Vision 18

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VISION 18 September 2006

P8 When The Dead Come Knocking P10 Visionaries P14 Did Aliens Land in Roswell? P16 From Mind to Mind P18 Experiences Explained

P36 Bend it

like Geller

Uri on spoons, spirituality and personal power

PLUS: P38 Take part in Uri’s exclusive experiment

P20 Long March of the Roma P22 Spirituality of the Romani P25 Gypsy Caravans

P32 What’s

P35 Superstitions of the Night P40 The Magic of Jewellery P43 Dream Directory

the Deal?

Foretell your future: learn to read playing cards

P46 The Country Table P48 A Pet is for Life P50 Throat Chakra P52 Face your Fears P53 Healing Music P54 Crystal Healing P56 Natural Beauty P58 Coven Corner

And The Rest ... P5 Monthly News / My Psychic Journal P6 Lifestyle Tips P26 Back Issues P28 Destiny Doctors P44 Competitions P60 Next Month P75 Subscriptions P76 Reviews P77 Vision Shop P82 Day Tripper

P30 “Horrific crash gave me psychic powers!”

P62 Astrological Overview P63 Horoscopes - your September forecast by James Christie

3 Vision 18



ello everyone, and welcome to another Vision. This month we feature the ‘king of cutlery’: Uri Geller himself! Read about the man behind the legend (P36) and take part in Uri’s two experiments: exclusively for Vision readers! (P38) As well as reading about psychic skills, you can also try a little Natural Beauty (for both men and women) (P56); dine on free food (P46) and learn how to treat your own phobias (P52). If that isn’t enough: this issue is our Romani

(Gypsy) special. We’ve spoken to a genuine Romani Choviano (P22); researched the origins of the Romani (P20) and discovered the magic of gypsy caravans (P25). Also: don’t forget our fantastic competitions! This month you can win a cruise to Amsterdam with Derek Acorah or one of 6 crystal healing courses (P44)! Enjoy this isue and I’ll see you next month.


Managing Director: Sammi Addey General Manager: John Addey Editor/Promotions: Diana Jarvis

Distribution: 0113 286 6557 Telesales: 0113 287 1551 Subscriptions: Nikki Letch 0113 286 6789

Forum Fan

I found the January edition of Vision magazine in a bookshop in Cape Town. What a wonderful publication! I have seen a good number of different New Age type magazines over the years. None are as informative and inspiring as yours, though. Please forward me the subscription price to South Africa, so that I can get Vision every month! Bobby Savosnick, Cape Town, South Africa

Email us:

Graphic Designer: Kelly Chambers

Each letter published will receive a copy of Pure Calm from the Pure Series worth £10.95, courtesy of New World Music. Let Stuart Jones’s fluidity and perfection on keyboards clear your mind. The Star Letter will win four titles from the Pure series including Pure Calm, Pure Dreaming, Pure Love & Light and Pure Tranquility – worth a total of £43.80. For further information and a free catalogue, contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or visit We reserve the right to edit letters.

Internationally Inspiring


Senior Graphic Designer: Angela Benson


Star Letter

Magazine Ltd 42a Main Street, Garforth LS25 1AA Tel: 0113 286 3939 Fax: 0113 287 2293

It seems that you guys put too much of the good stuff in the mag and that is where everybody is ... not on the website forum! True, the Visionaries are great, for me, it’s worth buying Vision for them alone! In fact, the whole magazine is great, it covers all bases...unlike some that are clearly out for the cash. However, it would be good to get some topics going on the Forum. Please come onto the forum people: that’s where many other Vision readers are right now! S Mackie, Kinglassie, Scotland The Forum is getting busier daily, but the more the merrier: come on in! Ed.

Visionaries Co-ordinator: Nance Turner-Collings Accounts: Lindsay Deane Distributors Native Publisher Services 0113 236 0559

Contributors: Paul Chambers; Steve Bryan; Patrick Jasper Lee; Caroline White; Madeleine Walker; Sue Pullen; Geoffrey Keyte; Michelle Jones; Carole Chui; Clint Denyer; Dave Brennan; Michael Hallowell; Rosalind Collier; Samantha Hamilton; Andrea Rivers; Paula Garton; James Christie.

Logo ©Vision magazine Ltd The Vision logo is a registered trademark. It may not be used by anyone other than ourselves under any conditions.

Founder: Sammi Addey

Arthur Findlay Fan I am an avid reader of your magazine, Vision is the most interesting magazine I have ever read. I have enclosed a photograph of the Arthur Findlay college, where you can clearly see a spirit gentleman ... I am looking forward to reading the article on the Arthur Findlay


college when I get my next copy of Vision. I loved the place and can’t wait to get back there in September, when I am doing another course in healing. Debra Brinklow, Catford, London Thank you for the photo, Debra, it will be published in Experiences Explained in a future issue.

Errata: Sincere apologies to Niki Senior who was not credited for her excellent article The Healing Energy of Dryads in Vision 17. Find out more about Niki on

Vision 18

Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by the publishers and editors. © Copyright Vision magazine Ltd and/or contributors. All rights reserved. No part, written or visual (including adverts typeset by Vision) of the magazine (including the logo) may be reproduced, without written permission from the publishers. Call 0113 286 6789 for subscriptions and back issues. All images © Vision unless otherwise stated. Competitions: The first correct entry drawn at random after the closing date will be notified. Competitions are open to all residents of the UK except employees of Vision Magazine Ltd, their families, contributors, its printers and anyone else connected to the competition. There is no cash alternative unless otherwise stated. The editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Helping the Haunted

Spirits and the Sea: Date Change

Have you got withdrawal symptoms already? You’ll know what I mean if you enjoy TV: there are not a lot of our favourite supernatural series on at the moment! Have no fear, though (well not too much!) Haunted Homes will be back on your screens every Friday from 8th September at 9pm on ITV2. Psychic Mia Dolan, paranormal investigator Mark Webb and London University academic Dr Chris French meet again to try to help families who think their house is haunted. Will your house be next?

For those of you who desperately wanted to go on the above cruise and see Derek Acorah, but couldn’t take time out during the week: your prayers have been answered! Radical Escapes have changed the dates of the cruise and the ship will now be leaving Newcastle on Friday 1st September and returning on Sunday 3rd September. You can book via … but don’t forget to enter our fabulous competition to win tickets on P35!

Freedom Of Spirit 2006

Find a Therapy

The East Lothian Spiritual Association (ELSA) will be holding Freedom of Spirit 2006, on 20th August at The Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh. There will be demonstrations of Clairvoyance, Psychic Art and much more. Tickets are available at £5 for a full day and £1 for a single event. Doors open 12–5pm ELSA is a registered charity. Visit or call 01620 843880 / 01875 852371 / 0785 4873120

Therapy Finda is a new website designed to raise awareness of alternative and holistic therapists. The webmasters have teamed up with the ever-popular International Holistic Therapies Directories to offer you a really good service. This site is perfect for both therapists wanting to offer their services and also for clients looking for the right therapist near them. Via the member's area, you can update your listing or


almost discarded this entry as I was afraid you may find it a tad dull, and yet I feel I have to include it as this was indeed the biggest seed planted in me by Spirit and probably the catalyst which has brought me to where I am today. (All will make sense later in the diary, I promise you.) For many years now I’ve been fascinated with cards, and spent a small fortune on collecting them. I was hooked from the age of 16, when I borrowed a pack of tarot and gave myself the best and most accurate (to date) reading. It was an excellent pack, which not only explained what each card meant, but also what the cards meant when they appeared with certain other cards. A few years later my brother-in–law gave me the basic guidelines for reading ordinary playing cards, which I still do today. Over time I’ve noticed rather than ‘reading’ the cards with my eyes, the cards were becoming more of a focal point and

account details, add new listings, upgrade your account and stay abreast of latest developments. Live online support is offered for those who require assistance.

Screaming for Charity On the 5th August, Screaming Queens will be spending a night investigating ghostly goings on at Ufton Court near Ufton Nervit. The investigation is a fundraising event for this year’s Reading Pride festival which takes place on September 2nd 2006. Organiser Jamie Wake, previously gender illusionist ‘Miss Sue Panover’, hung up his wigs and dresses last year to concentrate on his work as a psychic and spirit medium. There are still limited spaces for people who want to take part in the event. All willing victims will be sponsored to take part. The evening will be broadcast live over the internet via webcam and audio stream. For more information and details of this event, please contact Jamie on 07795 023256 or visit the website or Jamie’s website

words began to form inside my head. I found this very confusing as at first I wondered ‘are these my thoughts’ and later ‘I can’t possibly repeat that.’ I much preferred the playing cards for reading, and still do to this day. Tarot cards I found difficult, but then I always stuck rigidly to the guidelines in the books. It is only when I was advised to ‘throw the book away’ that I began to progress. The cards have quite literally peppered my pathway, I’ve found them very cheaply and in quite extraordinary places at times, had them given as gifts, and stumbled across packs when I’ve been looking for something else. For twenty years and more spirit have been hinting at my life’s purpose. I just didn’t realise, but spirit know when the time is right ... Peace always,


5 Vision 18

Do you feel as if you are unlucky in love? It may be that you are subconsciously giving out the wrong signs, both to the world and to yourself! We all tend to keep hold of items that hold a sentimental value, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, we can really hold ourselves back from stepping forward into the future, if we cling on to silly things that remind us of our ex. These items will deplete our energy as they are full of shar chi – stagnant energy, and they will keep you stuck in the past. Clean out that stuff, one piece at a time, until you’ve managed to get rid of those reminders. You will feel as if you’ve had an emotional detox and it will really help you to face and work through any grief.

Are you constantly changing your outfit when you’re getting ready for a romantic night out? It’s not just women who raid their wardrobes either … and for many it is a sign of lack of self–confidence. There is a big difference between enjoying the process of choosing items, grooming and thinking how good you’ll feel: and changing clothes again and again because you feel you look awful in all of them! If you really want to appear attractive to your date, if you want to make an impact on everyone you meet: you will have to do it from the inside out. Our perceptions of people change, more by the way they project themselves than by the clothes they wear. Get up every morning and see the beauty in the mirror. We are all beautiful and you need to see that in yourself before you can see it in anyone else: or anyone can see it in you. Try an affirmation every morning: “ I am now confident and attractive: both inside and out”.

After Shave to Attract a Lover Yes boys, this one is for you! This sweet-smelling concoction has ingredients that are alleged to attract love, the bonus being that even if they don’t, you’ll smell wonderful! Please note that this blend is for external use only: you should not drink it. Ingredients: 2 drops Jasmine 6 drops sandalwood essential oil 3 drops Basil essential oil 5 drops vanilla essential oil 12 drops bergamot essential oil 250ml alcohol (70%) or vodka Put the alcohol into a bottle that you can stopper. Add the oils and shake well. Leave in the sun for 7 days, putting the bottle away when the sun goes down. Feel free to adapt the recipe by drops if the smell is not quite to your liking. Don’t use too much or you will not attract anyone! Please do check any contra-indications before using any essential oil.

6 Vision 18

We often talk about the power of working with the times and tides of nature. Witches consider the moon when working spells and you’ll see that Coven Corner always has the phases of the moon printed each month. You too can harness the tremendous power of the heavens. If you want to attract luck and success in business, start or relaunch your business by sending out information or arranging publicity when the moon is waxing (getting bigger). As the moon grows larger, so do your potential profits! Don’t forget the power of positive thinking too: if you don’t think you will succeed then no-one else will and you’ll get little, if any support. Know you can do it! Courtesy of Sangeeta Uppaladinni,

Do you have an important decision to make? Perhaps you have quite a few options and cannot decide which way to go…or maybe you need further information before going one way or the other? Try using your internal ‘Search Engine’ to discover ideas and solutions! Visualise yourself sat at a computer, typing in your question into a search engine (perhaps that search engine is called Inner Voice or maybe even Higher Self ). Press enter and watch information relevant to your question display on your internal monitor screen - some of it relevant, some of it maybe not so useful! You may get answers; you may get ‘links’ to people who can help you provide your answers or you may see a list of things which need to be accomplished before you achieve your objective. I have been using this technique for a while now and have found it very effective. I don’t always follow up on my search results - but I get a lot of ideas! Courtesy of Michelle Jones,

Here’s a most unusual idea for improving your financial situation and it requires very little effort! We spend a lot of our days wasting energy. We all do it, by setting ourselves tasks that we don’t really need to do and putting off the ones we should be doing. We do the same with our speech – we talk a lot about things we enjoy and avoid talking about things that really matter because we’re avoiding them. Conscious communication is a way of using our natural energy in the most efficacious way. Before you talk – think! Do you need to? Speaking gently and only when necessary retains energy that you may need for other things and, surprisingly, can increase your cash flow! Better still, it encourage others to say things that are really on their mind in the spaces where you would normally be talking nineteen to the dozen. Not only will you reserve energy which will help improve your circumstances, but you will retain a lot more friends! Try it!

7 Vision 18


n the modern world poltergeists are more likely to be seen than heard, but this was not always so. Whilst a twenty-first century poltergeist might overturn furniture, start fires and throw crockery; many historical poltergeist cases preferred to make their presence known by, of all things, banging on the wall. These knocking poltergeists, as I shall call them, have quite a pedigree. The oldest recorded case occurred in Bingen-am-Rhein, Germany, in 856AD. Few details of the case survive, but it is known that a local priest was plagued by mysterious rappings and thundering noises.

The Demon Drummer We have to jump forward several centuries to 1663 before we find a full account of a knocking poltergeist in action. This is the famous ‘daemon drummer’ of Tedworth parish, Wiltshire, which plagued John Mompesson, a wealthy landowner and important local official. In March 1662 Mompesson confiscated a drum from William Drury, a troublesome vagrant and hid it at his house. A year later Mompesson’s household was host to mysterious thumping noises that made ‘the windowes shake’. These continued for weeks and were joined by the noise of a drum which could beat out tunes for hours at a time. The Mompesson family received complaints from their neighbours and advice was offered by various clergymen, much of it not very helpful (e.g. slashing randomly at the air with a sword to try and cut the demon in two). Naturally, the drumming noise was blamed on William Drury, but by this time he was in Gloucester gaol on a charge of pig rustling. The preternatural noises

Paul Chambers investigates the seemingly timeless phenomenon of ‘knocking’ poltergeists continued for months, until the family was at its wit’s end. Attempts were made to charge Drury with witchcraft, but he escaped from custody. After his recapture, the demon drummer’s activities suddenly ceased. Opinion on the case was divided: philosopher Joseph Glanvill favoured the presence of a demon, but two investigators sent by King Charles

took statements from all those who witnessed it. “I went into the nursery,’ recalled Samuel Wesley, where it used to be most violent. The rest of the children were asleep. It began with knocking in the kitchen underneath, then seemed to be at the bed’s feet, then under the bed, and at last at the head of it. I went downstairs, and knocked with my stick against the joists of the kitchen. It answered me as often and as loud as I knocked.” Wesleys’ knocking poltergeist stopped as suddenly as it had started and the case has never been explained. Four decades later the Methodist movement found itself embroiled in controversy for John Wesley’s vocal belief in ghosts, witches and demons which went against popular church thinking. Wesley had published many examples of supernatural phenomena, including the antics of Old Jeffrey. Thus when a real life knocking poltergeist manifested at the Lamb Inn public house, Bristol, several Methodist clergymen took an interest in it.

It answered me as often and as loud as I knocked.

8 Vision 18

found they ‘could neither see nor hear anything that was extraordinary’.

Old Jeffrey It is not until 1715 that we find the next documented example of a knocking poltergeist. This case is an important one, as it plagued the family of Samuel Wesley, father to John Wesley: a founder of the Methodist movement. For several months the Wesley family, who lived in a remote rectory outside Epworth, Lincolnshire, were bothered by ‘Old Jeffrey’. Old Jeffrey was a noisy poltergeist that banged loudly on the walls at all times of the day. John Wesley, who was not living with his family at the time, became obsessed with the case and

The Lamb Inn Demon In November 1761 the Lamb Inn was inhabited by Richard Giles, his wife and two daughters, aged thirteen and

eight. The inn had been invaded by strange scratching and knocking noises that seemed to follow the children from room to room. The Methodists suspected witchcraft and, following Samuel Wesley’s example with Old Jeffrey, decided to try and communicate with the invading demon. By banging on the walls, the clergymen were able to get the ‘demon’ to mimic their own knocking noises. Then, someone had the idea of using a simple code to get the ‘demon’ to communicate. A question would be asked and the ‘demon’ asked to respond by knocking once for ‘yes’ or twice for ‘no’. The technique worked and allowed the clergymen and the ghost to hold stilted conversations for hours at a time (sadly these are not recorded and, after the knocking stopped, no explanation was ever offered). The Lamb Inn demon became nationally famous and was probably the inspiration for the Cock Lane ghost, an especially communicative knocking poltergeist and also an undoubted hoax that sent London into uproar during 1762

(see Vision, Issue 16). The 1760s and 70s was the knocking poltergeists’ heyday and in many parts of Britain, noisy ‘spirits’ learned to communicate using the ‘rap once for “yes”, twice for “no”’ code. Given the near riot caused by the Cock Lane ghost, many of these poltergeists were prematurely silenced by heavy-handed local authorities. After this, the knocking poltergeist went out of fashion, giving way to its more traditional and violent cousin, such as the crockery smashing Stockwell Ghost of 1772. However, the phenomenon was to come back with a vengeance in 1848 when the Fox family of Hydesville, USA, received a visit from a knocking poltergeist they named ‘Mr Splitfoot’.

Mr Splitfoot Mr Splitfoot was especially attached to the three Fox daughters, Margaretta, Catherine and Leah, and within a short period of time the young girls were conducting primitive séances at Leah’s home in Rochester, New York.

On the 19th November 1849 the Fox sisters gave an outrageously successful public performance and subsequently founded Spiritualism, a religious movement that blends supernatural belief with Christian and other doctrines. Other people discovered that they too could host successful séances: soon, the Spiritualist movement was established in every developed country in the world. In addition to rapping noises, séances began to exhibit physical phenomena: floating objects and even the appearance of spirits. With so much support, Spiritualism soon drew criticism and in the late Victorian era several prominent mediums were caught faking. Worst of all, in 1888 the Fox sisters confessed to having made noises themselves, although they later partially retracted this. With knocking spirits and Spiritualism closely linked, when the latter began to decline in popularity, so did the former. For over a century knocking poltergeists have been quiet. Could this be the calm before the storm? One never knows when the next poltergeist will come knocking …

9 Vision 18

The Time: A hot, windy June night The Place: Pembroke Castle,Wales The Visionaries: John Addey, Sammi Addey, Diana Jarvis and (by phone) Nance Turner-Collings, Dean Ballance

10 Vision 18


ello everyone and welcome to another Visionaries! This month our team are at the absolutely spectacular Pembroke castle: with a different line-up. Don’t worry though, the team that you’ve come to know and love will be back with you for the next Visionaries and both Dean and Nance joined the Pembroke team in Spirit: with some amazing results! As you can see from the pictures (and we’ve put in loads so that you can imagine you’re there with us) Pembroke Castle is not small. It took the team of three two hours to do their first walk around! In the History section of the vigil this month, as well as some general

Medium and Equipment sweep The only way a team of three with a building the size of Pembroke Castle can work effectively is to ‘sweep’ the whole building. The ‘sweep’ is a walk-round with all the equipment, noting any fluctuations or phenomena and also the mediums will ‘tune in’ to each room and note any initial impressions. When all information has been collated, it is possible to narrow down your search to active areas, based on phenomena that has been picked up during that initial sweep and also on the medium’s impressions. The rooms with the best results are where you work - it is as simple as that! This is what the Pembroke Visionaries’ sweep picked up:

The Courtyard Diana picked up the name Mary Tudor, i.e. the queen Mary, here. She also felt a Spirit that was a lady in every sense of the word. This Spirit was in the grounds facing the entrance towers and was

Sammi dowsing in the Dungeon Tower

holding out her right hand, which was gloved. She was wearing a heavy green velvet dress with long sleeves that were hanging almost down to the ground. The sleeves were trimmed with ermine or a similar fur. She was ‘hawking’ – doing falconry. In the same area Sammi picked up all sorts of businesses and markets going on in the courtyard. She could sense meat and fish stalls and saw torch stands for banquets and private parties for the king. She could also see jesters. She was given the date 1711 and the comment “ they brought down the Church first” as well as roundheads1. She also got the name Carlei and the year 948. She felt that people were barricaded in the towers and set fire to; she also saw soldiers falling from the main entrance towers. history of Pembroke Castle, you will find numbered references to comments made by the mediums. You will find out why when you read the history: the mediums’ comments have been matched up with historical fact! On the Way During the journey down, Diana received the image of a man who was holding ‘her’ in a neck lock and had a knife to her throat. He had a black, felt, widebrimmed hat and had a black moustache. He may have had a ruff, she could see something white and frilly. The knife he had was made of Toledo steel (so she was told). He whispered something to her … and then cut her throat from ear to ear!

• The EMF meter hardly wavered the whole way round • The pendulum and rods picked up a major energy line running parallel to the rampart walls on the river side (see plan), as well as a bisecting energy line near the Northgate Tower • The mediums collectively chose The Courtyard, the Dungeon Tower Room and the Henry VII’s Tower corridor as ‘hot spots’, as they felt that they had got their best results from the sweep in these places. The two exhibition rooms were also chosen as sites for EVPs and séance as they offered the best conditions

Diana taking notes on the castle walls. Is that orb a Spirit watching her?

11 Vision 18

Henry VII’s corridor: Diana could see a man with a limp hobble towards her. She could see him clearly and he scared her. She said that she hated this corridor and found it very difficult to look at the door! She felt that the man with the limp was connected with dealing out punishment. The corridor didn’t bother John though, he happily walked off towards the door to investigate. Sammi said she also felt scared and didn’t want to walk any further. As both Sammi and Diana approached the door they were stopped in their tracks by an unpleasant feeling and felt they couldn’t go any further. Sammi picked up a royal connection here as well as the name Mary and a connection with a marriage2. As they walked down the corridor towards the door, Sammi said she felt sick and her jaw ached. She believed that people would be punished by having their tongue cut out for slander. The guard, who she felt was stood at the entrance to the door, was barbaric, he loved to torture people. He was angry because he never got any admiration for what he did. He felt that this should have been his tower as he dispensed justice for his boss14. Sammi then felt that her throat had been cut too (Diana picked up the same on the way to Pembroke). Sammi also picked up hanged, drawn and quartered and the year 1611. Dungeon Tower Diana felt breathless in here and … her legs felt weak. She had an overwhelming desire to get away. She could see a scabby man in rags in the room and was given the name Guy, as well as the surname ‘de

12 Vision 18

John using rods in St. Anne’s Bastion

Montfort’ or ‘de Mountford’3. She could hear someone yelling “Treason!” and began to feel dizzy and nauseous. She was told that there was a rebellion. She could also hear the name “Fitz Herbert” or something similar4. She said that prisoners would have been thrown down into the space below where they were ... and just left5. Sammi had a very miserable feeling as well as a pain in her left side. She could feel a male presence. She was John surprised by a strange noise in the Keep

Nance by phone When Nance tuned in to Pembroke Castle she got a headache and felt that there may have been a battle within the castle. Nance described the exact layout of the castle, including that the Dungeon Tower and the Northern Hall were all odd shapes and did not flow in the design, as if they had been added on at different times7. Sammi taking notes in the Keep and being made to ‘keep her chin up’!

told that someone had an axe put in his head. The misery and pain picked up in this room was overwhelming. Sammi said she felt a traitor was tortured here and became blind while in the dungeon6. She also felt that prisoners were lashed for information, and also some would be disembowelled. These would also include women and children. John’s precognition John is an investigator, not a medium, so Sammi’s and Diana’s thoughts and feelings were quite amusing to him, but not of any consequence. So it was very odd when, at 11.30pm, he told Sammi and Diana that he had just thought that it would be funny if all the lights were to go out at 11:45pm. The castle courtyard was lit, and we had expected it to stay lit all night. At approximately 11.43pm by Sammi’s watch … all the lights went out and the team were left staring at John in the dark! How he figured this out we don’t know ... the team had not been informed that the lights would go out by the caretakers of the castle. The ‘coincidence’ was amazing!

