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Founder: Sammi Addey Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those held by the publishers and editors. © Copyright Vision Magazine Ltd and/or contributors. All rights reserved. No part, written or visual (including adverts typeset by Vision) of the magazine (including the logo) may be reproduced, without written permission from the publishers. Call 0113 286 6789 for subscriptions and back issues. All images © Vision unless otherwise stated. Distributors: ODYSSEY Publisher Services Ltd Printers: DOCQWISE Business Services Ltd Competitions: The first correct entry drawn at random after the closing date will be notified. Competitions are open to all residents of the UK aged 18 or over except employees of Vision Magazine Ltd, their families, contributors, its printers and anyone else connected to the competition. There is no cash alternative unless otherwise stated. The editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


the Chinese way of the dead (p6); delves into Yin Yang (p18); explores the tradition of Chinese New Year (p22); and tells us all about Feng Shui (p48). But that is not all – learn about Chinese mythical animals and the country’s spiritual history from Dr Keith Belmont (pages 14 and 16). And the culture continues with our features on Bruce Lee (p20), Chinese Thank you herbal medicine (p24), Tai Chi I felt I really must write to all at Vision to say thank you (p38), PLUS find out what for a brilliant magazine. I absolutely love it! your destiny holds with our At last a magazine that covers all the subjects that I am interactive fortune cookies interested in, and the free CD is wonderful – I enjoyed it (p34)! so much. You’d think we My favourite pages were Coven Corner. Your white witch wouldn’t be able to squeeze Georgia made me feel as though I belonged to her coven. any more in – but you’d be No other magazine has made me feel part of it like Vision wrong! Our 84 pages are has. jam-packed with more Do please keep up the good work, I can’t wait for the next spiritual and holistic clout issue! than Bruce Lee had muscle. Jackie Hawkins, Slough. See our spiritual awareness section (starting on p28) to An angelic debut find out how to hone your Thank you, all your staff and contributors for a simply psychic abilities, work with wonderful magazine. The best part was listening to the your spirit guide and even free CD, Walk with Vision. discover your aura! I decided to take part in the guided meditation. I knew Look out for the from past experiences that the Archangel Gabriel was second part of the crystal First helping me, and another angel called Mary was also Aid kit (p52), as well as heal important. During the meditation I was like a child and your pet (p54) and, of course, was embraced by an angel with feelings of femininity. The Coven Corner (p56). The best name I was given was Mary Benedict! winter warmer if ever there There were no overwhelming senses, just a peaceful calm. was one is the chance to win a I also received reassurance concerning fears I have for my place on a Tai Chi and Qigong adorable two-year-old granddaughter Kayla. I saw a course (p77), or some cool glimpse off a small child sleeping in a bed and a pair of magic with one of six Isatreya hands held over her, protecting and loving her. crystal wands to give away. What a welcome experience. So there’s no excuse Eleanor Morgan, Angus. not to be warm both in body and spirit with this issue. Go A lyrical Vision on – have Did you see Vision? I got mine just plus dream catchers, Indian some last week. Commandments, Vision! Lots of information and things for and books I love to loan. warm welcome to the second edition of Vision. It may be cold outside but let us banish those winter blues with this, our ultimate guide to Chinese New Year and the Chinese culture. Curl up with Carole Chui as she guides us through


you to keep. Dean Court in York a memory, I lived there for years, was married in Clifton Church, St Philip and St James. And do you believe in angels? You should they are always there, helping and guiding you whether busy or in prayer. The Native American Indians, I have a collection of my own,

Then we have James Christie’s forecasts for the year 2005, so read and see your month ahead, it’s good to be alive. So thank you for Vision, I hope you will go far. Good luck, God bless to all of you, may you be blessed by your guiding star!

Dorothy Brown, Hull.

Clare editor

Ed’s note: Thank you for all your lovely letters - keep them coming to the address top left.

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P14 Myth imitates life P6 The Chinese way of death P8 Experiences Explained P9 Visionaries P12 Team spirit - how to be a ghost hunter part two

Mystical China P20 Little Dragon Lee And the rest.. P26 Destiny Doctors P74 Reviews P76 Subscriptions P77 Competitions P82 Day Tripper 4 Vision 1

P16 Philosophies of a nation P18 Opposites attract P22 Have a lucky new year P24 Chinese herbal medicine

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P38 The mysterious martial art P28 Keep your feet on the ground P30 True colours P32 You are never alone P34 A tasty fortune P40 I Ching dreams P41 Dream Directory P42 Say cheese

P48 Feng Shui facts P44 Exercise the laid-back way P45 Rainbow of relaxation P46 Pins and needles P50 The sacred stone of the Orient P52 A crystal First Aid Kit part 2 P54 Heal your pet P56 Coven Corner

P58 Animal instincts: find your Chinese zodiac animal sign

P61 What lies ahead for you in the year of the rooster? P62

February horoscopes

by James Christie

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Carole Chui investigates the Chinese festivals for the dead, with assistance from her husband Rod Chui.


went to work in Hong Kong in 1981, and in 1982 married into a Chinese family after something of a whirlwind courtship. This involved dates at 6am to take tea and dim sum in cafes where old men sat with birds in cages. It was yesterday’s world surviving in modern Hong Kong. Who could resist? When I strolled out of the bottom gate of the university towards the harbour, I would pass Lofty Virtues Publishing, then New Scholar Beauty Parlour, before coming to a small, dark and fascinating shop with no English name. Inside were delicate paper models stretched over sticks, like kites. There were cars, aeroplanes and houses. There were also paper clothes and money. My husband explained to me that these were for the dead and would be burned at funerals - for the traditional Chinese, he said, there is no heaven, only hell - and hell, say the old people, is not free. The relatives help out by burning money and consumer goods made of paper. He pointed out that even televisions could be seen among the goods. Virtuous ancestors lived in the top circle of hell and needed money just as we do. Below were 18 circles full of torture for those who led evil lives, as gruesomely depicted in stone in the Tiger Balm Gardens of Hong Kong. When Rod was a child in Shanghai, before fleeing the Cultural Revolution, his grandmother taught him

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that at night he must always walk without looking back, and imagine a light shining out of his forehead, leading him onwards. I assumed she meant that this would light his way amongst the night terrors, but he said that was not what she had meant. She told him that behind him were his ancestors – and if he looked behind, he might scare them away. The light was his spirit, looking forward. She told him that some people could see ghosts all the time, and they ‘had Yin Yang eyes’. Ghosts are Yin and the living Yang. She taught him many things. He knew that when a family lost a son before he was old enough to marry, they would seek out a similar family who had lost a daughter for a spirit marriage, to continue their interrupted lives in


is not free

Burnt Chinese Hell Notes.

companionship in the world beyond. I was taken to meet grandmother in early April 1984, to introduce our baby daughter to her great grandmother. The meeting place was on a hillside in the New Territories overlooking the sea, with unbeatable Feng Shui. My husband had cooked his grandmother’s favourite food – rice and green beans – and now had to update her on the year’s happenings, and introduce her to her new descendant. I, the ‘gwei po’ (foreign ghost woman), had not been included before. I was very honoured - but I knew that grandmother had been dead for many years! It was the festival of Ching Ming (clear brightness) and this is the main festival of the three festivals for the dead in the Chinese calendar. Ching Ming is a solar festival, falling at the mid-point of Aries (April 4th or 5th) each year. It is one of the two grave-sweeping days of the traditional Chinese year. The other is Chung Yeung, an autumn festival which falls on the

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9th day of the 9th month of the lunar year. If a family only sets out once a year, Ching Ming is the time. Many Hong Kong families make the effort to go back to their ancestral villages on the mainland. The grave is cleaned, the lettering redone, and the family gathers to bring favourite food, burn incense and update the ancestor on what has happened over the year. There is a picnic on the grave, and it is a happy family occasion. Chinese graves are not marked by a heavy slab, but by a gently curved headstone, representing the protective mountain behind and gentle hills to either side - perfect Feng Shui. All around me, families gossiped and picnicked and the continuation of life was celebrated in the midst of remembering the dead. Rod told me that banquets would also be held on the birthday of the

deceased. Food would be laid out, and places set for all the family, in whichever world. Candles and incense would be burned, and money made of special silver paper. Only when the incense and candles burned down would the family in this world begin to eat. Chung Yeung, the autumn festival, was less popular in Hong Kong. Legend has it that a man went up into the mountains in Han Dynasty times with his family, having been warned to avoid disaster. He returned to find his animals and neighbours dead. Since many graves are in the hills, the ceremony of going up into high places was easily – and with great practicality – linked to an autumn visit to the gravesites. The Chinese way of death is very practical. The third festival for the dead is

Yue Lan, the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts. It starts on the 14th day of the 7th lunar month and marks the start of a 30-day period when the ghosts are let out of hell. It is the Chinese equivalent of Halloween. Every morning during this period when I stepped outside, I would find the remains of burned Hell Notes. My husband said his family regarded the hungry ghosts as beggars, and this was the equivalent of tossing a coin to make the beggars leave you alone. Some ghosts have no ancestors to honour them, or died violently and are restless, so money is burned for them to keep them away. Continuity of the family beyond death is taken for granted in traditional Chinese beliefs, and there is even a welfare system for those who fall through the family net!

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Diana Jarvis explains your weird experiences Forgotten incidents

I used to do weird things when I was younger. When I was in my mum’s house I wasn’t myself. My sister said I looked like I was in a different world – I used to hold a knife to my sister’s stomach, or a piece of mirror to her throat and laugh at her! I was 14/15-years-old at the time. That happened twice. I don’t remember any of it. I didn’t like it in that house. I have never experienced anything like that before. Lauren, Leeds. Diana says: During the teenage years, hormones wreak havoc and teenagers often behave in a manner that is unlike their ‘normal’ selves. There are a number of down-to-earth possibilities, including PMT. Another illness, which is more extreme, is Dissociative Disorder, also known as Multiple Personality Disorder. Of note is that with MPD, the person concerned dissociates from the fundamental aspects of waking consciousness and remembers nothing - I notice that you said you had no memory of these events. But as you say you only experienced this behaviour twice, I would say that it is most likely to be a hormone imbalance rather than some kind of demonic possession. I would say to anyone that experiences something so distressing - first of all consult their doctor; second enhance their psychic protection. Imagine a brilliant white light coming down into the top of your head and surrounding your whole body in an egg shape, see it clearly in your mind and imagine it growing so that it forms a protective cocoon around you. Do this often to ensure that your natural psychic protection is enhanced. If you would like to share your experiences, send them to Diana Jarvis at the Vision address or email: Please give as many details as possible - tell us what you saw; how you felt; and what you sensed etc. We reserve the right to edit letters.

Vexed by vinyl

My younger daughter did a music project at school and needed some help. She wanted to know if I had an Abba album. There was one under the stairs in a cardboard box full of things - but it was packed tight. She wanted the album Supertrooper, but she couldn’t get it because it was too tightly packed. I told her to give me ten minutes so I could finish what I was doing and then I’d get it out. I went into the cupboard and was hit by a strong smell of cigarettes. I looked at the box and that particular album had come out of the box - just the end poking out. How did this happen? Sue, Leeds. Diana says: It is not well known, but smells that can’t be accounted for are one of the commonest experiences that people have. Among these, the smell of tobacco in any form is probably top of the list, followed by rose or lavender perfume. It is possible that someone had been smoking in that room, or even in another part of the building and that the smell had permeated through. If you know for sure that this is not possible, it certainly suggests something paranormal, but does not prove it, of course. Be sure that there is no way the album could have come out on its own. Assuming that neither of these occurrences can be logically explained, my instinct would suggest to me that a loved one who has passed on (and who smoked) was trying to let you know that they are still there and around you.

Snapshot spirit?

I visited York for a day out and the friend I was with took this photo of me in one of the parks. There was no camera strap or clothing in the way of the lense and I saw nothing next to the photographer, yet these strange marks appeared. What are they? Clare, Hull. Diana says: If you are certain that the mark is not a camera strap hanging down or a reflection from a bannister or clothing, then I would term this photo a ‘vortex’. A vortex is a phenomena alleged to be a stage in the process of full manifestation of a spirit entity. Much rarer than orbs and less likely to be created by moisture, pollen or dust, a vortex is a sign that there may have been a ghostly presence there. No-one can ever tell you this is fact, but if it can’t be explained away you can consider your photo ‘paranormal’.

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Visionaries Vigil The time: A cold winter’s night. The place: East Cottage (Georgia’s humble abode), outbuildings and surrounding woodland, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire. The Visionaries: Diana Jarvis, Georgia Mead; Rachel Lacy, and Nance Turner. by Nance Turner


f you go down to the woods today...! We investigated a variety of places in our spooky location this month including the coach house (in the grounds near the cottage), the cottage itself and a wood! I’ll admit I had visions of The Blair Witch Project - but it wasn’t that bad! Armed with all our equipment once again, this was one challenge that we couldn’t wait to start.

The coach house (above)

The Visionaries: Georgia, Nance, Rachel & Di; Main picture: East Cottage.

The first thing that we all picked up on in here was that there seemed to be a lot of Spirit waiting for us. Both Di and myself picked up on a couple inside. As Di entered she picked up on a young man, maybe a handyman with dark hair, connected to horses. She also got an older woman in her 50s with a lovely personality, wearing a long dress, but quite poor in its design.

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She felt that this was a couple who often stood near the window, looking out! She also got the year 1860, and the name John or Toby (Tobias). I got the years 1875 -1885, and the names Mary and Rose. From what I have recently been told, the coach house was quite a respectable place, guests had to be known to stay there - guests also had to be clean and respectable. I also felt that there was some kind of service to and from the coach house, like a taxi service. I then got the name Richard and links to Stoke-on-Trent. Georgia kept hearing the song Vincent over and over, which of course you can’t help but sing along to. Rachel also caught an orb on our night vision camera which floated up past my shoulder.

Outbuildings & driveway near the guest house

As we neared the outbuildings I got the sense that at one time they were lived in – not by servants, but an extension of the family. It had been altered and the garage felt as though it should have been attached to the house. It had a much more homely feel to it. Di picked up on a gentleman smoking a pipe, and described him as having a hooked nose. Again she had the sense of a nice homely feeling. The cottage is attached to a guest house and as we stood and looked at the house, Di picked up on a woman who seemed to be in a lot of distress. There was also a lot of unhappiness surrounding the place. Again she picked up a young woman, in her early 20s. Di felt she had something to do with the coal industry. When I saw the house I picked up on a sense of tragedy, which may have involved a child. It felt tragic, sad and lost. It was not a happy house at all. I also sensed a family rift attached to the house with lots of legal issues - quite a

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bitter battle between two people who were quite well to do, but not rich. I picked up some kind of links to the coal industry. At this stage I pointed to the balcony, and said that the place should be knocked down. I also said that there was a lot of folklore connected to the house itself.

East cottage (below)

The cottage was the most interesting site for me. I felt that the place should have been bigger, like there was an extension

at one time. I got the feeling that this place at some point produced its own vegetables. I also got the name Jack who had quite a strong presence. I also felt that apart from horses, there might have been other animals like cows, pigs etc. I felt that the dining room had been altered from how it was originally. The doorway should have been a walk-way through and the kitchen was in the wrong place, it shouldn’t have been there at all. I picked up that there had always been some sort of building on this site,

The interior of East Cottage (above); Left: an orb captured on digital camera in the outbuilding.

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Left: a vibrant orb captured in the woods on digital camera; Below: Nance and Di test their equipment in the woods.

the foundations were older - I got the year 1600 - and an Anglo Saxon connection. In the lounge Di picked up on a motherly lady, the mother of the girl in the lane, she was very protective. There was a very womanly feel to the house as though men were not welcome. Di went very cold, and wasn’t sure if she felt she was disliked or distrusted - she was close to tears. I felt that someone had died in the corner of the lounge near the fireplace - it wasn’t a negative or positive feeling, the energy just felt like a vortex. I didn’t like the room and couldn’t wait to leave. Upstairs in the main bedroom, Di again picked up the woman from downstairs she felt like crying and had severe head pains. She also said that someone had fallen down the stairs that led from the office next door, and could taste blood. She got the name Gregory. When I entered the room I sensed a man by the name of Robert, a short man, wearing a waistcoat who drew my attention to the fact that he didn’t have a pocket watch. It felt like the room had a split personality and should have been be smaller than it was. I got strong links to the North East and I left with a bad headache.

The woods

The thought of spending a couple of hours walking around a wood at 1am didn’t fill me with enthusiasm. But us girls are tough so off we went armed with cameras, dowsing rods, emf meters and small torches! All we felt was the constant drop in temperature and the feeling we were being watched. Spooky fog didn’t help –

talk about atmospheric! We did, however, get quite amazing photographs, which you can see above. The emf meter did not pick anything up but the dowsing rods (pictured on opposite page top left) did cross on odd occasions and that is when we caught the mists on camera.

DON’T MISS the next issue when The Visionaries will be visiting the Golden Fleece pub - the most haunted pub in York!

Location history by Georgia Mead

The main house was built 1820 and used as residential home, East Cottage was the servants’ quarters. The main building later became a retirement home and is now a b&b. Due to a rift in family (which Nancy picked up on), the house was split into two parts. There is talk of a story where a young woman committed suicide from the balcony of the guest house, leaving a small child behind. It is believed that this little girl still roams the halls and the mother still searches for her. During the Second World War the owner of the house encountered problems with a light that would come on in the room where the woman had died - this would cause concern as it was a time where no light would be allowed in (due to blackout). Since I have lived there, my mother has encountered phenomena. She was

sleeping in my room one night and was woken by a little girl whom she thought to be my daughter standing next to her bed - yet when she turned the light on, the little girl had gone. My house has a deep disliking for men! My father won’t stay with me and a friend’s husband was attacked in the bathroom by bottles of shampoo and the shower head. He then ran through the dining room and a glass cabinet that I have flew open (it is locked). So now, whenever he comes to stay, he won’t go to the toilet at night on his own! My partner Jason has had several encounters with aggressive ghosts and found that one night after falling asleep on the sofa he woke to find what he felt were hands around his throat! Nancy took an instant disliking to the lounge and this seems to be the room where I always capture pictures of orbs.

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Diana Jarvis continues her guide on how to be a ghost hunter.

ow that you have a team and some equipment, the next stage is to plan and conduct the vigil. It is time to allocate roles to attendees. The titles I’ve used are common, but you may call your team anything you wish!

The Chief Investigator: Conducts research on history and hauntings prior to the investigation. He/she will decide on layout of experiments as well as team roles, obtain statements from witnesses to the haunting and know the layout of the building from a prior recon. The Medium(s): The medium(s) will attempt to communicate with spirits at the site and if there are two or more they must work separately so that there can be no collaboration. This ensures ‘visions’ are not prompted by auto suggestion. Pendulums and/or dowsing rods may be used to check for paranormal disturbances. Investigator: The Investigator sets up and logs experiments as well as information received by the medium(s). Good handwriting is essential and shorthand always useful. Attention to detail is vital. A vigil record, which covers everything, should be completed after the event. Even if a vigil seems very light on activity, make sure you archive it, you may find later that a small piece of information turns out to have major significance. Historian/Researcher: A role usually reserved for the Chief Investigator, in large teams this role can be given to someone exclusively. An excellent knowledge of history and a flair for research are necessary. It is a mistake to think that information obtained during the vigil will tally with notes you already have on the haunting. A good medium can pick up information that is not already known and can be verified with later research.

