Vision 27

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Take three spiritual professionals, add a luxurious liner, put them in the Caribbean seas and you’ve got the ingredients for the most memorable holiday of your life! Join Vision for a preview of Clairvoyance in the Caribbean 2008!


tephen Holbrook has been called “The Most Accurate medium in Britain today”* and is certainly one of the best-loved. His tours are normally sold out very quickly and books about his life are best-sellers. Our very own Michael Standing Wolf has been quoted as saying that Stephen is “Simply the best there is!”. You could say the same about James Christie and Jane Jackson. James Christie is Vision’s horoscope writer as well as a Tarot expert, spiritual teacher and all-round nice guy (with a wicked sense of humour!). Jane Jackson is an internationallyknown medium with celebrity clientele who’s skills are so sought after, she is booked up 3 years in advance! It is little short of amazing, therefore, to find out that Inspiring People have managed to get these three highlytalented spiritual people in one place and get them to demonstrate, teach and offer readings to clients … while holidaying in the Caribbean! Dubbed “High Spirits on the High Seas”, this cruise is a follow-on from the popular Happy cruisers with Stephen Holbrook cruise to Spain that ran last year, featuring Stephen and James. As you can see from the photos, a good time was had by all on the luxury liner, both the stars and the holidaymakers had a truly wonderful experience. This year, the Cruise will depart on the 25th January 2008 on the lovely Norwegian Sun liner. She is designed to give a fantastic cruising experience. The highlight of the cruise is, without doubt, the added advantage of being able to see three of Stephen’s demonstrations in the evenings. There will also be a teaching session with James, who will give attendees a history and working knowledge of the tarot, as well as teach them how to use them for much more than just divination. Jane will also be demonstrating on board. Clients can attend as many talks by the three stars as they wish – it’s all inclusive. There is also the opportunity to have personal one-to-one readings with James and Jane (at an extra cost) on board. We wondered about how the cruise works and if people really do get more from going on a specialist cruise rather than just one bought ‘off the peg’. 2 Vision 27

Stephen Holbrook

The answer was a resounding “yes!”. Here are a few comments from last year’s cruise-goers: “We didn’t really know what to expect, but what a wonderful time we all had. Lovely holiday, fabulous ship, and Stephen’s shows all thrown in. We met some lovely people, whom we have kept in touch with, in fact it was like one big happy family by the end of the cruise, please make sure you do another!” Avril Mansfield, Leicestershire “I cruise a lot, but this was one of the best, I was with like-minded people. We all socialised as if we had known each for years. Stephen, Rob, and James Christie mingled with everyone ... I just want to thank the organisers … more please!” Mrs Jean White, Yorkshire It seems from the pictures and comments that if you want a holiday with like-minded people that has a spiritual aspect too, Clairvoyance in the Caribbean is for you! If you’d like information or would like to book, you can call the hotline on 0845 388 0649. Lines are open MonFri 9am – 9pm; Sat 9am – 5pm; Sun 10am – 4pm.

The Norwegian Sun

*(Harry Andrews, USA Psychic Revue)

James Christie

Jane Jackson


June 2007


P10 Visionaries P14 Night Mares P16 Our Haunted Heritage P19 Colin Fry P20 Experiences Explained

Sally Morgan

Star Psychic Sally talks about her new ITV2 series

P22 The Mysterious Nile P24 The Power of Pyramids P26 Symbol Magic

P30 Ruth The Truth’s Luckoscope P35 Ancient Egyptian Wisdom P38 The Write of your Life P40 Sand Reading P42 Curses - Ancient and Modern P43 The Angel Oracle P44 The Medicine Man

P32 The Egyptian Oracle:

Read your future! P46 Natural Beauty P47 Paws For Thought P48 Think yourself better! P50 Colour Crystal Healing P53 Angelic Egyptian Healing P54 Coven Corner

And The Rest ... P5 Monthly News / My Psychic Journal P6 Lifestyle Tips P28 Competitions P29 Next Month P56 Back Issues P57 Subscriptions P74 Reviews P77 Vision Shop P82 Vision is out there!


P58 Egypt & the Stars P60 Astrological Overview P61 Horoscopes - your June forecast by James Christie P76 My Destiny Diary

“My amazing teddy bears heal!”


Vision 27



ello everyone and welcome to another issue of Vision! First of all I’d like to thank all those people that attended the Vision Psychic Showcase – you helped to make it the spectacular event that it was, and we were delighted to meet you all! For those that didn’t make it, you can read all about the showcase in next month’s issue, which is sure to make you want to keep your diary clear for next year’s show! This month we’re looking at the mystical traditions of the Ancient Egyptians

and how their wisdom is used today. Read about how you can use pyramid power in your life right now – with results that you can see in a few days (P24). Use Egyptian symbols to draw things you need into your life (P26) and learn how to read the future in sand (P40). We also teach you how to tell the character of a person from their handwriting (P38) and speak to Colin Fry about his new book (P19). Colin will be joining Vision for a full interview next month. As always, I hope you enjoy the magazine and I’d love to hear what you think, do write in and tell me.


Letters Each letter published will receive a copy of Pure Calm from the Pure Series worth £10.95, courtesy of New World Music. Let Stuart Jones’s fluidity and perfection on keyboards clear your mind. The Star Letter will win four titles from the Pure series including Pure Calm, Pure Dreaming, Pure Love & Light and Pure Tranquility – worth a total of £43.80. For further information and a free catalogue, contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or We reserve the right to edit letters.

I came across your magazine in WH Smith last week. It had been put behind all the other spiritual and paranormal mags. In my opinion it should be on the front row! I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed reading Vision, you can tell how much research has gone into all the articles and it is not full of advertisements as are the other magazines. I will be an avid reader from now on. Shirley Smith, Long Eaton

4 Vision 27

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Managing Director: Sammi Addey 0113 287 1551 General Manager: John Addey 0113 287 4001 Editor/Promotions: Diana Jarvis 0113 286 3939 Senior Graphic Designer: Angela Benson Graphic Designer: Kelly Chambers Advertising: 0113 286 6557 Vision Shop: 0113 286 6789 Subscriptions: Nikki Letch 0113 286 6789

Star Letter Put Vision in front!

Magazine Ltd 42a Main Street, Garforth LS25 1AA Tel: 0113 286 3939 Fax: 0113 287 2293

Visionaries Co-ordinator: Nance Turner-Collings

Ask and you shall receive! After speaking with you, I have followed your advice. A very good friend and myself have decided to open our own weekly development circle. You did say that unfortunately people don't inform you of development circles, so I feel I should pass this on to you and Vision readers. Sandra, West Yorkshire Well done Sandra! If readers are interested in Sandra’s circle, email her on Ed.

Vision are Naturally Gifted! I have just been introduced to your magazine. Brilliant! This is the first time I've ever wrote to a magazine but felt I had to. The Visionaries report on the Naturally Gifted vigil was great and I have especially enjoyed your interview with Phil Wyman. I am completely fascinated and enthralled by anything paranormal. This past week I keep hearing and seeing things about parapsychology everywhere, so I am sure I am on the right path. I am definitely going to keep on buying your magazine because I think it's great, different and interesting. Jo Collis, Grimsby

Accounts: Percy Trevelyon Distributors Diamond Magazine Distribution Limited Tel: (01797) 225229 Contributors: Madeleine Walker; Michelle Jones; Jay; Ruth Urquhart; Kyle Gray; Michael Hallowell; Andrea Rivers; Paula Garton; James Christie; Nance Turner-Collings; Carole Chui; Julie Berry; Rachel Keene; Sandra Ryton; Geoffrey Keyte; Val Sugarman-Williams; Michelle Partridge

Logo ©Vision magazine Ltd The Vision logo is a registered trademark. It may not be used by anyone other than ourselves under any conditions.

Founder: Sammi Addey

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by the publishers and editors. © Copyright Vision magazine Ltd and/or contributors. All rights reserved. No part, written or visual (including adverts typeset by Vision) of the magazine (including the logo) may be reproduced, without written permission from the publishers. Call 0113 286 6789 for subscriptions and back issues. All images © Vision unless otherwise stated. Competitions: The first correct entries drawn at random after the closing date will be notified. Competitions are open to all residents of the UK aged 18 or over except employees of Vision Magazine Ltd, their families, contributors, its printers and anyone else connected to the competition. There is no cash alternative unless otherwise stated. The editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Spiritual Healing Congress 30th


On June and July the first UK Spiritual Healing and Medicine Congress will be held in London. Interest in spirituality and spiritual healing is growing in the UK: even the NHS has got onto the bandwagon, and in selected hospitals patients may be offered spiritual healing as part of their palliative care treatment. This summer sees the first congress on Spirituality and Medicine in London, when medical professionals and others interested in health and healing will come together to discuss the importance of the spiritual dimension present in everyone, within the medical and healing sphere. For details of the congress visit

Prince continues to defend alternative therapies After the recent backlash against alternative therapies via the Dispatches documentary The Meddling Prince, the Prince’s Foundation for Integrated


Health strongly refuted claims made in the documentary and continued to support the use of such therapies in conjunction with modern medicine. The foundation was started in October 1993 by HRH Prince Charles who has long been an advocate of complementary therapies. He says: “We are infinitely complex beings – mind, body and spirit that cannot just be reduced to mechanical functioning. Healthcare should, and must, attend appropriately to all three aspects.” The foundation is dedicated to helping people, practitioners and communities create an integrated approach to health and wellbeing by promoting understanding of integrated health, building confidence in integrated approaches to health and widening people’s access to integrated healthcare. I’m sure we all hope that doctors in the UK move forward with medicine by working in conjunction with complementary therapies for the benefit of the patient - first and foremost. For more information about the Foundation and its work, visit

was excited, but also a little nervous, about my first night at a development group. Naturally, the group began with introductions, and there were about ten of us, with varying degrees of ability. We were given a brief outline of the course and then, after doing a guided, deep relaxation exercise we followed with one for ‘opening up’. After opening up we began with a little more healing. What happened next will stay with me for as long as I live, it is probably one of the most amazing spiritual experiences I’ve ever had. I was ‘receiving’ healing, so I sat and relaxed as my partner placed one hand on my brow and the other on top of my head. I was suddenly shocked to feel ‘fingers’ slip inside my brow, right where my third eye is (between the eyebrows and above the nose)! I was still aware of the lady’s hand across my brow and I knew it was impossible for her to be moving her fingers in this way. These can only have

Weirdness in Devon This August, for three days from the 17th, the sleepy North Devon village of Woolfardisworthy will officially be the weirdest village in the land! Monster hunters from across the world will converge there for the eighth annual Weird Weekend. The annual event, promoted by the Centre for Fortean Zoology [CFZ], is the largest conference dedicated to cryptozoology – the study of unknown animals – in the Englishspeaking world. The Weird Weekend was the brainchild of Jonathan Downes, Director of the Centre. As well as lectures and workshops on the subject of cryptozoology, there are also lectures on a range of other subjects which people who attend the three day event find interesting, all delivered by some of the world’s leading experts. This year’s speakers include our very own Michael Standing Wolf talking on the ‘Ghosts of Marsden Grotto’. All proceeds from the event go towards the CFZ programme of research. For more details, visit

been spirit fingers, I could not see any other explanation. The experience didn’t hurt at all, it just felt very cold. I’m pleased to say that I didn’t panic, even when after a few moments the fingers began to move. There are no words to describe just how weird that felt, minutes seemed to pass and then just as suddenly, I felt the fingers go. I found I could now actually see where the fingers had been, and in their place was an array of the most amazing green and blue lights, the intensity of these colours was quite breathtaking. Then the lady’s hand was taken from my brow and placed elsewhere as the session continued. After the healing, I babbled like a lunatic about the fingers, and the lady, a medium, simply smiled and said ‘I think I just ‘unblocked’ you’! As time went on, it turns out she may have been right … Peace Always

Jay 5 Vision 27


ision are delighted to welcome Julie Berry as regular columnist for Lifestyle Tips. Every month Julie will bring you a collection of simple ‘do it yourself’ techniques to help you in six different areas of your life. Julie has been Pagan for as long as she can remember and she was initiated into the

June is the time of the Summer Solstice – otherwise known as Litha – and signifies the longest day of the year. In ancient Pagan society this was the time of marriages or hand-fasting, and so it is an excellent time to reaffirm your love for your partner. The moon in this month is called the “honey moon” or “mead moon” as it is the time when honey mead was drunk at the marriage ceremony, and over time it became “honeymoon” when the bride and groom enjoyed themselves after the festivities. On the night of the full moon, ask for your marriage/relationship to be blessed for one more year, and give thanks for the previous year that you have had together. Bake some plain sponge cakes then drizzle them with honey and chopped nuts, and share them with your partner to bring sweetness to your lives.

Angelic beings are around us all the time and waiting to be called upon to help and assist us, and all we need to do is ask. Simply speak the name of one of the following angels, and they will help you as much as they can – it is their job! When speaking an angel’s name, feel them standing behind you with their healing wings surrounding you with love and protection. Afriel – giver of vitality and vigour Chosniel – helps to improve the memory Gabriel – brings strength to the body Iax – aids stomach problems Michael – regenerates after illness When they have come to your aid, it is always recommended that you thank them afterwards, and pass on to others the love that they have given to you.

Is the hot Summer weather getting you and your partner all steamed up, or could you do with a little pick-me up to add spice? The use of oils is well known for massage, but why not try some magic “desire” oil to entice your partner to you? Using a crystal linked to the base chakra is best, I suggest Carnelian. 3 drops of Lavender oil 2-3 drops of Orange Blossom oil 1 drop of Lemon oil a piece of polished Carnelian Place the oils in a ceramic dish and mix them together using the Carnelian, whilst visualising your partner being full of desire. Dab a little oil on your forehead, chest area and stomach before greeting your partner and wait for the fireworks!

6 Vision 27

Wiccan religion in her teens. The knowledge she has gained from a life of magic, as well as her affinity for all things spiritual, makes her your one-stop shop for know-how on how to get your life going in the right direction.

If your present job isn’t ticking all the boxes, then try using various methods to open new doors and opportunities. Apply for jobs during the first week after the new moon and the couple of days after the full moon, as this is the most auspicious time. Using a green pen on an orange piece of paper, write down your ideal job and place under your pillow, read it out loud before going to sleep and imagine you already have it – orange is the colour of luck, and green is the colour of money. Look at the part of your house that faces North and place glass items, pictures of water or the ocean and mirrors, to increase the good Feng Shui. Remove any earthy or yellow colours and square shaped objects.

Now that the evenings are longer and nature is at its peak, the time is right to go on journey to your local woodland area to bring Fairy magic into your life! The spirits that dwell in these areas can help to boost positivity in your life. 1. Simply find a tree or clearing that appeals to you in some way. 2. Sit down quietly and ask for the Fairies to come to you. 3. Take some sweet cakes, shiny coins or crystals with you and tell them that you have brought them a gift in return for their help. Fairies love these things! 4. Look around you and find something that you can take back with you such as a fallen twig, leaf or stone and ask that they impart some of their magic into it. 5. Whenever you need some confidence, hold your object in your hand and see yourself back in the woodland and the Fairy magic will give you a boost. 6. Once you are feeling back on form remember to return to the area you visited, and give another little gift to thank the Fairies for their assistance.

No matter who we are, we can always do with a little extra cash! Herbs are not just for using in cookery or herbal teas, you can also use them to draw things to you. Chamomile has healing properties and can be used for a money bath. 1. Place a handful of flowers into a muslin bag and hang it under a running tap. 2. Sit in the bath and imagine money coming to you, but only in a positive way. 3. Feel any money worries leaving you and entering the water. 4. As the water drains away see your problems going with it. You can also drink a cup or two of Chamomile tea each day, and envision money being drawn to you. When you have used Chamomile flowers it is best to bury them in the garden, and imagine your money worries being “buried” with them.

7 Vision 27

Sally Morgan has been rated one of the best mediums in the world – now she hits the screen in ITV2’s Sally Morgan – Star Psychic


f you haven’t yet heard of Sally Morgan, then just wait – because you certainly will be hearing of her! Sally is a professional medium with an impressive list of clientele, including celebrities and royalty. However, what makes her so very special is her incredible accuracy and her blunt, nononsense approach. It is a combination of these skills that caught the eye of the media and have resulted in her having her very own show on mainstream television. During the show we see Sally as she uncovers the real truth and gossip within the lives of celebrities, past, present … and deceased! From television stars to radio presenters, musicians and soap stars, Sally discovers the juicy secrets that were supposed to remain hidden – until now! Sally is the showbiz medium du jour having read for Robert DeNiro, George Michael, Bob Geldolf, Uma Thurman and perhaps most notably the late Princess Diana. Throughout this ten part documentary style series, the ITV2 cameras follow psychic Sally as she reads for Kate Lawler, Lee Otway, Brendan Cole, Christian O’Connell, James Hewitt, Meg Matthews, Danny Dyer, Jeff Brazier and the girls from WAGs Boutique. Sally is guaranteed to have viewers throughout Britain shouting at their TV screens “How could she possibly know that?” Vision caught up with Sally to find out more about her and the show.

that at the time the picture was being taken I was trying to tell somebody that I couldn’t see, that Sally wasn’t my name. My mum said that I was 9 months old when the picture was taken and she remembered that she couldn’t get me to look at the camera as I seemed distracted.”

How did you find out you had a gift? “It was through experiences I had as a little girl. One day my mother was putting photos in an album, and I told her that I remembered one of the pictures, and

Who is your favourite celebrity to read for – and why? “I don’t really have favourites, but I found Meg Matthews so much fun and Kim Marsh so real and emotional – I certainly enjoyed reading for them.”

8 Vision 27

Have you ever had an experience that has scared you? “I have had one experience that I never wish to repeat – I felt I was visited by pure evil. “I have also ‘contacted’ the Kray twins. They were certainly not very pleasant!” Do you ever feel nervous about ‘getting it right’ – do you ever feel put on the spot? “I’m really comfortable with my work. Years ago I was always thinking “what if I get it wrong?”, but I don’t tend to think like that now. I do get things wrong but we’re all on a journey … it happens. “Part of my journey is trying to fathom out why I can be so accurate and then so amazingly wrong. The pressure I put on myself is more on an emotional level – I am more concerned about my clients feeling comfortable first and foremost. No, I don’t get nervous any more.”

Can you tell us about your psychic background? “I have been a full-time psychic and medium for the last 20 years, working in the UK, US and Australia. I take my work very seriously indeed.”

Gary Schwartz tested your abilities – can you tell us more about this and how he did it? “I was tested under laboratory conditions, very scientifically. I was asked to demonstrate my mediumship and there was a sitter somewhere – what I had to do was a bit like remote viewing. “The experiment was conducted over three days and was in two parts, so it was like 6 different experiments. Gary is Professor of Psychology, Surgery, Medicine, Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of Arizona and he rated me as one of the best psychics in the world. “He said: “I have had the opportunity to test Sally Morgan under both single-blind and double-blind conditions, and she was exceptional. Sally is a gifted medium and a caring person.”

“I’ve also been tested by Danny Penman who wrote about me in his Daily Mail article “Psychic versus Sceptic”, which appeared in August 2005. He had heard about me from Gary Schwartz and decided to interview me. He told me he was a complete sceptic. “I picked up his mother and father and told him that his mother said she was really sorry that he couldn’t have the family name. He said he didn’t know what I was talking about. “However, he found out from his sister later that what I had told him was true, so he spoke to his Editor and they decided to conduct an experiment on me. They wired up three people and sent them to me as clients, without my knowledge. “The article he wrote on the sittings showed the results of the experiment. Certainly the article had a major impact on my career, I got three year’s worth of work from Danny’s endorsement!” Do you think that everyone is psychic? “I firmly believe that everyone is born with a natural ability.” What is your opinion about lifeafter-death? Where do you think we go? “I believe 100% that when our bodies die our soul moves on. I think that it’s quite nice to believe in Heaven – life moves to another dimension and why can’t this dimension be Heaven?” How do your family feel about your gift – do they cope with it? “I’ve been married for thirty-four years and my husband is great about it. I call my gift ‘the wart on the end of my nose’ because it bothers others more than it does me – but in general everyone is cool with it. “Three of my friends have been my friends for over 50 years – and they say that I have never changed and they have always been comfortable with me.”

What is your favourite reading from the shows so far? “It would have to be Kim Marsh. I managed to get at least six relatives in Spirit for her, which kept me pretty busy! “One of the Spirits that came forward was her uncle. I could smell coal strongly with him. He asked what was the matter with her fire. Kim’s mum was with her and she told Kim that her uncle had been a coalman and Kim’s fireplace had become blocked. “The reading went on in a similar vein with other Spirits coming forward. Kim was very emotional and moved by the reading.”

What are you currently working on? “As well as my new series, I continue to give readings on a daily basis to all my clients.” Sally Morgan: Star Psychic will run on ITV2 on Fridays from 30th March at 10pm. Visit Sally’s website on

If you could contact any celebrity in spirit, who would it be? “It would have to be Marilyn Monroe. I have had a lot of incidences when people bring her to me so I have ‘spoken’ to her then. I don’t try to contact her … she just comes. “I have asked her many things already and there has been some revelations about the circumstances of her death.” Do you have a spirit guide? “I don’t believe I do. I know that I am loved by my relatives that have passed and that they are around me. However, I tend to work with the guides of the people I read for.” 9 Vision 27

The Time: A cold night in March The Place: Holland Hall Hotel, Upholland, near Wigan The Visionaries: Nance Turner-Collings, Dean Ballance, Diana Jarvis


ello my friends, yes we’re back again for another month. We are still in the western area of England, but this time, we visit Holland Hall Hotel, near Wigan. So my friends, sit back, don’t forget your brew, put your feet up and enjoy. Holland Hall Hotel is set back from the main road up a winding drive, and looks tiny when you first arrive. However, just like the Tardis, you soon find out there’s more to it than meets the eye! It is really like a rabbit warren inside, you could easily get lost if you don’t know where you’re going, but we Visionaries just get stuck in and enjoy ourselves. Once we had set up a base camp, we went off to explore and see what we could pick up. So here’s our night … I’ve put all the medium’s findings separately as it is easier to follow for this vigil. Nance Turner-Collings 10 Vision 27

of the house have been scattered about, like the old parts have been mixed up with the new. The lady was quite a strong presence in the room, but Dean also picked up a gentleman, wearing a suit, and he had a big white moustache, with curly ends. Dean got the name George Galloway, and a watch on a chain. As Dean was leaving the room he got a real cold sense on his right side and pains in his chest. Back in the Base room, Dean picked up a man, who was dressed in late 16th to early 17th century clothes. They were royal blue in colour with gold stitching and trim and looked like some form of Military outfit. Dean felt he was a man with a lot of authority.

Dean near the Priest Hole - is that orb the ‘smoking woman’?

