Vision 15

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VISION 15 June 2006

P8 Messages From The Universe P11 Visionaries P14 Away With The Fairies P16 Experiences Explained

P21 Native American Tribes P24 The Medicine Wheel P26 Medicine Pouches

P33 We’ve Got Your Number P36 Power Animals for Children P38 A Future In Stones P40 Vision Showcase P42 Animal Superstitions P43 Dream Directory P44 Smoke Signals P46 Study your Scribbles!

P56 You Are What You Eat

No-nonsense nutritionist Gillian McKeith spills the beans on her holistic roots

P30 Harry Potter: Fantasy meets Reality Is there any real magick in Hogwarts? Vision investigates the facts and the fables

P48 DIY Qi Gong P50 Bringing Egypt to Cornwall P51 Sacral Chakra P52 Native American Crystals P54 Midsummer Magic P55 Hopi Ear Candling P58 Coven Corner

And The Rest... P5 News/ My Psychic Journal P6 Lifestyle Tips P28 Destiny Doctors P32 Competitions P60 Next Month P75 Subscriptions P76 Reviews P78 Vision Shop P82 Day Tripper

P18 “Nana sat on my bed today – but she died yesterday!”

P62 Astrological Overview P63 Horoscopes - Your June Forecast By James Christie

3 Vision 15



elcome to this month’s Vision! Put on your moccasins and travel the world of Native American tradition. Read about The Medicine Wheel (P24), translate the mysteries of Smoke Signals (P44) and make your own Medicine Pouch (P26). Gillian McKeith, straight-talking star of You are What You Eat, talks to us about holistic health (P56); we investigate the facts and fables of Harry Potter (P30) and reveal your Destiny Number in our numerology article (P33). We also have

some exciting new columns. Lifestyle Tips is full of simple techniques to help you (P6) and our News section (P5) will keep you updated. STOP PRESS: Tell everyone to pick up a copy of Vision next month! We have Robbie Williams concert tickets to win and an article on the paranormal popster himself ... so don’t miss it! Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related)


‘Listen very hard the tune will come to you at last, That we are one and one is All … is the stairway to heaven.’ Your wonderful magazine is an inspiration and also very educational. Thank You! Carina Smith, Benfleet, Essex. Well done Carina, you will make MI5 yet! Collect 4 CDs for your efforts! Ed.

Thank you so very much for my free subscription copy of Will Storr vs the Supernatural, which arrived yesterday. Possession being nine tenths of the law, I am reading it first, but my husband has put himself second in the queue – friends form up after that! Your magazine is so different because it includes many


Managing Director: Sammi Addey General Manager: John Addey Editor/Promotions: Diana Jarvis

Distribution: 0113 286 6557 Telesales: 0113 287 1551 Subscriptions: Lindsay Deane 0113 286 6789

I would like to thank your team at Vision, because I love your magazine. I always read my copy a least three times before the next one is due to come out. You can imagine how I felt when I began to look for my Vision and I couldn’t find it. Feeling really mystified, I asked my partner (who is a big sceptic) “have you seen my Vision magazine?”. “Yes” he said. “It’s in the computer room, it’s a good magazine that I love.” He is normally a guy who reads nothing but lad mags, but thanks to you he is now interested in the afterlife and always asks me to read out the Visionaries section. He won’t admit it, but it’s his favourite. Thanks! Claire, Doncaster

informative articles that are not included in other magazines. This morning I have ‘homed in’ on the crystal ball article; the Tibetan singing bowls, and that’s just for starters. Without doubt, my subscription will be renewed. Congratulations and thanks to you all. Jean Hearnden, Ivybridge, Devon.

Errata: Apologies to Nick Ashron, whose spirit drawing appeared on P51 of Vision 12 and was not credited to him. Coven Corner has featured incorrect days on the Moon Month. This is an editorial error, not Andrea’s. Apologies.

Vision 15

Email us:

Graphic Designer: Angela Benson

Each letter published will receive a copy of Pure Calm from the Pure Series worth £10.95, courtesy of New World Music. Let Stuart Jones’s fluidity and perfection on keyboards clear your mind. The Star Letter will win four titles from the Pure series including Pure Calm, Pure Dreaming, Pure Love & Light and Pure Tranquility – worth a total of £43.80. For further information and a free catalogue, contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or visit We reserve the right to edit letters.

I have tried to work the message out on the mystic runes (Vision 12, P38-41) and I believe the secret message reads:


Senior Graphic Designer: Stewart Leech


Star Letter

Magazine Ltd 42a Main Street, Garforth LS25 1AA Tel: 0113 286 3939 Fax: 0113 287 2293

Visionaries Co-ordinator: Nance Turner-Collings Accounts: Percy Trevelyon Distributors Native Publisher Services 0113 244 1010 Contributors: Nance Turner-Collings; Kylie Holmes; Carole Chui; Clint Denyer; Dave Brennan; Mike Hallowell; Graham Medicine Crow; Marian Green; Karen Aitken; Georgy; Richard Lewis; Rosalind Collier; Samantha Hamilton; Andrew Norman; Andrea Rivers; Paula Garton; James Christie.

Logo ©Vision magazine Ltd The Vision logo is a registered trademark. It may not be used by anyone other than ourselves under any conditions.

Founder: Sammi Addey Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by the publishers and editors. © Copyright Vision magazine Ltd and/or contributors. All rights reserved. No part, written or visual (including adverts typeset by Vision) of the magazine (including the logo) may be reproduced, without written permission from the publishers. Call 0113 286 6789 for subscriptions and back issues. All images © Vision unless otherwise stated. Competitions: The first correct entry drawn at random after the closing date will be notified. Competitions are open to all residents of the UK aged 18 or over except employees of Vision Magazine Ltd, their families, contributors, its printers and anyone else connected to the competition. There is no cash alternative unless otherwise stated. The editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

More universities offer spiritual courses Kent University has now added an MA in Cosmology and Divination to its postgraduate programme for September. This new course will explore cosmology and other divinatory forms. For further information contact the University of Kent. Tel: 01227 823581/823100 Email:

Psychic Cafés Psychic Cafés are gatherings of likeminded people where, each month, your host will work with you and your fellow explorers on a specific theme for that month. These events are held in bookstores, coffee shops and other convenient venues providing a relaxed, friendly and informal learning and sharing environment around the country. A typical Psychic Café event would involve a brief talk about the current sun sign, a short break for coffee and cake followed by

the interactive theme for the evening, where you can get hands-on experience. After a 12 month trial in East Kent, the Psychic Café format is being rolled out nationwide and is on schedule to ensure that there is at least one Psychic Café event each month in every major town and city across the United Kingdom by the end of this year. Details of venues and dates are available at the Psychic Café website: or by ‘phoning the information hotline on: 0870 850 4049. For your chance to win Psychic Café Destiny Club membership see our competition on P32.

Website updates Simon Goodfellow, the psychic medium featured in our ‘Real Life’ article in Vision 13 has now got his own website. Visit: Phenomena, Jonathan Cainer’s Psychic Museum, has found that some people cannot load the URL mentioned in his article in Vision 14 last month. Please try if you are having trouble.

There isn’t much I need to tell you about myself really. I’m a wife and mother, and a daughter and a sister, quite ordinary: just like everyone else. What I will tell you though, is that I’m a good listener, despite troublesome ears. People say that there is a distinct lack of communication in the world today, I disagree, people can communicate their wants and their opinions only too well, I believe the real problem is that nobody listens. Listening is all I ask of you today, not to listen to the life and times of Jay the person, though, but to the amazing orchestrations of Spirit. I will be expressing thoughts and feelings I have experienced, which I believe will show how Spirit works tirelessly to direct us along a

High Spirits ‘Keep’ing Children Healthy Local paranormal investigators in the Newcastle-Upon-Tyne area gathered in Newcastle Castle Keep along with a smattering of celebrities (and yours truly! Ed.) to raise over £1000 for The Children’s Heart Unit Fund of Freeman Hospital. A plethora of paranormal phenomena were documented including some amazing photographs and EVPs. Darren Ritson of North East Ghost In-Spectres was the brains behind it all and kept the whole group going throughout the night. Mark Webb, paranormal investigator from ITV’s Haunted Homes was there with Michael Standing Wolf, local columnist and one of Vision’s own. Rachel Lacy, York’s Ghost Finder General and ex-Visionary, kept her investigative eye on the proceedings and Tony Liddell, author of Otherworld North East: Ghosts and Hauntings Explored, added his expertise to the mix. Well done to all and thanks to warden Paul for all his hard work keeping us safe and updated.

path, which I believe, was mapped out even before we were a twinkle in our father’s eye. I sincerely hope that sharing my experiences with you will help you in some way, especially if you are just discovering your pathway. If you’re further along, maybe this will raise a chuckle as you remember the ups and downs of your own journey. If people read my diary and think ‘she’s crazy’ that’s absolutely fine. However, if just one person out there can take a little snippet which helps them on their journey, then this will be a job well done. Peace always.

Jay 5 Vision 15

Is there someone that just won’t take the hint and leave you alone? Hide your energies from that person by using my ‘Sleeping Beauty Method’. Sit quietly, close your eyes, take a couple of nice deep breaths and see yourself sleeping on a beautiful bed, in a castle. You are safe and warm and dreaming nice dreams. Outside, the castle is surrounded by a forest of the spikiest, thorniest, most tangled mass of brambles you have ever seen…outside the forest is the person you wish to exclude. No matter how hard they try, they cannot break through the barrier of thorns, it is impenetrable. Ask the Angels to maintain the forest for you and keep you safe. Next time this person contacts you; ‘see’ the forest keeping them out and they will soon get the message! Courtesy of Michelle Jones:

Everyone is talking about Angels. Do you believe? If you are concerned about your health you may want to make an appeal to Raphael, Archangel of the East and Healer Supreme. Burn a yellow candle on a Wednesday and ask, in your own words, for his help. You may wish to imagine him standing before you as you do so. He is traditionally seen carrying a Caduceus (two intertwined snakes around a winged rod) and you may feel wind on your face if your visualisation is very strong. Sometimes it is easier to really concentrate on your wish if you verbalise it or write it down. Consult your doctor with any concerns and ask Raphael too: they will make a great team.

Black Pepper has been used throughout the centuries as an aphrodisiac and used to be given to brides on their wedding night. Strawberries are also sensual and reputed to have the same properties. Why not go the whole hog and indulge in both! Sound odd? Maybe, but taste-wise it does actually work! Fresh strawberries, a little cream and a small sprinkling of freshly-ground black pepper. Yummy and good for your libido. Share it for even more effect!

6 Vision 15

Power dressing is news: many have said that wearing red will make you feel confident and create the right impression in interviews. Colour is important to how we feel as well as the impression it creates. Red can be a bit overbearing as a whole look, although it is smart. Instead of wearing red, try adding an accessory to a smart suit in a colour to match the type of job you are going for. Good colours to use are: Red: sales; Green: caring professions; finance; Blue: Intellectual/academic pursuits; Yellow/Orange: all types of communication/IT/telephony; media; Purple: Spiritual/creative pursuits; Art; White: Purity and Chastity.

Affirmations work wonders to reprogramme your subconscious and allow you to replace negative thoughts with positive. They really can make a difference to how you live your life and what happens to you. When you get up each morning, look at yourself in the mirror and repeat out loud the following, 10 times if you can: “Every Day in Every Way I’m getting Better and Better”. (Emil Coué). It will take minutes. It could make a lifetime’s difference. You can also make up your own affirmations, but keep them positive: “I am getting slimmer and slimmer” NOT “I’m not getting any fatter”! Try it - but keep doing it for real results!

Take a silver coin on a full moon. Turn the coin three times in your hand while facing the moon and recite: “Lady moon, grant me a boon, as I turn silver thrice to thee, let it increase three times three. An it harm none, so mote it be!”. This belief stems from the connection between the Goddess and silver and if said with belief and respect for the Goddess, it will increase your cash flow.

Do you have a top Lifestyle Tip? Mail it to … and you may very well see your name on this page in the near future!

7 Vision 15

Clint Denyer looks at the fascinating phenomena of Crop Circles: are they really messages from outer space?


rop circles and patterns are the most amazing and interesting paranormal phenomena and one of the most interesting that have been revealed in the past 20 years. Every year there is an increase in numbers of crop circle formations, not just in the UK, but worldwide. Crop circles are a part of everyday life through the summer months in the countryside, we have become conditioned to them, and we are seeing them appear all over the world. New circles are added in different countries every year, they are a phenomenon! Crop circles are organized harmonic forms that manifest around the world, the result of an energy interacting with the physical world - in this case plants. This energy is comprised of light, sound and magnetism. To date, crop circles have been reported in 29 countries, and have appeared in mediums such as wheat, barley, canola, trees, ice, rice paddies, even linseed. Contrary to popular perception, crop circles are not a modern phenomenon. They are mentioned in academic texts of the late 17th Century, and over 200 cases have been reported prior to 1970. Some eighty eyewitnesses – as far flung as British Columbia and Australia – have reported crop circles forming in under twenty seconds; these witnesses describe sightings of incandescent or brightly-coloured balls of light which either precede a crop circle or are actively involved in its creation; in some cases shafts of light have descended onto a field and swirled the crop into a

geometric shape in less than fifteen seconds. Such reports are often described by farmers. Only around 1980 was serious attention finally given to the phenomenon, primarily in southern England, where 90% of designs are reported. The designs appeared primarily as simple circles, circles with rings, and variations on the Celtic cross. By the late 1980s they had developed straight lines, creating pictograms not unlike the petroglyphs found at sacred sites throughout the world. After 1990 the designs developed exponentially in complexity, and today it is not unusual to come across crop glyphs mimicking computer fractals and elements expressing fourth dimensional processes in quantum physics.

replied. In the end, not even Doug and Dave knew which ones they had made. Although they claim to have made hoaxes since 1978 – at the time the published date of the first design – unpublished evidence revealed how crop circles had been manifesting since the 1890s. In 1998, however, the surviving member of the deceptive duo did make an incredible admission to British newspapers that he’d been “guided by an unknown force”. A hoax is a forgery, and forgers require a genuine from which to copy. So, what exactly lies behind the genuine crop circles? In genuine formations the stems of the crop are not broken but bent normally about an inch off the ground and near the plant’s first node. In special cases, the stems are bent six inches from the top of the seed head. Such features defeat the hoax argument, since a plank or garden roller is required to flatten the crop to the ground, resulting in clear damage to the plants. The plants appear to be subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90º, where they reharden into their new and very permanent position without damage. Plant biologists are baffled by this feature, and it is the single most accurate method of identifying the real phenomenon. Research and laboratory tests suggest that infrasound (sound below 20 Hz) is capable of producing such an effect: High-pressure infrasound is capable of boiling water inside the stems in one nanosecond, expanding the water, and leaving tiny blowholes in the plants’ nodes. The pressure applied also causes the water to steam, and it is reported by farmers that when they stumble upon a new crop circle they see steam rising from within the design. This process creates surface charring along the stems.

“They are mentioned in academic texts of the late 17th Century, and over 200 cases have been reported prior to 1970”

8 Vision 15

According to many media reports, all crop circles up to 1992 were made by two simple, elderly men called Doug and Dave. However, it has since been discovered that the D&D story appears to have originated from ‘the authorities’ and that Doug and Dave were pawns in this misinformation (the full story regarding Doug and Dave and the authorities appears in Secrets in the Fields). After this information came to light, when later confronted to provide evidence of their alleged creations, Doug and Dave changed their story, even reversing previous claims; they could not even explain the unusual features found in the genuine phenomenon. When they claimed to have made all the formations around the English county of Hampshire, for example, it was pointed out that the majority of known formations had actually occurred in another county – “Er, no, we didn’t do those either,” they

The tremendous application of local heat is also responsible for altering the local water table, as millions of gallons of surface and sub-surface water is evaporated. With the heat and electromagnetic frequencies applied, it has been scientifically documented that soil samples taken from within crop circles show changes to its crystalline structure and mineral composition. Expert analysis concludes that such a process requires temperatures of 1500º C and sub-soil pressure typically found in strata thousands of years old. Evidence even exists of four non-naturally occurring, short-life radioactive isotopes in the soil inside genuine crop circles (these dissipate after three or four hours, causing no adverse side effects); in fact, the soil in and around them appears to have been baked. Hardly the kind of anomalies created by pranksters with planks! Crop circles also show existence of ultrasound –sound above the human hearing range – and such frequencies are known to exist at ancient sites such as stone circles, long barrows, tumuli, dolmens and menhirs. Like all sacred sites, temples and places of worship – such as Gothic cathedrals – the crop

circles appear at the intersecting points of the Earth’s magnetic pathways of energy; thus the size and shape of a crop circle is determined by the area of these ‘node’ points at the time of their appearance. This electric and magnetic energy can interact with brainwave patterns, and because the human body is itself electro-magnetic, crop circles are known to affect people’s biophysical rhythms. Consequently, it is not unusual for people to experience heightened states of awareness and healings in crop circles – a situation also common to sacred sites and holy spaces. People may also experience dizziness, disorientation and nausea. These effects can be caused by prolonged exposure to infrasound and microwaves, which also interact with the water in the body. At Stonehenge in 1996 a pilot reported seeing nothing unusual while flying above the monument at 4:15pm, yet 15 minutes later a second pilot reported a huge 900 ft formation resembling the Julia Set computer fractal. Comprising 149 circles and aligned along a spiral curve, it lay within view of the well-patrolled monument. It took a team of 11 no less than five hours just to survey the formation.

Still not convinced that crop circles are a genuine phenomenon? We can condense the understanding of the key to communication in looking at a simple example of a higher intelligence trying to communicate with us. It would be like humans trying to communicate with ants in formations and shapes! It is important to remember that crop patterns of a paranormal manifestation do not just happen in fields but have been seen and witnessed in trees, ice, sand, all over the world. For a deeper understanding of what we, the earth and the realms of the universe mean, and to grasp where we are going to be in the coming years ahead; these formations come year in, year out. Usually on sacred ground and often in the same fields from the year before, these amazing images are telling us something. When will we view these glyphs with the eyes we have, from within? It is only then that we can look upon our life on this planet in a meaningful and spiritual way. Only then can humanity move towards a bright new beginning taking us into the new dimension needed in the evolvement of our race.

9 Vision 15

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10 Vision 15

Photograph courtesy of the Theatre Royal, Newcastle

The time: One night in April in the pouring rain The place: Newcastle Theatre Royal The Visionaries: Nance Turner-Collings, Dean Balance, Diana Jarvis and Rachel Lacy


ello my friends and welcome to another vigil. It’s nice to be back after a short break! I figured that as I’ve been up all night with my baby, I might as well go back to doing vigils as I haven’t been getting any sleep anyway! Also I would like to welcome back, (for this vigil anyway) our old mate Rachel Lacy (ex-Visionary), who joined us on this fantastic all-nighter in the very grand and beautiful Newcastle Theatre Royal. This vigil is a bit different as it was only possible to work within the Gallery of the theatre. There is an impressive 90 foot drop (I never knew I suffered from vertigo until I looked over the edge) but the view was fantastic.

11 Vision 15

was no interference from other equipment to make the noise and as we could all hear it and we had it on tape, it was obviously not imagination! Rachel reported that she could also see some faint orbs – varying in distance from 20 – 90 feet away from her!


As Di was sat quietly in the gallery, she picked up on a lady. She said that the lady was looking out towards the stage. Di felt that she may have been some type of dancer. Di could see a back drop on the stage of cottages and a wood. She felt the lady liked watching herself on stage and perhaps she was from the early 20th century. As we were all in the same area all night, we had to go and sit in different parts of the Gallery, and write down what we got there, so all phenomena listed is from the Gallery.

Above top: Rachel making notes Above: Orb shower over gallery

Rachel and her night vision camcorder While sat quietly, Rachel was videoing the gallery and looking for any unusual activity. Suddenly there was a high pitched noise, which we all heard. She also found this on the sound recorded on her camera, it faded in and out for over two and a half minutes! It was almost unbearable to listen to and it cuts off abruptly. Rachel was quoted as saying that it “made the hairs on the back of her head stand up”! She insisted that there Below: Dean ‘tuning in’ looking out over stage

12 Vision 15

Di also sensed a gentleman. He was wearing a top hat and in a suit – a very well to do man. The top hat was the collapsible type. He also had opera glasses in his hand. She felt that this gentleman was from the early 1900s, maybe a bit earlier. She was given the word Charleston, but wasn’t sure if it was a name or the dance. Di also felt a spirit that got really close, and felt a dull pain on the top of her head and found it hard to breathe, she surmised that the spirit may have had a broken neck or some sort of obstruction to his/her wind pipe. Later on in the evening Di again picked up on a women who didn’t die of natural causes, again some sort of performer, and got the names Maria and Hayden? Di also picked up that the building was used for different things. One of the shadier things she picked up on was that many men who went to the theatre expected some of the actors and actresses to be prostitutes.


As Dean was sat quietly in the gallery (makes a change for him – bless!), he also picked up on a man in a top hat, and got the name Albert. Dean experienced some cold shivers Right this page: Di dowsing; Di tuning into ‘the suit man’ and Nance sensing ‘Annie’

Newcastle Theatre Royal History

Above: Dean in entrance arch reacting to unexplained high-pitched noise

while sat on his own, and thought that Albert sat in the small balcony nearest to the stage on the middle level. Dean also got a lady wearing a long white silk scarf, and a floaty dress, and got the name Megan, he also picked up on the fact that she liked to dance around the theatre when there was no-one there. He also got a message telling him not to forget about the Maintenance man …


The first thing I experienced (apart from vertigo!) was a dizzy and sick feeling – with this I got the name Anna. I got a headache on the right side of my head, and felt like I wanted to collapse. I felt that there was an important connection with the Elizabethan era, and a relevance to Shakespeare. I could also smell cigar smoke and something to do with the Georgian period, and the 1820s. I picked up on a woman and got the feeling she was an actress, and the sense of a lost love. She made me feel that “nobody knew until it was too late” – a sense of doom. She may also have lost a baby, there was such sadness around her. I also Below: Bright red and solid white orb over the Gallery

Newcastle Theatre Royal is a spectacular and imposing building right in the heart of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. The original Theatre Royal was opened on the 21st January 1788 and was located on Mosley Street, next to Drury Lane, which still exists today. The Theatre Royal, Grey Street, was eventually opened on 20th February 1837. Sadly, in 1899 the Theatre Royal was destroyed by fire following a performance of Macbeth. Theatrical superstition dictates that this play is always referred to as “the Scottish play”. This is because actors were suspicious that the proprietors of their theatre were only putting on that play to draw an audience when times were bad, and therefore associated that play with the possibility of being out of work. Nance was quite right when she said there was an important connection with the Elizabethan period and Shakespeare – the connection is the fire and Macbeth! Amongst the staff of the Theatre Royal, one spirit is well known. Known as the “Grey Lady” and colloquially as “Annie”, sightings of her are many and are commonest in the Gallery and the Wings. She has been reported as early as 1866 and is believed to have been a wardrobe mistress who was in love with an actor. He finished their relationship when he found someone else and she is said to have committed suicide by

throwing herself from the Gallery. This would explain the feelings that Di and Nance got of the pain in their head and also the fascination with the stage that Di experienced when she picked up the lady. In the bar behind the Gallery, a member of staff was cashing up one night when all four or five shutters slammed down, one after the other in succession. One of the stage crew visited the gents toilets and was amazed to see a woman in there brushing her hair. He apologised for being in the wrong toilet, went out, realised he had been in the gents and went back in to tell the lady. She had vanished. Another common sighting is that of a man in a smart suit. An Usherette reported a sighting when she saw a man in a suit smoking in the gallery. She went over to tell him that he was not allowed to smoke – but when she got over to him he disappeared. Both Dean and Diana said that they had seen a man in a suit sitting in the gallery. Many of the cleaners have experienced paranormal activity. Often they have been unable to open an unlocked door or have found a seat in the Gallery had been put down … when hours before all seats were up. A couple of the cleaners have had their bottoms pinched and many have seen ‘Annie’. The Theatre Royal is a hive of paranormal activity and has been for centuries!

felt that an engineer that was important. So there you have it my friends, quite a different one for us and for you! Many thanks to David Brooksbank for helping to make this possible and to Ron the security guard and Veronica from front of house … for putting up with us!

