Latino vote in Colorado grows in numbers, influence as November looms Pg. 8
THE THE DENVER DENVER POST POST Año Año An An edition edition of of 5, No. 4 305 No. 24408/23/12 06/16/11 VIVACOLORADO.COM
Servicios’ Fiesta Cookout brings more entertainment, fun in its fourth Pg. 2 year. Servicios trae más entretenimiento y diversión en su cuarto año de fiesta
Pag. 12 ESPERANZA. Jossie Cordova, 20, alza su brazo en un evento en la Escuela Preparatoria West High School. El evento celebró el primer día en el cual jóvenes indocumentados podrían aplicar a la acción diferida para los llegados en la infancia. Cordova, quien vino a los Estados Unidos cuando tenía ocho años, aplicará al programa. El nuevo programa podría afectar a miles de jóvenes. CyrusMcCrimmon, The Denver Post
CU to segregate dorms for students with concealed carry permits. CU abre dormitorios para estudiantes portadores de armas. Pg. 4 Iguodala and the Nuggets want a long-term relationship. Iguodala y Nuggets quieren relación a largo plazo. Pg. 10
con nosotros!
Jóvenes sin papeles buscan acción diferida Por Jordan Steffen, The Denver Post
iles de jóvenes indocumentados en todo el país comenzaron el 15 de agosto a presentar sus formularios para aprovechar una nueva iniciativa federal que les permitiría permanecer en el país. El 15 de agosto fue el primer día en el que los beneficiados por esta iniciativa (menores de 30 años) pudieron solicitar ser parte del programa de Acción Diferida para los llegado en la infancia, anunciado en junio por el Presidente Barack Obama, para detener sus deportaciones. En numerosas ciudades, incluyendo Denver, los beneficiados por la medida comenzaron a reunir los documentos necesarios para completar los formularios correspondientes. En Los Ángeles, los jóvenes se reunieron en West Third Street en Westlake. En Chicago, unas 13.000 personas formaron fila para hablar con abogados pro-inmigrantes en Navy Pier. En Elizabeth, N.J., el auditorio del Union County College se llenó a capacidad. Los estudiantes llegaron con recibos de servicios públicos, copias de las calificaciones escolares y horarios de clases. En todos los casos, participaron de presentaciones sobre los documentos
que deben presentar para completar sus solicitudes. “Fue difícil no emocionarse al entender lo que este día significa para todos estos jóvenes en toda la nación que literalmente soñaron con este día en el que podrían salir de las sombras”, dijo el Senador (federal) Robert Menendez, D-N.J., quien habló durante la sesión informativa en Elizabeth. En Denver, no hubo reuniones tan masivas. Pero en la Escuela Preparatoria West High School, Luis Serrano y otros jóvenes hablaron de cómo la nueva medida los afectaría. Serrano explicó que él tenía miedo de pasar el examen de conducir. Para él, tener una licencia de conducir era un motivo de ansiedad, por miedo de que una pequeña infracción de tránsito provocase la deportación de su familia o la suya. Serrano, 21, se alegró de que las nuevas reglas federales lo ayudasen a él y a otros jóvenes a evitar la deportación y a seguir estudiando. “La acción diferida no se logró en pocos días, sino después de muchos años”, dijo Serrano. En junio pasado, el Presidente Obama anunció que se postergaría la deportación de ciertos jóvenes indocumentados.
Recientemente, el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, en inglés) dio a conocer detalles del programa, incluyendo los documentos que los jóvenes deben presentar para ser elegibles. Aquellos que cumplan con esos requisitos podrán pedir una postergación de su deportación por dos años y, en algunos casos, recibir permisos de trabajo. Para ser elegibles para el programa, los inmigrantes deben probar que llegaron a Estados Unidos antes de los 16 años, han vivido en este país por lo menos por cinco años, tienen menos de 30 años: estudiaron, están estudiando, o sirvieron en las fuerzas armadas. Los inmigrantes no pueden enviar su solicitud si tienen antecedentes criminales, incluyendo tres o más delitos menores, según DHS. Los jóvenes pueden presentar pasaportes, certificados de nacimientos, registros escolares, o registros militares para probar su identidad y su elegibilidad. Aunque reunir esos documentos puede ser complicado. Además de las calificaciones de la escuela secundaria, Jossie Cordova, 20, necesita las calificaciones de la escuela media para probar que está en el país desde hace cinco años.
News in English Noticias en Español We Speak Your Language. Hablamos Tu Idioma.
La Associated Press y el Los Angeles Times contribuyeron para esta historia.
Volaris airline will bring yearround direct flight to Mexico City By Michelle Zayed
We speak your language!
“Es hermoso que ver que todo el trabajo de mis padres está siendo reconocido”, dijo Cordova. Próximamente Cordova comenzará a estudiar en la Metropolitan State University of Denver. Según el Pew Research Center, de 1,7 millones a 4,4 millones de jóvenes menores de 30 años podrían calificar para el programa. Cerca de 950.000 inmigrantes de 15 a 30 años podrían calificar inmediatamente para el programa, porque están en la escuela secundaria o tienen el diploma de secundaria. La solicitud se puede descargar en el sitio de Internet del DHS. Las solicitudes se deben enviar por correo, junto con un arancel de $465. Serrano tenía 10 años cuando llegó a Estados Unidos con su familia en 2001. Para él, el programa será de ayuda no solamente para los jóvenes sino también para las familias. Los inmigrantes “ya no serán vistos como una amenaza al estilo de vida de Estados Unidos, sino como un recurso aún no utilizado”, dijo Serrano.
enver International Airport announced a year-round direct flight to Mexico City starting in December. Volaris, Mexico’s second largest airline, will operate the flight from Denver to Benito Juárez International Airport. The flight will run twice per week from December through
April to better serve the high demand during Colorado’s ski season. The rest of the year the flight will operate weekly. CEO of Volaris Enrique Beltranena said the airline will offer one-way fares of an average of $149. “Denver will witness Volaris’ excellent service and low fares, which is our best presentation card,” Beltranena said.
>> Pag 5
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COLABORADOR Francisco Miraval
Edgar Carreno FOUR YEARS OF FUN. On Aug. 25 Servicios de la Raza will host its fourth annual Fiesta Cookout, an event that helps the community organization fund its many programs. Contributed by Servicios de la Raza
Servicios’ Fiesta Cookout brings more entertainment, fun in its fourth year By Michelle Zayed
our years ago, Rudy Gonzales of Servicios de la Raza was seeing the community organization’s relevance dwindle down. That is when he decided to host a cookout to bring the community together. Today as executive director of the organization Gonzales continues to host the party with great success. “Servicios was in a really low point in its life,” Gonzales said. “So I said, ‘let’s do a cookout’ so we held it on a Friday afternoon in November 2009.” On Aug. 25, Servicios will be holding its fourth annual cookout. Like last year, the event will last all day providing entertainment for all ages. Gonzales said this year they plan to host an even larger car show and competition organized by the Denver Car Club. Joaquin Montez, also known as WAXX and a member of the Denver Car Club, said they decided to participate in the cookout because they wanted to help out Servicios provide health services, ranging from mental health to HIV screenings, counseling for victims of domestic violence and youth empowerment and assistance.
