Arcadia is a new approach to senior living. It’s about enjoying life and connecting with people. A Conversation to Have with Your Mom That Can’t Wait.
Many people ask for advice on how to have “the talk” with your aging parent when they can no longer live on their own. I strongly suggest starting this discussion much earlier than you may think. It can’t be a single talk. It will take time and lots of loving patience. It is a difficult conversation, but an important one to honor your parent.
Careful Understanding.
designated as their power of attorney? How are their finances? Do they have long-term health insurance? Asking about these issues can also open the door for a more intimate discussion about their future health and possible care needs. If you couldn’t live on your own, where would you want to live? This information can give you a baseline understanding of how your parent feels about their independence.
Be prepared that the decision to move your parent to an assisted living community can be charged with feelings of guilt and denial, making the process even harder. Be gentle with each other. Focus on what is the best for your loved one.
Crisis Management.
Many families don’t prepare or have the discussion with their aging parent until there is a crisis. If this is the case, the best option Loving Preparation. is to move your parent to an assisted living Take the time to research care options. Get community for a short-term stay (also called recommendations from family members and respite). This is a great place for a parent to friends. Visit communities and meet with heal after a hospital stay. Often times, when a administrators and caregivers. See firsthand loved one tries out a community they are more how the residents appear. Are they engaged in willing to stay on a permanent basis. activities? Are they happy? Are they dressed and groomed? Understand the different options Contact Misty Carlock at Arcadia Clarksville for care. The more prepared you are, the more to schedule your personal visit and learn how confident you will be in this important decision we can help you in this next chapter of your of who will care for your aging parent. loved one’s life. Find us at 175 Chesapeake
A Unified Family.
Families should visit assisted living The first step is to collect information. Does communities separately on different days and your parent have a will? Who have they at different times to see a variety of activities.
Lane in Clarksville, call us at 931.919.2668 or online at
r u o ts t ee den M si re
We strive to fulfill individual goals, personal health and social relationships. Whether you are looking to simplify your life and find a sense of community or need a little help with day-to-day tasks, Arcadia Clarksville is the perfect choice. 175 CHESAPEAKE LANE, CLARKSVILLE, TN 37040 | (931) 919-2668 | Join us October 7th for Best of Clarksville and Vote VIP Clarksville Best Local Publication! • 47