VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 011

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ISSUE 011 OCT 2015

Does the China Free Trade Agreement Threaten Aussie Jobs?

NEW APPLE IPAD PRO China’s Baby Boom hailed as the golden Era for Australian Farmers


UFC’s highest paid fighter


Beijing is one of the most visited cities in the world

Spotlight on Guy Kawasaki


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China’s Baby Boom hailed as the golden Era for Australian Farmers Australia’s free trade agreement with China is expected to be in place for the dairy industry by the end of the year, making exporting more affordable.

Does the China Free Trade Agreement Threaten Aussie Jobs? The memorandum allows substantially Chinese-owned companies to build large infrastructure projects such as mines and power stations worth more than $150 million.

Apple iPad PRO

Apple’s latest edition to the iPad family was designed with productivity in mind.

Visit Beijing

Beijing is one of the most visited cities in the world. Every year, millions of visitors flock to Beijing to see the capital of China, a great blend of old and new.

Spotlight on Guy Kawasaki and 10 simple steps in start up business Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva, an online, graphics-design service, trustee of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Ronda Rousey

In September 2015 she revealed on Ellen that she is currently the UFC’s highest paid fighter, male or female.

Business for Sale

Over 100 businesses for sale.





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ustralia’s free trade agreement with China is expected to be in place for the dairy industry by the end of the yearmaking exporting more affordable. During the next decade China will scrap import tariffs — some as high as 19 per cent — on everything from milk powder to yoghurt, fresh milk and cheese. Without doubt, the brightest star in the dairy sector is baby formula. The world’s most populous nation has seen a baby boom since the relaxation of the one child policy and demand for milk-related products is booming! “At the moment this year, it’s around an $18 billion infant formula market in China,” Judith Swales, Australian managing director of Fonterra, the world’s largest dairy processor, said. “By 2018, that’ll be around $33 billion. So you look and say not only is the growth absolutely huge, but it’s the quality of the growth that is also giving people the confidence to invest, and that’s not just the processors but also the farmers,” Ms Swales said. Fonterra is a farmer-owned New Zealand co-operative that owns and operates 10 factories in Australia. 04



In 2008, in what became known as the Chinese milk “We’ve invested $NZ7 sca ndal, infant formula an 40 mild lion to buy an 18.8 pe milk was adulterated wi r cent th stake in Beingmate, th e largest melamine, a toxic compound infant formula player that made products ap in the pear to Chinese market with aro ha ve a higher protein co und a ntent. 10 per cent share,” Ms Swales A reported six babies die said. d as well as 300,000 affected vic“So that gives us part tims from the consum of their ption of business and it gives us th e tainted formula. access to their sales engine. “It sparked a revolutio n in “That’ll include access China for the consumer to to 80,000 points of sale th become far more discer at they ning,” have, 1,000 stores that Steve Spencer, a Melbo they urneown, and 20,000 mater ba sed dairy analyst, said. nal advisers, advising Chine se moth“And therefore the Go ers how to feed their ba vernbies.” ment is far more discer ning Such joint ventures are becom- about how they source product. ing more common. “Scandals from time to time in “As well as providing th that market help beca e use they industry here with acc generate strong intere ess to st from markets through marke co nsumers who can afford ting to and distribution capabil pay higher prices for im ities, ported you’re also getting the product.” expertise coming from the As ian Reports currently show economy back into th some is region, Au stralian fresh milk has plus capital to build th been e new selling in China for mo facilities,” Mr Harvey re than said. $9 a litre - “The opportu nity Even more vital is the to feed Asia is an enormou assurs ance that Australian da one for the Australian iry agriculproducts comply with tural industry” analyst the Michael highest possible food Harvey of Rabobank sai safety d. standards.

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DOES THE CHINA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT THREATEN AUSSIE JOBS? The memorandum allows substantially Chineseowned companies to build large infrastructure projects such as mines and power stations worth more than $150 million.


rade Minister Andrew Robb told ABC radio the agreement would net Australia billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs. But not everyone is so enthusiastic Unions said the deal threatens Australian jobs The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is particularly concerned about workers on large infrastructure projects run by Chinese companies. Unions say the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement “allows Chinese companies to bring in their own workforce for projects over $150 million and removes the requirement that jobs be offered to local workers first.” We’ve taken a look at the agreement to analyse how secure Aussie jobs will really be with these new policies in place.The China free trade agreement includes a separate memorandum of understanding on large infrastructure projects and is one of the first of its kind in an Australian free trade agreement.



“Free trade or economic agreements with South Korea and Japan include clauses that set out the terms for the movement of “natural persons”, essentially skilled and professional workers and business people, but the memorandum goes well beyond these categories to include semi- and low-skilled workers,” states Stuart Rosewarne, an expert on international migration at the University of Sydney. The memorandum allows substantially Chineseowned companies to build large infrastructure projects such as mines and power stations worth more than $150 million. It sets out a three-step process for bringing in workers on these large projects. The first step is that the substantially Chinese-owned project company, represented by the China International Contractors Association, establishes with the Foreign Affairs and Trade Department that the project is eligible for an infrastructure “investment facilitation arrangement” under the free trade agreement. The second step is that the Chinese company negotiates the infrastructure arrangement with the Immigration Department. Details that are subject to negotiation include the jobs, English language proficiency of the workers, and their qualifications and experience. The memorandum says the infrastructure arrangement will set out “guaranteed occupations and the terms and conditions against which overseas workers can be nominated for a temporary skilled visa for the purposes of the eligible project”. But the memorandum also states “there will be no requirement for labour market testing to enter into an [infrastructure arrangement]”.

Labour market testing means a company has to prove there are no Australians who can do a job before temporary visas are granted for foreign workers. The third step is that each employer involved in the project sets up a "labour agreement" with the Immigration Department. The memorandum states that a labour agreement will set out the number and type of jobs needed for the project and "the sponsorship obligations associated with the labour agreement, including any requirements for labour market testing". A footnote to the memorandum says that "where labour market testing is required, employers may satisfy this requirement by demonstrating that they have first tested the Australian labour market and not found sufficient suitable workers".The project agreement program was set up to allow Australian companies to bring in skilled and semiskilled temporary overseas workers to fill labour shortages on infrastructure or resource development projects. "It provides a flexible, tailored skilled migration arrangement for business and sectors with specific needs that sit outside the mainstream skilled migration programme," according to the immigration department's information. Michael Walker, a visa services manager with TSS Immigration, a company specialising in employer sponsored migration,

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told ABC Fact Check that labour market agreements gave the Immigration Department very wide-ranging discretion. “It is not subject to as much black and white law as the standard business sponsor process for a 457 visa,” he said. The written agreement does state that Chinese companies can set up a large infrastructure project without testing the market to see if there are Australian workers to do the jobs. It also says that when issuing visas for these jobs, labour market testing is done “where required” and both the Foreign Affairs and Immigration Departments say companies will have to advertise jobs on these projects to local workers first.But the agreement does not specify that labour market testing must occur before visas are granted and the Department told Fact Check that requirement could be waived in “unique and exceptional circumstances”.Experts confirm the China free trade agreement allows the Immigration Department to decide that jobs should be offered to local workers before it issues visas to overseas workers, but it does not require this to happen. Professor Rosewarne claims there were no protections for local workers in the agreement. “The Department of Immigration might decide it’s appropriate but there’s nothing in the agreement that requires them to mandate there will be labour market testing,” he said.

Andrew Robb, ABC Radio AM, June 17, 2015 ABC TV 7.30, Free trade agreement with China comes under fire fromunions and industries, July 24, 2015 ACTU, Stop the China free trade agreement Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, outcomes at a glance, June 17, 2015 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, implementation process and timeline, June 17, 2015 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, Memorandum of understanding, Invesment facilitation agree ment, June 17, 2015 Department of Immigration and Border Protection, What is labour market testing for subclass 457? Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Fact sheet - temporary work (skilled) (subclass 457) visa Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Temporary work (skilled) (subclass 457) visa Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: myths versus realities, June 17, 2015 Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Project agreements, May 2015

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ustralia and China have signed a free trade agreement with Prime Minister Tony Abbott hailing it as “history making” for both countries. Mr Abbott and China’s commerce minister Gao Hucheng signed the deal in Canberra on the 17th of June 2015 following a decade of negotiations.

“It means that Australian consumers will pay less for cars, for clothes, for electronics and other goods imported from China.” states Mr Abbott. Australian businesses currently face tariffs of up to 40 per cent on goods exported to China.

“What we have collectively done is history making for both our countries, it will change our countries for the better, it will change our region for the better... change our world for the better,” Mr Abbott said.

“The landmark agreement will lock in our existing trade relationship with our largest trading partner, and will be a catalyst for future growth across goods, services and investment,” Trade Minister Andrew Robb said.

“This agreement will give our nations unprecedented access to each other’s markets.

Together with the Japanese and South Korean pacts, it will underpin Australia’s prosperity for years to come, he added.

“We seize this opportunity of more trade and more investment with China and we complete a trifecta of trade with our major trading partners, not only China but also Japan and South Korea.” states Mr Abbott. The Government claims more than 85 per cent of Australian goods exports will be tariff free under the deal, rising to 95 per cent upon full implementation. Dairy, beef and seafood tariffs are set to be eliminated within years, and the agreement also eliminates all of China’s tariffs on


Australian resources and energy products.


“By itself it’s hugely significant but put the three together and you really have got a set of trade agreements with over 50 per cent of our export markets,” he said. “Given what’s going on in the region, the extraordinary explosion of people going into the middle class, this is a landmark set of agreements. “It will see literally billions of dollars, thousands, many hundreds of thousands of jobs, and will underpin a lot of our prosperity in the years ahead.”

WHAT IS THE THE CHINA- AUSTRALIA FAIR TRADE AGREEMENT- QUICK FACTS • The China-Australia Free • Australian firms will Trade Agreement was signed in have some rights to sue Chinese Canberra on June 17, 2015. governments for policy changes that adversely affect their inter• According to the Deests partment of Foreign Affairs and Trade it will enhance Australia’s • Tariffs of up to 30 per trade with China, our biggest cent for beef, dairy, sheep, pork, trading partner and buyer of live animals, hides, skins and almost a third of Australia’s leather, horticulture, wine and exports. seafood to be eliminated within 2-9 years • It gives Australian exporters better access to Chinese • Tariff reductions or markets, in areas like agricultural elimination for some processed goods and education services. foods including canned fruit, orange juice, and natural honey • Consumers may see cheaper prices on Chinese manu- • If Chinese imports of factured products such as white- beef or milk powders exceed cergoods and electricals phased out- tain limits, China has the discreallowing potential of fairer trade tion to apply additional customs for Australian products. duties • Tariffs of between 3-14 per cent on various Australian manufactured exports eliminated within four years. • Guarantee that Australian tourism and hospitality operators can operate whollyowned subsidiaries in China, including hotels and restaurants

• Chinese investors in projects valued over $150 million will receive additional rights to bring in temporary migrant workers to Australia without local labour market testing

• Threshold for Foreign Investment Review Board screening of Chinese investments in “non-sensitive sectors” • Improved access to (ie. excludes agriculture, media, partnerships with Chinese firms telecoms and defence) rises from for legal and financial services in $252 million to $1,094 million. China, but 49 per cent Australian ownership limit on financial services joint-ventures

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The A9X chip is capable of processing data so quickly, it demanded a new memory architecture. iPad Pro features a revamped storage controller that helps deliver performance better than some desktop computers. This increases read and write speeds, so you can quickly open even the largest files. Like the big 4K movie you just edited or all the RAW images you imported from your HD camera.


pple’s latest edition to the iPad family was designed with productivity in mind.

