Issue010 VNM Magazine Small Business

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Industry Spotlight Franchise Investment In Australia today there is a franchise operating in almost every kind of business and industry imaginable. .






Contents ISSUE #10 JUN 2015

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the new Budget - small businesses with a turnover less than $2million can immediately tax deduct any items less than $20,000.


The over-65 age bracket is now growing by about 130,000 people a year as the first of the post-war babies reach this age.







BABY BOOMERS SELLING UP More than 7.9 million Australians are employed via small to medium businesses


There are several opinions and reviews on the Budget however it cannot be denied it appears to be exciting times ahead for small business owners.








The fantasy of being your own boss and working your own hours is one that many of us daydream about at least a few times a day. There are a record 41,200 businesses




Australia as at October 2014, the BizExchange Index shows a 23 per cent rise on the preceding quarter.

What do I need to ask myself before making an offer.

Super can seem very confusing, and for many small business owners, it’s often a struggle to fully understand their obligations as an employer and ensure they are doing right by the law.


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Cover Story

What 2015 Budget means for Small Businesses “We anticipate this might stimulate some people to buy now or to upgrade to above the $1,000 mark, and therefore we believe it’s likely to be a positive for our business,” Dick Smith director of investor relations, David Cooke said.


pholding their pledge to support small business in Australia, the Budget for 2015 shows Joe Hockey is sticking to that! Since the release of the new Budget, small businesses with a turnover less than $2M can immediately tax deduct any items less than $20,000. Anything used for running your business such as computers, printers, coffee machines, cars, tools and equipment are included in this scheme. Previously the threshold was $1,000, and the tax deduction was claimed over a five year period. Items above $20,000 can be pooled together and depreciated at the same rate -15% for the first year and 30% after that. If the value of the pool drops below $20,000, it can be immediately deducted based on the new rules. The budget is designed to encourage small businesses to spend, to partially fill the gap left by the end of the resources boom, and to provide a positive shock to business and consumer confidence. Electronics retailer Dick Smith believes the tax breaks will benefit business. “We anticipate this might stimulate some people to buy now, or to upgrade to, above the $1,000 mark, and therefore we believe it’s likely to be a positive for our business,” Dick Smith director of investor relations, David Cooke said. Critics have questioned whether the rules will be taken advantage of, and have business owners running out to claim on new flat screens. When Joe Hockey was questioned on ABC radio about whether he worried people will take advantage of the new scheme, his response was “People aren’t going to spend money on their business if it’s not go-

There are several opinions and reviews on the Budget, however it cannot be denied that there appears to be exciting times ahead for small business owners.

ing to make them a dollar.” Council of Small Business of Australia executive director, Peter Strong, said the budget was the best budget for small business, welcoming the $40M removal of red tape and the abolishment of the FBT on all portable electronic devices. Joe Hockey’s Budget for 2015 shows that the Australian government understands the need for small businesses to keep up with innovation and have the support to grow. “As the child of a father who came to Australia in 1948 as a refugee from Palestine and built himself into a successful businessman, I know that being successful in Australia is not the product of belonging to rich and prosperous families, but rather is the result of hard work and diligence,” Joe told the Institute of Economic Affairs in London in 2012 in his now infamous “Age of Entitlement “ speech. This spending incentive is designed to support and help small businesses continue to grow, as well as giving people the support to take the leap of faith and invest in their own business. The local fish and chip shop can now look at investing in that much needed new fryer and your local grocer can now consider the delivery van they needed to help further grow business. Although there are many more areas small businesses in Australia require further support and attention in, the 2015 Budget indicates we are perhaps on the right road. There are several opinions and reviews on the Budget, however it cannot be denied that there appears to be exciting times ahead for small business owners.

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Baby Boomers Selling Up A

ustralia’s ageing population is set to peak as the Baby Boomers move, adding to the numbers of older people in the population. The over-65 age bracket is now growing by about 130,000 people a year as the first of the postwar babies reach this age, compared with an annual growth of about 50,000 in the past 20 years. Baby Boomers were born from 1946-1964. They lived through the oil crisis of the 1970s, the high interest rates of the 1980s, the housing boom of the 1990s, and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of the early 21st century.

More than 7.9 million Australians are employed via small to medium businesses

The challenge Australia faces is the impact on workforce and the economy, as these Baby Boomers set to retire. Australia faces a challenge over the next 5-10 years as to how it will effectively manage the transition from business ownership to retirement for many of these baby boomers. One of the biggest issues faced by baby boomers who own their own business, is whether the sale of their business will leave sufficient funds to meet their retirement needs. The value of a business in this economy is proving to be a critical concern for baby boomers approaching retirement.

Baby Boomers were born from 19461964. They lived through the oil crisis of the 1970s, the high interest rates of the 1980s, the housing boom of the 1990s, and the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of the early 21st century.

Furthermore with a large number of baby boomers set to retire in the next few years, will the rise in businesses for sale impact on price and demand in the market? In the first three months of this year, the number of sales that closed jumped 56 percent from the same time in 2012, according to, an online marketplace for small businesses. Why have sales sky rocketed? Retirement is the overwhelming reason provided for selling. “No other reason comes close to this�, says the Australian Institute of Business Brokers, which publishes quarterly trends on business sales. Now, more then ever, Australia is forced to look at small businesses and provide support and incentive to new generations to invest and acquire businesses from the baby boomers. More then 7.9 million Australians are employed via small to medium businesses (Exit Alliance), the social and economic impact could be devastating if baby boomers are left unable to pass on their businesses.

The over-65 age bracket is now growing by about 130,000 people a year as the first of the post-war babies reach this age.

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3 Questions you need to ask yourself before you make an offer



he fantasy of being your own boss and working your own hours is one that many of us daydream about at least a few times a day.

Many are taking the big jump and making the decision to buy their own business; and with sales on the rise, the market is definitely alive! There are a record 41,200 businesses for sale across Australia as at October 2014, the BizExchange Index shows; a 23 per cent rise on the preceding quarter. Aside from ensuring you are financially ready to back yourself in a business, you need to ask yourself these 3 simple questions to ensure that you select the right business for you. 1. Can I Commit? It’s easy to inspect a business and fall in love with the excitement of it all. You may instantly see yourself behind the coffee machine making lattes and chatting with your local patrons during the morning rush. Before you get ahead of yourself and start planning what shade of yellow you’re going to paint the feature wall, ask yourself - can I commit to this? You need to remember, a business can be a long term investment that can require a lot of attention and time, especially in the first few years of trade. Do you have a young family and prefer your weekends free? Do you like to be home for the holidays? Are you a morning person? These questions seem silly, but when you are swept away by the initial excitement of a business, it is easy to get carried away and buy something that may not be suitable to you or your lifestyle. For example, if you prefer to have weekends free for the kids sports, aim to look for a business that will allow you to maintain this. If you decide later on to extend trade, it is a smooth and slow transition you have planned with your family, not a

sudden change that can be a harsh adjustment. 2. Do I know what I’m doing? Heard of the saying “ignorance is bliss?’ This may be true anywhere except in small business! Investing in a business you know nothing about is risky. If you’re looking for a change and want to buy a business in an area you have little or no experience in, try working in one first for a few months prior to making the step to buy. This is an excellent way to see what is expected of you and also understand your future role as employer better too. If time and money doesn’t allow for you to leave your existing job to gain experience in the industry, check with the owners of the business you’re looking to buy and ask about assistance. Will the current owners be able to provide training and assistance? If so for how long? Will it be enough time? Buying a business in an industry you have no experience in is not impossible, but you must ensure you do your homework and set yourself a plan. 3. Can I afford this? A common mistake with first time small business owners is accurately planning their budget and cash flow. For many, this is a new way of thinking. It is important you confirm how much available money you have to invest in a business in total. You need to consider all expenses such as security bond, solicitor fees, repairs or renovations. As well as all of this you should consider the next few months ahead and ensure you have some money to cover your cash flow for suppliers, wages and personal expenses. Cash flow issues are a big reason why businesses perform badly and struggle. It is essential you apply good housekeeping from the very beginning and plan your budget accordingly.

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Industry Spotlight Franchise Investment


In Australia today there is a franchise operating in almost every kind of business and industry imaginable.

In the peak of the Global Economic Crisis, many fearful of losing their jobs or made redundant, chose to put their life savings in a business in the hope of essentially securing their own employment fate. With little to no experience in running a business, there was a peak in the

popularity of investing in a franchise. A franchise can be appealing to someone inexperienced in owning their own business, because essentially the whole package is offered to you, elimating the stress of negotiating your own lease, hiring reliable contractors, creating effective marketing campaigns etc. Furthermore, it is commonly easier to obtain finance when invest-

Bad performance by other francisees may affect your business’ reputation; there is no I in team!


In Australia today there is a franchise operating in almost every kind of business and industry imaginable.

ing in a franchise, as banks usually look at successful franchise chains as having lower risk of repayment default and are more likely to loan funds based on that premise. As a first time business owner, the structure and support of a franchise can be very appealing. With the added support to obtain finance from a bank, it almost seems like a no-brainer for newbies to go down the franchise path. However there are disadvantages when investing in a franchise that need to be considered. - Franchise agreements are very structured, thus dictating and limiting your ability to make changes or suggestions that may increase your business success. There is little to no creative room for growth.

- There are usually restrictions on operating range and supplier list, crippling your growth opportunity. - Bad performance by other franchisees may affect your business’ reputation; there is no I in team! - Buying a franchise means ongoing sharing of profit with the franchisor, who likes putting all the hard work in and sharing the reward?! Franchising is seen by many as a simple way to go into business for the first time. But franchising is no guarantee of success and the same principles of good management, such as informed decision-making, hard work, time management, having enough money and serving your customers well - still apply.

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Super can seem very confusing, and for many small business owners it’s often a struggle to fully understand their obligations as an employer and ensure they are doing right by the law.

What you need to know about Super for Small Business R

unning a business and employing people involves lots of obligation and responsibility. In most cases, one of these obligations is paying your employees super. Usually employers make a compulsory payment to a compliant superannuation fund or retirement savings account (RSA) on behalf of their eligible employees. All employers must make these payments for eligible employees as part of the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation, introduced in 1992. Super can seem very confusing, and for many small business owners it’s often a struggle to fully understand their obligations as an employer and ensure they are doing right by the law. Below is a quick guide to ensure small business owners are on the right track. Who do I pay Super for? Employers will generally have to make superannuation payments on behalf of employees who meet the following criteria: 18 years old, earning more than $450 in before-tax wages per month, work at least 30 hours per week. This applies to all employees

whether they’re full-time, part-time or casual. Where do I pay it? Most Australians are entitled to choose their own fund and can present details to you via the standard choice form, which is issued from the ATO. The form must also say what fund the contributions will be paid to if the employee does not make a choice. This is called the employer default fund. This form must be offered to employees-; • within 28 days of an employee’s commencement date • within 28 days of you becoming aware that a fund is no longer eligible to receive contributions • within 28 days of you switching your default fund. How much Super should I be paying and when? As of 1 July 2014, all employers must pay a minimum of 9.5 per cent of an eligible employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE); that is, the amount they are paid for their normal hours of work, not for overtime.Super contributions must be paid into an employee’s preferred account every three months by designated quarterly cut-off dates.

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Preparing to Sell your Business for Retirement


Building your own successful business takes years of sacrifice, commitment, hard work and sometimes little initial reward!

ant if you are considering to sell, that you think about the structure of your business and slowly begin taking a step back to give more responsibility to your staff if possible.

For many small business owners, their business is the “retirement nest egg� with many choosing to pour their financial resources in the business rather then building their Super.

The below points should assist in rewarding you with the best possible result for your business, to hopefully pay off your debts and leave change in the kitty.

2. Procedure- Creating a business and building it over years, ensures you know it and can run it like the back of your hand. You know how many muffins you need to make on a Friday before Labour Day and you know to call Barry the butcher down the road if you need a delivery before 12pm the next daybut if you were to leave what would happen? Things that seem second nature to you can be a mine field for a new owner and staff left behind. Preparing a procedures manual in advance and slowly adding to it will, over time, ensure more confidence for the new owner to be able to run the business and on hand provide consistency for your staff.

1.Structure- You may have been running your business like clockwork for the last 30 years, but have you ever asked yourself- is this business well structured? It is important when selling your established business that you consider how easy the transition process would be for a new owner to come in and take over. Think about the staff and assistance you are leaving behind- can they run 80% of the business without your input? A new owner can feel very intimidated in a business that has been run by the same owners for longer then 10 years. It is import-

3. Documents- When selling a business it is essential you have your ducks in order prior to exposing to the market. This ensures you are well organised and prepared to make the most of the initial hit to the market, and avoid possible delays when you do have an interested party enquiring. It is essential before selling, that you discuss with your accountant and broker to ensure that you have all documents and financial information necessary available and ready to go. Organisation is the key to success – ensure you are well prepared.

To help ensure you get the best possible result and reward for your business, there are a few simple points you need to consider years before your business hits the market.

1. Structure 2. Procedure 3. Documents

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Scenic Flight with Great Barrier Reef Helicopters are a great way to see the beauty of Port Douglas.