Dean’s findings So the first Visionary up is Dean, and he was on top form! He started at the Priest Hole, a hidden recess on one of the top floors. When he was stood near it he saw an old woman with an orange dress and a long cigarette lighter in her hand. Dean said that she was just staring at him! Just round the corner from the Priest Hole is Room 9, and though he didn’t pick up much in this room, he was very aware of both a man and a women being in the room. Down the stairs and into the Kitchen, Dean picked up on a man who moves things around in there. His main reason for doing this is he likes people to know he is there. He was wearing a black suit, black trousers and a long jacket. From here Dean ventured down into the cellar, (brave man) and saw lots of wine, (wishful thinking Dean?) and he felt that it was a lot smaller at some point. He felt that the floor in the cellar should have been outside, and could see black

railings, and a window looking on to the stairs, and this was where the servants lived. As he was leaving the cellar he saw a little fat woman with a hat, which had frills round the edge. From the kitchen it’s back through the maze of rooms and through the garden to the other side of the hotel, and up to Room 115. So down the dark corridor and into the room, the first thing Dean picked up on was nuns and nurses

Di’s findings Now to the lovely Di. The first place that Di went was outside, and saw a gentleman loitering (yes, he was dead) in a long black coat and hat, and a lady who was wearing a long dress and petticoats. Di felt that the lady was very uptight and nervous, in her late 20s, and was very scared and hyperventilating. She also picked up the same lady in the lower

Di picking up the Lancashire Lad in the kitchen

Dean tuning in to the arguing couple in haunted Room 9

and an old lady who walked with sticks. He got the year 1918 and he felt that this used to be some sort of halfway house, like an inn, and he thought that the room should have been bigger, like a hospital, maybe during the war? He felt that some parts

corridor of bedrooms. As Di was walking through the door back into the hotel, she saw a little boy who was playing hide and seek, and liked to follow people. Walking into the bar, Di felt that this used to be a hunting lodge, which was used by the Gentry, and she also picked up Civil War soldiers, and felt that the gentleman in the garden was one of these soldiers.

11 Vision 27

very lonely, very empty and very upset. It was the strangest thing I have ever felt (ok, apart from childbirth) and it was very unsettling. Across from the kitchen is the Restaurant and Bar. Sat in here it was quite a mishmash of energies, like Spirit were forming a queue, Di sensing the gentleman spirit in Room 9 and I suddenly Through to the Kitchen and Di found that I lost my voice (what joy for was confronted with a very strong spirit everyone!). Walking down the centre of of a young man, who had a Lancashire the Bar I saw a soldier, but he was accent. He seemed to be a bit of a lad, walking that fast I couldn’t make out an and liked a laugh and a pint when he was era. I did feel though that this area was alive. Di felt that he died in some sort of once a front entrance, which was very motorcycle or scooter accident, and that elaborately decorated. I saw a black coach he was a chef. coming down a driveway, and people Going into the Cellar, Di was dressed in evening gowns. followed by the young man (lucky Di) Up the stairs and to the Priest who told her that she would get “nothing Hole. Walking down the corridor I felt a in here”, and you know what, he was nice feeling, but as I got to the hole, I felt right, Di didn’t sense anything in the a real sense of urgency and dread. I also cellar! felt that the space should have been So up the stairs and into Room smaller than it is, and that it was 9. Again Di didn’t get much in there, but expanded and expanded. I also picked up she did sense a man near the wardrobe, on the Knights Templar, and and felt as if ‘something was coming’, the 12th century. there was a sense of anticipation. So back across the Round near the Priest Hole, Di hotel yet again and to Room picked up on a man in his late 50’s with a 115. The minute I sat down, I white beard, and felt he was resigned to started to get a headache his fate. She felt that he was waiting for and pains down my neck. I his death, but couldn’t pick up any more. could see a gentleman stood So back across the hotel to in the doorway, and he had a Room 115. When Di was sat on the bed, walking stick. He was she felt that someone was sat very close dressed in short trousers, a to her, and she felt it was a man, who had fitted jacket and a flat cap, a pinched face, tight lips, and he was and he looked very once a member a staff, and who asked Victorian. He also had a big her “ Charlie … who is Charlie?”. He was white moustache, which very strong as a presence, and a bit curled at the ends. He gave unnerving, but not unpleasant. me the name Charles and I felt that he was a very nice Nance’s findings man. He told me he went So now to me. I started off in the Kitchen. hunting a lot, and told me As soon as I entered I developed a really about the summer balls and bad headache, and I felt strangely dinner dances that were held vulnerable, and I would not go any father there. He showed me a river onto the kitchens. It felt like the whole with an old style boat, like a place was too claustrophobic. I did get a rowing boat. He did keep sense of been very childlike and I feel talking about Lewis Carroll quite mischievous, but I also felt and Alice in Wonderland. 12 Vision 27

Nance near the Priest Hole - with ‘friend’

He also gave me some Gundogs, and a real strong link with Rome. I felt that whoever owned this house, had a few more houses over England and were very wealthy, however they did have humble beginnings. I got the name Ben and a secret walled garden. I also got a connection to airmen and airplanes. As I left the room and was walking down the stairs, I suddenly felt a big rush, and could hear people shouting “She’s here, The queen is here”. I’m not sure what queen they meant, though!

Nance in the kitchen sensing an ‘unusual atmosphere’

Séance Freedman Brown staff also joined the Visionaries for the séances - one in Room 115 and one in Room 9. We could strongly feel a male presence in Room 115. In Room 9, Di and Dean could both feel the man that they had picked up before, but didn’t get any message. So there you have it, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and please join us next month for another exciting adventure with The Visionaries.

Above: Ouija board session with Di and some staff from Holland Hall’s PR company

Ouija Board Session During this vigil, we were joined by some members of staff from Holland Hall’s PR company, Freedman Brown Communications. During both our ouija board session and séance, the staff joined us to add their energies. The ouija board took a long time to get going and it didn’t really give us anything tangible to record, sadly. However, it did move and we could all sense a presence.

Below: The Visionaries conducting a seance with PR company staff in one of the bedrooms

Holland Hall History


olland House Estate in Upholland belonged to the Holme family. They had been stewards to the 8th Earl of Derby (Charles Stanley) and the Stanley crest (the eagle and child), bearing the date 1654 can still be seen on the western gable of Holland Hall (as it is known today). Charles Stanley’s wife, Dorothea Helena Kirkhoven had an extra-marital affair with King Charles II and a son was born to them. It is possible that the spirit Di was asked about in Room 115 and the spirit that Nance picked up called Charles could have been Charles Stanley or Charles II, as both had links with the house? Hugh Holme of Upholland House in 1732 married Anne, daughter of Thomas Bankes of Winstanley, and her descendants ultimately succeeded to the manors and lands of the Bankes family. Anne Bankes was the sole heiress of her father, brother and nephew, and the two estates became merged in 1800 when Anne & Hugh’s

son, the Rev Thomas Holme, succeeded to the Winstanley estate on the death of his cousin William Bankes. Rev Thomas was then succeeded in 1803 by his son Meyrick who, under the terms of the late William Bankes’ will, once again assumed the family name and arm of Bankes. In 1827 the estate was then succeeded by his son, also called Meyrick. The Holme/Bankes family were the biggest colliery proprietors in the Upholland area. Before the First World War, Johnson Swales of Holland House in Lafford Lane was a farmer and cattle transporter. He had livery stables, hired horses and carriages and offered riding and driving lessons. This may explain the coach and horses that both Nance and Dean saw. The area of Upholland is also associated with George Lyon the Highwayman who was executed in 22 April 1815 and his body is buried in St Thomas the Martyr Church in Upholland and has close links to Elizabeth 1st in the

day of Robert de Holland. Perhaps it is possible that the comment about the Queen that Nance picked up was Elizabeth 1st and that the man loitering in the garden that Di picked up may have been the Highwayman himself? The best-known haunting in Holland Hall is that of a couple in Room 9 who are constantly arguing – so much so that they have woken up guests who have reported them as noisy neighbours – only to find out that no-one was staying in the room when they complained! Both Nance and Dean picked up the couple, and Di picked up the gentleman. These two spirits seem to have set off a number of other strange happenings, but none of them have been reported clearly. Although there is not much documented ghostly history attached to Holland Hall, the Hall is so old it is no wonder that it seems to contain a spirit or two - and no wonder that the Visionaries found them! 13 Vision 27

You’ve just had a full night’s sleep and wake up ready for the day … but your body doesn’t seem to want to. You find yourself almost completely paralysed, you can only manage shallow breaths and you try in vain to move, with no success. Suddenly, you feel an evil presence come into the room. You scream out for help … but no sound leaves your lips. Then, slowly but surely, the presence comes closer, the rasping sound of its breath getting louder. Then you can see her - an ugly old woman who you know, without question, is intent on your destruction. Unable to stop her, she gets closer and closer to your lifeless form. Then, as you watch, hypnotised, she gets on your chest, her hands tighten around your throat and she stares coldly into your eyes and she squeezes. You struggle for breath and silently scream … … And then she’s gone and you can move again. No, this is not a cheesy plot from some horror movie, but the very real and terrifying condition known as sleep paralysis, or Old Hag Syndrome.

The name ‘Old Hag Syndrome’ comes from the belief that an evil being sits or ‘rides’ the chest of her victims at night, rendering them immobile. The evil being usually appears as an old hag. For what ends this creature does this, we do not know; in some cultures it is suggested that the motivation is sexual, in others it is just plain evil. In Old English this being was known as the mare or maere and in Old Norse, mara. This is the root of our modern word ‘nightmare’. 14 Vision 27

We all have nightmares. However, some people’s nightmares happen when they are awake! Diana Jarvis investigates the terrifying disorder of sleep paralysis These horrific waking experiences have been reported so often, for so many centuries, that they have even been the subject of an emotive painting by the painter John Henry Fuseli, whose ‘The Nightmare’ shows another creature that victims may experience – the demon. Both men and women report suffering from this paralysis and vision, and it is said that one in five people will experience it at least once in their lifetime. One sufferer of Old Hag Syndrome is Vision’s Senior Graphic Designer, Angela Benson. Angela told me of her experiences: “It’s like you are half-dreaming when you wake up, but it’s a dream that is ‘real’. My experience starts when I wake up and think that someone is coming up the stairs to my bedroom. It seems to me as if it is something not quite human, some kind of monster. It terrifies me. I can hear its footsteps and its laboured breathing. Then ‘it’ gets to my doorway and stops. At this point, I have a really strong urge to get up to see what it is, and I try desperately, but I just can’t move. I try to shout out, but I can’t talk or make a sound at all. I just have to lie there and put up with the awful feeling, until it goes. Eventually I come out of this state and get out of bed to see what was there, but there is nothing at all. It’s weird!”

Science is well aware of this disorder and the fear and panic it creates in sufferers. Termed ‘sleep paralysis’, they say that it occurs when the brain is in the

hypnopompic or hypnagogic state (the state between deep sleep, when there is Rapid Eye Movement (or REM), and waking up; or between waking up and deep sleep). During dreaming sleep (REM) the brain turns off most of the body functions and we are temporarily paralysed. Sleep paralysis is when the consciousness returns, but the brain is delayed in sending messages to the body to come out of the temporary paralysis.

Many people who suffer from this condition believe they have seen a ghost or an evil entity. All the feelings that accompany the experience seem to be paranormal and there has been some substantial research into this aspect of the disorder. Although the physical side of it can be explained by the medical profession, what can’t easily be explained is why so many people, from so many cultures, all see an old hag. If the disorder was simply the mind creating some kind of horrific hallucination, then why are the horrors not culture-based, i.e. following the local traditions of how ‘evil’ appears in ‘human’ form? Not every culture has an ‘evil witch’ figure. Some of the research that has been done suggests that the hag is an entity that can be called on to attack an enemy. Apparently, this ‘calling’ can be done in a number of ways, but all of them are unsavoury and none of them valuable enough to print. There is also a belief that

the hag is a variety of ‘lower evolved entity’ that haunts the astral planes and picks on those who are most distressed and vulnerable. At the end of the day, we don’t know why the hag appears, even if we do know what happens to the body. So who is most likely to see the hag?

Although science hasn’t really worked out why sleep paralysis happens, they have noted that the following conditions can increase your chances of suffering: Not getting enough sleep or being overtired Severe anxiety Disrupted sleep Anti-anxiety drugs Panic attacks during waking hours that are unrelated to the experience of paralysis

If you suffer from this disorder, or want to avoid it, try the following Get enough sleep Keep a regular sleep schedule Reduce stress Exercise Develop a sleep ritual – a milky drink and then bed every night

Light a candle for a short while before you sleep and say a prayer.

I have also discovered that there is a herbal remedy for sleep paralysis that has helped many sufferers. Slippery Elm is the bark from a type of Elm tree found in the United States and Canada. It was traditionally used by Native Americans as a poultice for boils, ulcers and for wounds in general and internally and also for colds or fevers and to soothe an irritated digestive system - one of its main uses today. There have been a number of favourable reports about Slippery Elm as a help for Old Hag Syndrome. I spoke to Ray Hill of Sunshine Health about the product and some of the results that have been reported. “Thompson’s Slippery Elm Food has been continuously available in health food shops and some pharmacies for around a hundred years. Originally developed by Doctor Thompson to help patients with digestive problems and as an easily digested and healing food for convalescents, it rapidly revealed an ability to help people relax and sleep when taken as a nightcap beverage. “We had not realised how important this was to those who suffer from sleep paralysis until last November. We

received a call from a gentleman in the Newcastle area to say that he had had this problem for years ‘sometimes he didn’t know if he was awake or asleep’ and he had taken our Slippery Elm Food and can now sleep soundly. He was absolutely thrilled about it and we greatly appreciated the fact that he had taken the trouble to telephone us with the news. “The principle constituent of Slippery Elm is a mucilage which, when a liquid, is added, forms a mucilaginous substance which is soothing to the digestive system. An untroubled digestive system would encourage our gentleman with years of sleep paralysis to say – ‘I can now sleep with the aid of Thompson’s Slippery Elm Food’.” Both the Unmalted and Malted varieties are available from Health Food Stores and some Pharmacies and the Unmalted only from selected Holland & Barrett shops. In case of difficulty you can order direct from Sunshine Health Supplies, 25 Church Street, Stroud GL5 1JL. Telephone 01453 751395. Email PLEASE NOTE: Always consult your doctor if you have any health problems, including sleep disorders, and check if supplements are ok for you to use.

Although this is quite a common disorder, it does not happen to everyone and will only affect your sleep, not your health. Try to stay stress free, keep your spiritual protection up by increasing your aura before bed and … don’t have nightmares! 15 Vision 27

Are you an armchair paranormal investigator? Well now’s your chance to get out of your armchair and stay in some of the UK’s most haunted places!


he United Kingdom is envied for its history the world over. Without a shadow of a doubt, we have some of the most varied and beautiful landscape in the world; with castles, manors, farms and ruins that will take your breath away. Much is written about the history of the UK and there are many travel guides featuring some of our most beautiful places to stay. Vision would like to offer you an alternative to the ‘Good Hotel Guide’ and list just a few of the many hotels and Bed and Breakfasts that are haunted, so you can get out and see some of this wonderful country and its heritage, as well as getting the chance to see some of its haunted heritage too.

LANCASHIRE Holland Hall Hotel Where is it? Upholland, Wigan, Lancashire. Haunted History: Holland Hall Country House Hotel is a grade two 17th century listed building. The hotel is privately owned and has recently undergone a massive £750,000 16 Vision 27

Perhaps you have a yen for Yorkshire and would like to tread in the footsteps of the Visionaries at the Old Silent Inn … and meet the previous (deceased) owner? Or maybe you fancy a soujourn in Scotland and would like to be woken in the middle of the night by a full blown apparition of ‘The Shouty Man’ at Lunan Lodge? Whatever your fancy, we hope we’ve found a haunted place to stay that will suit you. We’ve also tried to get you a discount wherever possible. These discounts are especially for Vision readers, so do make sure that you quote Vision when you book. We wish you a very, very disturbed night!

redevelopment. Set in an area of outstanding natural beauty, the Hotel is located close to Wigan in Lancashire. It has all modern facilities, but still retains some of its 17th Century charm. Spectral Sightings: The best known ghosts of Holland Hall are a couple that continue to argue in one of the bedrooms ... despite their lack of solidity! They have been known to wake up guests during the night and seem to have sparked a plethora of other paranormal phenomena. See the Visionaries for more details of ghostly activity that has been experienced here. How to book: Visit for more details and how to book.

DEVON The Highwayman Inn Where is it? Sourton, Devon Haunted History: The Highwayman was originally built as an inn in 1282. Your hosts Sally and Bruce have created a unique place, with little faerie grottos and strange and unusual items everywhere, in every corner. The kitchen is the deck of a ship and there is a wishing tree. Spectral Sightings: There have been many reports of a cavalier figure called Sam, as well as a number of anomalous phenomena connected with the ship’s door in the kitchen. The spirit of Buster (the current owner’s father) is also said to be around from time to time. Very active and very haunted! How to book: There are a number of beautiful rooms including an Angel Room. Two of the rooms have four posters. They start from £85 a night. There is also cabin accommodation consisting of two bunks with shower facilities. Vision special offer: You can book any room except the Angel Room or Victorian Room on a weekday (excluding bank holidays) and get 10% discount. Call 01837 861243 for more details.

IRELAND Rahan Lodge Where it it? Killina, Rahan, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Ireland Haunted History: Just outside the town of Tullamore (famous for its whisky – Tullamore Dew), Rahan Lodge dates from 1740 and contains many original features, and is set amongst fields. The food and welcome at Rahan Lodge are superb examples of Irish hospitality. (Highly recommended, Ed.). Spectral Sightings: One of the bedrooms has a lady in a long flowing dress as a regular visitor, although she just stands over the bed as a rule and doesn’t do anything more dramatic (or scary). There is also ‘the Milkmaid’, a young woman in a mob cap who walks up the drive. How to book: Call 00353 (0)57 9355796 to speak to Carole McDermott, your friendly proprietor. Prices are from €45 per person. Open from May 1st -Sept 30th.

YORKSHIRE Old Silent Inn Where is it? Stanbury, West Yorkshire Haunted History: The Old Silent Inn is beautiful, nestled in moorland and with good views. It is over 400 years old. Spectral Sightings: Tradition holds that a kindly old landlady provided food for the wild cats that foraged on the surrounding moors. There is also the ghost of a little girl with ringlets that is alleged to occupy two of the bedrooms. How to book: Prices start from £65 for a double or twin room and £85 for a family room, with a stay of three days or more getting a 10% discount. Please telephone to confirm prices and book. Tel: 01535 647437.

CHESHIRE Rookery Hall Hotel Where it is? Worleston, near Nantwich, Cheshire

KENT The Mermaid Inn Where is it? Rye, Kent Haunted History: The Mermaid dates from 1156 and was (and possibly still is) the principal Inn of Rye. Over the years the Mermaid has been visited by artistes of stage and screen, musicians, politicians of the day and royalty, including HRH Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, HRH Prince Edward, Warren Beatty, Charlie Chaplin, Pierce Brosnan, Andy Garcia and even Johnny Depp. Spectral Sightings: The Inn is well-known for it’s duelling men in The Elizabethan Chamber. There is also alleged to be a ghost in the secret stairway that can be found in Dr Syn’s Bedchamber. How to book: Rooms start from £80 depending on when they are booked and for how many. Call for details. Vision special offer: Quote Vision and you will receive a 10% discount any day of the week apart from Saturday nights. Tel: 01797 223065.

WILTSHIRE Red Lion Where is it? Avebury, Wiltshire Haunted History: The Red Lion is the only pub in Avebury and dates back to the early 17th Century. It is right in the middle of Avebury stone circle, and is the only pub in the UK which can make such a claim. The area around the Red Lion is reputed to be criss-crossed with Ley Lines. The pub’s accommodation looks over the stone circle. Spectral Sightings: The most famous ghost is a young woman affectionately known as ‘Florrie’ who was murdered and thrown down a well, which you can still see in the pub today. How to book: Rooms start from £40.00 per person per night, but please call to check current prices. Tel. 01672 539266.

Haunted History: Rookery Hall was built in 1816 which at that time was known as “The Rookery, Worleston”. Baron William Von Schroder purchased the Hall in 1867. The Baron changed the traditional Georgian mansion into a small chateau. The lovely setting of the hall amidst 38 acres of gardens and wooded parkland, fringing the banks of the River Weaver, ensure complete tranquillity and the atmosphere of a bygone age. Spectral Sightings: The Grey Lady was an elderly maid. She

had a fatal fall whilst hanging curtains and is said to roam the corridors. There is also the ghost of young Master Schroeder, who was seen by the Visionaries while at the Hall. Read Vision 26 Visionaries for more details. How to book: Vision special offer: You can book a room at the Rookery Hall Hotel at £150.00 per room for Dinner, Bed and Breakfast, based upon two sharing a twin or double room (inc VAT), subject to availability. 17 Vision 27

SCOTLAND Lunan Lodge Where is it? Right on the bay between Montrose and Arbroath: Lunan Lodge, Lunan, By Montrose, Angus DD10 9TG. Phone 01241 830679 E-mail: Haunted History: Jules, the very friendly owner, told us this: “The house was built in 1749, and was extended many times. The original build is slap-bang on top of the fattest ley line I’ve ever seen. The views are spectacular,


WALES Ruthin Castle Where is it? Ruthin, Denbighshire, Tel: 01824 702664 E-mail: Haunted History: Ruthin Castle (its name means ‘red fort’) is one of the most romantic and historic castles in Wales. The original fort was built before 1277, but the modern castle we see today was constructed in 1826. It has hosted members of the Royal Family including Edward VII and HRH Prince Charles. Spectral Sightings: A Mediaeval Ghost known as the ‘Grey Lady’, who in 1290 discovered her husband’s affair with a local Welsh girl and murdered his lover with an axe. Her stone grave can still be seen. When passing the grave the tradition is that you must lift a stone and replace it otherwise she will come and find you. Other legends abound ... How to book: Vision Special Offer: Ruthin Castle offer readers quoting ‘Vision Magazine’ a 15% discount from published room rates (not available with any other offer) for stays on any nights from Sunday to Thursday and not exceeding 5 nights. The offer is available until last day of June 2007. Visit

Vision 27

and this is an area full of stone circles.” Spectral Sightings: Principally: The Maid The Stable boy The Shouty Man … and there are many more! How to book: Vision Special Offer 1: Fri-Sat-Sun night, or Sat-Sun-Mon night. Quote Vision for a 20% discount. Rooms are £60 per night for a double or twin, and £85 per night for a family of 4 including slap-up evening meals at £25 per head. Vision Special Offer 2: Ghost Events are a ghost research organisation that have investigated Lunan Lodge

SUFFOLK The Bull Where is it? Long Melford, Sudbury, Suffolk Haunted History: The Bull Hotel is situated on Long Melford’s High Street near the village green. It has a history dating back over 500 years. You are aware of the Bull’s ancient history as soon as you walk into the entrance hall. Its massive oak beams dominate the reception and carry on through to the lounges and bar with impressive inglenook fireplaces. Spectral Sightings: It is alleged that Richard Everard, who was murdered in the entrance hall in 1648 still walks the hall. His assailant was convicted of murder and executed. There is also a story that there is a concealed room

WARWICKSHIRE Ettington Park Where is it? Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire Haunted History: Ettington Park has been in the Shirley family since before the Norman Conquest. Its imposing façade and arched windows still look out

extensively. They are offering Vision readers 20% discount to one of their events at Lunan Lodge. Please visit their website at or email for more details. Don’t forget to quote Vision!

upstairs in the hotel that nobody has opened or investigated with fear of what they may find! Some guests that stay in the hotel on numerous occasions and also locals say that Richard Everard’s presence is still here not only in the bedrooms but also the lounge and bar! Famous ghost investigator Harry Price has also stayed at the Bull. How to book: Prices at the hotel vary by season. Call the hotel for the latest prices and special offers. Tel. 01787 378494 or visit the website:

onto the 12th century church built on the same site as the Saxon church mentioned along with their ancestors in the Domesday Book. It is set in 40 acres of Warwickshire countryside. Spectral Sightings: Ettington Park is home of ‘Lady Emma’, a phantom in long skirts that walks along the corridors … and then vanishes into a solid wall. A few guests have said that they have felt fabric swish across their faces. How to Book: Rooms vary in price £150 upwards if a fair guideline. You can find more details on the website: www. (select Ettington Park) or you can phone for up-to-date prices. Tel: 01789 450 123

Colin Fry’s remarkable new book, Life Before Death has just been released. Vision spoke to Colin about his reasons for writing it


olin Fry is much loved by the hundreds of people that he has helped via his mediumship. He has worked tirelessly for the Spiritualist Church for decades and now appears on the small screen regularly in his hit series 6ixth Sense. We spoke to Colin about his fascinating new book, which is aimed at helping people through the grief of loss. Life before Death is not an autobiography, but contains many of your own experiences. What prompted you to write it? “I had every intention of writing an autobiography. However, I did think about it first and spoke to a few of my friends. I’m only forty-five and I could do my ‘story so far’. However, when I spoke to one particular friend they asked me a question which made me rethink what I wanted to write about. They said: “It’s great that Spirits communicate … but why do they do so?”. I told my friend what I thought and included all the usual things – life after death, proof of survival and so on. But then I thought about the deeper significance of ‘why’. “It is really important to get across to the public in general that people who’ve passed over have the benefit of hindsight and can share this. They can come back and tell you “I had this experience and this is what I learnt from it”. This book is about the deeper significance of Spirit contact and what we can learn from Spirit to better ourselves and our earthly life. Life doesn’t have to be a stressful journey or a hard experience, it can be as difficult or as easy as we can make it.” What type of person did you write this book for? “Whether people believe me or accept me or not, there are aspects of this book that could and should appeal to anybody. A lot of people will say that they like their life, but even those who are happy agree that they could like it a lot more! This

book is written to help people get more out of life. It is for everybody and anybody – it is a life-coaching book that just happens to be by a medium.” You mention in your book that many people think you are above the pain of loss because of what you do. How do you personally cope with the loss of a loved one? “Pain and grief are normal human emotions and it’s very unhealthy when we deny them. We do have to go through the process of grief and bereavement. I sometimes look at people that act as if they have got over someone’s death far too quickly. Their whole personality changes because they haven’t got over it. I had a close friend who I spent 8 years looking after and who eventually died of AIDS. I announced I was going to be a professional medium the same day. It was Michael’s passing over that made me realise what I must do and how grief was affecting me and how it affects other people. It is a normal emotion that all of us have to face.”