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Operations: This area needs someone to man it throughout the vigil. Time is usually split into shifts. This is where equipment is stored when not being used and is also somewhere to eat, drink and take a break. It may be used to locate a television, which should be connected to a zero lux/infra-red camcorder. The television can be monitored for orbs and ectoplasm. Record the picture onto DVD or video for checking after the event. Set the video/DVD counter to zero before you start so the person manning can take a reading.

A sample timetable may look like this:

Working a vigil should be a planned operation, but what happens during the actual vigil will dictate the form that the investigation takes.

Experiment Set-Up: The Investigators set up experiments in places designated and agreed. This is a good point to lay trigger objects, set flour traps as well as CCTV and Camcorders.

Team Briefing: The team is briefed at the start of the investigation by the Chief Investigator – who explains layout and allocates roles. Experiments are discussed and planned (it may be necessary to add or amend these later). Safety issues are raised and dealt with, the Operations room is chosen and equipment set up. Methods of keeping in contact are decided. Meet-up points and times are decided. Equipment Readings and Medium(s) Sweeps: These will continue through the night and be amended depending on activity.

Medium Sweep: The medium(s) tour the building with an investigator(s) who takes notes and checks for scientific anomalies. Everything should be recorded - a simple detail may mean something later. The medium(s) determine points of potential paranormal activity during their tour.

Séance(s): These are conducted at appropriate intervals and may include all the mediums present. If all mediums are present, no previous channellings should be discussed. It is helpful if séances are recorded by camcorder or dictating machine. Medium(s) conducting the séance should be able to advise on psychic protection.

Ouija Board: Anyone can join in a Ouija board session, providing they are happy to do so and if the owner of the building has given permission. Many people hate Ouija boards and you may cause a great deal of ill will if you use one without permission. All present should be informed on methods of psychic protection. Notes should be taken or a dictating machine used. If there is any indication of anomalies or unpleasant communication, it should stop immediately!

Debriefing: Conducted at the end of the vigil with results discussed. This is when the mediums find out if they came up with anything verifiable, although some information may only come to light after the event.

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The activites on the left are merely an example. The only way to get results is to get out there and do it! However you decide to work, do not give ghost hunting a bad name. Consider the people who have to live at the location after you’ve had your excitement and moved on. Think about your team and do not make anyone do anything they feel uncomfortable with. Some common sense, an open mind and a thirst for further knowledge will ensure good results. Who knows, maybe you will be the first person to conclusively prove that ghosts exist!?

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Dr Keith Belmont unveils the mythical animals of Chinese tradition and how myth is translated into daily Chinese life.


he Chinese traditionally divided animals into five classes with mythical representatives: Phoenix for feathered creatures; Unicorn for furry creatures; Man for naked creatures; Dragon for scaly; and Tortoise for shells. The Unicorn was later substituted by the 1,000-year-old White Tiger. A reference to femininity comes from both the Unicorn and the White Tiger. Here the Chinese myth shows that daily social experience is explained and given power by an image: so we know instantly what a reference to the myth means. Myth is a universal tale for mankind. Phoenix with the other mythical animals is a sign the land is being ruled well. In Chinese Feng Shui, Phoenix is in the geographical south of the Bagua (the plan used for organizing space). It offers clarity and identity for the status and lineage of the ruler. If Phoenix is shown with a Dragon it means the Empress rather than Emperor. Arts and crafts in China are covered with images of mythical animals in combination with other images delivering cultural messages. A language of this nature was a precursor to Chinese calligraphy. The Chinese language to this day is simply a ‘pictographic’ one. Each word is a picture or sequence of pictures building up feeling of meaning rather than giving defined meaning. Such a language encourages interpretation and reinterpretation. Other languages, such as our own, tend towards precision, deliberately avoiding reinterpretation and hence give us an illusion the written or spoken word is apparently more accurate. Myth therefore, to the Chinese, provides the potential to feel life and is crucial to all their experience. Because the written character Phoenix is ‘Feng Huang’ (a partial character for ‘wind’) it is thought the Phoenix was once a God of wind, and being Yang in the nature of human behaviour, it is not long before we see how its myth has been used to tie Shamanism, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism together. One skill evident in many Chinese is their ability to integrate foreign influence and make it their own. The mythic animals and the web of myth as an active life-giving force is one of the ways the integration is done. A picture with Phoenix on the right and Dragon on the left means Man and Wife. Dragon on the Bagua, however, is

east, effectively the beginning of the day. Its energy is also the element of wood: Phoenix is fire. The fuel added means new life is delivered into the centre of the bagua which is ‘the well’ source or Tai Chi. The mythical stories also explain negative life experience. Since Dragon is called ‘Lung’ in Chinese (which also means ‘deaf’), Phoenix sees easily what Dragon cannot hear. Marriage overcomes difficulty or weaknesses of the individuals. The Blue-Green Dragon spent winter in the earth, and on the second day of the second month (lunar) brought rain and thunder, an agricultural start was heralded in the fields. Tradition held festivities on this day. If you find a piece of the Dragon then you are especially lucky. The Unicorn and White Tiger on the bagua depict lots of children and creative Chi or dynamism. If longevity was and still is prized in China then so too is the dynamic creativity of youth. Myth helps explain converse ideas in Chinese philosophy. Rash action, the folly of youth, alongside wisdom born of reverence for longevity and respect of age are evident in the Tiger and Tortoise. Children in China are given Tiger caps to protect them and yet Tigers are so feared that their name has been taboo in some regions of China. But rather than kill Tigers, another option of begging the Tigers to go into the mountains and stay away from humans has regularly occurred. The Tortoise is last. We know the Tortoise, but we do not know the Dragon-headed Tortoise. This is a symbol of longevity plus fabulous power and wealth. Its very shell was a wonder as it was said to conceal heaven and earth. The shell was heated over a fire in early divination rituals. The hero of many stories, it tamed the Yellow river, and much more. As an example of longevity, even Chairman Mao was told he could move mountains but he could not change the Tortoise. It is north on the bagua and this direction is the source of order to Chinese life, so much so in fact that Tortoise is called ‘King Eight’ or master of the eight (the bagua is the eight field system worked out by the early dynasties to control water supply and hence life-giving chi to the empire). In summary then, the mythical animals are an attempt to image an expression of life in China, in order that all could literally feel rather than think their way through daily life. Myth - the oriental heartbeat.

Myth is a universal tale for mankind and an expression of life in China

About the author: Dr Keith Belmont gives personal and corporate Ching, Mah Jong and other readings to encourage us to take part in the flow of our own destiny, through his company Green Dragon Feng Shui. Call 01434 606258.

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Dr Keith Belmont delves into the philosophical history of ancient China.

ow little is known in the West about China! The nature of bureaucracies in China governed the transfer of information. In this we in the West are like the Chinese, despite thinking them distant, and ‘Eastern’. The history of China points out how our pathways vary. China has people who put their philosophy into daily practice. But so do we. China has most of its inhabitants employed in agriculture still, to this day. If that does not make for pessimism then add in being conquered by Tibet and the Mongols. Yes that is right, conquered by a warlike Tibet! Other ‘barbarian incursions’ from the North and North West meant China had a dislike of foreigners. Various small dynasties developed and this was a process that continued in excess of 3,000 years before Christ. Exact dates are known and traded in many encyclopedias but texts like the I Ching (The Book of Changes) have been dated anything from 1,123BC to 3,000BC.

Life force

The essence of this text, which is but one of many ancient texts and scriptures, is that it focuses on the flow of energy, life force, or chi. Acupuncture proposes this for the body, the Ching casts chi in the whole of daily life. It suggests what can be done to interpret the underlying flow of energy in a moment in life and how we can change our perceptions as a result. It talks of acceptance of the reality of the situation, the reality of the moment, the reality of all action as a snapshot in time, which in the next moment will again change and need reinterpretation. Carl Jung spoke of the text as using ‘synchronicity’ or, in other words, we have the answer to problems in our heads. The Ching offers it rephrased in front of us, which makes the situation meaningful to us. When we look at other aspects of Chinese religion and history the relevance of this is even more underlined.

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Pages from the Tao Te Ching.

Philosophy Such a population used Shamanic practice and ancestor worship to provide wisdom from their experience of day-today difficulties. Ritual brought experience into the present moment in trance or ceremony. Today we have military parades - they remind us of what has been done to get us where we are and to avoid the mistakes of the past whilst accepting the success. Shamanic practice in China is called ‘Windhorse’, literally the wind, the seasons, the elements, animals and plants are connected with us, guiding social behaviour and helping us cope with change. China is well-known for its geographic hazards of many kinds. A Chinese smile can mean worry or embarrassment as far as social graces are concerned. In order to save face they will say what you want to hear; they will not say what they think. They will refer to their personal spiritual experience to cope.

Taoism is the only home-grown belief system of central China. The founder was Lao Tzu, said to have been born when a Unicorn was seen in the empire around 604 BC (there is debate as to if he existed since the name translates as ‘old man’). Some say Confucianism came into being as a result of consultation with Taoists. With the exception of Mao, Confucius is the other major name synonymous with China and its philosophy. Born in 551 BC, after an unsuccessful career in government, at the age of 50 he spent the next 22 years wandering from warring state to warring state giving advice on life. His ideas now are translated at every level of Chinese and Western life. Perhaps proof that wisdom does not require worldly success? Buddhism only came to China in the 1st century AD. The tradition of China is that of a more socially viable one than other Buddhist traditions: ‘Since all existence is one, the fate of the individual is linked to the fate of the others’.

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This Chinese tradition means that in practice innumerable hells are possible as well as heavens. It means elaborate ritual addresses the Buddha nature in all sentient beings in keeping with Chinese life. When we look at the present day with the Mao Tse Tung revolution, he still holds the social integration line just the same, and accents the social reality of traditional philosophy. In the ‘Little Red Book’, just as in the Tao Te Ching and in

the I Ching and all the other texts, the reality of life is that the Chinese see no problem in change. They also see no difficulty in holding exactly opposing views on a single situation, holding both equally valid. The ultimate truth in oriental life and philosophy is that of recognition of the here and now, acceptance of here and now is ‘natural’. The next step into free choice relies on translating the feeling of the individual into the moment

at high risk (gambling is popular in China). This is the Chinese real light path. The point they teach us is that we create our own reality in the moment - isn’t that enticing? About the author: Dr Keith Belmont gives personal and corporate Ching, Mah Jong and other readings to encourage us to take part in the flow of our own destiny, through his company Green Dragon Feng Shui. Call 01434 606258.

This door in the Forbidden City, Bejing, is a potent symbol of how chi, entering the life of the Emperor, protected him from evil influences. A raised step and red/black studded door were effective charms! This was just the front door of course, an armoury of energy defences followed as the Emperor was too important to leave his chi to chance. © Mary Belmont

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Carole Chui (pictured far right) reveals that opposites need each other as far as Yin and Yang are concerned.

he Tai Ji symbol for Yin and Yang begins with a perfect, but blank circle, symbolising potentiality. Into that perfect expectancy come the forces of Yin and Yang. The genius of the symbol is that Yin and Yang do not each take up occupation in one half of the circle, but swirl round it, fitting around each other and containing a seed of the other. They are complementary opposites. Consider what happens if we divide a circle into black and white halves. We still get the concept of day and night, for example, but we do not get the notion of their need for each other, nor the idea that ‘the darkest hour is just before dawn’. Look at the Tai Ji again, and see how it speaks to the symbol-orientated left part of the brain, which thinks without words. In dividing the world into opposites we pick sides and declare the other side ‘evil’. If light is good, then dark must be evil, yet without dark night, how would nature’s creations rest and recuperate? The furthest reach of this division is that I declare my religion, politics and preferred artwork good – so yours must be evil. Yin and Yang take us away from this mistaken view of polarity, away from lining up polar opposites like soldiers glaring at each other before battle. The symbol shows the need that opposites have for each other for their very existence. There are lists we can make: Yang is outgoing, thrusting, bright, dry, day, sun, mountains and male; whereas Yin is in-drawing, receptive, dark, moist, night, moon, marshland and female. Somehow, though, Yang and Yin defy list-making. They are dynamic in their interaction. It is traditional that the characters for Yin and Yang convey the action of the sun on the mountain, with Yang the predominantly sunny side and Yin the shade. Thinking of this, we realise that the sun shifts throughout the day, so areas of Yin become Yang. Indeed at night there is more dark Yin energy, but in the day by comparison there is more Yang energy. The moon is Yin to the sun’s Yang by day, but by night its light is Yang to the lesser Yin light of the stars. It can make you dizzy, but the symbol shows the flow between the two is necessary to maintain stability. Some people loathe winter and even hate to see dahlias and michaelmas daisies, because they know that summer is over when they bloom. Yet without the

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winter, conditions would not be right for the daffodils of spring. Yin and Yang form a dynamic and necessary cycle, not a line-up of opposing armies. We need both. Landscape is made up of Yin and Yang, and to find a site with perfect Feng Shui, there has to be a balance between the two. The Chinese say you should build your house where Dragon (Yang) and Tiger (Yin) meet (or even mate!). This will be in an area where there are protective mountains behind, but it will not be at the height of the hill, nor yet at the bottom of the valley. Ideally, it will be at a place where the slope flattens out, with hills to either side and with water somewhere in front. It will not be marshland, and it will not be desert. It will be where Yin gives way to Yang. The body also needs a balance between Yin and Yang to remain in health. Too much Yin energy leads to listlessness and to diseases involving phlegm. Too much Yang energy leads to accidents, headaches and fevers. The symbolism can be taken further. As well as the Tai Ji symbol, Yin and Yang can be represented simply by lines: Yang by an unbroken line and Yin by a broken line. These can be written one above the other (from earth to heaven, and not the other way round). Once three lines are written on top of each other, we have eight possible combinations which are traditionally arranged in octagonal patterns. The pattern called ‘earlier heaven’ is balanced and talismanic and is found on the Feng Shui mirrors. The pattern called ‘later heaven’ is more dynamic, and is the pattern applied to one’s house or room to give the ‘corners’ known in Feng Shui practice. Double the trigrams to become hexagrams, and we have the Yi Jing (I Ching), the patterns of which are built up by the tossing of yarrow stalks or, more conveniently by the tossing of three coins. In the coin, heads and tails are represented as the Yin broken or Yang unbroken line, and it is indeed the ‘best of three’ for each line. You may have wondered why it is that when all three coins come down as Yin (or Yang), the line produced is said to be moving, and will change to another reading. To a western mind, it seems more solid than two out of three. You now will realise that it is because when something is most Yang, it is about to become Yin in the constant dance of change in the universe.

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Martial arts maestro Bruce Lee may have made kung-fu accessible to all – but the man was reputedly haunted by demons. Clare Sheridan explores the short but exceptional life of the ‘Little Dragon’.


he dragon is the Emperor of Beasts in the Chinese horoscope - proud, lively, outgoing, assertive, charismatic, and demanding. Bruce Lee was born under this sign, yet he reputedly harboured a fear of the demon beast throughout his lifetime. The humble beginnings of Bruce Lee’s life were shrouded in superstition. His parents had lost a baby son 12 months prior to his birth, so to confuse the spirits, they gave Bruce the feminine name ‘Sai Fon’ - ‘Little Phoenix’. A native of San Francisco, Bruce was born in the year of the dragon in the hour of the dragon (6am-8am) on November 27 1940 to Lee Hoi Chuen and Grace Lee at the Jackson Street Hospital in the Chinatown area of the city. They moved back to Kowloon, Hong Kong, a year later. Despite the fact Bruce was himself nicknamed ‘Little Dragon’, some sources claim he feared invisible demons which threatened to confront him in an inevitable final battle. He made his screen debut early – when he was just three-months-old. He also had a successful career in childhood films, starting with The Beginning of a Boy (1946) when he was just six. He took up kung-fu when he was just 13 after he was beaten up by a street gang. His training with Master of the Wing Chung method, Sifu Yip Man, ensured he subsequently never lost a fight – apart, perhaps, from with his demons. His mother originally christened him ‘Lee Jun Fat’ - ‘return again’ – in the hope that he would return to the US some day – and he did just that in 1959 at the age of 19. After gaining his high school diploma he enrolled in the University of

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Washington, Seattle, to study philosophy. He supplemented his student income by teaching kung-fu to anyone from any race who wanted to learn (a privilege usually reserved for people from the same race). His philosophical outlook helped him form the first Jun Fan Kung-Fu Institute in Seattle at the tender age of 23 in 1963 (further Institutes followed across the US). It was an outlook which helped him define his own fighting style, which got him noticed and landed him a role in the TV series The Green Hornet.

“What influenced Bruce the most was the Yin Yang principle”

The teachings of Sifu Yip Man included the teachings of Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tze and the founders of Taoism. But what influenced Bruce the most was the Yin Yang principle which he expressed through his ‘Law of Harmony’ – that is to embrace the strength and force of opposition by using your opponent’s strength against him and in turn, swing with and yield to the attack. But the demons still haunted him. His father died at the age of 64 and Bruce was reported to have had a premonition that he himself would only live to be half his father’s age – which was sadly prophetic. The rising star was reputedly so paranoid about his curse being passed onto a son that he was reluctant to have children, but after he married fellow student Linda Emery, his ill-fated son Brandon was born in 1965. It was also during the same year that he created his own fighting style – Jeet Kune Do – after what he felt was his unsatisfactory defeat of rival Wong Jack Man.

Despite small parts in film and TV shows, the Little Dragon was popular among Hollywood stars such as James Coburn, Steve McQueen and James Garner, who were eager to learn the power of Lee’s methods. In 1970, the year after his daughter Shannon was born, Bruce injured his back but used the time to philosophise about his fighting technique by writing The Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Between 1971 and 1973 he completed film roles in The Big Boss (Fists of Fury in the US), Fist of Fury (The Chinese Connection in the US), Enter the Dragon and Game of Death. Sadly, he didn’t live to see the release of his most successful big screen venture and first US film, Enter the Dragon. On July 20 1973 he died from a cerebral oedema or brain haemorrhage following an allergic reaction to prescribed pain killers which he had taken to combat a headache. He had collapsed only three months earlier after complaining of headaches. Just a couple of days before his death a bad Feng Shui deflector was ripped from the roof of Bruce’s Hong Kong home during a storm – could this have contributed to the so-called curse? Some say the house was built in a bad location and previous tenants had also suffered bad luck as a result. Just superstition? Who knows. But his son Brandon was also killed prematurely while filming his first major Hollywood film, The Crow. A prop gun which should have contained blanks fired real bullets and Lee was gunned down. Ironically, Brandon refused an earlier offer of a lead role in a film about his dad, himself reputedly fearing the demons.