“We also grew up in the inner city,” Montez said. “We even have some members in the club who were in the programs of Servicios.” Montez said all the proceeds from the car show and competition will go to the community organization. The show will feature trucks, custom cars and motorcycles coming from around the country. Montez said they are expecting around 300 cars to participate. For the “hopper” competition – a show of cars with hydraulic suspensions that make the car bounce – there will be a grand prize of $1,000 provided by O’Rilley Auto Parts. Entry fees will be $10 to just participate but not compete. Otherwise it will be $20 for cars and trucks, and $15 for motorcycles. Gonzales said he expects 10,000 attendees, 2,000 more than last year. The cookout helps display the services the organization provides. One way is through the Healing Gardens that provide services like HIV screenings, mammograms and will have both traditional doctors and curanderas, Gonzales said. “It is important so we can look at what we need to do to keep our community out of crisis and to keep them safe,” he 303.954.3380 Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el consentimiento escrito del editor. La circulación de Viva Colorado es de 50.000 copias semanales lo cual está certificado por el Audit Bureau of Circulation. Follow us on | Síguenos en :
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said. “This type of event breaks down fear, it breaks down discrimination.” Gonzales said the event helps keep his community relevant and provides a safe space for families to have fun. Groups like Grupo Tlaloc of Aztec dancing will provide the entertainment. Mayor Michael B. Hancock will be speaking at 2:15 p.m. “My priorities as mayor of this great city are kids, jobs and safety net. Servicios de la Raza shares that mission,” said Hancock in a press release. “I am proud to join with this
Servicios’ Fiesta Cookout When: Aug. 25, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. Where: Corner of 41st and Tejon Streets, Denver Info: or call 303.953.5907 homegrown Denver organization in a good ol’ fashioned, shut-down-the-street and let’s get dancing kind of community celebration.”
News in English Noticias en Español We Speak Your Language. Hablamos Tu Idioma.
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08.23.12 |
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08.23.12 |
CU creates special dorms for students with weapons
CU abre dormitorios sólo para estudiantes portadores de armas
By Ryan Parker The Denver Post
Por Ryan Parker The Denver Post
he University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs are amending their student housing contracts, segregating students with a valid concealed weapons carry permit. The university said on Aug. 16 that both campuses will establish a residential area for students over the age of 21 with a permit. In all other dormitories, guns will be banned, the new policy states. “The main dorms on the main campus will not allow any concealed carry weapons,” CU Boulder spokesman Bronson Hilliard said. In addition, attendees at ticketed athletic and cultural events, will not be permitted to bring their guns, officials said. “We are treating that ticket purchase as a contractual agreement that you won’t bring your weapon,” Hilliard said. Less than 1 percent of the student body population of each campus is believed to have a concealed carry permit, school officials said. The university has been working on the policy since March when the Colorado Supreme Court upheld an appeals court ruling that struck down CU’s gun ban. The court said the Board of Regents overstepped its authority by refusing to allow permitted concealed weapons on campuses, in leased buildings and in any area under control of
Guns on Campus. The University of Colorado Police Department has a gun locker, where students can store their weapons through the school year. armas. El Departamento de Policía de la Universidad de Colorado tiene un cuarto donde los estudiantes pueden guardar sus armas. RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post
university police, officials said. James Manley, the lawyer for the Mountain States Legal Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to individual liberty and free enterprise, said the organization is studying the university policy change. “We still need to see the actual language of the policy before we make a decision on how to proceed,” said Manley, who argued in court against the original CU ban. Those with a permit may still live in the dorms on both campuses, but may not have weapons in their possession, officials said. “They may store their gun with police,” said Deb Coffin, vice chancellor for student affairs for the Boulder campus. Students at both campuses were informed via email about the change and what their options were should they
choose to move to one of the dorms designated for weapons. In Boulder, those who want to lawfully carry their gun must live in the family housing units downtown, Coffin said. “We can accommodate about 50 students with permits, but don’t believe we’ll have anywhere near that number,” she said. Those obtaining a concealed carry permit must be 21 years old. Four percent of the student population living in Boulder dorms are 21, Hilliard said. Students on both campuses living in housing designated for weapons must keep their guns in a safe in their unit when the firearm is not on their person. Ryan Huff, spokesman for CU Boulder police, said the department has not received any complaints or calls to check a permit since the court ruling. The Colorado Springs campus will allow those with a permit, who want the gun
in their possession, to live in upperclassmen dorms. “We have very few individual units, so those who wish to have the concealed carry must have permission from their roommate,” said Tom Hutton, spokesman for the CU at Colorado Springs. UCCS housing department estimated about 9 percent of the total residents are students who are 21 or older, Hutton said. “Of the total UCCS student body population, which should exceed 10,000 this year, we estimate that less than 1 percent will have a concealed carry permit,” he said. Kurt Mueller, director of strategy of Students for Concealed Carry, a national organization that advocates for legal concealed carry on college campuses, said the group has an issue with the CU change. “We’re going to look into it further, but it’s not surprising that the campuses are trying to circumvent the Colorado Supreme Court ruling,” he said. Mueller said to the best of his knowledge Colorado is not more or less aggressive than other states when it comes to the conceal carry issue on college campuses. Patrick T. O’Rourke, vice president of the Board of Regents, stated in a CU release that the amendments to the housing contracts are lawful. “In contrast to other public buildings, student housing presents a relationship that is essentially landlord-tenant,” O’Rourke said.