Designed for work on the go- the screen will be an astonishing 12.9 inch display. With key new asccerioes such as the stylus and snap on keyboard- Apple has created a tablet that can transform into a laptop in a sleek thin deisgn. The uncompromising performance of iPad Pro is driven by some equally uncompromising technology. The A9X, our thirdgeneration chip with 64‑bit desktop‑class architecture, gives iPad Pro the power to easily take on tasks that were once reserved for workstations and PCs. And tasks you’d never consider doing on a PC. Despite this barrier-breaking performance, the A9X chip’s underlying architecture is efficient, ensuring that there’s one way in which iPad Pro isn’t massive — battery consumption. The iPad Pro — which runs on iOS, the same mobile operating system that powers the iPhone and other iPads — will launch in November starting at $799. Here’s a quick rundown of the features that should make it good for work.

12.9 INCH DISPLAY The iPad Pro is ready to ship with a supersharp 12.9-inch, 2,732 x 2,048-pixel display that gives you a lot more room to work. It’s a great size, since 13-inch laptops usually offer the best compromise between portability and productivity. And it’s noticeably larger than the Surface Pro 3’s 12.2-inch display.

SMART KEYBOARD Apple is rolling out the new Smart Keyboard with the iPad Pro. The keyboard doubles as a screen cover for the tablet when it’s not in use, then unfolds to create a kickstand .



LONGER BATTERY LIFE APPLE PENCIL Apple’s new stylus will turn the iPad Pro into a note-taking machine. Dubbed the Apple Pencil, the active pen accessory features full pressure sensitivity to make writing on the glass display feel natural.

FASTER PERFORMANCE Thanks to the new A9X processor Apple is promising that its new mobile processor has twice the memory bandwidth and storage performance of last year’s A8X processor. Apple even showed that the device is capable of running processorintensive apps like AutoCAD, a 3D design program for engineers

LONGER BATTERY LIFE Apple claims that the Pro will last for 10 hours on a full charge, which should be more than enough to get you through the longest business flights, including any stop overs.

THIN AND LIGHT DESIGN The iPad Pro will be thinner and lighter than the Surface Pro 3, which is good news for commuters and travelers. It weights a meager 1.57 lbs., compared to 1.76 lbs. for the Surface. And it’s just 0.27 inches thick, compared to 0.36 inches for the Surface.

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VISIT BEIJING CHINA Beijing is one of the most visited cities in the world. Every year, millions of visitors flock to Beijing to see the capital of China, a great blend of old and new. Beijing is a city for all seasons. You can always find something for you no matter what time you are in Beijing and and whatever your interests are. Planning a trip to Beijing? We have listed our top favourite must sees.......






National Aquatics Center, nicknamed “Water Cube”, is located in the Olympic Park, north of Beijing.It is dubbed “cube” because of its semi-transparent “bubbles” spread out all over its surface with a shape very similar to the structure of “H2O”.



If you are in a rush, you can get the most out of your visit to Beijing by hiking one of the sections of the Great Wall. The Great Wall snaking across Beijing in its northern part is about 600 kilometres long. Along the total length of the Great Wall around Beijing, there are eight major sections including Badaling, Juyongguan, Huanghuacheng, Jiankou, Mutianyu, Gubeikou, Jinshanling, and Simatai.



Chang’An Avenue is regarded as the longest and widest street in the world. It is also reputed as “The First Street in China”, one of the most significant streets in China. Chang’An Street is an east-west axis avenue starting Dongdan in the east and Xidan in the west.



Do you have the experience of taking a pedicab? In the old Beijing hutong areas, you can find the ancient transportation tools now still preserved for tourists as the main traffic tool of visiting hutongs - Beijing unique old city lanes. The neighborhoods of narrow, twisting streets represent the “real life” of Beijing.






Situated at the northwest suburb of Beijing, the Summer Palace was originally a royal garden and a temporary dwelling palace for emperors of Qing Dynasty. The water surface of its Kunming Lake is spacious like the sky, charming, gentle and appealing. In the vast mist- covered water stand the magic hills and wonder islands.


located in the southern part of Beijing, has been one of the most holy places in the whole country for more than five centuries. It is used as a complex of sacrificial buildings for the Ming and Qing emperors, and is the largest one in Beijing among several royal altars to Heaven, Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other deities or symbolic forces of Nature.

BEIJING OPERA Beijing Opera is a number of stylized action, including singing, dancing, dialogue and acrobatic fighting to tell a story or present different characters and their feelings of happiness, anger, sorrow, surprise, fear and sadness. In Peking opera there are four main types of roles: sheng (male) dan (young female), jing( painted face,male), and chou (clown, male).


Beijing duck is the local flavor of Beijing. Climbing the Great Wall, enjoying Beijing Opera and savoring Beijing Duck are the three “musts” for those visiting Beijing for the first time, which you cannot miss. The traditional method of preparing Beijing Duck has a history of over a hundred years and boasts a great reputation to this day.



“Shichahai” literally means “Ten Temples Lake”. The lake was once circled by 10 temples, hence the name. The lake was called “Haizi”, a long and square lake in Yuan Dynasty (1271 -1368). Later the lake was narrowed and divided into three connected lakes – Qianhai (Front Lake), Houhai (Back Lake) and Xihai (West lake) in Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644).


The Panda House is located in Beijing Zoo. Now the Beijing Zoo covers an area of about 50 hectares. The animal houses and enclosures, with a total floor space of 40,000 square metres, include those for pandas, elephants, brown and polar bears, tigers, hippopotami, rhinoceros, antelopes, giraffes and reptiles. vnm magazine 013


Both life and work can sometimes be hectic- you can easily find yourself in a situation where you feel stretched in both directions. A healthy balance of work-life is something everyone has heard of- but how many are actually aware of whether their own balance is in check? Feeling run- down or overworked- not sleeping too well and missed another kid’s footy practise? These simple questions below will help determine if your balance is right, to make sure you put the balance back and take control of your life! 1.

Have you recently worked more then 40 hours in a week? Yes/No


Do you sleep on average 7-8 hours per night? Yes/No


Have you recently taken time for any hobbies? Yes/No


Do you have the time to exercise three times per week? Yes/No


Have you caught up with your best friend in the last month? Yes/No


Do you find yourself able to switch off when you are home easily? Yes/No


Do you have one day a week consistently that is dedicated to yourself or immediate family? Yes/No


Do you read the paper or a book daily? Yes/ No


Do you have frequent headaches or stomach pains? Yes/No


Do you find yourself constantly checking your phone for calls or emails? Yes/No

Mostly Yes- You’re taking on too much and need to get more support either at work or at home, or both. You need to pay attention to this, because even if you can sustain highly stressful situations for a period of time, over the long term, you could incur irreversible damage to your body. Speak to your employer about taking a long weekend off, or if self employed, arrange for one night a week where your phone is switched off. You need to take the time to reboot your body and your mental state. Mostly No: You have a good fit for work and life demands. You take care of yourself. You’re at low risk of burnout and are a good role model of work-life balance for others.



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uy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist of Canva, an online, graphics-design service, trustee of the Wikimedia Foundation, and executive fellow at the Haas School of Business at U.C. Berkeley. Formerly, he was an advisor to the Motorola business unit of Google and chief evangelist of Apple. He is the author of The Art of the Start 2.0, The Art of Social Media, Enchantment to name a few out of his 13 publications. Starting a business is one of the biggest and hardest steps any entrepreneur can make. Speaking at the Wired for Wonder conference in Sydney last month, the Silicon Valley marketing pioneer discussed 10 key steps in successful start ups. 1.

Therefore, what?

“Great companies start with people asking very simple questions. When you look at Microsoft or Google or Apple, you might think that at the very start they had a grand vision of an operating system, applications, devices, gaming. You’d be surprised to learn that most of these companies start with very simple questions like, ‘Therefore, what?’ “This happens when you have a perspective, a vision, and you know in your heart that some day there will be lots of phones with cameras, and they will all be connected to the cloud — therefore, what? Therefore you start Flickr, or Snapchat, because when this vision comes true there will be so many ways to get pictures online there should be a service to tap into that.” 2.

Do you have a MVVVP?

“Most people are familiar with the concept of a minimum viable product — viable meaning you can sell it for more than it cost to make — but I would like to add ‘valuable’. A product that, to use the words of Steve Jobs, dents the universe. The final ‘v’ is validating. It should validate your vision, your perspective, your hope for the world.“ Imagine if Apple announced it was going back into the printer business, let’s apply the test. Is it viable? Absolutely. People will buy an Apple-labelled laser printer, no problem. Is it valuable? I would debate it’s not valuable. And is it validating? Does it say anything about Apple’s vision for the future? Not at all.” 3.

Are you all on the same page?

“You need to be on the same page. If some of the founders are looking at it as a lifestyle company where they’ll come in and work part time, never work weekends, come in late, and maybe quickly flip it, while others are willing to dedicate their lives, to lash themselves to the company, if the company goes down they’ll go down with it — that’s not people who are on the same page.”




What’s your business model?

“That’s the definition of a business model. [But] keep it simple. There are many ways to innovate on products and services, it’s very difficult but very rewarding if you pull it off. Don’t open up a dual front trying to innovate on your business model. You’re making your life too hard. You want a business model where it costs you $1 and you sell it for $10.” 5.

What’s your worse case scenario?

“One way of testing your assumptions is to do a bottom up analysis. Using all of our SEO magic, perhaps we can get 100,000 unique visitors to our site every month. Let’s say out of those, 1 per cent buy a case of 25 cans of dog food. That’s 25,000 cans of dog food — so we have a bit of a discrepancy. Bottom up we come up with 25,000 cans, the other way we come up with 45 million cans. Guess which side of this spectrum your results are likely to be? 6.

Whats your story?

“Make it personal. The founder of eBay tells a story that the reason he started eBay was because his wife wanted to sell her Pez dispenser collection. 7.

Are your employees better then you?

“You need to ignore irrelevancy. Everyone knows when you hire people you look at education and work experience. If you find someone with perfect educational background and perfect work experience, but does not love the product, I would make the case that work experience and background are irrelevant. “The other thing is to hire better than yourself. ‘A’ players hire ‘A+’ players, ‘B’ players hire ‘C’ players, ‘C’ players hire ‘D’ playerse. If you start hiring ‘B’ players, if you lower your standards, you’re going to be surrounded. This is called the bozo explosion.” 8.

Are you socializing?

“Social media is the best thing that ever happened to entrepreneurs because now marketing is fast, free and ubiquitous. When I started you would have to pay $75,000 for a Wall Street Journal ad. That’s not true anymore.” 9.

Are you open minded?