Port Douglas Australia is just an hour’s drive north from Cairns via a spectacular coastal road that is surrounded by forest and the Coral Sea. The climate is seductive. Balmy days dissolve into tropical evenings with velvet starry skies. It is the only place on Earth where two World Heritage listed jewels exist; the Great Barrier Reef and the rainforest of Daintree and Cape Tribulation. Refresh, restore and revitalise, in the aquamarine reef waters of the Coral Sea, the crystal creeks of Mossman Gorge, and the palm fringed golden sands of Port Douglas’ Four Mile Beach.


Where to stay? Hotel Pullman Port Douglas Sea Temple Resort and Spa There’s no reason to do anything but gaze at the stunning 3000m2 lagoon style pool in the centre of Pullman Port Douglas Sea Temple Resort & Spa with a delicious cocktail in your hand. On second thought, there are several reasons: beautiful Four Mile Beach, a treatment at Vie Spa, first-rate cuisine at AQUA Restaurant, the village of Port Douglas and exploring the wonder of the Great Barrier Reef... That is, when

you’re ready to emerge from your villa’s private plunge pool. What to Eat? 2 Fish Restaurant, in the Coconut Grove Complex on Macrossan Street Port Douglas, is an award winning seafood restaurant, exploring all the possibilities of Australian contemporary seafood cuisine. Our exciting and mouth-watering dishes showcase the best of tropical North Queensland produce and the broadest selection of fresh, local fish. What to do? Jungle Surf through the Daintree Rainforest This offers guests the chance to zip through this ancient forested area at high speeds with a series of interconnected platforms that provides not only a dose of fun but great views of the surrounding rainforest. Scenic Flight with Great Barrier Reef Helicopters While helicopter flights are a more expensive choice, few other tour options can match the spectacular panorama on display than a flight with Great Barrier Reef Helicopters.

Great Escape Port Douglas

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Businesses For Sale

Businesses Now Selling

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$6 8 ,8 8 8

URGENT SALE - VENDOR MUST SELL! Excellent 5 day industrial takeaway business for sale at the entrance to a busy factory area in Rowville. This is an opportunity for a buyer to snatch a great little takeaway business at a very reasonable price! Currently turning over around $6,000 per week on average with a rent of $730 per week with plenty of potential to grow the business. Currently serving up 5kg coffee per week with plenty of ability to grow. This is a perfect business for buyers looking to run a profitable 5 day business with short hours. Owned for 3 years by the current vendor and selling only due to the fact that the vendor owns another larger business in Dandenong and can’t run both efficiently. Genuine offers will be considered. Please call Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989


$5 0 ,0 0 0

Excellent opportunity for someone looking for an easy business to run with no experience necessary. No kitchen means no need for experience in cooking and very easy to run or have run under management. This Business for sale has been established for 1 year at this location- and steadily growing! Frozen party finger food and catering products available as well as party supplies. Asking price is inclusive of stock valued at over $40,000. Trading only 6 days per week with short hours- this business is perfect for first time buyer looking to be their own boss. Rent $2666 PCM with long lease options as well as 3 bedroom residence upstairs! Register your interest today. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


P.O . A .

REF: B11860

Excellent small business for sale - very easy to operate with short hours! Trading 6 days 5pm- 10pm- fully licensed until 11pm. Asian menu- Thai with large commercial kitchen and cool room. Seats 74 inside the business comfortably and also home delivery - take away service. Long lease in place with reasonable rent. Excellent corner location with high traffic and exposure! Currently taking $7,000 per week with capacity and potential to grow! Staff in place - ideal for first time business owners or partnership. Call today and register your interest with the agent. This opportunity wont last long. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


P.O. A .


This business for sale enjoys 5 day business hours with weekends off. For the past 15 years, it has been owned and operated by a husband and wife team. The business is well known in the furniture industry as the ‘go-to’ company providing excellent customer service in leather repairs, leather recolouring, leather cleaning and conditioning, leather maintenance products, independent inspection reports and fabric protection. The owners have developed a strong relationship with their private repeat customers and large companies both local and interstate. Business comes with an equipped vehicle. Currently the business is averaging $2,500 p/w with very high profits. Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

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$ 7 5 ,0 0 0

Located in Richmond, this computer repairs and service business for sale is an excellent opportunity to for owner operators and investors alike. Offering a range of services including computer repairs, technical support, domain and web hosting, broadband and phone systems, the business has established a solid database of clients who utilise their services. The rent for the premises is $1,500 pcm, which given the location of the business is excellent value.The business has unlimited potential and given the right business development, there are thousands of businesses that need computer and IT support that could become your clients! Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


P.O. A .

A rare opportunity presents itself to secure an established and profitable leading Melbourne retail camping store. Family owned and operated, this business will suit a husband and wife team and comes with a store manager with over 30 years of experience in the camping industry and knowledgeable staff with excellent customer service. Beautifully presented showroom with over 1000 square metres located on a busy main road with excellent exposure. Major brands including Black Wolf (Turbo preferred dealer), OzTrail (Diamond Dealer), Companions Brands, Primus and all other leading brands. The store turns over $650,000 per annum with so much potential for further growth and development. Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

P.O. A .

BAYSIDE HAIR SALON FOR SALE REF:B11915 This Hair Salon for sale has been established for 25 years in what is possibly the most desireable suburb in Melbourne. It has a great reputation and following despite the lack of marketing. This leaves ample room to grow the business for the enthusiastic buyer. This beautiful Hair Salon For Sale is surrounded by many complimentary businesses, ample free parking and lots of foot traffic. Key Features - $13,000 + takings per week - 12 Work Stations. - 3 Basins with room for more - Very reasonable Rent (about 10% takings) - New lease terms available to the right buyer - 5 Days only - Ample room to increase If you are interested to take over this successful business register your interest with the broker today and don’t miss out. Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

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0 ,8 00 $9


for breakfast! The restaurant can accommodate 50 people sitting inside and has a BYO liquor license.Full commercial kitchen with cool room and freezer. There are 2

Well located on a busy main road in the inner eastern suburbs, this business has

car spaces and storage.Currently taking $7,000-$8,000 p/w with long lease terms,

been established for 10 years. Offering a wide range of food on the menu, the

This business is ready for the next owner to take to the next level.

business is open for lunch and dinner trade Tuesday to Friday and dinner trade only on Saturday & Sunday. Huge potential and excellent corner location to open

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,0 00 $2


of the business.Having been established for 15 years, the business has a strong reputation amongst the community and with the long lease options available, it will

This well established bakery business for sale offers a bright and colourful fitout,

be able to do so for many years to come. This business has a captured market and

with equipment in excellent condition.The business trades 6 days per week from

is ready for growth with the right person. Please register your interest today.

7am to 5.30pm and is closed on Sundays. Operated by 1 full time and 1 part time owner with the assistance of 8 part time employees to assist in the daily running

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 6 $1


Zealand- demonstrating the active growth and potential of the business. All stock orders are placed online, so the business comes with a well set out website and

This cosmetic wholesale and retail distribution business for sale delivers excellent

an excellent social media presence. Low rent of just $401 per week, but can be

quality natural cosmetics to the beauty industry. Sourcing a range of products

transferred to any location.Currently taking approximately $7,000 per week.

from the US and having the sole distribution rights Australia wide. The business sells to over 80 salons Australia wide. The business has expanded to include New

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Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,0 00 5 $1


with new demands and trends. As well as a vast range of costumes the business has an additional income generated from the sale of performance dancewear- a

Located in Wantirna South this business has been servicing the south eastern

niche market with great potential to further expand! Costumes available for hire as

suburbs since the 1980s. A family run business that has established an excellent

well as to buy outright.Currently taking over $300,000 per year. Rent $2,171 PCM

reputation for quality and service over the decades of trade. With a large range of

inc GST with new lease.

costumes and fancy dress accessories for hire, the business continues to grow

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,00 0 3 $1


further income and return without needing experience or time to run it themselves! Seats an astounding 250 inside and 20 outside- the premises is ideal for func-

A delightful opportunity to own a successful business on one of the best known

tions!Impressive fit out and presentation- valued well over asking price! Estab-

streets of Melbourne! Large volume of foot traffic and exposure ensures this

lished for 3 years and taking $15,000 per week. Open 6 days per week.

restaurant has the audience to attract continuing growth and success! Run entirely by a team of staff and manager- the business is ideal for those looking to invest for

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 $4


$2060 pcm with new lease with 3x3. Currently taking over $200,000 per year only trading 5 days per week 8am-4pm. Easy to run business with great future.

Established for close to 20 years this automotive wash and detailing business

Located near car yards and body shops this business is ready for the next step.

for sale is ideal for those searching for a solid business. Located in Dande-

This business wont last long.

nong- South East of Melbourne. Under cover large premises allows for maximum growth and capacity to provide more service. Very good rent of

Inspection can be arranged by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

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. .P O.A


rooms and 2 nail tables, the business has the capacity to service more clients at a time and employ more staff.The business has a well laid out website, which details

Established for close to a decade, this immaculately presented beauty salon

the services it offers and could be further enhanced by offering online booking ser-

enjoys a long and loyal client base and has established an excellent reputation

vices. As well as the website, the business boasts a strong social media presence.

amongst the local community. The business is currently run on a full time basis by the owner with the assistance of a part time staff member and with 4 treatment

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,0 00 $6


week and trading 6 days per week across shopping centre hours, the business is operated by it’s owner on a full time basis with the assistance of 2 full time senior stylists.The salon boasts 6 cutting stations, 3 basins as well as 1 beauty room to

Located at a busy shopping centre in the south eastern suburbs, that boasts

enable customers to receive both hair & beauty salon services all in one location.

tenants such as Woolworths, Coles, Aldi & Target. This busy hair & beauty salon enjoys a prime location within the centre, right next to an entrance, ensuring it receives a high volume of foot traffic daily. Currently enjoying takings of $5,600 per

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


week. Display Fridge/Counter is approx. 21 metres long. Weekly: 35-40 lambs, 5 pigs, 8-10 bodies of beef, 8-10 argies, $4500-$5000 in chicken. Serving over 300

Outstanding position near entrance and major supermarket and outstanding pres-

customers every day. Established more than 11 years ago.

entation; located in the heart of Langwarrin. This business for sale has been built on reputation to supply the best quality meat and has capitalized on their ability to maintain high customer service standards. Currently turning over $40,000 per

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Please call our Senior Business Broker Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

99 9 , $69


spend a couple of hours a week making sure the franchisees are doing what they need to do! Currently taking $90k per annum with minimum overheads but can be

This master franchise cleaning business for sale is perfect for investors looking

grown much further. Work from home, great side business as you work or operate

for some extra money in their pocket with little to nothing to do! This franchise

another business

has branched into both Victoria & South Australia & this is your opportunity to take over the Master Franchise & just sit back & relax! No cleaning required, just

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. A . O P.


therapist looking to expand or partnership venture. New lease of $51,000 per year for 7 rooms in total split in two levels.Currently turning over $8,000 per week with capacity to grow further.Trading short hours 5 days per week- ideal for those with

A delightful opportunity for all in the beauty and spa industry to consider this busi-

commitments. Call today and register your interest with the agent.

ness for sale. Well situated on a bustling road with high exposure in Melbourne’s South East suburbs- Malvern. 2 levels of treatment rooms allows for excellent spacious surrounds and capacity for optimum growth. Ideal for an experienced

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 $7


treatments & bridal & event options. Beautiful premises that reflect the quality of the services, 4 treatment rooms with plumbing. Great rent of $700 approx per week

This day spa beauty salon business for sale in the bayside area is ideal for a

& a long lease remaining of 3x5 for security. Call to register your interest today.

beauty therapist looking for an established business to take over & profit from day one as she grows her client base! Established 7 years ago, the business has been servicing the locals with a variety of therapies including facials, hair removal, body

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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0 ,9 00 2 $1


REF: B11854

presented with 40 seats additional to food court seating, ensuring attraction for patrons looking for some where comfortable to stay for lunch or coffee break.Established for 8

Located in a busy food court within the West of Melbourne, this small business is ideal

years in the centre, proving longevity of the business and growth. This is an excellent

for investors.With staff running the business 7 days per week during shopping centre

business to consider and will not disappoint!

hours, the owner does not need to work in the business! Taking $9,000 per week the business serves coffee, cakes and Italian based menu including pizza. Very well

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,9 00 7 $2


tastic lifestyle opportunity! Prime location surrounded by shops & an abundance of foot & vehicular traffic passing daily. Parking & public transport to the door! Quality

In the heart of the bustling hub of Geelong sits this premier fish & chips takeaway

fitout with excellent, clean equipment & great preparation area/kitchen in the back

shop! Established 3 years ago by the vendor, the business is an excellent reflec-

Thriving, taking $13k per week on average,

tion of the passion of the vendor combined with the prime location. Well staffed with vendor only working part time, could easily be run under management! Fan-


0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



some profit but is ideal for an owner operator florist, even only part time! Business currently operates Monday to Friday. Currently taking approx $150k per annum, the vendor

On one of Melbourne’s most traversed roads into & out of the city sits this bright CBD

picks up the flowers but does not work in the business. Good rent of approx $720 per

florist business for sale. Established over 20 years, this florist boasts a warm, earthen

week for such a high profile location with lease of 2x5. Great price & ideal for a florist.

