To create a better community by driving the sports tourism economy.
To be the Gulf Coast Capital for Sports.
— Strategically targeted direct sales efforts leading to community aligned new business opportunities
— Conduct site and familiarization (FAM) tours to strategic locations
— Create competitive group incentive packages with industry partners to secure new business opportunities
— Collaborate to create new Sports Marketing campaigns that attract sports planners and solidify our reputation as the Gulf Coast Capital for Sports
— Provide logistical sports event support for both local and non-local sports planners
— Drive sports event planners to local industry partners
— Advocate and advise on new sports venue and infrastructure development
— Invest in our sports community to enhance the quality of life for residents
2022 was a historic year for Visit Corpus Christi as the Corpus Christi Sports Commission launched in June. With the launch, work immediately began on creating the overall structure of the Sports Commission, such as staffing size and roles, evaluation of potential bylaw needs, organizational branding, and solidifying the final stages of the creation of Tourism Public Improvement District funding (TPID). TPID funding will be the primary driver of the Sports Commission.
To assist with the creation of the Sports Commission’s strategic plan, Visit Corpus Christi contracted with a nationally recognized sports tourism consulting firm called the Huddle Up Group. The Huddle Up Group’s purpose is to identify strategic target markets and opportunities based on current community inventory, infrastructure, and external competitive markets. The Sports Commission will develop a long-term strategic plan from these findings.
One of Visit Corpus Christi’s significant goals is to develop community pride. With the Huddle Up Group’s findings, the Sports Commission plans to strategically target sports that align with community history, interests, and current facility infrastructure. Once identified, a marketing campaign will be created to announce the arrival of the Sports Commission to the sports tourism industry and set the stage for a broader community branding initiative.
The campaign and branding initiative will be the rallying cry for sales efforts at industry trade shows and will be the backbone of highly personalized client touchpoints. The annual Calls for the Coast event will provide further opportunities for the Sports Commission to reach potential clients and promote the culture of the community.
In addition to the outward focusing efforts, the Sports Commission will spend a significant amount of time looking inward. Partnerships with local vendors and stakeholders will be paramount in the servicing of events and providing satisfactory experiences for both visitors and clients. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, sports tourism industry experts have stressed the importance of diversifying revenue streams. Owned events will prove instrumental in identifying future partners, strengthening collaboration and relationships with the City of Corpus Christi, and providing alternative forms of sustainable organizational practices.
Owned events will increase the visibility of the Sports Commission to the local community and provide stewardship opportunities. This will cultivate good-will within the community and generate the political capital necessary for infrastructure improvements and sports facility development. In addition to the Huddle Up Group’s recommendations for new sports venues, the Sports Commission will be visible on relevant boards and committees to identify barriers to access, participation, and securing large sports events for the destination.
Launch the official Corpus Christi Sports Commission.
Develop bold sports marketing initiatives to promote Corpus Christi as a sports tourism destination.
Share Corpus Christi with the sports business world through expanded prospecting efforts.
Develop industry leading sports services.
Advocate for future sports venues and infrastructural improvements key to hosting large sports events and providing access to local recreational participation.
Grow the reputation of the Corpus Christi Sports Commission through strategic relationship development.
Develop an efficient and strategic organizational structure that will define and guide Sports Commission roles.
• Cultivate a group of passionate and competitive team members
• Develop a mission and vision statement that aligns the purpose of Visit Corpus Christi with the goals of sports tourism
• Identify the need to develop bylaws consistent with sports commission best practices
• Develop a comprehensive budget
• Finalize a regionwide sports strategic plan
Create marketing collateral that enhances sales efforts and sports planner experience.
• Create a Sports Commission web-page as an evergreen marketing tool
• Create a facilities guide
• Write white papers and blog content that assist in the promotion of, and direct towards, local venues
• Include a resource for local, regional, and national media on the Sports Commission and relevant events
Build out a CRM database to adequately support sales and marketing tactics.
• Identify the target groups for each target market
• Coordinate with Convention Sales and Services to develop similar lead templates
• Develop a needs date calendar
Educate the community on the impact and importance of sports tourism.