“The key to that is to let 100 flowers blossom. You may think you know exactly what people should do with your product or service only to find out you were wrong, that unintended customers use your product in unintended ways. Celebrate, declare victory.” 10.

Are you ready to stand up tall?

“The dangerous clown is the successful clown. Imagine you were Steve Jobs and you met [DEC founder] Ken Olsen, and you told him your idea for a personal computer, and he shut you down by saying there’s no reason why anyone would want a computer in their home. “He was a great entrepreneur, but he could not embrace the personal computer. Because if you think about it, at the time [Steve Jobs] was starting Apple, who would be a better investor, mentor, director, than someone like Ken Olsen?”

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Ronda Jean Rousey is an American mixed martial artist, judoka and actress. She is the first and current UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion, as well as the last Strikeforce Women’s Bantamweight Champion. She is undefeated in mixed martial arts, having won eleven of her twelve fights in the first round and nine by armbar. Rousey was the first U.S. woman to earn an Olympic medal in Judo at the Summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008. In 2015, Rousey was ranked number one of fifty Most Dominant Athletes Alive. Rousey trains under Gokor Chivichyan of the Hayastan MMA Academy, and Edmond Tarverdyan of the Glendale Fighting Club. She formerly trained at the Olympic Training Center in Wakefield, Massachusetts, under the guidance of Jimmy Pedro and is now part of Team Hayastan in Santa Monica, California. Rousey also trains with Romanian Leo Frîncu and Gene Lebell, along with Team Hayastan fighters such as Manny Gamburyan, Karen Darabedyan, Karo Parisyan and Sako Chivitchian. She is managed by Darin Harvey of Fight Tribe MMA. In 2012, Rousey enlisted former undefeated boxing and kickboxing champion Lucia Rijker as striking coach. Rousey is the consensus #1 pound-for-pound female MMA fighter in the world, according to MMARising, MMAWeekly, and other publications. She is ranked #1 at 135 pounds according to the Unified Women’s MMA Rankings. Fight Matrix lists her as the #1 Current Women’s MMA Bantamweight Fighter, the #1 Current Pound for Pound Women’s MMA Fighter, and the #1 Women’s MMA Fighter of all time. As of June 20, 2015, she is the #4 pound-for-pound fighter in the UFC. Rousey’s first feature film role was the 2014 film The Expendables 3. In 2015, she had roles in the films Furious 7 and Entourage. Ronda Rousey was voted on an ESPN poll as the Best Female Athlete Ever. In September 2015 she revealed on Ellen that she is currently the UFC’s highest paid fighter, male or female.



ENTOURAGE Movie star Vincent Chase, together with his boys Eric, Turtle, and Johnny, are back - and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold on a risky project that will serve as Vince’s directorial debut.

THE EXPENDABLES 3 Barney augments his team with new blood for a personal battle: to take down Conrad Stonebanks, the Expendables co-founder and notorious arms trader who is hell bent on wiping out Barney and every single one of his associates.

FURIOUS 7 Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother.

UFC 193 Rousy vs Holm. Nov 15th 2015 Etihad Stadium, Docklands, VIC

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Businesses For Sale



Businesses Now Selling



$1 2 9 , 0 0 0

REF: B12097

For over 13 years this perfectly located beauty salon has been providing the owner with a good living income, but now it is time for her to retire and slow down. Ample developments and growth in this affluent suburb will continue growth for the business for many years to come. This beauty salon for sale operates for only 6 days per week. The focus is on high end facial treatments so there is ample capacity to grow the weekly sales by adding additional services. Key Features: - 1 Wax Room - 1 Nail Room - Ample room to grow - 3 Facial Rooms Are you self driven and entrepreneurial, then this is worth looking into! CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 NOW.


P.O. A .

This cafe boasts an outstanding location in the heart of Yarraville, in a busy shopping precinct that has a wide variety of nearby shops that keep customers coming back on a daily basis. Located across the road from the cinemas as well as a short walk to Yarraville train station, the location is second to none! The rent for the location is just $2,800 per calendar month, which includes a residence upstairs that could be sub-leased to reduce overheads or for the owner to occupy to save travel time to and from work!The suburb of Yarraville is located just 8 km from the CBD and has recently become a popular and trendy neighbourhood to reside in. Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


$9 9 , 5 0 0

REF: B12116

This supplements business for sale in Epping provides fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts with the best health and well being supplements on the market. The location of the business is second to none, located on a busy road with a high volume of traffic that passes daily and plenty of parking at the front of the store, the business is also located in front of a gym and leisure centre, ensuring there is always plenty of passers by.The business trades for short hours, opening at 12pm Monday to Friday and 11am on Saturday and generates an impressive turnover of $500,000 per annum. A new lease is available to the new owner at a rent of $1,800 per calendar month, which includes outgoings, electricity and water! Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


P.O.A .


Offering a wide range of hair services including cuts and colours, keratin treatments and specialising in hair extensions. In addition, the salon stocks a huge range of hair care products including Alfa Parf, Wella SP, Wella Professional Styling, MUK Hair Care, MUK Electrical and Batiste Dry Shampoo. The beauty room is rented out to an employee who provides these services to clients, whilst reducing the rent that the vendor pays!The salon is approximately 112 square metres in size and boasts 11 hair stations, 2 wash basins, an immaculate with an all glass shop front, giving the salon a very prestigious ambience for it’s clients as well as 3 hour parking available for those longer hair and beauty treatments. Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 021

. A . O P.


good condition, so there is no money to spend for the purchaser.Trading 7 days per week, with shorter hours on Sundays, the business is run by it’s owner on a full

This popular retail fashion business for sale has been established for 15 years

time basis. This business would be an excellent opportunity for a budding fashion

and is well known within the are for it’s range of high quality women’s fashion and

designer to showcase their talents or an experienced operator looking to grow a

accessories.The shop is very well located on a busy shopping strip and enjoys a


high volume of foot traffic and cars passing daily. The fitout of the shop is in very

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,9 00 $3


pist to hit the ground running with an established business with clientele, or a great addition to an existing business that may be operating from home! Cheap rent of

This long established beauty salon in an affluent inner suburb offers a great loca-

approx $320 per week with a lease of 2 years remaining that can be extended

tion and & loyal customer base. Vendor established the business & is the only

Business has been established 10 years. Currently taking $2,500 per week.

person servicing clients, however as they are moving overseas this means that all clients can become yours! This is an ideal opportunity for a newly qualified thera-

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. A . O P.



bookkeeper and a part time mechanical maintenance employee to over see the finances and maintenance.A very simple operation, trailers are located at petrol

This business for sale provides trailer rentals and hire services at more than 20

stations across Melbourne and the hire costs are split with the petrol station.

locations across Melbourne and has trailers for hire including car carriers, 8x5

Takings are approximately $130,000 per annum and rent of just $1,000 per calen-

trailers, cage trailers, motorcycle and motorbike trailers, furniture trailers as well

dar month with new lease terms available.

as lawn mowers. The business has minimal overheads and employs a part time

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



. A . O P.


are are 5 cutting stations and 2 wash basins as well as comfortable waiting and reception area. The salon also has 2 levels above which could be used for vari-

Located in one of Melbourne’s trendiest bayside suburbs, this hair salon business

ous purposes.The salon caters for everyone - men, women, children and offers a

for sale has been established for just over a year, and in this time has earnt a

seniors discount to service for our ageing population as well.

reputation for providing the highest level of service and range of skills. The fitout of the salon is as new and immaculate, featuring a simple and modern layout. There

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


enjoys rent of $2,666 per calendar month with long lease terms of 5x5 years available.There is currently minimal online presence for the business with no website

This beauty salon business for sale is well positioned in a high profile location that

and little social media engagement. Utilising these two things as promotional

enjoys a high volume of both foot traffic and cars passing daily.Trading 5 days per

material for the business could greatly increase exposure and as a result, turnover.

week and closing between 6.30pm and 7pm to make beauty treatments accessible

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

for people who require services outside of normal business hours. The business

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . O P.


need arise.With takings of $140,000 per annum, the business enjoys a high profile location on a busy arterial road that has thousands of cars passing on a

The business was established in 2008 to provide an alternative to large,

daily basis. The gym is fully equipped with Life Fitness brand equipment and is

franchise gymnasiums by offering affordable personal & group fitness training,

well laid out to ensure the best service for it’s clients. With long lease terms of

nutritional and wellness support in a friendly environment. Currently staffed by

4x3x3 years available and rent of $2,150 per calendar month, the business is

5 fully qualified trainers and a nutritionist who understand how the business

an excellent proposition.Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

operates, enabling them to manage the business from day to day should the

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 023

0 ,3 00 $3


REF: B12043

salon has a good number of DEDICATED CLIENTS.With the current vendor unable to work in the business due to health reasons, the salon is currently operating

This hair salon boasts an excellent LOCATION and a highly attractive and MOD-

with staff only. Currently TAKING $1,500 per week without the vendor working

ERN FIT-OUT. Recently RENOVATED, this salon presents buyers the opportunity

CHEAP RENT of just $1,650 per month, 3x3 LEASE currently available, 5 Hair

to take over a TURN-KEY business and start working immediately. Suited best to

Stations, 2 Basins, Kitchenette and storage area

an OWNER-OPERATOR looking to work in the business, this long established hair

Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS 0402 225 989

. A . O P.


CAFE/RESTAURANT with a HIGHLY VISIBLE location. Currently TAKING around $5,000 PER WEEK trading from 5am till 3pm Monday to Friday. RENT of $870

Fantastic CAFE business for sale in an excellent location in SOUTH MORANG!

PER WEEK for a large premises with a great location.Full commercial kitchen with

SEATING around 60 people, this spacious CAFE business is currently only

COOL-ROOM.Currently serving around 13KG COFFEE per week.

operating 5 DAYS per week with industrial takeaway hours. With no limitations on the lease for operating hours, this business has the potential to operate as a

Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS 0402 225 989

. .P O.A


REF: B12049

to maintain high customer service standards. Currently turning over $40,000 per week. Display Fridge/Counter is approx. 21 meters long. Weekly: 35-40 lambs, 5 pigs, 8-10 bodies of beef, 8-10 argies, $4500-$5000 in chicken. Serving over 300

Outstanding position near entrance and major supermarket and outstanding pre-

customers every day. Established more than 11 years ago.

sentation; located in the heart of Langwarrin. This business for sale has been built on reputation to supply the best quality meat and has capitalized on their ability



Please call our Senior Business Broker Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

00 0 , 000 2 , $1


hungry people passing in front of the business day and night, 7 days a week. There could arguably be no better place for foot traffic in the whole of Melbourne.

This busy takeaway business for sale is located in the heart of Melbourne’s busiest

This young business is part of the very successful Mr Kitchen Brand, making it a

foot traffic area. Mr kitchen is a well known Asian street-food outlet with a warm

very attractive business to own. It already makes close to $50,000 per week in less

free flowing vibe and a spacious working area to cater to your creativity. Mr kitchen

than a year trading, so future growth is virtually a given.Under full management.

is located on one of the busiest sections of Swantons street, with thousands of

CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

. A . O P.


calendar month and boasting a 2 bedroom residence at the rear makes this a very attractive little package! An added bonus is long lease terms of 4x4 years.

