VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 019

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ISSUE 019 OCT 2017



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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co

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Generation Y And Start-Ups You have noticed it, we have noticed it -- everyone has

Some of the reasons why the younger lot prefers to run

noticed it; entrepreneurs are getting younger and younger,

their own start-up to make a living for themselves are pretty

almost as if they are being paid to shun corporate

common. One common reason is the bias they have to face

organisations. What’s the reason behind the millennials

when they graduate and start job hunting. Most companies

wanting to run their own show rather than have their show

they are called in for an interview at, are more often than not

run by someone else? This phenomenon has become so

looking for someone experienced, whereas the candidate

common over the past few years that those belonging

sitting in front of them is straight out of school or university!

to this lot have their very own term describing them: Millennipreneurs!

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In those rare cases where they do end up getting a job, it

However, there has got to be more than just having your

usually pays them so little that to make both ends meet

own schedule to follow which is encouraging the younger

in such economically turbulent times seems like another

generation towards entrepreneurship. People as young as

impossible feat. So, it makes sense why someone in their

25 (in some cases, even younger!) are running successful

shoes would want to work on something themselves which

businesses. Their advantage? Social Media!

pays them well too. The younger generation also wants more

This powerful tool alone can explain why and how the

creative expression. They want to work in an environment

younger generation, in particular, are finding themselves

where they can share out-of-the-box ideas and strategies and

in successful entrepreneurial journeys! Being able to build

work on projects that inspire them. Glued to a desk from 9-5

an audience for their business, connecting with them,

in a job, 5 or 6 days a week, is not their cup of tea. While some

understanding them, studying them and then delivering

corporate organisations do encourage their employees to

what they want through their business -- all this and much

think and work innovatively, at the end of the day, they too are

more is a dream that’s come true for the millennial thanks to

restricted in just how many resources they can invest in for

social media. So, the next time you’re wondering, what’s the

creative ideas which their employees are bringing in. Hence,

secret behind that successful group of young people that are

it makes more sense to the millennial to work for themselves

running their start-up so passionately, just have a look at their

and invest in however much workforce, money, time, energy

social media presence and you’re likely to find the answers

etc. they would like to, in making their creative ideas a reality.


They prefer the flexibility which comes with having their own business. While they understand that running a business, even on a relatively small scale, is nothing to joke about, they would much rather control everything themselves, keeping their own business policies in mind.

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A Successful Cafe Business Top things to have on your menu! A small coffee shop or a cozy little café can be a really neat idea for a great small business. In addition to having an inviting atmosphere and consistently serving delicious coffee to your customers that gets them hooked, you might want to look into some additional tips that can help you run your café business more smoothly. One tip that has stood the test of time for all cafés, is to keep updating the café’s menu regularly. And it is plain to see why that’s the case. Considering the amount of coffee shops that are popping up on what seems like every other corner, if your café does not serve the latest in food and drink that’s been making its rounds on Instagram posts, your business is going to miss out on a lot! So, what should you do? First and foremost, you need to start following as many food blogging accounts on Instagram as you possibly can. This way you can keep an eye out on whatever item makes its debut there and then instantly look into serving it at your place as well. What’s more, is that you may even pick up a lot of hints and idea on how to plate and present food at your restaurant. We all know that the criteria for any food or drink item to make it to Instagram-worthy, has more to do with its aesthetics than its taste. Since the picture will be doing the talking, the presentation of whatever you have on your menu is of supreme importance. So what food and drink items should you have on your menu? You could start with something simple like bottled flavoured water and move on to more complicated things like those monstrous milkshakes that you have been seeing everywhere! Not everyone is into monstrous milkshakes, in fact, people have become a lot more health conscious now than compared to several years before. So, it would do your café good to have low-calorie and/or vegetarian foods and drinks on the menu, as well. Having green coffee is a great start! If you want to be even further ahead of the game than everyone else, look up the recipe for avocado lattes! They are delicious, healthy and we don’t know if you’ve noticed, but everything with avocado seems to be the thing right now. The avocado trend is growing in such leaps and bounds that there are cafés opening up that prepare their food and drink just using avocado as the major ingredient. Classic café food items like waffles, pancakes, cakes, muffins, oatmeal, eggs and bacon, pizza and the like, will always and forever be in demand. To make things interesting you can put your own fun twists on them and end up serving your guests something new!


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How to Work Smart

Do Less, Accomplish More We have all grown up believing that the harder we work, the more successful we ought to be in our personal and professional lives, alike. Statements like “the harder the toil, the sweeter the fruit” have plagued our conscious thoughts to a point where so many of us find it so difficult to buy into the “work smart, not hard” concept. By now, there is every chance in the world that you may have experienced the crushing pressure that is placed on the society that we are all collectively a part of. The pressure to look perfect and lead perfect, successful lives has gotten so many of us overworking beyond what we are capable of. Amidst all of this, we find ourselves trying to maintain a sense of balance that seems anything but possible. Complaints like “overworked and

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underpaid” seem to be getting more common than ever. The end result is that the quality of our life is being severely compromised due to being so stressed all the time. It is becoming more and more important for us to know how to deal with this subtle enemy, stress. If you are a business entrepreneur you are probably no stranger to stress either. The pressure of having a successful business, making sure everything is being done the way it should be, can and does get to you too. The goal of having a business is to have a successful one. For achieving this, we work overtime and find ourselves compromising in other areas of life which we don’t think are that important; health and relationships just to name a few. It is only after what seems (and actually is) a long time, we begin to realise how unwise it was for us to commit ourselves to the life of a workaholic. Don’t be that person who wastes all their life making their business everything and missing out life. Your business mantra for 2017 should be: overworking is synonymous with inefficiency. Do not stress yourself into believing that the only way you can run and establish a successful small business is by working overtime. Instead, train your mind to work smart. Like everything else, this is easier said than done. The best way to get aboard on the “Work Smart, Not Hard” is to have a deep understanding of what your strengths are and then building a schedule that works around those strengths. You can link your small business goals to those strengths and see your business flourish like never before -- and what’s this? You even have time for other things! Speaking of goals, follow the S.M.A.R.T. technique when setting them. Your goals should be small, manageable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. In other words, they should be smart. Following the smart technique alone will save you from overworking yourself because you are already abiding by the basic rules of this process. Fighting stress that comes with overworking yourself can be a very difficult task and as discussed earlier, can do a lot of harm to you. If a good life is what you want, having a routine where you eat proper, sleep proper and where you spend time with the right kind of company is mandatory. Take care of yourself, as much as you take care of your business. We promise you, you won’t regret it.

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SMALL BUSINESS IDEAS 2017 Running Your Tea Business

Part of running a successful small business is to pick the right niche to invest in. A good idea here would be to look into what businesses are thriving these days, and pick one which falls closest to your budget. If you are active on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you may have noticed a lot of hype surrounding tea businesses these days. From detox teas to matcha and bubble teas and more, it seems like there is a new tea being put on the market every other second. So, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, you may be wondering if tea could be the next big investment area for you. The shortest answer to that is, it just might be! And here’s why: Investing in tea is considered to be a relatively less expensive business idea to explore as compared to for example, setting up your own café. However, a bigger reason for what makes tea such a relevant small business idea in 2017 is the interest people have started to show in it. For something that has been around since practically forever now, it is only recently that people universally have become more conscious of what they are drinking in particular. More and more people seem to be jumping on board with eliminating fizzy drinks, soft drinks and other sugary, calorie-ridden liquids from their diet, and moving towards healthier options. And when it comes to drinks that are actually good for your system, what could possibly be healthier than tea? Another great advantage of investing in a small tea business is the extensive variety of tea blends you can experiment with.

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Playing with different aromas and tastes can help you get your very own unique tea blend that you can market. However, something that has taken online tea businesses quite by the storm is the trend of matcha tea. Everyone seems to be talking about it and wants themselves a cup of it brewed! What is matcha anyway? Aptly defined as the “darling” of the tea world, matcha is essentially green tea, but more potent, which means the taste and benefits it brings with it are even better than the ones you find in green tea. The Japanese culture has been big on “matcha” for a very long time now. Matcha tea has been a regular item spotted in their tea ceremonies over centuries now. However, the rest of the world (that would be us!) has only recently been introduced to this wonderful tea. And we’re pretty much obsessed with it! Probably one of the richest sources of antioxidants that we have on earth right now, matcha is a must-have tea blend that ‘fitness and diet obsessed people’ have just got to have. So if you are planning to start our own tea business, you may want to skip over bubble tea and ginger tea if you’d like, but skipping on matcha would not be a very good move! Have it on your tea menu while it’s still hot.