What do you hope a reader will gain from your book? “I hope readers will get the opportunity to re-evaluate their lives, learn to appreciate every person they have in their life and take every opportunity to be able to come to the end of their earthly days being able to say “I did the best I could, hurt as few people as I could and helped as many as I could.”” If there is anyone reading this who does not have faith in life hereafter, what would you say to them? “Have faith in yourself if you can’t have faith in anything else. For God’s sake!” Colin Fry’s absorbing book Life before Death is reviewed on P74. Reader Offer: Buy Life before Death (RRP £7.99) for the special price of £6.99 including free P & P. To order, call 01206 255 800 and quote “Vision”. See next month’s Vision for a full interview about Colin and his work!

In your book you talk about your ability to demonstrate physical phenomena and are very frank about how your ego got in the way of that work. How do you cope with the pressure of TV whilst avoiding the ego? “We all skirt round this subject – but everyone has an ego. If you keep your ego to one with a small ‘e’, your ego will be in proportion and is your sense of self-worth. When Ego (with a capital ‘E’) exists then someone needs to knock you down to size. I am surrounded by good people that make sure I keep the small ‘e’. My life has changed but they tell me I’m still the same person.” 19 Vision 27

Diana Jarvis explains your weird experiences Write a Prize Post and win a pair of tickets to a superb ghost investigation with Haunting Breaks! ( Venue to be decided between Haunting Breaks and winner. Editors decision is final. We reserve the right to edit letters. Vision accept no responsibility for the distribution of prizes, which will be handled by Haunting Breaks. There is no cash alternative.

Angels in the sky?

Scooter Spooks

I like to take photographs and have a few orbs and ghostly mists in my pictures. This picture was taken in Abergele where I live, and I think its a great picture. I thought your readers would like to see it. Some people say it reminds them of Harry Potter on his broom but a lot of people can see an angel. What do you think? Mrs Margaret Banks, Abergele, N. Wales

One night I was walking home through an area of flat land. As I was walking I suddenly noticed two silhouettes of some lads on a scooter riding parallel to me. It was a modern scooter, but the whole image was in silhouette and the scooter was not touching the ground. I started to walk faster and I was a bit unnerved, but the scooter kept pace. Then, suddenly, it disappeared. Do you know what I might have seen? Scott Evans, Peckfield

I must say that this photo is lovely! I can see exactly what you mean about an angel and there is a touch of Harry Potter there too. The thing about images in clouds is that our eyes will always try to make a shape out of any image ... and people are the first things our eyes will ‘create’. However, it is that ability combined with intuition that allows us to scry and to be able to determine things that really are of value in tea leaves, coffee grounds, mirrors, crystal balls and also clouds. If you are seeing an angel, it is most likely a combination of your eyes creating the shape and your subconscious telling you that the angels are around you.

Normally I would have thought that what you were seeing was a replay (a review of past events played back like a video), but as the scooter seemed to keep pace with you (the ‘ghost’ interacted), it is more likely that this ghostly image was either: your imagination (sorry, I can’t rule that out, ever), or that it was Spirit.

Visionary Child My son Bodie was having his first birthday party recently and naturally, I took a lot of photos. Here is one that stood out – can you tell me if the orb on the picture is really a Spirit? Nance Turner-Collings, York Well Nance, as a Visionary, you should know yourself! Although we can never be sure that an orb is Spirit, this one is unusual because it is not completely spherical. It is also interesting to see

20 Vision 27

Perhaps these scooter boys had a close connection to the area or maybe they were close to you when they were alive? Perhaps you could look at some local records and see if there is any mention of these boys passing over, in the area? Spirits often return to a place that had significance for them, or the place where they died. It is highly unlikely that they meant you any harm, they were most likely going through actions they had played out while alive.

how Bodie appears to be throwing it up in the air – did he react to it’s presence? Very often in happy, busy family atmospheres Spirit come close, wanting to be part of the action and wanting to be with those that they loved. Although I can’t prove it one way or the other, I would be very surprised if there was not some Spirit activity at his party, and as a Visionary’s child, I’d be very surprised if he was not aware of it and possibly even communicating with his family that are already in Spirit!

Keep looking for Bodie’s reactions when in this sort of situation, and you may well discover the answer yourself!

If you would like to share your experiences, send them to Diana Jarvis at the Vision address or email: Please give as many details as possible: tell us what you saw, how you felt, and what you sensed etc. The most interesting letter (with or without picture) will win a Haunting Break. We reserve the right to edit letters.

21 Vision 27

Michael Standing Wolf journeys along the Nile to demonstrate its importance in the lives of the ancient Egyptians The Longest River The Nile is the longest river in the world, just tipping its nearest rival the Amazon, by a mere 160 miles. North-flowing, it is fed by two major tributaries, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. These join together in Khartoum to make the Nile proper. From here, this mysterious waterway snakes across a largely arid landscape all the way to the Mediterranean, where its journey finally ends. The ancient Egyptians called the Nile an-nil, which comes from the Greek neilos, meaning ‘river’. From centuries, people have congregated along the banks of the Nile and made them their home. It seems that every year some archaeologist is pushing back the time line further, suggesting that this ancient culture is older than we already think it to be.

Above: The spectacular temple of Hatshepsut ©James Christie Archive

It is not difficult to see why the Nile figured so prominently in the spiritual life of the ancient Egyptians. Beyond its influence was rock and sand, but draw close to it and the world became a veritable oasis. To “cleave to the bosom of the Nile” meant to have life, pure and simple.

Follow the Nile

22 Vision 27

Above: The temple at Abu Simbel ©D Jarvis

To journey the length of the Nile and take in its history is no mean feat, but it can be done. Perhaps the best place to start is in the south, where Egypt borders the Sudan. Here we find the remains of Abu Simbel, a twin temple built for the pharaoh Rameses II, who reigned during the 19th Dynasty for nearly 70 years.

During the 1960s the temples were actually dismantled and removed to higher ground, due to the rising waters of Lake Nasser following the construction of the Aswan Dam. Further north, but still on the western bank, we can see the majestic remains of the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut - the only female to rule Egypt as pharaoh. Even today, architects marvel at the building’s construction and appearance. Virtually due east of the Valley of the Queens, on the opposite bank, are Luxor, Karnak, Thebes and the legendary Temple of Amen. Journeying further we are continually reminded of the sophistication of ancient Egyptian civilisation, but it is when we arrive in the north, at the entrance to the Nile Delta, that we stumble upon the most famous edifices of all; the pyramid complex at Giza. Ironically, it is the very awesome

important to the gods as it was to the people. After all, if there were no River Nile, there would be no worshippers – and what would the gods do then?

nature of these buildings that can be a hindrance to understanding their true function. We marvel at how they are, at the expense of discovering what they are.

Valley of the Kings

The Living Nile

To understand the importance of the temples to the ancient Egyptians, we can do no better than visit the mysterious Valley of the Kings in the rock climes beyond Thebes. Here, at least 28 pharaohs were buried in tombs cut into the stone. In death they were surrounded by the same spectacular wealth they enjoyed during life, forming a visible connection between this world and the next in the mind of every visitor.

To the Egyptians, the Nile was no mere waterway. It had a sentience, feelings and emotions. To desecrate the Nile was unthinkable, for if it turned upon the people, their life would be snuffed out. They even personified the Nile in the form of the water god Hapi, who was a deity of fertility - he provided water, food and the yearly inundation of the Nile. Even in the Bible there is an account of the waters of the Nile turning to blood. To Christians this is a sign of how their own deity became angry at the Egyptians, but the Egyptians themselves would no doubt have seen this as their own gods becoming displeased, and also the Sacred River displaying its anger: “And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.”[Exodus 7:20] No one would deny that ancient Egyptian civilisation is unique, and colours the history of the ancient world. However, it is a sobering thought that, had it not been for the River Nile, there would never have been an Egypt; no pyramids, no temples, no Pharaoh. The origins of ancient Egypt can be found, then, not only in the spiritual life and intellect of the people, but in the source of a river lying thousands of miles away in the heart of Africa.

Egyptian Temples The temples of Egypt were actually capitol buildings, dazzling the populace and nullifying any ideas they may have had about rebellion. They also provided centres of worship at which the people could pay homage to the many deities that formed the complex Egyptian

Below: The natural pyramid rock above the Valley of the Kings © D Jarvis

Above: Spectacular statue of a pharoah at Luxor Temple © D Jarvis

pantheon of gods and goddesses. The temples had to be kept clean, tidy and in a good state of repair. To allow them to fall into disorder would inevitably bring the wrath of the gods down upon the people. One didn’t have to journey far to find a temple; the entire landscape was littered with them. Each city had at least one temple dedicated to its own particular god. At these holy places, visitors could commune with the spirit world, almost as if they had one foot in this earthly plane and another in the world beyond. All in all, then, the temples were powerful psycho-spiritual edifices that efficiently perpetuated the will of the gods and the service of the nation. The Egyptians cleverly wove together the spiritual life and the civic life of the people. Pharaoh, the ruler, was also High Priest. This position allowed him to appoint other priests who would not only serve the gods, but also make sure that his will was carried out. Of course, the temples were never far away from that beloved source of life, the Nile. Every Egyptian understood that the sacred river was as

23 Vision 27

Jay takes a look at how the power of pyramids can be applied to modern day living


eautiful, imposing … powerful, these ancient, monolithic structures have intrigued people all around the world for centuries. Egyptologists have claimed the pyramids are ‘just tombs,’ yet other archaeologists have theorised that they were used as temples. There is of course, no doubt that the pyramids are a symbol of great power, and the word pyramid actually means ‘fire in the middle,’ this suggests that they were recognised as a source of great energy. But what of their uses today? Many of us have small pyramid ‘nick- knacks’ in our homes, but can these be used in a practical way, to benefit us, in our modern world? The answer is a resounding yes! Pyramids have the power to assist us from healing to drawing money, and your love life fizzing! Now I have your attention, read on!

I tried some experiments with a ‘borrowed’ hollow pyramid. You can also use a pyramid shape that you construct yourself, and it is just as effective if it is an ‘open’ pyramid, where the corners and edges are intact, but where the faces are missing (a ‘hollow’ pyramid). Such pyramids are also used ‘people size’ for meditation and crystal healing and are alleged to intensify the experience and help to keep the client in the correct state to receive the maximum benefit from the treatment.

24 Vision 27

I learned from my research that the best kind of pyramid to work with is a hollow one, rather than the solid type I have here. However, even a solid one can be of some assistance, as I discovered. The most powerful point in a pyramid is about a third up from the base.

Pyramids are well-known for their apparent ability to help with meditation. I simply had to try this! So, I did a thirtyminute meditation with a pyramid. First of all I cleansed it. This can be done quite simply under running water, although you should check that the pyramid you have is water resistant, as not all are! I then lay down and placed the pyramid on my brow chakra (or third eye).

Pyramids do have a place in modern day life, one use for them is healing. If you like to send out healing, try the following:

A few minutes into the meditation, I was rewarded with a vision from my past; this vision showed a wooden ‘tipi’ my dad had built when I was a child. Because of the flat sides, it did actually look more like a pyramid than a tipi! I saw myself sat inside it, in a meditative pose, but not as a child, (I did used to sit in there just like that), but as the woman I am today. Nothing more was forthcoming, but as I came out of it I felt both peaceful and energised. I fully intend to do more meditations with my pyramid. Another surprise with this meditation is that I did

For absent healing, (a hollow pyramid is preferable,) a photograph of the person to be healed should be placed inside and add a small quartz crystal. If you have a healing book or list, place a pyramid on top of this, or inside a larger hollow one. If your pyramid is large enough, hands on healing may be done within the pyramid, on both animals and humans.

1. I cut three pieces of raw potato into approximately the same size. 2. One was placed inside the pyramid; one on a dish and the other was placed inside a box, which I lined the bottom of with plastic film (to prevent the box absorbing any moisture). All were left on a shelf in the same room for forty-eight hours. Before:

3. I was amazed by the results! As you can see from the before and after photos, both pieces from the dish and the box have dried out, discoloured and shrunk to around half their original size, the one from the pyramid has retained it’s colour, size and is still moist to the touch.


have a mild headache at the time, but this cleared completely during the meditation, and when I removed the pyramid it felt very warm, although the room I was in was quite cold. It is said to be even better if you can actually sit inside a pyramid to meditate, but you could always visualise sitting in a pyramid.

After the success of these experiments, I decided to place lottery tickets under a larger pyramid. With the results of my experiments so far, you never know, I just might get lucky!

Jay’s pyramid meditation

A pyramid can be constructed quite simply from dowelling or garden cane. It is better, where possible, if the triangular faces are inclined at 51 degrees, 51 minutes and 51 seconds to the ground. If you haven’t the room inside your house or out in the garden, there is always the option of making a smaller one from a light wood such as balsa … or even cardboard. Here are a couple of tips for you, which should improve your pyramid’s power: It’s recommended that your pyramid be aligned on a north/south axis for greatest benefit. Pyramids are better kept well away from electrical sources of interference such as televisions and stereos.

For my next experiment, I used grapes. These were left longer than the potato, four days in all; again the two from the box and dish were markedly more wizened than the one from the pyramid. Before:

Pyramids are said to enhance all aspects of our lives if we work with their energies, so I thought this was another good way to give their power a try. If this particular experiment works, don’t worry, I’ll let you know …

It is also widely believed that pyramids can: Sharpen razor blades; Restore shine to tarnished jewellery; Purify water; Keep milk fresh; Encourage growth in plants;. Assist the healing of minor injuries and aches and pains; It is believed by some that they can increase sexual desire; Pyramids may heighten/enhance psychic energy; Pyramids may enhance meditation and healing;

For my final experiment I used daisies. These were already tucked up for the night when I plucked them at 2pm. I did think that this might add an interesting twist, so I deliberately selected the tightest-closed daisy for the pyramid and placed the other two in the dish and the box. I wanted to see if the flower would actually re open inside the pyramid the next morning, despite being in the dark. Before:

… they do have email in the Bahamas, I believe? I’d just like to extend many thanks to Geoffrey Keyte, fellow writer, and friend of Vision, for his invaluable help with this article. Ed’s Note: After writing and submitting this article, Jay subsequently informed us that she did win £10 on the lottery, with the very ticket that she placed in the pyramid! Not the Bahamas for Jay, granted, but still an excellent result for modern-day pyramid power!

Again, the results were impressive! The flower from the dish was in a poor state: although open, it was beginning to wilt. The one from the box was a little better, but hadn’t opened fully. However, the one in the pyramid had opened and looked in far better health than the other two. Despite the simplicity of these experiments, I can’t help but conclude that pyramid power really does work. After:


25 Vision 27

Rachel Keene investigates some ancient Egyptian symbols and shows us how we can harness some of their magic

Hieroglyphs (the pictorial characters carved in important Ancient Egyptian places such as temple walls, tombs and monuments in Egypt) evolved from artistic traditions, before writing as we know it was in existence. As writing became more widespread among the Egyptian people, hieroglyphs continued to be used to distinguish ‘true’ Egyptians from foreign conquerors, but by the fourth century, few Egyptians were capable of reading them. However, the modern Egyptians still knew that hieroglyphs were sacred writing, and saw them as a magical system of secret, mystical knowledge. Meditating on hieroglyphs can help you to tap into their magical power.

There are many ways in which one can meditate, and everyone has a different way which suits them. Learning to quiet the mind at will, or turning inwards, is one of the most crucial tools in psychic and spiritual development. Symbols are great for use as a focal point for meditation or for bringing certain qualities into our lives. Read the instructions below and then find the appropriate symbols for your needs. 1. Choose a symbol to focus upon and think about what qualities it can inspire in you or your circumstances. 2. Light a candle, it can help you to accept that you have set this time apart as special and magical. You could also engrave the symbol you wish to use onto the candle before lighting. 3. Try using a mantra. This is a constant repetition of a word or a phrase – in this case the name of the symbol or one of its qualities will do. This can help to quiet the mind and focus intently on the symbol. 4. As you meditate, really examine the symbol, each line and stroke, the colour and shape and what it evokes within you and what you wish it to invoke for you. 26 Vision 27

For example:

Choosing your Symbol

If you would like to know what’s really going on in a situation:

Below and opposite you will see a collection of symbols that each have a specific meaning and function. You can choose your symbol using the details as a key.

Focus on the image of Maat’s Feather, and repeat the word “Truth” or a phrase such as “Show me the truth of this situation.” After a few minutes you should feel a mental shift or a feeling of knowing or protection which will assist you as requested. You can repeat this as often as you wish until you experience the desired results.

The Djed

However, if you find that one particular symbol is jumping out at you more than the one that you are ‘supposed’ to use, it is well worth reading what that one is for and seeing if you actually need to concentrate on that symbol’s function more than your original intention!

The Was

Meaning The Djed symbolises stability and was acknowledged as being representative of the backbone of Osiris. Osiris is the great god of life, death and fertility and was much revered in Ancient Egypt.

Meaning The Was is a staff, and was the symbol of power and dominion. Some men in Ancient Egypt would carry a staff made from a dried bull’s penis to imbue them with this power and Pharoahs also carried a staff.

Use If you want to invoke and attract stability in your life, or literally, if you just need some backbone to tackle a situation you would rather avoid, then meditate on the Djed to help you to find strength.

Use Focusing on this symbol will help you to create a sense of control in situations, especially when you need to take back your power. It should not be used to try to dominate others, it is for personal use.



The Eye of Horus

Meaning This symbol is very like a bird with a human head. The Ba was the Ancient Egyptian pictoral representation of the part of the spirit that leaves the body and travels on to the afterlife and can be found on many Papyri.

Meaning Bast or Bastet is the cat goddess who offers love, music and joy to those in her favour. She is also a strong supporter of mothers. She was worshipped widely in Egypt, and is still popular as an amulet today.

Meaning Also known as The Eye of Ra (or Udjat), this is the ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and power. The eye of Horus represents the sun, hence the association with the Sun God Ra.

Use By focusing on the concept of the Ba during meditation, we can raise our vibration to meet that of our loved ones and spirit guides.

Use Visualise Bast if you need some more love and laughter in your life. Bast is also a strong protector, but do not choose her symbol if you don’t like cats.

Use Use this symbol for protection, it is especially useful to meditate on before any spiritual work. You can also ‘send it out’ to seek out things you need.



Maat’s Feather

Meaning The goddess Isis represents nature’s fertility. She was mysterious, magical and the focus of divine motherhood in Ancient Egypt. In Egyptian mythology, Isis represents the feminine and the duality in all.

Meaning The Wadjet is one of the oldest Egyptian goddesses, overseeing Justice, Time, Heaven and Hell. She was revered as the goddess of childbirth, and protector of children, kings, and queens.

Meaning Representing truth, justice, balance and morality, the concept of Ma’at became personified as a Goddess. In Egyptian mythology the heart of a deceased person would be weighed against the feather of the Goddess.

Use Meditating on Isis (especially on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) will help you focus on feminine strength, fertility and magic.

Use Focus on Wadjet in times when you or your loved ones need protection, when you need positive growth in your life, or when you need to rely on your intuition.

Use Focus on the image of Maat’s feather when you need to find truth and restore balance, harmony and stability in your life.



Meaning This symbol represents spontaneous creation, and is associated with the sunrise. The Egyptians compared the scarab’s dung ball to the sun: the scarab rolling his dung ball was equated to the sun’s movement across the sky.

Meaning The Shen is a loop of rope with no beginning and no end, symbolising eternity and protection. The shen is often seen held by deities in bird form, hovering over Pharaoh’s head with their wings outstretched in protection.

Use Focus on the scarab when in need of creative inspiration, especially on a new project or a new start in life.

Use Focus on Shen whenever you feel in need of divine protection and guidance from the spirit world.

The Ankh Meaning The ankh represents life itself. Some believe that the ankh is a mix of male and female, representing the union of heaven and earth. Today the ankh represents eternal life, protection and the Universe. Use Visualising the ankh helps to connect us with higher realms and with the spirit inside each of us that is eternal, while it also offers us protection and keeps us safe.

