is developing. The main reason for this project came from a need of our care school for several years, ie we have a high percentage of students not motivated to learn the theory with artistic methods. The objectives can be achieved through student-learning activities and mutual teacher training and the application of their innovative methods in all partner schools. The activities will consist of workshops with the exchange of good practices and direct interaction, didactic, cultural, moral. The purpose of the students:  Increasing the self-esteem of the students who participate in the learning activity;  Development of students participating in the project-based learning activity of a positive attitude towards school education;  Developing students participating in the project learning process, the ability to be aware of their own learning process based on awareness of the usefulness of theory in a practical context;  The development of students in the project learning activity, of the career orientation capacity based on the awareness of the importance of qualification for studies;  Development of the number of students participating in learning activities of the feeling of equal opportunities in education in the partner countries. Thanks to the partners for their collaboration, I hope that the teachers will find in this book teaching-learning-assessment methods. The magazine can be used by teachers and students in guiding counseling and guidance classes, school subjects, extracurricular activities. Project coordinator, teacher Drăguț Violeta


Transnational Didactic Experiences

Erasmus- scientific and cultural experience Made by teacher, Drăguț Violeta Secondary School Prof. Dr. Univ. Ion Stoia, Romania Costești Technological High School, Romania Erasmus project - Motivating the learning engine to increase students' academic, professional and social success and reduce absenteeism, with reference number 2019-1-RO01-KA229063851_1 was approved in 2019, for a period of two years, thanks to the new project virus will be implemented by 2022. The coordinating project includes the Romanian school, which has as partner schools from Turkey-Izmir, Spain-Burriana and Croatia-Osijek. The starting point of the project is that Europe needs strong, educated, involved, active young people in the labor market, who really know their role in society and the benefits of democratic principles. Students are the engine on which the European Community is built and the knowledge-based economy is developing. The main reason for this project came from a need of our school - the low percentage of motivation to learn among our students.

Project objectives: For students: 1. Increasing self-esteem in students who participate in learning activities; 2. Developing a positive attitude towards students who participate in learning activities; 3. Developing in students participating in the learning process in Spain, the ability to be aware of their own learning process based on awareness of the usefulness of theory in a practical context; 4. Developing in students the ability of career guidance based on awareness of the importance of qualification for studies; 8

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5. Awareness of equal opportunities in education, regardless of the country that offers the education. For teachers: 6- developing the habit of integrating in the didactic and extracurricular process the methodologies, the tools used by the partners. Direct target group: 48 teachers and 52 students. Transnational activities dedicated to teacher training and student learning were diluted by rotation to all project partners. The training and learning activities consisted of workshops with the exchange of good practices and direct interaction, didactic, cultural, moral, linguistic, scientific. Everything has been and will continue at home, adapted, combined with joint online work. In the mobility hosted by the Spanish partner, emphasis was placed on the usefulness of theory through practice, especially through mathematics and in partnership with economic agents. The mobility hosted by the Croatian partner emphasized the usefulness of theory combined with art and architecture. The Turkish partner has developed through training activities, learning methods through which students can be motivated to learn theory, sports activities and logic games. Our school hosted the last two mobilities, in December 2021, our theme was “Double debate and business in school. The activity took place in the coordinating school, but also at the partner schools: Costești Technological High School where 12 coordinating teachers, 90 students, Costești Children's Club were trained, who contributed with 6 coordinating teachers and 24 students and a group of 3 coordinating teachers. activities and 12 students from Costești Theoretical High School. Results: Exhibitions of: graffiti, motivational, educational, caricature, lichen, traditional Christmas, for the La Falla Festival, etc. Calendars: Market Guerrilla Pygmalion and Origoclass-Men Sana In Body Sano Magazines: 100 Reasons to Learn, Traveling to 5 European Schools, Dual Debates - Stereotyping Demotivation, Pygmalion Guerrilla Square, Origoclass-Men Sana In Body Sano The final results are being finalized and will be published on the project website, on the project's 9

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Facebook: https://europeanprofessionalismtopreventfailureineducation.wordpr ess.com https://www.facebook.com/ERASMUSMotivating-StudentsSchool-Succes-119730486089236 Through this project we found 100 answers to the students' question: Why should I learn ?. For teachers we have 4 new methods to motivate students to learn, methods adaptable to any discipline and level of study.Students find in our materials answers to the basic questions: Why learn? What can I do with what I learn? Can't I practice without a book? Can I practice a trade without learning the theory? These questions have always agitated the hours of counseling and leadership, our materials provide complete answers at European level, both from students and teachers, theoretical answers, with practical application. Success, implementation!

Turkish Didactic Experiences Made by teacher, Rosa Isabel Benages Garcia IES Jaume I, Spain My first mobility in an Erasmus + project with students begins with nerves and with great enthusiasm, desire to learn and share experiences with all participants, students and teachers. We couldn't start better, a welcome at the airport with all the families and with the Turkish coordinator with flowers for all. From that moment on everything was great. Day after day learning new educational methodologies and new techniques to work on different content, which I am already looking forward to putting into practice with my students. They showed us what the thematic classes are, what they have and how they use them. Later, some teachers explained to us how they use the different resources and tools that are in their classerooms. For instance, in the geography thematic class we learned through experience how using maps, easily prepared by the students themselves, acquire content through games. We learned different dynamics that we can transfer to our subjects. 10

Transnational Didactic Experiences

We were in the chemistry lab and we did an internship related to acids and bases, just like the students do. In this way, students can relate the theoretical contents with practical experimentation. Another workshop was learn Ebru art. I have never heard about this kind of discipline. It is a painting technique created on a watery surface. It requires a lot of skill, practice and patience. We also do physical activity. They taught us the basics of badminton, and we played a match in which we faced each other between countries. It is important to never stop learning and from any field and culture, that is why I believe that the mobility promoted by Erasmus + is so important.

Turkish Didactic Experiences Made by teaher, Verónica Nebot Costa Ies Jaume I, Spain I was very interested in the Erasmus+ projects since I arrived to the centre because of all the nice experiences my mates and students used to tell us. I have finally the opportunity to participate in a mobility this year to Izmir, Turkey. Travelling with my mates and our students has been an awe-inspiring adventure. With the purpose of getting to know each other we started our first day with some ice-breaking activities. We introduced each other saying our name, our favorite colour and a hobby. After that, Geography teacher, Ebru, gave us some bell buttons and asked questions out loud about the information we gave them before. To do this, we had a Turkish wooden alphabet to form the answers. To finish the activity, she asked us about some important facts about the country to check our knowledge of it. It was a hugely funny activity! Afterwards, we visited the facilities of the high school and we could see that there were two different kinds of rooms. There were some ordinary rooms where students learnt the theoretical part of the unit and to put in practice what they have learnt, they move to thematic classrooms decorated with posters and special cupboards to keep materials for the lessons. Moreover, the following days were very interesting, too. We attended a Geography lesson with teacher Ebru, again, to check how is the “Origoclass methodology”. This time was in the Geography thematically classroom. This classroom is decorated with Turkish rivers and mountains maps. The tables used are also adorned with different maps. But, what really attracted 11

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our attention was the enormous world map with all the countries and capital cities that covered the floor of the room. We used this marvelous map to find some geographical features and countries. After that, we experienced a practical lesson with maps elaborated by students. Besides, we continued our workshop activity doing some sport. We were taught how to play badminton with the Sport’s teacher Ümit, who has been the champion of this practice of the city of Izmir. We had a very funny time learning how to play it and practicing with our mates. Another day we could learn with a Maths teacher, Gulcan, which apps and resources she uses for their lessons. Although we knew some of those apps, we discovered other new ones and interesting for us to share with our colleagues. In addition, we took part in another lesson that day. Literature teacher Nilay prepared us some activities related to writing. We wrote Acrostic poems before learning how to do Haikus, a traditional short-form poetry from Japan. These activities took place in the Literature classroom which is also decorated with special care. We could find some books held from the ceiling and a cupboard, with the face of national and international writers on the doors, to keep a variety of materials to work with. Our last day in the high school was not colourless at all because we participated in a Science lesson with some students, too. They showed us some experiments and after that, our mates had also the chance to do them with the students’ help. To finish our Origoclass experience, we have been with the History teacher Demet who exposed us her way to teach students how the ancient cities are built before visiting the ruins of Ephesus. Despite the fact that these workshops were actually interested, there was one of them that attracted all our attention due to the newness for us. It is called Marbling Ebru art and it consisted in a technique to create colourful pictures on an aqueous surface. With this, drawings similar to marble patterns are achieved. Some of us could have the occasion to practice it. These pictures and the Literature poems we wrote were exhibit in the High School. From my point of view, I think that our Turkish partners worked so hard to show us “Origoclass Methodology” with the incredible help of their teachers team in order to make us feel comfortable and at ease during our stay. I have learnt a lot from my partners and I will not doubt to share my knowledge with my colleagues. For this reason, I strongly recommend this experience to other teachers.