a Universidad de Colorado en Boulder y la Universidad de Colorado en Colorado Springs modificaron sus contratos de vivienda con los estudiantes, segregando a los estudiantes con permisos de portación armas. Las universidades dijeron que en ambas ciudades se establecerán áreas residenciales para estudiantes mayores de 21 años con permisos de portación de armas. En todos los otros dormitorios, las armas de fuego estarán prohibidas. “No estará permitido llevar armas al dormitorio principal en el campus principal”, dijo Bronson Hilliard, portavoz de la Universidad de Colorado. Además, no se podrá llevar armas a eventos que requieran boletos. Se cree que menos del 1 por ciento de los estudiantes en la Universidad de Colorado tienen permiso de portación de armas, dijeron los representantes de la universidad. El cambio comenzó el marzo pasado cuando la Corte Suprema de Colorado rechazó la política de la Universidad de Colorado de prohibir la portación de armas. La corte indicó que la mesa directiva de la universidad sobrepasó su autoridad al no permitir el ingreso de armas al campus incluso si el portador tenía permiso. James Manley, abogado de la Mountain States Legal Foundation, una organización no
lucrativa dedicada a proteger las libertades individuales, dijo que su fundación está analizando los cambios en las políticas de la universidad. “Tenemos que esperar a ver el texto de las nuevas normas antes de tomar una decisión sobre cómo preceder”, dijo Manley, que argumentó el caso original ante la corte. Quienes tengan permiso de portación de armas podrán dormir en los dormitorios regulares, pero entonces no podrán portar armas, dijeron representantes de la universidad. Deb Coffin, vicecanciller de asuntos estudiantiles del campus de Boulder, dijo que los estudiantes pueden dejar sus armas con la policia universitaria. En Boulder, quienes tengan permisos para portar armas deberán vivir en las casas familiares en el centro de la ciudad”, dijo Coffin. Los estudiantes con permiso de portación de armas deberán dejar sus armas en un lugar seguro dentro de la vivienda cuando no las llevan con ellos. Kurt Mueller, director de estrategias de Students for Concealed Carry, una organización nacional que impulsa la portación legal de armas en los campus universitarios, dijo que el grupo está en desacuerdo con las nuevas normas de la universidad. “Vamos a analizar el tema, pero no me sorprende que los campus están tratando de evitar el fallo de la Corte Suprema de Colorado”, dijo Mueller.
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08.23.12 |
Volaris tendrá vuelos directos a la Ciudad de México todo el año Por Michelle Zayed
NEW OPPORTUNITIES. Visitors observe inside a Volaris airplane at the Ciudad de Toluca airport, Mexico, in March 2006. Direct flights from Denver to Mexico City will begin in December. NUEVAS OPORTUNIDADES. Visitantes observan el interior de un avión de Volaris en el aeropuerto de Ciudad de Toluca, México, en marzo del 2006. Vuelos directos desde Denver a la Ciudad de México comenzarán en diciembre. AP
Volaris flight will bring new opportunities << Pag 1 DIA already offers direct flights to Mexico City through Aeromexico and United but they only operate seasonally during peak periods. During a press conference at the Denver Museum of Art on Aug. 16, where the announcement was made, Gov. John Hickenlooper said the flight will bring endless opportunities for both Mexico and Colorado. “Mexico has the single greatest potential for trade, for tourism, for exchanges of all kinds of any country in the world for the state of Colorado and for the city of Denver,” Hickenlooper said. Kim Day, manager of aviation
for DIA, said the estimated economic impact of the flight will be around $9.4 million. “This direct connection between Denver and Mexico City will link Colorado businesses with neww markets and better facilitate job creation,” said U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo. in a press release. “Mexico is one of the United States’ and Colorado’s most important trade partners.” Day also said the flight, which has already begun taking bookings, will create 10 jobs at the beginning and as the service becomes more seasoned there could be as much as 90 jobs added across the state. Mayor Michael B. Hancock said the new flight fits with his efforts of making Denver a world class city. “As we continue to build our corridors of opportunity here in Denver, this flight was a target of ours,” he said.
Mexican Consul General Andres Chao said there is a market for the flight with more than a million Mexicans living in Colorado. Beltranena said exports to the state of Colorado from Mexico have increased 22 percent in the last 12 months. The deal had been in the making since 2009 when Volaris announced a partnership with Southwest Airlines, said Hancock. “This has been a true partnership between the state and the city and our great Mexican consulate,” he said. Hancock said he will continue pushing forward efforts to bring more direct flights to DIA, with a particular focus in South America. Denver gained direct flights to Iceland this year via Icelandair, and United Airlines has announced plans to offer direct flights between Denver and Tokyo next year.
l Aeropuerto Internacional de Denver (DIA, en inglés) anunció que a partir de diciembre habrá vuelos directos a la Ciudad de México. Volaris, la segunda mayor aerolínea de México, tendrá vuelos directos del Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez a Denver. Los vuelos serán una vez por semana, excepto de diciembre a abril, donde habrá dos vuelos semanales para satisfacer la demanda por la alta temporada de esquí en Colorado. Enrique Beltranena, gerente general de Volaris, dijo que los boletos (en una sola dirección) costarán en promedio $149. El servicio a Ciudad de México comenzara en diciembre. “Denver será testigo de los excelentes servicios y bajo precios de Volaris. Esa es nuestra tarjeta de presentación”, dijo Beltranena. DIA ya tiene vuelos directos a la Ciudad de México por medio de Aeromexico y de United, pero esos vuelos sólo funcionan durante la temporada alta. En una conferencia de prensa en el Museo de Arte de Denver el pasado 16 de agosto, donde se hizo el anuncio, el gobernador de Colorado, John Hickenlooper, dijo que los nuevos vuelos crearán innumerables oportunidades tanto para Colorado como para México. “México tiene más potencial para el comercio internacional, para el turismo y para intercambio de toda clase que cualquier otro lugar del mundo, tanto para Colorado como para la ciudad de Denver”, dijo el gobernador. Kim Day, gerente de aviación de DIA, dijo que los vuelos generarán cerca de $9,4 millones para la economía local. “Esta conexión directa entre Denver y la
Ciudad de México unirá a los negocios de Colorado con nuevos mercados y facilitará la creación de trabajos”, dijo el Senador (federal) Mark Udall, demócrata de Colorado, por miedo de un comunicado. “México es uno de los más importantes socios comerciales para Colorado y para Estados Unidos”. Day también dijo que los vuelos crearán 10 trabajos y, cuando el servicio crezca, podrían llegar a crearse hasta 90 trabajos en todo el estado. El alcalde de Denver, Michael B. Hancock, dijo que los nuevos vuelos son parte de las gestiones para transformar a Denver en una ciudad de nivel de mundial. “Seguimos construyendo corredores de oportunidades en Denver. Este vuelo era uno de nuestros objetivos”, dijo Hancock. El cónsul general de México en Denver, Andres Chao, dijo que existe un importante mercado para estos vuelos, porque más de un millón de mexicanos viven en Colorado. Beltranena dijo que las exportaciones de Colorado a México crecieron un 22 por ciento durante los últimos doce meses. El nuevo acuerdo comenzó a gestionarse en el 2009 cuando Volaris anunció su asociación con Southwest Airlines, dijo Hancock. “Ha sido una verdadera asociación entre el estado y la ciudad de Denver, así como el consulado mexicano”, agregó. Hancock dijo que continuará impulsando nuevos vuelos directos desde Denver, especialmente a América del Sur. Recientemente, Denver incorporó los vuelos directos a Islandia, por Icelandair, y United Airlines anunció que en 2013 habrán vuelos directos entre Denver y Tokio.
