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oin us in warmer climes this month as we take a trip to India. Let us guide you through Indian mythology (p6), ghost stories (p8), and spirituality (p18). But the journey doesn’t end there – discover how to read your palm with our palmistry guide (p36) and your FREE palm pal on the front cover. Get the lowdown on mantra (p40), yoga (p47), Indian Head Massage (p50), and the art of vaasthu (p54). Discover Jane McDonald’s spiritual side

(p28) and learn the art of clairaudience (p30), plus find out what happens on a spiritual retreat with our exclusive report (p32). Don’t miss the chance to WIN Mind Body Spirit Festival tickets and even places on an Indian Head Massage course (p45). So relax and bask yourself in the spiritual sun!

Clare Editor


Each letter published will receive a copy of Pure Calm from the Pure Series worth £10.95, courtesy of New World Music. Let Stuart Jones’s fluidity and perfection on keyboards clear your mind. The Star Letter will win four titles from the Pure series including Pure Calm, Pure Dreaming, Pure Love & Light and Pure Tranquility - worth a total of £43.80. For further information and a free catalogue, contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or visit We reserve the right to edit letters.

Star Letter Spiritual adventure I would like to congratulate you on a first class magazine. Vision is without doubt the most interesting and informative spiritual and holistic magazine on the market. I’m 47-years-old and two years ago I gave up a house in North London for a touring caravan in a field in the middle of Norfolk. The whole experience of being at one with nature and watching the changing seasons has been enjoyable and I feel connected with the planet. I have taken my Reiki 1, plan on my Reiki 2, and I also read angel cards and do landscape readings. By the end of this year I plan to begin writing a spiritual adventure story which will take me to the four corners of the world. I am looking for pen pals in Australia and North America as I plan to visit each country I write about. I wonder if any of your readers would consider being a pen friend with a view to meeting up in the future? Vivienne Curl, Norfolk. Ed’s note: Please send correspondence to Vivienne at Hunters Hall, Park Farm, Swanton Morley, Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 4JU.

Fresh air The last issue of Vision was inspirational – it’s better than joining a gym! It’s a breath of fresh air and a complete tonic. It provides so many answers to so many questions! Old beliefs and new age ones are covered and my experiences have been explained in the first few issues! Well done! If readers are drawn to the cover as I was then that is their intuition leading them there. Who needs a crystal ball to tell you you’re in for a treat? Vision is educational and magical. Thank you. T Holtby, Herts.

Close to home Thank goodness for a magazine like Vision so near to home in the north of England. I wish I could have been with the Visionaries when they went to The Golden Fleece in York. The city has a reputation of being one of the most haunted in the country – it would keep your magazine going for months on this subject alone. Vision seems to cover all the subjects – keep up the good work! Denise Reynolds, York.

Vision 4


P6 Divine India P8 Let in the light P11 Visionaries P14 Name that ghost - part 2 P16 Experiences Explained

Intoxicating India And the rest... P26 Destiny Doctors P45 Competitions P75 Subscriptions P76 Reviews P82 Day Tripper

4 Vision 4

P18 Visionary Vedas P22 The path of Buddha P24 Many pasts many futures

P28 Songs from the soul - Jane McDonald P30 The sound of Spirit P32 We are the light - EXCLUSIVE spiritual retreat report P36 Palmistry P39 Grand designs P40 The mysteries of mantra P42 A vivid path P43 Dream Directory

P47 The mind, body & spirit work-out - yoga P50 Indian Head Massage P52 Spice up your life P54 A Vaastu lifestyle P56 Heal your pet - when a pet has to say goodbye P58 Coven Corner

P60 The Vedic vision of the stars - Indian astrology P63 Horoscopes -

your May forecasts by James


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Catherine Vander Cammen explores the origins of Indian mythology.


ndian mythology is extremely complex, spreading over thousands of years of history. Although Hinduism is a monotheist faith with one god, it is important to recognise the trinity aspect of God manifesting as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. There are also innumerable deities with different status, roles and powers which often engaged in violent battles against demons. In India, worshiping the gods takes place in temples or at home. People have either an altar in the corner of a room or a small space in the house where daily “puja” or offerings can be performed. The ringing of bells, chanting, incense, flowers, food and candle burning are all part of the puja rituals. The most popular deities are: Brahma - the creator of life and of the entire universe. According to the text, he was born from a golden egg and later created the earth. Brahma is represented with four heads corresponding with the four directions and four arms holding a copy of the Vedas, a sceptre, a water jug and a bow. Sarasvati - known as Brahma’s wife. She is the goddess of education and learning. Students worship Sarasvati in schools and colleges, bringing offerings of fruits, flowers and incense. She is also associated with the magical powers of words and is therefore very popular among writers. Most representations show her riding a swan and holding a book. Vishnu - or the preserver, guides the circle of death, birth and rebirth. He has incarnated many times to fight against dragons and demonic forces. According to the myth, Vishnu should reincarnate ten times. So far, he has completed nine reincarnations. He is represented as a fish, a tortoise, a boar or even a dwarf! In

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many paintings, he is shown as blue or black with a human face. Shiva (pictured below and right) or the destroyer, is usually represented with a cobra around his neck. According to mythology, Shiva beheaded his father and was condemned to carry the skull until he found release in Varanasi on the Gange river. Shiva is also known as the god of renouncers. He is the god of yogis and ascetics who will eat garbage and flesh to strengthen their faith and indifference to pain and pleasure. Shiva has had many incarnations under human and animal forms. He is represented on a white bull. His main attributes are the trident and the snakes. Parvathi - or mother goddess. She also manifests as Bhavani, Navratri, Chandika and Durga. She symbolises the divine energy of Lord Shiva. She destroys all evil.

She is represented riding a lion and carries weapons in her many arms. She is celebrated with happiness, food and garlands made of beautifully scented flowers. Her festival is usually held in May/June, lasts ten days and according to the tradition, the earthly representation is sent off and immersed in a local river. During the festival, people share sweets. Kali - means “black”. She is known as the black goddess. She is usually depicted dancing naked on the corpse of her husband Shiva. She is represented wearing a garland of skulls with blood dripping from chopped hands. In some areas of India, the

cult of Kali has spread widely. Worshippers attend ceremonies involving rituals such as black mass, eating forbidden food and engaging in sexual activities. In other parts of India, she is worshipped by women who recognise in her the women’s power. Lakshmi - known as the goddess who brings good fortune and financial success. She is the wife of Vishnu and is usually represented standing on a red lotus flower. Hanuman (pictured above) - god with the face of a monkey. He is known as the faithful servant. According to the myth, Hanuman confronted many demons to rescue the wife of his master. People believe he has magical powers and is faster than the wind. Women who want to conceive a child make offerings to Hanuman. Ganesha (right) - the god with the head of an elephant is the most popular one in India. He is the god of domestic harmony, success and is a remover of

obstacles. He is mostly represented mounted on a rat or a lotus flower. His festival is usually held in September and can last anything from 3 to 10 days! A statue of Ganesha in the home is supposed to bring good luck. Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. Legend tells us that one day, Parvathi was alone. Her husband was away with his army fighting monsters and demons. There were no guards left to protect her, so she created Ganesha. The instruction was that no-one should enter the house. When Lord Shiva returned victorious from Statues provided courtesy of his battles, he was confronted by The Holistic Experience. Visit Ganesha. In a fury, Lord Shiva slashed Ganesha’s head. On realising what he did, Lord Shiva decided to bring Ganesha back to life. He ordered his soldiers to bring the head of the first sleeping animal found. The first creature found was an elephant. So, Lord Shiva replaced the missing head with the elephant’s! In India, people worship Ganesha before Catherine Vander Cammen the beginning of any new project. The specializes in Oneirology (dream Ganesha Festival is a reminder of the interpretation). god’s birth. It is one of the most joyous She can be contacted at events in the year. These are the most popular deities worshipped by Hindus in modern India. Yet all deities are infinite aspects of the Supreme Being governing the universe. Next time you see a representation of Ganesha or Shiva… remember… you are looking at just one manifestation of the Divine One! Namaste!

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Potent curses, manifestations and nocturnal rituals are a powerful cocktail. Writer Sangeeta Uppaladinni (pictured right) explores the dark side of ghostly visitations in India. Om (salutation) Rhing (is the protector) Rhang (invokes the physical force of kundalini) Raksha Raksha (protect, protect) Goraksha (one who resides as the Infinite inhuman beings)


n homes across India, you will hear the resonant sounds of recited mantras. These help people to focus their thoughts - which are considered the best armour in spiritual protection. The powerful chanting creates a vibration which transforms negative energy into positive energy. Dormant psychic powers are awakened which alter levels of consciousness. It takes it to a higher level, the aura feels protected and your self exudes invincible power. The word mantra is derived from Sanskrit – man means ‘thought’ and tra means ‘protection’. Whether you chant a single syllable or a whole stanza, it’s the intention which is considered important and effective. Mantras form the base of protection against unknown forces and entities. Families want to ensure that a loved one’s soul rests in peace and does not return. Immediately after the funeral, seven figures resembling men are made out of wheat dough and buried near a loved one’s grave. A coconut is then cracked open to sancitify the soul’s passage into the other world. India’s rich history abounds in occult mysteries and ancient rites of exorcism. Black magic is known as ‘kala Matar’ and the perpetrator who performs these rituals is known as a ‘tantrika’. The tantrika’s finely honed skills of yore have been passed down the ages through generations of their own kith and kin. Initiation into this art is done from a very early age. Today, they are still highly sought after whenever any haunting needs to be exorcised and rites of passage are performed to help release tormented souls from their realm of unrest. The following story is a true

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example of how a curse can come back to haunt people: Radha and Shyam were a happily married couple who lived in a quaint village. But Shyam and their first-born child Maya were always suffering strange illnesses which doctors could not cure or even fathom the cause. One day Maya almost had a fatal accident and could have been killed, if it hadn’t been for the vigilant eyes of her mother. Strange things also happened at night between the hours of 12midnight and 3am. The family would hear pots and utensils being thrown about in the kitchen. Inhuman voices could be heard mocking them from the vicinity of the bathroom. Loud knocks on the front door and rattling doorknobs had them quaking with fear. The sequence of illnesses and

counsel with a tantrika and a ritual was organised. It was to be held on a full moon night at a fixed auspicious time on the bank of a river. The curse was so strong, that on the day of the ritual, events occurred which could have prevented the family from reaching the river bank for the rites. Shyam’s car broke down and they had to go by bullock cart. Radha lost her wedding ring and holy necklace which she wore around her neck. These two objects were necessities to be used in the ritual. They were found a short while later by a friend. The tantric ritual involved the use of an owl’s liver, black-eyed lentils, red powder, sweet limes with green and red chillies strung on a string, coconut in a vessel, incense and offerings of fruit and nuts.

India’s rich history abounds in occult mysteries and ancient rites of exorcism.

string of disastrous events prompted Radha and Shyam to visit a guru for help. Guru Maharaj studied the astrological charts of the couple. Radha and Shyam were informed that Shyam’s great-grandfather had once asked a goddess deity for help with a particular problem and promised a token of sacrifice if his wish was granted. The wish had been granted, but he had failed to honour his promise. This angered the goddess who cast a curse befalling the first-born child of each generation after his death. The great-grandfather’s soul was condemned to roam the earth and haunt his future generations. The curse was known as ‘Pitra Dosh’ (curse of the forefathers). It explained why Shyam and his first-born child Maya were encountering problems of this nature. Guru Maharaj then sought

No-one present at the ritual was allowed to wear anything metal, as it was believed that the spirit could not come within harnessing distance of the ritual place if someone wore metal. The tantrika whilst performing the task took on the voice of the spectre and spoke in an ancient dialect. But with the guru reciting mantras and the tantrika performing the ritual despite the possession, the curse was abdicated. There are a few commonly used methods to dispel any unwanted presence. A black thread worn around the neck or wrist is considered sacred. A red dot painted on the third eye on your forehead has a powerful effect as well. Burn a few sticks from your kitchen broom to dispel unwanted entities in the house. Light candles and incense sticks every evening. Let the light in and the dark out.

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10 Vision 4

The place: A terrace, Sherburn in Elmet, North Yorkshire. The Visionaries: Georgia Mead, Nance Turner, Rachel Lacy & Diana Jarvis.


ello and welcome to another Visionaries adventure. This month we were at the home of Diana and Chris who live in the lovely village of Sherburn in Elmet. This one was a little different, so read on to find out why sometimes Spirit can get just that bit personal.

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here. I also got the names Robert & Thomas. When Di entered she had a bad feeling that she said was connected to water she felt it was near the house.


Living room

Small bedroom

When Di first entered the living room she became very breathless, and felt that there was quite a heavy atmosphere. She sensed a lady who had long black hair, and was connected to the house in some way. She said that there must be continuous streams of non-resident spirits that come through the walls of the house, as she picked up on a black stream running through the house. Di felt pains in her stomach and lower back, which she said felt as though she was being stabbed with a pike. The minute I entered the house I felt that there was lots of energy, but I could see that the house was out of proportion, as though it had been severely altered. I picked up a strong male presence, and the room had a feeling of gloom about it as though the flow wasn’t right and things had been boarded over which should be removed. The entire team picked up painful headaches at different times of the night, which would come and go depending on peoples’ locations around the house. The dowsing rods picked up the same energy blocks throughout the house as the pendulum did and Di was very sure that a lay line ran directly though the house.

Di saw the lady again and felt very sick, she picked up on anger around her, she watched her as she paced the floor. The lady was a strapping lass, apparently a landowner’s daughter and kept the house spotless, but she was very poor. She was given the name Mary Cookson, but Di couldn’t place her in an era - she thought it could be late 1700s. Di also picked up on a Saxon church on a hill, and a statue of a saint, which was not connected to the church.

Main bedroom Upon entering the bedroom, I did not pick up on anything in particular, but Di felt very depressed by the room’s energies. We all could see that Diana’s creativity had been blocked - it seemed as though her personality was larger than the house and it needed to be rectified. There was a corner in the bedroom which had a negative feeling, Di checked the energy flow within the house using her pendulum and it showed that it was directly above the negative flow in the living room. When Di entered she had sensed a lady and saw milk churns!

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Bathroom This room felt very strange, as though there was a barrier which I was told suppressed both Diana and the resident spirits. Then two males came through very strongly, one smartly dressed, the other like a field worker. There was a strange energy about them; one was restrained, the other volatile. I also picked up on a family tragedy involving children, and the dates 1780-1800, where I felt that something quite significant happened

When I stood outside I sensed that the place could at sometime have been very religious, it felt very church-like. I also sensed the milk churns that Di saw earlier on, and also a nobility connection with the adjoining houses. It felt like a very communal area and at the back of the houses there would have been acres of land that they would have shared.

Jane Sometimes without you knowing it, Spirit will creep up on you whether you like it or not. When I was stood in the living room with Chris, I heard a very persistent lady who asked if I could pass on a message, not that I could refuse. I got the name Jane, she seemed to me quite frail, but very talkative. She was there to give Diana and Chris positivity because she understood that the energies in the house were bringing them down. She was quite formidable, but well presented and articulate and would never have minced her words. I can’t divulge everything she said, let’s just say that I hope they took her advice! This was definitely a lady that they needed on their side, and like I said, sometimes things can get personal.

History of Sherburn

by PSI investigator Rachel Lacy

Top left (opposite page - both shots): Diana relaxes in the lounge of her home - is she sharing her living room with orbs of the dead?! Below left (opposite page): Di’s pendulum detects energy in the main bedroom; Above: Rachel and Nance keep their spirits up in the kitchen; Right: Are Nance and the dog sharing their space with Spirit (see orbs)?

Tommy/Thomas When I was stood in the living room later that evening, I felt a little boy hold onto my little finger, and then out of nowhere he decided to poke me in the eye! Talk about grabbing my undivided attention! He said that he was called Tommy and he was the man of the house. He didn’t like Chris being there as he felt he had to protect Diana. He was a very playful boy of about eight or nine and he thought of Diana as his mum because he didn’t want to remember his real one. He had a bad attitude and liked to cause as much mayhem around the house as possible, but he only did this because he didn’t like being ignored. There were also two other children with him but he seemed to be the ringleader. There was another boy who seemed quite shy and a girl who seemed quite sullen. I felt that her and Tommy were related. I felt that he died with a bang to the head as he said it was sudden but he didn’t remember and at that point I got a really bad headache.

Georgia’s phone reading As Georgia couldn’t be with us, she did connect to us over the phone. She picked up on a little boy of about eight, who she said was quite frustrated and he was the one that went around

Sherburn-in-Elmet is a small North Yorkshire market town, believed by some to be the capital of Saxon England in the 10th century. The remains of a large house from the era, possibly a manor house used by Athelstan, has been discovered next to the present All Saints’ Church; further remains in the area show that the site has been inhabited since at least as early as Roman times. Athelstan reigned from 925AD to 940AD, and he gifted his manor to the Archbishop of York as thanks to God after defeating the Scots, Strathclyde Britons and Vikings at the Battle of Brunanburh in 937AD. During medieval times the town started to develop around the manor and associated buildings, in a linear form, including the Tadcaster Road, Main Street and Finkle Hill areas, and it was towards the end of this era that the house we investigated was built, to the south east of the church. The Saxon church was replaced in medieval times, the 13th century chancel is part of the present church. In medieval times it is believed that a medieval hospital was also situated close to the church, possibly to the south east of where the present one stands. The area around Sherburn-in-Elmet was agricultural, flax was grown for the industrial mill towns of West Yorkshire in the 16th to the 18th centuries. The area was later renowned for its orchards, especially plums, and slightly further afield chicory was grown in abundance in the mid-20th century. This has given rise to a town that is a mix of cottages, houses and farm buildings in close proximity, with it retaining its linear aspects until relatively recent times, when more residential developments were built. the house kicking all the furniture. She said that the child did not like the man of the house (Chris) and liked to wind him up. The Visionaries would like the thank the owners of the house, Diana Haile and Chris Howe for their hospitality.

NEXT MONTH: The Visionaries venture to Stratfordupon-Avon and the 16th century Shrieves House Barn. Would YOU like the chance to take part in a Visionaries’ vigil? Do you have the nerve to stay up all night in a haunted location? If you think you’ve got what it takes, email your reasons to and you could become part of the team for a night!

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14 Vision 4

Diana Jarvis finishes her series on different types of hauntings.


ave you recognised any of the hauntings we have classified so far? If not, maybe the following examples will ring some bells. If not, if you do encounter any of those I’ve mentioned, at least you’ll know instantly what you’re looking at! Obviously, this list is in no way definitive, but it gives the you the opportunity to see that there is a vast range of alleged phenomena out there. So many and varied are reports of paranormal phenomena that you could trawl through a library and not find them all. I believe that superstition plays a large part in some of them - if a ghost has been seen on an ‘anniversary’ that relates to the alleged spirit, the story will then be told via Chinese whispers. The same can be said for blue boys, screaming skulls (which may have screamed once) and so on. It is so important to go into any type of investigation with an open mind that has not been cluttered by auto-suggestion. Categorise what you experience by YOUR experience and not by what you are supposed to see. Nonetheless, ghost stories make excellent reading regardless and the weirder the better. One excellent example of this is the story of Borley Rectory (see the ‘anniversary ghosts’ section, although it allegedly had lots of others). If you are interested in ghosts and haven’t read about Borley, do it now! Don’t pack up your camping stuff to go there though –the rectory is long gone and the owners are fed up with tourists. So now you have an idea of the type of ghosts out there, when someone next says to you that they’ve seen a ghost… ask them which type!

Sentient Earthbound spirits: this is a spirit who haunts a particular site and comes through to mediums only in this place. They are known as ‘earthbound’ and may choose to stay ‘on earth’ (in the case of homeowners wanting to stay in their home even after they die) or they may be ‘stuck’ - often repeating an action in a futile attempt to right a wrong, or find a lost object. Poltergeist: a poltergeist is a combination of the German words poltern (‘creating disturbance’), and geist (‘ghost’). Poltergeist activity is most commonly recorded around pubescent girls, and certainly in some cases the disturbances were created by the child themselves in an attempt to seek attention. Not all cases can be easily explained away like this, of course. Screaming skulls: these are very unusual phenomena but more well-known than you might think. It is most common when a skull is found that allegedly belongs to the family associated with a house. If the skull is removed or moved from where it has been kept, it screams until it is put back! An example of this is the skull of Bettiscombe Manor. Azariah Pinney, owner of Bettiscombe in the late 17th century, was banished to the West Indies for supporting the Duke of Monmouth. He returned some years later, with one of his black slaves. On the

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slave’s death-bed he asked Azariah to promise that his body would be returned to his native land or he would put a terrible curse on Bettiscombe. Azariah agreed, but never kept his promise and buried him in a local churchyard. Screams and moans followed which only subsided when the skull was moved to Bettiscombe. If it was ever moved out, it would scream again. Not a lot of this story is ‘provable’ either historically or factually, but the skull is now kept locked away in a drawer at Bettiscombe! Anniversary ghosts: this is where the spirit only appears on a certain day once a year, quite often on a date significant to the story of the spirit. One wonders how the more ancient ghosts work this around the Gregorian calendar! Borley Rectory is alleged to have an anniversary ghost and Marston Moor in Yorkshire is alleged to have an army, but I can say that when I was at the latter on the anniversary all I saw were trees, fields and I just felt sad. Blue boys: a full manifestation of a human figure, which, as the name suggests, looks like a blue boy. Usually shining and often handsome, these spirits are alleged to foretell a death. Sometimes this will be the future imminent death of the witness to the manifestation, although in stately homes the blue boy portends the death of a member of the resident family.

is so important to go into any “Ittype of investigation with an open mind that has not been cluttered by auto-suggestion. ” Vision 4


Diana Jarvis explains your weird experiences.