Romanian Didactic Experiences Made by teaher, Verónica Nebot Costa Ies Jaume I, Spain During the second mobility in Romania I had the opportunity to know different types of centers and how the educational system is structured, which is very different from the Spanish one.


Transnational Didactic Experiences

First of all, I want to mention that I had a very warm welcome at the Caldararu school. Everyone was very nice to us and Mariana, the director, introduced us to the team here. After that, I visited the facilities and noticed that the students were of different ages. We also realized that it is a very small school, but with many nice students and teachers. To start with the activities, we divided into different groups to participate in several workshops. The workshop I signed up for was related to making Christmas ornaments to sell and raise money for charity. The children were very enthusiastic and hardworking to make beautiful objects. Caldararu’s school wasn’t the only center we visited. We attended some different centers in Costesti. The first one was the Children’s Club where dressed up with traditional clothing, a group of girls sang some Romanian carols and taught us some traditional dance. After that, we did another workshop related to Christmas cards. Furthermore, we also visited the High Technologic of Costesti where students learn different vocational studies such as Business or Mechanics. We also participated in some workshops related to sports and a Literature lesson, where students were analyzing a poem of one of the most important Romanian writers: Mihai Eminescu and his famous poem Luceafărul. Finally, on the last day, our students worked together to develop a multilingual dictionary of words in their different languages. In conclusion, I think that this mobility was a very pleasant experience for our students, to see the structured education system today and to share the learning with students from different countries.

Croatian Didactic Experiences Made by teacher, José Cañamero Navarro Ies Jaume I, Spain It was an eriching experience because we had the opportunity to know the Educational System of the Croatian team and the other countries... We gained knowledge and worked with methodologies to motivate students to learn like ‘I can’, Market Guerrilla Pygmallion or ‘The projection in the classroom’.. We enjoyed culture, and places like the Kopacki rit natural park and a walking tour in Osijek... 13

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We showed GGSO students a type of popular and traditional game in Valencian Community (Spain) called ‘pilota valenciana’... We enjoyed very important aspects that we can’t appreciate in pictures like: kindness and involvement and professionality of host teachers. HVALA OSIJEK!

Izmir, Turkey Made by teacher- Consuelo Maria Diago Aymimir Ies Jaume I, Spain Izmir, Turkey has been my first Erasmus ever and I think it had been the best professional experience in the last years. I have been thinking for a long time about getting into an Erasmus project, and at this moment I am very happy with the decision I made. Traveling with the students and teachers, and meeting new people from other countries with different customs has been an enriching process at all levels. In Izmir everything was very organized from the beginning. When we arrived to Izmir’s airport the host families were waiting for our students. They were all eager and excited to meet each other. After a long day traveling, we all needed to rest, so our students left with their families and we headed to our hotel. On Monday November 22, we arrived at the Şehit Mustafa Yaman AİHL, and then we meet our Croatians and Romanians partners, as well as the fellows Turks. The general objective of the training event was: “Learning Teaching Methods with an emphasis on increasing self-esteem in students during classes, conciliation, and extracurricular activities for school success using Origoclass-the methodology of combining the theory with the game”. First of all, the Turkish team made a


Transnational Didactic Experiences

presentation of the program and we filled the initial questionnaire. Later all of us participated in a funny ice breaking game that we really enjoyed. The headmistress and some of her partners showed us the high school, the classrooms, gym, dinner room, pray-room and so on. We were able to verify that some classes were well equipped to teach these methodologies, like the history, geography or maths classroom. For instance, in the geography classroom there was a huge map covering almost the entire surface of the ground. The following days we participated in different classes where we could check the origoclass methodology, combining the theory with the game. The geography teacher taught us different games that she uses with her students, and we practiced some of them, using the giant map on the ground. Another activity we did was with some mute maps made by the students themselves, lined with transparent plastic so that they can be reused in class over and over again. In the chemistry laboratory we made some experiments with the teacher and with some students, and then, the math teacher showed us some webs with games she uses in class. In the literature class, the different international teams made some acrostic poems and haikus based on a word that the teacher gave us. Also, we were able to learn the EBRU art, the art of balance. Students practice the ebru art in the afternoons, as an extracurricular activity. These are some examples of what we did in the high school referring to origoclass methodology. All the activities that we made in class were exposed the last day in the hall. Moreover, as it is said in our teacher agenda, “mens sana in corpore sano”, so we practiced some sports. We played badminton, in order to play it properly, we did some exercises to get technique, taking advantage of the fact that the physical education teacher was a professional player. We had a volleyball tournament with the students that was really fun. To summarize, mobility in Izmir has been very productive in a professional level, as it has given me innovative and creative ideas to introduce in my classes and it has also been enriching on a personal way.

Căldăraru, Romania Made by teacher- Rosa Isabel Benages Garcia Ies Jaume I, Spain 15

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Romanian team give us a traditional welcoming. They shared with us food, clothes and sings and dances that we enjoy so much. Later we visited the Caldararu school, headmistress welcomed us and we did initial questionnaire. After that we started our workshops. They organized mixed groups, we worked students and teachers from the same country in four workshops using the method doubling debates. Also we made some products with different objects and materials and finally we had to promote them. We analised 10 Top professions in the European Union. After that we made products for a Christmas market. Another days we visited Technological High School in Costesti and there we worked in round table dual debates about avoiding demotivation by stereotyping students. Other workshop was "guess the traditional profession". In

this, we worked together, students and teachers of all countries. In Costesti we visited Costesti Children's Club and their students danced and sang for us some traditional Christmas Carol's. With the delivery of diplomas, our last project mobility ended

My Experience Erasmus in Romania Made by teacher- Ümit Altın Şehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi İzmir, Turkey As Turkish team we visited Căldăraru-Romania, during 13-17.12.2021 within the project


Transnational Didactic Experiences

‘’ Motivating the learning engine to increase student’s school professional and social success and reduce absenteeism, No. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851. ‘’ The teachers participated in an ice-breaking workshop, useful in achieving group cohesion. Each participant introduced himself and announced their first impressions. All the teachers took part in 4 workshops using the method, ,,Doubling debates". They also discussed about 10 top professions in the European Union. Then teachers received objects and materials to make a product or 2 and to promote them within Educational Market for Christmas -FREEDOM OF IMAGINATION. After that teachers got involved in the realization of the exhibition"The shortest way to success" and of the exhibition "So yes, so no". All the products of the exhibitions were promoted and presented to all the participants. All participating teachers were invited to the Costești Children's Cluband participated inin 4 classes using the method, ,,Doubling debates"in practical skills. There were 4 Workshops "Guess the traditional profession" and the teacher also participated in the contest "Students debating confidently in success".An interesting moment was the realization of the outdoor exhibition and fleshmobile"Business in school for Christmas". Teachers worked in mixed groups on the sayings calendar on stereotypin g professions. We also participated in 3 classes using the method, ,,Doubling debates"in partnership with teachers from Technological High School Costești. There were round table dual debates Avoiding the lack of motivation by stereotyping students' thinking. The teachers successfully designed "Traveler in 5 European schools" magazine and then they made photographic materials for the magazine,,Europe in the 21st Century Seen Through the Erasmus + Program”. All the teachers worked in Canva in order to prepare the final magazine. The teachers took part in managerial discussions related to the project results.


Transnational Didactic Experiences

We had the opportunity to learn this new method ,,Doubling debates" Finally, It was an enriching experience because we had the opportunity to know the Educational System of the Croatian team and the other countries... We gained knowledge and worked with methodologies to motivate students.