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nlike the arrival of our new year, Chinese New Year begins on a different day in the Western calendar every year. New Year 2005 is February 9, but last year it was January 22. It is not always the same length either. The reason is the moon - new year starts on the first or second new moon - after the winter solstice. It cannot start before January 21 or after February 22. The 12-month lunar year drifts away from the seasons, so adjustments need to be made. Our year of 365 days needs adjusting every four years. The Chinese year needs an extra month in 7 years of every 19-year period, which follows one of the middle months, so that there can be, for example, two months known as month 4. There is also a solar calendar which runs alongside the lunar calendar. It has Solar Fortnights beginning at the ingress and midpoint of the Western Astrological Signs, each named to reflect what is happening in nature. They have names such as Great Heat and Grain in Ear. The fortnight beginning on February 19 or 20 is called Rain Water. The First Day of Spring is the mid-point of Aquarius, on February 4 or 5. This new year is a Blind Year, which does not ‘see’ the start of spring at all. In the old days, couples would not marry in a Blind Year. Some of my friends once expressed a wish to visit me in Hong Kong at Chinese New Year when I lived there over a decade ago - they would have been disappointed if they had. New year was a private, family festival, and restaurants closed for the holiday to visit the ancestral village in China. Now there are lion dances in public places. Although even then there were lights on the tall buildings. Santa Claus and reindeers stayed up after Christmas,

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Feng Shui expert and former China resident Carole Chui explores the tradition and customs of the Chinese New Year.

but mutated into the year’s animal, together with greetings in Chinese characters. We used to visit the flower market to buy a small potted peach tree a symbol of the coming of spring. Peach fruit symbolises long life. Also sold were kumquat trees - the tiny orange fruit symbolised gold for the new year. If we bought the plants too early, they might die and that was inauspicious for the coming year. If we waited too long the prices rocketed. If our nerve held, at about 2am on New Year’s Day prices fell. However, the choicest specimens would have gone. The New Year’s Eve meal was for close family. Thereafter, we visited and were visited until the three-day holiday ended. There were two ways to give gifts. Children and younger unmarried people were given lucky red packets

which we filled with money (pictured top right). You may see these, with pictures or simply characters on them, in Chinese shops and supermarkets before new year. We got them free from the banks in Hong Kong, no doubt to boost their product. At new year we also replaced the strip of red paper with auspicious characters attached (pictured left) to the inside of our front door. These also can be found in Chinese shops and the characters refer to prosperity (Gold and Jade Fill the House) or health (Spirit of a Dragon Horse) or domestic peace (Young and Old All Agree).

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When visiting relatives or friends, it was customary to take a special tin of biscuits, which we bought ready wrapped in red paper from the local Maxim’s chain of cake shops. In case you are thinking we must have ended up with a lot of biscuits, we didn’t. It was perfectly in order to receive a tin of biscuits, and take it with you on your next visit. Everyone did it. In fact, it was rumoured that some tins had been in circulation for 20 years - so we were careful which we opened! Special food was prepared for new year and offered to visitors. Chinese is a tonal group of languages, and full of puns. A lot of the food was served because it sounded like an auspicious phrase in Cantonese, the language spoken in Hong Kong. It made for an odd mixture. A particular Chinese cabbage was a must because it sounded like the traditional greeting for a prosperous new year ‘Gung Hei Fat Choi’. It was all delicious.

Dragon provided courtesy of The Holistic Experience shop, Garforth, Leeds. Visit

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herbal medicine by Jacqueline Clelland

he use of herbs in traditional Chinese medicine dates back 400 years to the dawn of Chinese history. Historical evidence shows that shamen used plants for healing at that time, though the philosophy and concepts relating to Chinese medical theory were very different to the understanding of later healers. Just over 2,000 years ago the first major book on Chinese medicine was written entitled The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic (Huang di nei jing). Divided into two parts, the Su wen and the Ling Shu, it was compiled by unknown authors. Medicine by this time had evolved to a better understanding of illness through clinical observation as the effects of the chosen treatment were closely recorded. In addition to herbs, other aspects of traditional Chinese medicine include acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, massotherapy (a type of massage), dietary therapy and lifestyle

Jie geng (Platycodon

grandiflorum) This herb helps patients with a chest infection to expel phlegm and breathe easily. Combined with other herbs it can be used for chronic coughs, again when it is not easy to expel phlegm. One interesting action of this herb is that is can be used to direct the effect of other herbs upward in the body. ‘Directional’ herbs such as this can make prescriptions more effective.

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advice. The basic concept of traditional Chinese medicine relates to harmony and the balance of Yin and Yang in all things. Yin represents the ‘cooling, feminine’ aspect, while Yang represents the ‘male, warming’ aspect. One cannot exist without the other. In the body and mind, illness occurs when there is an imbalance between Yin and Yang energies – a pattern of disharmony follows.


A practitioner will assess the patient’s health status by in-depth consultation and examination. The pulses are taken on both wrists and the tongue is inspected to aid diagnosis, enabling a unique picture of the pattern of disharmony to be formulated and the appropriate treatment plan to be implemented. In the case of Chinese herbal medicine, identifying a pattern is extremely important as herbs are potent medicinals. Some herbs are very mild while others are much stronger. The patient will be asked about any current medication and supplements, including over the counter herbal preparations, as there are potential herb and drug interactions that are undesirable. Chinese herbs can be used for acute and chronic conditions, but they must be treated with respect. The ones listed here are often used as part of a prescription with other herbs and are especially useful at this time of year. Always consult a professionally qualified registered practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine. Contact the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine on 01603 623994 or visit for more details.

Xin yi hua

(Magnolia liliflora) The fried flower of the Magnolia tree, this helps to relieve nasal obstruction and headache associated with colds. It can also help sinusitis. Although the extract can usually be extracted through boiling, it can be prepared as an ointment.

Huang qi

(Astragalus mebranaceus) A tonic herb, this is used especially in those who are generally fatigued, feel chilly easily and catch frequent colds. It is used to discharge pus and promotes healing in some types of skin sores.

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Gui zhi (Cinnamomum

cassia – cinnamon twig) A very warming herb, this is useful in cases where the joints are painful in cold, damp weather as it increases blood flow to the extremities. It can be used to relieve menstrual pain but not if there is excessive bleeding. Other areas of caution are pregnancy, fever and anyone who tends to feel hot. Rou gui is the inner bark of the same plant but is used for very deep cold in weakened patients where the upper body is hot and the lower body is cold.

Pang da hai

(Stericulia scaphigera Slychnophora) Translated, this means ‘fat big sea’, though it is often just called ‘fat seeds’. Research in China has shown it to be effective against acute tonsillitis when made into an infusion by steeping the seed for 30 minutes in hot water. It works very well at the start of colds and flu, when a sore throat is the first symptom. It should be taken 3 to 4 times a day over two or three days. Child friendly. Jacqueline Clelland is a professionally trained nurse, midwife, health visitor and clinical aromatherapist. She holds a research degree on acupuncture and is a qualified herbalist. Call 01977 735085 to book.

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Anna Kaye.

Michael Looking Coyote.

Do you have a problem which you lack intuition to solve? Do you have any spiritual questions to which you seek answers? Our Destiny Doctors may just have the solutions. Native American Michael Looking Coyote will use his Spirit Stones and clairvoyant medium Anna Kaye will consult her Tarot to offer a fresh view on matters.

Listless in life

Q) I’m 27-years-old and I don’t know what I want in life. I do know what I don’t want - and the list is long! I have this incredible urge to escape and never come back. Unfortunately I’m in the red financially which I'’m trying to sort out. I have a steady job, which is incredibly tedious and unfulfilling. I’m anaemic and feel tired most of the time. Life doesn’t interest me anymore. I find it incredibly unsatisfying. I used to take pleasure in the simplest of things … Can you help me? Jo, Southampton.

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Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading - Chipmonk & Mouse stones: The fact that you can accurately state what you DON’T want in life shows that your ability to engineer your future is still intact. What’s missing is the means to give your life direction, like a person who has a road map, but doesn’t know which route to take. That person’s choices are many, but the right road to travel just isn’t obvious. The Chipmunk totem tells me that your real problem is indecision, and the Mouse totem tells me that your indecision is caused by a lack of focus. For the next two or three months, try meditating on a daily basis. Use your instinct to guide you, and not your brain. Logic will tell you only what seems expedient, instinct speaks from the heart. Stop thinking about a stressful career that will bring you money, and start thinking about a simple job that will bring you peace of mind. Stop thinking about how you will furnish your house, and start thinking about creating a happy home. Once you embrace true values, things like the acquisition of material possessions will seem far less important. Your tiredness is not just caused by your anaemia, but also by your lack of vision. Start taking pleasure in the ‘simple things’ again, and your vigour will return. Free your mind from the clutter that it has accumulated and embrace the spirit of the Elk, which is strength. Your future awaits you; all you need to do is seize it.

Anna’s Tarot reading – the Magician, the Fool & the Temperance cards: I sympathise with your dilemma, but don’t despair, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. The Magician card speaks to me about your work situation. You say you have a steady job, but the Magician speaks about using your creative ability in the work situation and doing something you actually enjoy. Please consider all your options when it comes to expressing your creative side, even if this means looking for a new job. You say you would like ‘to escape’, well, you can! Look around you and see what Mother Earth has on offer. An hour spent walking on the beach or in the woods is a wonderful escape and good for the soul. The Fool card tells me that you must not let yourself be held back, but face up to challenges that lie ahead. The Temperance card speaks about one’s relationship with one’s self. Pay more attention to yourself and what your desires are for your future happiness. I must also tell you that, if these feelings of despondency continue, you should consider talking to your GP and ask him to refer you to a Reiki practitioner. I understand that Reiki is available on the NHS in some areas, and I’m sure that this will help you on a deep, emotional level.

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Anna’s Tarot reading – the Star, the Devil & the Sun : The Star card tells you not to give up hope. The Devil card tells me you are worrying too much about this. You are also trying too hard. Try not to think about falling pregnant all the time. The more you think about it, the less likely it is to happen. You could also try relaxation and meditation to still your mind. You could also try making a fertility altar in a quiet corner of your house. On your altar place photos of expectant mums and babies alongside white, pink and blue candles. Meditate here every day. Put things on your altar that feel right for you, making sure that these things are to do with fertility. Your last card is the Sun card - this is a card for success. It concerns family and children, so relax and don’t try and force things to happen. In fact, just go with the flow of the universe.

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Turtle: The Turtle totem indicates that you have to look within yourself and ask some very basic questions. You say you are desperate for a baby, but is it possible that you may also harbour some deep-seated doubts about your readiness for motherhood, or whether you are financially able to start a family? If you really do want to start a family now, erase your doubts and fears and your body will be more willing to accommodate your desires. Here’s a Native American fertility ritual you can try: go to the coast and find three clean (and mite free!) gull feathers; two roughly the same size, and one smaller. Bind the stems together with a strip of hide and place them in a bag made from plain red material, and then hang the bag near your pillow. Red is a colour often associated with childbirth, and the three feathers represent you, your partner and the child you will have if Great Mystery wants motherhood to be part of your destiny.

Bundle of joy hopes

Q) My husband and I are desperate for a baby. We have been married for just over a year and would love a little bundle of joy. However, despite lots of attempts we are as yet unsuccessful. I have tried products for hormone and temperature testing, but it all fails. We have both been told that there is no medical reason why we cannot conceive, so what can we do now to enhance our chances? JB, Surrey

Relationship rut

Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – the Badger, the Wolf & Q) My husband and I have been married for 13 the Frog: months. These have been some of the best times The Badger totem indicates that you need to connect with Mother Earth; of my life, but just recently we seem to be falling you need to get your feet planted firmly on the ground and stop being out a lot over silly things, such as who will put the distracted by things in your life that are of little consequence. washing away etc. We both have quite stressful Watching TV at night may be relaxing, but it won’t rekindle a flagging jobs, but relax in front of the TV at night. My relationship. The Wolf totem indicates that both you and your partner husband is not a great romantic - what could we need to learn more about each other’s needs. You say your husband isn’t a do to get our relationship back to how it was? great romantic, but are you ‘pressing the right buttons’, so to speak, which Janet, Manchester. would stimulate his attention? The Frog indicates that your desire to get your relationship back to how it Anna’s Tarot reading – the Hanged Man was is misplaced. You need to go forwards, not backwards. Make your & the Chariot: future an adventure, and explore it together. If your jobs are stressful, The Hanged Man tells me that there has to change them, and if your conversation centres on mundane things, find a be a sacrifice made. You have to give up hobby or interest you both share. something to achieve your goal. This could be your relaxation time in front of the TV - switch it off! Spend this time with your partner. If the children are in bed, take the time to be romantic and sensual with each other. Looking Coyote’s Spirit Stone reading – Mouse & Elk Stones: The Chariot card tells me you are both being It’s interesting that three of the qualities you like in men - ‘far from mean’, pulled in different directions. There will be a ‘generous’, and ‘reasonably wealthy’ all amount to the same thing. You seem victorious outcome, and any minor problems to associate generosity with respect for women, and this is not always the will be solved. Financially there will be a turn case. for the better which will ease some of the stress The Mouse totem indicates that your focus is too narrow when looking at between you and your partner. Take this the things that make a good partner. Then, when your needs aren’t fulfilled, opportunity and get the children looked after you feel trapped and frustrated. What makes it worse is that outside for a few days. Why don’t you surprise your pressures are pushing you into a lifestyle that you aren’t ready to embrace yet. partner with a romantic weekend away? The Elk totem indicates that you have the ability to be successful in many areas of your life, including your career. Focus on these things for now and enjoy them. Then, when the time is right for you, you’ll find your ideal partner and share your successes with him. Q) I'm in my late twenties and have had several long-term relationships, all of which I have regretted starting. The men have been far from mean, or disrespectful to women; in fact I seem to pick generous, reasonably wealthy men. However, each relationship Anna’s Tarot reading – the Hermit, the Empress & the Lovers: has started quite out of the blue; and, after a while I The Hermit is telling you to take some time out for yourself and to look start to wonder why I ever fell in love with the inside yourself for the deeper emotional reasons why you feel like this. boyfriend. I sometimes feel I am a victim of society/my The Empress card is the Mother Earth card. She deals with fertility, growth peers, pressured to be in a relationship, expected to and expansion. I feel you have yet to find what it is you really want to do in marry and have children (of which I want neither). Yet I life. You must do what it best for yourself and not what seems best for other am scared of achieving nothing in my life and having people. You have to do some soul searching on a deeper emotional level to no-one to share it with. How can I resolve my inner find your own path and direction. turmoil? Please don’t worry about love at the moment. Your last card is the Lovers. Janet, Hull. You will not be alone for long. It will be your choice whom you fall in love with, and your inner self will tell you when the time is right for you.

Inner turmoil

Send your letters to: Destiny Doctors, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ, or email Cards used are the Rider Tarot pack (£10.35),available from

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Welcome to our new monthly psychic development course in conjunction with Isatreya Institute of Higher Learning. The Isatreya herself - Jessica West - explains that psychic development is all about keeping your feet on the ground.

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sychic development is a complex subject and throughout this ISATREYA course you will learn to develop your skills in a safe and controlled manner. In this first part you will learn the importance of grounding and how energy affects every single one of us. Many times people ask me if you have to live your life in any particular way to develop your psychic skills? Our answer is always the same: ‘learn to live lightly’. This doesn’t mean that you have to change your personality or lifestyle, rather that you need to seriously think about the way you want to use your skills in everyday life and how you choose to live your life in general. Everybody has choices and the true psychic will want to use their skills for the good of mankind, not to try and manipulate other people or try and run their lives for them. If this is your way of thinking, then congratulations - you are already on your way to being a great psychic. We all lead busy lives and throughout each day we are affected by energies that we come into contact with. Try the exercise below to see how many of them affect you on a daily basis. Reluctantly you visit a friend or relative that you don’t really want to see. How does it make you feel: a) Defensive? b) Happy? c) Tired? You have a friend that every time you see them feels the need to pour out their problems but doesn’t seem to be interested in you. How do you feel: a) Drained? b) Glad to see them, but frustrated? c) Pleased that they feel they can open up to you? Watching a sad film. Do you: a) Start to feel very emotional? b) Think, well they are only acting? c) Enjoy the roller coaster of emotions that it is presenting you?

You hear some good news about someone you know. Do you feel: a) That it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person? b) Jealous, nothing like that happens to you? c) Not really bothered, as you know your time will come? If you answered.. Mostly A’s: You certainly are an energy sponge! Grounding yourself would certainly help keep a clear head and your feet firmly on the ground. Mostly B’s: You are in a world of your own and seem not to notice the other person’s energies or point of view. Mostly C’s: You have the perfect balance. You are able to sense energies around others and you are in tune with your own feelings. By learning to ground ourselves we are able to empathise with the energies and feelings without it affecting our own aura and energies. There are many ways to be grounded and the easiest and most effective has to be the Tree Roots Method. It’s so simple that you can try it now.

Tree Roots Grounding Method Sit with your feet firmly on the floor and visualise sprouting tree roots from your feet. As the roots are sprouting, imagine that they are penetrating deep into the earth, as this happens you will notice your feet start to feel heavy. When they feel heavy it means that you are grounded. Next time you feel that your emotions are getting the better of you, try this exercise and make a note of how you feel before and after grounding. You will be surprised at the difference it will make.

Psychic Postbag

The Isatreya answers all your psychic questions in our new feature, Psychic Postbag. Q) My 8-year-old daughter is convinced that she sees angels, and also my dad - who she has described - who died before she was born. Do I believe her? Amanda Davis, Middlesex. Isatreya replies: Yes absolutely. Children’s intuition is uncluttered with doubts and the rigors of living and so their own intuition is very strong, as are their sixth senses. Indigo children (which is what it seems she is) are old souls that see angels and have profound wisdom. As long as your daughter is not frightened by this and you are fine with it, then I would allow her the freedom to tell you about these things without fear of chastisement. You never know, your dad might give you the lottery numbers! Send your psychic questions to Vision Psychic Postbag, Isatreya, Bailey Brook House, Amber Drive, Langley Mill, Nottingham, NG16 4BE.

The Isatreya Institute of Higher Learning runs five-day day residential Spiritual and Psychic Development courses both in the UK and overseas. The courses are both fun and informative enabling you to understand who you are, whilst allowing your energies to flow freely, assisting you to be a ‘Lightworker’ in the true sense of the word. For further information on Isatreya visit or call 01635 34538.

DON’T MISS next month’s issue to find out how to open up spiritually to receive messages.

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Clare’s aura photo.

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Sammi’s aura photo.

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Have you been tickled pink lately? Are you often green with envy? Your body’s personal ethereal energy field or aura can tell a lot about your health and state of mind. Clare Sheridan discovers her spiritual side with an aura reading.


hen my true colours were revealed I was in awe – the spectacle of pink and purple was breathtaking. Now everyone can see themselves in full colour – and I’m not talking about the use of mind-altering substances! There is a new slant on traditional aura photography. The old-style print offered at most psychic fairs and which only captures one moment in time has been updated to a more revealing 21st century version. The Aura Video Station Machine is a computer-based system which not only measures the user’s aura, but also details the state of the seven chakras (the energy centres of the body) and the overall balance of the user. Feng Shui expert and hypnotherapist Carole Chui has this system and offers readings from her home in York. “I got involved with auras after I got into Feng Shui, which is about getting the flow of chi right,” she says. “I had my picture done at a fair, but this machine is more sophisticated. I didn’t want a snapshot of one moment in time, I wanted to watch the aura change.” And you can do just that with this equipment. Not only can you see your aura change over time, but there is a full body image screen which details the state of the chakras, has handy charts detailing energy levels (physical, intuitive, mental and emotional), state of mind/body/spirit, a state of mind/body graph to show stress/relaxation levels, plus an emotiometer to measure emotional reactions. The computer sees an image of the user via digital webcam and measures the aura by a bio-sensor which the user places their left hand on. The left hand is used because energy enters the body on the left and leaves on the right. “The digital camera is good because you can stop it on a good shot

and then users don’t get self-conscious,” enthuses Carole. “When people see their true colours they are amazed at how beautiful they are. I haven’t yet seen an aura that’s not beautiful. I’ve come across tired auras which look like they are sagging, and if someone is ill you expect to see black marks. That’s the beauty – if you have illness or a break in your aura, you can see it and correct it if you’re not aware of it.”

Clare (above) and Sammi (below) have their auras read.