AVIÓN DE VOLARIS. Cortesía de Volaris
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Testimonio Mí nombre es Lucía por muchos años sufrí de una enfermedad en mí estómago que no me podía curar. Fuí donde muchas personas y me trataron de ayudar y no pudieron, otros me decían que no me podían ayudar por que lo que yo tenía era muy fuerte. Pero gracias a Dios y a los hermanos de la Botanica desde el primer dia que los visité ellos tomaron control de mí enfermedad y descubrieron que yo había sido víctima de una brujería hecha por la família de mí esposo, por que ellos nos querían ver separados. Este mal fue tan fuerte que me tenía en el hospital todo el tiempo hasta que el maestro Jose me ayudó, me curó y me retiró todo ese mal puesto. Gracias a él pude recuperar mí salud completica y salvar mí hogar que ya lo tenía cási destruido por la envidia. Despues de esta curación estoy convencida que Dios si existe por que mí problema era muy fuerte por este motivo yo Lucia les recomiendo que cualquier persona que tenga cualquier problema busque la ayuda con la Botánica Secreto Universal que ellos si le ayudan y le garantizan el trabajo así como yo lo obtuve.
Hope. Luis Serrano,21, of Longmont, talks at the podium as undocumented Colorado youths gathered on the steps of West High School in Denver on Aug. 15, on the start of the application for “deferred action.” The program will bring relief from deportation and renewable work permits. Serrano came to the country when he was 10. Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
Hope for DREAMers
New policy relieves fears of deportation Por Michelle Zayed
fter the application for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals became available last week, young undocumented immigrants have come out to tell their stories and help each other take advantage of the initiative. In Denver more than 50 undocumented youth and supporters came out to West High School on Aug. 15, carrying banners from immigrant advocacy groups and chanting “undocumented and unafraid.” With limited knowledge of the application process and the implications of what the deferred action will mean, immigrant rights groups are working together to provide assistance to applicants across the state. Justin Valas of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition said they will be partnering with organizations across the state to instruct applicants on the application process and get advice on how to fill it out. “We want to keep a vigilant eye,” Valas said. “We’re excited at the opportunity, but it is also only as good as USCIS is willing to implement it.” Valas also said applicants must beware of people trying to scam them. He said the application fee is $465 and if anyone is asking for more money in exchange of being expedited they should be immediately suspicious. The Consul General of Mexico Andres Chao said the best advice he can give to applicants is to be patient. “The most important part is having all your papers in order,” Chao said. Chao said the consulate will hold two more information sessions in August. Those who would like to attend these sessions must make an appointment beforehand by calling 1.877.639.4835. “The best thing you can do is have a solid application,” he said. This immigration initiative
I went to college for like one semester and then I stopped because of the expenses and just not being able to afford it.’ – Karina Rodriguez
We want to keep a vigilant eye. We’re excited at the opportunity, but it is also only as good as USCIS is willing to implement it.’ –Justin Valas, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
The most important part is having all your papers in order. The best thing you can do is have a solid application.’ – Andres Chao, Consul General of Mexico
Thanks to the hope and endurance of every DREAMer, the support and help of our allies and the uplifting moral and emotional support of our families we have accomplished this.’ – Luis Serrano, Longmont Youth for Equality
I’m a strong supporter of this policy and giving hard-working kids, who know no other home than this country, and who qualify for deferred action, relief from deportation.’ – Sen., Mark Udall-D has given some undocumented youth the courage to come out of the shadows. Luis Serrano, of the Longmont Youth for Equality, attended the rally and told his story as an undocumented youth. “Thanks to the hope and endurance of every DREAMer, the support and help of our allies and the uplifting moral and emotional support of our families we have accomplished
this,” he said. Serrano said that after struggling with having to accept his undocumented status he is hopeful that deferred action will make a difference. Homeland Security announced the details Tuesday of what documents undocumented immigrants would need to prove that they are eligible for the Obama administration’s deferred action. The announcement came a day before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was set to begin letting people apply for the program. Deferred action allows undocumented immigrants who came to the country before their 16th birthday and were less than 31 as of June 15, 2012, to apply for employment authorization and avoid deportation. Applicants must also be enrolled in school, or have a high school degree or GED, or be an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States. Deferred action does not offer legal status and must be renewed every two years. Under guidelines that the administration announced, proof of identity and eligibility could include a passport or birth certificate, school transcripts, medical and financial records and military service records. The DHS said that in some instances, multiple sworn affidavits, signed by a third party under penalty of perjury, also could be used. Attendees of the event said this was only the first step toward comprehensive immigration reform. Nancy Olivas, of Aurora, said it is important to pass the DREAM Act ¬- which offers a path to citizenship - because those who fought for it more than a decade ago may now be eligible for this new immigration program. “We need it for them, for those people, for people like my mom,” Olivas said. Olivas, who came to the
08.23.12 |
SUPPORT. Jossie Cordova, 20, left, embraces Victor Galvan, 21, as undocumented Colorado youths gathered on the steps of West High School in Denver on Aug. 15, at the start of the application process for “deferred action.” Local agencies and immigrant rights groups announced the beginning of training programs to help gather all the necessary documents for the application process. Both Cordova and Galvan will apply for the relief program. Cyrus McCrimmon, The Denver Post
deportation,” he said. A decision on each application could take several months, and immigrants have been warned not to leave the country while their application is pending. If they are allowed to stay in the United States and want to travel internationally, they will need to apply for permission to come back into the country, a request that would cost $360 more. To deal with the numbers looking to apply, immigration rights organizations around the state will be holding drives to help DREAMers gather all the necessary documentation throughout August. In September two more events will offer legal support for applicants already filling out their applications. Those who would like to volunteer for the drives can attend informational sessions next week. -The Associated Press contributed to this report
Valid documents to demonstrate you meet the necessary requirements for deferred action ■ Passport ■ Birth certificate with photo identification ■ School or military ID with photo ■ Any U.S. government immigration or other document bearing your name and photo Proof you came to U.S. before your 16th birthday ■ Passport with admission stamp ■ Form I-94/I-95/I-94W ■ School records from the U.S. schools you have attended ■ Any Immigration and Naturalization Service or DHS document stating your date of entry (Form I-862, Notice to Appear) ■ Travel records ■ Hospital or medical records Proof of immigration status ■ Form I-94/I-95/I-94W with authorized stay expiration date