Scientific Report, Borriana-Spain Made by teacher, Mîndruță Ramona Georgiana Secondary School Prof. Dr. Univ. Ion Stoia, Romania The exchange of experience of the Gym. School, Prof. Univ. Dr. Ion Stoia ,, with the Ies Jaume I-Borriana School was certainly one full of unique, interesting and worthy of practice in the future. On the first day of activities, the interrelationship began with the execution of several "ice-breaking" games, where both students and teachers played and communicated in English, had fun with the hosts, and, , tasted ,, from the spirit of the competition making up mixed teams of students and teachers, Romanian and Spanish. I then participated in the presentation of the schools by the students, in the commentary of some ideas, quotes about education, but also biblical verses chosen and developed by Romanian and Spanish students. The next day we had a meeting at the students' workshops, where they created statuettes, figurines for the Fallas Festival and where we were explained in great detail the procedures and means of making the products. The Fallas Festival is one of the celebrations that give a strong tourist identity to the city. clay or wood, with a satirical character, inspired by current affairs, which are placed in the centers of the neighborhoods. They burn on the last night of the festival. It is a celebration of renewals and purification by fire. Also, in the carpentry workshops, students learn to build wooden furniture, chairs, but also how to create their own business, marketing, management and administrative notions. I had unique experiences, full of adrenaline, while, together with the hosts, I tried the canoe kayak, but also driving offshore sailing boats under the guidance of local professionals. It was sensational! The third day I attended the lessons of Spanish students and I was impressed by the way they were organized, predominantly in groups, interdisciplinary, with new methods applied. The activities included interdisciplinary projects, completed with a practical part, a finished product, final. 18

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The students also worked on the dictionary of terms in Romanian, Spanish and English, getting acquainted by categories with terms from the languages mentioned above. On the fourth day we visited the city of Valencia, a magnificent city, full of picturesque buildings, with a special design. We were amazed by the architectural complex that included the Museum of Arts, the Museum of Science and the Museum of Music, but also the seaside. It seemed to send us to another dimension. Another day, local economic agents presented us the basis and structure of their business, the way they started the business, the way they manage and manage everything, the way they got to expand and the way they collaborate with Ies Jaume I Borriana School and social involvement in general. Our hosts, the teachers, were extremely attentive, involved, responsible and professional in all the activities carried out. They made us feel at home through the open way, through the empathy shown and the willingness to guide us at every step. The Spaniards made a very good impression on us, being very active, very casual, very relaxed, cooperative and loving. In conclusion, the lived experience enriches our cultural and scientific horizon, teaches us to adapt to unique situations, to overcome ourselves, to interrelate, to develop new ideas and projects to collaborate and to represent the country with pleasure!

Scientific Report, Turkey Made by teacher, Tomislav Tot Graditeljsko-Geodetska Škola Osijek, Croatia Leading Organisation- Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi 22-26.11.2021, Izmir-Turkey Theme in our mobility was ''Learning Teaching Methods with an emphasis on increasing self-esteem in students during classes, consiliation and extracurricular activities for school success using Origoclass-the methodology of combining the theory with the game''. Concluded after project mobility in Izmir-Turkey, during 22-26.11.2021 within the project ''Motivating the learning engine to increase student’s school professional and social success and reduce absenteeism''. In our scientific part of mobility, we have done things as follows in this report: 22 November 2021, Izmir-Turkey First when we arrived, all the participants have met in the 19

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festivity hall at the host school. Then we went to hadmasters of the host school Firdevs, who held a dicourse to the participants from partner schools. Each of us presented and made public our first impressions of the school and everything. We aere all invited then to make a school tour and the host partners presented the school through workshops during the program. Everybody was ready and they were waiting for us. We visited the Maths loboratory, Art laboratory, the Sports room, the library, teacher room, etc. All the teachers waited for us and they did their activities to teach us new things from their own experience. After that, we all met in the festivities hall within the host school where the principal of the host school and the representatives of the partner schools gave their speeches for all of us. We were invited on a tour around the school where the host partners presented their school, holding a workshop in each room during the program. We visited different classrooms. For example, we visited classroom of mathematics, foreign languages, library, dining room, workshops, etc. All teachers and students waited for us with enthusiasm and we were all feeling very welcome. We have been given a great chance to learn something new about their day in school, and their methods of work with children. I was very delighten by new way of work with children that we don't have in croatia, and it was both interesting and educating. Teachers filled in the initial tests -Initial Questionaire. The teachers were invited to the principal's office and there was a discussions -Welcome by the principal. We, teachers, have been participating in an interesting ice-breaking workshop, that used leters from boxes. We had to arange them in right order as quickly as we could. It was a very usefull method in achieving cohesion in a new group of people (participants from different countries). The host teachers presented the Education system in Turkey and Presentation and discussion of the Origoclass method, at round table with all participant ( Firdevs ÇATALKAYA, director and Rabia DEMİREL, teachers). Day 2: 23 November 2021 All of us participating teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to origoclasses. We attended 3 classes using Origoclass method (Mrs. Ebru Tatar TOPÇU, teacher) All participating teachers went for workshops of Physics, Chemist and Biology Origo classes and badminton. We all participated at Physical activity and logic games, where discussions about the Origoclass method took place, and it was all so educating and interesting. Each partner presented lessons/workshop using the Origoclass method and a common video material was made. All teachers participating at Workshop Origoclass-Men sana in body sano (Ümit ALTIN, teacher). We participated at Sports, safety and intelligence. All participating teachers traveled to the Traditional Turkish night, where they participated in an Outdoor activities. Sıra Gecesi at school garden (A traditional night with folk songs and çiğ köfte). 20

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Day 3: 24 November 2021 All of us teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to classes. We attended 3 classes using Origoclass-the methodology of combining the theory with the game (Nilay ERİK and Gülcan AŞIK, teachers). The host school organized a workshop extracurricular activities EBRU ART in which we all participated (Melek BOZTEPE, teacher). We learned something new about it and expirienced something special. I liked it very much, because in general, i like art so much. All participating teachers have worked at the magazine ,,Origoclass-Men sana in body sano”and calendare ,,Men sana in body sano”,first part. The host school have organized a presentation with extracurricular work done using this Origoclass method. We all made together a film about an activity conceived and applied to the class that through art motivated students to learn. Day 4: 25 November 2021 All participating teachers were invited together to the classrooms and participate the classes. We attended 3 classes using Origoclass-the methodology of combining the theory with the game (Demet İnan and Deniz YILDIRIM, teachers). All participating teachers work at magazine ,,Origoclass-Men sana in body sano”and calendare ,,Men sana in body sano”, second part. The host school organized a presentation with extracurricular activity ,,Origoclass-Men sana in body sano” using this Origoclass method (Ümit ALTIN, teacher). Day 5: 26 November 2021 All teachers participating at traditional games for every partner. All participants worked on the Workshop outline ,,Origoclass-Men sana in body sano” calendar structure and created a common calendar with motivational images for students. All the participating teachers took a part in a round table discussion Teaching / learning about traditions. The partners talked about the transfer (from hotel-to-school-from school-to-hotel), they talked about the work schedule and the cultural visits, after this mobility, all the documents that we had to complete were completed, there was talk of partners' responsibilities and next mobilities and future plans. After the mobility activities, questionnaires were applied to the teachers in the target group. The evaluation of the participants took place-Final questionnaire for all groups (feedback section) and all of us completed them. The teachers filled in a new sheet with expectations, fears and strengths and then compared them with the ones from the first day and found that all fears were shattered, expectations were exceeded by Turkish hospitality and culture and all mentioned that they were going home with a lot of new materials from learning so we can use them in the parts of didactics and pedagogy. The final test was also applied and it was found that the number of teachers who understood and can apply the Turkish methodology is 100%. We all responded quickly and very well, all being delighted with the activities and eager to apply what we saw in the Turkish school. Conclusion: 21

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At the end of the mobility the certificates were given to all participant teachers in the school hall where the teachers had their speech. It was such a beautiful ceremony about thanking all of us for the participation and we all took a photos together and danced and celebrated our stay in Izmir. There were even some tears and you could see all the emotions in the people's eyes. I was also very touched by the turkish people and such a warm and well organized welcome as our hosts. I am very thankfull that i participated in this mobility and i would recommend it to everyone. I can't wait to visit Turkey again some day in my life. I hope it will be soon. Thank you for everything! Sincerely, Tomislav Tot

Scientific Report, Romania Made by teacher, Rabia Demirel Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi,Romania As Turkish team we visited Căldăraru-Romania, during 13-17.12.2021 within the project ‘’Motivating the learning engine to increase student’s school professional and social success and reduce absenteeism, No. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851‘’. The teachers participated in an ice-breaking workshop, useful in achieving group cohesion. Each participant introduced himself and announced their first impressions. All the teachers took part in 4 workshops using the method, ,,Doubling debates". They also discussed about 10 top professions in the European Union. Then teachers received objects and materials to make a product or 2 and to promote them within Educational Market for ChristmasFreedom Of Imagination.


Transnational Didactic Experiences

After that teachers got involved in the realization of the exhibition"The shortest way to success" and of the exhibition "So yes, so no". All the products of the exhibitions were promoted and presented to all the participants. All participating teachers were invited to the Costești Children's Cluband participated inin 4 classes using the method, ,,Doubling debates"in practical skills. There were 4 Workshops "Guess the traditional profession" and the teacher also participated in the contest "Students debating confidently in success".An interesting moment was the realization of the outdoor exhibition and fleshmobile"Business in school for Christmas". Teachers worked in mixed groups on the sayings calendar on stereotyping professions. We also participated i n 3 classes using the method, ,,Doubling debates"in partnership with teachers from Technological High School Costești. There were round table dual debates Avoiding the lack of motivation by stereotyping students' thinking. The teachers successfully designed "Traveler in 5 European schools" magazine and then they made photographic materials for the magazine,,Europe in the 21st Century Seen Through the Erasmus + Program”. All the teachers worked in Canva in order to prepare the final magazine. The teachers took part in managerial discussions related to the project results. We had the opportunity to learn this new method ,,Doubling debates" Finally, It was an enriching experience because we had the opportunity to know the Educational System of the Romanian team and the other countries... We gained knowledge and worked with methodologies to motivate students.