This industrial cafe business for sale is a the perfect opportunity for a first time

The business has been established in it’s same location for a long period of time,

business owner and gives you the typical and highly sought after lifestyle of short

meaning it is well known in the local area.

trading hours with the good profits that come with owning an industrial cafe. Currently taking around $2,500 per week with very cheap rent of just $1,5178 per

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

0 ,0 00 8 $1


on average.This business for sale is fully equipped with 3 tyre changers, 1 four post hoist with alignment, 2 quick lifts, 4 floor jacks and all necessary equipment for tire servicing. Currently being operated by the owner, with the assistance of

Established since 1990, this family owned business prides itself on offering com-

3 casual staff. A new lease is available to the new owner, at a rental of $800 per

petitive pricing and services. It specialises mostly in the sale and fitting of second

week approx. INC G.S.T. (Building is also available for sale)

hand and new tyres and wheel alignments, it boasts takings of $10,000 per week

Further information about this opportunity call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

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. A . O P.


REF: B12055

high volume of foot & vehicular traffic, with parking & public transport to the door.Taking $10,000 per week with great net profit, the business operates 6 days per week from

On a busy shopping strip in this affluent suburb sits this busy, long established bakery

6.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday & 6.30am to 2pm on Saturday.The premises are well

and pastries business for sale in the south east. Serving the locals for 27 years, 17 of

equipped with a triple deck oven, cool room, prover, 3 door freezer & storage container

those with the existing vendor, the business is now ready for its next owner.High profile

Cheap rent for the area of $2,756 per month & long lease of 2x4x4.

location on a busy shopping strip in an affluent bayside suburb, the business sees a

Further information can be obtained by calling Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


and foot traffic! Currently taking $10,000 per week on average the business is easy to run and boasts the support of a successful franchise model for training and

Bonbons Bakery is an Australian & International food franchise brand, with retail

assistance.Experience in business or hospitality is not essential- ideal for first time

stores specialising in ‘Grab & Go’ Asian & Western style freshly baked bread based

business owners looking for successful business to run!

products, hot & cold beverages and cakes & treats. Located near Coles in the

To obtain further information regarding this business for sale please contact

Broadmeadows Shopping Centre- this establishment has had excellent exposure

Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 today.

A .P O .



2 Wash basins. Private beauty treatment room equipped for tanning and wax. Plenty of storage . Back room for further treatments or break area. Currently trading $6,500 per

An outstanding, high quality presented salon now available on the market! Established

week with excellent reputation in the community and neighbouring areas, very strong

for just under 4 years, the salon provides a range of hair and beauty services. Double

social media presence and stylish website all included! Rent is only $2,200 pcm!

storey corner location with huge exposure and foot traffic in the heart of Warragul.

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or

Very spacious premises with excellent views and stylish modern decor. 6 cutting stations

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.




0 9,0



want a simple to run business, or if you have the skills to add to this, then this is a must to see. The premises also include a 4 room residential upstairs area. Great

This easy to run cafe business for sale is located in the heart of Malvern, one of

location for a working couple who want to live there. Takings were up to $6,000 pw

Melbourne’s most sought after suburbs. Due to ill health the current owner needs

before the vendors health issues.

a quick sale. With a setup of over $200,000 this is a steal for an enthusiastic entrepreneur. No baking is done on site, so no baking skills are necessary. If you

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

. .P O.A


cream or Italian gelato.The great location, dazzling looks of the shop and the delicious display of the gelato makes this business for sale a very well known local attraction.


This highly sought after business for sale is located in one of Melbourne’s most trendy

Products are made on site with the owner having 2-3 employees on at all times during

food strips, next to restaurants and a major cinema complex in Knox Ozone. A wide

the Spring-Summer time and 1-2 employees during Autumn-Winter.Currently taking

range of gelato and ice cream provide ample choice for the many pedestrians passing by

$7,500 per week on with the warmer months averaging around $15000 per week.

every day and evening.Trampoline is known for its premium dairy products, artisan ice

For further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


staff but business would suit a two person team as mainly two people are needed to operate the business.Great trading hours makes this a lifestyle business only

This industrial takeaway business for sale has been established for over 25 years.

open 5 days per week from 7am to 3pm. Outside seating area available for cus-

It is well equipped with the current owner keeping all equipment serviced and in

tomers, it is mostly hearty food being offered with no special cooking skills needed.

great condition.Currently the business is averaging $3,500 per week in takings with great Rent of $1,767 pcm inc GST. The owner runs the business with 2 Part Time

For further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 027

. A . O P.


tablets and servers. As well as excellent online service, the business offers a traditional sales service, in person with its customers. The business is currently taking

Specialising in the sales of notebook and laptop computers, this online computer

$100,000 per calendar month and has rent of $5,200 per calendar month.

business for sale has a wide range of products and offers a quality service to it’s

Trading 6 days per week, with a closing time of 3.30pm on Saturdays.

customers. The well set out website allows customers to search through a wide range of notebooks as well as desktop computers and accessories including

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


outstanding takings in excess of $3.2 million per annum with excellent net profits. The business enjoys rent of just $2,750 per calendar month and a new lease is

This busy fence and gate construction business for sale has been established

available to the purchaser. This business could be run under management or

for 12 years and has built itself an excellent reputation for quality products and

continue as is with new owner.

service.Offering a wide range of products including traditional pailing fencing and gates as well as Colorbond, pool/tubular, merbau and steel slat.The business has

A .P O .

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



mercial kitchen as well as a private function room that is available for hire. In addition to this, the business boasts a full liquor licence until midnight.Trading 6

This busy restaurant business for sale’s location is spectacular! Riverfront

days per week for lunch (11am to 3pm) and dinner (5pm to 11pm), the business

views at Docklands give the customers an amazing outlook to enjoy whilst

is currently taking $8,000 per week, the business has long lease terms of 5x5

enjoying the cuisine.The business is fully equipped with a seating capacity of


230 people inside and 60 people outside, 2 walk in cool rooms and a full com-

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.





0 0 , 0



been spared in the set up of this business with over 250 seats available ranging from table seating to booths, kids play room that also features play stations and TV

Outback Jacks Bar & Grill is a restaurant that offers relaxed casual dining with full

area, full bar facilities, wine room, and much more. The business is currently taking

bar facilities. It is a franchise business with flexible franchisor.This particular busi-

around $40,000 per week and has been steadily growing.

ness for sale is located in the Knox Ozone shopping precinct at Knox Shopping Centre and has existed for many years right next to the Cinemas. No expense has

Call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

. .P O.A


sales advice & service as well as servicing and diagnosing mechanical issues with all makes of motorbikes and jet skis with its qualified and experienced service

This motorcycle dealership business for sale is a fantastic opportunity for an astute

team.The business has excellent takings of $2.6 million per annum and is currently

business minded person with a passion for motorbikes to combine their hobby &

trading 5 1/2 days per week, closing at 1pm on Saturday to allow the remainder of

career! The current owners love motorbikes and now the is opportunity is available

the week to be spent riding your own bike or jet ski!

for another motorbike enthusiast.The business provides the community with quality

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. .P O.A


per week with late night trade on Wednesdays & Thursdays, the business trades until 3pm on Saturday to allow the weekend to start early!The salon offers a wide

This beautifully presented beauty salon business for sale is well located in the

range of services including waxing, tanning, nails, massage and square pulsed light

north eastern suburb of Viewbank on a set of strip shops.The business has been

hair reduction. The salon has 4 treatment rooms to allow for several clients at the

established for 7 years and run by the current vendor for the previous 3 years and

same time.

has built a solid reputation for high quality beauty therapy treatments.Trading 6 days

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

vnm magazine 029

. A . O P.


buyer confidence to shop and purchase in private and comfortable setting. Can be relocated to anywhere within Australia and very easy to run, no experience or special

Successful and easy to run and manage online store that is run from home. Stocking

skills necessarily.Currently taking over $120,000 per year with huge room to grow

a range of adult entertainment products and accessories with excellent opportunity

with product range and promotions.

to further grow and diversify range in a very popular and growing industry! Very well presented and easy to use website with shopping cart allowing for 24/7 trading and

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.

. A . P. O


days per week with late night trade on Wednesdays & Thursdays, the business trades until 3pm on Saturday to allow the weekend to start early!The salon offers

This beautifully presented beauty salon business for sale is well located in the

a wide range of services including waxing, tanning, nails, massage and square

north eastern suburb of Viewbank on a set of strip shops. The business has been

pulsed light hair reduction. The salon has 4 treatment rooms to allow for several

established for 7 years and run by the current vendor for the previous 3 years and

clients at the same time.

has built a solid reputation for high quality beauty therapy treatments. Trading 6

Further information can be obtained by calling Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.



0 0,0



continued growth for the area. A full commercial kitchen with bakery equipment in place provides endless opportunities with this bakery for sale. Are you looking

This long established bakery for sale is located on a key connecting road with

for an established bakery cafe with a strong customer base? Then this is an Ideal

ample parking and supporting businesses around. This bakery/cafĂŠ built up a

business for you. Very Low rent of only $2,393 PCM .Fully equipped commercial

great reputation over the many years of its existence. There are no real com-

kitchen including bakers ovens and mixers .

petitors in the nearby area. A large amount of local developments will ensure a

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.



. A . P. O



a daily basis.Taking $11,500 per week, the business sells 350 chickens per week and 30 boxes of chips. Trading 6 days per week from 11am to 8pm, the business is

This chicken takeaway business for sale has been established in Endeavour Hills

closed on Mondays, the business is currently operated by it’s owner on a full time

for in excess of 20 years and is highly regarded as one of the best takeaway res-

basis, with the assistance of a full time employee and 3 casual employees.

taurants in the area.The shopping centre is located on a busy road and the actual shop is located next to a big supermarket, giving it a large volume of foot traffic on

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


Woolworths and Bakers Delight, the salon enjoys a high volume of foot traffic daily. Currently trading 6 days per week, being closed on Sundays and some late night trading

Having been established since 2008, this beauty salon business for sale prides itself

throughout the week, the business has takings of $18,000 per calendar month.

on offering beauty treatments at affordable prices.Offering a wide range of beauty

Long lease terms of 3x3 years and a very reasonable rental of $20,125 per annum.

treatments including basic waxing to paramedical skincare treatments for both men & women. Located at a small, yet busy shopping centre that has co-tenants such as

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


take over this great business! With an abundance of parking onsite, this business is very accessible & is located on a major road through the area. New apartments

Within a busy shopping village in the east sits this long established boutique hair

being built next door means more clientele for you!Taking $5,200 per week, the

and beauty salon business for sale currently running under management. Estab-

business opens from Tuesday to Saturday with a late night on Thursday & shorter

lished 20 years, this business has been owned by the current vendors for the last

day Saturday.