Henry VII Tower Corridor: is this orb the vicious jailer?

She said that the centre of the Courtyard was once was filled with houses and that fires often occurred inside the castle walls8. She also felt a strong connection with the Normans and particularly with William the Conqueror 9. She spoke of a hanging – an important person who was a traitor. She could also feel a woman who was important in the history of the castle, who suffered a downfall, despite being a faithful loyal person to her family and the Crown2. Nance picked up Edward I – and felt that a rose was significant. She also picked up the name Guy3.

Royalty had been born here12. He could see a figure that reminded him of one of the three musketeers: blue satin clothes with gold frills and cavalry boots. He described picture-perfect the stairs and entrance to the Wogan cavern, saying that he could sense a tunnel or a cave near the river, which was used as a boathouse at some point13. John and Diana surveying the view from the Keep - while being surveyed themselves

Ouija session in the exhibition room. No-one came through on the board - but was someone there?

EVP and Seance The team held a séance, conducted two Ouija boards and also did some EVPs in the Exhibition Rooms. Sammi got a sharp pain in her right shoulder – she said that it felt like a red hot poker, it was so painful it almost stopped her from breathing. Diana could sense someone and she felt her hair being stroked. Look at the picture: were the team were being watched? Fancy a visit to Pembroke Castle? You can find Pembroke Castle in Pembroke, South West Wales. Book your tickets on: 01646 684585

Sammi & Diana facing the Spirit of the Gaoler

Dean by phone Dean said that the castle didn’t have a moat but was surrounded by a river. He could see a large entrance and the centre of the castle covered in grass. He could sense Norman soldiers from the early 1100s. He said that there was a dungeon and was picking up the name Jasper and a spiral staircase connected with the dungeon10. He could also feel Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn11 … he said that

Pembroke Castle: Mediums - vs - History Pembroke Castle has been an important seat of power in South Wales since the time of William the Conqueror. The site itself was important strategically and there was a settlement in the Wogan Cavern during the Paleolithic Period - over 12,000 years ago! However, there is so much history attached to Pembroke it would have been impossible to put it all in this section - so we have numbered sections of the mediums’ findings where they correspond with actual historical fact! 1. This comment connects to the Civil War. Many historians believe that King Charles I’s dealings with the Church were the initiation to the war and Sammi may have been hearing one of their comments. In 1711 the war would have been over, but there was still much tension and unrest in England. 2. Before his marriage to Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII had an affair with Mary Boleyn, Anne’s sister. Pembroke had returned to the Crown by Henry VIII’s time. Mary was dumped in favour of Anne, who was later executed. 3. William de Valance had stewardship of Pembroke in 1247. He had a poor reputation which was damaged by his violent opposition

to Simon de Montfort’s attempts to set up the first English parliament during this period. Simon de Montfort was aided by his brother … Guy de Montfort.

8. Fires within the castle walls would have been more than likely as houses were originally there and these would have been built of wood and thatched.

4. In 1138 the earldom of Pembroke was created for Henry I’s loyal follower Gilbert Fitz Gilbert: Diana picked up the name “Fitz Herbert or something similar”.

9. There was a strong connection between Pembroke Castle and William the Conqueror: it was William’s cousin, Roger de Montgomery, that built the castle!

5. The dungeon is reached only by a trap-door in the first floor, there is no other entrance. Prisoners would have been thrown down through the trap door and left.

10. Jasper was indeed a name connected with Pembroke Castle. He received the Earldom of Pembroke in 1454 and built the dungeon.

6. One prisoner kept in the dungeon tower is well documented. “… John Whitethorne was brought to Pembroke and there imprisoned in so dark a dungeon and in such misery and lack of food and clothing for seven years and more, that he lost the site of his eyes and suffered other incurable ills …’ (Patent Roll 25 Henry VI). Sammi was right about blindness and the despair they felt is captured by this text. 7. The castle has been built and added to over a very long period which means that the design you see now is a mixture of periods some areas being much older.

11. After Jasper’s session in Pembroke, Anne Boleyn was briefly Marchioness of Pembroke. 12. Henry VII’s tower is named after Henry VII, who was born in the castle. 13. The ancient cavern beneath the castle, The Wogan, is next to the river. It would have been used as a boathouse. 14. During the 1300’s the Lord of Pembroke had the right to hold his own court independent of the Crown, so justice (or otherwise!) would be dispensed in the quarterly or monthly sessions.

13 Vision 18


he basic facts of the Roswell incident are clear, to start with. On July 2, 1947, residents of the New Mexican town of Roswell reported that they had seen a big glowing object. After a few days, a crash site of this object was found after a local farmer, Mac Brazel, found an inordinate amount of debris. This eventually led to the military closing the site off to the public, including the sheriff. Almost immediately, the American media jumped on the story and started a lot of rumours and theories. Soon, a public relations officer, one without clearance by Intelligence, wrote a press statement regarding the object that had captured the nation’s attention. He identified it as a UFO. That was quickly contradicted by General Roger Ramey. He said that there was a simple error, and that the UFO was really a weather balloon. Theories Roswell has spawned a host of media outlets, a TV series, books and movies, but if there is one thing that it has created an awful lot of, it is theories. The major theories are: A run-of-the-mill weather balloon fell and everything got blown out of proportion A top secret government balloon fell and there was a cover-up Aliens landed on the earth and the government tried to cover it up. The major theories are above, but there are many equally likely, but not as well supported theories.

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Clint Denyer explores the history of the infamous Roswell incident and tries to answer the question: did aliens land in New Mexico?

Aliens The most complex, some may say the most farfetched, theory of what happened that day, was that Aliens landed on the surface of the earth and the government cleaned up the site and covered up the story. This begs the question, why would the government feel the need to cover this up? There is no clear answer, although it may be that they would want to keep complete chaos to a minimum! Another likely reason is that the government determined that the Roswell landing was extraterrestrial, but avoided talking about the information for fear that the United States’ enemies would gain the technology before they did and security would be threatened. A general run down of the facts that support the alien theory are: A disk was seen flying over the area a few days before the incident There was a strange glass material found at the site, inconsistent with the idea of a weather balloon. Many really, really want it to be true One of the strongest pieces of evidence counter to the alien theory is the general lack of good evidence.

A Weather Balloon It is entirely unlikely that a standard weather balloon would be classified two security levels above a hydrogen bomb. Most people agree, it was not a weather balloon. What would this hypothetical weather balloon be doing that would cause such distress to the government? A Top Secret Balloon Like all good conspiracy theories, this one involved the government and the military. The theory about a top secret balloon is easier to swallow than an alien. The conditions were right for a high altitude weather balloon to fall, but theoretically, if an alien UFO had come from (probably) light years away, how would a simple storm cause it to crash? It’s important to remember that this was during one of America’s worst times for national security, and threats from Russia affected most foreign and domestic ideas. An Additional Theory: a Downed Airplane Though the scientific and intelligent views of the crash show it was consistent

with a weather balloon crash, the view of a fallen military airplane is entirely possible. Remember, it is, after all, the government of a large country we are talking about, they know what they’re doing! The theory says that it was a crashed stealth airplane. Though not developed for a few decades, stealth aircraft was an idea in the late 1940s. The idea had the approval of the government, and they placed a big order, after the incident they abruptly cancelled it. The military officer who investigated the site was a man that was experienced enough to recognize a weather balloon, but reported it as a UFO. It’s possible that he found the stealth aircraft, and not having the security clearance to know about it, called it an unidentified flying object. This theory is supported by the fact that the government later changed their story.

many eye witnesses saw dead bodies and a crashed, metallic disk. Here is a run down of how this plays into the theories.

site, it says that the pilots ejected before the plane crashed in Roswell. The metallic object would have been the cockpit, and interestingly, the description of the people (Proportionally large head, oddly spaced eyes, round heads, one piece grey clothing, and the fact that a plane like that would have required a crew of five) matches too, as the “aliens” were pilots.

The most complex ... theory of what happened that day, was that Aliens landed ...

The Second Crash Site There are reports of a second crash site, near Socorro, New Mexico, which many believe to be where the aliens went to, or perhaps something else. Apparently

The Alien theory fits in very well with this theory. The evidence also suggests that the eye witnesses of the scene perhaps had their own inclination to interpret the “evidence” closer to the popular Alien theory. The idea is that aliens crash landed there, and the dead bodies were the extraterrestrials. Many artistic interpretations have been based on these testimonies, so the description was a bit clichéd. Later on, some people claiming to be from an archaeological team took the object and the bodies, and military personnel told the spectators that it was their patriotic duty to remain silent. Suspicious … Neither the weather balloon nor the top secret balloon theory particularly supports the 2nd crash site. The theory of the stealth machines fit in nicely with the 2nd crash

A Cover-Up? Even today, the Air Force is often accused of covering up the details about the incident, usually because they changed their story from UFO to weather balloon. Research concluded that there were no apparent records of the armed forces recovering any crashed UFO. Even after increased efforts to find the records, Air Force researchers found no sound evidence of increase in operations or security in July 1947. Records were uncovered showing the details of a now unclassified “Project Mogul”. This project is the government’s blame for the crash. The damage is consistent with a crash from one of the balloons, but the debris is very much not. The most likely explanation for the government’s lack of cooperation at the time was probably due to the nature of another secret project, and this one is taking the blame. It has been qualitatively debunked by a very comfortable margin of error. Whatever happened on that day in July in Roswell, it sits within each one of us to decide. The fact is that the US government’s explanations still don’t seem to sit right with anybody ... so what did happen on that fateful day in Roswell?

15 Vision 18

ESP And Nature


xtra Sensory Perception (ESP) has a long history. The term was first coined in 1870 by the Victorian explorer and philosopher, Sir Richard Burton. It became the subject of serious scientific experiments in the 1930s, when the now famous Zener cards were developed to test for ESP. During the cold war, both the Americans and Russians invested considerable time and money in developing ESP for espionage – the so called psychic spies. Despite this, ESP has remained on the fringes, ridiculed as parapsychology. This is absurd. The simple premise of ESP is that people can obtain information in ways other than using the traditional five senses. That this happens in nature is irrefutable. Birds migrate using minute differences in the Earth’s magnetic field; snakes hunt by detecting infra red radiation. Even the simplest of organisms, without any sensory organs, moves away from danger by detecting minute chemical changes. Is it so outlandish then to suggest that humans might have similar skills? The effectiveness of dowsing would suggest not. Petrochemical companies, less concerned with political correctness than profit, use dowsers all the time. Similar skills are employed to locate underground water in deserts. While ‘proof’ of such abilities has proved elusive, the economic benefits of their existence have not. A Bridge Between Minds ESP is not limited to the purely physical world. One of its most interesting aspects is the transmission of information from mind to mind. Sounds farfetched? Perhaps, but consider how many people you meet who say

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Steve Bryan examines the phenomena of extra-sensory perception (ESP) – the ability to obtain information without using the five senses that they know exactly what their friends, or their partner is thinking? There certainly seems to be some resonance between people who are close. The most obvious examples of this are identical twins, even those separated at birth. They have been shown to share each others’ pain and passions, even to the extent of marrying partners with the same name on the same day. Is such resonance only to be found in twins? As a group, twins have

been studied extensively, sometimes to the exclusion of other groups. While there is considerable general evidence of ESP, there is in fact, no real evidence that ESP is more prevalent amongst twins than anyone else. Why Aren’t We All Psychic? So it would appear that ESP is an inherent ability in all of us. If that is so, why doesn’t everyone exhibit and experience it all the time? I would suggest that perhaps we do, but that it is suppressed. I am sure almost all of us can recall some paranormal experience from our early

childhood. For me, I was always, and accurately aware of, anyone looking at me through a sensation in the middle of my spine. Not a particularly spectacular example, but I would challenge each of you to recall your own. My own children regularly reported seeing ghosts, ‘imaginary’ friends, and recalled past lives until they reach the age of around five, when these faded away. So what causes this suppression? It would be easy to blame a sceptical education system, but I suspect it has its roots in something else. Speaking is for most of us a convenient means of conveying our thoughts and feelings. It does not require us to ‘tune’ ourselves to the recipient of our messages, and, with writing as well as speech, does not even require them to be present. Being that much easier, we concentrate our energies on linguistic skills and allow other means of communication to wither. However, society does play a part in suppression. For most of human history, the abilities of the psychic, whether as an interpreter of dreams, or a channel to the gods, was held in high regard. Such individuals fill the annals of history and mythology, from the shamen of Asia and North America, to the soothsayers attached to medieval courts. Far from being ridiculed and marginalised, such people were held in the highest regard.

The first attacks on their status came from organised religion. Where the ability or activity of the individual with ESP could not be fitted into religious orthodoxy, persecution inevitably followed. Right across Europe, many people with ‘visions’ or ‘voices’ were hung and burnt as the various Inquisitions strove to impose religious uniformity. Many, many more simply ignored or suppressed their psychic experiences to avoid detection, and ensured that their children did the same. Experiencing ESP generally became socially unacceptable, and to some extent, so it remains. Improve Your Esp Abilities So what can be done to change this? At an individual level, there is much you can do. Like any other skill, ESP can be improved with practice. A simple exercise with a partner is for one of you to think of something; a number between one and twenty perhaps, and try to project it to the other. How often were you right? If you just guess, the odds will be 5%. Any variation from this, either up or down, can be significant. To improve the rate, concentrate in different ways, both as projector and receiver, to see how this affects the results. Esp And The Future ESP’s acceptability will be determined by whether it can be shown to have a use. As with dowsing, economic

benefit could soon outweigh scientific scepticism. Imagine then, if telekinesis were to become the norm. Society’s distrust of the psychic would evaporate. The scientific community point out many things to disprove the existence of ESP. Yet consider this; physicists now blithely admit that they do not understand, and cannot measure, up to 70% of the energy in the Universe. Is it not possible that whatever lies behind ESP is part of that 70%? They will also say that ESP breaks the Universal truth that nothing travels faster than light, because it transcends the constraints of time. You can send messages across time and even send messages to yourself; consider Déjà vu in this context. But perhaps time itself is an illusion. In the quantum world of subatomic particles, time has no significance. Things can and do move backwards and forwards in time. If some forms of energy and matter can do this, why not those involved in the workings of the mind? All communication relies on resonance, and ESP especially so. The whole Universe resonates, and the connections between people in that resonance provide the mechanism for ESP. When, and if, we stop suppressing our natural talents, it may also provide a glimpse into the future of humankind ... we shall have to wait and see.

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Diana Jarvis explains your weird experiences.

Is my boyfriend haunting me?

Can you see the face? I wondered what you make of this picture? I saw this circle shape in the picture, but it was not the circle that made me send this to you. If you turn the picture on its side, you can see a face in the circle, as clear as day! What do you think this could be? Faith, York Diana says: I would say from the picture that the circle is probably a bubble, as the lady in the image is blowing bubbles. I can also clearly see the ‘face’ shape that you mention in your letter, to me it looks like a man with a pointed chin. However, I suspect that this face, clear and distinct though it is, is simply an optical illusion. I am referring to the fact that our eyes will always attempt to make an abstract shape into something that we can recognise and the pattern of the leaves seen through the bubble is just such an abstract shape. However, it is at times like those shown in the picture, happy times when surrounded by family, that we are more likely to be close to our nearest and dearest on the other side. If the bubble wasn’t Spirit, it doesn’t mean that Spirit weren’t there.

Above: the ‘face’ in the bubble Below: mystery man’s reflection in the TV

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If you would like to share your experiences, send them to Diana Jarvis at the Vision address or email: Please give as many details as possible – tell us what you saw, how you felt, and what you sensed etc. We reserve the right to edit letters.

I woke up the other morning to see the shape of my boyfriend standing beside me. However, he was still snoring happily beside me … I was absolutely terrified when the shape disappeared! What happened? Maria, Cardiff Diana says: There are a number of options here. You may simply have had a very vivid dream about your boyfriend which you carried over into waking consciousness. It is also possible that he has been on your mind a lot recently and that you see him when you awake because he is so much a part of your life. However, my favourite theory is that what you saw was his own projection of himself, his astral double. You say that he was still snoring when you saw this vision, even more likely that this was his astral self on it’s travels … just checking up on you!

Picture of another time? We have recently moved into a new house and I thought we should get a few photos of our family there. I was amazed when I saw this one: I could see the shape of a man in the reflection in the television: but the room he was in was not mine! You can see a mantelpiece and a picture in the reflection, but the picture is the wrong shape and size to be the one that we have … and the mantelpiece bears no resemblance to anything we have in our room! Can you tell me what this image is: are we haunted? Teresa Pilmoor, York Diana says: It does seem that the man in the picture is a reflection of someone in the room. However, I can’t see how it could be the photographer as the angle appears to be wrong and you said there was no-one else in the room, so I’m baffled, especially as you say that the reflection is not of your room as it is currently. Unless you have a very poor quality TV that is turned on while you take the photo, I guess you are seeing an image of how the house used to be. There is a theory that replays of the past can be recorded in the quartz of old stone houses … well ... there is quartz in your TV too! Perhaps you really are seeing an image of a previous tenant and a living room from the past.

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Michael Standing Wolf discovers the history and culture of the Roma ... the Gypsies


ypsies, tramps and thieves. Tinkers. Gyppos, Diddicoi, Travellers and Gitanos. Over the centuries the Romanies - or, to give them their proper epithet, the Roma – have been called many, many things. Few names foisted upon them paint them in a positive light, it must be said. Hated by some, misunderstood by most, the Roma have a long and fascinating history which stretches back over 2,500 years. Despite being subjected to vicious persecution they have hung on to their traditional culture with a tenacity which has to be admired. To trace its origins we need to go back to the Indian sub-continent way before the birth of Christ or the Roman invasion of Britain.

common languages of the areas they settled in. The name Roma derives from the Sanskrit word dom, meaning “man”. The Roma pronounced this as rom, hence Roma, meaning “men” or “people”. In the UK the most common name given to the Roma is that of “Gypsy”, which has a fascinating origin. It derives from the Greek word Aigyptoi, meaning “Egyptians”, because at one

Where did Gypsies Come from? In the 5th century BC a group of Punjabis formed themselves into an alliance of nomadic entertainers, travelling from village to village “as the wind and favour took them”. For over 1,000 years they maintained this itinerant lifestyle, and it worked. They fondly referred to their homeland as, amaro baro them, or “our big place”. By the 5th century AD, this small clan had grown enormously. Over 1,000 musicians from the travelling community were sent to Persia at the behest of Shah Bahram Gur, indicating that they were not simply seen as a ragtag bunch of wandering minstrels. It is here, in this guild of revered musicians, that we first see the beginnings of what we now know as Romani culture. By 1,020 AD Roma culture had reached the Byzantine Empire, influencing the areas we now know as Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. The traditional language spoken by the Roma was Romani, an Indo-Aryan tongue, but eventually most separate Roma groups took to speaking the

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Some suggest that they were Hindus of low status who were sent as mercenaries to the West in an effort to resist the rapid growth of Islam. Others think they may have been taken as slaves before eventually ending up in Europe, but no one knows for sure. By the mid 14th century a Roma community had established a small, independent state in Corfu. They thrived and took an active part in both the economic and cultural life of the island. Further expansion took place, and Roma communities eventually settled in the Balkans, Poland, Norway and other parts of Europe. From there the Roma established themselves in Africa, and it wasn’t long before colonies sprung up in North America. Everywhere the Roma travelled they took their culture with them, generally exerting a positive influence on the indigenous society. Eventually the Roma crossed the Gulf of Mexico, settling in Peru, Bolivia and other South American countries. A Gypsy Life

time the Roma were believed to have originated in Egypt, eventually being banished for allegedly giving shelter to the infant Jesus as related in the gospels. For centuries the Roma disliked the word “Gypsy” as it carried negative connotations, but now, although still frowned upon by many, it is sometimes used by the Roma themselves. Gypsy Origins No one really knows what prompted the Roma to leave their original homeland.

Intrinsically nomadic, the Roma love to travel. It’s in their blood. There’s something quite serene about seeing a wagon parked in a field with a horse grazing peacefully nearby. The Roma still love to cook outdoors, hanging their pots over a simple frame. They are adept at using the local flora and fauna and have developed finely-honed hunting and trapping skills. There are no finer horse people than the Roma, too. It is as if they have an almost psychic link with horses and one of my fondest memories was seeing a group of travelling families teaching local children how to ride whilst their parents looked on, fascinated. Roma women are skilled at a wide number of traditional crafts. The most commonly known are, of course,

lace and peg-making, and I find it sad that, for some reason, their visits to the front door offering such wares for sale seem to be less frequent than in days gone by. Perhaps the greatest skill that the Roma are linked with is that of “fortune-telling”. I have had four “readings” from Roma women and each time they were uncannily accurate. Years ago a Roma woman predicted that my first book would be accepted for publishing within two weeks. Thirteen days later I received an acceptance letter from my publisher. What made this all the more fascinating was the fact that I’d never even told her I was a writer. When I spoke to Kathleen Lee a few weeks ago she smiled warmly and said, “Good news about your book, then!” I was flabbergasted. Kathleen knew I was a writer, but I have no recollection that I’d mentioned writing a book. In any event she could not have known that the previous day a publisher accepted my latest book for publication. The Roma people are also adept at using medicinal herbs. A colleague of mine told me that his life was saved by a travelling horseman who gave him “Gypsy tea” to treat a serious lung disorder. He’s now symptom-free. Just why the Roma people are so gifted is hard to say. Maybe it’s because of their strong connection with

Pictures ©James Christie archive

the land, their tenacious adherence to the culture of their ancestors or a spiritual inheritance. Perhaps it’s all three. No one understands Roma life like the Roma, but we do not need to understand it to appreciate it. Gypsy Persecution Staggering though it may seem, the Roma were often subject to slavery up to the mid-19th century. Although the holocaust is well known as the darkest episode of World War II, what is less commonly recognised is that almost 1,000,000 Roma were killed during it. Communism was no kinder. The Roma were seen as inferior and, like the Native Americans, the authorities tried to assimilate them into the populace by banning music, dancing or dress that did not “fit in”. Worse, Roma women were forced into sterilisation: the idea being that the inability to procreate would make them extinct. Why would the Roma attract such attention? One likelihood is that it is their nomadic lifestyle. Sadly, the fact is that the sudden arrival of strangers in a community – particularly those travelling into that community that have a different lifestyle – often precipitates distrust and suspicion. The Roma paid a terrible price for being different, and the world still has not acccepted its awful responsibility in this regard.