environment filled with the aroma of fresh flowers & bright arrangements in a prime location. The florist currently runs under management with 3 casual staff which allows for

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Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. A . P. O


would cost over a million dollars, this is your chance to get the full set up for a lot less! Established 15 years the business has a large loyal customer base & attracts

Work smart, play hard & have a whole lot of fun! This go karting business for sale

people from miles around for functions & events as well as a good old day of fun!

is one of the premier indoor go karting sites in Melbourne offering one of the most

Thorough set up including 20 European sprint karts, 12 junior karts along with a

entertaining experiences around. Established 15 years ago by the vendor who now

500m track.Takes approx $800k per annum with great net profit

needs to retire, the business is up for sale. To set this business up from scratch

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,0 00 2 $2


hours (average 4 hours per day) 6 days a week. The business turns over more then $12,000 per week! Inside seating 38 and 22 in the beautiful presented court yard as well as further

Situated on a busy street in Melbourne’s inner city suburbs- Fitzroy. The business for sale is a

storage and office space included upstairs.Fully Licensed until 11pm. Long lease with rent of

very well presented Mexican Bar and Restaurant that has been established and successfully

$4,583 PCM inc GST for 2 storey premises with courtyard in the heart of Fitzroy!

run for 10 years. Fully set up commercial kitchen and large walk in cool room- allows for a wide range of menu possibilities and capacity for even further growth! Trading very short

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,0 00 $6


cosmetic services. Those with experience or qualified to conduct specialized treatments using IPL machines will be greatly suited! Very reasonable rent of $1798

Ideally located in a position with maximum traffic exposure - opposite Knox

pcm inc GST as well as ongoing lease options available. Private treatments rooms

Westfield Shopping Centre! The business for sale is well presented, spacious and

and large reception area allow for a large variety of extra services.

allows for several treatments and services to cater for all aspects of the beauty industry. Ideal for those looking for a beauty salon that can cater to extensive

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

0 ,0 00 $3


and public transport. Online shopping live on the website allows for 24/7 shopping and customers can buy anytime from anywhere within Australia. This business is

Located in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD, the business has been supplying a

ideal for someone looking for an enjoyable business to run single owner and no

unique range of gifts, homewares and fashion accessories for over 5 years.

experience necessary.

Full website and social media links ensure the business continues to thrive and grow in customer base! High street exposure within walking distance to tram stops

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


time while a full time staff member manages the facility. On top of stable fortnightly membership income, additional rental income is received from personal trainers, a

This prime gymnasium business for sale in the inner western suburbs offers a

nutritionist, massage therapist & Crossfit providers that utilise the facilities . Takes

great opportunity for either a hands on fitness enthusiast wanting to run their own

approx $440k per annum. Register your interest today.

club or an investor that may be looking for a business that can operate with little to no input from the vendor! The vendor currently works in the business only part

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



Takings of $5,000+ per week. Long Lease in place 4x4x4 . Lots of foot traffic Easy to run. Ample growth potential. This opportunity will not last long, please

This busy Cafe for Sale is located in the heart of Giborne, with ample parking

register your interest with the agent today. This business is ready to go to the

and foot traffic. This long established business has a strong customer base but

next level.

still has ample room to grow. It is an easy to run business with staff in place capable of running it by themselves unsupervised for extended periods of time.

vnm magazine

Call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. A . P. O


immediate attention from new owner.Seating capacity for 80 adults plus 3 bright unisex Birthday Rooms that allow another 75 children. Taking an average of $6,000

An excellent opportunity to own an easy to run play centre in Melbourne’s suburb

per week with a healthy return. Rent is very reasonable with long lease options of

of Northcote. Established for nearly 10 years the owner has built the business into

another 3x3x3x3. Ideal business for those looking to invest in a play centre.

one with excellent reputation and growing customers. Excellent set up- with bright and colorful design ensures equipment and surrounds are ideal and require no

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


impact. Seating up to 130 patrons, this busy restaurant is fully licensed until 11pm and has an additional takeaway/delivery liquor license also until 11pm. With a con-

This stunning restaurant business for sale in the beautiful Yarra Valley is certain to

sistent weekly turnover of $13,000 plus and the vendor happy to trial the business,

impress buyers looking for a proven restaurant business. Currently operating under

this restaurant generates great profit for the owner.

management 6 days a week for dinners only, there’s still potential for growth with new residential developments going ahead in the area bound to have a positive

Further information can be obtained by calling Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989.

. .P O.A


ice cream & gelati (3 yogurt, 2 freezer & 1 topping machine) for customers to make the most delicious frozen yogurts for summer! Taking $2k per week with only a

This frozen yogurt business for sale opportunity is ready for the summer season!

few months of operation & no advertising in place, the business is set for imminent

Great opportunity to take over a brand new business that is already in operation &

growth with potential to make a lot more!

generating good money & take it over to grow. Established only a few months ago, the business is fully equipped with quality Italian machines serving frozen yogurt &

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

0 ,9 50 $5


beverages provided. Ideal for someone looking to own a unique small business that is easy to operate or manage. Currently trading over $250,00 per year New lease

Located in the Macedon Ranges on the main street of Bacchus Marsh, this business

in place and rent of $1,560 pcm INC GST. Ideal for couple or single owner- training

is ideally located on a corner with 4 intersections maximising traffic exposure! Simple

and support can be provided. No experience or skills necessary.

to learn and create Mexican menu that ensures little surrounding competition. Provides delivery to local surrounds as well as dine in with ice cream and cafe style

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O


cleaning system set up - currently trading average of $280,000 per year. Business can be run under management or over looked by owner with minimal hours - ideal

Excellent business providing hand wash and detailing of vehicles in South East

for those looking for investment or short working hours. Inspection is welcome and

Melbourne. Business is located in Industrial Estate of Cranbourne - close to panel

can be arranged by appointment only.

beaters and mechanics as well as car yards! Fully enclosed area ensures maximum capacity to clean and hold vehicles. Spacious set up and efficient

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



potential for growth! Fantastic premises offers seating for a total of 200 people, the business offers a separate function room & full commercial kitchen. Liquor licence

Within a bustling shopping area in the western suburbs right near a major intersec-

until 11pm. Long lease of 2x3x3x5 means security. Currently taking $4,500 per

tion sits this delightful Indian restaurant business for sale with fantastic premises &

week, the business has no advertising in place so there is substantial room for

enormous potential! Established only 4 months ago this business has developed

growth with some good advertising.

a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more & has so much more

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O



busy location that seats approx 100 people & offers a full commercial kitchen. Functional website but not much other advertising currently in place. Liquor licence

This Indian restaurant business for sale is located in a busy area in the western

until 11pm. Currently taking $8,000 per week with good net profit. Long lease of

suburbs surrounded by shops & industrial businesses. Large premises with plenty

3x5 means security. Rent of $3,767 per calendar month for large premises

of parking onsite. Established only 2 years old the business has shown steady growth & has a developed a loyal customer base. Spacious premises in a very

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,9 00 $4


in the south east but sells primarily online. Stocking a range of vintage & retro furniture they they improve & sell with a new lease on life, the business has a large online pres-

This is a fantastic opportunity to take over a developed retail business for sale that sells

ence with an online shopping website & good use of social media. The business takes

primarily online but has a shopfront as well that you can rent or relocate! An upcycled

$12,000 per month with both owners working part time, excellent side business

furniture retail store that offers a unique range of vintage & retro furniture that has been given a new lease on life! Established 2 years ago, this business is run out of a property

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


looking for few hours to run. Trading an average of $4,500 per week and established for nearly a decade! Very reasonable rent of $1852 pcm Inc GST with long

A very well presented hair salon located on busy Sydney Road in Melbourne’s

lease and options in place! Inspection will not disappoint! Register your interest

urban suburb of Brunswick. Spacious lay out with 5 stations, 2 basins and private

today with the agent before it too late.

staff kitchenette- the establishment is equipped for capacity to further grow! Trading very short hours only 5 days per week- the business is ideal for an owner

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

8 ,9 88 $9


inside & 12 people outside (with room for more seating outside). Easy to business to operate the business serves 10kg of coffee per week as well as basic meal options,

This deluxe cafe takeaway business for sale is run under management & located

with only a preparation area the meals are simple to prepare. Currently taking $5,000

in a modern office building in a prime location on a major road through the eastern

per week with plenty of further potential. Long lease of 3x5. Rent of $720 plus GST

suburbs. High exposure with parking & public transport at the door, surrounded by

for a high profile location (outgoings included in rent).

both offices & residential. Business offers a fantastic fit out with seating for 30 people

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .PO.A


owner can run without prior experience necessary. Currently turning over $450,000 per year. Lease of $52,000 per year with new lease or enquire about purchasing

Established for nearly 15 years and based in the south east of Melbourne, this

freehold too in excellent industrial location! Register your interest with the broker

temporary fencing hire business for sale comes with new lease or freehold availa-


ble for sale! The business operates short hours 7am to 3pm weekdays only, 5 days per week! Easy to learn and operate business with training provided to ensure new



0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



double digit growth v last year.Regular catering customers.Under full management. Modern premise, fit out less than 2 years old, all set up and ready to walk in and

This busy Takeaway Business for Sale is located in a main shopping strip in one

operate, no expense spared. 2 bedroom apartment above shop. Rent $45K pa

of Melbourne’s most sought after upper class areas. Beautifully positioned roast

including the apartment. 2 off street car parking spaces.

chicken shop on a fast growing retail strip, located opposite train station and next to 7/11.Potential to increase product range. Sales of $9K pw and growing at

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

. .PO.A



down the road. Sizeable premises with seating for 30 inside & 6 outside, the business serves a simple range of coffee & meals from a full commercial kitchen.

In a prime location on a major road through this south eastern suburb, surrounded

Currently operating with only the 2 vendors, this is an ideal owner operator busi-

by shopping & dining sits this bright cafe business for sale. Established 2 years,

ness. Taking $2,800 per week.Long lease of 5x5 with rent of $4,037 pcm.

this cafe offers a high exposure location with a large amount of foot & vehicular traffic as well as public transport to the door. The train station is also a short walk

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


for over 4 decades.Being a household name in Travel with extensive TV and Print Media exposure, this profitable business also has the support of a Nationwide,

This well known Franchised Travel Agency business for sale presents a rare

Class Leading Franchise. 40 years Established, Currently taking $4.5M PA.

opportunity for an investor looking at receiving an excellent return from a fully man-

Currently run under Full Management with Dedicated, - Experienced and Knowled-

aged business. As a Multi Award Winning Premium Agency within the Franchised

gable staff.

Network, this established business has provided its clients with Gold Class service

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,5 00 3 $1


opportunities to establish a website and social media presence and enable online orders.The business is currently trading very short hours 7 days per week, allow-

Located within a small, yet busy set of shops this pizza and pasta takeaway

ing the new owner to offer a lunch time trade to boost takings.A new lease is on

business is well established and offers a wide range of traditional and deluxe

offer at a rental of $39,000 per annum inc GST.

pizzas and pastas. With a very reasonable turnover of $5,500 per week, this business boasts enormous potential for a new and enthusiastic owner with

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.


run and the perfect time of year to take over with the warmest months of the year ahead of us. Prime location on a major road through the inner east, surrounded

This is a prime opportunity to get into a niche market at the ideal time of year! This

by shopping & parking & public transport to the door. Affluent area with a health

frozen yoghurt store offers a high profile location & a loyal customer base, targeted

conscious population.

at a growing health conscious society. Established 12 months, all the hard set up work has been done for you. Great set up with new machines, easy business to

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


Full P.O.S System, 2 Large Coolrooms. Averaging $65,000 p/w. Rent $ 3,650 pcm inc G.S.T. Commercial lease 10x10 and 2 years into it. Retail 80%, Wholesale 20%

What an opportunity to acquire a fully managed Fruit and Vegetable Business for

16 Camera System with remote access. All equipment in great condition Owner

Sale in the Geelong West area. This business is exceptional! It is located on a very

lives on the other side of City, business run by manager.

busy street with surrounding businesses boasting labels just as Church st, Brighton. It is on a large 2100sm site. 40 car car park at front all asphalted


0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202.



and 24 outside . Ample growth potential. Used to have liquor license with previous owner. Located on a busy road in front of an office complex. Well equipped and very

Due to very unfortunate health issue we need to sell this excellent 5 day café right

presentable café.This café Business for sale is located in the sought after Bayside

now. You need to call straight away if you don’t want to lose out. All offers will be

area, surrounded by upmarket clientele.

considered. Takings of $6,000+ per week. Long Lease in place 1x5x5. Low rent at only $670 PW. Great modern kitchen with attractive customer area . 40 seats inside

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

. A . P. O


pet stores, the business basically imports & supplies pet accessories to the retail sector. NO online presence, the business until now has been operated by face to

This is a prime opportunity to take over a long established pet supplies business

face visits to retailers to provide them with what they need. 35+ accounts & 5 major

that you can work from home! Established 17 years ago by the vendor who is

customers already in place including 2 major pet stores. Takings of $71k pa.

ready for retirement, this is SUCH an easy business to run & ENORMOUS potential for growth! Established 17 years ago with loyal clientele in place including 2 big

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,5 00 1 $1


bar products as well as fish and chips and general takeaway food. Located close to several schools, both primary and secondary, the business is able to offer lunch order

This is an exceptional opportunity to give yourself a change of pace in the country!

services to these schools.The business enjoys takings of $6,000 per week and rent of

This busy milk bar is currently trading 5 days per week from 7am to 3pm (it has traded

$440 per week with a new lease available with long options of 5x5x5 years.