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■ Tax receipts, insurance policies Proof you continuously resided in U.S. since June 15, 2007 Proof of your student status at the time of requesting consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals ■ School records (transcripts, report cards, etc) from the school that you are currently attending in the United States showing the name(s) of the school(s) and periods of school attendance and the current educational or grade level ■ U.S. high school diploma or certificate of completion ■ U.S. GED certificate Proof you are an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces or the U.S. Coast Guard ■ Form DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty ■ NGB Form 22, National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service ■ Military personnel records ■ Military health records
Abogada Francesca Ramos, P.C. Nos especializamos en:
Traning for volunteers FT. COLLINS Date: August 24, 7-9 p.m. Location: Plymouth Congregational Church, 916 W. Prospect Rd., Ft Collins Contact: 970.419.8944
For information about the informational sessions/ Para obtener información acerca de las sesiones informativas
■ Final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal issued as of June 15, 2012 ■ A charging document placing you into removal proceedings Proof of Presence in U.S. on June 15, 2012 ■ Rent receipts or utility bills ■ Employment records (pay stubs, W-2 Forms, etc) ■ School records (letters, report cards, etc) ■ Military records (Form DD-214 or NGB Form 22) ■ Official records from a religious entity confirming participation in a religious ceremony ■ Copies of money order receipts for money sent in or out of the country ■ Passport entries ■ Birth certificates of children born in the U.S. ■ Dated bank transactions ■ Social Security card ■ Automobile license receipts or registration ■ Deeds, mortgages, rental agreement contracts
country when she was 10 yearsold and has lived in Colorado ever since, said she completed all of her courses to become a nurse’s assistant, but could not get certified because of her immigration status. Olivas said she was forced to find work to help her family after her father was deported back to Chihuahua, Mexico. Her story is not uncommon. Esmeralda Melendez and Karina Rodriguez, both graduated high school and were faced with the reality that they would not be able to continue their education. “I went to college for like one semester and then I stopped because of the expenses and just not being able to afford it,” Rodriguez said. Rodriguez, who came to the U.S. when she was two, said she doesn’t remember anything from the place that is supposed to be her home. If she is able to she would also like to become a nurse. Sen. Mark Udall-D said he was glad to see DREAMers be given an opportunity to improve their standards of living. “I’m a strong supporter of this policy and giving hard-working kids, who know no other home than this country, and who qualify for deferred action, relief from
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08.23.12 |
Latino vote in Colorado grows in numbers, influence as November looms A
drian Tijerina is 27, married and studying music at Metropolitan State University of Denver in hopes becoming a teacher. He’s also well aware of how much influence he and other Latinos — as the largest and fastest-growing ethnic group in the country — could wield at the ballot box this fall. Yet the Aurora man has voted just once since he became eligible to do so, and he thinks he’ll sit out the Nov. 6 election as well. “It’s such a tossup,” said Tijerina, who voted for Barack Obama four years ago but this year doesn’t feel strong enough about either the Democratic president or Republican Mitt Romney. “(In 2008) I felt Obama had a better plan for the future,” Tijerina said. “Now, it’s a little more complicated.” Tijerina embodies the opportunity that exists for Latinos to sway the outcome of elections in Colorado and nationwide, and the difficulty that political parties, nonprofit groups and community leaders face in mobilizing the demographic. While Latinos make up about 20 percent of Colorado’s population, they are about 12.1 percent of the state’s registered voters — up from 9.2 percent in 2008, according to an analysis by political-opinion research firm Latino Decisions. Latinos also have the lowest turnout rate of the country’s three largest racial or ethnic groups. Yet the potential to shift the political landscape continues to grow, as 50,000 Latino youth — almost all of them eligible to vote — turn 18 each month. So as the 2012 presidential election moves into its final stretch, Democrats and Republicans are trying to do more than just help Obama or Romney win in November. They are trying to persuade younger Latinos to align with their party for generations to come. “The discussion of Latino voters is a discussion about the future of politics,” Roberto Suro, director of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute at the University of Southern California, said during a recent speech for the New America Foundation. “Where this cycle could have a big difference is in how it casts trajectories,” he said,
Alguien que
GrowinG influence. As the largest and fastest-growing ethnic group in the country, Latinos have become a deciding force in presidential elections. However, they continue to have a low voter turnout. Photo illustration by Matt Swaney, The Denver Post
(In 2008) I felt Obama had a better plan for the future.Now, it’s a little more complicated.’
– Adrian Tijerina
“... and what it does to these people — to the young people who are watching this election and who are going to be coming on stream in very large numbers in the next couple of presidential cycles, and who could have a huge impact going forward.”
“We no longer can”
Latinos have historically leaned heavily Democratic. In 2008, Obama won 67 percent of the Latino vote, while Sen. John McCain took 31 percent. President George W. Bush is often mentioned as a Republican candidate who did well with Latinos — and national exit polls showed his support in 2004 at around 40 or 41 percent. A June USA Today/Gallup poll showed Romney polling at 25 percent with Latino registered voters, while Obama had 66 percent and 9 percent were undecided. But another finding of that poll and others like it gives the Romney campaign hope: Like other Americans, Latinos say their most important issue is jobs and the economy. And the Latino community has been hit particularly hard by the recession. The unemployment rate, for example, is 11 percent for Latinos nationwide — nearly 3 points higher than the national average. “At the end of the day, this economy has not worked
conoces necesita una opción costeable.
for them,” said Joshua Baca, national coalitions director for the Romney campaign. The campaign has formed “Juntos con Romney,” or Together With Romney, a group of Latino leaders and supporters who will spread the word among the community. Romney also has launched Spanish-language ads hitting Obama for what the campaign claims was a failed promise of hope and change — articulated in the Spanish-speaking community as “Si, se puede,” or “Yes, we can.” One ad intermixes Obama yelling “Si, se puede” at 2008 campaign stops with grim statistics, such as that more than half of college graduates can’t find jobs. The ad is titled “No podemos mas,” or “We no longer can.” “Everybody comes here to live a better life and so their children can live a better life than they did,” Baca said. “If we’re not leaving the next generation better off, that’s a huge issue. It resonates in this community.” Among the most visible Romney spokespeople in the Spanish-speaking population is the former Massachusetts governor’s son Craig Romney, who speaks fluent Spanish. He starred in an ad in which he introduced his father and invited viewers to get to know him and “listen to his ideas,” and he speaks frequently to the Latino community on campaign stops. The campaign also has been organizing bilingual phone banks and voter-registration
drives, including at sites such as Denver’s Cinco de Mayo celebration.
