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he nights are drawing in but there’s no need to fear, let Vision light up those short evenings, not unlike a bright Japanese lantern. And what a coincidence – this month’s visual feast is all about Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun – so let the sun shine! Find the truth behind Japanese myths (P20), the significance of their festivals (P22), their divination techniques (P30) and the philosophy of the Ninja (P38). We also uncover the secrets of Japanese

sacred gardens (P39), the tea ceremony (P40) and we reveal the mystery of the 9 Star Ki (P60) – their astrological technique. But don’t miss our star interview with Most Haunted’s Yvette Fielding (P6), our psychic artist challenge (P32), our test of new divination technique Twist of Fate (P36) and the chance to win one yourself (P45). So there’s no excuse not to bask in the glory of Japan’s rising sun – go on catch some spiritual rays!

Clare Editor


Each letter published will receive a copy of Pure Calm from the Pure Series worth £10.95, courtesy of New World Music. Let Stuart Jones’s fluidity and perfection on keyboards clear your mind. The Star Letter will win four titles from the Pure series including Pure Calm, Pure Dreaming, Pure Love & Light and Pure Tranquility - worth a total of £43.80. For further information and a free catalogue, contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or visit We reserve the right to edit letters.

Star Letter An angelic rhyme Congratulations on a truly great magazine. Here is a poem I wrote that I would like to share with your readers: Today I had a visit from an angel up above, It was full of warm emotion and her undivided love, It wasn’t a spook or spectra or a ghostly apparition, But a beautiful snow white angel silent in her mission. She was bathed in a brilliant glowing light and over six feet tall, She uttered not a single word yet I seemed to have heard it all, I come in answer to your prayers, I was waiting for you to call, I am here to help you child, I will not let you fall. Don’t worry my dearest child, I am with you every day, If ever you need comfort or rest you only have to say, A quiet word and I’m at your side giving love and divine support, My love for you is unconditional, you can never be at fault. Her light and love washed over me and calmed my very being, And I will be forever in awe of the vision I was seeing, I no longer have to be alone for she is only a breath away, My angel walks beside me every day. Christine Lupton, Gravesend, Kent.

Simply the best Stephen Holbrook is the best psychic I have ever come across. My daughter and grandchildren were murdered in 2003 and I went to one of Stephen’s meetings. There were over 200 people there. He spoke to a number of people that were waiting to hear from loved ones and then he came to me. I could not have wished for anything but to hear from my girls. He’d never seen me before, but what he said to me was very true. I have paid so much money visiting psychics but the only one who I believe is Stephen. He tells only the truth. It was nice to see him in your magazine. Elaine Cartwright, via email.

Astrological elements I have recently discovered Vision and I have found it very interesting and informative. I have always been interested in how paganism works and if spirits exist so I found March’s issue extremely interesting. I also liked the article about the elementals: earth; fire; water; and air. I wondered if you could help me. I understand that as well as your own star sign, you also have an element? Please could you tell me which of the elements apply to me and my husband? I am a Sagittarius and my husband is a Libran. Cheryl St John, Langney, Eastbourne. Ed: You’ll be pleased to know Cheryl that Sagittarius is a fire sign and Libra is an air sign. If you look carefully at our horoscope pages (P63-74) you will see that the illustration accompanying each sign has the element incorporated into the image.

Vision 7


P6 A ghoulishly good idea: Yvette Fielding interview

P8 Haunting stories: Japanese ghosts P11 Visionaries P14 Blaze of glory: Spontaneous Human Combustion P16 Experiences Explained

And the rest... P26 Destiny Doctors P45 Competitions P75 Subscriptions P76 Reviews P82 Day Tripper

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P18 The religion of the forest: Shinto P20 The island of the gods: myths P22 Marvellous matsuri: festivals P24 Legend & spirit in life

P40 Time for tea: the Japanese tea ceremony

P28 A reflection of the future: scrying P30 The Eastern Oracle P32 Spirit portraits: psychic art P36 Let the cards decide P38 Movie killers or moutain dwellers? The Ninja P39 The purest places P42 Superstition by numbers P43 Dream Directory

P48 Full of Eastern promise: Champneys Springs review

P44 Keep taking the tablets P50 Ancient healing in a modern world: shiatsu P52 Healing Reiki rays P54 Phoenix Rising: Life Guidance P56 Heal your pet: First Aid for pets P58 Coven Corner

P60 Square stars: : Japanese astrology P63 Horoscopes:

your October forecasts by James

Christie Vision 7


An idea for a TV show about ghost hunting turned former Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding into a household name. She took time out from filming the seventh series of Most Haunted to talk to Clare Sheridan.


vette Fielding has come a long way since she first hit our TV screens at the tender age of 13 in teen soap Seaview. She was the youngest ever presenter of Blue Peter at 17 and now she spots spooks for a living! “We never imagined Most Haunted would be so popular – we didn’t think we would sell it!” said the 36-yearold mother-of-two. The original concept for the show was the brainchild of Yvette and her husband Karl Beattie, director of the show. “We were at home and a friend came over for the weekend. He was telling us about coming back from Michelham Priory in Sussex. He suggested filming there and told us it was haunted. We’d also just watched The Blair Witch Project and it stemmed from there,” she said. “I have always been interested in this kind of thing. I was always reading books on it. I love everything to do with Most Haunted and I’m fascinated by what happens to us when we die.” So what does she think happens to us when we shuffle off this mortal coil? “I have not a clue what happens,” she said. “I try and remain logical about things. I’d like to believe that you go somewhere else and are greeted by loved ones or people whom you’ve lost. It would be lovely to think that’s what happens. I hope that’s true. After all the things I have seen and heard I still don’t know what to believe!” She has witnessed quite a lot during the programmes, and as regular viewers will know, Yvette never hides her feelings from the camera. “I enjoy it but at the same time I’m terrified. The scariest thing is objects moving in front of you, furniture moving or being touched by something invisible – that’s a really peculiar feeling,” she said. “I’ve had a man laughing in my ear – we caught it on recording equipment. That was in York at The Golden Fleece pub.” Events took a more sinister turn, however, when she actually fainted during a live programme from Berry

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Yvette encounters all kinds of supernatural phenomena with her Most Haunted co-star, medium Derek Acorah (above with Yvette).

Pomeroy Castle, Devon: “It was during a Most Haunted Live. I remember being very shaky. I just collapsed and I have no idea why!” But she is not alone in her apprehension, the rest of the 13-man crew have their moments too, she revealed: “All the crew get affected in different ways. Some of them have collapsed before now. Some have even left the show!” There have, however, been quieter occasions where nothing has happened, such as a show based at St Pancreas Station – but they don’t let it deter them. “You can’t guarantee anything will happen,” said Yvette. “I’d love to be able to catch a ghost on camera. We have caught strange lights and objects moving on camera. We don’t know whether ghosts show themselves all the time and are invisible to the naked eye, or if our equipment just can’t pick them up.” After only 4 short years the show has achieved cult status and has propelled resident mediums Derek Acorah and David Wells into the public limelight. Derek’s involvement with the show was a fluke: “I didn’t know of Derek

when we set up the show, he was working in the same building and he just happened to be there. It was pot luck,” said Yvette. Thanks to its growing popularity across the pond, the team visited America earlier this year: “We stayed on the Queen Mary in California, which is supposedly one of the most haunted places in the US,” she said. “We recorded a little girl’s voice crying for her mother. David Wells said a little girl had been murdered in her room. We also saw wet, salty footprints in the swimming pool area – there was no-one in the pool! During the days when it was an active ship they used salt water from the sea in the pool.” More recently she has filmed a bit closer to home with a programme from the set of popular soap Coronation Street in Manchester. Yvette and the crew came to the rescue after the cast complained of strange disturbances on the set of a certain pub: “The actors and crew were suffering a bit with a ghost. One pushes and shoves them behind the bar. That was very surreal. I did a séance in the Rovers Return!” But they do want to broaden

The scariest thing is objects moving in front of you, or being touched by something invisible – that’s a really peculiar feeling.

their horizons and Yvette has hinted at more foreign travel for future episodes. So how does she fit in family life and being one of the bosses of Stockportbased production company Antix Productions? “Karl and I have really great parents who help us out with the kids. Whenever we can we are always home to pick the children up from school – it’s important to be there. We are only away filming one night a week.” Despite what she has seen, Yvette still maintains a level head and even finds time for a little fun: “I always tend to be logical. I don’t poo poo things like tarot or past life regression, but I’m the sort of person who needs proof,” she said. “To do this programme you have got to keep your head about you and not get too bogged down. If you’re serious all the time you get down, particularly when dealing with the dead. There are lots of joking sessions.” So are there any locations she wouldn’t want to return to? “I was very nervous about going to The Golden Fleece pub in York. In fact, practically every location!” she said.

The seventh series of Most Haunted will be aired on Living TV in the autumn. Visit for more details about the show. Subscribe to Vision and get Derek’s new book Ghost Hunting with Derek Acorah FREE! See P75.

Vision 7



he Japanese people have a firm belief in the existence of ghosts, which stems from an amalgam of religious faith and folklore. The Shinto faith says that every person who has once lived becomes a ghost or a deity on their death. These spirits are around us all the time. Each one has two souls – one gentle (nigi-mitama), and the other violent (ara-mitama). Japanese Buddhism has a rather gruesome apparition called a gaki. This creature is said to appear as an emaciated being with a scrawny neck and a wide open mouth. The gaki is said to be rapaciously hungry, due to having been a glutton in life, and is doomed to spend its time eating wasted food and drink, and, if it can get it, human flesh. Such a spirit can return to the land of the living to take revenge on the person or people it deems responsible for its fate. It will have to wander as a wraith until ritual prayers are said to release it. To prevent such things haunting them, the Japanese perform rituals for 7 years in order to purify the spirit after death. If this isn’t done they believe that the unclean spirit will have to remain between the world of the living and the world of the dead. There are 3 distinct groups of Japanese ghost: Obake – which literally means something that is transforming, ie changing from physical to spiritual; Yokai – these include ghouls, goblins and monsters; Yurei – these are the traditional ghosts: spirits who once lived, and stay among the living in order to take revenge for something done during their lifetime. They usually appear in the small hours of the morning. There is meant to be a ghost at the ruins of the Lakeside Hotel at Shikotsu. In the summer of 1993, it is said that two young men saw a ghost after stopping to look at the hotel ruins. They had left their car nearby, but as they returned to it they heard a loud bang, and then saw a white shadow. The shadow

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seemed to be waiting for them beside the car. Many other people claim to have seen this ghost since. Most Japanese ghosts are female, have long flowing hair, and float above the ground. They appear to have no legs, and wear wispy white clothes, which trail along the ground instead of limbs. From a folklore perspective, there are many wells in Japan that boast they are home to one of the culture’s most enduring ghosts. Himeji Castle

other things, that dead spirits are sometimes embodied in female cats, that female ghosts haunt taxi-cabs, and that every rock, tree, mountain, river and even grain of sand, has a spirit. The number 4 in Japanese is shi, and death in Japanese is also pronounced shi: so the number 4 is avoided. Other well-known Japanese superstitions include that it is considered bad luck to: leave your chopsticks standing upright in a full rice-bowl; break a comb; break the strap of your clog; or

Most Japanese ghosts are female, have long flowing hair, and float above the ground.

claims the haunting, and so does the garden of the Canadian embassy in Tokyo. This is the sad story of Okiku, a maid who was supposedly thrown down a well to her death for merely breaking a plate. Okiku is said to rise from the well crying and sobbing. As well as several locations for the appearance of this ghost, there are also many versions of the story itself. In one, Okiku broke the plate herself, and in another her Master Aoyama’s wife broke it, but blamed Okiku. In another Aoyama the Samurai was angered because Okiku spurned his advances, so he hid one of the valuable plates and threatened to tell people that Okiku broke it. Okiku was then tortured and thrown into the well. This last version is the basis for the kabuki play Bancho Sarayashiki. Whichever version, the story seems to have been invented to demonstrate the cruel treatment of the lower class maid by the upper class man. The Japanese are a highly superstitious race. They believe among

to eat fried eel and melon at the same meal. If you visit a sick person you must bring them a potted plant, or you will have bad luck. Japanese temples make and sell a myriad of charms meant to ward off evil ghosts and bad luck, the most common being the Omamori Bukuro, which literally means, ‘a charm in a brocade bag’. You will see one swinging from the rear view mirror of almost every taxi and truck. The other most common charm is in the form of a small doll, and many private passenger cars carry these and similar charms. If you have been near a reputedly haunted place in Japan, you must sprinkle salt on yourself before you enter your home, otherwise the ghost, which may have attached itself to you, may follow you into your home. On a business level, superstition runs high, and a lot of corporations have purification rites when they are building on a site associated with ghosts. The entire workforce attends the rite!

Jenny Smedley tells some Japanese ghost stories.

Vision 7


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The time: A dry, balmy summer evening. The place: The Red Lion pub and stone circle, Avebury, Wiltshire. The Visionaries: Sammi Addey, Diana Jarvis & Georgia Mead. by Sammi Addey


ere we are again. We travelled a bit further afield to satisfy your paranormal curiosity this month – all the way down to Avebury in Wiltshire. We camped at a pub called The Red Lion, which just happened to be right next door to the Avebury Stone Circle – so we checked out the stones first (see image of Georgia above)!

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Right: Avebury stone circle. Below: Georgia picked up on an unpleasant feeling in the private room.

Avebury stone circle Almost immediately Di and Georgia picked up on past events that may have taken place there. Georgia sensed a use for the stone circle in years gone by. She said that the people that would come to the circle to perform rituals inside it. Georgia said she also felt as though people saw the circle as more of a birthplace than a place of death. She was then confronted with a man with an axe and spear running at her! She tried to take note of his clothing but all she could make out was that he had short hair, was only clothed from the waist down and was covered in grey face and body paint. She also pointed out that he was not happy! Di was at a different spot but she said she picked up a viking connection. She could hear someone reciting a sonnet or prayer of some description. She could also make out snippets that referred to reflections of the full moon in the water caught in the dips of the stones. She then said that she felt lunar energy more than solar energy. And both Di ad Georgia picked up on travellers

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that would come and stay during important points in the lunar cycle, and then simply move on.

The Red Lion pub We later ventured into the Red Lion pub where we were greeted by pub landlord Richard Bounds. Georgia was the first to see a man in Spirit sat on one of the seats in the dining room area. He apparently had nothing to say – he just wanted to make us aware of him.

The pub’s private room This room has the record for the highest levels of paranormal activity in the building. Georgia was the first to enter the room. She instantly picked up on an unpleasant feeling and commented that the room had a very oppressive atmosphere. She sensed that someone had possibly been raped in this room, and also someone may have been hit around the head. She did pick up that the person who would have committed these acts would have been male, large and very aggressive. Georgia said that anybody who had slept in this room would more than likely have suffered with headaches and nausea. She also sensed that there have been numerous electrical problems throughout the building. There was no Spirit manifestation in the room – Georgia actually picked up on the residual energies of the room itself.

The gauss meter picked up nothing out of the ordinary, and by this point the team had to leave the room as Georgia and a couple of others had started to feel dizzy and nauseous. When Di stepped into the room she felt her blood pound loudly in her ears. She sensed a feminine energy connected to the room. She also picked up on the name Tom – a spirit who wasn’t actually in the room. She felt that he was unable to make the full transition from the Spirit world to our world, but could travel between the two. Di felt that he was not abusive but he may have been connected to the female energy. She was also offered a piece of paper in Spirit, soon after her hand started to hurt.

Above and left: Di tests out her pendulum and dowsing rods in the lounge area of the pub. Opposite page: Could these be spirit lights in the bar area of the pub?

Dining room & bar area

History of Avebury stone circle and The Red Lion pub by paranormal investigator Rachel Lacy. The Red Lion is the only pub in Avebury. The building dates back to the early 17th century, but the licence only dates back to 1822. Ghosts which reputedly frequent the pub include horse-drawn vehicles outside on windy nights and a ‘Blue Lady’ in the bar area who has been seen by a number of people. There are also claims that every house in the village has its own spirit, and in some cases more than one! Avebury stone circle, one of the most important megalithic monuments in Europe, was created with stones transported from the nearby Avebury Hills in Neolithic times. The stones were probably erected by the Iberian invaders who had settled there. Later invaders also settled in the area, including vikings. The ruler who had the circle built would have been incredibly powerful to arrange the large labour force needed to build it. The 400m-wide circle is surrounded by a deep ditch (once possibly filled with water) and within it are two smaller circles. The other stones are not in circles and the two stone avenues there include around 600 stones, some of which have carvings. Many stones have been removed, as excavations have shown that the rings are now only a quarter of their original size. In the 1930s when a number of stones were re-erected, a male skeleton was found under a fallen stone. Coins found with him dated to the 14th century and his tools suggested he was a barber or surgeon.

Stones were removed in an attempt to stamp out pagan practices in medieval times, and this unfortunate gentleman’s accident probably prevented further desecration then, but more were removed in the 17th and 18th centuries to free up land to grow crops. Stones in the circle include the Swindon Stone, which legend states is said to either revolve on its own axis or cross the road at midnight! The Devil’s Chair Stone was reputedly used to summon supernatural powers. When it was built, religion was likely to take the form of worship of a natural force. Sacrifices were unlikely as they were agricultural people. The stone circle was probably a calendar which played host to celebrations at the end of the natural year. The planting of new seed was timed after the end of the old year and was the most important date in the agricultural calendar: which would make it essential for them to pinpoint the shortest day. Other theories for why the stone circles were built include fertility rites, sun worship (at the midsummer solstice), moon worship, or funeral rites. There are also people that believe there is an extraterrestrial link. The area is crossed with Ley Lines linking the stone circle to many ancient sites including Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, and the 1845 Lansdowne Monument. The two main lines are called Michael and Mary, which cross (or “kiss”) at the southern part of the circle.

As Georgia sat down with her tarot cards in the dining room, she felt a spirit was sat on one of the chairs near her. She felt that he was a shameful spirit who was afraid of himself and what he was capable of. He told Georgia that he abused people even though he didn’t want to. Di did not pick up on anything in the dining room, but as she walked through to the bar area she felt dumbstruck and unable to speak. Di started to feel very weak, off balance and had to sit down. Georgia picked up on an old lady in the bar area who seemed very unhappy and who clapped her hands together 3 times and then waved her hands. Georgia also sensed that there had been a fire in the building at some point. During the seance, one member of the team unexplainably started to shiver uncontrollably and was rooted to the spot.

The cellar Di was the only medium who ventured into the cellar – needless to say it wasn’t very inviting! As she stood down there she was overcome by a very oppressive energy. She felt very sick and became quite upset. The team saw the colour drain from her face. She then said that there was someone down in the cellar and “they won’t rest until they have been found”! Di said a prayer for the spirit and returned to the bar area.

Equipment The trigger object was placed in one of the bedrooms, but didn’t actually move. The pendulums picked up energy very strongly at the entrance to the private room and the Swindon Room (which was empty at the time). The dowsing rods picked up energy in the same places and also in the bar area and dining room. We would like to thank The Red Lion’s landlord Richard Bounds for letting us hold the vigil in his pub. NEXT MONTH: We visit a 14th century house in Catforth, Lancashire. Would YOU like to take part in a Visionaries’ vigil? Do you have the nerve to stay up all night in a haunted location? If you have the nerve, email your reasons to and you could become part of the team for a night!

Vision 7


Diana Jarvis explores the gruesome phenomenon of Spontaneous Human Combustion.


pontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) is the term used to describe accounts of the human body mysteriously igniting and burning up in the absence of any external factors to cause it. Sounds a bit far-fetched? Well, maybe . . but read on and consider the evidence. For those of you who have never read about this phenomenon, I’ll document a few examples of cases where an individual had been found reduced to ashes, and no natural cause has ever been discovered. SHC has been documented since 1673, when Jonas Dupont published some pieces on the subject entitled De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis. One of the most fascinating cases was that of Nicole Millet. Her husband Jean was acquitted of killing her and the court returned a verdict of SHC after Nicole was found reduced to ashes on her straw bed in Rheims, France. Only her skull and finger bones were left. The straw matting was only slightly damaged. Over the years, many cases followed. As cases of SHC became betterknown, some writers turned to this alleged method of death as a great way of dramatically killing off a character. Even Charles Dickens used this method to dispose of the character Krook in his novel Bleak House. Mr Dickens did not get off lightly with the critics for using SHC as a cause of death. George Henry Lewes stated that SHC was impossible, and lampooned Dickens’ work as perpetuating superstition. Dickens responded in the preface of the second edition of his work, stating that he had researched SHC and knew of a least 30 cases. In 1951, Mary Reeser, 67, was found reduced to ashes in her apartment in St Petersburg, Florida. Her skull was left behind along with a completely undamaged left foot. She was found by her neighbour, who discovered the doorknob was hot to the touch. She went for help and when she returned, she found what was left of Mrs Reeser in a

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blackened circle 4 feet in diameter. This event has become the foundation for many a book on the subject of SHC. The most notable is Michael Harrison’s Fire From Heaven, printed in 1976. Fire From Heaven has become the standard reference work on Spontaneous Human Combustion. The police report said that Mrs Reeser went up in smoke when her highly flammable rayon-acetate nightgown caught fire, perhaps because of a dropped cigarette. However, one medical examiner went on record as stating that in his opinion, the 3,000-degree heat required to destroy the body should have destroyed the apartment as well. This was not the case as there was minimal damage to the property, just some soot. There are several theories on SHC. Some of these include: Alchoholism – many Spontaneous Human Combustion victims have been alcoholics; Deposits of flammable body fat – many victims have been overweight; A build-up of static electricity; An explosive combination of chemicals which could form in the digestive system – due to poor diet; Electrical fields that exist within the human body which might be capable of ‘short circuiting’. The most popular theory that many people believe is the ‘wick’ effect. This proposes that the body, if lit by a cigarette or other heat source, acts in a similar way to a candle, but ‘inside-out’. A candle has a wick on the inside and is surrounded by wax on the outside. The wax lights the wick and keeps it burning. In the human body, the body fat is the ‘wax’ and the clothing or hair acts as the wick. As the fat melts from the heat it soaks into the clothing, acts like wax and keeps the fire going. Scientists say that this is why the victims’ bodies are burnt completely but their surroundings are virtually untouched.

SHC believers say that this theory is all well and good, but the body would take too long to burn, and in some cases the person was seen or subsequently discovered too quickly for the slow wick effect to be the answer. All of these theories do fall apart on closer examination and as things stand there is no proven answer to this gruesome death – it is still a mystery. SHC does not leave behind what you would expect in a ‘natural’ death by fire. The body is usually severely burned, normally reduced almost completely to ashes. The burns are not evenly distributed over any body parts left, and some body parts can remain completely untouched by fire even though the rest of the body has been reduced to ashes. Also the fire never seems to touch surrounding areas, only the body itself: victims have been burned in their beds but the sheets have been barely touched.