7 years, and as they are now preparing for a sea-change this is your chance to

Further information contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 031

. A . O P.


provide to its customers. The shop has a prime location within a major shopping centre in the south east. Open 7 days (shopping centre hours) the store has a full time

This warm, inviting retail store business for sale not only offers a delightful range of

staff member with extensive experience as well as 2 casuals to assist. This is ideal

high quality, hand picked homewares & gifts, but also a highly sought after location

for an owner operator with a passion for decorating & quality items. Taking $36,000

in a boutique shopping centre in Melbourne’s south east. Established 8 years ago by

per calendar month. Rent of $8,000 per calendar month.

the vendor, this store has been nurtured with care & sources quality home decor to

Further information contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .PO.A


margins, no discounting. 2 month annual holiday. Commence at 10am and home at 4pm (depending on your home location!). All processes documented. Mature

This innovative and unique business opportunity is a mobile shoe store catering for

business, locations established. Guaranteed repeat visits. Potential to franchise.

Victoria’s aged care industry. The mobile shoe van stocks a wide range of shoes

No rent, run from home. Training provided.

including boots and sneakers, and visits aged care facilities to fit and sell shoes to people who find it difficult to get out and about to buy shoes themselves.Fantastic


0 5,0

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



ing business & grow it their way! This bright, good sized shop sits nestled within a bustling local shopping centre. Surrounded by parking & shopping, the business

Located within a busy shopping centre in the northern suburbs, this long estab-

is ideally located. Comprehensive online website which allows online ordering, the

lished florist business for sale has been servicing its loyal clientele for over 40

business is also a part of the Interflora network.Cheap rent of $1700 per month

years. The current vendor has been running the business for the last 24 years & is

Currently taking approx $3,000 per week.

now very tired, so this is an ideal opportunity for a keen florist to take over an exist-

Further information contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



. .PO.A



The main way they service their customers is business to business through the back door via a delivery van service, while the business also offers a walk in retail

This business is not only a local Icon but has operated from the same premises

service via our extensive showroom.The break up of the sales is approx. 80%

since the 1970s.This franchise business for sale offers an extremely vast array of

business-to-business deliveries for commercial clients and 20% walk-in retail with

office supplies, office furniture, warehouse and janitorial supplies, sanitation prod-

many of the walk-in customers also being account customers.

ucts, and comprehensive printing and copying service, a “ one stop shop� solution.

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

0 ,0 00 $3


alike with all their sewing needs, including DRESS & PATCHWORK, FABRICS, KNITTING YARN, HABERDASHERY and MORE! Additionally, the business of-

This FABRIC, TEXTILES and all things SEWING business for sale is an excellent

fers SALES and REPAIRS for sewing machines and overlockers. Also providing

business opportunity for a buyer with a passion for anything CRAFTY or a buyer

WORKSHOPS and CLASSES for beginners, intermediate and advanced.

simply looking for something DIFFERENT to the every day retail business. Located

TAKINGS around $4,000 per week.

in thriving ROSEBUD, this fantastic business supplies LOCALS and HOLIDAYERS

For further information call Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


in excess of $700,000 per annum with excellent profits. The sale of the business includes 1 x 6 tonne truck, 2 x utes, 2 x box trailers, 1 x tandem trailer, 1 new and

This timber yard business for sale offers a complete range of timber including ply,

2 older forklifts that are all fully operational. Very reasonable rent of $18,000 per

insulation, iron, steel, windows, doors, gates & much more. The site has an of-

annum and a new lease available.

fice/workshop as well as large, stocked yard for all the supplies. Well established for 27 years with a strong trading history, the business is currently turning over

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 033

. A . O P.


business has solidified itself as a high quality restaurant in it’s 9 years of trading history and takings of $43,000 per week prove it’s popularity.

On offer is an excellent opportunity to acquire an award winning Vietnamese res-

The premises seats 80 people inside and has a liquor license until 11pm 5 days

taurant business for sale, located in the trendy bayside suburb of Elwood. Having

per week and 12pm Friday & Saturday.

won The Age Good Food Guide Chefs Hat in 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 the business has established itself as one of Melbourne’s top Vietnamese restaurants, The

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


ness, put a new menu in place and start making money whilst being your own boss. Excellent RENT of $1,586 per month. Fantastic 3x3x3 LEASE with close to 8

LONG established CAFE business for sale in central LILYDALE. Business has

years remaining. Top LOCATION very close to the train station and school

been REFURBISHED around 1 year ago with highly ATTRACTIVE and high

SEATING for 12 inside and 8 outside. Current owner was taking more than $3,000

QUALITY new EQUIPMENT, most of which is still currently under WARRANTY!

per week as of June 2015.

This is an excellent opportunity for a buyer to take over a TURN-KEY cafe busi-

Further information please call DAMON AMBATZIS 0402 225 989

A .P O .



ing, line marking, running & cycling events, festivals, landscaping, emergency response works & much more.Fully integrated management systems including quality

This traffic management business for sale has been established for just 2 years,

management systems, environmentsl management systems and OHS management

but in this time has had all the systems & procedures put in place for the business

systems.Currently taking $250,000 per annum with excellent net profits as there are

to be run successfully for years to come.The business offers a wide range of traffic

minimal overheads.

management services and traffic management plans for roadside works, ashphalt-

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



. A . P. O



coffee and food. The floor space is huge, with a seating capacity for 138 people inside and 40 people outside. Currently run under management by capable staff,

This restaurant business for sale is a fantastic opportunity! Next door to the

the business has 12 part time and 10 casual employees. The new owner has the

cinemas in Frankston’s Entertainment Centre, the business enjoys a strong and

option to continue to run the business under management or take on a more hands

steady trade from 12pm to 10.30pm 7 days per week. The fitout of the restaurant is

on approach, running the business themselves.

fantastic with plenty of seating and couches for customers to relax and enjoy their

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


the assistance of 1 full time & 5 part time employees. The business has an immaculate fitout, making it visually appealing to customers.Boasting takings of $20,000 per week

Located in a a busy shopping centre in Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs, this

and with a new lease having just started for a term of 5 years, the business is ready for

fresh fish retail business for sale is well has huge exposure and high foot traffic in it’s

new owners to breathe new life into it.

prominent corner location, next to escalators and Coles supermarket. Currently trading shopping centre hours, the business is operated by the owner on a full time basis, with

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

0 ,9 00 $6


vendors are willing to assist a savvy entrepreneur, or it’s a great opportunity for an experienced operator. Taking $5k per week currently selling approx 150 chickens a

This chicken takeaway business for sale with residence offers a prime location

week, summer sees an influx of business with sales of approx $7k-$9k averaging

in the heart of Ashburton, in a busy shopping strip surrounded by both business

250 chickens. Lease of 2x3 with rent of $1,111 per week. This includes private

& residential customers. Established 20 years ago, this chicken shop is ideal for

parking onsite for the tenants as well as a 3 bedroom residence upstairs.

an owner operator take over & improve much further. No experience required,

Further information contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 035

. A . O P.


desk, makeup stand, 2 hair basins and 5 beauty rooms as well as a spray tan room. Offering a wide range of services including hair cuts & colours, make up, waxing

Ideally located in Northcote, this hair and beauty salon business for sale with North-

as IPL laser hair removal. The salon is very reasonable rent of $3,300 per calendar

cote having become a popular place to live for young professionals. This salon has

month and long lease terms of 3x3x3 years.

been established for 11 years and enjoys a high volume of both foot and car traffic on it’s main road location. The salon is a large one and comprises 5 stations, a nail

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


ing systems. With 2 major contracts in place & more for the taking, the business shows takings of $2.8M+ and excellent profits The operation is overseen by the

This fantastic online retail services business opportunity offers a profitable enter-

vendor, but with 12 employees & 10 subcontractors. The business operates out

prise that has been established & nurtured by the vendor for the past 6 years. The

of a warehouse in the south east. Rent of $3,335 per calendar month with a new

business offers a thorough online store & service that specialises in the sales,

lease, or relocate to a place of your choice.

installation, servicing & repairs of hot water systems, solar panels, heating & cool-

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

A .P O .



city. It has major clients that include banks, solicitor firms and numerous other offices that order catering on a weekly basis.Franchise provides full support and training and

Situated in the CBD of Melbourne on one of the major roads right in front of a tram stop

would be an excellent investment for a driven business owner to run or manage.

is this Subway Business for Sale. Established for 6 years the Subway franchise has

Already own a Subway and looking to expand? This particular opportunity is run under

proven to be a long standing successful franchise system. Excellent takings averaging

management and would be an excellent addition to your portfolio!

over $18,500 per week. This particular store comes up first for catering orders in the

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



. A . P. O


Attractive and well set out website, enabling customers to search & buy products with ease. In addition to it’s website, the business has an Ebay store to

This online computer and electronics retailer business for sale offers a range of

increase it’s reach, with a positive feedback rating of 99.3%.

electrical products and merchandise from top brand names and has a proven

Currently has page 1 and 2 Google search rankings for search terms relating to

track record of growth. Online business means low overheads in comparison to

the website. Takings of $136,000 per annum.

retail store, enabling lower prices for it’s products and NO RENT!

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A



The business is currently being run by a full time manager as the owner does not work in the business and spends approximately 7 hours a week in the business.

This gorgeous nail salon business for sale located in upmarket Armadale takes a great

Turning over an average of $17,900 pcm with rent being $5,026 pcm with a great

deal of pride in their comprehensive range of quality nail and skin care products, which

5x5x3 commercial lease in place.

are free of harmful toxins! With a strong location on High Street, an excellent and visible street frontage makes for immaculate presentation to foot and street traffic.

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


Currently trading 5 days per week from 7am to 4pm, the business has a full commercial kitchen and offers a fantastic, yet simple menu. The business is currently

This wonderfully presented cafe business for sale is located in the heart of the

providing catering services to nearby offices including banks and solicitors as well

Melbourne CBD and is surrounded surrounded by office buildings full of potential

as selling between 21 and 25kg of coffee per week.The business is currently taking

customers! With a casual and comfortable interior fitout, the business aims to give

$8,000 per week with long lease terms available. Located CBD.

office workers a genuine break at lunch time & leave feeling refreshed.

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 037

. A . O P.


Stirling.This business has been well established for 20 years and has a prominent location on the main street of Mansfield, The business enjoys takings of $243,000

Located in the picturesque Victorian Alps, the town of Mansfield differs from most

per annum and trades 7 days per week during peak season and 6 days during low

tourist areas because it has 2 peak seasons. The first being summer, where visitors

season.A long lease of 3x3x3 years is available at a very reasonable rent of $2,237

come to water ski on Lake Eildon & Lake Nillahcootie, and the second being snow

per calendar month.

ski season, with visitors coming to enjoy snow on the alps of Mount Buller & Mount

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


tive ALFRESCO SEATING area being designed with comfort and class in mind. SEATING for around 100 currently, with a liquor license in place allowing UP TO

Located in SOUTH YARRA, this gorgeous TEPPANYAKI RESTAURANT business

200 patrons on premises FULLY LICENSED till 1:00am. Good sized FULL COM-

for sale is nestled in a fantastic location close to Chapel St. With around 250

MERCIAL KITCHEN with separate, 4 x TEPPANYAKI cooking stations along a long

SQUARE METERS of space, this large restaurant boasts a highly attractive and

service area created similar to a saki or sushi bar.TAKING around $15,000 PW.

classy fit-out. With everything from a PRIVATE FUNCTION area, to a highly attrac-

Further information please call DAMON AMBATZIS 0402 225 989.