7 days per week in the past) and closes for 2 weeks at Christmas, 1 week at Easter and for ALL public holidays. Offering a range of products including the usual milk

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 $9

HAIR SALON BUSINESS FOR SALE REF:B11888 Having been established for 12 years, the current owner has worked in the salon This hair salon, located on a busy road with high foot and road traffic, is beautifully

for 10 of these years and has established a large and loyal client base. The new

presented and inviting to clients.The salon boasts 10 hair stations, 2 basins and

owner could continue to operate the salon themselves.

a car park at the back of the premises for staff parking. Upstairs is a 2 bedroom house which could be used to live in or sub-let to reduce outgoings!

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.


Sundays, the business is operated by the owner on a full time basis, with the assistance of a part time staff member.The business turns over $270,000 pa and enjoys

This well presented retail fashion business for sale offers a large range of ladies

very reasonable rent of $2,200 pcm including GST. There will be a new lease made

clothing & accessories in a large, spacious shop. Located in a prominent location in

available to the purchaser with long lease terms of 5x5x5 years available.

this large country town, the business enjoys a high volume of passing traffic daily. Currently trading 6 days per week, with short hours on Saturdays and closed on

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 $2


week, the business has no online or social media presence. The addition of this to the business model would not only increase the business’s exposure, it would

Located in Melbourne Central, this popular ladies retail fashion business for sale is

assist in building revenue.Trading shopping centre hours, the business has an

immaculately presented and enjoys an enormous amount of foot traffic on a daily

additional lease term of 5 years available to the purchaser.

basis. The business is a simple operation to run and could be run by an owner operator or run as an under management model easily. Currently taking $4,500 per

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



of which you can serve a bigger variety if you choose. Great location in the bustling shopping hub of the town, with parking & public transport at the door. Selling 8kg of

In the center of this bustling country township in the Gippsland area, sits this prime

coffee per week. Taking $6,500 per week. Long lease remaining of 2x3x3 for security &

pizza cafe business for sale. This long established pizza shop has been serving the

rent of $2,050 per calendar month. The business is well staffed with 9 casuals, vendor

locals for over 15 years with delicious pizza & coffee. A spacious shopfront with current

works part time.

seating for 25 inside (but can seat more) & 20 outside. Full commercial kitchen out

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O



Excellent premises and clean, spacious set up that allows for maximum capacity of growth and services. Rent of only $67,000 per annum with long lease

Owned and operated for over 15 years in a busy street of Sunbury. The

options of 5x5x5! Business currently turns over $275,000 per year. Register

business provides service for a range of beauty treatments and piercing as well

your interest today.

as hair salon with exclusive supply and install of hair extensions. The business operates 6 days per week and run mainly under management of staff.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


fantastic $20,000 per week and still growing steadily, meaning buyers can take over and expect to start pocketing the profits straight from the start! Seating 60 inside and

This elegant and classy restaurant business for sale serves a delicious traditional Ital-

30 outside there’s plenty of room to move in this spacious restaurant. Liquor license till

ian cuisine which is immensely popular with its clients. The restaurant boasts a quite

11pm. Male and Female bathrooms plus plenty of dry storage and office space

new and classy fit-out that is sure to impress with its tasteful design and high quality fixtures and fittings.Trading for only 1.5 years, this restaurant is already turning over a

Please contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

. .P O.A


in an outstanding location in a popular and affluent inner city suburb. Having been established for 13 years. Currently trading 6 days a week, with a 10am start every

The current owners of this busy beauty salon business for sale, have created an

day and closing hours varied between 5pm & 9pm. The business enjoys takings of

excellent ambience for the salon, making it both warm and inviting for both estab-

$7,000 per week and long lease terms of 3x6x6 years.

lished and new clients alike. Boasting 5 treatment rooms as well as 1 spa room, the business enjoys a good amount of space including a very spacious back room

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

0 ,9 00 $4


with loads of foot traffic, parking and supporting businesses. Great opportunity for someone who wants to grow the business with online sales and/or someone willing

This well-established Retail Business For Sale sells a range of ladies fashion, select

to spend more time in the business than the current part time owner to increase the

jewellery and other accessories, providing a number of income sources.


Currently the upstairs are sublet to another business tenant but this can easily be used as a residence for the new owner.Located in a busy upmarket shopping strip,

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. .P O.A


homewares, this business caters for every promotional product you can think of! The business has a well laid out website showing all of the products available.

Having been established for in excess of 30 years, this wholesale and distribution

Currently enjoying takings of $837,000 per annum and very reasonable rent of

business for sale supplies stock to souvenir and corporate sectors. The business

$23,000 plus GST as well as new lease terms.

has built solid business relationships with many well known clients. Offering a large range of products including apparel, office supplies, corporate wear, umbrellas &



0 0,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



business is currently operating as a husband/wife team and would be perfect to continue this way.A new lease is available to the purchaser at a rental of $660 per

Located in one of the busiest growth corridors, the south east of Melbourne, this

week inc GST with lease options of 5x5 years.Ample customer parking at the front

milk bar and takeaway business for sale is thriving.The business is operating as a

of the premises, with customer parking for 4 cars.

traditional milk bar with the addition of takeaway fish and chips to increase takings. Currently taking an impressive $11,000 per week with very good net profits, the

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A



busy shopping strip and ideal area for demographic of local clientele. Taking on existing established relationships with our suppliers and major brands including Black Wolf

Family owned and operated, this business will suit a husband and wife team and comes

(Turbo preferred dealer), OzTrail (Diamond Dealer), Companions Brands, Primus and all

with a store manager with over 30 years of experience in the camping industry and

other leading brands. The store turns over $650,000 per annum.

knowledgeable staff with excellent customer service. Beautifully presented showroom with over 1000 square metres located on a busy main road with excellent exposure in a

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O


printed clothing for both small orders as well as bulk orders.The business is family run and all processes and systems are in place, ready for the new owner to hit the ground

Currently manufacturing 90% of their signs in house, the products and services offered

running. The businesses are currently generating a turnover of $400,000 per annum

by the business include large format digital printing, vehicle & boat wrapping, banners

and a new, long lease is available with options of 5x5x5 years at a rental of $1,800 pcm.

and a-frames, LED & illuminated signage, and more plus design, consultation and installation. Based online, the printing side of the business offers a wide range of custom

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


new, long lease is available. Currently operated by the owner on a part time basis with the assistance of 2 full time and 2 part time staff members, which will make

This hair salon business for sale has been established by it’s current owner for

for a smooth transition to a new owner. Register your interest today with the agent

10 years and has built a reputation as a quality hair salon in the local area.The

and dont miss out.

salon is approximately 60m2 in size and has 10 hair stations with 3 basins and an attractive fit out. The business enjoys very cheap rent of $1,540 pcm inc GST a

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. .P O.A



The machines are fully electronic with note readers and coin mechanisms, which are capable of giving change. The business is a relatively easy operation and the process

This vending machine business for sale has been well established for 10 years and

of filling and maintaining the machines could be completed in 4 days, allowing for a 3

provides a large variety of vending machines to offices and work places throughout

day weekend every week!Currently generating a turnover of $400,000 per annum.

Melbourne. There is an extensive variety of modern, attractive vending machines with a range of products from healthy options to the traditional chips, lollies and soft drinks.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


Kms. 6 Trailers. All Trucks are fitted with GPS. Averaging just shy of $1,000,000 t/o per annum. Only genuine enquiries and information will be given out after a

Transport businesses are the industry that keeps Australia moving! Without trans-

confidentiality agreement has been signed. Register your interest today with the

port many of our businesses would not survive. This particular Transport Logistics

agent and dont miss out.

Business for Sale has been in operations for over 30 years. Very strong reputation in the industry. Long and reliable clients. From Metro to Country. 5 Trucks with low

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



and 16kg of coffee per week as well as a catering service. The breads and pastries are not made in store, so there is little experience or culinary skills required to take over successfully.With large street frontage, with a 3 window wide exposure, the

Located in the picturesque Macedon Rangers this baker and cafĂŠ business for sale

business boass a seating capacity of 93 people (48 inside plus 20 people out front

has been a local institution for 20 years. The business is located a short distance

and 25 in courtyard). Turnover of $10,000pw considering its short trading hours.

to the city via major connecting roads. Now incorporating an attractive gift shop, the business offers the complete cafĂŠ experience including breakfast, lunch, cakes

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O



The business has a commercial kitchen with a big cool room and freezer.There is the capacity to seat 30 people inside and 8 outside and the business currently

This bakery and cafe business for sale boasts an outstanding location, with

uses 16-18 kilos of coffee per week. Rent of just $4,334 per calendar month

prominent street frontage on a busy inner south eastern road, giving the business

which includes a 2 bedroom house upstairs.

a high volume of both car and foot traffic daily. Trading 7 days per week, with shorter hours on the weekend, the business enjoys takings of $9,000 per week.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


REF:B11912 Currently trading Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.30pm, the business is operated

This is an excellent opportunity to own your own business with solid backing from a

by 1 full time owner and 2 part time staff members. The business is a simple operation

reputable licensor.Office National offers office supplies and day to day consumables as

and could be taken over with little industry experience.Takings of $543,000 per annum

well as business equipment and IT solutions to it’s customers. With over 160 stores in

and rent of $2,340 per calendar month.

Australia as well as 40 stores internationally, the business is a proven business model.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,9 00 4 $2


50+ Seats, Long established Business. Lost of Parallel Parking. Fully Liquor Licensed. Upmarket area This business is ideal for a family or an experienced

This highly successful Thai Restaurant for Sale is located amongst complimentary

Operator, looking for a well-established business where the hard work has been

shops on a main road in one of Melbourne’s most sought after areas. Ample par-


allel parking in front of the shops makes it easy for customers. Currently seating is 50 with Fully liquor license. Takings average $10,000+ PW. Rent only $2,790 PCM

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

vnm magazine

. .P O.A



shopping needs.The sizeable liquor section within the shop brings plenty of customers through the door and offers a good selection of beer, wine and spirits.

Fantastic Grocery & Liquor business for sale loaded with potential for growth!

Currently turning over $12,000 per week, The cheap rent of $3,500 per month for

Located in Glen Waverley, this business has been operating for more than 20

this large premises comes with a comfortable 4x4 lease.

years, with the current vendor operating it for the past 5 years. Offering a variety of supermarket goods, this mini-mart provides customers a local alternative for their

Contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533.

. .P O.A



staff or be converted to an owner/operator model for a first time or experienced business owner. Currently taking $42,000 per week the business has a large and inviting

A very busy butcher business located in a busy shopping centre that boasts co-ten-

shop front that encourages shoppers to keep returning to the business. Register your

ants such as Coles & K-Mart. The business is run under management and currently

interest today with the broker before you miss out.

employes 5 full time, 4 part time and 4 casual employees and operates for shopping centre hours. The business could continue to run under management with the current

.A P. O

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




Currently taking $29,000 per week, the business is run under management. The 3 full time, 4 part time & 3 casual employees run the business over 7 days per week

Located in the seaside suburb of Mornington, this busy butcher business is well locat-

over shopping centre hours. Register your interest today with the broker and he will

ed within a shopping centre next to Coles, which keeps a high volume of foot traffic

show you another opportunity before you miss out.

passing the shop daily.The business sells a large range of both fresh meat & poultry at excellent prices, encouraging shoppers to come back.