Scientific Report – Izmir, Turkey Made by teacher, Marijan Lukačić Graditeljsko-Geodetska Škola Osijek, Croatia Graditeljsko-geodetska škola Osijek participated in project Short-term joint staff training eventActivity (C4 ) Project nº: 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851_2 which was held in Izmir, Turkey, from 21. to 26. november 2021. Teachers Marijan Lukačić and Tomislav Tot, in that period of time, were introduced with Origoclass methods and the way teachers in Turkey uses it in class in Gaziemir Sehit Mustafa Yaman highschool in Izmir, Turkey. First day 21.11.2021. 23

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We were invited on a tour around the school where the host partners presented their school, holding a workshop in each room during the program. We visited the classroom of foreign languages, mathematics, library, dining room, workshops, etc. All the teachers waited us and they did their activities so as we could learn from their experience. The teachers participated in an ice-breaking workshop, useful in achieving group cohesion. Briefing: Presentation of the program - Q&A Each participant introduced himself and announced his first impressions. Second day 22.11.2021. Teachers participated at Physical activity and logic games, where discussions about the Origoclass method took place. Each partner presented lessons/workshop using the Origoclass method and a common video material was made. All teachers participating at Workshop Origoclass-Men sana in body sano. Third day 23.11.2021. All participating teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to classes. They attended 3 classes using Origoclass-the methodology of combining the theory with the game. The host school organized a workshop extracurricular activities EBRU ART in which all partners participated. The host school organized a presentation with extracurricular work done using this Origoclass method. Fourth day 24.11.2021. All participating teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to classes. They attended 3 classes using Origoclass-the methodology of combining the theory with the game. The host school organized a presentation with extracurricular activity ,,Origoclass-Men sana in body sano” using this Origoclass method. Fifth day 25.11.2021. All teachers participating at traditional games for every partner. All participants worked on the Workshop outline ,,Origoclass-Men sana in body sano” calendar structure and created a common calendar with motivational images for students. All the participating teachers took part in a round table discussion Teaching / learning about traditions. 24

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The partners talked about the transfer (from hotel-to-school-from school-to-hotel), they talked about the work schedule and the cultural visits, after this mobility, all the documents were completed, there was talk of partners' responsibilities and next mobilities. After the mobility activities, questionnaires were applied to the teachers in the target group. The evaluation of the participants took place-Final questionnaire for all groups.

Scientific Report – Borriana, Spain Made by teacher, Damir Rajle Graditeljsko-Geodetska Škola Osijek, Croatia Day 1: 11th October 2021 Coleague Stjepan Rupčić an I (damir Rajle) met other participants in the festivity hall at the host school where the headmasters of the host school held a dicourse to the participants from partener schools. Each participant presented and made public his o rher first impressions. We were invited to make a school tour and the host parteners presented the school through workshops during the program. Everybody was ready and they were waiting for us. We visited the Art laboratory, Maths loboratory, the library, the Virtual 3D Class room, teacher room and ERASMUS corner. All the teachers waited us and they did their activities so as we could learn from their experience. All the participants met in the festivities hall within the host school where the principal of the host school and the representatives of the partner schools gave speeches. Each participant introduced himself and announced his first impressions. We were invited on a tour around the school where the host partners presented their school, holding a workshop in each room during the program. We visited the room of foreign languages, mathematics, library, dining room, Virtual 3D Class hall, Art hall, workshops, etc. All teachers waited for us with enthusiasm and carried out the activity as a way to learn from their experience. Teachers filled in the initial tests -Initial Questionaire. The teachers were invited to the principal's office and there were discussions -Welcome by the principal. The teachers participated in an ice-breaking workshop, useful in achieving group cohesion. Briefing: Presentation of the program. The host teachers presented the Education system in Spain, then a round table took place where all participant countries’ education system took place. Teacher presented the links between social and economic agents at the round table (each school brings its ppt) Spanish teachers presented and discussion of the "Virtual gallery 3class" at the round table The teachers participated in The realization of the exhibition "What can I do with what I learn?"An exhibition that was finally placed in the main hall of the school.


Transnational Didactic Experiences

The teachers made and discussed the exhibition to encourage students, to increase selfconfidence, with 10 Images A4 / Painting / graffiti for motivating students to learn / partner, an exhibition that was finally placed in the main hall of the school, at visible place. All the groups went to visit the town hall where the Mayor held speech and we exchanged souvenirs. Day 2: 12th October 2021: National Day of Spain All participating teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to classes. They attended 3 classes using "Virtual gallery 3class". All participating teachers were invited to the outdoor lesson and participated to historical city of Valencia. They attended lesson outdoor using "Virtual gallery 3class". All participating teachers were invited to the outdoor lesson and participated to historical city of Serrano Towers. They attended lesson outdoor using "Virtual gallery 3class". All participating teachers were invited to the outdoor lesson and participated to historical city of Palau de la Generalita regional government headquarters. Cathedral and old town walk. They attended lesson outdoor using "Virtual gallery 3class". Day 3: 13th October 2021 All participating teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to classes. They attended 3 classes using "Virtual gallery 3class". All participating teachers were invited to Workshop-making a lesson plan on mixed groups with the "Virtual gallery 3class" Teacher presented the educational films ,,Theory-nature-man” at the round table (each school brings its ppt) The host teachers presented the Apply.io phone application, then a round table took place where all participant countries’ education ITC took place. 26

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All participating teachers were invited to platform-administrative talks, application and loading of new materials brought by the participants All participating teachers were invited to Workshop "I learn, I choose" - organized by the host school, with the direct support of the partner teachers, the Spanish students will be directly involved in the activity. All participating teachers were invited to visit to an electromechanical workshop - ABC (Activity-Based Costing) Day 4: 14 th October 2021 All participating teachers were invited to the classrooms and participated to classes. They attended 2 classes using "Virtual gallery 3class". All participating teachers were invited to the classrooms Lessons learned, Applied Science, through the "Virtual gallery 3class" All participating teachers were invited to Workshop-use ICT in materializing the "Virtual gallery 3class" All teachers from target group participate in editing the School Guide for Successful Lessons, Didactics of Counseling, and Student's counseling Booklet. All teachers from target group participate to Visit the Burriana Port with Spanish teachers and students - Discover math and hidden geometry in the corners of your city! practical lesson Day 5: 15th October 2021 All teachers from target group participate at Activity in the club "Discover and enjoy nature! ,, (Nautical sports in the beach) All teachers from target group participate at Focus / group with questions: What did you like ?, What didn't you like? What do you want to take home with you? What made you think? What advice do you give to the hosts? What changes in your ideas have occurred after this activity? The partners talked about the transfer (from hotel-to-school-from school-to-hotel), they talked about the work schedule and the cultural visits, after this mobility, all the documents were completed, there was talk of partners' responsibilities and next mobilities. After the mobility activities, questionnaires were applied to the teachers in the target group. The evaluation of the participants took place-Final questionnaire for all groups (feedback section). The teachers filled in a new sheet with expectations, fears and strengths and then compared them with the ones from the first day and found that all fears were shattered, expectations were exceeded by Spanish hospitality and culture and all mentioned that they were going home with a lot of learning they can use in the part of didactics and pedagogy. The final test was also applied and it was found that the number of teachers who understood and can apply the Spanish methodology is 100%, the teachers responded quickly and very well, all being delighted with the activities and eager to apply what they saw in the Spanish school. At the end of the mobility the certificates were given to all participant teachers.


