Personal Protective Equipment is specialized clothing or equipment used by workers to protect themselves from direct exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Virginia Wesleyan University will provide, repair, clean, and dispose of appropriate personal protective equipment based on the anticipated exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. This equipment shall be provided and readily available in a variety of sizes as needed at no cost to the employee. The protective equipment will be considered appropriate only if it does not permit blood or other potentially infectious materials to pass through or reach the employees’ clothing, skin, eyes, mouth, or other mucous membranes under normal conditions of use and for the duration of time which the protective equipment will be used. If a garment is penetrated by blood or other potentially infectious material, the garment shall be removed as soon as possible and placed in a designated container for laundering or disposal. A container for this purpose is located in each appropriate department. Protective equipment will be provided to employees through their individual department by the department head or his/her designee who is responsible for its distribution. Protective equipment is to be worn whenever there is a risk of exposure. HOUSEKEEPING Virginia Wesleyan University will ensure that the campus and campus buildings are maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. The written Housekeeping procedure guide is located in the Housekeeping Policy and Procedure Manual at the Physical Plant. All contaminated surfaces will be decontaminated as soon as feasible. The Housekeeping staff is to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment while carrying out their duties. Gloves shall be worn when it can reasonably be anticipated that hands will contact blood or other potentially infectious materials, mucous membranes, and non-intact skin and when handling or touching contaminated items or surfaces. Disposable gloves are not to be washed or decontaminated for re-use. These gloves are to be replaced as soon as feasible when they become contaminated, torn, punctured, or when their ability to function as a barrier is compromised. Laundry workers shall wear protective gloves and other appropriate personal protective equipment to prevent exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials during handling of linen. Laundry that is contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials or that may contain contaminated needles or sharps shall be treated as if it were a HBV/HIV infection and handled as little as possible and with a minimum of agitation. Contaminated laundry shall be bagged and tagged at the location(s) where it was used. HEPATITIS B VACCINATION The hepatitis B vaccine shall be offered, at no cost, to all employees of Security and Health Services whose jobs involve the risk of directly contacting blood or other potentially infectious materials (please see Exposure Determination). The vaccine will be offered within 10 working days of their initial assignment as an employee in an at risk category unless the employee has previously had the vaccine or wished to submit to antibody testing which shows the employee to have sufficient immunity. Employees who decline the Hepatitis B vaccine will sign a waiver (please see attached). Employees who initially decline the vaccine, but who later wish to have it may then have the vaccine provided at no cost to the employee. Human Resources is responsible for assuring that the vaccine is offered to appropriate employees and that appropriate forms are signed. Campus Health Services will administer the vaccine to VWU employees. 100