Perhaps we may have got some more information if we’d been able to look around the rest of the theatre – especially if the photos here are anything to go by? Here’s hoping for the future … Find out about Newcastle Theatre Royal at

13 Vision 15

Kylie Holmes talks about her experiences with Fairies: nature-loving spirits that care about the countryside as much as we should!


airies are more popular today than ever as our fascination with these magical creatures continues to grow. The term ‘fairy’ comes from the Latin word fata, or fate, which refers to The Fates of Greek mythology. Also the word ‘Fairy’ originally meant ‘fae-erie’, or a state of enchantment. The term ‘fairies’ came into use in medieval times and was often used to refer to women who had magical powers. Fairies occupy a middle realm between earth and the heavenly spiritual planes. They are associated with the concerns of the earth and can do magic. For that reason, people throughout the ages have sought their help and favours. Fairy lore is older than Christianity. The stories that we heard as small children were usually folktales: “fairy” stories. Tales that our parents and their parents heard when they were young, passed down through the generations. Folktales were stories of hopes and dreams; of encounters with giants; wicked witches and goblins that inflict chaos. Fortunately, there were also the kind fairies and dragons that restored peace and order. These were our first experiences of life’s changing patterns and through these stories we were able to know good from evil; kindness from cruelty and the difference between ambition and despair. My grandfather, who used to tell me tales of “the little people” as a child, was the person who first introduced me to the fairy realm. He talked often of the Leprechauns of Ireland and he would weave his magic as we sat by the open fire, leaving us spellbound. He told us tales of how these magical creatures would help people in need and play tricks on those that were full of gluttony. Many years later, with children of my own, I was reintroduced to the

14 Vision 15

fairy realm by my two magical daughters Jade and Amba. I was on holiday in Great Yarmouth when I awoke one morning to find a fairy sitting on the end of my nose with her arms crossed and looking at me very angrily. She was a beautiful green being with gossamer wings. She introduced herself to me as Thistle and told me that the fairy realm needed me to work with their kind because human folk were destroying their worlds. Thistle went on to explain that by introducing children to fairies, the environment in years to come had a better chance of surviving. I found it hard to believe, but I know what I saw and I have seen fairies since. What she said made sense and I thought: what better way for my girls Jade and Amba to learn about the countryside than to talk to them about fairies? Little did I know they already knew more than me! Amba, then 5 years old, would explain that fairies can be naughty, especially the red and blue ones because they tickle her when she is asleep. However, the silver fairies are the best because she dreams about them all the time and the gold fairies help her find money in the street that she can spend on sweets! Jade, 7, was totally devastated when her godmother told her “there is no such thing as fairies”. With her hands on her hips, Jade admonished her godmother: “you need fairy dust to believe and then you will see one”, and promptly

because the fairies will not like it in their home and you must also be kind to the countryside because we need to look after the environment. One night I was awoke by my husband, Eric, snoring. He was fast asleep, oblivious that he had woken me up. I noticed a fairy asleep by his side, dressed in white, unaware that Eric was snoring. So I tiptoed out of the bedroom, in order not to wake them both. From my experiences in connecting with the fairy realm I decided to help other children throughout the UK to connect with their own fairies. I truly believe that fairies can help children learn about nature and the environment that we live in. Children have always had special relationships with fairies and for that reason they love fairy parties. Parents and other adults can also have fun participating with fairy parties and workshops. Most people have heard of Flower Fairies, but not many people have heard about household and garden fairies. Fairy parties show children, teenagers and adults how to connect with the fairy realm. In my workshops, I teach children and their parents how to recognise fairy messages in their dreams, how to call upon them for assistance and how to unearth the truths hidden within fairy tales and folklore. I also teach the children about The Countryside Code. I tell the children that the

marched off to her bedroom. Jade always tells her friends at school that you need to put rubbish in the bin,

fairies would like us to take this into consideration when we go to the countryside and that we need to be safe and plan ahead and

Fairies really help children and their parents to learn about nature in a really fun and magical way whilst also looking after the environment that they live in. Hundreds of Fairies work and play in every garden, wood and meadow caring for flowers and trees. They only reveal themselves to those who believe in them. So, leave your disbelief behind, and prepare to enter the secret world of the Fairies! Your children, and your countryside, will benefit so much from working with and believing in fairies. You can write to Kylie at Touched by An Angel, PO Box 210, St Neots, Cambridgeshire. PE19 6YAS. Tel; 0870 780 8413.

need fairy dust to believe “you and then you will see one�

follow any signs. We should also leave gates and property as we find them, protect plants and animals, and take our litter home. There are many inspiring stories that I tell the children and their parents. One that seems very popular is that they can invite the fairies into their own garden at home and that they can help look after plants and vegetables. I have done this myself many times with my own girls and found the results amazing. You simply ask! Make your garden safe and clean and ask the fairies in. Plants flourish and vegetables grow at an amazing rate and the crop that we receive is magical because it also teaches the children how things grow when they are looked after. It also teaches children that there is magic in the simplest thing and that magic can help things to grow.

15 Vision 15

Diana Jarvis explains your weird experiences. Spirit Travel One night, a massive surge of power, energy, excitement (almost like riding a rollercoaster) awoke me from my sleep. My chest felt as if it was going to explode with the wonderful feeling. I sat up in bed wondering what it was and to my right side of the bed was a young girl. She had a wonderful expression on her face; she was beautiful and peaceful in every way. She didn’t say anything; we just looked at each other for a few minutes. I fell asleep. It must have been about 10 minutes later when my chest exploded again. I peeked out from the covers and she was at my side of the bed. Weeks later, I awoke with water falling on my face. I looked up and above my bed was a small tree. Then I awoke to find a man of about 9 feet tall hovering over my bed. Now ‘they’ take me away to different parts of the planet and show me disasters and also views of what I imagine are Heaven and ‘the other place’. Any ideas? Paul Hunter, Helensburgh, Scotland Diana says: I believe that your experiences are all connected with astral travel and that the beings you are seeing are those that inhabit the astral realms. We can leave our bodies and be in the astral without travelling round the room or being on the ceiling! We can also travel anywhere else, it seems that these being realise how easily you can move into the astral and their doing their best to show you round! The reason I am putting this down to astral rather than ‘normal’ spirit visitation or a haunting is because of the physical feelings in your chest – a bit of a giveaway!

16 Vision 15

If you would like to share your experiences, send them to Diana Jarvis at the Vision address or email: Please give as many details as possible – tell us what you saw, how you felt, and what you sensed etc. We reserve the right to edit letters.

TV Visions A young lady dressed in the brightest vertical striped clothes I have ever seen (and with a long vertically striped scarf) appeared to me at the side of the TV. She has also sat on the settee with my two dogs. Her legs were curled beneath her with her arm draped across the back. She looked very comfortable and content with a lovely smile. She suddenly looked amazed when she realised that I could see her and at that point disappeared. I do hope I haven’t scared her away. I have also seen a tall man in pantaloons in my garden and a little girl in pretty clothes. Can you please explain? June Carter, area unknown Diana says: June, I think you are mediumistic. You have seen a lot of visions and I don’t think they are all of ghostly residents trying to get your attention. It seems to me that the man in the garden and the girl with him are “replays” where you are watching an event in the past. The lady by the TV may very well be a spirit in the house, or may be a guide. She could also be passing through. As all these visions are so different, I believe that you may benefit greatly from attending an open circle and learning more about your gift and how to develop it, as well as how to turn it off! With a bit of training you will probably be telling me who these people are!

Atmospheric Orbs A group of friends and myself decided to have a “haunted hotel” experience and booked into the Lord Darcy room of Mosborough Hall Hotel. The room was certainly very atmospheric and quite spooky and we took several photographs over the course of the evening. We were amazed to see the number of “orbs” that appeared on the photographs. We checked the camera as we were concerned there might have been a water spot on the lens, but if that had been the case, the orbs would have all been in the same position on every shot. Christine King, Middlesbrough Diana says: A lot of the ‘orbs’ in the photos are dust, from what I can see. I know that people love to see shots of large orbs, believing the bigger and brighter they are, the more likely that they are spirit. This is not necessarily true. However, there are some orbs on your photos, which I would not be able to easily explain away as dust (circled). Don’t be amazed by large, interesting orbs and miss out the ones that probably really are spirits!

17 Vision 15

Teenage medium Kyle Gray remembers his first encounter with Spirit – his dead Nana Many children have experiences with Spirit when they are young, but perhaps not in such a dramatic way as Kyle. How did his mother react to his mediumship? “Mum thought I was a perfectly normal child. She assumed I was exaggerating as many children do – or perhaps I was drinking too many soft drinks with too many ‘E’ numbers? Perhaps I was just afraid of the dark like so many other children? She didn’t actually think that I could communicate with Spirit … I was so young.”


yle Gray is a soft-spoken and intelligent young man of 17 from Greenock, Scotland. He works, goes out with his mates and behaves like a typical teenager. However, he is also a gifted medium who reads cards and does platform work when he has time! He recalls his first amazing encounter with Spirit: “I was 4 years old when I first saw Spirit. I had just woken up and I saw my Nana sitting on my bed, as solid as you or I. I thought she had just popped in to check up on me. The next morning I told my mum about Nana’s visit. My mum looked at me, white as a sheet, and said “No, Kyle, your Nana’s in Heaven now”. Apparently my Nana had died the day before. “You must have been dreaming”, my Mum said. But I wasn’t! “After I realised that Nana had died, I was ill for days. I was extremely hurt and although part of me felt that it was OK, (because Nana was still around), I was young and it didn’t really make

18 Vision 15

sense at the time. Years later I realised that Nana had come to say goodbye and that she was safe in the realm of Spirit.” Kyle’s first visit from Spirit was not his last. As he grew up he experienced a variety of paranormal and psychic visions. “I remember that when I was in bed and trying to sleep I would hear a dog bark every night. To me, the bark was a cry of help – the dog was imploring its owners to come and let it in. I can still hear animals talk now, but when I was younger I could hear them clearly and it was quite disturbing! “I would also see black shadows moving across my bedroom ceiling and hear constant whispering at night. I did see and hear things during the day, but I found it much easier then, because I could get a communication going with the Spirit voices. At night everything was strange and mysterious – and very scary.”

It was not until much later that Kyle really got more involved in spiritual pursuits. When he was 12 he became very interested in crystals and in Wicca. “When my grandmother died, my mum had gone to a medium and the medium had told my mum I had “the Gift”. She also said that my grandmother was going to be like … my guardian angel. When I was 12 I had really developed an interest in spiritual things and I remember that somebody bought me Doreen Virtue’s Healing with Angels cards (see P78). I played about with them a lot, they fascinated me. For my 15th birthday my Mum realised that I was really into all this and took me up to a psychic fair. I bought a book by a famous Scottish psychic called “Ruth the Truth”. I devoured the book and learnt so much from it on how to develop. (see P78) “The same week I also managed to persuade mum to take me to a spiritualist church. I ended up going every week. All the Grans in the church knew I could read cards but one night I did surprise them. One of the mediums asked the congregation if anyone wanted to be tested. Some of my friends

encouraged me to go up and I did. The medium whispered in my ear “it will be fine, relax, clear your mind …”. I told him that “I’ve already got a link and I’m ready to work.”. He seemed very shocked. After that I went up every week and joined the church’s circle.” So as he was developing, what did Kyle find was of the most help to him? “I think the very best thing I did – and the best thing anyone can do - is to trust in Spirit. They will direct you and they can help so much more than any one person can. Spirit can make their presence felt and reassure you of what you are experiencing in so many ways. “A good example of this was something that happened at a psychic party I was holding with a friend called Natalie. Natalie and I were doing some platform work (stand-up mediumship) in the living room. I heard a lady in Spirit give me a message for the hostess saying that she would really, really like a cup of tea. The hostess laughed and told me that her kettle was broken. At that point we all heard her defunct kettle turn on and boil. Teas all round from the now boiling water in the broken kettle!”

“People all react differently towards me being young, but it hasn’t really stopped people coming to me. I can remember this one lady at a Psychic Fair saying she would like to come to me, but she couldn’t afford my fee. I suggested she went to another Psychic who was a little cheaper. The lady said that the other psychic was too young. I told her that I was 16 (at the time) and she said the difference was I looked like I knew what I was doing! I was really chuffed!” So, what advice would Kyle give to someone hoping to develop their own skills to this level? “I would say that you should explore different sides to what you can do. I also think that it can be immensely helpful to use a tool when you first start – Angel cards or the Tarot maybe. Don’t just stick to that though, read about everything and look into healing – you will soon find that things are linked and they will all serve you well. I would recommend Healing with Angels cards by Doreen Virtue. My set are battered beyond belief, I’ve used them so much!”

Finally, we wondered if Kyle could give us a prediction for Vision magazine. His answer astounded us all – it was so accurate! Here is an abridged version, personal (and completely accurate) details have been removed: “Vision runs on a great deal of teamwork, intention and a belief in the abilities of the staff. It feels like you’re all a big family. Prediction-wise, I see the magazine across water especially around Spain and America. There seems to be a ‘roadshow’ connected, this is the best thing for the magazine: around November time and into the next year.” So … watch this space for details of the next Vision Showcase, which we were planning when Kyle gave his prediction! If you’d like to learn more about Kyle, you can find details on his website: He offers readings, parties, workshops and stageshows and currently works only in the West of Scotland.

Opposite: Kyle can hear Spirit Below: Kyle with his Tarot deck

As a teenager, it must be difficult for friends to understand someone with such a special and unusual gift. How do Kyle’s friends react to his skills? “When I was young I never discussed the things that were happening to me with my friends. I’m not really sure I understood them myself! However, that’s all different now. My friends think it’s great that I can do what I do, they will say things like “Will you see stuff tonight?”. They are very supportive.” Kyle spends some his spare time reading and speaking at various events and does some church gatherings. Without doubt, 17 is very young for a medium. How do people react to Kyle’s age?

19 Vision 15

20 Vision 15

Do you know where Native Americans lived, what they lived in and what they ate? Michael Standing Wolf explains the rich culture of the many tribes that flourished in the ancient Americas


ncapsulating the history of the First Nation Peoples of North America in a relatively short article is an almost impossible task. Over the millennia literally thousands of tribes have appeared and, sadly in some cases, disappeared. Each one had its own unique culture, history and story to tell. Some tribes were large, numbering thousands of members scattered across vast tracts of land. Others were small – perhaps only numbering a hundred or so – and may have been contained within two or three villages nestling in a remote valley. Some tribes and bands have graced the tapestry of history for a while and then subsequently left it without leaving a trace. We know nothing of the warriors who defended them, the mothers who nurtured their children or the fables they passed down from generation to generation. Much of our knowledge of these Indian peoples has been lost forever, but, thankfully, much has also been retained. When trying to gain an overall picture of Native Americans it is good to remember that they inhabited Canada as well as what is now the USA. There are nine recognised geographical areas which roughly define the linguistic, racial and cultural divisions which to this day give Native Americans their unique heritage. These are: The Northeast, the Arctic, the Sub-Arctic, the Northwest Coastal, the Californian, the Plateau & Basin, the Plains, the Southwest and the Southeast. Another way of defining Indian cultures is to identify them by the environment they find themselves in. Historians often talk about “Plains Indians”, “Woodland Indians”, “Mountain Indians”, etc., although some of these epithets are really no longer strictly accurate. The largest of these nine Indian territories is the SubArctic, which stretches from the Pacific West Coast to the

El Capitan ©

21 Vision 15

Atlantic seaboard on the east. This territory contains over thirty tribes, most of which have never been heard of by Europeans, such as the Ahtna, the Tsetsaut and the Yellowknife. The better known of the Sub-Arctic tribes include the Chipewyan, the Cree and the Ojibwa. The smallest geographical territory is that of the Southeast Indians, although the tribes are generally better known. The Cherokee, Choctaw and Seminole peoples have all found their way onto Hollywood celluloid over the years, mostly being portrayed in an extremely inaccurate manner.

Dwellings The lifestyle of Native American tribes is largely governed by their environment and not, as in Europe, by personal choice. The Plains Indians tended to be nomadic, following the buffalo and other migratory animals. Their homes – such as tipis (pointed, conical tents) – were portable and could be taken with them. The Woodland Indians didn’t

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travel as often as their Plains neighbours. They didn’t need to, as the woods were like a biosphere that, despite the changing seasons, always contained everything necessary to sustain life. Their homes were usually more permanent although always environmentally friendly. The Indians of the Southwest include the Apache who were adept at building “wikiups” or, as they are more properly called, gowahs. These were made from a framework of wooden poles covered by bark, moss or blankets. Eastern Plains Indians were lucky in that the increased rainfall they enjoyed made a nomadic existence less necessary. The Pawnee, for instance, often built earth lodges that, with proper maintenance, could last indefinitely.

Food Food was also something that varied from tribe to tribe. Native Americans never developed a system of cuisine as sophisticated as that of China or India, but the cultural impact of Native American gastronomy has nevertheless

been greatly underestimated. Ever chewed on a strip of jerky? You have Native Americans to thank. Due to the fickle nature of food availability, the preservation of meat and fruit was crucial and Indians had a number of ways of doing this. A common way to preserve meat and fruit was to pulverise, dry and mix them together with rendered fat. The result was a substance known as pemmican which is extremely nutritious, has an incredibly long shelf-life and could be taken on hunting expeditions. The fruits used by Native Americans were sometimes obscure and included Saskatoon berries, chokeberries and blueberries. However, cherries and other more well-known produce were also utilised. In the south, corn was a staple part of the Indian diet and treated with reverence. The Algonquian peoples were experts in the production of hominy. This was made by soaking corn kernels in wood lye until the hulls floated to the top. The remainder was then boiled until tender and eaten whole or pulped.

Hominy grits (hominy ground down into small grains) are still immensely popular in the USA today even amongst non-Indians. The Bush Brothers company in Knoxville, Tennessee, has been canning hominy since the turn of the 20th century and their products can even be purchased in the UK from specialist outlets. Literally hundreds of Native American recipes for hominy are available on the Internet for those who want to try out authentic Indian cuisine. In the Arctic and Sub-Arctic regions fish play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy diet.

Language No one can make a complete study of Native American languages in a single lifetime. Indian tongues and dialects can be broken into three major divisions; North American; Mexico and Central American; and South American. In the 16th century there were around fifty million inhabitants of North America and they spoke at least 1900 languages. By the 19th century there were at least 2000 identifiable languages, some spoken only by a handful of people. By the mid 20th century at least half of the original languages had become extinct. Today, Navaho is the most commonly used Native American tongue with at least 150,000 fluent speakers.

Clothing Hollywood has portrayed Indians in a very stereotypical fashion. During the 40s and 50s they were inevitably played by whites who looked as if they’d had their faces dipped in gravy browning and the only clothes they seemed to wear were loincloths and feathers. Recent movies such as Dances With Wolves and The Last of the Mohicans – although not without their critics - have gone some way to redressing the balance, but the truth is that the clothing worn by Native Americans varies radically from tribe to tribe. If there are universal factors to be seen in Indian dress then the most obvious constant is the utilisation of natural materials such as hide, wood and

The Indians of the Southwest include the Apache who were adept at building “wikiups” or, as they are more properly called, gowahs.

bone. From these simple materials garments of exquisite beauty were (and still are) made. Whether one looks in awe at the beautiful fur-lined coats of the Arctic Aleut or the striking shawls of the Plateau Yakima, the binding factor is the ability of First Nations peoples to take the rawest of materials and transform them into garments that put the products of Britain’s greatest fashion houses to shame. Even today a few Indians who follow their traditional ways refuse to wear clothing made from fibres, eschewing them for garments made purely from hide.

Other Common Factors There is, I think, a deeply spiritual motivation behind the many and various Indian cultures. Whereas European

settlers saw the wilderness as something to be conquered and manipulated, the early Native Americans who first crossed the Bering Strait from Siberia wanted only to live in harmony with the natural world. The nomadic tribes often made sure that when they moved on they left absolutely no trace of their presence behind. One would think that this selfimposed restriction on damaging the environment, though admirable, would limit the Indians’ ability to shine culturally. Not so. In their infinite variety the First Nations peoples have achieved the impossible; a culture of grace and beauty that works in perfect harmony with Mother Earth. From the Hopi in the Pueblos to the Eyak on the Northwest Coast, Native Americans have much – very much – to teach us.

23 Vision 15

Michael Standing Wolf walks with us along the Medicine Wheel, spiritual path of the Native Americans


ne of the defining aspects of Native American culture is the lack of the written word as a means of communication. It was not until the arrival of European settlers that writing and reading were introduced to the First Nation peoples. Hence, visual imagery was the traditional way of communicating ideas, thoughts and information. Europeans tend to think in words. Indians think in pictures.