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


0.0A. 0 , O 8 5 P.



is available for the new owner, with the terms open to negotiation, at a rent of $24,511 per annum.The business is well located in a busy & industrial area of

An outstanding panel beating workshop that has been owned & operated by it’s

Dandenong, and has excellent signage to make the business stand out from the

current owner for in excess of 10 years that also has an outstanding reputation


for it’s high quality of work. Currently trading Monday to Friday as well as Saturday morning, the business has takings of $700,000 per annum. A new lease

.A P. O

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




professional staff that treat patients and assist in the day to day running of the clinic. The business has a turnover in excess of $1,000,000 per annum and has excellent

This laser and skin clinic is located in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne and

net profits as well as good lease terms available.An excellent website has been

offers a wide range of services including, but not limited to: Chemical peels, Laser

established by the vendor that outlines the different services offered by the clinic.

hair removal, Microdermabrasion, Skin needling, Laser tattoo removal. The business specialises in treating several skin conditions and has a team of experienced and



0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




week with lots of opportunity to grow (No Agencies). One Owner operator only Ideal Family Business. Low overheads and high net profit. New Lease or exten-

This Long Established Dry Cleaners for sale includes 3 bedroom accommodation

sions available The owner of many years is leaving the industry due to health

upstairs and is located in a sought after Bayside Suburb with lots of foot traffic and

issues. Register your interest today.

supporting business. Many regular and loyal customers. Excellent location and main road exposure. Ample parking. Open 5 ½ days. Takings $3,000 per

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



enabling the transition to a new owner to be a smooth one.The business is currently generating a turnover of $13,300 per week and is trading 6 days per week, being

This beautifully presented hair salon business for sale has it all! A well set out

closed on Sunday. The business enjoys rent reasonable rent for it’s busy location

salon with a lovely atmosphere, a well set up website, an iPhone app and a list

with lease term of 5 years.

of long & loyal clients. Established in 2001 by the current vendor, the salon is operated by the vendor in conjunction with a team of highly qualified hairdressers

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 $6



a new owner a fantastic place to work! High business visibility and foot traffic in an excellent location near Hoppers Crossing. Currently operating under management,

Gorgeous hair salon business for sale in one of Melbourne’s booming South West-

the vendor is not involved in the day to day operation of the business.Turning over

ern Suburbs!Are you looking to buy a hair salon with location and a fit-out to die for?

an average $6,500 per week. 14 Hair stations and 3 hair spas

This gorgeous hair salon is sure to impress with it’s classy and sleek appearance providing customers a comfortable and stylish experience, and providing staff and



0 0,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989.




with the assistance of 2 casual staff members, the business trades short hours for a retail business with no late night trading. There is a new lease available to the

Located on a busy road amongst a strip of shops in an affluent eastern suburb,

purchaser, with terms to be negotiated at a rental of $1,900 per calendar month

this retail business has been operating for a very impressive 41 years! Operated

including GST.

by it’s current owner for all of this time, the business prides itself on it’s excellent reputation amongst the community. Currently taking $6,000 per week and operated

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O



advantage of the surrounding Yarra Trail bike paths & the healthy active outlook of society today. Part of a network of independent owned bicycle stores, it offers a

This is fantastic opportunity to take over an excellent business that requires no

unique concept in sales which makes operation of the business easy & profitable!

previous experience & is already taking $10k per week after only 5 months of op-

Operating 7 days with a shorter day on Sunday. Long lease of 3x3x3 with rent of

eration with continued growth imminent! This retail bicycle store in a prime location

$4125 per calendar month inclusive of GST.

in Melbourne northern suburbs is ideally targeted to the local population that take

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154..

. A . P. O


week. Excellent $2,400 monthly rent. 3x3x3 lease offers site security. Owner currently works part time in the business. Utilising Interflora and Petals. Perfect business for

This traditional florist business for sale has been serving customers for over 40 years,

an owner operator to run a successful small business. Loads of growth potential for a

with the current owner having been at the helm for the past 5 years. Fantastic location

florist looking to grow the business.Excellent existing staff can potentially stay on with

in affluent Caulfield South and highly regarded by the local community for their floral

a new owner.

arrangements provided for all occasions and holidays! Currently taking $3,500 per

Further information can be obtained by calling Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989.

. .P O.A


The business is well presented and enjoys rent of just $1,300 per calendar month and lease options of 2x2 years.Currently taking $6,000 per week, the business

Located in the picturesque town of Kilmore on the main road, this cafe and takea-

has a well established facebook page with many positive reviews. Register your

way business is a favourite amongst the local community. Serving a variety of food

interest with the broker today.

& drink including an extensive breakfast and lunch menu, with coffee, milkshakes and cold drinks, the business is open from 8.30am to 3pm 7 days a week.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



steady lunch time trade and offers a great outdoor area facing the water. The location is also next to a bridge which sees a huge number of by passers every day.

This well presented Burger bar business for sale is an excellent opportunity not to

Takings averaging $6,000 p/w and growing. New Lease of 1x4x4. Rent $3,300 pcm

be missed.Prime location at the famous Docklands amongst a small set of shops,

inc G.S.T. Inside and outside seating.

the business has already steady trade with the World Trade Centre and Vic Police in the same building, which ensures high volume of customers each day for a

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or Lee Panagiotidis on 0433296438.

. .P O.A



has shown considerable growth each ear, since it’s current owner purchased the business in 2011 and is now a successful internet business, that is flexible to fit in

This is a well established business that operates online and from the home of the

with family commitments.Since 2011, the business has established an excellent

vendor, meaning it can be easily relocated and has very little overheads! Having

reputation amongst people all over the world .

been established for 8 years, the business sources and supplies wall tapestries and associated products to clients both within Australia and overseas. The business


0 5,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




workstations or whatever you see fit to expand the business. Prime location in a strip of shops right next to a busy shopping centre. A steady stream of foot &

This is a fantastic opportunity to take over a bright hair salon business for sale in

vehicular traffic passing by daily as well as public transport to the door and an

the east in a bustling area, right next to a busy shopping centre! The 100m2 shop

abundance of parking. Long lease of 3x3x3 in place with rent of $3,049 per

includes 7 workstations, 2 washbasins with luxurious massage chairs, a beauty

calendar month.

room which is currently being used as an office, and loads of room to add more

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O


REF: B11937

overseeing Operation of Business and Administrative procedures. Current Member Nos. 380 Rent $3981 pcm inc. GST. Classes – Brazilian Butt, Tabata, Step

This fitness business for sale presents an exciting opportunity for anyone looking

n’Lift, Trim & Tone, Core Dynamics, Zumba & Piloxing. Average takings of $7,000

to get into the Gym/Fitness Industry. Long standing reputation, and in high demand

p/w, Great Staff in place. Ample parking at the front of the Gym.

it is well located and has established a solid customer base.The owner of the business only takes 1 to 2 classes per week and mostly concentrates on

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202

. A . P. O


of chips, 420kg of chips, 9kg of dim sims and 120 burgers per week. The shop is very well presented and has a large cooking area, allowing plenty of room for staff to move

This busy fish & chip business for sale is located in the Geelong region and has

around during peak times.Ideal for a husband and wife team to operate, with the assis-

been trading for 25 years. Currently trading 7 days per week from 10am to 8pm, the

tance of the current staff members to allow for a smooth transition.

business operates with 1 part time staff owner, 1 full time employees & 4 part time employees. Taking $11,000 per week, the business uses 10kg of potato cakes, 60kg

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


of $9,000 per week for its short trading hours. There is a fully liquor license until 11pm and there is a seating capacity for 750 people. In addition there are 140 car

This multi faceted business for sale has captured a niche market and offers

spaces.There is an extensive dinner menu, an all day cafe menu as well as a hot/

restaurant quality food with a large adjoining play centre for the kids! Currently

cold drinks & alcoholic drinks menu to cater for everyone!

trading 6 days per week for lunch service and a dinner service only on Saturday. The business is newly established, but has been generating impressive takings

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



ness offers an extensive takeaway menu including charcoal chicken, chips, souvlakis, rolls and salads as well as a catering menu. The business uses 224 chickens

This well presented chicken takeaway business for sale is an excellent opportunity!

per week, 360kg of chips and 60kg of lamb per week.The premises is very well

Prime location on a busy eastern arterial road amongst a small set of shops, the

presented and has a good sized seating area inside to allow people to dine in.

business has co tenants such as Coles, Aldi and the Post Office, which ensures a high volume of passing traffic daily. Currently taking $10,000 per week the busi-

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A



on Wednesday & Friday.The salon has 9 stations, 2 basins, 2 staff car parks as well as additional parking for customers. In addition to this, there are approximately 2000

This large & attractive hair salon is well located on the main street of Cranbourne,

client cards. Very reasonable rent of $1,900 pcm including GST and outgoings as

meaning it has a high volume of foot & car traffic daily.The salon offers a full hair-

well as long lease terms of 3x3x3 years.

dressing service as well as a barber service and operates 5 days per week with 9pm closing time on Thursday and the barber aspect of the business trades until 7.30pm

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




Friday only. The business is currently run under management; employing 3 staff. Yearly takings $325,000.Rent $6,747 per calendar month including GST, with

This long standing family business has been operating for nearly 20 years. Having

option to extend every 2 years. The business is well located in the eastern suburbs

long standing relationships with local and overseas suppliers and clients. They

and offers 4 offices, staff kitchen/lunch room, dispatch office and more as well as a

pride themselves on ‘attention to detail’ and ‘deliver what they promise’. Whilst

yard which is gated.

offering plastics granulation & plastics scrap services, they are trading Monday to

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O


franchise store is located in a major shopping centre in the north west. Offering a high foot traffic location in the food court Fantastic feedback on urbanspoon for the

If you are looking for a prime franchise opportunity in a highly sought after location,

service & food! Currently staffed with 6 part timers & 13 casuals so it could operate

this opportunity could be for you! A steadily growing sensation, this franchise

under management. Takings of $75,000 per month. 6 years remaining on the least

Vietnamese street food business for sale offers favourites straight from the streets of Vietnam & delicious healthy Vietnamese classics. Established a year ago, this

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154..

. A . P. O


is located on one of the trendiest roads in Melbourne, in amongst the entertainment & dining district in this exclusive inner city area. Currently staffed with a full timer, 3 part

If you are looking for a prime franchise opportunity in a highly sought after location, this

timers & 5 casuals, vendors work part time so could be run under management

opportunity could be for you! A steadily growing sensation, this franchise Vietnamese

Takings of $54,000 per month. 9 years remaining on the lease means security

street food business for sale offers favourites straight from the streets of Vietnam &

Rent of $5,200 per month.

delicious healthy Vietnamese classics. Established 1.5 years ago, this franchise store

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


they service a broad spectrum of clients from commercial to households. Currently operating Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 5pm & short hours Saturday, the busi-

This timber yard business for sale located in the outer east of Melbourne offers a

ness takes $1.3M per annum . The business is spread over 5 acres with a lease of

fantastic opportunity to take over a profitable business & grow it exponentially as

5 years & rent of $5,329 per Month.

there is no advertising in place! Established 40 years ago, this business has developed itself a great name, offering raw product for decking, fencing, construction etc

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



grown enormously. This fantastic business capitalises on the industry’s growth in a number of ways. Three separate income avenues consisting of a large retail store,

An excellent opportunity exists for a buyer or investor to obtain one of Victoria’s

an online presence with a digital purchasing portal, and a distribution/wholesale

fastest growing health and fitness supplements businesses. In line with the

avenue serve to draw a combined turnover of $4,000,000 per annum.

general increase of the number of gyms, personal training studios, yoga, pilates and general fitness businesses in Victoria, the demand for health supplements has

Contact Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7300.

0 ,5 00 $6



or be run by a hairdresser looking to own their own business. The spacious premises has 6 hair stations, 3 basins, 1 nail desk, 2 spray tan rooms and a beauty treatment

This hair salon offers a fantastic location with a busy shopping precinct in the north!

room that is rented out to a beauty therapist. Currently operating 5 days per week

Located on a corner within a major shopping precinct with lots of traffic & public

with no late night trading, closed Tuesday & Sunday. Rent of $2,520 per calendar

transport at the door The salon is run under management, allowing for a smooth

month including GST and long lease options of 3x3x3 years are available.

transition to the new owner. The business could continue to run under management,

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


0 9,0




than was realized with previous owner. 2x4x2 lease. Low rent at only $2,850 PCM approx. Great kitchen that can be utilized better. 20 seats inside and 10 outside

This Café Business for Sale is very basic and easy to operate, suitable to either

Huge growth potential. Located in the heart of growing Pakenham. Well equipped

the experienced operator wanting to take it to the next level or someone wanting

and very presentable café.

a simple lifestyle business.Therefore the business is available to an enthusiastic person with a passion for the hospitality industry. Takings of $2,500+ pw. Much less

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

. A . P. O



great potential to grow and sustain income in future. Taking $8,000 per week on average, the business is a worthy investment to consider.Very large show room

Located on one of the best locations and busiest highways of Melbourne, this

with impressive exposure and access for only $3,567 per calendar month. Register

business shines brightly in the south east! Stocking a huge selection of lighting as

your interest today.

well as kits and accessories both in the showroom and online. New owner requires little to no experience or special skill to successfully run. Excellent business with Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O


has shown substantial growth since its inception 8 years ago & is now taking $1.3M per annum with great net profit. Large amount of meticulously maintained, quality

The business would be an ideal add-on to an existing equipment hire company! The

machinery held with customers across a wide range of industry. A fantastic business

business needs to be re-located as there is no lease available, making it a prime op-

model & a reputable company with stronghold in the industry

portunity to merge into an existing business that already has storage facilities & would triple the profits by utilising staff already in place in an existing company. The business

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,0 00 0 $3


small goods, cheese & other delicacies. Fully Equipped. Easy to operate. Great $18,000 p/w takings. Affluent and growing area with a population who appre-

This busy deli business for sale located in the Watergardens Shopping Centre with

ciate fresh, quality foods, the business is well targeted to the local customers.

excellent location right near one of the main entries and Supermarket. It is one of

Register your interest today with the broker.

the stand out shops in this already growing shopping centre. Established over 6 years, this business has been serving the local community with its quality range of

Contact Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



Taking $240,000 per annum with very good net profits, the business has been established for 7 years and owned by the current vendor for 4 of those years.