The chakra screen is enlightening – any imbalances are instantly noticeable. “The chakras are designed to be easily read – they should be a perfect oval or circle. If they are out of balance they are large and grainy – if they are a tiny dot they are closed,” says Carole. Aura colours and chakras can change with mood, thoughts and if objects such as crystals are held. My aura was pink/purple with white areas around my head and feet initially. The pink/purple colours are calm, meditative, magical and intuitive tones, while the white indicates that I’m very spiritual. My heart and root chakras were closed, which suggested

defensiveness and the need to be grounded, while the rest were fairly large and unbalanced. The large throat chakra suggested vulnerability and the large sacral chakra suggested plenty of will power. Yet when I held a piece of the crystal celestite, the two closed chakras opened, the others balanced, and my aura flooded with a bright purple colour. Vision’s managing director, Sammi Addey, also had a go. Her aura was such a rainbow of colours initially that it was like watching a traffic light! Eventually it settled on orange/yellow, which suggested excitement, entrepreneurial skills and balance. The fact that it changed frequently suggested there was a lot on her mind. There was also a pink glow around her heart chakra which showed she is a very open and loving person. Although her aura was slightly rounded at the top, which suggested tiredness, her chakras were balanced. The crystal citrine turned her aura pink at the top, while celestite opened her solar plexus and turned the entire aura yellow. “We have a base colour which can vary. If it’s green or yellow, it tends to be more steady,” says Carole. “We each have one control colour overall and other colours coming in and going out all the time. The aura is more than the physical body that you see. Most people can see the ethereal aura but don’t see the colours. This is the energy of self within the physical – the machine shows something you can see and you realise it’s not just the body.” Reader offer: Carol Chui’s aura readings normally cost £50 each, but we have an exclusive offer for Vision readers. Simply book a reading, take this copy of the magazine along and get your reading for just £30! Offer ends February 24, 2005. Call Carole on 0781 145 5344 to book.

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Are you aware of the inner voice which supports and guides you? Jill Wellington (pictured far left) investigates working with spirit guides.


had just given birth to my second child, and was complaining to my mother that I didn’t want to return to work. I loved my job as a television news reporter, but my children brought such light and happiness into my life. I dreaded going back to reporting murders, fires, and sinister trials. “The news is negative and depressing. For once I want to write something funny,” I said. Between the time I uttered those words and the moment my body hit the couch, a door opened in my brain. A man’s voice said three words, “Write a column!” I grabbed a pen and wrote a dozen columns; funny essays about family life with a baby and a two-year-old. I could not stop writing. Two local papers hired me, and I wrote that column weekly for six years. I never had writer’s block. I would hear the lines dictated word for word, like loud thoughts. Most of us live our lives oblivious to the fact that we have spirit guides helping us every step of the way. It’s easy to ignore the small voice that urges us not to drive down a certain street that day, only to learn later it was the site of an accident. I assure you, heavenly helpers are fast at work in everyone’s life. I know because I actually heard mine. Spirit guides are souls like you and I - usually someone we once knew

who is currently not in a body. Before we are born, we select a life path to follow on earth in order to learn specific lessons. Then we choose another soul who agrees to work from the spirit side to keep us on that chosen path. Unfortunately, once we’re born into a body, we forget about our pact and often feel as though we’re stumbling through life. Yet through everything, our spirit guides never forsake us. All of us can recall times when we ran into an old friend who just happened to tell us about a super job opening. Or how many times have you been stuck behind a slow driver, only to drive round a bend and see a police officer checking speeds?

new opportunities and the perfect people to move me along my life path. Many years have passed since then. After I had been a news reporter for 18 years I was invited to meet my spirit guide during a guided meditation. My mother Edna Mae Holm (pictured left with Jill) went with me. Since I came from a psychic lineage on my mother’s side, I was open to the metaphysical. My mother had vivid dreams that predicted the future, a gift she inherited from the women in her family. Though the gift passed on to my sister Sally, as far as I knew, I never had any premonitions. We were both wary at the beginning of the meditation as we breathed deeply and tried to relax. Slowly, the medium settled us into the meditative state: “You are in a beautiful forest with tall pine trees.” I saw only blackness. “Now you come to a clearing and are gazing over a meadow splashed with wild flowers.” Still there was only darkness. Suddenly, I heard the name ‘Fred’ loud and clear! I never saw him, or the flowers, or the meadow, or the forest, but I heard my spirit guide shout his name! My mother couldn’t visualize the scene either, but she heard the name ‘Daisy’. The medium told us to begin talking with Fred and Daisy on the computer, as though we were in a mystical chat room. It was difficult at first. I would type a question and write down the first thing that popped into my head. It took six months to understand

Spirit guides are souls like you and I - usually someone we once knew who is currently not in a body.

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I vividly recall a day when I was four-years-old when I had no money to buy an ice cream and the ice cream van pulled onto our street. I was standing on my neighbour’s front yard and had an urge to go over to the garden. Slowly I knelt down next to the plants and a shiny coin was buried in the soil – enough to buy a cone! Luck? Coincidence? It’s all of that. My first radio job came from a radio station owner whom my father had helped in business years before when he was struggling. My entire career came together in a blend of astonishing luck. It wasn’t all bliss. I lost jobs and now realize there were always lessons to learn along the way. The losses always led to fateful

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the difference between my own thoughts and Fred’s. My mother also did the same thing. Soon Fred and Daisy were offering fascinating insights into the spirit realm. Slowly, I understood Fred was the voice that urged and helped me to write a newspaper column. Fred has been with me since birth. Fred described a concept called synchronicity which simply means our spirit guides are constantly arranging scenarios for us, perhaps to meet the right people, or arrive in the right place at exactly the right time. It’s up to us to follow the guidance. After a while our spirit guides told Mom and I to write a mystery novel to show synchronicity in action. Our book Fireworks is a vehicle for igniting the world to our wondrous guidance. Gruff detective Webb Hannis suffers a head injury in a car accident and wakes up to see his spirit guide Samuel. Much to Webb’s frustration, Samuel leads him on an odyssey of synchronicity to solve a murder mystery. Every day we are all guided by our spirit friends. Begin now by asking your guide a question such as, “what is

the perfect job for my highest good?” Then comes the hard part. Stay out of the way and let synchronicity work for you. If something negative happens, know that, just like I have had to learn many times, it will all work out in divine order. It sounds like an incredible twist of fate that I once ended up at the worst, cockroach-infested radio station in town. But within months a very powerful man bought the station, contacted a station in Michigan and offered me my first television reporting job. I loved doing

that job for 14 years and met my husband in that perfect town. You, too, can find this tranquility and joy. It’s as simple as changing your thoughts. Your spirit guide is always with you. Begin by letting go of anger and fear and start following synchronicity. It will change your life! Visit Jill Wellington and Edna Mae Holm’s website Fireworks is available at and will soon be in stores across the UK.

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e all tuck into a tantalising glimpse of the future whenever we have a Chinese meal – it is widely regarded as the norm to tell our fortune after a fantastic feast. But did you know that fortune cookies actually originated as a cunning warfare tactic? The tradition dates as far back as the 13th and th 14 centuries when China was occupied by the Mongols. The traditional lotus nut paste moon cakes which the Chinese celebrate special occasions and festivals with, were used to start an uprising in Peking. Fortunately the Mongols had no taste for the moon cakes, so revolutionary Chu Yuan Chang saw the perfect opportunity to overthrow the invaders. He disguised himself as a Taoist priest, hid details of the

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by Clare Sheridan uprising in some moon cakes and distributed them throughout the occupied walled cities. It was successful and the foundations of the Ming Dynasty were formed. These initial moon cakes were not, however, the same as the ones we eat today. These originated from the Chinese workers on the American railways from Sierra Nevada into California. There were few pleasures accorded to the workers so instead of giving cakes at the moon festival, they gave biscuits – hiding positive messages of good will in them – which they christened fortune cookies. This custom continued and flourished when the Chinese settled in San Francisco, and until automated production in 1964, they were hand-made.

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Find your very own fortune with Vision’s fortune cookies!

We have lovingly created some fortune cookies just for you. To pick a cookie, simply close your eyes, hover a finger over the page and let it fall. To find out your fortune, turn the page, match the picture with this side and read the contents of your cookie. Bon apetite! Affirmations overleaf by Maria Hayden.


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The power of clarity is in your thoughts.

Perfect work fulfils and uplifts.

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Prosperity comes here and now in a variety of different ways.

Divine inspiration comes easily.

Create the perfect loving relationship.

Love comes easily and effortlessly.

Miraculous changes manifest themselves.

Relationships are deeply fulfilling and rewarding for the highest good of all concerned.

Be open and willing to change.

Golden opportunities present themselves here and now.

Life is full of limitless possibilities.

Everlasting vitality and energy fills your body.

Every day in every way, you are stronger, healthier and feel more alive.

Home is a haven of love and light that replenishes the soul daily.

The power is within to fulfil your destiny.

Intuition guides you in all that you do.

Accept the opportunities that life offers.

Joy and happiness fill your life.


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You KNOW this is where you should advertise! Call Vision on

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Complementary therapist Karen Aitken examines how Tai Chi and the more ancient art of Qigong can provide ultimate health, balance and well-being.


et’s begin a dynamic journey towards health and vitality. It is a journey that begins in 14th century China, where Chang San-feng, a monk of the Wudang Monastery (pictured above), is credited with having developed the fundamental ‘13 Postures of Tai Chi’ (also spelled ‘Taiji’) whilst meditating on Wudang Mountain. His exercises stressed suppleness and elasticity and were opposed to hardness and force. Essentially a martial art for self-defence, surprisingly, this mysterious art also incorporated philosophy, physiology, psychology, geometry and the laws of dynamics. One of his students, Wang Chung-yueh, took these exercises and formed them into what we recognise today as the flowing sequence of movements called Tai Chi Chuan. There exists an unbroken tradition of Tai Chi on Wudang Mountain to this day. Since Wang Chung-yueh first taught the form to the Chen family there have been many other families that have learned the form, created their own particular styles and passed these down through the generations to the present day. There are a different number of movements depending on the family style that is practiced, and some styles have

both a short and a long form. During practice of all styles, students of Tai Chi will be asked to pay attention to their breath, in order to co-ordinate breath with movement. Lightness and softness in the body is another aspect that requires close self-observation, as well as a sense of being centred or ‘rooted’. Seven centuries later Tai Chi Chuan and the far more ancient practice of Qigong are practiced by hundreds of millions of people around the world. Tai Chi Chuan can benefit the body in a number of ways: it can significantly improve balance and co-ordination, keep you supple and loose at any age and boost the immune system. People who practice regularly can expect an alert and productive mind and it is undeniably one of the best systems of exercise for mobilising the joints and muscles without tiring them. Both Tai Chi and Qigong stimulate circulation in the body, working with the energy pathways, or meridians, where life energy or ‘chi’ is said to flow. The effects of this are that the endocrine system and the associated major organs of the body, such as the heart, liver, kidneys and spleen can benefit from re-charging with regular practice. Though less well-known in the UK, Qigong (also spelled ‘chi kung’ and pronounced ‘chee-gung’) is an ancient practice, that is 5 to 7000-years-old. Literally translated Qigong means ‘working with life energy’. Chang San-feng is believed to have based his Tai Chi movements upon its basic principles

and indeed the health benefits of these exercises are very similar. Unlike Tai Chi, with its long, flowing sequence of movements (‘the form’), Qigong exercises are generally much shorter, with two-part movements based around the in-breath and the out-breath. This makes it more accessible for those students who have limited movement, or who want to find a relaxing, healing therapy that can be learned and practiced relatively quickly and easily. The additional effects of regular Qigong practice however, are reported by many to be almost magical. The ability to let go of stress, clear the nervous system, stimulate and balance the flow of energy in the body, allowing it to build and conserve energy; and boosting the immune system. Qigong also reputedly slows the ageing process and maximises lifespan. In the West, we have been gradually exposed to these arts over the past 25 years, and hundreds of thousands of people have already embraced Tai Chi and Qigong, incorporating them into their daily Where to study Tai Chi and Qigong

Find information on many day, weekend and week-long study courses in Tai Chi and Qigong in the UK.

= Seven Stars School of Taiji Quan One of the largest recognised Taiji schools in Britain with classes throughout the West of Scotland.

= Tai Chi Union of Great Britain The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain is the largest collective of independent Tai Chi Chuan instructors in the British Isles.

= Tai Chi Caledonia - 10th–17th June 2005 A week of internal arts in the heart of Scotland.

= Willow Lodge Healing Therapies

38 Vision 1 Offers a wide range of complementary therapy. Relax, de-stress and heal in beautiful, tranquil surroundings.

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routines. These exercises are believed to have profound transformational effects on the body, mind and spirit. Tuition is readily available with many schools, colleges and universities, sports centres and leisure clubs offering day and evening classes. A recent study sponsored by The American National Institute of Ageing shows that Tai Chi can help reduce falling in the elderly by 50%. Researchers also stated that Tai Chi’s connection between body and mind showed evidence of slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, in collaboration with the ExtraCare Charitable Trust, is conducting on-going research into Qigong for the elderly. Residents of three retirement villages in Staffordshire are being monitored through wholly subjective research. Over an initial period of 16 weeks, the participants registered an average improvement of 16% in feel good factor, muscle tone, balance and co-ordination, energy levels, sleeping pattern, and pain levels. Many GPs in the UK are now recommending that patients learn Tai Chi and Qigong to help them fight the symptoms of stress that arise in all professions and lifestyles. For thousands of years the Chinese have cherished Tai Chi and Qigong as time-honoured, magical arts for self-healing, self-discovery and self-defence. It’s time now for the Western world to step lively on that journey to health and vitality and to benefit from the practice of these ancient arts.

Images on opposite page supplied by Bob Lowey of Seven Stars School of Taiji Quan, © Bob Lowey. Opposite page bottom: Young students train at Wudang Mountain. Above: Karen Aitken teaches Tai Chi, © Willow Lodge Healing Therapies.

See p79 for our exclusive Willow Lodge Healing Therapies competition!

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your dreams I

I Ching

t was in the late 1970s that I began to work with the I Ching as a guide on my dream working path. Since, I have used the I Ching as a divinatory method to explore dreams. The example provided in the text illustrates the creative potential of working with the I Ching. There are no limits to its applications except those of the practitioner! The I Ching is an ancient book of wisdom which has been studied for centuries. Its principles have inspired the fields of medicine, Feng Shui and astrology. It is often consulted as an oracle using a range of divinatory methods. It can help us to clarify a situation or to find guidance in any aspects of our daily lives. The I Ching, Yi Jing or Yi King is known as the Chinese Book of Changes or Book of Transformations. The origin of the I Ching can be traced back to the Shang dynasty (1765 BC) when King Wen compiled the book as we know it today. His sources were based on over 6,000 years of studies from scholars who observed the universe and its changes. It was in the 18th century that the I Ching was introduced into Europe by French missionaries. It was much later that the book was first translated into German by Richard Wilhelm. Since then, it has been published in most languages and distributed around the world. According to the I Ching, our universe is constantly changing. Those changes have been represented by figures or symbols called hexagrams (a pattern of six broken or unbroken lines). There are 64 hexagrams altogether, which are made up of six traits of Yin and Yang. Two trigrams (a pattern of three broken/unbroken lines) are needed to form a hexagram. Hexagrams provide us with insight into a given situation and on possible

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with the by Catherine Vander Cammen

developments. According to old texts, animal bones (scapula) were used to consult the oracle. This practice is known as the scapulomancy. The bones from pigs or cats were thrown in the fire. The markings on the bones were then examined before an answer could be obtained. There are several ways of consulting the I Ching. However, the most popular ones are: - The yarrow sticks or stalks (Achillea Millefolium). This method uses 49 sticks and takes an extensive amount of time. - Coins. This method is much faster. You need three Chinese coins and the book. The side of the coins with the Chinese characters is assigned the value two and the other side is given the value of three. All three coins should be cast. The value of the three coins added together will give you the total number: six, seven, eight or nine. The coins should be cast six times in order to obtain a hexagram. Remember that the hexagram is constructed from the bottom upward. Once you have formed the hexagram, you can find the corresponding number in the Book of Changes and read the comments.


The I Ching works well with dreams too. Simply recall the dream, writing down all the details including your feelings. It is important to be relaxed. Some people find meditation helpful before consulting the I Ching. When you feel ready, focus your thoughts on your dream and toss the coins. Once you have obtained the hexagram number, read very carefully the explanation in the book, paying special attention to the changing lines as they

may indicate tension or options available to you. Allow your unconscious mind to absorb the information and make the connection. Gradually, the comments will begin to make sense. One good example is that a 27-year-old woman had a recurring dream which she could not understand. She was walking on a path alone, between tall trees and was anxious. She hoped to find guidance with the I Ching. She used the coins methods and obtained the hexagram number eleven. Hexagram eleven is made up of: Trigram Chien or Heaven or Awareness, and Trigram Kun or Earth or Will. The key word for this hexagram is Peace. After reading the meaning of the lines, it made sense. She wanted to change her job but was lacking confidence. The dream and the I Ching were very encouraging. Later, she confirmed she took another job and never looked back! When you consult the oracle with respect and honesty, its accuracy will surprise you! Catherine Vander Cammen is a Hampshire therapist. For further information about the I Ching, Onirology or any other aspect of her work, visit her website at or call 023 9252 1569.


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Dreams are symbolic communications between our mind, body and spirit. Exploring dreams can help us in our quest for good health, both physical and mental. More people are exploring their dreams to gain insight into their daily life. Indeed, dreams provide us with the opportunity to look at ourselves and to explore inner worlds that connect us to each other and the wider universe. Here is the second part of Vision’s monthly alphabet round-up of the most common dream scenarios.