“Control our destiny”
Elena Squarrel of Denver is a neighborhood team leader for the Obama campaign who spends hours each week knocking on doors and talking with voters in heavily Latino neighborhoods. It’s not uncommon, she said, for people to find out who she is and be shocked. “I get a lot of, ‘Wait — you’re actually here?’ “ the 27-year-old research assistant said. “I feel like I’m hitting on a lot of doors where they feel like no one’s been listening to them.” It’s that feeling that the Obama campaign and others say has driven the low voterregistration numbers and turnout among Latino voters. So Squarrel sees her job as twofold: to talk about the president and how he differs from Romney, and to convince people that their vote does matter. Squarrel is motivated in part by an experience she had while teaching near Phoenix around the time that Arizona passed a controversial immigration bill — legislation the Obama administration opposed. One of her third-graders came to school for a week crying. Squarrel eventually learned the child’s father had been deported. A short time later, his mom had to move him to a different school. Squarrel said the families she met during her two years of Teach for America were hardworking people who she
thinks deserved a shot at the American dream — one reason she supports Obama. During the Republican presidential primary, Romney called the Arizona law “a model” for the country. He also said he would veto the DREAM Act, which would give illegal-immigrant children who graduate from high school a chance at legal residency. Immigration is not the only issue that comes up as Squarrel is walking neighborhoods. She also hears a lot of praise for “Obamacare,” the president’s signature health-care law, and for his administration’s increased funding for Pell Grants and Head Start. The campaign also utilizes well- known Latinos in local events, such as former Denver Mayor and Energy Secretary Federico Peña. Nationally, Obama’s ads have featured Latino volunteers as well as celebrities such as talkshow host Cristina Saralegui, sometimes referred to as “the Spanish-speaking Oprah.” And there is a specific focus on reaching those younger voters and soon-to-be voters. Squarrel is hoping to get inside Denver’s West High School to register 18-year-olds to vote once school starts. And when she’s walking neighborhoods, she talks to people of all ages.
That 16-year-old, she knows, could cast a ballot in the 2014 Senate election. And there’s another potential advantage. “I’ve had people say, ‘I’m only 16, but let me go get my cousin down the street. She’s 18,’ “ Squarrel said. The Colorado Democratic Party and other left-leaning groups also have been closely monitoring efforts by Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler to identify and remove noncitizens from the voter rolls. Gessler says he’s trying to prevent voter fraud, but the groups fear that Gessler’s actions — which include mailing a letter to 4,000 registered voters who his office thinks aren’t citizens — could intimidate Latinos and other minorities from voting and that eligible voters could be wrongly removed from Colorado’s voter rolls. Jay Jaramillo of Denver, who supports Obama, said he tries to talk to his friends about the impact they could have this fall and about what an important time in history this is — no matter which candidate they support. “I think most people feel their one vote doesn’t make a difference among the masses,” the 22-year-old said. “But if we do get a lot of people, we can control our destiny.”
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08.23.12 |
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08.23.12 |
Iguodala and the Nuggets want a long-term relationship Por Arnie Stapleton, AP Andre Iguodala says he doesn’t want Denver to be just a stopover. The Nuggets wholeheartedly agree. The Nuggets acquired the All-Star swingman from Philadelphia in the blockbuster trade that sent Dwight Howard to the Los Angeles Lakers. Iguodala is under contract for this season with a player option for 2013-14. At his introductory news conference at the Pepsi Center on Aug. 16, he said he told Nuggets general manager Masai Ujiri he wants to be here a while. “We weren’t coming into this thinking this will be a one-year deal,” Iguodala said. “... This is definitely a place that I can see myself for more than just a year or two.” Ujiri said he’ll work on an extension this upcoming season for the defensive-minded star who helped the U.S. win the gold medal at the London Olympics. The Nuggets traded key contributors Al Harrington and Arron Afflalo to Orlando as part of the deal that involved four teams, 12 players and five draft picks. Iguodala said he sought out Carmelo Anthony while in
London to ask him about Denver and coach George Karl. Don’t worry, Nuggets fans, Melo didn’t rip his old coach. “He said I would be a perfect fit for Coach Karl. We two would really gel together,” Iguodala recounted. Iguodala knows Melo and Karl had their moments, both good and bad, together. “It’s the nature of basketball sometimes, every player and coach are going to have run-ins. George Karl made him a better player and Melo made him a better coach,” Iguodala said. “He had nothing but good things to say about Coach Karl. Seattle was my favorite team growing up so I know a little bit about Coach Karl and his history. He’s one of the best coaches in the game, well-respected by much of his peers and much of his players.” When Iguodala spoke with Karl by phone, the coach “didn’t sugarcoat anything,” telling the All-Star he needed to get to the line more and knock down his free throws, Iguodala said. “Iggy” is Karl’s kind of guy: versatile, tough. He plays lockdown defense and darts upcourt in transition with equal enthusiasm. “You just run fast, it’s pretty simple,” Iguodala said. “Especially with the two point guards we have in Ty (Lawson) and Andre Miller. The pass ahead is really what gets it going.” Sixers coach Doug Collins had high
praise for Iguodala this week. “The thing I’m happy about for Dre is he went through a lot in this city, about living up to his contract. All I know is the last two years, he ends up as a world champion, a gold medalist, an All-Star, a second-team allleague defender,” Collins said. “And what a great thing it was for him to walk to the line against Chicago (in the playoffs) and make two free throws to put us into the next round. I’m so happy those great things happened for him. He made me a better coach and I hope along the way I helped him a little bit.” Indeed, he did. “My game has really picked up in the NBA,” Iguodala said. “My whole life I’ve felt like I can do anything on the basketball court, from playing point guard in high school to having to play center one year in high school, doing everything in college and going through different roles in Philadelphia. Coming in being a rookie, just a defensive stopper and having to be a scorer for three or four years in between there. I’ve got a lot of confidence that I’ll be able to take the big shot or make the play that gets us the shot.” The last A.I. the Nuggets brought in from Philly — Allen Iverson — played in 144 games for them, including playoffs. They’re counting on this union lasting much longer.