Naturally, an ethnic group estimated to be over 11,000,000 strong worldwide could not maintain an identical culture when scattered. The Kalderash comprise the largest group and are found in south east Europe and the USA. They are well known for their metalworking skills. There are over 250,000 Kalderash in Romania, where they have a radio station broadcasting in their dialect. The Manouche are largely gathered in Germany and France, particularly in Alsace. Still nomadic, they are well known for their attachment to travelling fairs and circuses. The Romnichal or Romnies (hence Romany) are numerous in the UK but also found in the US In Spain, Portugal, North Africa, southern France and other places one finds the Gitans, often referred to as Gitanos or Calé. Like the Manouche they have a flair for entertainment. Where will the Gypsies travel now? Much maligned and often persecuted, the Roma have survived hardship and trial for over two millennia. Despite this they have endured. They are a robust people who have proven themselves to be extremely adaptable, and yet they have preserved their ancient cultural heritage. We would be the less without them.

21 Vision 18

Passionate Shamanism


s a Chovihano from an indigenous line of Romani Gypsies I have the responsibility of continuing a tribal tradition which my greatgrandfather passed down to me. I live in a community of Romani Gypsies where traditions are still strong, and where community members work hard to keep it that way. People often ask me how Romani shamanism differs from other forms of tribal shamanism, such as Native American or Siberian. Mostly, it is the strong sense of romance that makes Romani shamanism a little different, and also extremely powerful. Romance has long been a natural part of every Romani gypsy’s soul, and the woodland spirits and ancient woodland goddess, Leelis Raht Dai, helps us to sustain those passionate feelings of the spirit which need to be activated if we are to create healing energy. Loved ones who communicate can take the form of anything from one’s grandmother to someone in the blood line who may have lived on earth thousands of years ago. We always look to these ancestors for guidance and wisdom. Spirits of the Woodlands The woodland folk (fairies) can measure anything from two inches to ten feet high! They present themselves in any way they wish to: big, small, serious, amusing. They are traditionally guides and helpers to us. But the beautiful Leelis Raht Dai gypsy goddess of the ancient woodlands is loved and revered by all. Her spirit is carried in on the breeze to caress our souls, lovingly. If you live in the woodlands, you need her to protect you. Everyone falls in love with her,

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Patrick Jasper Lee, indigenous Romani Chovihano and holy man, talks us through the spiritual beliefs and practices of the Romani and she comes straight out of a place called the Rahk Dahtsahni otherworld, which is accessed in the woodlands, and it is there where she and many other magical spirits live together in peace. My own task as Chovihano is to open up a doorway into this ancient

We must keep ourselves connected to the Rahk Dahtsahni otherworld at all times, otherwise we may bring misfortune to ourselves and those around us, but worst of all, we may bring misfortune to the natural world - which no Romani gypsy ever wants to do. The

otherworld so that people can be guided to live in harmony with the old spirits of the ancient woodlands. The spiritual Rahk Dahtsahni otherworld is a beautiful, colourful, dreamlike world where we are able to travel in the way earlier shamans did. We consider that to keep healthy in body, mind and spirit we need to regularly visit such a place. Visions and experience with higher beings take place here and help with one’s spiritual life, woodland folk help with one’s domestic life, and the beautiful Leelis Raht Dai helps us all with relationships and sexual life as she dances in her beautiful sensual realms.

otherworldly life is all, as it heals us on all levels. It is unquestionably the most important thing in a Romani gypsy’s life. Summoning Spirits and fortune-telling In our rituals we use bells, tambourines and drums, which we play boisterously to summon the spirits and the powerful Dahtsahni otherworld. Summoning spirits can sometimes be a very noisy but enjoyable affair. We sometimes find ‘hinte’ sticks (this means ‘magic walks beneath your feet’), in the woodlands, perhaps a twig or a bunch of leaves, which we use for

gathering psychic power, and we can regularly use crystal balls for seeing into our future, or even for understanding our past. Playing cards are considered to be very useful for guidance, representing air, earth, fire and water and the directions are important to us, with hardly a day going by without our thinking about them. We can often be heard repeating phrases three times, or even nine times, in our own ancient and sacred language, so that we preserve that vital link between ourselves and the important Dahtsahni otherworld. We all wear colourful clothes and kohl around our eyes when we sing and dance in ritual, which helps raise energy for any spiritual or social task. We are typically expressive and passionate about anything we do. And ancestral and forest spirits are expected to be expressive and passionate too!

spirits are beautiful. In her Dahtsahni otherworld in the woodlands, our woodland goddess is also beautiful as she sings, dances and ultimately helps everyone to access their own sacred sexual language, which also takes her back to an early period when tantra was a form of spiritual devotion in the East. It was customary in earlier times for Romani holy men to spend long hours in the woodlands entering Dahtsahni states of awareness or trances. It is common for Romani gypsies to believe that the trance state is part of a

about our ancient past. It is possible to breathe in the energy given off by trees and woodland spirits and to use that energy wisely whenever we give it back out again. Here is how to do that yourself, it is quite simple but requires you to take the time, so difficult in your modern society! Go find a favourite tree, turn yourself over to it, and sit and think about your soul and your destiny. It is likely that you will be taken somewhere in the Dahtsahni realms. Visiting the woodlands weekly, if not daily, will help you to return to an old way of life which we Romani gypsies still preserve today.

The ultimate task of the Chovihanos is to help members of the community learn about their souls and their destiny.

The Gypsy people The gypsies have long been given a very bright, colourful, lively image, but that is because we are exactly that way. Painted horse-drawn wagons and passionate people gathered around campfires telling ancient stories and singing old songs is exactly how we are. We are fun-loving, and our humour has probably kept us going more than anything else through some socially difficult periods of history. Most people know that in Nazi Germany persecution was particularly strong. Romanies have never been timid about using powerful music and dance for building energy. Just look at the flamenco or Indian dancers, all with connections to Romani gypsies. They have a tremendous capacity for creatively expressing their souls. Romani gypsies are said to have originated in India, because our language contains Sanskrit, and I believe that to be true. Our lives are beautiful and our

healthy life. I believe that if we can only study what the ancient otherworld is all about, we can understand our spiritual, emotional and sexual lives so much better. Talking to Trees The woodlands is the ideal place for discovering our souls and to learn about our destiny. So long as no harm is done to the woodlands, or parts broken off trees, or litter left about, we consider that the trees will whisper secrets to us

The Gypsy Curse

Romani Gypsies are often associated with the word ‘curse’ and many ask what this is all about. Is it something that is really malicious? Or something that might just be a lesson in life? Most Chovihanos would answer yes to both questions. I might use a phrase one of my ancestors always used whenever I asked him questions like this: ‘It can be but it needn’t be.’ Let me give you an example. A few years ago some Romani graves were vandalized. Graves are always important to Romani gypsies. We believe the dead should be left in peace and nothing should disturb them. The gravestones had been pulled apart and smashed. The Romani council of the tribe came together under the guidance of their Chovihano and laid a curse on the vandals. This means that those who had committed the crime would from that moment on attract some rather uncomfortable social experiences, which would only lessen - or the curse could only be lifted - when the culprits had accepted what they had done, or made amends. On the other hand, we can naturally curse ourselves if we refuse to learn lessons in life. If we insist on

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crossing the road without looking to the left or right before we step off the pavement, we can only expect the worst! We need to keep the idea of the curse in perspective, because so much misunderstanding surrounds this ancient practice. If we behave in a respectful manner where all living things are concerned, we will not run the risk of inviting an ancient form of consequences for our actions to come and haunt us. A Curse may be a blessing! Most Chovihanos would advise us to get things in perspective. I would do that too. We holy men might be heard to say that nature takes no prisoners, but that is true. We would also say that by thinking this way all of us can take more

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care, formulate a new understanding of life and start enjoying its rewards. Then, particularly if it teaches us a valuable lesson, a curse might just turn out to be a blessing! Lifting Curses There are many aspects of the curse, some of which are best kept secret. We make a pact in our community that we will only talk about certain aspects of a tradition - especially where those aspects are likely to be misunderstood. Part of the Chovihano’s job is to lift curses and to explain what can be gained by seeing it all another way round. The Romani gypsy curse might seem to contain elements of doom; and it might seem rather final and irreversible. But look again, more closely, if you feel

you are living under a curse. With its hidden clauses it might prove to be the beginning of a wonderful new phase of your life ... if only you can see it for what it really is. Patrick Jasper Lee is author of the book We Borrow the Earth, which is reviewed on P77. If you would like further information or books on Romani themes or music, you can contact: Boktalo Book & Music Publishers: PO Box 171, Hailsham, E. Sussex. BN27 9AA Email:

Michael Standing Wolf takes a look at the iconic symbol of the Romani: the caravan


ast year I happened to be walking through Market Square in South Shields, when I noticed the beautifully-painted caravan that belongs to Kathleen Lee and her family. You can’t help but notice Kathleen; reading palms of a never-ending stream of people who need reassurance about their future. On a whim I gingerly ascended the steps, peeked inside and asked Kathleen if I could have a word with her. With a gentle smile she took my hand and stared at my palm. “You have a problem with sugar?” This stunned me, and I told Kathleen that I was indeed diabetic. “You know, I think you sometimes forget to take your tablets – but that’s okay; your wife makes sure you take them, doesn’t she?” This was also true. Kathleen Lee is the grand-daughter of the famous Gypsy Rose Lee, whose fortune-telling abilities are known far and wide. Talking to her was fascinating, all the more so because she sits in a beautiful caravan that exudes the very essence of Romani culture. The interior is immaculate, the sunlight streaming in through a decorative window at the rear. Cushions sit snugly on the seats, brightly-painted shelves housing ornaments that Kathleen Lee with assistant

Outside of a vardo

accentuate the colour scheme perfectly. A copper jug hangs near a window, a picture of another caravan is on the wall. Gypsy caravans have been around since the 1800s, although the Romani call them vardos or wagons. Initially each Romani family would build their own, but eventually craftsmen went into business making them. Names like Fred Hill and William Wright are still spoken of with esteem as caravan makers of distinction. Before the origin of the vardo most Romani travelled on foot or on horseback, their possessions being stored in a small cart. Living accommodation came in the shape of a “bender” or tent fashioned with hazel twigs and canvas. Originally the covered vardos were used simply to store goods, but just after the 18th century the Romani started to live in them, although it was another forty years or so before this became common practice. It could take up to twelve months to construct one using a variety of seasoned timbers including walnut, elm and oak. After the vardo was finished it would be painted and, quite often, decorated with gold leaf. Due to harsh weather conditions and constant use, vardos needed regular servicing. The life-span of a caravan before it needed major servicing would be ten to fifteen years.

There are six main types of Romani wagon; the Ledge, the Reading, the Bow Top, the Brush, the Burton and the Openlot. The first three had narrow floors and large, sturdy wheels which gave them the advantage of being able to travel over hard, rough terrain. The Burton, often used by show people, had the wheels underneath the wagon. Floor space could thus be widened, although it wasn’t so good at travelling over rough terrain and functioned better on smooth roads. The way the Romani construct their caravans is ingenious. They could be fitted with a “queenie” stove and a chimney and had a fair degree of storage space underneath. The stove was not used every day, when the weather was good the Romani would simply build a fire outside. Despite the fact that the vardo may only be ten feet in length, it could be partitioned so that separate sleeping quarters for parents and children could be arranged. Some employed a “bunk” system with the adults sleeping above and the children below. A typical vardo

Advertising Romani skills

can house six people – a mixture of adults and children – comfortably. Whatever one may think of the Romani as a people, it cannot be denied that their skill at caravan-building is unsurpassed. Next time you see one trundling by, or parked in a market square, take the time to study its beauty. Behind it is an entire culture, equally as beautiful, that most people have little idea about.

25 Vision 18

Free CD Native Americans Derek Acorah Angels Are you Psychic? Crystal Healing

Mystical China Spirit Guides Feng Shui Auras I Ching Dreams Bruce Lee

Pagan Roots Gordon Smith Numerology Richard Felix Pagan Magic The Afterlife

Ancient Egypt Are you Clairvoyant? Stephen Holbrook Seichem Reflexology Aromatherapy

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26 Vision 18

27 Vision 18

Dave Brennan

Michael Standing Wolf

Do you have a problem which you lack intuition to solve? Do you have any questions about the future to which you seek answers? Native American Michael Standing Wolf will use his Spirit Stones and psychic Dave Brennan will consult the Twist of Fate cards to offer a fresh view on matters. Will there be anyone else? I’ve been with a guy for 8 years and we have 2 beautiful children together. However, he recently finished the relationship to be with another girl. I am devastated with what has happened and don’t really know what to do. Will I ever meet anybody else and be happy? Julie, South Shields

Business Guidance I have just started my own business. Things are a bit slow and money is a bit tight. Do you think it will get better? Please can you give me some guidance? Neil, Dorset

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Bow & Arrow, the Porcupine. There is an old Indian maxim that “a good hunter needs both a bow and an arrow if he wishes to catch the deer.” The Bow & Arrow totem speaks of partnerships; that sometimes it takes two to make things happen. Neither the bow nor the arrow is useful on its own, and similarly you simply can’t have a good relationship if both people aren’t committed. Porcupine urges you not to waste time working out why your partner left or what went wrong. The fact that you’re already looking to the future and new relationships means you’re already coming to terms with things. Porcupine also speaks of joy, so I don’t envisage you spending the rest of your life in loneliness. Go find the rest of your life – its out there waiting for you. David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading: Cards Chosen: 2 of Hearts; King of Spades; 7 of Clubs; 2 of Clubs; 2 of Diamonds; King of Diamonds; King of Hearts; Ace of Spades; Jack of Hearts: The first thing that I notice with your reading is that your boyfriend is now your past. This is a good sign if you need to move on. You have good friends around you, that will give you genuine and caring advice and it seems some of them take on your pain themselves, they care so much! I can see a man in the near future, in fact I can see two. Do be careful, one is not what he seems. Take your time because it will be worth it, the other man is trustworthy and a true gentleman. You are likely to meet him by chance. I am assured of a positive outcome for you, but be careful not to rush in where angels fear to tread!

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Storyteller, The West. Your business can be successful, but there are conditions attached. Firstly, the Storyteller informs you that communication is crucial. It’s not what you do that’s important, but letting people know that you do it. Start shouting from the rooftops! The West is the place of the Earth and speaks to the physical side of our life. You need to be practical, methodical and organised. Run your business like a military operation: then your chances of being successful will increase. The West is also the place of darkness and sleep, and can sometimes indicate that a person is a little too insular. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of friends and relatives where you can, but don’t go too far. You want their help – not a bevy of business partners! David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading: Cards Chosen: 2 of Clubs; King of Spades; 2 of Diamonds; 2 of Clubs; 10 of Clubs; Ace of Hearts; 8 of Clubs There is a charming man around you who will be well supported by associates, but is not what he seems. You may already be aware that he is likely to take advantage, but your own common sense can easily overcome this. You may have been missing out in some areas of your business that are important – if so, don’t worry as that will soon right itself. In fact, even a past wrong decision is likely to turn about and as long as you are careful with associates and you plan. I can even see that good money will be made by your business in the future. Stick at it!

Am I on the right path? I would like to know if I am on the right spiritual and life path. Please can you help me, I feel lost? Maggie, Dumfries and Galloway

A Bigger Home? I wonder if you could help us. We are living in a one bedroomed flat with our newborn child and it’s starting to get me down. Can you see us moving to a bigger place at any time soon? Emily, Hampshire

What is Spirit up to? I feel as if things are changing within me and around me, but I can’t put my finger on what and why. I am happy and comfortable at the moment and feel positive. Can your cards and stones shed any light on what the Higher Powers have in store? Suzanne, Brighton

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Hawk, the Wolf. The Hawk is fearless and always heads directly to its destination. This indicates that broadly speaking you are heading in the right direction spiritually speaking. However, Wolf is the teacher and indicates that you still have much to learn. Hence you may find that, within your chosen pathway, you gently alter course a number of times. You also need to remember that your path is not a single religion or faith-walk. There may come a point where you “change lanes” so to speak and embrace a new religious or spiritual experience. This is not a change of direction necessarily, you may need to walk that way at that point in your life. In fact, changing your path may be the thing that keeps you on track and heading in the right direction. Have trust: the guiding spirits will make sure that you end up where you’re supposed to be. David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading: Cards Chosen: 2 of Hearts; Ace of Hearts; 10 of Spades; Ace of Diamonds; Queen of Spades; 8 of Diamonds; Ace of Clubs From your cards, I would say that a lot of forethought has already goine into choosing the right path. Ask for spiritual guidance, make a project of it, and satisfaction will follow. It also looks like some kind of work has been completed in your home, despite finances being a bit difficult at the moment. It seems, from your reading, that your path with be a lone one. I don’t mean that you won’t have a partner, I mean that you would be best served by following your path privately and not involving any loved ones in it. If you ask for help and are sincere, the path will be made clear to you and Spirit will walk with you.

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Horse, the Buffalo. Horse indicates most strongly that there is movement ahead, so I just can’t see you staying in your current home forever. Buffalo speaks about wholeness, completeness, indicating that your next home will be one where, potentially, you can feel very content if you make the effort to make sure it’s where you’ll feel comfortable. By this I don’t mean spending money on the building; rather, spend time on the interior. Lavish furnishings are not important. What is important is that you promote a peaceful atmosphere in your home. You can’t control what happens outside, but inside your home is a different matter. Start looking. Within twelve months an opportunity will present itself – don’t miss it.

David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading: Cards Chosen: 2 0f Diamonds; 10 of Spades; 8 of Spades; King of Diamonds; 7 of Diamonds; Jack of Spades; Ace of Diamonds; 9 of Hearts; 8 of Hearts. Your cards indicate that you have already had some disappointments when it comes to your family accommodation. I am seeing a missed chance or an unlucky break. Your partner seems as concerned and sad about this situation as you are, you are both hoping for the same thing. I do feel that your partner is well-suited to and that things are good there. Do not despair, you will get exactly what you want, you only have to wait a bit longer. In the meantime, I would recommend that if you get the opportunity to have a break doing anything you get pleasure from: you should grab it with both hands!

Michael Standing Wolf’s Spirit Stone Reading: The Eagle, the Owl. Spiritually-minded people go through changes like this periodically. Our path to Great Mystery will, if we follow it, lead us to our goal. However, we should not expect our life-path to be a straight highway. Eagle tells you that your spiritual life will definitely increase in importance in the days ahead, but Owl tells you that the exact direction you will take is not being released to you at this juncture in time. Don’t be disappointed. In the West we expect immediate answers, but sometimes the most satisfying ones only come after we’ve had to wait a while. Rest content in the knowledge that the Grandfather Spirits are at the helm and things will work out as they should. For now, try to prepare yourself mentally and physically for some exciting – and spiritually happy – days ahead. David Brennan’s Twist of Fate Reading: Cards Chosen: 2 0f Hearts; Queen of Clubs; Ace of Spades; Ace of Hearts; Jack of Hearts; 8 of Hearts; 2 of Clubs; 8 of Diamonds. It looks like you have been seeking advice on this matter from a trusted associate. You can certainly take their advice as it is well-meant and well-thought out. Have you recently made a decision that you are having second thoughts about? Was it the wrong way to go? Please don’t worry about it as you will have another chance to put things right. This time plan well, do not wander from the path and all will be well. There is good luck on the home front plus a happy and loving relationship promised. I believe you will definitely know what Spirit want of you at the right time and I think they are pretty pleased with you so far!

Send your questions about the future to: Destiny Doctors, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth,LS25 1AA, or email Please include all details you feel are relevant.

29 Vision 18

Martin Smith walked away from an horrific crash … only to find that he had acquired mysterious powers! “...Like watching an episode of Casualty”


y name is Martin Smith and I work as a freelance stage manager for touring theatre companies. I am an ordinary person with an interesting but not particularly out-ofthe-ordinary job. On Sunday 2nd April 2006 I was travelling from Northumberland to Weston Super Mare for a show the following day. The show was a childrens’ pantomime, which was on a tour of the UK. There were 7 people in all involved in the show and we were all travelling together in a large van as we usually would do ... it was a fairly typical day. The van we were travelling in had a crew compartment for us to sit in and a separate storage hold for all of the scenery and technical equipment. It was

30 Vision 18

quite comfortable, which is handy as it was a very long journey. We travelled through heavy rain for most of the long journey and after 6 hours of solid driving we pulled in to a service station to change drivers and get out to stretch our legs. By now we were on the M5 motorway in the Midlands heading south on the last leg of the journey. Just after rejoining the motorway, the driver reached 70 miles per hour and needed to pull out to overtake a car. As we crossed the lanes to do this, a heavy gust of wind caught the side of the van and we started to swerve across the road. Our driver soon found himself fighting to regain control. The van swerved across all three motorway lanes and then rolled over onto its side. I remember seeing the road spinning as we turned over and over ... it was almost like

watching an episode of Casualty … only this was different as this was an episode that starred me! Then everything went silent for a moment and everything seemed to move in slow motion. The next thing I knew, I heard the terrible sound of the windows smashing right into my face and the screech of tearing metal as the van skidded on its side down the motorway, still travelling unbelievably fast. The screeching and tearing sound was followed by an overpowering burning smell and we eventually came to a stop ... amazingly without hitting anything else! I can’t describe the feeling of being in that tumbling van: it was totally surreal!

“The van was torn to shreds ... As we lay there on our side, we all realised that the van might catch fire and that it was imperative that we got out somehow. The van was lying on its side and all the passenger doors were blocked. The only way out was to climb up through the driver’s door, which was now our roof. We all clambered up to the door one after another and jumped down onto the motorway. Fortunately, everyone escaped uninjured and most of the crew got out without a scratch. When we looked back at the van from the side of the road it became apparent just how amazing this was. The van was torn to shreds and there was debris scattered all over the motorway. Our personal belongings, which were in

the crew compartment with us, were strewn across the carriageway. Most incredibly, I remembered the glass shattering in my face and being centimetres from the road surface as we skidded along on our side, but as I felt my face after I had got out of the van, I was amazed that I couldn’t feel any blood at all. I still cannot believe how incredibly lucky we were to get out of the van in one piece!

“Almost instantly it moved all by itself.” When the ambulance and police arrived on the scene they couldn’t believe that we had escaped from the wreckage unharmed either. As we all sat in the ambulance together it began to dawn on us exactly what we had just been through - it was a bit of a shock to say the very least! The pantomime tour did go ahead, though. We got a new van and all the damaged equipment was replaced. I’m pleased to say that in the best traditions of the theatre “the show must go on” ... and it did indeed, despite our nerves at travelling. As far as the crash goes, we all had a tale to tell that we would remember for the rest of our lives, but for me, the crash was just the beginning of my story.

When I arrived home after the tour I felt strongly that I had been protected somehow during the crash, as if there had been an invisible force with me that was looking out for me. I just knew that I should have died in that accident. How my face escaped being torn to shreds by the glass and the road surface I will never know, but I am still eternally grateful! One day while thinking about the crash and just sitting at my desk I looked at my pen absent-mindedly. Almost instantly it moved all by itself. I thought I must have imagined it … but it did it again when I looked at it.