The Bible has had a greater impact on the world than any other book, but its significance is greatly diminished when those presented with it simply see a collection of rectangular sheets bearing thousands of strange squiggles. To the Native American, images have always been more powerful communication tools than words. One of the most significant Indian devices for communicating

Background picture: Castlerigg Circle, Cumbria

24 Vision 15

spiritual ideas and beliefs is the Medicine Wheel. Ironically, many, many volumes have been written about the Medicine Wheel and its meaning; a classic case of one culture trying to explain another by interpreting one communication system with its own. When trying to understand the meaning behind the Wheel it is important to grasp one crucial fact: There is no such thing as a “right” or “wrong” Medicine Wheel; there is only the Medicine Wheel that works for you and the one that doesn’t. Medicine Wheels normally come in three forms; the architectural, the personal and the spiritual. Architectural wheels are normally quite large and created by strategically placing stones or boulders on an open landscape. They are the direct equivalent of the stone circles found at Castlerigg in Cumbria and at numerous other places throughout the British Isles. Medicine Wheels of this kind are scattered along the Mississippi Delta in the USA and at many other locations in the USA. Personal Medicine Wheels are often (but not always) used by those who follow the Medicine Way and are employed when engaging in personal rituals. One can easily make a Medicine Wheel with a handful of pebbles placed upon a small piece of cloth. Whereas one normally sits in an architectural Wheel, one usually focuses upon a personal Wheel. The personal Wheel is actually a miniature version of its architectural equivalent and serves exactly the same purpose. A spiritual Medicine Wheel is one which may not have been brought literally into existence, but simply exists as an image or idea in the mind. When dreaming or visioning one may “imagine” a Medicine wheel which is unique and designed to serve a very explicit purpose.

The Structure of the Medicine Wheel Most Medicine Wheels are divided into four quarters. In some, the quarters are placed “intentionally” in the north-east, south-east, south-west and north-west quadrants. In others they are placed

“directionally” in the north, east, south and west. But let’s not get too technical! The important thing is that the Wheel has four quarters divided by a cross. The directions of the Medicine Wheel are important. Depending on what you want to achieve with the Wheel you are using, each Sacred Direction will have associated with it a colour, totem animal, place, emotion or teaching. What you “see” when you focus on any particular quarter will depend on your needs at the time.

When dreaming or “visioning one may

“imagine” a Medicine wheel which is unique and designed to serve a very explicit purpose.

Another thing often missed by those interested in Native American spirituality is that the Medicine Wheel isn’t – strictly speaking – a “wheel” at all. The Wheel that you see is merely the twodimensional visible aspect of a sphere. Imagine you are standing in the very centre of a Medicine Wheel. Ahead of you lies North. Behind you lies South. To your left is the West and to your right the East. These are collectively known as the Four Sacred Directions. However, there are two other Sacred Directions that we haven’t mentioned yet; the Above and the Below. Now we have six Sacred Directions and our two-dimensional Wheel has been transformed into a threedimensional sphere.But we aren’t finished yet! There is a seventh Sacred Direction. This is known as the Within and lies deep inside your heart, within you.

How to Use a Medicine Wheel The colours of the Medicine Wheel vary from tribe to tribe and in an article of this length we simply don’t have the space to

give numerous examples, so let me present you with just one. In the Medicine Wheel tradition I follow, the colour associated with the Eastern Quarter is yellow and the element is fire. This is because the sun rises in the east and brings both light and warmth. The sun also brings light and banishes darkness, thus associating this direction with enlightenment and wisdom. The totem of the east is Eagle. The colour of the Southern Quarter is green because the south is the place of beginnings and new growth. The south is also the place of innocence and Porcupine is its totem. Water is the element of the south because of its association with birth and growth. Blue is the colour of the East. When I pass over into the spirit world I will enter from the east and walk to the west. Because blue is in the west I am “walking to the blue” or the spiritual, as blue is the colour of spirit. Earth is the element of the west. The earth is dark, and darkness is also found in the west because the sun sets there. The west is a place of contemplation and rest, but also a place where we focus on the physical as well as the spiritual. Bear is the totem of the Western Quarter. The Northern Quarter is the home of the Air Spirit. The colour of the north is red, because I am currently walking the “Good Red Road” from south (the place of my birth) to north (the place of my physical death). Because I am “walking to the red”, red is in the north. The north is also the home of Buffalo. Buffalo speaks of completeness, wholeness and knowledge. Hence it is to the north I look for intellectual understanding. North is also the place of the future and is filled with hope and optimism. The Medicine Wheel is a place we can visit literally and/or spiritually for advice, perspective, wisdom and enlightenment. The Wheel is the place where the two worlds – our world and the world of spirit – connect. In this article we have merely scratched the surface., there is so much more that can be said. If you truly wish to “live within the wheel” then Vision magazine is a good place to begin.

25 Vision 15

Graham Medicine Crow describes the art of making effective Medicine Pouches and tells you how to make your own


o the thinking Indian, medicine means spirit power or spirit energy. Medicine comes in many different forms and can be stored in inanimate objects such as bone, crystal, feathers and wood. These objects can, in turn, be stored in a pouch. The pouch, then, becomes a medicine pouch. It’s simple, really. … But not that simple. The making and filling of a medicine pouch is something which needs to be carried out with great care. Each

item in it is sacred and is designed to impart strength, wisdom, courage or some other positive virtue to the owner. Only you can decide what you want – nay, need – to put inside your pouch. It may be a shell you found on a beach, an acorn given to you by an oak tree or a feather dropped at your feet by a passing sparrow. What is important is that you connect with your totems and let them speak to you. Let them give you “medicine” to help you as you walk your walk through this turbulent and fragile life. Choose your sacred objects and make your own pouch following the instructions below.

How To Make A Medicine Pouch Making a medicine pouch is more than simple craft-making. It is both a spiritual experience and yet an extremely fulfilling activity. The following guide is a simple way of creating a beautiful artefact that has an important role in Indian culture and spirituality.You will need several items. First find a piece of soft, durable animal hide approximately 15 cm square. You may be able to get this from a craft outlet if you don’t have any drying on your Tipi outside … You’ll also need four pieces of leather thong measuring approximately 100 cm, 80 cm, 30 cm and 15 cm in length and about 2 -3 mm in thickness. If possible, rounded thong should be avoided as it is often ‘springy’ and does not bind as well. You’ll also need a leather hole punch and a pair of household scissors. As mentioned earlier, making a medicine pouch is a spiritual experience that should be approached with great care and reverence. With this in mind, pausing for a few moments in prayer or meditation is a good way to begin. Thank Great Mystery (the Creator, God, your deity) for giving you the skills needed to create a thing of such beauty, and also pray for the animal that gave part of itself to allow you to make a spiritual object that will last for many, many years and can be passed down from generation to generation.

When you are ready to begin, using scissors and the template provided (Fig. 1), cut two pouch panels from a 15 cm x 15 cm piece of hide. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no faults that could weaken the pouch, and that you are happy with the colour of the sides that will be showing. When this is done, lay one panel on top of the other as they will appear in the finished article (Fig. 2).

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You are now ready to place the holes. This is done by holding the two panels firmly together while punching holes as illustrated on the Fig 1. Note: The smallest punch setting is best as the holes will be less likely to be seen. Once this has been done, punch a further eight holes across the panels to accommodate the drawstring. These holes should be slightly larger in size to allow easier access.

Now you can bind the panels with thong. First, a knot must be tied at one end of the (100 cm) thong. Then, whilst keeping the panels in place, feed the thong through the top left-hand side holes and pull until the knot is firmly against the top hole, (Fig. 3). Then wind the thong through the holes working downward. Once the thong has been wound around the full edge of the panels, a knot can be tied to secure the panels together. Trimming the ends of the thong to a point can make threading it much easier.

Using fig. 4 as a guide, the 30 cm piece of thong can be woven through the eight drawstring holes. Small knots can be tied at the ends of the drawstring to prevent it slipping back through the holes. However, before doing this you may wish to place some decorative beads onto the drawstring before knotting the ends.

Further decoration can be added. Two discs of hide measuring 2cm and 1cm in diameter should be cut from two further pieces of hide – perhaps different in colour. A small hole should then be punched at the centre of each disc. Two further holes should be punched a few millimetres apart from each other on the front of the pouch (see fig.5). Then, thread the 15cm piece of thong through the two holes so that the two loose ends are outside (fig. 5). Joining the two ends of the thong together, thread them through the holes in the centre of the discs – the largest disc first (see fig. 6). The two ends of the thong can then be fed through a decorative bead which is placed firmly against the discs, followed by a knot. Further beads can be added to the loose ends.

Finally, the piece of thong 80cm in length can be added to create a neck strap. Thread the two loose ends through the inside of each side of the pouch to the outside about 1cm down from the pouch rim (fig. 7). The pouch can now be cleansed by smudging and is ready to use.

All photographs on pages 26 and 27: ©Michael Hallowell, all illustrations ©Graham Medicine Crow

27 Vision 15

Dave Brennan

Michael Standing Wolf

Do you have a problem which you lack intuition to solve? Do you have any questions about the future to which you seek answers? Native American Michael Standing Wolf will use his Spirit Stones and psychic Dave Brennan will consult the Twist of Fate cards to offer a fresh view on matters. Past Life Pal? I met a lovely man in September 2005. We became friends, there was a very strong connection between us, it was unmistakable. I couldn’t ignore it. Is this man from a past life? I keep dreaming of us both as friends then as lovers. We are eventually married in these dreams and have 2 children: one boy (2 years old) and a little girl of 6 months. I’d also like to know if we have karma between us. Trish, Barnsley.

Should I move house? I would be really grateful if you could give me some advice. Recently I have had really itchy feet and am considering moving. My partner and family seem ok with the idea. I don’t know why I want to move even, I just feel the need! Any insight into why I feel so inclined and if it is a good idea? Sarah, Tamworth, West Midlands

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Drum, the Horse. Drum wants you to get connected with Mother Earth, to become “grounded” spiritually and emotionally. There’s instability in your life currently and it needs to be rectified. Horse wants you to journey within and discover why the need for a “karmic” connection or the possibility of a past-life experience with your suitor is so important to you. Your dreams of past lives with this man are more likely to reflect how you’d like things to be between you and are not a memory of how things were in a bygone age. Is this man available? Could you really enjoy a stable relationship with him, or do you feel such a bond with other men you meet simply because you’re lonely? Take time to analyse your feelings then act on them, but only if he feels the same way. If not, move on and look for someone else – you will find the right person eventually. David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading Cards Chosen: 2 of Hearts; King of Clubs; Queen of Spades; 8 of Spades; 10 of Clubs; 9 of Hearts. Almost immediately I have picked up a new love in your life. The man that I see is practical, straight-forward and truthful; possibly in a position of authority. I can see a woman around him so it is possible that he may be on the rebound and his ex may not like him moving on. However, all the cards surrounding this woman suggests she will soon give up. I cannot tell if this is the man IN your dreams, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the man OF your dreams. Whichever it is, you won’t have long to wait!

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Horse, the Arrow. Horse signifies journeys and movement, whether literal or metaphorical. My instincts tell me strongly that a move could well be on the cards, then. Don’t worry about the fact that you can’t come up with a logical reason why you feel this way – trust your gut feeling and if your instinct tells you to move, then move. Arrow points to a new or renewed friendship brought about as a result of your move; just make sure that, if you do move, you choose your friends carefully and don’t make your new home an “open house”. If you do move let me know and I’ll send you a card! David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading Cards Chosen: 2 of Clubs; 10 of Diamonds; Jack of Spades; King of Spades; King of Hearts; 8 of Hearts. The cards clearly show that a move is well aspected. However, I feel that if you decided to move too far out of your current neighbourhood you may regret it and a young son or daughter would be negatively affected. I feel that moving a short distance will be a good idea. I also see that a friend or relative could well benefit from your move, too. I believe your partner will be very supportive, so go with your gut instincts and do it – I think you can only benefit

Piggy in the Middle Will my life ever have happiness and peace in it? I’ve had a few unhappy relationships but I’m now married to a lovely man. Unfortunately, I have a very bad relationship with my 17 year old daughter who is very immature and 7 months pregnant. She and my husband detest each other so I am often like piggy in the middle between them both. Will my daughter ever settle down and stop giving me no end of stress? Anita Harrison, Leeds

Scared of Solitude I have lived with my Fiancé for 3 years now and we don’t do anything together any more. I don’t think I love him any more but I am scared of being alone, What should I do? Dawn, Manchester

Leave him alone! My husband is constantly being hassled by his ex. This has been going on for years now. She is always calling him. He has tried to ignore her but she won’t leave him alone. Will she ever move on and give us a break? Ann, Brixham, Devon.

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone reading: The Wolf, the Elk. Anita, Wolf the teacher says that you must try and discern the difference between peace and happiness. Happiness is normally achieved when our circumstances are going well. Peace can be achieved even when life seems to be conspiring against us, although it may be hard. Elk urges you to rely on all the spiritual help offered to you and draw on your inner strength to get you through this tough period. As long as you know in your heart that you are doing everything you can to resolve matters then whether things turn out the way you wish is not so important. Creator judges not on how things turn out, but on how we act. Do everything you can to help your daughter, and then acknowledge that you can do no more. Peace will come when you “let go” of the emotional hurt and acknowledge that your daughter must ultimately forge her own path. David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading Cards Chosen: 2 0f Spades; 10 of Spades; 9 of Spades; Queen of Clubs; Queen of Diamonds; 10 of Hearts; 9 of Hearts; 8 of Diamonds. The cards clearly show that you are in a quandary, but please do not give up. I see a lady around you who will give you sound advice and support and may very well have some answers that you can act upon that will really yield results. I also believe that things will turn around for your daughter in a very positive way. This has a very positive effect on your own relationship, which I believe will regain its momentum in time and go from strength to strength.

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Canoe, The Porcupine. The Canoe speaks of the need for certainty regarding the direction your future will take. There is an old saying; “Try to sail two canoes at once and you’ll fall in the water”. You need to make a firm decision about your current relationship before you consider the likelihood of embarking on another later. As for being alone, the answer is to look at the two options; living forever with someone you don’t really love – or living alone until you meet someone else. Neither is pleasant, but you need to decide one way or the other. Porcupine speaks of joy in your future. Bravely face up to tough decisions, make the right ones and – whether you stay with your current partner or not – you should eventually find the happiness you seek.

David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading Cards Chosen: 2 of Hearts; Jack of Spades; Queen of Spades; 7 of Diamonds; 7 of Clubs; Ace of Diamonds; 10 of Clubs. The cards show that you are trying your best to get things right in the current situation. They also show that your fiancé is quite selfish and that your relationship is lacklustre. Do you wonder about your fiance’s whereabouts? I am seeing a lady who is keen to offer information on him! If you decide to make any change, do consider yourself and your own prosperity first, you have a tendency to always put others before yourself to your own detriment. The decision must be yours, but I can see some good luck coming your way, so I do believe that things will work out for you.

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Elk, the Shrew, the Fox. Elk medicine is all about stamina and determination. Both you and your husband must be resolutely determined that this unpleasant situation is going to end. Ask yourselves how practical it is for a complete break with his ex to take place. Do they have children which will necessitate some contact until they are older? If so then you have to draw up clear guidelines as to how this contact will take place – and stick to them. If there are no children then a complete break should be possible. Shrew urges you to draw a line of defence around your relationship. If necessary speak to a solicitor about how to minimise the contact with his ex-partner and keep it on a civilised level. If your husband’s ex is making unnecessary contact then the answer is clear; she needs to be told to stop, but Fox cautions you to tread carefully so that no unnecessary unpleasantness takes place which may cause further upset – particularly if children are involved

Dave Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading Cards Chosen: 2 of spades; 2 of Diamonds; Queen of Diamonds; 9 of Spades; Jack of Diamonds; Jack of Spades; Jack of Hearts; King of Clubs; Ace of Hearts. The cards certainly pick up that you feel you are losing out to your husband’s ex and that the whole situation is affecting your well-being. I can see that your relationship is, to some degree, being put on hold as there are other plans that affect it, not just his ex. There are younger people around you, children I suspect from a previous marriage or marriages. One in particular may cause some difficulties, whereas others are fine with things. Your husband comes out on the reading as being a really nice guy indeed, fair, honest and trustworthy. He has his negative points, but I can see that he is really trying to tackle problems. As far as his ex goes, I do really believe that things will work themselves out (and that his ex may move) and that you will have all you want. It is just a matter of time as it seems that you and your man are doing all you can.

Send your questions about the future to: Destiny Doctors, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth,LS25 1AA, or email Please include all details you feel are relevant.

29 Vision 15

The latest DVD release of: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is on the shelves. Is Harry fantasy or reality? Diana Jarvis proposes it is a little of both …


hen I first heard of Harry Potter and the enormous number of fans the books and films had, I decided I wasn’t going to be one of them. The media always insist on portraying witches as old hags with warty noses, who cast evil spells and scare children. Harry Potter would be more of the same and I wanted none of that! When I finally succumbed and watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, I was amazed! For the very first time, I was watching a film that portrayed witches and wizards as naturally good, ‘normal’ people, of which only a handful ‘go bad’. At last there was a possibility that people’s opinions of witches would not be so judgemental and misguided! Since that first viewing I’ve been continually impressed by Harry’s adventures. Not only by the truly entertaining nature of them, but also the incredible amount of research that J K Rowling has done to connect with real people and ‘real’ magick. Without doubt, these are fictional stories, but they are also full of snippets of arcane magick and plots that link us with our own lives. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the latest offering on DVD from Warner Brothers. In this spectacular tale of drama and dragons, Harry is forced to face two other wizards and one witch in an extraordinary tournament to find out who will be the TriWizard champion. Fantasy it may be, but I can see how it

30 Vision 15

connects with our lives and why adults and children alike are caught up in it all. Harry is up against the odds which have been stacked against him from the moment he was born. He has childhood trauma to face; loss and death; love and heartache; enemies and challenges: many of which mean facing his worst fears. Harry is like us. We may not come up against a Hungarian Horntail dragon; mermaids and mermen; moving hedges or ‘you-know-who’ – but we do have to face ourselves as well as our own personal tragedies. We are all unique and in our own way, we are all like Harry. Harry is a role-model because he won’t give up. His adventures are so watchable because we see ourselves as him and his friends, battling against the evils that face us. When we watch Harry triumph we subconsciously see ourselves and regain hope that we may be able to do the same. Besides, Harry is not all fantasy. Many of the spells, names and locations have a basis in fact.

Fact and Fable: did you know …? Fable: In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Hermione discovers that the Philosopher’s Stone was coproduced by noted alchemist Nicholas Flamel. Fact: Nicholas Flamel was a real person and a noted alchemist who lived in Paris in the 1400s. He was allegedly working on the Philosopher’s Stone, which was supposed to turn lead to gold. He is mentioned in the famous ritual text The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage and in the Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown. Here he is linked with the mysterious Priory of Sion. Fable: In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry faces the Basilisk, a giant snake that kills with a glance. Fact: There is a small lizard called the Common Basilisk which exists, but it is small and unlike Harry’s nemesis. However, the legend of the monster

Fantasy meets Reality Basilisk had endured for centuries before Harry. It has been referred to by Pliny the Elder and also Geoffrey Chaucer, who called it a Basilicok. This monster was indeed supposed to be able to kill with a single glance. Fable: Mandrake is a herb that is prominently featured in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. In the DVD, Mandrake plants are seen shrieking and the pupils are warned to protect their ears as the shrieks can kill. Fact: Mandrake does exist (you can buy some from Vision shop!) and is used in magick. There is an old legend that says that the mandrake root (which is naturally shaped like a human) will scream if uprooted. Mandrake is especially efficacious in love spells. Fable: In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry learns tea leaf reading. In his cup is ‘the Grim’, a black dog shape, which Professor Trelawney tells him shows his own death. Fact: Phantom black dogs have been frequently seen across the whole of the UK and are usually called Shucks or Barguests. They are alleged to be omens of impending death. Fable: The deadly curse “Avada

Kedavra” seen in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire kills on impact. Fact: This spell is a corruption of Abracadabra, as well as a play on the word cadaver, meaning corpse. Abracadabra is not just a chant that a stage conjuror uses. In fact, Abracadabra is an ancient spell still used by magickians. Normally written in a triangular form, the whole word is written first on the top line and then the letters are decreased line by line until there is just an ‘A’. This will banish illhealth and bad luck. The other way round (‘A’ first and then add letters) brings good luck. See Vision Shop (P79) to get your own Abracadabra charm.

Fact: Argus is named after Hera’s watchman in Greek mythology and had 100 eyes. Like his Hogwarts’ counterpart, he didn’t miss a trick!

Fable: In a few of the DVDs we see Harry getting onto the Hogwart’s Express 3 at platform 9 ⁄4 (the wall between platforms 9 and 10), at King’s Cross station. Fact: It is alleged (although you’ll have to ask J K Rowling to get the truth) that 3 Platform 9 ⁄4 was chosen as the Hogwarts’ Express platform because of the enduring legend that Boudicca, the Celtic Queen, is buried under platform 10 at King’s Cross. Whether she actually is, we don’t know. Fable: Argus Filch, Hogwarts’ caretaker, has eyes in the back of his head.

Opposite top: Professor Snape encourages Ron and Harry to work harder Opposite far left: Dumbledore and Harry Opposite left: Harry fighting ‘you-know-who’! Below: Harry, Ron and Hermoine looking worried.

Harry Potter image on P3 and all images on P30 and P31: © 2005 Warner Bros. Ent. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Harry Potter characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved.

Fable: In all the stories Harry is helped by his faithful owl, Hedwig. Fact: Hedwig is named after Saint Hedwig of Andachs. She is the patron saint of brides, widows and helps with the grief of a dead child. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has special effects that are breathtaking and the plot is a clever mix of dark and light; yin and yang. Highly recommended: a heroic struggle that we can all identify with. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is available in all normal outlets. Prices vary: circa £14.99.

31 Vision 15

WIN 10 x packs of White Eagle Medicine Wheel Kits worth £17.99 each! The White Eagle Medicine Wheel is a unique pack designed as a simple stepby-step guide to the sacred teachings of the Native American people. Using the illustrated book and its powerful deck of cards, and with Wa-NaNee-Che as your guide, you will progress through 3 levels of learning. You will learn how to communicate with the animals and each animal will show you their medicine ways; you will discover how to access the energies and teachings of the elders; and you will learn how to use the 4 creative sources of power through their archetypal symbols. This is a resource for problem-solving of all kinds: its teachings generate remarkable inspiration and intuitive powers. For your chance to win your own pack and walk the Native American path, just answer the following question:

What would a Native American call their animal spirit guide? a) The Great Spirit b) A totem c) Fred Send your answer (either A, B or C) with your name and address on a postcard or the BACK of a sealed down envelope to: Vision / White Eagle competition, 42a Main Street,

Garforth, Leeds. LS25 1AA to reach us by 15th June 2006. The winners will be the first correct entries drawn after the closing date. Only one entry per household. Vision accept no responsibility for distribution of prizes, which will be handled by Connections Publishing. See P3 for full Vision competition rules.