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Promoting Business Through Blogging

Blogging........... Part of owning a small business is to ultimately make it a successful one. You want to attract a wider audience, and have your products and services marketed the right way to establish their presence in the appropriate market for sales to increase as well. And blogging is one tool that can help you do just that! If you look at it, blogging is an online marketing tool that yields great results for your small business, almost inexpensively! But like everything else, blogging too comes with its own set of challenges. There are only like a billion blogs about a billion things on the internet right now; if you wish to build your clientele or increase your brand’s popularity through a blog, you must do it

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How can bloggers help you grow your business?

WHY SHOULD YOU START BLOGGING in a manner that stands out from the rest of its

to say, how to say it without making it look too sales-y (if

competition. And that is not an easy task. For starters,

that’s a word). Perhaps, the biggest advantage professional

you need to be really dedicated to this cause; you need to

bloggers bring with them, is that several of them are

update your blog regularly, it is not a one-time thing only!

already established in one niche or the other; they already

Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to maintain their blog

have a huge following to whom they can advertise your

with the heaps of work they already have to do. Things

business to! For example, let’s suppose your business

can get hectic. Another reason behind an unsuccessful

sells matcha green tea, a product which has innumerable

blogging campaign could be not knowing what to blog

health and fitness benefits. A fitness blogger, who already

about! The content matters, and while you may be a really

has a good following on their various accounts, could

good businessperson, you may not be that clever when it

be a good person to get in touch with in such a case!

comes to content. Yet another reason why your blog has

They could advertise your product and your business’

not been able to do what it’s meant to could be that it is

link on their page, which is guaranteed to be viewed by

not getting enough views. These and several other reasons

hundreds, thousands and even more of the people who are

make it worthwhile for you to look into hiring bloggers!

already following that fitness blogger. Outsourcing your

They can advertise your business and your products/

small business’ blogging needs does not have to mean

services in a creative manner on various social media

that you no longer get to contribute as the voice of your

platforms to get people talking about you and hopefully

business. You can still blog on your own as well, but with a

reaching out to you too. Professional bloggers are

professional blogger by your side (or on your team) you can

experienced in the world of blogging. They know what

use this magnificent online marketing tool in a much more effective manner.

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www.absolutebusines UNIT 7, 18-22 LEXIA PL MULGRAVE, VIC 3170

vnm magazine 014 PH: (03) 9566 7300

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It is no surprise that millions of people around the world are using various social media platforms to promote their businesses, irrespective of what scale they may be established in. Big names and small businesses alike are utilising social media to become the entrepreneurs they have always wanted to be. If you are wondering how social media can help you set up your business and build a name for yourself as a successful small business entrepreneur, we have some really useful tips that may come in handy. First and foremost, you need to realize that with so many different kinds of social media platforms out there, not everyone may be designed particularly for the niche your small business is concerned with. You need to select the right social media platform which is a good fit for your small business. Fortunately, some of these platforms cater to almost every type of business no matter what the niche may be. Examples of these are social media giants like Facebook and Instagram. In this particular post, we will be focusing specifically on using Instagram as an effective business tool. Considering how hugely popular Instagram is -we are assuming that you have some knowledge of how things work up here. While several of its features like going “Live”, for example, may be in common with other social media websites, Instagram primarily operates by letting you build brand awareness through images first and words later. In a way, the pictures of your business, products, services etc. are your major content. They speak for you first and then you speak for them later, as you describe what they are all about. The more attractive your “feed” looks, the better chance you have of attracting more followers (your target audience), which eventually at some point, are converted into your customers.

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How can Instagram be used as an effective business tool? Now let’s talk about some quick tips on how you can use this amazing tool to become an established entrepreneur. First and foremost, you need to have a separate account for your small business than your personal one on Instagram. Your target audience should see content that’s just about your business, not your life. Your Instagram bio is a space that is of pivotal importance. Make good use of it! Keep the description of what your business is all about short and simple, and if you can, a little quirky, too. However, the most important thing with respect to your Instagram bio is to use that space to display your official small business’ website! That’s a place your target audience is more than likely to see and by result, discover your website.

This means more traffic for it! Every entrepreneur wants their business to climb up the ladder of discoverability. And what would be more perfect than hashtags to make your business become more visible? While there’s nothing wrong with using general tags, we suggest you get more specific with them, otherwise general tags will have your post lost amongst the already-vast tags up there. Speaking of tags, geo-tagging is another great Instagram option that makes you become more accessible to your audience! It’s basically using a tag to add a location to your photo. Now your audience knows where you’re based; double those points up for local-audience loyalty! With these small but effective tips, your small business can really burst onto the scene on Instagram. Good Luck!

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Businesses For Sale

Businesses Now Selling

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$1 5 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B12871

This is an excellent thai restaurant business for sale that has a great corner location with great street frontage and ample of parking for customers.Asian menu- Thai with one of the biggest and cleanest kitchens you will see today. 4 Wok burner set up, 6 burner cook top oven and walk in cool room. - Seats about 60 inside the business comfortably - Full Liquor License - 5x5x5 year commercial lease available for the next owner with rent of $990 pw plus G.S.T Currently taking an average of $8,000 per week with capacity and potential to grow! Staff in place - ideal for first time business owners or partnership. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$1 5 0 , 0 0 0

This 5 day cafe for sale occupies an excellent location in the heart of South Yarra. Very high foot traffic area and trams running past the centre regularly. This business shares a building with cinemas and television studios, which attract large amounts of people. Serves a simple breakfast and lunch menu and offers catering for functions and local businesses in the area. Has an immaculate fitout with seating for 70 people inside and a further 10 tables outside in a closed atrium. Has a full commercial kitchen, a stock room in the building and staff car parking. Also liquor licensed. Turnover of $7,000 per week and rent of $7,800 per month for a sought after location, with secure lease of 10 years in place. Very impressive fit out and location. An inspection will impress. Further informatiom can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagiotidis on 95667300 or


$6 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B12873

This Home Cleaning Service Business is a long and well established business. They provides superior house cleaning services using eco friendly cleaners and products, with very competitive prices. During the 6 years of operation this business has built up a large base of loyal regular clients, most paying weekly and on direct debit, so no hassle of waiting for payments. Existing and regular clientele are all within a short radius of each other, allowing maximum use of time, as there is minimal travel between clients. The sale includes logos, uniform designs, all software and corporate structure needed to run the business. All systems and manuals are in place to allow up to 50 staff, so huge potential exists to grow this business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagiotidis on 95667300 or


$ 8 5 ,0 0 0


This is a great opportunity top purchase a Pies and Cakes Bakery Cafe that has had all its equipment fully serviced by Carlyle Equipment & Engineering and the shop has also been completely renovated. It is in a very busy strip of shops in Cranbourne with great neighbouring businesses such as a coin laundry, bottle shop, pizza etc. - 18 tray triple decker oven, new 20 c. bowl mixer, new humidity mixer - Low rent of $1,950 pcm inc G.S.T - New 6x5x5x5 year commercial lease - Ample of customer car parking - Mainly Pies,cakes, patisseries and some bread as well Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or

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REF: B12854

agement by 1 full time employee and 3 part time staff. Business has good turnover of $6,000 per week, with rent of $1,275 per week and lease options of 5 years. No

Drive Thru Coffee Business For Sale strategically located on a busy main road

previous experience is needed as this is an easy to run business. Staff in place will

through Coburg. High volume of cars using this road daily. Very easy to run busi-

ensure a smooth transition.

ness, selling coffee, which makes approximately 83% of sales, and simple to prepare

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

food, such as sandwiches, donuts, toasties and muffins. Currently run under man-

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


available- ideal for residential living or holiday leasing. Strong care taker and management leases in place to ensure peace of mind and sound investment. Over

Rare and exciting opportunity to purchase a large piece of the pie for an exclusive

$150,000 per annum return from leasing and functions with freehold and all equip-

4 star resort with full amenities in Noosa. Main building including reception, restau-

ment, assets and liquor license for main restaurant included in the sale.

rant and conference area for sale- including freehold to own the land and building

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

outright! 3 bedroom Managers Apartment with 8 car spots and 2 bathrooms also

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. A . O P.



Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certified. Diverse base of clients mainly government agencies (city councils) as well as other civil

On offer is a multi-million dollar civil works contracting business. With over 30

construction companies. Included in the sale is over $6 million worth of assets, a

years experience in the industry, this contracting business has a strong reputation

large loyal team of staff, both onsite and in the office, all contracts & client base

and is one of the leading independent construction companies in Victoria. Business

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

is ISO 9001 (Quality Management), AS/NZS 4801 (Occupational Health & Safety

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

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year commercial lease available for the next owner with rent of $616 pw inc. G.S.T. Currently taking $9,500 per week with capacity and potential to grow! Staff in

This is an excellent small business that has been in operation with the same owner

place. Ideal for first time business owners or partnership.

for close to 4 years. Full Liquor license and plenty of parking for customers out front. Asian menu- Thai with large commercial kitchen in immaculate condition with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

3 Wok set up. Seats 32 inside the business comfortably and 12 outside. 5x5x5

202 or

. .P O.A


and set up and also has a wood fired pizza oven. The large premises makes this cafe/restaurant ideal for functions as well. This Cafe business for sale is run under

This Franchise Cafe For Sale is located in an inner city suburb of Melbourne on a

management. Has fantastic turnover of $20,000 per week with rent of $13,500 per

prominent corner location - enjoying great exposure and huge amounts of foot traf-

month for such a huge premises. Lease options of 10 years.

fic daily from surrounding shops, tafe and apartments. This business has a huge

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

premises occupying 3 stores. The cafe has the Degani Franchise’s latest look

poulos on 9566 7300 or

. A . O P.


licensed contracts in place for distribution to Japan, Sweden & Norway for the new owner to take advantage of & build upon. This is a fantastic home based

This long established online wholesale retail distribution business for sale of-

opportunity that can be run from anywhere. Currently only requiring part time

fers an exciting opportunity with trademarks & international contracts all estab-

hours, the business has enormous potential for growth for an operator with the

lished & ready for further growth!,The business specializes in quality children’s

time to run it!

accessories sold online both direct to the public & wholesale. The business has

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416

been established over 10 years and the products are trademarked. There are

000 154 or

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. .P O.A


REF: B12861

dinner menus. Fully under management with 4 full time employees and 6 casual staff. A well designed website is in place and this restaurant business has a large

This Busy Restaurant For Sale is located in the busy dining hub of Richmond.

following on social media. Turnover of $10,000 per week and rent of $5,500 per

The opulent dining room has seating for 65 people and there is also seating for a

month for such a good location. Long lease options of 5x5 available.

further 10 people outside. It is fully licensed with full commercial kitchen and walk

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

in coolroom. Perfect for private functions, live music as well as breakfast, lunch or

poulos on 9566 7300 or

. A . O P.


Fish and Chips Take Away and Dine In. Pizza Take Away and Dine In . Impressive set up also includes full commercial set up. Very reasonable rent with long secure

Prime corner positioning in one of Melbourne’s most populated South Eastern Sub-

lease also includes modern and clean 3 bedroom 2 storey residence! Turning over

urbs. Secure block with 12 private car spots, double lock up garage, large street

an impressive and consistent $20,000 per week

signage and promotion near busy roundabout location ! The large premises con-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagi-

sists of 4 operating areas. Newly designed cafe with seating, convenience store.

otidis on 95667300 or

. .P O.A


REF: B12863

at the door for pick ups and also offers a delivery service. Business takings are 50% pick up and 50% delivery. Fully Under management. Current turnover of $7,000 per week. Low rent of $2,190 per month with secure lease of 4x4x4. Plenty of potential

Long established Pizza and Pasta Takeaway Business For Sale with great main

to increase sales from the surrounding densely populated area.

road location through the affluent South East Melbourne suburb of Glen Waverley.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagi-

Quick walking distance from train stations and several bus stops. Plenty of parking

otidis on 95667300 or

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.A. P.O


1997, this is an ideal side income with only a few hours a week of maintenance required. Currently the vendors do a few hours & there are 2 part time staff that do

This self serve coin operated car wash business for sale is located in the south

a few hours. Easy to operate business offering a great part time income for extra

east on a major road through the area offering high exposure. Set up with 4 bays

cash. No online presence so potential to grow exposure further!

& 1 laser wash, the business holds prime position beside a petrol station & offers

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

excellent exposure located on a major road through the area. Established since

154 or

. A . O P.



been in the same family for 30 years. Highly profitable with even more opportunity to grow. 2 bays for forklift and buggy available with 24hour access at the Epping

One of Melbourne’s best Fruit and Veg Shop for sale is located in the well sought

Market. Are you a keen business operator looking for a stable and profitable busi-

after South Melbourne Market. Vendors are standing in in queue to get into the

ness? Then this one is for you.

Market, so here is your opportunity. Taking of $90,000 pw. 3x3 lease with rent be-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

ing less than 5% of the turnover. 2 large walk in coolrooms. Stable business that’s


0 ,9 00 $7



grow much further. Well laid out salon with 3 treatment rooms, 2 nail stations & 1 pedicure station. Offering traditional beauty services inc waxing, IPL, microdermabrasion, peels, skin treatments, tanning, nails & pedicures. Turning over $3.300

This beauty salon for sale in the south east offers a highly sought after location in a

average per week. Long lease of 5x5 with rent of $932 per week inclusive of GST.

busy shopping precinct! Currently running under management with staff performing

Further informaiton can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

all services, this salon is ideal for an experienced beauty therapist to take over &

154 or

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systems and procedures in place as well as loyal and committed staff to assist any new owner- experience in manufacturing and wholesale is not mandatory for new

Excellent and rare opportunity to acquire one of the giant’s in the industry of wholesale

owner to continue success! This business has the structure and operation in place for

and manufacturing Australia wide. Major supplier of large brands as we all person-

a balanced lifestyle with very rich income and profit margins.

alised client branding services with secure contracts in place along the supplier chain

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

for security on investment and returns. The business is very easy to run with full

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 $5


a well designed website and strong social media presence. Unlimited potential to increase online sales. Solid turnover of $7,600 per week and rent of $918 per week

This busy retail fashion store occupies a prime location in a bustling shopping hub

with rent options of 3x3.flexible casuals. Owner willing to provide training and a

in Doncaster East. A long established business of 17 years which has built a large

long hand over period, to ensure new owners success.

base of loyal clientele. This store is an oasis for the fashion conscious stocking

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagi-

Exclusive European ready to wear labels. Offers both in store and online sales with

otidis on 95667300 or

A .P O .



and is happy to train. Turnover of $5,000 per week with good profit margins. Rent of only $767 per week for a high exposure location in an upmarket area, and long secure

Opportunity to acquire a printing and framing services business for sale in the affluent

lease of 5x5! The short trading hours makes this business well suited to be a family run

Bayside suburb of Brighton. Established 6 years, this business offers a range of services


including laminating, printing and framing of artwork, photographs and memorabilia with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagiotidis

no experience or special skill necessary. Vendor runs this easy to operate business

on 9566 7300 or

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. A . P. O


ers. Some of the sandblasting equipment is sells are: Air Compressors, Air Hoses and Air tools, Electric Tools, Automotive, Industrial Equipment, Safety equipment

This great business has been in operation for over 9 years with the same owner.

and Vacuums.The business turned over roughly $445,000 last financial year and is

It specialises in the Sandblasting industry. Not only does it have ongoing contracts

looking to beat that this year on its current work on hand. Rent of $2,485 pcm.

in place for sandblasting on site it also imports its goods from China to sell in Aus-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

tralia.They have established extremely binding relationships with a host of suppli-

202 or

. .P O.A


Tunza-Fun play precinct. Having been established for over 9 years, the business has solid takings of an average $8,000 per week.This store has also been renovated last October and

On offer is an exceptional opportunity to become part of one of the premier ice-cream

is up to the new standard of Cold Rock stores meaning the new owners can simply take over

franchises in Australia! Cold Rock is proudly 100% Australian owned and made and offers

and reap the benefits.

generous support to all it’s franchisees. The location of this ice-creamery is second to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

none, based in a busy entertainment complex and wedged between Hoyts cinemas and

. .P O.A



little to no advertising for quite some time, so a new owner who promotes the business can push the turnover up higher. With a cheap rent of just $1,260 per month and quite reasonable

Established in 1977, this upholstery business has built an excellent reputation for itself

outgoings and overheads, the profit margins are great. Ideal for a buyer with experience in

over the past 40 years. Located in a highly affluent eastern suburb, this business has very

the upholstery industry looking to run their own small business.

little competition in the area and the vendor has owned the business since the beginning!