“I could move small objects just by looking ...” For the next few days, objects would move as if controlled by some invisible force when I concentrated on them! I had experienced psychic encounters before - but nothing like this! I wondered if I could control the movement and set about experimenting with various objects. I found that I could move small objects just by looking and concentrating on them. As I learnt more about my new ability I learned that its name was ‘telekinesis’ and that it is very rare as a

natural ability. I have now captured my ability to move objects through thought on video ... and have several clips of this happening. I am learning to develop my abilities and feel that this is the beginning of a whole new journey for me. I believe that the crash awakened this ability in me and that I now have a new purpose in life. I also believe that I was spared death for a reason, and I see each new day for the wonder that it truly is and never take anything for granted. I am continuing to study my new gift and hope one day that I will understand its full purpose. However, there is one thing that I do already know. My life will never be the same again! Martin has now set up a website to look at his ability and the phenomenon of telekinesis in more detail. You can visit him on to find out more about him and his gift. You can also try our exclusive experiment with Uri Geller: are you telepathic? Turn to page 40 to join in!

Have you got a story to tell us? Write to us or email:

31 Vision 18

Cartomancy expert David Brennan teaches us the basics of reading fortunes with playing cards


laying cards have been associated with fortune-telling for centuries, the origin of this practice being almost as obscure as the origins of the tarot. The history of playing cards is also a bit of a mystery. There are a few theories, one was that they were invented in China shortly after paper and another that they were brought to Europe by ‘Saracens’ – but we don’t actually know. What is true though, is that they provide an excellent method for divination and, as they are so common, they are a cheap and easy alternative to Tarot. In this article I’d like to introduce you to the basics of cartomancy (or reading fortunes by playing cards) so that you can have a go yourself. Bear in mind that there are almost as many different methods for reading cards as there are different packs – this is my method which I hope will serve you as well as it has me.

The Suits A typical pack of playing cards has fifty-four cards: 52 cards to play with and 2 jokers. The deck is divided into four suits. When you are reading cards, you can tell a lot about the meaning of the card by the suit from which it comes: as each suit has its own meaning. Before you start to read the cards, familiarise yourself with the meanings of the suits.



When a heart is drawn, it is almost always the sign of good fortune. It shows fulfilment in love and it also suggests happiness to come. When and wherever hearts are present in a reading, they can turn a negative outcome into a positive one. When they precede or follow a negative card they can also help to mitigate the negative outcome.

Spades are not particularly ‘good’ cards : in fact the Ace of Spades is the only positive card in this suit. Remember that all card reading methods deal with the past, present and future, so where the spades are present the situation may have already happened. Forewarned is forearmed: the Spades are as necessary as any other suit.

32 Vision 18



Diamonds represent challenges: every-day delays, snags, petty arguments and jealousy. When looking at a court card of Diamonds, it is worth remembering this before you totally trust the person represented! Diamonds also tell of news, both good and bad. They also give information about travel prospects.

When a club appears in a reading it is connecting the querent to the practical side of life. This means, at its simplest: Money, job and home. However, friendships, good fortune and good luck are also represented by a club card. Be aware of practical matters rather than spiritual ones when you see lots of clubs in a reading.

The Individual Cards Once you have mastered the meanings of the suits, you’ll need to learn the meanings of the cards. Before you panic … you won’t need to use the whole deck to read fortunes, you’ll only have to learn some of them. Take your deck and put aside all the cards from 3 to 6 inclusive. You won’t need these. Below are the meanings of the numbers of the remaining cards. Take time to learn them and then, if you match the number with the meaning of the suits you’ve already learnt, you have a base of knowledge from which to read. See overleaf for a sample reading.

The Ace A new start, usually a dramatic one and very often out of the blue.

The 2 Partnerships in love, business or either.

The 7 A message containing useful information.

The 8 This card indicates where your situation is going – look at the suit to determine.

The 9 News, a gift or a promise. Can also mean a wish, especially the 9 of hearts.

… as many different methods for reading cards as there are different packs

The King A man of any age, but usually someone who is a father or fatherfigure. Can be friend, acquaintance or husband.

The 10 This card represents completion or fulfilment: when you have managed to take a project to a successful conclusion.

The Jack or Knave A young man or woman, sometimes a child. Often they bring a message.

The Queen This card usually represents a mother, or some one deemed as such, or a very close friend.

33 Vision 18

The Wish Test

Now you’ve learnt all the basic meanings, you can try your first reading. One of the simplest methods of testing the cards is try The Wish Test. It is surprisingly accurate! Get a full deck of 52 cards and

hand them to the person you are reading for. Ask them to concentrate hard on a wish and cut the cards and shuffle them ... still thinking hard about their wish while they do so. Then take the cards

back from the Enquirer. Deal the cards slowly and look out for the 9 of Hearts and the 10 of Spades. If the 9 of Hearts comes out before the 10 of Spades their wish will come true.

The Three Card Spread Ready for something more? Try the three card spread for Past, Present and Future. Remove all the threes, fours, fives and sixes from your deck. You will not need them for this.

Give the remaining cards to your Enquirer and ask them to shuffle them until they think they are shuffled enough. Now spread the cards out on the table in front of the Enquirer and ask them to

pick three, one after the other. Make sure that they give them to you in order. Now place these cards in front of you, the first picked to your left, the second in the middle and the third at the end.

The Two of Spades is the past card and is not a good card, (being a spade). Spades generally signify difficulties and arguments. As 2s are partnership cards, this means that the Enquirer has been having difficulties with her relationship and that these need to be resolved if the relationship is to move forward. As the cards that follow are positive, this suggests that the situation has improved.

The Nine of Hearts represents the Enquirer’s present situtation and is always a card of good fortune, but as you can see if you read the section above: it is a sign of a wish coming true. In this case the card was very, very accurate! The Enquirer confirmed that she had just had a wish come true the very day this reading was done: she had just found out she was expecting a longed-for first baby!

The Two of Hearts represents the Enquirer’s future. Hearts mean good fortune and also show fulfilment in love. As the card is a two, it is connected with partnerships. This card shows the future of the Enquirer and it is certainly expressing an improvement in relationships, especially if you take into account the past. It seems as if this baby will help the relationship to grow.

34 Vision 18

Rosalind Collier accompanies us through the superstitions associated with the night sky


he night sky has often been the source of wonder, it engages the imagination and inspires people with its ethereal and other worldly qualities, and throughout history societies have looked to the skies for guidance and meaning. Even today, people look to the heavens and the universe for answers to questions that are spiritual or scientific in nature and it is unsurprising that there are many superstitions involving the moon, stars, comets and other naturally occurring phenomena. It is the mysterious and inexplicable quality of the sky at night that resulted in the development of these superstitions and as the universe has been explored and explained many superstitions have become archaic, a few however still exist and are followed today. One of the most wide spread superstitions that could be found in the northern hemisphere regards the aurora borealis or northern lights. There are many variations on the superstition, but all identify the hauntingly beautiful lights as a deeply ominous sign of things to come. Many believed that the appearance of the lights foretold an impending

natural disaster or major event and even the end of the world. It is easy to see why such superstitions arose given the grandeur of the northern lights and the fact that even now many use them as inspiration because of their splendour. Comets have also acted as sources for superstitions and, like the northern lights, they were viewed as

either good or bad fortune. Since the eighteen century, children have wished upon a falling star or believed that it indicated the birth of a baby boy. However, this is a stark contrast to earlier superstitions where again a shooting star acted as a messenger of misfortune. It was also considered unlucky to point to or try to count the stars. Out of everything that occupies the night sky the moon is the most dominating because of its close proximity and influence it has on the earth. It is probably the most inspiring aspect and has encouraged the most superstitions. Superstitions surrounding the moon can be found as far back as biblical times and nearly all focus on either its phases or its divining ability. One of the most common and oldest superstitions regarding the moon is that one must bow or curtsey to a new moon as a sign of respect and many believed they would receive a present or find something nice before the next new moon as a result. Another common superstition was that it was rude to point at the moon and that misfortune would befall those that did. It is likely that this superstition is connected to the previous superstition as pointing was and is considered disrespectful, and given the moon’s dominance of the night sky showing disrespect would be foolish.

... the moon is the most dominating because of its close proximity and influence it has on the earth.

indicators of future events and were believed to foretell misfortune. The superstitions surrounding comets can be dated as far back as the eighth-century when comets were seen as presaging a change in sovereignty, plague, war or floods. Despite the advancements of science, these beliefs continued well into the 20th century, and were sustained by coincidences such as the appearance of Halley’s Comet around the time of the death of Edward VII. However since science advanced to such a degree that comet paths could be easily predicted and followed, the superstition has waned somewhat. Stars have long been a part of society and have played a crucial role in navigation, they are also used in such practices as astrology, and the superstitions surrounding them focus on

35 Vision 18


ri Geller is a man with a great deal of energy and passion for what he does, which comes through loud and clear if you talk to him. Famous the world over, he still draws huge audiences, fascinated with his abilities and desperate to see ‘the spoon bending’. However, there is a lot more to Uri than meets the (third) eye!

I asked Uri how he discovered his extraordinary abilities? “It started when I was eating soup! I was only five years old and was in my mother’s kitchen in Tel Aviv and the soup spoon bent and broke in front of my eyes. I discovered I had something different then, but being a child I thought that every kid could do it. I soon found out that I was wrong and was frequently called a freak and a magician. My mother took the whole thing quite well, she is related to Sigmund Freud and thought maybe I inherited my skills from him. I’m not sure she’s right though, as my own children can’t do what I do.” After Uri found out that he was unique, he kept quiet about his abilities to avoid ridicule. When he was eleven, he moved to Cyprus and then returned to Israel when he was seventeen, to serve as a paratrooper in the Israel army. Uri also worked as a model in the 1960s, concentrating particularly on advertising. It was not until 1969 that he started to demonstrate his telepathic and psychokinetic abilities, primarily in Israel. Word soon spread, though! It was only a matter of a few years before Uri was being lauded by TV celebrities, Prime Ministers and royalty.

I wondered how fame had affected Uri. Does he have spiritual beliefs? “In the 1970s I really wasn’t spiritual at all. I was on an ego trip, all I cared about was becoming rich and famous as fast as possible. That was what motivated me then. However, I was from

36 Vision 18

Uri Geller is known the world over as the man that bends spoons. Is there more than that to this unique man? Diana Jarvis finds out … a poor family, I wanted my mother to stop working and I wanted to buy her a house. It was all fame and money, because we’d never had the former and had had little of the latter. “But the thing is … I couldn’t handle it. I became obsessed about money and I became bulimic, I had panic attacks and I became very depressed. John Lennon and Yoko Ono, who were close friends of mine, made me think about what I was doing. It was John who said to me one day “when was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror?”. He made me think and when I did take a good, hard look, I was amazed! I looked like a Auschwitz survivor!

John said to me: “ Go and find spirituality.” I had to ask him what he meant! “John and Yoko suggested that I went to Japan. I took their advice. I gave all my stuff away, got on a plane with my family, my mother and brother in law; and went to Japan. I went to Tokyo and

on to Mount Fuji … and disappeared into the forest for a year. That’s where I learned meditation; contemplation; affirmations; yoga and how to be in touch with Nature. Then I came out of my retreat and faced the world.”

I asked Uri what made him come to England? “After I had spent time in Japan, I had to find somewhere to live. I was close to Clement Freud and it was really him that convinced me to live in England. My kids have grown up here. I live in a small village that fits the criteria I was looking for: I wanted somewhere that was non-polluted and where I could work from home in peace and pedal nowhere.” (Uri often works while he cycles on his exercise bike: he gave this interview while he was cycling!) Uri is always a busy man. As well as demonstrations and motivational speaking, Uri has his own range of pottery and jewellery that he has designed himself, he has written a small library of books and he does an enormous amount of charity work: much of the latter being children related.

So how does he spend his spare time? “I’m a real dog lover, I’ve always had dogs. I exercise at least an hour a day and walk my dogs as often as I can. I get approximately 300 emails a day, so answering them takes up quite a lot of time. I’ve also just finished my sixteenth book on how to dowse and I am now writing my seventeenth. I am also the chairman of the Red Cross in Israel and I have to work hard to create negotiations with the Palestinians.”

What are Uri’s spiritual beliefs now? Does he believe in life after death? “I am a great believer in life after death. I have no doubt in my mind that we have a soul, that we have a Spirit that survives death. Of course, there are many cynics and, if asked about this belief, I tell the cynics this … Einstein proved decades ago that energy cannot be destroyed! We have an energy source in

our body, so, the question must be asked “what happens to that energy when we die if energy can’t be destroyed?” I call this energy a soul and I believe that it reincarnates, stays around or goes to the ‘other side’. “This belief helps me when dealing with children who are dying. My wife Hannah and I will open our house to any sick child. I try to motivate them and generate a positive state of mind. I have received many signs from kids who passed away. “One such child was Jonathan. Jonathan knew he was dying, he had a brain tumour. I told him “On the other side you’ll have a new life. So when you get there, please send me a sign.” “Jonathan believed this too. On the anniversary of his passing, a bird flew into our conservatory and sat on the tennis racket that he left me. I believe it was Jonathan keeping his promise to let me know he was alright. “I also received a sign of the survival of the soul from my mother. My mother lived with Hannah and I, but not so long ago, she passed in her sleep. The

local vicar allowed us to bury her in the little churchyard near us. My rabbi introduced me to a stonemason who was prepared to make her tombstone. I called him and told him to come by and show me some samples of granite. “He drove to my house and rang the intercom. For some reason, I decided I would go out to him rather than him come in to me. I started walking out and I saw him with a dog in his van. I went over to pat the dog first. I walked over and opened the door ... and there was no dog. “I looked at the stonemason and asked him where the dog was that I’d just seen. He said “Uri you just blew my mind! I had a dog who died 6 months ago. I used to take him everywhere.” I believe that this was a sign from my mother that none of us die, including animals.” You can find out all about Uri (in fact you can lose yourself totally) in his informative and packed website: Don’t forget our exclusive experiments with Uri: turn the page for details!

37 Vision 18

Theth Date

Friday 8


The Times

11:11am; 1:11pm and 11:11pm

Put this date and these times in your diary now! On Friday 8th September, Uri will be beaming out his amazing telekinetic energy to work with the power of your own mind. Join in our experiments and witness the Geller effect!

Are you telepathic? Uri will be sending you an image of one of the five symbols you can see at the bottom of this page. See if you can read Uri’s mind. Concentrate really hard on the pictures. Look at each symbol in turn. Spend at least a minute focusing all your attention on the images. Try to clear your mind of all other thoughts. What is the first image that pops into your mind? Draw what you can see!*

38 Vision 18

Do you have a broken watch you’ve never mended? Would you like to bend spoons and keys with the power of your mind? Here’s your chance - with Uri’s help! Uri will work as a catalyst to enable you to trigger the power of your own mind. Bend your spoons and keys as well! Get your watches, keys and spoons. Wind up the watches, even if they aren’t working. Put your watches, keys and spoons around Uri’s picture. For one minute, focus on Uri’s face. Concentrate really hard. Build up the concentration and say out loud “Work! Work! Work!”, and “Bend!, Bend! Bend!” with feeling. After a minute is up, look at your watches and listen to them. Are they ticking? Is the second hand moving now? Has your spoon or any of your keys bent?*

Mail us your results - we will publish them in Vision 20! Address and email on P4 *(If nothing happened to you do not be disappointed, this does not happen all the time or to everyone)

39 Vision 18


ncreasingly in our high-stress world people are turning to gemstones in order to benefit from their healing properties. One of the simplest and most popular ways to access crystal power is by wearing an item of jewellery containing a gemstone appropriate to your needs. However, with a few additional considerations it’s possible to enhance further the impact of your jewellery and choose items that will really resonate with your chosen goals. One particularly effective method is to combine key crystals with a relevant symbol. If you are looking for

love or wish to strengthen an existing relationship, a heart pendant fashioned from rose quartz would be an optimum combination to assist you in this area. On a different note, if you’re hoping to boost your bank balance and attract prosperity, citrine worn alongside a lucky charm such as a coin or a dragon could well prove fortuitous. If it’s transformation that you’re seeking then symbols such as butterflies and swans worn with clear or snow quartz should help you in your quest. There are many numbers of power combinations (more suggestions in the

40 Vision 18

Caroline White introduces us to the art of choosing jewellery and symbols to help you make your dreams come true table on P42) and the more personal the selection, the better. Additionally, the assistance provided operates on more than one level. A glimpse of the symbolic item of jewellery reminds you to stay focused on your goal whilst simultaneously your body is able to soak up the vibrations of the crystal. Fortunately, personalising your jewellery doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Whilst you can buy specific pieces, it’s not difficult to customize your own. Silver charms can be bought quite cheaply from a number of sources such as markets, the internet or even high street jewellers and then added to bracelets or necklaces. Similarly small semi-precious crystals found in various gift and New Age shops often cost under a pound and can be inserted into a bell-cap or a spiral cage and worn as a pendant or attached to a charm bracelet.

particular favourite, holding the piece over an oil burner so that the jewellery is gently cleansed in a vapour of steam and the chosen essential oil. How to charge your jewellery Methods to charge jewellery are equally straightforward. Simply hold the relevant piece of jewellery in your dominant hand and visualise yourself succeeding in your goal. Alternatively place the item on a window-ledge for twenty-four hours enabling it to absorb energy from the moon and sun. Personalise your jewellery Certain types of jewellery such as lockets work well as small items can be placed inside. Suitable objects might be lucky charms, gemstone chips, ribbons, photos or personal items such as a lock of hair. Dried herbs and spices can also be used to good effect. Rosemary aids concentration, whilst Basil is reputed to bring prosperity. Nutmeg is thought to bring luck, whereas Cloves are protective. Making jewellery talismans

How to cleanse your jewellery Any jewellery that is self-made or modified is particularly resonant but if that sounds tricky, a simpler approach is to empower your existing pieces. Jewellery can be cleansed and charged using many of the same methods that are applied to crystals. Ways to cleanse jewellery include placing the item in a dish of rock salt (not suitable for porous stones such as opal), bathing jewellery in purified water, passing the item through incense or smudging smoke, and my

You can also make simple talismans to reinforce your goals. Positive

All photos on P40 & 41 ©Caroline White

affirmations such as ‘I will pass my exams’ can be written onto a piece of paper, which is then folded to fit neatly inside a locket. If you’re artistic, illustrations work just as well or you could simply cut aspirational pictures from magazines (an image of a dream home for example) to fold and store inside your locket. Once jewellery has been cleansed and charged, necklaces, especially pendants, can be used as dowsing pendulums to elicit ‘yes/no/ maybe’ answers. First of all hold the chain between your thumb and forefinger and ask the item to show you the direction in which it will swing for each response. When you have established this information, make a note of it for future reference and hey presto, you have a personalised divination tool at your disposal. Jewellery for all seasons You might also like to consider the phase of the moon and the time of year when choosing an item to wear. The waning moon is the best time to lose weight and rid yourself of baggage and combined with the crystal apatite it’s ideal. The waxing moon is the best time to attract prosperity and opportunity, whilst the full moon is a time of fertility and fruition. Finally, the new moon is for magic and making new plans. It’s also possible to match your jewellery to the qualities of the seasons. Winter is a great time to wear decorative rings since you will glimpse flashes of light in this dark season to boost your

spirits. Faceted transparent stones such as diamonds and emeralds are perfect. As winter is the most magical and reflective of all the seasons, stones with a hint of the mystic are particularly apt. Labradorite and moonstone have an iridescent sheen, which is helpful in mediation. Spring is the season to wear gentle stones such as pearls and rose quartz that bear the promise of new beginnings. Tap into the energy of summer by wearing vibrant gems such as sunstone, citrine and amber. Autumn - a time of harvest and change, is ideal for richly coloured crystals such as garnets, agates and carnelian. Where to wear your jewellery Having considered when to wear particular crystals, it can also be worth thinking about where on the body to wear them. Blue and turquoise stones have an affinity with the throat chakra, which governs communication. It is particularly beneficial to wear these stones at the neck when you need to produce dazzling and articulate speech. Grounding stones such as hematite that encourage you to forge ahead with a task can be worn over the pulse point at the wrist, whilst stones of the artisan like malachite can be worn on the fingers to promote dexterity. Gentle stones like angelite and blue lace agate encourage patience and are particularly suitable to wear as earrings, whereas stones with an

affinity to sensuality like carnelian and smoky quartz could be worn against the cleavage or even in a beaded belt at the waist. If you are interested in ancient cultures you may like to look out for stones and symbols that are associated with your preferred tradition. Turquoise, lapis lazuli and opal are all used extensively in Native American Indian jewellery along with symbols such as dream catchers, the kokopelli (flute player) and various animal fetishes such as bears and turtles. Jade features frequently in Chinese artistry and often bears carvings of dragons, frogs, goldfish and Chinese calligraphy characters. The Aborigine culture favours Australia’s indigenous stones such as mookaite and opal combined with customary Aboriginal symbols of turtles, masks, spirals and dot-patterns. Closer to home we find the Celtic tradition, which makes use of amber as well as our native jet, which can be found along the north-east coast of Britain. These organic gems are particularly beautiful when combined with Celtic artwork such as knots, Celtic crosses and claddagh designs. As you can see, there is a multitude of ways to maximise the enjoyment and benefits you can gain from wearing carefully selected gems, so go ahead and allow jewellery to enhance your life! Now turn over the page for a table summarising the very best combinations of crystals and symbols ...

41 Vision 18

Choose stones and symbols that will attract your desires to you Sympathetic Stones

Sympathetic Symbols

Luck and Money

Jade, citrine, aventurine

Dragon, goldfish, frog, sun, horseshoe, coin, elephant

Success and Positivity

Fluorite, amber, diamond, tiger’s eye, hematite, peridot

Sun, stars, bird, salamander, Buddha, pentacle

Creativity and Art

Tiger’s eye, peridot, lapis lazuli

Spider, salamander, star, kokopelli, flute

Communication and Decisions

Angelite, celestite, blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, turquoise, opal, larmimar, sodalite

Angel, feather, spider’s web, faerie, calligraphy characters, pyramid

Study and Legal

Amethyst, clear quartz

Feather, spider’s web, triangle, cone shape

Focus and practicalities

Red jasper, hematite, malachite, tiger’s eye

Pentacle, spiral, cone shape, triangle, pyramid

Love and Happiness

Carnelian, jade, rose quartz, amber

Dolphin, faerie, teddy, ballet shoe, monkey

Attraction and Desire

Carnelian, amber, agate, rutilated quartz, smoky quartz

Cherry, apple, hare, heart, goddess, salamander

Fertility and Completion

Rose quartz, pearl, mother of pearl

Egg, oval shape, heart, cornucopia, goddess

Change and Transformation

Clear and snow quartz, snowflake obsidian, aqua aura, angelite

Swan, butterfly, phoenix, unicorn

Meditation and Magick

Labradorite, amethyst, moonstone, azurite, lapis lazuli, blue goldstone

Moon, pentacle, lotus-flower, raven, unicorn, faerie, spiral, goddess

Protection and Defence

Garnet, abalone, turquoise

Bear, dream-catcher, eye, Hand of Fatima

Healing and Sorrow

Aquamarine, jade, rose quartz, yellow jasper, unakite, pearl

Angel, cross, heart, seashell, unicorn

Safe Travel and Journeys

Turquoise, Fluorite, Aquamarine

Angel, boot, bird, cross, St. Christopher, bear

Area of Assistance

42 Vision 18

Intuitive astrologer, psychic and dream interpreter Samantha Hamilton continues Vision’s monthly alphabet round-up of the most common dream scenarios.