Don’t worry if you don’t win, see our reviews page (P76) for details of our reader offer.

WIN 5 x memberships to the Psychic Café Destiny Club (worth £50 each!) PLUS free entry to a café near the winner’s home! Psychic Cafés are the latest way for you to experience the spiritual and make new friends too! Held in bookstores and coffee shops, these sociable meetings introduce you to the world of the spiritual, paranormal and holistic and give you the chance to meet up with others who are interested in the same things. A typical Psychic Café event would involve a brief talk about the current sun sign, a short break for coffee and cake followed by the interactive theme for the evening, where you can get hands-on experience. Psychic Café also offer membership to their Destiny Club, where a host of special offers are available to you, plus discounted entry to the cafes. Membership to Psychic Café

32 Vision 15

Destiny Club is normally £50 a year, now you can win your own membership, plus entry to a café near you free! For a chance to win, send your name and address on a postcard or the BACK of a sealed down envelope to: Vision/Psychic Café Competition, 42a Main Street, Garforth, Leeds. LS25 1AA by 15th June 2006. Only one entry per household. Vision accept no responsibility for the distribution of prizes, which will be handled by Psychic Café. Normal Vision competition rules apply (for a full list, see P3). For full details of Psychic Café events near you, visit their website: or ‘phone our information hotline on: 0870 850 4049.

Richard Lewis, international psychic consultant, specialises in psychic numerology. The art of character analysis by numbers is ageold, now get an insight into your own life path with this interactive article!


ould you like to have an insight into your own destiny via numerology? Your Destiny Number is easy to calculate and is always recognised by those who study the Science of Numbers as being of great importance. Your Destiny Number will reveal many things: character traits; potential career paths and predictable experiences in life. Determining your personal numerical destiny number or anyone else’s could not be easier, as all you need is the date of birth of the person concerned. It is then simply a matter of adding all the digits in the date of birth together. Once you have added those digits, you simply reduce to a single digit (except in circumstances where the result is either eleven or twenty-two). The numbers eleven and twenty-two are not reduced, as these are recognised as Master Spiritual Numbers and they have their own unique numerical explanation. Practical, reliable, honest Follow the examples

Determining your ... destiny number or anyone else’s could not be easier, as all you need is the date of birth of the person concerned

Adaptable, ingenious, role model

Successful, leader, talented Visionary, mediumistic, poetic

given to determine your Destiny Number. Date of birth: 16th of January 1960 16+01+1960 = 1977. So 1+9+7+7 = 24. So 2 + 4 = 6. Destiny Number is 6. Date of birth: 19th of March 1962 19 + 03 + 1962 = 1984. So 1+9+8+4 + 22. Destiny Number is 22, a Master Spiritual Number.

Sensual, globe-trotting, communicator

Patient, team player, creative

Private, mystical, psychic

Emotional, spiritual, gregarious

Sensitive, cooperative, sympathetic

Independent, motivated, determined

Radiant, social, thespian

33 Vision 15

Destiny Number One

Destiny Number Two

Destiny Number Three

This is the destiny number belonging to the independent thinker, a person full of motivation and pure self determination. A great deal of inspiring original and creative thought is available here. Long term planning and realistic goal setting should come with the greatest of ease. Individuals bearing this destiny number will be the “Sun within their own Universe�, when positive they are nothing less than self reliant, self starting, go getters. Easily adaptable to any position, their role model qualities can be demonstrated making excellent team leaders and company directors. Career paths include self employment, the world of art and design, sales.

An incredible amount of patience and humane understanding are two of the stronger character traits of Destiny Number Twos. You should be content to just sit back in life and go with the flow where possible, as this is not really a leadership destiny. Throughout life you will notice that most of the progress you have gained to date has been through your personal involvement within group activities. For you, a great deal of future success and promise comes with your ability to be a spoke in the wheel, rather than trying to be the wheel itself. Other talents that you will have include the talent to produce creative writing and even poetry. In your spare time develop your super sensitive nature; perhaps work with an oracle such as the runic alphabet. There will always be many promising career paths waiting for you and these will include – Nursing, Writer, Diplomatic Service and Network marketing.

Hope you are more than ready for the happy-go-lucky lifestyle that goes with this destiny number! This is the number of the performing arts and of those who are willing to express their awesome inner talents. If life is a show then you are the star, there is no party to be enjoyed if you are not present! Your wonderful sense of radiance captures the heart and minds of all those you meet. Progression throughout life is available through new social circles; where strangers to you are simply in awe of how good a person you really are. So always expect the unexpected, accept all invitations to keep your social circles constantly increasing. Be aware that your radiant smile and your very charming character bring sunshine into the lives of others. For true career path recognition, try to work with the expressive arts. The world is your stage and you will always possess the ability to command your audience.

Destiny Number Seven

Destiny Number Eight

Destiny Number Nine

Whilst on one hand you are an introvert and a slightly reclusive individual, you have also been born and blessed with excellent communication skills. Being accepted in new social circles will always be easy for you, as others will admire your thought-provoking conversation skills. True inner happiness can be achieved by removing yourself far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Observation rather than participation suits you, but you must reach and maintain a healthy balance. The mystical world should always prove of interest to you, as well as slightly unorthodox religious faiths. Throughout life you will find yourself preferring to remain private, especially with regard to personal matters. Suitable career paths include that of teacher, writer, psychic and religious minister.

If your destiny number is eight, then you should be truly grateful. There is promise that if you are willing to take a positive approach to life, you will encounter great success on many occasions. Think deep, work hard, be positive and expect nothing less than very rewarding results in life. You have been born with a great many talents, such as the fact that you have wonderful leadership qualities. You are able to motivate, inspire and lead others towards success, which in time will be of benefit to you. With regards to a career path, if you decide against selfemployment, than you should take the position of a director within a business that offers vast potential for the future. Career paths most suitable include banking, self-employment, share dealing, stock broking and real estate sales.

If nine is your destiny number, then without doubt you will encounter many experiences, which will introduce a great deal of emotional turbulence. Many changes on an emotional level will take place, often in the form of an enforced change. It will all be necessary to make you an emotionally and mentally strong person. This will allow you to evolve into a very independent person who has a wide reaching spiritual mind. Mediumistic skills and abilities will come to you and without doubt, during adulthood you will certainly experience psychic, mediumistic and spiritual communication. Any personal pain experienced will help you pass on wisdom to others, who lead far less fortunate lives. Suitable career paths will include psychic medium, public relations officer, the publishing world and charity fundraising.

34 Vision 15

Destiny Number Four

Destiny Number Five

Destiny Number Six

If you have this destiny number you will have to come to terms with a number of frequently occurring frustrating circumstances. Especially financially challenging situations, although you will find that eventually they will be overcome. However, there are many positive aspects of your destiny and this will include your very practical talents. You will, in time, be able to turn your hand to many things; particularly electrical work, plumbing or building. You will also work well with anything to do with the earth, such as clay modelling, sculpture and even gardening. You have a very reliable honest and trustworthy nature, you will never be afraid of hard work, expecting a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work. Those around you will always consider you to be a good, solid, hardworking person. As a parent you will be excellent, as a single person others will find your many positive traits very appealing. Career paths include the Construction Industry.

This destiny number which will bring you change, excitement, new experiences and positive personal magnetism. Throughout life, you will encounter many opportunities for travel, so in recognition of this fact, ensure you always have your travel bags packed and ready to go. One of your more positive character traits is that of being able to attract positive people and situations to your life path. This is possible, thanks to your strong level of personal magnetism. Beware of overindulging in life’s finer pleasures, such as fine food and wine and pastimes of a sensual nature. Career paths suited to this destiny include: the travel industry, real estate and sales in general.

The six destiny number brings with it a great deal of sensitivity, co-operation, understanding and sympathy. It is able to allow you to bring harmonious vibrations to the most stressful of circumstances with the greatest of ease. You are therefore an emotional touchstone for your very dear friends. Often you will discover solutions to dilemmas in a matter of moments. Relating to the very deepest of people’s feelings is just one of your many natural inner talents: you would do well to adapt a selfless attitude and develop this as much as possible. Working with colour should also appeal to you and interior design of your house should be based on your decisions, as you know how to make art flow. There are many career paths which would match your talents, these would include: Counsellor, Social Worker, Interior Designer, Film and Television production and direction.

Destiny Number Eleven

Destiny Number TwentyTwo

Fame and recognition will always be within your grasp, as universal recognition of your inner talents will always be very close to your life path. From an early age you most probably will have encountered many unusual but very visionary dreams. Also, you will probably have experienced a great deal of emotional turbulence and thoughts regarding established religions will have been fairly unorthodox. Psychic skills such as basic clairvoyance are available to you at all times, as this is easily developed into first class mediumistic ability. When you are not creatively expressing your many inner talents (such as your skill in producing highly emotive poetry), you will become highly strung, simply burning with nervous energy. You are a true visionary and you can see an insincere person a mile away. Suitable career paths include artist, inventor, writer and counsellor.

This is a very high powered destiny number and its influences upon any life path should never be underestimated. This master spiritual number destiny path brings great opportunity, the potential of vast recognition of your talents and very viable financial increase opportunities. You will therefore always be very quick to adapt to new circumstances. You will emerge in group situations as being the natural born leader. The sky is not the limit with this destiny, as there really is no limit to what the mind can picture. These pictures can easily be your reality! Be prepared to take your position of leadership in business; commerce; the arts; and the media or any area that you feel drawn to! Political leadership, the financial markets and the arts are especially suited.

Richard Lewis is a Berkshire born Psychic Consultant who has enjoyed several years of experience within the mystical realms of the psychic world. For a number of years now, Richard has focused his psychic attention upon that of the science of numbers (numerology). Working with a heightened sense of psychic vision, combined with an insight into numerical influences upon individual life paths, highly accurate and detailed forecast readings can be gained. This is a skill which Richard believes is available to all. Richard specializes in intensive numerical forecasting covering all areas such as finance, love, career email: Tel: 07717 101 711

35 Vision 15

Kylie Holmes introduces us to her technique for helping children to be more confident and happy: with their very own Power Animals


he concept of a Power Animal is universal to most cultures. Tribal cultures will recognize a Totem for the tribe, there will be one to represent the clan, and one for the family that an individual is born into. Power Animals are usually a reflection of your deepest self and also represent qualities within you. The first item of business for a potential Shaman is to learn to travel in other worlds, the next task is to discover his or her Power Animal. That knowledge is necessary in order to start the long process of learning. Shamans are people who “go between worlds”, working with spirit guides so that they may help fellow human beings. Shamans are healers and teachers and they are often referred to in the twenty-first century as ‘witch doctors’. They practice ancient techniques to maintain well-being and healing for themselves and for other people around them and they use special techniques: methods which have been around and passed on for thousands of years. I have found that these powerful, yet ancient techniques, can help children of all ages. They can also help their parents’ self-confidence and self-control, as well as increasing the ability to consider other’s feelings. If your child is troubled; has self-esteem issues; or is being bullied; these techniques can help your child work out fears or deal with difficult situations. I do know the serious impact that bullying has upon a child. I was a victim throughout my school years and from the experience, my confidence was chipped away when the bullying was subtle. Self-esteem reaches an all time low and the effects of the ongoing taunts can stay with you for a lifetime. When my eldest daughter Jade became a victim at just six years of age, I decided to help her gain the confidence she needed in order to make her feel empowered. I wanted her to be able to take steps forward with issues that she

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found difficult in solving. For many children, bullying can be a lonely and frightening experience, and they can also feel isolated when it is taking place. Power animals are an essential component of shamanic practice. Shamans believed that animals are messengers of the Great Spirit. In the shamanic belief everything is alive and

carries with it power and wisdom. They are the helping spirit, who add to the power of the shaman and are essential for success in any venture undertaken by the shaman. Shamans believe that everyone has power animals - animal spirits that reside with each individual, protecting them from illness, acting similarly to a guardian angel. Each power animal that

you have increases your power so that illnesses or negative energy cannot enter your body. The spirit also lends you the wisdom of its kind. For example, a Hawk spirit will give you hawk wisdom, and lend you some of the attributes of Hawk. On a daily basis, I would introduce Jade to a new power animal to help her gain the confidence that she needed in order for the bullying to be stopped. Working with my daughter and her power animal proved to be successful and long lasting. Working with Power Animals can help to increase your

Personal Power and sense of oneness. There are many techniques for your child to use and this can be through art, music, writing and the list just goes on and on. The wisdom of Animals applied to personal growth is just one of the many ways in order to help your child grow spirituality. From that success, other parents would raise their concerns with me about their children. So I applied the same methods that I did with Jade and I was amazed with the results that I received every time, they encouraged me to look into Power Animals further.

Illustrations ©Victoria Sponge - multimedia artist

As such, I have since widened the spiritual net so that I can help all children with any problems and traumas. My work is very important to me, and if I can help my little students lead positive, healthy, happy lives then it can only be good. Ask any child to name their favourite animal and they will choose a domestic pet, a wild beast, an insect, a reptile or a mythological creature. Most children love at least one animal, most children also love to play imaginary games, and as such most children would probably love the idea of a power animal. Power Animals are in fact a guide in animal form whose purpose is to help children of all ages to overcome life’s challenges and obstacles. One technique practiced in my Power Animal workshop involves encouraging children to imagine (in their mind’s eye) an animal they would like to accompany them wherever they go. This animal will empower them with its qualities and will become very real and very supportive to the child. I have seen the benefits of this technique with children facing problems such as bullying, as it teaches the child to draw strength and comfort by visualising their favourite power animal standing beside them as they confront any fears or anxieties – one such example being a child imagining that the animal is frightening their bully away. Try this out with your own children … and even yourself. It is so simple to imagine the animal, but so powerful if you feel they are there with you. It is not far removed from asking for your own spirit guide to be there. Best of all: it works! Within my workshops there are many power animal techniques for children to explore through many different genres: art, music, writing, playing interactive games and numerous other fun activities. The wisdom of animals when applied to personal growth can help your child grow spirituality. For more information or to book on a workshop please contact: Kylie Holmes, on 0870 780 8413, or Website You can also write to Kylie Holmes at Touched By An Angel, PO Box 210, St Neots, PE19 6YA for more details.

37 Vision 15

Destiny Doctor Michael Standing Wolf describes the origins and uses of his trusted Medicine Stones


e live in a world that lacks certainty. Our recollections of the past may be inaccurate, our view of the present distorted or at best incomplete. The future? Uncharted territory about which we can only make vague predictions. No wonder, then, that for aeons humans have sought clarity and insight by using divinatory tools; everything from Tarot cards to tea leaves have been employed in an effort to gain direction and that oh-so-sought-after certainty about the world around us. Native Americans have not lagged behind in this regard. They have employed sticks, leaves, feathers and even water as aids to divination with, it has to be said, a remarkable degree of success. But we need to be careful. Most Indians I know have a strong belief in both the freedom of the individual and the necessity to learn lessons during our life-walk.Many avoid like the plague divinatory systems that make specific predictions about the future or, seemingly, provide a short-cut to happiness that doesn’t require us to work out our own future or think too hard about the decisions we make. Medicine stone divination is an ancient technique that is very good at giving guidance but doesn’t remove the personal responsibility for decisionmaking from the client. Medicine stones are similar to runes, but in my experience a little more subtle. They carry totems – normally of animals – and the medicine of any particular creature will enable the reader to paint a “broad brushstrokes”

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picture of what the wisest course of action would be in a given set of circumstances. The basic technique of medicine reading is simple. The client is asked to select a number of stones which are lying face-down before them. When they are turned over the reader will explain to the client exactly what they are saying.

Spider, for example, will urge the client to be more industrious and forge connections. Cougar medicine tells you to stop being a shrinking violet and assert yourself. Snake medicine urges you to make great changes whilst the Porcupine simply wants you to go out and enjoy yourself instead of taking life so seriously. All of these animals have an inherent wisdom that you can use. Making your own set of medicine stones is easy. You will need between eight and twelve pebbles of roughly the same colour, shape and size. Paint or scratch upon them simple icons that represent certain animals. You don’t

have to be a brilliant artist – a simple “V” shape may represent a set of horns and a squiggly line can be a snake totem. What is important is that you know the “medicine” of the animal totems upon your stones and what they mean. Over the years I have read medicine stones for premiership footballers and politicians, singers and sinners. I have come to see that the stones are not our masters. Rather they are our counsellors, urging us on to ever more moral ways of living and ever more virtuous ways of treating our fellow human beings. The medicine stones will not predict specific events in a fatalistic manner. Rather they will give us just enough information to enable us to make decisions for ourselves. Their accuracy, when used properly and treated with respect, can be breathtaking. I have used the medicine stones for many years and they have never let me down. If you’d like to avail yourself of the wisdom of the Medicine stones, you can follow some examples on the page opposite. The effort is worth it. You will then have your own oracle to help and guide you that will serve you well for many years to come.

Make your own complement of medicine stones for help and guidance The Wolf

The Spider

The teacher. He signifies decisiveness and positive action. He can also help with assertiveness.

The Worker, signifying those who are both industrious and positive in trying to establish relationships.

The Porcupine

The Mouse

The bringer of joy and innocence. This totem can help you to protect yourself and set out boundaries.

The scrutiniser. Signifies the ability to focus intently, but may also indicate “tunnel vision”.

The Eagle

The Horse

The one who brings messages from Great Mystery. High-flying, allseeing, the eagle signifies those who can look at their entire life in perspective.

Signifies journeys both physical and spiritual. In some cultures he is known as the Great Mystery dog and many consider him the most spiritual of creatures.

The Whale

The Cougar

A walker between the worlds. Points to a strong connection between this world and the next for those who hold this totem.

Power, authority and leadership - but coupled with responsibility. He can be very decisive, but will not rush into his decisions.

The Bat

The Ant

Change, a rebirth or new beginnings. Because of the bat’s emergence from the depths of a cave, he is sometimes seen as the herald of the birth of a child.

Industriousness, coordination, co-operation and strength. Protection of one’s possessions and one’s family. Self-defence.

The Snake

The Chipmunk

Growth, the ability to abandon that which is no longer necessary. To change one’s appearance to suit the circumstances.

Uncertainty, indecision. Holding back rather than dashing forward into the unknown.

39 Vision 15


eaching and passing our year milestone was a real cause for celebration, so the Vision team decided to do something special. The idea for our Spiritual Showcase was born and we spent many months organising the event and booking some of the most talented readers in the UK, as well as a huge range of stands with all manner of goods and therapies. We also decided to hold a VIP dinner dance to thank our contributors and subscribers for their hard work and support over the last year. March 25th dawned and our stall holders began to arrive nice and early in advance of our customers. Soon, the Thomas Ambler Suite of the Marriott Hotel in Leeds was buzzing with excitement; filled with a rainbow of colour and perfumed with sweet-smelling incense. All we needed to complete the picture was some customers and, at 9am, the doors opened and the hall filled with people.

Vision magazine hit the road in March for a spectacular 2-day showcase of some of the best psychic and spiritual talent in the UK and a VIP dinner dance to celebrate a year of Vision.

Dave and Val Williams discuss the finer points of Paganism with Diana

Picture of showcase hall casts a spell over the hall

One of the many colourful and interesting stands

With a hectic schedule of talks arranged in two other rooms, all the Vision staff (including the MD herself, Sammi Addey), were involved in making sure that the event ran as smoothly as possible. One of the best things about the show for Vision staff was the opportunity to meet some of our wonderful readers. There is nothing that quite compares with being told that you are making a positive contribution to another’s life, and we never tired of hearing it! So who was at the show? Many of Vision’s writers were there in their own professional capacity: Carole Chui was decoding the mysteries of her live video aura station James Christie was on hand to sign a number of his books

Dave and Val Williams had a stand full-to-bursting with mystical goodies! Jewel-Marie Leaf was on hand with her crystal ball Clint Denyer revealed his knowledge of the mystical and unexplained with clairvoyant readings

David Brennan was demonstrating his unique Destiny Doctor tool – Twist of Fate The Visionaries were on site to answer questions and generally haunt the place! Mary Mowat delighted us all with her amazing mediumship (and her dressinggown as 6am ... sorry Mary!) Kylie Holmes bought insight into working with children and angels Mario and Bev from Global Tribe dazzled the show with their amazing array of crystals Gary Plunkett hula’d into discussions about Hawaiian spirituality Lesley Norris showed some foresight with her clairvoyant skill As well as our readers and stands, many of the showcase team offered talks and workshops to attendees. Many people lost themselves for a day by having a reading; buying some amazing products and then following that with some instruction on Angels; Mediumship; Past-Lives;Witchcraft; Crystals; Healing and finally a Qi Gong session! Many of the talks were

Carole Chui analyses auras

Showcase readers busy with clients

40 Vision 15

Stephanie Brookes was helping budding authors in her capacity as publisher Paula Garton was giving astrological readings Carol Stirling was demonstrating her mediumship to a keen audience

interactive, we couldn’t fit in everybody that wanted to explore their past lives! As well as the showcase, which was open to the public, we also hosted a VIP dinner dance on the Saturday night. Glitzy and glamourous, with a wonderful 4-star meal and dancing, Vision’s Anniversary dinner dance was hailed as spectacular! Sammi also presented the annual Vision awards to those people who have put in so much time and effort to make the magazine a success. All the staff were rewarded, as were the Visionaries and a number of contributors. Winner of the Vision award for 2005 was James Christie, our hardworking and dedicated astrologer who ensures that you all have 12 pages of horoscopes every month that are both accurate and entertain. A well deserved winner – we salute you James, for your tireless efforts. A few surprises were in store, when John Addey, General Manager for Vision and Sammi’s father was presented with a special award from Sammi. Finally, the staff got their own back and presented Sammi with a really special prize, which they perceived would be a way of thanking the readers too. There is now a star in the constellation of Casseopaeia with the name Sammi’s Vision, so that, no matter how hard times get, there will always be a Vision to brighten your life! We couldn’t possibly have made the Vision Spiritual Showcase and Anniversary dinner work without you, our readers, so a huge thank you to you all for making it possible for us to reach our first year. Many attendees had their own comments, here are some of them:

“Wow, what a weekend! Me and my daughter Pamela had a wizz of a time ... the venue was buzzing with excitement and spirituality. Saturday night was explosive - what a vision! all the tables where made up wonderfully and the vision team had given every guest a really good present. Thank you so much.” Mary Mowat xx “I would just like to say what a wonderful event the Spiritual Showcase was – I have never attended anything like this and it was a first for me. It was very evident that a lot of work, planning and preparation had gone into the event to make it successful which indeed it was. For me it was alive with positive energy and love and I had the most wonderful time throughout the Saturday going into the various rooms and the dinner party in the evening … I would just like to thank all the staff at Vision magazine who made such an event possible. Thank you once again.” Lightworker UK “The fayre on Sunday provided us with lots of answers and has given us many more questions that we haven’t stopped researching since we got back! Thanks again.” Linda & Kevin Janes “I enjoyed the showcase so much, but I expected to be really tired, yet I can’t believe how good I feel. This weekend seems to have reset my serenity button and I am functioning smoothly for the first time for ages. Thanks to all at Vision for the organisation which went into this. If the Vision family ruled the world, it would be a better place. Up the Purple Revolution!” Carole Chui If you’re now feeling as if you really missed out, never fear ... we’re doing it all again! If you would like to be the first to know of the next venue and date of the Vision Showcase, currently planned for the end of 2006, please drop us an email or write to us as the Vision address. Here’s to many more years of Vision and many more showcases to come! Left: James Christie with the 2005 Vision Award Right from top:1. The Vision team; 2. Sammi Addey and Dean Ballance; 3. Two Vision readers with Mary Mowat and Diana Jarvis; 4. Angela Benson and friends ...; 5. Stephanie Brookes and friend Lindsay. 6. Vision subscribers enjoying the VIP dinner.