Transnational Didactic Experiences

Erasmus + Mobility in Osijek Theory Combined With Art And Architectur Made by teacher, Telescu Violeta Secondary School Prof. Dr. Ion Stoia Căldăraru The mobility in the Erasmus + project Motivating the learning engine to increase student's school, professional and social success and reduce absenteeism (reference no. 2019-1-RO01KA229-063851_1) in Osijek – Croatia had as its main theme teaching methods that emphasize increasing students' self-esteem for academic success by using the Market Guerilla Pygmallion method. The mobility began with a welcome address by the principal of the host school, a short presentation of the activities for the week of September 20 to 25, 2021 as well as an introductory session in which each participating teacher described themselves using theater-specific elements. The similarities and differences between the existing educational systems in the 4 countries involved in the project were also discussed. We visited the host school which boasts a circular architecture and an impressive hall and concluded the day with a visit to the Osijek City Hall. There we had the opportunity to admire the conference room and to talk to a young and enterprising mayor who is looking to change the face of the city with funds from the European Union. An extremely useful and interesting activity was the one in which two teams of students had to perform the same task and present their results. Each team had to construct a wall of certain dimensions with a free space in the middle in the shape of a rectangle. What was different about the two teams was the approachof the teacher who told them from the beginning that one team is expected to perform better and the other less so. Additionally, one team was able to always ask for help from the teacher whereas the other was given very little help. Also, one of the teams wasconstantly praised for every step of the execution, while the other didn`t get any comments and their work. The result was completely different between the two teams and showed that praise and trust given to a team can work wonders. Instead, the team that knew from the startit is not expected to do too well came up with a wall that was very far off what was required. Market Guerilla Pygmallion (MGP) is a method that emphasizes the ongoing encouragement of students, is easy to use in any subject and at any level of study, and has spectacular results in terms of motivating students. A pattern of informational user behavior influenced by guerrilla Internet marketing was also analyzed. Another interesting activity was learning by combining theory with the art of photography.The teachers became students and we were encouraged to take and 28

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then send photos in which to apply what we learned. At the end of the mobility, the best photographs were selected and displayed as part of an exhibition in the school lobby in order to highlight the usefulness of combining theory with art. This method can be applied to a wide range of disciplines: in mathematics theory can be combined with architecture, while in physics students can see architectural wonders performed based on the phenomenon of reflection of light, for example. Outdoor lessons are usually more appealing to students as they learn new notions more easily and they tend to remember them for longer. A testament to this fact was our visit to Kopačkirit, a paradise of birds and animals where people can only keep quiet and admire nature`s beauties for minutes on end. The host school psychologist trained us in getting to know the students with the help of a themed opening test in which they showed us that what we think about a person at first sight can be influenced byhow we perceive ourselves and by our own projections.The right approach is to talk to the students in order to get to know them and their true personality. All the new information that we acquired during this mobility we were able to put into practice in a workshop with mixed teams (a teacher from every country except Croatia) which had as its theme the realization of a lesson plan based on Market Guerilla Pygmallion. In addition to these activities, we also had to fill in an initial and final questionnaire and held discussions on the progress of the project and what materials will be presented for thefinal results.We also spent time getting acquainted with some Croatian customs and traditions, while also putting together an exhibition with materials from both students and teachers. The mobility concluded with the certificate ceremony and a short musical moment by the students fromour host school. It was an incredible experience in an old town where we learned many new things.We had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves not only with methods that can be applied in the classroom, but also with elements of Croatian history, culture and civilization. We practiced and improvedour knowledge of English and started friendships that we hope will last at least as long as those from other Erasmus + mobilities.

Scientific Report – Izmir, Turkey Made by teacher, Stanislava Radosavljević Graditeljsko-Geodetska Škola Osijek, Croatia I have participated in student exchange in Izmir, Turkey, from 11th till 26th November 2021. 29

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The main topic of this project was: Learning Teaching Methods with an emphasis on increasing self-esteem in students during classes, conciliation and extracurricular activities for school success using Origoclassthe methodology of combining the theory with the game. All students and teachers participated in lectures, workshops and field trips. 1st day, 22nd Nov Our Croatian team arrived at Izmir in the early morning hours, and our first destination after the airport was High school in which we were going to attend all workshops and classes. Firstly, we answered poll questions about our predictions for this project. Secondly, we got to know and met each other through the fun game and we also get a tour around the school, and I really liked their school and the way it was decorated. Then, in the school gym, we played some sports and went to lunch in the school canteen. After that, we went to Izmir City Hall where we have listened to a speech by a major of Izmir. That day we also went to the museum and in our free time, we went sightseeing with our new Turkish friends. At the end of the day, I was exhausted but overjoyed because I was finally in Izmir. 2nd day, 23rd Nov Today in school we had biology, chemistry and physics lessons where we have done some interesting experiments. After that, we played some brain, logic games and we played some sport in a school gym. When the school day ended, we went for a walk and I tried some Turkish cuisine meals and specialty, like baklava. 3rd day, 24th Nov In school, we attended different workshops and lessons. Today was special for me because our Turkish peers took us, all students from different countries, to go sightseeing and we saw some authentic places and we also took a ride on a boat and it was really nice because I could see the city from a whole different perspective. 4th day, 25th Nov After our usual school day field with workshops and lectures, today we have been at Historical Places EPHESUS and ŞİRİNCE. There we saw and learned about an ancient amphitheater and the remains of the old city. 5th day, 26th Nov Today has been our last day at Izmir and it was emotional. Even though this was just a few days trip, we all participants got along 30

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so well and made new friendships. In school, we watched a film whit our group photos from this project, and we also saw traditional Turkish dance. We got a certificate of participation for this project. After that, we went to an amusement park and had so much fun. We packed our suitcases and late in the night, we got on our flight to Croatia. This student exchange gave me so much experience and good memories. The city of Izmir left me speechless, the people I met there are my new friends now, all workshops and lessons exceed my expectation. If I would have a chance I would repeat it all.

What jobs can you learn and practice? Made by teacher Drăguț Violeta Secondary School Prof. Dr. Univ. Ion Stoia, Romania There is a job for any person, even if the general impression is that it would not be so. It is clear that when the workers complain that they do not have jobs, and the employers complain that they do not have jobs, something is lost in the middle. Now, however, it is easier than ever to find your high-paying jobs, especially since there is an internet and information flows quickly. Pupils generally say: "I have not yet decided what I would like to do." This statement is perfectly true and accepted at an early age, but just because you did not find your "great passion" does not mean that you should do absolutely nothing. The important thing to know is that you cannot really know a thing until the moment you try it, you practice it, until then you cannot say that you do not like it. If you choose a profession from an early age, you do not get in the situation where you do what you do not like just because you do not have time to refocus. There are many who come to regret the field in which they work and feel that it is too late to prepare for another job. Don't wait for over 15 years to choose a domain, try it now and take advantage of the energy and desire to try something new when things may not go as you expected. In addition, the reality is that you cannot say that you are really passionate about a particular field without a direct interaction with the profession. Beyond a simple affective state, a superficial interest, passion actually means "inclination, accompanied by pleasure for the studied subject or for the profession exercised". This involves two important aspects: 1. Be empowered for the passion you have; 2. To have the opportunity to practice the job / profession and at the end of the work day you find that it made you so much pleasure that you could remain without getting tired. It is important to have a passion for the job / profession you choose, because if you are good at the job you have, in the medium and long term, a mediocre job will create a state of professional dissatisfaction, instead a job with passion will bring you success, a state of inclination, satisfaction, a peaceful life. On the other hand, if you really enjoy and are willing to invest all your resources in this passion you have every chance to become a professional in your field of interest, to become an indispensable man in the workplace. Discovering the passion and skills at 31

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a young age directs you to study in the field, towards studies that will be useful in the future in the workplace. Very important to remember: • A student can say that he is passionate about a field only when he has interacted with that field through direct practice or direct observation activities; • It is not a problem if a student has not yet found his passion, because in any case he will really discover it, he has only to think, to search with his family / teachers. Some testimonies from the experiences of others ... 1. Florist-decorator Imagine how nice it must be to be surrounded by flowers every day and make floral arrangements for different events. Once you learn the job, care for the flowers, arrange them and move fast on Valentine's Day, Women's Day and the beginning of the school year, when the pressure and sales are high, the only real difficulty that remains is the early awakening to meet the suppliers or take your raw material from the Flower Market. 2. Cook / Baker / Confectioner Do you like cooking? Then turn your passion into a job! Even if you don't know much about cooking, many restaurants, bakeries and confectioneries are willing to host you to practice, to teach you everything you need to know about a kitchen. The biggest difficulty will be the morning work (especially in the case of bakeries), but also the heat in the kitchen during the summer. But think about what fun recipes you will learn and how you will gastronomically surprise your loved ones for the holidays! 3. Driver If you do not have much control over the working hours with the other two jobs, things are different with the driver. Of course, if you become a professional driver hired for a company, your departures may be longer and longer than you might want. But the benefits are just as well, you know! You still have the opportunity, however, to drive on your own for one of the ride sharing companies, and you have control over the hours you work and, implicitly, on your own income. 4. Traffic agent Imagine a job where you spend your time in the sun. You decide where to go and what to do; when you take a break and enjoy an outdoors, in the sea breeze, with or without a car. A job where people greet you with joy and gratitude. As a travel agent in a small town, you will have praise, insults and scornful remarks. But it is a job that is practiced outdoor, there is total independence and where you can get the perfect tan, you retire at 45, so you cannot change it for anything in the world. 5. Lawyer There's a refrigerator magnet with Shakespeare's words: "Let's kill all the lawyers." But as a lawyer you get a lot of words and a lot of thank you letters. It seems like a lawyer can save lives. So you're the man who supports people in need, you can sleep peacefully that you work / fight for justice. Lawyers think a lot, meditate a lot, make a scenario, are good psychologists and powerful orators. Lawyers work hard, but they are irreplaceable people in a trial. 6. Sales agent 32