There is no proven answer to this gruesome death – it is still a mystery.

There have been some survivors of SHC and also some witnesses. Most witnesses report that they actually saw the victim burst into flames. They have also said that there were no possible sources of ignition and that the flames seemed to come directly from the victim’s skin. Survivors have reported pains followed by blisters and smoke coming directly from their bodies. We still don’t have a real, indisputable answer to SHC. No-one really knows what happens, although a lot of cases have been explained away by rational means. There are still too many well-documented cases left to discount SHC as just a mystery that’s gone up in scientific smoke, but also too few to lose sleep worrying about leaving the earth plane in an unexplained blaze of glory.

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Diana Jarvis explains your weird experiences. What did vision mean? Nine years ago a medium told me something was going to happen in October. On October 10 I was unwell so I slept. I woke up feeling wonderful but continued to lay there. Suddenly, a screen like a TV appeared on my wall. A man was talking to me like a news reader. Then I saw a row of houses on the adjoining wall. The vision panned along the row and stopped at one house. Then everything disappeared. What does it mean? Irene Drury, Atherstone, Warwickshire. Diana says: If your vision was not a daydream, then it could have been a prediction! Maybe you were shown a house that will be important in your future, or one that you will come across. It is also possible that it was a waking dream and that it has a symbolic message. What was the house like? In dreams, the house is symbolic of the dreamer. Without this information I can’t interpret accurately – but if you didn’t like it, spruce it up! If you loved it . . . then the dream is telling you that you are lovely!

Mysterious ladies I was alone in the house one day when suddenly a woman appeared in the corner of the room. She said something but I couldn’t hear. She was smiling and seemed desperate that I trust her. She insisted I look at something but I didn’t want to. Her eyes were black and spinning like a whirlpool. Then 3 young women appeared. All the women were speaking but it was a hissing noise. The original woman pointed, but I didn’t want to look. I told her I didn’t want to and she said ‘’Perhaps we should tell him instead?’’ The woman on her right said: ‘Do you want me to tell him, he is the one I call Mr Unhappy?’’. The original woman then said: ‘’We’ll tell you but you will still find it unpleasant’’. I told them to go. They left but I heard her voice saying: ‘’We’ll be back sometime’’. Simon Beech, Cheshire. Diana says: I think that the first woman (with spinning eyes) is an exteriorized version of your anima (or feminine side). Most of us have trouble facing ourselves, so that is why she made you afraid. She was probably trying to show you something about yourself you don’t like (we all have bits like that!). The other 3 women represent the Fates (or the three faces of the Goddess), in simple terms – a lifespan. I think this means that it’s time to sort whatever it is that really bothers you about yourself. This is not something to be afraid of – neither are they. Look within yourself, and they won’t come back.

A strange streak I saw a photo on the Experiences Explained pages of a couple at a wedding and there was a red mist in the image at their feet. I have a similar image. For some reason I kept this photo, which was taken 7 years ago. My daughter is at the bottom left of the image, ducking down, you can only see her head. This strange image appeared. Everyone I've shown this to have all said they can see a face. Can you put my mind at ease and tell me what you make of it? I do believe in ghosts. One night my partner woke me up to say my daughter (who was 8 at the time) was rapping on the bedroom door. I heard it and shouted for her to come in. We heard someone say mum but when I got up to open the door there was no-one there. Kathleen Eadie, Milton, Glasgow. Diana says: What an unusual photo! My instant thought here is that there is a possibility of reflection from the window (unlikely from the image, but possible). Also, the film may have degraded if there was a problem with development or with the camera. If it was taken on a digital camera then we can rule that out. If none of these apply then we can consider the picture ‘paranormal’. The name for this type of image is a ‘vortex’, which is alleged to be ghostly manifestation. Vortex images often turn out to be camera straps, but the genuine thing looks like a whirlwind or tornado. If this is a vortex, I would consider it a sign of a spiritual presence. I have never seen a red vortex! If you would like to share your experiences, send them to Diana Jarvis at the Vision address or email: Please give as many details as possible – tell us what you saw, how you felt, and what you sensed etc. We reserve the right to edit letters.

16 Vision 7

Vision 7


Michael Looking Coyote looks at the development of the Japanese spiritual philosophy, Shinto.


apan is a land of mystery. Think of inscrutable Oriental philosophy, leaping Ninja warriors or the tea ceremony and the Land of the Rising Sun springs to mind. Unlike many other cultures, no one faith holds sway over the minds and hearts of Japanese people. However, the holy trinity of Japanese spiritual philosophies consists of Shinto, Buddhism and Christianity. Of these, Shinto has served Japanese worshippers the longest and is practiced by over 80 per cent of Japanese citizens. Christianity by contrast, is adhered to by just over 1 per cent. In fact, Shinto was the state religion in Japan for a time. The word Shinto derives from the Chinese phrase Shin Tao, which means “Way of the Gods” or “Teachings of the Gods”, and centres around the demonstration of reverence for numerous Shinto deities. These deities, known as kami, play a crucial role in Japanese culture and everyday life. In Shinto, everything is governed or influenced by a deity, whether it be a mountain, a cloud, a tiger, a rice cake or a frog. Shinto is sometimes called “The Religion of the Forest” as devotees have a strong connection to the environment and the natural world. Agriculture and agricultural practices are interwoven with many Shinto festivals. The chief festivals still take place when rice is planted and harvested. Buddhism and Shinto Buddhism was introduced to Japan in the 6th century. This did not cause a theological or ecclesiastical upheaval, the Japanese simply adopted Buddha into their pantheon of gods and fused Buddhism with the indigenous Shinto. In fact, it was not uncommon to see statues of Buddha in Shinto temples and, conversely, statues of Shinto deities in Buddhist temples. Today, most funerals are performed by Buddhist priests while weddings are carried out by their Shinto counterparts. Zen Buddhism has its origins in the teachings of the Prince Siddhartha

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Gautama. Around 500BC he became increasingly troubled by the poverty and suffering of less privileged people. At the age of 29 he began his search for enlightenment, he found it 6 years later at the age of 35. Some of the principal teachings of Buddha were that we should detach ourselves from the love of material objects, recognise that all things change and lose our burgeoning egos. In 473 AD Bodhidharma, a follower of Buddha, journeyed from India to China and introduced the teachings and concepts of his spiritual master to the people. Inevitably, those who accepted Buddhism fused it with the indigenous Taoist philosophy. This

produced a unique form of Buddhism known as Chien in China and, later, Zen in Japan. The word Zen means “meditation”, and emphasises the notion that, through meditation, we can both recognise and realise the Buddha nature in all of us. Zen places less emphasis on the traditional Buddhist scriptures and more on the meditative and instinctive route to enlightenment. Eventually, the Yamato dynasty came to hold sway over most of Japan, and folklore held that the imperial family were descendants of the gods. In the 19th century, largely for political reasons, the Japanese government made efforts to

separate Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto was made the official religion and the emperor was viewed as a god in his own right. After World War II the official status of Shinto was removed and the emperor had his status as a deity taken from him – legally. There are currently four main forms of Shinto practiced in Japan. Koshitsu or “Imperial House” Shinto centres on rites performed by the Japanese Emperor on behalf of the people, the focal deity being Amaterasu Ohmikami, a female goddess who is believed to be the emperor’s distant ancestor. During numerous rituals the emperor will pray for such things as the

wealth and health of his subjects, world peace and family unity. Shuha or “Sect” Shinto can itself be broken down into two forms; Sect and New Sect. Sect Shinto categorises the groups of believers who began or practiced their Shintoist beliefs before the year 1868 or after the year 1882, during which period Shinto shrines were separated from other places of worship where state-authorised festivals and ceremonies were carried out. “New Sect” Shinto is a more liberal form that has demonstrated compromises with Buddhism, Confucianism and other spiritual concepts.

Minzoku or “Folk” Shinto is a form of Shinto usually practiced by “common people”. Minzoku Shinto changes its character from area to area, and is closely related to Jinja or “Shrine” Shinto. Elements of Buddhism and even Confucianism can be seen in Minzoku. Jinja or “Shrine” Shinto is a generic name for all Shinto activities performed by a local community or family. The “Jinja” is the building or shrine where such services are performed. Along with Koshitsu or “Imperial House” Shinto, Jinja is seen as one of the two “core forms” of the faith. Adherents of Shinto, like Buddhists, generally have great enthusiasm, a zest for life and an unusual degree of optimism: “When things go well, thank the gods. When things go badly, ask the gods for help”. Shrines Shinto shrines are normally found at the base of mountains, preferably near running water. Typical features include the torii – a sacred archway – bells and plaited straw ropes (shimenawa) decorated with strips of white paper (gohei) positioned over the entrance. You may also see one or a pair of guardian dogs, lions or sometimes dragons – called Komainu at either side of the entrance. In the case of Inari Shrines (Inari is the kami of Rice), the entrances are guarded by foxes. Also near the entrance you’ll see a purification trough. It is here where the hands and mouth are ritually cleansed before entering. Followers of Shinto follow their spiritual path humbly in the belief that, if they adhere to the counsel of the gods faithfully, they will be blessed by the kami during the good times and sustained during times of trouble. Shintoists believe very much in the work ethic. Hard graft, they believe, brings joy, particularly if that work is in the service of fellow humans or the kami. It is difficult to overstate the closeness that Shintoists feel towards their deities. “All existence is rooted in the kami”, they say, and it works for them.

Vision 7


Writer Steve Bryan explores the detailed mythology of Japan.


An interpretation of the goddess Izanami.

20 Vision 7

he Japanese have no word for god. For them, it is too narrow a concept. Instead they use the word ‘kami’, a more accurate translation of which would be ‘revered’ or ‘holy.’ The kiji, the sacred texts of the Shinto religion, state that there are ‘800 myriad’ kami. Kami is applied in this way to a range of historical and mythological figures, as well as divinities. Some are directly attached to features of the natural landscape, such as springs, mountains and waterfalls. Because of this, the boundaries between human and divine, and between supernatural and natural are less definite than in other traditions. The Japanese creation cycle is a case in point. The islands of Japan were born as the children of the gods Izanagi and Izanami. Brother and sister, man and woman, they represent a duality of forces, sometimes working in harmony, and sometimes in conflict. The first children of the couple were malformed, and abandoned. The reason for this, the myth tells us, is that Izanami, the female figure, took the active role in their courtship. Only when the male figure assumed this role could ‘proper’ offspring be born. As in other myths around the world, this lays down divine law on gender relationships, and perhaps hints at an earlier, matriarchal tradition. Izanagi and Izanami had many children. The birth of Izanami’s final child, fire, killed her – she then became queen of the underworld and ruler of the dead. Izanagi sought to rescue her and bring her back to the world of the living. This, however, was the cause of their final and lasting conflict. Izanagi saw Izanami in the form of a corpse, and, incensed that her true nature had been exposed, she tried to kill him. She then vowed to kill 1,000 of his children every day. Izanagi countered by vowing to create 1,500 to replace them. The creative force in this myth, although held back by death and disease, is the stronger. Izanagi retired from the affairs of the world after this. The cycle now turns to his and Izanami’s children. Foremost amongst these were Amaterasu the goddess of the sun, and Susano, the storm god. In some respects these represent the forces of order and growth on the one hand, and chaos and destruction on the other. They had many quarrels. Finally, tired of Susano’s constant baiting, Amaterasu retired to a cave, and the life-giving sun was withdrawn from the world. Susano was exiled from the land of the divine for this, while the other divinities considered how to trick Amaterasu into returning. The final solution was a dance performed by the goddess Amano Uzuma. Erotically charged and accompanied with mirrors and the beating of drums, this dance finally persuaded the sun goddess out. The cave was quickly sealed behind her, and the world had sunlight once more. Some believe this is simply a story to explain a historical eclipse. The later association of Amano Uzuma with the dawn, and the subsequent association of mirrors and drums with the worship of Amaterasu perhaps suggest a more general interpretation of

appeasement of the sun to ensure it continues to rise each day. Exiled from heaven, Susano became ruler of the earth. He had many children, but one son, Ukuninashi, took over the throne by strength and stealth. This did not please Amaterasu, who felt her children should rule the earth rather than her brother’s. She sent a number of sons to contest the throne, but all failed, beguiled variously by the beauty of Ukininashi’s sisters and daughters. At last, however, she prevailed, and the throne of the earth passed to her grandson, Honinigi. Many believe this story represents a dynastic struggle. Honinigi is credited with founding the Imperial dynasty of Japan; the first Emperor, Jimmu, claimed direct descent from him. Indeed it was only after the Second World War that the Emperors finally and formally renounced their claim to divinity. Other cycles describe the heroic exploits of the Imperial family. The most important concern Yamato tekeru, the son of an Emperor. He was an ambiguous figure; brave and strong, he was also immoral and violent. As a child he killed his own twin brother because their father was angry the boy was late for breakfast. Later, he dressed as a woman to seduce the leader of a gang of thieves before killing him and restoring peace to the land. He was constantly

An interpretation of the god Izanagi looking down on the islands of Japan.

unfaithful to his wife, who in the end had to sacrifice herself to assuage the gods’ anger with her husband. In spite, or perhaps because of this, he became the role model for the Samurai class, predominant in Japan for many centuries. Japan is a land with a rich and colourful mythology. Aspects of it are influential today, and it forms an important part of the national identity. Some believe the recent revival of interest in ritual drumming, the taiko has its origins in the drums used to rouse Amaterasu from her cave. Many of the themes and characters have been integrated into the new art forms of Anime and Manga. These have renewed interest in the ancient stories, and spread their influence to the ‘cartoon’ generation throughout the world. Switch the TV to a children’s channel, and the descendants of Izanagi will appear on your screen!

Vision 7



eneath its staid exterior of pragmatism and punctuality, Japan is a land teeming with deities - minor and major – which inhabit rocks, trees, rivers, and lakes. The chronological and spiritual roots of this Shinto religion run deep. Wherever people live, from mountain hamlets to major cities, so too live the leagues of kami (spirits), enshrined in natural formations from the simplest of rock outcroppings to the largest of lakes. In 1991, there were nearly 80,000 Shinto shrines in Japan. These shrines bring daily visitors who beseech the spiritual inhabitants for help in personal and global matters. Once a year, the shrines become the explosive settings for matsuri festivals, highly charged rites of purification, feasting and communion with kami and fellow humans alike. Up until the first half of the 20th Century, matsuri stressed the importance of communion with kami through purification rituals and food offerings, as well as human fellowship through competitions and feasting. The modern matsuri focuses primarily on the human communion aspects. Feasting, parading, and playing on a grand scale are the order of the day, giving people a chance to throw off the strictures of daily life. This is not to say, however, that the sacramental nature of the matsuri has disappeared – smaller, rural communities still observe the monoimi, which is the ritual of mental and physical

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purification; and the naorai, whereby participants share in the food offerings with the kami. The matsuri cycles grew out of relation to Japan’s rice-growing culture, revolving around the planting, growing and harvesting cycle. Spring matsuri often invoke a good harvest and the warding off of natural disasters, while autumn matsuri give thanks for a good harvest, or prayer for a better harvest next year. Perhaps the most famous matsuri is the Gion Festival, which takes place each year at the Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto over a month during June and July. The Gion Festival legend states that during an epidemic which swept Kyoto in 869AD, the people of the city erected 66 spears at the Yasaka Shrine (to represent each province of Japan) and prayed to Gozu Tenno, the shrine’s deity, for an end to the trouble. Their prayers were miraculously answered and the plague quickly subsided. By the 10th Century, the Yasaka Shrine - known as goryo - was the most popular shrine in Kyoto, known for its power to stave off illness, protect warriors, and calm vengeful spirits. The Gion Festival is best known for its parade of huge carts, up to 2 storeys tall, which carry representations of the original spears, as well as groups of musicians and life-size effigies of mythological and historical people. Arguably the largest and most

splendid of the matsuri is the Nebuta Festival in the city of Aomori in Northern Honshu during the first week of August. Legend has it that General Tamuramaro, whose task it was in the 9th Century to put down a rebellion in Northern Japan, ordered his army to create replicas of massive creatures, called nebuta, to frighten the rebels into submission. Today, the centerpiece of the matsuri is a nighttime parade featuring 20 illuminated floats, up to 5m tall and 10m long, depicting those ancient events. Throngs of musicians and revelers accompany the floats, which are judged based upon their beauty as well as the reaction of the crowd. The matsuri reaches its climax when the glowing nebuta are set adrift downriver and out to sea, to a grand backdrop of fireworks. Many people of Aomori believe that the floats have the power to protect the people and their crops from evil spirits intent on sowing chaos and destruction. The Sanja Festival is Tokyo’s largest matsuri, attracting over 2 million visitors to the city’s Asakusa Shrine during the third weekend in May. History states that long ago 2 brothers discovered a statue of Kannon, the goddess of compassion, while fishing. They took such good care of the statue, cleaning and setting it in a place of honor in the home of a wealthy man, that they, along with the man whose home they placed it in, became known as the protectors of Kannon. The spirits of the 3 men have

since been deified and given permanent residence at the Asakusa Shrine. During the matsuri, the men’s kami are brought out in portable shrines, known as mikoshi, and paraded through the streets for revelers seeking to give and receive acts of compassion. Time and outside influences have seemingly worn away much of the spiritual significance of matsuri, reducing many to tourist attractions. This is particularly true in the largest Japanese cities, where Western influences continue to flow into every day society. However, the Japanese psyche is not so easily divorced from tradition and superstition. There is a certain Japanese alter ego that is revealed during a matsuri so that even the Nike-wearing teenager changes into something wholly different when wearing his hapi, matsuri garb. The same young man, who earlier played on his games console, will fight tooth and nail against hundreds of other young men during Wakura City’s Kenko Matsuri, the so-called ‘Fighting Festival’, to get a year’s worth of good luck in the form of a white banner. Risking broken bones and black eyes in the festival’s arena would hardly seem the prudent thing to do. Yet, something drives him to do it, year after year, generation after generation. Ben Falge lived in Japan from 1996 to 1999 and survived the Wakura Fighting Festival. He currently resides in Battle Ground, Washington State, USA, where he runs the online Japanese arts and crafts store, The Japanese Connection ( To contact the author, please email:

Vision 7


Keith Belmont examines the spiritual side of Japanese culture.


yths, fairy stories and daily life are intricately connected for traditional Eastern culture, and nowhere more so than in Japan. Stories and what we term arts and crafts generally try to create a circle of belonging. The teaching of the Samurai, the traditional elite who directly served lords in Japan, debunked the idea that there are ‘arts and crafts’. They insisted direct experience was the Way of the Warrior. The warrior code was a moral code of stories directing conduct in times of uncertainty, generally passed by word of mouth from generation to generation. Because stories are ultimately more than just stories coming out of the heart at a point in time, they can be described as a shaft of human truth. Stories are therefore attempts to bring truth into daily life. Thus all the arts such as Origami, calligraphy, Ikebana (flower arranging), Bonsai and many others have been ways for individuals to deliver their personal story in a universally comprehensible way – The Way of the Warrior. Here we will very quickly consider just some of the major features of calligraphy, Ikebana and Bonsai. Japanese brush calligraphy or ‘Shodo’ (the way of writing) is a dance of ‘ki’ (universal life force) over space on a page. It makes it visible and yet in its purest form makes some aspects of ki invisible. Such is the way of delivery to the centre of a person’s spirit. In this way the brush can educate spirit and give a powerful positive image on which to focus for meditation. By providing such focus it encourages the mind to step aside so that any individual in daily life or other practice can have knowledge of the state of ‘no mind’. Where the most defined strokes of the brush occur the ultimate expression

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of the infinite, pure ki, leaves the viewer in a profound state of one-ness with the image, their essence and the essence of the brush-artist. The aesthetic universe to a trained Japanese person is defined in terms of: Wabi: tranquil simplicity; Sabi: layer of age; and Suki: subtle elegance. Whereas Kanji (Chinese Characters …literally) or ideograms were only introduced from China in the 6th century, the knowledge of Wabi, Sabi and Suki had been passed down centuries before. The Japanese have always very easily taken on, or over, other systems from outside if they are for functional daily use. Until 1980 the number of kanji a Japanese person had to learn was over 5,000! Now it has reduced to a mere

1,945 plus an additional 200 that appear in names only! Buddhism had been the primary vehicle to introduce written characters and the web of aesthetics extended to Ikebana (‘the way of flowers’) as well. Kanji are taught from kindergarten and deliver a means to encourage hand and eye coordination for dealing with more complex things. This and Ikebana are intended to allow or encourage individuals to directly ‘know’ things and experience ‘spirit’ from daily experience. The oldest Ikebana manuscript ‘Kao irai no Kadensho’ dates from only 1486AD. Since this time, however, many styles have appeared, disappeared and developed. The arranging of flowers, called ‘Kado’, has been carefully developed from a time earlier than these texts and in the Kamakura period, circa 1192, the Tokonoma (a sacred alcove in the main zashiki or Japanese room) developed, which set the trend to this day . Originally called the ‘Tatehana’, now the ‘Rikka’ style/school is by far the most formal style, and today around 3,000 Ikebana schools exist in Japan. Through the aesthetic tradition Ikebana can deliver spirit to every day life. It expresses tradition and connection of art, nature, family and community. Flowers are most frequently arranged in many heirloom vases and this process can only be described as centering. The end result placed as a focus in the home delivers harmony and tranquility without intent. The echo of nature in form and function can occur when again the mind is encouraged to one-side. Objects in addition to the manmade vases, such as aged string, pot or stone, are added. Suki can be generated by having a reflective nature of wind across the arrangement, using items such as lengths of grass.

When we arrange with the aesthetic principle then the discovery of what nourishes us is given voice. Only when we know what and who we are can a voice truly create a sacred scene. Such a scene can be directly experienced by all too, should they so desire it. Although considered by some to be art forms, both calligraphy and Ikebana still deliver spiritual training and discipline of self that are utilized with other systems in benign, and some less than benign, outcomes. For example, politically the far right in Japan has recently thrown up individuals who have broadcast that they adhere to the traditions of these skills and hold them as means of expressing what is the essential essence of the Japanese; some individuals committing

Hari kiri (ritual suicide) alongside their own messages to the nation! Finally, Bonsai, delivers a similar approach to everyday life. The 3 basic virtues described in this discipline are: Shin: truth; Zen: goodness; and Bi: beauty. This is a triangular model of tree, artist and viewer perceiving a meeting point of heaven and earth. Some trees are small, many are more than a metre and centuries old. The development of a tree requires the skill to be passed with the tree within families or clan. The physical process of training the tree develops mental and spiritual clarity by the means of pinching branches or roots, wiring and other techniques to create a triangular

patterned tree and shallow pot. The tree is never in the middle of a pot, thus the point of meeting heaven and earth is symbolically always clear at the centre of the pot, just as the artist’s centre is clear. The artist views the tree in his/her mind’s eye as they perceive nature and with the application of an aesthetic principle, a duplication of nature never occurs. No special trees are employed. Perfectly normal trees such as bamboo or azaleas are simply cultured. Many in the West have experienced these practices, mostly since 1945. For people wishing to look at a wide range of means to access their spiritual selves these practices do provide a wonderful opportunity which will survive for many more generations to come.