27 Vision 27


ue to popular demand, Vision have teamed up with crystal author Geoffrey Keyte and are pleased to offer you another chance to win a place on Geoffrey’s internetbased study programme on crystals, which you can follow in your own time.

Six lucky winners will each receive enrolment on the Colour Crystal Healing Correspondence Course (value £95!) PLUS a two year membership of the prestigious International Federation of Crystal Healers. This fabulous course offers the beginner in Crystal Healing a complete grounding in the subject.


ision has teamed up with leading UK Psychic Medium Paul Perris to offer you the chance to Win your own Medium for three months! “Mediums offer people support and guidance at difficult times in their lives ... we are able to help those facing such challenges”, explains Paul.

Learn how to: Choose the appropriate crystal Cleanse your crystal Programme your crystal Choose special crystals Perform Crystal Healing

How to Enter For your chance to win a place on the Colour Crystal Healing Correspondence Course, just answer the following: The winner will also get membership to which prestigious organisation? Is it: A. The International Federation of Crystal Healers B. The Crystal Clear Companions C. The National Healers Institute


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How to Enter Send your name, address and daytime telephone number on the back of an stamped envelope or stamped postcard to: Vision/Mystic Mediums Competition, 42a Main Street, Garforth. LS25 1AA to reach us by 14th June 2007. One lucky reader will win a free 20 minute phone reading a month with Paul*, over three months. Ten runners-up will win a set of Lord of the Rings tarot cards. However, if you don’t win, don’t worry, you can still book a reading. Visit for more details of how to book. * or a Mystical Medium of your choice

28 Vision 27

Take this opportunity to learn much, much more about the fascinating world of crystals and be able to practice crystal healing confidently! Enter now for your chance to win a place!

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Terms and conditions: The first name drawn after the closing date will win a free reading a month for three months with Paul Perris. The next 10 names drawn will each win a set of Lord of the Rings tarot cards. Winners must be 18 or over. No more than one entry per person and all entries must be on a separate postcard or back of envelope. Vision accepts no responsibility for the fulfillment of prize obligations or the distribution of prizes. Competition details form part of the rules.

29 Vision 27

Super psychic Ruth Urquhart (Ruth the Truth), tells you your lucky numbers, colour and predictions for each month

Lucky Month A business venture will see you working with like minded people. It will involve a product that smells nice and it could net you a huge profit, so don’t be afraid to follow your hunch!

Lucky Month If not a new relationship, then a more positive move with an existing relationship will bring you a warm feeling of being loved. This month love will be all around you in many guises so enjoy it.

Lucky Month A plan involving a relative or friend is worth pursuing, although read all the small print that is shown to you. You will also receive an e-mail from a person you had lost touch with.

Lucky Tips Team games, sport and quizzes will win you prizes this month, as do competitions to do with food and drink. The name of a pet will bring with it financial rewards.

Lucky Tips You will miss a connection or a meeting this month. However, this problem will bring a surprisingly positive set of circumstances that will open up new doors for you.

Lucky Tips Look in all cupboards and drawers as they will contain things of value and things long thought to be lost, but useful to you now that your situation has changed.

Lucky Colour & Numbers Gold, 8, 19

Lucky Colour & Numbers Orange, 3, 17

Lucky Colour & Numbers Purple, 5, 27

Lucky Month A day out from your normal working routine will help you get an idea off the ground. This idea will make you money and allow you to get much awaited recognition, so go for it!

Lucky Month Using a mixture of your artistic and creative abilities, you will make a great impact on your career this month. Just remember to make sure you get all the credit for your ideas.

Lucky Month An invite to a large family celebration will be winging its way to you. Just make sure you get a suitable outfit to wear in plenty of time, as you tend to be very choosy in your clothes.

Lucky Tips Looking after your wellbeing will be your top priority this month. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables for a healthy outlook and digestion. In particular eat strawberries.

Lucky Tips The words of a song you catch yourself singing will have a hidden message for you and bring you luck in a game of chance. Make sure you pay attention so you don’t miss it!

Lucky Tips Your mind will be thinking of sunnier climates and you will be on the internet trying to catch a holiday bargain. You will be lucky as long as you are quick off the mark.

Lucky Colour & Numbers Red, 2, 39

Lucky Colour & Numbers Silver, 25, 48

Lucky Colour & Numbers Emerald Green, 18, 26

30 Vision 27


rom the day you were born, you were born to be lucky. It is part of your heritage and a gift from your ancestors. Your day of birth holds much for you, which can come in many guises. It is only the trials and tribulations of life that halt our luck in its tracks. This column is only about the good stuff, the things to look forward to over the coming month and tips on how to make the most of them.

Lucky Month You will hear of a venture involving property. Don’t be afraid to take a chance as your money will be safe investing in bricks and mortar. Also, involve your loved one in this plan. Lucky Tips You will take an elderly friend out for a relaxing day by the water. This will allow them to feel loved and cherished once again. They will also enjoy the company as they get lonely often. Lucky Colour & Numbers Sky Blue, 23, 47

This is just like my very own personal gift to you: full of surprises and things to look forward to - just what we could all do with! Since ancient times, man has had a fascination with numbers. The numbers that make up the jigsaw pieces of our lives weave magic into our everyday being. Now in each issue of Vision, you will discover what luck will come to you and what lucky colour you should be

wearing to maximise your positive outcomes. I will even give you two numbers that will allow you to have luck with you at all times. These numbers can be used in association with the lottery, bingo or any games of chance. Take advantage of who you are and the numbers that make up ‘you’, by following the tips and predictions in my column every month. Think lucky! Be lucky!

Find your Luck Number To use the Luckoscope, First of all you need to calculate your LUCK NUMBER, which is very simple. 1. Just take the day you were born and if it is above ten, then add the two digits together, or if it is under ten, then this is your luck number. 2. For example: I was born on the 21st of August 1968 so my luck number is 2+1 (21st) = 3 (LUCK NUMBER 3) 3. If I had been born on 1st August, my luck number would be 1. ALL NUMBERS MUST BE BETWEEN 1-9 SO IF IT IS ABOVE THIS, ADD THOSE NUMBERS TOGETHER, eg if you were born on 19th, you would add 1+9=10 and then 1+0=1, your luck number is 1. Now see what goodies are in store for you!

Lucky Month A person you are very close to and who you have been worried about will get good news on the health and financial front. They will take you out for a lovely lunch to celebrate.

Lucky Month Meditation and all things holistic will be on your mind this month. The chance to take part in a course will veer you in a more ‘healing related’ direction. It will also help you to heal family members.

Lucky Tips You need to sit back and relax this month. It is time to recharge your batteries. With time to set clear plans, you will find your life has a new positive purpose.

Lucky Tips Listen to the sounds of nature, such as the singing of birds or the rustle of leaves. Nature will hold a clear message for you. If you listen you will hear.

Lucky Colour & Numbers Turquoise, 7, 14

Lucky Colour & Numbers Indigo, 34, 46

31 Vision 27

What do the ancient Egyptian scarabs say about you? Read on, try the oracle ‌ and find out!


he ancient Egyptians have, without a doubt, had a major impact on modern society and have left us with treasures that we could scarcely have dreamed about. We have evidence of their high level of culture and civilisation and can see their impact without having to look very far. They were a very superstitious people, but they had great faith in their gods and in the afterlife. The scarab beetle, (otherwise known as the scarab-headed god Khepri, Kheper or Khepera) was one of their symbols of everlasting life. The scarab beetle lays its eggs in a ball of dung and then rolls the dung to a safe place to hide. The Egyptians observed new life emerging from the dung and saw it as a symbol of creation and life as well as a symbol for the soul rising from death - ready to make its journey to the Afterlife and face judgement. The scarab is also strongly connected with the sun because of its habit of coming up out of the sand at sunrise, and then crawling back into the sand when the sun sets. The ancient Egyptians could see that the sun rose from the sand and set in the sand in the same way as the scarab did, so they believed that the scarab was an earthly representation of the sun. They also saw believed that the scarab god rolled the sun like a huge ball through the sky and then into the underworld when the sun set. So the scarab is closely associated with resurrection and transformation. If you

32 Vision 27

are lucky enough to visit Egypt today, you are more than likely to be given a small scarab as a gift from any vendor that you manage to haggle successfully with!

How to use the oracle 1. Look carefully at the scarabs on the opposite page. 2. Think about what you most want to know about yourself spiritually and for your future. 3. As you think about this, hold your finger over the page and close your eyes. 4. When you have your thoughts clear in your mind, allow your finger to drop onto the page. 5. Check the number that your finger has fallen on, and then turn over the page and read the quote and prediction that is printed on the back. 6. If your finger falls on more than one number, read all numbers that apply, as they will all have a relevance to youin some way or the other. 7. Remember the quote at the beginning of the card that you choose. Use it as a focus for meditation,you may very well find that you gainmore insight into your immediate future and how to deal with it. Connect with the wisdom of the Ancient Egyptians and see what life has in store for you in the near future. Like the new day, represented by the symbol of the scarab, there will always be changes, but there will always be opportunities for a brighter future. You just have to believe!

33 Vision 27

4. “The breath of Isis is around and about you”. You are likely to hear about a birth in the next few months. This may be a baby, but could also be a new business venture, or a new partnership.

3. “Anubis watches over your brethren”. There is a loved one coming very close to you right now. You may feel that their breath on your cheek or sense a change in temperature.

2. “The great Nile flows through your veins”. There is love coming to you from an unusual source. Your life is about to move forward steadily away from the difficult times .

1. “The reeds on the bank whisper”. There is news coming to you – look out for messages in nature and coincidences that will show you the way forward, they are well worth noting.

8. “The Djed is strong and supportive”. You need to speak out against something or someone that has been taking advantage of you.

7. “As the sands shift, life moves on”. Change is coming, but there is no need to be afraid of it. As the sands find a level, so will you and this change will be for the long-term good.

6. “The Eye of Horus flies out to protect you”. If you have been feeling jaded, this depression and listlessness is about to lift. Negative energies and blocks will be removed.

5. “Thoth writes all you are about to do”. Study is important right now. Keep a close eye on local papers and the internet for courses that may suit.

10. “The scarab carries the sun”. Expect a surprise, and a very pleasant one indeed. The scarab brings you a gift from out of the blue, so don’t miss your opportunity to take advantage of it.

When you’ve found your number, use the quote given as an affirmation and as a focus for meditation.

9. “Bast can purr as well as growl.” “It is better to have loved and lost …” and although you have been hurt in love, times are due to change. You will find that relationships become more stable now.

14. “Study the stele carefully – the answer is written”. Now is the perfect time to make a list of all you need to do as you will find you can work through it easily.

13. “Hathor looks at you fondly.” This is a time of abundance in all you do! You will find money problems reducing and you will feel a lot more in control of things.

12. “Gaze at the pyramid and see the stars”. If you have felt a bit under the weather health-wise, times are changing. You will feel that you have more energy than you have had for some time!

11. “The Ba hovers near you now”. Pay attention to all that is going on around you. You may well find that you will receive messages and instructions in your dreams. Keep a dream journal.

18. “The sacred pool is still and calm.”. Take some time out for yourself. You have been focussing on everything else and need some time for introspection and meditation.

17. “The lotus blooms for only a short while.” You have a secret admirer. You may not have noticed them because they are quite quiet, but they have a heart of gold.

16. “The papyrus has no hieroglyphs.” For the next few months, you will be making your own choices and writing your own future. Make sure all your actions are well thoughtout.

15. “Horus sits on the knees of Isis.” Children around you will need attention. Providing that you set some time aside for younger members of your circle, you will find that things go smoothly.

34 Vision 27

35 Vision 27

Michele Partridge makes teddy bears, but not just any teddies. Michele’s spiritual teddies help to heal!


ecoming a Mother of three young children can be quite a daunting prospect, especially if you have your head in the clouds and suddenly realise you have to be more like a grown up as you have these precious beings to nurture. “My son Bradley (now 10 years old) was certainly a challenge to me from the start, and the first 8 months of his life were a blur as he was constantly awake. My husband Jeff and I found out later on that he was severely autistic. Bradley’s sister Tarion (now 8 years) was already born when we found out, and we made a conscious decision to have a third child. Along came Lorien (now 7 years). When Lorien was born, I decided that it was time to start trying to find some ‘me’ time, if only for the preservation of my sanity. “I have always been into arts and crafts and have had many hobbies including knitting and glass painting, but then, finally, I found teddy bear making. I bought a kit, made a bear and then decided that my Father-in-law should have the bear as there was a strong resemblance! However, I was not satisfied with the look of this bear so I went on to completely design from scratch my own style of bear. “... this was my calling ... to create ‘light beings’.” “I found the process so therapeutic and magical. I started submitting photos of my creations to famous bear magazines and managed to touch the hearts of collectors from all over the world - in my first year of making I entered a competition and was so honoured to be awarded a prestigious British Bear Artist Award!

36 Vision 27

“At this point I really believed that this was my calling. This belief fuelled my passion to create these special ‘light beings’. My teddy bears really do have an added extra. I have always believed in Angels and truly believe that I am getting “Angelic Assistance” with making these special bears. Over the past few years I have begun to focus on channelling each creation that I make and I use crystal grid formations to charge up the fabric before I embark on making a unique special one-off creation. I also go into a meditative state whilst

“... my bear ... helped her to heal from her grief.”

Kyra (meaning ‘light’)

marking up a design and I always make sure that I focus on just the one creation at a time which can take around 2-3 weeks to make. “... making my bears spiritual ... has helped people suffering.” “My belief in tuning in and making my bears spiritual has really paid off in terms of the amazing results they have had in helping people that are suffering. I have had some really heart warming stories.

“The other day I got a call from a lady who had bought one of my bears from a bear shop in Cornwall whilst she was on holiday. I give all my bears their own name and I had named this bear Lia (which was my cat’s name). This lady had treated herself to this bear as she had recently lost her cat to spirit and felt an empathy with the name of the bear. A few months later she fell pregnant but sadly lost her baby. She told me that my bear had proved to be a great source of comfort to her during such dark times and that it helped her to heal from her grief. Hearing this gave me further confirmation that I was doing what I should be doing. I had needed proof that my little light beings were doing their healing work – and I had got it. “I was also told about what happened to my very special Polar Bear, Apollo. He


had been bought to comfort a gentleman’s wife when she became seriously ill and was bedridden for 6 months. This bear was cuddled and stayed with her throughout her traumatic and painful time. The couple telephoned me to tell me how Apollo had helped her with her healing process and the lady told me that she would have been lost without him. When I had a longer chat with her, she did mention that after her recovery her daughter had a break-up with her boyfriend and was feeling very sad and broken hearted - so Apollo went to stay with her to heal her broken heart.

close friends or relatives. This year I created a pink bear that I named ‘Flo’. I sent her to my good friend Pat and when she opened the package she was moved to tears. The uncanny thing was that she had recently announced to a friend that if she had another daughter she would name her ‘Flo’. I couldn’t have got it any more perfect - but then I believe that the Angels already knew this and are up there smiling to themselves! Another thing that Pat mentioned was that when she smells the bear’s head it smells just like her babies did when they were little! “... my little bears have helped with both emotional and spiritual healing ...” “I have recently made a special connection with a lady I met recently and we have been spiritual pen pals for quite some time now. I made a special ivory bear for her and we decided between us

“I do believe that I get assistance with my creations ...” “I do believe that I get assistance with my creations and that they all have their own homes to go to that are pre-planned. A few months ago I had a vision when I touched some black mohair fabric, I felt a real yearning to design and make a black cat with amber eyes. I was quite confused about this vision and didn’t know why I was getting this urge. However, my answer soon came. On the day my cat was ‘born’, I received an email from a good friend of mine to say she had just lost her well-loved black cat when he underwent an operation at the vets. I really felt as if the angels had asked me to do this cat just for her … Every year I do like to try and find some time to make at least one bear that I can give as a gift to

Lucia the rabbit

need to look into their eyes and they will touch your heart on a very deep level. “I hope to leave this world knowing my creations have been a comfort and given love, healing and joy to their owners - I would love to be remembered as an Extraordinary Spiritual Bear maker that touched people’s hearts. I know that the Angelic Realms assist us to help others in whatever way they can, and I think in my case, they help me with my bears!” If you’d like to find out more about Michele and her bears, you can visit her website at


to call it Lemuria. She has been using this bear as a surrogate when she practices Reiki distance healing, which has been working really well for her – so my little bears have helped with both emotional and spiritual healing now! Each one of my ‘little light beings’ has what I believe to be a soul - you only

Haniel (Angel Bear)

37 Vision 27

Michelle Jones investigates graphology, the study of handwriting, and asks “What does your handwriting say about you?”


he art of using handwriting to decode your personality goes back an incredibly long time – both the Chinese and the great philosopher and teacher Aristotle noticed the connection between a person’s handwriting and their character more than 2000 years ago. However, it was not until 1622 that the first book was published on the subject and we had to wait until the late 1800’s before a proper system of analysis was developed. Your handwriting is utterly unique to you; it is just as individual as your fingerprints or DNA and by analysing the loops and tails, the high and low points, the slants and slopes of the lines and letters you can learn a lot about yourself and those around you…

To begin with, you need a sample of handwriting; anything will do, but if you cannot think of what to write, try a nursery rhyme as we have done here! Firstly, look at the handwriting in general – is it large or small, neat or a messy scribble? Do the letters lean backwards or forwards? All of these things have a different interpretation; here are some characteristics to look for: Small letters and words: technically minded, good attention to detail. Large and rounded: Open and friendly. Forgetting to cross the ‘t’s’ and dot the ‘i’s’ may indicate carelessness. Angular writing shows interest in ideas and technical subjects whereas a rounded style indicates someone more interested in people and emotions. If there is a letter ‘s’ at the end of the word that is not joined on – this is a sign of independence. 38 Vision 27

The slope of your handwriting can tell a lot about how you see your place in the world, and how confident you are. The more the writing leans in either direction, the greater the emphasis; but remember to look for consistent leaning, just one or two letters may not indicate a trend. If the leaning strokes are all at the same angle, this further confirms the personality trait. Leaning/sloping to the left – introverted personality.

Where do you put the ‘dot’ over the letter ‘i’? If it is placed right over and in line with the letter, it indicates a precise and tidy personality, if it is slightly ahead (to the right), then you may be forward thinking and energetic; if you use a

Leaning/sloping to the right – extroverted personality. Upright with no slope – Neither introvert or extrovert; may be motivated by factors other than the people in their lives. You also need to see if the line of writing is rising or falling on the right hand side – if your line droops down, you may be feeling tired or even depressed, whereas a rising line shows an energetic, cheerful and optimistic person.

small flicked stroke it shows a sense of humour, while placing the dot to the left (behind) the ‘i’ shows a thoughtful person. If your dots are all over the place (like mine!) it means you may be a little scatty and distracted!

Does the handwriting flow along as ‘joined up’ writing or are letters placed down singly, with few or no links? Lots of linked letters – and even words – indicate an eager, open and perhaps impulsive personality. Fewer linked letters and no linked words indicate a more thoughtful person who may be careful and considered in their approach to life. No linked letters at all may indicate an artistic and creative person who needs their space …or a hermit…!

Do you draw loops at the top and/or bottom of your letters? Large upper loops show emotions, but uneven loops may show dissatisfaction with life. Loops leaning to the right show compassion, but left pulling loops show nostalgia.

The amount of space you leave between the words is important too. Leave lots of space and you may be very spatially aware, able to deal with plans and diagrams and complicated technical concepts – or you might be someone who really needs their own space –

If you leave the loops on letters a, e, b and d open, then you have a more casual approach – and may like to gossip, but closing them off may show some secretive tendencies… Loops on otherwise angular writing may be a sign of an inflexible or ‘difficult’ personality!

Physical selves, abilities and aptitudes, passion, survival and sex. Letters that have long downward strokes; g, j, p, q, y, z.

Common sense, logic and instinct. How we relate to others. Letters with no ‘up’ or ‘down’ strokes; a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x.

In order to see these clearly, you might want to draw two parallel horizontal lines through the sample as shown here. The more of the handwriting that appears in each section, the more that personality is related to, or focused upon that area; you can also see if the writing seems to be pulled down towards the

even to the degree that you may find it difficult to trust others. On the other hand, if your words are all jammed together, with small spaces in between, this is a sign of a sociable person that’s comfortable in large groups!

There are three physical areas of the handwriting. Each is said to be related to a different part of our personality:

The ‘Higher Self’ – Ideas and imagination, spirituality and philosophy. Letters that have long upward strokes; b, d, f, h, k l, t.

lower case, or pulled up towards the upper case. Remember that this is NOT about spelling and it is not an indicator of intelligence either! This is all about the way in which the words have been set down on paper and the more examples of a particular characteristic you can find, the stronger that particular personality trait. Graphology is a science – and it is one which is being increasingly used by companies when recruiting … so perhaps now might be the time to examine what your handwriting is really saying about you …

39 Vision 27


ankind has always been drawn towards methods of divination and fortune telling. There are not many people alive in today’s world that has not heard of Palmistry, Tarot Cards, or Crystal gazing. Most people have either visited a clairvoyant, a fairground Gypsy, or a professional reader of some type. Those who have not, are likely to know someone who has done so within their circle of friends and family. We share this interest with our ancestors who would seek out knowledge and guidance through Seers, Sooth Sayers, and Oracles. These early professionals used their skill through various forms of divining. Long before Tarot Cards

40 Vision 27

Val Sugarman-Williams explores the ancient art of sand reading and tells us how we can try it at home appeared in Europe, and Crystal Balls were fashioned, other systems had been regularly consulted. In the early part of the 19th century a Papyrus was discovered amongst a cache at Thebes (the ancient capital of Egypt). This papyrus was amongst a collection of ancient writings and was written in 3AD. Many such finds had been discovered before, however, what made this discovery different was that when the papyrus was translated it was found to contain complete instructions on how to use items to divine the future! The Leyden Papyrus was in fact an Ancient Magical Handbook. One of the operations described in it is known as ‘The Lamp and Vessel’. This early form of scrying (interpreting shapes in a number of

media: such as water, mirrors, crystal balls and sand) used an oil lamp and a bowl of water to which lamp soot would be added. The lamp would be positioned so light would be cast upon the surface of the blackened water. The God of the Dead, Anubis, would then be called so that he could command spirits to appear upon the water in the bowl. Several of these earthenware bowls have been excavated from sites in Egypt bearing images of Anubis. The Papyrus also records the use of lamps to induce trance upon mediums, and the use of the Moon’s reflection upon water. Another early form of divination is Sand Scrying.

References to reading sand can be found in the Old Testament. The Bible tells the story of how King Saul set out to find ‘a woman that hath a familiar spirit’. His servants informed him that such a woman lived at Endor. The King himself had banned all Fortune Tellers. So he disguised himself and by the cover of darkness visited her in her Cave.

The Ancient Egyptians called sand scrying ‘The Jackal Path’. This was because the Jackal was considered to be sacred to Anubis and would run between Oases during the night. Many ancient travellers lost in the desert found water by following the jackal prints left upon the landscape, so the jackal was a ‘friend’ to man.