Join this major franchise, a leader in PAIN FREE hair removal that is growing

With very reasonable rent of $12,500 pa plus GST, the business also has lease

throughout Australia. Hairfree offers permanent hair removal with specially de-

options of 3x3 years available.

signed IPL machines that are pain free. They are the largest hair removal company in Australia & this is your chance to take over a franchise in the Waverley area.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,0 00 8 $2



into retail outlets around Australia, thereby making the highest quality Organic cosmetics, food oils and food products accessible to the general public. Enjoying

This highly successful organic distribution business for sale was established in 2012.

excellent annual takings of $360,000, the business has very good net profits. With

They provide very high quality organic food oils and cosmetic oils that have allowed

monthly rent of $2,700 and lease terms of 2x2 years add to the attractiveness of this

them to established a network of loyal stockists and distributors. The business is best


known for or bringing product usually made exclusive to Farmers’ markets directly

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



0 5,0



REF:B11982 Based in Hawthorn, the business is ideally located in the inner city, close to cor-

This very unique business for sale, offers a table decoration service for all different

porate companies requiring their services as well as affluent residents who like to

kinds of events, from weddings to dinner parties and corporate functions. The busi-

host functions in style! Takings of $440,000 per annum.

ness has been established for 9 years and as a result, has long standing collaborative relationships with caterers, florists and other professionals in the industry.

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


0 0,0




of time, this hair salon is located on a main road near a major intersection, with parking & public transport at the door. The salon is well laid out with 7 stations, 2

This beautiful hair salon business for sale is located in the prestigious area of

wash basins, a store room & car park available. The salon is within a building of

Toorak, in an elegant setting just off the biggest road through the area. Established

100 apartments .Takes approx $4k per week. Cheap rent of $600 per week.

40 years ago by the owner who is now ready for retirement, this gem is ready for a fresh face to make it their own. Serving the locals for an extraordinarily long period

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. A . P. O


up factory. Primarily Melbourne-based work. Huge growth potential for an owner with the drive to succeed. Quoting, fabrication and some installation work. Peak times

This window shutter and blind business for sale is a great example of a full service

installation work sub-contracted. Turnover of $120,000 per annum. Excellent monthly

business that arranges quotes, fabricates and installs quality shutters and blinds direct

rent of $2,500.

to public. The business operates out of a factory site in Moorabbin and provides their services Melbourne-wide and occasionally outside the metropolitan area. Fully set

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202.

0 ,5 00 9 $1


an ideal investment for someone to continue running the business as it is. Trading 7 days per week, for various hours, the business has very good takings of $11,000

This outstanding Kebab shop business for sale is known as an Icon of Smith

per week and long lease terms at a rental of $3,800 pcm inc GST. In addition to

Street! Having been established for 25 years, the business has become a popular

this, the business has a 1 bedroom residence upstairs with it’s own entrance.

amongst locals and visitors to the bustling precinct alike. Currently run under management by an experienced and hands on operator, this business would make

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.


The owner has been there for 7 years. No competition in the centre. Full support from franchise. This business is ready for the next level. Fully equipped and

This Clothing Alteration business is the longest standing in Frankston Shopping

modern machines makes your work easy and quick. Register your interest with the

Centre. The owner has not spared any expense having the best equipment to work

broker today.

with. Currently averaging $5,500 p/w takings. Great location as it is located in the Frankston Shopping Centre opposite Dick Smith and next to car park exit/entry.

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

0 ,9 00 9 $2


the strings attached with normal franchise Brands. Note: This is NOT a Franchise, so you will be in control of your own business while enjoying the backing of a very

This easy to run Sweet Business for Sale is located in the busy Central West Shop-

successful Wholesale Business without having the burden of Royalties and franchise

ping Centre with ample foot traffic, and a long and profitable history. The successful

fees.This is truly an amazing opportunity to get the best of both worlds. Takings of

Buyer may have the benefit to trade under the current Discount Lollie Shop Brand

approximately $10,500 PW. Guaranteed Stock supply at competitive prices.

Name with all the benefits that goes with this well established name but without

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.



0 9,0




but without the strings attached with normal franchise Brands. Note: This is NOT a Franchise, so you will be in control of your own business while enjoying the

This easy to run Sweet Business for Sale is located in the busy Northern Geelong

backing of a very successful Wholesale Business without having the burden of

Shopping Centre with ample foot traffic, and a long and profitable history. The

Royalties and franchise fees. This is truly an amazing opportunity to get the best of

successful Buyer may have the benefit to trade under the current Discount Lollie

both worlds. Takings of approximately $13,800 PW.

Shop Brand Name with all the benefits that goes with this well established name

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

vnm magazine



0 0 , 9




the strings attached with normal franchise Brands.Note: This is NOT a Franchise, so you will be in control of your own business while enjoying the backing of a

This easy to run Sweet Business for Sale is located in the busy Keilor Shopping

very successful Wholesale Business without having the burden of Royalties and

Centre with ample foot traffic, and a long and profitable history. The successful

franchise fees.Takings of approximately $16,400 PW.

Buyer may have the benefit to trade under the current Discount Lollie Shop Brand Name with all the benefits that goes with this well established name but without



0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.



attached with normal franchise Brands.Note: This is NOT a Franchise, so you will be in control of your own business while enjoying the backing of a very successful Whole-

This easy to run Sweet Business for Sale is located in the busy Woodgrove Shopping

sale Business without having the burden of Royalties and franchise fees.

Centre, with ample foot traffic, and a long and profitable history. The successful Buyer

This is truly an amazing opportunity to get the best of both worlds. Takings of approxi-

may have the benefit to trade under the current Discount Lollie Shop Brand Name

mately $12,800 PW. Guaranteed Stock supply at competitive prices.

with all the benefits that goes with this well established name but without the strings

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

0 ,9 00 9 $1


but without the strings attached with normal franchise Brands. Note: This is NOT a Franchise, so you will be in control of your own business while enjoying the

This easy to run Sweet Shop for Sale is located in the busy Sanctuary Lakes

backing of a very successful Wholesale Business without having the burden of

Shopping Centre, with ample foot traffic, and a long and profitable history. The

Royalties and franchise fees.This is truly an amazing opportunity to get the best of

successful Buyer may have the benefit to trade under the current Discount Lollie

both worlds. Takings of approximately $10,400 PW.

Shop Brand Name with all the benefits that goes with this well established name

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

vnm magazine

0 ,5 00 $6



at 1pm. The business is great for a single owner looking for a healthy balance of business and family time. Excellent small business to consider for first time owners

Centrally located in the town of Whittlesea, a suburb to the north of Melbourne.

and those looking to slow down. This business is ready for the next level. Register

Established for over 20 years, the owner founded and grew the business to be

your interest today with your broker.

a successful, easy to run investment. Very good rent of only $344 per week with solid lease options. Trading Monday to Friday until 5.30pm and Saturday close

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


Currently generating an average of $5500 per week- the business solid return for the owner.Rent of $3074 pcm with great lease option in place.This business is ready

Excellent florist specialising in arrangements for special occasions, weddings as

for the next level. Register your interest today with your broker. Great location with

well as online ordering and delivery. The business has an excellent website in place

pleanty of growth.

allowing for online ordering as well as accounts for frequent clients. Trading Monday- Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 9am-4pm and Sunday 10am-1pm.

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




his menu. Turnover of $7,000 per week. Rental is at $5,843 per calendar month inc gst. Lease is for 15 years, set at market review each 5 year term . Liquor

Business for Sale Tapas Bar – Situated in downtown St Kilda, this boutique Tapas

Licence till 11pm. With a 75 seating capacity and private courtyard. This business

Bar knows that sharing is caring! Every dish here is designed to be enjoyed by

also includes a 2 bedroom residence upstairs.

everyone. If you are the sort of person who always knows what they are having, then this business is just perfect for a new upcoming chef who wants to showcase

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Lee Panagiotidis on 0433-296-438

. A . P. O



solid lease period. Currently only trades 5 days per week from 8.30am to 5pm.The business provides the usual log book servicing to a range of vehicles and also spe-

Excellent business for motor vehicle and 4WD enthusiasts! A workshop unlike no

cialises in 4WD, suspension upgrades and accessory fit outs. Average turn over of

other in the area, the only one to specialize in 4WD repairs and servicing in the

$12,000 per week and soaring!

town. Servicing across the Macedon Ranges the business over the last 5 years. Ample space of 330 square metres with 2 hoists. Rent is only $1520 pcm with

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O


to 4.30pm, the business boasts excellent takings of $100,000 pcm. Very cheap rent, given the Richmond location of just $1,700 pcm.Operated by the owner on a full time

This well established automotive paint business for sale specialises in all aspects of

basis, the business also has 4 full time staff members and 1 part time staff member .

automotive paints, panel beating equipment and industrial coating. The business

Register your interest today.

offers a same day service to the auto repair industry and the business has developed a solid reputation for service within the industry. Trading Monday to Friday from 7.30am

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


can be converted into a Beauty Room. Takings averaging $4,000 pw. Rent $2,369 pcm inc. GST which comes to roughly $250 pw after Sub Letting. Commercial

This well presented and large Hair Salon Business for Sale is located in the trendy

Lease of 3x3. 6 Hair stations and 2 Washbasins. Owner wants to stay back a

suburb of Malvern East with very cheap rent.. There are numerous advantages to

minimum of 12 months.

this salon. Upstairs 2 bedroom apartment which is Sub Let for $1,300 pcm Private off street parking at rear for owner and backyard. Extra room at back which

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



range of homewares, giftware children’s toys & accessories and stationary. The store is currently run under management, by 1 full time employee and 3 casual

This well presented homewares & gift retail business for sale is a fantastic busi-

employees who work anywhere between 25 to 40 hours each per week. The store

ness for a savvy investor or owner operator to take over the running themselves

trades 6 days per week, with a 3pm close on Saturday & closed all day Sunday.

and increase profit margins. Located to the south east of Melbourne, in Pakenham, the business has been established for a very impressive 34 years and sells a large

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A



traffic daily.Trading 7 days per week from 8am to 4pm, the business also operates for dinner trade on Friday & Saturday evenings.There is a full liquor licence until

This is an immaculately set up cafe business for sale, that has a warm and inviting

11pm and selling 18 kgs of coffee per week, the business also has seating capacity

atmosphere, encouraging new customers and regulars to keep returning. Located

for 30 people inside and 20 people outside.

on one of Melbourne’s most popular restaurant and shopping strips, Bridge. Road Richmond, the business enjoys an enormous amount of passing vehicles and foot

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




traffic, both vehicular & foot, & a popular gathering spot for the locals. Seating for 37 inside & 8 seats outside, the premises also offers a 3 bedroom apartment

With a prime location on a major road into Melbourne & close to the CBD, this

attached!Offers delightful options for breakfast & lunch, as well as a liquor license

beautiful cafe & bar business for sale with residence was established by the ven-

until 11pm with an offsite permit so it can be delivered. Long lease of 3x5x5 &

dors & is now ready to be passed to its new owners! With parking & public trans-

great rent of $3,813.34 per month inclusive of GST.

port at your door, exposure is enormous in this location! Huge amount of passing

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O


which seats 110 with a full bar, separate entrance & dance floor. Full commercial kitchen as well as pizza making equipment, large amount of pizza sales & 120kg

This fantastic restaurant business for sale offers a prime location & spacious prem-

of cheese per week used. Functional website which allows for online ordering in

ises as well as a function centre! Established almost 20 years, this restaurant with

place .Long lease of 4x5 in place with rent of $2,605 per week.

spacious premises offers a prime location on a major road. Licensed until 1am, the restaurant offers seating for 140 inside & 20 outside, as well as a function room

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. A . P. O


area a swell as the Yarraville Railway Station. There are thousands of vehicles and pedestrian traffic passing by weekly, which is evident through the fact that 30%-40%

Located in the very trendy suburb of Yarraville, which is just 6kms from the city, this

of their turnover from walk-in and new clients.The salon has a beautiful fit out with 4

hair salon business for sale has positioned itself in one of the trendiest suburbs west

stations plus 1 colour area, 2 basins and 1 make up station.

of Melbourne. The shopping village on which it’s located has other retailers including banks, post office, supermarkets, coffee shops and restaurants that draw people to the

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,9 50 4 $1


and has 3 dance rooms: a beginner pole room (12 poles), an advanced pole room (7 poles) and a large dance room to accommodate it’s growing number of students

Here is an exceptional opportunity to buy a lifestyle, not just a business! The pole

and staff.Currently trading very short hours - Monday to Thursday from 4.30pm to

dancing phenomenon is one that has swept the fitness industry & is now extremely

9.30pm and Saturday from 10.30am to 1.30pm.

popular, combining pole dancing choreography with a strength and conditioning workout that will deliver results to it’s clients!The studio was established in 2010

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



luxurious levels. 10 beautifully appointed beauty treatment rooms. (1 x double, 3 x waxing, 1 x Clinical, 2 x facial/massage (fitted with hydrotherapy showers), 1 x

For 11 years this Day Spa & Beauty Business For Sale, has been the Peninsula’s

spray tanning,) Infrared sauna. Large reception & retail area. Manicure & Pedicure

leading day spa & beauty business authority on skin, aesthetics and spa.

area to suit bridal parties and hens days. Open 6 days a week. Closed Sundays.