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Work with door-to-door sales. I do not think there is a job to hear more often "go". This is why, every morning we have high morale meetings, because otherwise we would resign very quickly. You have to keep your smile in any circumstance, otherwise you fail to sell. In the first week at work, if you are not careful dogs will bite you, everyone will follow you doubtfully. You meet all kinds of people. From the confessions of an employee we say, “In the first week, I had to console a newly divorced woman, who burst into tears when I tried to sell her a tea set for two people. An old lady in the crutches called me a "bad race." The world doesn't know that most salespeople work on commission, so they don't have to do it, they have to be insistent on making a penny. So, you don’t need to hate us so much, because we hate our job anyway. But you can become an entrepreneur and have your own employees, most of them are promoted, no one likes to work below. 7. Editor of a tabloid Is it something like you're in school and you don't want to read a book from the program and prefer to see the movie made after it? For me, that's about journalism. Break down the political jargon of world leaders and make a collage with all the important news in the world, so that you do not have to decipher each one individually. It nourishes our innate interest in culture and human nature and connects us with the spaces in which we live. Tabloids are the same, just delivering your message as your best friend would deliver to a beer. But we represent the fourth power in the state, we are afraid of politicians, celebrities and others who do not want to appear negative in the media. To be a journalist you have to prepare the material well in order not to manipulate the masses of readers. In addition, the power of digital journalism is that it is constantly evolving and improving, which means that we use public feedback to give it what it wants, even if it is not exactly what we want to write. Yes, we sensationalize everything - this is the job - but there are also responsibilities that the journalist must assume, we assume, as influencers. For example, the use of terms by reporters as "perfect" or "flawless" is not indicated, because they are in a position from which we can influence impressionable and influential people. People like to blame the media, but they still click on our articles. Students need to understand that the profession must be chosen based on skills and passion, these elements must be discovered from an early age, in order to reach true passion, not just surface ones.

Benefits of Early Career Development Made by teacher, Rabia Demirel Sehit Mustafa Yaman Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi,Romania Think it’s too early to start your career planning? Fresh out of poly and want to enjoy your freshman year? Read on to discover why planning for your career early can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever have made. 1.

It Helps Identify Your Interests. 33

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Taking extra lessons on programming or creative writing, joining a cultural studies group or electronic music production club at school is all part of career planning. Discovering what you are really good at and enjoy doing helps you focus on pursuing a career in a field of your choice. Besides, paying more attention to their interests often helps aspiring entrepreneurs identify the niche for their business. I didn’t realize I had such great enthusiasm for creative writing until I was hired by Glints earlier this summer. Having just finished my first year in university, I now consider improving my writing skills, possibly starting my own blog and maybe pursuing a career in the creative field. This (relatively) early experience gives me plenty of time to develop my skills in something I enjoy doing. It also narrows down the scope of my career choices, giving me some peace of mind as to what would suit me in a sea of options which can be overwhelming. 2. It

Prepares You Mentally Intellectually for a Career.


Deciding on a major that is in line with your personal interests and what you will potentially take up as a career will give you solid working knowledge of the trade. This knowledge will help you identify solid and realistic career goals, an important part of career planning. Yes, it is entirely possible to major in classical music and end up becoming a trader. However, studying for four years about something close to the career you end up in still sounds more appealing, doesn’t it? With four years’ worth of knowledge, you’ll be more prepared to get your hands dirty in the field you’ve chosen. Studying a relevant major also prepares you mentally for the type of work you’ll expect to have when you graduate. This is also true because the internships you’ll apply for will also be targeted and focused on relevance to your major, giving you mental preparation for the eventual full-time job. 3.

It Provides You With Valuable Experience.

Experience can teach you a wealth of lessons almost nothing else will: what you enjoy doing everyday, what you cannot tolerate and what you would rather be doing only over the summer


Transnational Didactic Experiences

. Taking an internship as part of career planning is a perfect way to gain such experience. Other ways to gain interesting experience while still getting ahead of the rest include travelling, learning a new skill and writing about your interests. 4. It Allows For Smoother Transition Between Studies and a Career. Building up industry-specific knowledge and skills via internships is an integral part of career planning. Internships not only give students an edge over others during the job application process, it also helps reduce the shock when transitioning from studies to the workforce. During the internships, students will take on responsibilities full-time similar to those of employees. This will help acquaint them with the stress level, work ethics and the skills required when they officially enter the workforce. 5. It Provides With Networking Opportunities. Internships also provide valuable networking opportunities. Business contacts, advice on the industry and possible graduate job offers are but some benefits of networking during your internship. This helps your career planning tremendously by increasing your chances of securing a job in the field you’ve chosen. 6. Recovery from Mistakes. Successful people learn from their mistakes. If you make a mistake in your work at an early age, it will probably be less damaging, especially if you are at a lower level within the company. Your mistake might also be forgotten in several years by the time you’re ready to be considered for management. Mistakes also make you more experienced, and the sooner you make them the more knowledgeable you are, the fewer mistakes you will make the better you will be able to perform.


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7. Fewer Restrictions. Younger people, especially those who are single, have fewer financial and family obligations than older workers. This will allow you to make a move to another state and take a job that could help you climb the corporate ladder, work for less money in exchange for experience or work evenings and weekends to get experience that will build your resume. Source: California State University Source: Goldwater Financial Grou Source: CareerMuse Blog

Benefits of career development from an early age Made by teacher, Carmen Uso Juan Ies Jaume I, Spain Spanish education system has been through different moments. Too many Education laws and lots of changes, but just few of them were well planned and well implemented with the involvement of the key agents of change. Since the implementation of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) in the school year 1994/95 many changes have been made in order to solve some of the problems resulting from making compulsory the education up to the age of 16. A variety of educational itineraries have been implemented aimed at combating early school leaving (ESL), so the results have improved but just slightly. One of the itineraries consists of guiding students towards studies in vocational training at the age of 15. However, the difficulty lies in the traditionally low interest vocational training studies have had due to their structure, access and relationship to the world of work. Vocational training with the law (LOMCE) intends to develop the key competences according to the selected professional profile and at the same time develop a basic vocational training through general key competences related to basic lessons such as Spanish and Valencian language, maths, social science, etc. 36

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In order to achieve these aims Vocational training includes the following new aspects: It creates Basic Vocational Training. It changes the way students can have access to Vocational Training through other studies from the educational system. When students are in 4th course ESO they have two options. They can choose academic instruction ( to continue with Baccalaureat)or there is another option focused on Vocational Training (to continue a middle level Vocational Training Course). A new modality appears: A qualified Dual Vocational training programme, which was adopted in the year 2012. Despite all these changes, the type of students that have access to Basic Professional Training are those who have failed in Secondary Compulsory education. The mass media publish the results about the failure of this type of students. As recent news show, half of the students of the new Basic Vocational Training don’t promote to the next course. The main advantage of Basic Vocational Training consists of providing students with practical work in a company and getting access to intermediate Vocational Training. The main disadvantage is that students have to choose a training itinerary from an early age. Moreover, there is a lack of means and resources to offer all the specialties in Basic Vocational Training. In relation to the statement of the above mentioned article, it’s worth questioning: Would it be convenient, helpful to choose a professional itinerary at an early age? We can state that when students, even from an early age, find what they do interesting and motivating, they develop their interests and their critical thinking because they have some aims to achieve. This way we can find students who start to have aspirations, future plans and who can opt for a professional itinerary. Regarding this, it is also helpful: - Their self-awareness and self-esteem. - Their hobbies, interests, experiences, values, … - Their sociocultural environment - Their education, skills To carry all this out and achieve that youth can make a good choice at an early age requires the involvement of all possible social and economic agents. The appropriate educational training and preparation for the best professional development is the key in order to have competent European and global citizens. An egalitarian and inclusive state school is essential.