A .P O .



Phillip Island & the Mornington Peninsula, the location is second to none. The fitout of the shop is excellent and only 2.5 years old and as such, everything is in

Located in one of Melbourne’s busiest growth corridors, the south eastern suburbs,

excellent condition. The premises is large with a spacious waiting area and large

this recently established shopping centre services a 27 hectare housing estate as

preparation area at the back with fridge and walk in coolroom.The business is cur-

well as neighbouring customers residing in neighbouring estates. The shopping

rently taking $6,500 per week and serving 200 chickens per week.

centre itself is located just 10 minutes off the Monash Freeway and on route to

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



0 ,9 00 $6



want a quick sale, hence the low price. Currently the food selection is limited so there is ample opportunity to grow the business It is priced to sell so get on the phone straight

This busy takeaway business for sale is located in the main shopping strip of Bentleigh,

away, or loose out on this rare opportunity. $4,500 PW takings. Lots of foot traffic Lots of

one of Melbourne’s most sought after upper-class areas. High foot traffic, parking and

parking . Located at the entrance of a large supermarket. Great looking shop with good

schools in the area provide ample customers who are not afraid to spend money in this

equipment . Lot of new apartment developments in this rapid growing area.

well presented chicken takeaway shop. The owner wants to relocate to Sydney and

CALL Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921.

. A . P. O


available for sale.The business trades 7 days per week during summer and 5 days a week during winter and is taking $5,000 per month with long lease terms available.

The business offers a variety of surf clothing, including jumpers, t-shirts and shoes as

The business has been well established and is waiting for someone to take over and ex-

well as accessories such as watches and sunglasses for men, women & children.

pand on the solid foundations already put in place, including online shopping to broaden

In addition to the retail aspect, the business offers surf lessons for beginners to more

the reach of the retail aspect of the business.

experienced riders as well as boasting a gallery of artwork and photography that is also

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


& run by it’s current owner, having established strong relationships with international manufacturers, photographers and children’s talent agencies as well as

This online importing business is well known within the children’s clothing industry

other children’s clothing brands.The business has an extensive online set up which

for it’s design of quality raincoats, gumboots, denim and knitwear. The brand is

includes links to all social media platforms, shopping cart and back end access,

well known both nationally and internationally, the range of clothing is stocked in 80

that has minimal costs to maintain.

stores across Australia and New Zealand.The business has been very well set up

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 039

00 0 , $60



selling approximately 12 lambs, 3 bodies of beef & 2 bodies of pigs, 40kg of sausages, 100kg of chicken fillets as well as smoking their own ham & bacon! Trading 5 1/2 days

An excellent opportunity has arisen to acquire a well established & successful butcher

per week (closing at 1pm on Saturday), the business is operated by the owner on a full

business for sale, located at a busy strip of shops in Diamond Creek. The butcher is

time basis with the assistance of 1 part time staff member and a cleaner.A long lease of

the only butcher in town and boasts co-tenants such as Coles, IGA, Green Grocer,

3x3x3 years is available at a very reasonable rent of $1,625 pcm.

Bakery, cafes and many more.The business is currently taking $10,000 per week and is

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


lovely fitout with 6 hair stations and 2 wash basins, giving the new owner the option to employ more staff or rent out stations to boost turnover.Currently enjoying very

Located on one of Melbourne’s busiest northern roads, this hair salon business for

reasonable rent of $1,472 per calendar month, for it’s outstanding location as well

sale has a huge volume of both foot traffic and cars passing daily. The salon has

as lease terms of 2x2 years.The business does not have a website and just a small

been established for 11 years and is run by the owner on a full time basis, with the

presence on social media.

assistance of a full time staff member, across 5 days per week.The salon has a

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

A .P O .



for Australia & New Zealand, with operations spanning nation wide in Australia as well as New Zealand, UK, EU & USA. The business has a wide array of customers nation wide with plenty more scope for growth both in Australia & overseas. With

Offering a superior service from manufacture/supply, to project, to completion, this

takings over $4.5M per annum & excellent net profits, the vendors have developed

business operates as one with streamlined processes & a large customer base, as

the products & grown the business & are now ready for retirement, so this is your

well as being preferred supplier to Bowls Australia. Established over 20 years, the

opportunity to take over & profit from day one.

business has developed & manufactures a premium product designed specifically

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



. A . P. O



beautiful events & weddings imaginable, the property can cater for up to 800 guests in the grand ballroom. Currently taking $3.2M per annum, the business is

Here is a prime opportunity to acquire an enormous & beautiful reception events

well staffed with 5 full timers & 50 casuals for events, and the vendor oversees

venue business for sale located in the northern suburbs. This immense property

the operations. The premises are equipped with 2 immense kitchens to cater for

spanning 4 acres offers 4 function rooms of varying sizes to cater for the most

the 4 event rooms. Rent of $48k per calendar month.

glamorous of occasions! Established 23 years ago & boasting some of the most

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

00 0 , $70



Currently operating from 6:30am to 3pm, keep your weekends & evenings free! Bright street frontage with car parks at the door & public transport right past the door,

This fantastic industrial cafe takeaway business for sale in the south east offers a

and train station just down the road. Great combination of both residential & industrial

prime location in a shopping strip with parking at the door, surrounded by both resi-

businesses in the vicinity. Taking $3,000 per week and no online presence which could

dential & industrial. Established 26 years ago by the vendors who are now ready for

greatly increase exposure. Rent of $438 per week plus GST.

retirement, this fantastic lifestyle business easy to operate & has plenty of potential!

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. .P O.A


business has not pushed into the domestic cleaning market, which would be an easy diversification to boost turnover.The business is currently taking $700,000

This cleaning supplies business for sale has been established for just 4 years

per annum and is trading 5 days per week, plus a half day on Saturday. There is

but has developed a very strong trading history and a huge amount of potential

a long lease of 3x3 years in place at a rental of $3,900 per calendar month for a

for further growth. Currently supplying cleaning products to commercial cleaners,

750m2 factory including a yard!

the hospitality industry and schools as well as a small amount of retail trade, the

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 041


P. O . A .

This hair and beauty salon, is located at the base of the Dandenongs amongst a small strip of shops and just a few minutes walk to the Upper Ferntree Gully train station as well as a small shopping centre & supermarket just down the road. The salon has been established for 18 years and the last 7.5 by the current owner. The current owner works on a part time basis and has the assistance of 1 full time, 1 part time and 1 casual employee.The salon boasts 6 hair stations, 1 of which is rented out by another hairdresser, as well as 3 wash basins and a beauty room. The salon has a fully set out website including details of the services they offer and retail products available. Taking $3,500 per week and has lease terms of 3x3 years. Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


P. O . A .

This is a unique opportunity to get a site in a busy shopping centre surrounded by supermarkets and shops galore! In a prime position this managed beauty salon business for sale has a high amount of walk-ins to add to the regular clients, with 3 dedicated beauty rooms all with new basins and new led lighting. Stunning, sleek and modern fit out, this salon is perfect to walk in and start making money – no refurbishment’s necessary. Currently a team of 4 experienced staff and manager can train and assist in handover. The current owner has run the business for 3 years now and has had growth every year with the last financial years figure toping the $300,000 mark.Enquire urgently as this salon will go fast! Waiting for the perfect opportunity to own a great salon in a key location. Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


P. O . A .

REF: B12141

Excellent FISH AND CHIP SHOP business for sale in a PRIME LOCATION in the heart of NORTHCOTE! Loads of FOOT TRAFFIC and great ROADSIDE EXPOSURE on the busiest road in Northcote. Great access for customers with PLENTY OF PARKING nearby and access to TRAMS, BUSES and TRAIN STATION only a minutes walk away. TAKING around $3,500 per week, the vendor operates the business primarily on their own with only 2 casual staff helping out.HUGE POTENTIAL for a buyer to take over this business and build the takings and profits right up.Fantastic RENT of around $2,600 MONTHLY for a spacious shop with SEATING for 24 customers. Long 5x5x5 LEASE offers peace of mind and a secure location.Current owner operates the business 6 DAYS per week. For more INFORMATION please contact DAMON AMBATZIS: 0402 225 989.


$ 9 9 ,0 0 0


This charcoal chicken business is the only Lilydale, exclusively sponsored Free Range chicken takeaway in the country town of Kyneton. Kyneton is a very trendy, growing town, with a big reputation in the greater Melbourne area as a place to find good food. This charcoal chicken business for sale is situated in an excellent location in the centre of town, with huge foot and car traffic passing every day. Also, its great reputation attracts customers, who travel from other country towns nearby to buy their food. The shop equipment is only just over 3 years old. There is a large salad bar, large bain-marie and plenty of preparation area at the back as well. Current weekly turnover averaging $7,200. Rent of only $435 pw including G.S.T Great 3x3x3 Lease in place Business operates 6 days per week. Please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.




P. O . A .

REF: B12148

This business for sale covers floral decoration, development of themes and concepts, coordination of props, furniture, invitations and stationery, menus, cakes and caterers. Whether the event is a wedding for 400 guests, a party for friends, or a themed and coordinated corporate function this business can entertain it. The business has been running for over 12 years and the owner has established great relationships with venues all around Melbourne’s inner and outer suburbs, Caterers and corporate clients.The business turned over $175,000 last financial year with great profits. Owner is happy to train anyone who has a passion for the industry. This is great opportunity for the purchaser to build on an already well respected business and to make it their own. Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


$ 4 8 ,0 0 0

This takeaway shop business for sale has been set up with top of the range equipment. Great central location in Cranbourne right next to the pub and offices. The owner does not spend any time in the shop and has staff running it, as he has another business. It is a great start for an owner operator as we are selling the business under set up cost.Great Rent of $1,664 p.c.m plus GST. 3x3 Year Commercial Lease. Brand New Set Up. Huge growth potential. Currently turning over $1,500 pw An owner operator can immensely grow this business and pick up a well-set up takeaway. Further information can be obtained by calling Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


$5 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B12165

Boasting a fantastic location on one of Carlton’s best streets, this tea house and cafe business for sale is a gorgeous business set in an area that’s perfect for it! The current owner only serves a wide variety of teas and cakes baked freshly in the kitchen out back, so there’s plenty of potential for a new owner to make much further use of the commercial kitchen. Rent for this excellent location is $3,600 per month, this includes the spacious ground floor plus 3 spacious rooms upstairs which can either be used as a residence or would be ideal for private functions and high teas.There’s an excellent 5x5x5 commercial lease in place with just under 12 years total remaining, so there’s plenty of site security. Trading 5 days only currently. Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989.


