EMERITUS FACULTY POLICY PROFESSOR EMERITUS STATUS Those faculty members who have served at Virginia Wesleyan University--with full-time status and a full- time load--for at least 12 consecutive years, ending with retirement from VWU, are eligible for consideration for emeritus status. Retiring faculty are named to emeritus status after a review by--and recommendation from--the FSW Commission, after subsequent approval by the Faculty Assembly, and upon the recommendation of the President to the Board of Trustees. Faculty members whose teaching, scholarship (defined broadly), and service are judged to have been well below that of their peers will not be awarded such status. Should a member of the full-time teaching faculty switch to full-time administrative responsibility, the subsequent years in the administrative role will not count towards emeritus status, even though this person may continue to hold academic rank and, for example, teach one course. The following represent the privileges of and responsibilities for those faculty who have achieved this status: A.
Title and Recognition 1. Retention of title and the right to use it in appropriate correspondence, on business card, etc. It is understood that the responsibilities of the emeritus faculty member in this instance are comparable to those in effect for full-time faculty. 2. Opportunity to march in academic processions. 3. Emeritus faculty ID card with photograph. F/S parking sticker(s), if desired. 4. Inclusion in certain mailings, such as the events calendar, magazine, etc. 5. Inclusion in campus directory and academic catalog listings.
Employee Benefits 1. Tuition waiver at VWU. Emeriti faculty themselves, along with their spouses, could also choose to take or audit courses (on a space-available basis). 2. Opportunity to attend computer workshops (on a space-available basis). 3. E-mail account. 4. Free admission to campus events which are free to VWU faculty/staff/students. 5. Opportunity to teach on a limited basis with office space provided on a spaceavailable basis.
(Note: EPC may preserve under the “IS” designation those courses unique to a particular instructor.) C.
Library Privileges 1. Full VWU library privileges for self and family (but no extended charge courtesy). 2. Opportunity to submit book selections to the library director. 3. Opportunity to apply for a faculty carrel (when available).
Approved by the Faculty 12/05/97, Revised 8/4/2017 71