Vision 7


Anna Kaye.

Michael Looking Coyote.

Do you have a problem which you lack intuition to solve? Do you have any spiritual questions to which you seek answers? Native American Michael Looking Coyote will use his Spirit Stones and clairvoyant medium Anna Kaye will consult her Tarot to offer a fresh view on matters.

Should I make the first move?

I take my mum shopping every Tuesday. For a good few months I’ve had my eye on a guy working there. We’ve always made eye contact, but now we’ve started smiling at one another. He comes across as shy and so am I, but I would really like to go on a date with him. My mum thinks he likes me, but I’m not sure. I don’t even know his name. Please can you help me? Claire, Merseyside.

In need of direction

I feel stuck in a rut. I have recently completed my degree and am feeling very uncertain about my direction in life. My life-long dream is to be a writer, but I feel bogged down with worries about the future and my financial situation. I would love to train in Reiki or another holistic practice, but it all seems so expensive. Can you offer me any guidance? Kim, Gwent.

Michael Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Eagle & the Chipmunk: Whenever we try to invest strangers with so much importance in our lives it is a sure sign that we are attempting to fill a vacuum. Eagle urges you to look at your whole life and ask yourself whether sweeping changes need to be made, whilst Chipmunk stresses the importance of having a clear view of what direction you want your life to go in. The only way you’ll find out whether the man at the shopping centre truly likes you is to ask him, but if you look for new opportunities and challenges you’ll eventually find ‘Mr Right’ anyway.

Anna’s Tarot reading – the High Priestess, the Emperor & the Hermit: The High Priestess recommends follow your intuition, so next time you go shopping, smile at this guy and say hello. The Emperor tells me you’re shy, but you know what you want from life and are very strongwilled. The Hermit card tells me you are going to be doing some studying, but I also feel the name ‘Rob’ or ‘Robert’ will be important in your life. The birth signs of Aries and Virgo are going to be important to you also. You will not be on your own, so come on Claire, try that first “hello”. It’s a start!

Michael Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Papoose, the Horse & the Eagle: The Papoose indicates strongly that you need to firm up family relationships, particularly those involving children and older females. The Horse urges you not to become too fearful about the future, as, whether you realise it or not, you are heading in the right direction. Take a positive attitude and you won’t be in that rut for too long. The Eagle dictates that you should not jump into any holistic training too quickly. Look around and see what’s available first, then decide. As for the money, don’t worry. A good opportunity will make itself available when the time is right.

Anna’s Tarot reading – the Tower, the Fool & the Sun: The Tower tells me you are about to embark on a major change in your life. The Fool card is saying: “Don’t be held back from these changes but accept them as a natural transition in your life”. The Sun card speaks of a positive outcome for you as you move forward towards this new stage in your life. You will achieve your goals. Don’t be afraid to take a risk once in a while and you will succeed.

Michael Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Arrow, the Papoose & the Tree: The Arrow is essentially an alarm bell that’s trying to point something out to you; namely, that someone in the Spirit world is gently guiding you. Papoose tells me that this person is caring and protective towards you – and almost certainly female. Tree indicates the ability to pass easily from one world to another, so this person probably had a very spiritual nature and found communication with Spirit easy herself. Sound familiar? Be happy, then! A message: don’t take hurtful words to heart. Sometimes people sound harsher than they mean to be. Search for serenity, Karen. It’s closer than you think.

Anna’s Tarot reading – the Chariot: I have selected only one card, but it encompasses everything I need to convey to you. Spirit doesn’t die. Your mum’s still very much with you even though you may not feel this at present. We cannot put a time limit on the grieving process and it is still early days since your mum’s passing over. When we lose our mum, we lose our best friend. The Chariot concerns communication; you are desperately seeking a message from your mum. This will happen when you are ready to receive it. Be patient and don’t forget your mum is with you.

Lost skirt

Can you help me? Some years ago I lent my wedding outfit to a friend and only the top came back. I think that she lost the skirt – I was devastated. Since then I have prayed to God and the angel of lost things, but still I’ve had no luck. Please, please can you help me as I don’t know what to do. Sharon, Doncaster.

Anna’s Tarot reading – the High Priestess & Temperance: I understand your attachment to this item of clothing – it represents a special day in your life. However, other things are more important than material possessions. The High Priestess is the goddess of the underworld and feminine intuition. Follow your inner self. Temperance is about the renewal of friendships and pours oil on troubled water, so speak to your friend again and see if she can shed any light on the whereabouts of your skirt. If not, forgive her as a good friendship is more important.

Anna Kaye’s Tarot reading – the Wheel of Fortune, the Fool & the Chariot: The Wheel of Fortune is telling you there is money on its way to you, but I do feel that some paper work has been passed from one department to another. The Fool card is telling you not to rush in to anything without reading the small print first. Be patient, but at the same time don’t be held back. The Chariot tells you there shall be a victory for you in this matter. Anything concerning transportation, communication and travel is well starred, so I do wish you luck.

I’m 24-years-old and completely lost. I crave some sense of purpose, but cannot see what as I have no talents or gifts to speak of. Everyone has had some kind of meaningful experience that has enriched their life or is endowed with some special gift except me. My depression does not help. I am filled with self-pity, have no friends, and cannot talk to my own family as they are all too busy with their own lives to even acknowledge me. All I feel is anger towards everyone and everything. Sarah, St. Albans.

I’m 33-years-old, married and have 2 beautiful daughters. I lost my Mum on 29th September 2004. Can you please give me any insight or guidance? Thank you. Karen , Co Armagh, Northern Ireland.

Michael Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Cougar & the Buffalo: Your prayers are unanswered because the spirits want you to learn a lesson; how to come to terms with the loss of treasured possessions. Cougar suggests you’re being tested over this and need to take control of your feelings. Buffalo urges a sense of balance. A good marriage is important; the skirt you wore at the time is not. Focus on the important things in life. When the lesson is learned your skirt may be returned to you. Ask yourself: when you go to the hairdressers, do you mourn the loss of your hair or enjoy the enhancement of your appearance?

Michael Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Wolf, the Alligator & the Squirrel: The Wolf indicates the wisdom in seeking professional advice, possibly from a legal advisor, as to how you can gain possession of what is rightfully yours. However, Alligator urges patience and stealth. Refrain from making “knee-jerk” reactions in your quest and wait patiently for justice to be served. Squirrel indicates that wise planning now for your future will bring good rewards. Although you’ve been made redundant – and I’ve been there, Trevor – the world isn’t finished with you yet. Your future can be far from hum-drum, so enjoy it!

I crave purpose

Guidance from a dear departed mum

Pension puzzle

After working for the same company for 37 years I was made redundant. At the time I was told I would receive my pension, but I am having trouble getting it. Do you think they will pay it soon? Trevor, Bloxwich, West Midlands.

Michael Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Coyote, the Whale & the Raven: First, the bad news: Coyote tells me that your negative view of yourself is as wrong as it can possibly be. Now the good news: Whale – “the Song of the Creator” – speaks of hidden talents and abilities. The Raven says that, one you uncover them, life will take on new meaning. Meditate on what these creative gifts might be, and then your anger will dissipate like the morning dew. As for your family, renew your efforts to stay close to them and look for positive reactions when they see the “new you” walk into your future with renewed confidence.

Anna Kaye’s Tarot reading – the Moon, the Fool & the Wheel of Fortune: The Moon card tells me you are a very sensitive soul, but the Fool is telling you to stop holding yourself back with all these negative thoughts. They are not good for our health. I feel a strong creative energy around you that’s still developing. The Wheel of Fortune is the karmic wheel of life; we’re all here to learn spiritual lessons. You’re on a beautiful journey – the search for spiritual enlightenment. Drop the anger and get developing! You’re going to make some wonderful friends on your journey and it will take you down many diverse paths. Good luck.

Send your letters to: Destiny Doctors, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth, LS25 1AA, or email

Vision 7


28 Vision 7

Psychic Samantha Hamilton delves into the ancient art of scrying.


crying is a form of divination which works by projecting your inner images onto a physical object and is mostly done by gazing onto a reflective surface. Some say that this ability empowers your psychic knowing. It is a mystery where this theory originated, although the Babylonians used to gaze into liquids, usually in a sacred bowl and it is recorded that the Egyptians used a pool or springs to empower their intuition. If we look at myths and fairytales, mirror divination is a common theme – just look at the fairytale of Snow White. Her wicked stepmother often gazed into a magical mirror and asked the question “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” It is easy to try this type of scrying for yourself, the only tools that are required are: a white bowl filled half full with water; a notepad; a pen; a crystal ball or a mirror; and a candle. The easiest way to begin is to practice the following exercises. It is said that if you look at the reflection of the full moon in a hand mirror (preferably silverbacked) you can judge the length of your marriage. The number of years can be determined from the length of time that elapses as a cloud moves across the moon (minutes equal years of marriage). To see the reflection of your future partner it is advised to look into a mirror at midnight on Halloween while holding a lighted candle. Their reflection will appear over your own face. A more practical way of finding your partner is to use water. Write down some random first names of people of the opposite sex on separate bits of paper.

Then roll each one into a small ball and hold them above your head. Then let them fall into a bowl of water. The name of your future partner will be the first piece of paper to float to the surface. Another form of scrying is captopromancy or mirror gazing. To try this, simply light a white candle in a dark room, look in the mirror and ask a question, for example: what is the next star sign of my future partner? Will my new job be successful? Is this a good time for me to make that house move? The answer will come from your gut feelings so go with the first answer that you feel. You may sometimes see someone else’s reflection in the mirror – this could be your guardian angel. Make sure you have a notepad and pen to write down the answers to your questions. Why not try a more in-depth form of scrying with the following exercise:

mind to be open to receiving any images that start to appear. Don’t be put off if this takes time – it is important to practice. I suggest an initial period of 10 minutes, take a break and then come back to it when you feel ready. Some people see images very quickly while it takes a little time for others. When you feel that you have obtained as much information as possible, bring yourself back to full consciousness and take a few minutes to balance your energies. Note the images that occur and interpret them afterwards in the same way that you would for dreams. This exercise can be adapted and used with other tools such as a crystal ball, mirror or other reflective surface. The procedure should still be the same and practice will show you whether you need any additional props, such as the music already suggested, to aid your relaxation.

NB Meditation is advisable before starting this exercise. Once you have meditated and grounded yourself (imagine tree roots descending from the base of your feet into the earth, until your feet become heavy), begin to link into your own inner light and feel yourself connecting to your well-being. Imagine that you are surrounded by the light of the sun. Make sure you are seated somewhere where there is subdued light and a plain ceiling if possible, as this may be reflected in the bowl. Play meditative music to help you relax your mind so that you enter a trance-like state of awareness. Allow the images to flow. Look into the water and allow your

Anyone can become a successful scryer with practice and patience. Eventually you will get to know and understand the images that you receive. Why not do this exercise with friends? It is a fantastic way to begin the process of predicting your past, present and future. Like dreams, these images are symbolic so if you see any disturbing pictures of death or accidents, do not assume that this means an actual death or physical injury – it is usually a sign of transformation. In the symbolic world, death indicates a change from one state to another. As long as your intention is to help, you will never receive anything that is inappropriate or harmful to another. NEXT MONTH: Meditation methods.

Vision 7


Angel therapist and Louise Hay Practitioner Shelley Dudley delves into the treasures of Japanese divination.


apanese civilisation goes back further than that of the Roman or the Greek civilizations. Their culture has always been surrounded by legend and intrigue. The earliest origins of divination in Japan date back 5,000 years, when the village shaman would predict the weather or quality of the harvest from the shapes and distribution of cracks in burnt ox shoulderblades and turtle shells (KueiPu). Though the meanings of these features are now lost in the depths of time, it is thought that the vertical and horizontal crack patterns could be the origin of the strokes that make up many of the characters in the written form of the Japanese language today. However, by 2000 BC, the Japanese had become more concerned with the heavens than the earth and there was a greater emphasis on the concept of yin and yang energies. These principles were applied to a Japanese board game called ‘Go’ and this was used to call upon the heavens for answers. The board was lined to represent the universe; black and white stones were used to represent the principles of yin and yang respectively. Certain astronomical symbols were placed on the board and depending on where the stones fell, a prediction could be made or an answer found. The game

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remains popular in Japan even today and interest in the game has now widened to the West. There are many books and websites describing how to play this game of strategy, as it is very complex. Divination practices have always been part of Japan’s culture but religions such as Shinto and Buddhism have always had a stronghold. However, since the mid-20th century this concept has significantly changed. This may have been due to the dismantling of state Shinto after the Second World War, the collapse of the Japanese economy in the 1990s (accompanied by an increase in stress in the workplace) and an increase in urbanisation causing separation of families. Theses circumstances made the Japanese people question their purpose. Such questioning made them embrace a more holistic approach to life and control over their own spiritual identity. Today fortune telling is big business in Japan. Fortune tellers can be found working in the street, usually at a desk, using lanterns as a billboard. There are probably as many different divination tools as there are questions. One highly popular approach is Teso (palmistry). Palm readers interpret the lines on the client’s palm much as they do in the West. Everyone has unique lines on their hands and each line represents a different aspect of the client’s life. The palm reader can predict the future such as whether they will marry or have a successful or happy life from lines on the palm. Omikuji is the name given to a method of forecasting people’s

luck with slips of paper. It is performed by first choosing a numbered stick which is then exchanged for the corresponding numbered slip of paper. Not unlike a lottery, the part of the word ‘mi’ means ‘the God’ and ‘kuji’ means ‘the lottery’. The fortune can be one of ten outcomes: a dai-kichi (a great blessing); a chu-kichi (a middle blessing); a sho-kichi (a small blessing); a kichi (a blessing); sue-sho-kichi (a near-small blessing); a kyo (a curse); a sho-kyo (a small curse); a han-kyo (a half-curse); a sue-kyo (a nearcurse); or a dai-kyo (a great curse). As part of the Japanese New Year tradition, the Japanese go to Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples to buy good luck charms and omikuji for the year ahead. If a slip of paper with bad luck on it is chosen, this is tied to a tree in the shrine in the belief that the bad luck will wait by the tree rather than go with the bearer. Seimeihandan (name divination) is another popular form of oracle in Japan. A client’s fortune is based on the number of strokes in that person’s kanji (the character which represents their name in calligraphy). Names are incredibly meaningful so many Japanese couples use this technique to decide upon their babies’ names. Spirituality and all the forms that it takes are increasing significantly in Japan today. There is more choice than ever before and as rapid changes continue to take place in the Japanese belief system, it is beyond doubt that reliance upon ancient divination practices will continue to grow. Japanese religion will however, remain timeless as it brings with it fundamental values, spiritual healing and comfort. Shelley Dudley is an Angel Teacher, an Angelic Reiki Healer and a Louise Hay Practitioner. Email her at

Omikuji blessings Why not have a go at Omikuji yourself? Here are Vision’s very own blessings just for you. To try it out, simply close your eyes, hover your finger over the page and let it drop. Whichever strip of paper it lands on, is the one relevant for you right now. Blessings by Shelley Dudley.


Money: Expect the unexpected! Keep trusting and financial abundance will be yours. Love: Love will return when you have forgiven the person concerned. Moving: You need to be in the great outdoors right now, a rural setting is just what you need. Health: Detoxification is necessary for you right now. Treat your body like a temple and you will reap dividends! Work: Your colleague has a surprise for you!


Money: Seek advice about a new business venture: knowledge will bring financial rewards. Love: Take up a hobby; try something new, your soulmate won’t be very far away! Moving: Overseas opportunities are waiting for you! Health: Stop worrying, allow your mind to relax: trust and solutions will be found. Work: Be more assertive and you will make the changes you desire!

Money: Your luck is now increasing. Why not enter that competition or buy an extra lottery ticket?! Love: Your passion will be ignited when you bump into someone in an unexpected place! Moving: You will soon find harmony after an upheaval! Health: Let go of any anger and resentment you feel. Express your feelings, use a punch bag or whatever it takes – you’ll feel so much better! Work: Add a little humour to your workplace and notice the difference!


Money: Believe in yourself and your abilities, you are ready to go it alone in that money-making venture. Love: Love yourself first. Welcome more laughter into your life, surround yourself with beauty and then you will find the love you seek. Moving: Follow your heart, don’t worry your family and friends are right behind you! Health: You need more energy in your life! Do a cardiovascular workout, dance or sing more. You will soon be re-energised again! Work: Conflict will be resolved when you see the issue from your colleague’s perspective.



Money: A leap of faith is required now. Listen to your heart and go for it! Don’t worry about money, it will all work out. Love: Approach life with a light heart and an unencumbered mind. Love will then knock at your door. Moving: Your new circumstances will help you to let go of the past. Health: Humour is the tonic you need right now. The dark clouds will soon disappear. Work: The crossroads you face will disappear once you follow your heart.

Money: Watch out for a windfall coming your way! Love: The love of your family will help you to overcome the problems you are facing at the moment. Moving: This change is just what you need: new friends and a chance to be yourself. Health: Get out into nature more: you’ll feel more refreshed, energised and more able to deal with problems. Work: Brighten up your workspace, it’s amazing how personal touches can make such a difference.


Money: Be thankful for all that you have and you will attract more of the same into your life. Love: Your heart is healing right now. Be gentle with yourself. Soon you will have a new zest for life. Moving: Travel to your destination of choice will offer all the fun you desired. Health: Take time out and treat yourself to some pampering. Enjoy a massage, a scented bath or whatever makes you feel happy and relaxed. Work: The inspiration you feel for a project is pointing you in the right direction.


Money: Your investments will return to you multiplied. Love: Self-reflection is necessary right now. Hold on to your truth and integrity and the people around will love you for it. Moving: Jump in with both feet! Don’t be afraid of this change, your soulmate is waiting. Health: You’ve worked very hard and you now need to balance it with more play. Go out and have more fun, this will help boost your creativity. Work: Everything is happening as it needs to right now. Don’t push anything, go with the flow and all will be revealed.


Vision 7



eauty is in the eye of the beholder – but psychic artists see so much more than the average eye. Every living being has spirit guides – people or animals who guide them through life via intuition, dreams and even gut feelings. When a psychic artist works, they ‘channel’ the spirit they are drawing and then create the image. We challenged 3 psychic artists to see the spirit guides of Vision’s Managing Director Sammi Addey. This is what they saw….

Psychic artist 1: Sarah Taylor Sarah is 25 and lives in Holmfirth, Yorkshire. She is the daughter of a medium and is a professional psychic herself. She channels drawings through her spirit guide, Violet Rose, and has held exhibitions of her work. When did you first start channelling psychic art? “I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil. My mum is psychic and she started going to a psychic circle 4 or 5 years ago. I went with her once and got this overwhelming urge to draw when she was giving a reading. I drew her client’s grandma! Ever since then it has escalated.” How do you channel the images? “My spirit guide whose responsibility it is for drawing is called Violet Rose (pictured right). I sign my drawings from her and give her the credit. “She tells me how to place things on the page, but she doesn’t control me. I have

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complete control over my hand. It’s usually a case of that nose should be a bit bigger or the lips fatter. I usually have Spirit infront of me so it’s like doing a normal portrait but with the teacher stood behind you. “A lot of the time it doesn’t matter how I receive the energy from clients – I can do it face-to-face, online, or even over the phone. I do pastel spirit portraits or oil paintings.” How many spirit guides do you have? “I have got 9 guides in total. There are 4 human guides and 5 animal guides. My main South African guide helps me with communication. I have a faerie guide who brings out the child in me. I have an angel guide called Mercy, who helps me be compassionate. There’s also one that looks like Santa. I also have a dragon, an Alsatian dog, a snake, a dolphin and a butterfly. They all help with different areas.” Do you enjoy drawing for people? “When someone connects with something I give them it’s such a feeling – I can’t describe it in words. All your emotions are rolled into one. I’ve created something so beautiful and I have proved that there is life after death.” Do you have any other spiritual artistic talents? “When I’m not busy with portraits I’m painting angels. The first proper experience I had with Spirit was when my gran died. I was about 11. I was told she had died but I said “I know, she came to see me”, she just appeared normally to me in my bathroom. “I didn’t pay any attention of this until I was about 16 when I started doing readings. I lost interest though. It wasn’t until I was about 21/22 it started coming back. When I got pregnant, that seemed to speed it up. It was a natural progression. It took me a while to realize that what I was drawing was Spirit. I knew they were angels but I thought they were part of my imagination at times.”

What advice would you give readers who want to try psychic art themselves? “People who want to do this need lots of patience – and never doubt yourself. You will get better the more you do it and the more you listen. I couldn’t draw a nose when I first started! “I practiced through the psychic circle and on friends and family. It’s about going with the urge. To get the basic sketch takes about 10 minutes. The shading etc takes about 20-30 mins. It depends on whether my guides are cooperative! They can be temperamental. “People should connect with their spirit guides – we all do anyway, every day on different levels. They are there to protect us and help us. The best way to connect is through meditation. Just sit quietly and ask them to come forward. It’s that simple!” Sarah’s spirit portraits in pastel cost £30 and oil paintings cost £45 (both prices include readings). Visit or call 07870 437615 or for details.

This is just one example of many spirit guides which George has drawn.

Psychic artist 2: George David Fryer George gave up a successful career as a commercial illustrator to work with Spirit full-time. The 56-year-old psychic artist and spiritual teacher from Appley Bridge, Lancashire, tours around mind, body, spirit fairs drawing visitors’ spirit guides. He also hosts workshops to help people connect with their spirit guides and creates mandalas – unique interpretations of specific events or people’s lifepaths created in stunning patterns. When did you first start channelling psychic art? “Spirit started talking to me in 1996. I went to a metaphysical society meeting in Manchester. They advertised a psychic awareness event. I went to see what psychic awareness was. “It was a bit of a shock for me. The lady there was going to draw people’s spirit guides and she went quiet for a while. She asked if we wanted to tune in and pick up on any of the guides. I closed my eyes and started to doodle. When I had finished the lady next to me leaned over and said I’d just drawn her guide! I had also drawn 4 out of the 6 that the lady on the platform had drawn.” How do you channel the images? “I wish I knew how it works! Sometimes it’s more of a knowing rather than a seeing. My guides teach me to work through my intuition all the time.