You will need to procure a small bowl, preferably of some natural material such as pottery, or earthenware. Do not use plastic! It needs to be wide enough in circumference for you to place your hands inside it.

Sit in front of the bowl and concentrate on what you wish to ask. If you wish you can also ask Anubis to guide you, or you may prefer to ask for help from your Spirit Guides or the Angels.

Next you will need some sand. Sand can be found relatively easily, but if you cannot find some, you can purchase sand from a garden centre or pet store. Make sure you get enough to fill your bowl just below its rim.

Set up your working place. Set the lamp, or candle next to the bowl so its light falls across the surface of the sand. Light some incense if you can: Jasmine, Frankincense, or Sandalwood all work well.

Then, place your fingertips into the sand and allow yourself to touch and move the sand. Do not rush, just allow yourself to relax. You will find that this is very therapeutic in itself.

Evidently her skill was with Sand Scrying for the Bible records that King Saul asks: “What sawest thou?”, to which the woman replied “I saw Gods ascending out of the Earth”. Although sand reading is a very ancient method of scrying, it can be used today for individual guidance, follow the tips below and try yourself!

You will also need a candle, or a lamp and, if you have a statue of Anubis or a picture of him, you can put this next to your bowl to link in with the ancient method.

As with all forms of divination, you need to ensure that you will not be interrupted by everyday intrusions. Turn off the telephone; make sure that if you have pets that they are away from your space.

Record your thoughts so that you can look back on them later. Often what does not make sense at the time, becomes understandable at a When you feel that you have later time. spent sufficient time, remove your Remember that you are continuing an fingers and study the pattern you ancient tradition that can be traced have drawn. Pay attention to the back for thousands of years, and in doing shadows that are cast. What do so you are linking to Ancient times. the patterns suggest? Enjoy, and may the Jackal guide you.

41 Vision 27

Cursing is ancient and belief in curses just as ancient. Here are some famous curses – and a few tips on how to avoid them! George Gould traveled to Egypt when he learned of Carnarvon’s death. He visited the tomb, collapsed and died during the night. Richard Bethell died of heart failure four months after entering the tomb. In 1939, Howard Carter died.

The curse of Rasputin

The Curse of Tutankhamun We couldn’t possibly have an Egyptian issue without covering the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’. The ancient Egyptians believed in curses and there are many documented spells believed to protect against curses, and many amulets made and worn to ward them off. It is said that on the entrance to Tutankhamun’s tomb was written “Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king.” On 17th February 1923, Howard Carter was the man who disturbed the Pharoah’s peace, along with his sponsor, Lord Carnarvon. Forty-seven days after entering the tomb, Lord Carnarvon died painfully in a hotel in Cairo. The cause of death was unknown, but a mosquito did bite him on his cheek, on precisely the same spot where Tutankhamun had a blemish on his skin. It has also been said that at exactly the same time as Caernarvon died, his dog back in England started barking and died too. The lights also went out in the entire city of Cairo and stayed off for several minutes. It didn’t end there either: Arthur Maze, one of the expedition’s archeologists, died shortly afterwards, in the same hotel.

42 Vision 27

Rasputin became famous as advisor to Alexandra, the Tsarina of Russia, as it was claimed that he helped to heal her son, Alexis, from haemophilia. However, the good relationship between the royal family and the ‘Devil Monk’ fell apart and Rasputin was assassinated by poisoning, shooting and drowning. On his deathbed, Rasputin is alleged to have mumbled a curse and he is also said to have predicted his death and the events that would follow. Make up your own mind … here is what he wrote before his death: “I write and leave behind me this letter at St. Petersburg. I feel that I shall leave life before January 1 ... If I am killed by common assassins, and especially by my brothers the Russian peasants, you Tsar of Russia, have nothing to fear, remain on your throne and govern, and you, Russian Tsar, will have nothing to fear for your children, they will reign for hundreds of years in Russia ... if it was your relations who have wrought my death, then no one in the family, that is to say, none of your children or relations, will remain alive for more than two years. They will be killed by the Russian people ... You must reflect and act prudently. Think of your safety and tell your relations that I have paid for them with my blood. I shall be killed. I am no longer among the living. Pray, pray, be strong, think of your blessed family. Grigory” He was killed on December 30th.

Voodoo, curses and hexes Voodoo has long been the target of stories about curses. The best-known curse is one using a doll (or poppet), crafted in the shape of the intended victim. The doll is ‘powered up’ with the addition of hair or blood from the victim and then stuck with pins to cause pain and suffering. However, as you will know from Vision 22, not all Voodoo dolls are used for curses, they can be used to heal.

Cursing around the world People throughout the world have their own different beliefs on curses. The Chinese believe that they can curse by leaving rice and some pennies on the victim’s doorstep. The aboriginal Australians curse by pointing a kangaroo bone at their intended victims. In the middle east, belief in ‘the Evil Eye’ is prevalent and many amulets with eyes on are worn – and sold to tourists! The Celts had many forms of curse. Curse stones involved turning a stone three times and saying the name of the victim.

Avoiding curses It is said that the best way to avoid a curse is simply to not believe it can hurt you. Very often any kind of magic involves belief and it certainly will help if you laugh at it. A strong aura increased by your own belief, the positive power of your own thoughts, a candle lit to represent the ‘good and holy’ and, perhaps, a prayer to your own deity will stand you in good stead to avoid anything that might come your way.


arvellous Medium Kyle Gray, (guest psychic on Soapstar, Superstar!) answers your questions with the help of your Guides and Angels.

Drop us a line or email with your questions. Kyle will then let you know what your Angels think and give you a special key from them, to meditate and concentrate on.

I worry for my daughter

I am so lonely

My daughter has a chance of a new start in a new place, but I am worried she is doing what everyone else wants. She is having debt problems as well. We have told her it’s her decision and we are there for her. However, she gets hassle from her dad and family, and this worries me. I want her to be debt free and happy. Please can you help with this? Name withheld, Barnsley

After being in a very violent and abusive relationship for eight years, I am now on my own with my 16 year old daughter and feel and look a different person. Although things are a lot better I am very lonely and would love to meet a decent man. Will I ever find my soul mate and true happiness in life? MM, S. Wales

Every time I try to tune into your daughter’s energy, I just get nothing but clouded thought. The angels tell me the only person who can help her is herself. I suggest she asks her angels for help and guidance, this will set her on the right path. Everything happens for a reason, so there will be something positive. Healing is being sent to the painful back.

You have made the right steps to find happiness! Removing yourself from your past relationship took a lot of courage! The Angels guide you to use this same courage to have confidence in yourself. Get out there … a Soul Mate will not be far behind. You must remember to firstly trust yourself, before another. I keep seeing someone wanting to stop/quit smoking.

Special Key: Positive thinking, finances

So many problems! Please help - no one will listen to me, I’m even boring myself! My husband died 5 years ago, leaving me nothing but problems. My main problem is money. l work full time as a nurse, and also try to run a wedding cake business. I am sick of working and trying to sort things out, l just feel exhausted. Can you see if these debts are going to end, will my son and myself be alright?(edited) Hilary V, Norfolk The Angels are always around to help, so ask them to help resolve your situations. Some changes have to be made in order for you to find you feet again, but I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel. The angels say stop over-working yourself, you do more than you should. I feel there will be a clearer air by the summer! Special key: Clear out the old.

Special Key: Live your life to the full

Spiritual advice, please! Kyle, am I on the right path? And are there further spiritual developments for me in the future, I'm a little confused at the moment and can't see my way forward. Karen Jones, Lancashire No-one is on the wrong path, your angels tell me they can hear you, especially when you’re on the move and commuting. I feel you have to take your time, I just feel like you want everything yesterday and you must be patient with yourself. Your psychic and healing abilities seem to be recognised, but expect more in the near future. The Angels tell me to say “rely on no-one but the divine”. I feel you don’t need spiritual teachers and courses all the time, study yourself and your tools and you will be there in no time. Your spirit guides will come eventually! Your key: Laughter!

Send your questions for your Angels to The Angel Oracle, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth,LS25 1AA, or email Please include all details you feel are relevant. Letters are received on the understanding that they may be published without further communication. We reserve the right to edit letters.

43 Vision 27


ntroducing Michael Standing Wolf – Native American expert and all round nice guy! Read this column every month for

Indians have a love-hate relationship with the owl. As in other indigenous cultures, some tribes believe the owl to be a harbinger of death or bad luck. Others take a more positive view and see the owl as a representation of wisdom and spiritual introspection. Some Indians believe that the owl is a shamanic bird because it often sits with one eye closed and the other open. This means that, like the shaman, it is simultaneously keeping watch in this world whilst also “going within” and “journeying” to other, more spiritual paces.

Recently, I was talking with some close friends about the subject of “respect”; something that many people see as a right, whilst in reality it is something that needs to be earned. Some think that respect can be demanded by behaving aggressively towards others or by “sticking up for our rights”, demonstrating nothing but immaturity. Indians do not take kindly to rude, forceful or aggressive people who are consumed by their own ego. Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé once said, “You might as well expect the rivers to run backward as that any man who was born a free man should be contented when penned up and denied liberty.” 44 Vision 27

Sometimes in life we have to face problems for which there seems to be no immediate solution. Indians have a way of dealing with such situations – by creating what is often called a Burden Stone. The next time you are troubled or worried, find a stone and write or paint upon it a few words

tips on the Native American path and don’t forget to write in to Mike with your questions so that he can consult his medicine stones and relay their wisdom to you!

which describe the way you are feeling and why your heart is heavy. Then, after saying a simple prayer, bury the stone in the ground, perhaps near a tree or at the foot of a hill. Be thankful, for Mother Earth has now taken your burden from you. Trust in the Spirits that they will now take control, and that things will inevitably work out the way they should. The wind, the rain and the sun can also be our true friends – all we need to do is talk to them and let them know we are there. Be assured, they are listening, and will help you if you simply ask them to.

If Owl comes to you in your dreams, do not be afraid. He is urging you to pay closer attention to your daily life, whilst at the same time not neglecting your spiritual development. Owl wants you to act wisely and avoid making rash decisions. Owl may also be encouraging you to “take a backward step” and avoid getting too closely involved with too many people. Remember, whilst it is true that “there is wisdom in a multitude of counsellors”, it is also true that “too many cooks spoil the broth”!

Send your letters for Mike to the usual Vision address, or email him at

45 Vision 27

Join Michelle Jones every month for a round up of healthy tips and treats to keep you feeling great and looking sharp

No, ‘Witch-hazel’! This is a very old and traditional remedy for soothing and revitalising eyes, but it really does work! In order to use WitchHazel, you need to get hold of the clear liquid form, which can be purchased from most high street chemists. Simply pour some onto a cotton wool ball or eye make up remover pad and dab onto the skin.

An infusion of dried Thyme leaves is said to open the pores and deep clean the complexion. You will need to add a tablespoon of dried thyme to one pint of boiling water. Cover it with a clean cloth and allow to steep for about 15 minutes – or until cool enough to safely handle. Soak a clean facecloth in the liquid and place over your face for 15 minutes. Rinse in cool water and dab WitchHazel onto the face to close the pores.

Do you wake up with puffy eyes? Wake up 15 minutes earlier and place an extra pillow under your head – this helps to drain away the puffiness caused by gravity pooling the fluids around your eyes as you sleep. Try it and see! If you wake up late… Laying a couple of slices of cucumber over your closed eyelids will both soothe and wake up those baby-blues! What if you don’t have a ‘handy’ cucumber? Thin slices of potato work just as well – just remember to slice them thinly…

I absolutely love Asparagus -and British Asparagus is universally acclaimed as being some of the best in the world. As well as being a great addition to your plate, however, it also has some surprising health and beauty benefits. Right now it is in season, so rush to the shops and stock up for these reasons: It is a very rich source of Vitamin C, Rutin and Iron – which helps to boost energy levels and your immune system It is an acknowledged ‘Superfood’, which may help to prevent different types of cancer Asparagus acts as a mild diuretic which rids the body of excess fluid and can help combat cystitis 46 Vision 27

It is a natural source of those ‘pro-biotics’ advertised by many yoghurt companies –these can reduce bloating and help digestion It contains the essential ingredients for healthy skin, hair and nails – Vitamins C and E Its reputation asan aphrodisiac may actually be true!A lack of Histamines has been pinpointed as one of the reasons for a lacklustre sex life; Asparagus promotes the production of Histamines which may increase your passionate nature… For best results, steam it gently for a few minutes, and then coat it in butter or olive oil with a little freshly ground sea salt and cracked black pepper. Eat it with your fingers … seductively, in front of the significant other!

Eyebright Herb (Euphrasia officinalis) This common meadow herb has been used for centuries as a tonic to soothe the eyes. Unless you are absolutely sure of what you are picking, though, it’s better to buy the dried herb. Make a ‘tea’ by infusing a teaspoon of the herb in a mug of hot water; leave to cool and then strain out the leaves. Pour some onto a cotton wool pad, squeeze out and leave on the closed eyelids for about 15 minutes for best results. Does eating carrots improve eyesight? Well, no actually - this was a highly successful piece of wartime propaganda put about by the government to hide the development of radar. They leaked the rumour that RAF pilots ate huge quantities of carrots to enable them to see better in the dark!


ave you wondered why your pets behave the way they do? Would you like to ask them? Our animal communicator, Madeleine Walker, can talk to your pets for you! If you’d like a personal reading with Madeleine, you can find out more information on her informative website:

Can Scooby solve my mystery? Scooby is one of my cats and is very special to me. I have a burning question that I think Scooby can answer – can you tell me (via Scooby) what happened to Myre? Clare Dunn, York

Scooby is telling me that Myre is in Spirit and that some toxic substance was eaten which caused digestive damage. I can feel pain in my stomach and cramps. Scooby says that all is well and healed in Spirit, though. Scooby is showing me just how lively he is – he has a very 'in your

Pepie gets so jealous! Our dog Pepie has some very strange reactions to people! I would love to know why she goes completely loopy with our parents, why she seems jealous of my partner and I’d love to know if she benefits from the healing we give her? Pam Matheson, Devon

I feel Pepie is a very discerning dog. She loves the healing that your partner and his mother gives her and is certainly aware of it. She's very sensitive to people's energies and 'reads' auras to distinguish those that have open hearts and healing hands from those that don’t! I think she goes 'loopy' in a nice way because she loves to soak up people’s

face' energy! He can communicate with all sorts of spirit and semiphysical beings and is so much more aware of energies than we are! He's showing me a grey fluffy cat that he's close to and other tabby, ginger and tortoiseshell cats. He's showing me the colour red - soft furnishings that he likes to lie on - a sofa or chair and some sunny places in the garden. Someone in the home suffers from headaches and expects too much of themselves. Scooby can sit near this person and help release the pain and tension - he's a very healing cat. He also tells me that this person also feels tension in the stomach area, which may have been a past life issue.

I think Scooby may have been a small 'big' cat before, like a cervil or something similar, but he certainly has not lost any of his hunting abilities or tendencies!

energy and wants to show her appreciation and joie de vivre - she’s letting you know that she loves you! I think she gets jealous as she just loves the attention, so her ‘loopy’ is her way of saying “Hey, I’m here too!”. I'm sure she's really close to you, but I'm getting that there is a soul link between you all and part of the reason that she is with you is to reconnect with that soul family, which you are also a part of. There is a medieval link between you and I can see Pepie looking rather like a wolfhound - a very loyal servant. You have all reconnected for a very important karmic reason. There are no mistakes or coincidences as far as the universe is concerned. It feels like Pepie is the catalyst that brings you all together

again somehow. See if any of you have some strange dreams that may give more information as to the connection that binds you all. Pepie says wait and see what unfolds!

Send your questions about the future to: Paws for Thought, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth,LS25 1AA, or email Please include all details you feel are relevant.

47 Vision 27

Clinical hypnotherapist Glenn Harrold has a mission – to create a positive, empowered Britain! Vision spoke to Glenn about hypnosis and his techniques to release stress and improve your life How did you get involved with hypnosis? “I used to be a musician before I became a hypnotherapist, I was in punk bands and we had a brief taste of fame. I made a living in the clubs doing covers of popular hits. Some of the shows we did also featured stage hypnotists and they always fascinated me. I wasn’t interested in the entertainment side as much as I was the possibility that hypnotherapy could help people to heal and improve themselves.

“Finally, I decided to train in hypnotherapy and I found the biggest and best hypnotherapy school in the UK and did a 2 year diploma with the British School of Clinical Hypnosis. I felt that their intense study course would stand me in good stead in the long term. From there I built a number of private practices and spent 5 or 6 years seeing 5 clients a day, 5 days a week. I had seen 1,000’s of clients before I developed the CDs I now produce. “I drew upon my musical background and the hypnotherapy experience I had gained to produce self-help CDs. To me it was a natural progression. Then I used a lot of self-hypnosis to sell them! I managed to persuade local shops and then I approached national chains. Now we sell thousands of CDs!” Have you tried self-hypnosis yourself? “Yes, of course! Just recently I was booked to appear on the Steve Wright show on Radio 2 and I was very nervous as I’d not done anything quite like that before. I used self-hypnosis before I went on. I visualised the whole thing and saw it work out well. I was then fine under pressure and I felt calm and in control.” Isn’t hypnosis dangerous? “It is only dangerous in the wrong hands, the same as anything. If it

48 Vision 27

is misused it can cause problems. However, hypnosis works when the client really wants to achieve the thing that they are being hypnotised to deal with, so they have to be receptive and willing. There are some inbuilt safety measures in that. If someone is considering hypnotherapy, just make sure the person you choose to help you has trained with a good school and that they have adequate insurance and you will benefit from it.” So how does hypnosis work? “It is very much about guiding people into a relaxed and receptive state through a number of techniques, which can be adapted to suit the client. When in a relaxed and receptive state, the client becomes more receptive to suggestions. Once they are ready and relaxed, you give them the appropriate suggestions. It may be that the client wishes to lose weight, in which case you may suggest that they will become a healthy eater and have no desire for fattening foods and want to exercise more. Then at the end of the session you bring them out of the relaxed state into full waking consciousness. It will work if they want to achieve the same things as you are trying to help them achieve.” Do you find that hypnosis work for everyone? “It works for most people most of the time. We (Glenn’s company, Diviniti Publishing) get phenomenal feedback from the CDs we produce. Many times we have been told of lives that have been

turned around dramatically. We do get the occasional person that says it doesn’t work for them, but I think it works about 90% of the time.” Can you use self-hypnosis to increase psychic ability? “I think we all have a psychic ability and I think whatever you focus your attention on is what you are going to attract towards you and become better at. If you do self-hypnosis on what you hope for, you will be resonating that at a deep level. Do this and work on your intuition and meditate, this will help you a great deal. I would recommend first and foremost a meditation CD if you want to aid your development.” Some may be nervous that they will end up doing things they don’t want to do if they are hypnotised – can you reassure them? “If someone sees a hypnotherapist they feel comfortable with and believe is working with their best interests, they will not have that worry. Check your hypnotherapist’s qualifications and insurance and make sure you really get on with them. You can normally tell if someone is not going to work for you. However, you don’t need to worry about being hypnotised to do something you don’t want to do, as you can reject any suggestions you are given in a trance, you are always in control.” You use subliminal messages on your hypnosis CDs. Can you tell us more about subliminals? “ The subliminals I use on my recordings are affirmations that relate to the title and are printed on the inside cover so that you always know what is being told to you, even if you can’t hear it. They are suggestions that are recorded just below your audio hearing range, but your unconscious will hear them and they will be accepted. They are only a small part of the whole recording because the hypnotic suggestions are the most important part.” Tell us about ‘positive thinking’, what exactly is it? “When you work with the positive affirmations on one of our recordings – you will believe they are a reality now.

Your subconscious mind will take things literally and will not distinguish between what is already true and what isn’t – it will accept the affirmations as a reality. You will then automatically create that reality when the subconscious has accepted the affirmations (this will take repeated listening). If you believe that life is wonderful and positive – that is what you will attract in your life.” How does someone feel under hypnosis? “When you are under hypnosis, if something happens you will immediately wake up, so even if you are in a deep trance, you will always have control. This is called the ‘hidden observer’ and is like a protection mechanism, you are still aware of your conscious surroundings at one level. The brain is a magnificent thing. There are different levels of trance though, but you don’t need to go into a deep trance to feel benefits – a light, altered state of consciousness allows you to be open to suggestions.” Do you have any stories of your clients you could tell us about? “A lady that came to me had a fear of the dark. I regressed her back to the first time that she felt that fear. She went straight back into an ancient Egyptian life where she was in a temple. It was very dark and there was lots of dark ceremonies going on. What was so amazing for me is that she started speaking in an Egyptian dialect, despite the fact that she couldn’t speak any other languages in her ‘normal’ life. Even if people are sceptical about past lives I think that would have made them question the belief! The bottom line is that when she ‘returned’ to normal waking consciousness, she was completely over the fear.” What are your plans for the future? “I will have my next book out in the UK in March 2008, which is dedicated to helping people lose weight now. Diviniti is also working on some more angel meditation CDs, which are proving to be very popular.”

Glenn’s new book is called De-Stress Your Life in 7 Easy Steps is now available. See P74 for a review and great reader offer! His highly successful CDs can now be bought through Vision Shop. Please see P78 for more details. You can also learn more about Glenn by visiting or

49 Vision 27

Geoffrey Keyte introduces us to the use of crystals and colour to help and heal

For many thousands of years - from the days of Atlantis and beyond, to the present generation - colour and colour rays have been used for the purposes of healing. Colour impinges upon our every waking moment and even penetrates our dreams. There is colour in daylight, in the sky and in the landscape, in our skin, our hair and our eyes. Everywhere around us in our world, everything we use or wear or see is coloured.

provocative or sympathetic, exciting or tranquil. Some people are far more sensitive to colour than others; whilst some are attracted, even fascinated, and thrilled, by certain colours (usually at certain times), others may be repelled or seem quite unaffected by these very same ‘vibrations’. It is therefore quite apparent that colour exerts an extremely powerful influence upon all our minds and emotions. There is an ancient and widespread faith in the healing power of colour and that this power can be used to heal ‘imbalances’ of both the mind and body. How great, then, must this power be when combined – and amplified - with all the power and energy of quartz crystals?

Many people have quite definite ideas and feelings about colour. The love of colour springs from the individual’s inner consciousness. Colour affects us emotionally, making things warm or cold,

One hundred years ago, the association of colour and therapy, or even crystals and therapy, and most certainly the combination of colour, crystals and

therapy was consigned by most conventional and mainstream medical practitioners to quackery. In the 21st century, however, the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of colours and/or crystals is now making a significant impact upon the world’s collective consciousness. Perfect health of the body and of the mind depend on a balance of aural colours, and also a balance of the inner centres of vital force - the chakras. Should a colour be missing or over-dominant, the balance can be redressed by colour crystal healing. Man has been colour-conscious since the beginning of time itself, since the days of Noah, when the mists receded and the rainbow descended with its promise of abundance. Colour laws and teachings were always present in the wisdom teachings of the prophets of old. The famous psychic and seer, Edgar Cayce, spoke of colour and crystals when speaking in trance about one of his clients as having existed “in Atlantean land - during the time when there was

Colour and crystals can be used in all healing, as a Universal Therapeutic Tool, upon all levels of metaphysical existence. The seven major chakras, or energy centres, are all ‘keyed’ to the seven colours of the spectrum.