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

Currently generating revenue between $200,000 – $250,000 per year, the owner has done

vnm magazine 026

9 ,9 99 $4


Family issues call for a quick sale, hence the ridiculously low price. Long Lease 6×6. Liquor License. Corner Location. Up market area. Beautiful presentation with

Located on a prominent corner spot in one of Melbourne’s trendiest suburbs, this

near new equipment. Easy to run

Gem is a must see. Trading only 5 days, daytime hours only, there is a huge po-

Urgent Sale

tential to grow this café Business For Sale. With a near new setup, full commercial

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

Kitchen and 55+ seating capacity, this opportunity will not wait around. Serious


. .P O.A



staff, the vendor only works part time approx 25 hours per week. The business turns over $7500 per week before GST. Long lease of 1x5x5 remaining & rent of

This elegant spacious CBD beauty salon business for sale offers a highly sought

$1230 plus GST per week for a highly sought after location. Fantastic opportunity

after location within bustling St Kilda, adjacent to the CBD. Established 5 years,

for a therapist looking for an established business

this elegant salon has 5 treatment rooms, reception, spray booth & kitchen & there

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

is 4 parking spaces dedicated to the premises. The salon comes with experienced

154 or

A .P O .



takings of $22,000 per week with rent of $4,400 pcm inclusive of G.S.T and outgoings. Owners run the business with 2 full time patissiers and 1 apprentice

This Business is located in picturesque Mornington on the Mornington Penin-

in the back. At the front 6 casual staff do the selling. There is also a huge car

sula just off the main road and walking distance from the beach. The set up

park across the road making it very accessible.

itself is immaculate, no shortcuts have been taken, inspections will definitely

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

impress. This cafe and patisseries business for sale has steady weekly average

202 or

vnm magazine 027

. A . P. O


ness themselves and make more money. There’s plenty of room to improve in this business, so if you want to get into a business where FUN is part of the equation,

This gorgeous party supplies Business is located in a main Regional Town with

then this is the right business for you! Currently taking $245,000 pa. Large premis-

very little competition around. Currently this business sells a wide range of party

es with ample room to grow. High Margins due to high Balloon sales

supplies, personalized balloon arrangements and lots of fun stuff. It is fully under

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

management so is suitable for either an investor or someone keen to run the busi-

202, or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. .P O.A


can go in and know that everyone in their group will be catered for no matter what their dietary needs. Turnover is $20,000 per week with low rent of $3,630 per

This Cafe for sale in Gippsland - Warragul has joined the food revolution and offers

month. A new lease is available for the new owners. Premises has commercial

a healthy choice menu catering to all dietary needs. They offer vegan, gluten free,

kitchen and seating for 45 inside and 15 outside.

dairy free and sugar free options on the menu. They cater for the regular meat

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

eaters as well. This business model has made this cafe very popular, as groups

202, or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

0 ,0 00 5 $2


is $13,000 per week, with rent of $10,000 per month for a large and well exposed premises, which includes a comfortable customer waiting area. Lease options of 5

Fantastic opportunity to investment in a well known and trusted franchise brand. A

years. The business has 4 hoists: 3 two poster hoists and 1 four poster hoist

brand that offers quality car, truck and 4x4 tyres with complete tyre services including

Experienced staff in place will make the transition very smooth.

tyre fitting and wheel alignment. Also offers auto repair services: log book servicing,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagi-

mechanical repairs, air conditioning services, batteries and much more. Turnover

otidis on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 028

. A . O P.


disco room upstairs that can be run as a function room or seminar centre, full liquor license, commercial kitchen and much more. This indoor play centre and party venue

You will not get a better location than this in Melbourne any more, with two separate

turns over an average of $566,000 per annum and has a rent of $9,900 pcm plus

entrances from major roads in bustling Hawthorn. This is one of Melbournes iconic

G.S.T with a 5x5x5 year lease in place that started in November 2016.

play centres that has even featured on TV for some of its rides, food, party rooms

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202,

and events. It has 3 main play areas, 2 large party rooms and one smaller, huge or Lynn Mu on 0430880323.

. A . P. O


ingredient in making a business a success. Theobroma has created an environment where the consumption of chocolate is an experience in itself. Luxurious,

Theobroma is a Total Chocolate Concept, indulging consumers in all of life’s plea-

cozy and sensual, are feelings that best describe a visit to a Theobroma Lounge.

sures- coffee, artisan chocolate, great food and retail products and so much more

Theobroma is an Australian owned business with an international presence.

in a cafe styled environment. Theobroma is looking for people with drive and pas-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

sion to become franchise owners. They believe that people are the most important

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or email


0 8,0



for locals and people passing through. Cheap rent of $1,616 per month includes business and residence. Residence consists of 3 bedrooms, spacious kitchen and

Located in the Yarra Ranges in picturesque Launching Place, this milk bar/conve-

dining area, living area, 1 bathroom, separate laundry, storage room and lockup

nience store for sale offers buyers a chance to be their own boss while enjoying a

garage. Business currently turns over $6,000 per week on average

comfortable country lifestyle! Situated on a small shopping strip nestled amongst

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225

the local Pharmacy, bakery and hardware store making it a regular stopping point

989 or

vnm magazine 029



0 0 , 0



associated to be taken over by the new owner). A secondary business, offering self storage is set up onsite in Dandenong South. This generates a passive income

This business encompasses a range of incomes for the owner - from self storage,

of $200,000 per year! Turnover of approximately $1,8 million per year, rent for

large scale transport and logistics as well as furniture removals, transport and

premises is $51,575 per year; with lease options of 2x2.

packing. This business has a large fleet valued in the market over $1.3million.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

Includes 10 trucks, 2 UTES, 8 trailers, 2 forklifts and 2 small trailers (leases

poulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 8 $8



and Melbourne’s Top 50 Cafes (2016). It has a superb corner location in a prestigious Bayside suburb. Easily accessed by public transport and close to the beach. Turnover of

Not only has this Cafe For Sale won praise and accolades from The Age, it has been de-

$1,150,000 per year with rent of $68,585 per year and long secure lease of 7x7x7.This

signed by one of the best interior design companies in Australia - Foolscap Design. Run

business for sale has over 5,000 Instagram followers and growing.

entirely under management.This cafe has awards and accolades and been featured in

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

The Age for Best Australian Breakfast (2016); Melbourne’s 10 Best New Cafes (2015)

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 $4


staff. Takings: $40,000 pw Approximately. In front of a major supermarket chain. 6 year lease terms. The current owner is heading overseas and seeks a quick sale,

This Franchised tobacconist sells cigarettes, accessories and high margin gifts

hence the very attractive price.

and toys. All sales are retail sales with no wholesale, leaving room to expand for

Call now or lose out on this great opportunity.

the entrepreneurial buyer. The business can be run by one person at any time and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen now on 0429 006

features Security cameras and a good POS system to ensure efficient running by

921 or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323 or

vnm magazine 030

. A . O P.


testing. The factory has a separate lunch room as well as an office, split system air-conditioning with a customer bathroom. In addition to this, there are 14 car

Prime location with the building being on a corner block with ample of parking

parking bays out the front. Average takings of $1,000,000 per annum. Rent for the

for customers and large and visible showroom at the front. The workshop is fully

property is $3,300 per month inc G.S.T.

equipped with five hoists, scissor lift, numerous jacks, jack stands, engine lift and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

cradles. In addition there are specialist hand tools and equipment for roadworthy


. .PO.A


companies in the East Gippsland region and services all of Victoria. Turning over $1.5M per annum with great net profit, the business operates Monday to Friday.