“I’m a bit like a telephone operator, I connect people with their spirit. It’s not for me to know what happens after that. Hopefully they will then work with their guides. “People have said that my drawing style changes when I am working through Spirit. I usually do a channelled reading later. Most of the time I don’t need the person here and I prefer it that way. Many are done over the phone – it proves I’m not picking up on a family likeness by looking at the person.” How many spirit guides do you have? “I have 2 artist spirit guides – Van Gogh and Monet. I have other guides helping me too. I find I can connect very well for other people but not for myself. “As soon as I start, I see the guide and I start drawing them – I only have to see them once, I don’t have to keep looking at the person. A good medium gets out of the way. “Some people have gentle guides and some have tough guides. My main one is a joker – he makes big jokes at my expense. They work through symbology. Often my drawings of spirit guides contain scenes, colours or objects which are symbolic. Life is made up of symbols. My main guide – Godan – has a Jewish look about him. He talks through me sometimes. “Sometimes guides are serious teachers but they are your best friend really. They are unconditional love, they don’t judge and love us no matter what. They choose to come round and look after you. They have to get tough with us sometimes.” Have you ever encountered any amusing moments in your work? “One woman had a sumo wrestler guide! I thought I can’t tell her that she has that as a spirit guide?! Her guide said are you worried about what she’ll think of you or do you want to help the lady? I did draw him in the end.” Do you think that you were destined to do this? “There is no such thing as a coincidence. I was asked to do workshops and people got to know my name through word of mouth.

“I was a commercial illustrator and designer for 13 years but I taught on a part-time basis in a number of colleges in the North West, which prepared me for the workshops. At the time for me, teaching was something I could do to supplement my freelance income. “When I look back at my lifepath, every job I’ve had has prepared me for what I’m doing now.” What are mandalas? “We come to this earth with deep coding inside us. There is an energetic print as well as our DNA blueprint – it’s programmed in before we come here. “Everyone in life has a destiny – a sacred geometry that applies to us. You have a structure too. I am dealing in energetic structure. Spirit have shown me what to see that channels in image form. These patterns apply to events and situations, not just people.These amazing patterns are a unique aid to meditation.” George charges £35 for spirit guide portraits (plus £4 p&p), or £55 inclusive with a reading. Mandalas cost £35. Visit for more details, email Alternatively, call 01257 425448 or 0795 002 5451.

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Psychic artist 3: Nick Ashron Nick is a visionary artist and musician who started out as a portrait artist at holiday camps before he became a spiritual healer. Based in Seaford, Sussex, Nick travels the globe drawing portraits of people’s spirit guides and creating music for healing and transformation with his band Elfin Spiral. When did you first start channelling psychic art? “A visit to a spiritualist church introduced me to healing. That was how I came across the understanding that you have spirit guides. I started on that journey about 10 years ago and started to develop my psychic art. “I went to art school very briefly and ended up working in a holiday camp – that became my career for 12 years. During that period of time I started to explore my own spiritual pathway. “Mediums and psychics told me I was going to be a psychic artist. I thought ‘interesting’ and I’ll ponder that, but it wasn’t until 10 years ago that a very good friend of mine told me how Spirit was going to work with me.” How do you channel the images? “I draw my portraits through direct channelling. I have no idea what I’m

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going to channel, I have to commit it to paper and just draw. I’m fully aware I’m doing it but I’m not aware of the channelling. “I did a drawing for a lady in the United States and she said I went into a trance while I drew. I wasn’t aware of that. It’s interesting that my 12-year career as a portrait artist came into its own because A Native American spirit guide which Nick has drawn. during that time I developed the ability to draw people’s “I call our guides are our back up team. faces. Different ones come through at different “I can do it remotely as well as while the times and bring through the qualities person is there. The moment that the needed to assist you in your environment person makes the request to me to have a or at that time. Certain ones are with us drawing, their guides will respond to that all the time and these are our protectors. request, work with my guides and A team of them work with me when I’m channel through me. drawing the psychic art. Sometimes my “I don’t see the guides until they’re on style will change as a result of that.” the paper in front of me – it’s a bit like What advice do you have for automatic writing because when they readers who would like to try channel, they are not aware of what they psychic art themselves? are writing until they’ve finished. “The key is intent – this is the most “Once I have got the visual image in front powerful creative act you can make. The of me it triggers and activates moment a thought is made, it’s instantly information about the guide. The manifested in Spirit. Then just draw a pictures are interactive and trigger your face. Don’t even think about it. Remove own natural psychic ability when looking your own mind. Draw any old face. Ask at them so you can connect with your that this face is going to be a guide and guide directly and assists you in connected to you, then just allow it. developing your own psychic ability. “Spirit guides can also be in physical There are keys within the pictures that form, not just in Spirit. Spirit guides can Spirit channel through me.” be anyone offering guidance pertaining to How many spirit guides do you your spiritual development. A lot of have? people ring me up and say they have “I’m aware of at least 4 spirit guides with actually physically met the person I have me – I have drawn 2 of them. We usually drawn for them! It can sometimes be a have a team – there is no fixed limit. I future partner.” have met healers who have got 27 Nick charges £45 for a spirit guide different guides because they are dealing portrait (including a reading). Visit with lots of different ailments. It varies from person to person – it’s as individual or call 07801 530573 for more details. as the person themselves.

Sammi’s spirit guides This is Sammi’s verdict on the spirit guides our featured psychic artists drew for her.

1. Sarah Taylor

2. George Fryer

3. Nick Ashron

Sammi’s spirit guides: a South African, an Egyptian princess, an Asian monk, an angel & a Native American. Sammi’s verdict: “Sarah has a big heart. She told me I had so many guides coming through, she felt obliged to draw them all! “The first guide that Sarah’s guide Violet Rose brought through was a South African who gave no name. He was a member of a tribe before the time of the Zulus (pictured bottom left). “He makes me aware of why I love nature so much. He also showed me a rainbow which apparently he uses as a connection to me, from one world to another (heaven and earth) and he also gave me a couple of important dates to look forward to! He told Violet that I see the world differently to many people. He said most people see the world in normal colour, but I see it in technicolour! You only have to look at the magazine to see how much I love colour! “The interesting thing is that 2 weeks prior to this reading, I drew an almost identical picture of one of my spirit guides (see below, above Sarah’s portrait). It seems he wanted to say hello earlier! “An Egyptian Princess also came through to advise me that she is helping me with my female intuition and mystical side. “A young Asian Monk also came through who is helping me with Eastern subjects that I am currently studying. I am learning T’ai Chi and I always consider Feng Shui before I move anything in my home. Eastern culture fascinates me. “I also have an angel dressed in a purple robe with golden wings. Apparently I share this being with others. I always see purple sparks in my bedroom – maybe that is her? “Last but not least, my Native American guide, Flaming Arrow, came through. He came through on 2 out of the 3 readings, so that was fantastic confirmation for me that he is my main guide. Sarah said that he is bossy but gentle. As I am a managing director, I can see his personality in me.”

Sammi’s spirit guide: Atlantean QuoVaris. Sammi’s verdict: “I was blown away by the drawing of my Atlantean guide (pictured below, centre)! I wasn’t aware that I had a guide from Atlantis. “I was pleased when he drew a tall crystal column in the background as we had a similar image on the front cover of our Atlantis issue! He said that my guide’s name is QuoVaris (the nearest Latin word is Quo Vadis which means “where are you going?”). “George also gave me a detailed reading about my feelings, which is why QuoVaris is with me. He is with me for a little while until I understand issues that I have, and subsequently learn how to let them go. Apparently this is something that not everybody is prepared to do! “It is interesting that I always carry a piece of Larimar crystal everywhere I go, which is the crystal of Atlantis!”

Sammi’s spirit guide: Star child Aristia. Sammi’s verdict: “Nick’s drawing was out of this world – and so was my guide Aristia! Again I had no idea about her. She really is so beautiful (Sammi is pictured below holding the drawing of Aristia). “She is guiding me to help and guide star, indigo and crystal children from the new generation. My pathway is to give them an avenue to be able to learn and become more spiritually aware on their level. “I use Moldavite crystal a lot in meditation and Moldavite is reputedly of extraterrestrial origin – so that explains my affinity with it. Moldavite always seems to work best when I want answers to questions that no-one else can answer. “Aristia is a child and she helps bring out my inner child. “Nick also picked up that I have a Native American guide who I have encountered several times before. Nick said that he just popped in to say hello because I asked him to – and I did!”

Vision 7


Clare Sheridan uncovers a new divination tool… one that everyone can have fun with!


ave you ever wanted to read your future with cards? The ancient art of cartomancy is a popular pastime with its close cousin, the tarot, leading the field in divination. But for many, the tarot is too complicated. Never fear, a new divination tool which has been designed in a format similar to a board game has arrived, and its aim is to make card reading accessible to everybody. David Brennan (pictured on opposite page) is the creator of Twist of Fate, a unique new pastime based on the original Master method of cartomancy. The 55-year-old from Morley, Leeds, has spent a decade devising the divination tool which was fuelled by his grandmother’s involvement with the art. “She read cards for years. She last read my cards for me in 1981 when she told me that later in my life I’d do something with cards myself,” said David. “The idea did not register in my mind at that point. She gave me a book on fortune telling that day and told me to look after it.” The former professional DJ ignored his gran’s advice until a decade later when all of his work equipment was stolen from his vehicle. As a result he lost his home and was left with nothing. Unfortunately his life took a downward turn – but Twist of Fate was part of his recovery: “It took a jolt in my life to shake me up a bit. For some reason I felt I had to get in touch with my spiritual side,” said David. While he underwent treatment he became seriously interested cartomancy. Prior to his bad luck, David had developed ideas for a couple of children’s board games. After his treatment he felt guided towards something that would combine the two concepts: divination in a board game format for all age groups. The book his grandmother gave him 10 years earlier, provided the divination method David needed to base Twist of Fate on. It took David 6 weeks to plan the original format of Twist of Fate and it has taken him 10 years of toil to secure funding and produce it in the final vibrant version we see today. The premise is simple: there is a full pack of 52 playing cards, a board, a set of card meaning sheets and an instruction booklet. But these are no ordinary playing cards: the court cards (the Ace, Jack, Queen and King) in each suit reflect the four seasons of the year and show coins, cup, wands and swords: which tap into the tarot. They even have caricature images of David’s acquaintances on the designs. To utilize the board, you only need to use 36 of the 52 cards. The full pack is included in case you wish to try a couple of alternative methods included in the instruction

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booklet. The board contains 36 squares which each correspond to an everyday situation, eg happiness, love, projects, enterprise, health and ambition. The board has been designed so that both the reader and the sitter can read the cards when they are sat opposite each other. The four 2s in the pack play an important part in the method – the sitter must choose one as a signature card to represent him/herself. Once the 3s/4s/5s and 6s have been removed (they are not needed in this method), the rest are shuffled and cut by the sitter. The reader then places them on the 36 squares of the board, noting which square the signature card falls on. Generally, hearts are almost always a sign of good luck and happiness, they also have the power to turn bad luck into good luck. Clubs are also a sign of good fortune, particularly when relating to friendships or career matters. Diamonds, on the other hand, are associated with jealousy and rivalry which put obstacles in the way of the sitter’s success or happiness. Spades are generally a sign of bad luck or misfortune. Of course, the meaning of each card will vary from reading to reading as each one must be interpreted in the context of other cards around it. “Twist of Fate is a game of chance, not unlike life itself,” said David. “The more you practice, the more you open up. All you need is trust, belief, honesty and empathy with the person you are doing a reading for. It covers every aspect of everyday life,” said David. “The best thing about this is

that you can do a card reading for yourself whenever you like! Just remember if spades are in unfavourable places, don’t dwell on it. The method deals with the past, present and future, so the negative aspect may have already happened. Always end on a positive note. Twist of Fate is whatever you make of it.” Visit for more details or call 0113 253 3308 to order a copy (RRP £29.95).

A sample of Clare’s reading: I picked the 2 of hearts as my signature card. This landed on the happiness square and it was surrounded by the 7 of spades on the good turn square, the 8 of clubs on the enterprise square and the 2 of clubs on the money/fortune square. David interpreted these to mean that a friend will do a good turn for me regarding my love life (probably by introducing me to a friend); any enterprise I embark upon will be advantageous; and also that I’m sensible with my cash and am getting by comfortably on what I’m earning. The Queen of spades on the health square indicated I must keep an eye on my health. The Ace of diamonds was on the misfortune square, but preceding it was the King of spades on the rewards square. The square following misfortune, happiness, was covered by my signature card, the 2 of Hearts – David told me that I will receive a letter bearing bad news, but after careful consideration, a remedy will ensure a positive outcome, as promised by the 2 of Hearts on happiness. On the changes square was the Ace of hearts, which indicates that changes for the best are coming up for me, and that any changes I wish to make at home will be successful. The Queen of clubs on the indifference square suggested I need to listen to the advice of an authoritative female. The 9 of hearts on the hope square signified that all my wishes and desires will be granted. The run of lucky hearts continued with the 10 of hearts on the loss square, indicating no losses, and the 10 of clubs on the end of life square, promising the end to a negative situation, a fresh start and good luck heading in my direction. Verdict: This is accurate, fantastic fun and it is so simple to understand. Everyone should try it!

Turn to

P45 to WIN

a copy!

Vision 7


Matt Burton uncovers the true story of the Ninja.


secret, deadly assassin, clad from head to toe in black, waits silently in the shadows to pounce upon yet another blissfully unaware, innocent victim. This is the Hollywood movie stereotype of a Japanese Ninja. At least they got one thing right – they were quite fond of wearing black! Tracing the origins of the art of Ninjutsu (a Japanese martial art which focuses on espionage and camouflage) is not an enviable task, in fact it’s almost impossible. Why? Because the Ninja very rarely accounted their activities in writing, nor did they boast of their achievements. Therefore their history, like their perceived persona, is shrouded in secrecy. Many historians have attempted to trace Ninjutsu back to ancient China and Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, but this idea has been widely rejected. There are many other myths concerning the origins of Ninjutsu, but the most commonly predicted and widely accepted theory dates back 1,100 years. It suggests that the Ninja originated from mountain dwelling families on the island of Honshu, the largest of the Japanese islands. Here, Nunjutsu was taught as a fighting method and used for self-defence during feudal Japan. During this time, the Ninja had powerful enemies in the elite, ruling Samurai warriors. The Samurai, who had the intention of suppressing the Ninja, had the advantage in terms of numbers, which led to them developing stealth tactics and unorthodox combat techniques, similar to the ones we would stereotypically associate with a Ninja today. These techniques led to the Ninja being branded as cowards by their Samurai counterparts, but on the whole these techniques were very effective. The type of combat described so far may support the modern day perception of a Ninja, however, deadly assassins preying upon innocent victims they most definitely were not. In fact assassination was most likely a last resort for a race of people solely focused on protecting themselves as opposed to attacking others. The Ninja were, more often than not, the victims themselves, as

38 Vision 7

they were frequently subjected to unfair taxation and religious persecution. The Ninja were a very spiritual people and their belief system was a vital component of Ninjutsu, placing as much importance on the spiritual and mental aspects of their art as on the physical aspects. They were impeccable observers of nature and felt a close connection to the earth, much like the Native Americans.

Assassination was most “likely a last resort for a race of people solely focused on protecting themselves.

Shinto was one of the main spiritual influences upon Ninjutsu. Shinto, “the way of the Kami” (the Japanese word for ‘God’ or ‘Deity’), is Japan’s indigenous religion. This included considering the entire earth: the rivers; the mountains; the lakes; the trees to have their own energy and spirit. The Ninja also considered all of the earth’s natural features to be extensions of themselves and their gods. The Ninja used the earth’s physical features to their advantage, they developed ways of moving through environments in total silence, they camouflaged themselves and even predicted the weather! Mikkyo was another powerful spiritual influence upon the Ninja. This technique optimized their personal power and used secret symbols and words to focus their energy towards specific targets. Focus upon these symbols and words would allow a Ninja to channel their mental activity, clear their mind of the constant thoughts we have every second of the day and create a calm, inner stability and clear vision. It is a meditation practice which activates the

full capacity of the mind’s power and which allowed the Ninja to reach the peaks of mindful living and realize their full potential. In contrast, the Samurai had their own rigid set of religious and spiritual beliefs. The core of these beliefs centred around the code of Bushido, “The way of the Warrior”. This code was founded upon the idea of death before dishonour. They believed that it was better to kill oneself than to be captured in battle (and lose honour), in fact a Samurai would carry a short sword on their person, solely for the purpose of suicide. This came through excessive patriotism towards their country, superiors and gods, combined with a fearless attitude towards death and a strong belief in reincarnation. Bushido placed no value in riches or material things and focused on a life of honour and pride. With these ideas in mind, it is no surprise that the seven virtues associated with Bushido are rectitude (belief in justice and ethics), courage (not to be influenced by fear), benevolence (to develop a sympathetic understanding of people), respect (to be courteous to others, even enemies), honesty (to be truthful at all times), loyalty and, of course, honour. When an opponent had been defeated, a Samurai would then show the kind of seemingly unnecessary brutality that we may associate with the aforementioned Ninja warriors. The Samurai would sever the loser’s head and retain it as proof of his victory. If the Samurai himself was the defeated one, the only way out was death or ritual suicide (Seppuku). The Ninja are very different from our stereotypical first impressions. They were lovers of the earth, spiritual in nature, whose aggression and violence was conducted primarily for self-defence, and the protection of their families from Samurai clans. The Samurais’ pride, honour and duty, taken from the Bushido code, led them to become a very powerful, brutal and feared force in Japan, striking fear into the Ninja who would employ stealth tactics, rather than fight face-to-face. Perhaps it’s time for movie-makers to do more research!


he word for the Japanese garden is ‘Niwa’ which means a pure place. The earliest references of sacred gardens date back to AD 74. It was believed to be a place which had been cleansed and purified in anticipation of the arrival of ‘kami’, the deified spirit of the Shinto belief. The native religion in Japan, Shinto, was a religion born of the landscape, and the earliest gardens in Japan were endeavours to recreate nature in a refined manner, representing a spiritblessed world. It was believed that forms of nature, such as mountains, springs, trees, caves etc were the homes of the gods. In AD 552, Buddhism reached Japan from Korea and it became an essential part of the Imperial classes and developed through an age known as the Heian period (AD 794 – 1185). The Zen form of Buddhism had a profound influence on Japanese culture circa 1400 AD. The gardens had developed into a fusion of ideas derived from religion, myth, the natural landscape and Chinese landscape paintings. The Zen principles state that a Japanese garden is a representation of the universe and its elements – fire in the form of a stone or an iron lantern; earth in the form of stone; and water, air, plant, and animal life in their true forms. Flowers and plants are considered to have a special life of their own as an expression of nature and are never used as decoration. The Zen temple gardens portray asymmetry, simplicity, austerity, naturalness, subtle profoundness and peace. Symbolic A history of Japanese gardens has two aspects to every interpretation of each garden. The first refers to a work eternally in progress. Plants and trees grow and die, water levels rise and fall, rocks can be added, subtracted or repositioned. The second aspect covers the degree to which these gardens reflect religious or philosophical attitudes. Typical elements of a sacred garden include: The garden path: Apart from a form of entry, this is also a

Images provided by

philosophical path leading the viewer away from worldly pursuits. Each turn of the path can reveal new subtleties of meaning, representing meditative pauses in the personal experience of contacting the universe. Stones: Their use and the reverence shown to them have roots in Shinto belief. Jagged stones represent mountains and water-worn pebbles represent the shoreline. Trees and shrubs: ‘The three friends of winter’ consist of pine, bamboo and plum, which symbolise human character and endurance in the face of adversity. The gnarled pine, twisted and bent by the elements during a long life, is a metaphor for an aged individual who has stood the tests of time and fate. Bridges: A bridge forms a transition from one world to another, or from a lesser to a greater stage of life. It’s also interpreted as symbolising the passage between this world and the next. In a Zen context, they can represent the journey towards enlightenment. Small flowering plants: Water-loving flowers such as the Iris, the water lily, and the lotus are favoured. The Iris has a long-standing symbolic and medicinal purpose and the lotus enjoys cult status as the symbol of Buddhist enlightenment. Ponds and streams: The Shinto reverence for water identifies it

as a source of purification, both literally and spiritually. The sight and sound of the flow are there to remind us of the relentless passage of time. There is usually an island in either a stream or pond, which suggests the island of everlasting life or nirvana – a place of ultimate retirement in peace. Waterfalls: The waterfall has philosophical overtones – it is always changing, yet always the same, signifying the ‘permanent impermanence’ of the universe as expressed in Buddhist and Daoist thought. The placing of stones to change the water flow relates to a carp’s efforts to swim upstream, a strong metaphor for an individual aspiring for a higher existence. Some fantastic examples of sacred gardens include the Chian-in temple garden in Kyoto, which has 26 stones arranged amidst azaleas. The dominating stone represents Buddha. When the azaleas are in full bloom, it appears as if Buddha is gloriously descending on shimmering clouds, accompanied by devotees. The most well-known Zen rock and sand garden in Kyoto is the Ryoan-ji. It is thought by some to represent a tigress protecting her cubs from a panther. The view of the spiritual eastern mountains is echoed by the azaleas in the garden of Shoden-ji, Kyoto. This garden mirrors nature and nature seems to mirror the garden. To capture the spirit of a Japanese garden, nature is the ideal one must strive for. Idealise it, symbolise it and feel it in your mind’s eye, for a true spiritual experience.