41 Vision 15


hroughout history and around the world the animal kingdom has played a key role in many cultural and religious beliefs. It also features prominently in many superstitions. It is not difficult to see why superstitions surrounding animals have occurred, as in the past before humanity established itself as the dominant species on earth, many animals posed a serious threat to survival. For this reason, animals are seen as omens of good or bad luck and in particular: omens of death. One bird that is predominantly associated with death is the raven. It was widely believed that ravens had an apparent ability to foresee death, and they are often referred to as the ‘messenger of death’. The raven’s squawk can be heard as ‘corpse, corpse’ and when a raven is seen in the neighbourhood of a sick person it is an omen that the patient will not recover. Some have suggested that the raven’s connection to death is linked to its acute sense of smell, which means it can smell decaying flesh from some distance away. Another explanation refers to Norman times, when Norman invaders used the raven as an emblem, thus linking the bird with the devastation of war. The most famous superstition involving the raven is one that affects Britain and all its inhabitants! According to this superstition, the British monarchy and the United Kingdom itself, will only last as long as there are ravens at the Tower of London. It is

42 Vision 15

Rosalind Collier investigates animal omens in her regular column on superstitions... believed that this superstition evolved from the story of Bran the Blessed, a mythical figure whose head was buried facing France to ward off invasion. The name Bran means ‘raven’. Wolves are responsible for the creation of many superstitions and are viewed with equal measures of fear and reverence by many societies. The wolf is a supposed favourite disguise for the devil and throughout the world is linked with evil. In the past, it was believed that even speaking the word ‘wolf’ risked an encounter with one. It is not difficult to see why the wolf was feared, as it was a dangerous predator and hunted mainly at night (which is also frequently connected with evil). Surprisingly, the wolf has many uses in folk medicine, it was believed that wrapping epileptics in wolf skin would cure seizures and that rubbing wolf teeth on the gums would relieve toothache in children. A slightly less appealing belief is that by applying wolf dung to the limbs it was possible to cure colic. Bears are also surrounded by superstitions similar to that of the wolf. It was believed that boiling some bear’s fur in water and wrapping round a sufferer’s feet would cure fits. A bear’s fat offered many cures for various aches and pains and also for baldness. According to popular superstitions, bears would suckle from their own paws and literally lick their newborn cubs into a bear shape when first delivered. This resulted in the common expression ‘to lick into shape’. Many of the superstitions surrounding bears had developed from mistaken ideas about the creatures’ behaviour. Snakes have always been regarded with suspicion and fear, and are also credited with having various supernatural powers. In Judaeo-Christian

tradition, the snake is generally connected with evil, given that the Devil took the form of a snake to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden. However, the tale of Moses lifting up a brass snake with the power to heal in Numbers 21:5-9 suggests a more ancient symbolism. In fact, in ancient Egypt the snake was a symbol of resurrection and two snakes twined around a wand was the emblem of the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius. This symbol is still in use today and can be seen as the logo of the British Medical Association. Many superstitions also portray snakes as offering some form of protection. Hanging snake skins from the rafters is believed to protect a house from fire and killing the first snake that a person sees in the year will guarantee them victory over any foes over the next twelve months. It is also believed that a snake cannot die until the sun goes down. It seems that snakes still get bad press, even today!

Intuitive astrologer, psychic and dream interpreter Samantha Hamilton continues Vision’s monthly alphabet round-up of the most common dream scenarios.

Common dreams beginning with the letter Pain Sometimes a dream is just a dream. For example, a dream about being in pain usually comes from a physical source and has no prophetic significance, it’s just a reflection of what you are feeling. This is not always the case though, in general the meaning of a dream depends on where the pain lies. For example, a general pain all over the body predicts ultimate success after struggle; in the heart it foreshadows romantic issues; in the teeth, a period of minor difficulties and in the head an unpleasant surprise. Paint To dream of painting the outside of a house indicates that you will soon discover information that has been hidden from you. To dream of painting the inside of a house or an article of furniture suggests that you are trying to hide something. To dream of painting a picture suggests changes in your love life. If you are painting in oils then success is assured, but if you are using water colours, then things are less certain. Palace If you dream of seeing a palace from the outside, you can expect a significant development which will push you closer to a cherished goal. The type of palace gives an important clue to which of your goals are affected. A “fairy tale” palace suggests romance, a country house means social position and a castle is financial security. A shabby palace is clear in itself - a great dream but not a lot of chance of achieving it at this stage of your life.

Paralysis Disability in a dream represents emotional turmoil or sexual inhibition. This is the case whether the disability is your own or that of another person. If the paralysis is total, then you are fighting your conscience over something you want to do, but know that you shouldn’t. If the paralysis is below the waist, then it is clearly sexual in nature. Parents To dream of other people’s parents promises support from friends, whilst a dream of being a parent yourself means welcome news. If you dream of your father, that dream will represent authority, business affairs and protection. If you dream of your mother that symbolizes family affairs, care and affection. If the parent you dreamed of is dead and they spoke to you, then you can expect to hear important news. Finally, to dream of one’s In-laws predicts an awkward situation. Passenger To dream of being a passenger in a car or bus promises easy victory in your endeavours. Being a passenger on an aeroplane or rocket reflects a need to break away and leave a situation that is unsatisfactory. Travelling on a train can suggest feelings of helplessness, whilst a balloon reflects uncertainty over the future and a sense of powerlessness. Peanuts Peanuts are a sign of increasing personal popularity. Peanut butter indicates remorse over a past injustice; either

‘P’ confess it or forget it. A dream of shelling peanuts forecasts a period of self discovery that may lead your life in ways you had not previously considered. Pearls A dramatic increase in wealth and social position is forecast in a dream featuring pearls. If you dream of diving for pearls or discovering a pearl in an oyster then your success will be due to your efforts and your dream is encouraging. Even if the pearls are lost, you should expect success, possibly after some difficulties. If you manage to gather them up or restring them, the difficulties will be minor and the delay minimal. Piano A dream of playing the piano yourself predicts success in all your plans and hopes, so long as you are playing it well. If the instrument is out of tune or if those listening appear to find it unpleasant, expect difficulties and delays. To dream of moving a piano signifies solid achievement; whilst tuning a piano is a forecast of good news. If you dream of hearing piano music it is a promise of better financial times ahead. Pigeon To dream of pigeons flying is a prophecy of important changes ahead, as a result of news that will come over distance. Pigeons on the ground signify minor family troubles, if the pigeons are feeding then these problems are likely to be financial. Pigeons sitting on ledges or windowsills are more welcome, as they are a fortunate indication for romance.

43 Vision 15

Learn all about the uses of sacred smoke with Michael Standing Wolf


s a child I remember watching a Western starring Audy Murphy. In one scene the all-American hero – and Audy Murphy really was a hero, with a distinguished military career – stared across the plains at a column of smoke rising lazily to the heavens. He pulled at the peak of his Stetson, narrowed his cowboy eyes, hitched up his gun belt and murmured something about the Injuns coming. Murphy was a smart guy. He always knew when the Injuns were coming because they spoke to each other with smoke signals. Murphy was smart because he knew how to read the smoke. Well, that’s the myth. Not that

some occasions, as when battling the Picts along Hadrian’s Wall. You just can’t keep a good idea down. It is the Native American use of smoke signals that has long caught the public’s imagination. The use of smoke as a communication device was practiced right throughout North America and may stretch back over 30,000 years. It was developed to its most sophisticated level by the Oneidas, Senecas, Mohawks, Cayugas and Onondagas – the five warring tribes which eventually united became known as the Five Nations, Haudenosaunee Nation or – later - the Iroquois Confederacy.

To speak with smoke one simply “used a blanket to cover the smoke and then released ... or allowed it to “rise”.

Indians didn’t use smoke to speak to each other; they did. The myth is that few if any cowboys could work out what they were saying. It may surprise you to know that the use of smoke as a communication technique was not invented by Native Americans. Smoke signals were used by the legendary Carthaginian general Hannibal to send instructions to his troops when he fought the Romans in over a dozen epic battles. Unfortunately for Hannibal, the Romans were even better at this than he was and employed a sophisticated method of releasing puffs of coloured smoke when wanting to send military orders. Rome eventually defeated Hannibal and he faded into obscurity. The Romans? They carried on using smoke signals – with stunning success on

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The tribes-people of the five Haudenosaunee nations covered quite a geographical area and using smoke to communicate gave them a distinct advantage. It didn’t matter whether you were on the plains, in the hills or the woods, rising smoke could always be seen. Those who used “talking smoke” had special techniques for lighting fires. These techniques ensured that the smoke would be highly visible – more visible than conventional signal fires – even on sunny days. To speak with smoke one simply used a blanket to cover the smoke and then released ... or allowed it to “rise”. The gaps between “rises” and the shape the smoke was wafted into were used to send messages. Sadly, many of the “codes” have now been forgotten.

The Sacred Pipe As with every other aspect of the life of the Indian, smoke was, and is, possessed by a spiritual significance. Nothing in the life of the spiritually-minded Indian falls outside the realm of the sacred or divine. As smoke rises it ascends to the Creator, so what better device could you want to take your prayers and petitions up to Great Mystery? This is why the Sacred Pipe or Medicine Pipe is treated with such reverence by Indians. When Indians pass the pipe together they are not enjoying a communal smoke; they are enacting a sacred ceremony. This is why sacred pipes are kept in their own beautifully-crafted containers or pouches and treated with such reverence; they are vehicles for the transportation of the wishes of we humans to the Creator – a direct line, you might say, to Usen, Wakantanka, Wishemanitou or whatever name you wish to use when talking about the Almighty. In Europe it is fashionable to purchase Native American medicine pipes and use them as decoration but I

Sage bundle Smudge Stick would strongly caution against this. If you use a pipe for decoration make sure that it is not a true medicine pipe. Ordinary smoking pipes that are highly decorated but have no spiritual significance can be purchased from several High Street and on-line outlets. There are a number of conventions that are commonly used when smoking the sacred pipe. In some traditions the pipe is never taken or held with only one hand. By always holding the pipe with two hands the risk of dropping it is greatly minimised. Another convention involves always smoking the entire contents of the pipe bowl. This ensures that all of our prayers, and not just some of them, ascend to the Creator. It is not good for prayers to be “left in the bowl”, as we say.

Smudging Smudging is yet another ritual use of smoke in Native American tradition – and one which is rapidly gaining popularity in the West. Essentially, smudging is a way of cleansing a place,

Peace Pipe

artefact or person in a spiritual manner. Smudging is “flavour of the month” in some New Age circles, but, as with other rituals, it should never be carried out on a whim, without proper thought or by someone who is not “connected” or “walking in balance”. Let me explain why. I have seen people use smudging to “cleanse” a place of resident spirits without ever stopping to ask whether moving those spirits on was really the right thing to do. On one occasion I had to undo the results of a smudging carried out by a well-intentioned but nevertheless misguided individual who removed a spirit from a room. I undid the smudging and the spirit returned. If you simply wish to restore the “medicine” in a room or building, or ritually cleanse it of negativity, then smudging can be carried out both simply and safely. You simply need to face the Four Directions whilst holding a lit incense bundle or smudging stick and ask the Spirits to remove any badness or negativity from the place. Start in the east and work your way clockwise to the north. Of course there are more complex and powerful smudging rituals, but the above can be used safely by a beginner. The use of smoke in Native American culture has a long and hallowed history. Next time you light a garden fire, my guess is that you’ll look at the smoke that rises from it in an entirely different light. Pun intended.

45 Vision 15

Have you ever wanted to know what your boss is really like? Learn to analyse doodles and find out!

book and pinch your colleagues’ doodles so you can get to know them better too!



raphology, or the art of analysing handwriting, has been used for centuries to determine character traits and personalities: you’ve probably tried its techniques yourself. However, the art of analysing doodles is not so well known. With doodles, not only can you learn a lot about yourself, but you can get a clearer picture of those around you, especially in a work environment and during a meeting. So, what is a doodle? A doodle is a drawing, often abstract, which is created while the mind is fully occupied with something else and most often when one is concentrating particularly hard on a problem. Here are some examples from the Vision office that we have analysed .

Sample 2: This shape appears abstract with the artist going around it time and again. Organisational abilities are highlighted, but the enclosing nature of the shape does suggest that the artist may feel a little limited in expressing their thoughts and feelings. The arrows are pointing upwards which indicates ambition and the five-pointed stars normally suggest an interest in the spiritual or religious.

Aeroplanes indicate the desire to get away from it all and may also predict a holiday. Boats also indicate the possibility of holidays, but suggest the artist may be a bit of a dreamer! Trains indicate the need to get somewhere quickly and directly, cars are often symbolic of the desire to improve one’s social standing as well as one’s appeal to the opposite sex.

Animals Very often the artist draws an animal that they would like to have in their life. However, the animal can also be an indication of the person’s character. Dogs suggest a loyal friend, cats show a secretive nature and a monkey will show a sense of humour. Snakes are usually connected with sexual matters.


Sample 1:

Sample 3:

This shape appears to have been drawn with several strokes over each component part. Repeating a pattern or going over one normally indicates someone who is well organized and really tries to get things absolutely right. The circle in the centre shows an independent streak and the arrow shapes indicate ambition. I would expect this person to be a very focused individual with a soft centre.

The box in this doodle is open-ended and partly coloured in. This shows an emotional approach to solving problems and a logical and practical mind. The clouds indicate that the artist can be a bit of a dreamer and the heart suggests why … they are in love! So how can you analyse your own doodles? Look at the directory below and match yours up to find out what you’re really like. Then take a leaf out of my

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In terms of predictions, birds usually mean messages and travel, but the type of bird can make the message more specific and reveal the artist’s character. If the artist draws a bird flying, it shows that they would really like to be able to communicate more clearly with those around. A bird of prey shows feelings of anger towards another colleague and a small fluffy bird shows the desire to speak up, but not the will.

Book If the book is open it shows someone academic as well as someone who is

open: an ‘open book’. A closed book shows that the artist can keep a secret, but also keeps parts of their own personality close to their chest. An open book reveals an interest in learning while a closed book shows someone who can keep a secret. If several books are drawn, method and order will prevail. Books laid on top of each other suggest learning or acquiring things may be getting on top of the author.

Box Boxes can indicate a feeling of being closed in, especially if they are tightly closed. They do show a desire to have some control over situations, but also show someone who is very practical and quite logical too.

Body Parts Drawing a body part can indicate that the artist is worried about the health of that part of the body. Sometimes the drawing can simply show sexual interest, but again, that can be simply the age of the artist, many pubescent teenagers will draw genitals at some time or the other.

Circles Circles indicate an independent streak combined with someone who likes to daydream. Anyone who draws circles regularly is not aggressive by nature.

Clouds Clouds usually indicate the desire to get away from it all and show deep emotions. If the cloud is raining, there are worries about future events before they have happened.

Eye Eyes with long lashes show a flirt! The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so when analysing, take into account how they are drawn and how you feel about the finished drawing. Large eyes may indicate feelings of mistrust in those around and small eyes often suggest inner sadness.

Faces Happy faces show just how the artist feels: happy! Sad faces show inner hurt and may imply that the artist

feels alone with their problems. Selfportraits indicate someone who needs to reinforce their ego, portraits of others may suggest a hidden sexual tension between the artist and that other person.

Numbers Numbers usually indicate financial concerns. Number 1 usually shows that the artist is concerned about their importance, if drawn very large it may indicate an over-active ego! 2s relate to relationships, 7 and 9 are normally lucky numbers and have spiritual connections.

Flowers Flowers often link to emotions, but it would depend on the flower drawn. There are chapters that could be written simply about the language of flowers. Roses indicate love or sexual desires, Daisies show a happy-go-lucky streak and Daffodils show a sunny disposition.

Hearts Hearts indicate emotions and suggest someone of an emotional nature. It may be that they have recently suffered emotional upheavals. If the heart is pierced by an arrow the artist is in love. If the heart is broken … the heart is broken!


closely. If a person is drawn on the ladder, it will show how far the artist feels they have come in their career.

Spiral Spirals usually show tension. If they are expanding outwards, then the artist is aware of the problem and ready to meet the challenge. An expanding spiral also shows optimism. If the spiral is not expanding, this suggests fear and lack of confidence.

Squares Squares show a bombastic personality and someone who does not appreciate competition. Squares within squares show frustration and an inability to solve current problems.

Stars Stars are common as doodles. They do show ambition, but can also show a bit of a rebel. When five-pointed they usually indicate a bit of a dreamer and someone who has spiritual or religious interests. Obviously this list is not exhaustive and you can add more yourself. Take into account size and any colouring as these can often be clarifying points when trying to analyse. You can also use doodles as a focus to receive clairvoyant information, they can be very enlightening. So, get to know your workmates better and take a look at their doodles!

Houses indicate security issues. Is the house tidy and attractive? Then the artist feels secure and happy. If it is shabby and unfinished, the artist has issues with themselves and their current life path.

Ladders Ladders show a desire to climb the corporate ladder and make a good impression on those around the artist. If there are obstacles on the rungs, these will be actual obstacles in the artist’s life, so look at them

47 Vision 15

In the third of our collectible series, Andy Norman works through another ‘ball holding’ Qi Gong form you can try at home

1. Assume the Standing Pole position that we learnt last issue. Your feet should be at a natural distance apart with your arms hanging down naturally by your sides. Breathe in and out naturally. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Make sure that your tongue is curled back with the tip touching the roof of your mouth.

2. When you are ready, after about three breaths, breathe in gently and raise your right arm. Make sure that the centre of your right palm is over but not touching your higher Dantian (navel area). At the same time bring your left arm across and place your left palm over the lower Dantian.

3. As you breathe out, change places with your palms (right palm down, left palm up). Ensure that your palms change vertically up the centre line of your body with the left palm on the outside. Palms should cross above the middle Dantian.

4. As you breathe in, change your palms back to their original position. Your left palm should now be down and your right palm should be up. Ensure that your palms change vertically up the centre line of your body. Right palm on the outside, palms crossing above the middle Dantian.

5. As you finish the last move, turn your left palm up and your right palm down and hold the “ball” above the middle Dantian. Breathe out as you settle into position.

6. Breathing in, change the weight back into your right leg, essentially creating a ‘light’ left leg. Drop your left hip back and allow your left foot to pivot on its heel and turn 90o to the left. This should be a natural move.

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7. Breathing out, feel the weight in your right foot as you push forward gently. Allow your left foot to rest flat on the ground take your weight into your left leg so that your weight settles to 50% weight on each leg. This will keep your centre of gravity vertical. Ensure that you don’t over extend your arm because then your right heel will come away from the floor – and it shouldn’t!

10. Breathing in, take your weight back into your left leg and allow your right foot to come back round parallel as before. Bring your arms in and assume “ball holding” posture in front of the middle Dantian. This time, your right palm should be on top with your left palm below.

8. Breathing in, take your weight back into your right leg and allow your left foot to come back round parallel as before. Bring your arms in and assume a “ball holding” posture in front of the middle Dantian. This time your left palm should be on top with your right palm below. Put your weight back into your left leg. Create a light right leg and drop your right hip back. Allow your right leg to pivot on its heel and turn 90o.

11. Breathe out, allow your arms to lower to the sides of your body. Your palms should be forward. Let them continue to rotate, leading with your thumbs. Feel a gentle twist in your arms from your wrists all the way up to your shoulders. Gently thrust your palms away from you.

9. Breathing out, feel the weight in your left foot as you push forward gently, allowing your right foot to rest on the ground. Take your weight into your right leg, allowing the weight to settle with 50% weight on each leg. This will ensure your centre of gravity is vertical. As you do this, bring your left arm to your left side. Keep your palm by your hip and keep your palm down with the fingers forward. “ Ward off” with your right arm (see picture). Ensure that you don’t over extend arm so that left heel comes away from the ground.

12. Breathe in, keeping a gentle thrust as you raise your arms all the way up your sides to above your head. Gradually turn your palms over as you go so that they face the top of your head.

13. Breathe out. Relax: from your fingertips to your wrists, arms, shoulders, head, neck, top of spine and waist. Let the relaxation flow to the sides of your feet. Gently lower your arms and let your palms move all the way down your centre line. Finish with your arms down by your sides. Repeat 7 times.

49 Vision 15

Georgy introduces us to SKHM and announces an historic meeting between the founders of SKHM and Tera-Mai Seichem TM


n the beginning of my journey into healing, there were very few Reiki masters in the UK. Eventually I discovered a Master to attune me. He was a man of very few words and did not explain much. After he performed my first degree attunement, he gave me his card which read: Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem Master. I began to worry as I was only aware of Usui Reiki. I asked him what Seichem was and he replied “Oh, its all good stuff”. This was not really a satisfactory answer for me but, from that very first day of my attunement, I found that I had not just healing abilities, but my third-eye opened and enabled me to see incredible spiritual visions and have mystical experiences. Soon after I was attuned to Reiki and Seichem Two. The morning after the attunements, and two consecutive mornings thereafter, a real live raven would appear right outside my bedroom windowsill. A raven is alleged to be a sign of magic and I am unaware of anyone seeing ravens at all in my part of the UK! I also found that ‘wind’ would come out of the palms of my hands when I used the “Angelic Light” aspect of Seichem. A while later, I took the Masters degree. All this just made me want to know more. I tracked down Kathleen Milner, who is the founder of Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem. I arranged for her to come over from America and worked with her during that period, but I still did not find out where Seichem originated. Eventually, my investigations into Seichem bore fruit. The original founder was Patrick Zeigler; who many years ago spent a night lying on the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid in Egypt where he had an incredible experience. An electric blue energy appeared over him, and moved in the shape of an infinity symbol. Then, all of a sudden, the energy entered his heart centre and Seichim was born. It is believed that this is the same powerful TM

energy that the ancient Egyptians used for healing. When I discovered Patrick he was living in the US. He explained that he was no longer attuning people and that he now worked in group workshops and referred to it as SKHM. In this form Master degrees were not required: one works directly with the source.