The business has 9 trucks ranging from smaller flatbeds to semi-trailers. The

The business currently leases land to park the trucks, a new lease can be provided

business has experienced drivers and the vendor works in the business full time

to the new owner at $1716 per month or you can source your own storage location.

driving & performing admin. Ideal for a hands on operator. Currently based out of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

the south eastern suburbs, the business is one of the biggest vehicle transport

154 or

A .P O .



continuously been growing by an average of 15% per annum. The business enjoys large profits as most expenses are fixed, therefore as the business turnover grows

This business has been running since 2009, the business has experienced

so does its profits as costs are mostly the same year in year out.

continual growth in revenue. It is currently operating as a single person, 2-3 day a week business, with healthy forecasts for continued growth for the next 3-5 years.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146

The revenue the business has turned over last financial year was $71,785 and has

202 or

vnm magazine 031

0 ,8 00 $5



childrens cuts and tints and foils, as well as threading and eyebrow and eye lash tinitng. Salon currently trades 3.5 days per week with short hours of 10am to 3pm.

This Hair Salon For Sale in Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs is run under manage-

Turnover is $1,500 per week with low rent of only $1,372 per month. Secure lease

ment, the owner is not a hairdresser. Enjoys an excellent location near a train

options of 3x3x3 available.

staion and bus stops. This hair and beauty salon has an immaculate and new set

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

up with 7 stations and 2 wash basins. This salon offers the usual ladies, mens and

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 5 $4


trusted franchise. This beauty salon is run under management, with 6 casual and experienced staff. New owners do not need any beauty therapy skills to run. Full

This Franchise Beauty Salon for Sale holds prime location in Chadstone Shop-

support and training will be included. Turnover is $1,100,000 per year with lease

ping Centre. Currently the store has 9 treatment rooms with plumbing, except for

options of 5 years.

the spray tan room. Store is to be fully refurbished prior to settlement, so new

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

owners will move in to a brand new store. Essential Beauty is a well known and

Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at

0 ,5 00 1 $2


ing Dumplings, Buns & Wraps and small bites Or their Dinner Menu with larger dishes to share. Breakfast is served over the weekends and with focus on

This absolutely magnificent 5 day Restaurant with its awesome atmosphere is

Families. Solid $14,000 PW takings and growing. Low Rent of only $1,333 PCM.

located in the heart of one of Melbourne’s Far East villages. Strong local support

Well equipped commercial kitchen. Seating capacity of 45. Full liquor license.

forms the core customer base and this is amplified on the weekends with large

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

number of Visitors from the inner City. With their Street Food Lunch Menu includ-


vnm magazine 032

0 ,9 00 $9


cars to trucks to earthmovers. Currently turning over $700,000 per year the business operates Monday to Friday until 5pm. Spacious premises that holds plenty of

This long established tyre service business for sale has been serving its large

stock, lease remaining of 2.5 x 2 with rent of $1184 per week. No website, in place

base of loyal customers for over 60 years! Long term relationships established with

only a Facebook page, plenty of potential for further growth.

corporate companies. With a high exposure location on a major road through the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

south east, this business offers a range of new & used tyres for everything from

154 or

. .P O.A


over. The business has been in operation for over 15 years & is currently turning over approx $5,000 per week. Prime location on a major road through Malvern.

This busy pizza takeaway business offers a prime location in an affluent area on a

Website in place with online ordering, huge potential for further growth with some

major road. Evenings only. Operating Tuesday to Sunday evenings only, this busi-

smart online advertising like social media. Lease 1x3 with rent of $560 per week.

ness is equipped with two double decker electric stone base pizza ovens as well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

as a full commercial kitchen. Very clean premises, nothing to do but move in & take

154 or



0 0,0




staff of which one is the manager and 8 casual staff members runs the business easily. Averaging $10,000 p/w takings. Cheap rent of approximately $1,500 p.c.m.

This exceptional Pizza and Pasta takeaway business is located on the busy Princess

Commercial Lease of 3x3x3. Great Website and reviews. Great opportunity for an

HWY and enjoys not only busy tourist times but also very steady and growing local

investor that does not want to be as hands on.

trade as well. Trading very short hours from 4:30pm till 8pm 5 nights a week and till

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

9pm Friday and Saturdays. All systems and procedures are in place so 2 full time

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 033

. A . P. O



ness currently runs under management but would be more profitable for a hands on owner operator that would spend less on wages. There is a good size kitchen

Prime location cafe for sale offering a high quality fitout & a top spot in affluent

area which can be added to to expand the menu options.Rent & new lease will be

Armadale’s bustling shopping hub! Established nearly 2 years, this cafe has shown

negotiated with the landlord for the new owner.

consistent growth & is now taking $3,500 per week plus UberEats. Good size

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

premises with top quality fitout, the cafe seats 26 inside & 12 outside. The busi-

154 or

. .P O.A


with staff performing all services & organising all bookings. Turning over $5,000 per week, this salon operates 6 days & could be a great side income for an investor or part

This managed modern beauty salon for sale offers a prime location in the bustling

time therapist, or take over full time to grow the business & take more profit. Rent of

heart of South Melbourne. Surrounded by shops & dining in the affluent South Mel-

$4,796 per month with long lease of 2x5 remaining.

bourne hub. The salon has a fresh modern fitout with nothing to do but move in & take

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

over! Well laid out with 4 treatment rooms, the business runs under full management

154 or

. .P O.A


a busy industrial area of Dandenong.The business currently operates Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 2pm. No online presence so there is enormous potential for

This industrial lifestyle cafe takeaway for sale offers a pristine set up with a lot

growth. Long lease of 3x3x3 with cheap rent of $473 per week. Fantastic lifestyle

of new equipment & the perfect lifestyle opportunity to keep your evenings &

opportunity to keep a great work/life balance, easy business to operate.

weekends free! This spacious business offers an immaculate fully equipped set

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

up with cool room & seating for 16 people but room for more! Great location within

154 or

vnm magazine 034

0 ,0 00 4 $2


summer time treatments. This day spa has solid turnover of $400,000 per year and rent of only $2,886 per month with lease options of 3x3. Trading 7 days, the owner

This well established boutique day spa for sale is located on the Mornington Penin-

only works for 2 and a half days per week in the business. Qualified and experienced

sula. Just one hours drive from Melbourne, in the heart of the wine region. This spa

staff and subcontractors are in place to provide the treatments.

has a luxurious environment with 3 single treatment rooms and 2 double treatment

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

rooms, a reception and lounge area. Outdoor treatment areas are also available for

los on 9566 7300 or at

. .P O.A


Thursday & Friday, most services are performed by staff the vendor only works 2 days per week. Turning over $413k per annum. Excellent opportunity for a first

This franchise beauty salon for sale in the east offers an established business with

time salon owner to receive the support & guidance of a major franchise.

a trusted name in the industry as a great investment or opportunity for a therapist

Rent of $1,800 per week inclusive of GST with lease remaining of 3 years.

to take over! Established 9 years, this beauty salon offers a prime location in a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

busy shopping centre. Currently operating Monday to Saturday with later close

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



7:30pm, Sat: 8am to 5pm and Sun 9am to 5pm. Sizeable premises offers seating for 50 plus patrons, the business is easy to operate & the franchise offers ongoing training

Join the Gloria Jeans franchise family by taking over this business in Caroline Springs!

& support. Fully equipped.Lease remaining of 4 years approx. Fantastic opportunity to

A highly sought after opportunity within a renowned brand whose goal is to dominate

join a well known franchise that will train and support you

worldwide with the best coffee! Using 40kg of coffee per week, the business turns over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

$11,500 per week. Operates Mon to Wed: 7:30am to 5:30pm, Thurs and Fri 7:30am to


vnm magazine 035

. A . O P.