Common dreams beginning with ‘B’ Baby Generally, a baby is a symbol of innocence, purity. In a dream, a baby represents aspects of you and your untapped potential. Sometimes, a baby indicates a project, a new idea to be developed. Dreaming of a baby may also symbolise the beginning of something new in your life… it is not unusual for a pregnant woman to dream about a baby: this could be a prophetic dream! Bath The cleansing and therapeutic properties of water are well known. For many, taking a bath is also a comforting and relaxing experience. Throughout history, baths have been used as rituals marking important life stages such as birth, baptism, puberty and death. Water is a source of life. Often this type of dream is saying: slow down, let go and relax. Battle People who have been involved in war or any traumatic situation often dream of battles. In this instance, the unconscious mind is trying to deal with accumulated stress and the dreams are expressions of powerful emotions. For others, dreaming of battles may indicate life struggles or existing conflicts. In exploring your dreams you will discover that it is not about winning or losing, but more about being in control of your life! Bear In North Japan, the bear is the ancestor of the Ainu people who believe it to be the God of the mountains. In China, the bear is a symbol of masculinity, an expression of Yang… perhaps announcing the birth of a baby boy. For many Native American people, the bear symbolises powerful healing energies from the spirit

helpers. Whatever your circumstances, the bear brings you strength. Avoid distractions. Bed This is a very important symbol. The bed is the place where we rest, sleep, make love and die. It is also the place where we feel relaxed and safe. To explore this type of dream is to explore many aspects of yourself and your life. It could be a reflection upon your relationship and your sexuality. The bed may invite you to play or to rest. Birds In many traditions, birds are associated with angels and celestial messengers. The soul has often been illustrated as a bird. Examples of this can be seen in prehistoric paintings covering the walls of caves such as Lasceaux in France. In India, the word Hamsa from Sanskrit means migratory bird when referring to the soul flying from one body to the next. The Hopis believe the birds communicate with the Gods and use their magical powers to call the rain. For many the bird symbolises the immortality of the soul. Dreaming of birds is a good omen, suggesting that healing energies may have been activated. Books Books are symbols of knowledge and wisdom. This type of dream may draw your attention to your own need to learn, to recall memories, to close a chapter in your life. This may also be a creative way to communicate with your unconscious mind. You hold the answers - you only need to ask! Boat Generally, water represents your

emotions. The content of your dream may provide clues as to how you navigate on the ocean of life. The details may provide you with important imageries which illustrate your current situation. Dreaming of boats like other vehicles should be seen as positive signals of dynamic processes in action. Body Dreaming of the body suggests that you are looking at yourself. In dreams, strong emotions are sometimes translated as distorted body parts. Various meanings are attributed to all body parts and each should be explored separately. For example, dreaming of arms may represent actions. The dream may be drawing your attention to health matters. Bridge Literature refers to the bridge as a link between two parts: two roads, the two hemispheres of the brain, the conscious and the unconscious. An Onirologist would see the bridge as a symbol of transition and change, representing the difficulties you may have to overcome. Butterfly For many, butterflies are symbols of travelling spirits. Often, they are seen as symbols of transformation because they go through several stages or metamorphosis. In some ways, they remind you of your own transformations or changes in life. Dreaming of butterflies may psychologically indicate a renewal, a rebirth. For futher information on all aspects of dreaming, contact Catherine on 023 92521 569 or email

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Cornish writer Nick Richardson visits a Mind, Body and Spirit fair, and casts a humorous eye over his experiences.


hy don’t you have your aura photographed?” asked my wife. I glanced across at the equipment. It was slightly less intimidating than an electric chair. “Does it hurt?” I asked bravely. “Of course it doesn’t, you big baby. It captures the coloured energy field around your body. Some people call it Kirlian photography after the man who discovered it.” “Nobody has a name like Kirlian,” I said. “Every living thing has an aura,”continued my wife, ignoring me. “It is a snapshot of the life force within you”. The life force within my wife then pushed me violently in the back towards the chair, I stumbled and fell into place. “How much is it?” “Twenty-five pounds” said the man. “How much?” I choked, “I could get Lord Lichfield for that!” This was the Cornishman in me coming out. My wife gave me a withering look. I put it in my pocket for later. On either side of the chair were two metal boxes attached to the equipment. I placed my hands on them and prepared for the inevitable jolt. “All finished,” said the man. “Never felt a thing,” I said, rising from the chair with a smug look. “Nothing to it.” The actual photograph took about five minutes to develop. I sat down next to a lady who would interpret the picture for me. As she peeled off the protective paper a wonderful spectrum of colours was revealed. Smokey, cloudy hues, and in the middle of it all was me. “As you look at the photo,” the lady explained, “the colours on the right are entering your aura, and those on the left are leaving.”

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It was similar to a psychic reading, she talked about the colours that were leaving my aura as events that had happened in the last two months. She was completely accurate. She described how the aura soaks up energy from the body; for instance, if you have been ill, it will show up in the colouring. It can also highlight positive traits, such as having a certain talent. I have a certain talent for impersonating Bruce Forsyth, but he didn’t show up in my aura. I am a little colour-blind, and so to me, the different shades appeared rather mixed up, like a chicken tikka masala that had been accidentally dropped on to a highly patterned carpet. Luckily the patient lady took me through each colour. An interesting swirl of yellow was entering my aura from the right. Did this mean custard for tea? Apparently not… she felt this meant I could be doing something creative in the near future. Could adding bananas to custard be classed as creative? “It could be painting,” she continued, “but I feel it’s more likely to be writing.” The deeper shades on the other side of the picture gave me the appearance of having had a lopsided blue rinse, a sort of ‘wind-swept Marge Simpson’ look. My expert interpreter enlightened me. “Blue can indicate having found your life’s vocation,” she said, “definitely communication.” “But I don’t have anything to say.” I replied (if you’ve read this far you will probably agree!).

“I think you need to try,” she urged. “The more you do it, the easier it becomes. It’s a bit like turning on a tap and just letting it flow,” she said. So that’s what I did. I started to write about anything and everything. I did it just for me. I wrote on the backs of receipts, on my shirt cuffs, up my arm and on my wife’s best tablecloth. It’s a wonderfully freeing experience, just doing something totally for yourself. Try it, it can be anything - singing, poetry, drumming or even playing the Patagonian nose flute (tricky if you have a heavy cold). You don’t have to explain or justify it to anybody else, make it just for you. Later that evening, after a large bowl of bananas and custard, I was discussing the day with our 5-year-old son, Jim. I tried to explain to him about auras, energy, spirituality and ultimately God. He sat quietly for a moment. “I’ve seen God,” he said. I was slightly taken aback. “Have you?” I asked, “What does He look like?” “Well, He’s orange and He’s got a square head.” So now you know! Reach Nick via his website at


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Next month in Vision:


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PLUS: Destiny Doctors, March horoscopes and much more!

Out February 24 - order your copy NOW! Vision 1


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We all know the important role exercise plays in staying healthy. Clare Sheridan shakes up the idea that you have to sweat it out in the gym to stay fit.


he latest exercise machine is not one that you have to labour over for hours. In fact, just a few minutes a day is ample! The Sun Ancon (Sun Harmony) Chi Machine is a revolutionary piece of equipment which enables the user to exercise lying down – yes, you read correctly – lying down! Created by Dr Shizuo Inoue, chairman of the Japanese Oxygen Health Association and director of the Japanese Health Association, over a 38-year period, the machine works in total harmony with the body’s natural rhythms and movements. Chi is the Chinese word for ‘life force energy’ and the machine creates Chi in the body – at the same time as raising oxygen levels in the blood. Dr Inoue’s research in the 1950s into the motion of Japanese Koi carp helped him produce the device. He concluded that the perpetual motion of their spines kept them healthy and toned – so engineers perfected this practical, portable device which creates maximum oxygenation

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throughout the human body by moving at 144 oscillations per minute. The user places his or her feet on the ankle holders and lies down. The machine only needs to be used for around five minutes, two to three times a day. Once activated, the machine effectively ‘shakes’ the user, moving the spine in a similar way that of the Koi carp fish. Retailer and Reiki practitioner Val Taylor kindly offered to let me try the device at her home in North Wales. Although it looks like stocks and the idea of being shaken was slightly daunting, I happily accepted. It moves the user in a figure of eight motion – the symbol for eternal life and infinity, restoring harmony and balance to the body and mind – and it is incredibly relaxing. It offers a soothing, massaging sensation which is invigorating as well as leisurely. As soon as the motion stopped, a tingling energy surge rushed up my body from foot to head. Very uplifting. Val was convinced of its benefits a couple of years ago. “I had a serious neck and shoulder problem – my neck was locked. After using the machine a while, the pain moved down my arm

“It brings the body into balance”

and then never came back. I haven’t been back to my osteopath since. “It brings the body into balance,” she says. “The machine works very similar to Reiki. It’s good for people who can’t necessarily feel Reiki working – they feel something with the Chi Machine.” Val even claims that regular use can fight the common cold: “It tops up the oxygen levels and boosts the immune system. You find you tend not to get colds, or if you do you shake them off very quickly.” The other beauty is that it is suitable for those with heart conditions (who are still mobile) or those who are wheelchair-bound as it is a passive, not strenuous form of exercise. “Everything has energy and has to flow at the right frequency,” says Val. “I’ve found it’s great to use after a bath or shower when the body is warm – it really tingles. It eliminates toxins by increasing oxygen in the blood. Everyone needs to find time for one.” A Sun Ancon Chi Machine costs £320. To purchase one or for an information pack contact Val Taylor by email at or call her on 01244 532026. Visit

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Alison Bourne (pictured) sheds light on her vibrant relaxation creation, the calming Colour Breathing™.


hey say that some of the best things in life are simple. Just stop for a second and think of the things which bring you joy and pleasure: a child’s smile and laughter; a cup of tea and a biscuit; a warm bath or a beautiful sunset. Whatever brings you joy and peace can be instant and yet quite profound. Now think… are you able to relax yourself easily enough to capture and enjoy these special moments? Is your life so busy that you are not able to acknowledge what in everyday life is special, beneficial or brings you happiness? ‘Mindfulness’ is a Buddhist way of being and is the practice of ‘living in the moment’. An excellent way to calm your mind is to stay focused on whatever you are doing, wherever you are, very much in the present. So whilst you are washing up your dinner plate, that is all you allow your mind to focus on, exactly that washing up your plate. The shopping list in your head or team of jobs which need to be finished by the end of the week will just have to wait. The point is that when our minds and bodies are relaxed we are often better able to cope with events, no matter what life throws at us. Seeming disasters don’t have the ability to upset us in quite the same way if we have a relaxed approach to life.


The key to self-relaxation starts within. The idea of Colour Breathing™ came to me over 7 years ago. I was the aromatherapist at a local hospice and many of my patients used to tell me how difficult they found it to relax themselves or feel any quality of inner peace. They all shared one thing in common - that they all dearly wanted to be able to achieve this elusive feeling of inner peace by themselves. Colour Breathing™ uses ancient

WIN your own Colour Breathing™ set - turn to p77 meditation techniques and brings them into the 21st century in a modern format. I utilise: =The conscious use of the breath to relax the mind and physical body; =The use of a focus to calm the mind; =The use of colour therapy; =The use of the affirmative ‘I am’; =Awareness of the seven major energy centres, known as chakras; =A heightened state of awareness of ‘the now’. Colour Breathing™ comprises a freestanding set of seven brightly coloured circles which provide a simple and effective tool designed to help the user relax themselves. They are suitable for all age groups, including complete beginners to meditation and those who are very experienced. The Colour Breathing™ disks, book, CDs and affirmation cards provide the user with a set of beautiful colours to focus on and soothing music t0 listen to whilst becoming aware of their breathing pattern to refresh any tired mind and take a brand new look at life. We have found that most people are attracted to the disks, firstly by their brightness and secondly their vivid energy which appears to emanate from them. Similar to when you see a beautiful vase of flowers and the colours appear to jump out at you into your consciousness. This often brings back vivid childhood memories for many people; young

children always tend to prefer bright colours. When the Colour Breathing™ sets are displayed at exhibitions and shows, people stop and ask what they are - it always makes me smile. The fact that the people are taking notice of the different colours is one goal already achieved. They have decided of their own free will to stop, look and listen. Focus for a second… just for a moment, have you experienced anything today which you have seen and remembered which has made you smile or gasp in wonder? Colour is a powerful healing vibration in its own right. Colour is a form of vibrational healing and we derive different benefits from the colour spectrum. The Colour Breathing™ disks are available in seven colours, representing the chakras or energy centres in our body – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and magenta. Our chakras affect our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and colours affect our chakras in many ways: physically, psychically, emotionally and mentally. I have personally been aware of auras and energy centres since a young child. The Colour Breathing™ disks have been designed to represent how I personally see chakras when a person is well and full of energy. International endorsements have been received from scientific and relaxation specialists and academics, and Colour Breathing was accepted by the BCMA (British Complementary Medical Association) in August of this year. There is a fully certified two-day Colour Breathing™ Practitioner’s training programme for training therapists, doctors, nurses and teachers to become licensed practitioners and bring relaxation classes to individuals or groups. Visit if you are interested in becoming part of a team of practitioners.

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Pins &

Many people shudder at the sight of needles or the mere thought of injections. Clare Sheridan pierces beneath the skin of a Chinese healing system which relies on tiny pins.

cupuncture often conjures up the image of human pin cushions, saturated with needles, seeking pain relief. But this ancient Chinese method of healing is all about balancing the body and focuses on improving the overall well-being of the patient, rather than addressing a single ailment. It has been practiced in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years. It is based on balancing the flow of the body’s natural energy, Qi (pronounced chi), which when in harmony, keeps the blood and organs functioning properly. This energy travels via a series of channels throughout the body called Meridian lines. Qi can become imbalanced through emotional as well as physical stress or trauma, which is where acupuncture can redress this balance by stimulating the body to heal via small needles inserted into the Meridian lines. Vision’s managing director Sammi Addey has suffered with a painful back since she fell out of a loft at the age of 9, and decided that acupuncture could hold the key to cracking the problem.

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Qualified acupuncturist and kinesiologist June Tranmer (BA Hons, Dip, Ac, MBAcC, PGCE - pictured opposite with Sammi) offered to get stuck into Sammi’s problem at The Healing Clinic in Fulford Cross, York. She founded the friendly, cosy practice in 1992 and the clinic currently boasts 24 part-time practitioners and five treatment rooms. Before starting the treatment, June discussed Sammi’s medical history with her, before checking her pulse on each wrist. “This helps me identify where I need to focus the treatment,” says June. “Each pulse reflects an organ and a Meridian. The right pulse corresponds to the lungs, the stomach and large intestine – the yang. The left pulse correlates to the heart, the liver, and the small intestine – the yin. “Acupuncture is good for treating everything from coughs and colds right through to working alongside cancer treatments. I treat children, babies and even people with HIV. I have also assisted with childbirth, helping with pain, sinuses and digestion.” Once Sammi was settled on the bed, June focussed on the area which would best help her problem – in Sammi’s case she focused on her ankles. “I’m feeling for points, dips in the channels, it’s like a canal. Every point has got particular qualities to it. I am opening up the energy and moving this particular Meridian. If you do a number of points it aligns the treatments.” She then administered four tiny needles to the inside of both of Sammi’s ankles (pictured left and above). “All needles are sterilised and disposed of after use. There is a guide on each end of the needle for easy application and patients shouldn’t feel anything much,” reassures June. “Meridian lines are like electricity, they flow constantly. From the moment we are conceived, energy leaves in Yin and Yang. It gushes out like waterfalls up to the age of 7. As we get

older it settles into particular pathways – every two hours of the 24-hour clock. Each meridian has its peak, for example 3-5pm is the bladder time, when extra energy is flowing into that area.” June also practices Kinesiology – a synthesis of Western knowledge and acupuncture, just without the needles. “Kinesiology involves holding points too. It restores the balance of energy and helps calm the memory of the stress to the body. Sometimes there’s too much energy on one side and there is one blockage, which is where the pain comes from. If we get the blocked channel running more smoothly, then theoretically we learn how to move the pain,” she says. “I firstly do a muscle test with my hands to ask where the imbalances are and what I need to do to balance it up. I balance the muscles and their relations – strengthening and tightening up so there’s more equality,” says June. “The body has its own way of finding a way to balance itself. Anything that it throws up is a signpost to find a way to balance. It’s a question of listening to those signals.” Sammi certainly felt the benefits. “The insertion of the needles felt like a little scratch, as though I was rubbing against a hawthorn bush. My legs feel revitalised and my back feels so much better. “I feel very relaxed but also taller! I have more energy and feel like I can tackle anything, although a comfy bed would be nice!” An acupuncture session costs between £37 and £45 for adults and £25 and £35 for children. June specialises in treatments for children and is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and the Kinesiology Federation. A Kinesiology session costs £45. The clinic also offers a wide range of other complementary treatments. For more details visit or call 01904 679868.


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Acupuncture is good for treating “everything from coughs and colds

right through to working alongside cancer treatments.� Vision 1


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eng is pronounced ‘f’ng’ and means wind in Chinese. Shui, pronounced ‘shway’ with a slight upward curl means water. These are two powerful forces which shape the earth and which carry the ‘cosmic dragon’s breath’, the Qi (pronounced chee), around it. Early Feng Shui was mainly about Yin Houses – houses of the dead – and was all about keeping ancestors happy after death. The Feng Shui of Yang Houses – houses of the living – came later. Qi flows in curved and meandering lines, goes with the line of a river valley through the hills, and follows the contours of the land. The straight railway or motorway carved through the landscape is not part of Feng Shui. It is the secret of living in harmony with nature, seeking balance rather than mastery. Qi is the divine energy the Chinese believe exists in nature. At the human level, Qi is gathered and used by practitioners of martial arts, and it flows through meridians in the body. Acupuncture can correct the flow when the body is out of balance. On the larger scale, Qi flows through the landscape and the use of Feng Shui techniques can correct any imbalances. Sheng Qi flows in meandering curves and is desirable, whereas Sha Qi runs in straight lines and causes problems. Feng Shui mirrors – used only on the exterior of a building – deflect Sha Qi. For example if a road drives straight at you or the sharp corner of a building opposite sends ‘evil arrows’ of Sha Qi to your front door, a mirror can be used. But do not use a plain mirror, which could make matters worse. Correctly positioned and correctly surrounded by the 8 Trigrams in the Early Heaven placement, the magic mirror protects you. Use a convex or concave mirror to shrink the threat and contain it.

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Feng Shui expert Carole Chui explains the basics.

Wind chimes are the traffic policemen of Qi flow. Where the energies run too straight and fast, the wind chime deflects them and where the Qi is exhausted, a wind chime can refresh it.

Square pillars or inward pointing corners in an irregularly shaped room send Sha Qi to anyone in the path of deflection, and sharp cornered furniture may do the same. Just imagine the room is filled with water (or wind) and see how the corner would send a spray or a draft towards you! An easy cure is to place a plant (or hang it) in front of the corner. Once the Qi is flowing well, a person can fine tune that flow to achieve ambitions in the various life areas represented in the Baat Gwa (Cantonese for Pa Gua, but it represents the pronunciation better). The areas include Relationships, Career and Fortunate Blessings (Wealth). Please note, it will do you no good to put a Money (Jade) Plant in your Wealth Corner if the Qi flow is not even reaching the room!

There are two schools of Feng Shui. The earlier school of Feng Shui, the Landscape or Form School, originated in the mountains and lakes of Gui Lin, depicted in so many Chinese paintings. The Feng Shui men, known as ‘Dragon Riders’, knew the land well, and explained Feng Shui in relation to the landscape, particularly to the Dragon. The Compass, or Analytical, School originated on the flatter and more featureless plains of Fukien Province. The Feng Shui Compass, or Luo Pan, was developed to assist in assessing the Qi flow, because it was not obvious from features of the landscape. Every master had his own version of the compass, but in basic form it should be a round compass, made up of many rings, held in a square holder. The round shape is for heaven, and the square shape for earth. The compass needles point to the Fortunate Direction - south. Chinese maps have South at the top. Each ring of the compass represents a measurement of earth or heavens, so that the flow of Qi could be read.

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There are many rules about bedrooms. One of the most important is that the bed should command the door, but not be directly opposite it. That is, a person in bed should be able to see if anyone enters, but should not be feet-first to the door - to be directly opposite is to be in the path of too much Qi. If you cannot see the door, a mirror positioned to give you a view of it will help. Mirrors are not liked in bedrooms - they increase the Qi and disturb sleep. You should not have a mirror at the foot of the bed, because your soul, rising in sleep, will catch its reflection in the mirror, and fall back time after time. In the office, the best place to sit is with your back to a wall, commanding the door. If you have your back to the door, you are vulnerable to office politics, even if you try to arrange a mirror to let you see who is entering.

Most practitioners today use a variety of techniques derived from both schools, and Chinese and other superstitions have found their way into the books. The common money toads, for example, were unknown to my Chinese husband. We later realised they were a Malaysian addition. There are Japanese techniques too. Feng Shui practitioners have an uneasy relationship with bathrooms. This is because water (which abounds in bathrooms!) is the most unstable of the 5 Chinese elements. In popular slang in Hong Kong money is called ‘water’, so when you pull out a plug or flush the loo,

you are sending money down the drain. Feng Shui, in fact, grew up in centuries when there would not be mains drainage and plumbing, so do take this with a pinch of salt. Feng Shui practitioners have suggestions to make about kitchens which fit well with Western theory, because water and fire should be separated. If you ever read that a kitchen should face a particular corner – for example the south east – this is nothing to do with Feng Shui today. In old China, the kitchen would have been a lean-to outside, and would be placed where the prevailing winds took the smoke away from the house!