The first chakra is located at the bottom of the spine, and is the root chakra. This chakra is associated with the colour red. Release most physical stress and tension by working on the base chakra with your quartz crystals, or another suitable red crystal, such as Garnet.

50 Vision 27

The second chakra is located within an area bounded by the spleen and sexual centre. This chakra is associated with the colour orange. Usually people suffering from sexual blockages need healing here. If you want to work with this chakra, Orange Calcite is a good choice.

The third chakra is the solar plexus and is located just below the navel. This chakra is associated with the colour yellow. This chakra is also the psychic storehouse of mystical energy. Choose Citrine or Yellow Jasper to connect with both the colour and the crystal energy.

The fourth chakra is the heart centre. It is located in an area in the centre of the chest. The colours for this chakra are green and pink. Healing the heart chakra assists people suffering from emotional problems. Choose Rose Quartz to connect with the colour and energy of this chakra.

the creating of a high influence of radial activity from rays of the sun that were turned on crystals in the pits that made connections with internal influences of the earth”.

Colour is everywhere, on all planes of existence, as vibrations are everywhere and colour is a manifestation of vibration. The Universal Light, the Sun, emanates vibratory streams of the life force in seven major rays. Each individual is believed to incarnate into their own colour, which is the Major Ray, and this contains their very own individual shade of degree of evolution. Every person also possesses three other rays, known as the Minor Rays, which are the soul colours. When in harmony, all these rays are in tune with each other and the individual will enjoy good health and abundant energy. When the Rays are disharmonious, energy levels decrease and sickness will be present. The more light that someone attracts to themselves, through spiritual

The fifth chakra is the throat centre. The colours associated with this chakra are blue or turquoise. Treat this chakra for headaches, migraine and tension within the neck and shoulder muscles. Blue Lace Agate is a good choice for working with this chakra.

living and high ideals, the more beautiful will be the colours of his aura. The highly evolved person will have only positive tones, properly balanced and controlled. They will appear to be surrounded by rays of light which will be soothing and healing to others.

There are two principle methods of applying colour crystal therapy; either by the application of colour to a part of, or the whole of, the body, with beams of light shining through coloured filters and magnified/amplified by the use of a light box quartz crystal; or by the use of gemstones according to their individual colours. Crystal light boxes are rectangular - or square - with a hole in the centre in which a small light bulb is placed. Colour filters - or gels - are placed over the hole where the light shines up throughout the box. Quartz crystals are placed on top of the filters. When quartz crystals are used in this way they intensify and project those colour rays

The sixth chakra is the third eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows. The colour associated with this chakra is purple. Work with this chakra to increase spiritual awareness. Amethyst or Sugilite are ideal stones to here.

into the environment that may be used for healing and upliftment. The main requirement for a crystal suitable for this type of work is that it has the capability to reflect light from the base up through the entire crystal. After a light box crystal has been used on the light box with a particular colour, it is always best to cleanse the crystal first before you use it with another colour.

The most important part of the Crystal Light Box are the filters and, if at all possible, only hand crafted stained glass should be used. These will have a density and vibration which cannot be manufactured artificially and, like any natural material from mother earth, can be cleansed and dedicated to your purpose and all traces of negativity removed. The ‘glow’ of stained glass is as much the result of bubbles and impurities as anything else, as the light is not just admitted, but held, projecting a luminous, ‘jewel-like’, quality. For general colour crystal healing treatments, I would strongly

The seventh chakra is the crown centre and is located on the top of the head. The colour associated with this chakra is white. This chakra needs to be open at all times, as it is your connection with the Divine. Quartz and White Topaz are good stones to work with here.

Imbalances in any chakra will affect the whole being. To balance the chakras try the following technique: 1. Lie on your back. 2. Place two quartz crystals on your third eye chakra, points facing downwards; two quartz crystals on your palms, points upwards; two quartz crystals on your breast area, points upwards; and two quartz crystals on top of your thighs, points upwards. 3. Lie quietly for about 15 minutes, your chakras will re-align themselves. 51 Vision 27

recommend that you use an almost transparent quartz crystal. The crystal should be placed on top of the coloured filter so that the light can be projected towards the client. As the light shines through the coloured filter it makes the crystal ‘glow’ and become illuminated with the colour of the filter which you have used. I find that it is best to keep one ‘special’ quartz crystal - which I call my Light Box Crystal - for all colour crystal healing treatments. I always cleanse this crystal between clients! Besides the Crystal Light Box the other method used in colour crystal healing is with the use of polished gemstones. Gemstones are used by some crystal healers in colour crystal healing treatments because they are pure in colour and are unmixed and unadulterated in effects. Also the rays are concentrated within the gemstone itself.

For your guidance - and it should be used as ‘guidance’ only, not as a firm rule - I have found that the following colours and their ‘properties’ are helpful to me in certain treatments, so you can choose your gemstones accordingly:-

Of all the colours this is the most powerful, and it should, therefore, be used very carefully and wisely. It is revitalizing, stimulating and arousing; it promotes inhalation and raises the blood pressure. It can be useful in treating chronic diseases and helps with rheumatism and arthritis.

Of all the colours this is the most healing. Just like red, this colour must be used This colour promotes exhalation and most carefully. Although it is the ray of reduces blood pressure. It is the light of balance, over-use of this colour can peace, relaxing the whole body, promote the dissolving of virgin cell regulating the harmonious development structure, and also the inverted cells. It of tissue and body structure. Removes stimulates the pituitary and raises the headaches and migraines, and is also vibrations, and is very beneficial for useful in cases of asthma. Aids sleep, minor cuts, sores and bruises. It is the reduces fear, soothes infections and colour to use in the treatment of cancer, inflammations, relieves itches and burns. but it must never be used on a lady who is pregnant. White is dissolving/letting go In this colour we meet two worlds; the relaxing in the blue and the stimulating in Purple is dignity/ the red. It is the colour of a self-respect consciousness balance - the colour of divinity, creativity and also stability. It will raise the self - valuation and Blue is relaxing self - esteem of the individual who has lost the sense of human beauty and restores rhythm to the Green is system. balance/equilibrium

This colour is associated with the crown chakra and draws man into spiritual Yellow is detachment awareness. It should be used only rarely. It is also very important to note that Orange is joy each colour also has an emotional/mental quality which should also be taken Red is energy into account when treating your client; as the psychological condition often affects the physical. Indigo/Violet is also associated with the crown chakra and can work in a similar way to white.

One extremely important colour which has not yet been mentioned is pink; this is the colour usually associated with love, with the emotions and, most particularly, with mother - love. The colour pink has a very calming effect on the emotional level and helps people suffering from emotional traumas or problems with their relationships. It is also the colour most strongly connected with unconditional love.

Beneficial to most of the metabolic system, it increases oxygen and so helps the lungs function properly. Also, it appears to draw boils and brings abscesses to a head. It is rejuvenating, but can also raise blood pressure.

Can stimulate the nervous system. Helps with mental illness and also stimulates the lymphatic glands. May help with the treatment of arthritis by removing density deposits in the body. 52 Vision 27

(Not illustrated, not a chakra!)

Refreshing and cooling, turquoise is restful for the people suffering from their nerves and also helps treat inflammations. Also good for eczema.

For more information about colour crystal healing please email Geoffrey Keyte at:

Sandra Ryton introduces us to Reyad Sekh Em, a modern form of healing with an ancient Egyptian origin

A happy coincidence!


year and a half ago I was sitting in the living room on a Friday night, reading the local paper, when I came across an advert about a talk on an Ancient Egyptian Healing System called Reyad Sekh Em in my locality. I had no idea why, but I knew that I had to go. I listened intently as Joanna BristowWatkins described the sequence of events that led her to an ancient form of Egyptian Healing. In February 2002, she had a series of experiences, where she was shown updated procedures and symbols for the Sech Em healing system. Eight separate visits to Egypt later, she was led to develop Reyad Sekh Em.

New healing I was absolutely amazed at this new healing and the way it worked. I managed to book a healing for the following day. Although I didn’t know it, the healing would change the course of my everyday life!

What is Reyad Sekh Em? The Ancient Egyptian word Reyad translates as ‘a little piece of heaven’ and Sekh Em

means ‘make complete’. Reyad Sekh Em is an ultra high vibration healing system combining ancient Egyptian philosophies, angelic healing rays, sound vibration, sacred breathing and etheric crystalline energies. Egyptian angels are asked to assist in the healing process with the healing rays of earth, air, fire, water and spirit as well as the more ‘traditional’ angels that we all know and love so well. The combined energies of these realms act as a powerful tool to aid self healing and bring about the process of renewal, not only spiritually but physically as well. Our own vibrational state is then enhanced to bring a deeper awareness of other dimensions.

Past Lives, Present Pains Past lives can also play a huge part in our wellbeing. If we carried large bales of hay on our backs during one of our past lives, this labour can very often manifest in back pain or bad posture in this life. If we were betrayed in a past life it could leave us a legacy of mistrust in this life. Reyad Sekh Em can take you back to that life, to help to remove the energies left behind, thus healing the emotional or physical in this life. When we apply Reyad Sekh Em we are tapping into unconditional love within the higher dimensions and channelling pure life force energy back to this dimension to aid the healing process. New feelings of well being take over that are felt in the mind, body and spirit.

Tuning in and healing Since starting my own practice people from all walks of life have come to see me. One lady that attended a healing suffered with the most awful migraines. She was a working medium and these migraines were affecting her working life. She came to see me but didn’t tell me why she had come. Very quickly I was able to hone in on her migraine problem. She was amazed that I had picked up the problem and even more stunned to find that the migraines had arisen from a past life. At the end of her session the headache had gone and four months later she assures me she doesn’t suffer with them any more. Step by step people are finding ways to bring about change for the better. Reyad Sekh Em is one way to achieve this. It is here to assist us on our spiritual path, to open our minds to new ways of thinking and to help us realise that the true path to healing is within ourselves. Sandra Ryton is a practicing clairvoyant medium, Reyad Sekh Em Practitioner and a practicing Soul Healer.

Egyptian healing has vast implications, healing the soul is an important part of spiritual growth, getting rid of pain or anxiety brings about changes that make us happier and healthier. If we are happier around others this makes them happier. Gradually, over time, Reyad Sekh Em could indirectly affect many people in a positive way. Reyad Sekh Em can be learned as a natural progression from Reiki and many Reiki practitioners find it further enhances healing abilities. 53 Vision 27


elcome to Coven Corner once again! As the days grow longer and we head towards midsummer, the evenings become pleasanter and longer, too. These long evenings are good times to head out into the garden when the sun is setting. As the sun sinks, night and day are mixed, making the boundaries of this world and the Otherworld thinner, making it easier to contact our guides, past relatives and friends. The gentle sounds of the evening combined with the unusual magical light are therapeutic to mind and soul and can help to heal much grief. Go out there and enjoy the experience of this magical time, become one with nature and with your guides and friends, and the nature spirits that gather as the worlds blend.

In a coven, the cord is used for initiation purposes. For the solitary practitioner it can be used for cord or knot magick. The cords are usually made of strands of silk, usually 9 feet in length although occasionally they are cut to the length of the practitioner as they then become ‘the measure of a man’. The predominant colour used is red, but in some handfasting

rituals, a red and a green cord are used to symbolise the bond between male and female. You can use cords in any binding magic, although do be careful if you decide to bind anything to you, because once bound you will not find it easy to free yourself from it again!

Bright Blessings,

Andrea Odin (sometimes referred to as Wotan) is the Norse god of the Runes and Magic. The Norse saw him as the guide of the dead and the king or all-father of the gods. He is depicted as an old man in a floppy hat and a blue mantle, or as a great warrior with a great spear. His most distinctive feature is his solitary eye. Wherever he went he was accompanied by the ever watchful ravens, Hugin and Munin. Odin was also said to ride a great 8 legged steed known as Sleipnir. Odin can be called upon to oversee the use of the runes as well as all matters concerning magic. He is said to entertain warriors who died bravely in his great hall, Valhalla. They feast and make merry until the end of the world, when the great battle, Ragnarok, will be fought.

54 Vision 27

Here we start a new section which will discuss the properties of the trees as set out in the Celtic “Tree Months.� We start off with the Hawthorn. All the trees are associated with different elements, different personalities and different times of the year. Element: Rank: Positive Personality: Negative Personality: Godform: Ruling Planet: Magical Properties:

Fire Peasant Passionate Ruthless Rhiannon Mars Fertility, Guardianship, Cleansing, Door to Otherworld, Happiness.

Couples would dance around a Hawthorn to give extra blessings to their marriages. In ancient tradition, plaited crowns of Hawthorn were made and left for the Faeries to dance around at night. They believed that if they danced around the crowns, great blessing would come to them. Flower garlands and red ribbons were once tied around Hawthorns to thank them for their protection and the well-being of the people at the midsummer celebrations. Hawthorns were often planted near wells to protect the water supply. *Do remember that there are 13 lunar months in a year and 12 calendar months, so there will be some crossover between this section and My Destiny Diary.

You will need: Hawthorn twigs Raffia or any naturally-fibred string 1.Gather enough fallen hawthorn twigs to weave yourself a globe. 2. This needs to be woven together and tied with some naturally - fibred string, such as raffia. 3. Traditionally, it should be woven just prior to the old new year at Samhain (October 31st), but you can start one now, and replace it then. 4. You should hang your charm in the kitchen. The ball will give protection against fire and other more negative intruding spirits, which it can capture inside. 5. On the next new year, (at Samhain) your globe should be burnt and its ashes scattered over ground where plants will benefit and a new globe should be made to replace it.

Gender : Feminine Planet : Venus Element : Water Properties : Love, lust and beauty Ritual use : The Egyptians revered the avocado (Persea Americana). Like oysters, avocados can be consumed to ignite passion as the Aztecs did. An avocado grown from its stone can bring love into the home. A wand made out of the wood of the avocado is known to be a particularly potent tool for all general magickal workings. To increase one’s self esteem and promote beauty, carry an avocado stone with you.

If you have a question or need help with a problem, you can write to Coven Corner at the Vision address or email Please remember that we may not be able to respond to all your letters, but we will try to cover all the subjects.

55 Vision 27

Native Americans Derek Acorah Angels Are you Psychic? Crystal Healing Crystal First Aid

Mystical China Spirit Guides Feng Shui Auras I Ching Dreams Bruce Lee

Pagan Roots Gordon Smith Numerology Richard Felix Pagan Magic The Afterlife

Ancient Egypt Are you Clairvoyant? Stephen Holbrook Seichem Reflexology Aromatherapy

FREE Palm Pal Vedic India Indian Head Massage Jane McDonald Learn Yoga Vaastu Lifestyle

Japan Yvette Fielding Reiki Healing Shiatsu Scrying Japanese Ghosts

Druid Britain Derek Acorah Diana Cooper Merlin & Magic Druid Astrology Moon Phases

Ancient Greece Angels Past Lives Sacred Sounds Hedgewitch Healing Dreaming

Mayans Gordon Smith Your Spirit Guides Learn Psychic Skills Crystal Astrology Indigo Children

China Learn Palmistry Feng Shui Love Herb Magic Ghost Pictures Spirit Guides

Hawaii Chris Fleming Johnathan Cainer Healing Runes The Root Chakra Imaginary Friends

Native Americans Gillian McKeith Harry Potter Destiny Numbers Faeries Midsummer Magick

Africa Robbie Williams Psychic Protection Ouija Boards Poltergeists Spice up your Sex Life

Celtic Magic James Van Praagh Celtic Witchcraft Harp Therapy Speak to Spirit Tree Spirit Healing

Gypsies Uri Geller Read Playing Cards Natural Beauty Jewellery Magic Crystal Healing

Eskimos Derek Acorah The Sexual Tarot Baby Mind Reader Ghost Hunting Kit Special Crystals

56 Vision 27

Voodoo Doreen Virtue A Haunting Break Voodoo Healing Float Away Stress Divination

Chinese New Year Diane Lazarus Chinese Astrology Wild West Ghosts Dragons Power Bracelets

Da Vinci Code Phil Whyman Evil Poltergeist Story Herbal Detox Living With The Lwa Sacred Lines

Lost Atlantis Doreen Virtue Gordon Smith Guardian Angels Mediumship Karma

Aborigines Faeries Dreamtime Bush Flower Essences Aborigine Astrology Shamen Stones

Norse Mythology Sea of Souls X-Exorcist Read Runes UFOs Earth Energies

Hidden Tibet Derek Acorah Are you Psychic? Your Love Tarot DIY Qi Gong Crystal ball

Aztecs Mia Dolan Sex Spells Test the Therapy TAI Divination Sacred Journeys

Rome Jennifer Love Hewitt ITV’s Afterlife Derek Acorah Gordon Smith Meditation

Magnificant Maoris Supernatural Relax Naturally Learn the Haka How to sense Ghosts The Body Beautiful

Pagan Magic Titania Hardie Learn to see Auras Make a love potion Faeries Are you Pagan?


his month we are offering you a fantastic opportunity to get your own copy of the superb meditation CD, Angels By My Side by Jan Yoxall.

The first 20 subscribers* this month will each receive their own copy of this truly lovely CD. Connect with five Archangels Release pain and gain wisdom Relax completely Meditate on the whole body Reach an altered state easily Reach higher planes Accompanied by beautiful music, this CD will brighten and uplift you and really make you feel connected to the spiritual and ethereal, as well as connected to your own angels.

Terms and Conditions One free CD of Angels By My Side will be supplied to the first 20 *yearly subscribers who take out their subscription between 17th May and 13th June 2007. Vision will not be held responsible for the distribution of CDs which will be supplied by Diviniti Publishing Ltd direct to the subscriber.

Read our review on P75 and then subscribe now to get your own copy!

57 Vision 27

Carole Chui introduces us to ways the ancient Egyptians used their knowledge of astrology

58 Vision 27

Early astrology was concerned with cycles rather than individual lives, and hardly separable from astronomy in that both depended on observation. This knowledge was often used to predict the agricultural year, and not just the fate of kings. In modern astrology we often concentrate solely on the planets, but the starry background is moving too. The stars appear to rise and set, and do so 4 minutes earlier each night. This is an illusion, as we are the ones who are moving, because of the turning of the earth. Of the greatest importance to ancient Egypt was the flooding of the Nile and the renewed fertility it brought. The Dog Star (Sirius) and the sun, together showed the time of inundation in what is termed the heliacal rising of Sirius. Heliacal means “of the sun”. At a particular time in the summer, Sirius rises just before the sun, so it can be seen prominently in the sun’s rays for a few moments before the fully risen sun’s light brings full daylight. It was a sign eagerly awaited to start a fresh year.

This is an ancient papyrus, which gives an insight into ancient beliefs. It reminds me of the still-published Chinese almanac, in that all days are labelled as auspicious or inauspicious for certain purposes. The Cairo Calendar is in 3 parts: The first part describes whether the day is auspicious or not; The second part details a mythological occurrence connected with the day; The third part describes the best type of behaviour, in line with the nature of the day. The stars and their movements would have been used to work out these days.

Tombs are great places to find astrological information. In the tomb of Rameses VI, a 20th dynasty Pharoah, there is a famous ceiling painting of the stars in the form of a seated man. It is said to be informative and accurate. However, the oldest tomb representation of the stars (recognized only recently as such) is to be found at the tomb of Senmut near Thebes and is 3,500 years old.

as it turns, and this creates the Precession of the Equinoxes. Put simply, this means that the starry background appears to slip back each year, as measured from the spring equinox. We are slipping from Pisces to Aquarius now. - we truly are coming into the ‘Age of Aquarius’. The period of time needed to slip back through the entire zodiac is 25,868 years and is known as a Great Year. Each zodiac sign, therefore, lasts about 2,160 years (a Great Month). There have been theories, based on water erosion, that the sphinx is older than previously believed.

Before that, the oldest known map was on the ceiling of the temple at Denderah, dating to 100BC. It already shows the impact Greek astrology was having on the Egyptians after the founding of the city of Alexandria in 3,200 BC; this was not a one way trade, as the Greeks made use of calculations made in Egypt long before.

Hancock and Bauval formed the theory that the Sphinx was constructed in the Age of Leo, in 10,500 BC, and that that together with the pyramids at Giza, formed an earthly representation of the sky at the start of that era.

Orion, one of the most easily recognized of constellations, is visible to us in the winter months parading across the sky. He would also have been visible to the ancient Egyptians.

These narrow passages in the Great Pyramid were at first thought to be air vents. It is, however, noticeable that the southern shaft in the Queen’s chamber points at Sirius (or would have done so in early dynastic Egypt) and the Southern shaft in the King’s Chamber aims for the belt of Orion.

Robert Bauval, an engineer by training, was puzzled by the offsetting of one of the 33 smaller 4th dynasty pyramids at Giza. The Egyptians had the capacity to be fully accurate, so it made no sense that it was not aligned as expected. When a friend pointed out Orion, and noted that one of the three stars making up the belt was out of alignment, Bauval realised that this seemed to be the same angle, and with the author Graham Hancock, he came up with the nowpopular theory that the pyramids had been built to mirror Orion’s belt by studying this phenomenon.

You may have heard that we are entering the Age of Aquarius. The earth wobbles

The Northern shaft aims at the area of the Pole Star. The theory is that in some way they were used to allow the soul of the Pharoah to find its way to the stars to reign as a god after his earthly life ended. There have been many writers who have made much of the alignment with Sirius. Some have suggested that Aliens who originated on Sirius were actually the original ancient Egyptians as they had ‘knowledge before their time’ and were so very advanced. Without a doubt, the Ancient Egyptians were accomplished Astrologers and utilised the power of planetary movement in their day-to day lives in a way we are only just re-learning today. 59 Vision 27

Paula Garton takes a look at the movements of the plants and explains how they will affect us this month


t last we see the end of the ‘Saturn opposition Neptune’ energy as it moves away from exactitude at the end of the month. It is exact however, over June, so the feeling of depression and delay in our aims and ambitions will be stronger than usual. Saturn will demand discipline but Neptune is retrograde so we will not want to deal with our responsibilities or commitments and we’ll try to avoid them. There is a danger that we may sink into an addiction to avoid seeing the reality of avoidance. This can result in alcohol or drug abuse or depression, needing stronger medication, which at this time is not recommended. Drugs of any kind taken on a Neptune retrograde are more dangerous as the toxins are more harmful. You may also find water leaks; gas escapes and flooding are more prevalent. Check that radiators, water tanks and plumbing are up to standard. There can be trouble with the health service at this time.

Jupiter is still retrograde from 6th April causing lack of discipline, over commitment and headstrong attitudes, but this is tempered by a good energy from Chiron in Aquarius which can show better behaviour and a way out, as Aquarius is the sign of innovation and technical advancement, so this can help bring about new solutions to solve problems and bad behaviour. This will help the situation in Iraq, which is governed by Jupiter. There is a 60 Vision 27

harmonious energy from Venus on the 20th which will help social events and relationships get off the ground. Finances should be improved by giving you the ability to draw money to you as long as you don’t overspend as well.