Elegant salon laid out with 4 rooms & nail tables at the front, the salon offers traditional beauty services as well as IPL, laser, micro, electrolysis, spray tans, SNS, nail

This elegant beauty salon for sale offers a highly sought after location in the bustling

services & eyelash services. Rent of $710 per week for a top location & long lease

shopping precinct of Eltham. Serving its large base of loyal clientele for over 30

remaining of just under 3x3.

years, this business has developed a great reputation in the area cementing its

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

longevity, and with minimal online presence there is a lot more growth to be made!

154 or

0 ,9 00 $4


with flowers, gifts & candles & includes a cool room. Turning over $160,000 per annum, the shop is open Monday to Friday 9am - 5.30pm & Saturday 9am - 1pm.

In the heart of this close knit community in Victoria’s north, this long established flo-

The business is run under management with 1 full time staff & 2 casual staff per-

rist for sale offers an outstanding reputation for quality flowers & gifts. Registered

forming all duties. Cheap rent of $400 per week with new lease for the new owner.

with Interflora & a comprehensive website in place. The spacious shop offers a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

quaint courtyard entrance that can be utilised, as well as a bright shop well laid out

154 or

A .P O .



ing all clientele. The salon is laid out with 6 stations, 2 basins, a beauty room & store room. This business is ideal for a hairdresser planning to work full time or part time

With a prime location in a busy shopping strip along this main beachside thoroughfare,

in the salon, use it as part time income or take over & bring in more clientele to take

this busy bayside hair salon for sale is both walking distance to the beach & the train

home more profit. Long lease remaining of 1x3x3 with cheap rent of $550 per week.

station! Turning over $4,000 per week, this salon operates Tuesday to Saturday with a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000

late night Thursday. The business runs under management with 2 full time staff servic-

154 or

vnm magazine 036

. A . O P.


works in the business, new owners do not need previous experience as there are 2 full time staff in place. Turnover of $3,500 per week and rent of $3,000 per month

This Cafe for Sale is located on the city fringe in busy Collingwood. It occupies a

for a large premises, including a separate storage area within the building, and long

huge premises with a modern fitout. This cafe has seating capacity for 60 inside

secure lease of 3x3x3.

and has very good street exposure. Good lifestyle business as this cafe has short

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

trading hours 5 days per week, Monday to Friday 6am to 4pm. Although the owner

los on 9566 7300 or at

0 ,8 00 $9


tage style exterior to promote Kyneton historical value provides a prime destination for tourist to have berth-taking dining experience. A classy modern interior capable

A splendid Italian Restaurant for sale with a magnificent historical atmosphere

of seating up to 60 diners. Takes $12,000 per week. $4,103 per month inc GST.

located in the peaceful suburb of Kyneton. With comfortable local customer base

Liquor License and Offsite Catering liquor license. Outdoor Dining Permit.

and growing online presents on Facebook, these two marketing elements com-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

bined to provide a strong advertising awareness to potential customers. With a vin-

or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



0 0,0



per month. 4 private car parks at back of shop. Seating 20 inside and 6 outside. The owners run the business with 1 full time and 2 casual staff members and are open 6

This is a great opportunity to acquire a continental cakes and sweets cafĂŠ business

days a week.Huge potential for new owners to put some money in to advertising as

for sale. It is comprised of 45% wholesale and 55% retail through the door, having

current owners have not advertised the business and mainly built it on word of mouth.

many great wholesale customers that order on a weekly and fortnightly basis. Large

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 1462 02 or

premises with capacity to increase turnover. Averaging $7,500 p/w takings. $3,052 rent

vnm magazine 037

. A . O P.


for various locations, events, functions or activities, and also offers waste management and recycling services. Currently Services 9 buildings in the metro area and 3

This is a rare opportunity to buy a long established and highly successful commercial

buildings in the suburbs.Current turnover is $2,000,000 with good net profit. Plenty of

cleaning business.This business offers professional cleaning services to corporate

potential for growth for someone with the drive to seek out more customers.

clients such as commercial offices, retail shops, shopping centres and educational

Further information can be obtained by contacting Nej Basak on 0431 618 867 or at

institutions. It provides their day to day cleaning needs , as well as specialty cleaning

. .P O.A


to 8pm, Fri: 9:30am to 7pm, Sat: 9am to 4pm, Tues: 10am to 4pm, Wed: 10am to 9pm.Solid turnover of $485,600 per year, with rent of $4,250 per month for such a

This Boutique Hair Salon For Sale is located in the heart of North Melbourne.

good location. Long secure lease terms of 3x3x3. Rent includes rooms upstairs

This salon uses the ecofriendly, responsibly sourced range of AVEDA products.

which are rented out to reduce costs. Run under management

This long established salon of 25 years, has a beautifully presented, chic and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

modern fitout with 8 workstations and 3 wash basins. Trades 5 days: Thurs: 10am

poulos on 9566 7300 or at

A .P O .



$4,000 per week, opening only for lunch between 12 and 2:30pm, 5 days per week. This restaurant is fully licenced for 7am to 7pm. So there is huge potential to increase

This 5 day Thai Restaurant and takeaway business has an excellent location on busy

sales, by extending opening hours or opening days. Rent of $7,500 per month for

Bourke Street. Situated in the heart of the shopping and tourist district of Melbourne

excellent location in the CBD and good size shop, with long secure lease of 5x5.

it enjoys very heavy foot traffic daily in this location. Established 6 years ago by the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

current owners. There is seating for 20 inside and a further 10 outside. Turnover of

los on 9566 7300 or at

vnm magazine 038

. A . O P.


pw (higher in summer). Rent of $35,412 per annum inc G.S.T. Seating for 25+. Liquor Licence till 11pm. Shop size 75 square metre & 1 car park at rear. This truly is a

Located within a short drive from Melbourne CBD and in the heart of Williamstown

lifestyle business, as it is well established and provides solid returns. An established

tourist destination. This family friendly place is passionate about providing its cus-

business for over 5 years. This is a fantastic opportunity

tomers with the finest and best gelato in town. All manufacturing and production is

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

made on the premises, using local and fresh ingredients. Average takings of $7,500


. .P O.A


dro-dermabrasion, vitabrasion); anti-aging treatments, clinical peels, facials as well as laser hair removal, waxing and tinting. Staff are trained and certified laser and

This beauty salon, Skin and Laser Clinic Business For Sale is located in Prahran

IPL technicians with extensive experience. Turnover of approximately $600,000 per

and offers a prime location for this business type. This skin and laser clinic offers

annum with good rent of $4,000 per month and secure lease of 3x3.

a variety of treatments, including laser treatments - pigment and red vein removal,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

acne treatments: dermal therapies (skin tightening, microdermabrasion, hy-

poulos on 9566 7300 or at



0 8,0



is loads of opportunity to grow. The business has been in this location for many years but had a recent refurbishment, so it looks a million dollars. No need to spend much if

This fully licensed Café for Sale has been around for many years with an excellent

any money to get it to your standards. Liquor license in place covering both inside and

reputation. With a full commercial kitchen, approximately 80 seating capacity, and

outside. Low Rent at less than 10 % of Takings

a liquor license till 11pm, this is a gem worth looking into. The underutilized Liquor

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

license leaves ample room to grow. The Business is run under Management and there

Lyn Mu on 0430 880 323.

vnm magazine 039

0 ,0 00 8 $2



have high levels of disposable income. Therefore this store has above average margins of 8.5% making it a very high profit store. Turnover of over $2,162,000 for the

This TSG Tobacco shop has the best location you can ask for. Right across from

last financial year. Memorabilia and giftware available as well. Great rent of $4,310

Dan Murphys “one of the busiest stores of its kind in Australia” and between Australia

pcm inc G.S.T and outgoings.

Post and Flight centre. It gets even better as it is positioned in Morningtons Bentons

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic now on 0404 146

Square Shopping Centre which is regarded as a very high end area and clientele

202 or

0 ,8 00 2 $1


patrons till 11pm. The magnificent courtyard area and the Seating out on the front are all covered under the Red Line. Solid takings. Very Reasonable Rent of $3,440

This absolutely magnificent 6 day Restaurant for sale with its awesome atmo-

PCM. Stunning Setup and atmosphere. Full Commercial Kitchen. Seating capacity

sphere is located on one of Melbourne’s most sought after streets, High Street.

of 50. Liquor License till 11pm

This busy road gives great exposure to potential customers using either car or

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

tram for transport. This modern Asian Restaurant for sale has Liquor licence for 50

Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323.