The true compass directions to set up a room with Feng Shui corners are: North – Career; North East – Wisdom; East Ancestors and Health; South East Fortunate Blessings; South – Fame; South West – Relationships; West Children and Creativity; and North West - Helpful People. However, most of our houses are not built with the compass in mind, and tend to face SSE or NNW so one ends up with the Wisdom corner one eighth around the wall. It then becomes impossible for most people to keep the visualisation straight. I’ve found the method which places North in the middle of the wall which contains the door creates the best result. Thus, when standing with one’s back to the door, Fortunate Blessings is always in the opposite left corner, and Relationships in the opposite right corner. What matters is the flow of Qi round the room, and the Qi does not enter from 8 separate directions. Carole has co-written The Yorkshire Way of Feng Shui - the common sense approach to Feng Shui, with Angi Brereton. Available now, £9.99, call 07811 455 344.

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he Chinese describe jade as ‘the stone of heaven’, and to them it is exactly that - a natural resource that has attached itself to the very essence of one of the world’s most ancient and mysterious cultures. Although green jade is by far the most famous example, pure jade is actually milk-white. Impurities within the stone create the colour which, alongside green, may also be red, turquoise, orange, yellow, brown, blue, grey, pink, black, violet and white. There are actually two stones that are referred to as jade: Jadeite, which contains aluminium; and Nephrite, which contains magnesium. Jadeite is usually more brightly coloured than Nephrite, and is the only one of the two which produces the revered green variety known as Imperial Jade. It used to be thought that the harvesting of jade, and its use for spiritual and decorative purposes, began sometime during the era of the Shang Dynasty (1766-1050 BC) - but we now know that it was utilised far earlier. Some jade artefacts date back to the Bronze Age - even these objects are so sophisticated that they suggest a long precedent of jade-work stretching back even further in time.


Jade was seen as a potent symbol of immortality from the dawn of Chinese civilization. It was as if merely touching the stone put one in direct touch with the infinite. Storage vessels were also held to symbolise immortality - a jade vase was a veritable passport into the afterlife! Jade was often used in burial rituals and cremation rites. Pieces of green jade would be burned – sometimes alongside the corpse – and the intense heat caused a chemical reaction within the stone, which faded the green to a creamy white. This change in colour was believed to represent the changes in the nature of the deceased, who had now passed from this

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Need a passport to the afterlife? Look no further than jade. Michael Looking Coyote (pictured left) explains why humans have been fascinated by it since the dawn of civilisation. Associated with the Crown Chakra, jade has also been used to treat thyroid problems, heart disease, leukaemia, anaemia and nervous tension. Since ancient times, Oriental athletes have carried pieces of jade. They monitor the stone’s colour carefully. A darkening indicates that the owner is increasing in physical stamina, whereas a lightening indicates a period of weakness – hence the expression ‘feeling jaded’ when one looks pale and listless.


A green jade Buddha.

world to the next. These pieces of burnt jade – often referred to by the Chinese as ‘chicken wings’ – were taken into the afterlife by the deceased where they could be used as currency. For a piece of burnt jade or two, dragons and other spirits could be persuaded to act as their ‘guide on the other side’, and help you find your way around eternity’s various and sundry way-stations. During the Zhou dynasty (771-221 BC) deceased members of the royal family were buried in a jade suit with plugs of pure jade inserted into body orifices to maintain the purity of the dead in the afterlife. By the time of the Han Dynasty ((206 BC–220 AD) other jade objects were interred with the deceased to encourage rebirth. Rebirth could also be encouraged by placement of a piece of jade on the deceased’s tongue. Jade, revered for it’s healing qualities world-wide, was even used in Native American medicine to cure kidney disease. They actually preferred the magnesium-rich Nephrite for this – in fact the very word Nephrite is derived from the Koiné Greek word for kidney. Why? Because ancient healers in Greece also used Nephrite as a treatment for renal colic.

While jade has a multitude of uses when it comes to treating physical ailments, it is in the treatment of emotional and spiritual discord where this ‘green gold’ excels. Jade carried in the pocket is a good stress reliever, as Chinese businessmen will testify. Jade also has a calming influence, users saying that it helps one face up to reality instead of running away from it. One of the most persistent legends regarding jade is that it promotes fidelity in relationships. Wisdom, positive thinking, peace, tolerance, and love of others are all qualities said to be enhanced by jade. Blue jade is said to aid meditation and shamanic journeying. Brown jade is said to guide you safely through changes. Grey helps you concentrate, while green guides you into calmer waters when your love life is troubled. Red gives you both energy and protection, but if your heart

A green jade snake.

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is saddened or even broken, carry lavender jade. White jade should be carried if you are perplexed by a specific problem, while yellow should give you the boost you need to get up in the mornings. Confucius once said: “The wise have likened jade to virtue… its iridescent brightness represents heaven; its admirable substance, born of mountain and of water, represents the earth. The price which all the world attaches to it represents the truth…and that is why the wise set so great store by jade.”

Jade puzzle ball provided courtesy of The Holistic Experience shop, Garforth, Leeds. Visit their website:

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Cleansing and clearing your crystals

ost crystal healers believe that you should cleanse your crystals after every use – or at least occasionally, to remove any psychic or energy build-up. This is a useful thing to do when you first buy your crystals as they may have been handled by many people, and picked up a lot of different energies that you may not want attached to them. There are several time-honoured ways of doing this and the choice is up to you. Look at the list below and follow the process that stands out the most! Rinse under running water – this could be a mountain spring, a bottle of mineral water or even under the tap! All crystals benefit from this method occasionally, it keeps the crystals dust free and looking their best. Make sure that your crystal is not a soft crystal that can be damaged by immersing in water. Allow it to dry naturally.

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Smudging – probably the safest method! The American Indians used smudge sticks (bundles of dried herbs, usually sage or perhaps lavender), which were lit and then blown out. The crystal is held over the smoke to cleanse. You could also use an incense stick for the same purpose. You need to have a handy ashtray for this method - a terracotta bowl or a large shell both work very well. Make sure that the smudge stick (these are quite readily available from specialist New Age shops) has been extinguished properly afterwards – they can smoulder for a long time after the flame has been put out! Salt – some people bury their crystals in rock salt, or in a mixture of salt water for a short while. Beware – some crystals can be damaged or scratched by salt, so this is not a method that I have ever felt comfortable with myself !

Bury in soil – crystals have come from the earth and you may feel that they require a short ‘rest’ if used for healing for a long time. To avoid losing your crystal, you may find it easier to place it in a small plant pot and label its position!

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part 2

Jacky Newcomb continues her series on crystal healing. Charging/re-energising your crystals

After cleansing your crystals you may want to charge or re-energise them. Clear quartz is very easy to charge – sit quietly with your crystal and imagine the task that you want your crystal to do for you. Do you want your crystal to help you sleep at night, or help you relax in the evening? As you think of your chosen task, the crystal becomes infused with the required energy. Remember to cleanse your crystal and re-charge it Put them outside on a full moon – make sure that your when you are ready for it to perform another task. crystals are in a safe place, and won’t be stolen! Place smaller stones on top of large cluster crystals or surrounded by quartz Other methods of charging your crystals: points. Leave out in the sunlight – a lovely way to energise your stones (remember not to leave them out too long if they are the Don’t miss next month’s Vision to discover how to type that fade in the sunlight!). heal with your crystals.

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Margrit Coates, the UK’s number one animal healer, soothes with sound.


gave a lecture to a group of high-powered businesswomen recently and quietly played some music from my animal healing CD during the buffet lunch. It certainly had an effect. Several of the women came up to me and said that they felt very sleepy, and many remarked that the soothing melody was rendering them unable to go back to their meetings and act in the forceful way that was required of them at their level of working! We got talking about music in general and one of the women, a finance director of a large group of companies, told me how, when she has a difficult meeting to face she plays heavy rock music during the car journey. I was reminded of the days when I was in PR and also used to ‘pump myself up’ on the way to high level meetings (mostly with male executives present and I felt that I needed to be more like them to survive!). I played the loudest thumping rock music I could get hold of and then literally felt the blood pound in my head, and my heart race as adrenaline surged through me. Another side-effect was that my driving became faster. I would stomp out of the car like Arnold Schwarzenegger and take this buzzing energy into the boardroom like a hurricane. No wonder people thought I was unapproachable and surrounded by negative energy! Thank goodness fate stepped in several years ago when redundancy drove me back to my healing roots and now I play music that is good for me - mind, body, soul and not destructive to either myself or those around me - including animals. Music has a proven similar effect with animals as with humans. It was due to some extensive research with dogs that I came upon the idea of

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producing music especially with animals in mind. I discovered that Queens University in Belfast had undertaken a music study with the Dogs Trust (it was then called the National Canine Defence League). It was a big trial spread over a couple of years including over a thousand dogs - the findings were published in the leading journal Animal Welfare. Classical music was found to encourage behaviours more suggestive of relaxation in dogs, including rest and lower frequencies of barking. Heavy metal and grunge music resulted in more agitated behaviours including increased barking and longer periods of time standing. The Dog’s Trust wanted to make sure that they provided the most suitable environment for the dogs in their care and they now know that music plays a vital role. Similar trials are now being undertaken with cats and the research student that I am in touch with says that she expects cats to show distress with the loud thumping music too. Having three of my own I can vouch for just how

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sensitive their hearing is – their ears were designed to hear a mouse in the grass at some distance, not a cacophony. From studies with humans we know that music influences moods. There is a phenomenon called the Mozart Effect whereby certain types of classical music is proven to lower blood pressure, improve heart rate and reduce stress. Other types of music lead to aggression, hostility, sadness and fatigue. These are all things that animals can suffer from too – remember they are made of blood, flesh, bone and nerve endings just like we are. Animals can also get headaches from unpleasant and loud sound. Our pets and horses have much more sensitive auditory senses than we humans do. They can hear a broader range of sounds as well as some at higher and lower frequencies. It must be terrible for them to have to listen to loud thumping, discordant music. If we don’t like something we have the choice to turn it down or off. Animals have no such choice, relying totally on us for all their needs. For the good of a pet’s mental, emotional and physical health therefore, it is advisable not to subject them to unsuitable music, either in the car, home, garden or with horses at the stables. If you have a teenager going through a loud music phase then provide a quiet area for all pets to rest in (and don’t forget birds, reptiles and fish). If you want to get the best out of your horse then ask the yard to play pop music in the tack room - just not under the horses’ noses. We must take care that we offer the most beneficial environment for animals – and it is better for ourselves too of course! Nowadays I play classical music in the car and drive like a snail, and instead of getting out of my car like a whirlwind, step out feeling at peace. I know which feels better, is better, and which the animals prefer too. What I listen to now are beautiful harmonies that touch the soul, connect me with nature and heal me.

WIN copies of Margrit’s CD

Aimed specifically for animals from cats to horses, Animal Healing (RRP £12.95) by Margrit Coates (with music by Perry Wood), cleverly avoids sounds that pets might find distressing. Margrit has already reported success with the album in the course of her daily work. Part of New World Music’s Mind Body and Soul series, this beautifully calming music, also crosses over into much broader appeal and will be popular with anyone looking for restful quality music. New World Music has teamed up with Vision to give away 25 copies to readers. To enter, simply send your name and address on a postcard to: Vision Animal Healing CD Giveaway, Reference Code V0105, New World Music, Harmony House, Hillside Road East, Bungay, Suffolk, NR35 1RX, no later than February 24th. The first 25 names drawn after the closing date will win a CD. For further information and a free catalogue, contact New World Music on 01986 891600, or visit

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Imbolc Ritual

Witchcraft isn’t always about spells; when we celebrate Sabbats we try not to perform magic, we simply celebrate the magic of nature itself - try this simple Imbolc ritual.


elcome to Coven Corner where Vision’s White Witch Georgia Mead gives you a witch’s take on life every month. February is an important time for witches, as we celebrate one of our main Sabbats. In total there are eight Sabbats and these are the major festivals that form the wheel of the year. February 2nd is the turn of Imbolc, also known as Candlemas. The trees are starting to bud and we’re seeing the first signs of spring - it’s the perfect time for new ideas so have fun and let those imaginations run wild!


For this ritual you’ll need a tree. A tree you say?! Yes, find a tree! Choose one that you see on a regular basis, perhaps in your garden, local park or near your school. Choose one that sheds leaves, as its changing forms will help you distinguish between the seasons. Make this your tree. This will be your special place to visit over the next 12 months. Share with your tree your positive dreams and aspirations, let it know when you’re feeling down, when things are fine and tell it all your secrets. Take care to never take anything from, or mark your tree in any way. Recite a symbolic chant each time you visit your tree; this will illustrate the importance of your tree to you. For example: We are two, just as one, Living under the same sun, I ask you hear me as I speak, My secrets are now yours to keep. Enjoy watching the seasons change and how you and your tree connect and grow throughout the year.




packs of

Rider Waite Tarot Cards This month we have

to be won, all you have to do is answer the following question: What is this month’s witches’ kitchen herb useful for?

Send your answer, name and address on a postcard to: Vision Rider Waite Competition, East Cottage, Willingham Road, Market Rasen, Lincoln, LN8 3DX. All entries must be received by February 16th. Sponsored by

56 Vision 1

You can write to me, Georgia, at the Vision address or email me at Please remember that I may not be able to respond to all your letters, but I will try to cover all of your subjects on these pages.

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Ask Georgia

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Growing love

Dear Georgia, My heart is breaking. I have two daughters aged two and four and they just don’t seem to get along, they can’t be in the same room without fighting. Help! Pearl, Wiltshire. Georgia says: We sometimes find that siblings fall out of love with one another. This is very sad and distressing for all, so try this simple remedial spell. Take a packet of cress seeds and get your daughters together on the day of a new moon (when the moon is growing). Have them plant the seeds together, and as they work, see their love for one another growing as you recite these words: “As you sow, Your love will grow, With the moon, Let it be soon.”

When their cress has grown, have them make sandwiches or a salad together and watch their love for one another flourish. TIP If you find that after the first month things could still be better, repeat the process and persevere until you’re happy.

Internet dating

Dear Georgia, I found myself moving away from my partner and I didn’t want to lose him, but I didn’t know how to keep him. I knew he was feeling it too, so we decided to perform a little love magic. We took a red ribbon, 2 red candles and on a full moon we sat and talked. We lit each other’s candles, tied our wedding rings together and each wrote on a piece of paper all the things we love about one another. It was very emotional, we’d forgotten so much; just this simple act brought it all back. When we’d finished, we placed our rings back on each other’s fingers, tied the ribbon around the papers and placed them in a safe place. Our relationship is now going from strength to strength and we are happier than ever! Doreen Perkins, Leicestershire. Georgia says: This is a simple, effective way of rediscovering your love for each other. It’s very important that you did this together and I’m sure things will only get better. TIPS When you are looking to get your relationship working again, talking is the first step. Take time to listen as well, it’s just as important. Tell us how spells have changed your life. Each month the prize spell WINS a personalised spell kit from For The Witch In You to the value of £49.99 - visit for more details. Write to the Vision address or email Georgia at

Dear Georgia, I’ve recently started internet dating in the hope of finding love, but I’m having no luck. The ladies are either not interested or I’m not the one they are looking for, what can I do? John, North Lincolnshire. Georgia says: It can be difficult to find love, especially when you can’t see the other person until your first date. The pressure is on to like that person, stay safe and have a good time. My advice is to send some magic by email. Write a list of all the characteristics you would like your partner to possess and email it to yourself. Before you send it, thank the universe for giving you the opportunity to meet this person. Send the email and when it arrives leave it unread. Save it to a special folder and when you’ve found the right person, delete it and once again thank the powers that have brought you together.

The witches’ kitchen

Each month we’ll bring you tips on herbs and their magical healing properties for you to build up your own witches’ kitchen.


Sage speeds up the metabolism and so aids weight loss. It is often used by witches in magic as a protection herb. Placed in a bowl with boiling water as a steam bath, it helps to open the sinuses. Add three teaspoons of sage to boiling water. Allow to infuse and cool, then strain and rinse your hair for a healthy shine.

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Carole Chui explores the Chinese zodiac.

The Chinese zodiac is made up of animals and is listed in order as the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Legend has it that the Jade Emperor decided to call the animals and give each charge of a year. The Rat hitched a lift on the back of his friend, the Ox, and was subsequently the first animal to arrive. Match your birth date to our tables opposite to discover your zodiac animal, then learn your characteristics below.

58 Vision 1

The Rat is admired for his punctuality, shrewdness, hard work and ambition, although he is not above opportunism. He is thrifty, but generous to his family, witty and interested in people.

The Ox is hard working and persevering, calm, fair minded and methodical. She is sweet-natured, but can hold a grudge. She is responsible and tenacious. She likes security and can get in a rut.

The Dragon is the Emperor of beasts, charismatic and demanding, but without guile. More cunning signs can read him like a book. His temper is volcanic, and he hates to be bored. He is positive, resilient and never gives up.

The Snake is mysterious, unreadable, diplomatic and fascinating. She is slow to strike, because she weighs up all possibilities. Her anger is cold and considered, but if she drops her guard, her warmth and charm is surprising.

The Monkey is lively with quicksilver intelligence. He has no malice, but can be a trickster. He is restless and a risk-taker. He always bounces back from his problems and is endlessly adaptable.

The Rooster has a sharp, logical mind and is always right. A perfectionist, yet the loud crow could be hiding inner doubts. A Rooster can run a business and handle a budget, but loves flamboyant dress, even if it is just a bright tie.

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Rat Years

February 5, 1924 – January 24, 1925 January 24, 1936 – February 10, 1937 February 10, 1948 – January 28. 1949 January 28, 1960 – February 14, 1961 February 16, 1972 – February 2 1973 February 2, 1984 – February 19, 1985 February 19, 1996 –February 6,1997

Hare Years

Ox Years

January 25, 1925 – February 12, 1926 February 11, 1937 – January 30, 1938 January 29, 1949 – February 16, 1950 February 15, 1961 – February 4, 1962 February 3, 1973 – January 22, 1974 February 20, 1985 – February 8, 1986 February 7, 1997 – January 27, 1998

February 2, 1927 – January 22, 1928 February 19, 1939 – February 7, 1940 February 6, 1951 – January 26, 1952 January 25, 1963 – February 12, 1964 February 11, 1975 – January 30, 1976 January 29, 1987 – February 16, 1988 February 16, 1999 – February 4, 2000

Tiger Years

February 13, 1926 – February 1, 1927 January 31, 1938 – February 18, 1939 February 17, 1950 – February 5, 1951 February 5, 1962 – January 24, 1963 January 23 1974 – February 10 1975 February 9, 1986 – January 28, 1987 January 28, 1998 – February 15, 1999

Dragon Years

January 23, 1928 – February 9, 1929 February 8 1940 – January 26, 1941 January 27, 1952 – February 13, 1953 February 13, 1964 – February 1, 1965 January 31, 1976 – February 17, 1977 February 17, 1988 – February 5, 1989 February 5, 2000 – January 23, 2001

Snake Years

February 10, 1929 – January 29, 1930 January 27, 1941 – February 14, 1942 February 14, 1953 – February 2, 1954 February 2, 1965 – January 20, 1966 February 18, 1977 – February 6, 1978 February 6, 1989 – January 26, 1990 January 24 2001 – February 11, 2002

Horse Years

January 30, 1930 – February 16, 1931 February 15, 1942 – February 4, 1943 February 3, 1954 – January 23, 1955 January 21, 1966 – February 8, 1967 February 7, 1978 – January 27, 1979 January 27, 1990 – February 14, 1991 February 12, 2002 – January 31, 2003

The Tiger is the wild one of the Chinese zodiac. Unpredictable, passionate, fearless, impulsive, attention-seeking and given to strong but short-lived enthusiasms, he has a certain elegance and glamour in all he does.