Common dreams beginning with the letter Sailing The interpretation of this dream depends on how well you managed to handle your boat and prevailing weather conditions. If the sea was calm, this predicts you will be successful, stormy weather and rough seas predicts disappointment. If you had a companion with you, this relates to current relationships. To sail into a harbour in a small boat indicates prosperity or unforeseen good fortune.

School A dream of going to school predicts an enjoyable meeting with an old friend; and a reminder that you have lots to learn. You may have to deal with issues of authority if you were a teacher. If you were a student you may be lacking confidence. To dream of leaving school, of seeing a school from the outside, or seeing a school burning, predicts a temporary stroke of luck.

Sailor(s) To dream that you were a sailor indicates that you are dissatisfied with your lifestyle. For women to dream of flirting with a sailor foretells hurt from a jealous boyfriend. To hear a whistling sailor signifies good luck. A dream featuring sailors onshore indicates a new romance, sailors on board a ship predict adventure or news from a distance.

Sculptor If you were the sculptor in your dream, this indicates you will achieve your goals, with new and interesting opportunities ahead. To feel admiration while watching a sculptor working, signifies you will be tempted to interfere in someone else’s personal affairs, when you should be concentrating on your own situation.

Saint Dreaming about saints usually has spiritual implications, and is a positive dream. To see a saint means you need to persist with any difficulties you are having. You will have to confess to a sin and make amends if you were talking to the saint. Salary You should expect an increase in your finances if you dream of paying money to your employees. If you dream of getting a pay rise, and then find yourself spending the money in a reckless manner this predicts a temporary cut in salary or demotion. If you asked for a raise in your salary but your boss refused, this foretells money coming in from out of the blue.

Sleep To dream of being asleep denotes peace of mind, but can also mean you are not aware of situations around you. If you could see other people sleeping this is a reflection of yourself, indicating you may not be alert about current circumstances. If you were asleep on wool this is a dream of fulfillment, whereas sand shows disappointment. If you were sleeping with a stranger this is an omen of embarrassment. Snake(s) To feel endangered by a single snake means that you have an enemy trying to work against you. If you were able to overcome or kill a threatening snake, you will enjoy victory as you solve your problems. If you were bitten by one this

‘S’ suggests great business difficulties to come. To dream of it wrapping itself around you is a warning that you will become dominated by either your sexual passions or defences. Several snakes surrounding you shows you are at risk of being betrayed by someone you trust, and if there were many snakes in a pit this foretells bad luck in love or business. Stairs/Staircase Climbing a staircase signifies emotional and spiritual search. If you dream that you fall upstairs this indicates harmony for a married couple. To fall down the stairs is warning you not to get involved in a conspiracy. Sweep or scrub the stairs and you can expect unforeseen improvements in your living conditions. Star(s) This is a positive symbol. If you dream of a bright and/or twinkling star this predicts that your wishes will come true with the help of a friend of the opposite sex. Many bright stars predict success, and pale stars indicate loss of finances. A shooting or falling star guarantees success in time. Stream This dream represents the general flow of life forces so if, in your dream, the stream was clear and flowed smoothly, you can expect your life style to be the same. If the water was rough you have obstacles to face. To see a stream signifies that you will come across a flow of fresh and fundamental ideas. A frozen stream indicates your feelings have been hurt and you have become cold and emotionless and you need to deal with it.

43 Vision 18

WIN! A cruise to Amsterdam with Derek Acorah for four!


an Amsterdam Ghost Walk


he lucky winner of our Spirits and the Sea competition will win an en suite cabin for 4 on the M. S. Queen of Scandanavia; return sea crossing and return coach transfer from Imjuiden into Amsterdam*, and a guided Ghost Walk for 4 people. Plus, the highlight of the cruise ... admission to an evening with Derek Acorah! Leaving Newcastle on 1st September 2006 and returning on 3rd September 2006, this is a weekend not to be missed! If you would like more information, or don't want to miss out on the best cabins, visit www.spiritsandthesea to book your place ( The promoter, Radical Escapes, will

reimburse the cost of your cabin and ghost walk, if you book and then win this competition). To enter, all you need to do is answer the following question: What is the name of the ship that will take the winner to the Netherlands? A) M. S. Queen of Netherlands B) M. S. Queen of Scandanavia C) M. S. Queen of Hearts When you have the answer, call us on

0906 782 4829 and leave the

letter of your answer (for instance, if you think the ship is called M. S. Queen of Hearts, you would give letter ‘C’ as your answer) along with your name, address and telephone number. Be sure to call by 25th August 2006, when the competition

closes. (If you would like to text your answer, you can do so by texting VISION followed by a space and then the letter of your answer to 83149. You will then receive a text to confirm entry). The winner will be the first correct entry drawn at random from all those received before the closing date. Calls to 0906 782 4829 cost £1 per minute from a BT landline, calls from mobiles may vary. Calls should last no longer than 1 minute. Texts will cost £1 per entry. Entrants should be over 16 and should be the bill payer or have permission from the bill payer to call. By entering you confirm your acceptance to take part in any publicity. Provider: A2B, PO Box 413, Hants, GU14 4AQ Editor’s decision is final. Vision accept no responsibility for the distribution of prizes which will be handled by Radical Escapes. *Meals and fuel surchage not included


6 x places on a Crystal Healing Course!


he Temple of Peace Crystal Healing Academy are offering six readers free enrolment on their online Crystal Healing Correspondence Course: worth £100 each place! The online syllabus is one of the only courses in Crystal Healing which has been approved by the International Federation of Crystal Healers. The course covers just about everything you could wish to know about working with crystals: from choosing crystals and cleansing them to crystal gridding! All courses are personally tutored by Geoffrey Keyte, author of the international best seller Crystal Healing - 'The Mystical Crystal'. Geoffrey was the first crystal healer in the UK to tutor formal Crystal Healing

44 Vision 18

Certificated Courses. To enter the competition all you have to do is answer the following question: What is the title of Geoffrey Keyte’s bestselling book? a) Crystal Healing - ‘The Mystical Crystal’ b) Crystal Healing - ‘The Mystical Cave’ c) Crystal Healing - ‘The Crystal Cave’ Put your answer on the back of a postcard or sealed down envelope and send along with your name and address, to Temple of Peace/Vision competition, 42a Main Street, Garforth. LS25 1AA to reach us by 13th September 2006. One entry per household, all normal Vision rules apply (see P4 ). To discover what is

involved in becoming a Temple of Peace Crystal Healing Student you may view the course syllabus by going to:

45 Vision 18


n the UK we are truly blessed with a temperate climate. What seems like incessant rain is not incessant at all and we have enough sunshine (really) to ensure that the UK is really a green and pleasant land. Our countryside is full of a

The Elder (Simbicis Nigra) The Elder is sacred to the Goddess and can be found almost everywhere. It makes a wonderful border shrub as it is decked each summer with gorgeous umbrellas of white, sweet-smelling flowers … and every Autumn with clutches of bright, shiny purple berries. The flowers can be used to make the almost champagne-like Elderflower Wine, or Elderflower cordial. The berries make a superb red wine, and both berries and flowers are useful flavourings for jellies and chutneys. It is essential, though, that none of these parts of the plant are ever eaten raw and you shouldn’t try to eat anything other than cooked flowers or berries!

Sloes (Prunus Spinosa) Sloe Gin is legendary. Sloes are the fruit of the blackthorn bush and are gorgeous to look at: deep purple with a blue bloom that disappears on contact. Sloe gin is even easier than Battered Elderflowers so there is no reason not to try this, apart from having to wait until late October – November for the sloes.

diversity of flora, and a lot of it is edible! Let’s take a tour of some edible plants that you may not have thought of eating or drinking and I’ll give you some recipes, so that you can taste that sunshine for free!

Directions: Put aside the Elderflowers and mix all the other ingredients together, ensuring that all lumps are removed. Add water if necessary to make a thick batter that should drip slowly from a spoon. Heat some oil in a pan and wait until really hot. Dip the Elderflower heads into the batter and fry them until the batter goes golden brown. Dry on kitchen towel and then dip into sugar to finish.

Battered Elderflowers (serves 4) 8 Elderflower heads with some stalk 1 Egg 50g Caster Sugar 200g Plain Flour 250ml milk Sprinkle of cinnamon Sprinkle of nutmeg, if liked Extra caster sugar for dipping water as required

Sloe Gin 450g sloes 225g caster sugar 1L gin Empty and sterilized wine bottles, enough to take all the sloes when halffilled. 1. Prick the skins of the sloes all over with a large needle. This is messy – enjoy! 2. Half fill each wine bottle until you’ve used up all your sloes (bottles vary in size so I’ve left it to you which size you use).

46 Vision 18

Fancy eating out? Diana Jarvis tells us about the edible produce to be found in our hedgerows

3. Share out the caster sugar and gin amongst the bottles. Seal very tightly and shake well.

4. Put the bottles in a dark, cool cupboard and take out and shake every day for a week. Then shake once a week for 3 months. The gin is now ready to drink, although the longer you can resist and keep it, the better it will become.

There are many more edible foods out there in our hedgerows. As long as you know what you are picking and if you are allowed to pick it, you can certainly enjoy Nature’s Bounty. For more information

on foraging for free food, visit 04/sep/forage Please note – this article does not take account or responsibility for

your allergies, nor does it check out the legalities of picking these plants. You will need to be 100% sure you know what you’re picking and any contraindications.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Dandelion is incredibly good for you, full of vitamins and the leaves also have diuretic and detoxifying benefits. Dandelion is also very good for the liver. Dandelion is bitter, so use young and sweeter leaves for this recipe.

Sizzling Bacon and Dandelion Salad (serves 2) 100g tender, fresh dandelion leaves 250g mixed salad leaves 250g quartered cherry tomatoes 250g thinly sliced shallots 3 rashers of bacon cut into small strips garlic, crushed (to taste) 125g sharp Cheddar cheese, grated 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper Drizzle balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp Olive Oil for cooking

4. Add the bacon and cook to taste. 3. When cooked to your taste, tip the mix onto the leaves along with the oil from the pan. 4. Add the freshly ground black pepper and drizzle over some balsamic vinegar. 5. Sprinkle the grated cheese on the hot ingredients and serve immediately.

1. Wash and de-vein the dandelion leaves and add to the mixed leaves. Put into a salad bowl with the tomatoes. 2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sweat the shallots and garlic.

Blackberry (Rubus villosus) At the end of August to the end of September the countryside celebrates yet another bounty: that of the delicious blackberry. Not only does it taste fantastic, but it’s full of vitamin C and fibre. Make the most of this abundant free crop and make one of my favourite desserts. Blackberry Cheesecake (Serves 4-6) Base: 75g butter 200g sweetmeal digestive biscuits, crushed Filling: 450g soft cream cheese 50g caster sugar 75ml double cream Blackberry sauce: 200g blackberries 75g caster sugar 200ml water Cream, blackberries and mint for top.

1. Heat the butter gently in a saucepan until it melts. Put the digestive biscuits in a plastic bag and, using a rolling pin, crush the biscuits. When the butter is melted, take it off the heat and mix in all the crushed biscuits.

this into the ramekins and put into the refrigerator and chill for at least 2 hours. 6. Take out of the fridge and finish by decorating with some whipped cream, whole blackberries and mint leaves.

2. Spoon the mixture of biscuits and butter into 4-6 ramekins. Push down gently and level out. Refrigerate. 3. Mix together the cream cheese, caster sugar and double cream to a smooth paste. 4. Put the water in a pan with the blackberries and sugar. Heat until boiling. Continue to boil, but stir until the mixture is syrupy. 5. When cool, take the blackberry sauce and mix in roughly with the creamy mixture to create a marbled effect. Spoon

47 Vision 18


he first time I was made aware of animals re-incarnating to help us, was when I was sitting cuddling my friend’s new Jack Russell puppy. He was lying on his back whilst I tickled his tummy. Suddenly he ‘told’ me that he was a reincarnation of my friend’s old dog, which had been a Border Collie, and he said he had come back to look after her. I was so shocked I nearly dropped him! I put the puppy down and he turned to look at me. As he did so, his face started to turn into the face of a Border Collie with very specific markings. I knew what I was seeing … but I still couldn’t believe it! When I asked my friend if she’d had a dog before she replied that she had, but not for ages and that it had been a Border Collie! I told my friend what the puppy had ‘said’ and although she was nearly as shocked as me, she felt that in some weird way it did make sense as he seemed so wise and seemed to know her so well. I asked if she had a photo of the collie and when she showed me, there was the face that the puppy had shown me with exactly the same markings. I started to become very interested in the connection between animals and their owners and when physically working on animals they would ‘tell’ me about their owner’s health or emotional problems, so that I could offer my help as a therapist and healer to help them and their owners. I discovered that, as with humans, animals can display physical or emotional symptoms that have been carried over from events experienced in a

Madeleine Walker says that knowing your pet’s past life can help both of you right now: and may very well reveal yours! past life and have been triggered by trauma in this life. Although I try to physically reach as many animals as possible to unravel the connections of physical and emotional issues, I am based in the South West and so it is not always possible to get to other parts of the UK. So, I started asking people to send me hair samples and photos for me to anyalyse remotely. It amazed me when I held the hair and

picked up a pen to start writing … the information came pouring through. The Cat that bites I had a cat that ‘told’ me that there had been a fire in its owner’s house a long time ago and that a little girl had died there and her spirit was trapped upstairs. The cat had been biting the owner’s little girl and the owner was very distressed. The cat said it didn’t mean to bite the girl, it meant to bite the negative energy that was attached to the girl from other girls at school that were bullying her. I worked to release the negative energy from the girl and psychically released the spirit of the girl trapped by the fire. After that things seemed much better. The cat has stopped biting and the owner has addressed the bullying problem which she previously did not know about. It seems that what was, on the surface, the cat’s behavioural problem, was in fact the cat trying to make the owner take notice and allow the issues to be resolved.

animals can display physical or emotional symptoms that have been carried over from a past life

48 Vision 18

The War Horse I have worked on horses, dogs, cats and even rabbits that also have a lot to say! One horse that I treated had terrible wart-like growths on her body. She told me she had been in the Napoleonic wars with her present owner and they had fought together. Apparently her owner

used to be a cavalry officer and they were both killed at the same time by cannon fire. She also gave me very specific information regarding the uniform that her owner used to wear as an officer, as well as eventsd during the battle itself. The growths were where the metal from the cannon had hit her. She told me that

her owner was experiencing pains in her right side which were the memory of the cannon fire that killed her in their past life. Once again the horse was trying to help its owner to release the past life trauma. I have been sending healing to the horse and have suggested holistic remedies for the owner.

Our case study: Stripey Stripey is a totally loveable and intelligent cat that is getting on a bit now. Stripey lives with Sammi Addey, Vision’s MD. Vision asked Madeleine to read Stripey’s hair – and here is the result. Madeleine says: I feel that Stripey is a very vocal and extremely ‘galactic’ cat. I wonder, has the owner had a black and white cat before? Stripey seems to have a deep connection with this cat. Sammi has a regular visitor from a neighbour’s house that is a black and white cat. More likely than this, though, is the phantom cat that haunts Sammi’s house. This ghost cat is black and white and has been seen often. It is usually seen on the stairs when Stripey is on them. I am feeling that Stripey may have had some problems with her teeth or gums: the upper left jaw I think.

Stripey had been hit by a car in the past, and hit her face on the tarmac. This probably explains the link with the jaw. I feel that this cat used to be a temple/altar cat in Minoan times, but that she would have looked very Egyptian. Sammi feels that Stripey has very ‘Egyptian’ eyes and the eyes on the Vision logo are connected to Stripey too. Stripey is very loving and caring and very sensitive to her owner’s moods. She sometimes plays up to get attention, but she is really trying to cheer up her owner. Absolutely true. Stripey said she would like to eat more liver and she loves to be pampered. Sammi said that Stripey has been crying for tinned meat catfood (as opposed to biscuits) all the time and she won’t eat her biscuits any more. She loves being made a fuss of. Has she ever damaged her tail? - I’m getting some problem around 2-3 inches from the tip. Sammi says that’s where part of Stripey’s tail had to be removed! Stripey told me she got lost once and hated it. It reminded her of scavenging during a past life in London. She really likes her creature comforts. Stripey ran away once and got lost. We found her and she was so grateful, she was sitting outside a fish and chip shop where she was trying to beg for food!

I am truly astounded at how much our animals are in tune with us emotionally and physically and how they can sometimes take on a physical symptom to prevent us from suffering from it. I feel it is really important to understand that many animals are putting their homes and sometimes their lives at risk through their seemingly bad behaviour or chronic physical symptoms when, if we could but understand the messages they are sending us, many problems could be resolved and animals could resume their happy lives in a harmonious and healthy household. I sincerely hope that, in my own way, I can guide some pets and owners back to this state of being. Madeleine Walker is available for private consulation- please see her advert on P43

NEW COLUMN! Paws For Thought Would you like to find out why your pet is behaving badly? Here is your chance to get answers to your questions about your problem pet and maybe find out about your own past lives as well! Madeleine will be starting her own column in a future issue of Vision, If you would like Madeleine to tell you more about your pet, especially if they are suffering from any illness or behavioural problem, please email or mail the Editor with your pet’s name and your question about him or her. If your question is accepted for publication we will send your futher details of what to do. Send your email to: or your mail to Past Life Pets, Vision Magazine, 42a Main Street, Garforth LS25 1AA.Please include your name and address. Publication of an answer is not guaranteed.

49 Vision 18

Carole Chui introduces us to the Throat Chakra and its correspondences in the fifth part of our collectible series The Throat Chakra (also called the Vishuddi chakra) Position and function The 5th chakra is the throat chakra, and that also describes its position too. It deals with communication. We have developed speech by giving meaning to certain sounds, but music carries meaning of its own without words. There are creation stories from many lands involving sounding the original word. We acknowledge the power of sound and of communication and therefore it is no surprise to find the throat chakra is also linked with creativity.

Turquoise is also associated with this chakra and can help communication.

Glands and Organs The throat area is connected with this chakra and the main gland is the thyroid, which has an important part to play in growth and maturation.

Is your Chakra Healthy? When the 5th chakra is open and balanced, communication comes easily and you speak your truth easily. When I use my aura machine, I often find this chakra is blocked. Sometimes the person has a sore throat and the blockage is purely temporary. A thyroid imbalance could show in an under or overactive chakra. Usually, though, low energy here shows the person not able to express him or herself fully. If I find the 4th (heart) chakra is also low in energy, or that those 2 chakras are taking on each other’s colours, then I suspect the person is for some reason not speaking or even acknowledging what is in his or her heart. In such cases, there needs to be a determination to speak one’s truth.

Crystals Crystals in sympathy with this chakra are the blue ones, including aquamarine, azurite and blue lace agate. Aquamarine assists in balancing the thyroid, and increases creativity. Azurite removes blocks in communication relating to both the throat and the third eye and blue lace agate will allow the throat chakra to work with both third eye and brow chakras.

Helping your throat Chakra You can work within the balanced framework of all 7 chakras. If you have been following this series, you can continue the upwards survey and correction of the flow of energy. The colour to visualise is a beautiful blue. The affirmation is “I freely speak my truth” or another statement (confident and in the present tense) that suits.

Colour The colour is blue. Think of the sky meeting the sea. Of all the colours, it is the easiest to visualise with the mind’s eye, and a wash of inner blue brings with it a calm that stills the mind.

50 Vision 18

If you know this chakra really needs special attention, then I have some suggestions for you. Find somewhere safe and quiet, where you won’t be disturbed, and sit or lie comfortably. If it helps, have one or more of the blue stones with you. Let the colour blue surround you. Visualise a blue spring or summer sky, or the sea reflecting a sparkling blue. Breathe in the blue, and breathe with it a deep calm. As you breathe out, concentrate on feeling your throat clear as all the negativity leaves you. In your mind, allow the thought to form that “I speak my truth”. To free your throat chakra fully, you might like to vibrate a sound as you continue. Don’t worry about making a word or about the fact you “can’t sing” (I can’t sing either). Just let the sound come out, vibrating in your throat and mouth, and when you get more confident, you can change the shape of your lips and open and close your mouth as the outbreath continues. You might even find you are chanting in overtones (harmonising with yourself). This is a wonderful exercise to do in a group. Stand with your backs to each other (so you won’t be shy) and continue until, as one, you fall silent. Feel how clear your throat is and spread it to your whole being.

51 Vision 18

Sue Pullen is an expert on treating phobias. Find out more about them and how you can treat your own phobias


any people have a dislike of something. A good example of this is spiders. However, for some people the fear can intensify, interfering with their lives and sometimes taking them over. When a fear escalates to this level it becomes a phobia. This article examines common phobias and illustrates some successful methods of removing phobias using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). So what are the most common phobias? In the UK at present the number one phobia is Public Speaking, closely followed by fear of spiders, then

This method for dealing with a phobia is an easy one to do, so please give it a go yourself.

Spin Away a Phobia

1.Think of the something that you have a phobia of and that gives you an uncomfortable feeling.


Notice where the feeling starts and where it ends. Notice which direction it is moving, for example the most common direction is from the stomach up to the chest, out forwards and then down and back into the stomach. Put your arms out as if you are going to hug someone and rotate or spin your hands and lower arms in the direction as located. Give the feeling a colour.

3. Imagine flipping the feeling over so

fear of flying. The most common phobias I treat in my practice are fear of spiders, dogs, flying and open spaces (agoraphobia). Phobias range from mild to severe. I have treated people with spider phobias who just don’t like to see them. There has been one person, though, who had what is known as a ‘flaming phobia’. They could not read or say the word spider; if there was a spider in the room they would have to leave the house; and they couldn’t drive past windmills because the sails reminded them of spider’s legs! As you can imagine, there was very little effect on the life of the person with the mild phobia, whereas the flaming phobia virtually took over the other client’s life. My most satisfying phobia client was a gentleman of 83, who had been virtually housebound since he had developed agoraphobia some forty years previously. His wife was 81, and they wanted to go on holiday whilst they were

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that it moves in the opposite direction, rotating your hands in the new direction. Give this feeling a new colour. Spin the feeling faster; make the movements bigger.


Keep the feeling spinning whilst you think about the phobia. Notice the difference.

still fit enough. After treatment, they went away to the Isle of Wight and I received a phone call from the gentleman whilst they were there, he was very excited as he had his freedom again. There are several methods of relieving phobias using NLP, and I’ve explained a couple of the most commonly used ones here. All of these methods work by retraining the neurons in your brain to think about your phobia in the way you would like to think. One method is known as the Fast Phobia Cure and is the technique that most NLP therapists would use to help you with a phobia. This is the first technique that Dr Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NLP, created to deal with phobias after interviewing people who had managed to get rid of a phobia themselves without any outside assistance. He noticed the people had used a similar approach, and formulated the technique from his findings. The Fast Phobia Cure works by desensitising the three worst experiences a person has had with regards to their phobia. It uses light trance, dissociation (seeing yourself in the picture) and association (seeing the situation through your eyes), to allow you to experience the situations in a calmer way. Your mind then cannot go back to viewing the situations in the old, stressful way. Spinning away a phobia is something you can try for yourself at home: see the box on this page and try this technique for yourself at home!