Burriana, an Unforgettable Erasmus Experience Made by teacher, Perniu Mariana Secondary School Prof. Dr. Univ. Ion Stoia, Romania I am a teacher at a small and modest school in rural Romania and we are the beneficiaries of an Erasmus project with partner countries such as Spain, Croatia and Turkey. Together with other 37

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teachers and children I had the opportunity to go for the first mobility in Spain, more precisely, in the city of Burriana to the school "Ies Jaume I". The city is located in eastern Spain, with access to the Mediterranean Sea, thus having a warm, pleasant climate, even if we are privileged by the four seasons with their beauties and advantages. Walking for the first time on such land, I was delighted by the impressive town through the multitude of objectives and alleys that looked like baseless labyrinths but all led to the main boulevards. These boulevards guarded the city from one end to the other, standing out through the towering palm groves into a unitary whole. Another aspect specific to the area and the city is the presence of oranges everywhere, which, at the same time, intoxicated you with the scent of flowers, but you were amazed that in the same tree, next to the flowers, there was green and ripe fruit. . This gives you the feeling that life there includes all stages of development in the same cycle. From the first day I felt that warmth from everyone, the gentleness of the gestures and the words, ending, each time, with a smile of confidence both in me and in those around me. The activity of knowledge and interrelationship began with games in which we were all caught and, without realizing it, we interacted as if we had known each other "since the beginning of the world". The presentation of the school was done in a rather pleasant way, an activity carried out by both students and teachers, capturing our attention with videos - power point presentations, but also with impressive classrooms. And, to end the day in a pleasant way, we were invited to taste the traditional dishes, specific to the Valencian area - "Paella". In addition to the quiet tranquility of the people and the city, another pleasant and attractive thing is the Mediterranean port, where a lot of yachts, sailing boats and the famous sea school are parked - "La Escola de la mar" whose instructors I value marine sports. Their motto is: "Theory in practice, mistakes can't go here!" The children learned to use the kayak, then went as far as they could in the fascinating boats leaving room for adrenaline and, at the same time, the pleasure of trying new things, which at first they feared. The exchange of experience continued with activities at the economic agents where the way in which the students learn various trades was presented, how to reuse the materials, but also how to protect the environment. As a result, those who wanted to learn a trade had the opportunity to volunteer in these businesses. Among the activities presented, I found the Pythagorean Method interesting in attending classes, which I would like to be able to apply during teaching-learning classes. Interesting, to capture the attention, was the multitude and variety of teaching materials used, which fully contribute to the fixation and application of knowledge. I am a fan of this method and I want to apply it at the 38

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level of my class, with notions and materials specific to the age of the students, so that they are attracted and enthusiastic, but also remain with well-established goals. This method highlights notions of time, space, calculations, readings - legends. Thus, within the interdisciplinary project, with the theme - "My non-speaking friends", which includes as subjects communication, mathematics, personal development, music and fine arts and practical skills: -I will start with the reading in power point format - "The disturbing apple" with the questions after deciphering the text; -in mathematics, addition and subtraction calculations will be made to establish the space (distance) between certain objectives specified in the reading, the correct behavior with the natural environment, solving some riddle problems; -to personal development, starting from time and space, but also from the subject of reading, as well as from personal experiences lived in various situations, we will associate the basic emotions with simple elements of nonverbal and paraverbal language. Here, too, we practice rehearsing verbal and nonverbal messages about our own experiences; -in visual arts and practical skills, students will express their ideas and feelings using line, point, color and shape, elements that define and make up space and time and, last but not least, they will draw their favorite characters from the reading studied. ; -in music we will sing individually and in groups associating the movement suggested by the text and rhythm. Our foray into this experience continued with a trip to Valencia, where we visited various sights characteristic of the Spanish people, such as: places of historical significance, Gulliver's Park Romanian and Spanish students having fun and reconstructing the story of Gulliver, the complex of science, art, music museums with a fascinating architectural construction giving you the impression that you come from a fantastic world, etc. The last day ended with the participation in the activity dedicated to "The Fallas Festival" and with the handing out, as a sign of gratitude and collaboration, of the diplomas of each student and teacher. I can say that, through everything I saw, lived and participated, I had an unforgettable experience!

Burriana, an Unforgettable Scientific Experience Made by teacher, Drăguț Violeta Secondary School Prof. Dr. Univ. Ion Stoia, Romania I am a teacher of history-geography-financial education at the Gymnasium School Prof. Dr. Univ. Ion Stoia-Căldăraru from the rural area, as well as from the Costești Technological High School, from the urban area. Together with my colleagues, we are the beneficiaries of several Erasmus projects with partner countries such as Spain, Croatia, Turkey and Italy. Together with other teachers and students, I had the opportunity to go in March 2020 to training mobility in Spain, more precisely, in the city of Burriana at the partner school "Ies Jaume I =". Mobility was 39

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one of the transnational activities within the Erasmus project Motivation the learning engine for increasing the academic, professional and social success of students and reducing absenteeism, with reference number 2019-1-RO01-KA229063851. The city where the training activity took place-Burriana is located in eastern Spain, a short distance from the Mediterranean Sea, thus having a Mediterranean climate, warm, pleasant, with the beauties and advantages of these conditions. Stepping for the first time in the Valencia area, I was delighted with Burriana - the impressive town with its many sights and alleys that looked like old mazes with no way out, but all led to the main boulevards. These boulevards crossed the city from one end to the other, highlighting the border of the Mediterranean vegetation, the towering palm trees as a whole, aloe, lenadri and other brightly colored flowers. Another aspect specific to the area and the city is the presence of oranges everywhere, which, at the same time, intoxicated you with the scent of flowers, but you were amazed that in the same tree, next to the flowers, there was green and ripe fruit. . Aspect that highlights the stages of development. In addition to the quiet tranquility of the inhabitants and the city, another pleasant and attractive thing is the Mediterranean Sea, where a lot of yachts, sailing boats are parked, as well as the famous high school - "La Escola de la mar" whose instructors provide training for marine sports. Their motto is: "We learn step by step, not many commands at once, we do not allow mistakes!" The children learned to use kayak boats, 40

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then went through as much space as they could from the sea, in special boats, some with more adrenaline, others with less, but all with the pleasure of trying new things. Our training continued in the host school and in the economic agents. Among the activities presented during class observation, the Pythagorean Method, which I can now apply to teaching-learning classes. The Pythagorean method consists in the concrete artistic realization of the phenomena, processes, formulas in the exact sciences and in the practical combination with the theoretical one in the humanities. In mathematics, Pythagoras' method was explained by rectangles, triangles, and plant grains to prove the area. The need for theory in practical work was further explained and practiced, especially the usefulness of mathematics. At the economic agents, the students made small furniture, but the furniture plan was initially made by paid mathematics. Also at the economic agents, with which the host school had a partnership, were made 3D figurines from colored plystyrene, of different sizes, made from sketches, drawings, paintings, in natural dimensions. And in this case, mathematics was indispensable. The figurines were made for the local festival "La Falla" - which is celebrated annually and in which the Spaniards burn all the figurines made. The festival attracts a lot of tourists, who bring funds to the city. In the history lesson, in the Ancient Egypt lesson, the Pythagorean method was used by the realization in the plan of the different cultural aspects, by the students, grouped in teams. This method highlights notions of time, space, calculations, readings - legends, in fact a correlation is made between theory and practice. Students better synthesize theory, if theory is anchored in practice, this is possible in any discipline, the student must be involved in various practical activities to understand the usefulness of what he has learned, the simple fact that we always repeat the usefulness of theory. , are spoken words, to say. Success, implementation!

My Experience Erasmus in Osijek Made by teacher, Isabel Corell Juan IES Jaume I, Spain I spent a week in the city of Osijek, in Croatia to complete the Erasmus Plus mobility with three other colleagues and six students. We attended the workshops in the Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola. During the first day, we knew about the Croatian Education System. As the school is a VET one, we’re focused in the professional education, which in Spain is completely different. The building was a wonderful architectural surprise, because of its circular shape! I appreciated the fact that Croatian students finish their compulsory education at 14 years old and not at sixteen, like they do in Spain. I think it gives them more maturity, as they must make an important decision earlier. However, this decision doesn’t impeach to attend the university because they can be prepared for the Maturity exam (which allows entering to the university) while they are studying their professional itinerary. The ambiance of the school was closer to the university than to a secondary school. 41

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We started the workshops with some icebreaking activities with the Theatre teacher. It’s really important to get this genre of formation because their students are going to face the real work world mostly from the beginning of their studies. The way they communicate or they stand in a job interview is very decisive. I enormously enjoyed these role-playing games even if I don’t usually appreciate them. The visit to the school provided us the opportunity to see the building with its peculiarities. I found it very nice that the teachers had their own office, and they could choose their workmate and decorate it freely! Our colleague Mia made a wonderful job with her office. Every day we had workshops. I found them interesting. They explained the Pygmalion effect to us. It’s about the fact that we get better results from the students if we trust in them. We saw the results in a very easy way: two groups of students should build a wall; one of them received a few instructions, and the teacher told them that they didn’t need anything more because they were totally capable to finish it. The other group received many instructions because the teacher told them it was too difficult for them. In the end, the first group ended a perfect wall while the second couldn’t finish it. I enjoyed the workshop about photography composition. I love graphic design and nowadays it's really important to present the information with a minimum of good taste. The rules of composition and the importance of centering the focus are sometimes forgotten by our students (and colleagues). Unfortunately, we all have eyes but not everybody has the right way to see. It was very practical: we all take a picture with some objects and then the teacher explained to us the ABC of the composition. Then, he asked us to capture pictures with this information to discuss them on our concluding day. It was an excellent way to improve our technique and, at the same time, to pursue original models in Osijek. Another workshop that impressed me a lot was the one about reflection because we learned that maybe what we don’t like from our students is something that we also do, so we aren’t angry with them, but with ourselves. Or in a completely different way, we require our students to be the way we want them to be and not the way they are. It made me think a lot about that. However, the thing that I always enjoy the most in mobilities is sharing memorable moments with competent teachers from other countries during the coffee breaks or the free time. We 42

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compare our situations, and we realize that we all have the same problems and we want the same solutions. Teachers who participate in ERASMUS+ projects are always very motivated, innovative, and open-minded!