Conveniently located in Frankston’s cosmopolitan hub, this day spa and beauty business for sale offers a unique urban retreat sprawling over two spacious and

Further information can be obtained by calling Lee Panagiotidis on 0433-296-438

. .P O.A



and women. Specializing in Facials, Glycolic peels, waxing massage, pedicures, manicures and tanning.The salon has 6 treatment rooms- one equipped with double

A magnificent opportunity on offer to obtain an outstanding salon with excellent

beds for couples treatments!. Currently generating an average of $5,000 per week.

reputation- years of hard working building up a name has been done for you! Award

Rent of $2,740pcm with great further options.

winning salon- voted Salon Of The Year Victoria 2012 and several awards for excellence throughout the history of the business. Offering beauty services for men

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



suitable for high-rise, residential, commercial and industrial building construction. Take a look at The factory is located in Kilmore, 60kms

This is a unique & very exciting business opportunity to take over the manufacture

north of Melbourne & will be passed to the new owner ready to begin operations.

of a major building product in Australia called Rapidwall. A global product, this

There are also potential contracts waiting in the wings that can be taken on to give

product is manufactured using plaster produced from natural or by-product industri-

you a flying start, if the timeline of sale & transfer is right.

al waste gypsum which is transformed into durable, load bearing Rapidwall panels

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine


0 9,0




all of the products available. Currently there is very little done in the form of marketing, leaving huge potential for the entrepreneurial buyer.The business owner

Having been established for 13 years, this wholesale business for sale supplies

is also the property owner and will provide a very reasonable lease of 3x3x3 and

the hospitality industry around the Melbourne Area. The Wholesale and Distribution

starting rent of only $1,400 PCM inclusive of GST.

business has built solid business relationships with many clients as well as key local producers. This easy to operate business has a well laid out website showing

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. A . P. O

HAIR SALON REF:B11996 This beautiful hair salon business for sale in the trendy heart of the inner city area, boasts a decadent salon with quality furnishings, plenty of space & a large loyal client base. Established 5 years, this busy hair salon offers spacious premises laid out with quality fittings, and set up with 10 stations,

3 wash basins, a colour station, kitchenette & laundry facility. Bright floor to ceiling windows facing a main road. High profile location on a major road through the area, parking & public transport at the door, and an abundance of passing traffic. Great takings of $11k per week with good net profit. Rent of $3750 per month with long lease of 1x4x5x5. Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


years, but the product has been around since 2007. The business supplies filtered water coolers to public & private sectors around Australia. Current vendor has 2

If you are looking for a business to run that offers flexibility, meeting people &

contractors that do the maintenance, but you could do it yourself & pocket more

the chance to be out & about all day instead of behind a desk, this cooler system

profit! Business currently operates 4 territories, taking approx $2,500 per week.

territories license business for sale opportunity could be ideal for you! As a license

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

holder for 4 territories in Melbourne. This business has been established for 1.5

vnm magazine

0 ,5 00 $4



hairdressing and in addition to this, offers a range of other services including nails, make up, waxing, tanning and is a very popular destination for wedding hair and make up packages.With takings of $4,000 per week and rent of just $2,098 pcm

Located in picturesque Daylesford, Victoria’s one and only Spa Country town, this

and long lease terms available, this business would make an ideal financial and

hair and beauty business for sale is in the perfect destination to encounter real

lifestyle investment!

relaxation and rejuvenation. The salon is offers all aspects of mens and womens

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326

0 ,9 50 3 $1



in a way that it would easily be transformed into something else. Takings of $8,200 per week with only 4 hrs operating a day (7 days, the upstairs residence is being

This fantastic restaurant business for sale offers a prime location & spacious prem-

constantly rented, Seating of 36 and 8 out front. Commercial Lease of 2x5,Rent

ises as well as a two-bedroom residence upstairs! Located on the famous Bridge

$4,922 pcm no GST.

road Richmond it has been operating for over 5 years and steadily growing in takings each year. It is currently specializing in the European cuisine but has been set up


0 0,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.




to clients across Melbourne. There isn’t a sushi or noodle bar within a 5 kilometre radius of this location leaving a big gap in the cafe/takeaway food market for the

Located in a busy shopping square in Doncaster East, with a large amount of traf-

new owner to zone in on. Very long lease terms available with options of 4x4x2x2,

fic passing daily, by both foot & car, the potential that this business has is endless!

giving the new owner peace of mind that they will be able to trade long into the

In addition to this, the shopping centre is located just minutes from the Eastern


Freeway, which links to EastLink & the Monash Freeway, making it very accessible

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

A .P O .




separate entry to the cafe which could allow you to sub lease or live in a great location with the beach directly behind you . The cafe has had major renovations including an outdoor area with a seating capacity of 80 people and and has a rear

Cafe Businesses for sale with Absolute Business Brokers, this cafe business for

entry for those customers coming from the Coles carpark. Ttaking approximate-

sale in Chelsea is now available to purchase. and all reasonable offers will be

ly $10,000 per week and has a solid lease of 10 years, also has a 11pm liquor

considered.The cafe business for sale has a 3 bedroom Residency which has a

licence. Further information can be obtained by calling Lee Panagiotidis on 0433-296-438.


9 9,9



drinks as well as foccacias, cakes and other food with simple preparation. The shop has no cooking onsite, making it a very simple operation to run. Trading 5 days per

Located in a small lane way, just off High Street, near Kew Junction, this small & bou-

week from 7.30am to 3.30pm and Saturday mornings, the business is operated by it’s

tique coffee and sandwich shop that enjoys the hustle and bustle of Kew without the

owner as well as the assistance of 1 full time and 1 part time employee.Low rent of just

high rent that comes with such a location. The business has a seating capacity for 20

$1,586 per calendar month and has long lease terms of 3x3x3 years available.

people, creating a small and intimate atmosphere and salls a range of coffees & cold

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A



3 franchise businesses in addition to the stock warehouse of the very popular franchise. With 3 locations at major Melbourne shopping centres, as well as the

This well known franchise started 8 years ago and with its unique concept and fun

warehouse, the combined takings of these locations is on average $38,000 per

environment, challenges the conventional business strategy of traditional tea and

week.All store locations are run under management for shopping centre hours and

coffee shops. The product is an extraordinary and unique beverage experience

the warehouse is open 4 days per week and run by 1 part time staff member

unlike any you’ve have ever tasted. This is a very unique opportunity to purchase

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



owners & has developed a large loyal customer base. The premises is spacious & well equipped with a cool room, double rack oven & double rack prover. Taking

This delightful bakery business for sale is situated in a busy shopping area in

$8,000 per week, the business opens 7 days from 7am to 6pm, and goes through

this western suburb. Established 7 years ago by the vendor, the business is well

5kg of flour per day. Rent of $5,000 per month & long lease of 3x3.

equipped & offers a prime business for a baker to take over & continue to grow. Serving the locals for over 7 years, this business has been nurtured by the current

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,9 00 $4



cakes and pastries. Unfortunately there has been family trouble and just after 6 weeks of trade the owners have to sell this great business for under set up cost. Key

This fully set up Cafe and Bakery business for sale is located on the historical street

Features: Brand new set up costing over $100,000, Great Rent of $525 pw.New 3x3

in lovely Kyneton with ample foot traffic and a great reputation. It is the go to part

year commercial lease. Owners were averaging $4,000 pw takings in such a short

of town for fine dining and tourism. The owners have set up this café and bakery

time. Huge potential to grow.

business to be able to manufacture all the food onsite, including sour dough bread,

Call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

A .P O .




staff. Currently trading on average $15,000 per week. Excellent website in place with potential to introduce online shopping and orders for further future growth and

Excellent opportunity for an easy to run business with little experience or qualifi-

exposure.Supplying a large variety of party and event products including station-

cation necessary to run. Located in Melbourne’s west suburb Melton. Established

ary, decor, storage, balloons and gifts. Very sturdy lease of 5x5x5x5 options.

and successfully run for nearly a decade by owners who are now looking to sell for

Rent $4560pcm.

a lifestyle change.Trading 7 days per week with assistance from a small team of

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine



0 0 , 0




with an offering of over 1,000 unique products delivered anywhere in Australia. The first year audited financials (available on request) show significant growth in

This is online business for sale is a retail shopping website with a focus on provid-

the last 12 months projecting revenue of around $4 million in the coming year. In-

ing customers highly competitive pricing along with unique and new product offers

vestment capital of $400,000 for initial business setup costs including professional

daily. In just 12 months this Online Business For Sale has established a foothold in

stock management software, office & I.T. infrastructure, warehousing requirements.

a highly competitive market gaining a contact base of around 300,000 customers

Further information can be obtained by calling Lee Panagiotidis on 0433-296-438.

. A . P. O


makeup station, and spray tan set up. Well staffed. Taking $10,000 per week the vendor only works part time so this could be an opportunity to maintain part time working

Established 3 years, this premier boutique salon offers a prime location in a shopping

hours or move yourself in full time & profit more & grow more! Rent of $3900 per

hub in this constantly growing suburb in the north. Lots of foot traffic & parking at the

month with long lease of 4x4x4x4he business comes with a large loyal customer base,

door as well as easy accessibility by public transport. No expense spared in the the

offering regular & specialty services such as weddings.

fit out, the salon is beautifully laid out with 8 stations, 2 washbasins, 1 beauty room,

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

0 ,0 00 5 $3


healthy food, and has won numbers awards for both food and their high quality of service.The business is currently run under management by 3 full time, 1 part time

This is an exceptional opportunity to purchase an award winning Indian restaurant

and 3 casual employees. The restaurant boasts a large function room upstairs

and function centre business for sale. Located in the south eastern suburbs, close

that has it’s own commercial kitchen and bar. Seating capacity for 65 people down-

to the Monash Freeway, allowing excellent access to the business from a wide

stairs and 75 people upstairs.

range of areas across Melbourne. The business prides itself on offering fresh and

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



menu. TAKING a respectable $11,000 per week on average. Long 4x4x4 LEASE offers excellent SECURITY. RENT of $5,070 per month INCLUDING GST & outgo-

Located in EPPING, one of Melbourne’s fastest growing suburbs in the Northern

ings. SEATING for 16 inside plus 6 outside. Established more than 20 years as a

Growth Corridor, this successful PIZZA SHOP is a PROFITABLE business with

pizza shop. Large COMMERCIAL KITCHEN area with plenty of space

room to grow! Operating with a conveyor oven and serving customers PIZZA and PASTA, the spacious kitchen in the business can easily cater for additions to the

Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989

. .P O.A



ment only. With 7 treatment rooms the business has excellent capacity for growth and selection of services.New owner can boost exposure further by introducing a

Well located on a busy arterial road, the business has an abundance of traffic pass-

stronger online presence to further excel this business potential.The business has

ing on a daily basis as well as being surrounded by supermarkets, cafes and located

attractive rent of just $659 per week and long lease terms of 3x3x3 years.

along the tram line, the business has a location that is second to none! Currently trading just 3 days per week, the business does open on a fourth day by appoint-



0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




equipped to provide all printing solutions & a large loyal customer base. Taking $265,000 per annum the business operates Monday to Friday, with just the ven-

This leading sign business for sale offers a complete range of imaging solutions

dors operating the business. The business offers installations as well as providing

including teardrop banners, feather banners, vehicle graphics, window displays

graphic products by delivery.Rent of $30,000 per annum including residence, and

& indoor/outdoor displays. High profile location in the south east and attached

lease of 3 years.

residence upstairs. Established 7 years ago by the vendor, this business is well

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine



0 0 , 9




opportunity may also be suitable for builders or handymen who want to balloon the already good profit margins by doing some of the installations themselves.

A superbly located showroom and efficient marketing strategy also brings in a

$480,000 Annual Sales approximately with loads of room to grow. Rent of only

steady and lucrative retail income to the business. Staffing is kept very basic and

$2,759 PCM.

consists mainly of subcontractors doing installations. The owner’s main functions involve Quotes, orders, organizing deliveries and basic admin work. This

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. A . P. O



cellent reputation and is known for it’s high quality workmanship as well as affordable pricing and guaranteed customer satisfaction.Currently operated by the vendor for ap-

This well established cleaning business for sale has been well established by it’s

proximately 35 hours per week, the vendor allows themselves a rest day on Sundays

current owner for 5 years and is based in the south eastern suburbs. Offering a wide

and manages all bookings over 6 days of the week.

range of services including, but not limited to carpet cleaning, duct cleaning, tile grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning & scotch guarding. The business has established an ex-

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


Currently taking in excess of $1.9 million per annum, there will be a new lease offered to the purchaser at a rental of $39,000 per annum. The business offers

This secutity business for sale has a large and diverse client base and offers secu-

services to clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has 6 reliable and qualified

rity services for corporate buildings, shopping centres as well as special or public

staff members in addition to the full time owner.

events. Other services offered include but are not limited to corporate concierge service, risk management, private investigation and alarm monitoring.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



fashion conscious woman whose hectic lifestyle requires durable yet stylish styles. The Vendor works in the business on a part time basis and has the assistance of

This business for sale located in Melbourne’s iconic shopping village, Mailing Road

3 casual employees. Currently enjoying takings of $8,000 per week and rent of

Canterbury is exclusively listed with Absolute Business Brokers. The business

$3,400 per calendar month gives this business extra appeal.

has been established for 26 years and has built itself an excellent reputation for local and imported labels. The Vendor has made a wide range of clothes for the

Further information can be obtained by calling Lee Panagiotidis on 0433-296-438.