Vision 7


Healing therapist and artist Karen Aitken examines the Japanese tea ceremony.


he Japanese tea ceremony (cha-no-yu, chado, or sado), is a traditional ritual, influenced by Zen Buddhism, in which tea is prepared by a highly skilled practitioner and served to individual guests or small groups in a tranquil setting. The tea ceremony is not originally native to Japan, but was introduced in the 9th century by a Buddhist Monk from China, where it has been performed for thousands of years. In the 12th century, a powdered green tea, known as Matcha, was first used in religious ceremonies in Buddhist monasteries. By the 13th century, samurai warriors had adopted this unfermented variation of the black tea plant. They formed rituals around the preparation and serving of the drink and thus the foundations of the tea ceremony were established. By the 16th century, tea drinking had spread to all levels of Japanese society and the spiritual aspects had been refined by Sen no Rikyu, a famous figure in tea ceremony. His concept of ichi-go ichi-e (meaning “one time, one meeting”) reflected his belief that each meeting is unique and can never be reproduced. His teachings and methodology about the tea ceremony incorporated the aspects of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. These fundamental principles soon spread throughout the whole of the Japanese culture to influence garden design, architecture and the fine arts. Tea practitioners are expected to be familiar with the production methods of tea and the many types of tea. They should also know about kimono, the arts of calligraphy (shodo), painting (sumi-e), flower arranging, ceramics, the many types of incense and a

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wide range of other disciplines and traditional arts. Even the guests who participate in a formal tea ceremony should know the protocols, such as the precise gestures and phrases expected of guests, the proper way to take tea and sweets, and polite behaviour in the tea room. Thus the tea ceremony evolved as a transformative practice for both the practitioner and the guest. The aesthetic of the ceremony encompassed the themes of wabi (meaning quiet or sober refinement, or subdued taste), and this aims to convey the qualities of humility, restraint, simplicity, naturalism, great knowledge, imperfection, and asymmetry. There was a movement away from overly decorated objects and spaces, with an embracing of simple, unadorned objects and architectural space. The principles of Zen celebrated the effects of time and the elements, with a relaxed acceptance of natural form. There are two main schools in Japan that teach the tea ceremony, Omotesenke and Urasenke and many less well-known schools. Most have evolved their own rituals, which have seasonal as well as temporal variations. Most of these schools and sub-schools, however their practices vary, will practice the main aspects of the tea ceremony in the same way. Before the ceremony begins the guests wait in an adjacent room, or more usually a garden shelter until they are

summoned by the host and led to the tea house. They ritually purify themselves by washing their hands and rinsing their mouths from a small stone basin of water, and then proceed to the tea house. This gentle passage through the garden represents a breaking of ties with the everyday world and allows a freshening of the senses through the enjoyment of the pure sound of trickling water, birdsong, and the visual pleasure of trees, plants, and fresh blossom. They would remove their footwear before entering the teahouse. Entrances are deliberately low so that guests must bow – a symbolic gesture of humility. The host (male or female) will wear a kimono. Guests may wear kimono or semi-formal clothing. Once inside, the guests will spend a few minutes admiring the kettle, decorative scrolls and seasonal flower display. They will then kneel on the tatami mats provided and observe as the host prepares and lights the charcoal fire that will heat water for the tea. A meal of tastefully selected foods and saki would be served and accompanied by conversation. Often lasting up to an hour, this is merely a prelude to the ceremony itself. The guests revisit the garden while the tea house is freshened up and then return to the tea house, spending the next 45 minutes sharing a bowl of thick green tea. All guests drink from the same bowl to symbolise unity. Sweet cakes are served by the host and guests would eat these with little wooden picks that they bring to the ceremony. Water is boiled for the second time, as conversation continues, and then a thin tea is served to each guest in turn, accompanied by dainty little sweets. Final greetings are exchanged after the tea has been consumed, and then guests leave. Becoming a true Tea Master requires a long period of commitment and demanding study, so that it often lasts a lifetime. Even to be a guest, requires knowledge that is too detailed to describe in brief. The benefits to relaxation and personal awareness however, can amply reward the participants and host alike, so that the study of the Japanese tea ceremony can be an enlightening experience that highlights the unique aspects of “living in the moment”. Karen is one of the proprietors of Willow Lodge Healing Therapies in Staffordshire. Visit for more details or call 0845 226 3132. All images kindly supplied by the Embassy of Japan, London, are strictly copyright and must not be reproduced without prior permission.

Media student Matt Burton explores Japanese dreams and superstitions.


e all have nightmares from time to time. I’m sure many of us can recall waking in the middle of the night in a frantic sweat, only to realize that we’re not drowning or falling from a great height. In those few seconds that follow waking, what do you do to calm your nerves? Do you rush to turn on a light or do you cry out “Baku! Devour this dream!”? If you were Japanese, the latter would be your course of action! This is just one of many Japanese superstitions. In Japan dreams are thought of as visions which help answer questions in your life, usually these answers will come in the form of ancestral spirits. Dreaming of Koi carp can be a warning to put your ego aside and not to subject yourself to criticism, however, dreaming of any other swimming fish symbolizes good luck. A dead fish resembles disappointment and loss of wealth. Nightmares are widely believed to be due to evil spirits. When these evil spirits strike in the night, only one thing can stop them: Baku ‘The eater of dreams’. Baku, a mythological creature, has the face of a lion, the body of a horse, the tail of a cow, the forelock of a rhinoceros and the feet of a tiger! This magnificent being doesn’t just devour your bad dreams, it is believed that Baku has the power to turn these nightmares into good fortune and leave you sleeping soundly for the rest of the night. Baku is so vehemently relied upon in some Japanese households, that many choose to hang pictures of the dream eater in their houses or even write the name ‘Baku’ upon their pillows. The myth of Baku is also a popular bedtime story amongst children who wish to feel safe from the evil spirits that could haunt them as they sleep. Baku aside, there are many other interesting Japanese superstitions. Here in Britain, the number 13 is avoided at all costs, however, in Japan, the unlucky

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number is 4. The pronunciation of the number 4 in Japanese is almost identical to the pronunciation of the word for death (shi). In some Japanese hotels and hospitals, the number 4 is skipped as a room number. This fear of 4 even goes so far as not giving presents that consist of four pieces. There is a similar attitude to the number 9, pronounced ku, which sounds like the Japanese word for pain.

During your “ daily life, make

sure that you avoid badgers at all costs! They are evil and mischievous!

At Japanese funerals, chopsticks are stuck into a bowl of rice which is then placed upon the altar, therefore it is considered unlucky to stick your chopsticks in your rice while eating. It is also bad to pass food from chopstick to chopstick as this is only done with the bones of a cremated body. Funerals are the source of many Japanese superstitions. If a funeral car passes you in Japan, it is common to hide your thumb, as the thumb is called the ‘oya yubi’ (parent finger) and leaving it uncovered may mean your parents will soon die. You must also not sleep facing north as this is the direction in which dead bodies are laid. There are also some more unusual superstitions, which include not laying down straight after eating – if you do, you may turn into a cow! Baku has most likely been summoned at sometime or another to devour the nightmares of a Japanese person who has whistled in the night, for if you do, a snake will confront

you. Although if you come across a white snake, then you will be lucky in life. Beware trimming your nails at night too, as you may die before your parents. February 3rd is a date to highlight in your diary. On this day you must throw some dried soya beans out of the house and say “fuku wa uchi, oni wa soto” (“Good luck is inside, the devil is outside”). Do this and you will have good luck for the year. Are you buying some new shoes soon? If so, just make sure that when you wear them for the first time, it is morning. Wearing them for the first time in the afternoon or evening will bring you bad luck. And remember, before leaving the house to buy those shoes, don’t do any sewing! Using a needle and thread before leaving the house is yet another cause of bad luck! Oh, and if you go shopping whilst you’re out, make sure you don’t buy melons and eels, as eating these foods in the same meal could also forecast misfortune. It may be time to root through your photo albums after I tell you that being positioned in the centre of a photograph of three people means you may soon die or suffer hard tragedy. If the first person you come across in a day is a Buddhist priest, then brace yourself for a bad day. If you manage to avoid the Buddhist priests and the first person you meet in your day is a woman, then you’re in for a day of good fortune and if bird droppings land on your head, then you will also have good luck. But during your daily life, make sure that you avoid badgers at all costs! They are evil and mischievous! With all of these superstitions, I predict that Baku doesn’t get much rest, constantly being called to the aid of those who dream of these bad luck omens. Maybe Baku should remind his clients of the old Japanese proverb: “Dreams and falcons are what you make of them”.

Intuitive astrologer, psychic and dream interpreter Samantha Hamilton continues Vision’s monthly alphabet round-up of the most common dream scenarios.

Common dreams beginning with the letter Hair Dreams about hair differ depending on context. As a general guide: if your hair was thin, falling out, or worrying you in some way, then it forecasts difficulties ahead probably relating to your health or love life. On the other hand, if you are pleased with the appearance of your hair, then that is a forerunner of good health and contentment. Combing or brushing your hair suggests a deeper problem that has been plaguing you for some time, but which you sense is close to resolution. To dream of brushing the hair of a child or person of the same sex is a prediction of a request for help. Arranging the hair of anyone of the opposite sex indicates a successful sexual outcome. Having your hair cut is a sign of success in a new venture or sphere of activity. To cut someone else’s hair is a warning of hidden jealousy around you. Hammock An empty hammock suggests an emotional loss. If you were in it alone, the dream is warning you that your selfishness could drive a loved one into the arms of another. Hand A dream featuring a hand can have a variety of meanings. It all depends on the condition of the hand and what it is doing. Dirty hands are a clear warning that something you are planning will have unfortunate consequences and should be abandoned. Hands with blood on them are an omen of strife to come, but not necessarily an omen of violence. Busy or skilful hands predict well-earned rewards. Old or worn hands suggest that your financial situation will be improved by your own efforts. Gloved hands warn you that someone is hiding something from you. Holding hands is a sign of true love. Washing your

hands suggests you have a guilty conscience. Hairy hands promise success in business. Tied hands indicate frustration and a feeling of helplessness in the face of external obstructions. Handbag The significance depends on what else is happening in your dream. A dream in which you are rummaging in your handbag warns that things may be getting too much for you and that you need to take a break. Buying a handbag demonstrates a desire to take control of your life. If you lose your handbag, it is an obstacle dream, and could be a warning or a reassurance, depending on whether or not you find your bag. Harvest A dream with a good harvest promises success in all your deepest concerns. However, if it was a poor harvest, the dream is warning you that there are those who are trying to exploit you. Hate To be the subject of hate from others in a dream is actually quite positive as it demonstrates willingness on your part to take control of your own affairs and a willingness to triumph in the face of opposition. To feel hatred oneself in a dream is also an indication of confidence, but with it is also a warning about misjudging others Health Unusually there is no hidden meaning when a dream concerns your health! Good health in a dream signifies the same for the dreamer; poor health is a warning to take better care of yourself, perhaps with a suggestion that you are doing too much or ‘burning the candle at both ends’.

‘H’ Hell When you find yourself in hell in a dream, it is a warning of future unhappiness, but fortunately, unhappiness that can be avoided. A dream set in hell foreshadows an increase in income and/or material wealth but a loss of status or popularity. You may be in a winning position, but are you winning ‘the right way’? To dream of returning from hell indicates that you will face a terrific temptation to do something contrary to your principles. Herbs Often dreamers can find themselves in a peaceful herb garden. Happiness and contentment with your lot is indicated by this dream. To smell the exotic aroma of herbs promises new and exciting adventures, possibly foreign travel. Hitchhiking If you dream of picking up a hitchhiker, this suggests that you feel unfilled in some way and would welcome a new experience. Your dream is telling you to open yourself up to new experiences. A dream where you are hitchhiking is a suggestion to try to be more selfmotivated and to be prepared to trust others. Hole Looking into a hole is a warning that you do not yet have enough information to make a decision that you have to make. Falling into a hole foretells a period of uncertainty and unhappiness. Horses If you were riding a horse in a dream, that suggests a confident future and material gain. To be on a runaway horse shows a feeling of powerlessness, of being at the mercy of forces outside your own control. It does not, however, indicate a negative or poor outcome, simply one over which you have no control.

Vision 7


From pink balaclavas to talking sticks, Nick Richardson uncovers the strange world of the New Age festival.


t was a sight to behold – the lady dancing, on her own, in the middle of the crowded hotel ballroom. She was wearing a pink, chainmail, knitted balaclava and waving a child’s plastic lightsabre. It was a strange dance routine. A sort of Morris dance meets Star Wars with choreography taken from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! Not what you’d expect to find at a mind, body and spirit festival, but this was Cornwall – land of the free spirit. The way she was moving suggested the spirits might not have been free, but certainly very cheap… The crowd gazed at the lady with a mixture of looks, some looked amused, most looked baffled, but a few seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it. I must admit my first thought was: ‘What a looney! That’s not normal.’ My second thought was: ‘So what? Who am I to say what’s normal? Who suddenly made me so important?’ Her message, if there was one, was totally lost on me. But did there need to be a message? Perhaps she just got pleasure from doing it and there was no higher reason than that. She certainly appeared to be enjoying herself. Can you imagine how dull and boring life would be if we were all the same? Think of life without diversity, without difference, without anything to challenge our conceptions of what’s normal. You would never need to travel abroad or experience different cultures. What a grey world that would be. Heaven forbid, we’d all look like politicians.

Crippled ostrich I started to admire the lady. It takes a lot of guts (or in my case, a lot of beer) to get up in front of people and dance alone. If I ever head for the dance floor at a wedding, my sons look on in horror. “Oh no,” they panic, “dad’s going to dance”. They quickly walk away muttering words like “embarrassing”, “crippled ostrich” and “what did mum ever see in him?” On a slightly more serious note, how often have you been ridiculed for saying what you believe in? It’s amazing how aggressive some people become when you tell them, for example, that you

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Be silly, be honest, be kind.

believe in life after death or reincarnation. Why are some people so hostile to other people’s beliefs? I’ve been laughed at many times by people when I tell them I believe that I’m intrinsically a soul inhabiting a body. The usual comment is ‘keep taking the tablets’. The most vehement, are normally those who have never even thought about the subject of spirituality, the sheep who stay safely amongst the flock. Their philosophy is if you don’t understand someone, hate them for it. I recently attended a Native American healing circle, where around 40 of us sat in a group and passed around a talking stick. The idea was that you are only allowed to talk when the stick is in your possession, and it is forbidden to interrupt anybody who holds it. The stick was passed to a young woman whose words have stayed with me: “This is the first time,” she began, “that I have sat in a room full of people and not been intimidated. I’ve always felt the need to explain and defend my beliefs. People have always made fun of the way I look and the clothes I wear. I

haven’t felt that here today. Nobody has judged me or made assumptions based on how I look. For the first time I can actually be me, the real me.”

Rice pudding That’s why it’s important to have people like the lady in the pink balaclava, who perhaps reasons: ‘I don’t care what you think of me, I’m having a lovely time, and not doing any harm’. So I’ve decided this year to follow her example. I shall take my inspiration from a mixture of cultures. I shall dance around in a leopard skin loincloth with badger sporran, and spray the crowd with rice pudding. I will let you all decide on your own hidden meaning in that. To sum up, one of my favourite quotes comes from the American author and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Be silly, be honest, be kind”. Which is, in my opinion, a much better saying than ‘buy one get one free’. Meanwhile, keep taking the tablets and vive la différence (as they say in Poland). Reach Nick via his website at

WIN a personal reading with ‘psychic to the stars’ Samantha Hamilton!


PLUS win a place on her Space Clearing course in October.

eiki Master, spiritual life coach and psychic Samantha Hamilton is offering one lucky reader the chance to win a personal reading. The first prizewinner will receive a personal reading and life-coaching session from Samantha, worth up to £300! The second prizewinner will receive 2 tickets to Samantha’s next seminar Space Clearing – Part 1. Sam (pictured below) developed her psychic skills after a friend gave her a tarot reading at the age of 17. She has since appeared on national TV, written national newspaper columns and runs workshops at her home, The Metta Centre in Boston Spa (pictured above right). She is also the psychic to the stars of Emmerdale and Coronation Street. Metta means loving kindness. Your thoughts create your future. Your destiny is in your hands. The Metta Centre is dedicated to providing a place of excellence where people can go to develop a fuller awareness of their psychic potential. Samantha runs seminars and workshops on topics including relaxation and meditation, positive and creative thinking, exploring the self, connecting with your spirit guides, psychic development, Reiki, understanding the chakra system and tarot cards. The

seminars are designed to bring you all the tools and skills required for you to explore and express your true self. Samantha’s next workshop, Space Clearing – Part 1, will be on the weekend of October 8 and 9 at The Metta Centre (pictured above). Our lucky second prizewinner will get 2 tickets worth £118 each to this two-day certificated seminar. The course will enable them to open up their psychic potential and work with crystals. They will also learn how to clear spaces with spiritual cleansing and simple Feng Shui techniques. To enter, simply answer the following question: What does the phrase Metta mean? Send your answer, name, address and daytime telephone number to: Samantha Hamilton Comp, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth, LS25 1AA, by October 3. For more details visit or call 01529 460426. Terms and Conditions: Winners must be 18 or over; only one entry per person; ticket winners must make their own travel arrangements to The Metta Centre; there is no cash alternative to the prizes; Vision accepts no responsibility for the distribution or fulfilment of prize obligations.

WIN Twist of Fate sets! You’ve seen how this fantastic new divination tool works (see p36), now try it for yourself! Discover the ancient art of cartomancy (divination using playing cards) with Twist of Fate. This unique pastime of the past, present and future, gives astonishingly accurate readings. You can give readings to your family, friends or just for yourself with this amazing new tool. Creator David Brennan has incorporated the ancient Master Method of cartomancy into this easy-to-use format. Each set contains a board to lay your card spreads out on, a set of unique Twist of Fate cards and detailed instructions. The set uses 36 cards out of a 52-card

pack and with it the ‘reader’ can delve into the ‘sitter’s past, present and future. There is a space on the board for each of the 36 cards and during the reading the reader can gain an insight into the sitter’s life, regarding aspects such as relationships, work, money, health and happiness. This is so simple that everyone can do it. Vision has got 5 sets to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the following question: Which cartomancy method is Twist of Fate based upon? Send your answer,

name, address and daytime telephone number to: Twist of Fate Competition, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth, LS25 1AA, by October 12. Terms and Conditions: The first 5 entrants to be picked after the closing date will win; the competition is open to UK readers only; only one entry per person; no correspondence will be entered into; there is no cash alternative to the prizes; Vision accepts no responsibility for the distribution of prizes.

Vision 7


Vision’s Managing Director Sammi Addey looks to the East for inspiration during a spa break at Champneys Springs.


t can get quite hectic here at Vision, so when I heard of the Champneys Eastern Wellbeing Course at The Springs in Leicestershire, I needed no persuading to take a well-earned break and write a review. When I arrived friendly staff immediately introduced me to the resort and settled me in. The first part of the 3day program was to meet our tutor, Chinese Health Arts Specialist Michael Cashmore, and for the group to get to know each other a little better. There were five other members of the group and we all hit it off famously (Thea Healy, Joelle Vendy, Gill Turner, Corrine Turner and Sharna O’Conner). Michael introduced us all to the Eastern way of thinking and how it can change your life for the better. The Chinese use the Yin and Yang energies to determine a person’s health, state and how to regain the balance. They see food as energy. Cooling foods such as fish and fruit from trees are classified as Yin energy and fiery foods such as a spicy food, red meats and vegetables are Yang energy. Our energy needs to stay balanced, therefore we should eat both Yin and Yang foods to ensure a healthy, balanced diet. Champneys catering was excellent too and it gave me plenty of

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choice to try new foods that could be adapted at home. The Chinese look at the natural way of living: “If nature can grow and heal itself over and over again without any help, then why can’t we do the same?” said Michael. We have all conditioned ourselves to think that if we have a health problem we can only rely on experts in those fields to help. Michael explained that we can take energy for granted and that we need to conserve the positive kind and dispel the negative kind. I have to say I listened intently as I knew I needed some guidance to straighten out my mind, body and spirit! The next morning I was ready to get to it. Michael taught us the importance of our meridians (invisible energy lines which run throughout the body). If these become blocked we tend to feel stiff and lethargic. The meridians can also highlight any problems with our internal organs, so it is advisable to keep our meridian energy lines flowing freely. The movements were very easy to pick up and as I went through them I felt my body relax but become energised at the same time. We were then shown Chikung – a series of movements used for posture alignment, awareness and

breathing techniques in the abdomen and chest. Each of us commented on how the exercises made us feel centred, focused and energised. Once we had the breathing techniques mastered we moved on to T’ai Chi. This is very similar to Chikung in the sense that it is about being aware of your own energy. The movements were relaxing and not at all strenuous: you could say that T’ai Chi is more like motions than movements. Michael talked about being centred and being aware of the Dantian (the energy centre below the navel). When you focus your attention on the Dantian (or any of the other energy centres) you can automatically centre yourself, that is why when you close your eyes in meditation it is much easier to focus within, which really does give you a

This page (above and below): Chinese Health Arts Specialist Michael Cashmore teaches T’ai Chi to the Eastern Wellbeing group. Opposite page: The beautiful grounds of Champneys Springs, Leicestershire. Inset: Sammi’s luxurious bedroomfor the duration of her stay.

feeling of warmth and complete calm. Once you understand the mechanics of Yin and Yang energy and learn to embrace the 2 energies, you can immediately feel it. The most enjoyable part of the program was the T’ai Chi which we did first thing in the morning outdoors. The

breathtaking views around the grounds of Champneys Springs enhanced that pleasurable experience. We also covered selfacupressure, a form of acupuncture without the needles which anyone can do with their fingers. This stimulates the meridians that channel the energy

“If nature can grow and heal itself over and over again without any help, then why can’t we do the same?” throughout the body. Acupressure unblocks acupoints on the body that can become stagnated usually because of poor diet, lack of exercise and other lifestyle factors. You wouldn’t think that we were able to fit any more in, but we managed it! Meditation was next on the agenda and as Michael took us through the different breathing techniques I realised that my usual routine had not benefited me. Michael made it easy to understand why we breathe differently during meditation to everyday life and the importance of each breathing exercise. After a hectic but very self-enlightening couple of days it was now time to enjoy the rest of what Champneys Springs had to offer. Various classes including yoga and pilates were on offer, as well as full use of the venue’s pool, steam and sauna, whirlpool and a fully-equipped gym. All this, glorious grounds and a

sumptuous bedroom were all the epitome of luxury. I felt very soothed after my Eastern Scalp Massage. It is quite strange to think that we spend a lot of time massaging our bodies, but we always seem to forget about our heads. So next time you wash your hair, give your scalp a little more attention! The Reiki treatment was also a lovely experience. The therapist was fantastic and I felt absolutely brilliant once she had finished. She picked up on a lot of things but the most important was the fact that my muscles simply don’t relax. So what is the verdict? Usually when you go on a break to unwind and be pampered it only ever lasts for the time that you are there – as soon as you get back to your daily routine the stress kicks back in. But the Champneys Eastern Wellbeing program made me really look at the simple ways I can change my lifestyle without disturbing my everyday routine. I enjoyed everything that Michael taught us and it really has changed my life for the better. I feel healthier in mind and body and I have a lot more energy throughout the day. Spiritually I have learned to look within and focus on my wellbeing, which benefits all in the end. The next Eastern Wellbeing Break at Champneys Springs in Leicestershire will be October 17-19 and prices start from £259.95. For details about Champneys breaks visit or call 08703 300300.

Vision 7


Shiatsu practitioner and teacher Michael Webster tells us the story of shiatsu.


hiatsu (which literally means ‘finger pressure’) is a practical, hands-on therapy, which is gaining in popularity not only amongst celebrities, but also within businesses and the general public.