Mars is in Aries and moving very quickly, giving Aries people the need for action and competitiveness in all activities. Aries will have lots of energy to burn, which is best used in physical energy (so there will be a lot of joggers around at this time!). It will also make them short tempered and ready for combat, so don’t bother arguing as they will not back down. They will, however, be ready to take the helm on projects other people would shirk from, as their courage is at its height now. It is far better to let them get on with it, as their tempers will be short lived as Mars moves into Taurus on 25th, which will reduce the Arian energy levels.

Little Mercury turns retrograde again on the 15th until the 10th July, so try to remember not to buy anything that transfers information from one person to another, as Mercury in retrograde does not make for clear and trustworthy exchanges of this nature. Do not buy cars or computers, either, or sign contracts or hire staff! Terms and conditions change when Mercury goes direct again on the 10th. It is in a Water sign so it affects our emotions - making relationships a target of insecurity.

The Sun is in Gemini till the 22nd, so there could be problems with Geminis when Mercury, their planetary ruler, is stationary on the 15th and there is a new Moon in Gemini at 3.14am. Feelings will run high as they want to talk about their feelings, but can’t, because their mental faculties and ability to talk is suddenly paralysed. They will talk with their hands even more or could dissolve into tears when they can’t get their feelings across, which is not like the normal Gemini at all. Give them a hug and tell them they will feel better tomorrow when the Moon moves into Cancer.


t isn’t just a lady who enjoys the privilege of changing her mind – fellas can do it too and lady Geminis will be well peeved when certain male ‘significant others’ change their minds quite a lot throughout the month of June. Now, if it’s a boss who’s doing silly things, that can

be easily countered, but if it’s a lover and/or partner who’s rocking the boat, then girls will get onto their high horses (the 4th, 5th and 6th and then again around the 19th, 20th and 21st) and lay down the law in no uncertain terms. This might not make you Little Miss Popularity in all quarters, but it sure as hell guarantees you get your way and

show everyone else who’s boss! On the other hand, consider this, do you really want to be the boss? There is definitely some room for flexibility here, and you need to make sure that this is not a case of the pot questioning the colour of the kettle. Work together, if you want to stay together, it is the only way to ensure stability.

22 May - 21 Jun

Generally speaking, June should be a pretty good month on the work scene apart from a hiccup between the 4th and the 6th, when you’ll encounter a problem with a boss or employer. It isn’t that they ask you to do something you don’t want to do, it’s the way in which they ask – either that or the fact that they don’t ask at all and just take it for granted that you’re going to work a dozen hours overtime for little or no extra pay. This fracas is sorted out long before the 9th (the 10th at the latest) and the rest of June should be a fairly trouble free period with some kind of bonus (or apology pressie) coming your way in the last couple of days. Yeah, it’s a bribe, but you can live with it, when finally you are appreciated!

Cash & Career Hiccups at work: 4th & 6th Trouble-free: 9th onwards

Gentlemen of the sign can look forward to a calm and happy June, in which relationships evolve and develop without too many hitches and glitches. Sadly, the same cannot be said for female members of the sign, who on more than one occasion will feel that they are being taken too much for granted and will kick up an almighty fuss when their blokes try to get away with what they (the girls) have been getting away with for years. Ah ladies, you may love me not, but I don’t have too much sympathy for you! If anyone is guilty of double standards this month, it isn’t Tom, Dick and Harry, it’s Maggie, Maureen and Mandy! Some conflict comes to a head on the 17th and if words were bullets … there’d be blood on the carpet!

Stand your ground: 4th–6th, 19th–21st Present from work: 29th or 30th

Love & Sex Conflict: 17th Compromise: All month

61 Vision 27


y Grandmother (who was a great teacher) said that “when in doubt, do nowt”. Because you will have a number of doubts and reservations this month on a variety of different issues, the tendency will be for you to pull back and see which way the wind is blowing, before

committing yourself to one pathway or another. This is fine and quite commonsensical, but the trouble is that other people will be waiting for you to make decisions before they can make their decisions … and they are going to be very annoyed with your vacilation and put you under pressure to make choices you’re not ready to make. My advice? Let them

get annoyed! If they’re so keen to have a decision made let ‘em make it themselves! It is well worth the minor hassle they give you if your reticence to commit means that when you finally make a decision it’s the right one! Back off certainly, but when you decide, don’t back down.

22 June - 22 July

A better month than many where emotional relationships are concerned, and one in which partners and lovers come forward and function as best friends – proving their worth in more ways than one. It is to be hoped that this is something you recognise and appreciate, and the truth of the matter is that some of you will and some of you won’t. June 6th will be an emotional day for older members of the sign and the 18th, 19th and 20th auger well for new romantic contacts being made by people in their teens and early 20’s. This same period, however, brings moods of nostalgia for older Cancerian females, who will have cause to look back over the last 20 or 30 years with a number of question marks.

Some Cancerians have a trouble free month, but these are the members of the sign who are in steady jobs working on the PAYE system (Pay All You Earn.) Self-employed people, or Cancerian bosses, and indeed Cancerians who are out of work, will not have such an easy going month and quite frankly, will probably be glad to see the back of it. The problem is that there are too many options, not enough information and not enough capital to invest or take risks with. To break the stasis and stagnation (because you can’t mark time for ever) take a sideways step and buy yourself a little more breathing space. Another problem is that everyone around you is full of (useless) advice, so it may be better to keep your own counsel.

Cash & Career Trouble free: All month Step back: All month

62 Vision 27

Decisions: All month Take your time: All month

Love & Sex Emotional: 6th New romance: 18th - 20th

While June will be a delightful month for younger members of the sign who are at the start of their pathways through life, other older members of the sign will use June as a time to take stock and do a number of reality checks. There will be a tendency for all members of the sign to spend too much,

your guard and do not travel in strange cars with unknown drivers, travel has flashed up warning signs on my chart and I would rather you are safe than sorry. This is not an easy month, but it is one which will lay the foundations for the future, so the things that happen now will be very important later.

drink too much and act rather impulsively when provoked (or tempted?) by members of the opposite sex. As such, the next few weeks will probably bring quite a high degree of sexual intimacy, but there will be some horrible mornings when the midnight chemistry of seduction fizzles out with the drizzle of the dawn. On June 2nd and 3rd, be on

23 July - 22 Aug

June looks like being a sloggy, stodgy month wherein everything seems to be too much effort. Some of you need holidays, others need lobotomies and neither are going to get either. While it is not usually in the Leo work ethic, there’s going to be a fair old bit of skiving and ‘sicky –pulling’ over the next few weeks and it probably won’t be until the 24th or 25th that you’ll find your enthusiasm and energy coming back on line – and even then it will only be in dribs and drabs. Now, of course, this could just be a case of the mid-summer blues, but for quite a few of you out there, it goes a whole lot deeper than that. A moody end to the month as you consider your long term future. On a positive note, you do have options…

Cash & Career Lethargic: 1st – 23rd Influx of energy: 24th or 25th

There are always a million shades of grey in all situations and especially in emotional situations, but this is a time when you really do have to rise above the grey and make some effort to see things in black and white – and make some difficult decisions accordingly. Either something is on or it’s off, it’s working or it isn’t - you can trust someone or you can’t, you fancy someone enough to sleep with them or you don’t. And if you don’t … it’s time to walk away. On the strength of this, I don’t see how June can be an easy month for affairs of the heart, but nevertheless it’s a most important one for defining the shape of things to come. Other people don’t help much. You can hear what they’re saying but won’t know what they’re thinking.

Impulsive: All month Travel with friends only: 2nd & 3rd

Love & Sex Decisions: All month Unhelpful friends: All month

63 Vision 27


he passive moods of May carry over into June and for the better part of the month you’ll be content to play follow the leader. In other words, someone else leads and you’re content to follow (sounds good to me!). This is applicable on both domestic and professional levels, but

around the 7th and 8th you may feel disgruntled on the work scene when a boss or senior colleague starts taking a few liberties with you and on the 20th there will be some conflict with an emotional partner who takes you too much for granted. These, however, are small hiccups and won’t really upset the apple cart of what is, at the end of the

day, a lazy, laid back month. Having said that, elderly Virgoan parents may experience some clashes with children and younger people in the family around the 25th, 26th and 27th. As far as you can, go with the flow and deal with problems as and when they arise - don’t seek them out.

23 Aug - 22 Sept

A division of loyalties is an ongoing factor throughout June, as you try to please everyone (and ending up pleasing nobody) and as you try to be in two places at once – which is, of course, a physical impossibility. You can’t be fair to mothers and lovers at the same time, and this aspect of choice between your own love life and your family responsibilities does seem to be at the core of the problem. There’ll be sharp words exchanged with more than one person between the 15th and the 22nd and it is only when you move into the last week of June that you manage to find some semblance of calm. This will mollify partners and lovers but will cause some feelings of resentment in parent/child relationships.

Generally speaking, quite a steady, routine month without any great highs or lows. Some legal details may have to be sorted out between the 1st and the 4th, travel aspects may get a bit disrupted between the 9th and the 16th and you’ll find yourself refusing to pay a totally ridiculous bill somewhere around the 20th, 21st or 22nd. You need to stand your ground on this one, as there is a matter of principle at stake. On a more positive note, some unexpected financial gain in the third week of the month puts you in a generous mood for the remainder of June and the last few days could see you splashing out on a few personal luxuries. Fluffy pink bath towels, chocolate, Art Deco egg-timers?

Cash & Career Legal matters: 1st & 4th Work issues: 7th & 8th

64 Vision 27

Love & Sex Problem children: 25th – 27th Travel problems: 9th – 16th

Emotional conflict: 20th Arguments: 15th & 22nd


f we say that educational aspects are well favoured throughout June, this could be applicable on a variety of different levels. On the one hand, yes, let’s talk about exam results, driving lessons, night classes etc., but also tied in with this is the concept of learning more about oneself and

learning to look at situations (and other people) in a rather different light than hitherto has been the case. In harmony with this, there is a gentle energy of spiritual growth that brings with it some elements of acceptance and enlightenment. It may well be that you now start getting some answers to questions that you’ve been asking for a

very long time! June favours affairs of the soul rather than affairs of either the heart or the head, so take time this month to investigate the part of yourself that you rarely get time to look at in close-up. Any time spent in meditation or selfinspectionwill prove extremely valuable, both in terms of your spirituality and your health.

23 Sept - 23 Oct

If, during the next few weeks, a relationship (and especially a new relationship) is tested, then perhaps this is no bad thing! I suspect that you’ll pass the test with flying colours and that the relationship will be all that much stronger for it. Needless to say, your heart has got to be in the right place and you may have to put up a bit of a fight for those things (and people) that you believe in – but it would seem to me that you’re up for any challenge and that your firm belief that “true love conquers all” will see you through. If a few of you find it hard to have much faith in that belief, then rejoice in the fact that you have got people close to you that will give you a lift and carry you across this bridge of faith.

June isn’t so much about what you can do, it’s more about who you know! Some Librans will take this quite literally and embrace the concept of networking and calling in a few old favours from friends and colleagues, while others go in search of gurus and new knowledge. For all, training courses and new work practices have some role to play between the 8th and the 21st and there should be an interesting weekend away around the 30th. If we’re talking about hard cash in the hand, June may be disappointing for some – but if we’re talking about finding pathways that lead to a stronger financial future, the month should be very profitable indeed.

Cash & Career Promotion: 6th – 10th Answers: 26th or 27th

Love & Sex Confusion: 30th Shake Ups: All month

Accept gifts: All month No demands: All month

65 Vision 27


s soon as things settle down on an even keel (as they did to some extent in May), then Scorpios feel the need to shake everything up in an attempt to get more than what they’ve got. In part, this is due to a Scorpionic unwillingness to settle for second best, and then, of course,

there’s always the sneaky Scorpionic suspicion that the grass is greener on the far side of the hill. Either way, a number of people around you are going to roll their eyes and say “oh hell … here she/he goes again.” Now I don’t want to be accused of being sexist, but it is younger female Scorpios with unbridled libidos, ambitions and intelligence who are likely

to be the worst offenders. Second in line are middle-aged men with gold medallions. Just stop for a minute to consider what you have already got ... and just how much less you might have if you climb that so-called green hill ... and find desert. Remember to count your blessings, it will be worth it.

24 Oct - 23 Nov

If April and May have been rather sweet months for you, then there’s a subtle savoury bitterness creeping into June – which is a shame, but alas, something of your own making. Your inability to take something at its face value gets in the way of your happiness, and frankly there are some things that should be taken as an article of faith without looking the gift horse of reassurance in the mouth. Among the younger members of the sign the “if you love me, you’ll…” syndrome screws up some potentially good times and even more mature female Scorpios will not be above using their sexuality to get what they want. Thin ice, kids. Thin ice! If you play with fire you’ll get burnt!

An interesting month on the work scene that has more to do with personalities than policies or professional integrity. You will use who you know to get what you want – and while the gentlemen of the sign do this with some subtlety and good humour, females are likely to be far more aggressive and up-front. The 6th to the 10th sees you applying for something (a promotion or a salary increase or whatever) and by the 26th or 27th you’ll know that you’ve got it. By the 30th you’ll be wondering if it’s what you really want or is there something better around the corner that you haven’t discovered as yet? Watch this space and tune in next month for another exciting instalment!

Cash & Career Promotion: 6th – 10th Answers: 26th or 27th

66 Vision 27

Confusion: 30th Shake Ups: All month

Love & Sex Accept gifts: All month No demands: All month


une is lightened and brightened by the development of the positive mental attitude you found in May – and also by the help and cooperation you’ll find yourself getting from other key people around you. An unscheduled travel opportunity comes you way

around the 13th or 14th and even if you’ve got to say no, it will have been nice to have been asked. Romantic aspects strengthen in the later days of June, more probably in connection with some new people or person impinging into your circle of friends, rather than someone from the old guard. Even the most elderly matrons will experience a flutter of the

heartbeat when a certain gentleman smiles at them in a certain way. Expect a couple of sleepless nights around the 27th & 28th, but most probably, they will be sleepless for all the right reasons. You need to let your hair down - and now is the time to do it, so go for it and enjoy the positive energies around you.

24 Nov - 21 Dec

June is a sensible and reasonably productive month, when you get your nose quietly to the grindstone and get on with the business of doing what needs to be done to earn a crust. No, there are no sudden promotions; no, there are no sudden sackings; no, there are no sudden wins on the lottery – but there is a sense of satisfaction as you get things done and catch up with a backlog piled up from earlier in the year. Travel could tie in with business plans between the 20th and 30th, but only if you’re actively looking for some new career direction. A change of management or company policy will also be helpful and beneficial at this time, so all in all, it’s not a bad month for those born in the house of sagittarius.

Cash & Career Business Travel: 20th & 30th Catch up: All month

June could be a lovely month for relationships and affairs of the heart, but I think it depends upon to what extent you can lower your barriers and let yourself go. If you’re carrying heavy burdens from your past this will be something of an inhibitor, and the secret here is not to allow your present (and your future) to be held hostage by your history. Also, you have to be prepared to say “yes” to whatever is on offer, especially around the 8th, the 16th and the 27th. It is on these three dates that you need to remember that sex can be fun, but is not a guarantee of lifelong emotional commitment. Male members of the sign will have no problem with this one, but ladies will have some difficulty.

Travel: 13th or 14th Insomnia: 27th & 28th

Love & Sex Say “yes!”: 8th, 16th & 27th Let go: All month

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une highlights social aspects, holidays and happy times with you in the role of event organiser, host or hostess. Certainly, you’re very much in the middle of things and you’ll not get away with trying to hide your light under a bushel. Expect visitors and important reunions between the

1st and the 14th with some relatively high spending on entertainment during these weeks. Do not get drawn into other peoples’ arguments at this time – keep your distance and remain calm and objective. June 18th to the 23rd augers well for travel aspects and the last week of the month would be an opportune time to launch new business plans or work

routines. If you watch the trends that I’ve highlighted and work with them rather than against them, you should have a really wonderful and exciting June. Make sure you take the opportunities offered; all Capricorns have a good business head and a logical mind they can use to their benefit this month.

22 Dec - 20 Jan

If a lover or potential partner suddenly decides they want to take up some kind of new (and possibly dangerous) sport or leisure interest that doesn’t involve you directly, there will, I think, be a bit of problem if you can’t give them the support they need. An “oh you can’t do that” attitude will be like a red rag to a bull and someone will go out of their way to prove you wrong, not out of spite, but as a matter of principle. Go with the flow on this one, and let them get on with it. There’s no harm done and this is certainly the best way to avoid conflicts and arguments. Late June has celebrations where pregnancies and births are concerned and there is also a lot of personal correspondence to be sorted out at this time.

You’ll find it hard to concentrate on work related subjects in the early part of the month – too much going on in other departments of your life. Notwithstanding, June should be quite a wholesome month where finances are concerned and if you need to speculate to accumulate, then the funds should be available. It is only from about the 23rd and 24th onwards that you find yourself able to (or having to) really concentrate on work related subjects, but even then, this seems to be a preparatory period rather than a time for taking on Wall Street or standing for Prime Minister. Having said that, stocks and shares and politics may have some role to play in June’s scheme of things, so we’d better not rule out the Exchequer.

Cash & Career Speculate: All month Focus: 23rd & 24th

68 Vision 27

Love & Sex Reunions: 1st - 14th Travel: 18th – 23rd

Support partner: All month Births: 21st – 30th


elatively speaking, June looks like being quite a routine and uneventful month – boring for some and a relief for others who are looking for a bit of calmness and stability. Throughout the whole month, relationships maintain an even keel, but there’s likely to be a flurry

of excitement between the 11th and the 15th, when you receive some long awaited good news. Travel aspects are well starred from the 18th or 19th onwards, but one needs to keep a level head here and remember that this is the season for summer holidays and I might just be picking up on a dirty weekend in Bognor Regis or a caravan site in Scarborough.

Overall this is a productive period for all family relationships and the 27th and 28th should see you celebrating someone else’s victory and success. Although those born in the House of Aquarians like a bit of change and excitement, this could still be a great month for you, despite the lack of lifechanging trauma!

21st Jan - 19 Feb

It is in affairs of the heart that there might be just a little bit of pressure creeping into the scheme of things, caused by a partner’s demands for attention and reassurance. While you’ll be doing your level best, this might not be quite enough to satisfy aforementioned partner. Some friction comes to the surface around the 9th and 10th leading to a couple of moody days between the 11th and 15th but quite frankly, this is little more than a storm in a tea cup and things should settle down again by the 18th or 19th at the latest. While these trends affect all Aquarian born people, it is younger single females who bare the brunt of it. Girls, if you could be a little more decisive, this would help a lot and will not only help others, but will also help you in the long run, too!

The biggest disaster you’re likely to face this month is an unexpected bill (probably involving car maintenance or some other mechanical failure). If this occurs on or around the 4th you should refuse payment until the bill has been justified. If it occurs around the 14th or 24th you might as well dig deep and pay up. On a much brighter note, there’s a light hearted mood of camaraderie on the work scene and a colleague or business associate will be working hard to help you achieve your own goals. Aquarians involved in the arts get some special encouragement from agents or sponsors during the last five or six days of the month and June 29th is particularly auspicious for the signing of contracts.

Cash & Career Unexpected bill: 4th, 14th or 24th Contracts: 29th

Good News: 11th – 15th Travel: 18th – 30th

Love & Sex Friction: 9th & 10th Moody: 11th – 15th

69 Vision 27


ost Pisceans will back away from conflicts and arguments whenever they can, but there is a situation looming up this month when you are going to find yourself in complete disagreement with a significant other. It seems to me to be quite vital that you stand your ground

and make your voice and opinion heard. We wiggle our way towards this confrontation right the way through the month, but things come to a head between the 24th and 29th at which time a number of key issues concerning your future options have to be resolved one way or the other. Of course there can be compromise made, but this doesn’t mean

giving in to someone else’s will for the sake of a quiet life. Make sure that you are flexible and try to accommodate others, but also be aware that it is all too easy to make yourself an emotional doormat. You must ensure that compromises are mutually beneficial and that you don’t miss out.

20 Feb - 20 Mar

June will not be an easy month for emotional relationships. There are some important practical aspects that have to be resolved before any degree of romantic harmony can be found and there are likely to be disagreements about these practical aspects right the way through June. You’ll experience a mounting degree of frustration and exasperation, when a partner either can’t or won’t see your point of view (or even acknowledge your right to have a point of view) and some manure is likely to hit the fan some time during the last week. In many ways, this is to be welcomed, if it clears the air. Lines of communication are badly crossed at this time. Travel opportunities from the 22nd onwards bring some relief.

Money is an extremely critical factor throughout June and one of the problems is what to do with and how to spend what you’ve got, rather than wondering where the next dollop of cash is coming from. The second problem is that a third party will be all too keen to tell you how your money should be spent and they are likely to give you a hard time when you can’t comply with their wishes. This may cause some emotional frustration and resentment, but do please remember it’s your hard earned cash we’re talking about and as such you’re entitled to have some say in how it should be used. And then there’s the principle of the thing! It is this factor that will push you into making your stand.

Cash & Career Restrictions: All month No compromise: All month

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Love & Sex Confrontation: 24th – 29th Tension: All month

Crossed wires: All month Travel: 22nd – 30th


he 1st through to the 13th is probably quite a relaxing time – maybe you’re on holiday, but even if not, you should be able to chill out and take things easy for a while. The mood changes around the 14th or 15th when you’ll find yourself arguing with a partner about

things you thought you’d sorted out ages ago, and for Arian parents there could be some concern for the welfare of children and perhaps one problem child in particular. There’s good objective advice on hand from somewhere outside the family circle, but you won’t be too keen to take it because of the possible consequences. Professional priorities take

your mind off personal affairs during the last week of the month and a key decision will be made during the evening hours of the 28th. However, you need to be mindful of emotional conflicts, they may be present this month for the House of Aries... but they won’t last forever, so deal with them and move on.

21 Mar - 20 Apr

Relationships with children may now enter quite a critical period and it may fall upon you to be someone’s best friend first and their parent second. Marital and romantic relationships are smooth enough during the early part of the month, but some old wounds could well be opened mid-month that make the last eight or ten days rather miserable. (Therefore do not open old wounds!) Single Arians start getting the glad eye between the 12th and the 18th and although this could open some welcome doors of sexual opportunity there are some risks involved. Before making commitment, be sure you know just how serious someone else’s amorous intentions are. Will they deliver the goods or are they just all talk?

During the first couple of weeks of June you’ll spend rather too much money … and will then spend the last couple of weeks of the month rather wishing you hadn’t. If you’d got something to show for all the cash going out that would be fine, but looking at the star chart, I get the clear impression that you’re either spending to impress or you’re buying things you don’t really need just to give your ego a boost. Not too many worries on the job scene between the 1st and the 13th and this is actually a very good period for reviewing your options but the 21st and 22nd onwards sees you getting bound up with the day to day routines, and you’ll opening the doors to some boredom and familiar discontent.