The Hare is refined, with good taste, but a little moody. She wins arguments without raising her voice, burrowing away at the opponent’s argument until it collapses. Reputed to be lucky with money, in fact she reads the small print.

Goat Years

February 17, 1931 – February 5, 1932 February 5, 1943 – January 24, 1944 January 24, 1955 – February 11, 1956 February 9, 1967 – January 29, 1968 January 28, 1979 – February 15, 1980 February 15, 1991 – February 3, 1992 February 1, 2003 – January 21, 2004

Monkey Years

February 6, 1932 – January 25 1933 January 25, 1944 – February 12, 1945 February 12, 1956 – January 30, 1957 January 30, 1968 – February 16, 1969 February 16, 1980 – February 4, 1981 February 4, 1992 – January 22, 1993 January 22, 2004 – February 8, 2005

The Horse is adventurous, gregarious, independent, boisterous and cheerful. See him as a rough-coated Mongolian pony rather than a thoroughbred, and you have him. He is impulsive, but hard working, a wanderer but not a loner.

The Goat is artistic, generous, shy and sensitive. She cries easily and sulks. She is childlike and generous, but is lucky, always having protectors, food, clothing and shelter. She turns meekness into strength.

Rooster Years

January 26, 1933 – February 13, 1934 February 13, 1945 – February 1, 1946 January 31, 1957 – February 17, 1958 February 17, 1969 – February 5, 1970 February 5, 1981 – January 24, 1982 January 23, 1993 – February 9, 1994 February 9, 2005 – January 28, 2006

Dog Years

January 28, 1922 – February 15, 1923 February 14, 1934 – February 3, 1935 February 2, 1946 – January 21, 1947 February 18, 1958 – February 7, 1959 February 6, 1970 – January 26, 1971 January 25, 1982 – February 12, 1983 February 10 1994 – January 30, 1995

Pig Years The Dog is honest, straightforward and faithful. He is friendly, good company, plain talking and has a mixture of realism and idealism which is all his own. In old age he often deplores society’s lack of morals.

The Pig is brave, intelligent, patient and more complex than she seems. She likes to be comfortable, and someone will always look after a pig. But why are they feeding her up? Is someone taking advantage?

February 16, 1923 – February 4, 1924 February 4, 1935 – January 23, 1936 January 22, 1947 – February 9, 1948 February 8, 1959 – January 27, 1960 January 27, 1971 – February 15, 1972 February 13, 1983 – February 1, 1984 January 31, 1995 – February 18, 1996

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Throughout the animal years, Yang and Yin alternate, beginning with the Yang Rat. Each year is assigned one of the five Chinese elements. Every 12 years, the zodiac completes itself and the year of your birth animal comes round again. This 12-year period is called a Great Year. After 5 Great Years, a Cycle is complete. Each of the 5 elements remains for two years, first in a Yang year, then in a Yin year. It takes 10 years for the elements to complete their round. If you are 60 this year, then it is special. Not only do you get your bus pass, but the animal and the element are the same for the first time since your birth, and a Cycle is complete. If the last digit of the Western year in which your Chinese birth year began is an even number, or zero, your year was Yang. If odd, Yin. Yang people are more outgoing, whereas Yin people are nurturing. The elements emphasise different facets of the animal character. An Earth Monkey would be less of a trickster, and a Wood Snake would be more open. A Fire Ox would be more playful, a Metal Goat less tearful, and a Water Rooster understands people, and is less likely to peck and harry them into submission.

Discover your secret animal

For more insights, look for your Secret Animal. This is the equivalent of the Western Rising Sign. The 12 animals progress through the 12 double hours of each day. What you might find unusual is that the first hour, the Hour of the Rat, begins at 11pm the night before! The Hour of the Ox starts at 1am, and the animals follow through in order, with the Hour of the Pig ending just before 11pm at night. Here is a compatibility test.

Write the names of the animals on separate cards. Then lay them out in a clock face (as in above diagram) in the order from Rat to Pig. Put your own Year animal at 12 0’clock. Your most compatible signs are at 4 and 8 0’clock, with other friendly faces at 10 and 2. You do not get on well with those at 3 and 9 0’clock. Your bitter enemy is at 6, but because opposites attract, you might well have a wild love affair with an opposite number!

Birth year elements

Metal years end in 0/1. Water years end in 2/3. Wood years end in 4/5. Fire years end in 6/7. Earth Years end in 8/9.

60 Vision 1

Earth people are stable, solid, nurturing, reliable and great planners. They can get into a rut. Metal people are determined, strong and brave, with an ability to hang on to money. They can be domineering and if too rigid, can break. Water people are good communicators and infiltrate rather than dominate. They tend be too passive. Wood people are ethical and compassionate. With many interests they can overextend themselves. Fire people are born leaders. They are excitable, enthusiastic and intuitive, and can be destructive if their energies are not channelled.

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What lies in store in the year of the



or all his strutting and crowing, the Rooster presides over a Yin year, following on from the Yang Monkey. Traditionally in Yang years, big plans are laid and big events unfold. When the Yin year follows, it is time to follow through and for people to turn inwards, tired of the high energy demands of Yang. This is a rough guide, since events set in motion in Yang years may not come to fruition until the Yin year, and so a quiet year may not necessarily lie ahead. Nevertheless, a Yin year holds more hope of compromise and resolution of disputes. I will look at the pairing of Yang Monkey followed by Yin Rooster. A Monkey year is characterised by risk taking and excitement. Wild gambles seem to pay off under the Monkey’s influence. It is not surprising that the idea of increasing the number of licensed casinos came up in a Monkey year – it is a typical Monkey scheme. However, should it be implemented in the Rooster year, those involved could fall flat on their faces if the ground work has not been fully laid. The Rooster has cheerfulness and courage, but just does not have the luck of the Monkey and so cannot keep all the plates spinning in that impossible way. Politically it is all talk and

hot air (a good year for an election then!) and in business time for consolidation, because large outlays and risky ventures may not have the hoped-for return. If you are a Rooster, it is your year and you understand the conditions. However, traditional astrology speaks of the ‘Attack of the Self’ and warns Rooster not to over extend. Doing well in a Rooster year are compatible animals the Ox and the Snake. The Goat and Pig also cope well with the conditions. By tradition, Dragons also do well in Rooster years. On the other hand, the Hare feels ill at ease and the Rat and Horse find conditions not to their liking. For other animals, the conditions are more neutral, although the Monkey and Dog tend to be better suited than the Tiger. Your birth element is also important. This year, like last year, is a Wood year. Wood people are, of course, in their element! People born in a Fire year are happy, because Wood stokes their fire. Earth people are in a less happy state, because Wood drains them. They will be happier in the next two years, which will be Fire years, and Fire suits them. Water creates Wood, and so for Water people this is still a year of putting in rather than taking out. For Metal people, since Metal controls Wood, progress can be made, but be careful not to overextend yourself.


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21 Jan - 19 Feb

Let Vision’s no-nonsense astrologer James Christie guide you through the month ahead.... Starsign traits

Aquarius: the water carrier Personality: Aquarians are kind, loyal, imaginative, sympathetic, warm and friendly, but on the flipside they can be independent and quite stubborn, as well as distant and thoughtless. Planets: Uranus and Saturn – Uranus brings the qualities of the unexpected and unusual making Aquarians imaginative, while Saturn fills them with wisdom. Birthstone: Amethyst – for sincerity

February forecast

Famous Aquarians: John Travolta, Robbie Williams, James Dean, Ronald Reagan, Lana Turner, Oprah Winfrey and Geena Davis.


’m in charge and we’ll do it my way’ give you a guaranteed score! Check out will be the motto and mood of these the scoreboard around the 19th and 20th next few weeks and while some of and you should see what I mean. the people you have around you will Relationships: Unfortunately, if respond favourably to this expression of you carry your business tactics over into ego and self-confidence, there are just a your bedroom you’re likely to get a black couple who’ll tell you to get knotted! eye, the cold shoulder or worse! Maybe Rather than worrying about this this doesn’t matter if you’re cruising minority, concentrate on the majority, along a casual no-commitments pathway, and use your skills of leadership to prove but it matters if you’re with someone that your way is the right way. important that you value and you want to Cash & career: Innovation and keep. So a little Jekyll and Hyde experimentation will take you so far, schizophrenia is called for – the playing hunches and trusting your aggressive Mr Hyde at work and the intuition will take you a bit further, but thoughtful Dr Jekyll at home. Aquarian using other peoples’ strengths to cover parents might need to pay some special the areas where you yourself are not so attention to a male child’s educational Vision Astrology 13/12/04 4:50 1 strong will Ad2 get you right into the goalpmandPageproblems. ‘

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20 Feb - 20 Mar

Starsign traits

Pisces: the fishes Personality: Pisceans are romantic, compassionate, sensitive, intuitive, funny and loving. However, they can also be indecisive, self-pitying, vague and temperamental. Planets: Jupiter and Neptune – Jupiter rules over expansion and Neptune rules over dreams and fantasies. Birthstone: Aquamarine and bloodstone – for courage. Famous Pisceans: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Gere, Albert Einstein and Prince Harry.


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4:50 pm

here will be pressure upon you to conform to other peoples’ standards and expectations. Under normal circumstances you might be disinclined to rock the boat, but as there is a mood of rebellion and indignation fermenting away within you, I suspect that on more than one occasion you’re going to raise a few eyebrows and ruffle a few feathers. Valentine’s Day is a risky time; you must stand your ground on a matter of principle and not allow yourself to be manipulated by someone who has done it too many times before. Cash & career: Financial aspects seem safe and secure but it would appear that you are taking on some new debts: Page 1 will be channelled into money


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February forecast

advertising and you’ll find yourself paying for expensive, but necessary, professional advice. Business meetings on the 18th (at an odd un-businesslike hour of the day) will have some long-term benefit, and watch out for some disruption to travel plans between the 21st and 28th. Relationships: New romantic associations should flourish in this period, and there should be some fresh sexual stimuli making its presence felt between the 12th and 16th. However, long-term relationships shudder beneath the weight of familiarity, and anything you can do to spice up your love life has got to be seen as an investment. The last thing you want to do is go to bed with a good book and if a partner thinks that the only thing you’re good for is a back scratch, then reach for the Viagra and a blue movie.

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21 Mar - 20 Apr

Starsign traits Aries: the ram

Personality: Adventurous, outgoing, assertive, and hard-working, but can also be controlling, impatient, hot-headed and selfish, Planets: Mars - the planet of war, Mars makes Ariens good leaders, although it also contributes to their hot-headedness. Birthstone: Diamond – for innocence. Famous Aries: Doris Day, Vincent Van Gogh, Elton John and Holly Hunter.

February forecast


here is quite a lot of tension and frustration in the wind when things do not happen the way you expect – or worse, they just don’t happen at all! The secret is to take a laid-back approach to life and go with the flow, but that is something you will find very hard to do, faced with some of the pressures that Relationships: If you are happy seem to be piling on from a variety of on the work scene, you might be happy different sources. Some news from with your love life too, but bringing overseas intensifies moods of frustration problems home from work seems to cool and restlessness. your emotional ardour, proving to be a Cash & career: There will be total turn off for a partner who is sick to some friction on the work scene when the teeth of hearing about your problems bosses and employers give mixed signals when they’ve got enough of their own! If and you’ll find yourself running around you could split these two very different like a blue-arsed fly trying to please three aspects of your life, you’d find you’re a different people at once. There is marked improvement in affairs of the certainly a power struggle in the wind heart. Watch out for a nasty clash around between the 10th and 17th when you will the 20th when there will be a marked feel very used, abused and taken for absence of support and understanding granted. Without as much cash in your from a loved one just when you need it pocket as you might like, this could well Vision Astrology 13/12/04 the1most. be the timeAd2 to start looking for4:50 a newpmjob.Page

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21 Apr - 21 May

Starsign traits Taurus: the bull

Personality: Reliable, prosperous, dependable, steady and tenacious, but is prone to moodiness, greed and can be self-indulgent. Planets: Venus – the planet of love makes Taureans down to earth bodies who enjoy luxury. Birthstone: Emerald – for love and success. Famous Taureans: Queen Elizabeth II, Bing Crosby, Charlotte Bronte, William Shakespeare, Ella Fitzgerald, Cher, George Clooney and Billy Joel.


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4:50 pm

ssentially February will turn out to be a month of many compromises – some of which you should be able to make easily enough, while others cost you some self-esteem and more than a little bit of pride. Remembering that pride comes before a fall, you can afford to back down on some issues, just biding your time until the tide turns around the 23rd or th 24 at which time some extremely decisive (seemingly impulsive) action on your part should raise more than a few eyebrows. Maintain faith in your own dreams and ambitions but zip the lip. Cash & career: You now enter an increasingly busy period of the year and although your earning potential is very good 1indeed, there are no free lunches Page


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February forecast

and you’ll be slogging your guts out for whatever you’re getting. Also, tendencies to overspend and to indulge in extravagances should be curbed, as you’ll need some extra financial reserves come the spring. This involves something you already know about without me having to tell you! Relationships: Let’s face it, all Taureans are terrible flirts, and this tendency might get you into a lot of hot water in a serious relationship when a partner or significant other takes your flirting to heart, totally misinterprets it, and comes down on your neck like a ton of flaming bricks. Sure, you’ll feel a bit defensive and resentful – after all, it was just a bit of fun, wasn’t it? The trouble is that other people took you seriously. So once again you’re suffering from foot and mouth disease – you’ve opened your mouth and put your foot right in it! When is this likely to happen? Hell, any time at all!

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22 May - 21 June

Starsign traits Gemini: the twins

Personality: Spontaneous, charming, inquisitive, entertaining, persuasive, intelligent, witty and good communicators, but can be restless, unstable, prone to depression and superficial. Planets: Mercury – the messenger of the gods, Mercury instils Geminis with the gift of communication and persuasion. Birthstone: Pearl – for health. Famous Geminis: Judy Garland, Dean Martin, Paul McCartney, Anne Frank, John F Kennedy, Bob Dylan, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Michael J Fox and Lenny Kravitz.


ebruary will be something of a reassuring month with lots of support from both friends and family alike. New people on the social scene make you very aware that you’ve been missing out on a few things and a self-prescribed boost to your ego (and maybe also your appearance) might cost a few pennies, but it’s a sound ‘yes’ when the opportunity knocks on investment. New clothes for some, new your door. When do I hear that cars for others. knocking? Well pin your ears back Cash & career: Finances are around the 5th/6th then again on strong enough for you to spend a few the12th/13th and more pounds on things that you want rather importantly, between the 20th than just need – but here’s a thing! and the 24th. You might think Maybe those wants are justifiable desires someone is joking when if they make you feel confident and they tell you they positive and give you the courage to want to break a few rules (especially if they are re-write the other people’s rules!) and get you out of Karma the habit of doing the right thing for Sutra with everybody else! you, but Relationships: Affairs of the they’re heart (and okay, affairs in the bedroom) being flourish and sparkle over the next few deadly Vision Astrology Ad2 on13/12/04 4:50 1 weeks but only condition that youpmsay Page serious!

February forecast

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22 June - 22 July

Starsign traits Cancer: the crab

Personality: Sensitive, nurturing, supportive, humorous, a dreamer and empathetic, but can be emotional, unpredictable, have low self-esteem, can hold grudges and be clingy. Planets: The moon – the waxing and waning moon makes Cancerians mysterious and irrational. Birthstone: Moonstone – for longevity. Famous Cancerians: George Orwell, Princess Diana, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks, Yul Brynner, Louis Armstrong and Meryl Streep.


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4:50 pm

Orange). r cost bile).

Cash & career: An intensely busy

uite an interesting little month, if you ask me. From your point of view you’ll be glad that February has only got 28 days in it rather than the usual 30 or 31, because the way that I see it, the next few weeks are going to be a rollercoaster ride of dramas, battles and tensions. You will feel that you’re simply not getting the support and understanding that you deserve – and you’d be fairly right in that assessment! The trouble is you’re not giving other people what they need to receive from you, or as my old grandmother put it: “there’s no point in giving someone a muffin when Page what 1they want is crumpet”.


ow! 069

February forecast

month with long hours and too many deadlines! You will acquit yourself well but it does drain your reserves and make you tired. This is perhaps one of the reasons why you’ll be on such a short fuse in your domestic environment. Relationships: Now there could be some notable improvement in your love life from the 7th or 8th onwards but it depends on one singular factor. Do you want there to be some improvement, or do you feel like saying ‘sod it’ and walking away from something that just isn’t measuring up to your expectations? The ball is in your court, and I guess it will go whichever way you kick it. A journey around the 18th will have some strong significance on the direction on long-term relationships with other members of the family.

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23 July - 22 Aug

Starsign traits Leo: the lion

Personality: Creative, generous, confident, charming, loyal, romantic, honest, cheerful and courageous, but can be headstrong and attention-seeking. Planets: The sun – the bright sun makes Leos creative and a source of light and warmth. Birthstone: Ruby – for contentment. Famous Leos: Alfred Hitchcock, Fidel Castro, Robert Redford, Robert De Niro, Madonna, Mae West, Bill Clinton and Napoleon Bonaparte.

February forecast


highly rewarding month with some his should be a productive month special reward or recognition on or especially in all areas of self around the 22nd. Also worthy of note is assessment. Some very honest soul some developing link with politics and/or searching brings you to a hard decision politicians. or two where divided loyalties are Relationships: Sometimes concerned; bearing in mind that you business and pleasure can mix very cannot solve everyone else’s problems for nicely, but take heed, definitely not this them and that if you please Peter you month. Indeed, flirtations and sexual must inevitably upset Paul. It’s time to liaisons set against the background of get practical and stick to your own your place of work could be positively personal agenda. This may be selfish, but dangerous, especially for people who it is also very sensible. already have commitments. And yet, Cash & career: This self there is a sense of excitement and assessment trend and the process or anticipation in the air, and single Leos concentrating on your own priorities is can expect no shortage of action and very relevant in all career and business opportunity, especially on the 4th/ 5th/ aspects, and assuming you carry this 11th/ 12th/ 18th and 19th of the month through with some degree of when they are likely to learn the real joys determination, February should turn out Vision Astrology Ad2 of 13/12/04 4:50 pmandPage of 1sex. to be something a record breaking

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23 Aug - 22 Sept

Starsign traits Virgo: the virgin

Personality: Perfectionists, dedicated, honest, efficient, reliable and modest, but can be over-critical, alienating and over-demanding. Planets: Mercury – the messenger planet, Mercury gives Virgos a sharp mind and the gift of communication. Birthstone: Peridot – for happiness. Famous Virgos: DH Lawrence, Keanu Reeves, Richard Gere, Agatha Christie, Buddy Holly, Michael Jackson and Lauren Bacall.