Early beginnings From time immemorial, the pressing and rubbing of sore spots has been a reflex action. Over many centuries it has developed into a body of knowledge in the form of acupuncture and shiatsu. Although now acupuncture is more widely known, ancient texts have proved that shiatsu actually pre-dates acupuncture. It appears that Chinese medicine was brought to Japan around the 6th century AD, at the same time as Buddhism, Chinese philosophy and culture were also introduced. Illness and disease were viewed then as a holistic experience, not just symptoms separate from the problem. Later, in the 16th and 17th centuries, a form of massage called Anma became a profession for the blind who naturally had a highly developed sense of touch. Although Anma was mainly used for relaxation, some of the techniques used included a form of abdominal massage, which had been used for many centuries in pregnancy and childbirth. In the 20th century Tamai Tempaku, who practiced Anma and some forms of what became ‘self shiatsu’, wrote a book which was published in 1919 called Shiatsu; this book pulled together his studies in Western anatomy, physiology and massage and integrated healing and its spiritual dimensions into a ‘hands-on’ therapy. Three of Tempaku’s pupils became the most influential figures in the development of modern shiatsu. Serizawa, Namikoshi and Masunaga each developed shiatsu in a different and

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significant way influencing future generations of shiatsu practitioners. The central pillar of shiatsu is that we are a part of the universe; connected to the fundamental vibration, which has been there from the beginning of time. The metals in our bodies, without which we cannot survive, are not manufactured from this planet earth, as we do not have the high temperatures or the massive pressure needed to form them. These metals will have come from space dust, gathered by an evolving planet earth. We are an integral part of the universe, ‘children of the stars’. This connection with everything is known as prana, Chi, or Ki. In shiatsu this force, this universal energy, is generally known as ‘Ki’. Everything vibrates and therefore has Ki. In Chinese medicine, good

Everything vibrates and therefore has Ki (universal energy).

health relies on the continuous and free movement of Ki, which is interconnected and influenced by all aspects of the body and mind. Energy which becomes stuck in a restricted pattern of movement produces illness. This may manifest, for example, as a headache, which, if not addressed may increase in severity, or manifest again as yet another symptom of illness. The aim of shiatsu is to restore the free movement of energy. It does this by accessing Ki through a system of pathways known as meridians Pressure on carefully selected points used in acupuncture, combined with stretches and gentle manipulation of joints, encourages the restoration of the free flow of energy. It may seem to some people that shiatsu’s view of illness as energy stuck in a particular pattern is divorced from the reality of headaches, premenstrual problems, asthma, and a host of other illnesses and syndromes. The list of ailments and illnesses that shiatsu has been used to treat, however, is very impressive. Chinese medicine is still a recognised and respected method of diagnosis and treatment within surgeries and hospitals in China. Shiatsu is one of the state recognised therapies in Japan. Although the spiritual

Above and opposite page at the bottom: Typical shiatsu techniques. Right: Mike Webster carrying out a shiatsu treatment.

foundations of shiatsu are rooted in Taoism, shiatsu encompasses all paths and religions. But for many of its practitioners, the practice of shiatsu is a path in itself, providing daily experience of us as energetic beings in contact with the fundamental force: ie God or the life force.

Shiatsu treatment A shiatsu treatment is usually carried out fully clothed, on a special mattress called a futon, which is on the floor. Any treatment is preceded by discussion of the patient’s case history, which gathers background information about the client, and also the illness or injury they have received. This will be followed by an explanation of what the treatment will consist of. After treatment recommendations are provided, to prevent the problem from re-establishing itself. Michael Webster has been teaching and providing shiatsu treatments for the past 21 years. He lives with his wife Stella near Loch Lomond in Scotland. For information on shiatsu treatments and training email Michael at or call 01389 751502. Michael and Stella are the principle teachers of Waveform Energetics, an energy skill, which now has practitioners in 9 different countries. For further information see their website Michael would like to thank Elaine Liechti for the historical references.

Self-treatments Here are some examples of useful points, which can be accessed easily. Simply press each point with the thumb or finger for at least 10 seconds:

Constipation: In the centre of the fleshy muscle between the thumb and forefinger – gripped between opposite forefinger and thumb.

Headaches: Bladder 2 acupressure point – located 3-4cm from the bridge of the nose in the upper border of the eye socket.

Travel or morning sickness: Heart governor 8 meridian – centre and inside of wrist, approximately three fingers’ width up from wrist crease to where strap of wristwatch goes.

Premenstrual problems: Spleen 6 meridian – located behind the tibia, three fingers’ width up from the apex of the inside anklebone.

Palpitations and anxiety: Curl your middle finger into the palm of your hand, where it touches that is the point to press.

Vision 7


Reiki Master and healer Alison Holroyd (below) charts the Japanese origins of this ancient hands-on healing technique. Just for today do not worry, Just for today do not anger, Honour your parents, teacher and elders, Earn your living honestly, Show gratitude to every living thing.


hese are the five spiritual principles of the ancient healing technique of reiki (pronounced ‘ray kee’). Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we lived by these principles? Reiki literally means ‘universal life force energy’ in Japanese, and it represents the subtle energy which is around everyone and everything. Once a person has been attuned to reiki, it can be used to heal humans, animals, plants and objects such as crystals, oils, food, water and much more. Reiki is a safe, non-invasive, gentle hands-on healing technique which can also be used personally on the healer as well as others. It is a holistic treatment for balancing, healing and harmonising all areas of the mind, body and spirit. It also enhances spiritual growth and awareness and is a fantastic method of relaxation and stress relief. The healer gently places their hands either on or above areas of the client’s body and gradually moves their hands in varying positions down the body. Healers often feel warm or cold sensations during the treatments if any areas need specific attention. Reiki was re-discovered and developed by Dr Mikao Usui who was born in the village of Taniai in Japan on August 15 1865. He became a scholar who taught in a Christian seminary. He was asked by one of his students if he believed the stories in the bible of Jesus and his healing – and if he did believe it, when would he teach it? Dr Usui realised he could not teach the healing techniques so he quit his job as dean of the university and dedicated the rest of his life to discovering the secrets of the healings of Jesus and Buddha.

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He studied at the University of Chicago for 7 years and gained a doctorate in theology but still he found no answers. Finally he returned to Japan and a Zen Buddhist monastery in Kyoto. He eventually learned the techniques while he was in Tibet, but despite knowledge of the theory, he couldn’t physically perform the healing. The abbot of the Kyoto monastery advised him to meditate. They both meditated together and decided that Usui should fast and meditate for 21 days in the mountains. He chose Mount Kuri Yama as the location, positioned himself to face east and gathered 21 stones to serve as his calendar. On the 21st day he prayed for an answer. He was then struck in the middle of his forehead (the third eye chakra) by a great light. He saw a million rainbowcoloured bubbles which slowly turned white, each with a Sanskrit symbol inside. He was able to study and remember each character so that he could use them to activate healing. This was the first of several miracles he experienced that day. The second miracle occurred as he rushed down the mountain to share his experiences with the abbot. He cut open his foot and instinctively bent down to hold his toe. He found that the bleeding stopped and the pain went away almost instantly. Further miracles occurred when he managed to eat a full breakfast without any discomfort after his fast at an inn near the foot of the mountain. He also healed the inkeeper’s grandaughter’s toothache and his abbot’s arthritis. Dr Usui realised he had finally discovered the healing power he had been searching for – reiki.

He spent many years healing beggars in Kyoto – initially for free - until he realized that they refused to take responsibility for their lives unless some kind of exchange was made for his healing. He passed on his knowledge and teachings to a chosen successor, retired naval officer Dr Chujiro Hayashi (18791940). Dr Hayashi continued Usui’s teachings and opened a reiki clinic after Usui’s death. In 1935 a young Hawaiian woman, Hawayo Takata, visited the clinic for healing. She had a life-threatening tumor and was so impressed with her successful treatment that she begged Hayashi to teach her. She worked at the clinic for 7 years before opening a clinic in Hawaii. Dr Hayashi visited her to complete her training, enabling her to teach. She became the next Grand Master upon Dr Hayashi’s death. Mrs Takata travelled throughout the United States and Canada healing with reiki and passing on the technique. She developed the third degree of reiki and by the time she died in 1980, had helped spread the healing technique throughout the West. It was revealed in the late 1990s that Dr Usui had actually been a Buddhist priest and not of Christian origin as originally thought. It was also discovered that he passed his complete teachings on to 17 people before he died, not solely to Dr Chujiro Hayashi. Reiki is taught in 3 degrees and there are various forms available now including the Usui and Tera-Mai methods, among others. The Reiki First Degree is usually a one-day course (although some traditions spread it across two) which teaches the history of reiki, how to channel the energy in everyday life, a sacred attunement for the student, how to complete a self-treatment and how to give a full body treatment to others. The Reiki Second Degree also takes one or two days and teaches the

sacred symbols which can enhance healing, explains about distant healing, other healing techniques and qualifies the student to work at practitioner level. The Reiki Third Degree/Mastership can vary in length, depending on the student. During this course the student learns the attunement techniques and it qualifies the student to teach reiki to others. Reiki can be used to treat animals as well as people – dogs and cats particularly love the healing energy. Animals will always let you know when they have received enough energy as they will become restless and move away from you. Plants can also be treated: a good way to start is to treat the water you give to a plant or cut flowers. Bulbs and seeds can also be charged with reiki, as can young plants, to give them a better chance to thrive. Your own food and drink can also be charged: this removes any negativity before consumption. Crystals can also be energised using reiki, which is an effective way of cleansing them. Reiki is a wonderful gift to give to someone and many holistic therapists use the energy to complement other treatments such as massage and reflexology. Reiki is a fantastic relaxation aid and tool to combat stress. It helps to promote a relaxed state of mind. I certainly found that once I was attuned to the Reiki First Degree (also known as Reiki One) my priorities changed and I no longer worried about trivial things. People often ask how something so simple can cause such major life changes, but it happens slowly and always at a pace that you can cope with. Once you are on the reiki path of discovery, you wonder how you ever lived without it!

If you are interested in learning reiki or would like a treatment, call Alison on 01977 799693 or 0787 656 1132.

Vision 7



he concepts of clairvoyant guidance and life coaching are not terms usually associated with one another. However, accredited life coach Soul Phoenix and his wife Sian, a professional clairvoyant, have linked the two. “We’ve always tried to clearly define precisely what it is that we do for people, it helps us to do our jobs better,” said Soul. “We’ve found that Sian’s clairvoyant guidance can help people reconnect with their spiritual impulses or, more simply, get them back in touch with the urges that tell them what they really want from life. “Life coaching, on the other hand, facilitates and supports people as they make progress in their lives, replacing old ideas about themselves with a new confidence and certainty about their potential and capability. The limiting self-images that previously held them back from pursuing their spiritual impulses are quickly eliminated. The common theme that runs through both techniques is that people really can have the life that they dream about.” Soul qualified as a professional life coach 2 years ago and prior to that studied in the counselling, psychology, NLP, emotional intelligence and hypnotherapy. “When I looked at life coaching I knew instantly that this was where I wanted to focus,” he said. Soul believes that everyone has a unique gift that holds the key to their vocation in life: “As a result of previous studies I’m lucky to have quite a diverse skill-set which I can use to help people in many different situations and circumstances. I’ve always felt from a young age that I wanted to help people. I feel that the tools that I have gathered have given me the language to express something that was already there inside me.” Sian has been working as a clairvoyant for nearly 30 years. She has seen and communicated with Spirit from a very young age: “I went to bed one night when I was 5 and before I went to sleep a lady appeared beside my bed. I

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Soul and Sian Phoenix (pictured below and right) have blended the old with the new to create a personally uplifting concept - Life Guidance.

felt like I knew her. I noticed the clothes that she was wearing were not like the ones we had around at that time. She bent over me, stroked the side of my face and told me that she loved me very much and would always look after me. Then she disappeared. I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to tell my mum. She got out a photo album and I easily picked out

growth in their combined practice, Phoenix Rising, which they run from their home in Hunstanton, Norfolk. “We’ve bridged differences in our culture, age and upbringing, as well as the inevitable communicational differences there are between men and women – it hasn’t always been easy!’ laughed Sian. “But it’s the differences that allow us to see things from a fresh perspective.” Their aim was to find a way to jointly address any problem or situation that a person might have by helping them to develop tremendous self-belief and the ability to master their different life situations. “We began with the understanding that all the potential a person needs to deal with life successfully

All the potential a person needs to deal with life successfully is already there within them.

a picture of my great, great grandmother, who had died years before I was born,” she said. “I think I was very lucky to have parents that didn’t discourage me when I told them what I was seeing,” she said. “I have many of the common sensitivities that someone who is open to the Spirit world has – mediumship, clairaudience, psychic perception and psychometry. But I still like to think of myself as basically straightforward and down-to-earth,” said Sian, who also has an interest in parapsychological research. Soul and Sian met 15 years ago and each instantly recognised the other as a soulmate. It is their differences which have provided the potential for

is already there within them,” said Soul. “The problem was simply a matter of being able to access this potential. Life Guidance was the answer we arrived at.” The couple see clients face to face, over the telephone or via the internet. “We have clients in various countries, so the internet does help bring us closer together,” said Sian. “Nothing is lost when we give our Life Guidance in this way, but we do encourage people to come and see us if they can. We live in a lovely seaside town and it gives people the chance to get away from it all for a while and just relax – we can even help people make accommodation arrangements if they want to make a vacation of it,” she said.

If the client is unsure of how to move forward in any area of their life, they will see Sian first: “She will clarify and put them in touch with what they really want to do. I will then put them in the right mindset to make the most of those opportunities,” said Soul. If negative thoughts are what are holding the client back, they will see Soul first. Life Guidance addresses the awareness that no matter who we are there is likely to be some kind of emotional fear that’s preventing us from moving forward properly in some area of our lives. It could be in our work, our relationships, our physical conditioning or it could be an issue equating to a lack of confidence in some area. Alternatively, not understanding what is happening in any of these areas can create confusion, ineffectiveness and ultimately even lead to depression. Life Guidance gets right to the heart of these issues and facilitates growth. “The aim of Life Guidance is to bring a person’s life to a state of harmony that is personally and spiritually satisfying: better circumstances, increased confidence, more hope, fulfilment and purpose. It not only opens your eyes to the way forward, the right opportunities and abundance,” said Soul, “It also organises your thinking so that you can make the right decisions whenever you need to.”

If you would like to know more about Life Guidance, clairvoyance or life coaching, call 0870 7570 654 to speak with either Sian or Soul. Alternatively, send an email to

Vision 7



aring for a pet is very rewarding. There are many documented pieces of research that prove that keeping pets is good for our health. Being with them lowers our stress levels, and stroking pets slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Like many millions of people the world over, when I am upset or stressed, I grab one of my pets and give them a big hug. I am hugely lucky that my work is with animals and I find it immensely comforting to touch a cat, dog, horse etc – feeling their warmth and softness. What pet lovers fear the most is one of our animal family members becoming ill. When there is a sudden onset of symptoms we can go into a panic until a vet can see the animal to offer advice. But as with humans there are first aid healing measures that we can give to animals, either while we are waiting for the vet to arrive, or on the way to the vet. In some minor cases healing may be sufficient on its own. However, I must stress that generally healing should not be used instead of veterinary attention. In a first aid situation, even a few seconds of healing can help. After a vet has treated the animal then you can continue with healing sessions. I would give healing every few hours for an acute illness or an accident, and then as the animal recovers, once or twice a week. If the animal was very poorly and kept at the vets, then I would ask the vet if I could give healing once or twice daily in the veterinary clinic, to aid recovery.

by Margrit Coates – the UK’s number one animal healer and communicator. Hand-on healing can be useful in certain situations: Shock: Hands-on healing is helpful with shock situations. I have been present in many situations when animals have suffered trauma. I was able to feel the chaotic energy bubbling beneath my hands as I gave healing. Wounds: Clinical trials with animals have shown that healing helps speed up the repair of wounds, so it is always useful in this situation. Even minor wounds need checking regularly in case they need veterinary attention because infection can quickly set in and spread around the body. Heart attacks/strokes: Healing can help to lessen the severity of heart attacks and strokes. If you have someone who can drive you and your pet to a veterinary practice, continue the healing until you get there. With horses I would also carry on until the vet arrives. Broken bones: Healing for a fracture offers natural pain relief and helps with shock. Carry on giving healing after the vet has operated to help the cells repair efficiently and speed up recovery. Colic: Horses can suffer suddenly from colic and this is always a time to give first aid healing while waiting for the vet. A short period of healing can lessen the severity of an attack. Pain: Research has shown that healing plays a role in pain relief. If an animal shows symptoms of being in pain, I would give first aid healing and then continue treatments alongside conventional veterinary medicine prescribed

Margrit Coates is a registered healer and partner in a clinic offering natural therapies for animals. Her partners are a homeopathic vet and a veterinary physiotherapist. Margrit is the author of 2 groundbreaking books on animal healing and 2 CDs of animal healing music. Margrit is also one of the experts in a new ITV series called Animal Roadshow.

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First aid healing tips for pets Send calming and positive thoughts to the animal when offering healing. Our thoughts carry visual images that the pet or horse will pick up on, so avoid negative thinking.

and hooves. If you are giving healing to a horse that is lying down, be careful not to stand in front of the legs, in case it suddenly gets up.

Sending out love creates a strong healing connection. The calmer that we can remain, the stronger our healing connection will be.

Never give first aid healing by touching an animal’s head as you may get bitten. Instead, keep the hands away from head trauma and point the fingers to the area of concern. Imagine the beam of light flowing out and reaching the head.

Imagine that a beam of light is surging out of your fingertips or palms and is connecting with the energy field of the animal. Do not touch wounds, or sore areas. Keep the hands above the animal’s body in these places. In the case of shock, heart attacks, strokes etc you may feel pulsing surges under your hands as you channel healing to the pet or horse. This is the disturbed energy in the aura (the energy surrounding the animal’s body). Be aware of your safety at all times – the animal may suddenly lash out in pain. Make sure that you can move away if this happens and that you are not in the way of claws, paws

Always call a vet first for advice about your pet or horse’s problem before giving healing – it is not a substitute for veterinary advice or care. A small injury can become a crisis if neglected. Hands-on healing aims to strengthen the body so that any conventional treatment required will work deeper and quicker within the body. Healing helps stimulate the immune system and speeds up the repair of cells. Registered healers may give healing to animals belonging to members of the public without veterinary permission when given as first aid, and providing the vet has been called. Otherwise the law states that healers must have permission from a vet to give healing to an animal.

Vision 7


Finish the Job Spell How far have you come this year? Have you achieved all of the goals you set for yourself, or are you just half way along? If you are, it’s time to prepare for the second half. You can do this with a Finish the Job spell; a spell that will give you the focus, energy and clarity to bring unfinished tasks or projects to fruition. To perform the Finish the Job spell you will need:


ow wonderful is this time of year? Stop what you’re doing and go outside. Look at the trees and smell the cool, fresh breeze against your skin. Take the time to kick up the leaves with your family and friends and enjoy the change of season at its most glorious and radiant. So many of us collect the dead leaves that fall from the trees. We must acknowledge how they gracefully release their unwanted baggage and we should try to follow their example. Look at how life changes during the course of time and how by instigating personal change, things can improve or evolve. Listen to nature: it has been here a long time and will definitely out-live us. So think like a tree and shed some leaves this autumn.


1 stick (long and thin enough to break into two); 1 piece of red ribbon (approx one foot long); 1 piece of paper; 1 bay leaf; 1 pen. Firstly, prepare yourself for the Esbat. Cast your circle and make sure you have everything you need to hand. 1. Take your stick and break it into two even parts. 2. Write on your paper all of the things that are half done that

you need a little extra help to finish. 3. Lay your paper with the words facing you on your altar or the floor in front of you. 4. Place the bay leaf in the centre of the paper and the two pieces of stick on top end to end so that you’re re-joining the broken ends. 5. Wrap the paper and leaf around the sticks tightly and then wrap the red ribbon around the outside of the package and bind it securely, then recite these words: “Tightly bound the jobs are now, Ready to be finished, On this day and in this place, The chore is now diminished. Easy jobs are fun to do, And so I will now join these two, To make two halves now one for me, And harm to none so mote it be.” Keep this parcel somewhere close to you to remind you of the jobs you need to finish. Don’t lose it as you’ll need to look back in 6 months and see how many of the projects you’ve managed to finish!

Goddess of the Month Aphrodite is the goddess of love, desire and beauty. She governs aspiration and sexuality. She’s often pictured with a sceptre or a mirror. In addition to her natural gifts, she has a magical girdle that compels anyone she wishes to desire her. It’s believed that she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione, and the wife of Hephaestus. The myrtle is her tree and the dove, the swan and the sparrow are her birds.

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Ask Georgia

a i g r o e G k As The Wiccan way to weight-loss

Get up and go spell

I am a male witch and I’m not exactly on the thin side. Every girl I’ve asked out has said no to me. I really need a simple but effective spell to lose weight. Ben, via e-mail.

This spell has helped me through many rough times and I wanted to tell you all about it. When I am feeling a little slow and can’t seem to get myself up to speed, I take a red candle and some chilli pepper. I light the candle and as I sprinkle the chilli pepper over it, I say these words:

Georgia says: Regular exercise and healthy eating are the first areas to pay attention to if you’re concerned with weight loss. When you’re eating well and exercising properly you’ll be looking after your body the way it would like to be looked after. Magic can only help you to do the job you need to do for yourself. The following spell is a ‘stick-to-it’ charm which is useful when you need to instil the will to persevere with a course of action. You’ll need a 2-foot length of red ribbon or cord. Each day when you awake, take the cord and tie a knot in it whilst saying: “Each day I bind myself, To bring my body true good health.”

“Faster, faster I must go, See my power make it flow, With great passion and with great fire, Make it lift my energy higher!” Susi, Leicestershire. Georgia says: Wow! What a great, easy and fun spell! It sounds like an excellent spell to perform on a Monday morning to get yourself going at the start of the week. Tell us how spells have made a change in your life, and each month the prize spell wins a personalised spell kit from For The Witch In You to the value of £49.99. Visit for more details.

Repeat this every morning and when you’ve completely tied the cord/ribbon in knots, place it on your fridge so that every time you’re tempted to eat more than you should, it serves as a reminder. TIP This spell would also be effective to combat smoking or helping to curb excessive drinking. However, don’t forget that there are other means of help available to you, including contemporary or alternative medicine. Sometimes, undertaking difficult tasks with the perceived support of others will help to strengthen your commitment.

The witches’ kitchen

Each month we’ll bring you tips on herbs and their magical and healing properties for you to build up your own witches’ kitchen.


Planted in your garden or hung in a bunch over your door will offer great Protection. Bay leaf is a great cleanser when burned on charcoal in a room or an area with negative energy. Write a personal worry on a bay leaf and drop it in flowing water to wash negativity away.