Cash & Career Review: 1st – 13th Boredom: 21st – 22nd

Relax: 1st – 13th Argument: 14th or 15th

Love & Sex Old wounds: 22nd – 30th Admirer: 12th – 18th

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une should be a really rather joyful month for the majority of Taureans – lots of social activity, fine wine, nice restaurants, good friends and frequent fun! Younger male Taureans (18-30) might not have things quite so easy as they tackle matters appertaining to their sexuality and/or find themselves

having to do something to break free from the shackles of their past. If we are to talk about emotional delight and romance, then this is in the star chart too, but mainly for Taurean females still in their teens or very early 20’s. Something of a mixed month then, depending on who you are and how old you are. Upon reflection it’s boring old

guys like me that get the best of the deal, sitting in the garden, drinking wine, looking at the Pyrenees and writing horoscopes for Vision Magazine, but even so, it seems that most Taureans are likely to experience a good social side to their life throughout June, so enjoy it while it is available.

21 Apr - 21 May

In many respects, June is a continuation of the work routines established in May. It’s a predicable period, wherein you’re more or less in control and there are very few problems that can’t be sorted out with a quick phone call. Some male members of the sign will be niggling for a new car, while other more sensitive young men will be looking for a new life. June will be a most productive period for anyone professionally involved with the arts (including teaching of the arts) and although finances are not fabulous, they are stable and secure and you should be able to function within your budget. Somewhere around June 20th or 21st you’ll commit yourself to some new long term work project, but nothing is starting just yet.

Young love comes to younger members of the sign and if it is treasured, nurtured and allowed to develop slowly, then something very profound can be achieved. Rush in where angels fear to tread and you’ll trip up, so take it easy and just remember ‘a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’. By concentrating your affections and taking your time on the bird you already have, you are more likely to gain something of value. June 9th favours chance meetings, the 14th, 15th, & 16th is a great time for first dates, and for mature Taureans the 19th and 20th bring awkward decisions – do I take the bull by the horn and risk a heart attack, or do I simply have another sherry and live with my memories and fantasies?

Cash & Career New Car?: All month Commitment: 20th or 21st

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Love & Sex Past issues (18-30 men): All month Romance (Teen women): All month

Chance meeting: 9th First date: 14th, 15th, & 16th

73 Vision 27

Recommended Life before Death by Colin Fry (Rider, £7.99) If you’ve read our interview with Colin, you will know the reasons why he wrote this book, and what he intends to achieve by it. I for one don’t doubt that he will certainly change a few lives with his sensible, caring and considerate approach to this life – the one you have now. It is natural for every human being to wonder if there is a life hereafter and certainly, people like Colin may be able to help you to verify this … for yourself. But not so many people seem to be as fascinated with this life that we are living, they look for answers in the other. I think the information in this book could help anyone to deal with grief, but the book doesn’t stop there, it

really does push across the message that life is for living, whether you believe there are other lives or not. Full of interesting anecdotes from Colin’s private

Total Tranquility by Stuart Michael (GAP, £7.90) Stuart Michael is an improviser. He doesn’t write a piece of music and then play it, but plays it before he ‘writes’ it. Using trees as his inspiration, he has composed a truly superb album, which is perfect for meditation and relaxation. If I was asked to sum up the album in a word that hasn’t already been used (such as ‘enchanting’, ‘magical’ or ‘captivating’), I would choose ‘wistful’. When I immersed (and that really is the word) myself in this album, I found myself wishing I was outside in a forest, feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my face. There is most certainly a calm and majesty to be found in a quiet forest, and that majesty has been put to music in this album. You can hear the dew, feel the sound of the leaves, see the nature spirits. I think my favourite track is the first track “Knowledge’, I feel that it really helps you to get in touch with the spirit of the trees and the vast amount of knowledge and wisdom that they have contained within them. I think that it would be very difficult to come away from listening to this album without having ‘been somewhere’ … it is very hard not to be spirited away by it. I would definitely recommend this album for quiet times and for meditation. It would also work well with some therapies. Diana Want this CD? Initially available from ITunes. For more information, contact GAP Music on 01322 289459. 74 Vision 27

sittings, these combine with his messages for dealing with life and show you that you can really add quality to your time spent on the earth plane by thinking positively. I tend to read the amazing stories of what Colin has picked up for others first, but if you buy this book, don’t buy it for that alone, buy it because it will really help you to look at your own life in a more positive manner and change it for the better. Diana Want this book? Available from all good bookshops, or take advantage of our Reader Offer: Buy Life before Death (RRP £7.99) for the special price of £6.99 including free P & P. To order, call 01206 255 800 and quote “Vision”.

Angels by My Side CD by Jan Yoxall (Diviniti Publishing, £11.95 This meditation CD is truly superb. I am not an experienced meditator and like many of you, I have a very busy and somewhat stressful life. I never seem to find the time for meditation, or for any type of relexation. However, this CD was very relaxing and I found it worth taking time out for. The introduction to the CD starts with beautiful, uplifting and spiritual music as well as clear instructions about what is on the CD and what the purpose of the meditations are. It also introduces you to the angels that you will be concentrating on during the two meditations. The first meditation is for the morning, and is intended to be played as soon as possible after you wake up, so that you can gain the maximum benefit from it. Jan’s voice is soft, gentle and almost ethereal and, combined with the music background, it is really easy to find yourself drifting away. I certainly felt less stressed after doing this when I went on to deal with my day after this meditation. The guided evening meditation is extremely relaxing. I always find it hard to drift off into a peaceful sleep, because I tend to replay my day in my mind, but the meditation really helped me to switch off and I got a great night’s sleep. I felt really, really relaxed and found it so easy to follow the steps in the meditation. I would definitely recommend this CD to first-time users and also to experienced meditators, as this is a wonderful piece. Nikki Letch Want this CD? If you are one of the first 20 to subscribe (see P57) you will receive a FREE copy of this CD. You can also buy the CD from Vision Shop, P80.

An Angel At My Shoulder by Glennyce S. Eckersley (Rider, £6.99) This book will sell like hot cakes - we all love these true-life stories of angels who step in and assist us with our lives, and in some cases even save lives. It seems these heavenly beings of love and light are indeed at our shoulder throughout our lives and prepared to help us in anyway they can. The book begins with an overview of who the angels actually are, their heavenly order and what they look like, though they may, and often do; appear to us in many guises. There are numerous intriguing accounts of angelic intervention, such as saving people from certain death, but as you read through it’s quite amazing to find how often they help us in our daily lives in subtle ways, much of the time their assistance may even go unnoticed. They bring us comfort, hope, peace and healing as well as the more dramatic rescues, (the back of my neck tingled as I read some of those.) It also has a section on children’s experiences and encounters with angels, they are perhaps sometimes more accepting of these beings. It closes with a brief chapter on how to contact your own guardian angel. This book will not fail to move you in some way; it leaves you with a great sense of comfort and hope. This is quite simply a fantastic book, it’s wellwritten and absolutely spellbinding, treat yourself, you’ll love it! Jay Want this book? See Vision Shop, P79.

Gothic Fantasies – The Paintings Of Anne Sudworth (AAPPL, £19.99) This is a beautifully presented book, the cover is striking, the pages are all edged with silver - this book really is something special. Prepare to have your breath taken away! There is page after page of the most beautiful paintings, in particular the ones of the trees and the moon caught my attention, I just wanted to climb inside the picture! However, this isn’t just fantasy art; the artist has painted actual places such as Stonehenge, and Whitby Abbey at dusk. With an uncanny knack of turning a beautiful scene into a mesmerising painting, she will stun you! There is also well-written text, which I eventually got round to

De-Stress Your Life In 7 Easy Steps by Glenn Harrold (Orion, £9.99) This book includes a free hypnotherapy CD, which will guide you into deep relaxation, followed by seven tracks of affirmations. The introduction opens with a welcome, which immediately puts you at ease, then the author gives us a little information about himself before going on to explain how to get the most from the book and the CD. There are seven steps in all, and all with their own chapter. The first one describes stress and offers some helpful destress techniques. It also includes some really practical pages where you can record the situations which cause you stress and the feelings these give you. The book also covers relationships, both romantic and parenting. There are also chapters on health and the effects of stress in both the body and the mind these also include ‘mini steps’ and many effective techniques to help you. This is so much more than a ‘quick-fix,’ the book and CD combined gives you an excellent self-help programme, which could greatly improve every aspect of your life, I’d highly recommend it for all. Jay. Want this book? Vision have teamed up with Orion to offer Glenn’s fabulous book, De-stress Your Life in 7 Easy Steps, for the special price of £7.99 (RRP £9.99) including free postage & packing (UK only, overseas add £1.60) by calling 01903 828503 and quoting reference number JA145.

reading, (the paintings completely absorbed me!). There are five chapters in all, which open with a brief passage about their titles such as ‘Darkness’ and ‘Ruins,’. As the book closes there is a piece on the artist herself. This really was a pleasure to review, and I cannot rave enough about this book, it’s stunning. Jay Want this book? Reader Offer: Save £7! Order from AAPPL by cheque: AAPPL, Church Farm House, Wisley, Surrey, GU23 6QL, UK or order by Paypal to or by card (Call Turnaround Publisher Services on 020 8829 3002). Mention Vision Goths Offer when ordering to get your discount. All orders direct to or via Paypal will be

signed by Anne Sudworth on a signature plate on the end papers. Orders from Turnaround will not be signed. 75 Vision 27

76 Vision 27

For even more choice, visit Vision shop at


Pyramid Power

2 1/2” Crystal Pyramid

This pyramid comes in a choice of genuine semi-precious stones and is perfect to help you with meditation and healing. See our article on P26. Choose from: 070501 – Amethyst 070502 – Fluorite 070503 – Lapis Lazuli 070504 - Rose Quartz 070505 - Quartz £15.00

This book comes complete with a set of Pyramids that you can use to create your own ‘Pyramid Power’. Through this book you will learn how to use the Pyramids so that you can utilise them to work Magick for your own purposes, whatever that purpose may be: * Winning lotteries, raffles and the pools * Obtaining a job * Succeeding in business * Finding someone to love * Whatever it is that your heart desires! All of this can be possible with ‘Pyramid Power’! £7.95 + £2.95 P & P


Nefertari's Tarot

This stunning gold printed tarot is the most opulent Egyptian Tarot ever created. Printed with a Gold foil. Comes with full instructions. £26.99 + £2.95 P & P

030231 030228

Eye of Horus



A powerful protective symbol, wear to ensure you are surrounded by positive energy. Gift-boxed and on a chain. £13.00

This pendant in silver and goldplated pewter comes in its own gift box and on a chain. £13.00

030227 Isis Mother of the Egyptian gods, Isis was the Queen of Magic. Wear her for magical inspiration. Giftboxed and on a chain. £18.00


Mummy Locket

This unusual pendant is for protection from hidden dangers – the locket opens to reveal a hieroglyphic protection scroll. Giftboxed and on chain. £18.00


Egyptian Love Spells and Rituals


Egyptian Tarot

Painted in tempera on papyrus, these cards were partially inspired by the Tarot created by the famous occultist Jean-Baptiste Pitois in 1870. Beautiful! £11.99 + £2.95 P & P

Egyptian Love Signs and Rituals is a reflection of the Ancient Egyptian culture and reflects their passion and love of life. This is a ground-breaking title that opens up Egyptian magick for the first time to everybody. £9.99 + £2.95 P & P


Cleopatra’s Love Cartouche

Sterling Silver Ankh

This contemporary pendant is a modern take on the ancient Egyptian symbol of life. Wear this for protection and a long life. Complete with Sterling Silver 18” Chain. £15.00

A beautiful amulet designed to attract happy love and friendship. Giftboxed and on a chain. £13.00




Wear this beautiful pendant as a recognition of life eternal and for courage and protection in ‘this’ life. Giftboxed and on chain. £15.00

Osiris This striking pendant embellished with gold, silver and crystal comes on a chain and is gift-boxed. Wear for good judgement. £15.00

Pyramid Spells

Harness pyramid power and cast this simple runic spell. You can even follow Jay’s idea (see P26) and choose a lottery spell! Full instructions included. Choose from the following: 050207 050208 050209 050210 050211 050212

Health Lottery Love Luck Wealth Wish

£8.00 each spell

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

77 Vision 27

For even more choice, visit Vision shop at

020901 Great Spirit Told Me by


Michael Standing Wolf Superb meditation album with calming and centring music and the voice of Michael Standing Wolf. Recommended. £10.99 + £2.95 P & P

An exclusive CD produced for Vision! Some tracks especially composed, guided meditation. £1.99



In the Presence of Angels CD

Developing Your Own Psychic Powers by John Edward

A guided meditation that invokes the angels. Suitable for beginners. £11.95 + £2.95 P & P




Lose Weight Now CD

Complete Relaxation CD

Angels by My Side CD

Superb self-hypnosis CD. Use regularly for maximum benefit. £11.95 + £2.95 P & P

Superb self-hypnosis CD. Use regularly for maximum benefit. £11.95 + £2.95 P & P

Call on the great Archangels in this superb meditation CD. Highly recommended. £11.95 + £2.95 P & P

010103 Touched by Angels

All you could want to know about angels and how to work magically with them. Some lovely meditations included. £8.99 + £2.95 P & P

010901 The Yorkshire way of Feng Shui No-nonsense and simple Feng Shui techniques for anybody, anywhere! £9.99 + £2.95 P & P

78 Vision 27

This superb set of 6 CDs has been created to help you actuate your own psychic skills. £47.00 £2.95 p & P

010114 Contacting the Spirit World If you’ve read our review of this book, you’ll already know that it is easy to read and easy to follow. The perfect introduction to mediumship. £10.99 + £2.95 P & P 010127

How to develop Your Sixth Sense We all have the potential to develop our intuitive abilities. Awaken a powerful clairvoyant vision. £7.99 + £2.95 P & P


Raise your Energy – Increase your Motivation CD Superb self-hypnosis CD. Use regularly for maximum benefit. £11.95 + £2.95 P & P

010112 Cassandra Eason’s Book of Spells

Here is the ultimate book of spells. Happiness spells, healing, success and protective spells; love spells; rituals and rites to perform are all included. £19.99 + £2.95 P & P

010106 A Year and a Day in Magick This fantastic book will give you the traditional ‘year and a day’ training for first degree initiation, plus loads of reference material. A musthave! £19.99 + £2.95 P & P

060602 Vision Binder Protect your copies of Vision! Our superb binder has been created in Vision purple with gold effect Vision logo on the spine. Each binder will safely store 12 issues, these can be very easily inserted so there is no damage to the magazines. (Magazines for illustration only). £8.99 + £2.95 P & P

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.


Libera – Release Negativity With a beautiful faceted peridot gemstone at its heart, this pendant is especially designed to release negativity. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00 030245

Fortitudo – Facing Fears With a beautiful blue chalcedony gemstone, this pendant is designed to help you face your fears and work through them. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00

030207 Fleur de Venus Love

This beautiful pendant is designed to attract love into your life. Sterling Silver with a beautiful rose quartz gemstone set in the centre. Black cord necklace - comes in a purple satin pouch. £21.00


Amethyst Goddess Pendant for Spirituality Beautiful goddess pendant with amethyst. Complete with 18” Sterling Silver Chain and FREE pouch. Tap into spiritual goddess energies with this lovely pendant. £21.00



Equilibra – Balance

Cassiellum – Karma Clearing

With a beautiful citrine gemstone at its heart, this pendant is especially designed to create balance in your life. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00

With a beautiful amethyst gemstone, this pendant is especially designed to help you clear Karmic carryover from this life. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00


Fidensa Strength With a beautiful malachite gemstone, this pendant is designed to help you ground, especially useful after psychic work. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00

030209 Selene’s Glaive – Intuition

Tap into the powerful energies of the lunar goddess with the wonderful pendant cast in Sterling Silver and set with a genuine moonstone. On a black cord necklace and presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00


Citrine Goddess Pendant for happiness Beautiful goddess pendant with citrine. Complete with 18” Sterling Silver Chain and FREE pouch. Tap into goddess energy for happiness and wellbeing with this lovely pendant. £21.00

030243 Phius Moon Transformation With a beautiful quartz gemstone at its heart, this pendant is especially designed to help you transform and evolve spiritually. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00


Sigil of Bether Wealth With a beautiful lapis lazuli gemstone, this pendant is designed to draw abundance to you. On a black cord necklace and created in Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00

030208 Quintessance – Psychic Insight

With a fiery garnet gemstone, this pendant is designed to improve psychic insight. Black cord necklace and Sterling Silver with gold plating. Presented in a purple satin pouch. £21.00


Double Turquoise Pendant Turquoise pendant in Sterling Silver. Wear this healing stone close to your skin to keep you feeling on top form. Complete with 18” Sterling Silver chain and FREE pouch. £28.00


Double Iolite Pendant Beautiful blue-grey iolite stimulates our inner awareness and spirituality. Wear this lovely stone on a Sterling Silver pendant complete with an 18” Sterling Silver chain and FREE pouch. £21.00


Amethyst Cross Pendant Spectacular amethyst and silver cross pendant. This unusual design includes faceted amethysts set in Sterling Silver. Complete with an 18” Sterling Silver chain and FREE pouch. 34mm x 4mm £58.00

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

79 Vision 27

For even more choice, visit Vision shop at



Dragons Tarot Dragon myths worldwide are reinterpreted and represented by these magical cards. £11.95 + £2.95 P & P



Starter Tarot Deck


Egyptian Scarab Oracle Divine your future using these unique scarab oracle stones. Accurate and easy to use. £27.99 + £2.95 P & P

Vision 27

This superb pendulum is available in a variety of stones (Fluorite pictured). £16.90

Quest Tarot This deck is the first that allows you to use the tarot like a Ouija board, getting answers to yes/no questions, names and phrases. Instruction book included. £32.00 + £2.95 P & P


030513 ‘Egyptian cut’ Pendulum

Unusual but beautifully balanced cone-shaped pendulum. Variety of stone choices. £14.00

Simple but effective pendulum in a variety of stones (please enquire). The hanging chain also has a small matching crystal. £12.00

The Lovers’ Tarot

Use the symbolic language of dreams to learn more about yourself and also to make predictions. An unusual and excellent set. £13.00 + £2.95 P & P

030514 Cone Shaped Pendulum

050207 Faceted Pendulum


Dream Cards

Start giving readings right away with this classic deck. 78 cards, which have all the card meanings, including the reverse meanings, printed on each card. £19.50


Brazilian Faceted Rose Quartz Pendulum A superb shape and cut and nicely priced this pendulum will work particularly well with questions about love. FREE pouch included. £10.00

Answers all our questions related to affairs of the heart, sex and relationships. Pack contains 78 full-colour cards and a 64-page illustrated book. £10.99 + £2.95 P & P

030515 Crystal and Copper Pendulum Copper is traditionally used for divining. Combine the power of copper with the amplifying power of quartz! £17.50


Ask Your Guides Oracle Deck Ask Your Guides will connect you directly with specific spirit guides and Divine helpers who are there to help your navigate through these transitions and challenges successfully. £11.99 + £2.95 P & P



Brazilian Faceted Amethyst Pendulum A superb shape and cut and nicely priced this pendulum will work particularly well with questions about spiritual matters. FREE pouch included. £10.00

Brazilian Faceted Green Aventurine Pendulum A superb shape and cut and nicely priced this pendulum will work particularly well with questions about money. FREE pouch included. £10.00

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

030201 Mustard Seed – Creativity

This dainty fairy is designed to increase your creativity. Cast in pewter and highlighted with silver and gold plating, she is sure to be at home anywhere. Presentation box and details of how to cleanse your charm are included. £11.00

030202 Cobweb Faery Faery Magick

Draw yourself closer to the Faerie realms with this stunning pendant. Cast in pewter and highlighted with silver and gold plating. Presentation box and details of how to cleanse your charm are included. £11.00

030205 Moon Leaper – Intuition

Stunning faerie pendant to attract lunar goddess energies to you to increase your intuition. Pewter highlighted with gold and silver plating. Presentation box and details of how to cleanse your charm are included. £11.00


Venus and Mars – Balance Wear this stunning pendant to crate balance in your life. Presentation box and chain included. £11.00

Archangel Michael – Freedom from the Past

Miracles do happen and they can change your Archangel Michael will life. This help you leave the past pendant is you no longer need. Cast designed to in pewter - highlighted attract miracles into your with gold / silver plating. Presentation life. Cast in pewter and box and details of how to cleanse your highlighted with gold and charm are included. silver plating. £11.00 £11.00

030206 Angels of Oberon Love

Charming pendant combining faerie and angel magick to attract love into your life. Pewter highlighted with gold and silver plating. Presentation box and details of how to cleanse your charm are included. £11.00


Selkie – Transformation This mermaid-like faerie will hep you to change and grow. Presentation box and chain included. £11.00

030204 Angelus – Miracles


030219 Cusp of Titania Radiance Shine like this most beautiful faery, with this gorgeous pendant. Presentation box and details of how to cleanse your charm included. £11.00


Nectar Faerie – Vitality Increase your energy with this lovely pendant. Gift-boxed and on chain. £11.00


Bat Rider - Messages This stunning pendant will help you to perceive messages that are being given to you by spiritual sources. Presentation box and details of how to cleanse your charm are included. £11.00


Angel of Vision – Perspective See the bigger picture with this beautiful gift-boxed pendant, complete with chain. £11.00

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed. 1. To order you can phone, fax, email or write to Vision Shop, 42a Main Street, Garforth, LS25 1AA. Tel: 0113 286 6789 Fax: 0113 287 2293 Email: We accept postal orders/ cheques/ credit/ debit cards: make all cheques and postal orders payable to Vision Magazine Ltd.All goods are subject to availability. All prices include VAT plus free standard postage and packaging. (Unless otherwise stated).For an additional £1 per item we can provide recorded delivery. If you opt for standard delivery, we cannot refund on lost or wrongly delivered items. Damaged or lost goods notification must be made 81 within 7 days of delivery. We require 28 days for delivery although most orders are dispatched within 7-14 days of receipt. 2. If you are not satisfied with your goods a full refund will be given, providing goods are returned within 7 days. Vision 27


ision is constantly expanding the number of shops that it appears in and, as you can see from the list below, you can now find us in Sainsbury’s. However, many people are still having trouble locating us, even though we are slowly taking over the spiritual magazine world! That’s why we print a picture of the best display of Vision every month – to remind you we are there and to recognise the shop assistants that take the time and trouble

to make sure we are on the shelves and in pride of place. W H Smiths have regularly featured on this page … as more and more of their staff realise that we are a title that sells (and they may get a goody bag too?). Gary Le Blond saw this lovely display in Selby’s W H Smiths, so we are rewarding him and W H Smiths for their efforts. Do send us your snaps too and keep looking out for us – Vision is out there!

This month’s winner! This month’s winner is Gary Le Bond from Selby, who found his copy at W H Smiths in Selby. Well done, Gary and W H Smiths, you both win a goody bag this month!

How to Enter Win a goody bag for you and your local Vision stockist! Just take a photograph of a Vision display and send it along to us with your name and address, and the name and address of the shop where you took the photo. If your photo is the monthly winner, you and your local shop will each win a goody bag! Send your photos by email to: by post to: Vision is Out There! Vision Magazine, 42a Main Street, Garforth LS25 1AA By text to: 07725 656 718

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