P. O . A .


Highly profitable restaurant business for sale in one of Melbourne’s most prestigious North-Eastern Suburbs!This is a high quality restaurant with great profits and a visible, strong growth trend with plenty of potential to keep growing under a new owner. Furnished very tastefully to provide customers a very cosy and comfortable dining experience, this restaurant seats over 150 patrons in total. Averaging takings of $26,000 per week with great profits! Fully licensed till 1:00am. Huge commercial kitchen certain to impress even the fussiest chef! Seating over 100 inside and over 50 outside. Trading 7 days for breakfast and lunch, with dinners 3 nights only Excellent 5x5x5 Commercial Lease in place. Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989.

vnm magazine 043


$1 2 9 ,0 0 0

REF: B12167

This prominent florist business for sale has been established for 12 years with the current owner operating the store for the last 9 years. Located in a busy shopping Mall right at the entrance to an ALDI, this lucrative business is ideal for a couple with a passion for flowers. The large and growing commercial area provides a steady stream of corporate clients for the shop and a new retirement village in the area further ensures future growth. There is no real main competition in the mall. The shop recently did a refurbishment and is looking like a million dollars. Key features include: $7,500 takings per week average, good margins. broad range of flowers and gifts . Very reasonable rent. Fully functional online store CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 NOW.


P. O . A .

With a prime position in the heart of Richmond, this bridal boutique business for sale is an excellent business opportunity for someone looking to get in to the industry. The vendor runs a wholesale wedding dress business and this business was created as a retail space to sell the dresses to the public. Since the vendor is unable to run both businesses due to time constraints, this business has been regretfully put on the market. elling quality wedding dresses, bridesmaids dresses and evening gowns Fantastic and attractive showroom with quality fixtures all less than a year old. High exposure location on an excellent road in busy Richmond. Vendor is happy to continue supplying dresses to the buyer from their wholesale business. Competitive rent of $52,000 per annum for a large site. Further information can be obtained by calling DAMON AMBATZIS on 0402 225 989.


$6 9 ,5 0 0

REF: B12175

This gorgeous cafe bakery business for sale is located in beautiful Mount Evelyn. It enjoys a healthy local and tourist trade. The main advantage of the location is that it is right next to the walking trail which has in excess of 200,000 people using it each year from bike riders, walkers, horse riders, runners etc. The owner has made it a lifestyle business and only operated 4 days a week with short 9am to 4pm trading hours. Currently running as a bakery cafe and the potential is huge with 3 more days of extra trade that the new owner can grow the business with. Great cheap rent of only $967 pcm inc. G.S.T. Taking an average of $4,500 p/w. Seating inside and out. Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.




This long established Hair Salon For Sale is located in the heart of one of Melbourne’s most affluent areas. The Salon is on the main road among many supporting businesses and close to a number of schools. Due to a combination of health, age and family, the current owner reluctantly want to let go of this gem. Key Features - 8 Work Stations. - 2 Basins - 1 Beauty Room

- Hairware POS system with full database

- 5 Day business

- Very reasonable Rent

- 5x5x5 lease (a huge bonus for this area) Are you self driven and entrepreneurial, then this is worth looking into! CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 NOW




P. O . A .

This business for sale has been proactive in and specialises in the development of GPS tracking systems for multiple purposes including singular and fleet vehicle tracking and personal asset tracking using various forms of technology. The business has been successfully operating for 20 years and has a strong financial history with current takings of $1.65 million per annum. The business operates standard business hours from Monday to Friday, leaving the weekends free for leisure time!Run by the current vendor with the assistance of 5 full time, qualified and reliable staff members to assist the new owner with a smooth transition.A well set out website and fully functioning systems in place, this business is ready to go for the new owner. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326.


$3 0 ,0 0 0

Are you looking for a business with a DIFFERENCE? Something UNIQUE that’s EASY-TO-RUN and perfect for one or two people looking for an INTERESTING business for sale?This small CRAFT BEER business is located on a MAIN ROAD in CAMBERWELL. Retailing craft beers sourced DOMESTICALLY and INTERNATIONALLY, this business also comes with a recently procured GENERAL LICENSE for 16 patrons. The license was obtained by the vendor with plans of creating a small bar with seating for customers, effectively turning this business into a BAR and SPECIALTY BOTTLE SHOP. Already gaining attention by quality beer lovers across Victoria, this business is already RECOGNISED in the industry. Currently TAKING around $2,600 PER WEEK operating less than 35 HOURS PW. Call DAMON AMBATZIS to arrange your inspection now: 0402 225 989.


$1 2 9 ,0 0 0

This hair salon for sale is located in a great location with ample foot traffic, parking area and supporting businesses around. Operating for only 5 ½ days per week, under full management with ample room to grow for an owner operator. This beautiful hair salon for sale also contains 3 beauty rooms. Key features, $5,700 takings per week 10 Work Stations, 3 Basins, 3 Beauty Room, 1 spare storage/ staff room, very reasonable rent, long lease in place, 5 1/2 Days only. Ample room to grow and expand. This business is ready for the next level. Further information can be obained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.




This busy deli business for sale is located in a busy shopping centre with ample parking and foot traffic. We need a quick sale since the vendor wants to go back to China. All offers will be considered. There is ample room to grow the business for the entrepreneurial buyer. It is an easy to run business ideal for a small family or working owner. Lots of foot traffic , Easy to run, Ample growth potential, beautiful setup, long established and ready for the next level. Register your interest today. Are you self driven and entrepreneurial, then this is worth looking into! CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 NOW.

vnm magazine 045

. .P O.A


per year. This business would be a great extension to an existing training organisation or an excellent opportunity to take over an RTO that has established itself with

This thriving business for sale is a Registered Training Organisation offering a

a great reputation. Established & nurtured by the vendor over the last 7 years, the

range of courses varying from boat & jet ski licences, to forklift licences to worksafe

business has a large loyal client base & an excellent reputation in the industry for

licences. Established 7 years ago by the vendor, this large scale training company

providing quality education.

operates out of 2 leased premises in the south east & shows takings of $2M plus

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

00 0 , 8 $18



a very well known local attraction.Great tasting yoghurt is made in store, providing great quality product and high profit margins.Be part of the move towards the healthy

This highly sought after business for sale is located in one of Melbourne’s most

option without sacrificing great taste. Key features; high weekly takings, good rent

trendy food strips. A wide range of yogurt, toppings and smoothies provide ample

for a corner location in this busy strip, high profit margins, easy to run, beautifully

choice for the many pedestrians passing by every day and evening. The corner

presented corner shop. Fully under management.

location, pleasant staff and dazzling looks of the shop make this business for sale

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921.


0 9,0




lot at the front so there is easy accessibility for customers. Currently running under management with a full timer & a part timer at the helm, this is an ideal opportunity for

This kebab takeaway shop business for sale has a high profile location on a major

someone wanting to run their own business to take over & operate it themselves

road through the north. Currently running under management this is an ideal owner

Website registered with allows online ordering, basic menu which

operator business, no experience required just dedication to grow the business!

is easy to prepare. Online presence is minimal however, so some smart marketing

Established 5 years ago, the business is in a high exposure position at a busy inter-

could grow the clientele base a lot more. Rent of $698 per week, long lease of 5x5.

section only around 10km from the city, the tram goes right past & there is a parking

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



0,0000 0 , 5 69 $8 $



be utilised further by extending opening hours. Modern shopfront in a busy shopping strip through the heart of town, with parking & public transport to the

This cafe business for sale in the heart of this busy township at the western end

door. Surrounded by shopping & diningSeating for 38-40 people inside & seating

of the Latrobe Valley in Gippsland is currently running under management, but

for 12 outside. Kitchen with oven & grill. Currently taking around $2,500 pw,

would be an ideal owner operator business. Established 7 years, this cafe opens

there is very little online presence.Cheap rent of $1,275 pcm with lease of 5x5.

for breakfast & lunch 7 days a week, but also has a liquor licence which could

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 9,0




ing under management with only 2 part time staff at the moment, but is ideal for a hairdresser to take over & slot themselves in to bring in more clientele The salon is set

This hair salon business for sale in a bustling town in north east Victoria around

up with 3 stations, 2 basins, a room at the back that can be used as a beauty room .

230kms from Melbourne, offers a fantastic opportunity for a local hairdresser looking

Only taking $1,500 pw, the takings would grow immediately simply by opening on a

for a place to take over & make their own, or a hairdresser looking for a country

Saturday or adding one late night. VERY cheap rent of only $850 per month.

change for some peace & tranquility! Established 8 years, this hair salon is operat-

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 9,0




Staffed with 2 part timers, this is an ideal opportunity for an experienced hairdresser to move in & add her own clientele to the business to grow it, whilst

This fully managed hair salon business for sale is located in a beautiful bayside

keeping on familiar faces for existing clients. Established 7 years ago, the salon

town on the peninsula. Great location in a busy shopping strip in the heart of town,

has 3 stations & 2 basins and a back room with kitchen & washing machine. No

it has been established several years & runs with staff only (but would be ideal for

software currently being utilised. Very cheap rent of $1040 per month . Taking

an owner operator). High profile location on a main road, surrounded by shops

$1,200 per week.

with public transport & parking at the door

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 047

. A . O P.



and laid out workshop has a private room upstairs which could be used for accommodation and even has a shower facility also. No expense has been spared with

UltraTune Kingsway Franchise business is For Sale in a great location in South

a major upgrade to equipment levels including brand new 4 poster W/A hoist and

Melbourne. Only 2km’s from the CBD and has the number 1 tram right outside the

new wheel aligner machine, new fully automatic Air conditioning machine, new

front office. Owned and operated for the past 8 years by well respected 27 year

scan tool and new signage. Lease of 6x5x5 ,Takings $960,000.

veteran franchisee who is returning home to New Zealand. . The well equipped

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A



running, this franchise is Australia’s largest patisserie chain specialising in decadent cakes, pastries, savouries & coffee. This franchise store was established 2.5 years

This busy Michel’s Patisserie franchise business for sale is located in a seaside town

ago by the vendors but it now needs to be sold. High profile location in a busy shop-

around 130kms south of Melbourne, just past Phillip Island. With beautiful surround-

ping plaza.Seating for 36 inside & 24 outside.Taking $11,000 per week,

ings & a reputable franchise behind you, this business is ideal for someone looking

Rent of $1,331 per week with lease of 3 years remaining.

to become their own boss! Winning Coffee Shop Of The Year in 2014 for years

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

A .P O .




Conveyors, Elevators, Hoppers etc.Fabrication of Pressure Vessels and Pipe work. Machinery Installation.The business runs out of a large Geelong factory that is fully

This Engineering business for sale is a local Icon in the Geelong area as it was

set up for Metal Fabrication. It turned over in excess of $790,000 last financial

formed in 1983 to service the Petrochemical Industry although still involved with

year with a premise rent of $5,300 pcm including GST.

these activities it has also diversified into other areas such as:Construction - Structural Steel and Metal works. Materials Handling - Fabrication and Installation of



Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . P. O


from removal, trims and diagnostics with a team of highly trained and experienced arborists.Excellent relations with major government bodies that encourage repeat

An excellent opportunity to acquire close to a decade of reputation and exposure

works and consistent contracts.Together these businesses average over $1.4 mil-

within two successful stand alone businesses.Vendor is looking to move on and

lion per year income and have a very solid profit margin.

is offering two very successful businesses that compliment each other.The tree service business has been established for 8 years and offers a range of services

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . P. O


market with very little comparable competition.After 8 years of successful growth the business now offers the widest range of these products, in Australia. The business

A unique and exciting online business for sale with top organic GOOGLE ranking

combines national retailing with wholesale distribution - allowing the potential purchas-

(page 1) and over 22,000 existing customer database!Supplying the finest brands

ers further revenue growth. Turnover of an average of $500,000 per year with a very

in women’s, mens and children’s waterproof footwear, gumboots, designer fashion

attractive profit return.

wellies, garden boots and outdoor/farming boots.This business services a niche

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 3726.