Vision 7


Matt Burton examines the Japanese method of 9 Star Ki astrology.














birth to determine their personality, emotional character and outward behaviour. It most likely originated from the Taoist study of the northern sky. Taoists studied the Polaris, Vega, and Big Dipper constellations and noted the constantly changing positions of the stars. They also noted the changing of the seasons and how these changes affected people. There were 9 stars in total, hence the birth of 9 Star Ki astrology. The Luo Shu, or ‘Magic Square’ is the central point of 9 Star Ki. The number 5 is at the centre of the Luo Shu, with the remaining numbers arranged around it. There are 9 different grids in total, each containing a different arrangement of the 9 numbers. Each of the 9 grids correspond to certain years (eg the Luo 6 2 4 Shu represents 1977, 1986, 1995 etc) and the years of each grid run in 9 year intevals. 5 7 9








t is believed that the pattern of the stars on the day of birth can offer an insight into that person’s character. Subsequently, the way in which the stars move around the sky in the years to follow can be interpreted as a chain of events, leading to a destiny. 9 Star Ki originated in Japan. Also known as Feng Shui Astrology (Feng Shui is concerned with the position and energy of objects, 9 Star Ki is concerned with the position and energy of stars), this is a form of astrology that uses a person’s date of

Ki grids

4 5









1976/ 85/ 94/ 2003







1975/ 84/ 93/ 2002

1974/ 83/ 92/ 2001

1973/ 82/ 91/ 2000














1978/ 87/ 96/ 2005

The Luo Shu 1977/ 86/ 95/ 2004




























1979/ 88/ 97/ 2006

1980/ 89/ 98/ 2007

1 You are a lively, deep thinking person who always looks for the meaning in life, however you may find it difficult to share the insights that come from your depth. Your need for independence may bring insecurity. 2 You have a nurturing, gentle, mild and hard-working nature, however you require acknowledgment for your efforts, otherwise your confidence drops. 3 You have a great deal of energy which creates opportunities, but you can, however, 60 Vision 7

1981/ 90/ 99/ 2008

have a short temper and make rash decisions. You are, on the whole, a patient person, but when you don’t get your own way you anger. 4 You need to care for and influence others. Your deep, powerful emotions can lead to erratic behaviour. Innovation and determination can lead to exciting new discoveries. Frustration can be worked off through exercise. 5 You stand at the centre of the Luo Shu, and as a result, take on the characteristics

1) Find your year number The way the numbers move around the grid corresponds to the pattern in which Taoists watched the stars move around the sky. First find your ‘year number’ by locating the grid that corresponds to your year of birth. If your year of birth is not listed left, use those diagrams to count back through the years and grids until you find the correct one. Your ‘year number’ is the one that appears in the centre of the grid corresponding to your year of birth (ignore the other numbers for now). 9 Star Ki is based upon a lunar year, not a calendar year, so if your date of birth falls before February 4th, you must use the grid that corresponds to the previous calendar year. The ‘year number’ describes the Ki of your nature and the type of person you are (see table below).

of all the other numbers. You demonstrate leadership qualities, however, you can be needy and get easily caught up in your emotions. Insecurity stems from self-doubt. 6 You show fatherly qualities, giving you a sense of duty and responsibility and a passion to succeed in your career. However, you sometimes find it difficult to relax and have a tendency to be self-critical and insecure. 7 You are sensitive, intuitive, charismatic and optimistic. You possess leadership










Feb 4 - Mar 5




Mar 6 - Apr 5




Apr 6 - May 5




May 6 - Jun 5




Jun 6 - Jul 7




Jul 8 - Aug 7




Aug 8 - Sep 7




Sep 8 - Oct 8




Oct 9 - Nov 7




Nov 8 - Dec 7




Dec 8 - Jan 5




Jan 6 - Feb 3




2) Find your month number Now find your ‘month number’. To do this, simply use the table on the left. First, find your month/date of birth and read across the row where you will find 3 corresponding columns, each containing a different number. Now find your ‘year number’ in the grid at the top, which will give you 1 of the 3 columns (see table below). The ‘month number’ describes

the behaviour you demonstrate when not living up to your full potential. It can also indicate what you were like as a child (up to the age of 18), enabling you see how this has helped or hindered your development into your adult character. Simply refer back to the ‘year number’ explanations to find out the meaning of your ‘month number’.

Turn the page to discover your ‘house number’ & 9 Star Ki predictions for 2006...

Year number explanations qualities and like to be sociable, but you are not always sincere. 8 You have a highly motivated and independent character. You want to do things your way. People see you as solid and reliable, but underneath you are very sensitive. 9 You possess an energetic, bright nature and a clear perception of things. A quick, sharp mind and an appetite for knowledge makes you a powerful figure in the minds of others.

Vision 7


3) Find your house number To find your ‘house number’ look at the Ki grid that has your ‘year number’ in the centre. Look where your ‘month number’ lies in this grid and compare the position of that in your Ki grid with the relative position in the Luo Shu (the grid with a 5 in the centre).

Elements Each of the house numbers correspond to one of the 5 elements; water, earth, wood, metal and fire. These elements are used to predict your character and nature: 1 Relates to Water and a depth of character; 2 Relates to Earth and a motherly nature (mother Earth); 3 Relates to Wood, which can be brash like a short temper;

4 Also relates to Wood, which can also represent a gentle, creative nature; 5 Relates to Earth and represents control over all the other elements; 6 Relates to Metal and an organized, fatherly character; 7 Also relates to Metal but this time represents effort and leadership; 8 Relates to Earth and forceful opinions and attitudes; 9 Relates to Fire and an exciting, energetic and bright character.

The ‘house number’ also highlights areas in which stress will arise in your life. Each of the 5 elements relate to body organs or emotions most likely to be affected by stress: 1 (Water) Relates to stress upon the bladder, kidneys or sexual reproductive organs. Fear and insecurity will cause stress; 2, 5 & 8 (Earth) Relates to stress upon the spleen, pancreas or stomach. Cynical and critical emotions will cause it; 3 & 4 (Wood) Relates to stress upon the liver or gall bladder. Anger will cause stress; 6 & 7 (Metal) Relates to stress upon the lungs or large intestines. Depression or stubbornness will cause stress; 9 (Fire) Relates to stress upon the heart or small intestines. Hysterical excitement will cause stress.

Predict your future To predict your future, find the Ki grid that corresponds to the year you want to predict. The Ki grid for 2006 has the number 3 in the centre square. To find grids for years beyond 2008, simply count through the cycle of grids until you arrive at your chosen year. Now locate where your ‘year number’ appears in that grid. Now, we have to go back to the Luo Shu again. Remember the position of your ‘year number’ in the grid of the future year you are predicting and compare the position of this number with the relative position in the Luo Shu – the way you found your ‘house number’ earlier. You can now use that number to find out what that year has in store for you. Don’t forget that 9 Star years run from February 4th – February 3rd!










1979/ 88/ 97/ 2006

2006 predictions 1 This is a time of rest, a time to step back and view the bigger picture. Keep check of your health and finances. Take time out to study or meditate but avoid rushing into new ambitions. People may seem more distant as you withdraw into yourself but don’t let this make you feel alienated. Share what is on your mind. 2 This will be a year of preparation for your next big adventure. Collecting friends, money and other resources is a priority. Preparation is slow, but don’t loose confidence. Look after your diet and health. This will not be a year for massive strides, but you will reap the benefits in the long run. 3 This will be an exciting year! You will have extra enthusiasm and ideas, and new romantic possibilities or the reinvigoration of your current relationship bode well. Remember to look before you leap though and stay focused. 4 This will be a year to capitalize on developments from the previous 3 years, but make sure you stay 100 per cent focused. Watch your finances very carefully and try to keep the peace if you become erratic. 5 This will be a year of consolidation. The results of the past few years will now be very visible, so assess any lessons that this brings and develop future targets. People will come to you for help, but don’t forget to look after yourself. Stay in one

62 Vision 7

place this year, a house move or holiday are not recommended.

6 A pay rise or promotion will come your way but don’t forget

others around you. Remember to give people what they want, not what you think they want. If you made the right choices in previous years, then this year will be a very good one, and the things you want will appear around you. 7 You will be able to relax this year and allow the benefits of your past efforts to reap their rewards. Your social life will thrive but don’t indulge yourself too much. New ventures are not advised – stick to what you’re good at. It is also a time to reflect back in the quieter moments. 8 This will be a year of change regarding home, job or lifestyle. However, at times you will feel frustrated. You should take advantage of the extra time and space available to you and keep an active social life. Progress will be slow on the financial side, but on the romantic side you will get an opportunity to clear up a past misunderstanding. 9 This will be a year of new opportunities and possibilities. Hidden secrets will come out of the woodwork and legal matters will arrive in some form. Keep both feet on the ground regarding your plans and make sure you look carefully into any offers. You need to be aware of how you come across to people, otherwise there will be nobody there in your times of need.

Let Vision’s no-nonsense astrologer James Christie guide you through the month ahead...

October forecast


ell if I wasn’t a turgid old Taurean, I think I might like to be a Libran this month as everything seems to be coming up roses. While the accent is firmly on romance and affairs of the heart, there are some other issues that need discussion – namely a situation where Libran parents might find that they have to let one of their off-spring go off into the wide world and start doing their own thing without parental control. Older female Librans will be put in a position of having to offer some wisdom and forgiveness, even when they feel disinclined to do so. Some negative moods in the third week can be put down to tiredness and stress, but it’s a shortlived period and once we’re past the 23rd there is a much brighter feeling of optimism and impending success. A small, but I suspect very significant, ambition will be achieved on or around the 26th, making this date an anniversary in years to come. Cash & career: Generally speaking October seems to be a relatively

23 sept - 23 Oct

calm and uneventful month. Those things which do happen, happen either to other people close to you or are so parochial that they have minimal impact upon your own life. Keeping this in context, watch out for an irritating problem arising with a female boss during the first few days of the month. This silly bimbo is so enamoured with her own sense of self-importance that she’s bound to make a mistake sooner or later. A minor disappointment in the second week is made up for when an unexpected opportunity knocks on your door during the third week. Cash aspects are stable and work routines are boring. Even if this were not true, I don’t think you’d be over bothered one way or the other as your mind is on other things that have got nothing at all to do with jobs or careers. A work colleague with emotional problems may come to you for some help or advice during the latter days of the month and I would expect you to be very effective in helping this person in a number of different ways.

Romance & relationships: October will be a very potent and powerful month for all sexual relationships and affairs of the heart. Even if you start the month without too many expectations, within the first few days something clicks and falls into place that sends your heart soaring. Existing loves get hotter while new loves and formed and forged very quickly amid passion and a sense of great adventure. One thing is for sure, if you’ve been moping over an old flame there are new volcanoes detonating at this time that blow those old flames out once and for all. Travel aspects towards the end of the month have a sexual agenda and from October 8th onwards you’ll find yourself looking forward to some lovely goodies coming up long before Halloween takes you over the top and into November. Also (and should this be a word of warning?) this is a very fertile month and a very sexually active month, so be especially careful in all matters appertaining to contraception.

October forecast


don’t like the concept of luck, but if I did I might be inclined to say that you might feel your luck does change a bit between October 1st and 8th when a specific ambition is achieved. October 16th is also a favourable date for signing contracts, documents and making a decision that leads to a major degree of controlled change within the greater framework of your life. Indeed, even as you move through the latter 13 or 14 days of the month you will feel some of these changes taking powerful effect. If you’re male, the pattern of change may have greater influence in business or career matters, while ladies of the sign will feel this energy much more in their emotional situations. All partnerships – business and emotional – get a major boost between 24th and the 31st and some Scorpions will enjoy Halloween holidays in Majorca. Cash & career: The slumpy, grumpy mood of September passes within the first few days of October and there is a sense of revitalisation and a

64 Vision 7

24 Oct - 23 Nov

burst of fresh enthusiasm for new work projects that should come online around the 20th or 21st. Expect a new collegiate friendship to be established during the second week – almost certainly with a member of the opposite sex – and although there is not a sexual agenda here, the flutter of pheromones could do a lot to heighten your powers of concentration. News of a promotion or salary increase comes your way between the 15th and the 23rd, but don’t get overjoyed too quickly because there will be strings attached that add a notable burden to your workload. The latter days of October are important for signing documents and renewing contracts and if there is a bit of red tape around you, take it in your stride and deal with it as best you can. It might be worth checking back over the last few years of your tax records – chances are you’ve been paying too much and a rebate of some sort is overdue.

Romance & relationships: Energies shift and change quite

dramatically throughout October and there must inevitably be a few ups and downs in affairs of the heart. While it is something you won’t resent, you will be aware that the initiative for pushing relationships along is in your own hands. A falling out with a partner around the 6th to the 8th could cause a few tears, but if there is some pleasure in the making up, you might find a few tears more than a little worthwhile. Travel aspects have a role to play between the 15th and the 22nd and if you’re female you’ll be travelling in company – if you’re male you’ll be travelling alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few sparks flying with the fire sign of Leo before the end of the month, and either way the period between the 24th and 31st does present you with a unique package of challenges when it comes to sorting out your emotional priorities. Spring-autumn relationships still have an ongoing influence and if you’ve got this kind of problem just remember it isn’t really a problem!

October forecast


ou may feel that your authority is being challenged during the first week of the month, and that is exactly what is happening. I would suggest you remain calm and dignified and if you have to make a few compromises, make it very clear that you are making compromises and do not let someone else have all their own way. This energy is associated with work routines and possibly in relationships within family, but it is not associated with romantic/emotional relationships which are very stable. Indeed there is much warmth and delight manifesting itself from this department of your life and if you were looking for good advice and lots of emotional reassurance then it should be there for you in abundance. Watch out for drama concerning lost or missing keys somewhere between the 7th and the 14th and be prepared to do battle with red tape and petty authority between the 14th and the 21st. Cash & career: A powerful political aspect weighs heavily in the

24 Nov - 21 Dec

working domain of Sagittarians and while office politics might not be your favourite subject, this is a scenario that cannot be avoided. Even the most senior members of the sign will be placed in the position of having to make a financial choice that falls into the “like it or lump it” category and while you might want to tell a boss or an employer to get stuffed, you will know that this is something that you simply can’t do. Not right now, anyway! Travel plans and commuter routes take on special significance towards the end of the month and although the financial overview is sound enough you may find that you have to pay more to get to work. Part of you will feel very frustrated so maybe it’s just as well that you’ve got someone close to you who’s on your side, knows how you feel and can do something practical to calm your ruffled feathers. A brighter mood kicks in around the 23rd or 24th when you review your overall financial situation and realise that you’re a bit better off than you thought you were.

Romance & relationships:

This is an important month for recognising just how important one key relationship is to you, especially when that other party in the relationship proves that they can be more than just a partner and a lover – that they can also be your best friend, on hand to pick you up when you’re feeling low and to give unbiased and objective advice at a time when you really need it. This generosity of spirit may well cause you to look at an established love in a new light and this may be quite enough to put a few minor work problems into perspective. Parents dealing with children should feel profoundly encouraged by the progress of their kids and by their attitudes towards life, but overly possessive mothers may have some heartache to deal with in the latter days of the month when they realise that their little ones are no longer quite so little. Overseas travel has an effect on children around the 22nd and again children will be a bone of contention when discussing plans for Christmas.


October forecast

ctober is a good month for money with the proof of the pudding being presented to you during the first 8 to 10 days. It is also overall a good month for established relationships and for enjoying a high degree of social intercourse with people you enjoy being with. The sexual aspects of intercourse may be a bit quiet in the first couple of weeks, but things do perk up a bit once you’re past the 14th and you find yourself at the right end of a heavy workload. Younger Capricorns who are not attached go through the month in their usual daydream waiting for something good to happen, and while nothing really bad happens, not much good happens either. Someone might give you a sexy look across the classroom and you might think that you’ve scored and that you’re in love – but like I said, it’s the usual Capricorn daydream. Male self-employed Capricorns should have their hands full throughout the month and there’s a lot going on in connection with property renovation and

66 Vision 7

22 Dec - 20 Jan

other building projects. Education has a role to play in certain areas, especially in connection with learning foreign languages. Cash & career: This is a very busy and potentially tiring month. Although cash flow will be high, you’ll be ever mindful that you need to build up your financial reserves to tide you over any lean times ahead. This is not me saying that there are going to be lean times ahead, but I do recognise that this is something that you will worry about. From October 1st through until the 10th you are going to be under a tremendous degree of stress and tension – and this pattern repeats with even greater intensity in early November. If there are any opportunities for some rest and relaxation mid-late October you really must avail yourself of this window. You only have so much energy and there are only so many hours in any given day. In business partnerships you may feel that someone isn’t pulling their weight, and although this is not strictly true, someone close to you in the work zone

does have a rather different agenda – which is something you’re going to have to learn to live with.

Romance & relationships: Capricorn ladies enjoy being swept off their feet and this desire is maintained throughout October. The trouble is, during those first 10 days you’ll be so knackered that your nooky factor is virtually non-existent! However, if Mr Right does come knocking with flowers and discreet packages of x-rated lingerie, don’t dampen his ardour – just put him off for a while. Please don’t ask about the price of aforementioned lingerie or question some of the “night out” bills otherwise you’ll have him wondering whether or not he’s paid too much or not enough for your favours. One does wonder at this point who is doing who the favour. Relationships with colleagues could be a bit tetchy, relationships with parents are predictably boring and relationships with exciting friends could get even more exciting depending on who’s got the key to the handcuffs!


October forecast

n unexpected meeting with an old friend or acquaintance either on the 1st or the 10th, will be pleasant enough in one sense but quite exciting in another if it furnishes you with a couple of new ideas and opens up a short-cut. During the second week of October there could be some news of a pregnancy or a birth and it is an excellent time for putting new plans into action and to start experimenting a bit, either in the bedroom or in the boardroom – whichever seems most appropriate. The period between the 14th and 22nd is probably the most awkward chunk of the month and you are going to have to use the power of your personality and the authority of your position to get things done the way you know things should be done. Tact and diplomacy is all very well, but I don’t think it is going to cut much ice with a third party who has the hide of a flaming rhinoceros. There are some very nice energies in the wind concerning parental relationships with children, and

21 Jan - 19 Feb

a younger man in his mid-teens should do something quite spectacular that will make you feel inordinately proud of him. Cash & career: There ain’t no thing as a free lunch and although you might be on a high cash role, you will work your rocks off for it. Very heavy learning curves dominate the month of October and what you learn on Tuesday, you’ll be passing on to third parties by the following Friday – although whether you’re getting paid for that is a different matter. I suppose it depends on who you’re passing it on to. Anyone working with computers in the world of IT will find that they really have to stretch themselves towards the month’s end when there will be a bit of drama and panic somewhere around the 20th/21st when things and maybe a few people as well just don’t do what they’re told to do! Aquarians involved the arts will gain a degree of recognition from the 21st onwards, but without much cash to back it up. Aquarians involved in

commerce get some of their cash offshore, and this is a very well timed move.

Romance & relationships:

There’s a kind of spill over here and a lot of Aquarians are going to find themselves involved with and worrying about a partner’s career profile and/or job security. If nothing else this should prove that you’re more than a pretty face and you can probably be enormously helpful (getting loads of brownie points) without even trying. Young romantic relationships seem a bit like hard work at the moment, especially if one half of the relationship isn’t pulling their weight. If someone is whispering lovely words in your ear (around the 13th and then again on the 20th) I wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious but I would make a point of judging that person more on their actions and not just their words. If someone wants to get into your life, that’s one thing, but if they just want to get into your knickers that’s something else entirely.


October forecast

etween the 1st and the 7th of October you will find that you have to make a small sacrifice which goes against pride and principle. Nevertheless you will make this sacrifice, will then probably forget all about it, and thus be pleasantly surprised when you find yourself in receipt of some unexpected reward towards the latter days of the month. Established relationships trundle on, while new relationships fall rather mischievously into place for the unattached and unwary. Both the 10th and the 20th of October are key dates for measuring progress in the development of love affairs, regardless of age or sex. Younger male Pisceans (16–30) can enjoy a high degree of sexual conquest and social popularity while any artistically inclined fishes receive more than their fair share of recognition. Cash & career: October is a month in which money gets moved around quite a lot; new bank accounts are opened and old ones are closed down. Investments come under very close

68 Vision 7

20 Feb - 20 Mar

scrutiny and there’s a chance that cash tied up in stocks and shares might get moved into property or big woolly socks under the bed. If taking any kind of financial advice make sure that it is (a) impartial and that (b) it helps you achieve what you want to achieve and not what someone else thinks you should be doing. For career-minded fishes the first week of the month may see some high expenditure on entertainment. The second week of the month is particularly harmonious for business relationships with members of the opposite sex, week three sees you learning something new and putting it to good effect, while week four brings you some welcome and longawaited news. Expect a sudden boost to your financial reserves between the 20th and 30th when you sell something for a sizable profit and please try not to feel too guilty about taking somebody else’s money.

Romance & relationships:

Getting some of your financial situations sorted out will go a long way towards

creating a more ambient mood within the framework of relationships. Certainly a lover or partner will make it clear that they are on your side, giving you the green light to get on with some of your financial ambitions without too much emotional interference. Younger Pisceans looking for sexual adventure may well find it in the arms of someone they have known for ages – but have never seen as being a sexual partner. Interesting aspect this, and with quite a few surprises! An expensive present offered to you on or around the 19th should be seen for what it is – namely a bribe – but that’s not to say you shouldn’t say “yes please and thank you very much” if someone is trying hard to persuade you to do something you really want to do but haven’t got quite enough courage to do on your own. There is the feeling here of a major emotional ambition falling into place vaguely between the 17th and the 27th and certainly during the latter half of the month there will be some hot nights in cold bedrooms.


October forecast

his is a messy month with a number of set-backs that alter the smooth flowing pattern established in September. But it is a productive month in the sense that if things have been swept under the carpet or not been dealt with properly, you have some splendid opportunities to put a few wrongs right. Arguably it is the practical and financial aspects of your life that create the better part of your optimism, while the emotional tangles cause the greater degree of frustration. In the third week of the month you need to be a bit security conscious, not in the emotional sense, but in the sense of not parking cars on dimly-lit streets or leaving handbags open on office tables. You may be as honest as the day is long but others around you are not. Cash & career: October should become something of a breakthrough period for you on the job/work scene with a number of key and extremely advantageous aspects falling into place between the 22nd and the 28th thanks to persistent personal endeavour. BUT if

21 Mar - 20 Apr

you leave things in the hands of other people or rely too much on the advice from third parties – or indeed just sit there waiting for nice things to happen, my original forecast may become significantly contaminated. Although you should enter October feeling fairly confident, you may find that there is some specific opposition to your plans and ideas around the 8th or 9th. You’ll be tempted to cause a fuss, but hold your tongue and your temper and things will sort themselves out by the 14th or 15th. Some travel aspects may be unavoidable towards the end of the month (I’m talking about work-related commitments here) and a shuffle of work responsibilities during October’s latter days will be caused by someone’s absence or departure from a position of authority. This could create a good opening for you if you’re quick off the mark.