TV spirit I was recently watching Colin Fry on TV. At the end of the programme I glanced up to see a lady who was completely gray, ie hair/face and clothes. She was wearing Harry Potter-type glasses and her hair was very tidy. She also wore an apron. Her arms were folded and she was staring at me. I didn’t feel threatened though. After what I think was a few seconds, she was no longer there. June Carter, Batley, West Yorkshire. Diana says: You didn’t say if you saw her in the room or on TV! I assume you meant in the room with you? Without further details I couldn’t say who she was, but if someone appears to you, they are usually connected with the place or yourself. As you didn’t say you recognised her, she may be a spirit guide allocated to you to help you along your life path. Alternatively, she could be a previous resident of your house saying ‘hi’. Try saying ‘hello’ back if you see her again, she may have something useful to communicate!

Unnerving introduction A few weeks ago something happened which unnerved me. I had my eyes closed but was awake. Suddenly, I saw a door in front of my face. It opened and a man put his head around the door, smiled, backed out and shut the door. It took seconds but it made me jump! How can I stop this happening again? Who are the faces which flash before me and why are they coming to me? I would love to see my family who have passed over, why don’t I see them? Pauline Simpkiss, Birmingham. Diana says: The man you saw was probably a spirit guide! The hypnogogic state (between sleeping/waking/daydreaming) is when our brainwaves drop to a level where our brain dumps excess – a bit like ‘think waste’, and we become closer in ‘wavelength’ to the spirit world. Many images will be brain ‘rubbish’, we all get this. However, if we stay in this meditative state we may experience Spirit. Psychics ‘tune in’ by doing this. Spirits come when they come, you may well see your family yet!

A photo finish I enclose a picture of my brother-in-law’s wedding day. As you can see, there is a strange red substance underneath them. The funny thing is, this red substance showed up on another family member’s pictures - we bought the films at different shops and had them developed at different locations too. Gail Wheatley, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham.

Diana says: Did you use the same camera for the other picture? If so, there could be a fault with the camera. It is odd that the substance appears at the feet of the couple and not over them. Is this the same with the other photo? I don’t believe the substance is natural phenomena. I think it ‘may’ be ectoplasm, allegedly a form of spirit manifestation. If it is, you have three people in the picture! I don’t know if the spirit is personal to your family or not, but it’s at the feet of your sister-in-law, so perhaps it is related to her?

If you would like to share your experiences, send them to Diana Jarvis at the Vision address or email: Please give as many details as possible - tell us what you saw, how you felt, and what you sensed etc. We reserve the right to edit letters.

16 Vision 4

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18 Vision 4

Writer Sangeeta Uppaladinni follows the various schools of thought through the long line of India’s ancient spiritual history that has enriched mankind today.


he spiritual philosophy in present day India is strongly rooted in the past and can be traced back to the Vedas - texts believed to be of divine origin circa 6000 BC. Followers from the earliest times followed the Vedic principles, which dealt with the relationship between the human soul and the Great God. During this Vedic period, great sages and scholars engaged in the development of philosophy and metaphysics, giving way to a refined concept of divinity regarding heaven, truth, sacrifice and sanctity of birth. The evolution of the gods stems from these holy texts and the deities form the essential core of Hindu belief. In order to preserve the ancient culture and traditions, many great leaders and sages popularised deities and people continued to worship them through the ages. According to Hindu belief, Lord Brahma, also known as the infinite spirit, created the universe and imbued life into it; Lord Shiva was considered the destroyer of evil and Lord Vishnu was regarded as the protector. However, the influence of Lord Brahma faded after a while and people revere today the principle beliefs of Shaivism and Vaishnavism. Other gods and goddesses evolved during this period and deities took on many different names and forms. For example Goddess Kali was worshipped as an angry form of Parvati consort of Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu was worshipped as both Krishna and Rama.

Lord Vishnu incarnated as Vyasa, a scholar and formalised the holy Vedas into written texts circa 3000 BC. The texts are thought to be the oldest literature of Indian thought. It is a collection of religious and philosophical poems and hymns, composed over several generations since circa 6000 BC. It was composed in Sanskrit, the intellectual language of both ancient and classical Indian civilisations. Most of the Vedic hymns and poems adhere to the philosophical theme of ‘henotheism’, which is the idea that one god takes many different forms and that although individuals may worship several different

gods and goddesses, they really revere but one supreme being. It also laid ground rules which are still very much evident today. These include painstaking instructions on how a hymn or prayer should be sung. Great emphasis was put upon sounds of the words of the mantras and the effect they could have on the environment and the person who pronounces them. The wisdom of the sacrifices lays down various sacred invocations to be chanted by a particular sect of priests called adhvaryu. They had to pay due respect to the instruments used in the sacrificial rites.

Lord Vishna, Parvati and their son Ganesha.

Vedas are a “The collection of

religious and philosophical poems and hymns - thought to be the oldest literature of Indian thought.

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Visionary Vedas continued...

Vyasa also systemised the Upanishads, circa 1000 BC. These texts were the conclusion to the Vedas. The term means ‘sitting down near’. This implies that students sit down near their guru to learn a secret, in the splendid isolation of their forest abodes. The Upanishad philosophises and contemplates on the prevalent theories surrounding the mysteries of life and its creation – whether biological or metaphysical. The answers were not open to all, but only for select students. The reason behind this was simple – not everyone can handle knowledge. The composition of the Upanishads marks a significant role in striding forward in the direction about the creation of life, the essence of life and the meaning of truth. Vyasa wrote in succession one of the epics Mahabharata in circa 500 BC, to enable women and other people of lesser intellect to understand the highest knowledge in the easiest way. Vyasa believed that in achieving nirvana – the eternal truth of life, one reaches immortality and returns to the earth no more. This set the precedent for the belief in rebirth. In modern India today, people believe that their actions in daily life has impact on future rebirths. Hence live a life of moderation and peace, and live in the spirit of Vyasa’s writings. The other epic Ramayana was written circa 400 BC by Valmiki. It had great significance in influencing the modern Indian languages, literature and religious reforms. Men and women in India today are taught to be as ideal as the hero and heroine of this epic – the perfect son and daughter and the perfect husband and wife. It has helped mould their character and it has inspired millions across the globe with love and devotion. During the same period, Gautama who was born as Siddhartha, soon came to be known as Buddha and inspired the faith and reforms to follow. He was caught by the sufferings of the world and left his riches to become an ascetic and sought higher truth. After years of study, meditation and sacrifice he found nirvana – the cure to the ills of the world. He then became known as Buddha or the enlightened one. Buddha propagated that the chain of causes which lead to suffering and the means of deliverance from these sufferings. He stated that man is the arbiter of his own destiny and not the gods. He condemned the efficacy of the Vedic rites of sacrifice and challenged the superiority of certain castes and classes. His theories became popular with the masses and Buddhism was spread amongst the masses.

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The greatest classical text from the yoga school of Indian philosophy is the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali in the second century BC. Originally these teachings were oral and were explained and interpreted by commentaries for a teacher guiding the student. This emphasised the techniques of concentration, meditation, discipline, self control and surrender to the Supreme God. It taught people of that era that their true self is the soul and that self identitiy is an illusion to overcome. The yoga instruction involved and propagated a union of the mind and body to attain salvation. The Tantra philosophy and way of life was written down circa 300 AD. Tantras are the ancient scriptures, which were meant to spread the light of knowledge of true self and bring the humanity out of ignorance. They trace their origin from the Vedas and propagate the same instruction and beliefs. It inspired the same belief in the true spirit of inquiry and realisation of the cosmic unity and power of the self. The authorship of the tantras is believed to have been written by Lord Shiva himself for his consort

Parvati, who in turn, made them available for the use of mankind. The basic philosophical teachings of the tantras do not differ much from the other currents of ancient Indian thought. To understand the many aspects of Indian spiritual thoughts, one must understand the role of devotion in India. Devotion is the main thread that secures the languages, castes, religions, beliefs and diversity of different cultures in India. A new spiritual medium broke out in India around the 14th century AD that emphasized the devotion to God as a sole means of salvation. It was known as the Bhakti movement, which had a very profound effect on the way of life, thoughts and beliefs on its followers in subsequent centuries. Hinduism exists as a single belief system with one textual explanation of the origin of the universe and the evolution and nature of God. And a wide range of philosophies and practices can trace their origins to the hymns and poems of the Vedas. Beside their spiritual value, they also give a unique view of everyday life in India thousands of years ago.

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Catherine Vander Cammen traces the spiritual journey of the supreme Buddha.


he image of Buddha is a common one – how many of us have Buddha statues in our home to promote good luck? But what is the story behind this reformer who brought peace and love back to India in a time of cruelty and sacrifice? In 563 BC, in the north of India, the lives of a royal couple were about to be transformed. Queen Mahamaya was a very beautiful woman, happily married to Suddhodanan, King of Kapilavastu. One night, during a dream, Buddha incarnated by entering Mahamaya’s womb… trees and shrubs blossomed, the grass grew greener and lotus flowers opened everywhere. The next morning, the queen asked 64 Brahmans to analyse the dream. They announced that she would have a son who would become either an Emperor or a supreme Buddha. For the following nine months her body became transparent so that the growth of the precious child could be observed. One day, on her way to visit her parents in Lumbini, she decided to rest in the shadow of a tree… a boy was born… he was named Siddhartha Gautama. The king knew about the prediction. He decided to protect his son from pain, illness and death by preventing him from leaving the palace. And so, the prince led a life completely sheltered from the harsh reality of this world. Even after his marriage to Yashodhara, he continued to live in the palace where they both enjoyed the privileges of their social status. However, at the age of 29, the prince began to feel restless, wanting to explore the world. Against his father’s advice, he went to explore the city. There,

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he saw illness, poverty, and death. He had many questions and no answers! A few days later, during prayer, Siddhartha received confirmation that his time had come. In the middle of the night, whilst his wife and son were asleep, he left the city. He swapped his royal clothes for an old robe, had his head shaved and entered a hermitage.

Unhappy with the teaching, Siddhartha left the hermitage to continue his journey alone. He stopped in a small village near Gaya where he nearly died as a result of self-induced starvation. He realised he was drifting away from illumination and accepted the food offered by the daughter of the village lord. The meal, made of rice and cow’s milk, was prepared by Sujata under the guidance of an angel and served on a

golden dish. After his meal, Siddhartha took a bath in the river and found a place to rest under a beautiful Bodhi tree: the wisdom tree - many sages had found enlightenment there. He received encouragement from the tree’s spirits who offered him flowers, perfumes and songs. However, while resting, the prince endured many temptations. He remained calm, seated under the wisdom tree. He discovered his past lives, understood his karma, overcame his desires, learned about the danger of ignorance, false knowledge and slowly freed himself from pain and fear. There, the prince became the Supreme Buddha, the Perfectly Enlightened. In a vision, Brahma told him that his mission was to preach the law in order to relieve humanity from suffering. Following Brahma’s guidance, Buddha embarked on a mission to find the companions from the hermitage. He travelled through forests, crossing many rivers and finally arrived in Benares. Benares also known as Varanasi was from ancient time a place of worship. It was there that Buddha hoped to find the five hermits. He embarked on a ten-mile pilgrim path which linked together 14 beautiful gardens. In each garden, Buddha spent some time with gurus and holy men. When he reached the deer park of Sarnath, he met his old companions. At first, they did not say anything. They thought Siddhartha had abandoned his spiritual journey. But, when they saw his shining aura, they realised that something had changed. They converted and became Buddha’s first disciples. The word of Buddha’s presence spread over rivers, fields, mountains and

Statues provided courtesy of The Holistic Experience, Garforth. Visit

heavens. All wanted to benefit from Buddha’s wisdom. After several years, Buddha was invited at Kapilavastu. The time had come to visit his native city and meet with his family again. The reunion with Yashodara - his wife - was a moving one. She had shaved her head and wore simple clothing to welcome him. They both knew that they had been companions in many previous lives and that she had chosen to be his wife to support his work. Buddha preached the law in a way that everyone understood for over 45 years. One evening, as he reached the village of Kushinagara where he decided to rest for the night, Buddha became ill. He knew his time for the Parinirvana or the final release had come. He called Ananda, his faithful disciple and said: “Go to four places…where I found my path… never stop searching”. Ananda cried but Buddha continued with the following words: “Do not cry… death is nothing… when you look at the clouds… you see them, they exist… then, comes the rain… the clouds are no longer… yet, they are the rain… the clouds cannot die… they can become ice, steam or water…nothing dies… everything goes through the process of change… all things transform… including humans….” Slowly, Buddha slipped into unconsciousness and passed away. His body was laid to rest, wrapped in the finest fabrics. After six days, in accordance with the tradition, his body was put on a pyre which ignited by itself.

Amongst his ashes, beautiful pearls were found. They became relics, enshrined in monuments dedicated to the master in every corner of India. Today, statues of Buddha are available in a wide range of sizes, in copper, stone, sandpal wood, etc. There are fat Buddhas, starving Buddhas and enlightened Buddhas representing the different periods of his spiritual path. Buddha statues can be placed anywhere in a home or in a garden to remind us of the qualities of perfect wisdom and perfect compassion of the Buddha. Catherine Vander Cammen specializes in Oneirology (dream interpretation). She can be contacted at

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by Michael Looking Coyote.


hen I was visiting Memphis last year I got talking to a hard-bitten businessman in the departure lounge of the airport. “Three things are sure in this life”, he postulated. “You’re born, you pay your taxes and you die. Anything else is either an added curse or a bonus”. And, of course, that’s how most people suckled at the bosom of Western society think. When it comes to what happens after you die, the certainty evaporates like the morning dew. Not so in India, though, where the belief in reincarnation is as strong as it ever was. Belief in reincarnation is not unknown in the West. In fact, an ever-growing number of people embrace it. However, thoughts about how the process of reincarnation is acted out vary widely. In India belief in reincarnation is founded in Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest and most theologically sophisticated religions. Reincarnation is closely linked to belief in karma, which means “act” or “deed”. If you stamp your foot upon the pavement, the pavement reacts by pushing back against the sole of your shoe with exactly the same degree of force. Every action produces, as science tells us, an equal and opposite reaction. Simply put, this is karma. Everything you do or think emanates out from you, causing an equal reaction to bounce back at you in some way and at some time. Because every action causes a reaction, we can - or should – learn a lesson every time we think, act or speak. We don’t, of course, and so according to Hindu teachers we need to keep coming

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back – for many, many lifetimes – until we get the point of each and every learning experience. This, simply put, is reincarnation. According to Hindus, our lives are really dramas or tapestries in which we are continually resolving good, bad and mixed karmas. An unresolved karma involves another trip to planet earth and yet another rebirth. Generally, Hindus are not too fussed about exploring “past lives” as we are, they say, an amalgam of all our past lives. Recollections from alleged past lives are stored in the muladhara or memory chakra. Most of these memories are hidden, they say, as we are not meant to relive them or allow them to influence our current lives. For this reason the muladhara is not easily accessed. We remember only what we are meant to remember, and should not try to uncover things we are meant to forget.

The Sat Guru The word guru is often misunderstood in the West. ‘Gu’ means “without attribute” and ‘Ru’ means without form. God, or the Creator, then, is the true Guru or Sat Guru as he is both attributeless and formless. The word ‘Sat’ means timeless truth, or truth which connects with past, present and future. Taking into account the concepts of karma and reincarnation,

then, we can see how connected Hindus believe God is to everything they ever were, are or will be. In ancient times Hindu teachers believed in three different kinds of karma. Sanchihta [or Sanchita] represents the accumulation of all unresolved karmas from all previous lives that we carry with us today. The second type is Prarabdha – unresolved karmas that we have accumulated in this life. Kriyamana is the third type, and represents the karma we are currently manufacturing through our thoughts and actions. Realising that what we do now can profoundly affect our future should spur us to right action. However, what we do now can also affect our past. We can reduce the negative karma of past lives by acting rightly now, thereby lightening the burden. We can also make people happier by doing acts of love and kindness. The power of love and kindness should never be underestimated in the reincarnation process. The yogis taught that no unresolved karma was so great that it couldn’t be worked out with love. Hindus benefit from their belief in reincarnation as it prevents them from becoming bitter. They don’t get angry with God for the bad things that happen; they simply accept that they have created for themselves a lesson to be learned, pleasant or otherwise. In this life – or possibly the next – they’ll be all the better for it. Whether we believe in reincarnation or not, I think there’s a lesson there for all of us.

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Anna Kaye.

Michael Looking Coyote.

Do you have a problem which you lack intuition to solve? Do you have any spiritual questions to which you seek answers? Native American Michael Looking Coyote will use his Spirit Stones and clairvoyant medium Anna Kaye will consult her Tarot to offer a fresh view on matters.

Just desserts?

I’m desolate. My father was taken suddenly. I married - it was a disaster. I stayed for my children. My daughter disappeared aged 2 and was never found. Eventually I left my marriage with no home or prospects. Somehow I overcame this and met someone who brought happiness and love, but after 9 years he left suddenly. I push forward but another obstacle always blocks my path. I believe in pre-set destiny; have I reached mine now I’m without happiness? Has my life on earth ended? Was I so awful in a previous existence that I’m receiving my just desserts now? Sharon, Gosport.

Different paths

A lovely man came into my life three years ago, but sadly after three months we had to move away. I started to have very vivid dreams of many past lives together. Is this man my soulmate even though we are now separated on different paths? I feel I am still meeting regularly with him in my dreams and feel him around me mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Trish, Barnsley.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - the Eagle & the Rain Cloud: Sharon, an old Indian once said to me, “Life is a school, and we don’t leave class til teacher says so”. Wise words. Eagle urges you to rise above yourself and see the bigger picture. Learn to focus on the opportunities in your future, not the problems of the present. Your unhappiness indicates to me only that you needed to learn a few tough lessons, not that you’re being punished for past sins! Rain Cloud speaks of forthcoming blessings which have not been revealed to you, so Great Mystery will not let you endure more than you can bear. Pray for strength and you will receive it.

Anna’s Tarot reading - the Moon & the High Priestess: The Moon and the High Priestess together speak about powerful emotions and indicate you are highly psychic. You must take a more positive outlook, however, as negative thoughts are damaging to our spiritual and physical well-being. You are loyal, helpful and caring, and your experiences are teaching you how to help others who have endured similar circumstances to yourself. You aren’t suffering from “bad karma”, and the universe will not burden you with anything you can’t handle. At this moment in time you may wish to consider enrolling on a confidence building or self-assertiveness course, which I think may help.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - the Dream Catcher & the Horse: Dream Catcher points out that as this man is entering your Dream Lodge he has a strong spiritual nature. The purpose of this interaction will become clear to you in time, but having an intense spiritual bond with someone doesn’t necessarily mean that they are your ‘soulmate’. Horse asks you to carry on with your spiritual journey. Learn from your dreams and other psychic experiences involving this man, but try not to categorise him as a ‘soulmate’, ‘teacher’, or whatever. Just accept that he has a role to play in both your dreams and your spiritual development and enjoy the moment.

Anna’s Tarot reading - Death, Sun & the Emperor: Sometimes soulmates are not destined to be together in this lifetime even if we do meet them. The Death card speaks of an end to one chapter in your life and a new one emerging. The Sun speaks of future relationships and romance as you move forward. The Emperor talks about you putting down roots in a strong, stable relationship. Look out for an Aries man entering your life.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - the Blue Heron & the Elk: Blue Heron speaks about display and perception; things are not always what they seem. There is a spirit in the room in question, but it is not attached to the chest of drawers and it is neither violent nor disruptive. Elk speaks about family loyalty and protection, which tells me the spirit is an ancestor who has already passed on into the Spirit World. Respectfully tell the spirit that you are aware of its presence and thankful for the help it may bring you in the future. The spirit will no longer need to draw your attention and the banging will stop.