Iguodala y Nuggets quieren relación a largo plazo DENVER — Andre Iguodala dijo el jueves que no quiere que Denver sólo sea una estación de paso. Los Nuggets están de acuerdo sin reservas. Los Nuggets adquirieron de Filadelfia al polifacético astro participante en Juego de Estrellas en una negociación que envió a Dwight Howard a los Lakers de Los Angeles. Iguodala está bajo contrato por esta temporada con una opción para el jugador por la campaña 2013-2014. En su presentación en el Pepsi Center, el jugador comentó: “No vinimos pensando que éste sería un
contrato de un año”. Masai Ujiri, ejecutivo de los Nuggets, señaló que va a trabajar esta próxima temporada en una extensión contractual por el astro con inclinación al juego defensivo que ayudó a la selección de Estados Unidos a ganar la medalla de oro en el torneo de baloncesto de los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres. Los Nuggets enviaron a los cruciales jugadores Al Harrington y Arron Afflalo a Orlando como parte del acuerdo que involucró cuatro equipos, 12 jugadores y cinco selecciones de la draft. AP
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08.23.12 |
“Expendables 2” en primer lugar de la taquilla norteamericana ANGELES — Sylvester Stallone y sus amigos fornidos se abrieron camino hasta la cima de la taquilla de Estados Unidos y Canadá el fin de semana. La cinta de acción “The Expendables 2” debutó en primer lugar con $28,8 millones, de acuerdo con los cálculos de los estudios divulgados el domingo. Ello representa una baja si se compara con la primera película de la serie, hace dos años, cuando “The Expendables” recaudó en su estreno $34,8 millones. La secuela de los estudios Lionsgate despojó del primer sitio a otro filme de acción, “The Bourne Legacy”, de los estudios Universal, que cayó al número dos en su segundo fin de semana, con $17 millones. Esto representó una fuerte caída del 55 por ciento frente a su primer fin de semana, cuando generó $38,1 millones. Con todo, el total nacional de la película subió a unos sólidos $69,6 millones. A continuación, las cifras estimadas por boletos vendidos de viernes a domingo en las
Sopa de letra
salas de cine de Estados Unidos y Canadá, de acuerdo con la firma En caso de estar disponibles, se incluyen las cifras de taquilla internacional más recientes. Las cifras finales de la taquilla norteamericana se difundirán el lunes. AP 1. “The Expendables 2”, $28,8 millones. 2. “The Bourne Legacy”, $17 millones. 3. “ParaNorman”, $14 millones. 4. “The Campaign”, $13,4 millones. 5. “Sparkle”, $12 millones. 6. “The Dark Knight Rises”, $11,1 millones. 7. “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”, $10,9 millones. 8. “Hope Springs”, $9,1 millones. 9. “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog days”, $3,9 millones
Horizontales 1. Gentilhombre de la casa de Borgoña. 7. Hinchazón blanda de una parte del cuerpo. 11. Que ama la música. 13. Apócope de norte. 14. Pez marino teleósteo perciforme que se esconde en la arena. 16. Opus. 18. Veloces, prontas. 19. Contracción. 20. Rogar o demandar a uno que dé o haga algo. 21. (... Zagora) Ciudad de Bulgaria central, en la región de Khaskovo. 22. Acción de zapatear. 25. Tiesa. 27. Suave y blando al tacto. 30. Banda que los romanos se ponían al cuello, y cuyas puntas bajaban por el pecho.
31. Contingencia o proximidad de un daño. 32. Personificación del mar en la mitología escandinava. 33. Semejante, parecido. 34. Sazonará con especies. 37. En números romanos, el “2”. 38. Afirmación. 39. Símbolo del samario. 40. Símbolo químico del escandio. 41. Lugar en que está ubicado algo. 46. Novena. 47. Autillo, ave nocturna. 48. Obra musical numerada. Verticales 2. Símbolo del californio. 3. El río más importante de Europa. 4. Esparcir olor, perfumar. 5. Serpiente de gran tamaño y muy venenosa de América meridional. 6. Afloja, pierde su fuerza el viento.
FESTIVAL. Ahbreyonna Sturlaugson, 16, Marina Fennell, 7, y Stephany Fennell, 12, participan en un desfile del Festival de la Independencia de Centroamerica en el City Park en Denver, el año pasado. Manuel Martinez
compartir de culturas, y la gente de Colorado en verdad lo aprecio todo”, dijo Sanabria. Este año se realizará un desfile de banderas donde participarán, bailarines y jóvenes que competirán para Miss Juventud, Princesita Independencia, y Reina Independencia. La entrada al evento es gratuita. “Los bailes folklóricos
son muy bien recibidos y la comida tradicional nos ayuda a recordar nuestros países”, explicó Sanabria. Se espera que alrededor de 12.000 perwsonas atiendan el evento. Los asistentes podrán disfrutar de los platos típicos pagando de $1 a $5 por plato. Para más información o si quiere ser voluntario para el festival, visite
Los Horóscopos de Holiday Mathis ARIES (Marzo 21-Abril 19). Es totalmente posible que cuando Leonardo da Vinci dio los últimos toques a la Mona Lisa, estuviera pensando, “esto podría quedar mejor”. Ustedes los Aries pueden ser perfeccionistas. Pero en algún momento deben dejar de trabajar en la obra maestra y permitir que sea lo que quiera ser. TAURO (Abril 20-Mayo 20). Te corresponde a ti decidir lo que cada cual debe hacer de trabajo para lograr el resultado esperado. Alguien va a querer que saltes al fuego y dispares desde la cadera. Quizá esta persona esté impaciente, o quizá correctamente siente que tomará las decisiones estelares cuando la presión crezca. GEMINIS (Mayo 21-Junio 21). Tu habilidad para ir con las tendencias tiene algo que ver con el poder de saber cuándo entrar y cuando salir. Y aunque te apoyas en este talento esta semana, no descuentes el poder de la tenacidad. Algunas ganancias sólo pueden obtenerse luchando la pelea y permaneciendo encima de ella. CANCER (Junio 22-Julio 22) Puedes sentir que no sabes lo que estás haciendo y que no tienes idea de que hacer después. Comienza con el “por qué.” Cuando sepas por que quieres hacer algo, será más fácil encontrar metas concretas que se acomoden a ello. En cuanto al resto, ya lo precisarás cuando lo hagas. LEO (Julio 23-Agosto 22). La vida mejora cuando dejas de tomar las cosas con tanta seriedad. Alguien puede parecer con deseos de juzgarte, pero en realidad solo reaccionan al mundo como lo ven. No es nada personal. Podrías tomar lo que aprendes de tu reacción y hacer las cosas de manera diferente si así lo quieres. VIRGO (Agosto 23-Septiembre 22). Es extraordinario para ti, pero puedes sentir que no tienes muchos deseos de trabajar con tu mente esta semana. Tu cuerpo pide más atención. Ya sea la necesidad de unas caricias, el contacto humano o el ejercicio, concentrarte en el cuidado de tu ser y te llevará a pensamientos más elevados y mayor claridad más adelante en la semana.