• Sponsor local events that place our brand in front of future partners and stakeholders
• Present at local networking groups
• Present to TAMU-CC coaches and Athletic Department
• Foster relationship with local University Sports Management programs
• Design on-site marketing collateral to showcase Sports Commission Brand at local events
Determine scope and purpose of a Sports Advisory Council.
• Benchmark similar councils across the country, then compare to local needs
• Identify and attend local networking groups
• Research local sports planners with connections to event logistical resources
• Scan for impactful community members with similar interests
• Identify impactful and diverse individuals that will support the council’s mission and vision
Research opportunities for community investment.
• Create a plan for Sports Commission’s allocation of Visit Corpus Christi Foundation resources
• Identify youth sports organizations and venues in need
• Speak with sports community representatives to determine what type of assistance is needed
• Research list of local non-profit organizations to determine potential crossovers of community need
• Develop a high impact sponsorship program
Create asset media library with highly unique visuals.
• Identify target events to gather content and assets
• Invest in an asset library for sports and sports venues
Develop a sports marketing campaign to grow business and bookings from new markets.
• Ideate slogan based on community reputation and vision for the future
• Create a compelling content plan
• Market destination through leisure outlets in accordance with strategically targeted sports
• Have a presence at competing events and conferences to build awareness and destination reputation
Attend sports tourism industry tradeshows.
• Identify key tradeshows that align with target markets
• Promote the destination via key sponsorship opportunities
• Strategically schedule one-on-one appointments with target sports markets
Secure high-level sponsorship of Sports Events and Tourism Association Symposium to announce Corpus Christi as the Gulf Coast Capital.
• Unveil compelling sports marketing campaign at the event
• Host a bold activation
• Retargeting campaign to attendees pre and post-conference
Utilize Calls for the Coast event to raise awareness of Corpus Christi as the Gulf Coast Capital for the sports tourism market.
• Develop a highly targeted prospect list for Calls for the Coast
• Promote the destination through a high-value incentive exclusive to Calls for the Coast leads
Provide innovative and highly personalized amenities and services for all sports group travelers.
• Develop a list of industry-based services that will impact pre, current, and post-event satisfaction
• Creation of a post-event planner satisfaction survey
Identify local sports event related vendors to who can service future sports clients.
• Leverage existing partner and vendor relationships within the organization
• Communicate with the Chamber of Commerce, CCREDC and other community organizations to leverage relationships
• Creation of sports vendor contact list and segmentation in CRM
Provide industry expertise and resources to local community events.
• Identify local stakeholders interested in creating their own events
• Design easy access templates for sponsorship proposals and press releases
• Guide future planners through calculation of risk and subsequent planning
Increase effectiveness of community promotions to sports visitors.
• Utilize Gulf Coasters Crew and destination services ambassador network to promote our community and landing pages on-site
• Increase marketing messaging on lodging, restaurants, and attraction deals to visitors prior to the event
• Manage event specific micro-site with visitor information
Develop strategy to grow Conquer the Coast.
• Creation of a local organizing committee list to assist with logistical needs for the 2024 event
• Evaluate cost vs revenue generated for the event and areas for improvement
• Develop timeline of event to-do lists along with associated contacts for each list item
• Develop volunteer acquisition plan
• Creation of a sponsorship “hit list”
• Coordinate emergency action plans and evaluations of risk
Ensure a seat at key tables to guide decision making on key infrastructure needs and barriers to access.
• Strengthen relationship and involvement with Corpus Christi Parks and Recreation including a seat on relevant committee and work groups
• Identify other committee opportunities
Research private groups who invest in and build sports venues across the country.
• Reach out to organizations such as SFA/SFM, the Huddle Up Group, and other national partners to identify groups appropriate for our community needs
Continue to build relationships with City of Corpus Christi government and local civic groups.