Noisy drawers

Some time ago I purchased a set of drawers from a second-hand shop. The next night I heard banging noises coming from the bedroom that they were in. A friend who is psychic told me that a bad spirit had attached itself to the item of furniture, and the only thing I could do to stop the noises was to burn the chest of drawers in the garden. My wife has told me that this is nonsense, although she cannot explain the noises, which are still happening on a daily basis. What should I do? William, Newcastle.

Anna’s Tarot reading - the Moon & the Hermit: Sometimes Spirit can still have earthly attachments to possessions and people. Whoever the drawers belong to may be just looking for them. I do agree with your wife that you do not have to burn this item of furniture. The Moon card speaks of our deep emotions, our soul and our psyche. The Hermit tells me you have to look deep inside your own soul, learn to meditate and talk to this spirit. I’m sure you will be amazed.

Scary nightmares

I am having nightmares on a continual basis. It has got to the point now where I’m frightened to go to sleep. Is there a point to these dreams, and if so, what is it? Is there some way I can get them to stop? Mary, Glasgow.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - the Frog & the Goat: The Frog indicates that you are entering a period of cleansing, during which you will be ‘closing the book’ on many negative experiences and personalities that have dogged you in the past. The Grandfather Spirits have told me that your nightmares are powerful warnings against involving yourself in some form of criminal activity. Avoid those who would draw you into their dubious schemes, and the nightmares will cease. The Goat speaks of sure-footedness and stamina - good news! As you leave your past behind, you can embrace the future with confidence. You have much to offer this world, my friend.

Anna’s Tarot reading - the Sun, the Magician & the Tower: Your nightmares are a manifestation of your inner self and your anxieties. They are also providing a valuable emotional outlet from blocked and suppressed feelings. If you confront your fears you will conquer your nightmares. The Sun card says that family issues must be dealt with. The Magician asks you to look at the creative side of yourself, whilst the Tower says you are about to see some light at the end of a long tunnel.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - the Turtle & the Coyote: The reason your efforts haven’t been successful is that there is something else you need to do first. Turtle urges you to go within and ask yourself why you want to help the victims of domestic violence. It may be that this is your true vocation, or it could be that it is a reaction to your tragic loss? Determine clearly why you want to walk that path and Spirit will open up the way for you. However, the Coyote tells me that there are surprises ahead for you, and that your work will open up hitherto unimagined possibilities.

Anna’s Tarot reading - the High Priestess: I don’t think anyone can fully come to terms with such a tragic loss, but I sense a connection with a gentleman in Spirit smiling down on you. His loving, protective arms are around your daughter and grandchildren. High Priestess signifies woman’s power and intuition. For you it also represents spiritual wisdom and knowledge. You know your life’s purpose already; to help others on their spiritual path. So, get to work and check out your local spiritualist church for healing and development classes. You’ll find your future rewarding by helping others who’ve faced the same sort of problem as yourself.

Holiday warning

Whilst on holiday recently a spirit medium told me that I was in danger from my wife, as she was a very bad person in a previous life and could become violent towards me. In a previous life she stabbed her husband to death when he was asleep. We’ve been married for seven years and she’s never been anything other than a wonderful wife and mother, but the medium’s warning is still preying on my mind. Craig, Brighton.

How can I help?

I gave my job up after 15 years when my daughter and grandchildren were murdered. Now I am lost. I would like to help people who get abused by their partners, but each time I try to do something it never works out. Do you think you could help me? Elaine,Willenhall, West Midlands.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - the Otter, the Broken Arrow & the Falcon: Otter speaks of your wife’s loyalty and love. She will never hurt you. The Broken Arrow, on the other hand, tells me much about the person who told you that she would. This man – and I know it was a man – takes a perverted pleasure in bringing chaos into the lives of others. My bet is that he’ll soon offer to give you ‘spiritual protection’ – for a price. The Falcon tells me your wife never murdered anyone in a past life, and she won’t in this one either. She will bless you and your children as the rain blesses the land, my friend, so walk in peace.

Anna’s Tarot reading - the High Priestess: Please let me tell you that no reputable medium would come out with such utter rubbish. In future, if you require a sitting with a medium or a psychic, please contact the British Astrological and Psychical Society, PO. Box 363, Rochester, Kent, ME1 3DJ, or email them at Their webpage can be found at They hold a register of reputable mediums and psychics across the country. The High Priestess card tells me your wife is a creative, sensitive, loving, and caring person. Please totally forget the information you have received from a charlatan who gives genuine mediums a bad name.

Send your letters to: Destiny Doctors, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ, or email

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Songs from the

I feel a lot of my lyrics come from someone else. I believe in guides. I believe there’s an afterlife.

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soul Jane McDonald, singer and star of The Cruise, unveils her spiritual side to Clare Sheridan.


any will recognize Jane’s face from CD album covers, and also from the BBC’s reality TV show The Cruise – which introduced viewers to the close-knit working community onboard a cruise ship. The show made Jane a star singer in her own right and the cameras often captured her reading tarot for her fellow shipmates: “I was the wise woman of the ship! I used to read tarot,” she said. “I was more a help to them then anything else. Everybody is always looking for answers. It’s something about the human psyche. “They were particularly accurate. A few times I was like ‘wow’! It was just a prop. I was more a counsellor I have been asked to be one many times. I don’t do it anymore. Someone bought me my deck, you’re not supposed to buy your own. I haven’t done it for years.” She told me that her spirituality and singing actually go hand in hand: “My songs are very spiritual, “ she said. “I feel a lot of my lyrics come from someone else. I believe in guides. I believe there’s an afterlife. That gives me great comfort. I also know I’m going to see the people who I’ve loved and lost again. “I depend a lot on my intuition I just know when there’s someone around me at certain times - especially when I’m writing songs.” A Yorkshire girl born and bred, Jane began her spiritual journey at a young age: “My grandmother, Janet Ferguson, was the president of Wakefield Spiritualist Church on Peterson Road. She was president for years. My mother, Jean, was the treasurer and the cleaner! “It was a really great social place. It was like an evening out. I have some very happy memories of that

church. That was where I started singing as well. I used to love going. “I used to stand on the platform when I was 7, read at the top of my voice and think one day I would be on stage! I used to love the sound of the voice. But I don’t have to go to a church to pray. I’m very thankful for my life. My church is in my heart.” That was where she met medium Stephen Holbrook, and they have remained close friends ever since. She still lives in Wakefield today and has never forgotten her roots: “Spirituality was never far from my family,” she enthused. “My father was Catholic and my mother was into spiritualism so it was a bit of a split household. There were no problems. We were all allowed to find our own god, which was good of them.” She never questions the existence of ghosts or a higher plane: “I have seen quite a few ghosts. I find it difficult not to believe. I have so much proof.

“Our old house was like Grand Central Station – they were in and out. We experienced lots of visitations. I remember my grandmother once stayed in my room and I stayed in my brother’s old room. Two people came in, woke her and then went through the wall! I’m glad she didn’t tell me at night! It used to frighten the life out of me.” She herself has been visited by her late father: “I had a visitation from my father, Peter, when I stayed in a hotel in Harrogate 3 or 4 years ago. I had a show at the conference centre and at one point I thought I started having a full-blown conversation with my father. It was a fantastic and amazing experience. I came to and my then husband sat bolt upright and said ‘Did you see that?!’. My ex-husband is ‘Mr Sceptic’ so I’m so glad that someone else saw it too!” But Jane admits herself that she, too, is a little bit of a sceptic: “I need proof – but I’ve had so much proof. My grandmother predicted The Cruise. She was really good. I used to visit her an awful lot and get one to one readings. I got a job on the Rolls Royce of cruise ships and she told me I was not going on that one, but another one. She told me ‘Your destiny lies on this ship’ and that’s where I met my ex-husband!” As spirituality is often incorporated into the lyrics of her songs, she is touched when fans appreciate her efforts: “I’m a very emotional and spiritual person anyway. I open all my channels and hope I get inspired. The response I have had for my own songs are great. They have touched people at my shows – the amount of people who sit and weep. But I don’t put things in nice packages and people are quite shocked at the lyrics. “I think spiritualism is widely accepted everywhere now. People can talk about it. It’s something that was never talked about previously. I’m having such a blast with my life now. I really do think that you need to embrace the downs in life to really appreciate the ups.”

Jane is currently touring around the UK promoting her new album You Belong To Me. Visit for more details about dates and venues.

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Our Isatreya psychic development course continues with how to develop clairaudience.


lairaudience is the perception of receiving messages in thought forms from an entity which exists in another realm. You ‘hear’ what they are saying in your mind. You may actually hear spirits talking or singing in your head but there are no auditory sounds to others around you. Clairaudience is a form of channeling that we are all able to do, but it requires you to silence the chatter of your mind, as well as excellent listening skills in order to perfect it. Most of us have experienced clairaudience at some stage in our lives. For example have you ever started to do something and a thought pops into your mind that warns you of a danger? You cannot explain why you heard that message but you know that you didn’t consciously think it. When first learning clairaudience, these sounds will seem to come from within your head, unlike hearing by ear, from which sounds are

projected from a point away from you. Here is a quick example of clairaudience and how it should sound to you within your own mind. To begin with, start singing a song in your head. Now listen to that song being sung in your mind as you do so - this is what clairaudience should sound like. When you start developing your senses as a clairaudient, you may hear a message in your own voice to begin with, but over time and with practice you should start to hear it in someone else’s tones. Either way you will be aware that the thought wasn’t from you but from an ‘external’ force. You need to make sure that you don’t allow your ‘logical’ mind to question the message as this can create blockages. Just accept what is given, and write down if you can what has been said. It may not make sense to you straight away, but when you look back on what you have written down at a later date it should become clearer.

To practice clairaudience you will need to relax and sit in a quiet place. It needs to be quiet so that you are not distracted by any external noise, which will interrupt your concentration. As with all psychic practice, you need to ground and protect yourself and open up the chakras. Next hold a pen in your hand and simply ask yourself a question. Write down the answer or whatever comes in to your head. It’s as simple as that. You will instinctively ask yourself ‘Where did that message come from?’ and with practice and patience you will be able to answer it through clairaudience. Clairaudience is also very useful when you have any major decisions to be made, especially in meetings, as you are the only one who can hear the messages. Practice really does make perfect with this skill, and then you can use it in every area of your life when you need a little help and guidance.

Isatreya Psychic Postbag

Q) I have been practising seeing auras with the help of your article in a previous edition of Vision, and I have started to see colours around my dog. I have tried to explain this to my husband but he says that animals don’t have auras but I think they do as I have seen it. Can you please end this argument and tell me who is right? Linda, Herts.

This course has been written by the Isatreya Institute of Higher Learning.

NEXT MONTH: Learn the art of clairsentience.

The Isatreya replies: It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you are indeed right and your husband is wrong. An aura is an energy field and all things living have one. Well done and keep up the good work. Q) How do I know that I am properly grounded when I do the ‘tree roots method’? I am nervous about proceeding with opening up my chakras until it is safe to do so. Frank, Newcastle. The Isatreya replies: The fact that you are experiencing a feeling of nervousness would indicate that you are not fully grounding yourself, because you would feel a sense of calm. When you ground yourself using this method you will start to feel a change in the sensation of your feet. They should start to feel heavy like lead, giving you the impression that you cannot lift them from the ground without a lot of effort. Some people experience a tingling or hot and cold sensation in their toes too, when they start practicing grounding exercises. Do you have a question for the Isatreya team? Write to: Isatreya, c/o Vision, Amadeus house, 6 Lidgett lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ. Isatreya runs 5-day residential spiritual and psychic development courses both in the UK and overseas. The courses are both fun and informative enabling you to understand whom you are, whilst allowing your energies to flow freely, assisting you to be a ‘lightworker’ in the true sense of the word. For further information on Isatreya visit

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Turn the page to read our EXCLUSIVE review of an Isatreya spiritual development course.

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Clare Sheridan travels to Wales and discovers a spiritual home in the heart of the Brecon Beacons.

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didn’t know what to expect from the Isatreya Lightworker Practitioner 1 Course – so I did the best thing and left any preconceptions at home. This five-day retreat set in the stately surroundings of Buckland Hall, amidst the majestic hills of the Brecon Beacons was not just a spiritual experience – but also a valuable lesson in lifecoaching. Lightworkers are people who know that their purpose is to heal themselves, to become enlightened and take responsibility for their own soul journey. Individuals from all walks of life and all areas of the UK attend a range of courses run by the Isatreya Institute. The two Lightworker Practitioner courses aim to develop those skills via the help of angelic vibrations and skilled teachers in a variety of subjects from psychic development right through to yoga and crystal healing. I was not alone in not knowing quite what to expect. Vision competition winners Gaynor Hughes and Pam Joy were in exactly the same boat. Gaynor, 43, a nurse and complementary therapist from Watford, Herts, said: “I’m looking forward to the journey they are going to take me on.” Gaynor entered the competition in our December issue after she gave up a career in nursing: “I know I have a purpose in life and it’s not nursing,” she said. “I developed and became aware of guides and angels around me. I’m hoping to open my psyche.” Pam, 44, a social worker from Lancaster, agreed: “Over the past few years there have been people and places in my life that have pointed me in this direction,” she enthused. “I have been meditating recently and I’ve had some wonderful experiences. “I want to focus and develop what I have. You can learn from books but getting together with others is a whole different experience and the energy is so much higher.” But they

Top: course leader Jessica West meditates; Above: students meditate during one of the psychic development classes. Below: Vision competition winners Gaynor Hughes (left) and Pam Joy (right) settle in. Opposite page - the magnificent setting of Buckland Hall.

needn’t have worried….as all the guests were ushered into the sumptuous library of Buckland Hall on arrival – it was the perfect opportunity to get to know each other over a warming cuppa. After numerous introductions and a vegetarian feast, it was time for more formal introductions in the venue’s gargantuan Great Hall. Each person had their own reasons for attending and none of us could wait to get started, but that was for another day so we all retired, bonded with our room-mates and prepared for an early start. Course leader Jessica West has been aware of working with angels and Divine Masters over a course of many lifetimes, as she claims we all do whether we are aware or not. “I have seen angels and light beings since childhood,” she said. “This course enables attendees to follow their intuitive guidance and channelled direction to provide healing in both humans and animals. “People cannot be lightworkers without first understanding themselves and their shadows. Attitude is everything. Angels are completely about love.” The Isatreya is the Soul Title of Jessica West. The Isatreya is a divine title - the Isa is of the feminine and the Treya the trinity or mind, body and spirit. Her divine purpose is to be a healer - a teacher who helps individuals walk their pathway into higher consciousness, to the light of their own intuition and their own truth. She works directly with Archangel Malakhiel who talks through her – which is sometimes known as channelling. He is the Old Testament Prophet Malachi who was ‘promoted’ to Archangel in the 1950s, and revealed his presence and name to Jessica in 1998, along with instructions to establish The Isatreya Institute. The organization promotes individual healing through spiritual and psychic development, angelic inspiration

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and personal empowerment. Any surplus funds raised from courses support non-charitable status organizations overseas. The basic format was the same for each day – give or take a few alterations in time schedules (angels don’t always fit in with us mere mortals!). Every morning at 7.30 we welcomed the day with yoga teacher and spiritual healer Yo Mo Mohanji (Mohan Ramakrishenan). His gentle yoga movements (suitable for all abilities) and advice on how to still the mind combined the body, spirit and mind as one. He explained his technique: “It’s about changing the mind, body and senses. We are trying to tap from the soul. It’s training for the mind to stay still to receive more.” This practice each day enabled each participant to still their mind in preparation for the psychic development during each of the other lessons. Mohan also offered healing throughout the week and trained psychotherapist Tove Frisvold was always on standby if anyone needed to discuss any issues. The gentle meditations at the end of each yoga session built up an appetite for a hearty breakfast, which in turn set us all up for discussions about angels and life in general with Jessica. Each day we attuned to a different Archangel. Various topics were discussed including: soul journeys – the blueprint of life which we all decide upon before we are born; how to work with angels and angelic messages; what makes a good psychic; combating negativity; trusting your intuition; and spreading unconditional love in yourself and others. Each topic was suggested to The Isatreya by Malakhiel via meditation. The Isatreya drew upon her own experiences of working as a nurse, a psychotherapist and a healer. The lectures combined essential life-coaching with spiritual enlightenment and healing - after all the best healers cannot heal others until they themselves have been healed. Jessica also took the first

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session after lunch which focussed on psychic development. Each day we worked on skills including clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience through a mixture of meditation and practical exercises. We tried our hands at automatic writing, measuring auras and energy fields with dowsing rods, sensing the chakras and opening them with crystals, psychometry (how to sense things about objects and their owners by simply holding them and tuning into the item’s energy), and using our intuition through oracle card readings. We even got the chance to discover our very own Akashic Records through meditation – this is the Sanskrit word for the truth about your life and why you are here. These practical exercises were both a fun but informative way of opening up our minds to higher vibrations and trusting our instincts, which we seem to dismiss so easily in our hectic world. Between bouts of workshops, we were encouraged to take part in barefoot boogie – a liberating chance to let go and dance in the middle of the Great Hall - a fabulously fun therapy. And that was the whole theme of the course – fun – which fits in with Isatreya’s motto of learning to live lightly. Talking of music, we also examined sacred sound. The group learned the various frequencies of the chakras and the concept that each individual resonates to his or her own frequency, which explains why different types of music appeal to different

Above: psychic art teacher Lynnette Warburton; Left: Students try their hands at sensing positive energy with dowsing rods. Opposite page - top: crystal balls were used to develop psychic skills; Centre: students use crystal wands for chakra work; Bottom: yoga teacher Yo Mo Mohanji.

people, and why the right kind of music can make people feel better. Again, it was all about energies and sounds affecting those energies. Chakra work and meditation led us all to some beautiful sounds. And at the end of the week the entire group utilized that to full effect when we cut our first record We Are the Light. But the course did not end there - Lynnette Warburton’s psychic art classes gave us all the chance to flex our artistic muscles. Simple meditations gave us glimpses into past lives, told us truths about our subconscious and even helped us meet our guardian angels. And we drew them! “It’s not about your ability in art,” said Lynnette. “Psychic art takes people on a visualized journey awakening their vision to see and draw their and other people’s auras, spirit guides and angels”. And after 5 days of sumptuous vegetarian food and enlightenment in the stately surroundings of Buckland Hall, it was a shame we had to come back down to earth. It was often an emotional journey for many including myself – but the change in people’s outlooks at the end was well worth it. Competition winner Gaynor Hughes was certainly glad she came: “I have got a lot out of it. I feel I’m a stronger person and I’m now ready to do what I really want to do – complementary therapy and healing.” Pam Joy agreed: “It has made me more focussed to develop my intuition. I’ve laughed and cried. It’s been great.”

But don’t take our word for it! What other participants thought of the course..... Complementary therapist Su Fitzgerald, 34, from Birkenhead, said: “Isatreya has given me my divine purpose in life. I now know what I’m going to be and how I’m going to do it. I’m a lightworker!”

Life coach Lesley Sumner, 46, from Cheshire, said: “I can now see auras and guides! And I managed to hold an object, sense things and get it right! I feel like I can do anything.”

Nurse Sue Ockendon, 45, from Hull said: “It’s taken me through my fear barrier. I now see auras. It has confirmed everything I have started to believe in. It’s a huge affirmation for me that angels exist!”

For more details about Isatreya courses visit

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ne of the oldest roots of hand analysis originated from ancient Hindu Sanskrit some 5,000 years ago. These sacred texts are known as the Vedas and it relates man’s soul with the cosmic universe. The Vedas are one of India’s most sacred texts and are a compilation of hymns and prayers. The ancient seers (Rishes) studied the markings on the hand – they believed the markings correlated with the cosmos as well as the mind, body and spirit. Palmistry helps us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, shows our inner potential and can even guide us on matters such as career and love. Physical, mental or emotional health matters can also be determined via palmistry. The golden age of palmistry branched out from these philosophies, which is why it is closely linked with astrology. The hands are split into several categories but should always be considered as a whole.

Palmist Lesley Norris unveils how our hands can reveal our personality.

Personalities Earth people have a square palm and short stubby fingers. They are practical, reliable types who are honest but can be unimaginative and mundane. Air people usually have large, square palms with long thick fingers. They are intellectual and interesting but can be impractical and nervous. Fire people have oblong palms and short, thick fingers. They are energetic and spontaneous but can be irrational and restless. Water personalities have long palms and long, slim fingers. They are artistic and flexible but can be indecisive and unstable. Thumbs can also tell a great deal – these show a person’s strength of character. A strong thumb shows a confident person, but a wasted one depicts diplomacy skills. If the thumb is short and not wasted the person could be tactless.