Sue Pullen is a holistic therapist who lives and works in the Brighton area. Her philosophy is that everyone is unique and therefore should be treated as such. She uses a customised blend of several different tools, such as NLP, hypnosis, Reiki, TFT and EFT.


antras have been used for thousands of years, since the discovery that repeating certain sounds have profound effects on the physical body and the metaphysical body (spirit). The sense of calmness and wellbeing is tangible. The basic and most effective of these sounds is the sound ‘OM’ - known as a ’seed’ mantra . It is the power of mantra that is central to the music of Deva Premal and Miten. Their unique style of sacred contemporary music has moved from niche to mainstream, achieving combined international album sales of over half a million. Deva Premal was born in Nuremberg, Germany. Her mother is a classical musician and her father a renowned artist: she was always destined to be creative. When Deva was young, her father would teach her religious chants to heighten her self-perception. Deva then trained in violin and piano, but came to feel that Classical music was too rigid. It was only when she met Miten in 1990 in India that she started on the road towards a type of music that fulfilled her spiritually. “As a child, The Gayatri Mantra was my goodnight song – I grew up singing mantras whilst walking with my father. However, it wasn’t until recording The Essence (Deva Premal and Miten’s best-selling album from 1998) that I really found my voice.” Miten was born in London and worked as a musician for a number of big names, including Ry Cooder and The Kinks. He was also the opening act for Fleetwood Mac at Wembley in 1980. However, Miten found that the pop-star lifestyle was not enough for him: “I was looking for something more substantial in my life than the usual diet of sex, drugs and rock and roll.”

Can music uplift and heal? Vision finds out why Deva Premal and Miten are favourites of Cher and His Holiness the Dalai Lama! Miten met his partner Deva Premal in 1990. It was in India that, at the suggestion of their guru, they changed their names and took Sanskrit names – ‘Miten’ meaning ‘friend of God’, ‘Deva Premal’ meaning ‘divine loving’. Deva Premal and Miten have toured the world for the past 15 years – sharing their unique sound with a wide range of audiences from all walks of life – from fans of yoga and meditation to those just seeking a spiritual sound. During

showcased it onstage as part of her Living Proof Farewell Tour in 2002. His Holiness The Dalai Lama is also a fan. If you’d like to see why A-listers love their music, read our review on P76 and visit their website to hear some samples. Their new album Soul in Wonder is in production watch out for it!

It is the power of mantra that is central to the music

their concerts, Deva invites her audience to experience the performance without applause as she feels they will get more out of it by meditating or concentrating. “ These people we regard as friends. There is no separation, in our minds, between audience and performer. In fact, these words create a barrier in themselves. when we play, we are all one. There is no future and there is no past in these moments. this is where I prefer to live.” They have also attracted a number of famous fans. Their interpretation of the ancient Gayatri Mantra has found celebrity support : Cher cites it as her preferred CD for yoga, and

53 Vision 18

Geoffrey Keyte, author of ‘The Mystical Crystal’ talks us through the basics of crystal healing


ou may have a few crystals because you like them. You may have dozens because you love them. But do you work with them to help yourself and others … or just look? Now is your chance to learn what to do with your collection: for everyone’s benefit! For the purposes of this article I’m using quartz. It is usually in everyone’s collection of crystals and it is so useful because it can be programmed for all manner of things. Programming your Crystals All quartz crystals will respond to the ‘intent’ of your own personal will; whether in word or in thought. By simply wishing - or visualising – that the crystal’s energy will be used in a particular way - it will be! It really is that simple! Quartz crystals are usually ‘programmed’ for the following purposes:-

ways whilst meditating. Do not be afraid to experiment and try new methods. Listen to what your crystal is saying and try to respond accordingly. You will find the results truly amazing and very worthwhile. Healing Quartz crystals are only ‘tools’. By themselves they are passive; but when they become activated by the human mind they can become extremely powerful indeed. Each one of us has an inherent healing energy. In the majority of people this healing ability lies totally dormant and inactive. However, when we possess the knowledge to enable us to ‘channel’ our own healing energy through our quartz crystal friends, we are able to

Meditation Healing Absent Healing Meditation By holding a quartz crystal in your hand whilst participating in whichever type of meditation is appropriate to your own individual needs, you will enhance and enrich the spiritual depths of your own meditative experience. Your quartz crystal will enable you to undertake a new and wondrous journey within the inner recesses of your soul. Unknown pathways, hitherto previously uncharted, will open up in front of you. A new dimension of self-expression will rise to the surface and expand your inner consciousness and awareness. Whilst holding your crystal when meditating with music you will often discover that some astounding effects are produced. On occasions you may be able to ‘see’ the music in terms of colour and shape. You may use your crystal in many different

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amplify this healing power and the resultant energy that we have ourselves created - ours, that is, in conjunction with that of our crystal - may be used for many positive healing purposes. At the beginning of the healing session you should hold your quartz crystal in whichever hand feels ‘right’ to you; and calmly attune yourself to the inner energies of your quartz crystal. You will probably experience energies ‘throbbing’ within your hand. Now direct the point of your healing quartz crystal towards your patient and gently move the crystal around the perimeter of their whole body in a clockwise direction. As you do this, at the same time visualise a blue-white crystalline light emanating

from the very tip of the crystal and flowing towards the patient and surrounding them. Do this several times. This will help to strengthen the electromagnetic field of energy around the physical body of your patient. The point of the quartz crystal should then be directed towards that part of the patient’s body that you believe or ‘sense’ to be most in need of healing. Visualise a lovely blue-white light emanating from the tip of your crystal and direct this light, like a laser beam, to that part of the patient’s body where you feel that the healing is most needed. The crystal healing session itself may last any length of time, but intuitively you will become aware when the time is right to bring the session to an end. To finish the crystal healing treatment session you should visualise the blue-white light gently flowing back into your quartz crystal. Once more you should direct and project the healing energies around the perimeter of your patient’s body in a clockwise direction. Then allow your patient to relax for a few minutes. Many of my own patients regularly fall fast asleep so it is very important that you bring them back to the present in as relaxed manner as possible, so that they get the maximum benefit from the session. Absent (or Distant) Healing Quartz crystals are often used very successfully in all forms of absent - or distant - healing. Whether you are three miles, three hundred miles, three thousand miles or thirteen thousand miles away from your patient, crystal healing can prove most effective. If you – or one of your family or friends – are in need of healing please send an email and 250+ members of the Distant Healers Network will send you all their healing energies and prayers. I am now going to share with you several very powerful crystal configurations that you can either

experience for yourself personally or practice upon your friends and family.

should lie within this field of crystalline energy for between 20-30 minutes.

Star of David Configuration

Relationship Configurations

Your patient should sit on the floor, in yoga fashion, or in a chair, holding a quartz crystal in the palm of their hand. Six quartz crystals should then be placed around them in the form of a six-pointed star. The Star of David Configuration (centre) enables you to cover all aspects of the patient’s being and to correct the spiritual and physical energy flowing throughout their body. This particular configuration works very well to correct emotional imbalances, helping to bring blockages to the surface. The Star of David can also be used very effectively with the patient lying on their back. One quartz crystal should be placed at their head with the point away from the body. Two quartz crystals should be placed at the knees, pointing upwards. You should take your personal healing quartz crystal and energise the six crystals by directing your crystal over all of the crystals surrounding your patient - do this several times. As you do this visualise all the imbalances within the patient’s body being totally rebalanced. Your patient

If two people are in conflict with each other, perhaps through stress or misunderstanding, a pattern of double crystal triangulations (as in the diagram right) is strongly

Relationship Configuration person. The two should meditate together and absorb the healing energies created by the configuration.The effect you are creating is a symbolic one. You are taking the energies of the trinity of one person, and blending them with the energies of the trinity of the other. The results will be both healing and releasing and will create an understanding between the two in conflict. Four Directions Layout

Four Directions Layout Star of David Configuration recommended. This layout will help create an understanding between the two people in conflict and establish a balance between the flow of their vibrations. The two individuals should sit facing each other, approximately three feet apart, in the lotus position, if at all possible. They should each take two quartz crystals and place them in a line behind themselves. Then, they should place the third quartz crystal in a position that forms a triangle with the other two crystals, in front of them, with the point facing the other

The four directions energy layout is used for meditations and for ‘charging’ objects. Place one crystal representing north (earth, wisdom, connectors), one representing south (fire, faith, protectors), one east (air, creativity, illuminators) and one west (water, sacred dreams, initiators). The points of each crystal should be pointing towards the centre (as in the diagram far left). Sit in the middle of this crystal energy layout for between 15-20 minutes. If you feel it appropriate you might like to hold a crystal cluster in your hands. Sit in the direction you feel compelled to face; many people like to sit facing east. If you decide to lie down in this energy pattern, you should have your own head facing north and your feet facing south. This aligns with the polarities of the earth. You can ‘charge’ crystals, water or other objects within this energy pattern and also enhance meditation or ritual. For further information about any aspect of crystal healing please send me an email to or visit

55 Vision 18

Everyone needs a little pampering … both men and women! Pamper yourself naturally with Michelle Jones’ simple and inexpensive body treats for everyone.


n the long years before we were all ‘Worth It’, we had to rely on natural ingredients to provide us with lotions and potions to care for our skin. Cleopatra reputedly bathed in Asses’ milk to retain her youthful appearance and Queen Elizabeth I whitened her face with a lotion made from egg whites, powdered eggshell, poppy seeds, borax and alum! Nowadays, we are bombarded by marketing promises of an ever youthful appearance if we use the celebrity-endorsed products of the advertiser. We are seduced by the promise of collagens and peptides, vitamin enriched creams that will guarantee eternal youth…well I’m sorry, but it sounds like complete Boswelox™ to me! I think it’s high time that we looked at the wonderful and natural alternatives that we have already in our food cupboards at home! Look at the following ingredients - amazing or what? Honey This is a truly amazing substance. For a start, it doesn’t seem to go off…ever. The honey that was placed in the tomb of Tutankhamun around 1550 BC was still sweet and edible when Howard Carter took it out again in 1922! It is antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial. It is also a good exfoliant. One particular type of honey is stealing the headlines: ‘Active Manuka Honey’. This has the ‘UMF’ or ‘Unique Manuka Factor’ and is made from the pollen of Manuka flowers in the largely pollution-free atmosphere of New Zealand: it is the Queen Bee of honeys. Current research being carried out is suggesting that honey applied to an open wound can help prevent infection, promote healing and reduce scarring.

56 Vision 18


The Funky Flapjack Foot Scrub!

You may not have heard the term ‘Humectant’ before - it means something that retains moisture. The avocado is really good at this. In fact, an avocado is packed full of vitamins, minerals and natural oils which are good for your skin. It also contains protein, something of an oddity for fruit, but despite those oils, the avocado is cholesterol free! Honey and avocado are just two fantastic natural ingredients that can help us look after ourselves. They are used commercially, but with so many additives. So, what can we do with them ourselves? I thought I’d find out for Vision readers! Here then, are some fresh and fruity alternatives to ‘celebrity prices’ and chemically laden treatement! They are suitable for all skin types and for both women and men. They were thoroughly tested by me, my best friend and my 9 year old daughter. Not only good for you, but they’ll save a fortune!

Bowl of warm water 2 Tablespoons Clear Honey 2 Tablespoons Oatmeal (Porridge Oats) What to do: Mix the honey and oats together in a bowl and set aside where you can reach them. Soak your feet in the water for a few minutes and then massage the honey and oat mixture into your feet. Place your feet back into the water and soak for 10 minutes before massaging once again and fully rinsing off the mixture. What it does: The honey and oats together exfoliate and smooth rough skin whilst the antiseptic, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of the honey are supposed to kill off any nasties causing foot odour. What we thought: This was fantastic…very messy, but my felt heavenly afterwards. My feet felt really clean and smooth…but my knees got sticky doing the massage!

Avocado Moisture Masks Normal to Dry skin: Blend half an avocado with the yolk of an egg Oily skin: Blend half an avocado with the white of an egg and a few drops of lemon juice What to do: Once thoroughly blended apply to the face and neck and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing off. You should notice an improvement in the appearance, smoothness and texture of your skin What we thought: Both masks were messy to apply-and rinse! You can feel your face tautening during the process, but once your face is clean and dry, you really can feel and see a difference. My friend (notoriously picky about what she will put on her skin) thought the results were amazing on her skin and that this mask is both fresh and effective.

Rich Fruity Refreshing Face Mask A few ripe strawberries Approx 2cm chunk of cucumber, grated Tablespoon of Greek yoghurt Tablespoon of Clear Honey Dried milk powder to thicken, if needed What to do: Mash the fruit and add the yoghurt and honey. Apply to your face, massage in for a couple of minutes and leave on for a further 10 minutes before rinsing off in clean cool water, pat dry. What it does: The fruit is high in Vitamin C, known for its detoxifying properties, the cucumber revives and refreshes, the yoghurt balances the skin PH and the honey gently exfoliates dead skin cells. What we thought: A bit messy to make, but I would definitely use this again as the difference it made to my skin was incredible; it felt silky, soft and smooth.

The Ultimate Hand Treatment 1 Tablespoon Oatmeal (porridge oats) 1 Egg yolk A few drops of Lime Juice Half a mashed Avocado 1 dessert spoon of clear honey 2 Teaspoons Milk Powder What to do: Briefly whisk the egg yolk to break it up and make it light and fluffy, add the milk powder; whisk again and then add the oats, avocado, honey and lime. Blend thoroughly until smooth. Massage into your hands and leave on for 15 minutes, rinse off with warm water. What it does: The honey and oatmeal exfoliate, whilst the avocado, milk and egg enrich and moisturize and the lime refreshes tired skin! What we thought: This one really delivers. Like my feet, my hands have a hard life and they are very dry. This treatment has given them a nice, smooth, silky feel and is really easy to prepare and use.

Conclusions We had a really fun afternoon trying all these recipes out…we wrecked my kitchen in the process and I then had to have a shower to rinse off the bits of cucumber and strawberry that had dripped off my face and down my top! Did they work? A resounding yes! My face feels -and looks-just as good as when I use my daily anti-aging creams. Would I do this every day- no! However, I will definitely be using the feet and hand scrubs regularly and the face masks occasionally, when I need a pick me up. Natural Beauty really works!

Funky Flapjack Fruit Scrub Avocado Moisture Mask

Opposite page: Fresh and fruity ingredients Left: Michelle experiments Above: For a touch of luxury, get someone else to apply the treatments for you! Important Note: These natural beauty recipes do NOT use any preservatives, should be used immediately and not stored for any length of time.

Fruity Refreshing Face Mask The Ultimate Hand Treatment Try them all and see for yourself!

57 Vision 18


elcome once again to Coven Corner. This month starts to bring us out of the warmth of summer towards the cooler months of Autumn. The harvest season has started with the ripening of fruits, the young start their new year's education, and many others seek to start broadening their horizons and knowledge on courses and other studies. The seeking of new knowledge, be it inner-growth, mystical or magickal has always been of great importance to people of many spiritual paths – we never cease to grow or expand our learning – for none become wise or allknowing over night. This is a good time for you to think about where you wish your life to take you … and to act on it! Please do let me know how you get on with the spells and rituals in Coven Corner. You can contact me at the email address at the end of this section.

The Athame is a ceremonial knife that corresponds to the element of fire in some traditions, to air in others , and to the direction East. Its energy is male and is representative of the God. In most traditions it must be blackhandled (white handles are used as cutting tools and are called Bollines). The hilt of your Athame can be plain or inscribed with magkical symbols. It does not have to be a brand new knife: it could be one you have had for a long time that you have decided you want to cleanse and dedicate to

ritual use. You can cleanse it with water, salt, sunlight, crystals or a combination of these as it is important to remove any negative energy that may be attached to it. The Athame is used for : Casting the circle; mixing salt and water, or potions; charging; consecrating or empowering amulets, talismans, or poppets; drawing lines and making choices and carrying them out. The Athame is never used for any kind of sacrifice. Remember the witches’ maxim: ‘An it harm none’.

Bright Blessings,


Goddess of the month Arianrhod Alternative names: Aranrhod – translated : “Silver Wheel” Symbology: Owl, Silver Wheel, Starry Sky, Moon Ritual Powers: Fertility, Reincarnation, Time, Weaving & Royalty Arianrhod is an ancient goddess of the Celts who was believed to live in the legendary castle - Caer Sidi. Arianrhod is a powerful goddess associated with the triple goddess of the Moon – the second of the three – the mother. She is said to weave the souls of the dead into the fabric of the afterlife sending them on to the “otherworld” or reincarnating them upon the Earth.

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Attract that new Job

A Rite of Inspiration

3 x pecan nuts* including their shells (remember to take nut crackers with you) 1 x length yellow/golden thread 1 x green cloth pouch 1 x lodestone (you can substitute a bar magnet instead) 1 x handful of dried lavender flowers

1 x yellow/gold candle 1 x quantity/stick/cone of Rosemary, Mint or Lemongrass (or a mix of all three) for incense 1 x small mirror

Find yourself a quiet yet breezy place – maybe a hilltop. Take your ingredients with you. Scatter some of the lavender flowers on the ground and sit amongst them, facing east. Crack the first pecan saying : “This nut brings me luck” - eat the nut and place the shell in the green pouch. Crack the second pecan saying : “This nut brings me the right job” - eat the nut and place the shell in the pouch. Crack the third nut saying : “This nut is for the element of air by whom this spell is blessed” - crumble the nut and sprinkle in the air – add the shell to the pouch. Add the rest of the lavender to the pouch and the lodestone/magnet and tie with the thread – three times. Make sure you carry this pouch around until you have found the right job. *Needless to say, this spell is not suitable for anyone with a nut allergy.

Place your mirror in the East with the candle in front of it and place the incense nearby. Cast your circle by extending your index finger (whichever hand suits you best), and imagine a golden light shooting out of your finger whilst turning clockwise (sometimes called “deosil”) from the starting point in the north until you come back round to the north once again. Now say “the circle is cast,” Light the incense and the candle. Seat yourself in front of the candle so that you can see into the mirror. Look through the candle flame into the mirror, and whilst sitting calmly, visualise a golden ray of inspiration flowing from the mirror, through the flame into your head, remaining relaxed in this position for several minutes. After you have done this, say the following out loud: “ I am filled with inspiration, let the inspiration flow through me, and fill my being with light and wisdom. So mote it be and it harm none.” Then, when all is done, close the circle by tracing with your finger anticlockwise (sometimes known as “widdershins”) from north back to north – then say “the circle is closed,” Allow the candle to burn down and the incense to burn out. Then bury the remains of the candle in the earth and scatter the incense to the winds – and see how many ideas come to you!

Witches’ Kitchen: Tea Gender: Male Planet: Sun Element: Fire Properties: Riches, courage and strength Ritual Uses: Leaves are burnt to attract riches. Can be used to enhance any money charms or sachets. Tea can be incorporated into amulets and charms to increase bravery and physical strength. Seen by many cultures as a cure-all, Britain possibly being one of these!

If you have a question or need help with a problem, you can write to Coven Corner at the Vision address or email Please remember that we may not be able to respond to all your letters, but we will try to cover all the subjects on these pages.

59 Vision 18

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61 Vision 18

Paula Garton takes a look at the effect of the planets in September


his is the month of Virgo Activity, with the Sun, Mercury and then Venus and Mars moving in and out. When Venus enters Virgo on the 7th all types of relationships will demand a more responsible attitude, but with a more cautious approach to commitment. This is a time when you shouldn’t reveal your true feelings until you are sure of the other person. However, if you do that you can give the impression of being cold, so warm up and be friendly despite your caution. We also have a solar eclipse on the 22nd September in Virgo at 11:46, making Virgos very sensitive to their self worth. No doubt they will be booking some more courses to prove they are worthy! The moon is not throwing any beams of light to any other planet until 13:07 after the eclipse on 22nd, so for about 90 minutes the moon is what we call ‘Void of Course’ or, not receiving any instructions from any other planet. This causes the moon to be ultra sensitive to every type of outside stimulation on planet earth and this period is best described, as far as I’m concerned, as: “silly season”. We will feel and see everything around us acutely, so we react more readily to changes in our situation and are aware of everything in our immediate environment. Logical thinking goes out the window, along with the TV and anything else that upsets us. Not a good time to make important decisions like giving or taking out a loan – Bank Managers beware. Virgos will be so worried about making mistakes they could blow a fuse. Take a long lunch break till 14:00 when normality will be resumed and logic will prevail.

62 Vision 18

Please note that there is a full moon on the 7th September, so Cancerians need to avoid tantrums and hysteria, this moon is in Pisces so you will be easily upset. Don’t choose this day to watch a weepy movie … until after 18.52! We also have an exact ‘Jupiter square Neptune’ aspect on the 25th September, this means decision-making requires caution, especially regarding money or long term commitments. We will not want to make commitments or deal with problems as we want to remain on holiday, or ignore the problems resulting from our need for freedom and enjoyment. We will want to go to ‘La La land’ with the Teletubbie,s until Old Father Time (alias Saturn) kicks us back into reality. On the 4th September, we come to the end of the yearly Pluto retrograde

phase, taking 5 months to complete its movement backwards. It will be the end of inner conflict, mind games and global unrest due to a need to control others. As

Pluto is moving through Sagittarius, it reflects heavily on our philosophies, moral ethics and religious views, hence there is political and social unrest over religious issues. As Pluto moves forward the changes needed to pacify the unrest can be attempted. Personally, we will have come across the loss of loved ones either physically or mentally which will have brought us in touch with our own mortality. Secret or hidden information will have surfaced, allowing us to deal with our problems and difficulties, whilst fears of death and destruction globally will be released, helping us to put the past 5 months into perspective and get our priorities right by seeing the whole picture. We can lift ourselves out of the ashes and move forward with new knowledge, giving us more power and control over our future. As Pluto is moving slowly this month we will not see any major results till October so be patient and allow the cosmos to work for you.


eptember gets off to a flying start and in the first few days, say between the 1st and the 5th, you’ll be able to do no wrong. Around the 6th or the 7th you run slap bang into an enormous brick wall and everything gets put “on hold” for a few days: while you sort out a few problems you’d

All members of the sign can enjoy a feeling of stability and security throughout the month of September, but it should be a particularly strong month for go-getting career types and anyone who is in business for themselves. One particular deal or contract will be discussed many times and telephone bills are going to be uncommonly high. Overseas travel and/or property aspects are highlighted and some money may be ear marked for overseas property purchase. Between the 18th and 23rd you will benefit from some great insight that puts future plans into perspective, but from the 24th onwards there is a growing degree of pressure and tension as you find yourself having to juggle with too many balls at the same time. If you are going to make any mistakes or drop any clangers it will be on the 27th or 28th at a time when your concentration lapses in the face of unreasonable schedules and excessive work loads: so be extra careful.

thought you’d already got sorted out ages ago and you are beset with delays and difficulties. Around the 12th or 13th things start picking up again, but you’ll find yourself proceeding much more cautiously, looking for the pitfalls as they appear on the horizon and studiously avoiding them: once bitten, twice shy. It’s

Let Vision’s no-nonsense astrologer James Christie guide you through the month ahead...

a busy time work-wise and care needs to be taken when arranging schedules and making plans for later on in the year. If you have to make major commitments, leave yourself with a “get out” clause, especially in connection with Christmas. Partnerships, both business and personal, are very well starred for September and it will be proven time and time again that two heads think better than one.