...this is the same “energy that the ancient Egyptians used for healing.


Zeigler to England for the very first time to hold SKHM workshops. The more workshops I attended, the more SKHM khets I received. I now receive automatic ‘downloads’ every day. This has magnified my healing abilities and I have become clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient, which I had not been previously. I am now fully qualified in SKHM and find that this form of healing complementary to all the other forms. For this reason, I and Brenda Davies (who runs the Tera-Mai Association), have been instrumental in bringing Kathleen Milner and Patrick Zeigler together for the very first time. The intention is to allow a meeting of minds for the advancement of Reiki/Seichem now and in the future. This historic meeting took place in April, so watch this space for any developments! As my first Reiki Master said: “It’s all good stuff!” For further information on Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem and SKHM workshops phone: 01726 844362 or email: Next workshop in Cornwall; 8th-10th July 2006. More information can also be found in the book Energy Works! by Dr.G.Crook & Dr.T.Parrott TM


Vision 15

Chakras after SKHM khet

Chakras before SKHM khet

He went on to explain that when SKHM energy comes in, (which is called “SKHM khet”), it happens spontaneously at any given time during the workshop. Different individuals can receive it at various moments. When a SKHM khet happens, the chakras ‘flip’ vertically to receive the initiation, and the whole body visibly shakes. The heart centre opens and is connected to the entire universe so that the person is able to feel love for all. I was so fascinated, I brought Patrick


Carole Chui introduces us to the Sacral Chakra and its correspondences in the second part of our collectible series Sacral or Spleen Chakra (also called the Swadhisthana chakra.)

Position and function This 2 chakra is very close to the base, or root chakra, which we examined last month. However, whereas the base chakra’s energy focuses earthwards, the sacral chakra focuses forwards. It is found just above the root chakra, in the groin area and relates to matters of personal survival and relationships with others. It is important for self confidence and self respect, which operates in the presence of others.

(a green stone flecked with red), is said to cleanse the lower chakras. Chrysoprase, although connected with the heart chakra and usually green, is also used to aid fertility and guard against sexually transmitted diseases.


Is your Chakra Healthy?

The colour is orange, which, like red, is a high energy colour. Orange’s vibration whilst energising, is lighter and more sensual than that of red. It is a dramatic and demanding colour.

When the chakra is open and balanced, we are independent and in harmony with those around us. If this chakra is overenergised, a Don Juan (of either sex!) appears, living for physical gratification. Using the aura video station I often find that the sacral chakra is closed and low in energy as modern living makes it hard to keep the basic functions at optimum health. When the sacral chakra is blocked, problems may be found on the physical level. Thus anything from menstrual problems, erectile difficulties and sexually transmitted disease can occur. With the aid of the aura video station I have been able to observe chakra function. There is no connection between homosexuality and the functioning of this chakra, even though often implied. If an individual is expressing an ability to relate in a way which is healthy, the sacral chakra is also healthy, regardless of sexuality.


Glands and Organs This chakra operates differently in men and women. It governs the production of sex hormones in the ovaries and the testes. Organs of reproduction in both men and women are related to it. There is some overlap with the base chakra, in that the bladder has been attributed to both. I believe it is better to see the two chakras as operating together when dealing with our human functioning, elimination and reproduction.

Crystals Crystals in sympathy with this chakra are the orange or reddish orange stones, such as Carnelian, which is said to aid female fertility. Orange Calcite is good for the reproductive system and bloodstone

Helping your Sacral Chakra It is better to work within the balanced framework of all 7 chakras. Even so, first aid for the individual chakra can be undertaken. If you have a copy of last month’s Vision, you can work from the red visualisation given there to optimise the base chakra’s energies and when it is satisfactory, see a flow of energy move up to the second chakra and substitute orange. The affirmation is “I relate and create with ease”. You may also want to try this special visualisation for premenstrual discomfort. Sorry, gentlemen, if you feel excluded, but if you introduce this to the woman in your life, you too will benefit! You can also use it for stomach ache. Find somewhere safe and quiet, where you won’t be disturbed, and sit or lie comfortably. Hold your hands in front of you as if cradling a beach ball. Feel energy gathering in a ball in your hands. Your hands become warm with the energy as you do this. Feel the energy as a warm sparkling orange colour. Keep kneading the ball, pulling it, hands getting warmer. When you feel the ball is just right (and you will know) place your hands on your lower abdomen and let the orange energy flood into the painful area, warming and soothing as it goes.

51 Vision 15

Michael Standing Wolf looks at the use of crystals by the Native Americans


ative Americans in general have an intense relationship with Mother Earth. They have little time for the science behind how the earth functions, but live in constant awe of her beauty. To Indians, the difference is similar to that between an X-ray and a portrait. One captures the clinical, the other the personal. I can love my mother dearly without ever wanting to read a doctor’s report on her bone structure. Indians are like this. All parts of the natural world are there because the Creator made them and we need to get connected with them. As someone with Indian heritage I want to connect with the trees, the rivers, the sky and the soil. I also want to connect with the rocks and stones. Like other aspects of the creation, the rocks possess their own special ambience and abilities. In some traditions, rocks are known as “the Stone People” and are believed to be the historians of the world. They are ancient. They have seen aeons pass. They have watched species arise and then go into extinction. The Stone People have also seen mighty empires rise and fall. Unlike every other aspect of the creation, then, the stones allow us to connect not just with the earth but also with the past. Talk to the Stone People kindly and they may take you on a journey through space and time. In some First Nation cultures, stones, rocks and crystals were revered no more and no less than other aspects of the creation. In others the relationship between humans and rocks, stones or

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crystals has a special status. The Cherokee are a good example of this, for they revere the Rock People more than any other First Nation people. There is a Cherokee tradition of placing crystals in special locations where they are guaranteed to embrace the rays of the sun at different times of the day. Those who took crystal divination seriously would possess at least three such crystals. The Morning Crystal would be consulted at dawn in an effort to determine proper action during the

Each Cherokee “ carried a medicine

crystal with them, normally in a small pouch or in a pocket.

course of the day. The Midday Crystal would be similarly consulted and the Sunset Crystal to engineer good dreams, and to ensure a peaceful and a safe night’s sleep. Each Cherokee carried a medicine crystal with them, normally in a small pouch or in a pocket. These stones had numerous purposes – everything from divination to healing – and were guarded carefully. Certain colours were regarded as especially efficacious depending on what the owner used them for. Shape was also important.

Sometimes a crystal would be chosen because the owner would see the shape of a totem animal in the outline of the crystal which gave it added efficacy. In some tribes – again, like the Cherokee – crystals could also denote status. Chiefs would often wear large, highly-polished crystals and medicine workers would sometimes hang them from a necktie. When the owner of a crystal died his or her crystals would be taken and buried in a secret place, bonding them forever with their deceased owner. There is much talk in some spiritual circles about crystals and their value both as sacred “medicine tools” and as healing elements. This is encouraging, but there is a danger that their value will be cheapened by making them seem like a panacea or cure-all that will remedy every physical or emotional ill. They won’t, of course, but if they are treated with reverence they will allow us to form a deep and lasting relationship with them. Like everything on this earth, they should be respected, they are not a throw-away quick fix, but are a beautiful and lasting reminder of the wisdom inherent in the earth. Crystals are gifts from the Creator. They are beautiful to the eye, but their real allure lies in the knowledge, wisdom and healing they contain inside their gleaming, timeless forms. Which crystals were the most sacred to the Native Americans? See opposite for details of some of their preferred stones and their uses. Respect them and they will serve you well.

Turquoise: Increases sensitivity; aids psychic protection; helps to connect to the Spirit world

Pearl: Aids spiritual transformation: increases honesty; reveals wisdom

Clear Quartz: Amplifies energy; links to the Spirit world; helps to channel communication from higher realms

Apache Tear: Found on an Apache reservation in Arizona: aids depression; blocks negativity of all kinds; gives peace and solitude when required

Black Onyx: Strong protective aid; gives courage and strength; sharpens the senses

Malachite: Releases guilt; helps one to withstand change; aids fidelity in love and friendship; promotes loyalty

Lapis Lazuli: Aids self-acceptance; a stone of truth; aids psychic and spiritual development

53 Vision 15

Country witch and author Marian Green recalls some midsummer traditions and rituals, some of which are still followed today


ummertime was very busy for the old village witches, in the countryside the summer was always busy for farming folk. Witches were healers of people and of animals, they brought fertility to livestock and crops with their spells. They also worked weather magic, driving away storms that would flatten grain, or bringing rain to refresh the grazing for cattle. They would use their ancient herbal knowledge to keep cows in milk; to strengthen the great plough horses which were the tractors of their day and ensure the sheep and pigs had plenty of offspring. Every field was organic, the soil enriched by manure, but pests and diseases could still bring ruin and starvation if the earth magic was ignored. Much of the old witches’ power came from the fact that they knew the land, its soil and its produce, probably because their families had lived in the same place for hundreds of years. All magic is about change and stability, so innovations would have been watched with interest. As the days lengthened, witches would gather wild herbs that are so important for healing. They would pick yarrow with its white flowers at this time, because it heals the cuts received when scything hay, or shearing sheep. Many of the plants we hardly notice by the roadside, or pull up in our gardens

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considering them weeds, have uses that our ancestors relied on. Daisies were used to heal eye conditions, chickweed and groundsel were fed to chickens to help them lay plenty of eggs. Goosegrass (or cleavers), which stick to our clothes, are good for indigestion if made into tea.

Witches collected “sheep wool from hedges to weave into charms, especially for protection

Most of the flowering plants beneath hedges were gathered by old wise women and cunning men to make dyes for string, for salves and for magic. The long summer evening helped them dry for storage. One very useful plant that is common in summer is the dandelion, whose yellow flowers can be made into wine, and whose young leaves can be eaten in salads. The white juice of leaves or flower stems are a traditional cure for warts. The old witches, if asked by someone, would rise at dawn in a waning moon to make this cure. They would squeeze the juice onto each wart and chant the spell: ‘Wart, wart, black of heart, I command you to depart!’. After a few days the warts would start to shrink, if the juice was left on. This spell still works. Witches collected sheep wool from hedges to weave into charms, especially for protection. A thin twig would be bent into a circle and bound

with strands of unspun wool, forming a cross shape, a bit like a ‘dream catcher’. This would be swept through the air over a mother and her new baby to carry away any bad luck. When the wise woman had collected any negative energies, the circle would be burned on the fire. Often a thread of new wool was tied round the wrist of the infant, in a pre-baptism ritual, so that the child would grow strong. The idea of these woollen strands is encompassed in the rituals of the Sufis, the mystical sect of ancient Islam, as Sufi means wool. Even today, adherents wear a woven thread beneath their clothes. Midsummer was a time of rejoicing, in the narrow gap of time between hay-making in late May or June and the corn harvest in July or August. In many places the whole community came together in the evening to light a bonfire on a high hilltop. This is part celebration and part protection rite. This custom is being revived in the countryside, but in Cornwall it has continued for many hundreds of years. Beacon fires were lit as warnings, or to gather people together, but now they are celebrations when young and old come together. A lady of Summer is appointed with various handmaidens, and when the fires are well established prayers are spoken in Cornish. A garland of nine sacred or healing plants is cast into the flames, together with a bunch of the nine most invasive weeds. This is pure magic, to ensure that the useful plants flourish and the weeds are destroyed.

Therapist Karen Aitken talks about Hopi Ear Candling – a gentle therapy with ancient origins.


s a therapist trainer and therapist in daily practice, I am often asked for advice and treatment for a range of common ailments. The following question is a typical example of a situation. “Whenever I get a cold it takes ages for it to clear up and I’m left with blocked ears, painful sinuses or a sore throat. Can you recommend anything to help?” Fortunately I can! Ear candling is one of the fastest-growing therapies in the UK today and can help with all of the above conditions, and more. Also known as Thermo-Auricular Therapy or ear coning and widely used by doctors in Europe and America it is a pain-free, safe alternative to conventional treatments such as antibiotics, ear syringing and grommets. It is also deeply relaxing. The use of ear candling as an effective therapy is an ancient practice. Evidence of ear candling can be found around the world and in the widely diverse cultures of Siberia, Asia and the Indians of North and South America. The practice of candling was used as a spiritually cleansing and purifying ritual or simply to remove the debris that could accumulate in the ears when living and sleeping close to the earth. The Chinese also used ear care products. This culture long ago recognized the ear as a “cold organ” and understood that direct application of heat would be healing and therapeutic. Even in the West Indies there is a version of ear candling that uses rolled

up leaves, and in some cases rather shockingly, rolled up newspapers, to perform the task of relieving ear pressure. It must be said: “Don’t try this at home”. The Treatment At your first Hopi Ear Candle Session, you should receive a free consultation and ear examination*. If it is safe for you to proceed you will be asked to lie down on your side on a therapy couch for the treatment. The lighted ear candle (or cone) is placed with its base in your ear. A light suction action (chimney effect) and the movement of the flame create a warming vibration of air in the ear candle, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. Both ears must be treated in the interests of establishing and maintaining balance. A soothing head and facial massage, (incorporating acupressure point work and lymphatic drainage) completes the relaxing therapy. Afterwards, (with the client awake and sipping a glass of water) the candles are opened up and the contents are examined to see how effective the treatment has been and to indicate how further treatments should proceed. If all earwax has not been removed, the client will be advised to use oil in the ears to loosen remaining earwax prior to a second visit. Hopi Ear Candle Therapy can help to alleviate: Tinnitus, compacted ear wax Glue ear Sore throats and hay fever Headache and migraine Sinusitis and rhinitis Catarrh and asthma

Ear Candle Therapy can also improve: Stimulation of blood and energy flow Regulation of pressure in ears and head Energetic revitalisation of hearing impairment Relaxation in conditions of anxiety and stress Stimulation of lymphatic system and metabolism A treatment usually costs around £25 and lasts an hour, although in Harley Street you may pay over £150! Many candles are available, but I only use certified medical products meeting EC guidelines. If you would like a treatment, please check out contra-indications. Contra-indications There are several situations in which it is strictly not advisable for Hopi Ear Candle treatment to take place. 1. If the client has an acute or chronic disease (in this case, the client’s doctor should advise) 2. If the client has a perforated eardrum 3. If ear grommets have been fitted 4. If there is an ear infection present 5. If the ears are inflamed or infected *In my opinion it is an essential part of professional practice for the therapist to conduct an ear examination using an otoscope. This is a device which allows the therapist to look inside the ear to check for infections, foreign bodies, a burst eardrum or other serious contraindications. You may also wish to ask your therapist if they can show you proof of training and insurance cover.

55 Vision 15

Diana Jarvis talks to holistic nutritionist Gillian McKeith about spiritual healing; health and poo!


illian McKeith is a household name, thanks to the supremely successful Channel 4 programme You Are What You Eat. Famous for her ability to help people change their eating habits and then their lives, her nononsense approach, (let’s be honest – she is brusque, blunt and shocking) has made her the stuff of nightmares. Is she really a holier-than-thou harridan? It was with some trepidation that I spoke to Gillian, but I should never have worried: I can honestly say that I have rarely spoken to someone so pleasant and who burns with a passion to help as many as she possibly can. I asked Gillian what started her on the path to changing eating habits with holistic nutrition ? “There was a time in my life when I was very ill. I was doing a radio show and a woman who claimed to be a spiritual healer came on. I was frankly amazed by the calibre of the people calling her, as well as with the quality of the information she was giving out. “Eventually I asked her to sit with me. I told her that I had been diagnosed with a brain tumour and I actually asked her if she could help me to die nicely! As far as I was concerned I had no future. “She put her hands on my hands and I felt an electric shock travel up my arms and around my body. She shifted a

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pain that I had had for over 2 years. She told me that I did not have a brain tumour. She listed ten different things that she said I was suffering from; including a yeast overgrowth and some vitamin deficiencies. She was very, very specific. I have to say that my first reaction was that she was ‘off her trolley’! I actually felt very angry that she had said I didn’t have a brain tumour. “The next day. I toyed with the idea that she had put some kind of a spell on me. Just to prove her wrong I went to a laboratory and got some tests. She was right about everything that she had said.” With such a dramatic introduction to complementary therapies, was Gillian now a believer? “Traditional medicine has its place and I don’t want it to go away but I’m a major advocate of complementary therapies. There is so much to be gained

I’ve always looked at my client’s poo ... A diet of rubbish will show in your poo ...

by looking at alternatives. People are sick and tired of being sick and tired and need other options.” When Gillian talks of holistic nutrition, what does she mean? “It is essential to unravel the emotions of the client in order to change the habits of a lifetime … you need to get to the core of the person. You need to look at the whole person, hence the term ‘holistic’. With You Are What You Eat, I fought hard to get some of the talking I do with my clients on the show; to demonstrate that it is not just food but emotions too. Every person has their own story and you need to know it to be able to help.”

So why the poo? “I’ve always looked at my client’s poo. This is what I do. What comes out is a reflection of what goes in. If you live on a diet of rubbish then it will show in your poo – in the smell and consistency. I brought poo to the forefront of the programme so that people would think about what they put into their bodies. You can see someone’s digestive ability as well as whether there is enough good bacteria and fibre going in .” What about colonic irrigation? Is it really necessary? “I am a real advocate of colonic irrigation because so many people are not evacuating properly every day. Many of my clients are constipated or have irritable bowel syndrome. Colonic irrigation can be so helpful in treating these problems and my clients are constantly telling me how much better they feel for the treatment. In some cases I have seen whole pieces of food come out – that certainly makes people think about chewing properly! However, each case is different and it is not always necessary.” Gillian has produced a number of products for healthy eating. Why? “I’ve always played around with herbs and various foods and I was never pleased with what was available in the shops. On You Are What You Eat you’ll see a food table, where the client’s eating for the week is displayed for them to see. This is what I do in my clinic, I ask my clients to bring me in wrappers. “One guy came in with endless chocolate wrappers and crisps. He said if he gave them up he’d still need something to take to work. Out of this request came my Living Food Energy Powder. It is a simple way of getting people to eat sprouted foods like quinoa and millet when they don’t want to go to the trouble of growing them themselves.” Does stress play a factor in unhealthy eating? “Yes, stress is a killer. 80% of problems that I see in my clinic are stress

related. Stress depletes the body of vitamins and whips the adrenal glands. Helping people to manage stress is a huge part of what I do.” Are there some simple signs we can look for to indicate a poor diet? “Look at your tongue! Many people have what looks like a cut in the middle of the tongue. This is means that they are not taking up and processing nutrients as they should – particularly the B vitamins. Some simple and healthy ways of getting B vitamins into your body is to drink nettle or dandelion tea and replace white rice with brown. Other signs are bloating,wind, regular headaches and an afternoon energy slump.” We know what we eat – but what does Gillian like best? “My all-time favourite breakfast is a mango smoothie with some banana and peach. It’s a great internal cleanser and wonderful for breakfast poured over berries. My favourite recipe is my Adzuki Bean Bake. (Fancy trying it yourself? Gillian has kindly let us reproduce the recipe for you – see the end of the article). Is Gillian really as tough in real life? Should we be scared? “I am often very tough on my clients. I was not always like this and some of my earliest clients have seen a different side of me. “One day a client came into my office and banged down a bottle of vodka and a packet of cigarettes on my table. She said that she may be dying but she was never going to give them up. Suddenly I heard a loud voice scream “Get the heck out of my office!”. She looked as taken aback as I was ... and then the voice came again. It was me! “She was furious with me, but then she burst into tears. She told me she had had cancer twice and was absolutely terrified that she would get it again. She promised to pour the vodka away and to get rid of the cigarettes. She also signed an affidavit promising if she deviated she would give money to charity. It was from that day that I became true to myself and said things how they are.”

Would you like to avail yourself of Gillian’s tough love? Although she is booked up in her clinic for the best part of this century, you can now get a tailored and totally personalised eating plan via her website: “I wanted to give people the same tools I would give them if they see me in the office. It is important to help people from all walks of life – I want to reach everybody. Dr Gillian’s Personal Health Profile is one way to do this.” So – are you inspired? Start the new you by trying Gillian’s Adzuki Bean Bake After all … you are what you eat! Adzuki Bean Bake* (2 large servings) 1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for brushing 1 medium onion, peeled and chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 1 small squash, peeled and diced 1 large carrot, peeled and diced 1 celery stick, trimmed and sliced 500ml just-boiled water 1 tsp organic vegetable bouillon (stock) powder 165g cooked adzuki beans 1 medium leek, trimmed and sliced 2 tsp cornflour or arrowroot blended with 1 tsp cold water to make a smooth paste 1 large sweet potato, cut into 5 mm slices

4. Pour the just-boiled water over the vegetables and stir in the bouillon powder. 5. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. 6. Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas 6. 7. Stir the sliced leek and adzuki beans into the vegetable mixture. Return to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 8. Add the cornflour or arrowroot mixture and cook for about 1 minute until the sauce thickens, stirring. 9. Remove from the heat and transfer carefully into a 900ml ovenproof dish. 10. Arrange slices of sweet potato on top of the bean and vegetable mix. Brush with a little oil and bake for about 30 minutes until the potato is soft. 11. Serve with freshly cooked Savoy cabbage, green beans or broccoli and raw mangetout. *Courtesy of Dr Gillian McKeith and Penguin Books.

1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan with a tiny bit of water, so you are ‘water sauteing’, not frying in the normal sense. 2. Gently water saute the onion and garlic for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. 3. Add the squash, carrot and celery. Cook with the onion and garlic for 2 minutes, stirring regularly.

57 Vision 15

Summer Solstice, Midsummer, Litha, June 21st-23rd.


arm greetings once again to all Vision readers! The sun is at its height in the sky, bathing us in its warm golden rays, which not only makes us feel healthier but also happier. We glow on the outside with expectations and excitement, wishing for a good summer. With the long warm evenings, we feel ready to explore new avenues of thought and be more adventurous. This is the time when witches traditionally collect their plants and herbs for magickal use as they are at their most potent and powerful at this time of year. This is because they are filled with the energy of the sun. When collecting plants and herbs, don’t forget to ask the spirit of the plant for permission to take them and always leave an offering of some kind. This is particularly true of Elderflower, which graces our hedgerows and makes excellent potions and wines. It is sacred to the goddess so don’t forget to ask her before you remove any! Bright Blessings


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The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year, from this point on the days get shorter and the nights grow longer. The Goddess is pregnant and the God is the king of summer and is at his peak. On this day witches traditionally celebrate abundance,

fertility, virility and the beauty of nature and all it has to offer. This is a good time for handfastings (marriage ceremonies); male rituals; workings of empowerment and the consummation and completion of any projects. Normally a Midsummer rite is performed outdoors but you can use anywhere that is felt to be magickal or suitable for your needs. A fire is traditionally lit in honour of the ‘Sun God’. Jumping through the flames is said to purify and renew energies (think safety, when doing this).