Mounts There are seven mounts on the palm and the fingers are associated with planets. The mounts are the padded areas on the palm and in Vedic palmistry they are believed to reflect our unconscious characteristics. Well-rounded mounts depict a balance in life but over or under developed could show negative character traits. The fingers express the energy stored in the mount in a conscious way. Each finger is allotted an aspect of that person’s life. Markings on the Jupiter finger show how the person responds to career, the Saturn finger reflects social characteristics while the Sun finger refers to success and artistry, and the Mercury health and communication.

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Fingerprint patterns Our fingerprints are unique but they do usually follow several patterns. The fingerprints are made up from tiny ridges, which cover the entire hand. There is a science based on the hand ridges alone known as dermatoglyphics. The whorl print belongs to the fire element and is therefore associated with energy. It can depict an individualist. The loop belongs to the air element and is closely linked with communication. The arch belongs to the earth element and can be found on fingers of practical and reliable people. The composite print belongs to the water finger and can show a person who can see both sides of the coin as well as intuition and flexibility.

Major lines

Minor lines

All the lines should ideally be equal in depth and length, showing a balance between mind, body and spirit. They should be curved with no breakages. The Life Line is the crease that lies round the side of the mount of Venus. This is associated with our physicality and vitality. Health and family matters can be seen on this line. If broken and scattered, it can depict poor health throughout life. If strong, it can depict good vitality. A short one doesn’t mean a short life, just non-assertiveness. If it stretches up to the Jupiter mound, this indicates an assertive person. The Head Line is usually found running just along the upper middle part of the palm. It is concerned with matters on a mental plane. A long head line can show artistic abilities. If straight it means a direct person, if curved the person is compassionate. If parallel with the Life Line it could indicate a problem with depression. If broken, poor health. The Heart Line is found above the head line and is concerned with emotional matters. If curved and unbroken it can depict a person open with their feelings, especially if it starts near the Jupiter mound. If near the Saturn mound, the person keeps to themselves. If straight they are rational, and use their head more than their heart.

The Destiny Line runs vertically up the palm towards the mount of Saturn. If it is close to the Life Line, the person has close connections to their family, if further away, the person is independent. If it begins on the Lunar mount, it means the person is in contact with their feminine side and would be suited to careers either in the arts or helping people, such as counselling. If broken, this depicts a time when they have stopped and continued along another path in career or life – eg if female, they may stop to have children etc. The Sun Line runs up towards the Sun mount and can indicate success levels, it is also linked with the arts, vitality and health. A straight one shows a very successful, dynamic person. If fragmented, the person is not so direct but has experienced a lot. The Mercury Finger runs up to the mercury mount. It shows how we express ourselves and is linked with communication and health matters. A direct straight line shows a good communicator, someone who works in the communication field. If broken could depict poor health. Don’t worry if you can’t find these lines, not everyone has them.

Sample reading (see the hand print on the right) This is the dominant hand (the hand that they write with) of a person. In this case the overall shape of the palm is square, showing a practical nature. The fingers are fairly long showing intellectual traits. The ridges that cover the entire hand are strong and energetic. When you take a look at your hand you should gently stroke the Luna mount and feel the skin texture. Rough skin shows that the person acts in a dynamic/spontaneous way, while smooth shows a more emotional response. Here the

ridges are in harmony with the hand shape and the lines too, are of equal proportion, which shows a good balance. The Life Line starts high up in the mount of Jupiter; this reflects good leadership ability. To the left of this line are other creases running parallel. These are known as sister lines and they are lines of resilience. Third of the way down the Head Line you will see that the line breaks into two and then joins up again. This is known as an island and shows a weakness on the intellectual plane. At the end the line sweeps upwards showing artistic traits. The Heart Line curves round at a good angle showing they are in contact with their emotions. The line starts at the base of the Jupiter finger depicting an idealist when it comes to love but a devotional person. Please note that in Vedic palmistry the heart line ends normally in the Mercury mount.

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he Cornish farmer leaned towards me until his red nose was only inches away from mine. His breath had the faint aroma of turnips. “Get your tent out of my field before I fill your backside full of lead!” I heeded this sound advice and was gone in a flash. This had happened 20 years ago but the moral had always stuck with me: always ask before entering farmland. Last summer I once again found myself conversing with a farmer, this time in Wiltshire. I asked if he would mind us taking a closer look at the crop circle that had appeared in his field, as if by magic, during the night. “Yeah, no problem,” he said, “just try and stick to the side of the field if you can. Oh, and by the way, that’ll be £2 each, thank you.” The term ‘circle’ doesn’t do justice to these elegant creations. The increasingly intricate designs appear overnight, without being seen. Genuine circles are often complex mathematical and geometric shapes. But how do they get there? Are they all a huge hoax? Are they UFO landing sights (is it me, or do most UFOs resemble Jaffa cakes)? Or are they messages from another realm of consciousness? We hoped to find out….. The shape we approached through the wheat was soon nicknamed ‘the bee’ because of its insect-like appearance. It was huge, approximately 91 metres long. This was definitely no hoax. The grain was swirled into complex patterns and you could almost trace the vortex of power that had created this design. We noticed a palpable feeling of energy - a buzzing in the ears and a vibration through the hands. All the stalks were bent at 45 degrees, about two inches above the ground. The bend always appeared on a joint or nodule on the stalk, causing a large swelling (swollen nodules are something I’ve suffered from for years). Few stalks were broken and it has been documented that a crop will start to grow back towards the light after a few days. The designs often appear within a matter

The Crop Circle season is upon us. Nick Richardson investigates this mysterious phenomenon.

of minutes, and are frequently aligned with prehistoric sites, such as Avebury stone circle, Silbury Hill or ancient barrows and earth mounds. This one lined up with one of Wiltshire’s famous White Horses. In his book Secrets in the Fields, Freddy Silva states that in 1996 a ‘circle’ appeared in broad daylight next to Stonehenge without anyone witnessing its creation. A pilot and doctor had flown over the ancient site one July afternoon. They had a clear view over the stones

below; nothing unusual was apparent. Forty-five minutes later, after landing, the doctor was attempting to drive back past Stonehenge when he was caught up in a huge traffic jam, people had left their cars to look at a brand new crop circle within metres of the sacred stones. It was a sophisticated mathematical spiral of 149 circles. The ‘Julia Set’ measured an immense 920 feet down its spine. The next day we rose early and telephoned the ‘crop circle helpline’, which gives times and grid references to any new circles. Something had appeared near Silbury Hill. We knew the area well, and rushed off with a squeal of tyres and the smell of burning rubber in search of the new design. We located the field and could already see people making their way along a track, towards the new circle. We sprinted towards the design, but on entering, something didn’t feel right. There were no swirls of corn. No clean edges to the design and the atmosphere inside felt completely flat. Had we come across a hoax? The corn looked as if a scaffold board had flattened it. The crop was universally snapped at ground level. You can fully understand any farmer being furious at such wanton destruction with absolutely no hope of his crop re-growing. We left feeling cheated. Luckily the following day we visited two more genuine circles and our enthusiasm for these beautiful and bizarre masterpieces was revived. After three years of cropping, I’m still not sure where they come from. It was once suggested that they were the mating tracks of badgers. Badgers aren’t that clever. Lets face it, have you ever seen one driving a bus or working in a chemist?! Top Tip: Remember - always try and get permission to enter a field. If you can’t get permission, wear armour-plated underwear! Reach Nick via his website at The Bee image © Steve Alexander 2004. Visit to see more. The Crop Circle Year Book by Steve Alexander and Karen Douglas is out now.

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Yoga guru Muz Murray (pictured left) reveals the process of transformation by conscious sound.


he mysteries of mantra and its capacity for mental, physical and spiritual healing are little known in the Western world. Mantra is a profound and practical method of self-awakening, opening and self-transcendence. It is a form of yoga which speaks to the deep organic roots of man’s being by the use of vocalized and mental sound-currents of both audible and inaudible frequencies. These subtle vibrations awaken dormant centres of the brain attuning the psychological, physiological and spiritual faculties to the primordial and sustaining vibration of creation. Among a great many Western practitioners of yoga, one finds that the major focus of interest rarely goes beyond that of the physical aspect. Yet all the great yogic texts firstly enumerate the most important asanas (or postures) and then the pranayamas (breath-expansion and control exercises), pratyahara (withdrawal of consciousness from the external world) followed by the Raja (Kingly) Yoga exercises of a psychological nature. The teachings then lead on to the higher experiences of Laya Yoga (the Yoga of Transformation) through the practice of Mantra (sacred mystic syllable repetition) and Nada (the Yoga of Subtle Sound). In order to bring the body, mind and soul into harmonious balance, all these other higher forms of self-development need to be cultivated at the same time. The postures of Hatha Yoga are extremely beneficial in preparing the subtle nervous system for higher voltages of energy. These subtle circuits might be termed the ‘para-physical wiring system’ of the subtle body which sheathes the physical body with an ‘energy-field’ in a similar way as a magnetic field occurs around a magnet. The conduits of the psychic nervous system are known as nadis or ‘channels’ and like the meridians of

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Chinese acupuncture (though not always concurrent with them), the nadis are conductors of subtle energy throughout the body. This energy is diffused and distributed into the physical nervous system via the chakras (‘wheels’ in Sanskrit). Music and chant activate these channels, but it is an extremely rare occurrence for physical exercise alone to switch on the current. The word mantra itself means ‘that which protects consciousness’. The first syllable man comes from the Sanskrit term manas—‘thought, consciousness’, and the suffix tra—‘that which protects’. Thus the use of mantra is that which protects us

These same mantras are still in use today. And they still evoke the same results in those who earnestly practice them. Mantras create a stable core in the centre of our beings, which vibrates in unison with the underlying life force. In India, it is not unusual for homeopathic doctors (as well as sages) to prescribe specific mantras instead of the usual remedies. Similar methods are used today by advanced radionic practitioners using sophisticated instruments. And even in allopathic circles, sound-therapy is beginning to be utilized in the treatment of both physical and mental problems. It’s only relatively recently in the

The subtle harmonic vibrations of chanted mantras, both mental and vocal, act as a cleansing and purifying agent on consciousness.

from the constant mental flow of thoughts, fears, apprehensions and negativities and all the useless flotsam of over-thinking. With constant practice, mantra repetition activates the psychic energies in the nadi system and vitalizes the pineal gland, which awakens intuitive faculties (and often ecstatic joy) in the practitioner. The subtle harmonic vibrations of chanted mantras, both mental and vocal, act as a cleansing and purifying agent on consciousness. The yoga-rishis (seers) discovered that certain sounds brought them joy and ecstasy, some illumined the consciousness, some brought tremendous psychic powers, profound tranquility or boundless energy, freedom from fear, or mental and physical healing.

Western world, that it has been discovered that certain music and sound-waves have the capacity to activate cellular healing when played to bodily wounds. So it is that medical science begins to vindicate the findings of the sages of millennia ago. Homeopathic medicine goes one step further - its highly diluted remedies appear to contain nothing of the original substance, yet they are highly potentised and radiate a powerful frequency which can replicate the effects of the disease. This causes the body to throw off its illness without the effects of harmful drugs, simply by a sympathetic frequency. Medical researchers in Paris have found that certain repetitive sounds

played to cancer cells will eventually destroy them. This is a fascinating breakthrough, for all involved in sound work. Over the past few years, having had several cancer patients in my mantra workshops, I have begun to receive letters from those who have been able to avoid operations after a workshop. One lady who was due for a mastectomy found the malignant growth had diminished soon after a mantra workshop and after the five-days of chanting - an operation was deemed unnecessary. Five years later she is still chanting and still has her breasts. Clearly something powerful is in operation here. If lifeless repetitive electronic

sound can make cancer cells disintegrate in the laboratory, just think how much more effective the living sound of one’s own voice can be in toning the cells with the repetitive vibration of healing. Due to its capacity to resonate in consciousness, mantra is considered by the great sages as the most efficacious method of unburdening the subconscious and cleansing it of residual traumas. Many cancers can be traced back to unfelt feelings blocked in childhood, mantra (with its internal massage of rigid cellular structures) often allows such frozen pains and tears to be released. On occasion even traumas of previous lifetimes have been experienced following

a mantra session, allowing students to relive and release past-life memories which had created hidden tensions in the body. Anyone can benefit from the vibrations – you don’t have to do yoga. Less active newcomers to yoga generally take to it like ducks to water! While some find its ‘spring-cleaning’ effect on the psyche allows their long-blocked feelings to arise and be dissolved in emotional release, others find in mantra an immediate sense of ‘coming-home’, or a supportive joy in deep meditation. At the very least, it is a wondrous relief for the over-burdened mind. Main image: Muz recites mantra while meditating. For more details about Muz, visit

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by Catherine Vander Cammen

omewhere in the south west of India on a sunny afternoon...I relaxed in the garden under the shade of a bougainvillea tree. It was so hot! I imagined walking barefoot on a beach in England… I was there! Enjoying the feeling of wet sand between my toes… the sound of the waves crashing on the pebbles… and the wind…. “Cath! Are you dreaming?” I opened my eyes and saw my friend Rakesh leaning forward. “I do not know… I was miles away!” I replied. Not only was that day the beginning of a long-term friendship but also the starting point of a new perspective on dreams. Dreaming is a universal experience. Yet, the meaning of dreams can vary greatly in accordance with the dreamer’s cultural heritage. In ancient Sanskrit India, dreams were seen as an important source of communication with deities. In modern India, although the approach is shifting, a rich oneiric life is still seen as a sign of a rich spiritual path. Rakesh was a fantastic dreamer. We spent hours discussing his dreams, making sure that minute details were recorded. But I was on my own - no longer could I rely on Freud, or Jung! Books on the subject were a rarity. So, I am very grateful to Rakesh, his friends, colleagues and their dreams for allowing me to gain insight into a new way… the Indian way! This article is not based on academic research but merely on the account of dear friends who agreed to share with me their dreaming consciousness! It took us ages to sort out the data collected over a very long period… and it is far from being completed! Still, according to the records, there seems to be two main categories of dreams: the ordinary and the transformational. Ordinary dreams: These types of dreams are based on everyday matters taking place in the dreamer’s life. Usually the content is a reflection, a residue of an event that took place while the dreamer was awake. This could be anything from a discussion with

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a boss or an argument with a spouse to simply a sign of indigestion! Usually the dreamer wakes up in the morning with little or no recollection of the dream as it leaves little impact. Transformational dreams: Upon waking, the dreamer is able to recall most aspects of the dream: colours, places, people, odours, sounds and feelings. There seem to be different ‘levels’ associated with the dreamer’s personal and spiritual journey. The trend present in all dreams is the natural law or the five natural elements which have their foundations in old Vedic scriptures: Earth transformation: Often dreamers recall past life experiences. They know it is not a dream but stored memories. The images are clear and vivid. The content brings up issues connected with karmic debts. This type of dream can be upsetting. However, dreamers often believe that they have been given a chance to correct and avoid repetition of past mistakes. Water transformation: Dreams including the water element suggest purification. People see themselves bathing, swimming or sailing. Dirty and murky waters signal the manifestation of illness. It also suggests that guilt and fear are unnecessary ills preventing the dreamer to move on. Air transformation: Birds or insects appear in this type of dream, announcing unexpected and rapid changes. Ancestors or Masters appear and communicate clearly. Messages are often words of encouragement. In this stage, dreamers can experience Out-of-Body Experiences and astral travelling. The dreamer’s telepathic abilities can be enhanced.

Fire transformation: The duality of fire is well-known. The underlying message is balance. The dreams bring visions of the future. Communication with a Guru or a Master continues. People feel more energetic and positive about life. They often develop a thirst for healing and spiritual matters. Letting go of a relationship and career move are indicators of this transformation. Space transformation: Dreams bring a sense of inner peace and well-being. The dreaming consciousness is no longer filled with images. Knowledge is directly accessible to those able to tune into the Divine Source. Healers who reach this level become teachers, teachers become masters… in India, people who take the spiritual path believe that with every step, they get closer to God and Nirvana. Tips Follow these simple tips to help you dream vividly: In India, in the evening, people walk barefoot in their garden or parks. It is excellent for the circulation but it also acts as a grounding exercise; Evening meals should be light (fruits or vegetable soup); A bath or shower should be taken at least one hour before bed; Meditation or gentle relaxation can also promote good sleep: use music, aromatic oils or anything that will help you to switch off from daily hassles; The bedroom should be kept in the dark and the bed placed according to Vaastu principles; Place a piece of rose quartz on your beside table; Have a note pad and pen ready to record dreams in the morning; Motivation and commitment are the keys to success! Happy dreaming!

Exploring dream consciousness is to discover the core of your spiritual essence. As Marsha Norman stated: “Dreams are illustrations… from the book your Soul is writing about you”. Read on as Vision continues its monthly alphabet round-up of the most common dream scenarios.

Common dreams beginning with the letter Eagle: In Siberian mythology, the eagle is an archetypal image referring to the father of all shamans. The visit of an eagle is often seen as a blessing. The symbol may refer to your ability to look at things from a higher perspective. Perhaps, you have clear vision or healing skills that need to be developed. Be confident! Earth: Often, this represents feelings of belonging, love and protection. Unconscious processes may encourage you to reconnect with your roots or your feminine side. Remember it is all about balance, reinforcing the importance of being well grounded! Ears: These symbolise the auditory function or your ability to hear and listen. It may confirm your skills in hearing the “unsaid”! Take care of your needs and listen to your inner voice, your higher self or your guide. Eating: Food and drink are basic needs necessary for our survival. Is your diet appropriate? Psychologically, eating may represent your drives and motivation. On another level, you may be in search of your soul purpose… more stimuli, more food for thought! Eclipse: Symbolically, this may refer to problems obscuring your life. The cause of the problems may be caused by external energies which are beyond your control: either people or events. The eclipse should not affect your goal and determination. Like the eclipse the problem is only shortlived! Egg: This symbol is associated with fertility and life. This may refer to untapped potential or

the gestation of a new project. If you have been feeling uncertain recently, this type of dream is very promising for it is announcing a new beginning! Elephants: In India, Ganesha is a deity with the head of an elephant: the symbol of knowledge. Elephants are intelligent animals, respected for their strength and loyalty. Those qualities can also be found within… be in touch with the real you! Elves: In the Nordic tradition, Elves are creatures of the night and belong to the air element. The White Lady is the Queen of Elves. She appears to adolescents and is responsible for the awakening of passion and love energies. In dreams, Elves open the door to facilitate communication between the two worlds. Explore your channelling potential! Empty: A feeling of emptiness is often experienced in dreams following a loss, whether it is a person, a pet or a job. You may be feeling isolated or lacking a purpose. Now is the time to pursue a new interest, join a group or whatever feels right for you. End: Symbolically, this may signify that you are reaching a goal, a closure to a situation or the end of a relationship. This is a reminder of the cycles of life: a time for change and transformation. With the end, comes a new beginning with new opportunities. Engine: The content of the dream is important for it is referring to your energy level. A failing engine may be a warning sign, drawing your attention to potential health problems. Perhaps it is time to recharge your batteries?!


Escape: This may suggest that you have been feeling trapped, a prisoner in a relationship or in an unhappy situation. Unconsciously you are escaping! This may it be a compensatory dream allowing the release of negative energies and feelings in order to maintain a state of equilibrium. You are free and in control! Enemy: Your unconscious mind has brought up unresolved issues to your awareness. Has the past been catching up with you? It may be time to deal with unfinished business. Alternatively, you may be sensitive to others’ energies. Your intuition will guide your interpretation. Keep a positive attitude! Eruption: Sometimes, eruptions may represent sexual impulses and unfulfilled desires. For some, an eruption may be associated with the release of internal tensions as a result of frustration and anger. Eruption is associated with the fire element and can be a reoccurring theme with people suffering from acne, eczema or psoriasis. Occasionally it may refer to heartburn. Eyes: In many traditions, the eyes represent the divine presence. You may feel that someone is watching over you! Alternatively, you could be gifted with a clear vision (clairvoyant) or second sight. However, if you are currently looking for answers, keep your “eyes wide open”!