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4:50 pm

his should be an easy month for most members of the sign and if tempests and typhoons do loom up on the horizon, they’re likely to be little more than storms in teacups. Actually this is a productive period for calming the troubled waters of past events and for looking forwards along new pathways to the future. One thing’s for sure – this is what other people around you will be working towards, and this should be of great help in your own quests and ambitions. Cash & career: This is a particularly good month for those who are working independently or who are running their own businesses. Cash aspects are excellent from the 14th Page 1 onwards, but there is no luck working


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February forecast here – this is as the result of hard work and past effort. A new money making opportunity will be looked at and discussed at various times over the month, and it’s okay for you to put your money where your mouth is, as long as someone else does so first! Relationships: For younger members of the sign this should be a deliciously sexy and private kind of month, and if you are having a good time and keeping that good time secret, well, more power to your elbow. You’re only young once, so enjoy it! Interestingly, however, more mature relationships may feel a bit of strain and tension if one partner seems to be doing all the work while the other tends to coast along and fails to pull their weight.

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23 sept - 23 Oct

Starsign traits Libra: the scales

Personality: Fun-loving, diplomatic, sociable, controlled, rational and flirtatious, but can also be manipulative, indecisive and self-indulgent. Planets: Venus – the love goddess’s planet makes Librans easy to get along with. Birthstone: Sapphire – for clear thinking. Famous Librans: Michael Douglas, TS Elliot, John Lennon, Mahatma Ghandi, Bob Geldof, Groucho Marx, Sting and Margaret Thatcher.


February forecast

(or just made possible by positive ’d expect February to be a bright and finances) travel aspects are very relevant exciting month for most members of towards the end of the month. Eastern the sign, and especially for those Europe, perhaps? singles whose get up and go hasn’t got up Relationships: I wouldn’t want to and gone! Anyone with an ounce of describe February as being full of sex, sex ambition and a smidgen of extra energy and more sex, but I tell you what, will find that they are much in demand whether you are 16 or 65, I on the social scene, and if you do find reckon you should be getting you’re burning the candle at both ends, more than your fair share! then so what? Every good time has its Someone is out to prove that you price tag and you should have more than are very important to them, and enough energy to pay your dues. as for you, even if you’re only Cash & career: All work related a little bit receptive, there matters are well starred and the portents should be some wild nights are especially good for those who either ahead whether they’re on work for themselves or who are not the back seat of old afraid of taking a few risks and bangers or between the silk shouldering some extra responsibility. Vision Astrology 13/12/04 with 4:50 pm Page 1 sheets of five star hotels. Whether itAd2 is in connection careers

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24 Oct - 23 Nov

Starsign traits Scorpio: the scorpion

Personality: Emotional, honest, passionate and magnetic, but can be obstinate, secretive, moody and jealous. Planet: Pluto – the ancient god of the underworld gives Scorpios the power to turn the world upside down. Birthstone: Opal and tourmaline – for hope. Famous Scorpios: Sylvia Plath, Art Garfunkel, Robert Louis Stevenson, Prince Charles, Katherine Hepburn, Winona Ryder and Bill Gates.


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4:50 pm

ebruary will be a more focussed month than January has been. A number of new year issues will have been resolved to your satisfaction and some unworkable new year resolutions will have been given the boot. Although you might not be deliriously happy across the board, I suspect you’ll be feeling happier –particularly from the 14th/15th onwards, when a number of things fall into place and you’ll see your way ahead much more clearly! Cash & career: In the work place there will be some divided loyalties coming to a head around the 9th/10th/11th - which master do you serve and who is more worthy of your loyalty? Scout around and figure out Page whom1you can really trust with a secret.


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February forecast

There’s a lot of gossip in the wind and some rather underhand office politics. Be aware of it, but keep your ass out of it as much as possible. Relationships: Both sexual and emotional relationships offer you some diversion and delight this month but not if you’re working with a lover or partner, in which case there are likely to be quite a few hot spots of tension and friction. For those who keep their love lives away from the work place there is an easy passage, full of small delights – and maybe a big surprise between the 25th and 28th when something really very important works out for you in a most unexpected way. Do watch out for a few niggling health problems coming to the surface at this time, probably caused by lousy diet and lack of sleep.

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Page 72

SAGITTARIUS 24 Nov - 21 Dec

Starsign traits Sagittarius: the archer

Personality: Independent, optimistic, caring, generous, but can be manipulative, blunt, impatient, fickle and quick to judge. Planet: Jupiter – the Roman king of the gods makes Sagittarians lucky and jovial. Birthstone: Topaz and Turquoise – for fidelity and prosperity. Famous Sagittarians: Britney Spears, Winston Churchill, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner and Frank Sinatra.


February forecast

month. Oddly, in some ways, this might his will be a forward planning not be a bad thing if, in doing something period – a time in which you’ll be to alleviate the boredom, you find examining a number of different options, opportunities and pathways, and yourself following a more profitable financial pathway. looking more to the long-term future Relationships: Some fairly than what is just around the corner. ‘heavy’ conversations in established More importantly you come to realise relationships on the subject of where that there more interesting ways of those relationships are going and sorting getting from A to B than just travelling in out some controversial priorities. The a straight line. welfare of older people gets in the way of Allied to this line of thought a number of your own needs and desires, and travel aspects will also be under although you may be tempted to be discussion, possibly linked with totally selfish, I just don’t think you’ve overseas property purchases. got the balls for it. Younger members of Cash & career: January’s the sign are not burdened with this sense progressive trends carry on throughout of duty, but even they will have to deal February, but unless you are being very with the ‘you can’t do that’ attitude of active and are totally committed, I’d other people. This may well generate a expect a little bit of boredom to start Vision Astrology Ad2 before 13/12/04 1 of reaction and rebellion. mood rearing its head the end4:50 of thepm Page

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Starsign traits Capricorn: the sea-goat

Personality: Shy, reserved, a great sense of humour, realistic, responsible and relentless, but can get depressed, be pessimistic, fearful and sarcastic. Planet: Saturn – the Greek god of time makes Capricorns disciplined. Birthstone: Garnet – for constancy. Famous Capricorns: Elvis Presley, Cary Grant, Muhammad Ali, Isaac Newton, David Bowie, Annie Lennox and Joan of Arc.


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4:50 pm

/Orange). er cost obile).

February forecast

ork routines pick up pace and you’ll be working some long and irregular hours; I think that there will be either some key journeys during the month or a regular commuting regime goes through a major change. Some attention needs to be paid at this time to all aspects of security – we’re not so much taking about emotional security as things like car insurance, vulnerable wallets and handbags. Cash & Careers: As I say, this is a very hard working period, but a very rewarding one financially, and you should be pleasantly chuffed at the way in which some of planning turns out to be such a Page 1 success. Do be careful though not to


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22 Dec - 20 Jan

burn the candle at both ends or to overstretch yourself so far that you’re in danger of breaking your neck through tripping over your tail. Relationships: In general there are no dark clouds on the horizon of relationships. Certainly, younger and less secure Capricorns may well experience some pangs of jealousy and vulnerability and young ladies of the sign will be looking for more commitment from their partners, but goats with longer beards trot on with a degree of security and harmony. I suppose, upon reflection, all Capricorn relationships could benefit by having a bit more quality time given to them rather than just the tired hours at the end of the day.

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by Clare Sheridan

Relax Kids: Aladdin’s Magic Carpet by Marneta Viegas (O Books £9.99) This is a marvellous idea for the younger generation – a relaxation guide for children. Children’s entertainer Marneta Viegas has combined her 23 years of mediation technique with her show talents to bring peace to the lives of little ones. She has taken the themes from an anthology of famous nursery rhymes and incorporated these into meditations. Youngsters can fly on Aladdin’s magic carpet or alongside Mary Poppins or Peter Pan, or snooze with Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. This is the perfect bedtime story as it relaxes the children for sleep and promotes happy, peaceful dreams. But this is not just for bedtime – it would also be an excellent aid for teachers in the classroom – particularly around exam or test times. It is also exquisitely illustrated with colourful images to fuel the imagination. Such a simple yet effective idea – every parent should own one so youngsters can develop relaxation into the habit of a lifetime.

74 Vision 1


Moving into Ecstasy by Amoda (Thorsons £14.99) No, this is not a book dedicated to pill-popping down the latest club (in fact, Amoda advises against that), but one which advises on a stimulant-free search for the higher state. Although it was originally published three years ago, this is a tome which has timeless relevance to readers. Amoda teaches that a higher level of consciousness is as natural as breathing. The body is the key and in order to embark on this joyous journey, readers have to ‘wake up’ and just ‘be’. There are a series of easy to follow exercises to get readers to retune with their bodies via dance, movement, breathing exercises and chakra work. Amoda uses a system of teachings and brings together ancient wisdoms and modern techniques to heal the mind, body and soul. The key is to get back down to earth, let go of your head and get rid of negative emotions by letting go of everyday thoughts and problems. There are also handy daily exercises to promote positive thinking. This is a wonderful, life-affirming book which is a must for anyone seeking to bring some joy and positivity into their lives – go on, live a little!

Meditation Plain & Simple by Christina Feldman (ThorsonsElement £10.00, available from Meditation is a minefield as far as teach yourself books go. Christina Feldman has taken the book and CD route with this guide. It is not a step-by-step account of how to meditate though – albeit there are several examples of breathing and relaxation techniques. This is more of a guide to getting in the right frame of mind for meditation. Experienced teacher Christina takes you through the purpose of meditation, the core principles, the ethics, and the dedication required. Focusing on posture, breathing, concentration and various different schools of meditation (from Buddhism to Sufism, and their different techniques such as the use of mantras, visualization etc), this does not proclaim that meditation is a miracle cure for stress, just that it helps us to respond with greater skill to the demand of our lives. The accompanying CD complements this by reinforcing the state of mind necessary for success and taking the listener through a simple breathing technique – and I find practice and listening always seems to work better than just reading and trying something out. The book supplements this with simple exercises to incorporate meditation into everyday life and a handy resource guide at the back of organisations across the world (according to country) to contact for further advice. Fantastic theory to get you in the mindset of meditation – now all you have to do is practice!

Inspirational Journeys CD Volume 1: music by Stephen Page and original meditations written by John Bellamy (Aquavision Music Ltd £10.99) This guided meditation is as much a therapy as it is a relaxation tool. Tony Davies’ lilting Scottish tongue melts into Stephen Page’s calming music in his narration of two meditations: The Water Meditation and The Earth Meditation. But it is not only the soothing voice and music which ease the listener – the beauty of John Bellamy’s writing is that he grounds and relaxes the listener before the meditations begin. The Water Meditation is all about loving yourself and those around you, while The Earth Meditation helps listeners hear their own subconscious messages. The second CD is merely the instrumental music for those who wish to deepen their meditation without guidance. A wise journey through the mind.

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Your Chinese Horoscope 2005 by Neil Somerville (ThorsonsElement £8.99, available from An apt addition to the reviews section this month, this little reference does exactly what it says on the tin. An invaluable little guide to not only this year’s horoscopes, but the Chinese zodiac in general, Neil Somerville gets to grips with not only the 12 animals, but compatibility and element characteristics. In fact, this guide is in its 17th year. Chinese astrology actually predates the Western zodiac and works off years of birth, rather than months. Somerville includes an overview of the history as well as the imminent year of the rooster – which will be a year of positive action and commitment. He also details significant events surrounding economics, politics, history and even royal happenings! There is a in-depth look at each animal sign including personality traits and the elements before a detailed forecast for 2005, followed by a list of famous names under that sign. But there is more to this book than mere predictions for the year of the rooster – there are also handy compatibility tables detailing how each sign interacts with the other personally and in business matters. Advice on how to get the best from your sign by identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as how the ascendant affects your star sign and even hours of the day are helpfully chronicled at the back. A fascinating insight into your animal side.

Colour Breathing™ by Alison Bourne (Energy Press – book/discs £14.95; affirmation cards £11.99; audio CD £12.95; music CD £12.95)

Add some colour to your life by getting into what is sure to be the next big thing: Colour Breathing™. Alison Bourne has developed this simple yet very effective system of relaxation and stress management. There are several different parts to this package: the initial book and disk set; audio CDS; and affirmation cards. This is a fantastic introduction to chakra work for those who have no idea what chakras are, or simply those who find visualisation exercises hard. The basic set comes complete with the book and disks - but for added ease of use it is worth purchasing the audio CD (which follows the text of the book), which allows ease of concentration on the cards. The combination of soothing narrative from Alison on the CD and the concentration on the cards is almost hypnotic – allowing the reader to relax and take stock in a sort of guided meditation. The narrative/text is also peppered with positive affirmations to help the effect last longer. There is also a music CD for those confident enough to manage on their own. The bright, vibrant colours of the disks mean you can’t help but ‘breathe’ in the colours – which proves an uplifting form of therapy.

Competition: Vision has FIVE complete Colour Breathing™ sets worth £52.84 each to give away. The packs include the Colour Breathing Book and Disks, the Colour Breathing Audio CD, the Colour Breathing Music CD and the Colour Breathing Affirmation Cards. To enter, simply send your name and address to: Colour Breathing Comp, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ, by February 19th. The Reiki Sourcebook by Bronwen & Frans Stiene (O Books £12.99) This is an invaluable tool for both Reiki masters and even beginners who just want to know more, written by the founders of the International House of Reiki. They use the teachings of Mikao Usui from the turn of the twentieth century and delve right into the history of the practice and even the meaning of the word! Reiki is spiritual energy and its balance throughout the body, but the book explains that it is not the energy that heals – but the client themselves who do that. It offers advice on courses (including the pitfalls in finding one), as well as comprehensive history, an account of the life of Mikao Usui, differences between Japanese and Western methods, and even Japanese etiquette should a Reiki student visit the country! There is also a handy directory at the back of the book which lists Reiki branches and schools across the world, as well as internet resources. Incredibly detailed and this serves the accomplished Reiki practitioner more than a mere beginner, but a useful and insightful tome nevertheless. Competition: We have FIVE copies of Your Chinese Horoscope 2005 to give away, courtesy of ThorsonsElement. To enter, simply send your name and address to: Your Chinese Horoscope 2005 Giveaway, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, LS25 1EQ, by February 19th.



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contemplation including walkways to explore and a magical secret garden. To enter, simply answer the following question: Which of the therapies offered by Willow Lodge is described as rejuvenating? Send your answer, name, address and daytime telephone number to: Vision Comp, Willow Lodge Healing Therapies, 96 Church Road, Blurton, Stoke-onTrent, Staffordshire, ST3 3BB by February 21st 2005. For more information visit Alternatively, email or call 0845 2263132.

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Terms and conditions: The first four names drawn after the closing date will each win a place on the Tai Chi/Qigong workshop for themselves and a friend; the prize includes overnight accommodation on the night before the workshop (including breakfast); winners must make their own travel arrangements; no alternative prize will be offered; winners must be 18 or over; no more than one entry per person; winners must be available to attend the course on the date specified; Vision accepts no responsibility for the fulfilment of prize obligations or the distribution of prizes; Vision cannot be held responsible for external competition organisers forwarding entrants’ details to similar companies. Images and logo © Willow Lodge Healing Therapies.

Sparkle and WIN one of SIX Isatreya healing wands

Bring a bit of magic into your life with these beautiful crystal healing wands. There are many beautiful hand-crafted wands to choose from including ones for passion, clarity, psychic gifts, protection and love. Each wand has high quality crystals at each end to ensure healing can be channeled directly to the recipient. These stunning items are worth £149.99 each, are created by the Isatreya Institute and are made of crystal and soldered silver. The Isatreya Institute is committed to facilitating people to their own intuitive

truth and to find the confidence to really know and trust your instincts of the higher mind. This is spiritual intelligence. Vision has got SIX wands to give away and Isatreya can even charge the wand to your specific energy. Each winner will get to choose their own wand from the collection on the website. To be in with a chance of winning, simply tell us why you would like one of these wands and send your answer to: Vision Wand Competition, Bailey Brook House, Amber Drive, Langley Mill, Nottingham, NG16 4BE by February 23rd. To order call 01635 34538 or visit for more details.

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Send your events to: Day Tripper, Vision, Amadeus House, 6 Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1EQ.

January 29: Body and Soul Fair, Caird Hall, Dundee. 11am6pm. Call 0131 226 7601. January 29/30: Rock n Gem Show, Chepstow Racecourse, Chepstow, Monmouthshire. 10am-5pm. Adults £2.60, children (8 to 16 yrs) £1.25.

January 29/30: Mind, Body, Spirit Event, The Peterborough Suite, East of England Showground, Peterborough. 10am-6pm. Admission £3 for adults (£2 concessions), free for children under 16. Free talks as well as 60 stands. Call 0116 221 5615 for more details. February 5: Health and Well Being Fair, Southampton. Call 02380 463438.

February 5: Body and Soul Fair, Ayr Town Hall. 11am-6pm. Call 0131 226 7601 for more details.

February 5/6: Health and Well Being Fair, Margam Park, Orangery, Margam, Port Talbot, South Wales. Call 07970 955 235. February 5/6: Rock n Gem Show, Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire (junction 4 off the A1M). 10am-5pm. Adults £2.60, children (8 to 16 yrs) £1.25.

lunch. For more details call 01934 712957.

February 10: Talk on Tantra: The Lotus of Light by Sarita and Geho, School of Awakening, Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London. 7pm. Admission £10 or £5 concessions. February 12: Body and Soul Fair, Albert Hall, Stirling. 11am6pm. Call 0131 226 7601 for more details. February 12/13: Mind, Body, Spirit Festival, Parklands Leisure Centre, Wigston Road, Oadby, Leicester. 10am-6pm. Admission £3 (£2 concessions), free admission for children under 16. Free talks. Call 0116 221 5615. February 12/13: Rock n Gem Show, York Racecourse, York, North Yorkshire. 10am-5pm. Adults £2.80, children £1.25.

February 12/13: Tantra: Sensual Awakening workshop with Sarita and Geho, School of Awakening, Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regents Park Road, London. 10.30am start each day. Admission £110 or £70 concessions.

February 13: Mind, Body, Soul Fair, Quality Hotel, February 6: Spiritual Loughborough, Leicestershire. Awareness Workshop with Call 0116 239 4399 for more spiritual healer Bill Harrison and details or email Patrick Gamble, Corner Cottage, Blackford, Near Wedmore, Somerset. 10am-5pm. Cost £20 February 18-20: Mind, Body, (£5 deposit required). Drinks are Soul Exhibition, Kempton Park provided, please bring your own Racecourse, Sunbury on

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Thames. Call 01206 500999 for more details. February 18-21: Quality of One Vertical Reality 1 with Professor David Wagner (Advanced Tachyon Technologies), School of Awakening, Croydon Hall, near Minehead, Somerset. 10.30am start each day. Tuition £260 plus £76.38. Accommodation and food from £127.21. Visit February 19/20: Gifford’s Psychic and Spiritual Road Show, David Lloyd Centre, Riverside Road, Pride Park, Derby, DE24 8HY. 9.30am5.30pm. Visit

February 20: Spiritual Awareness Workshop with spiritual healer Bill Harrison and Patrick Gamble, Corner Cottage, Blackford, Near Wedmore, Somerset. 10am5pm. Cost £20 (£5 deposit required). Drinks are provided, please bring your own lunch. Call 01934 712957.

February 22-25: Tachyon Practitioner Training with David Wagner, School of Awakening, Croydon Hall, near Minehead, Somerset. 9am start each day. Tuition £345 plus £94.24. Accommodation and food from £169.78. For more details visit

February 26/27: Mind, Body and Soul Fair, The Elizabeth Hotel, Rockingham, Nahant’s. Call 0116 239 4366 or email

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