Goddess of the Month White Buffalo Woman: Strictly speaking, White Buffalo Woman is not a Goddess. She is more representative of communication with the ‘Great Spirit’ through prayer (with clear intent for Peace, Harmony and Balance for all life living on Mother Earth). I felt it would be interesting to look at the ‘Native American Legend’ of White Buffalo Woman. Two braves were out hunting when they saw a figure approaching from a distance. The figure turned out to be a beautiful woman in white buckskin. The first brave recognised her sacredness and warned the other against trying to ‘have his way with her’. The second brave did not listen and approached the woman. He and the woman were suddenly enveloped in a white cloud and, when the cloud lifted, all that was left of the second brave was a pile of bones. The woman in the white buckskin then went to the first brave’s village and presented the villagers with a sacred pipe and demonstrated the all-important ceremony of the pipe. She also told them of six other rites that would be made known to the tribe in time. Then she left. As she left she transformed into a red buffalo calf; then a yellow buffalo; then a white buffalo; then finally, a black buffalo. The changing of the four colours of the White Buffalo Woman was seen as representative of the four colours of man: white, yellow, red and black. These colours also represent the four directions. The White Buffalo Woman can be called upon to help in matters of conflict, as she brings peace and enlightenment.

8 x medium stones 1 x yellow candle 1 x fireproof dish 1 x small red pouch handful of lavender/chamomile/vervain Use a special place outside if you can. Place the 8 stones on the ground forming a circle. Start in the north and, going clockwise until the circle is complete lay stones at all the compass directions and in between. Now place your herbs in the red pouch. As you do this, imagine any upsets or problems being absorbed by the herbs. After you have finished, tie the bag closed with a piece of red ribbon. Light the yellow candle and a little fire in the fireproof dish. Now stand at the north and ask for the presence of the God and Goddess to witness this rite. Say “O, great Goddess and God, nature is at its strongest and most vibrant, the earth is bathed with your energies of warmth and light, it is now the time to put our worries and upset behind us, enabling us to move forward with love and light. I ask for you to take away all these worries and cares, cleansing me of any hurt and pain”. Now take the red pouch and throw it into the fire, saying “I am cleansed, I am purified, I am free and it harms none, so let it be”. Thank the Goddess and God for their presence at your ritual, (you can make an offering of wine or cider by pouring it onto Mother Earth). Allow the fire to burn down, then snuff out the candle. You can celebrate with a small feast.

Real beauty comes from within; to be glamorous we must think positively about ourselves and project it from the inside out. Thoughts are living things; love, cherish and nuture the positive ones! Now and again it does no harm to have a little help to boost our self esteem: when we feel great we make others feel great too! Ingredients 1 small piece of red cloth 1 small length of pink ribbon 1 hair from your own head Gold glitter 1 small magnet This spell is best performed on a full moon. 1. Take the magnet and place it on the piece of red cloth. Place the hair on the same cloth. 2. Take the glitter and sprinkle it onto the red cloth, as you do this close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by golden light.

Witches’ Kitchen Coriander Gender: Masculine Planet: Mars Element: Fire Powers: Love, health, healing Magickal Uses: Coriander can be used in love sachets and love spells. The powdered seeds can be added to wine to make a lust potion. The seeds can also be used for healing ailments such as headaches or digestive problems; they can be eaten or worn for this purpose. It is said that if pregnant women eat coriander their unborn child will be very clever!

3. Tie up the cloth with the items still inside, with the pink ribbon. 4. Place the bundle on the windowsill in the moonlight and allow it to charge overnight with the moon’s rays. The next day you may take the bundle and carry it with you. Each time that you feel the bundle in your pocket, or touch it, remind yourself that you are an attractive and glamourous person and that you can enchant anyone that you meet. This is a positive affirmation of the work that you have already done when you made the pouch – and will increase it’s power. Keep the pouch with you at all times, everyone you meet will be captivated by your charm, if they are not already!

59 Vision 15

60 Vision 15

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Paula Garton takes a look at the effect of the planets in June Jupiter is in retrograde: Watch out for overconfidence; legal battles and restrictions - especially concerning religion!


his month sees the outer planets of our solar system going backwards in the sky, as opposed to the personal planets (or planets closer to the Sun and Earth). Jupiter is still moving backwards relatively slowly; getting ready to turn direct again on the 6th July. The excessive actions which result from this, overconfidence and optimism in expectations, can cause religious difficulties as people are more vocal in their beliefs. This can lead to more protests and uprisings at home and abroad. It will be a month of legal battles and involvements with corporate finances, taxes and insurance dealings, as a negative beam of energy from Saturn causes problems, restrictions and delays in the movement of finance and agreements. As Jupiter is in Scorpio there could be a tendency towards vengeance when hurt, but powerful enemies could change their attitude and become your friends and allies when Jupiter turns direct. Saturn is moving forward but is in Leo, this combination will give people a need for recognition and a sense of importance. They will want to control their environment with a dictatorial,

62 Vision 15

Saturn moves into Leo: Egos come into play- watch out for investments and shares and beware of becoming too rigid in your views

Neptune turns retrograde: Emotions run high, but families benefit from the enhanced intuition of their members

dogmatic attitude. Governments and people in general will be more egotistical, stubborn and rigid in their attitudes and beliefs, which will add fuel to the feeling of being controlled. Governments and corporate bodies will want power and control in matters of education, entertainment and business affairs, so more restrictive laws are likely. There is also likely to be a tightening of laws on child abuse and crimes related to children; as there will be more revelations in the media creating a need to revise the law. Investments and shares also suffer at this time. With the moon in Leo on the 1st and 2nd and the 28th and 29th June the emotional repercussions will be felt more strongly as people feel the need to protect their children and show their resentment at governmental control in the wrong areas. Neptune appeared to turn backwards on 22nd May, so during June it will be travelling slowly, about half its normal speed. When retrograde, people are more sensitive emotionally, needing to achieve the ideal situation in life and not wanting to deal with the harshness of reality. Family needs are more acute, with a desire to help others who are less fortunate or ill. This sensitivity allows

people to instinctively know how to help their family in the most beneficial way without being told what to do. Families can use these astrological energies to become closer as we each become less selfish, putting others’ needs before our own. Unfortunately, the desire to avoid reality can lead to people avoiding their responsibilities to work, or commitments previously made in favour of an easier life. They’ll be wanting to take time out and stay at home with their family. Globally, this energy can reduce productivity and create a feeling of lethargy and lack of ambition. We may find that we will be deluding ourselves that we will win the lottery and retire to our fantasy island in the sun. This same energy does have an up side, when positively expressed it gives more ability in the arts, enhancing the talents of gifted people as well as improving spiritual contacts and sensitivity to the afterlife. It can create more spiritual activity in homes as loved ones who have passed over try to contact their relatives. This should be more strongly felt between the 1st and the 12th of June when the Sun sends a positive beam of energy to Neptune allowing it to release its qualities in this way.

Let Vision’s no-nonsense astrologer James Christie guide you through the month ahead...


he key word for June is compromise. In the early and latter part of the month it is associated with business and professional matters, while in the middle of the month it is more associated with a special emotional relationship. Where the professional compromises are concerned, people will be eager and willing to meet you more than half way, but in the personal compromises, you may have to give rather more than you might reasonably expect to. Over the whole of June there will be some nagging concern for a third party’s health, and while your concern is natural and commendable you are best advised to keep your thoughts to yourself. Health aspects have broader influences when applied to you personally and this might be a very good time to ease off the booze, quit your 20 a day habit, and make some serious efforts to lose a bit of weight and purify your diet. Cash spent on private health care is money well invested.

Your June Forecast Cash & Career: Some business plans will need to be changed slightly – ‘streamlined’ is the word that comes to mind – but this is something that you must initiate. There may be a few raised eyebrows, but no real opposition. Travel aspects tying in with professional matters are likely to be relevant around the 7th and 8th and again later in the month around the 22nd and 23rd. If you find you have to travel alone rather than with friends or with a partner, then this is the way it’s got to be. There will be an important period between the 23rd and 28th when you need to be open and honest with emotional partners, bringing them in on your professional plans, and working hard to gain their support and co-operation. Also, towards the very end of the month, one particular contract that has financial implications for the autumn and the winter ahead will need your attention. Do not be afraid of adding codicils and asking relevant questions.

22 May – 21 June

Relationships: As I have already implied, there will be some important compromises demanded of you in the middle of the month and although you might feel a bit miffed if you’re offering someone the mile and they’re demanding the motorway, it is still in your best interests to go with the flow. Giving in on a few minor matters of principle now will enable you to gain on more important issues later on in the year (October?) when there are greater issues at stake. One does not get the impression that nights of wild passion are that relevant in June, but if you’re the kind of Gemini that needs to feel needed then this month has a great deal to offer. Emotional partnerships become stronger and forge new depths of meaning between the 12th and the 20th and also, over the whole of this month, there will be a tendency for a professional relationship to take on a more personal connotation – and this is quite splendid for all concerned!

Your June Forecast


hile June looks like being a very full and productive month, it is not without its problems. One of the key (and recurring) problems comes from a partner who feels that they are not getting the attention they deserve. While you might think “Oh, for goodness’ sake, not again!” you ignore this trend at your peril! Another aspect that ties in with partnerships concerns an opportunity for you to let your hair down a bit on the social scene, but here you run the risk of being accused of insensitivity and flirtatiousness. Work routines become very heavy and intense around the 13th of June, and as they do, so also will the tension mount in your domestic environment. You will either sit on it and suppress it, or will throw all caution to the winds and open the door to a major argument on either the 28th or 29th, which is probably the best option if you’re just trying to clear the air, but is not your best option if you’ve got anything to hide.

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Cash & Career: Without a doubt there are some very good career openings and job opportunities in June, with one special opportunity demanding your attention around the 7th or 8th. You will see this as a genuine opportunity to execute a short cut, to get ahead and make a bit of a killing, and it is hardly surprising that your ego will feel flattered and your confidence will get a major boost. You will assume that other people will be pleased and happy for you – but this is not the case, I’m afraid. Rather, there will be frustration and anger from a partner who will see this new professional opportunity as the last straw and no small degree of envy from so called friends and colleagues who think you’ve already got quite enough power and influence already, thank you very much. You are going to react by feeling angry and hurt and upset by the lack of support you’re getting, and from your side of the wall, you will have certainly have a point. From the other side of the wall, those

22 June – 22 July other people, whether they are partners, friends or colleagues, will also have a point – and this is something that you really must take into consideration. Relationships: If June is going to be a sexy month in any sense of that word at all, it comes in stolen moments and has a distinctly illicit feel to it. Certainly this is going to be a highly charged month, wherein a few emotions do reach boiling point and you may find your back to the wall when a partner challenges you with a Sophie’s Choice and lays down an ultimatum or two. Between the 21st and 28th you’re going to have to decide whether a relationship is “on” or whether it’s “off” and realise that if you want it to be “on” you’ve got to put a lot more into it than you have done so far. You could argue that you have already given so much and that is probably true, but the secret is to give what the other person needs to receive and not just what you think they should have – or what you feel you can afford to give.

Your June Forecast


his is a period wherein many Leos will find themselves suffering from ‘Brittas Syndrome’, namely prancing around and saying “I’m in charge” when anybody or anything gets in their way. Do this with your tongue in your cheek and there will be a positive response from friends and colleagues, do it seriously and you’ll cause some alienation that you could well do without. This is a time when you probably need all the help you can get to achieve some of your more ambitious objectives and goals. Having said that, apart from one sluggish period between the 13th and the 17th when nothing seems to come right, June is quite a brisk month and you should have plenty of ‘oomph’ and energy that will tend to push you into the spotlight and provide you with rather more than your fair share of personal popularity. Watch out for a particularly exciting few days around the 27th, 28th and 29th when risk-taking brings high rewards.

23 July – 22 Aug

Cash & Careers: Those people

Relationships: The old adage of

born in the House of Leo are in many ways the natural leaders of the zodiac and this leadership energy is going to be very much to the forefront throughout June. The secret of your success is to lead through example, so if you’re not prepared to do yourself what you are asking other people to do, there will be some resistance to your plans and ideas especially around the 7th and the 14th. In all business affairs a little tact and diplomacy will go a long way, but there is a situation arising around the 18th or 19th when a very direct and uncompromising stance needs to be taken in your dealings with a bank, building society or other financial institution, that has basically done its sums wrong and caused a monumental problem. Putting a single decimal point in the wrong place or missing out that extra zero could cause chaos, so check accounts and statements very carefully at this time.

“if you’ve got it, flaunt it”, does not serve you well at this time. It will cause jealousy, envy and resentment among third parties, so you are best advised to keep your successes to yourself. As long as you know what you’ve got and what you’ve had to do to get it, that’s fine! I suspect there may be a pocket of emotional conflict on or around the 14th, which will do something positive to strengthen established relationships, but will probably cause a breach in lightweight affairs and sexual dalliances. Parent/child relationships could be adversely affected by this energy, especially the daughter-mother-daughter thing, so be aware and be tactful! Towards the end of June, say the 27th onwards, there is a surge of fresh energy coming on line that will give you the extra confidence needed to be impulsive and unconventional and to take an obvious short-cut when the opportunity presents itself.

Your June Forecast


he first week or so of June looks like being a laid back period wherein you can either relax and go with the flow – or gnash your teeth with frustration because things aren’t happening fast enough, or worse, they’re not happening at all! My advice is to pull back a little from the battleground of life and use the period between the 1st and the 8th to reassess some of your future plans and re-evaluate some of your current social contacts. As a result of this process there will be something of a pruning and a purging around the 17th or 18th, when you will be successful in cutting away some dead wood from your life. If this means ending a fair weather friendship or walking away from someone else’s problems, it is a worthwhile price to pay. Even though your social circle may shrink a little midmonth, there is a welcome boost to your social life around the 23rd and 24th – which is, coincidentally, a time for initiating important new friendships and associations.

66 Vision 15

23 Aug – 22 Sept

Cash & Careers: ‘Slog, slog,

Relationships: It’s never a good

boring, boring’ is the kind of routine you’ll be battling through during the first week or ten days of June, but once we’ve got past the 10th, things do lighten up a bit. Armed with some new knowledge you’ll become notably more self-assertive and won’t be in much of a mood to cut other people too much slack if they’re not pulling their weight. Some change of job routine or career strategy serves you well between the 20th and 28th; and if you find yourself in conversation with bosses and employers, don’t just tell them what you think they want to hear – rather, tell them what you really think and don’t pull any punches. You’ll either impress or appal, but one way or another you get the desired effect. Money is not the highest thing on your work agenda right now, but you are looking for a greater degree of respect and recognition and if you can’t get it from one job; it may well be time for you to move on to another where you can be truly appreciated for who you are and what you’ve done.

idea to be complacent, but nevertheless you’re probably going to move through this month of June with a smug little smile of self-satisfaction written large upon your face. There may be some tension and frustration on the work scene, but this does not carry over into affairs of the heart. Indeed, some of the tension at work may well be caused by inner feelings of resentment if your job responsibilities are getting in the way of the personal pleasures of your love life! As far as that love life is concerned, while there is an imperative sexual agenda, there is also the vibration of pure romance, and whatever is happening here it isn’t lightweight or transient. Rather than playing games, you’re playing for keeps, and if promises and commitments are being made, they are being made with deeply serious intent. Thus, in my opinion, you are quite right to put affairs of the heart before matters of the mind, and if a job is getting in the way of your love life, jettison the job!

Your June Forecast


he powerful emotional trends of May carry over into June and, if anything, gather in pace and momentum to such an extent that no matter what is happening with business and career aspects, affairs of the heart and your sexual agenda reign supreme. Even if you come in for some criticism around the 8th or 9th from someone who feels you should be taking your life more seriously, your confidence will remain undented because as far as you are concerned you will be taking your life – well, that is to say your love life – very seriously indeed. Frankly, it doesn’t matter a hoot whether you’re sixteen or seventy-three, male, female, gay or straight, these positive emotional trends are consistent across the board. By the end of the month (let’s think specifically about the 24th, 25th and 26th when something very special falls into place for you), you’ll have no doubt that to follow your heart in all things is the only way to go!

23 sept – 23 Oct

Cash & Careers: Social aspects

Relationships: Well, as you’ll

have an influence on business affairs during the first five or six days of June and I see no reason why these two elements of your life cannot harmonise very nicely in this period. There will be some work pressures building up between the 7th and the 11th and you probably will have to put in a bit of overtime to bring a few things up to speed. Where necessary, make a point of delegating responsibilities and don’t try to do everything yourself, which you usually have a tendency to do. There are a couple of days around the 19th, which are a bit tricky – you really do have to keep your mind on the ball, but that might be difficult if there are lots of external distractions. VAT returns clash on the scale of priorities, with dreams of midnight trysts with a lover who is a lot more exciting than the Inland Revenue accounts and pension plans. Having said that, inland revenues and pension plans will be on the agenda – somewhere.

probably gather if you’ve read this column so far, affairs of the heart are still right at the top of the leader board in the great scheme of things and this is a period for relationships to get a lot tighter and cosier than they have been so far. The romantic trends really are good, but there is one tiny word of warning here. Perhaps it isn’t such a good idea to let your emotions become so intense that you find yourself suffering from tunnel vision! Group activities with families and friends needn’t dampen romantic ardour and at the end of the day, it can be fun to share your happiness with other people. Looking at it in another light, you can’t stay in bed every day making love every hour on the hour without a bit of boredom creeping in somewhere along the line, can you? Yes, well, knowing you, maybe you can, but it still wouldn’t do any harm to get out a bit more and do something to integrate your love life with your social life.

Your June Forecast


here’s a competitive breeze in the wind this month and whether you’re looking to make gains in the boardroom or the bedroom, there are other people out there who are after exactly the same things. Although you can win well and triumph, you aren’t going to do it by sitting on your behind and waiting for your Fairy Godmother to come and wave a magic wand in your favour. You want it? Then go out there and fight for it! If you can’t get it by fair means, just remember that the guy who nearly caught the train was still left waiting on the platform. In other words, if you’re serious about your ambitions, the end justifies the means – and I’ll leave that one for you to work out for yourself. In any case, what’s the point in you playing the game all nice and clean and above board if your competitors are going to play dirty? If I were you, I would do unto others as they would do unto

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you... and especially this month when you must make sure that you do it first! Cash & Careers: On June 7th somebody is going to take you to task and present you with a challenge. You might not feel like a fight, but how much do you want what you want? How much do you want to keep what you’ve got? Maybe you’ve got to accept this challenge and put up a fight whether you like it or not. Between the 15th and the 21st someone is removed from your place of work – either they quit or they’re sacked – and this provides you with a short cut to success. You might worry about the morality, but you’d be a fool not to make the most of this opportunity when it comes knocking on your door. By the end of the month you’ll be feeling more confident and secure than you were at the beginning of the month, but there is still a nasty taste in your mouth and you may well come to realise that it might be

24 Oct – 23 Nov

time for you to move on to something new. Relationships: One way or another, the nature of a key relationship changes this month. You’ll be making every effort to make something work: ladies will buy expensive perfume and decadent lingerie, while gentlemen will go courting with their cheque books. However, if you’re not getting what you want by June 22nd, that’s when you’re probably going to draw a line under something and say to yourself that enough is enough and move on. If you can’t get what you’re looking for from Peter you’ll go and see what Paul or Tom, Dick and Harry have to offer. It works the same way for the guys: if one female is messing you about, time to walk away and take up football and booze, or do something to find another female who is more appreciative of what you have to offer.

Your June Forecast


lovely month for looking at – and discussing – a number of new ideas that affect all aspects of your lifestyle. By and large your opinions will be well received, but if there is some criticism from a partner or significant other, take it as constructive criticism and make a point of taking their opinions on board. Overseas links become relevant towards the month’s end, especially for Sagittarians who already have family ties with people living in other countries. Parent / child relationships are highlighted, and there might be a few problems in the wind for parents who have kids in their early teens. They are not yet adults, but you can no longer treat them like children. (Well, I’d like to see you put a six foot sixteen year old across your knee and give him the good spanking that he deserves!) There may at this time also be some discussion about changes in a partner’s career pathway

and how those changes may affect family life and domestic routines. Cash & Careers: Without putting too fine a point on it, there will be a build up of dissatisfaction on the job scene and on more than one occasion you’ll be thinking about new career pathways, even if it means going back to school! It would do no harm to take on some new knowledge and acquire a few relevant qualifications anyway. It isn’t so much the job that’s getting you down but more probably your work environment – and some of the people you have working around you. A mood of career claustrophobia may well push you into looking at some very off-the-wall ideas about how you can earn a living and have a more fun doing it. In your place of work, keep these thoughts to yourself, but when talking with family and friends, let them know exactly how you are feeling. You will be pleasantly surprised

24 Nov – 21 Dec

at how much support and understanding will be forthcoming. Relationships: The last few months has seen a dominant family trend influencing the House of Sagittarius and this gathers weight throughout June. However, for single members of the sign there does appear to be something new and an accidental meeting with a member of the opposite sex between the 5th and the 8th could quite easily lead to something more significant around the 19th or 20th. Also, changes of address for Sagittarians in their late teens to early mid-twenties do have romantic and sexual agendas and the word “cohabitation” is ringing a bell in my head. Now this is a situation that might cause a problem for parents, but if you’re seventeen or twenty-three and you’re in love or in lust, it’s your parents’ problem, not yours! You may be young but you’re old enough to get a life of your own.

Your June Forecast


une is busting out all over – and so will you be if you don’t join a gym or go on that diet you’ve been talking about for months! But seriously (not that I wasn’t being serious), this is a month for imposing some self-discipline across the board. For some people it will mean what you eat, for others what you drink and maybe smoke, and for a third lot it might even concern what you say. All Capricorns have to tighten the belt on their personal spending, and while this does not mean financial difficulties in June, it does point the finger at some expensive bills piling up in July and August. I think some self discipline must also be applied to work commitments; you only have so much physical energy and this needs to be measured and conserved, because when Capricorns get tired they become cranky and take it out on everyone else. I’m married to a Capricorn: so I should know!