Catherine Vander Cammen is a therapist who specializes in Oneirology. She is a member of Oniros and the European Association for the Study of Dreams. Catherine can be contacted at info@ or

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spiritual retreat


et away from it all in mind, body and spirit! Head down to the Royal Horticultural Halls in Victoria, London, next month for this year’s Mind Body Spirit Festival. It may not sound like an exotic location, but the beautiful Art-Deco venue will certainly be packed full of exotic spiritual treats and ideas between May 25 and 30. An unrivalled selection of workshops and talks from internationally renowned experts will enlighten and enrapture audiences including talks from Scottish medium Gordon Smith, Seattle clairvoyant Liz MacDonald, Tantra expert Leora Lightwoman, sound healer Jill Purce, life coach Fiona Harrold and leading intuitive Sharon Klinger, to name but a few. Connect with flights of angels and guides, find the quickest routes to your ‘hot spots’ on a Tantra course, or ‘check in’ to your body with a sports pilates or yoga class. Why not try your hand at Inversion Therapy? This intriguing new therapy (pictured) involves balancing the patient in the air, upside down, on the hands and

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feet of the practitioner! Paul Terrell developed it from Benjamin Marantz’s Acro-Sage technique, and over 12,000 people across Europe have now experienced it. The therapy increases blood oxygenation, massages the internal organs, reduces blood pressure and balances the hormone system. Mind Body Spirit Ltd managing director Sharon Adams said: “We are always looking to provide a dynamic and diverse environment for our visitors to explore more positive ways of living. This year’s festival is no exception. “We’re thrilled to have a strong mix of international presenters like Liz Macdonald and Dan Millman alongside domestic superstars such as Gordon Smith who is returning for one of his hugely popular Spirit Guide workshops. “As well as the broad range of hugely inspiring and gifted performances and demonstrations on the stage, we’re really looking forward to seeing Doris the New age Guru’s acclaimed stand-up comedy routine – well after all, they say laughter is the best medicine! If you choose to try everything that the Mind Body Spirit Festival has to offer or do nothing but relax, browse the stands, meet the exhibitors and enjoy the atmosphere we know you’ll leave feeling

refreshed and empowered.” And if that doesn’t inspire you, the free world music performances, practitioner demonstrations and even stand-up comedy in the Age Of Aquariums – with Doris The New Age Guru – should provide something for most minds! Mind Body Spirit has 29 years of experience organising inspirational events and promoting positive, healthy ways of living. There will be over 100 stands as well as a juice bars and a vegetarian café catered by Leiths. The festival is open 11am-7pm Wed/Thurs/Fri and 10am-6pm Sat/Sun/Mon. Admission is £6 for everyone Wed/Thurs/Fri and £8 (£6 concessions). Accompanied children under 15 free (under-5s not admitted to talks and under-10s not admitted to workshops). For more details visit or call 0207 371 9191.

WIN tickets! Where are you going this year for your summer break? Why not expand your mind at The Mind Body Spirit Festival?! As the heat rises we all feel the need to jump on a plane and head for more exotic climbs. But no matter how far we travel or for how long, we always have to come back. Don’t you just hate that sinking feeling that comes knowing you’ve got to return to work on Monday? Well, this year, come and see life from a different angle at The Mind Body Spirit Festival in London. Held at The Royal Horticultural Halls in Victoria on May 25 -30, this event provides the perfect way re-invent those things you’re constantly running away from. At the Mind Body Spirit Festival you can embark on a permanent holiday from the ‘stressed you’. With 29 year’s experience of organising evolutional events, the Mind Body Spirit team simply relish the opportunity to help you experience more positive ways of living. There’s so much on offer for the first time visitor interested in sampling the worlds of spirituality and natural health. But there is just as much for the seasoned regular returning to hone their growing practice inspiration can be found by simply sitting back and soaking up the wonderful free world music performances and practitioner demonstrations. Vision has 20 pairs of tickets to give away to the festival – one of the foremost events of its kind in the world. But that is not all – the first prizewinner

WIN a place on an Indian Head Massage course

© Aura International.

will also be able to choose between a FREE aura photograph or whole body aura reading for them and a friend. For a copy of the free programme and a chance to win, send your name, address and daytime contact number to: Vision Competition, Mind Body Spirit Ltd, 755 Fulham Road, London, SW6 5UU, by May 14. Winners will be informed by phone before May 18. For more information contact Mind Body Spirit on 020 7371 9191 or visit

Terms and conditions: The first 20 names drawn out of the hat will each win tickets, one person will win the aura photography; winners must make their own travel arrangements to and from the venue; no alternative prizes will be offered; winners must be 18 or over; no more than one entry per person; Vision accepts no responsibility for the fulfilment of prize obligations or the distribution of prizes; Vision cannot be held responsible for external competition organisers forwarding entrants’ details to similar companies.

Would you like to amaze and delight your family and friends with up-to-the-minute skills in one of the most popular complementary therapies available? Willow Lodge Healing Therapies is offering 4 lucky readers and their friends the chance to attend a one-day Indian Head Massage workshop, from 10am – 5pm (on a Sunday in mid-June 2005). This prize is valued at £125 per person. In just one day you can learn all the techniques required for professional practice of Indian Head Massage in an environment that will be both educational and fun. Though its original purpose was to promote shiny, healthy hair, Indian Head Massage is a uniquely de-stressing and relaxing therapy, now used to detox and heal at all levels in the body, mind, emotions and spirit. To enter, simply answer the following question: What was the original purpose of Indian Head Massage? Send your answer, name, address and daytime telephone number to: Vision Indian Head Massage Comp, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ by May 18. For more information visit, or email Terms and conditions: The first four names drawn after the closing date will each win a place on the Indian Head Massage workshop for themselves and a friend; the prize includes overnight accommodation, on the night before the workshop (inc breakfast); winners must make their own travel arrangements; no alternative prize will be offered; winners must be 18 or over; no more than one entry per person; winners can choose from several pre-organised event dates on a first come, first-served basis; Vision accepts no responsibility for the fulfilment of prize obligations or the distribution of prizes.

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Therapist and energy healer Karl Hemmings (pictured) reveals the principles behind yoga.


lhtough it’s only one among many ‘mind and body’ systems scattered across the globe today, yoga is most certainly one of the oldest, yet the numerous classes and courses available all over the world are a testimony to the current relevance of this ancient art. The practice originated and developed almost exclusively in India over 5,000 years, and is one of the most accessible forms of self-development systems available today. ‘Union’ is the literal translation of the word yoga. In our increasingly hectic and fragmented age yoga offers everyone a way of restoring harmony into their lives. Through a carefully considered system of body postures, breathing techniques, visualisations and meditation, yoga teaches us how to unite body and mind, mind and spirit. When practiced regularly it offers relaxation and calm, encourages physical fitness, increased energy and a sense of well-being. The ultimate aim is one of self-development and self-realization. Anyone can take part in yoga classes or tuition; it is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. It can improve health, help weight loss and flexibility, and even combat depression and insomnia. The origins of yoga are shrouded in mystery, though evidence does link the earliest yoga tradition back some 5,000 years to the early stages of human civilization in India. It is suggested that yoga grew out of stone age shamanism. This might seem like a radical theory, but this is possibly because of the cultural similarities between modern Hinduism and Mehrgarh, a Neolithic settlement in what is now Afghanistan. It can be seen that many Hindu ideals, rituals and symbols of today appear to have their roots in the ancient shamanic culture of Mehrgahr. Both early yoga and archaic shamanism were very community orientated in that the disciplines were used to better understand the great cosmic order through inner vision, and then to embody that order within the activities of daily living. Yoga later evolved into a more inward and individual as opposed to collective experience, with the focus being more upon one’s own enlightenment and salvation. Yoga became very much part of the communal structures of India, offering people not only a system toward better health, but also toward spiritual salvation. Its philosophies and practices carved the

lifestyle in India that we can see today. Our Westernised concept of yoga, that of body work and meditating in the lotus posture, is somewhat incomplete and misleading. Yoga is an integrated system offering the tools by which we can explore human potential and achieve synergy with the environment, and even the universe itself. Interestingly, the first archaeological evidence of yoga’s existence was found in stone seals excavated from the Indus valley. The stone seals depict figures performing various yoga postures. These relics officially put yoga on the history books circa 3000 BC, though it is likely that the system was developed and practiced in India long before this time.

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All images taken in conjunction with Willow Lodge Healing Therapies. Visit:

In our current stressful lifestyles, yoga is certainly one of the most accessible of all the self-help systems. We can improve the body’s health, bring balance and vibrancy, stretch it and strengthen it, breathe into it. Then learn to control the breath, energise the system with breath work, feel rejuvenated. Steady and quieten the mind with visualisations and positive affirmations. Calm and soothe the emotions… lay the foundations of study and meditation. This investment will bring incredible rewards: improved self-awareness; opening of the senses and higher centres; balancing of the chakras and sensing of their energies; vivid dreaming; and healing. Have the courage to step through that doorway and begin the magical journey of deeper levels of self-realisation.

Some of the more popular styles of yoga: Hatha Yoga – Hatha Yoga is a catch-all phrase indicating that the instructor teaches various techniques from more than one style of yoga, and does not strictly adhere to one style. Levels of difficulty can vary. Iyengar – The emphasis is on proper alignment, particularly for the spine and core of the body. Beginners will often use props such as blocks, yoga ties, and walls to achieve proper alignment in each individual posture. There is emphasis on achieving the correct body alignment, and on holding postures for long periods of time. Kundalini - A spiritual form of yoga that is practiced in order to channel and release Kundalini Energy (said to be coiled at the base of the spine) through chanting and intense pranayama (breathing/life energy) exercises. It alters the state of consciousness to connect you with a realm of spiritual energy. Ashtanga - A vigorous, intense, physical yoga “work-out” - it can be

physically challenging, but you are (ideally) working to a point of softening the body, while it is in the poses. Bikram - A vigorous physical style of yoga created by Bikram Choudhoury. Bikram’s classes are taught in a carpeted, mirrored room heated from 95 to 105 degrees. There are 26 postures done twice within 90 to 100 minutes. This is a vigorous, athletic style of yoga, designed to bring the body to maximum health and fitness. Viniyoga - A gentle/moderate style of yoga, developed by Krishnamacharya and his son, TKV Deskichar. This style is designed to be unique to each individual. There is no perfect form, but to follow the movement that is right for one’s own body at the time of doing the practice. There is focus upon the coordination of breath and movement, drawing the awareness inward. It is primarily a therapeutic yoga and is ideally taught in private yoga sessions.


Picture A: Stand tall, with your feet close together and your arms by your side. Look ahead and check your body balance. Ideally your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet. Relax any unnecessary tension in the body.

Picture E: Place your legs slightly apart, placing your hands on the ground, palms down and in line with your shoulders. The elbows should be slightly bent. Inhale and gently arch the back pushing the tailbone in the air and look forward. Take care not to pull the neck back too far. As the in-breath deepens sense the opening stretch in the front of your body.

Hints and tips: Practice in a warm, well-lit room; Never practice after a meal or on a full stomach; Wear loose, warm clothing; All breathing is done through the nose with the mouth closed and tongue relaxed; Keep the in-breath and out-breath slow and even; Never over-stretch; Do only as many repetitions as feels comfortable;

Yoga timeline 3000BC: RAJA YOGA Raja means royal or kingly. Raja yoga meditation is generally based on directing one’s life force to bring the mind and emotions so into balance that the attention may be easily focused on the object of meditation, or upon the Lord directly.

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C 900 BC: JNANA YOGA Jnana means wisdom or discernment. This is the path of wisdom and jnana meditation is many-faceted. The main purpose of jnana meditation is to withdraw the mind and emotions from perceiving life and oneself in a deluded way, so that one may live in attunement with reality, or Spirit.

C 500 BC: BUDDHISM Gautamala Buddha initiated the focus once more upon the techniques of Raja Yoga to achieve a state of nirvana or ‘loss of self’ in Universal Oneness.

C 300 BC: KARMA YOGA This yoga emphasizes selfless action and service, such as that practiced by Mahatma Gandhi. Karma Yoga is personified within one of the greatest and well known of Hindu spiritual texts, The Bhagavad Gita.


Try the basics with our simple guide‌

Picture B: Breathe in while raising your arms in front of your body, bending them at the elbows. Have a sensation of opening the chest. Keep the shoulders and neck relatively relaxed. Pause for a second, then exhale and lower your arms. Repeat this sequence 6 times. Do not over stretch but enjoy the opening of the chest, and allow tension to be released through the out-breath.

Picture C: With your feet at shoulder width apart, place both hands on either side of your lower back just above your hips. Inhale and gently arch your back, looking up. Allow the in-breath to open the ribcage and relax the throat. Sense the stretch in the diaphragm and stomach. Keep the neck relaxed. Allow your hands and arms to support some of the weight.

Picture F: As you exhale, arch the back upward in the opposite direction, straightening the arms. Pull in the stomach gently during the exhalation. Allow the neck to relax completely and head to drop naturally, without forcing the movement. Then inhale, returning to the previous posture. Repeat this sequence 6 times.

Picture G: Once you have completed the 6 repetitions, allow your body to fold over the knees, placing your forehead onto the floor. Stay in this posture for 1 minute whilst doing deep breathing as described before. Then turn over onto your back, stretching out your body and resting for a further minute.

Always consult your GP before undertaking any exercise such as this yoga routine.

then begin to move slowly and open your eyes. Sit up and remain seated for a further minute whilst you allow your body’s blood flow to rebalance. Then stand up slowly and go about your activities. Reflect upon your yoga practice during the course of the day and look for opportunities to relax, breathe and even stretch from time to time. This is the first positive step toward stress management and improving the quality of your lifestyle.

Once you have completed this sequence, simply remain on your back, stretch out your legs, arms by your side with palms facing the ceiling. Close your eyes and take 6 deep breaths. Then relax completely and allow your body, mind and emotions to become still. Enjoy this resting posture for up to 5 minutes. When you feel that you have relaxed enough,

C 200 BC: PATANJALI The widespread development of Yoga eventually gave rise to the need for standardisation. In the second century C.E. Patanjali composed a seminal text, the Yoga-Sutra and for the first time attempted to unify the various schools into a definition of Classical Yoga.

C 300 AD: TANTRIC YOGA The Buddhist philosopher Asanga initiates Tantric philosophy. Combining yogic concepts in which the senses and subtle energies are harnessed to attain ecstatic states, which may lead to enlightenment.

Picture D: As you exhale, straighten the back looking forward and run your hands over the sides of your hips and down toward the knees (maintaining contact with the body). Continue to exhale, bending the upper body forward and gently bending the knees. The hands should come to rest on each knee. Relax your neck allowing the head to hang freely. Sense the lovely stretch along the length of the spine and kidney area. Now inhale and return to posture c. Repeat the sequence 6 times.

Picture H: Bend your knees, lifting the legs off the floor. Take a hold of each knee. Inhale whilst in this posture.

Picture I: Now exhale and gently pull the knees down toward your chest. Sense the stretch in the lower back. Inhale, allowing your legs to return to the previous posture. Repeat this sequence 6 times.

C 1000 AD: BHAKTI YOGA The yoga of devotion borne by the actions of the sage Ramanuja. It teaches devotion to the Supreme Being through selfless actions. All that is perceived is but a manifestation of the divine.

C 1200 AD: HATHA YOGA A school of yoga which teaches that asanas, breathing and cleansing exercises coupled with meditation are a valid means of attaining union with universal consciousness.

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Karen Aitken, massage therapist and proprietor of Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, demonstrates the art of Indian Head Massage.


practice normally performed in the West by chiropractors or osteopaths. If you go to India it is important to mention that you specify if you don’t want that part performed. Most of us accept that stress is a part of our everyday lives. We bow to the pressure that is generated as we try to juggle the requirements of a demanding job, a lively family and a busy social life. Financial worries and concerns over health matters often push our stress level beyond tolerable limits and we can easily feel overburdened and depressed. Indian Head Massage is one of the most accessible therapies available for bringing back a healthy balance to the body. The main focus of the therapy is on the head, as this is the main ‘electrical’ centre of the body. Stimulation of the many acupressure points in this area activates the release of natural chemicals in the brain - mainly seratonin and beta-endorphins - which encourage relaxation and feelings of well-being. There are numerous effects and benefits, which are felt physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually. Healing and rebalancing are encouraged system-wide on all levels, and can Karen gives graphic designer last for several days following Emma an Indian Head Massage. treatment. On your first visit you will typically receive a free consultation to discuss your general health and to verify that it is safe to proceed with the therapy. You may then choose to remain fully clothed or to change into a towelling robe leaving the neck, shoulders and upper back free. You can then discuss which oils, if any, you would like to have used during the massage. The massage lasts around 30 minutes, and you will be encouraged by the therapist to offer feedback about the pressure used at all stages so that you are not uncomfortable during the therapy. The upper back is massaged first, then the shoulders and arms. A variety of techniques are used, such as hacking, pummelling and

ndian Head Massage is part of the ancient healing practice of Ayurveda – the Science of Life. Indian Head Massage is over 1,000years-old and was often practiced to relieve pain and to initiate a healing state within the body. Known as ‘Champissage’ in India, the massage was originally limited to the head and hair, and was practiced mainly by women, who wanted healthy, shiny hair. Unsurprisingly, the name ‘Champissage’ is where we get our Western term ‘shampoo’. Indian Head Massage was brought to the West in the early 1980s by massage therapist Narendra Mehta, who added massage and manipulation to the upper back and arms, to the shoulders and neck and also lymphatic drainage and acupressure around the head and face. What we know as Indian Head Massage in the West is therefore a lot more extensive than is presently practiced in India. Please note that therapists in India will routinely twist the head to either side until the neck cracks, a


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kneading, to encourage movement, eliminate waste and facilitate better circulation. The neck is next, and the therapist gently works the large muscles with thumb and forefinger circling and caterpillar strokes to allow free movement of the head. Lastly, the face and forehead are worked, paying special attention to areas around the ears and the eyes. Lymphatic drainage and pressure point work are the main techniques employed here to clear congestion and encourage effective circulation. Aftercare advice: Increase water intake to assist the body’s detoxification process; Have a rest period after treatment; Avoid heavy meals to let the body use it’s energy for healing and balancing; Avoid smoking; Cut down on tea, coffee and alcohol; Use simple massage techniques at home for relaxation. Variation Whilst it is possible to conduct this therapy with the client seated throughout, at Willow Lodge Healing Therapies we both teach and conduct the latter half of the treatment with the client lying down on a therapy couch. The means that the therapist can easily see what they are doing, and has unimpeded physical access to the client. Also, the client is not straining their neck by leaning their head back, which is often uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for people who suffer from injury in the neck area. At Willow Lodge, complete beginners as well as experienced therapists can learn all of the techniques required for professional practice. Our one-day intensive course (10am – 5pm) awards a Certificate of Proficiency which is recognised by most insurance agencies as Continuous Professional Development (CPD). For further information visit: Turn to P45 to WIN the chance to learn Indian Head Massage at Willow Lodge Healing Therapies.

All images taken in conjunction with Willow Lodge Healing Therapies. Visit:

The most common benefits of Indian Head Massage: Reduction of muscle tension in the neck, scalp, face and jaw; Alleviation of eyestrain, nasal congestion and earache; Relief from headache, migraine, sinusitis and tinnitus; Breaks down fibrou adhesions and knots; Improves mobility in upper back, neck and shoulders; Strengthens the immune system; Stimulates the scalp, encouraging strong healthy hair; Improves circulation and promotes younger looking skin;

Encourages lymphatic drainage, removing toxins and waste; Relieves stress, anxiety and even chronic depression; Helps to induce deep, restful, undisturbed sleep; Improved memory, concentration and clarity of thought; Relaxes the whole person - body, mind and spirit; Better energy flow harmonises the body’s natural balance; Creates a feeling of confidence and raises self-esteem.

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by Sangeeta Uppaladinni Reflect your inner beauty with a spicy approach that will send your senses rocketing. Join us on a sensuous journey as we spell out how a dip in India’s proverbial spice pot can help infuse you with a glow of vibrancy and well-being. Follow our guide to harnessing India’s finest ingredients to concoct potions and holistic remedies…

Wake up to an invigorating yogic tea This blend of spicy and sweet tea is very effective for eliminating minor energy blocks in the area of the spine. If taken during the onset of a cold, it helps prevent chills from developing. This is a perfect pick-me-up for the nerves and it gives a feeling of euphoria similar to that experienced after drinking a few glasses of wine. Preparation: Boil a bowlful of water for five minutes. Add two teaspoons of either Darjeeling or black Chinese tea leaves, with three cloves, four black peppercorns, four cardamom seeds, half an inch of crushed root ginger and half a cinnamon stick. Leave to simmer for two minutes. Add a little milk then remove from the heat and strain. Add a teaspoon of honey if desired.

Cayenne powder.

Peppercorns. Red chillies.

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Breakfast with a ‘punch’

A ‘heady’ bath time experience

An arsenal of ‘natural’ medication

Sprouts are particularly good for women’s blood and bone strength. They are an excellent source of protein, fibre, calcium and iron. Wheat bran is high in the B vitamins. Peanuts are not only high in protein but also contain fibre, lecithin, selenium, which help maintain endocrine health and fight stress. Add to that a mixture of holistic spices and protein-rich yoghurt and you are power-packed for the day! Preparation: Chaat masala – combine one teaspoon each of black pepper, sea salt, cumin powder, oregano, aniseed, asafoetida and cayenne powder. In a bowl, mix green moong sprouts, four tablespoons alfalfa sprouts (which have been soaked in hot water for 15 minutes), wheat flakes, four tablespoons roasted wheat bran, handful of peanuts, chopped cucumber and tomatoes. Sprinkle a pinch of chaat masala, salt and coriander leaves. Add the yoghurt, one teaspoon of olive oil and stir. Enjoy a colourful, healthy, bowlful of energy-boosting breakfast.