A .P O .



turnover of $16,000 per week is from 50% retail and 50% wholesale. Many customers buy the bulk packs. Low rent of $3,100 per month for such a high profile location and

This busy meat market business is located in Scoresby on a busy main road through

good sized shop. Has a large following and good reviews on social media. A near new

the area. Very easy to run business as most of the meat is pre-packed, no hard work

van can also be included in the sale.

involved. Opens 7 days per week: Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm, Saturday 7am to

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

3pm, Sunday 9am to 3pm. No late nights and enjoy half days on weekends. Strong

los on 9566 7300 or via email on

vnm magazine 040

0 ,9 50 4 $1


passing traffic. Averaging $5,500 takings per week and triples in summer. Currently av-

This Charcoal Chicken Business For Sale is located in the growing and expanding

eraging 140-150 chooks p/w and 70ks of Lamb p/w for Souvlaki. Cheap rent only $1,760

bayside suburb of Edithvale. Centrally located in a busy shopping strip, walking distance

pcm inc G.S.T. Long Lease of 3x3x3x3. Open 6 days per week closed Mondays

from the beach, train station and lots of parking available for customers as well. Currently

This is a fantastic opportunity for the new owners

the owner runs the business with 1 full time staff member and 2 casuals which increase

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

in summer periods. Equipment only 1 year old. Fantastic beach side location with huge

0 ,0 00 $7


tures are new, being less then one year old. There are 6 work stations and 2 wash

This Hair and Beauty Salon Business for Sale offers hairdressing services for both

basins and 1 beauty room. Run under management with 2 full time staff. Trades 5

men and women, from cuts to colour and hair treatments. It is also a beauty salon,

days per week.Turnover of $2,500 per week with low rent of $2,200 per month and

offering IPL treaments (hair removal, acne treatment, skin rejuvenation, pigmen-

secure lease of 2x3x3.

tation and sun spot removal), teeth whitening and body piercings.This neatly fitted

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

out salon is located in Gisborne, north west of Melbourne. All equipment and fix-

poulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



plenty of potential to increase sales by introducing juice, smoothies and coffee. Open 7 days per week from 12pm to 9pm in the summer months, with shorter trading hours of

This Ice Cream shop for sale has an excellent location in Melbourne’s west. It is near

12pm to 5pm, during the winter. Cheap rent of $1,732 per month for a very large shop

a popular swimming beach and close to 2 schools, a golf club and 2 reserves. This

and secure lease of 5x5x5.

Business has a near new set up with very large premises, with seating capacity of 20

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Liko-

inside. Turnover is $3,000 per week, selling only ice cream and milkshake. There is

poulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 041

. A . O P.



ation, food processing, sewerage treatment plants, manufacturing environments, rubbish compactors. Clients across a diverse range of industries: heavy industry,

This Business sells all the systems necessary for odour control - tanks, equipment,

food processing, hospitals, luxury apartment buildings, sporting venues. Turnover of

controllers, pumps and solutions. Very important in this age of environmental

$102,000 per year.

awareness is that all the products are environmentally friendly products, that are non

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

toxic, non hazardous and fully biodegradable. Systems are used for land remedi-

los on 9566 7300 or

.A P.O


solid turnover of $350,000 per annum, with low rent of $2,370 per month. Lease options of 3x3. Can be easily run under management or equally suitable for an

This long established nursery garden centre for sale is located east of Melbourne,

owner operator with a love of gardening and the outdoors - do what you love and

in the the Yarra Ranges. It has also built up a good reputation among the locals

make great money at the same time.

in it’s 20 year existence. Business sales include plants, flowers, hardware, soil &

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

mulch supplies, pots, garden accessories and ornaments as well as gifts. Good

los on 9566 7300 or

0 ,8 00 $1


Saturday from 9:30am to 2pm. Bright and modern set up in a fairly new building, with inside and outside seating. Currently turnover is $2,000 per week, with rent

On offer is a 5 day cafe and takeaway business located on a busy main road

of $4,200 per month and lease options of 5x5. Loads of opportunity to increase

in Sandringham. Area is a mix of residential and business/light industry. This

turnover by simply increasing opening hours, especially offering breakfast.

is a growing area, with a lot of new apartment blocks being built nearby. This

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

business currently has short trading hours for only 5 days per week. Tuesday to

los on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 042


$2 3 8 , 0 0 0

This Business for Sale provides quality clothing alteration, tailoring and dressmaking services to upmarket customers in the Bayside area. The well trained staff have specialised expertise across all facets of Alterations, including dressmaking, sewing, bridal wear, gown alterations and suit alterations. –

5 ½ days trading

3×3 lease in place

High Profit margins

There is a steady long term customer base with opportunity for an energetic entrepreneur to grow further. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or phil@


$ 4 8 ,0 0 0

Located in an excellent corner position on a prominent road in an Eastern Suburb, this Milk Bar Business for sale, leaves a lot of opportunities to explore. An Entrepreneurial buyer will be able to make the most of this excellent location. The business runs mainly as a milk bar but can easily be changed or enhanced. Easy to operate, currently one owner runs the whole thing. The Owner received their PR and is keen to move on, so make us an offer. Low Rent at only $2,406 pcm including GST.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921, or Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323.


P.O .A .

REF: B12881

This Jewellery manufacturing and repairs business was founded over 35 years ago and has been at the same premises since. The current owner has owned and loved it for he last 15 years. The business has no direct competition in the area, some of its repeat customers have been coming back for the past 30 years and it has great community support. Qualified jewellers work on site as no work is sent off elsewhere and they also do custom work as well. Rent of $2500 pcm with option of a new lease and the business has an average turnover of $300,000 per annum. Trading 6 days- closed Sundays. The business has primarily focused on jewellery manufacturing and repairs. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


P.O.A .


On offer is a financial services Business for Sale that offers financial planning, brokering of residential loans, investor loans, personal loans. Also has e ​ xclusive contracts with​​new home builder​s​in Melbourne’s western suburbs, a rapidly expanding area, to sell their homes​off the plans as well as exclusively handle finance for all interested in house and land packages.​This is a mobile service and hours are by appointment. Comprehensive, professional website in place, which explains all the services on offer. All signs, marketing and templates included in the sale. An ideal business for those who want freedom and flexibility. Good for someone who wants to be their own boss and work the hours that suit them. Further information can be obtained by contacting Elle Likopoulos or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 043


$7 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B12892

This boutique hair salon business for sale offers a prime position in a major shopping centre in Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs. Busy shopping centre with plenty of parking and high foot traffic. This is the only hair salon in the centre and has a high exposure location next to the escalators This busy salon has a brand new modern and immaculate set up with 8 work stations and 2 wash basins. Run entirely under management with 1 full time staff and 1 apprentice. Owner is not a hairdresser. The salon currently operates 6 days - Monday to Wednesday 9:30am to 5:50pm, Thursday and Friday: 9am - 6pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm. Turnover of $5,000 per week and good rent of $5,300 per month for such a prime location in a busy shopping centre. Long secure lease of 3x3x3. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


P.O. A .