Romance & relationships:

October cannot be the calmest emotional month in the Arian year! There are too many issues pressing for your attention, and while you may feel the need to play

for time, other people will put you under pressure for decisions and commitments that in all honesty you might not be ready to make. The first few days of the month are likely to contain some arguments or intense conversations and you’ll find more peace and calm down at the pub or at a girlfriend’s Tupperware party than you will within your own four walls! Having said that, a few things do get sorted out in connection with property, domestic routines and responsibilities, and the mood does improve noticeably from the 8th or 9th onwards when (a) there’s a little more cash in the kitty and (b) you’re going to become more preoccupied with work-related issues that put domestic issues on a bit of a back burner. You need to be less emotional in dealing with emotional situations, and I know that’s easier to say than it is to do, but any effort will bear ripe fruit before the month is out. On a different note, parents will be looking at ways to improve the education of their children – even if it means paying for it privately.


October forecast

here may be a bit of a health risk hovering over the heads of some members of this sign. Middle-aged bunnies who drink, smoke and worry too much are my prime candidates – and if this is you, be sensible about what you’re doing, and take some time out to consider why you’re doing it. Even Taureans who are in stable, longterm relationships may feel that they are not fully appreciated or understood by their partners, and all Taureans are going to feel frustrated when they’re told that they’ve got to walk at a time when they want to run! This will cause many bulls, regardless of age or sex, to examine their lifestyles and to think very seriously about doing something quite definite and Draconian to change a few things buried in the bedrock of their existence. There should be no argument that life is ours to live and to enjoy – but Taureans will find it hard to convince others of this philosophy. Cash & career: While October promises to be quite exhilarating it is also

70 Vision 7

21 Apr - 21 May

a period of some risk and danger. Therefore do be careful and thoughtful about what you’re doing and don’t get too carried away by what other people are telling you. Watch your health and energy levels especially towards the end of the month when you’ll be looking at an extremely heavy workload – and where hard cash is concerned do not count your chickens until all the eggs have hatched. There IS a wonderful feeling of success and recognition around you this autumn, but don’t believe all of your own publicity and make a point of measuring whatever success you are enjoying by hard cash in the bank. I say that because I think October is going to be an expensive month with a high cash drain, and while you should be getting something back for all that’s going out of your bank accounts, your capital and credit is finite. Artistic Taureans who actively work in the arts should have their egos boosted to something of an all time high, but this is no time to sit on one’s laurels. Midwinter lurks around the corner and you

need to have a good supply of nuts to see you through.

Romance & relationships:

Although you may be enjoying an unprecedented degree of personal popularity, there may well be a few flashes of envy directed towards you from certain quarters and a degree of jealousy from a lover or partner who feels that you are getting big-headed about receiving more than your fair share of the limelight. From your point of view this must seem a little unfair and unkind, but I guess that’s life, and you must try hard not to let someone else’s lack of enthusiasm pull you down. There will be some clearly defined opportunities for romantic and sexual conquests, especially from the 14th or 15th onwards, and while you might be flattered, I don’t think you’re going to be tempted to do anything naughty at this time. It’s just nice to know that there are some people out there who appreciate your gifts and talents – and for the time being, that’s probably quite enough.


October forecast

ome domestic friction during the first days of the month will revolve around parent/child relationships and there will probably be some very strong words said around the 4th or 5th! Divided family loyalties will be something of a theme for the first couple of weeks but this is a situation which will be resolved during the third week of the month – although not to everyone’s satisfaction. Someone will put you in the position of having to make a choice that you feel you should not have to make, therefore it is hardly surprising if that choice goes against the person who has been putting you under all the pressure. On a more positive note, there are deep currents of harmony and intimacy where a one-on-one relationship is concerned and it is this relationship which should and must be seen as your most important priority. There should be some frustrating involvement with red tape and beurocracy between the 15th and 22nd and self-employed Geminis need to pay special attention to Inland Revenue returns and VAT.

22 May - 21 June

Cash & career: A central theme

Romance & relationships:

that dominates the first two or three weeks of October revolves around a “do I or don’t I?” decision relative to something that causes some tension or distress on the work scene. You’ll wibble and wobble and get hung on the horns of a dilemma until the 20th or 21st at which time the decision will get made (time will run out!) and you’ll feel a damn sight better thereafter. The dilemma is dashed to the ground, the uncertainty is removed, and you can move on through what has been quite a stumbling block secure in the knowledge that you have done the right thing, and if you want some hard proof to back that statement up, all you’ve got to do is look at your bank account towards the end of October and throughout the broad sweep of the winter ahead. Some medical condition might (and for heaven’s sake, I’m only saying might) have something to do with this scenario, and if we’re not talking about physical aspects here, then we are talking about mental attitudes and psychological appraisals.

The overall romantic situation must have a powerful influence over career ambitions and job situations, and as this is a time when your love life is being seen as significantly more important than your business life, it seems inevitable that affairs of the heart will be put before more practical and mundane issues. There are people (possibly bosses, colleagues, and in the case of younger members of the sign, parents and guardians) who will feel that you’ve got your priorities all wrong – but I disagree with them and I think you’ve got your priorities dead right… and if you do too, then for God’s sake stick to your guns and do not be subverted from your chosen course. There is one person who is definitely on your side and who is with you all the way and that is the person whose thoughts, feelings and needs you should pay most heed to. What is to their advantage is to yours and vice versa – this philosophy should dictate your every choice and decision.


October forecast

xpect some disappointment on the 3rd of October but as one door closes, another opens and the 9th of October promises some excellent news in connection with cash gains, exam results and all aspects of further education. Between the 9th and 19th you will be focusing on the practical aspects of life, but from the 20th onwards the mood shifts, and there is a high degree of sexual activity – and probably a bit of subterfuge associated with dangerous liaisons and midnight meetings in the car park. Deep within the Cancerian psyche there is a mood of injustice, and therefore anything you do to tip the scales back into your favour will seem entirely justifiable. At least it will to you. Other people around you might not be so sure. There is certainly a member of the opposite sex trying very hard to please and impress and while gentlemen of the sign might be willing to give this person a chance, ladies of the sign probably won’t. Cash & career: October promises to be an interesting and action-packed

72 Vision 7

22 June - 22 July

month for the majority of Cancerians with some strong legal aspects flavouring the first 7 or 8 days. Contracts and documents signed on or around October 8th will have some far reaching effect and certainly any new plans or ideas set in motion between the 1st and the 7th will bring a rapid response of change from the 8th or 9th onwards. There are a chunk of days between the 9th and 18th wherein work routines go through some degree of revolution and in the third week there is a specific opportunity for promotion when a boss moves up the ladder (or falls off) and leaves a space for you to enter. Cash aspects are generally favourable with some notable gains being made between the 23rd and the 30th. Single male Cancerians probably benefit the most from this trend but there’s no reason why other members of the sign should not enjoy a slice of the cake. Business-minded crabs will accept that they have to speculate to accumulate and those who have already taken a few risks during the last couple of months stand to

reap some of their reward on the 6th/16th and 26th.

Romance & relationships: October promises to be a bit of a moody month in affairs of the heart… some of you will be licking wounds received in September while others may well find themselves looking for some justice and maybe even revenge if they feel they have been wronged or let down by a partner. Sexual encounters happen by the numbers and sudden new infatuations are probably a bit suspect if you’re rebounding and recoiling from an older association. Having said that, your aggressive sexual mood could bring you great conquest, especially during the middle weeks of the month and then towards the end of the month around Halloween. A gentle warning here for the ladies – girls, what for you is no more than a diversion or a dalliance could be seen as something rather more serious by the person on the other end of your charms and this can only lead to further complications in the long run unless you are open about your intentions.


October forecast

ravel aspects are favourable between the 14th and the 21st, and there should be an interesting reunion with an old friend or an old flame during the last week of the month. It is also during this last week that an existing partner seems more willing to make greater efforts to see things from your point of view and make some compromises to make you feel a bit happier. There may be the sad news of a death in the first couple of weeks for Leos – or if not, something in your life will certainly die a natural death. The message here is that you should move along new pathways without looking back over your shoulder. Overseas property may have some distant association and there will be at least one conversation about getting out of the UK. Cash & career: A mid-month cash crisis puts you in the untenable position of having to do something you really don’t want to do and that goes against the grain of your pride and your principles.

23 July - 22 Aug

I don’t know what this will be exactly but I guess you’ll find out somewhere between the 14th and 18th. This should be an interesting period for anyone involved professionally in the arts, with some scary challenges cropping up in connection with deadlines – and again the epicentre of this activity is also around the five-day period between the 14th and the 18th. Lady Leos will come under some pressure from an insistent male who feels that you’ve got no choice other than to do what he wants you to do, and your challenge here is to give this egomaniac a well aimed stiletto up the arse! Creeping into the end of the month, from the 23rd onwards, there is a vibration of something sexual happening in your working environment, and again a word to the ladies – don’t allow yourself to be compromised for the sake of ambition or the desire to keep things on an even keel. A bit of boat rocking may well be in order even if it puts a colleague’s nose out of joint.

Romance & relationships:

There are a few romantic and sexual intrigues around you at the moment, but not necessarily where you might want them to be. Looking for romance in the moonlight or holding hands in front of the fire with a loved one will be elusive, but a bonk on the office desk may well be on offer. If you’re not getting what you want from one source you may well be tempted to take it from another, but it would not be wise to confuse these two issues if you care anything at all about your long-term emotional prospects. You are in danger of hurting someone who cares about you with a thoughtless word or action around the 9th – there’ll be no malice or spite in this or your part, it’s just that you’re feeling tired, stretched and under pressure you could well do without. A brightening social atmosphere towards the very end of the month will do a lot to lift your spirits and an invitation to a Halloween party could be the very thing which turns the romantic mood of the month much more to your liking.


October forecast

ctober will be a messy and a moody month much of the time but this will not entirely be your

fault. People close to you blow hot and cold and are not consistent in some of their attitudes. Parents of children may find that they have to take sides with warring siblings. Travel plans (either for late October or later in the winter) seem to hang in the balance while someone else makes their mind up about whether this is on or off, and people with safe savings will be looking at their portfolios and wondering just how safe they really are. This would not be a bad time to get some or all of your cash out of the stock market. Some sort of tax problem will be the subject of more than one discussion in these early winter days and you’ll be searching for ways to keep your hardearned cash in your own pocket rather than handing it over to a greedy government department. Cash & career: October will be a

74 Vision 7

23 Aug - 22 Sept

very busy month and also a very tiring one – so much so that you do need to be careful about maintaining energy and health levels. The good news is that the money should be rolling in nicely, but the bad news is that there will be a lot of tension in the air between colleagues and business partners, who are probably just as tense and tired as you are. Cut yourselves some slack and get problems out in the open. It must also be acknowledged that personal problems on the home front could affect your career judgement at this time, so do try hard to separate these issues. Some major decision will be made between the 15th and the 22nd but I’m not sure whether this is a decision you are making for yourself or one that someone else is making for you. Either way, this is not the best of times to act impulsively and you should take as much time as you need to consider all options.

Romance & relationships:

As you might have gathered, October will not be the calmest month in the Virgo

year. There are likely to be some heated disagreements between the 1st and the 7th when pride and principles get very much in the way of caring thoughts and common sense. Over-tiredness or a pocket of ill-health could affect not only your mood but also your judgement between the 8th and the 14th so try not to go too far out on a limb in this period. Anything (or something) to do with education seems to stand centre stage around the third week of October – and maybe one could add that this is a period wherein you could learn a lot from some old mistakes. There’s a brighter dynamism bubbling through from the 23rd/24th onwards when extra cash in your pocket makes you a little more confident in the bedroom – but there is still that background mood of disquiet when you look to the more long-term future and can’t quite get a handle on where you’re going. A partner will have some thoughts about this, but you might not find yourself totally in sympathy with this person’s point of view.


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by Clare Sheridan

Recommended The Winds of Change by Stephanie J King (Inner Sanctum Publications £14.99) How many of us have time to slow down and actually absorb a book? Well this is one that everyone should make time for. And slowing down is precisely one of the points that Stephanie tries to get across to readers: it’s time to slow down and take stock. Time to get rid of stress, worry and all that wasted energy so we can fully appreciate all that we have. Peppered with statements and sentiments direct from Spirit, as well as Stephanie’s own words and recommendations, this is insightful reading about how we all live our lives at a frantic pace. Only each of us as individuals can sort our lives out for ourselves – balance is the key. Stephanie King has written this with the

help of Spirit and many of the statements made in this tome hit home hard. The theme that love is the key to happiness is predominant throughout and Stephanie emphasizes that life is a gift, not a chore. The essential message here is that man creates his own destiny and every thought we have counts – so use them wisely. Happiness is the natural state everyone should be in. We need to focus in the present and not daydream or dwell on the past or what we think will happen in the future – even something that we know is only days away. Uplifting and enlightening, this book holds the key to a new lease of life for many. It has the potential to unlock behaviour patterns that we all get stuck in and encourages us to love who we are. Essential reading.

Just for Today by Stephanie J King (Inner Sanctum Publications £14.99) This second book from Stephanie has also been written with the aid of Spirit and works hand in hand with The Winds of Change. This is similar to an oracle – it is just in book form, rather than cards. This is not merely a book – it is a tool, a guide for each day. There are 379 insights of wisdom to absorb. The instructions are easy: simply sit comfortably, breathe deeply, let all

Silk & Bamboo CD by Patricia Spero and Tim Wheater (New World Music £10.95) Grab a taste of the Orient with this mesmerising release. Let Patricia Spero’s intoxicating Chinese Harp (Cheng) carry you away on the soft, silken stream, while Tim Wheater’s soothing bamboo flutes lift you up into the soothing breeze. The haunting sounds of the harp’s silk strings echo throughout the tracks on this CD. They combine with cymbals on Lamp of Wisdom to memorable effect and Patricia’s spirited harp playing produces a beautiful bird-like song sound on Dawn Wind Bird. The simple melody on Bridge of Stars is ideal for meditation and carries the listener away to a land steeped in mystery. Tibetan gongs, prayer cymbals and even Tibetan singing bowls add an ethereal

76 Vision 7

thoughts dissolve and open the book. Whichever lesson you first set your eyes on is the one you need at that time. Such insights include: ‘I must take each day one step at a time’; ‘I must help others find their peace’; ‘I must keep my life free of fear’; ‘I must be open and honest with myself’; or ‘I will have all that I need when I need it’. Each one is food for thought which has the potential to be dwelled upon over a lifetime. So go and get lost in a book – specifically these two!

quality to this release which is unassuming and gentle – almost like the dawn of a new day. Stunning. Reader offer: New World Music is offering readers the opportunity of purchasing Silk & Bamboo at the special price of £8.95 (normally £10.95 rrp), plus FREE postage & packing (normally £1.95)... a saving of nearly £4! To order contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or write to: Silk & Bamboo/Vision Offer, New World Music, Harmony House, Hillside Road East, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1RX. Please quote reference code V0905. For further information and a free catalogue call New World Music on 01986 891600 or visit The closing date for the offer is October 31 2005.

The Simple Art of Japanese Calligraphy by Yoko Takenami (CICO Books £16.99) Shodo (‘way of writing’) or calligraphy in Japan is not merely writing – it reflects the artist’s state of mind and personality. The characters capture a moment in time but can also reflect the cultural history of the country and regular practice can strengthen the inner self. This comprehensive guide covers the 3 basic characters: kanji (a visual representation of an entire word); hiragana and katakana (phoenetic alphabets); the history of calligraphy in Japan (including its Chinese origins), the ‘four treasures’ (materials) needed to begin: washi (paper); sumi (ink); fude (brushes) and suzuri (ink stones); as well as different brush techniques. Even the arrangement of your materials is a meditative process and Yoko carefully guides the reader through each project detailed such as the decoration of ceramics, greetings cards, cushion covers and even curtains! A fascinating insight into an enlightening art form.

The Simple Art of Sumi-E: Mastering Japanese Ink Painting by Takumasa Ono (CICO Books £16.99) This is an intricate guide to Sumi-E – the delicate art of Japanese brush painting. This differs from calligraphy in that the Sumi-E artist extracts the spirit of nature in each painting, although it is similar in that its roots are from China. This is been written very much in the same vein as The Simple Art of Japanese Calligraphy: it covers history, materials, technique (eg how to paint animals, flowers and landscapes) and projects you can do yourself such as decorating wall tiles, a lampshade and even a kite! This simple, intricate guide is the perfect way to decorate your home and hone a beautiful skill!

Zen Connection 3 CD by Leigh Wood (New World Music £14.95) This double CD collection is the third in a series of CDs by Leigh Wood celebrating the journey that is life. The combination of soothing sounds are split into two journeys: the first CD is Turn Left and the second is Turn Right – which journey will you choose first?! The left side has a bit more beat to it than the right side, but both still work well together if relaxation is your goal. This is truly a global release: Devotion No 1 by Loop Guru gets the Zen rolling with Protected by Angels CD by Stephen Rhodes (New World Music £10.95) Prepare to fly with the angels courtesy of Stephen Rhodes’ new release. Complete with sleeve notes by angel expert Diana Cooper, this uplifting release is perfect for anyone who wants to explore their angelic side. This ethereal album begins with the delightful healing harmonies and gentle bells on the title track of the same name as the album. Heavens Awake – a soothing mixture of piano and waterfall effect – complements the opening track beautifully and Archangel Michael lifts you so high you could be riding on the wings of the mighty one himself.

sitars setting the Indian feel and a slow techno vibe complementing natural sounds. Khuda by IK Science/Awasti brings an African vibe in, and How Does It Feel by Afterlife has a funky yet soothing beat. Take the right journey and you will come face to face with poignant pianos and violins on Walking Through by Kaya Project, as well as snazzy synth sounds on Floating Downstream by Amanaska. Although many of the tranquil tracks have a funky modern beat, they still retain their ancient mysticism. A chill-out CD with a sublime spiritual essence.

Diana Cooper’s sleeve notes recount genuine angelic experiences which provide food for thought as well as inspiration to have you flying high. Reader competition: New World Music have got 20 copies of Protected by Angels to give away to readers. Send your name and address on a postcard to Protected by Angels CD/Vision Competition, Reference Code V0905P, New World Music, Harmony House, Hillside Road East, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1RX, by October 31 2005. The first 20 names drawn after the closing date will win a CD. For further information and a free catalogue call New World Music on 01986 891600 or visit

Vision 7


78 Vision 7

Vision 7


80 Vision 7

Vision 7


Send your events to: Day Tripper, Vision, 42a Main Street, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1AA or email Every Monday: Meditation class, Healthy Spirit shop, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester. 7.30pm. £4. All levels are welcome. Call 0161 434 6784 for more details or to book. September 17: One-to-one angel readings with Angel Reiki Master Eileen McLoughlin, Healthy Spirit shop, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester. Cost £25 per reading. Call 0161 434 6784 for more details or to book a reading. September 18: Bath & West Showground Rock ‘n’ Gem Show, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. 10am-5pm. Admission £2.60 for adults and £1.25 for children (8-16 years). Call 01628 621697 for more details. September 18: Mind Body Soul Event, Quality Hotel, Loughborough. Call County Fairs on 0116 239 4366 for more details or email September 19 & October 3: Pathways to Healing Workshop with counsellor Jacqueline Williams and nutritionist Sarah Casey, Healthy Spirit shop, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester. 1-3pm. £25 per session (or £50 for both – price includes supporting materials). Advance bookings only. Call 0161 434 6784. September 24: Colour and Energy Workshop with Reiki Master and angel and colour therapist Diane Whittingham, Healthy Spirit shop, 37 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester. 10.30am-4pm. £35 (including buffet lunch). Call 0161 434 6784 to book or for more details. September 24: 1-day Hopi Ear Candling Practitioner Training, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Cost £95. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information. September 24/25: Mind Body Soul Exhibition, Charter Hall, Leisure World, Cowdray Avenue, Colchester. 10am-6pm each day. Admission £4.50 for adults and £3.50 concessions per day (discount ticket for both days available). Aromatherapy, crystals, Feng Shui, massage, reflexology, Tai Chi, yoga and much more. Visit for more details. September 25: 1-day Indian Head Massage Practitioner Training, Willow Lodge Healing

82 Vision 7

Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Cost £95. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information.

songs and drumming to connect with the land and Spirit. £185. For more details call Lynn on 01795 874542 or Martyn on 01304 840386. Visit

September 25: Health and Psychic Fair, Elvaston Castle, Elvaston, Derbyshire. Contact Sally Wathen at Lifestyle Promotions on 0115 973 2695 for more details.

October 7: An Evening of Clairvoyance with international medium Carl Parker at The Coot, Great Urswick, near Ulverstone, Cumbria. 7.30pm. Tickets cost £6 from Crystal Clear shop, Ulverstone. Call 01229 588946.

September 26: International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) free lecture on Astral Travel as a Tool for Personal Development, 45 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London. 7.30pm. Call 020 7723 0544, visit or email for more details.

October 8: 1-day Hopi Ear Candling Practitioner Training, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm.Cost £95. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information.

September 26: Aqua Cleanse Detox Practitioner Training, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–2pm. Special offer price £670 (includes full therapy kit and therapist referral system). Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information.

October 8/9: International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) Consciousness Development Program (Module 1), 45 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London. 1–6.30pm. Call 020 7723 0544, visit or email for more details.

October 1-2: Psychic Fayre with healing event, Shrewsbury Radbrook Hall Hotel. Visit for more details or call 0115 986 3692.

October 8/9: Two-day Crystal Course with psychic Samantha Hamilton, The Metta Centre, Boston, Lincs. 10am-5pm. Cost £150 per person (£210 including accommodation). The course is fully certified and accredited. Call 01529 460426 or visit for more details.

October 2: Living with your Angels in the Spiritual Zone workshop with Gary Quinn, Bristol. £70 (including vegetarian lunch and refreshments). For more details call 01934 429 148 or visit October 3: International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) free lecture on Astral Travel as a Tool for Personal Development, 45 Great Cumberland Place, Marble Arch, London. 7.30pm. Call 020 7723 0544, visit or email for more details. October 4: Mind Body and Spirit Event, Quality Hotel, Whitney Way, Boldon, Tyne & Wear. 10am-5pm. Readers, therapists and stalls. Free talk at 1.30pm. Admission £2.50 (children under 16 admitted free with an adult). Call John & Ann on 01609 770225 or 0776 614 5353 for more details. October 6-10: A Shamanic Experience, The Roseven Centre, Woodmanswell, North Brentor, Tavistock, Devon. A residential course in which people will work with music,

October 9: Mind Body Soul Event, The Haycock Hotel, Wansford, near Peterborough. Contact County Fairs on 0116 239 4366 or email for more details. October 9: 1-day Practitioner Training in Indian Head Massage, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–5pm. Cost £95. Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information. October 10: Aqua Cleanse Detox Practitioner Training, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. 10am–2pm. Special offer price £670 (includes full therapy kit and therapist referral system). Call 0845 226 3132 to book or visit for further information.

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