• Invite City Representatives to speak at hosted sports events
• Invite local stakeholders to Sports Commission owned events
• Increase communication with the City and share findings
Identify and nurture future Sports Commission Partners
• Discover organizations with access to monetary resources who could advance the vision and goals of the Sports Commissions
• Utilize Visit Corpus Christi Board for community connections and networking opportunities
• Leverage the VCC Foundation focus on sports development to attract donor participation
Provide opportunities for relationship building and fundraising through event hosting and development.
• Identify opportunities to align with high-impact community events
• Leverage destination services to plan signature experiences for key partners
Local, statewide, regional, national, and international sports planners who wish to host a sports event in Corpus Christi while driving overnight hotel stays. These planners often seek full-service assistance from Sports Commissions to provide direct support in the areas of destination site selection, event planning, vendor referrals, and sponsorship acquisition.
• Sports Commission newsletters to keep planners up to date with recent developments and incentives
• Strategically curated white papers and blogs to support posttradeshow sales efforts and follow-ups
• Sponsorships and booths at tradeshows and conferences
• Market content through leisure outlets in accordance with strategically targeted sports
• Sports Destination Management
• Sports Travel Magazine
• Sports Planning Guide
• SportsEvents Media Group
• Sports Business Journal
• SportsETA
Primary Target Markets: High Priority, Active Involvement
• Sailing
• Windsurfing
• Fishing
• Beach Volleyball
• Triathlon
• Kiteboarding
• Boxing
Secondary Target Markets: Secondary Priority, Limited Involvement
• Archery
• Shooting
• Cheer
• Dance
• Wrestling
• Volleyball
• Basketball
• Limited tournament quality venues
• Walkability to hotels, restaurants, and nightlife
• Limited air access to major markets; no direct flights
• New Sports Commission and leadership throughout Corpus Christi
• Destination appeal
• Year-round destination
• Airport proximity
• World Class winds on the Bay
• Equidistant from East and West Coast
• Only major city situated on the Texas coast
• Water assets
• Cost of venue rental
• Lack of full-service hotels adjacent to the convention center
• 5 major destination competitors within the state
• 2 destination competitors on the Texas coast
• Lack of public understanding of the benefits of sports tourism
• Extreme weather patterns
• Unify community leaders through sport
• Land development and opportunities
• Grow off peak and shoulder business
• Gulf Coast Capital branding initiatives
• Water sports
The Sports Commission will attend four (4) tradeshows, conferences, and events. These events will potentially drive new business to the city in producing room nights. All event formats are either a tradeshow (The Sports Commission has a booth for buyers to visit) or a reverse buyer (The Sports Commission goes to the planner’s booth to visit). Many of these events offer appointment setting so the Sports Commission can pre-qualify and evaluate potential business opportunities. These events also offer an element of education for attendees and social events, offering more time to visit with potential clients.
December – Richmond, VA
Small group tradeshow
SportsETA Symposium
May – Kansas City, KS
National association conference
S.P.O.R.T.S. Conference
September – TBD
Small group tradeshow
October – Palm Beach, FL
Large group tradeshow
FAM Tour
Late Summer - Corpus Christi, TX
Partner with our tourism stakeholders by creating a familiarization tour for sports event planners to experience Corpus Christi and potentially bringing in new business.
Advocacy is an important function of any organization looking to strengthen its position within an industry. The Sports Commission will be active in this realm to guide and advise on current issues that can impact future sports tourism opportunities. Simultaneously, the Sports Commission has an inherent interest in investing in the future of Corpus Christi sports, the health of the community, and the removal of barriers to sport participation. Community relationships will be paramount to accomplishing Sports Commission initiatives and goals.
In order to enhance destination offerings, the Sports Commission will need to evaluate current sports venues and infrastructure and advocate for improvements. This fiscal year the Sports Commission will begin to assess sports venues and facilities to determine improvement needs that will enable larger returns on sales efforts and diversify sports event opportunities. A comprehensive analysis of local clubs and specific sport support within the community will guide project priority. Once all the data is compiled, the Sports Commission will look at creating a Facility Master Plan in the future.
Present to local networking groups and clubs to spread the mission and vision of the Sports Commission
• Partner with sports stakeholders to invest in the sports community and increase brand awareness
• Serve on community boards and committees to represent sports tourism interests
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