Lather up for a bath time indulgence. Start off by massaging yoghurt on your scalp with your fingertips. Gently rub in circular motions to stimulate blood circulation to the roots of your hair. Wash after half-an-hour for nourished glossy tresses. Yoghurt prevents dandruff formation and conditions hair at the same time. Preparation: Mix two parts of sweet lime juice with one part whey of yoghurt. With a cotton ball, cleanse your face and then apply a face mask of gram flour, cream collected from the top of boiled milk, and a few drops of rose water. Remove after 35 minutes for a fresh glowing face. The face pack removes clogged dirt from the pores and dead skin cells from the face. In the bathtub, add a few drops of your favourite essential oil, a few cloves, cinnamon and one litre of milk to pamper your body. Allow your hair to dry naturally and gently pat your body dry with your hands rather than a towel. Apply castor oil on eyebrows for an intense dark appeal and glycerine mixed with rose water on lips for that luscious wet look.

Arm your home and hearth with an array of herbal spices and natural ingredients, which offer remedies and relief from common everyday ailments. These concoctions are not a replacement for a visit to your GP, however, if your ailment is serious. Anaemia – sesame seeds are excellent for the treatment of anaemia. Roasted and ground to a powder form, it can be sprinkled on almost all food preparations. Constipation – wheat bran is a natural laxative. Taken daily it can help regulate bowel movements. Blocked sinuses – grind a paste of garlic, ginger, cumin seeds, cinnamon and red-hot chillies together. Just mix a dab of the paste in your favourite curry. It not only enhances the flavour of the dish, but does wonders to clear your sinuses. Intestinal gas – use kitchen spices to relieve the unpleasant feeling. Throw in a teaspoon each of aniseed, cumin seeds, star anise and fennel seeds in a bowl of boiling water. Simmer for two minutes, then sprinkle cinnamon powder and sweeten with honey. For best results drink hot. Bronchitis –this should be treated at once, or it will get worse. Use the essences of aromatic plants such as eucalyptus or mint. They are ideal for respiratory diseases as they have antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. Use them in an inhalation, an infusion, or a few drops of essential oil in a hot bath. Minor cuts – a pinch of turmeric powder dabbed on a minor cut is beneficial, as turmeric is well-known and revered for its antiseptic properties. Toothache – chewing a clove helps relieve the pain, and refreshes the mouth.


Cardamom seeds.


Green cardamom pods.

This is just a small collection of natural remedies. It offers you a flavour of India, and brings you a whiff of fragrances from every corner of this beautiful country. But it is much more than that - it is a labour of love and caring passed down through generations - a spirit of cooperation and celebration.

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aastu is a traditional Indian architectural wisdom based on the natural laws of spatial energy. It is a science which builds a bridge between humans and nature. When the natural principles are respected and applied, the occupants of a property can expect to live in a healthy and peaceful environment. A R Hari, Vaastu specialist in India, believes the energy field of a building interacts with the energy field of the human body. Disharmony between the fields can be responsible for much unhappiness and ill health. In India, people consult Vaastu experts before building their temples, homes, offices and shops. However, if structural changes cannot be made, corrections completed inside the buildings can bring the desired effect. The ancient Vaastu concepts share roots and similarities with the Chinese art of Feng Shui. In fact, many believe that Feng Shui derives from Vaastu. This could explain why many corrections of Vaastu defects are done using Feng Shui wisdom. This concept was detailed in the ancient Vedic scriptures approximately five thousands years ago. The texts laid down the principles for the construction of buildings, using the Paanchbhootas or the five basic elements of nature. These elements include: Space: Aakash or sky is the endless space available in the universe. The element space in a house is in the centre. Its main characteristic is sound which affects our sense of hearing. Loud noise can have detrimental effects on our hearing and general wellbeing. Chimes can be used to restore balance and a sense of harmony. Clutter should be avoided. Air: Vaayu or wind is a powerful life supporting element. Sound and touch are the two attributes of the air element. It affects our whole body through skin and respiration so it is easy to see why living

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Catherine Vander Cammen examines an Indian tradition similar to the Chinese way of Feng Shui. near a source of pollution can engender health problems. Accommodation should be kept clean and well ventilated. Fire: Agni or the sun is the main source of energy representing light and heat. Fire affects our sense of taste and sight. It is a source of energy keeping us warm and healthy. Therefore, the amount of sunlight entering a house affects its occupants. However, too much or not enough may impair our equilibrium. Burning incense sticks can have a relaxing and cleansing effect. Water: Paani is represented by rain, rivers and sea. Without water, we could not survive. The rooms affected by this element are the kitchen and the bathroom. The provision of water and the evacuation of waste are very important. Cleaning the rooms with rock salt added to the water will neutralise negativity.

The ancient Vaastu “ concepts share roots and similarities with the Chinese art of Feng Shui.


Earth: Prithvi or Bhumi is the third planet in order from the sun and is a big magnet with the north and south poles as centres of attraction. The combination of earth and other elements made life possible. The direction of our bed or desk may be greatly affected by this element. The headboard can be placed in any direction except north. In the study room, the desk should face north to maximise positive Vaastu. According to Vaastu, the north and east sectors represent the positive field; the south and west sectors represent the negative field. A house situated in the right sector will benefit from the positive energy. The Vaastu concept is rather complex and requires expert assessment. A Vaastu consultation takes several hours

of mathematical calculations focusing on the land and the building. See the examples below to see how you can make small adjustments to maximise the energy flow in your home and achieve a Vaastu positive environment: Kitchen: Leaking taps should always be replaced immediately. The room should be kept clean and tidy. Cacti should never been kept in a kitchen or anywhere in the house. They should be kept outside. Dining room: This is the place where all the members of a family gather to share a meal. Thus, it should be welcoming and relaxing. Ideally, the table should be rectangular in shape. Between meals, a crystal fruit bowl can be placed in the middle of the table. The wall should be painted in light colours such as yellow, off-white or cream. A mirror doubles the amount of food on the table and can be useful to improve wealth. However, if the mirror is dusty, the benefits are considerably reduced. Bedroom: This is the place where we sleep and relax, thus beds should be comfortable. Storing clothes or shoes under the bed is not recommended. The walls should be painted in pastel colours. Ideally, the bed should not be under a beam or facing a mirror. The furniture should be simple and kept to a minimum. Study: In here concentration should be at its optimum. Electrical appliances create an accumulation of positive ions and can be responsible for headaches, tiredness and poor concentration. The room should be well lit and ventilated. In addition the use of an ioniser would increase the level of negative ions necessary for good mental functioning. When sitting, the back should be against a wall for support. Keeping a small piece of clear quartz or amethyst in the room can also help to balance energies.

Tips: But this is not all you can do to improve your surroundings. Follow these simple tips: Natural quartz crystals are energy enhancers. They can help improve relationship, health and money matters. Wind chimes are often employed in correcting Vaastu defects. The best position is in the centre of the house but near the source of gentle breeze so that vibrations created can maintain a positive atmosphere. Hindu Temples are decorated with bells and wind chimes. Small pyramids convert negative vibrations to positive ones. They can be made of crystal, glass or metal and kept anywhere in the house, in the office, and even in the car.

Ionisers can help correct polluted environments. When used in bedrooms they can eliminate nightmares and sleep disturbances. Colours can affect us in many ways. In a child’s bedroom blue walls can exacerbate bad dreams. However, off-white and pink will reduce the effect considerably. In a south east kitchen, where the female occupant experiences health problems, consider painting the wall orange. Before a house move, freshly painted walls will encourage a quick sell. Vaastu is about understanding the natural laws and their impacts on our living environment. Reconnecting with the five elements can trigger the beginning of a transformational process. Happy Vaastu!

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by Margrit Coates, the UK’s number one animal healer and author of Hands on Healing for Pets and Healing for Horses.


nimals get ‘ under our skin’. Because their love is unconditional, they are often easier to be with than complex humans. We can resist forming relationships with other humans but it is very difficult to build up a defence with pets and horses. Often we get closer to them than to humans, because we let animals into our space - they don’t come with the hidden agendas and egos of our two-legged friends. Frequently we are only truly known by the animals in our lives, who read the real ‘us’ and who offer strength from the universal consciousness when we unburden ourselves to them. It is always a heartbreaking time when a much-loved pet or horse becomes terminally ill or dies suddenly. When animals leave us it can be very painful and the grief profound. Pet grief is a recognised condition and there are bereavement counsellors who specialise in offering help at such a time. However, after death the presence of animals can be felt supporting us and we can share the healing message right up until the moment of physical death. In my own field of healing I frequently work with terminally ill pets and have been present on numerous occasions when a client’s cat, dog, horse or rabbit has been put to sleep by a vet. People ask me to do this for several reasons one because they wish to give their four-legged friend a special send off, and healing offers peace and an easy transition to the next life. Another reason is that people want to experience the spiritual aspect of their pet as it leaves the earth for life eternal, and through the healing connection I am able to offer them this experience. As I give the pet or horse healing while the vet helps with euthanasia (and of course I will only have my hands on when it is safe to do so) the connection thus made frequently means that owners can either see

or feel the animal’s soul energy leave the body. People find this very comforting and there is a tremendous aura of peace that comes too. I explain beforehand that due to the healing energy being given, they may feel tingling in the fingertips, an unusual warmth, or a sensation not unlike a mild electric shock as the pet’s soul is released from the physical body. I am often asked whether there is an afterlife for animals and because I have experienced evidence of it many times, I can answer ‘ yes’. I have ‘seen’ animals around me which have passed away, which have come back to help sick animals that I am working with. When I describe these visions to people around me they will verify what I am picking up as a cat, dog, horse etc previously known to them. It is wonderful proof that animals do not die but go to another level of eternal life, and that they come back to help us with our day-to-day living. All animals, like humans, are comprised of vibrating, pulsating energy fields. Energy cannot be destroyed just converted from one form to another, meaning that at the time of physical death the soul essence will journey elsewhere. Therefore the lifeforce energy of animals does not end with the physical death and that individual spark cannot be harmed no matter what happens to the physical body during or after death. By giving healing at this turbulent time we keep the lines of communication open right to the end, and then we find there is no end, just a shift in consciousness.

am often asked whether “Ithere is an afterlife for

animals and because I have experienced evidence of it many times, I can answer ‘ yes’.

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Tips for making a terminally ill pet comfortable: There is a universal source where all healing energy comes from, and it doesn’t matter what our particular beliefs are. What matters is our intent to do good at the highest level, and the love that we pour out when offering the healing. Healing energy flows through us from the universal source, it does not come from us.

useful place to be. Do not worry if you cannot, healing energy will enter the body from any place.

Hands on healing is safe for any condition, all animals and ages even the new-born.

Healing can be given during the process of euthanasia practised by a vet, but advice must be taken from the vet about whether it is safe to do so during this procedure. If you are unable to be present you can hold a piece of fur or hair clipped from the animal and send out loving thoughts. Through this material you will pick up the individual animal’s energy field and healing will reach it.

Give healing as often as you are able to by placing a hand or fingertips on, or slightly above the body of the pet or horse and where it is comfortable for you both. There is a major energy centre over the shoulder so if it is possible to hold you hand over this area, then this is a

Healing is natural and cannot harm. It aims to produce a feeling of great peace because it works at soul level. You cannot give healing too often - there is no overdose to be concerned about.

Vision 4


Beltaine Ritual May 1st (May Day)


ear friends, I hope the month of May sees all of you in good health, that your year is progressing prosperously so far and that all of your wishes from the past few months are coming to pass. May is a time of childlike behaviour so drop the chains of adulthood and bathe your feet in the fountain with no regard for being rebuked! That’s the true beauty of being an adult isn’t it?! No-one scolds us anymore for doing silly things. As we travel into and through adulthood, we need to remember where we came from and who we eventually want to be. This month is a time to look at what we want to achieve in the rest of this year and to set into motion projects that will only grow and grow. Don’t forget how it felt to be young, and let love and passion light your lives and the paths you follow.

Beltaine is the second most important celebration of the Wiccan year after Samhain (also known as Halloween). Bel is the name of the Welsh Sky God and Tan means fire. Hence, this is known as the celebration of the fire in the sky. Many pagans will light fires at sunrise on this day and keep them burning until night fall, many will also know it as May Day. Beltaine is a time for union between many Wiccan couples who will perform the ritual of hand-fasting on this day. Hand-fasting is the joining together, as equals, of a male and female witch and is presided over by a high priestess - though the couple write their own vows and make their promises directly to each other. The couple’s hands are tied together with a small rope or ribbon, and at the end of the ceremony they leap over a broomstick or besom into their union. This is where the sayings ‘tying the knot’ and ‘taking a leap of faith’ originate.

Beltaine is also a good time to write down all the things that you love about a friend, member of your family or a loved one and have them do the same for you. Sit with them and tell them from your heart what they mean to you. Exchange letters and then when you feel low, you can take out your letter and read it back to see that someone cares. We can also do the same for loved ones in spirit. As before, write down how much you feel their presence, what you laugh about when you think of them, and all your feelings for them. Try and do it outside at dawn if possible, but any time will do. Read your letter aloud, let it be heard by the trees and the earth; feel the warmth of the first rays of sun on your face and be comforted that your message has been heard by your loved one. Tie it with ribbon or put it in an envelope with your loved one’s name on it. Bury your letter in the ground or keep it somewhere safe.


INVision Competition W We have

3 Black Cast Iron Potbelly Cauldrons with Carrying Handles to be won. To enter answer this question: What is the name of the Wiccan ritual in which couples are joined together at Beltaine? Send you answer, name and address on a postcard to: Potbelly Cauldron Coven Corner Competition, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ.

58 Vision 4

All entries must be received by May 18. Sponsored by If you have a question or need help with a problem, write to me, Georgia, at the Vision address or email me at I may not be able to respond to all your letters, but I will try to cover all subjects on these pages.

a i g r o e Ask G

Ask Georgia

Witch way to go?

Is it possible to have the Christian faith and to be a Wiccan or a Pagan at the same time? I have been brought up in the Protestant faith, but also have powers. Can I wear a cross sometimes and then change it to a protective pentagon? Can I cast good spells without being condemned by my Christian faith? This is really an issue with me. Tekla, via e-mail. Georgia says: There are Pagans, Christians and Wiccans who say you should be only Pagan, Christian or Wiccan, and there are others who, like yourself, have mixed feelings. Many people are brought up to believe in one god from childhood, they visit church and have no idea what belief system they want to follow until they grow as people. Some pagan children will later turn to the Church. We’re all individuals and the one thing paganism has taught me is that you are what you are, irrelevant of the jewellery you wear. Many pagans still go to church simply because they enjoy it - so feel free to tell your gods what you’re doing in the assurance that they’ll understand. When it comes to spells, imagine you’re in church praying to your god for help. I do exactly the same thing at my altar to my goddess/god. They hear us wherever we are and if you ask for help, whether it be in a church or in your own special place, they can hear you.

Newcomer needs information

I have recently started reading Vision magazine, and found this month’s feature about Wicca and witchcraft very interesting. I have long been curious and interested in these topics, but I have to admit to knowing very little. I was wondering if you could suggest where I might look to gain more knowledge, and develop my interests as a newcomer. Andy, via e-mail.

The best spell I have ever done was for my daughter. When she was 11 I could not find a good high school for her. I tried everything - even writing to the Minister of Education in desperation. Finally, I decided to do a spell. On a Thursday, I took a red candle and bound the bottom of it with gold cord. I then carved my daughter’s name down the side of it, I lit the candle and started to think of the good I could do for others if I had an abundance of money. While I was doing the spell my daughter came to me and asked what I was doing. I didn’t tell her it was a spell or for her, but I told her what I was thinking. She sat with me, and together we thought of so many good things. The next day, a top private school in the area called and told me that the government had arranged that she sit an entrance exam as a place had come up. The following week, she sat the exam, passed and at the weekend we received a pack from the school with forms to fill in for her assisted place. It had taken 10 days to secure her future. My daughter is now 19 and at university studying to become a doctor. Alison, Norfolk. Georgia says: The fact that your daughter is becoming a doctor who will then give hope to so many people is a tribute to you as a mother and also to your magic. I’m sure that you’ll continue to feel the positive power of this spell for many years to come. Tips Red is the symbol of passion whilst gold is the symbol of longevity. So if you need something to last, using gold is a great choice, as you can see with the magic that’s working throughout Alison’s daughter’s schooling. Tell us how spells changed your life, and each month the prize spell wins a personalised spell kit from For The Witch In You to the value of £49.99. For more details

Georgia says: My advice is to read as much as you can. When I became interested, I didn’t have the wonders of the internet so I raided bookshops for every book I could afford that told me about paganism, witchcraft and all things magic. Then the internet arrived and suddenly every question I could think of had an answer. You can now enter a search phrase and find thousands of people who know the answer to your question. It’s all there for you. I recommend which is a site where you can meet people with similar interests to yourself. Another good site is that of Wiccan author Kate West - you’ll find her site and her books a fountain of amazing information. Last but not least is my site - inspired by the need to bring information to like-minded people. Best of luck on your journey.

The witches’ kitchen

The Witches’ Kitchen Each month we’ll bring you tips on herbs and their magical and healing properties for you to build up your own witches’ kitchen.

Cinnamon Mix a little cinnamon into your warm meade on the night of Beltaine to bring success to friends and family. Cinnamon sprinkled onto your breakfast can help you maintain a good mood for the rest of the day. Place cinnamon sticks wrapped in rosemary in the door frame of your house to turn away unwanted spirits.

Vision 4


Vedic Astrologer Jeffrey Armstrong reveals why you are not the sign you think you are!