0 ,0 00 7 $1



tiful Hair Salon For Sale is surrounded by many complimentary businesses, ample free parking and over the years built a large loyal client base. Key Features, $9,000

This AHC Accredited Gold Select Salon is one of the best in the area with a reputa-

+ takings per week ,14 Work Stations. 3 Basins with room for more , 1 Beauty Room

tion second to none. This Hair Salon For Sale is partly under management with the

1 Spray Tan Room,1 Spare storage/ staff room. Long Lease in place. 5 Days only

owner only spending 2 days in the business. Operating for only 5 days per week, ample opportunity exist to grow the already high average weekly sales. This beau-


0 5,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.




for an experienced hairdresser to bring in their clientele to grow much further, or a great start for a hairdresser wanting to go into business for themselves! A bright

This bright hair & beauty salon business for sale offers a prime location directly op-

entrance with floor to ceiling windows, the salon is well laid out with 6 stations, 2

posite a train station & surrounded by shops & a large residential district, as walk-

basins, 1 beauty room, 1 nail station & a tan room. It also comes with 2 car parks.

ing distance to the water’s edge! Established 5 years, the vendor only works part

Cheap rent of $660 per week.

time so majority of work is taken on by full time staff, so this is an ideal opportunity

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O


basis.Currently run under management with 2 full time chefs and 6 casual wait staff, the staff are reliable & capable of operating this restaurant. The new owner

This is an opportunity to own an iconic restaurant in Sassafrass! Flippin’ Pancakes

could continue to run the business in this manner, or convert it to an owner/opera-

has been established for 40 years and has a very long and colourful history. Well

tor model.With takings of $800,000 per annum and excellent profits.

positioned on Mount Dandenong Road, the restaurant has prominent signage to make it noticeable to the thousands of local and tourist cars that pass it on a daily

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O



Established over 15 years, this business operates Monday to Saturday offering both florist services & retail gift. The vendor is the florist with 3 casual staff assisting with

In the hub of a busy shopping district in the south east sits this bright florist & gift shop

sales, so this is a prime opportunity for an experienced florist to get into an affluent

business for sale. Long established & well cared for, this business offers beautiful

market. Rent of $5,276 per month with lease remaining of 1x5.

floral arrangements & an array of gifts & hampers. It also features a bonus 2 bedroom apartment so you can live onsite, surrounded by shops & public transport!

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


Kids shoe BRANDS include Geox, Bocorocco, Bibi, Bopi, Geisswiein, Hush Puppies, Mod 8, Mega Foot and more! Stocking CLOTHING labels including Baby

Fantastic children’s SHOES and CLOTHING retail business for sale located in

Limited, Turtle, and Prima Vera. Excellent opportunity for FIRST TIME BUYER

lovely north-eastern suburb of WATSONIA.ESTABLISHED 22 years

looking for a business to build up. $1,800 per month RENT for LARGE 105 SQM.

Primarily selling QUALITY children’s shoes and some CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES. Stocking quality brands from AUSTRALIA, EUROPE and SOUTH AMERICA

Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989

vnm magazine

. A . O P.


REF:B12017 This particular Healthy Habits business for sale is located in a busy shopping cen-

Healthy Habits opened its first store in 1992 and began franchising in 2004. Since

tre food court that enjoys a heavy and steady flow of customers visiting the centre.

then they have grown to 27 stores on the Eastern Seaboard of Australia, with a

The business has takings of $9,500 per week with the Vendor claiming very good

further store in New Zealand. They offer excellent support to their franchisees

net profits.

including proven systems and procedures, training and ongoing support.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A



lunch time in addition to before and after work. In order to cater to clients needs, the business has specifically designed it’s group fitness timetable to enable clients

The gym boasts a high profile location on a major arterial road that connects the

to train at lunch time.The business currently opens from 5am to midnight to allow

eastern suburbs to the CBD. Prominent signage at the entrance ensures the

clients to train at times that are convenient to them.

business is well noticed by passing traffic. The business is positioned in a business park, with a large number of clients working locally and able to access the gym at


0 9,0

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




3 Bedroom accommodation is a key feature of this great opportunity. This can either be used as a residence or as extra beauty/ treatment rooms etc.

At this price it will go quick, so call ASAP if you want to be in the run to get this

Key Feature. 8 Work Stations. 3 Basins with room for more. 3 Bedroom apartment

once in a lifetime opportunity. This Hair Salon Business for sale is located on a

/ Potential beauty rooms, 1 Spray Tan Room. 1 Spare storage/ staff room

main road with ample parking and supporting businesses around it. Operating for only 5 days per week, with a ample capacity to grow the weekly sales.

vnm magazine

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.



0 0 , 0




Huge potential to grow. Owner happy to stay on and train. Great relationships already built with supply chain in China. They have a great range of Lamps that suit

This Online Wholesale Business for Sale specializes in Lighting and Lamps.

any home or office. Register your interest today and call the broker, opportunity like

They are renowned for stylish and affordable lamps. Located in Carrum Downs

this will not last long.

they mostly sell online and through Agents interstate. Mostly Online Sales. Very Low Overheads. Sells Australia Wide. Turn Over $150,000 per annum plus

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . P. O



for sale currently trades very short hours - from 5pm until late 6 nights per week. The restaurant has established a reputation for high quality Italian and pizza cuisine as well

This is your chance to own a slice of pizza history! This iconic pizza restaurant

as an intimate dining experience in a relaxed atmosphere, that has kept customers

business for sale was the very first pizza restaurant to open it’s doors in the northern

coming back for 48 years!The business boasts takings of $10,000 per week with very

suburbs of Melbourne way back in 1967! It has retained it’s original roots, having nev-

good profits and long lease terms available to the purchaser.

er been anything other than a Italian pizza restaurant. This pizza restaurant business

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


customers a variety of SERVICES including; makeup, facials, massage, tanning, manicure, pedicure, eyelash tinting/extensions, acrylics and more. 3 stylish BEAU-

This warm and inviting beauty business has been serving customers for 12 years,

TY ROOMS. Separate TANNING ROOM. Additional storeroom/office and spacious

and during that time has developed a very dedicated client base. Clients return

kitchenette. 3 NAIL TABLES plus 2 PEDI CHAIRS. Using the KRONOS beauty

regularly to the business for the high quality of service that has been maintained

management software. Fantastic 8,000 clients in DATABASE

by the current vendor. Excellent $6,500 weekly average TAKINGS. Offering

Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



increasing the visiting traffic to the area.Serving a large range of foccacias, sandwiches, cakes and slices as well as coffee, the business boasts excellent reviews

This cafe and takeaway business for sale is an excellent opportunity for an experi-

on Urbanspoon, encouraging returning customers. There are excellent lease

enced operator to take over an established business that is bursting with potential.

terms available to the purchaser, with rent of $2,488 per calendar month and lease

An excellent location on Whitehorse Road that boasts a large amount of passing

options of 5x5 years.

traffic by car and foot. In addition, the number 109 tram travels along the road,

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,5 00 $9



the store due to other business interests and are ready to move on.Taking $220,000 per annum. Rent is $4,500 pcm including GST. Boasts one of the newest set ups

Wendy’s sells an extensive range of treats and snacks including ice-cream, hot dogs,

Business is currently breaking even due to no involvement of owner. Franchise Fee

smoothies and cakes as well as offering a fantastic range of fat-free products for the

6% plus 4% Marketing.

health conscious consumer. This particular store is located in a busy Mornington East Shopping Centre and is run under full management. The owners do not work in

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.




has a long list of regular and loyal clientele.The business has takings of $4,000 per week and is operated by it’s two owners on a full time basis. The business trades

This beauty salon business for sale has everything you could ask for in an existing

5 days per week, being closed on Sundays & Mondays and enjoys a late start to

business - a fantastic location with no direct competition, an immaculately fit out

trade on Tuesdays. Rent of just $1,980 per calendar month and options of 3x3

salon and excellent SEO rankings on Google! The salon has been established for


3 years by it’s current owner and they have built a solid beauty salon business, that

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine

. A . P. O


Open 5 ½ days. Rent $4,163 pcm including G.S.T. The business is run by a husband and wife team with the help of casual staff. WIth a great location this

Located in the thriving Macendon Ranges suburb Sunbury is this Immaculately

business if ready to go to the next level. Call the broker today and register your

presented Butcher Shop Business for Sale.The business sells a large range of

interest before you miss out.

fresh grass fed meat & poultry at excellent prices, encouraging shoppers to come back. The fit out is in Excellent Condition. Takings averaging $8,000 pw

Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . P. O



That’s ok. The business is suitable to a new owner that has a broad practical skill set with a good understanding for management skills.Excellent opportunity to be your own

Hire A Hubby has been operating as a National Handyman Franchise Business since

boss and run your own business- with the support and reputation of a franchise that

1996. Personal time is precious, fewer people now have the handyman skill set to be

has exceeded revenue of over $50 million in the last reported year!

able to undertake renovation and maintenance tasks successfully, and as such, Hire A Hubby has carved out a great niche in an expanding market. Not a skilled tradesman?

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


ness has a license for this northern suburb & operates with 3 contractors leading the classes. The premises are laid out with equipment that is utilised throughout

This reputable fitness gym brand now has an opportunity for a new member to get

the fitness classes, and also offers some open times for clients to use the equip-

their foot in the door in the northern suburbs with this well known workout business

ment as they choose. Rent of $2,887.50 per month with 2 years left on the lease,

for sale! The focus is on group training, concentrating on movement & workouts

could be relocated after that or lease could be extended

that provide an overall fitness at high intensity. Established 2 years ago, this busi-

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

. A . O P.



shops, delis and butchers, there is always an abundance of traffic passing daily. The business trades 6 days per week, being closed on Sundays and the Vendors

This is one very busy retail fashion business! Having been established since 1988

are assisted in running the store by 2 full time, 1 part time and 2 casual employee.

by it’s current owner, the business has always kept up with current trends in wom-

The business currently has no online presence which could be utilised to increase

en’s fashion, to keep customers coming back! Located on one of the busiest strip

the reach of the business as well as sales through an online store.

shopping centres in Melbourne’s north, amongst restaurants, cafes as well as fruit

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A



currently run by capable and efficient staff members. The business has very reasonable rent of $3,400 per calendar month and good lease terms of 3x3 years.

Here is an opportunity in Gippsland to acquire a well established cafe and takeaway

This business would make an excellent lifestyle change for someone looking for a

business for sale with a 35 year trading history! Located on the main street of Mor-

quite country town or an excellent investment for a savvy operator.

well, the business enjoys a continuous flow of passing traffic daily. Currently taking $10,000 per week, the business trades Monday to Friday from 5.30am to 2pm and is

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.




thoroughfare to the supermarket and in the arcade with green grocer, butcher and Bakers Delight. In addition to this, it is located within 5km radius are 9 secondary

This is a fantastic business opportunity for an experienced business operator or

schools, 13 primary schools and approximately 12 preschools/daycare centres.

someone looking to escape the grind and work for themselves! This retail shoe

The business currently has a database of over 640 customers and a very well set

business for sale has been set up and run by it’s current owner for 12 months

out website.

and is now ready for a fresh set of hands! The business is well located in the

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine



0 9 , 9



This gem is virtually under full management with the current owner spending very little, if any, time on the floor. Takes approximately $17,000 pw. Long Lease in

The bookstore side of the business is a great add on to the well equipped Cafe. It

place .Ample foot traffic, Busy road, main Tram Route. Liquor License in place

is easy to run and very profitable as they not only sell new books but have a book

CBD Fringe Location. Easy to run.

exchange program where people bring back their old books as credit towards another pre-loved book, making money from the same books over and over again.


0 9,5

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.




es, fresh juices and focaccias as well. FULL COMMERCIAL KITCHEN, but no chef required for this easy to run opportunity. SHORT Daytime hours only 6:30 am – 3:30

Located in the center of town right across the road from Chelsea Train Station is this

pm except Fridays late trading, NO SUNDAYS. 15 Kg COFFEE PER WEEK with am-

Café business for sale. Once people get off the train the café has window service set

ple room to increase. TAKINGS of $5,000 per week. Weekly rent of $686 PW INC GST

up as customers use the pedestrian crossing and walk right to the store. The Café enjoys a Vegan style menu but offers customers all the other basics as pies, sandwich-

Call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. .P O.A


in this iconic location, this business operates Monday & Tuesday evenings, then 2 separate openings for lunch & dinner each other day closing 11pm each night.

This beautiful iconic restaurant business for sale located by the beach in this

Taking $1,600,000 per annum. Spacious premises offer seating for 70 downstairs,

highly sought after location, has been an institution for 18 years and is now ready

50 upstairs, 30 outside, and 20 for private functions. Liquor licence until 1am. Full

for the next owner.A highly rated restaurant on Urban Spoon, this successful

commercial kitchen. Long lease of 5x5x5 with rent of $12,700 pcm

business is fully staffed and could be run under management.Established 18 years

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine

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