29. Eolios. 35. Vigésima tercera letra del alfabeto griego. 36. Biznaga (planta). 41. Artículo indeterminado. 42. Símbolo del bario. 43. A tempo. 44. Prefijo “huevo”. 45. Símbolo del neptunio. Respuestas de la semana pasada
LIBRA (Septiembre 23-Octubre 23). Los pescadores son precisos acerca de dónde quieren pescar, lo que están buscando, como lo pescan y con quién. La precisión en el enfoque hace toda la diferencia entre el salmón y el arenque. Tu pasaras la mayor parte de tu tiempo esta semana decidiendo lo que quieres atrapar, y el resto del proceso será fácil. ESCORPION (Octubre 24-Noviembre 21). Tu estilo de viajar en el tiempo podría interferir con la diversión si lo permites. A veces tienes que convencerte de salir de un atractivo evento histórico para ocuparte de lo que ocurre ahora. Otras veces, es cuestión de forzarte a regresar del futuro. Aunque vivir en este momento no siempre es algo natural, es donde está la diversión. SAGITARIO (Noviembre 22-Diciembre 21). Hay algo sobre la dinámica de grupos que hace todo más fácil para ti esta semana. Cuando compartes con otros — ya sea el trabajo, una historia, alimento o apoyo — sentirás una mayor vitalidad y capacidad de lograr una diferencia positiva en tu propia vida y en el mundo en general. CAPRICORNIO (Diciembre 22-Enero 19). El pensamiento positivo no siempre es el camino. Si miras hacia la negatividad, esta podría aumentar o actuar para atraer su atención. Reconoce tus verdaderos sentimientos sin importar cuales sean. Hacer frente a ellos es lo que te da un verdadero poder. Podrás levantar tu ánimo paso a paso durante esta semana. ACUARIO (Enero 20-Febrero 18). Has escuchado que mucha gente exitosa dice, “comencé de la nada.” Esa “nada” es relativa, sin embargo. Todos tenemos algo. Reúne, reconoce y agradece los muchos recursos que tienes esta semana. Esto asegura que tengas el mejor inicio en todos tus viajes hacia la meta. PISCIS (Febrero 19-Marzo 20). La tarea de discernir entre lo que es crucial y lo que no lo es será un mayor reto ya que lo que no es esencial se oculta como un lujo y viceversa. Tu imaginación ayuda cuando la lógica falla. Tu éxito depende de que proyectes con precisión el resultado futuro de las posibles acciones.
Maestro Jose Gregorio ¡Le puede ayudar!
ES USTED DE LAS PERSONAS: • • • • • DP-6832602
7. En albañilería, hice que dos obras tuvieran la misma altura. 8. Movimiento de dilatación de la duramáter y de los senos del cerebro. 9. Reflexión del sonido. 10. Símbolo del molibdeno. 12. Música popular derivada del rock y del folk. 15. Onda en el mar. 17. Vasija o globo de cristal lleno de agua para tener por recreo algunos peces. 19. Discurso solemne y enardecedor. 23. Que cambia de formas o de ideas. 24. Mata timeleácea de flores blanquecinas, cuya corteza sirve para cauterios. 25. Acción de torcer una cosa en forma helicoidal. 26. Cure. 28. Pronombre demostrativo que señala lo que está cerca (fem.).
10. “Total Recall”, $3,5 millones.
Por Mireya Saenz
Respuestas de la semana pasada
Centroamericanos celebran la independencia de sus países úsica, platillos típicos, danzas y cultura es lo que ofrecerá la quinta edición del Festival de Independencia Centroamericano a realizarse el 26 de agosto en el City Park en Denver. El festival celebra la independencia de Honduras, El Salvador, Panamá, Guatemala, Nicaragua y Costa Rica. Para celebrar estos 191 años de independencia, la Asociación Centroamericana Unida, una organización sin fines de lucro, realizará una gran fiesta con música de salsa, bachata, reggaetón, marimba, merengue y punta. También se servirá comida típica de países centroamericanos, como las pupusas, y cervezas regionales. El presidente de la asociación, Salvador Sanabria, oriundo de El Salvador, dijo que espera un festival exitoso. “Tuvimos mucha gente el año pasado. Había mucha participación cultural,
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08.23.12 |
Diversión para toDos. La Fiesta Cookout de Servicios de la Raza llega a su cuarto año. El 25 de agosto se espera que 10.000 personas atiendan el festival que proveerá comida y entretenimiento para todos. Este año el Denver Car Club será el anfitrión de una competencia y exhibición de carros. Fotos proveídas por Servicios.
La fiesta veraniega de Servicios trae más entretenimiento y diversión en su cuarto año Por Michelle Zayed
motocicletas $15. Gonzales dijo que espera que alrededor de 10.000 personas asistan al evento, 2.000 más que el año pasado. La fiesta ayuda a exponer los programas que ofrece Servicios de la Raza. Una forma es por medio del jardín sanatorio donde se ofrecen pruebas de VIH y mamogramas. El jardín combina medicina tradicional con medicina alternativa por medio de curanderas. “Es importante porque de esta manera podemos ver que necesitamos hacer para
mantener a nuestra comunidad fuera de crisis”, Gonzales explicó. El evento ayuda a mantener la relevancia de la comunidad y provee un espacio seguro para disfrutar el rato en familia, enfatizó Gonzales. El Grupo Tlaloc de danza Azteca será uno de los grupos que ofrecerá entretenimiento. Se espera que el alcalde Michael B. Hancock de un discurso en el evento a las 2:15 p.m. “Mis prioridades como alcalde de esta gran ciudad son los niños, el empleo y la seguridad social. Servicios de la Raza comparte esta misión”, dijo Hancock.
La fiesta Cuando: Agosto 25, 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. Lugar: Intersección de la calle 41st y la calle Tejon en Denver Información: o llame al 303.953.5907
ace 4 años Rudy Gonzales de Servicios de la Raza, vio a su organización poco a poco perder influencia en la comunidad. Fue en ese momento que decidió organizar una fiesta veraniega para recobrar la importancia histórica de esta organización en Denver. Hoy, como director ejecutivo, Gonzales continúa organizando el evento con gran éxito. “Servicios se encontraba en un punto muy bajo de su existencia”, dijo Gonzales. “Así que yo dije ‘hagamos un fiesta de comida al aire libre’ y de esa manera organizamos la primera fiesta”. Este 25 de agosto la organización llevará a cabo su cuarta Fiesta Cookout. Al igual que el año pasado, la fiesta durará todo el día y tendrá entretenimiento para todas las edades. El más grande evento es una exhibición de carros organizada por el Denver Car Club. Joaquín Montez, también conocido como WAXX y miembro del Denver Car Club, dijo que su organización decidió participar en la
fiesta ya que querían ayudar a la organización comunitaria. Servicios de la Raza ofrece programas como asistencia de salud, consejería para lidiar con la violencia domestica, y cursos para el emprendimiento de los jóvenes. “Nosotros también crecimos en los barrios de la ciudad”, explicó Montez. “Incluso algunos de los miembros del club participaron en programas ofrecidos por Servicios”. Las ganancias de la competencia y la exhibición están destinadas para los programas que ofrece Servicios, dijo Montez. Camiones, carros con diseños únicos y motocicletas, que vendrán de todas partes del país, participaran en el evento. Alrededor de 300 carros podrian ser exhibidos, dijo Montez. La competencia busca encontrar al mejor “Hopper”, un carro con suspensiones hidráulicas que puede saltar. El ganador recibirá un premio de $1.000 proveído por O’Reilley Auto Parts. Para solo exhibir los automóviles hay un costo de entrada de $10. Para competir, los dueños de carros y camiones deben pagar $20 y los de
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