60 Vision 4


he knowledge of India is at least 10,000-years-old. Today, the record of that ancient wisdom and science is the Vedas - a library of ancient texts written in the language called Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the parent language of Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and most European languages including English. One of the oldest sciences in the Vedas is called Jyotisha, or Vedic Astrology, the science of light, which always included astrology, astronomy and advanced mathematics for calculation. Vedic Astrology has two main purposes: one is to help us work in harmony with the ongoing release of cosmic energies generated by the planets’ continual movements through the stars; the second is to give us information about the karma, or cause and effect, that we have generated through our actions in previous lives. ‘Western’ astrology is the system of astrology you see in the newspapers - your daily horoscope. Vedic Astrology states that Western Astrology is incorrect in the calculation of the signs and horoscopes by about 24 degrees. Here is the reason: our earth has two regular motions - it turns on its axis (which is tilted at 23 degrees) once in a day, and it orbits once around the sun in a year. If there was no other motion of the Earth, the stars and the seasons would always be together without change - so if say, on March 21st (the first day of spring) you looked at the sky at sunset, you would always see the same stars over thousands of years. Western Astrology calculates the chart as if this is the case - but it is not. Vedic Astrology and modern astronomy agree on the fact that the earth has one other motion. The pole of the earth, like a big gyroscope in space, has a slow wobble that causes the pole of the Earth to change position. One wobble takes 25,920 years so if you divide by the 12 signs, each sign takes 2,160 years to cross the first day of spring. In other words, the stars are always moving in relation to the seasons, only the motion is very slow. The net result of this motion is that Western Astrology is using calculations that are 1,850 years out of date. Vedic Astrology follows this wobble, and so calculates the chart correctly to

the stars’ actual position. Below is a chart showing how this affects your sign. Dates are approximate as they vary from year to year. We are currently in the Age of Pisces which began 1,850 years ago, after the Age of Aries. The Age of Aquarius is next and will begin in about 400 years. So if you consult a Vedic Astrologer, their star-based calculations will change your sign and entire horoscope by 24 degrees. The wobble of the Earth goes backward through the zodiac, so you are probably the sign before the one you think you are. Vedic Astrology is based on the same five-element science as Ayurvedic Medicine. The five elements of earth, water, fire, air and space give rise to three basic body types: the Vata or slender; the Pitta, fiery medium-build; and the curvaceous Kapha. Think of the body as a building and the Vedic Astrological chart as the blueprint. The body type is visible in the chart as air signs, water signs, earth signs and fire signs. All this knowledge is possible because according to Jyotish, we are all eternal beings who cannot die. We are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are souls having a human experience. We have all had many, many births in different bodies, cultures, religions, species, and planets. Vedic Astrology takes a larger view of cause and effect. Life after life, we invest in certain actions using the capital of our free will. Thus, at any given time we have some free will remaining as well as some destiny to receive. Destiny either means the delivery of the result of our previous actions or the circumstances we cannot change right now no matter Vedic sun sign April 15 – May 15 May 16 – June 15 June 16 – July 14 July 15 – Aug. 17 Aug. 18 – Sept. 17 Sept. 18 – Oct. 18 Oct. 19 – Nov. 17 Nov. 18 – Dec. 16 Dec. 17 – Jan. 14 Jan. 15 – Feb. 13 Feb. 14 – Mar. 15 Mar. 16 – April 14

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

what we do. Vedic Astrology helps us understand this long-term cause and effect and to work in harmony with it. The cosmos that surrounds us is filled with Divine Intelligence, it is not empty or random, it is purposeful and custom. What goes around (the planets) comes around (gives us the result of our previous action). This system of karma, or action and reaction, is the basis of spiritual and material science. Vedic Astrology is a sacred science that works in the light or truth of understanding our real purpose in this world. On a practical level, all astrology is an attempt to understand our place in the great energies that surround us as the Earth and Cosmos. Vedic Astrology is a very accurate science and is useful for understanding cause and effect in nature, choosing favorable times to perform a certain action, finding the inner nature of your children to educate and understand them better, compatibility analysis to help relationships work as well as possible, personal chart analysis as a kind of deep tool for self-understanding, as a weather-report to understand the outward pressures caused by planetary movements at crucial times in ones life. Vedic Astrology has a continuous history of clarity and practical use over thousands of years. It is also integrated with and is supported by Yoga, Ayurvedic Medicine, and a large body of valuable spiritual wisdom. A Vedic Astrologer should be a spiritual practitioner, skilled counselor, seer of cosmic motions and confidential advisor to assist you with crucial life decisions. Vedic Astrology is the science of Divine Light. May the light without delight you, may the light within bring you joy. Western sun sign Mar. 21 – April 19 Aries April 20 – May 20 Taurus May 21 – June 21 Gemini June 22 – July 22 Cancer July 23 – Aug. 22 Leo Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 Virgo Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 Libra Oct. 24 – Nov. 21 Scorpio Nov. 22 – Dec. 21 Sagittarius Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 Capricorn Jan. 20 – Feb. 18 Aquarius Feb. 19 – Mar. 20 Pisces

Vision 4



always love the seasons of spring and early summer, especially the early evenings when (providing there isn’t the usual British bank of cloud) you can watch the planet Venus creeping up over the edge of the horizon. It’s easy to spot because it is the brightest planet in the firmament and it is fascinating to follow as

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it makes its way in a semicircle around the disk of the moon. The two zodiac signs most influenced by Venus are Taurus and Libra who have this planet as their key star, and therefore it is hardly surprising that both Taureans and Librans are very strongly influenced at this time of the year when Venus is at its closest point to earth. Both signs find this late April-May period particularly invigorating, and as Venus is the planet of love, it is hardly surprising that romantic and emotional situations are placed very much in the limelight. It is a time for starting new affairs, for developing friendships into relationships and for experimenting with the purely physical aspects of lovemaking. Lonely and isolated souls become markedly less so and across the board there is a feeling of freshness and new hope. On the down side it is a period where Taureans and Librans can feel very trapped and there is inevitably some rebellion against the humdrum and the boring‌ and that beautiful planet Venus is all too willing to lead unwitting souls into areas of new endeavour and adventure (inevitably with some accent on the erotic) which might seem to be wonderful at the time but frequently leads to tears before Autumn.

21 Apr - 21 May

May forecast


ay will be a very full month with a number of different issues falling into place that should make it particularly memorable. One specific target will be a hit, a goal scored, an ambition fulfilled, and even if there is a little bit of criticism, it will be professional and constructive. Business energies are excellent but a little bit of attention paid to your health in the first couple of weeks would not go amiss. May is a month for finding new foundation and deeper meaning in relationships, or, if you’re footloose and fancy free, for finding a special union that promises to make life a little more meaningful. The whole Taurean emotional vibe goes through something of a reality check and there’s a sparkle of newfound energy and adventure coming on line, albeit only during the last 10 or 12 days. Many Taureans will now find themselves looking at new long-term targets and ideas and getting quite excited about what life might have to offer. Cash & career: May promises to be a very potent and powerful month for

most Taureans, so let’s look at things closely. The 6th, 7th and 8th is a period where some new energies and experiences fall into place and wherein you will make at least one new business contact who will be very useful in the future. Around the 15th or 16th there will be a minor cash bonanza which puts extra money in your pocket for very little effort. The last ten days of the month are extremely positive for anyone interested or involved with the arts, and one particular project comes to fruition in this period that makes the last 18 months of effort seem very well worthwhile. You may find yourself having to take a little bit more responsibility between the 24th and the 30th especially in mundane day to day work routines, but your overall mood of enthusiasm should help you through this with a smile on your face. Financial aspects are good, but do not expect to have lots of extra hard cash in your pocket at this time.

Romance & relationships:

Frankly the early part of the month is not the best period for affairs of the heart and

there are a couple of very good reasons for this. First of all you’re probably going to be so tired and knackered that you simply don’t have the strength or energy, and secondly I think you are going to be so preoccupied by career and business aspects that affairs of the heart may well be seen as something of a distraction. Look, no-one is falling out here or having arguments, it’s just that there are only so many hours in a day and this is a very busy couple of weeks. Things change dramatically around the 20th. This is when some work pressures come off and you become aware of the fact that it’s nearly high summer, the birds are tweeting and the bees are buzzing and wouldn’t it be nice to go out to dinner and get some action! This opens you up to all kinds of romantic possibilities and you should certainly find yourself becoming a lot more appreciative of lovers and partners and the whole emotional vibration. Some overseas travel aspects in late May will be relevant either for yourself or a partner. I advise using a scheduled flight.

22 May - 21 June

May forecast


n really simple terms May will be a good month for careers and an even better time for romances and affairs of the heart on all levels. Mostly this is because you have made some very important decisions in the last few months and by sticking to them you now begin to reap the rewards. This does not mean that everything in your life is going to start being absolutely perfect – there’s a negative energy emanating from a disgruntled male and a mean old woman who’s got more bad mouth than common sense or kind thoughts – but it certainly represents something of a significant improvement to what you’ve been battling through during the earlier part of this year. Gemini parents can expect to get some really positive feedback from their kids, and if children are put in a position of having to make any kind of difficult choice, then don’t worry. They’ll choose you – and that disgruntled male that I was talking about a few lines back will probably become even more pissed off than he (or I suppose she – if you’re a man reading this) was before.

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Cash & career: Some fresh

Romance & relationships:

energies start filtering through during the first five or six days of the month and there’s quite a bright feeling of excitement and adventure as you start reorganising work routines to give you a little bit more free leisure time. Conversations with a colleague or employer around the 6th or 7th will give you some inside information that you will put to good use about a week later, but do be careful between the 13th to the 21st when domestic issues may become an unwelcome distraction on the work scene. Travel in connection with work routines may also be relevant between the 19th and the 24th. One specific incident that occurs on the 16th will cause you to look back over the past half a dozen months and assess exactly what you have achieved in this period – and I don’t think you will be displeased! Someone else’s career problems could create some division of loyalties in the last week of the month and you’ll squirm to find a way out of this embarrassing situation.

It isn’t often that we get to enjoy the best of both worlds but May seems to bring this entwining of energy that gives you some well-earned gains on the work front and a high degree of pleasure in your emotional life. One thing is for sure, and that is that one particular relationship should be fairly zinging along with some very high highs in the first week, some rather frustrating lows in the second week, some incredible highs in week three and the need to slow down and take things at a much more steady pace during the last week and a half. Some serious self doubts could cause you problems between the 7th and the 14th but if you can (a) learn from your past mistakes and (b) take someone at their face value and trust them just a little bit, you can “pass go” and at some time between the 14th and the 19th you will get all the reassurance and commitment you are looking for. A third party will give you some unpopular advice around the 28th, and although you might not like what you’re hearing, it may be worthwhile to examine what is being said and why.

22 June - 22 July

May forecast


bviously not the sweetest or calmest of months. More than one friendship will be put to the test and at least one important friendship will fail that test. You may well feel that the world is against you and when you feel like this you’re going to get angry… which is a good energy if it gives you the courage and determination to do things you need to do and say things that should have been said long ago. Between the 1st and the 7th much more time than usual will be spent outside the confines of your own home and there could well be a number of late night car journeys. Watch out for some bureaucracy and red tape getting in your way between the 10th and the 15th. A mini cash crisis on the 15th

could cause inconvenience rather than a problem and let’s thank the stars that May is salvaged by the constancy and attention of one person in particular who knows you and values you for what you really are. The 22nd through until the end of the month will be a much calmer period if you can remember that two’s

company and everyone else is part of the crowd. Cash & career: This will be a very complicated month on the work scene and you would do well to find some time to pull back, analyse what’s going on around you and be honest with yourself about what it is that you are really trying to achieve at this point in your working life. The trouble is that whether you are running your own business, or don’t even have a job, there are too many distracting things around you and too many pathways beckoning without any clear idea as to which is the right one. Finances are not in jeopardy at this time, but you will be aware of the fact that some problems are going to start looming before long if you don’t do something to change your present situation. A friend will offer help and advice on the 7th and 12th and even if there’s a catch 22 or some kind of hidden agenda, this person can be extremely helpful to you in the short-term.

Romance & relationships:

Your morals and sexual behaviour may come under attack from third parties who are not well pleased by some of your tactics and attitudes. I don’t think you will be doing anything wrong and you certainly won’t think that you’re doing anything wrong, but it would be a major mistake to ignore this snideyness because wagging tongues and jealous friends can cause problems that you could well do without. As you can imagine, I suspect that May will be a very sexually active month, but not everyone is going to approve of your choice of partner or partners. There is likely to be a major (and quite public) clash on the weekend of the 21st/22nd when something you have been trying to keep private (and I do emphasise private rather than secret) will be brought out into the open. You might not be brilliantly happy about this, but it will serve you well rather than ill, insofar as other people will now become aware of just how tough an adversary you can be when your dander is up.

23 July - 22 Aug

May forecast


f we looked only at commercial and financial aspects, May would be a splendid month for Leos. Thin cats get fat while fat cats get fatter. The problem is that there’s more to life than just having money in the bank and right now there is an upsurge of unrest and distrust in affairs of the heart and the prevailing mood beneath your roof, within four walls may leave rather a lot to be desired. Sure you can escape down the pub or retreat into the safety of a girls’ night out, but this isn’t going to resolve the problem, only make it significantly worse. There needs to be more open communication between families and within relationships, but sadly at this time everybody seems to have their own agenda and there’s more pride than common sense in the prevailing wind. You will be given a splendid opportunity on or around the 11th to clear the air and bring a few things out into the open, but it will need a bit of pluck and bravery on your part. So start preparing now and have a look for win/win ideas that other people won’t be able to ignore.

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Cash & career: I think that May is Romance & relationships: likely to be an excellent month for the vast majority of Leos! The strong elements of drive and ambition that started coming to the surface throughout April now take a more powerful hold and the entrepreneur in you should be flying very high indeed. Self-employed people, especially males under the age of 35 will see this as a time of adventure and expansion and even those Leos locked into the most boring and mundane of job routines will see their way clear to making a few key changes that are well geared to increasing cash flow and revenue. Watch out if you’re doing anything slightly dodgy or illicit around the 20th because the walls have ears and just because you might be a bit paranoid it doesn’t mean that the taxman and that nasty chap from the VAT don’t want to talk to you! An interesting planetary placing of Saturn augers well for middle-aged and very senior Leos who are either involved with or have an active interest in politics.

In the old-fashioned interpretation of the word romance, May is not going to bring you the bounty of beautiful suitors or megabonks… but relationships (of many different kinds) go through a process of close scrutiny as you weed out the chaff from the corn and decide what’s staying in your life and what is being made redundant. Gentlemen of the sign are likely to put their jobs before their women (silly sods, but that’s the Leo male for you) while Leo lionesses seem to be on the prowl in search of something better than they’ve got right now. Both sub species are likely to drop a few clangers (especially around the 13th/14th/22nd and 23rd) and it is only the more mature members of the pride who will come out of this melee relatively unscathed. Leo parents who are having hard relationships with their children might now need to introduce a few rather draconian measures and Leo children who are having a tough time with their parents might decide that now is a good time to leave home.

23 Aug - 22 Sept

May forecast


here there are choices and decisions to be made it may be a bit too simplistic to say follow either your heart or your head, but if we do have to bring it down to this black and white cliché then I have no doubt at all in saying follow your heart and go with your intuition. To put a career before a relationship would be stupid but to put a relationship before a career actually helps you on your pathway towards greater financial flexibility and stability. I can’t tell you how this is going to work out exactly but give me the benefit of the doubt on this one and just take it as an article of faith! On a different tack, May is a very positive month for making new homes and introducing some new domestic routines. Quite a bright time, parties, friends, visits, celebrations, home improvement schemes. If you have been helping a friend through a difficult period of emotional transition this is where it starts paying off and you get rewards. Cash & career: Some hard career choices are looked at this month. Do you

stick with what you’ve got and what you’re doing at this present time – or do you make a clean break and stride into an entirely new area of effort and endeavour? Some of you might try to keep one foot in each camp while others will have already been doing that for a number of months - either way crunch time cometh before the end of May. There is a very rough guideline here, which is quite simply – if you’re over 45 stick with what you’ve got and if you’re under 45 give the new pathway a chance. There is another much more subtle guideline, which is to go with your heart rather than your head and choose the pathway which brings the greater degree of emotional benefit. Finances are not really the issue here, but your long-term security and satisfaction most certainly are. A journey on around the 20th is an opportunity to mix business with pleasure and if I had to commit myself to a direction I’d stick a finger in the air and feel a south wind blowing north.

Romance & relationships: The stability and harmony of emotional and romantic relationships is very much influenced by what is happening on the work scene and it is very difficult to separate these two key issues. A lover or partner will be keen and enthusiastic about you following one particular career pathway and although you will certainly see the sense of it, the tiniest of doubts holds you back. Again, as with your earth sign cousin Taurus, there are no arguments or quarrels here, just a lot of concern about what is the right pathway to take to secure the maximum benefit for your mid and long-term future. Relationships in their own right are very strong at this time, and it is this fact alone that helps you through the complicated process of making difficult decisions. There is quite a sexy travel energy around the 7th/8th which will see you meeting a couple of new people that are destined to become long-term friends.

23 sept - 23 Oct

May forecast


ell, so far it’s not so good, is it? Is there anything good to look forward to in May? Of course there is – even if we’ve got to scrape around to find it. Seriously there are some powerful plus points… an improvement in work routines caused by a lighter and brighter atmosphere all round when a troublesome situation is sorted or a troublesome personality is removed. Some nice travel aspects over the last couple of weekends and no shortage of romantic opportunities – although whether you avail yourself of them is a different matter entirely. Libran parents can expect some nice surprises from school-age kids and there will be news of a pregnancy before the end of the month. Social aspects are good, especially for anyone involved with theatre and the performing arts. Watch out for some involvement with insurance and/or insurance companies around the 17th and if there’s a niggling health problem coming to the surface around the 23rd/24th … well you should have known those prawns were a bit suspect, shouldn’t you? Home improvement

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schemes (including major extensions) will probably not be undertaken in May, but these projects will be discussed and possibly even costed out. Weak-willed dieters come a cropper around the 20th while serious dieters will be pleased with their end of the month results. Cash & career: I can’t help feeling that there is some friction in the wind at your place of work caused by incompatibility among colleagues. One rotten apple in the barrel can spoil it for everyone else, so it might not be a bad idea to identify the apple with the maggots and do something about it quickly, quietly and effectively. This is a simmering boil that comes to a small head around the 7th and a bigger head (that gets lanced!) on or around the 21st. Certainly during the last week or ten days of the month someone is set to leave, be sacked or quit, and that should put a smile on everyone else’s faces and create a whole new ambience. From a purely fiscal point of view May isn’t fantastic and I dare say there might be more going out than there is coming in, especially during the period between the 14th and

21st when you’ll be spending money in connection with travel and transport.

Romance & relationships: It is quite understandable to want a degree of reassurance in relationships, but reassurance is a two-way thing and it may well be that someone is looking for some reassurance from you! Also you must be a bit careful this month about changing the goal posts – if you set someone a task or challenge and they meet it successfully, let that be enough! Don’t immediately look for something else they’ve got to do to prove something to you. There is some good loving on offer here from someone who really does want to be with you, but not at any price. Romantic weekends away could be absolutely lovely if they are scheduled for the 21st/22nd or the 28th/29th – but the two early weekends of the month should be avoided if at all possible. In general terms mature Librans have nothing to worry about, but anyone under 50, male or female, married or single, need to assess their romantic options and priorities with great care.

24 Oct - 23 Nov

May forecast


f you’re young and beautiful and have a sense of fun and adventure, May should be an exciting month wherein you lurch from dramas to crises and back again. If, on the other hand, you’re a boring old fart like me who should know better, May can be a very dangerous period for getting a lot of embarrassing egg on your face and ending up looking like a cross between the oldest swinger in town and an absolute plonker. Away from the sexual connotations things are a bit milder, especially for those folk involved with the church or any kind of charity work. A few select Scorpios (and you know who you are) will be making a lot of progress with their arcane and new age studies. Social aspects should pick up significantly from the 22nd of the month onwards, and although there could be some nice parties and late night sessions, I suspect your mind will be elsewhere unless you’re with the person you want to be with. Some of you will be - a lot of you won’t. Cash & career: While things

appear to be going remarkably well for you on the work scene it would be easy to become a tad too cocky and overconfident. Let’s take a reality check quite early in the month and work out what can – and can’t – be done. If you are in any kind of position of authority, people around you will be working very hard to please, but judge them on their results rather than their efforts and don’t let praise and flattery go to your head. Regardless of your position, a member of the opposite sex will be taking some special notice of you, and this is a situation that needs to be handled with diplomacy and discretion. Business and pleasure do not mix well this month and even if someone if presenting you with an offer you can’t refuse, if it is connected with your place of work, refuse it, full stop… and then suggest that you go round to the pub for a drink later on and see what develops. Office politics are quite acceptable, but workplace romances carry a degree of danger that should be avoided at all costs.

Romance & relationships: Notwithstanding what I just said, there may well be a romantic buzz tying in with work routines, but as I say this has got to be handled very carefully. If you are going to make a mess, don’t make it on your own doorstep and be aware of the fact that there aint no such thing as a secret these days. While the omens for physical love are very strong, there is an element of jealousy and suspicion in the wind, and it would seem that these emotions are being directed towards you rather than emanating from you. There is a notable increase in sexual activity around the 15th of May and then onwards throughout the rest of the month – but with that activity there is also an increase in all levels of emotional tension, which is hardly surprising if your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing. I don’t want to be unkind here but middle-aged Scorpio males who insist upon acting like teenagers are probably going to drop a major clanger before much longer!

24 Nov - 21 Dec

May forecast


ook it isn’t a bad month exactly – it’s just that it is a bit complicated with a number of different issues clamouring for your attention against a background of restlessness and frustration. If life has become a little too predictable, then there are things you can do to change the pattern without being totally outrageous and going over the top… but I guess that’s the trouble, isn’t it? There’s this little devil lurking inside you that wants to go over the top and become totally outrageous! I guess you’ve got some choices here, because if you do do it, you risk other peoples’ censure and criticism, but if you don’t you’ll end up feeling like you’re dying inside, which intensifies the whole cycle of frustration. I am not saying that you need any kind of professional counselling, only that you do need someone to talk to who can understand your problems and who can give some totally objective advice. Cash & career: While new job routines seem to be working perfectly well and while you are reasonably

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content with your lot – I don’t feel that you are totally happy at this stage in your career and it is inevitable that you start thinking along a few “what if” lines. What if I wasn’t doing this but doing something else? What if I quit my job and started working for myself? What if I were to sell my company and go and live on a beach near Benidorm? With these somewhat turbulent thoughts in mind you’ll be assessing your assets and disciplining your debts: new composite loans will be looked at mid-month although no hard decisions are likely to be made immediately, and you may well be casting a parental eye over the cost of children’s’ education. An argument with a boss figure around the 23rd/24th will bring something to a head and as you move from May into June you’ll be examining a number of options and working on plans B C and D in case plan A doesn’t work.

Romance & relationships: Younger members of the sign who can’t think much further than their next conquest don’t have too much to worry

about in May – it’s a fairly routine month with the usual highs (the 8th/9th/10th also the 21st through until the 24th ) and the usual lows (2nd/3rd/4th and 14th/15th/16th ) but more mature Sagittarians who ostensibly have got their act together and their life in order have a much rougher time. There are some deep churning thoughts and feelings going on inside and even if you could put them into words, who would listen and who would understand? There are going to be a few desires and passions coming to the surface which are more psychological than sexual and you’ll be looking for ways to break free of the existing pattern of your life. A relative or close friend will be breaking a few rules and having a wail of a time doing it – and so you will reason, if they can do it, why can’t I? Partners may love you to death but they are not totally on your wavelength, thus you might find yourself talking to some rather odd people before the month is out.