Scientific Report Croatia Made by teacher, Ghitulescu Daniela Technological High School Costesti Secondary School Teacher Dr. Ion Stoia, Romania The Erasmus project Motivating the learning engine to increase student's school, professional and social success and reduce absenteeism, with reference number 2019-1-RO01-KA229063851_1 was approved in 2019, for a period of two years, but due to the situation of current pandemics, the project will run until 2022. The coordinator of this project is the Romanian school, which has as partners schools from Turkey-Izmir, Spain-Burriana and Croatia-Osijek. The idea behind the project is that Europe needs strong, educated, involved, active young people in the labor market who really know their role in society and the benefits of democratic principles. Students are the key points on which the European Community is built. The need that led to the start of this project is the low percentage of motivation to learn among the students in our school, and not only. The objectives of the project are divided into two categories: for students and for teachers, and their fulfillment has been staggered and staged in the mobilities carried out in each participating country. On September 20-25, 2021, mobility took place in Croatia, at the partner school in Osijek, where the main topic was Learning Teaching Methods with an emphasis on increasing self-esteem in students during classes, counseling and extracurricular activities for school success using Market Guerilla Pygmalion (MPG). The mobility hosted by the Croatian partner emphasized the usefulness of theory combined with art and architecture. During the 5 days of intense activities, the Croatian partner mobilized a large part of his teachers and students, so that all activities were carried out properly, the objectives initially proposed to be met, and all invited partners to feel welcome and appreciated. We started the mobility with the welcome speech given by the director of the art school that hosted us, then we had a session to get to know the participants by teacher Stela Bacic, who organized a series of games and activities for breaking ice and knowledge.


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We participated in a presentation of the Croatian education system, on which occasion I discussed the common or different points between the education systems of the participating partner countries. The I CAN exhibition was organized in the impressive and modern lobby of the host school, where we exhibited 10 images, graffiti or suggestive paintings to motivate students to learn, materials previously prepared by each partner. We were invited to visit the school and we discovered a unique building through its architecture, being in the shape of a circle and we discovered that each teacher had his own office where he could prepare materials for classes. Damir Rajle, a teacher from the host school, organized a workshop revealing to us some secrets of how to take a good photograph, what rules should we respect, where to be attentive and so on. We even had a task during the mobility, that was to take some photos respecting the theory he told us and then we discussed each photo and we all realized we improved our way of photographing.

We had the honor to be received by the mayor of the town, who told us about the history of the city and we exchanged souvenirs. During our visit to our partner school in Croatia, we attended classes with our Croatian colleagues who used the Market Guerilla Pygmallion method, seeing how this method can be used and applied successfully in various disciplines. We participated in an MGP workshop using images and drawings and made the I CAN exhibition, using virtual pictures and drawings / graffiti, where we exhibited these materials prepared in order to motivate students to learn. During the visits, we combined theory with practice, so we could admire the MPG theory implemented in the architecture of buildings in the host city, Osijek. Working in mixed teams, we made a lesson plan using the MGP method, using the pictures and virtual paintings made during the workshop.


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We have finalized the structure of the calendar that we have designed and implemented during the mobility. The host school made a mobility film, using pictures and videos taken during school and outdoor activities. The exhibitions held during these days of activity were displayed in the school lobby, respecting the proposed theme. In addition to all these materials, the materials made by the students from the partner schools as a result of the activities carried out were added. At the end of the mobility, constructive discussions took place about the activities carried out, about the products made after the activities, as well as about the next mobilities. The handing over of the certificates ended these days of intense activities and we exchanged souvenirs to remind us of these days, places and welcoming people.

My Experience Erasmus in Romania Made by teacher, Ömür Yarici IES Jaume I, Spain As Turkish team we visited Căldăraru-Romania, during 13-17.12.2021 within the project ‘’ Motivating the learning engine to increase student’s school professional and social success and reduce absenteeism, No. 2019-1-RO01-KA229-063851. ‘’ The teachers participated in an ice-breaking workshop, useful in achieving group cohesion. Each participant introduced himself and announced their first impressions. All the teachers took part in 4 workshops using the method, ,,Doubling debates". They also discussed about 10 top professions in the European Union. Then teachers received objects and materials to make a product or 2 and to promote them within Educational Market for Christmas -FREEDOM OF IMAGINATION.


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After that teachers got involved in the realization of the exhibition"The shortest way to success" and of the exhibition "So yes, so no". All the products of the exhibitions were promoted and presented to all the participants. All participating teachers were invited to the Costești Children's Cluband participated inin 4 classes using the method, ,,Doubling debates"in practical skills. There were 4 Workshops "Guess the traditional profession" and the teacher also participated in the contest "Students debating confidently in success".An interesting moment was the realization of the outdoor exhibition and fleshmobile"Business in school for Christmas". Teachers worked in mixed groups on the sayings calendar on stereotyping professions. We also participated in 3 classes using the method, ,,Doubling debates"in partnership with teachers from Technological High School Costești. There were round table dual debates Avoiding the lack of motivation by stereotyping students' thinking. The teachers successfully designed "Traveler in 5 European schools" magazine and then they made photographic materials for the magazine,,Europe in the 21st Century Seen Through the Erasmus + Program”. All the teachers worked in Canva in order to prepare the final magazine. The teachers took part in managerial discussions related to the project results. We had the opportunity to learn this new method ,,Doubling debates" Finally, It was an enriching experience because we had the opportunity to know the Educational We gained knowledge and worked with methodologies to motivate students.

My First Mobility in Erasmus Project After the Pandemic, Osijek Made by teacher, M Carmen Usó Juan IES Jaume I, Spain This was my first mobility in an Erasmus project after the pandemic. Just travelling abroad again with our students was already a complete satisfaction. Project: Motivating the learning 46

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engine to increase student’s school, profesional and social success and reduce absenteeism. Number: 20191-1RO01-ka229-063851_4. Destiny: Osijek, our partner in Croatia, Specifically: Graditeljsko Geodetska Skola. The arrival in the city was very rewarding since our students waited nervously to meet their host students. The first day all the participants met in the hall where the headmaster of the school held a discourse. With the aim of getting to know each other we started the week with icebreaking activities and a slideshow of the education system in Croacia and then a round table took place where all participants countries talk about the diferences. Afterwards, we visited school facilities: teacher room, Art laboratory, Maths laboratory, the PMG room… From then on, the central aim of the week focused on the different workshops about "Market Guerrilla Pygmalion"(MGP). We participated in the realization of the exhibitions “I can” – one exhibition to encourange students to increase self-confidence with 10 images, graffities and paintings for motivating students to learn- These workshops led on to different presentations: All teachers were invited to the classroom and participated to classes using Market Guerrilla Pygmalion (MGP). Then we discussed about this method and the host school organized a workshop with a model of user information behavior influenced by guerrilla marketing on the Internet and Pygmalion effect. Differents workshops: -Performing the TAT (Thematic Aperture Test) -Exhibition with MGP Images and Paintings -Lesson plan using Market Guerrilla Pygmalion All partners worked on the worshop MGP calendar structure and created a calendar with motivational images for students. The host school organized these worshops in which all partners participated for showing that through art motivated students can learn. 47

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In Osijek I found a nice quiet city, very supportive families and a very welcoming educational community. With them we have shared and lived very enriching experiences. In my opinion, the best is to confirm that during this mobility our students have experienced enrichment. This is perfectly obvious after hearing students' quotes such as "I have discovered I am good at painting" or "This experience has changed my life".



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