Boasting a prime location on one of the busiest roads in Collingwood, this pizza and kebab takeaway business for sale has been owned by the current vendor since 2009. Taking on average $7,000 per week. Excellent rent of around $2,850 per month – great value for the location! Great menu includes kebabs, pizza, pasta, meals and more! Trading 7 nights – currently evenings only. Opportunity for breakfast and lunch trade with plenty of foot traffic around at all times! Extra rooms at the rear of the shop can be used for extra storage or residence depending on the buyers needs. Great facilities and equipment include stone top pizza oven, kebab machine plus commercial kitchen. Keen seller, genuine buyers are encouraged to inspect and serious offers will be considered Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


$1 5 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B12903

This manufacturing business for sale offers custom designed and built wardrobes, cabinets, entertainment units and storage solutions for the whole house. It is committed to personalised service and has built a solid reputation in the industry. Service offered is a consultation with clients, where a design meeting the clients requirements is drawn up. The product is manufactured and then installed. This business has an average turnover of $300,000 per year with low rent of only $22,000 per year. A new lease is available. This business has a comprehensive web site with full gallery of past jobs and services offered and testimonials from satisfied clients. The business is run by 1 Sub contracted sales rep and the owner who works full time in the business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$ 5 8 ,0 0 0


Located in the heart of bustling Toorak rd Camberwell, this Thai restaurant and takeaway for sale has been established for over 6 years and serves a wonderful collection of authentic Thai dishes. Boasting a fully equipped commercial kitchen which includes 3 wok set up, grill and 4 burner commercial stove. The restaurant part has 28 seats for customers that would like to dine in but there is also a lot of takeaway trade as it is in a very busy location. Full commercial kitchen. Averaging $3,500 p/w takings. Rent $2,656.66 pcm inc GST. The owner runs the business with the help of 1 part time and 2 casual staff members. Great opportunity to run it as a Thai Restaurant or convert in to different Asian cuisine as the kitchen would suit. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 044


$2 5 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B12913

This Contemporary, cutting edge Hair Salon For Sale is located in the heart of South Yarra, a high density, trendy area on Melbourne’s city fringe. Boasts a modern and sleek fitout with 9 stations and 3 wash basins. The salon occupies over 80 square metres, not including a private easy to maintain urban courtyard for staff and clients to relax! Turnover of $332,000 per year and low rent of $2,833 per month for such a quality location. Long lease of 3x3x3. The very low rent of this location and size of the salon in the heart of Commercial Road South Yarra is a very rare find and one that ensures very healthy and high profit margins for the owner to benefit. Trading 5 days per week Tuesdays to Saturdays and by appointment on Sundays. Has strong following on Facebook and Instagram and well designed website in place. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at


$1 5 0 , 0 0 0

This established Beauty Salon For Sale has a prime location on a busy shopping precinct of Doncaster. The salon occupies a large premises with an immaculate set up. Well laid out with 7 treatment rooms plus a private nail station, waiting room, reception area and a separate kitchen and laundry. Staff in place will ensure a smooth transition or allow this business to be placed under management. Trading 5 days per week: Tues, Wed and Sat: 9am to 5pm, Thurs: 9am to 8pm, Fri: 9am to 7pm. Turnover of $5,500 per week, operating over 5 days. Rent of $1,154 per week for a large premises. Secure lease options of 5x5 in place. Sale includes laser equipment! Great for an investor, part time therapist or full time therapist who wants to have their own business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or at


P.O .A .

Located in the heart of Bundoora, this burger restaurant for sale caters for customers looking to dine in or takeaway. State of the art new fit out. Fantastic cheap rent of just $1,900 per month! Solid 3x3x3 lease. $5,000 per week revenue and growing. Currently trading short hours just 5 days a week. This is an easy to run food business with well established and simple prep and cooking methods that anyone can learn, which makes this perfect for buyers with less experience looking to get into the hospitality industry in their own small business! This is a real diamond in the rough and ticks a lot of boxes for someone looking for a takeaway restaurant with a difference. Cheap rent, low overheads, fantastic facilities and loads of potential in a busy shopping district. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


$ 1 4 5 ,0 0 0


Located in the fast growing Dandenong South Industrial area is this well known Industrial Takeaway/Kebab Shop. It definitely does stand out from most Kebab shops and Industrial Takeaways. It has great street presence with large windows that can be seen from the major arterial road Frankston-Dandenong Road. - Averaging $6,500 per week in takings - Rent of $2,700 per calendar month inc GST - Plenty of parking - 6 a.m to 4 p.m trading hours This business still has huge potential to grow. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 045


P.O. A .

REF: B12931

Fantastic Indian grocery business opportunity located in one of Melbourne’s fastest growing growth corridors! Taking $9,000 per week after just one year trading! Great rent of just $2,666 per month. 3x3x3 lease started in 2016. New fit out includes multiple freezers, fridges and a quality POS system! Close vicinity to a busy train station, major shopping centre, schools, restaurants and more! This fast growing Indian grocery business for sale is easy to run and all the hard work of establishing the business has already been done, so a buyer can focus on building the turnover and expanding the customer base. With new developments all around and a fast growing Indian, Asian, Pakistani, Sri-Lankan and Middle-Eastern population in the area, there’s plenty of potential growth for the new owner to capitalise on . Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


P.O. A .

Established for over 10 years, this successful and profitable retail party goods and accessories business for sale presents buyers a rare opportunity to purchase an already fantastic business with a very bright future! Huge business premises over 260 square metres! Great location on a main road with plenty of free parking for customers. Taking around $420,000 per year with excellent profits. Trading 6 days with no late evenings. Very reasonable rent of just $30,430 per annum. Fantastic long lease 5x2x2x2x5x5 offers plenty of site security! Selling a huge variety of party products including helium balloons of all shapes and sizes; decorations; stylised plates, cups, cutlery, napkins, etc; all kinds of party finger food and snacks; candies and sweets and much, much more! Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


$1 5 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B12944

This Business is located in the affluent suburb of Kew, where clients are happy to spend their money on beauty treatments. This 2 level premises has 2 wax rooms and 1 pedi room downstairs, plus a reception area with a nail and make up station. There is also a toilet and laundry and kitchenette downstairs. Upstairs there are 2 facial rooms and 1 very large room which is used for couples therapies or as a conference training area. There is also a toilet and bathroom upstairs. All downstairs treatment rooms have plumbing and one room upstairs has plumbing. Opens 5 days per week. Solid turnover of $268,000 per year with rent of $979 per week for a good location and 2 level premises and lease terms of 1x3 remaining. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$1 3 8 ,0 0 0


This Ladieswear Fashion Manufacturing and Wholesale Business for Sale has been around for 10 years and is still in its Growth Phase with enormous potential to grow further. It manufactures locally in Melbourne, mainly through contracts, a range of casual and formal wear from sizes 10 upwards, with special focus on the growing plus size market. Wholesale Distribution to around 100 Customers nationwide, allows for a good and secure spread of the customer base with still lots of potential to grow and expand. The business can easily be relocated and is backed up by an online presence which is included in the sale. Turnover of $450,000 PA Low rent of only $1,800 pcm Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or

vnm magazine 046

0 ,5 00 $6


lease of 3x3. It is a well established business and has 7 stations and 2 wash basins, which have been newly replaced, and 3 beauty rooms. New flooring has just been

This Hair Salon For Sale in Doveton is a long established business of 40 years and

installed. The current owner of 12 years works full time in the business with the help

has no competition in the surrounding area. Short operating hours: 5 days - Tues-

of 1 full time staff. But is now looking to retire.

days, Wednesdays and Fridays: 9am to 5pm; Thursdays 9am to 8pm and Saturdays

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopou-

9am to 2pm. Turnover of $3,500 per week with low rent of $1,692 per month and

los on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 $4


will inherit the existing customer database. Currently enjoying an excellent rent of $22,800 per annum. 4x4x4 commercial lease in place. Comprising four spacious

Located in a prime position in the busy Station Street Fairfield shopping precinct,

treatment rooms with a kitchenette and bathroom amenities, plus a private parking

this health & beauty clinic for sale is an excellent opportunity for buyers looking for

space for the owner/staff. Taking $2,500 per week with good profits.

an affordable business in a prized location! Offering clients sports, remedial, deep

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225

tissue and relaxation massage, myotherapy, naturopathy and more, a new owner

989 or



0 9,0



It is a very easy operation and currently the 2 part time owners are supported by about 8 casuals throughout the week, leaving them with ample time off. There is an option to

Located right in the one of Melbourne’s best Westfield Shopping Centers, this Smooth-

be run as a franchised system or as an independent operator. Approximately $8,000

ie and Juice bar is a must see. The Juice bar enjoys excellent exposure since it is

pw takings. High gross profit margins

located right at the entrance to the main Food Court. The Juice Bar for Sale focuses on

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

healthy juice options, Range of Smoothies and wholesome yogurts.

Lynn Mu on 0430 880 323

vnm magazine 047


SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appr opriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialis ts. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had businesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

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