70 Vision 15

Cash & Careers: The period

between June 9th and 14th is a positive time for making some important business and career decisions, which in turn bring long term ambitions one critical step closer. Cash aspects are very favourable between the 1st and the 15th, but care must be taken not to overspend as everything you’re earning is already earmarked for later in the year. You’ll find yourself getting very tense around the 17th when (a) you’re faced with a challenge you could well do without and (b) feel totally out of control of what’s going on around you. These crises are passed by the 21st, at which time you’ll feel quite pleased with how well you handled things. Although there may be some temptation beckoning, try not to take on extra work responsibilities this month, especially in the latter three or four days when your energy levels are likely to be quite low.

22 Dec - 20 Jan

Relationships: Although June is potentially a bright and sunny month for affairs of the heart, there are one or two pitfalls that will cause you problems if you don’t do something to avoid them. Between the 1st and 6th there is likely to be a falling out between partners over the silliest of little things. If there are matters of principle involved, make sure you’re not the kettle who is calling the pot black! On the 17th or 18th, feelings of insecurity may provoke a mood of jealousy, and this does need to be sat on quite hard or you could end up ruining what is essentially a very happy time for other key people around you. Once you’re past the 20th, there is a lighter and more positive mood making its presence felt. This could be an opportune time for taking the pressure off, putting your feet up and enjoying a break from your usual commitments and routines. Take advantage of it while you can!

Your June Forecast


hile there are no major threats or dangers, June will be a spiky month especially where one-toone relationships are concerned. Arguments? No, not really – but certainly some long and rather intense discussions and conversations; as you thrash out a few things that have caused irritation and annoyance over the past few weeks. Also on the agenda are a few long-term plans and, in principle at any rate, some compromises will have to be made between partners who want the same things but have different ideas about how they should go about getting them. There is a feeling of stability on the work scene, but with that stability there is also an aura of boredom and you’ll be thinking of new jobs and career directions. Having said that, something quite positive that affects work routines does fall into place around the 15th and this may stay your hand for a while. Just for the record, this

is not a good time to be impatient or impulsive – although you’ll probably feel like being both. Cash & Careers: If there is (and I suggest that there will be) an element of boredom and predictability creeping into your work routines, it is probably because you are over-qualified for the job that you are doing. If you can stretch yourself and take on new challenges this will help – and if you can’t, then some moonlighting or extra-curricular work activity might do the trick. Certainly there are some new ideas causing a degree of excitement and enthusiasm around the 15th or 16th and between the 22nd and 25th a new mood of financial confidence starts making its presence felt. There may be a problem with transport and commuting around the 28th, so check car servicing records and public transport timetables. Oddly, there may be some opposition to your career

21 Jan – 19 Feb ambitions coming from a lover or partner who does not want you to start rocking the boat. Relationships: At their core, relationships are strong enough to withstand a few storms and squalls: and June is a month where there are going to be a few storms and squalls! You’ll find yourself crossing swords with someone over silly things and although there may be some principles at stake, just remember that you shouldn’t let your pride get in the way of common sense. If you’re going to disagree about something, disagree about something important and not the length of a hemline on a skirt! Tensions ease around the 24th and between the 24th and 30th there is a brighter mood of communication and compromise. However, you’ll still end the month wondering just how well other people in general, and one person in particular, really understands you.

Your June Forecast


une isn’t the best month for taking any kind of risk. This doesn’t mean you should sit twiddling your thumbs waiting for the danger to pass – just be careful and thoughtful about what you’re doing. If you can get some good quality leisure time, this will be a boon and in my opinion you should go out of your way to avoid any kind of stress. Of course, this is easier said than done, but do at least try! Care also needs to be taken in other respects – for example, on the job scene you may be tempted to tell a boss or a colleague exactly what you think of them before making a proud and dignified exit. Don’t do this! Just zip the lip and keep your opinions to yourself. They may be totally valid, but other people just don’t want to hear them right now. Finally, a little bit of care taken over health matters wouldn’t go amiss. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep and that your diet is okay.

72 Vision 15

20 Feb – 20 Mar

Cash & Careers: If, especially

Relationships: You should have

towards the middle of the month, someone offers you a job or some new work, think twice before accepting. Even if you’re desperate, just hold back a bit, and see how much the ante is raised to your advantage. Needless to say, if someone wants you to take up the role of being a deck hand on a submarine (or anything like it) just say no and walk away, but better offers will be worth waiting for! Offers and opportunities will be coming your way between the 16th and the 20th and you can afford to be selective in your responses. Travel aspects and journeys are on the cards for the late days of June, and if this is in connection with leisure, pleasure and vacations then that’s absolutely fine. If, on the other hand, it’s more of a looseended business trip maybe you need to ask yourself if this journey is really necessary.

made a number of important (possibly subtle, but nonetheless important) emotional gains in May and the challenge that faces you in June is to make sure you hang on to them. Therefore, if, around the 2nd or 3rd you’re given the opportunity to change your mind about something, see it not as an opportunity but as a temptation to be avoided. On the 18th,19th or 20th a lover or partner will ask a special favour which means you changing some work related plans and causing a degree of inconvenience. Even so, please make a point of saying “yes” to this favour because (a) you really can’t afford to say no and (b) this favour brings many greater favours in return. A few Pisceans will be looking towards the green grass on the far side of the hill, but here again, exercise care and restraint. That green grass has been heavily sprayed with DDT and Agent Orange!

Your June Forecast


uite an up and down start to the month of June, with some high highs coming in around the 1st 2nd and 3rd, but a couple of lows slowing you down around the 5th, 6th and 7th. This could possibly be caused by a pocket of ill health, combined with indecision on a professional matter. However, by June 9th you’ll find that you’re on a much more even keel and that the pace and tempo of the month increases. Some very nice family situations appear between the 17th and the 20th that will be both stressful and pleasurable. Travel aspects on the 20th and 21st look good and there is a significant boost to your social life from the 25th onwards. One special event will be arranged for the 28th or 29th, which has more than just a social connotation. In connection with this there may be some awkward division of loyalties if you’re trying to please too many people at the same time.

21 Mar – 20 Apr

Cash & Careers: June is going to

Relationships: Rather a curious

be an expensive month and there’s a whole lot more going out than there is coming in! Having said that, this expenditure has probably been budgeted for and you will be getting something of worth back for your money. Events scheduled between the 17th and the 20th and again from the 27th to the 30th will

emotional profile to the month of June insofar as while someone will be working very hard to please, encourage and impress around the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, there is still likely to be some kind of argument around the 5th, 6th or 7th. This is caused by a mood of emotional tension and the feeling that you are being pressurised into making choices you’re not quite ready to make. This will all be sorted out by the 8th or 9th and some rather fabulous red letter days get put into your diary from the 17th of June onwards. It is likely that these will open doors to a greater degree of romantic and emotional harmony, while at the same time increasing the enjoyment of your social life. Important reunions are very relevant in the second half of the month, and you may also be instrumental in bringing third parties together who have been separated for a number of years.

see your hand forever dipping into your purse or pocket. If, on more than one occasion, you find yourself panicking a little bit, just take a big breath, bend the plastic, and resign yourself to the fact that you’ve got the rest of the summer to sort out the debts and balance the accounts. Not a great deal of change or revolution on the job scene, and looking at your cheque book stubs you’ll be relieved to know that career positions and job prospects are secure, even if they are restrictive and not always as exciting as you might wish them to be.

Your June Forecast


am writing this report at three o’clock in the morning. Looking at certain aspects of this chart makes me think of dear old Freddy Mercury singing, “I want to break free!” at the top of his talented voice. There is a relationship of sentiment here, for while June promises to be a busy and interesting month with lots going on, both in the business and personal aspects of your world, there is a part of you that wants to break free from this routine as you dream of drinking Bacardi on deserted beach in Barbados or writing poems on a mountain top in Tibet. This is a reflection of the fact that whatever you are doing, whoever you are doing it with, and whoever you are doing it for, you are very much in need of just a little more time and space purely for yourself. However wonderful life may be in some respects, you are still chained by too many restrictions. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s high summer (but the English weather is still predictably awful) that has something to do with this ambiguous state of mind.

74 Vision 15

Cash & Career: Even though your heart might not be in it 100%, June still looks like being a very busy month and there are encouraging indications of increased cash flow in the here and now, with even greater bounty coming on line in the autumn. All aspects appertaining to communication seem to be of very great importance, especially between the 20th and 30th. During this period you may find yourself spending a lot more time on the telephone with a much heavier mailbag to sort out. Amid the junk, there will be an important personal letter that will demand an immediate reply and a couple of business propositions, both of which will need your undivided attention. Taureans who are actively involved in the arts will find themselves up against tight deadlines with the temptation to cut corners. Better to buy yourself a bit more time if you can. Relationships: Providing you keep your mouth shut and go with the flow there won’t be any major emotional problems in June. The question is, of

21 Apr – 21 May course, will you be able to keep your mouth shut? The truth is, it might be a little bit difficult when there are too many other people around you telling you what you can and can’t do and reminding you of what is expected of you. Nevertheless, it isn’t all tension and frustration, and you can look forward to family reunions around the 17th with some major celebrations occurring around the 28th and 29th. Single Taureans who are looking for some new romantic involvement will probably be disappointed, although, curiously, there could be some excitement in the wind for members of the sign who are in committed relationships. The trouble is this “excitement” comes from outside the relationship and therefore you need to be very, very careful how you handle it, if you handle it at all! Enjoy the frisson, but think carefully before you act. On a different note entirely, relationships between parents and children now enter a very warm and constructive period with new bonds being forged across the board.

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by Diana Jarvis

Recommended Great Spirit Told Me by Michael Looking Coyote A peaceful meditation CD which incorporates a combination of music, taken from the CD Summoning The Spirit and the spoken word, with the voice of Michael Looking Coyote. Based on the principles of indigenous people, this CD is calming, uplifting, cleansing and energizing for the soul. This passive meditation allows the mind to wander wherever it feels, it is not directed to any particular path or visualization and because of this it is possible to engage with yourself and whatever is brought forward. There is great benefit in looking inwardly and re-examining values and perceptions to enable us to change and

Living Food for Health by Gillian McKeith (Piatkus, £7.99) Hot on the heels of the success of her previous book, Gillian McKeith lists those foods that she has found most efficacious in the treatment of a number of common ailments as well as being all round goodguys in the fight for health. A good book to dip into for useful information on health and well-being in general, Gillian gives us every good reason to try out foodstuffs that she considers essential to a well-balanced diet for body and mind.

A lot of information can be gleaned about how the body works just by reading the book – even more if you actually try the foods! There are some simple recipes to accompany every foodstuff and some fascinating case studies. Gillian’s nononsense and blunt approach permeates the whole book and continues to make her the one person who scares you into caring about your body! If her success continues, the next generation will be telling their children to eat up their greens or Gillian will get them!

The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja by Ross Heaven (Healing Arts Press, £11.99) When we hear the word Ninja, images will be conjured up of black-clad, cloaked figures with Samurai swords who move in the dark soundlessly and kill just as quietly. Alternatively, we may recall strange animated talking turtles with backpacks that have the names of Renaissance painters. This book is not really about either! The Ninja were indeed a warrior elite. However, what is missed out from those movies is the incredible spirituality of these people. This book is written to put this right and to help those that would like to learn some Ninja secrets and follow the spiritual warrior path. You will not need to turn yourself invisible and deal with demons … well not external ones, anyway. This book is about mastery and understanding of yourself, using Ninja techniques. Enter the four gateways: the Magus; the Lover; the Soul Warrior and the Seeker and move through initiations in all these areas. You will be guided along the way with many visualisations, meditations and even physical techniques. I found that this book was excellent as a guide to the spirituality of the Ninja, as well as

76 Vision 15

make the most of ourselves. Traditional native flute, native percussion, piano, acoustic and electric nine string guitars, as well as the voice of Michael Looking Coyote all combine to create an atmosphere which really puts you in the natural wilderness. An interesting and helpful inlay accompanies the CD: this can be utilized as a guide and includes details about meditation as well as personal details about Michael Looking Coyote. Track seven, Bear Foot Walker, and track eight, Hear Me My Creator are perhaps my favourites, they are both grounding and give one a sense of perspective, as well as hope and enlightenment. I found the whole CD peaceful and motivating and would recommend it to help you take time out and relax. It worked really well for more, especially combined with low lighting and incense. Allison Horwitz Don’t miss the chance to buy a copy of this wonderful CD – see the advert on P20 for full details and how to order your copy.

being useful to dip into. Without doubt, you will learn a lot about yourself as a person if you try any of these techniques. Maybe you too, will be able to walk on hot coals as Ross has done, when you have finished the book. Perhaps not, but you will almost certainly have a plethora of new ideas to use that will enhance your spiritual progression. “When there is a light in the darkness that comprehends the darkness, darkness no longer prevails.” Carl Jung. Reader Offer: Fancy yourself as a Ninja? Here’s your opportunity to learn how and save yourself some money. Deep Books are offering Vision readers The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja for £10.00 including FREE P & P, that’s a saving of over £2. To take advantage of this offer, call Deep Books direct on 0208 693 0234 and quote Vision magazine.

Music for Pets by Margrit Coates and Perry Wood (New World Music, £12.95) It is also known that animals respond very favourably to music and this CD is designed to provide just the type of music that will allow them to chill out as you do! Full of superb classical tracks with glorious piano melodies that will help you to relax as well as your pet, you simply can’t go wrong with this. The CD has been used successfully in Veterinary Practices as well as by members of the Kennel Club to achieve peace and tranquillity amongst their animals: in the case of a Veterinary practice that is some feat! I believe that this CD will be especially useful in traumatic situations. How about half an hour of Music for Pets before you take Rex to the Vet? Or a session in the house to minimise the sound of the bangs from Guy Fawkes’ Night? Peace for you and Tiddles will be trauma-free right through until Christmas! There is a useful booklet to accompany the CD, which includes many of Margarit’s tips for healing your animal with crystals. This CD really does seem to calm the savage beast. It worked on my graphic designers …

White Eagle Medicine Wheel by Wa-Na-Nee-Che and Eliana Harvey (Connections Publishing, £17.99) If you’ve always wanted to avail yourself of the wisdom of the Native Americans, this is the kit that you need. Designed to help you to understand more about yourself and what is happening around you, these beautiful and simple designs

Reader Offer: Vision is delighted to have teamed up with New World Music to offer Music for Pets at the very special price of £8.95 (normally £12.95 rrp), plus free postage & packing for UK residents. That’s a saving of over £4! To order Music for Pets please contact: New World Music on 01986 891600 and quote the following reference code V0506, or write to: Music for Pets/Vision Offer, Ref V0506, New World Music, Harmony House, Hillside Road East, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1RX. For further information and a free catalogue on music for relaxation and well-being please call New World Music on 01986 891600 or visit: Closing date for this offer is 30th June 2006

contain a wealth of wisdom within. The cards include totem animals and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers: all teachers and keepers of spiritual wisdom. This is not a deck that will give you quick predictions and ‘I want it now!’ answers. This is a deck for the seeker, one who wishes to follow the old adage “Know thyself”. Including some useful meditations to accompany the cards; layouts; three levels of teaching and a refreshing new method for learning the cards. There is also a ritual ceremony included, so that you can really connect and walk the Native American path. This set is not just candy floss, this is for those who are really prepared and want to work with their inner selves to move

Crystals , Colour and Chakra by Sue Lilly, Simon Lilly, Stella Martin, Josephine de Winter and Gill Hale (Lorenz books, £14.99) I sometimes find that compendiums of information, such as this one, are simply too much. I don’t have the time or the inclination to wade through pages and pages of text when most of said text is full of things that are obvious, or even worse: full of completely useless nonsense. However, I was delighted when I reviewed this book. It is huge, around 500 pages, but it is full of interesting, informative and (thankfully) useful information. The only problem that I found with it is when to stop ‘dipping in’: a habit of mine. I’d think to myself: I’ll just look at what it says for Lapis Lazuli … and the next thing I know it’s 2 hours later and I’ve read up on the Crown Chakra; found ways of improving my personal space and chosen a new, harmonious colour for my bedroom! For those of you that like to take time out to personalise your life with ritual, you won’t be

upwards as a spiritual seeker. The book is so helpful and informative, it really makes this set one worth having and one worth devoting some time to. Reader Offer: If you’d like a little Native American wisdom in your life you can order White Eagle Medicine Wheel direct from the publisher and get your pack for the special discounted price of £14.99 inclusive of postage and packing: that’s £3 discount and free P & P! Call 01280 814120 and quote Vision / White Eagle offer with your debit or credit card details. Calls are charged at standard BT rates. Visit for a full list of products available.

disappointed either. This book covers a number of useful and simple rituals. However, I think that the best thing about this (hardback) book is the price. At £14.99 you can’t really go wrong … it is hard to find this amount of information all in once place and spend under £15! I personally think that buying this book would be money well spent and I shall endeavour to ‘dip in’ whenever I have the time. Reader Offer: Vision have teamed up with Lorenz Books to offer you a copy of Crystals, Colour & Chakra by Gill Hale, Josephine DeWinter, Simon & Sue Lilly and Stella Martin at the very special price of £9.99 + P & P. To order your copy, call Grantham Book Services on 01476 541080, quoting reference VM/CCC. Offer ends 15th June 2006.


Vision 15

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Vision 15






















Vision 15

Send your events to: Day Tripper, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1AA enclosing a cheque or postal order for £5 for each entry required, space permitting. Every Monday: Yoga/Relaxation beginners class, Healthyspirit, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 10am-11.30am. £6. Call 0161 434 6784 for more details or to book. Every Monday: Meditation class, Healthyspirit, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 7.30pm. £4. All welcome. Call 0161 434 6784 for more details or to book. Every Monday: An Evening of Clairvoyance, Chrystal Spiritual Centre, Lupton Avenue, Leeds. 7-9pm. £5 (includes buffet). Call 0113 249 5355 or visit Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: Psychic Café Events Nationwide, Ottakars book shops and independent Cafes. Varied times. £10.00 inc refreshments. For your nearest Café event telephone: 0870 850 4049 . Every Tuesday: Spiritual Awareness Group, Spiritual Inspirations, 4 Hurn Road, Drayton, Norwich. Tel: 01603 897724, or email:

Every third Wednesday of the month: Reiki Share evening for all practitioners. Equinox New Beginnings Holistic Therapy Centre, 43, Tickhill Road, Maltby, Rotherham. Cost £5:0. 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.Tel: 01709 817030

Saturday May 27th: 1-day Practitioner Training in Hopi Ear Candling, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am – 5pm, £95.00. Call 0845 226 3132 or visit

Every Thursday: Awareness and Development, Chrystal Spiritual Centre, Lupton Avenue, Leeds. New classes start soon, Call 0113 249 5355 or visit for more details.

Sunday May 28th: Our History of Falsehood? Town Hall, Glastonbury. 4pm. Tel: 07980894420 Email:

Every Friday: Evening of Clairvoyance and healing, questions answered. Reiki Healing with Wendy. Chrystal Spiritual Centre, Lupton Avenue, Leeds Tickets £5, call for details. 0113 249 5355 Every Friday: Meditation for lunch, 12pm, Healthyspirit, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester, cost £4 paid on door. All welcome. Every Friday: Spiritual and Estoteric discussion, New Horizonz, Preston, Lancs. 7.30pm. Call Mark or Natasha on 01772 725718.

Every Tuesday: Psychic Night. Chrystal Spiritual Centre, Lupton Avenue, Leeds. 79pm. £5. 0113 249 5355

Every Friday: Demonstration and Open Circle, Stocksbridge Spiritualist Centre, Inman Pavillion, Moorlands Drive, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, 7.30pm. £4/£5. Janet: 07860319251. All profits to charity

Second Tuesday of the month: The Newcastle Gathering Pagan Moot, Bob Trollops bar, Newcastle Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne. 7:30pm. Back room: ‘Private Party’ sign on door. 07890 340484

Last Saturday of the month: Guardian Angel Workshop, Learn how to contact and communicate with your Guardian Angels. Our Angel Therapists˙ are trained and certified by Doreen Virtue. Belfast, N. Ireland. £40 per person. 02890223748

Every Wednesday: Healing/clairvoyance. Chrystal Spiritual Centre, Lupton Avenue, Leeds. 7-9pm. £5. 0113 249 5355

First Sunday of the month: Reading Familiars Pagan Moot. 12pm, Back of Beyond pub, 104, Kings Road, Reading. Open to all. Call 07752 560 654 or visit

First Wednesday of every month: Open Circle. Equinox New Beginnings, 43, Tickhill Road, Maltby, Rotherham. £4. 7:30pm- 9pm. 01709 817030 . Last Wednesday of every month: Pagan Moot, Function Room, rear of the Queen Victoria Pub, Snettisham, Norfolk. 7.30pm. Friendly group, small admission charge. Contact Julie on 01485 541704. Correspondence courses on Wicca and Herbalism also available – please call or email for more details or to book

82 Vision 15

Every Saturday and Sunday: Workshops and Meditation. Please enquire, ticket only. Call 0113 249 5355 Saturday May 20th: Past Life Regression Workshop, DiscoveryPLR, Bramhall, Stockport, Cheshire. Tel: 0161-4398882 - Saturday May 27th: The Real Spiritual You? Town Hall, Glastonbury. 4pm. Tel: 07980894420 Email:

Sunday May 28th: Accredited Spiritual Healing Course, Spiritual Rays, Maltby Rotherham. £350. 01709 817008. Sunday May 28th: 1-day Practitioner Training in Indian Head Massage, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, 10am – 5pm, Cost: £95.00. Call 0845 226 3132 or visit Monday May 29th: Body Detox Practitioner Training, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am – 4pm,. £374.00 (Includes Bio-Energiser Detox Therapy kit). Also available now as a distance learning course Cost: 150.00 (Reduced). Call 0845 226 3132 or visit Friday June 2nd: Power Animals 4 Kids Workshop, Abbotsley, Cambridgeshire. 10am 5pm. £7.50 per child, £5 per accompaning adult Family Ticket £15; Extra Kids & Adults £3 each. PLEASE NOTE: Children under 8 must have an adult present at all times. Call Kylie on 0870 780 8413 Saturday June 3rd: Angels 4 Kids Workshop, Abbotsley Village Hall, Abbotsley, Cambridgeshire. 10am - 5pm. £45 per person per day or Double Weekend Workshop £75. Call Kylie on 0870 780 8413 Saturday June 10th: 1-day Practitioner Training in Hopi Ear Candling, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am – 5pm, £95.00. Call 0845 226 3132 or visit Sunday June 11th: Axminster Awareness Group, Chard Street, Axminster Devon. Psychic Development Workshop All Day. Tel: 07980894420 Email: Sunday June 11th: Dowsing Workshop£30:00 Tel 01709 817008.

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