The first week of September is most favourable for new loves and young loves, but during the second week of the month you’ll find that a few things need to be changed if a relationship is to proceed according to plan: and you don’t run headlong into a deep, dark ditch from which you will find it difficult to escape! More mature members of the sign will deal with this situation with a degree of calm born of experience, but people still in their teens or early twenties may well tend to over-react to this storm in a tea cup or typhoon in a soup tureen. Fortunately, much brighter energies kick in on the 18th or 19th and from the 20th onwards, there is a lot more laughter and delight in the House of Virgo and the first week is a distant memory! Either you’re going to be footloose and fancy free again, eyeing up your next target with a degree of anticipatory predation, or a relationship is moving along smoothly and confidently towards a deeper degree of harmony and commitment.

Cash & Career

Love & Sex

Insight into the future: 18th & 23rd Concentration required: 27th or 28th

New love: First week of September Fun & Laughter: 18th- 20th

Delays & Difficulties: 6th & 7th Onwards & Upwards: 12th & 13th

23 Aug – 22 Sept


eptember is a month which brings great confidence. As your leadership skills are much to the fore, this should be a very good time for taking the initiative in all things and really going out on a limb to get what you want in all aspects of your life. There are some powerful romantic

influences in the wind that harmonise quite nicely with career ambitions, and to keep this situation sweet, make sure that all your channels of communication are wide open around the 6th, 7th and 8th. The 9th through ‘til the 20th is likely to be a boring period on the work scene, which is more than adequately compensated for

September promises to be a most fruitful period for affairs of the heart and while there is plenty of sexual aggression thrumming away in the background, it is also a time for pure romance where holding hands in the moonlight will be just as important as any racy sexual encounters. There’ll be a hiccup around the 10th caused by masculine impatience and immaturity, but this should be resolved well before the 16th or 17th. However, there may be some more serious issues concerning levels and degrees of commitment coming to the surface at this time, which might be just a little tougher to deal with depending upon your own agendas and ideas – but from the 22nd onwards you seem to be on a romantic roll with green lights flashing all the way down to the altar…or your bedroom…or the bike shed.

News and privileged information come your way on the 2nd or 3rd which you should be able to use to your advantage by the 7th and 8th and then perhaps by the 9th or 10th, rather wish you hadn’t! Avoid gossip and speculation at this time and if someone is entrusting you with a secret, make sure you keep it safe – at least for the time being. There are no major career challenges mid month and you may find this is a low key and restless period. Truth to tell, you’d welcome a bit of a challenge and something new to get your teeth into, but haven’t got sufficient energy to create one of your own. Inevitably then, September slips into being a month wherein personal, social and emotional matters seem to dominate most of your thoughts – and there’s nothing wrong with that at all because that’s where it’s all happening!

Cash & Career

Love & Sex

News & Information: 2nd or 3rd Beware Gossip: 9th & 10th

Beware Impatience: 10th Problem Solved: before 16th

23 sept – 23 Oct

64 Vision 18

by a high degree of action and activity in your social life. It is from the 22nd onward that September really comes into its own and during this last week you can look forward to a high degree of romantic activity. If there have been any glitches in communications this is where they all get sorted out.

Be receptive: 6th - 8th Onwards & Upwards: 27th to end


nusually for Scorpio, September promises to be a very light, bright and funorientated month, where the accent is probably much more on pleasure and leisure pursuits with careers and family aspects falling into second and third places. There is a duality of

information here, and maybe you are being told to lighten up on what may have been some “heavy” issues, while at the same time creating just a little bit of distance between yourself and other peoples’ problems. Without walking away from responsibilities, you do need more social intercourse than you’ve had

If you are desperately ambitious and all that concerns you is getting to the top of the tree, then September will be a bit of a frustrating let down and disappointment. If, on the other hand, you’re not in quite so much of a hurry and take pleasure from good collegiate relationships; you can relax in the knowledge that whatever it is you’re doing, you’re doing it well. Also, (if you’re not averse to mixing a little business with a little pleasure), this late summer month has much to offer. Between the 2nd and the 8th the accent is on social and group activities with plenty of opportunities to do some really valuable networking. Take care not to get blinkered by one project or pathway, and keep your options open, especially around the 11th when some sort of alternative pathway makes its presence felt. The 28th or 29th presents you with a short-cut to greater financial stability. Take a calculated risk but avoid a reckless gamble.

recently, and some bright lights and loud laughter wouldn’t do you any harm at all. Some major boost to your social life between the 4th and the 9th could leave you knackered and exhausted around the 10th or 12th, so do pace yourself and keep something in reserve for the end of the month, because from the 23rd to the 30th you’re going to be on a very exciting roll, which will make heavy demands on all of your energy levels.

Quite unashamedly September is a lovely month for relationships of all kinds – business, family, sexual – and it is also an easy carefree month for romantic liaisons, with the accent on that which is new and fresh and uncomplicated. If there is a downside, it may come in the form of some jealousy and insecurity coming to the surface around the 9th or 10th, but surely this must be seen as part of the “young love” package, as it happens so often in these cases? (Not sure about this, so you tell me!) Hedonism and a marked lack of sexual inhibition could leave you tired but happy in the middle weeks of the month, but from the 23rd onwards you’ll be looking more to the midterm future and asking yourself if what you’ve got now is what you want for the rest of all time, or will it just do until the end of the year or until something different/better comes along?

Cash & Career

Love & Sex

Social activities: 2nd - 8th Financial opportunity: 28th or 29th

Jealousy & Insecurity: 9th or 10th Future Planning: 23rd to end

Nights Out: 4th & 9th Tiredness: 10th & 12th

24 Oct – 23 Nov


complicated month in which a number of different priorities will be pressing for your attention. There will be some important decisions made on the 2nd, 14th and 28th and it will not always be easy to know whether you should follow your own judgement, or listen to the advice of

third parties. Certainly, on or around the 7th there will be news or information that will help to define your short-term priorities and if, at this time, there is the offer of some practical professional help, you should take it. The 11th to the 15th will be a moody period wherein you will benefit from a little privacy – even if this

Despite other areas of life being less than perfect this month, emotional situations and affairs of the heart have an underlying element of harmony working throughout the month, which gives Sagittarians their determination to succeed in other areas of their lives. One particular relationship takes a surprising turn for the better early in the month between the 1st and the 4th. After some division of loyalties is sorted out between the 10th to the 15th there is a lovely romantic buzz right the way through until October and hopefully beyond! If I were to look for negatives, I suppose there might be some embarrassment edging in, when some creepy member of the opposite sex starts rabbiting on about how they can’t live without you (watch out for this trend at any time throughout the month) and if you can’t get rid of them gently, call for the cops or the guys in the white coats.

As far as hard cash in your pocket is concerned, there isn’t too much to worry about. However, you will be worrying about longer term finances and there will be some conflict between your principles and the practicalities of managing bank accounts and keeping them out of the red. Also, very frustratingly, people who have promised so much earlier in the year may well fail to deliver, so this is a period for reassessing the value of a number of friendships and associations. There are two, possibly three people you can rely upon implicitly (one woman and two men – one man much older) but there are question marks hanging over everybody else’s head! You enter the last week of the month with a far greater degree of determination and an unwillingness to make any more compromises than you have already made. This might not make you easy to live with, but at least you’ll be okay in yourself.

Cash & Careers

Love & Sex

Future Planning: All month Determination: Last week

Improved relationship: 1st -4th Romantic liaisons: 15th to end

24 Nov – 21 Dec

66 Vision 18

upsets someone close on an emotional level. Moods and attitudes lighten up from the 20th and 21st onwards, but you’ll still find yourself looking into the future and considering two pathways: one heading west the other heading east … and knowing that you can’t travel both pathways at the same time.

Decision making: 12th, 14th & 28th Privacy Required: 11th - 15th


eptember is going to be a very busy month with the accent on planning and organising a host of different things, and there are going to be times when you feel quite drained ... if not totally worn out! It is very important that you measure and pace your energy reserves because, however

busy September is going to be, October and November are going to be a lot worse. While there will be plenty of support from partners and families it is clear that they will be looking to you to provide a sense of leadership and direction where most of the major issues are concerned so you’ll need to be ready

to come up with the goods. Some health aspect will slow you down around the 15th or 16th, which might not be a bad thing if it helps you catch your breath. Towards the end of the month there is a legal flavour creeping into the scheme of things. This is neither threatening nor dangerous, but just another situation than needs to be dealt with and if you’ve taken time out on 15th or 16th, you’ll be more than ready.

There is a nice emotional feel to September that comes from partners pulling together towards the same goals and targets. To be sure, as I said earlier, it is you who perhaps must make most of the running and take the initiative, but I foresee no problems here insofar as others will be content to follow your lead. The 15th is a day of celebration where weddings or engagement parties will be relevant and the period between the 20th and 23rd could offer new romantic contacts and opportunities, especially for single members of the sign who are not afraid to say yes when something nice is offered on a plate. There is a mood of romantic adventure during the last week of September, which will affect different Capricorns in different ways, depending on their current situations. The 30th sees you enjoying a feeling of victory and satisfaction as something specific falls into place exactly the way you planned it.

It may well be that you’re awash with cash right now, but I’ll bet that every penny has been allocated and prespent, so there might not be a lot of spare pennies in your pocket at all. There is a lot of work pressure focused on the 8th, 9th and 10th, the 16th, 17th and 18th and in particular from the 25th to the 30th, but any Capricorn should be able to deal with work pressure, it’s second nature to this sign . It seems inevitable that travel in connection with businesses and careers will be relevant at these times and more than likely. It is on the strength of this month’s work schedule that you will be rearranging long term career pathways that stretch into 2007 and beyond into the far distance. Events that occur on the 10th, 17th and 30th will convince you that there are better ways of earning a living – or may be a confirmation that decisions already made regarding future career pathways have been the right ones.

Cash & Careers

Love & Sex

Work pressure: most of the month Reassesment of career: 17th - 30th

Wedding or Engagement: 15th New Romance: 20th - 23rd

Minor health issue: 15th or 16th Legal affairs: end of month

22 Dec - 20 Jan


enerally speaking Aquarians are not usually envious people, but there are definitely some undertones of envy permeating throughout your sign during September. From your viewpoint, it will seem that while other people are doing this, getting that,

enjoying the other; you’re just stuck in a rut of routine and going nowhere very fast. There’ll be some sort of blow out on or around the 9th, caused by something very minor and inconsequential, but as far as you’re concerned it’ll be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and will generate a mood of aggressive impatience

The month opens with a boost of financial confidence (about time) and there’ll be some interesting conversations and presentations with bosses and influential people around you, where you can impress and shine. Your enthusiasm will soon turn to impatience and frustration around the 9th, when colleagues and partners don’t want to move quite as quickly with ideas and schemes as you do yourself. It is at this time that you really need to control your temper and avoid the temptation to act impulsively, regardless of how strongly you feel about the situation. A more measured and considered approach brings brighter rewards later and leads to the acquisition of a greater degree of flexibility and independence on the work scene. It will be well worth waiting for, so do try to hold your tongue! Between the 26th and 29th you’ll make a far reaching decision – although this is not the time to act on it, you can still stick to your guns: you’ll just need to hold off for a while.

September starts on a calm and peaceful note and there will be some pleasing romantic energies coming online and making their presence felt between the 1st and the 6th, when someone seems to be going out of their way to impress you. Sadly, your mood darkens around the 7th or 8th and you will be given cause to reassess the value of some of your key friendships and relationships that have become a cause for concern. The impression that I get is that you might catch someone out in a lie or that you over-react to some gossip, so maintain some cool and control here and find out the truth of a situation before you do your Mount Etna thing and erupt all over the place. Moods and situations improve around the 24th and there will be some major boost of social activity on the 28th and 29th. You’ll have got your smile back by then, thank goodness, but I wonder to what extent you might be acting a part, biding your time, and waiting for a better moment to stir things up?

Cash & Career Delays from colleagues: 9th Decision making: 26th - 29th

21 Jan – 19 Feb

68 Vision 18

right the way through till the end of the month. Responding to a feeling of claustrophobia, travel aspects, probably arranged at the very last minute, are relevant between the 22nd and 28th and it has to be said that a change of scene and a break from routine will undoubtedly do you the world of good.

Love & Sex Disagreements: 9th Travel: 22nd & 28th

Romance: 1st - 6th Social events: 28th & 29th


pretty positive month for Pisceans, and especially for those who know what they want ... and don’t mind bending a few rules to make sure that they get it! Anything to do with education and the acquisition of new work skills or study is well starred and it is also a time for

Pisceans to make intellectual and academic advancement across the board. September is also a key month for emotional and romantic issues and without forgetting your past, you will nevertheless find yourself able to move forwards in your relationships at a significantly greater rate of knots than

No major problems this month and there will be some steady fiscal progress that can be much enhanced and improved if you’re prepared to delegate responsibility and trust those people closest to you. September is not a time to be paranoid or suspicious! You may find yourself playing your cards rather close to your chest somewhere in the middle of the month, but is this really necessary? Far better to be open and candid in all things and benefit by the support you receive in return. Money spent on professional advice linked to property and other investments is money well spent. Younger Pisceans (well, let’s say under 40) will be reviewing career options in the last week of the month, and coming to the conclusion that quality of life is more important than cash in the bank. This awareness will lead to far reaching lifestyle changes in 2007.

you have done for some time. There is a notable degree of support and encouragement in the wind from both friends and family. September is a time wherein new relationships should bloom for Pisceans, regardless of age or sex. If there are any hiccups, they’ll burp in your face around the 22nd, which is a time wherein you might have to change or postpone some plans at the last minute.

Romantic aspects are very “on-line” during the first nine or ten days of the month and this is a period wherein old unions can acquire greater depth and understanding, and fresh new romances can blossom overnight much to your surprise and delight. Social aspects should be highly entertaining around the 5th and 6th and you will meet new people who are destined to have some long term influence over your thoughts and feelings. Mid-month is a period whereby you’ll find yourself inclined to keep a few secrets, which is fine if this is relevant to keeping a third party confidence, but which is not so fine if it means keeping your emotional feelings for someone under wraps. Some Pisceans, especially the men, find it very hard to say “I love you” but this is a time to shout those words from the rooftops in the loudest voice you can muster so that the object of your affections can hear you loud and clear.

Cash & Career

Love & Sex

Secrecy: mid month Career plans: end of month

Social events: 5th & 6th Keep secrets: mid month

Relationship progress: First two weeks Travel Delays: 22nd

20 Feb – 20 Mar


eptember is one of those months wherein you can do everything yourself: ignoring advice and opinions of third parties. However, you‘ll find things a lot easier if you play the team game and bring other people in and delegate responsibility. Around the 8th, there will

be some specific advice from a close associate that you won’t like, but at the same time you will know that they are right. As such this is a period wherein the bonds of friendship strengthen, while other emotional loyalties go through a process of transition. Frankly, there isn’t a lot happening in the arena of big

business, but there is some shift in career direction around the 11th. A mood of impatience descends over you around the 23rd and you’ll be tempted to take a short cut. Exercise some caution at this time and don’t talk yourself into anything that you can’t talk yourself out of afterwards.

There is some confrontation in the early days of September and the 1st to the 4th could see you clashing badly with a lover/partner who either can’t (or won’t) see your point of view. Rather than letting things get out of hand, you’ll back down on a matter of principle, but you’ll remember that you’ve had to do it and won’t be too happy. Brighter energies come on line around the 12th, 13th and 14th, when someone will be working much harder to please and there will be some opportunities for new romances to flourish. Relationships with older people in the family circle become a little tense towards the latter part of the month, especially if you are making long term plans that they do not approve of. Arians in their mid to late thirties who are trying to get new relationships off the ground will be hampered by old flames that do not want to let them go. This could get really messy unless you’re very clear about who and what you want.

Joint business ventures auger well for you during the early days of the month and business plans that involve friends and family are particularly well starred. There may not be huge cash gains in September, but there is the feeling of everything being on line and under control, and if you can achieve that state of affairs you’re achieving more than most are! You’re likely to face a division of loyalties around the 11th or 12th, where you’ll have to choose between emotional and professional priorities. For better or worse, I think you’ll be inclined to follow your heart on this one. However, if that is the case, you’ll do this consciously after weighing up the pros and cons. If you are going to act impulsively with money, this will occur later on in the month on or after the 24th and it has to be said that your financial priorities might not coincide with other peoples’ needs and agendas, so watch out for a few ruffled feathers if you go your own way with money.

Cash & Careers

Love & Sex

Work and home collide: 11th or 12th Spending Splurge: 24th

Clash with partner: 1st - 4th Romance: 12th, 13th & 14th

21 Mar – 20 Apr

70 Vision 18

Sound advice: 8th Watch impatience: 23rd


tense and stressful month, but there is a lot going on and you will achieve a great deal, albeit against some stiff opposition…this opposition coming from circumstances rather than from other people around you, by the way. Taureans are often criticised for their single-mindedness,

but this is one of those periods where it becomes your saving grace and your “bulldozer” tactics are exactly what is needed to get things done. You may break a little china in that shop, but for once the shop-owner will see the sense in it ... eventually. Whether they like it or not, other people will follow where you

September will be a very moneyorientated month and in a variety of different ways. On the one hand you’ll be working some long hours for your loot, but equally, there are as many long hours spent in planning where the next bag of swag is coming from. On paper and in bank accounts, everything looks extremely healthy, but paradoxically you might not have much cash in your pocket and you may well find yourself watching every penny. All the money that you do have seems to be earmarked for something important. Throughout the whole of the month, travel aspects connect strongly with business and career routines – I’m not talking here about long journeys across water, but more a case of tiring slogs up and down motorways or long train journeys. It seems quite important that you work hard to maintain the good will and cooperation of friends in general and an emotional partner in particular.

lead and afterwards will be damn thankful that they did so! Obstacles arising on the 7th, 8th and 9th are crushed on the 13th, 14th and 15th and by the 16th the pace and tempo of events seems to pick up a lot of speed. There is a fair amount of money changing hands around the latter half of the month, and if you’re the wheeler-dealer type, this should be an exciting and profitable couple of weeks for you.

While this is going to be an extremely busy month in all your business affairs it is vital that you don’t lose sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing and who you’re doing it for. Don’t be afraid to call in a few favours from friends and make a point of taking romantic partners into your confidence; let them know how much you need them and, for God’s sake, do accept all the help and support that will be on offer from this direction. Please pay attention to detail around the 23rd, especially if you’re signing something important that involves joint finances, and don’t be afraid to apply the brakes just a little bit around the 26th or 27th if you feel that events are running away from you. A pocket of illhealth around the last week of September is more of an inconvenience than a danger and is almost certainly connected with stress and over tiredness.

Cash & Career

Love & Sex

Money coming in: All September Business Travel: All September

Pay attention to detail: 23rd Slow down: 26th & 27th

Obstacles: 7th - 9th Improved circumstances: 16th to end

21 Apr – 21 May


hile you will be earning your crust, the emphasis during September seems to be more focused on emotional situations than work. In a very positive way, this could turn out to be a sorting out period wherein you become ever more able to define your

future priorities while putting yesterday’s hurts and disappointments behind you. There may not be a lot of energy at the beginning of the month and indeed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sees you tied into (but sorting out) hangover problems from August, but by the 7th there will be a change in a relationship and you will

The tendency to go with the flow of your emotions carries on from August and sizzles nicely throughout the month of September bringing very few “lows” but exposing you to some very nice “highs”. A sexy weekend on the 10th and 11th links in with expensive hotels and candlelit dinners – and maybe the feeling of living just a little bit dangerously. If you find yourself having a small crisis of confidence around the 16th, don’t panic because that reassurance will be there a’plenty by the 22nd or 23rd. Having said that, both ladies and gentlemen of the sign, and especially the gentlemen, will come under greater pressure to make more ardent commitments to a relationship from the 24th onwards – and providing they can make that commitment there’ll be no problem, if they have difficulty that’s another story entirely!

If there is going to be a business buzz this month it is likely to occur around the 13th or 14th, when there could be a last minute re-scheduling and a colleague’s sudden departure from your place of work. Apart from that, it seems to be a fairly routine month with stable, rather than staggering, cash aspects. Something connected with insurance becomes relevant around the 19th or 20th and you’re likely to make a special purchase on the 25th that falls within the category of “luxury goods!” On a bit of a negative note, if someone tries to borrow money from you, even if it’s a friend or relative, you might give them the cash … but you’ll have the devil’s own job getting it back again. Long term career targets cannot be attained without further education, so study looks likely for a lot of you.

Cash & Career

Love & Sex

Insurance issues: 19th or 20th Luxury purchase: 25th

Romantic Weekend: 10th & 11th Crisis of confidence: 16th

22 May – 21 June

72 Vision 18

benefit from their support and understanding. The 9th, 10th and 11th could easily be a period where you allow your heart to rule your head: but do keep your feet on terra firma or come the end of the month you’ll be eating a bit of bread and a worm when the money runs out.

Support given: 7th Head rules heart: 9th - 11th


cluttered and somewhat messy chart and therefore I suggest a somewhat cluttered and messy month with lots of different things clamouring for your attention. Some disturbing news or information gives you cause for concern between the 2nd and the 5th, especially if it is in

connection with the welfare of children or has something to do with an old flame trying to make a re-entry into your life. Good news indicates that this threat is removed by the 25th or 26th but you are in for a couple of tense weeks mid-month when your worse case scenario imagination tends to get the better of

You need to remember that there are only so many working hours in any given day no matter how many you think you should have or need. You really do need to pace yourself, making sure that there is a bit of spare time for leisure and pleasure pursuits. There is some danger of burn out because of your tendancy to forget this and, in the third week of the month, this will be exacerbated by trying to achieve too many things at the same time. Finances seem to be okay, but your desire to have more and your determination to hit a specific target before month’s end is an ongoing cause of pressure you could well do without. I could suggest that you chill out and acquire a degree of patience, but you’ll ignore me totally so I won’t waste my breath. Travel aspects between the 20th and 24th seem likely and there’s a low key end to the month when something doesn’t work out the way it should, around the 29th or 30th.

you. Very strong social aspects between the 7th and the 10th coincide with a degree of tension in romantic relationships and there is a lot of work pressure in the wind between the 15th and the 20th: which tends to intensify any aspects of emotional friction. Cancerians can sometimes be a bit too sensitive for their own good and this hyper-sensitivity is much to the fore throughout the whole of the month.

One of the biggest dangers in September is that you get so locked into your own priorities and problems that you fail to recognise that some of the people you have around you have got a few problems of their own. So, if you’re expecting sympathy, succour and comfort it might not be readily forthcoming, as other folk concentrate on their own crises. In reaction to this trend, you may find yourself looking beyond your own little world and (a) making some new social contacts and (b) doing more to help yourself rather than waiting for the cavalry to arrive. Throughout the month there is likely to be a recurring problem with old partners and old flames and you’ll be looking for extra reassurance from existing relationships to keep your past at bay. Be on guard please, between the 22nd and 26th when emotions need to be kept on a very tight leash.