22 Dec - 20 Jan

May forecast


espite the very positive trends for the month of May there is a niggle of a downside. Someone is going to want you to do something that you don’t want to do. It’s probably only a very small thing, but your Capricorn pride and obstinacy could really cause a few unnecessary problems here, creating a nasty mood of tension where there should be nothing but sweetness and light. You could argue that you should stand by your principles, but principles can be very expensive luxuries that cost a bucketful of tears. So screw your principles, use your common sense, and make sure that May is the fabulous month that it is supposed to be. Some concern for older or elderly people will be in sharp focus between the 24th and the 30th and I would expect you to have a very “hands on” influence at this time. Family reunions are highlighted and this may well be a time when you start having a casual look at the overseas property market. Avoid dangerous sports like skiing and steer clear of horses. Cash & career: This will be a very

busy and highly productive month, both financially and in all areas of job satisfaction. Whether you like it or not other people will be looking to you to take the lead and make the executive decisions and while you might have balked at this a couple of months ago, you’re working with a new sense of confidence and determination and I dare say you might be quite surprised by your own level of success and achievement. In the early part of May there are three significant days that auger very well for you and bring you into contact with new people who will be very useful to you in the future; those days are the 6th/7th & 8th (which is also an important weekend for family reunions and get-togethers). May 15th sees travel in connection with your work or business (in ways above and beyond the norm) and in the latter part of May travel is also well aspected for short holidays and vacations. Cash flow is high, but personal self-confidence is even higher! If there are any cash problems, it will revolve around your concern at the way in which someone close to you seems

to be letting money slip through their hands like sand.

Romance & relationships: All relationships should flourish in this very bright and positive month, but more so from the 20th/21st onwards rather than in the early days. Exercising a greater degree of independence and enjoying more personal space helps matters rather than hinders, and although quality time with a partner may be at a bit of a premium, the time that you do have will be very enjoyable and well spent. You may be pleasantly surprised at a subtle shift in a partner’s attitude towards you during the last days of the month, and I’m inspired here to quote the old cliché of “absence makes the heart grow fonder…” although I really don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. I do know that if we put that word “relationships” under a broad umbrella then May is a lovely time for family, family reunions and for improving relationships with brothers and sisters in particular.

21 Jan - 19 Feb

May forecast


o the young blood goes the spoils – but if you’re no longer in that first flush of youth, you’re married with a mortgage and two point four children, and you work 40 hours a week in a safe but basically boring job, May could be a bit of a bummer UNLESS you can rise above these low key emotions and do something to make life a bit more funny and spontaneous on a day-to-day level. Yeah I know that can be difficult to do when your partner is moaning, the kids are screaming and your boss is pursing his nasty little lips in your direction again – but you’ve got to try. Either that or tell the world that life’s a bitch and go and flog booze in a beach bar in Bermuda. “Oh I couldn’t do anything like that!” I hear you say, and on this note I’ll challenge you. Give me one reason why not – if that’s what you really want to do! Cash & career: While there are no direct threats to your financial security May will nonetheless be a frustrating month; you will have your own financial priorities and someone else will have

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theirs, and there must inevitably be a clash of will over who spends how much on what. You can have the mink or the Merc but not the mink and the Merc! You will be in command and control of everyday job routines, and although relationships with colleagues should be cordial enough, you’ll find your mind wandering on more occasions than one as you think of a dozen other places that you’d rather be. Even if you have only recently changed jobs, you may still find yourself casting round to see what else is available. Money is very important (especially to Aquarians) but this is a month in which you may well find yourself recognising the old truth that money isn’t everything, and wouldn’t it be nice if you could do something that was a lot more fun. If you’re male and married, keep this wicked thought to yourself, ‘cos share this one with the wife and it’ll go down like a fart in a perfume factory.

Romance & relationships: To make this month’s forecasts make

sense, I’m going to have to segregate. First, younger Aquarians in search of commitment are going to get trashed and disappointed, but younger Aquarians looking for fun and a few bright lights and lots of choice and independence are going to rejoice in May’s good fortune. Marginally older Aquarian ladies with children may have their hands so full with their children that they wouldn’t even notice if a tidal wave washed up the Thames… in all truth my main area of sympathy and concern rests with Aquarian Males in their 30/40s who seem to have lost the plot and can’t remember the words of the script. It isn’t a premature male menopause but it could be something close to an early mid-life crisis that has these poor guys asking some very dangerous and unpopular questions, both of their partners and more significantly of themselves. If you are associated with a 40-ish Aquarian male watch out for some rather odd moods and strange behaviour, and try to be a bit sympathetic rather than critical.

20 Feb - 20 Mar

May forecast


espite all that has been said thus far, May is a key month for asserting both your will and authority, not in a bombastic or aggressive manner but more in a calm and quiet way that captures the attention of those around you. Travel aspects for the end of May are extremely favourable for linking up with family reunions, but travel schedules should be checked carefully and you may do well to plan for a couple of minor hiccups and delays. Normally one to advocate patience, you’ll be fired up and raring to go and will deal with a variety of frustrations in a very untypical way. The 12th/13th is a period wherein you must be honest and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – no matter how much the truth might hurt – while the 20th and 21st augers well for special celebrations in connection with family. The 24th/25th onwards is linked with overseas travel aspects to destinations just a little bit off the map of the usual tourist trail. Cash & career: If someone close

to you is spending money like a fish drinks water you’ve got two choices. Either tell ‘em to stop in no uncertain terms, or stop spending money yourself to compensate for the deficit. Sadly there will be a few harsh words in May about financial priorities, possibly sparked by some major project towards the end of May that costs a fair bit more than you expect. A contributory factor here is your previous history of generosity – others around you have now come to take this a bit too much for granted and won’t understand why you feel compelled to put on the breaks and exercise a degree of restraint. On the job scene there is an unusual intensity in the concept of buying and selling, but before you can sell you must buy, and this also draws on financial reserves. A younger male personality in the work place will cause some disruption not only to you but also to others - everyone else is going to look at you to sort this situation out, even if it is something you really shouldn’t get personally involved in.

Romance & relationships: Providing you don’t let money squabbles get in the way, this month will bring a new mood of confidence to relationships old and new alike. Having said that, you are going to have to work at partnerships and one of the key ingredients here is courage – the courage to say a few things that someone else might not want to hear, but which nevertheless still have to be said to clear the air and to bring about a greater degree of common understanding. Sidestepping this element of confrontation might improve things in the short-term, but we shouldn’t be too concerned here about the short-term when longer term issues are of far greater importance. A younger female member of the family (or family of close friends) will present you with a problem in one form or another, and really you need to tell this lady to sort her own problems out rather than just dumping them on your doorstep. Unfortunately if there are very young children involved this will be much easier said than done.

21 Mar - 20 Apr

May forecast


hile May is a bright month for romantic aspects and career progress, much of this could be spoiled or compromised by friction within older echelons of the family circle. You can’t please everyone all the time no matter how hard you try, so it is to your advantage to define some priorities here and maybe do a little more to please yourself. If there are some divided loyalties you are challenged not to put duty before personal desire, because to do otherwise would be playing right into someone else’s hands… someone who wants to manipulate you and resents the fact that you’re having a good time while they are not! Cash & career: I think that while May is going to be a very busy month there’s a kind of laidback feeling that suggests you’re going to be enjoying what you’re doing with minimum hassle from bosses and employers who seem content to let you get on with it. Some extra responsibility must inevitably fall on your shoulders around the 9th but you’ll be happy enough to take this on board,

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accepting it as an indication of someone’s trust in your abilities. This mini renaissance in career aspects propels us forward to the period between the 20th and 25th at which time you will be put in some position of choice within the framework of your working life, but it’s probably a win/win situation, and if you’re in any kind of doubt, follow the money. Overall, this is a time of progress and promotion. It could mean promotion in the traditional sense but you could also interpret it to mean being elevated up the ladder of popularity and indispensability. Progress can mean career advancement or just as easily we could be talking about major boosts to self-confidence and self-esteem. Finances are nothing fantastic, but at least they are stable, and by the end of the month you should have more to look forward to than at the beginning. A small point, but you’ll be ordering a major acquisition by credit card in the last days of May – which means you don’t have to start paying for it until the end of June!

Romance & relationships:

If May does not turn out to be one of the nicest emotional months of your year so far it will be because you’ve blown it and cocked up on a very major level. Every stellar indication suggests you should be on the receiving end of all the nice things associated with romance, including some surprise weekend invitations to places that have black silk sheets and four poster beds! Yes, I know that your history still wants to drag you back into the bad old days, but your personal challenge is to rise above this and put your best foot forward into the arms and the company of someone who is trying ever so hard to please. On a slightly negative note, don’t entertain interference in your personal affairs from parents or older folk who think they know better – quite frankly they don’t. In the first few days of the month you’ll be reviewing some decisions made in the last few days of last month and wondering whether or not you’ve done the right thing. Take it from me kiddo, you have – and so stop worrying and get on with the business of enjoying your life to the maximum.

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Reviewers: CS – Clare Sheridan DJ – Diana Jarvis

You Can Heal Your Life Affirmation Kit by Louise L Hay (£14.99 Hay House) Think positive – that’s the message of Louise L Hay with this beautifully presented pack. Arm yourself with the ideal weapon against a stressful life with the perfect tools to combat negative thought patterns. The guide book is peppered with practical, useful exercises as well as advice on how to slowly sow the seeds of positive affirmations – which, in turn, take time to grow and multiply in your thoughts. Make everything that you think and say something positive. Louise teaches us that if we stop being victims, life will be good to us. The book includes positive affirmations for health, fearful emotions, critical thinking, addictions, forgiveness, work, money and prosperity, and friends, among others. It’s all about loving yourself and learning to be non-judgemental of yourself and others. The affirmation cards are an excellent and quick way of boosting your confidence if you need a quick pick me up with affirmations such as ‘I express my creativity’, ‘loving others is easy when I love and accept myself’, and ‘life is simple and easy’. The magnetic board and words are a great tool for making your own affirmations which you can stick on a board and look at for inspiration each day. The CD reaffirms the book and cards by reaffirming those positive thoughts so that as you listen they permeate your consciousness – great for listening to in the car. A fantastic kit that really can have a positive affect on your life. CS Crystal Therapy by Doreen Virtue & Judith Lukomski (£8.99 Hay House) This is no ordinary crystal guide. Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski take readers on a colourful journey through the origins of crystals, their shapes and a guide to their healing properties. Learn how to select crystals to encourage physical, emotional and spiritual, as well as financial health. Contrary to popular belief, crystals are not ‘new age’ as they have been in the earth as long as it has been around – a staggering 4.6 billion years! The authors ably navigate readers around the various crystal systems and types, as well as terminology (ie bridges, clusters and

phantoms). There are even instructions on how to make crystal grids for a range of reasons including protection, harmony and forgiveness. The concept that we are not owners of crystals, merely guardians of them is also explored, as well as how to charge and cleanse them. And all that is before the directory of major crystal groups which include in-depth details of each stone incorporating pronunciation, which archangels are associated with each one, associated colours, healing properties and channelled messages. A colourful companion which adds an angelic element to working with crystals – heavenly! CS

Recommended The Angels’ Script by Theolyn Cortens (£17.95 Soul School) This bright and vibrant kit is no ordinary set of angel cards. Theolyn Cortens has combined sacred imagery with her own Archangel cards to create a unique gateway to angelic wisdom. The pack comes complete with a book explaining how Theolyn channelled the messages and cards. The 36 cards include sacred symbols (based on Hebrew script) which represent certain sounds that can tune into angelic frequencies – these can be traced back to the times of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The book includes 9 suggested card spreads from a simple 1-card reading through to a 13-card ‘year and a day’ spread. There is also advice on prayers of protection, mantras and blessings to say before using the cards. The striking images on the cards offer a really colourful insight into the angelic realm, The Angels’ Script can be consulted to answer questions as simple as ‘should I take this journey?’, right through to your soul’s purpose. This is truly a fascinating and unforgettable oracle which inspires as well as advises with wisdom. CS

76 Vision 4

Natural Pregnancy DVD by Janet Balaskas (£14.95 New World Video) This is an essential guide for mums-to-be on how to experience a completely natural and trouble-free pregnancy. It offers clear advice on a healthy lifestyle and natural childcare from Janet Balaskas - a world-renowned natural childbirth pioneer and founder of the Active Birth Centre in London. She takes expectant mums through all the exercise options available to pregnant women including gentle yoga exercises, swimming and pilates, as well as natural remedies to combat symptoms such as swelling and cramps with homeopathy, osteopathy, massage, reflexology, and even self-hypnosis! Simple practical methods of how to relax, deal with emotions, childbirth, and also advice on how to become in tune with your body and forces of nature. This is an enlightening and enrapturing journey which is only part of the wonder of childbirth. CS Special Offer Vision has teamed up with New World Music to offer readers the opportunity of purchasing Natural Pregnancy from the best selling Mind Body & Soul series, at a special offer price of £12.95 (normally £14.95 rrp) plus free postage & packing (normally £1.95)... a saving of nearly £4! To order please call New World Music on 01986 891600 and quote the following reference code VM0405. For further information on Music and DVDs for relaxation and well-being, and a free catalogue, please contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or visit

Otherworld North East – Ghosts and Hauntings Explored by Tony Liddell (£9.99 Tyne Bridge Publishing) This is a different read to the usual ghost books that are readily available. Written by paranormal investigator Tony Liddell, it explores the haunted North East, namely Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, Durham and Teesside. Instead of just stories, the book also gives a fascinating insight into the world of the paranormal investigator. It is heartening to read that many of the tried and trusted techniques that the Visionaries use, are also used by Tony. They certainly seem to have yielded interesting results, which can be clearly seen in some of the photographs taken An Introduction to Reiki by Mary Lambert (£9.99 Collins & Brown) This is an easy to follow guide for both attuned Reiki practitioners as well as those merely interested in learning more about the Japanese healing method. Mary Lambert removes the secrecy by examining the process of the three degrees of attunement, the symbols, and the five spiritual principles behind Reiki. But that is not all, there are also handy hints on how to listen to your

by his team, which do look to be the genuine article. For reference, he also shows photographs created by faults with the camera or the film, look out for his ‘ghost pig’. The case studies he lists are fascinating, everything from a haunted cinema to a department store, with a good sprinkling of castles and stately homes thrown in. This is an excellent read, a good reference for would-be-ghost hunters and so easy to dip in and out of. There are also brief historical backgrounds of all the locations mentioned, so it is well balanced. This demonstrates that ghosts and ghost-hunting are now mainstream and I think we can expect a plethora of similar books to come. DJ

body where health problems are concerned, as well as handy explanations of how Reiki affects the endocrine system and the chakras. The book is so thorough that there are even safety tips on giving a Reiki treatment! Plus large, clear photographs detailing all the hand positions as well as advice on self-treatment, clearing the aura and soothing common ailments such as toothache, headaches, back pain and boosting the immune system. A clear and useful reference for beginners or masters alike. CS

Vision 4


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Vision 4


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Vision 4


Send your events to: Day Tripper, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1EQ or email Every Tuesday evening: Informal Drop-In Therapist Networking Event, The Holistic Experience, 8 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds. 7 to 9pm. An information exchange and networking for healers. Admission £2.50. Call 0113 286 4048 for more details. Every Wednesday evening: Anxiety & depression support and self-help group, The Holistic Experience, 8 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds. 7 - 9pm. Admission £2.50. Call 0113 286 4048 for more details. Every Thursday evening: Buddhist meditation, The Holistic Experience, 8 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds. 7.30 - 9.30pm. Admission £4. Call 0113 286 4048 for more details. Every Saturday: Spiritual awareness & development circle, The Holistic Experience, 8 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds. 5 - 7pm. Admission £2.50. Call 0113 286 4048. April 23: Hopi Ear Candle Practitioner Training Workshop, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Price £85. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information. April 23/24: Ancholme Leisure Centre, Brigg. Meet your local Colour Breathing Practitioner Teachers Yvonne Mackle and Debbie Harrison at The Magik Thread stand. Listen to their promotional talk about Colour Breathing and what it has to offer the community. For more details email or April 23/24: International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) Consciousness Development Program (Module 1), 45 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London. 1-6.30pm. For more details call 020 7723 0544, visit or email April 23/24: British School of Spiritual Knowledge event, Ancholme Leisure Centre, Brigg, Lincolnshire. ‘The Angel Lady’, Jacky Newcomb, will appear. Visit for more details. April 23/24: 2-Day Colour Breathing Practitioner training workshop with Alison Bourne, Bishop Lloyd’s Place, 51/53 Watergate Road, Chester. £395. 9.30am-7pm (Sat) & 9.30am-5pm (Sun). Certified course includes practitioner’s handbook. For more details visit or call 01425 629602. April 24: Indian Head Massage Practitioner Training Workshop, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Price £85. Call 0845 226 3132 to

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book or visit for further information. April 25: Aqua Cleanse Detox Practitioner Training Workshop, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Price £750 (includes equipment, web advert, and therapist referral system). Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information. April 30/May 1: Body & Soul Fair with special guest author and broadcaster Cassandra Eason, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Admission £3.50 (concessions £2.50) in advance for the weekend or £5 on the day (concessions £4). Admission is free for under-16s accompanied by an adult. May 6/7: 2-day Reiki 1 course, Ipswich, Suffolk. Price £80. For more details call Debz on 07753 637897. May 7/8: British School of Spiritual Knowledge event, Grantham Meres Leisure Centre, Grantham, Lincolnshire. ‘The Angel Lady’, Jacky Newcomb, will feature. For more details visit for more details. May 7/8: 2-Day Colour Breathing Practitioner training workshop with Linda Rogers, Nicholas Close, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset. £395. 9.30am-7pm (Sat) & 9.30am-5pm (Sun). Certified course, includes practitioner’s handbook. For more details visit or call 01425 629602. May 7/8: 2-Day Colour Breathing Practitioner training workshop with Jane Ferguson, White Hart Close, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire. £395. 9.30am-7pm (Sat) & 9.30am-5pm (Sun). Certified course, includes practitioner’s handbook. For more details visit or call 01425 629602. May 7/8: 2-Day Colour Breathing Practitioner training workshop with Josephine Chatterton-Pratt, Humberston Fitties, near Grimsby. £395. 9.30am-7pm (Sat) & 9.30am-5pm (Sun). Certified course, includes practitioner’s handbook. For more details visit or call 01425 629602. May 7/8: 2-Day Colour Breathing Practitioner training workshop with Jenny Faulkner, Wood Hill, Horsley, Guildford, Surrey. £395. 9.30am-7pm (Sat) & 9.30am5pm (Sun). Certified course, includes practitioner’s handbook. For more details visit or call01425 629602. May 8: Psychic & Natural Therapy Fayre, The Holiday Inn, Handycross, High Wycombe,

Buckinghamsnire. Featuring Clairvoyants, tarot, palmistry, spiritual & natural healing plus crystal stalls. 11am-6pm. Admission £2.50. For more details call 07950 427180. May 10: Meet Your Guardian Angel Workshop with ‘The Angel Lady’ Jacky Newcomb, The Holistic Experience, 8 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds. 9.30am-4pm. Jacky is the author of the best-selling book An Angel Treasury. Admission £65 per person. Book now to avoid disappointment. Call 0113 286 4048 for more details or to book. May 14: Hopi Ear Candle Practitioner Training Workshop, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Price £85. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit May 14: Working with your Guardian Angel Talk with Theolyn Cortens at Ottakars Bookshop, Cheltenham. 6-7pm. Tickets £2 redeemable against a copy of the book Working with your Guardian Angel. May 14/15: Alternative Healing Exhibition, Mansfield Civic Centre, Derbyshire. ‘The Angel Lady’, Jacky Newcomb will feature. Visit for more details. May 14/15: International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) Consciousness Development Program (Module 1), 45 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London. 1-6.30pm. For more details call 020 7723 0544, visit or email May 15: Indian Head Massage Practitioner Training Workshop, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Price £85. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information. May 15: Archangel Gabriel Day Workshop with Theolyn Cortens, Isbourne Foundation, Woleslely Terrace, Cheltenham. 10am-5pm. Admission £40. Call 01242 254321 more information or visit May 16: International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) Bioenergy Workout Workshop, 45 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London. 5-8pm. For more details call 020 7723 0544, visit or email May 16: Aqua Cleanse Detox Practitioner Training Workshop, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Price £750 (includes equipment, web advert, and therapist referral system). Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information.

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