. .P O.A


and Lunch only 5 days per week- no weekends or evenings. Established for 10 years- owners have had the business for 2 years and selling because they are

Opportunity to acquire a business with one of the most sought after locations in

moving back to Malaysia.Income for the business is consistent and very impres-

Melbourne’s CBD. This large spacious establishment seats 75 customers inside -

sive- $18,000 per week with trial available.The business is trendy and very well

very rare to find this size set up on Collins St! Owners do not work in the business

presented including a sparkling large commercial kitchen.

- it is run entirely by staff. The business trades very short hours for Breakfast

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 049

. A . O P.



income but a fantastic lifestyle in which they work the hours they choose. This business can be operated from anywhere in Melbourne.The current owners have

This simple to operate commercial cleaning business for sale has been operat-

paved the way for an astute purchaser to continue what has been set-out to do,

ing for over 22 years and has been able to establish a reputation second-to-none

generate a reliable source of income. This business does this so well! Generating

in the industry resulting in a strong and loyal client list. Being able to create a

estimated sales of $362,000 per annum .

business with low overheads, the current owner has sourced not only a lucrative

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A



runs as all produce is delivered. Complimentary business next door which is a Health Food storeThis is an excellent business for buyers looking for an established fruit

Fruit and Veg business for sale in a prominent position in Chelsea! Prime position

and veg business with room for improvement. Business would suit experienced fruit

with a highly visible location and very large premises with plenty of room to improve

and veg shop operators or buyers looking to purchase an established and perform-

the turnover! Currently turning avg $7,000 per week. 3 x 3 x 3 Lease. Rent $3.644

ing business.

pcm. 2 Entrances, one off Nepean Highway and one from back carpark. No Market

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

A .P O .




Using only the finest products on the market the business has gained excellent reputation and many repeat customers. This is a great business to consider if you

Looking for a business that is easy to run and has very little overheads and li-

are looking for something to be run by staff or looking for something very profitable

abilities? This business has no lock in lease- it can be relocated anywhere within

and simple to run alone. Currently generating an average of $280,000 with an

Melbourne. Established for over 4 years the business provides mobile detailing to

excellent profit margin.

a range of cars ranging from top of the range luxury vehicles to your standard car.

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 3726.



. A . P. O


REF: B12158

taking up to much of his time therefore he has not been able to give it the time it deserves and therefore is offering this great opportunity for a buyer. Last financial

This reputable Supplement Franchise Business for Sale is currently running under

years takings above $300,000. Rent is $22,680 pa inc G.S.T. Commercial Lease of

management. Located in a busy business strip in Oakleigh. The business provides

3x2. Owner happy to train if required.

fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts with the best health and well being supplements on the market.The owner of this business has another business which is

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . P. O


Open 5 Days only 5:30am – 3pm. $15,000 PW takings. Lots of foot traffic .Corner location with 7 allocated car parks. Great looking shop with good equipment . In between

This busy takeaway business for sale is located in the main industrial strip of Seaford,

2 major banks and a Post Office . Great Rent of $3,316 pcm with a 5x5x5 commercial

one of the south east’s busiest industrial estates. Ample customers who are not afraid


to spend money in this well presented takeaway shop. The owner has spent 9 happy and successful years at the business and is ready to retire.

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. .P O.A


exclusive retailer of menswear in Bentleigh. This easy to run business specializes in the sale of high quality men’s footwear, casual, business and formal wear with

This prominent menswear fashion business for sale has been established for

very high profit margins and also has a Formal Hire department. The business is

almost 60 years with the current owner operating the store for the last 28 years.

supported by a loyal regular clientele from the local area and beyond. $5,600

Located in one of Melbourne’s premier shopping strips, this lucrative business

takings per Week Average. Long term lease in place (6x6x6).

has stood the test of time by outperforming all local competitors and is now the

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen NOW on 0429006921.

vnm magazine 051

. A . O P.



Rent approx. $3706.47 p.c.m inc gst. Back Entrance for Deliveries. Huge growth area. This is an excellent business for buyers looking for an established fruit and

Fruit and Veg with Asian Grocery business for sale in a prominent position in

veg business with room for improvement. Owners are selling due to young kids

Brunswick! Prime position with a highly visible location and double shop premises

and are happy for a hand-over and training.

with plenty room for both Asian Groceries and Fruit and Veg.Currently turning over $13,000 per week and more in summer. 5x5 Commercial Lease

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

0 ,0 00 9 $1



over 4 years ago, the business is thriving & there is not even any advertising online! Surrounded by both residential & industrial customers, the cafe opens from 6.30am

This busy cafe business for sale is located in the inner city area and offers a prime

-4pm Monday to Friday. It has a liquor licence until 11pm which could be utilised

position below an abundance of apartments as well as an enormous amount of traffic

further if you wanted to extend trading hoursPremises seat 32 inside & 28 outside.

& public transport past the door! Down the road from the beach & with lake views,

Taking $8,000 per week open 5 days, using 10-15kgs per week of coffee.

this modern cafe offers a prime location in an affluent, inner city area. Established

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

A .P O .




lian Reptiles, Exo Terra, Habistat, ZooMed. Newly introduced Fish range and Fish food. Enclosures for Reptiles and Fish. Last financial years takings of $200,000

This business operates in the Western Corridor of Melbourne and specialises in all

Rent of premises $2,400 pcm incl. G.S.T. New Commercial Lease available

reptile needs. Everything you could ever need or want to keep your reptile healthy

If you are passionate about Reptiles this is a great opportunity as a loyal and

and happy. It also provides a Snake catch and release service.The business pro-

growing customer base has been established by the current owner.

vides its customers with a wide range of products from suppliers including, Austra-

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



. A . P. O



excellent relationships with all of the factories that manufacturer the products in China, and has personally visited the locations to ensure the quality of workman-

This business for sale can be operated from anywhere within Australia as the

ship.The business has takings of $319,000 per annum for the last financial year

current owner operates it from home and sells Australia wide. The products are

and has very low (almost none) overheads and excellent net profits as a result.

manufactured in China and then imported to Australia to sell and the products are installed by the customer themselves. The vendor has established & maintained

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

. A . P. O


Contracts with Local Council and Southern Health Hospital cars. Owner does not work in the business. 30 allocated car parks. 5 Full Time Staff and 3 Part Timers. Takings

Perfectly positioned on the major entry point to the Fountain Gate Shopping Centre,

averaging $40,000 pcm. Rent $13,888 pcm including GST and Outgoings

this car wash has already developed a strong local following, including shopping centre

Huge car park traffic flow.

staff, corporate trade and a dealership. It has been in operation for over 10 years and is a blue chip business investment opportunity.

For further information call ismar Muratovic on 0404146202.

. .P O.A


1 manicure station, 1 spare multitask room and 1 staff room. Great weekly takings averaging $8,000. Rent of $2,000 pcm inc G.S.T. New commercial lease available.

What a great business this is as the owner has established a great local following

Fully qualified staff that are registered with private health giving client the ability to

over the last few years. Located on a major arterial road it cannot be missed with

make on the spot claims with their private health providers.

thousands of cars driving past it. The owner is planning to move interstate and is offering the business for sale. 2 massage rooms, 1 beauty room, 1 pedicure room,

Call Chris Panagiotidis on 9566 7326 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 053

. A . O P.



methods. For the entrepreneurial buyer, there is still ample opportunity to grow the business further through improved marketing and adding on an additional team

Are you looking for a 5 day business that is easy to run, fully staffed and making

when needed. The business services home owners, builders and developers in an

lots of money? Then this opportunity is for you. No special skills required other

area covering mainly the east and south east Melbourne areas for now with more

than the ability to schedule jobs for the well-equipped and competent team. All

room to expand.

the systems are in place to get the jobs it is just a matter of following the proven

Further information can be obtained by calling Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

. .P O.A



The graceful premises offer 2 reception rooms each with a bar, one which seats 70 guests & one which seats 150 guests as well as 2 smaller rooms which can be used

Behind a leafy outlook sits this beautiful reception & events venue business for sale

for smaller functions. or as a lobby for the main event. All areas are embellished with

in Geelong in Victoria’s west. Specialising in corporate events, wedding functions &

glamorous chandeliers, open fireplaces, high ceilings and gorgeous antique furni-

special event catering. Established over 40 years ago this classic building offers an

ture. Rent of $7,000 per month and 4 years lease.Taking average $9,000 per week.

elegant surrounding for special events with exceptional service and modern fare.

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

A .P O .



REF:B12178 The gym has been set up on a truly unique 24 hour trade with minimal staff

This inner suburban fitness centre was established over 20 years ago. It is located

requirement- only needed for daily reception duties! Full security and monitoring

in one of Melbourne’s densely populated inner suburban suburbs on the fringe

system installed with mobile access from smart devices for owner to monitor at all

of the city. The business has grown since acquisition to currently over 800 active

times! The premises are Approx 1,000 square metres.Rental is $6,695 PCM.

direct debit members- easily has the capacity to further grow by another 1000!

Elle Panagiotidis at or Petros Margaritis on 0416000154.



. A . P. O



the off season, this business makes great money in the most beautiful locale you could imagine! Established 35 years ago by the vendors, it’s now time for the next

This is the perfect business to put money in your pocket, live the beach lifestyle &

family to move in. Taking 1.3M per annum, the business operates 7 days in peak

you don’t need any experience! In this beautiful seaside town on the Great Ocean

season (warmer months) & 6 days off peak, closed Wednesday.

Road on the west coast, the cafe business for sale holds prime position overlooking the beach. A buzzing tourist spot in the summer months & regular tourism in

Contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

. A . P. O


Turning over $7,500 per week constantly- with owners happy to trial for any new buyer. Very good rent of $4,958 per calendar month with excellent lease options of 5x5x5.

Located in East Melbourne- on a bustling spot situated amongst corporate office suits

Business only operates Monday- Friday 6am-3:30pm. Excellent potential to take over

and near by tram stops. The business is a very busy business turning roughly 25kilos

perfect location, excellent team of staff, fresh menu and a short trading business that

of coffee beans per week! With 20 seats inside and 6 outside- the business is the

has high profit return.

perfect size to successfully be run by staff without the input of the owner.

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or Elle Panagiotidis at

. .P O.A


taking $30,000 per month. High profile location in the heart of South Yarra’s trendy shopping & dining district. The business operates 7 days from 10am to 8pm, the

This busy American burger takeaway business for sale offers a highly sought after

vendor runs the shop full time with 3 casual assistants. Long lease of 5 years &

location in the bustling hub of South Yarra. Located within a food court in a busy

rent of $1,586 per week.

centre, this easy to operate business serves delicious takeaway American style meals, specialising in quality burgers! Established 1 year ago, the business is

For further information contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 055



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