Cash & Careers

Love & Sex

Travel: 20th and 24th Disrupted plans: 29th or 30th

The Past resurfaces: 2nd - 5thControl Emotions: 22nd - 26th

Social activities: 7th - 10th Work Pressure: 15th - 20th

22 June – 22 July


low key and cautious entry into September as you do your best to deal with some kind of moral dilemma. This is either sorted or put to one side by the 5th or 6th, which is when you will benefit from a boost of clarity and confidence that more ardently propels you forward into

September proper. Finances and communications are prime priorities and you’ll be more concerned with your immediate future rather than with old age pension packages. Not the best of months to be impulsive, so avoid making hasty decisions. Think things through and take your time, and don’t be afraid to

Overall this should be a fast paced and highly productive month for all business and career aspects, but with some special benefits coming on line or falling into place around the 19th. It may sound parochial, but you’re probably going to buy a new mobile phone before the end of the month and will almost certainly be spending greater amounts of money on computers and other IT items. These purchases should not be seen as a luxury, but rather as an investment and a necessity - so go ahead. Once you’ve got these new systems set up, do make a point of using them, even if it means a concentrated learning curve for you ... it will be well worth it. All aspects regarding communications are very important to Leos this month, so be clear and concise with your words whether you’re talking to a boss, brother, lover or best friend. A longer term business venture, more relevant to 2007 than 2006, will also come under discussion and generate a lot of enthusiasm.


Good communication in relationships and affairs of the heart is absolutely vital at this time so make sure that (a) you are saying what you really mean and (b) that the person you’re saying it to understands exactly what is being said. It’s equally important that you listen carefully to what you’re being told (especially between the 2nd and the 5th) and disseminate between truth and gossip. If you want accurate information don’t listen to the jockey, get it straight from the horse’s mouth! Travel aspects on the 16th, 17th and also on the 23rd and 24th tie in with parties and sexy romantic interludes and weekends away, and certainly from the middle of the month onwards you should be in no doubt about where a partner (or potential partner) is coming from and what they want from you. Older Leo ladies should avoid dangerous liaisons with married men which may present themselves, while younger Leo ladies are more likely to have problems with their boyfriend’s Mum!

Cash & Careers

Love & Sex

Excellent career boost: 19th IT purchase: by month end

Listen carefully: 2nd & 5th Romance & Travel: 16th & 17th

23 July – 22 Aug

Vision 18

draw on the experiences of some of the older and wiser people you have around you. The 18th, 19th and 20th is an interesting period for sudden and unexpected career advancement, while the 24th and 25th sees you becoming more focused on social and sexual intercourse.

Moral Dilemma: 5th or 6th Career advancement: 18th - 20th


his month we have teamed up with Deva Premal and Miten to offer a CD of stunning spiritual music to the first 40 subscribers of Vision! If you have read the article on Deva and Miten’s music (P53), you will already be aware of the power of their music. Dakshina (meaning ‘offering’) is a superb album encompassing a number of traditional mantras and given life by the purity of Deva’s voice and Miten’s accomplished and sympathetic musical score. Dakshina is the perfect accompaniment to yoga and other gentle exercise as well as ideal for spiritual meditation. Uplifting and inspiring, this CD is a refreshing change to the majority

"Our music is born out of meditation and a celebration of life. It's not a matter of entertaining people. We play to nourish a longing in the heart for that which never dies – the experience of love and meditation." Deva Premal and Miten of spiritual music on offer at the moment. Subscribe for either six months or a year and, if you are one of the first 40 to do so, you will get a copy of Dakshina completely free of charge! To take advantage of this superb offer, call the number below with your credit or debit card details, or send a cheque or postal order to Vision magazine subscriptions, 42a, Main Street, Garforth. LS25 1AA. Please include your name and address and telephone number. You can also order online. Vision accept no responsibility for the distribution of CDs, which will be handled by the promoters.

75 Vision 18

Recommended We Borrow the Earth by Patrick Jasper Lee (£9.99) The title of this book says much about the Romani and, if you read it carefully, you will see the subtlety of the title. Certainly there is much truth in the fact that everything we ‘own’ we are only borrowing, as we can take nothing with us when we leave the Earth. In Romani, the word chore means to steal or ‘borrow’ and herein lies the message. Do we borrow or do we actually steal the earth? Patrick Jasper Lee is a Romani Choviano, or shaman, and this book is

Contacting the Spirit World by Linda Williamson (Piatkus, £10.99) This book definitely does what it says on the cover. Linda talks about her own experiences on why she became a medium and gives insight and techniques on how you can too. So, to all you guys out there that have always had an inkling about the afterlife and wanted to know more: this is the book for you! If you thought that you didn't have what it takes to become a medium; if you have always wanted to increase your psychic abilities; if you have been desperate to sense your loved ones around you, Linda’s book may just be able to help. The best thing about this book is that it is very easy to digest, it’s set out in layman’s terms and it really feels like Linda is talking to you personally. I found this book a delight to read and I believe it will help many on the road to spiritual development and awareness. Sammi Addey See P78 to buy your copy.

76 Vision 18

his story about how he achieved this status, what a Choviano does and, perhaps more importantly for gaujos (non-Romanis), he tells us about the Romani and their way of life. The message comes across clearly that the earth and woodlands are no longer respected: but that in losing respect we are losing so much more. Full of humour and insights into Romani mystical practices, this is a fascinating book written in a style that takes you to the Dahtsahni otherworld of the Romani, as well as allowing you to travel along with a people that are much maligned because they are much misunderstood. Diana Jarvis

Dakshina by Deva Premal and Miten (£11.00) Buy from: I have never been a huge fan of Eastern music and knowing that this CD was based on Mantras, I thought I would soon get bored and find it irritating. I was in for a surprise when I played it. Deva Premal has, as her name suggests, a divine voice – I’ll have to use a cliché and call it ‘pure’ as I couldn’t think of any other word that did it justice. She has just the right amount of vibrato at the end of each sacred word … you become aware that she isn’t just singing: she is really giving meaning and impact to the words. I felt, as I listened, that the music came from the heart and was truly an offering (Dakshina is Sanskrit for ‘offering’). This music comes highly recommended by such names as Cher and the His Holiness the Dalai Lama … so you can’t really go wrong! Perfect for Yoga or Pilates and truly lovely to listen to. If you don’t ‘feel spiritual’ today: this album may be the panacea you’ve been looking for. Diana Jarvis

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Choose the symbol to match your desire (see page 46)! For Desire Amethyst OR Moonstone Goddess Pendant

For Money Dragon Pendant Beautifully detailed pendant. Approx width 1”. Sterling Silver 18” Figaro chain included in price. £12.00

Goddess pendant set with an amethyst or a moonstone. Please state stone preference when ordering. Approx 1” height. Price includes 18” Sterling Silver Figaro Chain. £15.50

For Creativity Spider Pentagram

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Stunning silver dreamcatcher with 18” Sterling Silver Figaro chain included. £10.00

For Meditation Bubble Faerie

Stunning lead-free pewter pendant representing the Sun God and connecting with Sun power £11.00

We are all psychic to some degree. Some of us can access and use this ability easily, others need help. This book presents over 30 ways to enhance your talent. £7.99 + £2.95 P & P

Crescent moon crystal point pendant set with a pretty moonstone cabochon. Approx height 1” excl. bale. Includes an 18” Sterling Silver Figaro Chain. £16.00

For Love Dolphin Triskilian (Pewter with silver and crystals) Wear this pendant for guidance, inner peace and love. Boxed and on matching chain. £11.00

For Positivity The Earth Star

For Success Sun

Complete Guide to Psychic Development by Cassandra Eason

For Magick Crescent Moon Crystal Point Pendant

Charming faerie, suitable for all ages. Comes complete with an 18” Sterling Silver Figaro chain. £13.00

Healing With the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Your guardian angels have messages that can help you heal every area of your life! This set of 44 oracle cards will help you communicate with your angels. £11.99 + £2.95 P & P

Wicca Divination Kit Feltrin & Caratti, Artwork by Peter O'Neill

Each card symbolizes an aspect of the nature of a Wicca. An aid to meditation and understanding, with the use of the tools and the rituals. Includes 45 cards and 160-page guidebook. £24.50 + £2.95 P & P

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

Pewter with silver and Swarovski crystal, this charming piece will help attract wealth and well being into your life. Complete with gift box, and matching chain. £13.00

Original Rider Waite

These cards are ideal for beginners and are one of the most widely used in the world. £19.99 + £2.95 P & P

77 Vision 18

For even more choice, visit Vision shop at Official Vision Merchandise

Mugs Design 1:

Design 2:

Design 3:

Naughty little aliens Complete wraparound Stunning purple eye of Vision in runes with on one side and the with the words the words: “Get a Vision logo with the “Tonight we’re under clearer vision of the words: “Get a clearer your bed” on the spiritual, the vision of the spiritual, front. Back of mug Paranormal and the the Paranormal and has our website and Holistic” and our the Holistic” and our a poem from our website address. website on the back. aliens to you.

Design 1:

Stunning purple and white eye, with Vision’s trademark eyes and our website address on the back. Sizes: M, L, XL

£5.95 per mug

Design 2:


Set of three: Purple eye; V for Vision ‘rune’ and the Vision logo. All with website and tag-line. £5.50 for the set.

Gypsy Dream Dictionary by Raymond Buckland

Raymond Buckland is of gypsy descent and in this book he reveals the secrets of understanding your dreams as well as going further: techniques for lucid dreaming and recognizing prophetic dreams £8.99 + £2.95 P & P

The Yorkshire Way of Feng Shui by Carole Chui and Angi Brereton No-nonsense and simple Feng Shui techniques for anybody, anywhere! £9.99 + £2.95 P & P

78 Vision 18

Vision’s own rune design (spelling Vision) on the front with Vision’s trademark eyes and our website address on the back. Sizes: M, L, XL


Above T-shirt back: all designs 18.95 per T-shirt

Contacting the Spirit World Ghosts and Earthbound by Linda Williamson Spirits by Linda Williamson If you’ve read our review of this book, you’ll already know that it is easy to read and easy to follow. The perfect introduction to mediumship. £10.99 + £2.95 P & P

The Angel Oracle by Ambika Wauters

Angels have the power to touch us. Receive their wisdom and guidance. 36 beautiful cards. £17.99 + £2.95 P & P

Linda explains, via her vast experience, all about what ghosts are. With lots of case studies and clear explanations, this is a book worth having on your bookshelves. £10.99 + £2.95 P & P

Touched by Angels Cassandra Eason

All you could want to know about angels and how to work magickally with them. Some lovely meditations included. £8.99 + £2.99 P & P

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

Design 3:

Naughty little aliens with the quote: “Tonight I’m under your bed”. Vision’s trademarked eyes and our website address on the back. Sizes: S, M, L

Faeriecraft by Alicen and Neil Geddes-Ward

A creative melding of Faerie faith and traditional witchcraft, this beautifully illustrated book can bring you closer to the Faerie Realm. £9.99 + £2.95 P & P

The Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

One of the most popular decks for simplicity and design. £11.99 + £2.95 P & P

Sir Gawain’s Pentagram

Pentagram of Swords (Silver Plated Pewter)

Ideal for allround magickal use, can be empowered for any positive purpose. £15.50

Beautifully detailed rustic earth goddess pentagram surround by a flower garland. Approx width 1". Complete with 18” Sterling Silver Figaro Chain. £11.00

This pentagram connects you with the pure heart of Sir Gawain and features the names of the elements. Gift boxed and on a chain. £15.00

Directs magical energy and works as a protective shield. Includes 18” chain. £19.50

Open Pentagram (Silver Plated Pewter)

Earth Goddess Pentagram

Crescent Moon Crystal Point Pendant

Venusian Pentagram (Silver Plated Pewter)

Crescent moon crystal point pendant set with a pretty moonstone cabochon. Approx height 1” excl. bale. Includes an 18” Sterling Silver Figaro Chain. £16.00

Inscribed with Earth, Air, Fire and Water, ,to attract love to you. Includes 18” chain. £13.25

The Earth Star

Pewter is enhanced with silver and Swarovski cyrstal to complete this charming and balanced piece. Attract wealth and well being into your life with this lovely pendant. Complete with gift box, origins and matching chain. £13.00

C Eason's Book of Spells

Pentagram of Wands

Pentagram Pendant

A silver plated pewter pendant with a design that can be traced back to the earliest rural witch symbols. Invoke earth energy for stability and strength. Includes 18” chain. £15.75

Simply beautiful Sterling Silver pentagram. Approx 3 4 ⁄ ” excl. bale. Price includes 18” Sterling Silver Figaro Chain. £10.00

The Wicca Bible by Ann-

Marie Gallagher Here is the ultimate book of This is your one-stop shop for spells. Happiness spells, healing, information on all aspects of Wicca success and protective spells; today. It includes belief and love spells; rituals and rites to philosophy, gods and goddesses and perform are all included. Wiccan practice. £19.99 + £2.95 P & P £12.99 + £2.95 P & P

Book of Shadows

Practical Candleburning Rituals

Gorgeous blue Book of Shadows, left blank for you to write in your spells and rituals. £19.99

A superb book for the beginner, explaining clearly and concisely how to work candleburning spells. £7.99 + £2.95 P & P

Dragon Spell Book

Perfect for your own collection of spells or for use as a Book of Shadows. Stunning image on ceramic cover, plain pages inside. Approximately 20cm by 14.5cm. £13.50

Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls by Ted Andrews

The Solitary Wiccan's Bible This book is for any reader wanting to go deeper into the experience of Wicca - alone. Easy to understand: this book clearly lays out the Wiccan paths so any reader can follow. £14.99+ £2.95 P & P

Delve into the ancient process of divination! £10.99 + £2.95 P & P

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

Crystal Ball This clear ctystal ball comes with a stand and box. Great for begnners, £19.00

79 Vision 18

For even more choice, visit Vision shop at

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall Clearly illustrated easy-to-read reference to the properties and uses of all the major crystals and a lot of rarer ones besides!A must-have! £12.99 + £2.95 P & P

Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Archangels are wise and loving guides who can motivate and heal. This deck of 45 cards will help you to invoke them. Guidebook included. £11.99 + 2.95 P & P

Is Your Pet Psychic? by Richard Webster

Learn about the fascinating world of pets and their innate psychic ability. £10.99 + £2.95 P+P

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

These cards are specifically designed to help you manifest your goals. They are easy to use and the enclosed guidebook will hlep you to perform magical readings. £11.99 + £2.95 P & P

The Quest Tarot by Joseph E Martin

This deck is the first that allows you to use the tarot like a Ouija board, getting answers to yes/no questions, names and phrases. Instruction book included. £32.00 + £2.95 P+P

Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians by Richard Webster

Contact your spirit guides and invisible helpers with this step by step guide. You need never feel alone again, with your angels to help you! £8.99 + £2.95 P & P

Messages from you Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

A 44 card deck where each card features a gorgeous angel painting, along with a one or two sentence message. These cards are the ultimate deck for both the beginner and advanced card reader. £11.99 + £2.95 P & P

The Starter Tarot Deck Start giving readings right away with this classic deck. 78 cards, which have all the card meanings, including the reverse meanings, printed on each card. £19.50

This compact introduction to the use of pendulums includes charts to use as well as full instructions on how to make this useful tool aid you in daily life. Price: £11.99 + £2.95 P & P

A Guidebook, a guided imagery CD, 12 full colour beautiful angel oracle cards that will give you an amazing accurate reading for both yourself and others, a journal, natural incense, a rose quartz crystal and Dead Sea salts. This beautiful kit by the world’s leading angel expert Doreen Virtue contains everything you need to get in touch with your angels. Price: £19.99 + £2.95 P & P

Vision 18

This stunning set of oracle cards and book are designed to help you connect with divine forces. 44 oracle cards and a guide book. £16.00

Practical Pendulum Book by D Jurriaanse

Connecting with your Angels Book/CD by Doreen Virtue


Saints and Angels Oracle by Doreen Virtue

Practical Guide to Astral Projection by Denning & Phillips

Develop your ability to astrally project and go anywhere! £8.99 + £2.95 + P & P

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed.

Practical Guide to the Development of Psychic Powers by Denning & Phillips A useful and simple-tounderstand guide to developing your innate psychic ability. £8.99 + £2.95 P & P

Twist of Fate divination tool

Twist of Fate enables you to easily tell fortunes with cards. This original item makes it easy for an absolute beginner to give readings immediately with accuracy. £33.95

How to See & Read the Aura by Ted Andrews

Spherical Crystal Pendulum

A beutiful pendulum in a genuine semi-precious stone. Easy to use and nicely priced! We will do our best to supply the stone of your choice from the following please note your preference when you order: Aventurine, Amethyst, Quartz, Rose Quartz. £10.00

Large Smudge Sticks

Please note that these are supplied without instructions. Sweet-smelling herbs bundled together for smudging. One 20cm stick per pack, will last ages! A variety of purposes, choose from: Ceremonial, Healing, Blessing, Spirit Chaser, Prosperity, Protection £10.00

If you've ever felt immediately comfortable-or uncomfortablearound someone you've just met, you've probably sensed a person's aura. Now you can learn to actually see the aura-the energy field that surrounds the human body. £5.99 + £2.95 P & P

Crystal Kits for everything

Now a wider selection than ever and even better value with more crystals! Choose from: Passion and Spice; Paranormal Protection, Ultimate Protection (pictured) and Earth Grounding. £ 12.00

How to Do Psychic Readings Through Touch by Ted Andrews

Learn to read the psychic imprints on objects, people, and places to obtain information about them. Find missing or lost items; attune to individuals through photographs; detect and explore energy imbalances within the body, mind, and spirit; and assess people and your compatibility with them. £5.99 + £2.95 P & P

Great Spirit Told Me by Michael Standing Wolf Superb meditation album with calming and centring music and the voice of Michael Standing Wolf. Recommended. £10.99 + £2.95 P & P

Briar Archangel Cards

These beautful cards have evocative pictures of the four holy Archangels on the cover, are individually cellophane wrapped and left blank for your own personal message. Perfect for medication and reflection, as well as framing! Choose from (left) Gabriel, Raphael, (right) Uriel and Michael. £3.50 each

Disclaimer: All items are sold on their quality and aesthetics only. No magical results are guaranteed. 1. To order you can phone, fax, email or write to Vision Shop, 42a Main Street, Garforth, LS25 1AA. Tel: 0113 286 6789 Fax: 0113 287 2293 Email: We accept postal orders/ cheques/ credit/ debit cards. 2. All goods are subject to availability. 3. All prices include VAT plus free postage and packaging. (Unless otherwise stated) 4. We require 28 days for delivery although most deliveries are dispatched within 7-14 days of receipt of order. 5. Damaged goods notification must be made within 7 days of delivery. 6. If you are not satified with your goods a full refund will be given, providing goods are returned within 7 days.

81 Vision 18

Send your events to: Day Tripper, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1AA enclosing a cheque or postal order for £5 for each entry required, space permitting. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: Psychic Café events Nationwide, Ottakars book shops and independent Cafés. Varied times. £10.00 inc. Refreshments. For your nearest Café event telephone: 0870 850 4049or visit Every Second Tuesday of the month: The Newcastle Gathering Pagan Moot, Bob Trollops bar, Newcastle Quayside, Newcasle Upon Tyne, 7.30pm. Back room: ‘Private Party’ sign on the door. .Email: for further details or call 07890340484 Last Wednesday of every month: Pagan Moot, Function Room, rear of the Queen Victoria Pub, Snettisham, Norfolk. 7.30pm. Friendly group, small admission charge, all welcome. Contact Julie on 01485 541704. Correspondence courses on Wicca and Herbalism also available call or email: for more details or to book. Every Friday: Spiritual and Esoteric discussion group , New Horizonz, Preston, Lancashire. 7.30pm. Call Mark or Natasha on 01772 725718. First Sunday of the month: Reading Familiars Pagan Moot, 12pm, Back of Beyond pub, 104, Kings Road, Reading. Open to all. Call 07752 560 654 or visit Sunday August 20th: Freedom Of Spirit 2006, The Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh. Demonstrations of Clairvoyance and Psychic Art and much more besides. Tickets £5 for a full day and £1 for a single event. Doors open 12 –5pm ELSA is a registered charity. Visit or call 01620 843880/01875 852371 /0785 4873120 Monday August 21st: Tarot Course, Heights of Tranquillity, Wickham Market, Suffolk, time TBA. £90. This course is designed for beginners and those wishing to improve their skills.

82 Vision 18

Over 8 weeks you will learn meditation; tarot cards; tarot spreads. Once completed there will be no more need for books. During the course you will be giving and receiving readings as part of the learning process. Debz 07753 637897 Saturday August 26th – Sunday August 27th: Body & Soul Fair, Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Over 60 stalls and special guest speaker, top TV psychic and author of his new book “Embracing Eternity”: Tony Stockwell. A talk and Psyvhic demonstration on Saturday at 1pm – 2.30pm, tickets £12. Admission £3.50 (£2.50 concessions). Weekend £5, (£four) concessions. Tel: 01368 862717. Saturday 2nd September: Body & Soul Fair, Caird Hall, Dundee. Over 30 stalls with paranormal investigators as guest speakers giving a free talk at 2pm. Event 11am – 5.30pm. Admission £2 (£1.50 concessions). Tel: 01368 862717. Friday September 1st-Sunday September 3rd: Cruise to Amsterdam – with special guest appearance by Derek Acorah!. This event is not to be missed! Travelling from Newcastle and with around 6 hours in Amsterdam as well as at least one night in an audience with Derek, this is a cruise with a difference. Tickets from £75 per person. Visit www.spiritsandthesea for more details and to book your place Thursday September 7th – Saturday September 9th: Residential Angel Course, Heights of Tranquility, Ipswich, Suffolk. Call: 07753 637897 or email: £270 total for three days. Learn to work with angels for daily guidance, inspiration and love. Take it to the next level learn to read angel cards with the help of your guardian angel. Learn amongst like minded people and make new friends in the process. Day and times arranged to suit. All courses designed for both young adults and adults alike.

Thursday September 7th – Saturday September 9th: Residential Angel Course, Heights of Tranquility, Ipswich, Suffolk. Call: 07753 637897 or email: £270 total for three days. Learn to work with angels for daily guidance, inspiration and love. Take it to the next level: learn to read angel cards with the help of your guardian angel. Learn amongst like minded people and make new friends in the process. Day and times arranged to suit. All courses and workshops are designed for both young adults and adults alike. Saturday 30th September: Gathering of Angels, Edinburgh, with Chrissie Astell, Theolyn Cortens and Donald McKinney. Tickets £5. Telephone: 01368 862717 for more details or visit Saturday 28th October – Sunday 29th October: Body and Soul Fair, Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen. Over stalls with guest speaker Marion Voy – Psychic and author of Psyvhic Art – Seeing is Believing. Free talk Saturday at 2pm and psychic demo on Sunday 3pm (Tickets £5). Fair 11am – 5.30pm. 01368 862717 Saturday 18th November – Sunday 19th November: Body & Soul Fair, Royal Concert hall, Glasgow. Over 60 stalls – animal charity special. 11am – 5.30pm. Admission £3.50 (£2.50 concessions), Weekend £5 (£four concessions). Tel: 01368 862717. Times to be arranged – monthly: Meditation sessions, Heights of Tranquility, Ipswich and Wickham Market. Cost £5, Fantastic chance to find peace, quiet and tranquillity from your hectic lives. Meditation will help you to find focus in your otherwise busy life. Meditation can also help you to find solutions to daily problems and to combat illness etc. Tel Debz 07753 637897 or visit

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